The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 8 January 1940

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 17 1 The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS NO. 13,978. ESTD. 183i MONDAY, JANUARY 3, 1940. 5 CENTS
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  • 402 1 Gayda On Firm Stand Against Communism VENICE TALKS CONCLUDE rill. Italian PftCH and radio seize on the occasion of I the Halo- Hungarian talks at Venice to utter a warning to Soviet Russia against the spread of Communism toward the zone of Italian interests. They
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  • 34 1 < > -u-nii. Jan. 7. r mail stesmei Prince Charles Hided with I French patrol boat Dunkirk yesterday. The patrol was seriously damaged. The Ch rlw has returned here.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 81 1 Ankara. Jan. i. FOLLOWING a broadcast statement from Ankara Radio that an economic and financial agreement between Britain. France and Turkey is to be signed shortly in Paris, "official circles here confirm that following economic talks in Paris between the Turkish delegation and representatives of
    Reuter  -  81 words
  • 160 1 Rumania's Firm Stand Over Bessarabia CAROL ON NATIONS DETERMINATION Bucharest, Jan. 7. AN Impressive demonstration of Rumania's determination to defend Bessarabia, on the eastern frontier, took place yesterday at Chisianu, on the Soviet-Rumanian, frontier, where King Carol attended the traditional Epi'phany ceremony. In* a speech King Carol declared: 'When I
    Reuter  -  160 words
  • 27 1 Cairo, Jan. 7. TMREE ot the quadruplets born to Ismahan Shehata, 25-year-old wife oi an Egyptian baker, have d^ Th* fourth is stated to be dying.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 607 1 Sweden Is To Decide On Her Attitude OPEN HELP FOR FINLAND? Stockholm, Jan. 7. ■"PHE question of Sweden's attitude to Finland will dominate discussions when Parliament reassembles to-morrow, though owing to the delicacy or the position, it is unlikely that the debates will be made public. The Government is expected
    Reuter  -  607 words
  • 469 1 PUZZLED COMMENT IN LONDON NEWSPAPERS THE resignation of Mr. Leslie Hore-Belisha from the 1 War Ministry is still the subject of much puzzled comment in London, and yesterday's newspapers devoted a good deal of space to the matter. It is expected that
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  • 154 1 London, Jan. 7. 'THAT no change ot Britain's war policy is involved is one of the chief comments in Paris on the resignation of the British War Minister. Mr. Leslie Hore-Belisha. The news was received by the Paris Press with surprise and recognition
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  • 77 1 THE Tampinco port authorities report that they sighted on Saturday what appeared to be a British cruiser three miles from the coast, while two other vessels were seen on Friday further out, reports Reuter irom Mexico City. It is believed that all three are
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  • 78 1 AFIER several days of silence from Turkey which gave rise to hopes that the ravages of earthquakes and floods were decreasing, news of further disastrous floods was received yesterday from Smyrna. Torrents of water poured through the city, cutting off communications nnd electric currents and causing
    Reuter  -  78 words
  • 83 1 The Ha^ue, Jan. 7. AUTHORITATIVE circles state that "Holland does not dream of tolerating any interference by third partie.s regarding the question of whether, in the present circumstances, it i.s desirable for her to remain a member of the League. It Is added that it is
    Reuter  -  83 words
  • 57 1 Shanghai. Jan. TWO men believed to be responsible for the attempt to assassinate Mr. Godfrey Phillips, Secretary-General of the Shanghai Municipal Council, have been detained. If they are found Ruilty they will be handed over to the Settlement authorities. The police are still unaware
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 52 1 COMPULSORY NATIONAL SERVICE IN INDIA IT is understood, reports Reutor. tha' the Government ut India has und^i consideration the introduction 01 com pulsory national sen-ice for nuk* European British subjects in India A message from New Delhi says that all such men between the ages of K pnd 50 have
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  • 56 1 Berl.n. Jan. 9 pOR'JY-TWO Pules of miliarv I 1 travelling to England, were laken off the Swedish steamer Koning Or when thp wa? stopped In Baltic, sayr the ofTirial German n agency. The Polei were hrmtlil I (> man harbour together Swedish steamer, which
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 141 1 Crew Fired On While Leaving Sinking Ship NEUI RAL VESSEL GOES DOWN IN NORTH SEA /"VNE Geniuui and one neutral stem v were reported on Saturday night to have sunk hi the North Sea savs Reuter. The neutral shin was an Eston_ i steamer whose nam; has so far n~?
