The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 19 July 1939

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 17 1 The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS NO. 15,833. ESTD. 1835 WEDNESDAY, JULY 19, 1939. 5 CENTS
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  • 220 1 Fine Co-operation In Reception Areas SPECIAL LONDON TRAFFIC SCHEME ALSO READY London, July 18. j N ai a comprehensive statement on emer:inn plan> made last night m the House Lord>. Ih r arl Mill If I, on behalf of the Governaett, -aid that the whole
    British Wireless  -  220 words
  • 41 1 NEW LAW TO FIGHT I.R .A. TERROISM II Uaita, July lg. A newspapers, ftS!! through declaring the >-...'■' a verinc a.- Got Ancles. A A Home Secretary, V- l-' fiake a stateCommons tobe introduced Government Mb- enable the ha» and real Britain.—
    41 words
  • 89 1 Berlin, July 18. QV..REATING is "a sort of high treason/ according to Dr. Wirt, member of the Nazi Experts Committee for National Health. Deprecating "the average tendency of the entire German population to eat too much, particularly meat fat," Dr. Win says. "Every German
    Reuter  -  89 words
  • 123 1 £17,000,000 For A.R.P. In Britain London, July 18. A TOTAL amount of £19,500,000 is provided m the supplementary estimate for the Civil Service, the largest sum being about £*****,000 for emergency hospital evacuation and other services. Air raid precautions services require £5,300.000, the Czechoslovak Refugee Trust Fund £2.500.000 and the
    Reuter  -  123 words
  • 117 1 THREE FLYING ALL WAY New York, July 18. THREE SPECIALISTS from Texas are flying to Europe by the Atlantic Clipper en route to Dammam, Arabia. to extinguish with dynamite an oil nre, which has been burning for nine days. They will transfer
    Reuter  -  117 words
  • 86 1 London. July 18. f\IVER ORTON, who examined the Thetis the morning following her fatal dive, told the inquiry that he found a wire entangled round the conning tower and expressed the opinion that this might have prevented the men escaping. The wire seemed to
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • 80 1 London, July 18. THE Army Reserve has been redesignated the Royal Army Reserve and a silver badge will be issued to members of the Regular Army Reserves of Officers, the Royal Army Reserve, including officers and other ranks and the Supplementary Reserve and Militiamen who
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • 68 1 Washington, July 18. THE primary needs of the American banking system include the elimination of excessive bank dividends with the object of preventing the dissipation of bank capital together with provisions to relieve banks of the necessity of liquidating assets at sacrifice values m
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 39 1 London, July Is. DEUTER UNDERSTANDS -ii Anglo- Chinese negotiations for extended credits to China, which have been going on for many months, arc likely to be favourably concluded m the near future. Reuter
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 79 1 Moscow, July 18. THE Soviet has returned without considering it a note from the Japanese Government m regard to oil and coal concessions m Sakhalin, which was presented by the Japanese Ambassador on Sunday and demanded an answer to questions raised not lata than today. The
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • 108 1 Berlin, July 18 IJERR GREISER, President of the Danzig Senate, is still m full possession of his official functions, state* a semi-official announcement issued m Danzig, referring to alleged foreign Press reports that the visit of Herr Forster, Danzig Nazi leader, to Herr Hitler at Berchtesgaden
    Reuter  -  108 words
  • 262 1 Paris, July 18- n "T H E B R I T I S H are not asleep, 1 writes Le Petit Journal on the visit of General Sir Edmund Ironside, Inspector-General of Overseas Forces, to Warsaw for Staff tain. This paper adds that Britain
    Reuter  -  262 words
  • 37 1 An Egyptian military mission which is visiting Paris, paid homage to the French Unknown Warrior, at the Arc de Triomphe. Fakhry Pasha, Egyptian Minister m Paris, is seen signing the Golden Book.
