The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 18 December 1939

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 18 1 The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS NO. 13,9r,3. ESTD. 1835 MONDAY, DECEMBER 18. 1939. 5 LP. MS
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  • 643 1 Time Limit Due To Expire This Morning ROME SAYS SISTER SHIP IS GOING TO HER AID HK TMiour time limit allowed by the Uruguayan Government to the German 10,000-ton "pocket-battleship" Vdmind Graf Spec, damaged m the first big naval battle *ht <Mir. to
    Reuter; British Wireless  -  643 words
  • 54 1 Helsinki. Dec. 17. pH RUSSIANS arc stated to be firing shells which scatter leaflet:, over the Finnish lines when they explode. The leaflets attack the Finnish Government which "started the war against the Soviet Government" and urge the people to "kick out the Government which is
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 206 1 Premier In Air Raid Warning In France FINDS THE B.E.F. IN GOOD SPIRITS THE Prime Minister. Mr. Neville Chamberlain, who has been visiting the British Expeditionary Force m France, experienced an air-raid warning on the Western Front yesterday morning. Shortly after breakfast, the sirens were sounded and anti-aircraft guns were
    Reuter; British Wireless  -  206 words
  • 104 1 London, Dec. 17. IT IS LEARNED m London that the R.A.F. security patrols carried out routine flights over the Frisian islands during the night of Dec. 16-17. Some bombs were dropped on enemy mine-laying bases m the islands, but the success of the attack is not
    Reuter  -  104 words
  • 38 1 London, Dec. 17. T_IE British ship Amble (1.100 tons'), of Newcastle, was sunk by a mine m the North Sea. Her crew of 17 were picked up and landed at a north-east coast port yesterday. Reuter
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 45 1 London. Dec. 17. THERE are German mines m the area off the mouths of the Tyne and the Tees. The Admiralty last night warned shipping of the extent of* the area, which is dangerous to navigation. Reuter
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 487 1 BRITISH NAVAL LEADER KNIGHTED PROMOTED London, Dec. 17. THE Admiralty announces that m recognition of the gallantry and successful action fought by His Majesty's ships Ajax, Achilles and Exeter against the German "pocketi battleship" Admiral Graf Spec, the King has-been pleased to appoint Commodore Henry Harwood to be a Knight
    British Wireless  -  487 words
  • 40 1 A German bomber shot down m France by the French Air Force. The fuselage is seen being towed through the streets of a French town, a trophy which will afford much valuable information to the Allies.
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  • 163 1 London, Dec. 1 7. DRITAIN'S air arm m France is hastening preparations for a hard winter, says Renter's special correspondent with the R.A.F. m France. THE season shows every promise of being bitterly cold on the Western Front and it may well be
    Reuter  -  163 words
  • 140 1 Amsterdam. Dec. 17 DEUTER understands from i, neutral source that Hitler's military experts are working on plans to save the iron mines m the extreme north cf Sweden should the Red Army cross the Swedish frontier. The Eskiltstuna district, chief seal of
    Reuter  -  140 words
  • 258 1 Germans Make Western Front More Lively NAZI RAID ON FRENCH POST Paris, Dec. IT. 'THE Western Front is _>howinf» signs of Increasing livelin* Details of yesterday's German raid on a French post east of the Moselle show it to be important m character and well-prepared A German company, which was
    British Wireless  -  258 words
  • 86 1 London, Dec. 17. TOE JAPANESE vessel Sanyo M i arrived off the British coast with cargo understood to include German machinery an potash and she was leleased from contraband control after 24 hours. It is learned In an au.horitu:...quarter that the examination v.'a.s carried out
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
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  • 279 2 TO one who has not heard a popular concert m Smga--1 pore for several years, last nights performance of the Singapore Musical Society at the Victoria Memorial Hall was a great surprise. Such enjoyment from a gathering of so many local performers under one baton