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  • 59 1 Daladier Sees Gen. Gamelin Ministers Paris, Jan. 7. COR the KCOOd time in 24 hours. M 1 Daladier, the French Premier, held a conference at the War Ministry Those present included General Gamr lin. supreme commander of the Alliea land forces in France, and also the C) oi General Staff
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 69 1 I ondon. Jan. 7 A SUM of A -753 has been presented to British Red Cross societies tram Lebano-Syrians, the small Don-British community in Sierra Leone. In forwarding the cheque the tributors say that no sacrifice ran sufficiently manifest the gratitude felt towards
    British Wireless  -  69 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 59 1 MAXE f> YOUR DRESSES 4^£fr NEW MASTER Jl TAILOR 4A Satisiactiou MB. VISIT CHOTIRMALL'S 41-43, HIGH STREET TO-NIGHT Cocktail Dance 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. DINNER DANCE (informal) 9.45 to midnight Pint Appearance of New Cabaret Attraction JUNE WEST €t KAY < ONTINKNTAI. \RTISTS IN MODERN DANCE ROUTINES Olna«r $*.OO
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  • 68 2 MYSTERY surrounds the death of a Indian Mohammedan who was found with fatal injuries outside the gates of the Singapore Ice Works in Larut Road, shortly after 6 am. yesterdav. It is believed that death must have taken place several hours before the disrovery of
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  • 25 2 Mi W. Lindsay, gaoler, Muar Prison, nas left for Singapore on transfer and Mr. S. H- Roberts from MaJacca has arrived to take his place.
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  • 486 2 SECOND REBUKE TO NAZI OFFICIALS FIELD-MARSHAL GOERING, in his capacity as Commissioner for the Four Years' Plan, has for the second time found it necessary to issue a warning to German officials to refrain from bullying behaviour in their dealings with the public, writes the Daily
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  • 69 2 /JERMANS who entertain Jewish friends in their homes are liable to be turned out by their landlords, who have been given the right o: eviction lin such cases by a verdict in a district court in Germanv. says Reuter The verdict also laid down thai
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  • 65 2 THEME or "Society Smugglers." a Universal film which opened at the Pavilion last night, is that of a' magician who turns his talents to smuggling. It is a good story ol its type, and taking the principal roles are Preston Foster and Irene Hervey. with Frank i Jenks
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  • 34 2 London, Jan. 6. IT is believed that enemy aircraft 1 were over the Shetlands this morning. British fighters went up but there was n<, air raid warning Re uter.
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  • 433 2 Malay Woman Found In Room With Men <From Our Own Correspondent) Muar, Jan. 7. ANOTHER case under the Mohammedan Offences Law was heard at the Muar court to-day when a 28-year-old Malay woman, Fatimah binte Mohamad, was produced before Inche Haron bin Ahmad and charged with having cohabited with two
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  • 126 2 DAILY TRICES Cl KRFNT Jan. 6, 11 o'clock noon Buyers Sellers No. IX R.S.S. Spot loose.. 38 38 No. IX R.S.S. F.0.8. in casts January 38 39 G.F.A.Q. R.S.S. FOB in bales January 38 38 V, F.A.Q. R.S.S. F.0.8. in bales January 37
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  • 593 2 ORANG2 FINN Utah mendapat satu lagi kemenangan yang besar di-atas orang2 Russian sa-telah berperang keras dua hari lama-nya di-medan tengah. Mereka telah dapat masok ka-dalam jajahan Russia sa-jauh sa-puloh hingga lima belas batu Mereka telah berperang di-dalam tanah Russia beberapa hari lama-nya. Dalam kawasan sa-belah selatan orang2
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 235 2 Take the advice of those who have seen it "GO TO-NIGHT!" lAt QIT f\~M j POSITIVELY LAST NI6HT IWM WT I I \3 6.15 and 9.15 })f The EVENT OF THE SEASON S anaaafltotimtf POMiELUOCHTO* fDAPHNE duMAURIERSygftf&Ki modoctioh Charles Laughion's PpCV Finest Role since F XjJ "MUTINY ON THE ~*JL
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  • 381 3 WASHINGTON NOTE UNDER CONSIDERATION IN LONDON London, Jan. 7. PHK representations recently made by the United States I (lovernment regarding delay to mails addressed to other neutral countries arising out of the British search tor contraband are still the subject of investigation by ippropriate authorities.
