The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 5 January 1940

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 17 1 The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS NO. 15,976. ESTI>. 1835 FRIDAY, JANUARY 5, 1940. 5 CENTS
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  • 419 1 Bombs Start Fires On Estonian Isle PAMPHLETS DROPPED ON LENINGRAD INVADERS A Italian machine, piloted by an Italian volunteer, led Finnish bombers in an air raid on the Estonian nd of Oesel yesterday. The Russians are believed to be using: Oesel as a
    Reuter  -  419 words
  • 94 1 London, Jan. 1. Tilb Finnish Minister in London, M. Gripenberg, who reviewed the progress of the Russian attack on Finland in an interview with the Press yesterday, remarked that the Finns were fighting on no fewer than eight fronts, exclusive of coast and
    British Wireless  -  94 words
  • 134 1 Scandinavia Rallies To Aid Of Finland MEWS of further aid to Finland has come from Stockholm. Sixty thousand Swedish workers have agreed to work next Saturday— which is a public holiday— and give their day's earnings to Finland. The sum raised in this way is expected to exceed £35,000. Fifteen
    Reuter  -  134 words
  • 108 1 Goering Now Controls War Economy Berlin, Jan. 4. TIELD MARSHAL GOERING has taken over complete direction of Germany's war economy, which will be unified under his control, according to the official news agency. The agency adds that all upper Reich officials who are connected with the economic war policy will
    Reuter  -  108 words
  • 63 1 London, Jan. 4. OUBSTANTIAL Polish forces are ex- pected to take their place with the Allied forces. This statement was made by the Polish Ambassador in London at a luncheon. Protesting against certain German allegations, he declared that that the Germans, not content
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 70 1 I Copenhagen, Jan. 4. T is officially announced that a minefield is to be laid in Gronsund, which Is the channel between the islands of Moen and Falster and that a further net and chain boom will be placed In the southern entrance
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  • 47 1 London, Jan. 4. A JAPANESE trade delegation, head- ed by the Japanese Ambassador in Stockholm, arrived in Moscow to-day It is understood Japan wants oil, coal, metal and mineral ore from Russia and she can sell electrical machinery, ships and fishing equipment.—Reuter.
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  • 61 1 London, Jan. 4. THE Aberdeen trawler Daneden is ten df.ys overdue and is feared lost. Daneden left Aberdeen on Dec. 11 and was last seen at the fishing grounds in the same vicinity as the trawler Star of Scotland on the day when the latter was
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 57 1 Washington, Jan. 4. CENATOR KEY PIITMAN, chair- man of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, stated to-day that he expected the committee would shortly consider his resolution proposing: an embargo on exports of munitions, iron, oil and other commodities to Japan, in reply to the Japanese
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 42 1 New York, Jan. 4. A DAILY air service across the Atlantic in order "to meet the wartime emergency for swift transport communication" will De started within three months, according to plans formulated by Pan-American Airways.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 41 1 London, Jan. 4. LORD WILLINGDON, a former Viceroy of India and Governor-General of Canada, left England to-day to fly to New Zealand, where he will represent the Kinc at- thp rpnfpnnial celebrations.- British Wireless
    British Wireless  -  41 words
  • 237 1 THE Governor -General of Aus--1 tralia, Lord Gowrie, took the salute in Sydney yesterday at a march past of 6,000 men of the Australian Imperial Forces, who are now known as the New Anzacs. They will shortly leave Australia for overseas. A crowd
    Reuter  -  237 words
  • 27 1 A fine picture of a convoy of merchant ships, as the convoy, in the safe keeping of British destroyers, neared England and safety.