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  • 116 2 WITH motor-car racing as background, a very moving human drama is enacted m the Warner Bros, picture "Indianapolis Speedway*' which opened at the Alhambra yesterday. The story deals with two good brothers Joe and Eddie Freer, with conflicting professional ambitions. Joe Pat O'Brien I who
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  • 39 2 Cairo, Dec 17. NEWS has been received from Suez! that Rear-Admiral distance, j former Commander-in-Chief of the (Australian Navy, died at sea while en route to England. He had been ill for six months. Reuter
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 40 2 TIE Governor has appointed Mr. R. N. Broome. M.C.S.. to be Food Supply Officer ior the Settlement of Penang and Area Supply Officer lor the Municipality ol Georgetown with effect from Dec. 8, 1939, vice Mr. J A. Back, MCS.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 295 2 POSIWZLY LAST 3 SHOWS 3.i5, 6.i5 9.i5 -ALHAMBRA M^M*M«M^--B___MHHP«M^a^___>~. -WMMPMaMHHMHHHB SEF nn Sheridan, 'Oomph' Girl m her most exciting role Warner Bros. Thrilling Speedway Drama _____________________________________P___BR___M__________P_VP___l I H __PSPfW_PsfTJ^l^T^__! P^ E^^^^____W |l^H_^H^^n_fT» ■^ily O.r.ct^d by I'o^dßcco^- A WARNER BROS P.ctwre j^^S^S > i-_- -»-^_----M---W_-«--«-_--aM*-_fc<----»-M-----W------«----_» BROUGHT BACK BY SPECIAL REQUEST! I
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    • 94 2 ALHAMBRA'S SPECIAL X'MAS ATTRACTION MS ______________> HA-*-"* w*mmm\mW AfjM F--MM m\m\mff amul li a^. I l*A 5 J < *W___l >w g^ mm v S^ftb_^*(___ _^fl _W t- j__T f__ I laflk. _^*>*«» Bl^^^B^S?-* tin u^.. ."tj-L" ■<• cS^s*ip-f-mmm^ w mmWtSmmft m rTJjMMjJ I ____rIE BfH L »»A*« McMUG»< fe^^^ir
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    • 313 2 A SHOW THE WHOLE FAMILY WILL ENJOY CAPITOL 6.15 TO-NIGHT 91s The Popular Star of the "HAJtl>\ I AMM,y Series now m the famous role of \n\^ TWAINS Best-loved Ston m\ m ■■■■...V 'tm w_______ ________**9R _____Z_____j^^^ v_l fl ■fc^ _^^^r_^Tsnitjr7^PT*^^Bl V Br-v If* I El IF ri J IB
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 119 2 Law Notice For The Week LIST oi cases for t_M veek commencing to-day Before the Honourable Mr. Justice Pedlow m Court No. 3 V.'ed.u^day at 10.30 —Magistrate** Appeal Angus Wm. Scott \s. Rex. Wednesday at 11 a.m Summons, _-m Chambers. Originating Summonses. Motions and Suit 485 36 for further consideration.
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  • 291 3 Graf Spec Captain's Tribute To Accuracy Of Gunnery _„v Buenos Aires, Dec. 17. fAPTAM Langsdorf commander of the German "pocketV- ..ttleship Admiral Graf Spec, tells his own ftorv of na val battle m a report to the Uruguayan authorities, huh he points out that he
    Reuter  -  291 words
  • 60 3 t hungkinf, Dec. 17. CHESS newspapers continue to arc reports of Chinese successions front-; as a result of p.eous attacks launched early present Chinese attacks are not it are aimed at proving to rid that the Chinese army has h -'.led after over two years
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 64 3 Montevideo, Dec. 17. pAPTAIN Charles Pottinger, master of the British steamer Ashlea and one of the prisoners on the Admiral Graf Spec. stated that his personal library was seized by the Germans. It included Winston Churchill's "World Crisis," which was read with evident interest by
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 122 3 Nazis Did Not Know Of Other Cruisers Montevideo, Dec. 17. THE Admiral Graf Spec was attempting to corner the British light cruiser Achilles when the epic battle took place, according to one of the Graf Spec's crew. He told an interviewer that it wu known that Achilles was convoying the
    Reuter  -  122 words
  • 61 3 Chungking, Dec. 17. DR. SUN FO, president of the Legislative Yuan, arrived by air from Kunming yesterday and was wel- corned by a large gathering of prominent leaders, including the Foreign Minister. Dr. Wang Chung-hul. at the airfield. Dr. Sun Fo has
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 33 3 THE KING AND QUEEN m happy mood during the show "Black Velvet." m which Vie Oliver, who is married to one of Mr. Winston Churchill's daughters, appears.
