The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 15 January 1940

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 17 1 The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS NO 15,984. ESTD 1835 MONDAY, JANUARY 15, 1940. 5 CENTS
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  • 472 1 Army Leave Stopped: Men Called Up HOLLAND ALSO PREPARES FOR ANY EVENTUALITY >EXI "ith ne»s ot large-scale restriction of gar train traffic in Germany, which is believed prelude to intensified military activity, are re>m Router of intensive defence precautions in the r rh,r!;tn<U and Belgium.
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  • 84 1 Big Round- Ups In Amsterdam Paris. Jan. 14. p<>liNl>-(JI*S of foreigners were carried out on a large scale in the centre of Amsterdam last night, according to Amsterdam dispatches. Numbers were taken to police stations in order t*> have their identity verified. Similar raids occurred at intervals in recent months,
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • 277 1 JAPANESE CABINET RESIGNS Abe Admits Difficulties T__ Tokio, Jan. 14. HE Abe Cabinet resigned en bloc this morning, only four months r-nd 15 days after its advent. Following an emergency Cabinet meeting which was held m the morning, Gen. Aoe proceeded to the Imperial Palace and tendered the Cabinet's resignation
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  • 115 1 Cairo. Jan. 14. piKIV-ONE GERMANS have been arrested and imprisoned in Egypt i within the laat 48 hours, it Is I understood as a reprisal against the treatment suffered by a number of Egyptians residing In Germany. Many documents seizd during raids OH premises owned by
    Reuter  -  115 words
  • 34 1 Stockholm. Jan. 14. FE NAZI authorities have raised the embargo imposed on the transport through Germany of Italian arms to Finland, a consignment of which was held up by the Germans last week Reuter
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 37 1 rRADE talks have been going on in Moscow between Russia and Japan, rhoy lasted for V/ 2 hcurs on Saturday, ?.nd it is understood that the Japanese delegates are now waiting for further nstrucrions from Tok*o.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 48 1 GERMAN exports of motor cars have ceased on account of the war, declared a German radio announcement yesterday. This is believed to be the first time the radio has admitted that the Allied sea power is having any effect on German trade
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  • 43 1 Peiping", Jan. 14. THE Japanese army in North China has no intention of engaging in any ictivities leading to an anti-American movement or ideas in any respect" >ays a statement issued by the North Dhina command. Reuter
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 30 1 Berlin, Jan. 14. A HIGH command communique issued in Berlin states that the air force yesterday continued reconnoitring activity over France and the North Sea. One German aeroplane is missing.
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  • 211 1 Paris, Jan. 14. rIE striking achievements of the Allies at sea during the four months of the war were outlined by M. Campinchi, Minister of Marine, In a statement to the Press yesterday. He said that the Allies had assured freedom for Allied commerce
    Reuter  -  211 words
  • 348 1 Stalin May Talk Peace After Major Victory REDS MASS FOR BIG PUSH A CCORDINCi to unconfirmed reports reaching Copenhagen, the Russian vanguard on the Salla front is now only 20 miles from the important junction of Kejaervi about half-way across Finland. The Red troops, using masses oi new reserves, are
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  • 57 1 Washinirtoii. Jan. 14. ANEW type of anti-aircraft shell, developed in the United States has been made available to France, according to aeronautical officials here. The shell is tired in the usual manner but releases a parachute trailing hundreds of feet of steel tape designed to
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 129 1 Serious Cereal Shortage In N. China THE growing shortage oi cereals is 1 creating a serious situation in North China. It is partly due to floods and partly to the shortage of railway freight cars, but has been greatly worsened by arbitrary price fixing and commandeering of stocks by the
    Reuter  -  129 words
  • 116 1 Sofia, Jan. 14. pOMPLETE agreement between Bul- garia and Turkey regarding the maintenance of peace in the Balkans and the safeguarding of Bulgarian neutrality is expressed in a communique issued here following a meeting between the Bulgarian Prime Minister and the Secretary-General of the Turkish
    Reuter  -  116 words