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  • 113 1 Report That Hitler Will Be Elected Head Of Senate Warsaw, July 18. A FRESH warning to Germany against any attempt rt whatever form to incorporate Danzig m the Reich conveyed m an official communique. Publicaticn of the communique follows a suggestion made abroad
    Reuter  -  113 words
  • 137 1 SMALL HOPES OF SUCCESS AT TOKIO Young Officer Class Again? London, July 18. THOUGH there are small hopes of the Tokio conference on Tientsin succeeding, Informed circles here are of the opinion that neither side has formulated any idea of how to proceed if and when it breaks down. They
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  • 205 1 Washington, July 18. THE Republican leader. Senator Vandenberg, ha_. introduced m the Senate a resolution requiring the Government to give Japan six months notice of the abrogation of the T.S. Japanese Treaty of Amity and Commerce of 1911. This is apparently intended to clear the way for Senator
    Reuter  -  205 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 75 1 HAKE!..I. YOUR SUITS I M LXPERILNCED EUaOPEAM _OR CUT. STYLE FINISH jARAMTEEB CHOTIRMALL'S Hi3H ST W*** jma%*\* .--laTty^ <jtfr iliaai y a _^_^^^_^&-S_--S-SSZS-^«m^ ii^i»«- i ■M Cocktail Dance 7 p.m to 9 p.m. UlWir, anc. DANCE (informal) u > midnight. Raffles Orchestra N ADMISSION CHARGE fu- *°0K* 3 CIAL EVENT
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  • 447 2 Press Backs Preuiier's Declaration LABOUR WARNING AGAINST "APPEASEMENT' London, July 17. rOMMKNTIMi on Mr. Neville Chamberlain's statement m the House of Commons on the Tokio talks, the Daily Mail (Conservative) expresses satisfaction m his announcement that tbe Japanese Government has made no demands
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  • 133 2 'Positive Action' If Tokio Talks Collapse "PUPPET" PAPERS MAKE THREATS Shanghai, July 18. THE Japanese-controlled press m Shanghai predicts grave consequences for Britain if the AngloJapanese parleys m Tokio fail, and some newspapers even speak of the possibility of M positive action apninst Britain. With the Angle-Japanese talks marking time
    Reuter  -  133 words
  • 57 2 Canton, July 18. THOUGH the Japanese authorities here have banned anti-British demonstrations, a violent anti-British campaign is being conducted by the Japanese-controlled press. At the same time anti-British posters are placarded all over the city. One bearing the caption, "British Imperialism In India," shews Gandhi and
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  • 97 2 Tokio, July 18. IJLPORTS reaching Tokio from Gifu, Yokohama, Aomori, Otaru, Muroran and Yanaguchi cities say that municipal assemblies there have passed anti-British resolutions and haw telegraphed to the Premier, Baron Dr. Kiichiro Hiranuma. and the British Ambassador, Sir Robert Cragie. The Kobe branch of the
    Japanese Eastern News  -  97 words
  • 70 2 Hoihow (Hainan), July 18. A NEW REGIME called the Kiungai Provisional Government was brought into existence yesterday. Mr. Chao Shih-tan was appointea* head of the Government. The new Government issued a fourpoint declaration which alms at control of Hainan Island by Hainanese, eradication of Communism,
    Japanese Eastern News  -  70 words
  • 77 2 London, July 18. BRINCE PAUL AND PRINCESS OLGA of Yugoslavia, who are on a private visit to London, were the guests of the King and Queen at the dinner party at Buckingham Palace last night. Sixty guests present included the Prime Minister and
    British Wireless  -  77 words
  • 50 2 Lonitou. July 18. I ONDONERS out m the streets ar midday at the lunch hour saw some of Britain's latest bombers when a flight of 30 twin-engined machines In arrowhead formations of three passed over the City, flying low owmsr to thick cloud formation.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • 46 2 official demands, says the Birmingham Pest. The Mancl.c_.-cr Guardian say that the fundamental an.ason_"_n cf the British and Japanese viewpoints remains whatever circumlocutions may be u*ed by spokesmen of either side. The Tientsin affair could be settled tomorrow, If Japan were prepared for a settlement Reuter
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 80 2 Shanghai, July 18. AsLRIES of grave charges against the British authorities, contained m a semi-official Japanese report from Tientsin, are officially denied by the British Embassy today. The charges are that British officials have been conniving -tithe guerillas around Tientsin and m other operations of the
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • 135 2 The Japanese occupied Chusan Island and its chief port, Ttnghmt, on June 23. Chusan is located 120 miles south of Shanghai, at the mouth of Hangchow Bay, and was the first British settlemeiit on the China coast. It was occupied originally by the East India
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  • 52 2 Key Men Of Cabinet Discuss Manchukuo Situation Mukden. July IK DENE WED bombing by Soviet planes of centres well within Manchukuo is officially alleged to have, occurred today, the main points attacked being stated to be railway centres near Anganehi, important railhead east of
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 214 2 loi.ij, July 18. FOLLOWING the regular meeting of j the Japanese Cabinet, key members j jof the Cabins including tne _*reinrH\ the Foreign Minister, the Finance 1 Minister and Ministers of the Fighting [Services, met yesterday to oiscuis mr i new situation arising from the Soviet air-raids on Fularki, near
    Eastern News  -  214 words
  • 207 2 London. July 18. rfE match between the Royal Navy and the Royal Air Force was drawn. R.A.F., 302 for 8 declared (Cruickshank GO and Halsey 4 for 74) and 186 for 6 Cruickshanl. 70 not out). Royal Navy, 301 (Boys 52, Stephenson 101 and Sharp 4 fcr 69).
