The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 20 January 1940

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 17 1 The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS NO. 15,989. ESTD. 1835 SATURDAY, JANUARY 20, 1940. 5 CENTS
    17 words
  • 263 1 Big Force Is Cut Off From All Supplies MOSQUITO-BITE" TACTICS ON RED FLANKS 4 BHi Russia" t(,rce nas been cut off from all supplies A m ir i tkaranta. on the northern shores of Lake >rding to reliable information reaching Paris, ftmyrX* Kouter. stated that
    263 words
  • 117 1 GERMAN RADIO stations on Thursday nUht broadcast instructions to all naval and stokers to present themselves at specific times yesterday. The programme from Hamburg was interrupted with the announcement and later th* Hamburg and Bremen stations closed down for the night except for two
    117 words
  • 37 1 London. Jan. 19. TT is authoritatively stated that the 1 British steel output last year exceeded by a considerable margin the record of nearly 13.000.000 tons m 1937 The actual flg""« made Dubllc m wartime- British wireless
    British wireless  -  37 words
  • 135 1 KIEW tost of living allowances far this m n.h gazetted last night i payable to labourers and artisans m Go\ eminent employ show a t>o per cent, increase over the allowances originally announced. The new allowances, wiih the old m brackets, are: Ta employees drawing
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  • 159 1 SUSPENSION TILL APRIL CHIPMENTS of cotton from the United States to Great Britain under the Cotton-Rubber Exchange Agreement will be suspended during February, March and April by agreement between the two countries, it is announced. This refers only to barter cotton and not
    Reuter  -  159 words
  • 77 1 London, Jan- 19--|T IS OFFICIALLY stated that on the information at present available there is no reason to suspect that the Waltham Abbey explosion was caused by sabotage. The whole matter is being investigated by an official committee of inquiry, states Reuter. The explosion at
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  • 99 1 London. Jan. 19. IN the convocation of York yesterday the Archbishop of York said: "I cannot use the phrase 'a holy war.' for war m its own nature is always an expression of sin of man. but without hesitation I speak of this war
    British wireless  -  99 words
  • 75 1 London, Jan. 19. TTHERE IS NO confirmation m Lon- don of circumstantial reports from Copenhagen of a new air attack on the German seaplane base at the island of Sylt, to the north of Heligoland Bight. The Air Ministry has no information about
    British Wireless  -  75 words
  • 70 1 I'-i rjw Tail l!) IT IS UNDERSTOOD here that the Government of Uruguay has sent a note to Germany requesting that the wreck of the Graf Spec be removed within 60 days as it is a danger to shipping m the River Plate. The
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  • 249 1 From Cape Town, meanwhile, Reuter reports that m the House of Assembly yesterday, General Hertzog, former Prime Minister of South Africa, gave notice of the following motion: 'This House is of the opinion that the time has come for the state of war against Germany to
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  • 68 1 OPENING the Norwegian Parliament yesterday, King Haakon spoke of the danger of war. Although Norway had hitherto been able to avoid war, he said, many difficulties threatened her to-day, but m all this depression there was one ray of light, and that was the solidarity of
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  • 44 1 Washington, Jan. 19. SENATOR BORAH, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, who is suffering from cerebral haemorrhage as a result of an accidental fall, is still m a deep coma and there is apparently no hope.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 162 1 Japanese Formation Of New Central Government Peiping, Jan. 19. APPARENTLY with the aim of clearing rumours of dissension between the Peiping provincial government and Mr. Wang Ching-wei and his followers, Lieut.-General Kita, director of the North China liaison office of the China Force Board, told foreign correspondents m an interview
    Reuter  -  162 words
  • 101 1 MACKENZIE-KING AND LEGISLATURE MOTION THE Ontario legislature yesterday passed by 44 votes to ten a motion condemning the Canadian Government's prosecution of the war, reports Reuter from Ottawa. The motion was endorsed by statements by Mr. Hepburn and the leader of the Conservative
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  • 116 1 THE German radio yesterday sharply attacked the Dutch Press for its accounts of the torpedoing of the Dutch liner Arendskerk. The announcer refuted the charge that the German U-boat commander acted brutally, and said that the Dutch Press had to blame the captain of
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  • 80 1 London, Jan. 10. rOURTEEN British officers and engi- neers were among the crew of about 46 of the oil tanker Inverdargle, 9,456 tons, all of whom are feared to have lost their lives when the vessel sank ofT the south-west coast on Tuesday.