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  • 177 1 Better Weather Brings More Activity On Western Front Paris, Jan. 4. \UITH improved weather on the Western Front, Allied planes during the past 24 hours made four long distance reconnaissance fights into Germany, penetrating about 250 miles. Numerous photographic and reconnaissance flights were also made
    Reuter  -  177 words
  • 127 1 China Has Big Capacity For Recovery London, Jan. 4. UOPES that serious efforts may shortly be made towards securing some settlement of the SinoJapanese war are responsible for the sharp upward movement in Chinese bonds to-day. It is realized that the potential recovery capacity of China in such an event
    Reuter  -  127 words
  • 46 1 Ottawa, Jan. 4. THE Dominion Premier, Mr. Mackenzie King, has indicated that Lord Tweedsmuir will not accept an extension of his term as Governor-General which expires this year. The reason for non-acceptance is lord TVwrismuir's state of health.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • Big American Loans To Aid Finland
    • 131 1 Washington, Jan. 4. IT IS understooc that a Bill to be introduced at the new session of Congress will provide for loans to Finland up to $100,000,000 and will allow these credits to be used ior the purchase ot war supplies. Remission of debt payments
      Reuter  -  131 words
    • 107 1 Kaunas (Lithuania). Jan. 4. ACCORDING TO a Berlin me*- sage, it is possible that German military collaboration with Soviet Russia in the event of British and French aid t-» r inland through Sweden and Norway has been di> cussed at an important German war councilHitler.
      Reuter  -  107 words
    • 123 1 London, lan. f. QEFERIUNG to threats in the Naj *^> Press to Britain and France if they should extend help to Finland and to Scandinavian states that assistance to Finland through them will be regarded as a breach of neutrality, The Times says that
      British Wireless  -  123 words
  • 50 1 Toronto, Jan. 4. AIR CHIEF MARSHAL Bir Robert Brookc-Popham, a member of the British Air Mission, is remaining in Canada to supervise the Empire air training scheme In co-operation with Air Vice-Marshal Croil, Chief of Staff oi the Royal Canadian Air Force- Reuter
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 66 1 NEW CHARMING DESIGNS in CHINESE INDIAN CARPETS JUST RECEIVED i CHOTIRMALL'S 41-43 HIGH STREET. A ~~S~&^ xS—^ ■■^M-S^^i. jBBBBfc -B«g^. Ig^ jrff ..b B^JB k-^^h jt^^M 2jl 9r t'VJ p I i ■i w Ft^ B^^ r>Bi JBW -^t \BBI j TO-NIGHT j COCKTAIL DANCE 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
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  • 226 2 Heroism Of R.A.F. Man When it Was 30 Degrees Below Zero London, Jan. 4. RETAILS have now been disclosed of the gallant action of a wireless operator and air-gunner of an R.A.F. hf-inber engaged on a reconnaissance flight over Germany, v. ho carried out his
    British Wireless  -  226 words
  • 86 2 >li;^fow. Jan. 4|,*OK oßtat—dtoH services in inventing and desi^nine new highly import- mode'.^ i>l IWd Army armament, DegtjF&itl has been awarded! the title 'Hero of S<.Kialist Labour." the OrdtT uf Lenin and 50.000 rovbles.l TT.c Mnornw newspaper Izvestia i .ks that Df l Inventions have
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • 111 2 London, Jan. 4. UK. C R. UJee. the leader of the labour Opposition, spent the wh'Jle day inspecting front line trenches ycslerday. telephones Reuter's special correspondent with the B.E.F. Last night he faced a barrage of questions from American, French and British journalists at
    Reuter  -  111 words
  • 43 2 Chwgklnf, Jan. 4. A BELATED report reaching here states thai Norwegian missionary. Rev. P. Torjesen, of the China Inland Mi.^ui:. was killtd on Dec 13 during a Japanese air raid on Hochtl. b« en Into rcept Reuter
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 35 2 GREtK hipping offices In London have subscribed £2,535 In admiration and appreciation o: the way in which British seamen are performing tht ir duties during verv difficult ciri umstances. Reuter
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • Article, Illustration
    19 2 The proclamation of the callingup of men up to S3 was read out at the Royal Exchange.