  • 539 1 First New Year Air Raid On Helsinki HEAVY ATTACKS OVER WEEKEND DOMBo wen dn r the dm time this year when ft planes raided the city on Saturday Sirens which sounded a. 1.45 p.m wer-' immediately followed by tremendous explosions to the south-west. a«voni panied by heavy ftrinf from anti-p
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 68 1 „st in fashion The Now STRIPED TAFFETAS Mo Designs HXU mn*. \KRivi:i» \isit \\|l MAKF CHOTIRMALL'S I a HIGH STREET 5%9 IKb KS^i flES^^^. fll I I^l r^l l^B !ff« Tonight^ Cocktail Dance 7 p.m to 9 pm. DINNER DANCE cMMb 9.45 to midnight CABARET ATTRACTION JUNE WEST KAY MIMBITAI
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  • 437 2 £10,000,000 May Have To Be Provided SUBSCRIBERS to the Malaya Patriotic Fund know that their money is expended to very good purpose in assisting fighting men and their dependants, and others who suffer through the war. Some details of the work
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  • 130 2 .Un. 13, 1910: 12 o clock noon Buyers Sellers I No. IX R.S.S. Spot icosc.. 37 7 < 38's No. IX R.S.S. F.0.8. in cases January 38-'\ 38 7 G.F.A.Q R.S.S. FOB in bales January 37 37 A F.A.Q R.S.S. P.0.8 in bales
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  • 75 2 AS A RESULT of beinp knocked down by a train at the station in Keppel Road. Singapore, shortly after 7 o'clock yesterday, a Chinese received serious injuries to his head and is stated to be in a critical condition. It appears the man was
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  • 383 2 All Europe Is Tightening Its Belt EXCHANGE AND BUTTER MOST of the foreign exchange which 111 European countries still possess is being: used for their vital imports, mostly for armaments, declared Sir Ronald Davis, in a talk from the BBC. 021 Saturday. "Guns." he added, "come before butter nowaday? in
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  • 46 2 THE Glasgow Herald announces the engagement between Mr. James M'Kinlay, of the Singapore Cold Storage Co., Ltd., eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. John M'Kinlay. of lolani, Giffnock, and Miss Jean Mofflin, eldest daughter of the late Mr. Harold Mofflin. of Perth, Western Australia.
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  • 40 2 •From Our Own Correspondent* Seremban, Jan. 14. A FAREWELL tiffin party will be given at the Astana Besar, Sri Menanti, on Thursday, in honour of Mr. G. L. Ham, the retiring British Resident of Negri Sembilan.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 308 2 IRKNK DARE 6-year-old world skating Marvel in a grand Ice Carnival Show Positively Last Day r fj A \M O O A I 3 is, 6 15 &9 is ALHAIumSKA I fc^^N, Half i hundred Fun-Makers! HiffI^l'' pint of Dancing Dynamtte on flash- m wrmt&k ing blades! A romance -spangled
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    • 12 2 Destined To Smash Every Record Created By 'THE FROG' ALHAMBRA COMING SHORTLY
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    • 262 2 Last Night Don't miss this Exciting and Inspiring Story of the BRITISH COLONIAL BBRVICB] 1 6,15 TO-NIGHT 9,15 CAPITOL A DOUGLAS AStkr^ S/AaWt/ FAIRiANKSf% £^r BASIL fTMIGHTY AS THE RATHRnNF I POUNDING SWEEP uniuuulu B|^ OF EXPANDING Jjbgini a^field f i^CS^., EMPIRE I BARBARA ONE;! F®ffl^^«. mrlt^- c AUBREY SMITH
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  • 353 3 R.A.F. Planes In The Air For Nine Hours AUSTRIAN TOWNS EASILY PICKED, SAY PILOTS f Hh London newspapers enthusiastically record the R.A.F, flight over Austria and Bohemia and reports from pilots received later claims great attention. In spite of low temperatures later reports state that
    Reuter; British Wireless  -  353 words
  • 128 3 Another Nazi Plane Down In France I Force brought down -.other German plane on the Front on Saturday, according mmunique. I Paris report had desln which four French ved by 12 Messersch- i down three of them. was quiet on the Front, but during the day ..lery fire at various
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  • 34 3 Shanghai, Jan. 14. mmendatton for the jury In the case in d. of the Ist Battalion and guilty rporal Da\ics. Ihe oaso with the for- issadar hK\ e to make d Reuter
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 160 3 I'aiLN. Jua. 14. mviety is felt in the Liege KglM where troops are itatt oi readine^ and German i H> o\er the r?sion occasional .1 low altitude. i»panhe> received here state two GcnUM >mes havo lK*en 1 :i H'>:l uul. One is alleged ha\e bmm sending daily
    Reuter  -  160 words
  • 104 3 London, Jan. 14. ANOTHER attack by a German plane on a British trawler was reported when the vessel Erick Stroud reached a port hi Scotland to-day. The skipper said that the plane dropped about 25 bombs none of which hit, though rorae almost grazed, the vessel. The