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • 104 1 Mexican Oil Industry's Setback Mexico City, Jan. 19. OENOR PONCIANO FERNANDEZ. Federal Judge, has appointed an engineer, Senor Paredes, to act as valuer on behalf of the foreign oil companies. This step has been taken following the refusal of all companies concerned to recognize the legality of what they describe
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  • 78 1 A GERMAN attack on a French out- post was repulsed on Thursday and a few German prisoners were taken, it is stated. Twenty-five Germans made a sudden attack en the outpost with handgrenades but the French returned with heavy fire and pursued the Germans several
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  • 53 1 Ihe Hague. Jan. 19. JT IS OFFICIALLY announced that foreign planes flew over north eastern Holland yesterday at a great height and were fired on by Dutch anti-air-craft batteries. There is some indication that the planes were British and the Dutch Government is making inquiries
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 51 1 p^ BIGiA TEA BEST I^jijght Orchestral Concert 5.15 to 9.15 P«m« DINNER DANCE (formal) CHANGE OF PROGRAMME JUNE WEST KAY I' ARTISTS IN MODERN DANCE ROUTINES D EXTENSION TO 1 A.M. Dtn '^^V!: Non-dlner. $1.00 *US¥l 118 served to-day from 12.30 to 2.30 pjn. J***T Saturday Annual Rugby Union
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  • 164 2 Sir Alexander Small Is Garlanded THK picturesque ceremony of garlanding was performed by representatives of the Indian Community when Sir Alexander Small, the retiring Colonial Secretary of the Straits Settlements, and' Lady Small sailed fro; spore yesterday m the s s. as. While a large crowd had gathered to old
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  • 266 2 Wrong Impression Created Outside Great Britain London, Jan. 19. INADEQUATE study of Britain's published unemployment returns, which are much more exhaustive than those of any other leading Power, have aroused comment m some countries which is less favourable than the true facts The Daily telegraph
    British Wireless  -  266 words
  • 239 2 A case concerning the use of a lalse trade description for goods sold m Malaya came up before Mr. L. C. Goh m the fifth court yesterday. Lam Yong Hin. of Chap Wing Joe, Eu Tong Seng Street, was summoned under the Merchandise Marks
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  • 85 2 TrIERE are some interesting moments m 'Panama Lady." an R.K.O.Radio production which had its premiere at the C/pitol Theatre last night, Lucille Ball, Allan Lane and Steffi Duna take the principal roles m this film and perform with credit. The story deals with the adventures
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  • 45 2 BAIL cl $500 was allowed Tan San after a charge of possessing faLse trade marks of labels and crown corks at Sam Leong Road, was explained to him m the Singapore third court yesterday. The case was postponed a week for mention.
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  • 68 2 AT the first annual general meeting "of the Capital Badminton Party held last Sunday at Mr. Tjen Kit Onn's residence the following were elected office-bearers lor 1940 41. President, Mr. Bong Kirn Chong; vice-president, Mr. Koe Khian Fong; hon. secretary, Mr. Harry Lee; hon. treasurer, Mr. Worthy Koe;
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  • 55 2 PIE following have been elected office-bearers of the Youngsters' Union for the year. President, Mr. T. E. Nathan ireelected); hon. secretary, Mr, Goh Teck Phuan; hon. treasurer, Mr. Lim Soo Van (re-elected); sports secretary, Mr. Tan Yew Chean; committee members, Mr. Tan Kwang Meng; Mr. Yeo Koon Chye
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  • 380 2 Hockey Player Detains Man In Street SAYS HE SAW ROBBERY HOW h-. was instrumental m detaining a Chinese who is alleged ta have robbed an elderly man. was described m the Singapore district court yesterday by a Eurasian, John Noel Hay, the Singapore hockey player. Hay was giving evidence m
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  • Article, Illustration
    23 2 Mr. Anthony Eden, (left), the former Foreign Secretary and present Secretary of State for the Dominions, marching through London streets with his unit.