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  • 192 2 Relief Funds For Use In Palestine London, Jan. 4. THE High Commissioner of Palestine Sir Charles MacMichael, reaffirmed in Jerusalem yesterday the good wishes for conditions in Palestine which he expressed in a broadcast on Dec. 30. and said these wishes were marked by a determination to take action for
    British Wireless  -  192 words
  • 111 2 Ui KD ARTl^i^' ttlm, -A Chump at Oxford." at the Cathay Cinema.; uring those two priceless oomedians, Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy, is a riot oi fun. Imagine two street cleaners being sent to Oxford for a university educa- 1 tion. Imagine the pranks
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  • 56 2 DENNY SINGLETON, gives a good performance in "Blondie," the latest Colum" comedy, which opened at the Pavilion Cinema last night. The film is based on Chic Young's famous cartcons. Also in the cast is Arthur Lake, while Larry Simms, the tour-year-old "star," bears a remarkable resemblance to
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  • 380 2 U.S. Disposal Of Barter Rubber RIGHT OF SALE OWING TO WAR i\iE holiday period covered by 1 mis review has not been remarktone in all markets remains healthy. In Singapore the differentials between t he lonvard and nearby positions have begun to narrow, whilst the panties of all three markets
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  • 139 2 M\l A van" shipments during December were 41,568 tons, of which 21.000 tons represented domestic exports write Lewis and Peat This bftfl i-ioi'^ht the country's ovei-ex-ports. which were 11.381 tons at the beginning of the year, nnd at the peak ever 20.000 to only
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  • 43 2 London, Jan. 4. I 18BON i,nd. the neighbouring pro- vinees in Portugal is suffering from the worst Hoods for many yeais as a result of a three-day storm. Many people have been drowned and communieations have been cut.-- Reuter
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 45 2 London. Jan. 4. THE British Government has offered to put a hospital ship at the dis- posal of the Turkish Government, which has replied expressing its gratitude and stating that it will accept the offer .should the need arise. Reuter
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 507 2 ADA-LAH di-nyatakan dengan kuat bahaw lezipkoupan pegawai2 keraiaan di-London tiriak perchaya sadikit pun akan khabar2 angin yanp dl-siarkan dalam sa-tengah perchakapan2 radio yang datang dari negeri asing mencratakan tantera2 Russia sedang berkumpul di-sempadan negeri Afghanistan. Dan lagi telah di-ketahui pula bahawa kerajaan Afghanistan telah menafi dengan jawatan
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 238 2 a y if i a i I »)p^L^fii3 BbaH and MAI I inuncnw runio iw -^k < I! ana nALL JUnrbun inUIK J V^fffim KKO KADfO Hbmm Directed by BERNARD VORHAUS. Produced by SOL LESSER. Onc:n»] Storf tad Screea Pity by Clarence Muse and!on Hu s he». Also A
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    • 300 2 jdjjfa FULLY NEwrl OftlGiwAL COwLdr WpQ I PAVILION TONI6HT >->/ mBJP THE MOST HI MAN LO\ \BLI <l(»i:\ t *vV' IVKR R|{Olf l!1 To Tin m k:.i n Ifedfr 'BLONDiE' COLUMBIA COMEDO BWIM I l-i J l^^l B rHIC VOINGS FAMOUS CARTOON v 9 PRAISI FROM Nil ntl.Ns! V C&JL
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  • 412 3 "Breath Of Sanity, Sense And Hope,"— British Comment |)RESIDENT Roosevelt's speech at the opening of Congress yesterday, in which he outlined the Administration's ittitude to the war, is supported by the Press of the Inited States which agrees with its main points, which ir ere:
    Reuter  -  412 words
  • 45 3 Cairo, Jan. 4. SMAHAN Sheha»a, 25-year-old wife of an Egyptian baker, has jriven birth to quadruplets. She had already had triplets. The quadruplets are all &irl> and will be named after King Farauk's sisters. Mother and children are doing well.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 111 3 Berlin, Jan. 4. QHORT extracts from President Roosevelt's message to Congress are published in the German Press. "The message did not contain a new line of thought." says a statement issued by the official news agency. •The German Press is mainly incrested in the
    Reuter  -  111 words
  • 317 3 Red Military Incompetence Revealed TIMES ON LESSON OF FINLAND London, Jan. 4. JIIE TIMES, in a leading article, surveys the campaigning of the last fortnight in Finland in which it says the magnificent fighting qualities of Finnish soldiers have won them a victory which may well take its place among
    British Wireless  -  317 words
  • 148 3 London, Jan. 4. T^HE third meeting of the National Joint Advisory Council composed of representatives of the British Employers Confederation and the Trades Union Congress General Council, which was set up to advise government on matters In which employers and workers have a common interest, was
    British Wireless  -  148 words
  • 33 3 A 30-YFAR-OL.O Chinese. Quek Jin Wah, was fatally stabbed in a club in Noordin Lan^ yesterday evening. The alleged assailant is In hospital and is believed to be suffering from poisoning.