    Reuter  -  207 words
  • 68 2 Shanghai, July 18. A LARGE NUMBER of Japanese troops are reported m Chinese telegrams to have been moved from North China t.> Manchukuo because of the hostilities on the western border. According to foreign reports,, a large number of Japanese nou.Oed has arrived m Harbin irom
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 122 2 Tokio, July. 17. THE JAPANESE NAVY has decided on a further tightening of the blockade of the Fukien coast, according to! Domei. An "ultimatum" from Vic~Admiral Likawa, Supreme Commander of the Japanese Fleet m Chinese Waters, has been communicated to the Foreign Cortular body and
    Reuter  -  122 words
  • 70 2 "Ice Follies" Is Very Good Entertainm ent COR f I opened at the I -ht. break f tumorous j and m good, .sh' f Stor. 1 ol the mauy L. bers but a BMVJUrt and loan < f Leas emotional thai. o. I But it is the beauty of thf
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  • 63 2 G.O.C. GIVES GARDE N PARTY AS FA RE WELL AS nan l the G.O.C M I 10. S Dobbin I of two garden I I House. _he oth I tary peopl terday's r- if about 230. Tin I i informal, with t I four of the parti I I Loyal.
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  • 41 2 JAPANESE VESSEL SINKS AFTER FIRE Tot I ;THE AIfERIC As^ocA J land crew of the I Mair. which cau. W the Japanese i I re reported St The Bokuyo Mar. W Passengers, now a 1 cue vesel. were Ja I Reuter
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 43 2 JAPANESE TR AINING SQUADRONS CRUISE A I Kaancd by I squadron. I Yakumo and the I w I men aboard, will sa i at the end of A and North Arr. I I it will return t J I •of January Eastern News
    Eastern News  -  43 words
  • 33 2 I FIFTEEN were X I m a boiler 1 1 I man liner I I The explosion, rhi when the Unei ende, iwvilfied 15 1 No I
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  • 30 2 MORE EMPIRE TRADE ADVOCATED ftiS Con I Chambers ol I f [British Empire I affirmh. I trade within the i j I support to all I ere. I (units com:
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  • 160 2 London, July 18. TODAY'S sharp fall m the Chinese dollar, which is believed to be immediately attributable to the suspension of the Anglo-Chinese Stabilisation Fund's sales of sterling, has caused London business m Chinese dollars virtually to dry up. Banks here maintain that
    Reuter  -  160 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 63 2 DELIVERY SERVICE TANS LEAYL OC. Orchard Road Depot \\\^^V at 6 a.m. t 9.30 a_m. and 3.30 pjr V Wvl AA*? oa WEEK DAYS J_r c m aMd 9 o m on Sl Nu vvs Vy Keppel Harbour Depot at C a.ta. snd 9.30 a.m. dalTv, lncludlnf SUNDAYS. mm swisms
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    • 25 2 for cooking I RICH IN VITAMIK I as recently rec mnu Rd|i( RADIO HEALTH T I MEDICAL HALL LTD I 3, BATTER. Xo U j
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  • 77 3 Auxiliary Corps T o Aid Police In Emergency D Johore .outers ins and reate a I baok Huan unci] of State jested that uxLhary corps cf emerge re might unemployed rubber and canst way The present loate to ted. the Lnto a a corps M: i said. ould be SMAI
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  • 53 3 m Roehore I resulting m the I hemp, had its I McFail m the I trlct Court yesI Abdul bin AbuI pos ssion of I Atted. 1 taapectot Tom said I v.ade accused was I is In the backyard of I was contained m I a
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  • 46 3 T HE QU INS HAVE NEVER BEEN SPANKED 1 have never I r medical guardian, I docs not believe m I spall the child." I are naughty we I m alone for a while. I I j n_ teachers us* rea--1 and not force." British United
    British United  -  46 words
  • 887 3 No Executive Power For Malayan DirectorAdvisers In Johore THERE is no question of any Malayan Direcior-Adviser having executive powers m Johore," said Mr. W. E. Pepys, General Adviser, Johore. replying to speeches made on the Malayanisation report at the Johore Council of State yesterday. The
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  • 231 3 TRIBUTES IN COUNCIL DEFERENCE to the impending re- tirement of Major H. S. Paterson, Commissioner of Lands and Mines, was made at the Johore Council of State yesterday. "I would like to mention here his services m Johore." said the Mentri Besar, Ungku Abdul Aziz,
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  • 76 3 Before Mr. Justice Pedlow m 2nd Court at 11 a.m. Part heard:— S.442/37— 5.268/ 38 Shaik Awath bin Abdul Rahman Baswaydan vs. Shaik Awath bin Makforth BaObeid. Before Mr. Justice Manning m 3rd Court at 11 a.m. 5.237/38— P.A.R.L. Arunasalam Chcttiar vs. V.R.M. Raman Chettiar.
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  • 119 3 SENTENCE of 18 months' rigorous imprisonment on three charges of abetment of forgery, the terms to be concurrent, was imposed on Loo Ho Cheng by Mr. Justice Manning at the Singapore Assizes yesterday. He was found not guilty on three other charges of
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  • 24 3 Hollanders Wed In Singapore MR. AND MRS. ALBERT ZIMMERMAN, of Batavia, aft*C iheir wedding at the Wesley Church, Singapore y esterday.— Free Press picture.
