The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 4 April 1940

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 17 1 The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS NO. 16,052. KSTII. 1835 THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1940. 5 CKNTS
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  • 86 1 Berlin. Apr. 3. GKK\T activity is at present i >rmg displayed by Dr. GoebnH», Nan Propaganda Minister. iiu% to the official German hollowing yesterdaj's disnis \*uh district leaders of the in propasand.i system. Goeb;w], ti»-da> mw wireless officials of Mm >tatr and Nazi party. It i«,
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • 127 1 How Nazis Plan To Fight Allied Naval Patrol Amsterdam, Apr. 3. Nu correspondents m Berlin 1 that Germany undoubtedly y s to protect her ships m .round Norwegian waters. ,1 o1 combattni an intensifcade m this and other ill Kill ll by Hitler in 1 Field-Marshal Goering. and Generals Keitel
    Reuter  -  127 words
  • 56 1 London. Apr. 3. I Glided to establish ccn- j tei the storage and distribution :!s ior ihe civilian popula- d irmed forces and watch overj btufl industries m the event This was announced m Rome Heavy fines and terms of ment will be imposed for
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 37 1 Rome. Apr. 3. A ING to a Stefani Agency ICC from New York the 43 000--•..h liner He de France is preeuve New York to be used a3 ■ranspcrt.- Reuter
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  • 33 1 SDola, N. Rhodesia. Apr. 3f\ was killed, nine s*i nisly i and ?0 wounded when i ;:vd on native strikers m the ssion of the Luangwa dis- Reuter rri Rhodesia.—
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  • 519 1 R.A.F. Fighters Clash With Enemy Over The Western Front 51ST RAIDER SHOT DOWN OFF NORTH-EAST COAST CURTHER evidence of the present very considerable 1 air activity is afforded m announcements made by the British Air Ministry and the headquarters of the Royal Air Force m
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  • 71 1 Spitfire Heinkel Down In Sea London, Apr. 2. TWO Yorkshire lifeboats and a number of fishing-boats put to sea this afternoon to search for the crews of two planes, one a British Spitfire and the other a German Heinkel, reported to be down m the sea. The official news agency
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  • 59 1 London, Apr. 3. THE British and French Ministers of Education are to discuss m Paris to-day ways and means of strengthening the Entente Cordiale between the schoolchildren of the two countries. Some developments are the broadjcast to British schools of French culture and exchange of examples
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  • Article, Illustration
    22 1 .Vir Sa nuel Uoare, Lord Privy Seal, who may go to the Air Ministry. Sir Kingsiey Wood, priv^etit a-;.--retary for Air.
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  • 101 1 New York, Apr. 3. MR. John L. Lewis, the U.S. labour leader, who arrived here to take charge of the negotiations to prevent the threatened underground railway strike by 27,000 railway workers, announced last night that the labour situation m the New York underground railways
    Reuter  -  101 words
  • 34 1 London, Apr. 3. M. LORDAN, secretary-general of the Rumanian Ministry of Finance, arrived m London as head of the Rumanian trade delegation to-day. The other members have been m London for some time. Reuter
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  • 548 1 London, Apr. 3. THE speech delivered by Sir Robert Craigie, British Ambassador m Tokio, at a meeting of the Japan-British Society, m which he reviewed the general trend of Anglo-Japanese relations, formed the subject of questions m the House of Commons to-day. Mr. P.