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  • 334 3 STOCK SHARE PRICES London. Jan. 4. 'J'liE following are to-day's closing middle 1 quotations: Shares are of £1 denomination unless otherwise stated: Con Loan 5% 1944-64 109 +H Funding Loan 4% 1960-90 108 +s i War loan 3 V_ MH -f Com Union Assce tUnits) 6%, Prudential Assce 'A' 22
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  • 167 3 COMMODITIES EXCHANGES (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Jan. 4. JJOMMODITY and Exchange markets closed as follows with previous quotations Id parenthesis:— COPRA: F.M.S. Spot: £12. Straits S.D. Rotterdam: £12 2s. Od. COTTON: Sellers: 0.14d. (9.13d.) PEPPER: White Muntok: 6d. (6d.) White Muntok (Nov. -Dec): sd. (5d.) Lampong black In bond:
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  • 48 3 Sarawak Rajah Muda Wife Here picture. Anthony Brooke, the Rajah Muda of Sarawak, and Mrs. Brooke, photograpncd in Singapore. Mr. snd Mrs. Brooke were married in Rangoon in November and a« now on their wav to England where the Ra-a Muda will take up war work.- Free Press
    Free Press  -  48 words
  • 290 3 Justice Minister Says 120 Men Must Be Locked Up Dublin, Jan. 4. THE Dail Eirean has passed the Emergency Powers Bill by 82 votes to nine and the Senate will now deal with the Bill, which gives powers to deal drastically with the
    Reuter  -  290 words
  • 97 3 Dublin. Jan. 4. II7HILE the Dail was discussing TT the Emergency Powers Rill aimed at the 1.R.A., the Minister of Justice. Mr. Roland, was cilled from the chamber and told that a detective had been shot before scores of people in the principal thoroughfare
    Reuter  -  97 words
  • 99 3 Fresh German Attack On Neutrals T Berlin, Jan. 1. AE Bocrsen Zeitung makes a new attack on neutrals, asserting that since the outbreak of war Britain and France have treated neutrals In the "worst possible manner**, but none of the neutrals has protested even when Britain and France at Geneva
    Reuter  -  99 words
  • 120 3 London War Risk Rates London, Jan. 4. A STATEMENT issued by thf rk Institute of London Underwriters advises underwriters that the rating committee have tendered their resignation owing to the existence of a market which is unprepared to rapport the current schedule of war risk insurance rates. It is understood
    Reuter  -  120 words
  • 104 3 London. Jan. 4. JAIvIES Wheeler Hill, national s?cretary of the Gorman-America Bund, a Nazi organization, who will shortly be tried for perjury, has been expelled from the organization, according to the Daily Telegraph's New York correspondent. This development, It is stated, fellows the embarrassing
    Reuter  -  104 words
  • 70 3 Lond.;n, Jan. 1. LORD MoUistonc. chairman of tho nati Rial savings movem nt, announced that the total by the campaign now exceeds 0.000. 000. He .said he could not support the pt posal that compulsory saving thovld be- introduced. "I am quit" sure," he ssid. "U,
    British Wireless  -  70 words
  • 68 3 Homo, Jan. 1 FIGURES In c rmection vith t!. dus o! German subjects now issued show that 165,000 returned the Reich from the Bolzano district and 1G.500 from Termo Udine and Belluno, and 2,000 from other parts of Italy. The exodus is stated to
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 66 3 economical treat full of concentrated Coo dn ess. Ki lifys on toast have long been a favourite of the b.eakfast tah>. N«»t only do they make a very palatable, light, early morning m^a!— i*ut one possessing an abundance of nutritive elements. Kidneys are very easy to prep are and cheap
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  • 567 4 The Singapore Free Press FRIDAY, JA NUARY 5, 1940. Chinese Wartime Trade pHINESE firms in Malaya who transact business according to barter principles or who employ chinchews were not unnaturally anxious when they found that the Defence Regulations affecting imports and exports and foreign currency seemed likely seriously to hamper
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  • 1727 4 "Dimlight" Appears In Blacked-Out London OUR LONDON LETTER London, Dec. 24. pAN you imagine what the Might of one wax candle looks like 70 feet away I only ask because that is the lighting equivalent of the official aid to pedestrians which has appeared this week in the West End.