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  • 497 3 "Not Decentralisation, But Centralisation "AS each activity becomes Malayanised, the administrative "machinery becomes centralised m a Malayan Establishment and the control passes from the State to a centralised administration," said Mr. B. J. R. Barton, unofficial member, commenting on the Malayanisation report at the Johore Council of State yesterday. "THE
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  • 132 3 "T WOULD like to move a vote of thanks of this Council to the members of the Malayanisation Committee for their report which is laid before this Council today," said the Mentri Besar, Ungku Abdul Aziz, at the Johore Council of State meeting yesterday.
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  • 127 3 Monday, July 10 In the afternoon His Excellency and Lady Thomas were stone of the new St. Andrew's School at Woodsville, Serangoon Road. Wednesday, July 12: His Excellency presided at a meeting of the Executive Council held at Government House this morning. Mrs. S. F. M. del Court
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  • 872 3 UNOFFICIALS AND FINANCE OF STATE Position Is Clarified 44 AS I SEE the position, the sole au"thority for supply is His Highness the Sultan," said Mr. W. E. Pepys. Gen|eral Advirer. Johore, m a statement at the Johore Council of State yesterday on the control exercised by unofficial members of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 50 3 I' HII.DREX WHO WONT tnf for a won't eat well. hiid is the 'nervy/ He picks at his weight. niattars. re recor.ithese 'n^rvy' j icki not oi da. but it he foods -hort ime r»H of life tote the taste UT. 5 l0 *»a lIONEf Safe sted. At O n^Jl^"'
      50 words
    • 139 3 Get INSTANT RELIEF f romterrible SKIN TORMENT g> If you are a tafferer from Eczema, Heart, Sores, Itching V* p Eruptions, Rashes, or any form of skin ditette, ate D.D.D. _f^\ j^/y Prescription. Jutt a few drops of thit marvellous healing M VjS^^ j^^ _^-f_ lotion and yon hare inttant
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  • 2168 4 A Singa pore MAN in LONDON London, July 13. 4 -DY the time this article appears m print It's an old way to start, hut I can't think of a lore appropriate one at the moment. For hy iho time you are reading this I >half, according to pre^ arrangement
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  • 87 4 r T*HE week's "iron ration" which It is officially suggested, housewives might store against an emergency should consist of non-perishable foods. A list issued by the Food (Defence Plans) Department comprises: cocoa, flour, meat and canned fish, dried milk olain blarulta. suet, or its
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  • 317 4 Today's Contract Br idge Problems «By The Four Acta. David Bruce Burnstone, Iferwin D. Ifalsr, Oswald Jacoby, Howard Schenken* CASTS jump overcall of three spades i was strictly a nuisance bid. and was really very successful. South olid not feel Bke being shut out with t seven-card suit. j West.
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  • 75 4 Tokio. JdJ li I •TO ATTLND the HBBI V****** I Nuremberg as guests of UK G«*« I Government. Mr. Ga;-" W^| I Mr. Takashi Izaka. leading -SS-SW 1 men will sail from Kobe lor o«**. via Italy m the NY.X. liner as*** i| Maru on
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 80 4 /Q*. We ire pleased te ANNOUNCE Vgf/ OPENING of our new Branc- 1, OLD MARKET SQUARE /A A<|) KUALA LUMPUR 7 making available a highly trained staff of experts experienced m advising on modern office problerr' Sola Agent* for:— LNDERWOOD Typewriter* Jo book- ART rTAL keeping machines. safes and risible
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  • 139 5 I i ii General/ 1 lien. Feng Yu-hsiang. speakin Chungking m commemoration of the Mm death of Maxim Gorki, the Russian writer A speaker at the function m Chungking to commemorate the anniversary of the death of Maxim Gorki. Chinese tank manoeuvres near the
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  • 2756 6 "No Suggestion Of Centralised Control" DATO BRADDELL ON MALAYANISATION tk U/E welcome me very definite pledge which the Governor has given us ..that there is no suggestion of centralised control throughout Malaya Johore relies upon it now, and will rely upon it m the future."