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  • 349 1 London, Apr. 3. \UITH to-day's funeral of Sir John Gilmour, who was at the time of his death Minister of Shipping the period m which a successor could not be announced terminates. There is general expectation that the Prime Minister, Mr. Chamberlain,
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  • 63 1 Berlin, Apr. 3. THE German news agency reports from Belgrade that 2.000 people are homeless as a result of the bursting of a dam on the Danube near Novisad. 40 miles from Belgrade. An entire village has been submerged. Large areas m Belgrade and
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  • 63 1 Brussels, Apr. 3. BELGIUM, like various other countries, has called home some of her principal envoys m order to take stock of the international situation The Foreign Minister, M. Spaak, is presiding on Friday over a meeting to i be attended by the Ambassadors
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 144 1 London. Apr. 3. THE French-bied Quartier Maitre, starting a 7 to 2 favour! t<\ won the* Lincolnshire handicap, fhi first big flat race of the season, to-d-iy. Ridden by Gordon Richards, who won the first Lincolnshire at his 13th successive attempt, Quartier Maitre beat Major Marshall's
    Reuter  -  144 words
  • 89 1 Amsterdam, Apr. S. Fis learned that Schulenburg, the German Ambassador to Moscow, iis likely to return to Berlin to report a^ soon sis the meeting of the Supreme Council of the Soviet ends. Among the subjects he is expected to discuss with Hitler and
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  • 74 1 London, Apr. 2. r£ death has occurred In London of Sir James MacKenna, who held various important posts In India and Burma for many years. Since last year he has been .secretary to the Indian Government, a member of the Burma Legislative Council and a
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 36 1 BIGIA TEA IS BEST RAFFLESJIOTEL To-night- Orchestral Concert a <m^ R. 15 to s i"> !>■!"• '**^%^l^' DINNER DANC!- 'forma. \wflgf j 'vVUIUL\VIN'D Vk Oinner $3.50 Mm MAX MARIE m one of their daring high speed spins
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  • 173 2 T*HE Marx Brothers run through a s f ri es of impossible situations In At the Circus," their latest M.G.M fllmwhich opened at the Capitol last 1 u .JfW. but- it a Type^T furT their followers will like. Groucho as a crackpot lawyer maintains his
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  • 63 2 MALAYA Rubber Statistics are now IT being published without destinations against the export figures Lft night's figures for March, show SS fiV\&Q X f oss xport for the month was 60 269 long tons, making a cumuative total of 183,588 tons for the first S? 5 Of ths
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  • 41 2 OELIEVED to have been 'mocked down by a train at the F.MJS. Rail- «X tlon il eppel Road yesterday, a Tamil was taken to hospital In an unconscious condition. Among other Sft U eSf sustained a of the
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  • 327 2 London, Apr. 3. The ioilovring are to-days closing middle quotations. Shares are ot £1 denomination unless otherwise stated: Con. Loan 570 1944-64 108'- Funding Loan 4% 1960-90 10»% U War Loan 3*2% 99\i —116 Com. Union Assce (Units) 7 Prudential Assce *A' 25 Vz Royal Assce "\o
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  • 194 2 COMMODITIES EXCHANGES •trom Oui ijwd Corrt. wuudent) C London, Apr. 3. OMMODITY and Excnange markets closed as follows with previous quotations m parenthesis:— RIBBIK: Steady JP ot H^d 113 16d tll^d 113 16d> o sd llUd (ll^d lP 4 ci) July-Stpi 11 1 16d 11 3 16d (11 1 16d
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  • 279 2 AT LEAST 1,700 years before Christ i a i ttvh v Chinese songs of kings and husbandry, their simple joys and sorrow, but th e Greeks immortalized poetry and made it great: it was they who created the story of Pegasus the winged horse which
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  • 28 2 A SIKH police constable who was f* knocked down by a motor-car outside the General Post Office yesterday was taken to hospital m a semiconscious condition.
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  • 25 2 rpHE 8.8.C. broadcast of the Grand I A National to-morrow at 9.20 p m I wiU be relayed by the Singapore sta- I
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 243 2 THE MOST THRILLING THREESOME OF THE SEASON IN IHE MOST MODERN ROMANCE OF THE YEAR OPENING TO-DAY MARRIAGE 1 A A Ajijl A a. A(^A. c /n^v carole ■Ai. 8| A yft BA RHMANPF m^^L B^^B Bb^ Bm come see nuifiMnuk I THE I (always cool and comfortable) 3 SHOWS
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    • 248 2 IT'LL TURN THE TOWN UPfflDB-OOWM WITH LAUGHTER 11l 1 I'l M UPROARIOUS RODEO of MIRTH and MELODY I I^f UNDER THE BIG TOP! ■L-C^'^^B AT THE ■■■8881 wKmJwmßmL mm m mm m* m mmm No. this picture isn't a mistake |k| Its none other than Groucho ■■■'■•i^ Marx performing a
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  • 59 3 The Hague. Apr. 3. THE Dutch envoy in Berlin has been asked to make a serious pr.itesl against the air attacks on thrc* Dutch fishing vessels and especially against the "absolutelv intolerable violence" to the Protinus. The Netherlands Government asks th"\t measures be taken against the
    Reuter.  -  59 words
  • 419 3 London Paris Welcome Premier's Promise Of Intensified Blockade "IF NEUTRALS ACQUIESCE ll* NAZI VIOLATIONS...." London, Apr. 3. >RITISH Press comment o n the speech of the Prime Minister, Mr. Chamberlain, yesterday reflect a strong vnt of public opinion behind more active blockade Measures.