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  • 226 2 Selangor Muslim Request For Removal From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 1.?. A RESOLUTION requesting the Government of India to remove the existing restrictions under the Indian Emigration Act imposed on South Indian labourers, petty traders, shop assistants and small property owners desirous of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 154 2 It's impossible not to be thrilled b\ Edgar Wallace or amused by (iordon Marker. I 6i5 9 15pm ALHAiVIBKA I BRITISH LION PICTURES I gordon se "harker Jmm*. I 'The RETURN JBCj I Of The FROG' HK| I "THE FROG" I also 'MEN ol MEDICINE' A New Issue of the
      154 words
    • 256 2 3 SHOWS WJL* I JL e Tli TO DAY[|L~ 1■ 1 JLqj r I Malaya's Lm 3.15-6.15-9.15J (>1 Hll i RKO-RADIO'S GRIPPING STOR Ol I WOMAN \\|{ii\(,| LEFT TO RATTLE HER WITS AGAINST PAVGFROI tropical its GIRL ALONE!— against a lawless IB AI —Love— at the jungle's fringe' m^^Sßfk^L^ 1
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  • 119 3 •Hitler Ready To Attack Any Neighbour At Any Moment" London, Jan. 19. x katlin, article headed "Tension Relaxes," The Times I write: The wintry weather with poor visibility and uli ap roads has probably settled, for the moment at ny ran Ac question
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  • 36 3 Jan 19. the Pearl be opened to g as well as the the naval lew. ese autnorUni up I, the the Japanese makYangtse 1 ptoli uld benefit Yang- „d. has Reuter
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 44 3 INS UBORDIXATION IN SHANSI ARMY i hnncktng, .lan. 19. r Gen Yen Shihas n auth iritatiTe was canines between mre rbor.: I la thej had re- ad other seeI r of a at d here. I with several vi or m tramsubordination d.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 54 3 Hon? Kong. Jan. 19. ACCORDING to information reaching here from Chungking. r?presentatives of the Finance Ministry who were originally scheduled to leave America for China at the beginning of this month have been ordered to negotiate with New York financial circles for a 515,000.000 loan secured
    Eastern News  -  54 words
  • 133 3 GREAT POPULARITY OF BLUE BOOK I oiiuon. Jan. 1:1. THE sales of the Government Blue Book on the German-Polish relations up to the outbreak of the war hare reached the amazing total of 565,000 copies. When a sale of some 25.000 copies ordinarily placed a novel
    British Wireless  -  133 words
  • 46 3 "Moscow, Jan. 19. IT is announced from Khabarovsk thai four important officials, including the district head of the commissariat for internal affairs (the police) and the secretary of the district communist party, have been relieved of their duties and given other work.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 214 3 Soviet Policy Towards China And Japan T London, Jan. 19. H^ SOVIET Government still recognizes the Government of Gen. Chiang Kai-shek but recent professions of friendship towards China which have appeared m the Soviet Press have made more mention of the Chinese people than of Gen. Chiang Kai-shek's Government, says
    Reuter  -  214 words
  • 90 3 Canton, Jan. 19. "THE currency problems here have 1 become worse by the refusal of the trader.] to accept one dollar nates of .ha Kwangtung Provincial Bank. which was formerly the only denomination of the provincial no es accepted at their fu'l face value and now
    Reuter  -  90 words
  • 95 3 Moscow. Jan. 19. THE 14 countries with which Great Britain is conducting trade negotiations, referred to by Mr. Ronald Cross m his economic warfare review m the House of Commons, are Norway. Sweden. Denmark, Holland. Belgium. Iceland, Spain, Switzer- land. Estonia. Lithuania. Latvia, Yugo-
    Reuter  -  95 words
  • 49 3 hungking. Jan. 18. THE Executive Yuan and the Overseas Affairs Commission are welcoming the Malayan Com Tort and Investigation Mission to China. Gen. Chiang Kai-shek recently extended his welcome to the Mission which is expected to start from Singa--1 pore next March.- Chinese Central News
    Chinese Central News  -  49 words
  • 75 3 Shanghai, Jan. 19. IT is reliably learned that the oftpostponed meeting between Mr. Wang Ching-wei, Mr. Liang Hang-cheh, 1 head of the Japanese-sponsored reformed government of Nanking and I Mr. Wang Keh-min, head of the I Japanese-sponsored provisional government of Peiping, which will thrash i out
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 36 3 London, Jan. 19. M DAUTRY, French Minister of Armaments, returned to France this morning with his staff after discussions with the Minister of Supply, Mr. Leslie Burgin, regarding Allies' joint production of war supplies. British wireless
    British wireless  -  36 words
  • 313 3 London, Jan. 19. The following are to-day's closing middle quotation: Shares are of £1 denomination unless otherwise stated: Con. Loan f> c o 1944-64 1114 77 Funding Loan 4% 1960-90 HO 1 4-4 War Loan 34% 974 Com. Union Assc (Units). 7^ Prudential Assc 'A' 254 Royal
    Exchange Telegraph  -  313 words
  • 154 3 COMMODITIES EXCHANGES (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Jan. 19. COMMODITY and Exchange markets closed as follows with previous quotations m parenthesis: RUBBER: Firmer. Spot: 12d 12^d ril7sd 11 15 16d) Feb.-Mar.: ll%d 12d (11 ***** d 1115|16d> Apr.-June: UTid 11 15\16d (11 13!16d ll%d) July-Sept.: 11 lljl6d U*;d (U%d ll};d)
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  • 256 3 London, Jan. 19. THE German Trans-Ocean news agency yesterday cited from a Munich newspaper what is purported to he an account of a speech delivered at "a secret sitting of the House of Commons on Dec. 15." The report is said to be based
    British wireless  -  256 words
  • Article, Illustration
    13 3 This close-up picture of a Finnish tank was taken near the Russian frontier.