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  • Article, Illustration
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    • 29 4 What is the "Something," in every garment leaving this establishment? It cannot be described exactly. bat it is Style TRY MIEN CHONG TAILORING —34 Coif man St. Phone 4816-
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  • 643 5 SPECIAL SCHEME TO AID CHINESE BARTER TRADE Minimising Effects Of Defence Regulations PLAN INVOLVES FOREIGN EXCHANGE CONTROL COLLOWING a suggestion by the Singapore Chinese 1 Chamber of Commerce, the Financial Secretary, S.S., has launched a scheme by which the Chinese barter trade between the Colony and neighbouring countries, worth thousands
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  • 138 5 JOURNALISTS MEET IN SINGAPORE AN event unique in the history of Malayan journalism occurred in »pore yesterday. This v-a-s a o r represents. I all the Indian newspapers in -in/ three Tamil two Gurmurkhi news:)ap. Malayaiam newspaper, one U T tr .md OD6 En^lish-
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  • 96 5 PRISON AND SUPERVISION FOR HOL'SEBKEAKER AIXBGKD to havt broken into the A house of Mr. G. S. Miller, m Whitejse Park, on Dec. I last in order to |1 y climbing up by a waterd out ai;uin through a window. Ah Seng, who pleaded guilty to ne charge hi thr
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  • 29 5 LAW NOTICE FOR THE DAY BtftN the Registrar at 1H a.m. a OS. 162 39. \t 1f1.3t a.m. Fbctaf list of civil thereafter: SummonKl At 2 15 Probate matters.
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  • 419 5 IMPRESSIVE SERIES AT CAPITOL ON TUESDAY MORE than 10,000 feet of lilm will be i lfl shown at the Capitol Theatre on Tuesday in aid of the Malaya Patriotic Fund, and the figure incorporates an impressive series ol pictures depicting the fighting forces of Great
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  • 131 5 JUDGMENT was reserved till Jan. 8 in a case In the district court yesterday in which Wee Teck Teng, of Chop Loon Chiang, was charged with attempting to take foreign currency in excess of $500 Straits currency out of the Colony on Nov. 28. The money
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  • 71 5 SOLDIERS CHARGED WITH THEFT MISCHIEF THREE SOLDIEKS were allowed $100 bail in the second court yesterday, when they claimed trial to two charges alleging thelt of cash and goods worth $28, and mischief by breaking three glasses and three bottles of lemonade in a coffee-shop in Pulau Tekong on Dec.
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  • 31 5 SIXTEEN Chinese, two of whom were women, were fined $1 each in the third court yesterday for gaming in a common gaming house in Singapore, on Wednesday.