    Reuter  -  104 words
  • 48 3 London, Jan. 11 WITH thousands of letters still unopened, applications for admission to the meeting in the Manchester Free Trade Hall, which Mr. Winston i Churchill will address on Jan. 27 are alreadv more than enough to fill the hail four times over.- British Wireless
    British Wireless  -  48 words
  • 27 3 Bucharest, Jan. 14. AUTHORITIVE circles here categorically deny the report that a meeting: hastaken place between King Carol of Rumania and Prince Paul. Regent of Yugoslavia. Reuter
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 212 3 PLANE SHOT DOWN OFF EAST COAST London. Jan. It. A YOUNG German officer of a Heinkel bomber which was shot down into the sea by a British fighter otl the east coast of Scotland yesterday morning was later rescued by a launch. The officer reported that
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  • 176 3 THE SEMI-OFFICIAL Italian newspaper Relazion Intemazionli, declares: "Rome has no aims or schemes of aggression against Russia but she is determined to defend Danubian and Balkan order against possible Bolshevik encroachment for the same reasons that she generously and disinterestedly assisted In the defence of
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  • 163 3 London, Jan. 14. NEWS REPORTS of demands made in most peremptory and threaten in" terms by Field Marshal Goerlng to German industrialists in his new capacity as econcmic dictator for the Reich have had a curious light thrown upon them by an incident
    British Wireless  -  163 words
  • 20 3 French soldiers erecting a barbed-u ire entanglement, in a forward sector on the Western Front.
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  • 533 3 SIMON EMPHASISES NEED FOR SACRIFICES A^ appeal to the nation to take drastic medicine to .save itself from the most unpleasant disease of inflation and a disastrous post-war slump such as followed the last war was made by Sir John Simon, Chancellor of the Exchequer,
    Reuter  -  533 words
  • 97 3 IN GERMANY, Jewish men have been ordered to sweep away snow from the streets, to break up ice and to build roads. In Berlin, more than 22.000 Jews have been employed, and special parties have been formed of Jews formerly in the professions. In the
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  • 70 3 I ATEST FIGURES of the casualties in the Turkish earthquake show that there Vere more than 39,000 people killed, and nearly 50,000 buildings have been destroyed. As relief parties penetrate Into the isolated and affected regions, the constantly growing deathroll is revealed. The largest number of dead
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • 139 3 Chinese Bid To Cut Japanese Communications hungking, Jan. 14. SEVERE bombardment of Suihsien and Chienkiang, towns in central Mupeli province, by Chinese artillery units Ls claimed in dispatches received here. Heavy fighting i.s reported to be going on in the vicinity. In tttt region oi No nning, a strategic Kwangri
    Reuter  -  139 words
  • 62 3 Cairo. I. ut. TME cvonomi;' delegation ha.- iccej the Japanese Government's invit iticn to go to Japan at the begin] ol March \o visit industry centres with the ultimate view ol improvj Egypt-Japanese trade. It is une'erstoed tbftt EWlfClEatippi tire prcx^eedin^ both in Yokohama and
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 58 3 Madrid. Jan. 14. 4 SPANISH-French trade ignMMnl was signed yesterday at the foreign ministry. France will buy fi\m Snair. iron, lead, zinc, mercury ores and pyrites, and Spain will buy wheat, automobiles, chemical products and other manufactured goods irom North African protectorates and Indo-Chinese rtce Payments
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 72 3 London, Jan. 13. IN THE MONEY market, the recent plentiful supplies of credit available for lending are now less noticeable owing to the growing demand for taxation purposes. Borrowers, however, are still able to satisfy their needs cheaply. Applications, the largest for five years, amounted to over
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • 29 3 London, Jan. 14. WAR hospital requisites to the num* ber of 14,000 are being made by women of Northern Ireland for dispatch to Finland Reuter
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 28 3 j 1 J CHUTNEYS PICKLES for FREE Idaw SEN CO. P.0.80x.9020N^AL CUTTA INDIA J PHONE 5376 (5- LINES) AivU of Singapore Cold Storage Co.. ltd C.S. 141 A
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  • 595 4 The Singapore Free Press MONDAY, JANUARY 15, 1940. "Immense Burdens And Heavy Sacrifices" SIR John Simon's speech at Glasgow during the week-end shows the determination of the British Government to do all that is possible to pay for the war out of taxation and he called attention to the "fatal