    Reuter; British Wireless  -  419 words
  • 151 3 Goering Boasts Of Nazi Air Force Strength "WILL STRIKE AT THE RIGHT MOMENT" London, Apr. 3. LJAVING their rear and Hanks secure, the German armed forces m one firm bloc are facing Britain and France m the west," declared FieldMarshal Goering m a broadcast speech at a meeting of the
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  • 144 3 Milwaukee, Apr. 3. CANDIDATES pledged to re-elect President Roosevelt gained the majority of votes m Wisconsin's democratic presidential preference primary election, which is considered to provide the first real test of whether the nation wants a third term for President Roosevelt. The latest figures give
    Reuter  -  144 words
  • 64 3 Stockholm, Apr. 3. CONSIDERABLE reinforcements of Russian troops have arrived m Esthonia during the last few weeks, according to the Tallinn correspondent of the newspaper Tidnlngen. Many of them have come from the Karelian Isthmus. It seems likely, says the correspondent, that Esthonia will have
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  • 33 3 Istanbul, Apr. 3. THE British Ambassador, Sir Hugh Knatchbull-Hugessen, had an interview with President Inonu last night at which M. Sarajoglu, the Turkish Foreign Minister, was present.— Reuter
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  • 25 3 MILITARY dispatches reaching Paris yesterday afternoon report a new and heavy artillery duel on the Western Front m two sectors west of the Vos^es.- Reuter
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  • 204 3 AN American estimate of some of the loopholes existing m the Allied blockade against. Germany, is interesting. The New York World declares that exports of potential war materials from tho United States have increased more than Germany's imports of these articles have decreased. Germany's direct imports from
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  • 1226 3 MINISTER'S BROADCAST A DESCRIPTION of the important, though not spectacular, "work of the Ministry of Economic Warfare, which is gradually but surely effecting the strangulation of Nazi Germany was given by Mr. R. H. Cross, Minister of Economic Warfare, broadcasting from the 8.8.C. last
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  • 138 3 EXECUTIONS BY THE GESTAPO Taris, Anr. 3. FURTHER reports of German melhod* of terror and extermination appear m the official Polish journal published m Paris. It is stated this terror has attained its maximum intensity m the provinces "incorporated" m the German Reich. Average daily executions
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  • 81 3 Shanchai, Apr. 3. FURTHER complicating the approar! > ins Municipal election. Mr Ronald G. McDonald, the lawyer who was rejected by a British straw vote, as a candidate, has sent his nomination papers m order to run for the Council seat as an independent, bringing the
    Reuter  -  81 words
  • 43 3 Ctlrutta. Apr. 2. THE MuTiicipal scavengers who had stru< work since last Tuesday, demanding p*i increase m wages, have called o<T tfw Hrfbe Ten n?ople died of cholera caused as a r^suJt of tiie strike Reuter
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 112 3 r I itu if RS^^K j^^^^jj a -<*xffr .^^k^^> <4i& ■?St^F^ Bp^Hi^i^ sis i m fa EY MAKE home made delicious. I a/mays fresh I cool meals If you have not tried one ol our 1 /^~J^m r :amouo S.CB Pies you've missed a f Jf^^^^k x treat They are
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    • 138 3 RED PALM OIL r MCJQK RICH IN VITAMIN A as recently r commended m RADIO HEALTH TALK MEDICAL HALL LTD. 3. Battery Rood. H TO DAY 11 A.M. (LJIg ■H H V Goet 3.15-6.15-9.15 •^P^^L HALAYA'S CINEMA DE LUXE ROX OFFICE PIIOM 2H.0 lhe Picture that's Smashing all records The
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  • 636 4 The Singapore Free Press THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1940. The Probation System CANDWICHED between items of war news, a British Official Wireless message was received m Singapore yesterday which should attract the attention of every Malayan. It concerned the work of the Colonial Penal Administration Committee, which, under the chairmanship of