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  • 63 5 A SUCCESSFUL after dinner New Year's party organised by the Y.M.C.A. and Y.W.C.A. was held at the Y.M.C.A., Orchard Road, on Wednesday when about 100 persons attended. There were games, competitions, and community singing after which supper was served. The success of the function has
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  • 40 5 MR. S. M SHARMA wiU be the speaker in the 8.M.8.C. series "The War From Various Viewpoints" at 7.30 this evening. Mr. Sharma will speak on th»- w?r from the Malayan Indian point of viry
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  • 156 5 WILSON-EVANS CAPTAIN Joseph Wilson, the pilot of the Dardanus. the Imperial Airways plane which was fired on by Japanese planes on Nov. 8. off Waichow Irland, while Hying from Hong Kong to Bangkok, was married at the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd yesterday to Miss Florine
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  • 101 5 'From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, Jan. 4. A CHINESE carpenter while doing repairs at the High School yesterday was attacked by what is believed to have been a black panther. He w r as working In the verandah of the top floor when the beast sprang
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  • Article, Illustration
    31 5 In bitter weaiher on the Western Front French soldiers arc still digging trenches and here men are se?n at work on a trench and dug-out in a wood behind the lines.
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  • 127 5 FOURTEEN thousand Patriotic Fund poster stamps were sold out in 40 minutes at the G.P.0., Singapore, yesterday morning. It is regretted that no further supplies will be available until early next week, owing to delay in the arrival of a shipment of the
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  • 632 5 CORONER TOLD HOW DETECTIVE YOUNG GIRL WERE FOUND DYING UOW through suspicion .she followed her husband alter 1J he had said good-bye and then found him in a house with his lover— both in great pain after taking caustic soda was related by a young
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  • 130 5 'Missing' Exhibit Causes Appeal Adjournment A*'nii.-.siiig' exhibit, stated b) BOHSfBI to be of material value to the .p--pellants. caused the adjournment i criminal appeal in the 81 re H Court yesterday. The counsel wa.s Mr. B H Cfcta who appeared for two Chinese. Hoe Le^n and Koh Ah Keng. in
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 181 5 FOR CONVENIENCE! DINE at the CAPITOL RESTAURANT (Phone 4906) Before or After the Show EMPIRE RYE MEAL 100 PURE MAKES THE HEALTH) RYE BREAD H. BOLTER CO. 23. WINCHESTER HOUSE will OLT FOR SHOPPING Remember DELHI HOUSE for < tmpetitiye Prices mn Dunns This OPENING SALE I*l l*«»pl«n Shirts S
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    • 94 5 SJPMORTS (^f S H IR T S /<Z7^ v^v^ piNE CELLULAR /^y\, l j^JKA COTTON MESH /^/x^^P^^N with Polo Collar. \^r^j Short Sleeves and l Button Front. In Grey White. Faw n White. Blue White Well made and finished. $4.50 <?acb Sizes 14^ to 17* Collar ROBINSON CO., LTD. 1
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  • 1203 6 SINGAPORE STOCK AND SHARE PRICES Fraser And Co's List THURSDAY, JAN. 4, 1940: 5 P.M. MINING Bayers Sellers Ampat Tin (4s) 5s I4d 5s 6d Austral Amal. (5s) 6s 6d 7s Austral Malay 37s 39s Ayer Hitam 24s 6d 25s 6d Ayer Weng ($1) 90 .95 Bangrln Tin 23s 6d
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  • 220 6 I SSI ED BY FRASER CO. AT CLOSE OF BUSINESS YESTERDAY Tin shares were rather steadier to-day following firmer conditions in London while the slight ri<-e in the local price of tin to $125 up I*.1 also assisted sentiment. Hon? Fatts were bid for at $1.24 with