    British Wireless  -  381 words
  • 55 3 New York. Jan. 7. Brttiato contraband authorities havt ordr"--Mi ihe detention of the United States liner Manhattan. 24.000 tons, when she arrives at Gibraltar, according to local shipping officials, who state tha- she will be searched for contraband. The Manhattan left New York for
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 130 3 Nazi-Soviet Trade Transport Difficulty A LTHOUGH the Germans say their trade negotiations with Russia are proceeding satisfactorily. Dr. Ritter, head of the German trade delegation in Moscow, has returned to Berlin for rurther instructions. Two of the problems that are puzzling Berlin are how goods are to be transported and
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  • 60 3 London, Jan. 7. VISCOUXT HALIFAX, the Foreign Secretary, accompanied by Air i Chief Marshal Sir Cyril Newall. Chief cf Statf. visited the headquarters of the fighter command of the Royal Air Force yesterday afternoon. They were received by Air Chief Marshal Sir Hugh Dowding. Air
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  • 64 3 London, Jan. 7. /VN the money market, with the rapid return of currency notes from Christmas circulation, funds available for lending purposes exceeded requirements. In this case tho monetary situation caused discounts to sag and the £65.000.000 Treasury bills offered were allotted an average rate of £1
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 72 3 London, Jan. 7. A LL workers on the Siegfried Line, who are at present on leave, have been warned by a special announcement over the German radio to return to the line to-morrow or on Tuesday. The trains are being provided to take the men
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  • 140 3 Danish Reply To Nazi Attacks On Scandinavia "WE WILL NOT BE DRIVEN FURTHER" A LEADING Danish newspaper, the National Tidende, replied yesVrday to the fresh German newspaper attacks against Scandinavia for being what they described as unneutral In allowing assistance to reach Finland. "From our whole heart," said the newspaper,
    Reuter  -  140 words
  • 79 3 London. pORGED postmarks on neutral post- age stamps are being used by Nazi agents in Britain to hide their activi--1 ties. Until recently most of the German propaganda delivered to British householders was sent from one or other of the neutral countries. The bogus
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  • 80 3 London, Jan. 6. A NOTICE recently published by the German Legation at Oslo which announces admission duty free into Germany of food parcels not exceeding 25 marks in value or 5 kilos in weight is one among many instances leaching London, showing the
    British Wireless  -  80 words
  • 39 3 Paris, Jan. 7. Fis officially announced that a trade agreement has been reached between France and Greece. It is stated that the agreement will result in "an important development of trade" between the two countries Reuter
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 66 3 London, Jan. 7. RUSSIA and Bulgaria have signed a new trade agreement. It aims at a big expansion of trade between the two countries. According to the official Russian news agency, the figure set for 1940 amounts to more than £2,750,000. Bulgaria's trade at
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 38 3 Buenos Aires, Jan. 7. IT is officially announced that negotiations for a trade agreement between Argentina and the United States have broken down following imposition by United States of restrictions on Argentine products- Reuter
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 52 3 Moscow, Jan. 7. 'THE Presidium of the Supreme 1 Soviet yesterday ratified the Soviet-Chinese trade pact of June IG, 1939. Ratification prompted the publication in the Soviet press of a flattering account of the recent Chinese successes over the Japanese. Soviet-Japanese trade talks will open on
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 27 3 Thirteen German farm labourers have been sentenced to imprisonment by a Nazi court for listening to foreign broadcasts. The sentences range from 12 to 18 months.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 258 3 London, Jan. 7. SIR Walter Citrine, Secretary of the Trades Union Congress, speaking in Manchester, over the week-end, said the purpose of the T.U.C., namely to extend the principle of collective negotiation and discussion in all spheres where the interests of workers were directly
    British Wireless  -  258 words
  • 508 3 RATIONING TO ECONOMISE IN USE OF SHIPPING <z London, Jan. 7. TOMORROW will be "Coupon Monday" in Britain, A marking the introduction of the first official rationing scheme, which covers sugar, butter, bacon and ham. The scheme will cause changes on many British breakfast
    Reuter; British Wireless  -  508 words