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  • 225 6 TRANSFER OF CROPS TO THE REICH Prague, July 7. COME anxiety and alarm is being caused by the steady «-> increase of German military and other uniformed forces m Prague during the past few days. So many are there that one might imagine one
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  • 376 6 Training m W ar Time Duties o: Servtcf life this week at is the first camp London company >; the Guaras camp at Pirt-rtffr a Daily Negraph c The camp is pi ch< i field on Cowshot i tent hou^e: foui I who kee.3 contin; an
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  • 183 6 London, July 8. ■JJOINA, the Zoo gorilla, died last evening at the age of about 12. Her death, 18 months after her mate, Mok, is believed to be due to septicaemia caused by wounds on her hands and feet. When Moina and Mok arrived at
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  • 139 6 London, July 4. TWENTY-ONE British wizards landed at Plymouth yesterday from the iiner Normandie. They had just returned from the International Brotherhood of Magic- 1 ians' Congress at Battle Creek. Michi- gan, United States. For a week, with 700 American magicians, they had tried out tricks
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  • 26 6 Federal Council Meeting i tiie next meeting I j Council w:i: I Lumpur on Tu"fd. a.m. I There will b t and uniform will I I
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    • 30 6 m> v °*»«'A^_________^ iy*^_l ___^a_H^B^^l IvY "-T "'~T_. <^' ___p )-K-#^f W ,j^ v. I EASTERN AUTO CO.. LTD.. I 1 €9 19, Orchard Road. Cingapor* M V jk^j.________a-a*^^ A 1
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  • 207 7 Ceylon Government Indian Labourers PLANTERS MERCHANTS OPPOSE PRESENT POLICY [T is all the mischief of a few politicians. The planters and merchants as a body are wholly opposed to the present policy of the Ceylon Government towards 2? l ndlan labourer s m the Island," Mr. M. Ct. M. Chidambaram
    Free Press  -  207 words
  • 83 7 Tungku Abu Bakar is shortly to retire from his official work. Mention of this was made at the Johore Council of State yesterday, by the Mentri Besar. Ungku Abdul Aziz. "I am sure it will be your hope that he will continue to be a
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  • 350 7 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur. July 18. R. H. ASHDOWN, a European 12 years' resident m Kuala LumPur. appeared m the police court before Raja Ayoub this morning on charges of dangerous driving and causing excessive noise with a motor-car, a police officer
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 193 7 DAHIAGNAN RIDES AGAIN >..ii_: on his lips Romance m his Heart! And The RITZES m his hair I ALHAMBRA 5.15, 6.13 and 9.15 p.m. M^ *'#_i BSfi- a* Rkt Wm __F A__t '!>■ r W ___Sb__B___L ___V____-HfKS__fl_S!_t -jW^Smv a __SJff* k __B!_^ p .-1 »ji__KJ^«_i____i _T f '•v .A '>;'
      193 words
    • 102 7 MIDNIGHT PREMIERE SATURDAY 22nd July Jj «S A JM-. JS X _A a$ >aa.' A. X-P__F«3-___' S?* 4« i ______a___i j .>«r .?9__. «*^e- m -?x v <!§_____. j r .^«Bfe\ y*tf J^^^___BBB__B r_£-________<»___ <•• )^_P^_-_ !^H \S-___-^______R H E J*- > wJßGJf*m^m\ w __i 4-9" Ai_K ott ALHAMBRA NEXT
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    • 155 7 BY REQUEST TONIGHT ONLY! 615 PAVILION 915 tWw^ \\sS__3_S I i B----11----L\ C\lS l'^i^^Vl^^^lM^MA'llil'n^fcyViftl^^i? THE YEAR'S tf^ST GLORIOUS SHOW of SHOWS r^i CAPITOL 3 SHOWS OAILY J I— P— l^w^ raw— MB |V 1939's Dazzling Showof Shows! W Hot off the ice right into your bean A girl V*^ who
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  • 600 8 The Singapore Free Press WEDNESDAY, JULY 19, 1939. "Fear And Distrust" JVATO Roland Braddell's speech to the Johcre State Council yesterday on the Malayanisation report and the Governor's observations upon its recommendations, clarifies the issue for the man m the street. The report, which is well documented and produces a
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  • 803 8  - Japan Tightens Her Belt Money Scarce KENNETH NOBLET By THE chief of the Japanese Foreign Office has made the surprising statement that what Japan requires is British co-operation. They certainly need it, but have gone entirely the wrong: way to secure it. Above everything else Japan needs money, and she
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • 480 8 WE are told that already the Duke and Duchess of Kent are busy with their personal preparations to go out to Australia, although November is still four months ahead. This, one suspects, is an exaggeration, for if an Englishman or Englishwoman just packed up his or her
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 195 8 '^B^s^ij xJ^P?A« j^_ ___P-__B^"^___. &x&&&'siirl v^cu»t*W H_____Hb(t/ _B__^^ %_!!B_e1 _f _BB___h_ c.';y_d when two is /_S^_\ iompci/iv- Mm\ri\ EXSHAW |fi COGNAC Hjgj is bent with DRY CINGfcR jjgjjjl j fcafc^_____-____^^^^^^_______^_______-_._.__-_._._._. J M a J P makes rhoes brilliantly shoes use Propcrt's ||> TPK B^ft E^ 11 r ß l%^
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  • 596 9 Carving Knife Said To Have Been Used HAINANESE ON CHARGE OF ATIEMPTED MURDER |ua> allegedly stabbed m the back with airing Knife, whose life was despaired of by who look a dying statement from him, m the Singapore Fifth Police Court,
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  • 114 9 EXPENDITURE of £1,675 on Air Raid Precautions, Malaya House, London, on behalf of the Malayan Information Agency, was approved by the Johore Council of State yesterday. The expenditure was recoverable from the Malayan Currency Surplus Fund. On the motion of the Financial Commissioner, Mr. A.