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  • 498 3 Air Sentries See Destroyers Test Their A.A. Guns Lonaon. Dec. 17. AN interesting account of a spell of duty with an R.A.F. Coastal Command aeroplane providing protection for a merchant vessel convoy is given by an occupant of one of such aircraft. "Our flight staited
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  • 55 3 New York, Dec. 17. FRANCE has ordered 650 more Curtiss pursuit planes from American manufacturers, according to the New York Times. This makes about 3,800 planes contracted for by European countries m the past 18 months. The Curtiss fighters have been successful against Messerschmidts
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 100 3 Need For World Social Justice After War London, Dec. 16. THE leader of the Labour Party, Mr. C. Attlee. speaking at Durham, to-day stressed the need for world social justice after the war. Declaring that it was essential that an enduring peace should follow, Mr. Attlee said: "We stand m
    British Wireless  -  100 words
  • 70 3 Washington, Dec. 17. IT is officially announced that the United States Maritime Commission will probably issue a formal order tomorrow authorizing the trans-Atlantic liners Washington and Manhattan to operate between New York and Italy. The Commission indicated that it was willing to allow these
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • 75 3 and packets of sandwiches made a welcome interlude and m due course we were on the look out for the aircraft which was to relieve us. "Dead on the minute it arrived. Once again greetings were exchanged and on this occasion it was our turn to hand over. "We waved
    British Wireless  -  75 words
  • 143 3 London, Dec. 17. THE plastics industry is proving as adaptable m war as m pea c c. Experiments with plastic materials to replace steel m army helmets has shown they can be produced more quickly and more cheaply m the former and that
    British Wireless  -  143 words
  • 237 3 Britons To Help Finns In Foreign Legion Unit REDS REPULSED IN BIG ATTACK Helsinki, Dec. 17. THE formation of a volunteer foreign legion m Finland, consisting principally of Englishmen and Canadians and including even Englishmen from India, is proceeding apace, Reuter's correspondent at Stockholm learned m the course of a
    Reuter  -  237 words
  • 95 3 (From Our Own Correspondent* Johure Bahru, Dec. 16. jMERSING, en the east coast, was cut •W off from Johore Bahru to-day owing to heavy flooding on the two roads linking the town with the rest of the state. Flooding to the depth of 2 feet
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  • 48 3 Budapest, I»ec. 17. THE semi-ofncial new, agency states that agreement has been reached m principle m the Hungarian trade talks with Germany, which began four days ago. Further talks have been suspended until January. Agreements expiring on Dec. 31 have been prolonged two months. Reuter
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 47 3 London, Dec. 17. THE general level of wholesale prices m the United Kingdom as meaiuied by the i3oard of Trade index was nearly six per cent, higher m November than the month before and 19 ut cent, higher than a year ago. British Wireless
    British Wireless  -  47 words
  • 110 3 $100,000 Worth Of Rice Looted In Shanghai Shanghai, Dec. 17. MORE than $40,000 worth oi rice was ITI reported to have been looted yesterday as the rice rnts continue here Twenty-. r our cases of rioting have sj far been reported, while 50 arres\s have been made by th? police.