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  • 169 6 T H n E uu Sln s:a:3oie Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held its 1.467th aucton. yesterday and resulted as follows- catai 0 1^^ 1^ 15 540 lbs ***** t0 l'}}\'? 8 lbSl 493U tons soJ d 670.054 lbs Jyy.l3 tons. SPOT Jf nd^ 11 11 16d
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  • 121 6 DAILY PRICES CURRENT Jan. 4, 12 o'clock noon Buyers Sellers Nc IX R.S.S. Spot loose.. 37'^ 38'; No. IX R.S.S. F.0.8. in cases January 33-., o Q G.F.A.Q. R.S.S. FOB. in bales January 33 ->«•■ P.A.Q. R.S.S. F.0.8. in bales January 37 .v
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 497 6 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS TENDERS SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY Tenders. Tenders are now Invited for tne followtng materials or services. For particulars see Municipal Tenders Room Supply of Mosquito Nets. Date of Closing. 12 noon. Jan. 9, 1940. Supply of Five Rotating Disc. Valves for Water Dept. Date of Closing 4 p.m. Apr. 18,
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    • 196 6 BOARD RESIDENCE. SEA FRONT KATONG GBAMGB— 77. Meyet R4. (near Swtmminx Club) Board-Roddence at moderate rates Large Gardens— Tennis. Phone: 5758. EAST ANGLIA f» OXUSI KISI SINGAPORE. I mina. to town high level. garage*, dally *jr monthly rates, large grounds, excellent cuisine, tennis, «tn«le and double rooms. raon tm. Loxton
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 360 7 P.&O. and BRITISH INDIA LINES 'INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND) P. dc O. S. N. CO'S SAILINGS. Owing to the Company's inability to publish the actual departure dates of its steamers intending passengers are courteously requested to enquire at the P. 0. S.N. COMPANY'S Office to ascertain the approximate dates of departure.
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    • 499 7 BOUSTEAD CO., LTD. (Incorporated la f\M.s.) fELEFBONE: Freifht 5433. Pam&re Sttl m^N pacii ic Regular service from the Orient to Vancouver by GIANT EMPRESSES— Across Canada through ihe Canadian Rockies— Lake Louise— Banff. Trans-Atlantic by "EMPRESS" -DUCHESS" or "MONT" steamers to the United Kingdom.— All under one management For detailed
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    • 324 7 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. OCEAJ9 BUILDING. COLLYSR QUAY, SINGAPORE XBL. flfl CHARTERED BARB BUILDING. PEN AN G XBL. lf++ BLUE FUNNEL LINE. Frequent Sailings to United Kingdom and United States of, America, Dates are not guaranteed, all cargo bookings subject to Conference War Clauses. WESTERN AUSTRALIA THE SHORTEST SEA ROUTE AT
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  • 89 8 (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, Jan. 3. THE following have been selected to represent Negri Sembilan in an inter-state hockey match on Sunday at Seremban against Malacca R. V.i ml Abdul Rahman, J. S. Lewis; Lee Moh Hon. Lieut. I), i:. l>. Morris, W. Williams; Dollah,
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  • 417 8 Colours Beat Whites Five-One VkSTERDAYS Singapore women's I state hockey trial at the G.S.C. ground, which was held in view of the forthcoming encounter with the Selangor Women's team at Singapore on Jan 13. was an improvement on the previous trials seen en the same beat Whites
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  • 105 8 AT the annual general meeting of the H Celestial Friendly Association held at the association's premises on Dec. 31. the following office-bearers were elected for this year. President, Wong Sau Sheung: vice pres d^nt*. Chew Kia Seng, Tr.n Koh Keng; hon. secretary. Tan See Mee. asst.