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  • Article, Illustration
    22 4 THF WORM- TURNS i! IHutfi is no\i reported to have ordered, nis propaganda thicu 'c launch vicious attack. or> f t > n
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  • 1329 4  -  HERBERT DAWSON By A FEW days ago, I returned to London from my first visit to the Fleet at war. lam writing this at a solid desk, in a room that does not rock, with every movement of the sea or vibrate with the steady
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  • 302 4 A RECENT broadcast of the French" Minister for Colonies, M. Mandel provided an impressive survey of the support afforded to France by her colonies. Neither Algeria, which is under the Ministry of the Interior, nor the Protectorates, such as Tunisia and Morocco, which arc under
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 426 4 *^§f ON AN EXSIM^^S LIQUEUR BRANDY CLUB, 4O YEARS 6 6O YEARS OLD CALDB ECKS CATHAY BEAUTY SALON Latest Equipments m New operators Air Conditioned "Let George Do It Phone 3402 L. Estelle Cowan Specialists in EUGENE Permanent Waving Hair-reconditioning MAISON PERM Ladles Hairdressers, 79. Stamford Koad. Phone: 4t>lo. Models
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  • 1086 5 EUROPEAN WAR THE FAR EAST PROBLEM "Malaysia" Author On Japan's Policy VALUE OF SINGAPORE IF HOSTILITIES SPREAD RUPERT EMERSON, author of "Malaysia/' the mi >tudy of Colonial government in Malaya Netherlands Indies, discusses the effect of the hurope on the international situation in the gas! in a recent article in
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  • Article, Illustration
    22 5 Mr. T. V. Fairbairn, Australian Minister for Air, who passed through Singapore on his way home, inspected anti-aircraft gun emplacements in France.
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  • 123 5 NEGOTIATIONS in the strike of 1.500 artisans of the Singapore Harbour Board did not reach a settlement last night. The strike continued, and negotiations will also continue. Only a few men would, however, have been at work on Sunday in any case. Pickets were
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  • 961 5 THE death occurred yesterday at the 1 General Hospital of Mrs. Fanny Skey, wife of Mr W. G. Skey, of Green and Collier, Ltd., Singapore. Mrs. Skey. who was 38 years of age, was admitted to hospital on Thursday night. A sister of Mr. Joe
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  • 117 5 DEACTING immediate)* to a notice issued by the Singapore Traffic Advisory Committee or. Saturday calling attention to 'obnoxious smoke and unburnt erases from motor car exhausts/* nt least one motorist has reported what in his opinion Here two bad cases of "smoky exhausts." Offenders arc
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  • 139 5 Japanese Ask Hainanese To Co-operate THE Jar»c.nese authorities in Hainan Island, home of thousands of Chinese in Malaya, are endeavouring to secure overseas Chinese support for their new government. With the object of establishing close contact with overseas Chinese from the island, the Hainan overseas Association was formally Inaugurated in
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  • 69 5 INTRODUCING the ice skating prodigy Irene Dare, R.K.O.'s "Everything's on Ice."' at the Alhambra, is another of those entertaining Hollywood films with a full complement of ice ballets, comedy and romanc?, all well-staged and slickly executed. Highlights of the picture, which stars Edgar Kennedy, Roscoe
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  • 496 5 KAPAL2 lerbang Jerman lagi sa-kali teiah melayang di-atas pantai negeri British samalam. tetapi tidak ada menggugorkan bom Mereka telah di-halaukan oleh meriam2 penembak kapal terbang British serta kapal2 terbang pembedil British. Orang2 di-London telah terdengar bunyi terabak mtriam pada pagi sa-malam. Kapal2 terbang British telah terbang jauh
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  • 810 5 To-morrow Is Sikhs Great Festival <From A Correspondent) SIKHS all over the world will celebrato the birthday of their last Guru, Gobind Singh, to-morrow. With several units of the Indian Army in Malaya, the ceremony in this country will be more colourful than in the past. Born at Patna, Gobind
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  • Article, Illustration
    27 5 Miss Barbara Pyne, a charming new-comer, who plays "Amah" in "Curry Tiffin" which will be presented at the Victoria Theatre on Jan. 20, 24, 26 and 27.