    Reuter  -  110 words
  • 163 3 IT IS REPORTED from Montevideo that a note has been received from the United States Government expressing approval of Uruguay's protest to Britain and Germany en the ground that the naval battle occurred within the mouth of the River Plate, and that some shots were exchanged
    Reuter; British Wireless  -  163 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 45 3 iimn Hl_k 'tvftrnitlttttrtUit/tlffii ____B________r i__ AE__. ______r -_______a~-^ _____________r ______r r- w__Cu9wJ_____r____M___Y-___. 1 ______r __r v_sßS™ __P?_____RWi.>Vii'- B ___ffl ______T _P .^^^B WySrrF _\V.'.X".'^^^F^ !______P amy A t _ffWrTTnir9iriTT^r Hrfrffifflf^TTt^mmmW^^ ok\^^nJqffl^^^^^_r *i____-'-'''<^V%'»'. 4fc_. rW^t_MSs_xs'SkV_«^___l ___^^^_B J SmMI I q JjjJJ _riUC I I W P >
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  • 664 4 The Singapore Free Press MONDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1939. Singapore Australia THE assertion by Mr. R. G. Casey, the Australian Minister of Supply and Development, that Singapore figured largely m the ministerial talks m London which ended recently will not surprise anyone m view of the important part which this island,
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  • 1519 4 Public Aims Of The "War To End Wars" OUR LONDON LETTER London, Dec. 6. nURIJNG the past few days we have had quite a lot of talk going on about what we are fighting for m this war. There seems to be a fear m some quarters that we haven't
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  • 26 4 a TALK on Mr. A First Lord of the A given m the B.MB evening at 7 <0 by Ite l> v Jones.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 385 4 Do You Like Old Thincjs^^p^Bß C^^^^-^ m Ik W\. jUd Js^km y ____r^ I >fc i_H^^^* liS _^_r J_^^ __B_^_B Then You Will Like* EVCUAIif LIQUEUR CA9llAlf BRANDY CLUB. 40 YEARS 60 YEARS OLD CALDBECK'S CATHAT BEAUTY SALON Latest Fquipmetits New operator. Air Conditioned "Let George Do It I Phone
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 828 5 Quota System For Imports From U.K. MEASURE EXPLAINED i tjl OTA system ot certain essential foodstuffs imported lrom the t nited kingdom is to be introduced into Malaya and the other British Colonies and Dependencies shortly to ensure that supplies i„ the United Kingdom not he
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  • 124 5 EASILY Lie Quest aad m >.-t powerful drama o: the year is the film aclr.ptr.tion of Louis B-omrield's "Thc Rains Came.*' a Twentieth Century production which had its midnight premiere at the Cathay on Saturday. Very little from the book is missing m this
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  • 112 5 HOW father and son confidence tricksters go soft m the course of their shady exploits when they come up against an honest to goodness Irish family m a small mining town m Texas is the theme of Universale drama comedy "Two Bright Boys", which opened at the
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  • 66 5 AS New Zealand s Minister of and its Deputy Prime Minister at the same lime--the Hon. Mr. Peter Fraser, daring his brief visit to Singapore, expressed a desire to read the report of the McLean Commission on Higher Education m Malaya. The Governor, Sir shenton
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  • 575 5 Dr. Fitzgerald And Progress In Malaya T-IERE Is practically no place m the ulu m Malaya where western medicine is not available to the dwellers." This was the proud boast of Dr. R. D Fitzgerald, retiring Direetor--5?I!f er °io the Medi <*al and Health Services
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  • 155 5 (From Our Correspondent) Seremban, Dee. 17. ABOUT 2,000 Chinese tapping coolies who work on Laddang Geddes estate at Bahau and most of whom, except one dhision, are coolies working under contractors, are on strike. On Friday they presented ten demands to the manager