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  • 67 8 London, Jan. 4. T.IE British Army team against the French Army at Psris en Feb. 11 has been chosen as fo'lows: Riley (Liverpool), Sproston 'Manchester City), Beattie i Preston). Goslm 'Bclton), Cullis (Wolverhampton), Mercer (Everton>, Geldard (Bolton), Maurice Edelston Reading), Lawton <Everton>. Welsh
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • 59 8 AT a meeting held at 2, Koon Seng Road, the Heptarchians Badminton Party was formed. The following were elected office-bearers for 1939/40: President, Mr. Roland Boey hon. secretary. Mr. Lim Teek Seng; hon. treasurer. Mr. Dickey Boey; hon. auditor, Mr, Choa Teck Hin; hon. sports capt., Mr Chan
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  • 277 8 'From Our Own Correspondent Scremban, Jan 3. THE Malay Regiment made ru?ger 1 history at S°remban to-day when' fi >ldjd a ride which Ks k to the Ne^ri S?mb'.'an All Blues RFC. by 5 po'nts fa goal* t) 8 points <a goal
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  • 452 8 Club's Winning Sequence At Hockey Broken HEATON SCORES TWICE THE S.C.C. tasted hockey defeat for the first time *in recent weeks when they met the Manchesters on the padan? yesterday and were beaten by two goals to one. The winning gcal came in the last three
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  • 65 8 (From Our Own Correspondent) Penan?, Jan. 4. THE following is the Penang hockey team to meet Perak in an inter-state fixture at Ipoh on Saturday. Ng Teik Lee; Ismail Hashim, C. E. A. La Brooy; Boey Seng Pee, Lt. W. Cm. S. Wilson, Gan Thean Beng;
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  • 290 8 Brass Bullett In Best Gallop Of Day (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Jan. 4. r[ERE were fast gallops on the track this morning, the most impressive cnes being Madam, Sultana, Royal Worlington, Brass Bullet, St. Charles, Popover, President, Woodquest, Silver Lace, Servus, A.D.C.. Flying Trapeze, Golden
    290 words
  • 190 8 THE Devonshire Badminton Party A continued to maintain their unbeaten record when they scored their sixth successive win by beating the United Family Badminton Party by three games to two in a tie in the local inter-club badminton championships played at the Clerical Union Hall on Wednesday
    190 words
  • 40 8 THE following will represent the 1 S.C.C. against the Y.M.C.A. at hockey on the padang this evening: Major Robertson; Fortin, A. N Other; Francis, R. N. Elliott, FletcherCooke Cole, Huteatt, Lee, Clement and Fraser. Umpire: D. Brennan.
    40 words
  • 42 8 picture. An out of season soccer match was played on Raffles Institution ground on Wednesday between the Victoria institution, Kuala Lumpur and the R.I. and ended in a two-all draw. This picture shows the game in progress.- Free Press
    Free Press  -  42 words
  • 351 8 London, Dec. 11. THERE'S cne aspect of this cut-and-come-again policy of the football clubs that looks like building up into a good old-fashioned row— you know what I mean: the policy of playing the star player who is in your area for either civil
    351 words
  • 281 8 THRILLING HOCKEY AT TAIPING (From Our Own Correspondent.' laipin?, Jan. 2. PLAYING in one of their best hockey games this season the Dogra Regiment, Taiping, defeated the Malay College, Kuala Kangsar, by the odd goal in five on the College ground during the New
    281 words
  • 101 8 Commentary To Be Broadcast To-morrow JTO-MORROW, Station ZHJ Penang A (49.3 metres) will broadcast the special race which has been arranged by the Penang Turf Club in aid of the Malaya Patriotic Fund. The race, which will be over a distance of s^ven furlongs, is
    101 words
  • 51 8 (From Our Own Correspondent) T__ mm Alor Star. HE Mende B.P. of Penang travelled to Alor Star to meet the Sunroc Badminton Party of Alor Star The visitors were beaten by eight games to five. Four singles, six doubles, two mixed doubles and one women's doubles were
    51 words
  • 53 8 THE Governor has appointed Mr. A. J. Newby to be a deputy controller of restricted imports and exports, S S.. with effect from Dec. 19. This appointment is in addition to the appointment of Mr. J. N. C. Hancock as deputy controller of restricted imports
    53 words
  • 499 8 DEVONSHIRES MAYFLOWERS UNBEATEN Inter-Club Badminton Championships f|«tfE local inter-club batimr. X championships on the le system is ncaring its (omlr, stages with the Devonshire minion Party heading the 1. six points sained in six outii: The Mayflower Badminton Par *'A" team with four po nts o-it four games played is
    499 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 134 8 CATHAY BEAUTY SALON Latest Equipments New operators Air Conditioned "Let George Do It Phone 3402 L. Estelle Cowan UJORRV UJ OR ITI S These parasites. In addition to causing ravenous appetite /L /40 Indigestion, leanness, and a starng coat, can so weaken the system of the infected Oog that his
      134 words