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  • 190 5 NO EXTENSION TO MALAYA F)LLOWing ihc recent Dondcsion of an air transport agreement betvar.; Japan and Thailand, a regular air vice between the two countries will ce inaugurated on Fee. 1. The inaugural flight from TokBangkok will be carried out by a Jap-anese-constructed
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  • 52 5 Five Chinese Lavndrymea rno on beard the pocket battleship Admiral Graf Spee. which was irttttk Montevideo Harbour, have omboi for Italy aboard the steamer O i en route to China. The Oceania is also taking 130 i Chinese who wore formerly atl 1 to
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 28 5 FOR CONVENIENCE! DINE at the CAPITOL RESTAURANT (Phone 4906) Ur or After the Show F or Successful Dinners H BOLTER'S WINES OLD VINTAGES LOW PRICES. !3 *'NCMESTEA HOUSE
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    • 65 5 y^% j»!\ THERE'S NOTHING ELSE I^NN^X TO BUY WHEN YOU f (^gs^ I GET A REMINGTON fl RAND CLOSE SHAVER. IT NEVER NEEDS W^^y\ SHARPENING AND IS /^C^n BUILT FOR LIFETIME y% u USE 'ftp* l 'y^ no blades-no soap Kucrmc ctMtuuvn NO scraping -GIVES A FASTER A s^C CLOSER
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  • 176 6 (From Our Own Correspondent > Malacca, Jan. 13. FINES totalling $250, or six months' rigorous imprisonment, were imposed by Mr. J. G. Rappopcrt in the Malacca police court to-dav on a Hainanese fisherman, Ho Ah Seng, aged SC, who was convicted on charges
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  • 67 6 'From Our Own Correspondent' London, Jan. MR. ALFRED WYNNE, who is wellknown in the Malay States, was married at Huli recently to Miss Nancy Clegg. second daughter or Mrs. J. Clegg and the late Mr. J. Clegcr. of that city. Mr. and Mrs. Wynne
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  • 46 6 «From Our Own Correspondent i London. Jan. 2. TxlE late Mr. w. E. Pickering, a dir--1 ector of Malay Rubber Planters. Ltd.. has left a fortune of C 62.304 with net personalty of £32.854. Duty of £7,633 has been paid to the Exchequer.
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  • 41 6 AN elderly Chinese woman was A knocked down by a motor-cycle driven by an Indian police constable on his rounds in Havclock Road yesterday afternoon. The woman died within a few minutes. An inquest will be held.
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  • 32 6 Mr. Wee Chong Kim. of the Union Insurance Society of Canton, asks us to state that he is not the person of similar name mentioned in an inquest report published on Saturday
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 534 6 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS DOMESTIC OCCURRENCES DEATH FANNY VICTORIA SKEY (nee Fisher >, the dearly beloved wife of W. G. Skey. passed away peacefully at the General Hospital at 9 a.m. on Sunday, Jan. 14. after a very short illness. The interment took place at Bidadari at 5 p.m. on the same
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    • 159 6 BOARD RESIDENCE. "sea front KATONG GRANGE— 77. Meyer R*. (near Swimming Club) Board-Residence at moderate rates Large Gardens— Tennis. Phone: 5758. EAST ANGLIA 6, OXUET RISK SINGAPORE. 8 rnlru. to town hlgb level garages, dally x monthly rates, large grounds, excellent cuisine, tennis, single and double rooms. PHONE 4SM. Loxton
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    • 548 6 NOTICES. KAMPONG LANJUT TIN DREDGING LIMITED. (Incorporated in the F.M.S.' NOTICE is hereby given that a Dividend, the Thirteenth, of two shillings six pence^ t2s^6d) per share has been declared due and payable to shareholders on the Register at Jan. 23, 1940, and such Dividend will be paid at the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 302 7 P.&O. and BRITISH INDIA LINES 'Dwanniunn in okilandi P. O. S. N. COS SAILINGS. j The t*' #S. N. Company uil! have a passenger steamer sailing Westwards next month BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION Services OK WUKH r. \\(.O >\ iNU CALL LIT A UFKRLV >w n^ nh iMi rime negapat^vi
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    • 589 7 BOUSTEAD CO., LTD. iiicoruorjiea id FMJIJ TELEPHONE: Freifbt 5433— Passage '.13? LLOYDS AGENTS: KOONING iOBNTH FOR FEDERATED MALAY STATES KIIIUWS. ROYAI STATE RAILWAYS OF SIAM ____r _^>^T__-*^<l n 1 ,/jof/ft UWn ___T -A 1 1 _^_k^ C mCr* I _f ——P'J _____Br^ jfi— l mAJW^r^^^ V_^ __> SEE CANADA KS