  • 153 3 •THERE h£u> been further patrcl and artillary activity on the Western Front says Reuter. According to yesterday monAig's French communique artillery tire on both sides was particularly heavy during the early part of the night in the region east of the river Blies. Patrols were
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  • 148 3 /CONTINUING the series which Degan x^ last year and mark the revival of music in Singapore, last night's Municipal organ recital at the Victoria Memorial Hall was an indication that 1940 will not see a halt called to the extremely welcome turn of
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  • 87 3 AIR MARSHAL Sir Charles Stuart Burnett, Inspector- General of the R.A.F., will succeed Air Vice-Marsha! S. J. Goble, acting Chief of the Australian Air Staff, who may take up a new air appointment overseas, reports Reuter from Melbourne. Air Vice-Marshal Goble recently submitted
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  • 147 3 Youth Saves Comrades In Torpedoed Ship THE official congratulations of UK Admiralty have been conveyed to Malcolm Morrison. 18-year-old Scot tish deck— hand for his remarkable feat of seamanship and endurance after the London steamer Arlington Court had been torpedoed in the Atlantic last November. Morrison
    Reuter  -  147 words
  • 195 3 £8,000,000 ORDER IS PLACED IN BRITAIN T-, KT London. Jan. 7. £N thousand goods wagons and 240 Pft fS 0^ 5 u costing 8.000,000, are being built in Britain for use on sections of French railways operated by the British army About £1,750,000 worth of railroad
    British Wireless  -  195 words
  • 40 3 London, Jan. 7. SIX members of the crew of the trawler Eta have been landed at an east coast port after the vessel was sunk by a mine which had been caught by the trawler.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 72 3 /mj m^mm 1 waste because there.PW* J nothing to throw away mWw 10 —a meal in a minute 1 w because they are ready l^^f^t^^^^ to serve. See O4ir selection of delicatessen //i Dit/iuiiii^f/iAI at your nearest branch. fl/r tCUHVIHILrUI liver sausagi **mm*i ml mm PINEAPPLE HAM, (CUCi VUSIIU PRESSED
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  • 659 4 The Singapore Free Press MONDAY, JANUARY 8, 1910. War Cabinet Change MR. HORE-BELISHA'S resignation from the post of WaiMinister is still not officially explained. The letters exchanged between him and the Prime Minister obviously do not tell the full story— they do not tell even half the story. For that
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  • 905 4  -  JOAN LITTLEFIELD Seeing London By ALL the resoiuces of modern science have been mobilized behind the British fighting forces. The Ministry of Supply, under the Director of Scientific Research, employs 17 leading scientists and 800 experts. In 1914. when such work was carried on
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  • 655 4  -  Rose Patterson By A GREAT transformation has come over France's famous castles and historic homes. They have been vacated, temporarily, but no one knows how lonq that may mean, by most of the French aristocracy, many having been turned into hospitals, others lent to various organizations working in
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 230 4 I© make a proper l»J:y^nTkl Ig^N &<// /A* LIME |%#%#»PV* JUICEm«/Ae||Qs^s BBK9E9EBE9BHSHC3HEII I I I C^Tr^X WKat did the \^^W^=> planter say 1^ planting himself Bpl^r ~i n his chair? There's something delightfully Alf JKjSj XTl^ I clean and refreshing about j^^Si j/A^X I the flavour of Johnnie Walker. I
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    • 20 4 KAYSER STOCKINGS JUST UNPACKED. LATEST SHADES IN ALL SIZES. Cull for yours at DOULATRAMS 4850, High Street, Tel: 7846. Singapore.
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  • 247 5 "They Will Be A Credit To The British Army" MEN OF N.W. FRONTIER Tim are extremely proud of being the first contingent af Indian troops to come to France," declared an n ji>h officer of the contingent in a description given the EULG
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  • Article, Illustration
    60 5 pictures. (Top): Capt. and Mrs. Peter Carey leaving St. Andrew's Cathedral, Singapore, after their marriage on Saturday. Mrs. Carey is the former Miss Sheila Dumeresque, of London. (Lower picture): Also married at St. Andrew's Cathedral on Saturday were Mr. E. P. Hughes, a civil engineer with the Singapore Harbour Board,
    Free Press  -  60 words
  • 441 5 MORE BRITISH CARS WILL BE EXPORTED TO MALA YA PONtERENCES in London between motor manufacturers, the Ministry of Supply and the Board of Trade have resulted in a plan to increase the export of British motor cars and commercial vehicles all over the world, and specially to secure a share
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  • 35 5 The F M S Railways are giving a concession of single fare for the double journey for parties of ten or more travelling to Kuala Lumpur for the Malaya Cud rusher final on Jan. 13.