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  • 66 3 London, Jan. It). SEVENTEEN cities and towns are represented among the 25 officers of the Army Co-operation Squadron of the Rcval Canadian Air Force selected as the air force component of the first Canadian division of the Active Service Force. It will be recalled that
    British wireless  -  66 words
  • 54 3 Shanhai, Jan. 19. HTIIE AMERICAN Ambassador, Mr. Nelson Johnscu, has returned from North China aboard the transport, Henderson. Interviewed, he said his return to Shanghai and trip to Hankow next week and later to Chungking had no special significance but was just a usual
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  • 215 3 Schoolch ildren In Britain Are In Better Health London, Jan. 19. SOME interesting facts are revealed m the report issued this week of the Chief Medical Officer of the Board ot Education, the general impression o* which can be summed \in In the Chief Medical Officer's own word."While we are
    British Wireless  -  215 words
  • 93 3 I'eiping Jan. 19. BELIEVED to be the direct result of the present acute food situation here, the wife of *he president of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce wa^ shot dead by gunmen on Jan. 17 wnen leaving her home to visit her daughter m the
    Reuter  -  93 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 135 3 fo r di n n er aye an entirely fresh meaning if you A already eaten some of the delicious ream made by the Cold Storage I>. Easily the finest, richest* best ice cream you ever tasted, and so because it's homogenized. i dozen superb flavours to choose :n the
      135 words
    • 149 3 THEATRICAL MAKE-UP BY "LEECHNER" from MEDICAL HALL LTD. 3, Battery Itoad. box WmmTfTTHTIM TODAY OFFICE mWLTB W m ¥m>\ m mmmmm^mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 11 A.M. PHONE MdLdY/rjMo/r Modern iq R1 c 3400 mini —CINEMA— j 13 ,J iijiuui.LiLßWßHißaDßtfl^BßanMßaa^^^a^a^ar s#. 1 3 SBP^ in' a^wJii^ OTH (,Nllin M,x PRI SI NI WmWm "HOLLYWOOD
      149 words

  • 608 4 The Singapore Free Press SATURDAY, JANUARY 20, 1940. Our Far East Ally so far very few details regarding the French Army manoeuvres m Indo-China next week have reached Singapore, it is apparent that they are of great importance at this time. The French have m recent years always maintained a
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  • 1006 4 TO many who recall the atrocity propaganda used m the Great War and the merciless exposure to which it has since been subjected, the most important feature of the White Paper on the treatment of German Nationals m Germany was that every document which
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  • 307 4 The German Technique By Walter Qakshott ates to extremis. men to bullies. The paradox, educati attempt, which is und made, to combine the m required of a Nazi devotion to what may cribed as an ideal. He must be comp). absolutely devoted. I sortment at first sight well cause us
    307 words
  • 784 4  -  Joan Littlefield A Letter From England By ttw* of tne most active y branches of home defence m this somewhat static war is the Coastal Command of the Royal Air Force, which is responsible for skirmishes with enemy bombers over this country or the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 315 4 3 iw»^ mm Ivffi^ U/i j I k\l CRLDBECK'S BY SPECIAL 10 H M THE \PPOINTMFNT KING 0F SIAM ESTD. 1872 NEWEST DESIGNS IN UiaMOND JEWELLERY NECKLACES BRACELETS BROOCHES RINGS CLIP WATCHES incorporated In Ceylon) SINGAPORE IPOH PENANG; h^ —^^^^~^^^rr^~- m '^m\m^Jm»^^^m^^KL^mTjtlfll m 1 k 1 a\ »i M— ■w^^a-JL-JL