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  • 2134 4 Sultans Of The Royal Navy By A Special Correspondent THE Singapore naval base has a name of its own m the Royal Navy. It is an old custom that every shore establishment of the Navy must bear the name of a ship, and this
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 450 4 r^c^J c^ v V^'^ mH w ti'j m c I fMUMf Km VISIT CAIRO DURING YOUR HOMEWARD JOURNEY When time permits C^ox Kings arrange short trips by car from Suez connecting with the steamer at; Port Said. For further particulars apply to PATERSON. SIMONS CO., LTD. or at any of
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    • 9 4 Kill <\\4j£ mosquitoesJigF) with -^&^>\/ SLIT 7Wf FIIT o±**JLYJL KILLS
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  • 712 5 First Flight Makes Local History PASSENGERS AND MAILS ON 51-HOUR TRIP (Bj A Special Correspondent) niK east of Malaya was "opened" to the west yesterday by the inauguration of the first air service between and Kota Hharu, most northern east coast mwn. m the picturesque
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  • 118 5 CINGAPOU INSI'RANCE circles and merchants will be interested m a statement made by Sir John Simon m the House of Commons. Mr. Pethick- Lawrence asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether ne Treasury Finance Regulations impose any obstacle on British insurance companies m the carrying on
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  • 130 5 Singapore Gin Sling Worries Americans < From A Correspondent) yyHAT is the origin of the gin pahit and the Singapore gin sling? This question is being discussed m newspapers m the United States One columnist, G. eelmer Fou^ner writes: "Regarding the old controversy about the Singapore Slin*, I should hki
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  • 170 5 KJiii. FRANK CLARKE, coxswain of nv e victorious rowing crews, was married at St. Andrew's Cathedral yesterday, to Miss Christine Margaret Sendell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs W L. Sendell, oi Hove, Sussex. The bridegroom is working on the Miri oilfields. Sarawak. He is the son
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  • 77 5 UNDER the auspices of the Indian Youth League a condolence meeting In honour of the late Mr. Yakub Hasan, Minister for Public Works m Madras, will be held at 11£. Race Course Road, Singapore, on Sunday at 5.30 p.m. Mr. S. C. Goho, president of the League,
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  • 152 5 Seen Running With Clothes On Fire DEATH AFTER EXPLOSION PVIDENCfi p.s to how a Chines. Nk feck Swee who was sealing a tin r.y.ated spirit was burnt to the ttn rmrihwlMl. was r< Toners Court yesI .v\- Mr, \V. G. Porter, re- rdict of death by mis- i! the conclusion
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  • 93 5 I .'J -year-old Lim Ah Phang. to have been murdered by a Malay Sapper. Yusop bin Bidin, m Happy World Amusement Park on ght of Feb. 7. was a coffee shop was stated m evidence given .r the continued hearing of a preuy inquiry into the allegation
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  • 92 5 TIE next meeting of the Y.W.C.A. Fort-n--ghtly Club will be held on Monday at 9 4b am., when Dr. Elliott, who Is m charge of St. Andrew's Orthopaedic Hospital, will speak of the work of the hospital. New classes are new forming at the Y.W C. A— business
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  • 477 5 Malayan Tests With Mosquito Traps HUMAN BAIT OR AUTOMATIC VESTS m Malaya with automatic traps to catch mosquitoes are described by Dr. A. Neave Kingsbury, chairman of the F.M.S. Malaria Advisory Board, m his annual report. The report shows that the question ot automatic traps and human bait traps has
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  • 61 5 TWO lectures by St. John Ambulance Brigade on anti-gas treatment find aid posts will be given by Dr. W. E. Hutchinson, at 5.30 p.m. on Apr. 9 and 16 at the Old Supreme Court Building. All Corps officers, divisional surgeons, divisional superintendents, ambulance officers, N.C.O.'s, and officers of
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  • 46 5 ACCUSED of exporting cash of more than $100 from the Colony without a permit, Wong Wong Liong, was yesterday produced m the Singapore fourth court, where the charge was explained to him. He claimed trial and the case was postponed a week for mention.