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  • 81 9 Oail was opposed by Chief Court J Inspector Tunn m the Singapore Criminal District Court yesterday when three Chinese, Lee Ah Kwanor, Jong Ah San and Foo Ah Teng, were produced before Mr. J. McFall on charges of house-breaking and, alternatively, dishonestly retaining stolen property. Accused were
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  • 131 9 •From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, July 17. "DOAD accidents m Penang are be- coming a daily occurrence. This is due to the increasing number of cyclists m Penang and the careless manner m which they handle their machines There is also a class of cyclists who
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  • 99 9 •From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, July 18. A TAMIL and a Chinese who plead- ed guilty to two separate charges of having stolen sarongs, valued at 20 cents each, were convicted and sentenced by Mr. Lim Koon Teck, m the Penang middle court. The Tamil, who had
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  • Article, Illustration
    48 9 picture. THE G.O.C. Malaya, Major-Gen. W. G. S. Bobbie, who is to leave Malaya by the Chitral on July 28, Friday week, yesterday gave a garden party at Flagstaff House. Gen. Dobbie is seen here with his financial adviser, Mr. EC. A. Larkins, and Mrs. Larkir.s. Free Press
    Free Press  -  48 words
  • 662 9 UNOFFICIAL MEMBERS ON BILL IN JOHORE COUNCIL ALTHOUGH unofficial members of the Johore Council of State refrained from voting, a Bill to provide for the conservation, maintenance and storage of an adequate supply of food m the state was passed under a certificate of
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  • 225 9 New Judicial Comm iss toner To Sarawak Here IT IS A CARDINAL practice of Er,tish Judicial procedure that an aetng judge takes no part m the p MUcal ife of thr cot n which he ng." This statement was made to a Free tea reporter by Mr. H. Thackwell -ewis,
    Free Press  -  225 words
  • 66 9 pAPrAIN P. G. TAYLOR, pioneer airman who was m charge of the recent Indian Ocean survey flight m the flying-boat Guba, and Mr. J. Pereival, official press representative on the flight, returned to Australia from Singapore by K.N.I.L.M. plane yesterday. They had travelled to Singapore from
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  • 84 9 <From Our Own Correspondent > Penang, July 18. The third annual exhibition sponsored by the Penang Chinese Art Club has just concluded and the high standard of exhibits m the four section*; oil paintings, water dolours, cartoons and photography— was indicative of the great progress
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  • 118 9 "SUMATRA" HITS SINGAPORE A SUMATRA-' which .struck Singa- j pore with considerable force early i yesterday afternoon tore branches from trees, blew down hoardings and jcaaaed damage to attap and ether buildings. A covered way leading, from the kitchens to the children's ward at the General Hospital was wrecked by
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  • 115 9 "\I7E have had a grand time In Singapore and the Netherlands Indies: we have been fascinated by all we have seen," said Mr. Arthur Sheekman, newspaperman and film writer, and his wife. Miss Gloria Stuart, the Hollywood actress, before they left Singapore for Europe by the American
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  • 168 9 APPOSED by two unofficial members, a motion by the Financial Commissioner, Johore, Mr. A. Sleep, to increase the salary of the Deputy Agent, Malayan Information Agency, v/ns withdrawn at the Johore Council of State yesterday. The motion was to increase the salary from £500 a
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  • 327 10 Thursley, Surrey, July 6. CO** NEARLY two hours yesterday N.C.Os and men of the 2nd. Bn. North Staffordshire Regiment were lined up m an identification parade m camp here at the request of _i:lice m investigating the d*ath of a woman at Hinhead. near the
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  • 210 10 Kruschen Took It Off Again A woman sends the following account of the consequences of a motor accident m which she was involved:— "A year ago I had a very bad motor accident, which left me more or less a cripple. Having to lie
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  • 110 10 The Raub Australian Gold Mining Company advises the following output for the four weeks ended July 15:— Crushing No. 548 battery treated 5,163 tons of ore returning 1.364 ounces of bullion equivalent to 1,297 ounces of fine gold. Retreatment plant treated 7,561 tons of taUtngs producing 790
    110 words
  • 59 10 Cape Town, July 7. •TTIE Cape Town City Council bus agreed to the erection m the city of a municipal theatre at a cost of about C 40.000, of which £10,000 will be contributed by the Centenary Celebrations Committee. The centenary of the establishment of
    59 words
  • 1601 10 Prices Firm In Face Of Danzig Menace EMPLOYMENT RISE (From Our Own Correspondent) London, July 7. WHAT has now become the annual European summer war of nerves was inaugurated with eclat by Herr Hitler thlQ WPPrC Military preparations apparently designed to secure the delivery
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 350 10 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS TENDERS SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY Tenders. Tenders are now invited for the following materials or services. For particulars see Municipal Tenders Room: Supply of Air Compressing Plant for Mandal Quarry. (Deposit $25). Date of Closing. 4 pm. July 31, 1939. Supply of Pumping and Auxiliary Plant for Pontian Ketchil Pumping
      350 words
    • 212 10 BOARD RESIDENCE. SEA FRONT KATONG GRANGE— 77. Meyer Rd. (near Swimming Club) Board -Residence at moderate rates Large Gardens Tennis. Phone: 5758. EAST ANGLIA 6. OXLEY RISE SINGAPORE. 3 mlns. to town high level, garages, dally or monthly rates, large grounds, excellent cuisine, tennis, single and double rooms. PHONE 4390.