      315 words
    • 23 4 TO£ &d)£ MSB Lingerie. Negligees, Dressing Gowns. Pyjamas, Blouses In stock anil orders taken 18. BATTERY ROAD. PI RSI PLOOR PHONE 7143. I
      23 words

  • 222 5 How Volunteers Helped In Kitchen Work READY ASSISTANCE nil KM men from the Toe H, ten men and six women I trom trie Sahation Army, 93 women, chiefly Europeans, trom the nursing division of St. John Ambulance Brigade] md M l,tnor men an( women individually offered
    222 words
  • 106 5 "THIS will be a notable week-end for radio listeners m Malaya, for they will be able to hear both Lord Halifax and Mr. Winston Churchill, two of the outstanding figures m the British War Cabinet. A speech by Lord Halifax, the Foreign Secretary will be broadcast by
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  • Article, Illustration
    37 5 This aerial picture, showing a large group of oil tanks at Thameshaven, m the Thames estuary, is alleged by the German Propaganda Ministry to have been taken from a German air force plane during n reconnaissance flight.
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  • 347 5 Use Of A Knife Too Common, Says Judge YOU are really lucky you arc not here on a more serious charge; the least sentence I can pass on you. to protect the public generally, is one of three years' rigorous imprisonment," remarked Mr. Justice Pedlow at the Singapore Assizes yesterday.
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  • 43 5 SENTENCE was postponed a week m the Singapore third court yesterday m a case m which Mohamed bin Amin and Mohamed Nor bin Chik were convicted of stealing three women's gold watches from A. W. Brisk m Chulla Street on Tuesday.
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  • 100 5 SOLDIER ADMITS STEALING CAR (Mfautt Tfjfi Prevalent, S rs Magistrate A SutherH igh Hamilton. 1 ISO, or two months* In the Bingaded guilty r on 1 which is c L. Baumphrey, jtle Build- Road. to have been rrea r od.| f -d to have been an giment. Mr L. C.
    100 words
  • 47 5 Locked down my TRAIN A LI ol death by misadven- wmed by the Singa- W. G. Porter, yesiekJ an inquest on < hinese who died from i by being knocked train m Kampong on Jan. 14. M that, from the! Mm, there was no rt of the driver'
    47 words
  • 133 5 ULTIMATUM TO OPIUM STRIKERS T Ht Ooverxinient'i repiv to the *„.i*' o:ue S, °P er^tors at the Opium Kicking Plant. Pasir Panjang, who have been on strike since Jan. 5, was PMnf a d expl^ ned at the Packing' Plant by an officer of the Chinese Protectorate on Thursday afternoon.
    133 words
  • 373 5 A HLI KUra flUMTTlfrin yam tcrkenal bait bernama Viliard itu baharu juga bales ka-New York daripada lawatan- j nja ka-negeri Jerman. la berkata tiga suku i danpaoa orang2 Jerman sangat-lah ta* suka i akan Hitler dan lebeh ramai lagi puis yang tidak suka akan p?perangan mi. IA
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  • 133 5 CORPOriAL J. M. BURKE, oi the R.A.M.C., was married at the Tanglin Roman Catholic Church yesterday to Miss Claire Kobus, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Kobus of Singapore. T He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Burke, of Huyton, Liverpool. The Rev.