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  • 392 5 WHE fulluicing are extracts from a letter from Malay c. House, London, received by Vhe Department of Information "The Federated Malay States flag on the roof of Malaya House adds its touch of colour, and although its groundfloor windows now have steel shutters, the
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  • 396 5 LOSS OF WARTIME THAOS WITH MALAYA A NUMBER of Hon# Konjj Chinese manufacturer* are investigating' the possihilit} of moving Nttir fad iriti to Malaya to place themselves within the orbit o; \ht sterling bloc and maintain »n wartime the trade with Malaya which
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  • 180 5 An Old Perak Campaigner "Discovered" t'erth (Western Australia). NEWSPAPERMEN have discovered m Private Robert Austin Whiting, not only the oldest soldier m Western Australia and the oldest living member of the Buffs Regiment, but also a man who served m the hazardous campaigns m the Malay Peninsula m :he early
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 81 5 Has it ever occurred to you that you can enjoy a delicious Dinner at the AIR- CONDITIONED CAPITOL RESTAURANT t $1-75 seven selected courses "IK Newly Furnished Lounge "ith Subdued Lighting ensures your absolute comfort. hook Now for your next iHnner Party Thone 4906. HAPPY KITE CLUB t rer admission
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  • 1371 6 Fraser And Co's List j WEDNESDAY, APR. 3, 1940: 5 P.M. MINING Buyers Seller* Ampat Tin (4s) 4s 10 %d 5s 3d Austral Amal. (5s 5s 9d 6s 3d Austral Malay (£> 35s 37s Ayer Hitam (I) 21s 22s Ayer Weng (£> .63 .67 Bangrin
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  • 137 6 ISSLED BY FRASER AND CO. AT CLOSE OF BUSINESS YESTERDAY Markets were quiet and dull to-day and price movements were small. Local tin was down at $121%, while the price of rubber at four o'clock was buyers spot 36% cents, April-June 36 4 cents, and July-September 35
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  • 166 6 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held its 1.480 th auction yesterday and there were catalogued 1,778 572 1b.— 794.01 tons; offered 1,596,608 lb —712 77 tons; sold L 275.454 1b— 569.40 tons Lo ndon Spot m«d. New York Spot PRICES REALIZED Ribbed Smoked Sheet Cents
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  • 126 6 DAILY PRICES CURRENT Apr. 3, 1940: 12 O'clock Noon xt tvt, Buyers Sellers No. IX R.S.S. Spot loose.. 36 'i 36 l No. IX R.S.S. F.O.B. in cases April 3714 37^ G.F.A.Q. R.S.S. P.O.B. in bales April 35^ 35s/ P.A.Q. R.S.S. F.O.B. in
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1127 6 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS domes lie (x:ciwk t:\CES HOARD RESIDENCE. birth. «-im#%m»i» KINDER -On Apr. 3. 1910 at Penang SEA FKUNI Maternity Hospital to Joan, wife of B. r Kinder, a daughter. RATONG OItANG^77 Meyer Rd. meir Suimmins Club) TFNDKKS Board-Residence at moderate rates I Larse Gardens— Tennis. SINGAPORE phone: 5758 MUNiriPALITY
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 445 7 P.&O. and BRITISH INDIA LINES 'INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND) P. 6c O. S. N. CO*S SAILINGS. The best possible services are being maintained by the P. O. S. N. Company to their usual ports of call except ports m Japan. Passengers are requested to register tbefc requirement.-, but under present circumstances
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    • 436 7 BOUSTEAD CO., LTD. (Incorporated m FJ4..5.) rELEPHONE: Freight 5433. Fraafe SI3I USasian PAcifi: Regular service from the Orient to Vancouver by GIANT EMPRESSES— Across Canada through the Canadian Rockies Lake Louise Banff. Trans-Atlantic by "EMPRESS" "DUCHESS" or "MONT" steamers to the United Kingdom. All under one management. For detailed Information
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    • 518 7 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. BLUE FUNNEL LINE. 1 Frequent Sailings to United Kingdom and United States o1 America. Dates are not guaranteed, all cargo bookings subject to Conference War Clauses. WKSTKRN AUSTRALIA I THE SHORTEST SEA ROUTE AT THE CHEAPEST FARE V Regular Services to Fre mantle (Perth) via Java by
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  • Article, Illustration
    46 8 PICT! RE OF KAMIS taken at the YM.CA. tennLs courts on Tuesday when he was beaten m straight sets hy Chin Kee Onn, the Malayan champion, m the singles iinal of the YMJCJL open invitation tennis tournament. Kamis was the holder of the title
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  • 237 8 •X'HERE were no ties played yesterday j owing to the rain m the spring tennis tourraments at the Singapore! Cricket Club, the Singapor? Recreation j Club and the Straits Chinese Recreation Club. S.C.C. Ties Further ties at the S.C.C. are TO-DAY Mixed Doubles: Mr.