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  • 341 5 Bringing Services Civilians Together T^O provide entertainment for Ser- vice men and European civilian men and women m Singapore, a comfortably furnished club of three big rooms and verandahs at Amber Mansions will shortly be officially opened. Although it is to be called the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 28 5 FOR CONVENIENCE! DINE at the CAPITOL RESTAURANT (Phone 4906) Before or After the Show Old Vintage Wines Fresh Caviare Real Foie Gras H. BOLTER CO. 23 WINCHESTER HOUSE
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    • 304 5 There is never any doubt if you give these____9E l_^^^^^^_^3_i^^^SHß9!9 POWDER SPRAY STERLING SILVER 2 3 5 0 CIGARETTE CASES Various Engine Turned Designs From $16.50 ROBINSON S 150 Incorporated m Holland Passenger service between .lava and Gene.» vis B«_awi._. Sabaufc. and v U e_ m.s. "MARNLX \AN BT ALDEGONE
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 505 6 CLASSFIED ADVERTISEMENTS TENDERS SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY Tenders. t Tenders are now invited for the following materials or services. For particulars see Municipal Tenders Room Supply of Pumping and Auxiliary j Pant for Pontian Ketchll Pumping Station (Deposit Sloo>. Date of Closing. 4 pm.. Mar. 4. 1940 -> .nplv of 15 and
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    • 459 6 Loxton Hotel. 7 Oxley Rise. Double Rooms from $140. Own Bath and Verandah. Full Board. Phone 7817. MALAYAN BAGGAGE I SERVICE Baggage and General Transporters, Parking and Furniture Removers, Insurance and Storage Effected. Phone: 7230 2-B Raffles Place, SINGAPORE. I CONSTIPATION THE CAUSE OF MOST HUMAN ILLS! PoUonous waste m
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    • 777 6 PUBLIC NOTICE BOARD RESIDENCE, notice SEA FRONT The Exchange Banks will be closed RATONG GRANGE— 77. Meyer Rd. S? 4 yr. <n« ar Swimming Clob) Monday, Dec. 2_, Christmas Day Board -Residence at moderate rate* (Public Holiday) Large Gardens—Tennis. Tuesday, 26, Boxing Day (do Phone: 5758. TAKUAPA VALLEY TIN ¥T
      777 words
    • 577 6 wamLmm^^^mmhtm mw m a WwmmM Yfc2 TO ECROPE ANT) AMERICA VIA SINGAPORE AND PENANG. COLOMBO. BOMBAT SCE7 h» K ALEXANDRIA. NAPLES. GENOA, MARSEILLES A\!i M Anne- Leave. mjmmm B'aara Spore Penan t X PRESIDENT VAN BUREN In Port Dec 19 Dec 2 PRESIDENT HARRISON Dec 30 Jan 2 Jan I
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 348 7 p.&O. and BRITISH INDIA LINES INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND) P. dc O. S. N. COS SAILINGS, rhe best possible services are being maintained the United Kingdom, also to Hong Kong and anghai Pmseengera are requested to register their uirements. but under present circumstances ings are perforce restricted vesels may call dt
      348 words
    • 539 7 BOUSTEAD CO., LTD. <i'.i.:oru jraiea ai MBi TELEPHONE: Freight MS*- ÜBI LLOYDS AGENTS: «OOMM. BtMBTII KOR FEDEHAJIvD MALAY STATES RWIUHS. ROYAI STATE RAILWAYS OF SIAM __________________ff person- Stop-overs LT 70'J nrlsh Id SmßmH ,umm er. _be scenic Great Lates zov+a MJ^^m iB an opt-on&J inland-sea crip for flL^3 P^^SS
      539 words
    • 328 7 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. OCBAJI lOILOIK. COLLY C II QUAY. SINGAPORE TBI. )is> CHABTERBD BANB BUILD UK,. PEM ANC TEL 1*44 BLUE FUNNEL LINE. Frequent Sailings to United Kingdom and United States of America. Dates are not guaranteed, all cargo bookings subject to Conference War Clauses. WESTERN AUSTRALIA THE SHORTEST SEA
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  • 604 8 PENALTY GOAL TAKES ARMY INTO FINAL Saturday's Rugger On The Padang A PENALTY conrerted by Sapper Pass fire minutes from the start of play gave the Army a three-point victory against Singapore on the padang on Sa.nrday m their H.M.S. Malaya Cup Rugby match. By their victory the Army to
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  • 71 8 The toll .wing have Seen selected to play hockey rcr the V.M.C.A. Junior Department against the CS.C tomorrow at 5 p.m. on ths Prince Edward Road Ground A. C. Xeubronner Low Huck Yang. V C. Armstrong. Cheon; Thiam Siew. Goh Chin Chye, L. M. A.rla, S. Shira_ie, S.