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  • 745 5 PILOT OFFICER'S RADIO TALK TO MALAYA THE magnificent contribution of Australia to tho Empire** 1 war effort, m both men and material, and her staunch determination that Nazi tyranny shall be crushed, were made clear by Pilot Officer H. C. Stumm, of the Roy
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  • 224 5 Hari Raya Haji Is Observed To-day OINOAPORE Mohammedans will oirer special prayers for peace to-day when they go to their mosques m observance of Hari Raya Haji. Although the festival— which is regarded as their most important by Mohammedans all over the worldfalls on Sunday according to the calendar, Singapore
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  • 126 5 BJIISS Waileen Wong, the local wo- men's singles badminton champion, vas married at Kee Sun resort, East Coast Road, yesterday to Mr. Robert Kan Foon Nung, a chartered architect and tennis player. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Kan Cheung Hon, of Singapore
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  • 111 5 THE Band of the Straits Settlements 1 Police will perform under the direction of Mr. J. C. Hitch at the Botanic Gardens to-morrow at 8.30 p.m., when the programme will be: March, "Wellington March," W. Zehle; Overture, "Crown Diamonds," Auber; Selection, *Thft Merry Widow," Franz Lehar; Gavotte, "Premier
    111 words
  • 64 5 CONVICTED of sU ft $12 watch at North Bridge Road or Dec. 30, a man named Baram H ordered to receive eight strokes oi the rattan and sentenced to two month*, rigorous Imprisonment m the Stl pore second court yesterday. The sentence is to be followed by
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  • 182 5 INTERESTING evidenoi a meeting of the Singapore Assessment B.ard m the civil diitr'eb court yesterday when an applL atl to eject a tenant from a house h Mosque Street was dealt with. The application, made by the Public Trustees, S.S., was on the ground that the
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  • 84 5 "NOT A BLAMEWORTHY BANKRUPTCY" granting a European, o. o. h. "VJ Hackett, a discharge m barikru, m the Singapore High Court yesterd Sir Percy McElwcine. the Chief Justice. remarked that it did not seem to him to be a blameworthy bankruptcy. Hackett. whose liabilities were I $24,000. barrowed money lor
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 15 5 F OR CONVENIENCE! OWE at the CAPITOL RESTAURANT Phone 4906) J^"-' of After the Show
      15 words
    • 66 5 -"HEALTH MINE" JUICE EXTRACTOR— HBBUfc .^Sm mm*. -fl B^^^~~- JJW I Bn B^^BSSRE^Za^CTT^ |JiTT7^f|T ikU kg. jm I^H^m f*** 'ifc&z* 9^L T^mW 1 B^^ Bi ph i «'< i. *.m *i. »,iß^-!i^Blljbu\- jy „{■>■ >>i<*. -m^buwJ 17 N J O V a deliciouL 'vegetable zcktail This strong, well-made machine will
      66 words

  • 1333 6 Fraser And Co's List I mawaaamawawaaaaawamawawawamaammawamama^a^am^a^aawa^a^a^ama^a^awama^amm^^tmmm^^^^m. FRIDAY. JAN. 19. 1910: 5 P.M. MINING Buyers Sellers Ampat Tin (4s) 4s 9d 5s l^d Austral Amal. (ss^ 6s 6s 6cl c.d. Austral Malay it) 37s 39s c.d. Ayer Hitam i£) 24s 6U 25s 6d Ayer Weng .80
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  • 140 6 ISSUED BY FRASER CO. AT CLOSE OF BUSINESS YESTERDAY Dull conditions again prevailed m market! to-day and very little business was transacted. Local tin relapsed 1\ to $122 n while the price of rubber at four o'clock was buyers spot 39 cents, February March 38 3 4
    140 words
  • 140 6 DAILY PRICES COTUtSNT Jan. 19, 1940: 12 o'clock noon xt «r. Buyers Sellers No. IX R.S.S. Spot loose ..39 39 H No. IX R.S.S. P O B. In cases Jan-Feb (Sellers option) 39 39 Q.F.A.Q R.SS FOB. In bales Jan.-Feb. (Sellers °Ption> 33
    140 words
  • 63 6 CINGAPOREANS can see a largo car running over four inch ?pikes, without the inner tube being punctured at a display of rubber product* which Is being held by B. F. Goodrich one of the world's biggest rubber manufacturers, at Singapore Motors to-day. The purpose of
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 722 6 I CLASSIFIED board residence. advertisements! g- vut%m TENDERS KATONG GRANGE— 77 Meyer Kd. (near Swimming Club) SINGAPORE Board-Residence at moderate rates MUNICIPALITY, Large Cardem^Tennls. Phone: 5708. Tenders. Tenders are now lnrtted for the A stSHT A mSmT+T W A foUowlns materials or services. For LABI AFlwlilA particulars see Municipal Tenders