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  • 134 5 But India Is Museum Of Many Races S.s aciually discovered! .us— as from very axi.ust have been the port dps travelling from India md China." said Brahmaspeaking on Indian tna in Malaya, at the ♦he Ramakrishna Mission ..s Cultural Union in Norris .'.urday. :red to the historic
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  • 19 5 A. K. a 'Beckett Terrell I Singapore from home leave rday. and will sit in Singapore I Appeal, Malaya.
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  • 148 5 DRK.ADIFR M. I). UAMBIER- Parry will broadcast from the 8.M.8.C. station in Singapore tonisht at 7.30, the title of his talk beingr "More About the Western Front.' In this talk Brigadier GambierParry will explain the military significance of the scanty and apparently rather uninteresting news
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  • 340 5 Neutrals Show Sympathy With Britain CLERGYMAN ON WAR IDEALS IMPRESSIONS 01 Britain in wartime 1 were given to the Methodist Conlerence in Singapore by the Rev. Stephen S. Band, who spoke on some of his 1 experiences in England during his recent leave. It was wonderful, he said, to see
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  • 52 5 (From Our Own Correspondent) Muar, Jan. 6. STATING that no negligence had been proved and that, on the evidence, the cyclist was to be blamed, Inche Haron bin Ahmad discharged Koh Kho Peng, a taxi-driver, who was charged with negligent driving and thereby colliding with a cyclist named
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  • 24 5 Inche Abdullah bin Jaffar, Assistant Steward of the Muar Hospital, is shortly proceeding to Kluang on transfer as and steward of the Kluang Hospital.
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  • 127 5 BISHOP EDWIN F. LEE, preaching at the Methodist service at the Victoria Memorial Hall last nighty described a Sumatra n belief in the resurrection of the physical body after death. He said that when a man in south Sumatra had to have his finger amputated, he
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  • 94 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Jan. 6. THE wedding took place at the Church of the Assumption yesterday of Mr. Norman V. Jackson, of Singapore, and Miss Dulcie Olga Scott, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C.C. Scott, of Penang. The Rev. Father Souhait officiated.
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  • 68 5 THE summons case against Tan Teow Lin, salesman of Sime, Darby and Cc, Ltd., who was charged in the district court recently with three counts ot corruptly accepting cheques for $135, $31, and $90 from three persons 94 an inducement to show favour to them, was mentioned
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  • 41 5 UNDER the auspices of the Literary Department or the Ceylon Tamils' Association. Singapore, Brahmacharl Kailasam will give a talk on "Ancient Tamils"' In Tamil at the Association hall to-day at 6.30 p.m. Mr. A. S. iPonnampalam will preside.
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  • 203 5 Band Programme For Cinema THE Stowing of -The Allied Forces" at the Capitol to-morrow in aid of the Malaya Patriotic Fund should be most successful. Bookings are already hea\y, and the. 6.15 and 9.15 shows are likely to oe Isold out. The following are assisting In the
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  • 100 5 From Our Own Correspondent) Muar. rIE following are the passes in the Johore Dressers examination, which was held in December. The results are iin order of merit. Probationers to Grade 111: Ong Lock Mui, Lee Hong Kee, Yea Cheng Swee. 'K. Chelliah, James Truscott, Syed Mohamed bin
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  • 61 5 From Our Own Correspondent Ipoh, Jan. i. THE death place at Ipoh th> 1 morning of Mr. F. E. Winters, workshop engineer of Borneo Motors Ltd., from heart tailure. A Singapore man he has been working in Ipoh for the last two years, and he leaves
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  • 176 5 Significance Of Gen. Bond's Saigon Visit JAPANESE NEWS MESSAGE pOMMENT on the recent visits !o French Inco-China of Admiral Sir Percy Noble, the Commander-in-Cnu of the China Station, and MajorGeneral L. V. Bond. G.0.C., Malaya, is made in a Domei 'Japanese) messa-;** published in the Japan Chronicle. The newspaper refers
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  • 118 5 From Our Own Correspondent.* Seremban, Saturday. AS a sequel to a raid by the Detective Branch of the Seremban Police and the Mantin Police, three Chinese. Chin Khoon. Tho Kiang Chen and Chua Chee Bin. appeared before the Seremban magistrate on Thursday on a charge
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  • 62 5 FILMED in technicolour, "Hollywood Cavalcade." which had a midnight premiere at the Cathay Cinema on Saturday, is an absorbing romamv of the progress of the movies. The film also marks the first straight dramatic role played by Alice Fayc, who co-stars with Don Ameche. A good supporting
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 26 5 FOR CONVENIENCE! DINE at the CAPITOL RESTAURANT (Phone 4906) Before or After the Show ARRIVED! REAL FRESH CAVIARE H BOLTER CO. 2 Winchester House. Phone G022.