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  • 69 8 rHE following have been re'ect^d to play cricket for the V.M.C.A. Junior D'part.ment against R E 'Change to-! morrow on the Prince Edward Road l:t unl at 2.15 p.m.: Seah Cheng Siang B L M Aeria S. Shirazee, Vijiaratnam, Wee j Tc-ck Heng. F L. Wong Kv.'ik,
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  • 87 8 (From Our Own CorrespondentSegamat, Apr. 2. TILE Government English School Segamat open their inter-school soccer programme n?xt Thursday when •hey travel to Batu Pahat to meet the GE S there. On Apr. 11. the Muar G.E.S will visit Segamat md the week fohowing will see Kuala
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  • 312 8 (From Our Own Correspondent) Segamat, Apr. 2. SEGAMAT cricket teams will be engAged m tw j matche? next Sunday, j The S^gamat Cricket Club will meet the Gemas Railway Institute for their return fixvure on the Batu Hampar j ground, whhe Genuang travel to
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  • 171 8 THE 22nd. annual general meeting of the Broadrick Club, Kajang, was held at the club premises on Friday, Mar. 29, and the following were elected office-bearers for the year, 1940. President, Tuan Sye. Nordin bin Syed Hussin, M.C.S.; vice-president, Abdullah bin Kulop Udi, M.A.S.;
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  • 694 8 Thrills Scarce In Game Marred By Rain WINNERS GET FIVE GOALS AGAINST LOSERS' TWO loyals 5, S.C.C. RAIN spoilt what promised lo be a thrilling: game at the stadium yesterday when the Loyals met the S.C.C. and won by five goals to two m a
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  • 118 8 T3E following have accepted to play cricket for the S.C.C. vs. the P.W.D. en Saturday at 2 p.m. at the S.C.C: J. E. Jeans (capt), A. C. Simmons, K. C. Johnson-Hill, Lt. R. Peel, W Comdr. F. E. Watts, Rev. A. H. Giles, Lt. M. F. Francis,
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  • 29 8 MISS DORA BEREGi, Ol POLAND, and Miss Jean Nicoll who won the women's championships last year await their tan m this years championship at the London Polytechnic.
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  • 286 8 Exciting Finish To Cricket Match At Tanglin Yesterday THERE was an exciting finish to a cricket match played at Tanglin yesterday when the Malaya Signals beat Fort Canning by seven runs. The Fort's last two batsmen made a gallant stand m a fight for runs
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  • 176 8 f\\WING to the heavy downpour of rain which fell yesterday evening I the Business Houses' League soccer game between the Singapore Cold Storage and the Chartered Bank on the Harbour Board ground was abandoned after each team had scored a goal after 10 minutes of
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  • 159 8 WEIGHTS for four races on Wednesday, Apr. 10, the second day at Bukit Timah, are: Horses, Class 3. Div. I— sV£ furs. Solar Time 9.00 Santa Anna B.ia Old Cow 8.13 Antrum B. ok Alba 8.12 Edna Star ....8.07 Perak (late St. Marcel 8.05
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  • 88 8 THE second division (b) league soccer fixture between the Customs and the J.C.S.A. had to be abandoned after fifteen minutes of play at the J.C.S.A. ground yesterday when the Customs were leading by two goals to nil. The heavy downpour of rain made it impossible to continue the
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  • 355 8 Negri To Meet Selangor At Cricket (From Our Own Correspond* Nit: -Hit NEGRI Sembilan s first In cricket match of the sea >< place on Apr. 14 and 15 against gor and at the moment th tien of the Negri Sembilan team known. The final side, it is will be
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  • 137 8 PLAYFAIR BADMINTON PARTY |N a friendly badm iron ma four r ingles, three doub f> KDd women 3 singles played at Union Hall last Bond*?, 4 V- P B P beat the Merrida.»» B V games to two. The results wer? tPUff r mentioned first 1 Singles Lecw Kirn Lee
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 132 8 Any soreness, bleeding or sponginess of the gums means that they are unhealthy. You are urged to use Gibbs "S.R." without delay. Most Dentists now prescribe Gibbs "S.R." both for the treatment and pret niUiM vention of bad gums. j§ Jf I came across a patient, to whom I had
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 24 8 TO-DAY'S SPORTS EVENTS S«>ccer: Fir;t division, Manchesters vs. Chinese. Stadium: reserve division. Fortress RE. vs. Royal Navy, Changi. Tennis: S.C.C, S.R.C. and S.CR.C. tournaments.
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