      722 words
    • 531 6 I ISi I Si. B^B^O jGb «0 *Jr **rV U* m V I a BvtK I IB^^^lalß^^^^^^B^u^Hßß9^%9^^^9>>y^9!S7>>y%%^%^^^^^^^?9?>^fl SBb^B^^^^^^aJ B^^ IBT m > M a -j-^w H^ *J SINGAPORE TO SAN FRANCISCC VIA MANILA AND HONGKONG. SAIL STORE S.S. CITY OF NEWPORT NEWS FEB. 24 MARCH 19 S.S. CITY OF NORFOLK
      531 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 311 7 p.&O. and BRITISH INDIA LINES INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND) p. 6c O. S. N. COS SAILINGS. pi n P. &O.S. N. Company rill have a passenger steamer .ail inn Westwards next month BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION Services I i\ L.hhX 1 LIGOOBi ISD CALCUTTA WEEKLY OT rUMLAM, PENANG, NEGAPATAM, UPiBBi roaru
      311 words
    • 503 7 BOUSTEAD CO., LTD, (Incorporated m tISJS.) ITLEPBONE: FreJjnJ 5133. Pa«a*e 6131. PACIFIC 81 tf ***** SmM W Regular service from the Orient to Vancouver by GIANT EMPRESSES-Across Canada through the Canadian Rockies— Lake Louise— Banff. Trans-Atlantic by -EMPRESS" DUCHESS" or "MONT" steamers to the United Kingdom.— All under one management.
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    • 347 7 BN^B^— i— MANSFIELD CO., LTD. OCEAN BUILDING. COLLYER QUAY. StItCAPORE HL stSI CHARTERED BANB BUILDING PEN AUG rEL i hot BLUE FUNNEL LINE. Frequent Sailings to United Kingdom and United States of America. Oates are not guaranteed, all cargo bookings subject tv Conference War Clauses. WESTERN AUSTRALIA THE SHORTEST SEA
      347 words

  • 1713 8 THE POACHER, FAIR KING SHOULD WIN FOR SILLEY niSTINGUISHED will make a good bet at this afternoon's races at Ipoh m the first day of the Perak Turf Club's January meeting. A programme of nine races has been framed up for the afternoon, and
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  • 63 8 SELECTIONS for to-day's races at I p *t are as follows: Race 1. Mabel Smith, Explode. K.i c 1. Emily Dignus. Marnell. Race 3. The Poacher, Russian Rose. Race 4. Drift On, Maid of Cashel. Race 5. Pratique, Pymble. Race 6. Fair King. Majors. Race 7. Kissing
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  • 34 8 picture. With eager hands they reach for the ball m this tournament rugby match on the padang m which the S.C.C. *'D" beat the S.R.C. by three points to nil.— Free Press
    Free Press  -  34 words
  • 600 8 Yesterday's Seven-a-side Rugby THE R.A.F. (Tengah) "A", the S.C.C. "B" and the S.C.C. *AT went one ;step further m the seven-a-side rugby tournament when they defeated R.A. (Changi) "IT, the Alexandra Depot "A" and the R.A.M.C. respectively on the padang yesterday. Airmen vs.
    600 words
  • 48 8 TN A JOCCEH match pi ay ad at Farrer Park yesterday, the Singapore Traction Company drew with the Uniteers Sports Club, each side scoring once. Said Talip for the Traction Company and Paul Davies for the Uniteers were the scorers. Mr. Fenny refereed the game.
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  • 32 8 THHOSE wishing to enter for the S.C.C. Chinese New Year tournament are reminded that entries close at cne o'clock to-morrow afternoon, and no entries will be accepted after that time.
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  • 581 8 EGYPTIAN COUNTED OUT IN THIRD ROUND FLASHY Sebastian, the middleweight chain: Philippines, lived up to his name when out Mohamed Fahmy m the third of thenround bout at the Happy World stadium last Joe Diamond repe&tsd his previous victory over Rush Melling by getting
    581 words
  • 34 8 T^HE third annual general meeting of the Merry time B.P. will held at the m residence of Mr. Gan Poh Yew, No. 5-3 j Lorong 27 Geylang Road at 2.15 p.m. I
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 73 8 QUALITY WITH K~7^l&9lOni&^UZ& THE NEW WOLSELEY TEN This new Wolseley car is m every essentia) a quality car m true keeping with the characteristics of the famous name it bears. The aim has been to produce a ten horse-power car with all the running economies of its size, which, at
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