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    • 55 5 HEM O L PARIS ll he N. W onderful >v Beaut ifier y BANISHES WRINKLES >v PUFFINESS UNDER N. THE EYES N. DISAPPEAR Sole Distributing Agents: ROBINSON CO., LTD. piano concert by WERNER BAER TO-NIGHT s**^cJO J 9 to n p.m. <^ /v^s^ R table RESERVATIONS sS^ PHONE ***** DINNERS
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 591 6 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS DOMESTIC OCCURRENCES BIRTH. KOOLHAAS— to Elisabeth, wife of R. D. Koolhaas, at the Maternity Hospital, Singapore, on Jan. 7— a son. Both well. TENDERS SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY Tenders. Tenders are now Invited for the following materials or services. For particulars see Municipal Tenders Room Supply of Sluice Valves ior
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    • 381 6 BOARD RESIDENCE. SEA FRONT KATONG GRANGE— 77. Meyer R4. (near Swtmmlnf Club) Board -Residence at moderate rates Larre Gardens— Tennis. Phone: 5758. > EAST ANGLIA OXLBY KISS SINGAPORE. S mlnj. to town high lerei garagca, dally or monthly rates, large ground*. excellent tennis, tingle and double rooma. PHONI UH. Loxton
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    • 714 6 CHINESE BANK OPENS BRANCH AT SEGAMAT (From Our Own Correspondent > Segamat. Jan. 6. THERE was a large gathering at the opening ceremony of the Segamat Branch of the Oversea Chinese Ban* In Jalan Tungku Ahmad on Thursday. Among those present was Dato Abdullah bin Esa, State Commissioner, Segamat. Mr.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 353 7 p.&O. and BRITISH INDIA LINES INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND) P. 6c O. S. N. CO'S SAILINGS. nj to the Company's inability to publish the departure dates of its steamers intending ssengera aie courteously requested to enquire at Ik r i O. S.N. COMPANY'S Office to ascertain the approximate dates of
      353 words
    • 533 7 BOUSTEAD CO., LTD. (Incorporated in fMS) TELEPHONE: Freif ht 5433— Passage 1431. LLAYDS AGENTS: ROOKING AGENTS FOR FEDERATED MALAY STATES fMIi.WWS. ROVAI STATE RAILWAYS OF SIAM Wj&aKr%sT. Oo vla Can&Cn ro Nortb America— wfrnUßFt/x^^^^^^^ pxtra raU fare In Canada for drawing l^^tfpL^^^L Si^^w. >'oom or compartment occupied by one [fv^k
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    • 318 7 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. OCBAH BUILDING. COLLYER QOAY, SINGAPORE t*L *IS» CHABTERED BANK BUILDING PEKANG TEL I»6* BLUE FUNNEL LINE. Freauent Sailings to United Kingdom and United States of America. Dates are not guaranteed, all cargo bookings subject to Conference War Clauses. WESTERN AUSTRALIA THE SHORTEST SEA ROUTE AT THE CHEAPEST
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  • 79 8 TWO inter-SUte hocke> matches were pla>ed on Saturday, one at Kuala Lumpur and the other at ipoh. In the match at Kuala Lumpur. Selaiuor were held to a goalless draw oy Malacca, whom they beat by two goals to nil in the first match earlier in the
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  • 430 8 ARMY'S FIGHTING VICTORY OVER R.N.-R.A.F. Vigorous Rugby In Saturdays Game THE ARMY, this years Southern finalists in the Malaya Cup. on Saturday defeated the R.N.-R.A.F. by 13 points (two goals and a penalty goal* to five (a goal- in their try-out oerore the game at Kuala Lumpur, on Saturday, when
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  • 86 8 THE Bnli^h Army hockey team scored their second at the expense of ihc Indian Association on Saturday at Balestier when they won by three goals to nil. The first encounter produced a similar result. The game was keenly contested, hut the standard of piny