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  • 49 8 picture. The two teams m Saturday's Malaya Gup game m which the Army beat Singapore by three points to nil to reach the final. Simpson, the Army captain, is net m the picture, as he arrived 15 minutes after the same had started Free Press
    Free Press  -  49 words
  • 269 8 IN the local inter-club badminton championships played yesterday morning at the Clerical Union Hall the Devonshire Badminton Party scored a clear-cut victory by five games to nil over the Userul Badminton Party. Results were (Devonshire players mentioned first) S. A. Durai beat
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  • 1392 8 A NUMBER of friendly matches were played m Saturday's Home soccer, no league games being played by the North- Western, Evict Midland and Western divisions' teams. Arsenal and Wolverhampton won their matches again and Arsenal are m a very strong position m South A
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  • 408 8 Singapore Retain All -Blues Cup PENALTY GOAL GIVES WINNERS' DECISION (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 17. A PENALTY, splendidly converted by Ong Swee Law seven minutes from the end, enabled Singapore to retain the All-Blues rugger trophy here to-day after a gruelling match with Perak. This was all
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  • 77 8 pOLLOWING are Saturday's major sports results m briel: If 4 LATA < cp Army beat Singapore by three points to nil on the S.C.C. padang. Selangor beat Perak by 11 points to! three at Selangor. Johore beat Negri-Malacca by 11 points to nil at Pen^m.
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  • 93 8 Rugby Union games resulted: Guy's Hospital 16 6 Harlequins 8 Army XV 10 Old Paulines 5 London. Iri. h and Welsh 13 Rosslyn Park *fl St. Bart's Hosp. 3 Aberavon 6 Swansea 8 Bedford II Northampton 0 Bristol 28 Army XV 0 Cardiff 40 Cross Keys f>
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  • 101 8 FOLLOWING uerr ssurdm urd r raceresulUat luini, M V/ final day m I*, ''nth, skye meeting: < Race 1: SOME I Llin v k i Clever Ale, >-. Race 2: LASSA SIS G"v|oo SI i Race 3: c\sh sr. m■• Hilarit> sil Race 4: PHAR PAH m?
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  • 88 8 I Richmond De, i, N THE FIRST rnfb) il Richmond In 3d England and Wales land and Ireland by At pal-time the m by six points to nil The natch was tr. Cross Fund and the I an tirelv ircm the Benrleei internationals A crowd ot
    Reuter  -  88 words
  • 57 8 Fohowirg were Home R on Saturday LANCASHIRE >lA ■iRM 11 11 Broughton 0 Old l**igi\ VS. P I iverpool <" Batfcrd IT WW Warrington H si Rdl TORKSIIIKI S! !l<»\ B-_ .'..'ord 23 H B_.-aT.iev n*-CR-ttefanl _j Bi O*" 1 bur< 1 r I Hi'^dersfi^ld 2?
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 82 8 "The taxation on Liquor* 9 lie declared "was framed m order that the peoples of Malaya i'Jii make a war contribution to the Government of the United Kingdom The Comptroller of Customs, at a meeting of the Legislative Council held m Singapore on Monday. 11th December. DRINK TIGEHBEER AND CONTRIBUTE
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