      212 words
    • 390 10 BANKOFcI^ Telephones: Manager', 2S*t^N Mai i2K Paid Lp Cypital f lN^lo J *l aeserve rund. tn 'My eicesa t Hi ToUl Assets Ci m.. approximate!, Tse-Vun» S(x.r._, r W Suna Han^han, "i:^ 31 S> Tsuyee Pel. Assistant gU2_ «»2l OVLKSI \s hk^!2LSSL London Ha. lor. iatavu"^ Pbons Osaka and £J}»*
      390 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 208 10 RADIO PROGRAMMES SINGAPORE I TODAY ZHL 225 metre* ZHP -0 06 metre* p.m. 1.00 Miscellaneous programme or nea gramophone records. 1.30 Mid-day rubber and tin prices. 1.32 Miscellaneous programme of new gramophone records (contd'. 5.00 Cantonese varieU programme. t 5.40 Peiplng selections. t 6 10 Radio vaudeville .eaturlnK'. LI Lilian
      208 words

    • 338 11 LONDON AND NEW YORK STOCK SHARES Yesterday's Quotations from Lc don 5.30 p. m. Yesterday jnA ted m US. currency. im rt,J b c are de ,ers middle prices jobbers margins, brokerage «am D dct* rf not mr Jaded :ion imjp» Latest Quotation* Previom :»W-M 10 3 a 10y. 2
      338 words
    • 101 11 I m.l! M;WK col m I UOSI mi BUSINESS RSTOtDAI I aafataj vi m 1.1 A. up I *le P r 'i* Rubber at 4 -P<>t 28 buyI lH ember 28V mar- uT^a tn lh -iaa I kft ******ma) was I «ith War A and Tin I
      101 words
    • 71 11 CHAMBER OF COMMERCIAL RUBBER ASSOCIATION I- 8 bales July-Aug .17* A Flat Bark Crepe X.0.8. ln bales July-Aug. 25 25 U Future Months Quotations No IX R.S.S. on Registered Tender July 28 916 28 11 16 Aug.-Sept. 28^_ 28* Oct-Dec 28% 2* 7 Jan -Mar 28"_ 29 Tone of Market:
      71 words
    • 175 11 JI'LY 18 I-anda. T.T 2 4 London demand 4 Lyons demand 2055 Switzerland demand 241 Hamburg demand 135 New York demand 54 d Montreal demand 54% Batavia demand 102 Samarang demand 102* b Calcutta. Bombay and Rangoon demand 156*4, Madras and Colombo demand 156U Hong Kong demand
      175 words
    • 69 11 From London: Latest Quotations i m: jsteaay. Spot: £229 17s. 6d. Previously; £229 17s. 6d Three months £225 7s 6d. Previously: £225 2s. 6d. NEW YORK TIN: 48.60. Previously 48.60. COPPER £43 2s. 6ti Previously £42 12s. 6d. GOLD Yesterday £7 Bs. S^d Previously: £7 Bs. 6d.
      69 words
    • 188 11 London, July 17. MEMBERS of the House of Commons asked the Prime Minister. Mr. Neville Chamberlain, for particulars of the protest lodged by the British authorities against the Japanese authorities for encircling three Britishowned factories on the north bank of Soochow Creek with wire barricades.
      188 words
    • 62 11 New York, July 18. rX "creditor position" of the United States at the end of 1938, excluding War Debts, showed a decline of 16 per cent, compared with the previous year, the decline being due to a substantial Increase m foreign long-term and short -term
      62 words
    • 206 11 From London 5.3 0. p.m Yesterday RUBBER: Firm London: 83id. 8 7 16d Previously: 8 5 lSd 83* d Aug.-Sept.: 83 B d. 8* 2 d. Previously: 8 s;i6d W»d Oct.-Dec: 2 d. 8 9;16d. Previously: 8 7<l6d 8»/ 2 d Jan-Mar.: 8 9 16d. 8 1116
      206 words
    • 65 11 London Closing Quotations Method oj Fanty oeiora Latest Centre Quoting 20-9-31 Rate Previously Paris Franc to 124.11 176 1116 176 11)16 New York" $to 4.»655 4.68 716 4.68 3|16 Amsterdam... Guilders to 12.10 8.64i 4 8.80 Hong Kong.. Per dollar is. 2^. is. 2d. Shanghai Per dollar
      65 words
    • 186 11 THE Electricity Department, m its annual report for 1938, states that the number of units sold for all purposes during the year was 45,442,339, an increase of 3,564,549 over 1937, and that the number of consumers Increased from 24,040 to 26,057, revenue increasing from $2,928,822 to
      186 words
    • 99 11 The Controller of Rubber announces the following statement of transfers of export rights between Administrations during April to June, 1939 Federated Malay States: Total transfers from *****3 lbs. to 1,369,834 lbs.; Net transfers, 667,651 lbs. S.S. Mainland: Total transfers from 336,198 lbs. to 352,300 lbs.;