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  • 100 8 Tables, corrected up-to-date, are NORTH-EASTERN P. W. L. D. F. A. Pts Newcastle 9 7 2 027 13 14 Leeds 9 5'2 2 16 15 12 Huddersfieki 8 4 1 3 19 7 11 Bradford 7 5 2 0 18 13 10 Bradford C 8 4 3 1 16
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  • 376 8 THE Mayflower and Eclipse badminton parties continue to be successlul in the inter-club badminton championships, their latest victims bt;ng the Junior Civil Service Association and the United Family Badminton Party respectively. Th? Mayflowers meant business when they the J.C.S.A. for, although the latter
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  • Article, Illustration
    34 8 picture. (apt. Maisey, the Army right wing threequarter, about to be tackled by an R.N.-R.A.F. player in Saturday's rugby match on the padang, which the Army won by 13 points to five.- Free Press
    Free Press  -  34 words
  • 1254 8 CATURDAY'S Home soccer matches, together with ihe latest tables, are as follows: RED CROSS GAME Chelmsford City 0 Football Assn 5 FRIENDLY GAMES Cardiff 4 Birmingham 5 Newport 1 West Bromwich 3 West Bromwich 0 Sheffield W. 3 when abandoned. SOUTH A Crystal P
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  • 62 8 TPHE following have accepted to play hockey for the S.C.C. vs. R.A.M.C. to-day at the S.C.C. Major F. E. Robertson: FiOffr. S. M. Maclldowle. R. A. U. Todd; A. N. Other. I R. N. Elliot, D. A. P. Kening; C. P. LLston. Capt. H. C. Christy. M. W
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  • 120 8  -  Lool Eng San THE following have been selected to play hockey for the Y.M.C.A. against S.C.R.C. to-day at 5.10 p.m. on the Anson Road ground: Wee Aik Chan, A. C. Wilton, R. Lyne, L. M. Aeria, G. L. Day, F. Hutchinson, A. C. Edgar, A. N. Other, Lee
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  • 289 8 WINNERS SCORE POINTS IN LAST FEW MINUTES (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Jan. 6. DERAK surprisingly defeated Penang, North finalists in *the Malaya Cup rugby competition, in a friendly rugger match played on the polo ground this evening. The match served as a
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  • 108 8 FE Singapore Women's Hockey Association will hold a final trial -to-morrow at the Girls' Sports Club 'ground in preparation for Saturday's inter-State game at the GS.C. ground. The following are the teams for toj morrow's trial: Whitos :E. Frugtnici Mr-. O. Huut- er, A. Pennefather
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  • 61 8 SINGAPORE JOHORE DRAW AT RUGBY OINGAPORE DREW with Johore with five points each in the inter-stat-e Rjgby football match at Johore Bahru on Saturday. Johore's try was scored by Gray and I converted by Mackenzie and Si:*ga- 1 pore's try was scored by Robertson, j Purser converting. Johore were unlucky
    61 words
  • 67 8 THE men's monthly medal bogey at, 1 the Royal Singapore Golf Club re- .suited in a win for D. E. Rintoul with a score of three up in A division. B division resulted in a tie between A. B. Paterson and R. C. Joubert, each
    67 words
  • 313 8 MISS LABI3 1,3 ia I dividend, $74, on Satin first race at Penang In the m of the Penang Club r New Vear meeting. Other good d. ends were paid out by Golden Gli(s36 >, Sweet CoiieUc <$4»< and < stant Light <$4(i». A sensation was caused
    313 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 108 8 a V* V^~. m mm^mwmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmwmmmmimm^Kmmwmmimtmmmmmmmmmmmmimmm^amm L ■<.■■■"■■ 4»»+ jo* mwmwmmmwawam\ :^_a'^"'.-:__g!__p__p'w_B_M_M_i_a___-K?' _g___s_M______M_3__K_<-K&gi_Bi— R i*^_s|j _______ufliilff ll e__fl :^w^B^ ::s o^__-_-_-ff3^Ttff^vi-i l____wi_P9i! __^_E I 9 L^Hr^^i S^S^O&S^—il __-___V_^ r 4 -Kie^ -^> f s __L^ __2____B_. ______i v 9 g^^^ ntr^w SfW^i^'^mT''' ,tf^™B_-___________a_g^^s-______B_-^ |M|am __>__W£l i__? l_r ;fl pßy*&. Vfl __j
      108 words