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    • 327 7 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. OCEAN BUILDING. COLLY SB QUAY. SINGAPORE rtL *■*> CHARTERED BANE BUILDING PENANG TEL. I ft** BLUE FUNNEL LINE. Frequent Sailings to United Kingdom and United States oi I America. Oates are not guaranteed, ail cargo bookings subject to Conference War Clauses. WBSTBRN AUSTRALIA THE SHORTEST SEA ROUTE
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  • 236 8 Women *s Hockey Goal Scored in Last Minute Of Game A IAST-.MIMTE goal scored by .Miss B. Oehlers gave Singapore a one-nil victory over their Selangcr rivals in the annual women's hocke> fixture played on the <iiil>' Sports Club ground at Singapore on Saturday. Singapore deserved
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  • 317 8 !'->n Our Ov.n Cerrc:pondetu Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 13. SCORING Uk only goal of the match the Selangor Club beat the Singa- Crickec Club In a last game of hoc toy on the padang here to-day A Wv't ground did not aid the players
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  • 236 8 Colours Beat Whites In Vice- Versa Game TV B w;r many annum? Incidents v.: usual, in the annual Vice-Versa Rugby match on the pudang on Saturday when the C '.ojrs beat the Whites by 13 points (too goah i\nd a trv> to 1 «a try. The forwards
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  • 1145 8 H.M.S. Malaya Rugby Cup Comes South Again Penang Score First, But Lose To Team Superior In All Departments (From Oin Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 13. CITNESS proved to be the deciding factor in the 19th Malaya Cup rugger final played here
    Free Press  -  1,145 words
  • 395 8 First Day Of Meet Itom Cur Own Correspondent* F-~ r T TXT^ Ipoh, Jan. 13. FOLLOWING are weights for Satinday. Jan. 20. the first day of the '•crak Turf Club's January races: Horjei, class 2, div. l, furs, straight. Meadowman 9.00 Miss Zipp hO3 Scarlet Tigrr 8.
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  • 81 8 (From Our Own Corrjsponaenr N_^_ S^remban, Jan. 13. EGRI Semtilan Will miss a good sportsman by the fortheomins departure on transfer to Singapore *ji V H. Cantrell. of the Seremban Customa Department. Cantrell played Statr'gger and cricket for Negri Sembiian cind he played soccer and hockey
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  • 65 8 (From Our Own Correspondent* Malacca, Jan. 13. 'r-HE Malacca Chinese Recreation Club 1 will meet the Selangor Chinese Recreation Club at hockey next Saturday. The following will represent the Malacca Chinese: Wee TianTHong ram Chee Lim, Tam Weng Hon* Toon •Veng Sun, R. P. Leon. Chua Chin £*ee;
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  • 29 8 The hockey match between the SRC. and the Dutch Club, to have been played on Saturday, was cancelled owing to the bad ground conditions after the rain.
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  • 76 8 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 13. AT the annual general meeting of the Malayan Rugby Union to-day in Kuala Lumpur the election of office-bearers for 1940 resulted President, *Vau£han Jones: Penan*. J. L. M. Boyd: Perak. T. P. M. Lewis; Selangor, Murra> Secular; Negri
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  • 787 8 COLLOWING are Saturday's Home 900cer iv-i with the leaeue tr^ o> showing tin- late**i of the teams. SOI'TH A j Arsenal 4 HHhra U 1 I Charlton 1 Tottenham 5 I Clapton 0 1 Norwuii 1 j Southend 3 Crystal P 1 Watford 3
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  • 522 8 anch: again the Mayflower B.p. v proved their supremacy In the local field of badminton, when they outplayed the Devonshire B.P. in a key match of the local inter-club championships, winning by five games to nil at th2 Clerical Union Hall yesterday morning before a
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  • 43 8 A WORLD recorc for UK W breast stroke was created bf Alie Style, of Holland, rA 1 min. 13 sec. beat the previous recoi held by Miss Dora Hesselaars of land, of 1 min. 15.6 sec Reuter
    Reuter  -  43 words