      99 words
    • 1303 11 From Exchange Telegraph Co. Fraser And Co. 's List Tapah ,$l) lbo lM T. Anson ($2) Temerloh (fi) 45 l *> Trafalgar ($2) j£ Ulu Benut (30 Ulu PancuiD (SD 1.44, i; Unit^a Malacca »lj 0 Utan Simpan $1 LNULSIBIALS A. Bncicwoito ujci <f+> tan
      1,303 words
    • 157 11 List Supplied Hy Messrs. Eraser Co. TUESDAY^ JULY 18, 1939: 5 P.M. Total lor Books Date Ex. div Financial Company. Dividend Close Payable date Year TIN Burma Malay 6d. No. 19 July 14 July 20 july 15 2V Kampong Lanjut 6d. No. 12 July 26 Aug. 2
      157 words

  • 119 12 BRITAIN'S PRIME MINISTER PICTURED IN MANY MOODS AN INDIAN WAITER POURS out a glass of water for the Premier. WALKING m the park with Mia. Chamberlain, an early morning pleasure. AT HIS DESK m Downing Street. FIVE CHARACTERISTIC POSES— at a recei.4 London banquet. WAVING GOOD-BYE as he left for
    119 words

  • 146 13 London, July 7. Wortl Ing police for the past week have been secretly investigating the discovery ol a portion of a woman's arm washed ud on the b ach there. The arm, whi^h was wrapped hi B brown-paper parcel, hed been severed between
    146 words
  • 83 13 Loudon, July «>. MRS. Cora Potter, who was 80 when sho died, m di&osing of her £9,720 estate, directed that If bef^ie her death her grranddaughter, Miss Diana Potter, of Hollycroft-avenue, Hampstead, married a German, the should forfeit her interest In the residue
    83 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 337 13 I mTr f j£''Xi __r I _jiu V aFS ____r. ■^"^^wm -->t!M.* r ___*J> N^Sf^Sm __CS^_!. _B_U__«'__' I I M\\ma\\\\\T&&L ALWAYS GO BY p&o ITS MORE COMFORTABLE j n hi CHINA, JAPAN, COLOMBO \M» BOMBA] lo M Omi I R<> i SJ IQAfOKI »nd ti $102 <i 8.5.:,: U.
      337 words
      291 words
    • 560 13 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. Ocean Building, Collyer Quay, Singapore 1 51 SI. Chartered Bank Bnilding, Penang Tel. 1366. BLUE FUNNEL LINE. PAST SERVICES MARSEILLES. LONDON CONTINENI AND GLAM.OVV (m conjunction with the Clen Line) Doe Sails DEUCALION Mars., L'don. R\iam, Ham. and Glasgow In Port Today GLENEARN Mars.. L'don, R'dam, Ham.,
      560 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 372 13 Air Mail Arrivals And Despatches INWARL Imperial: Crorn Europe dueMonday. Thursday. Friday afternoons. Wearnes; frrom Penang. ipoh and Kuala Lumpur. Arrives every evening. K.L.r.1.-. Erom Netherlands Indies: Arrives Tuesday Thursday. Saturday afternoons Uantas: Erom Australia: Arrives Tuesday. Friday. Sunday afternoons. X.L.M.: I turn Europe: Arrives Saturday, -Monday, Wednesday evenings. K.N.1.L.M..-
      372 words
    • 191 13 SINGAPORE HARBOUR The J. ollowi ng ships are alongside the Singapore Harbour Board Wharves or expected to arrive East Wharf; Entrance Gate 1; Exit 1: Promise 22. Main Wharf: Entrance Gate 2; Exit 3: tr x. Ros 53; Na «x> r e 16; Deucalion 14; Kudat U; Mentor 11; Orestes
      191 words

  • 240 14 Duce's Campaign Shortlived Rome, July 4. THREE years ago Italians sacrificed wedding rings so that Italy might win the Ethiopian war, but Mussolini has failed to make Italians give up coffee drinking m order to speed up Italy's armament programme. The Italian preference for coffee instead
    240 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 535 14 iktMirimt^A EMPRESS MHESp^ To North A m erica _RB^P^=rW!^^t_^y Honolulu ships-aide rail contitfrf, T""~ m etXsFr' tlrne g0 vla Canada ooo!t 1^ A A^^T^ff^^Tyf your passage ">n Canadian Pacific's j#__KS^^BP-^^^ largest, fastest Uner on the Pacific jff§f!^ r^A^lig«L more. Ot go direct lr_ three figjk ____T^^3Kl -°unectlons with Canadian Pacific
      535 words
    • 358 14 BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LTD. (Incorporated In England) (APCAR UNE) FOR HONG KONG. SHANGHAI. MOJL KOBE AND OSAKA s. s. SHIRALA 8,000 TONS SAILING JULY 27 AT 3 P.M. The above vessel lias excellent modern accommodation fcr First Saloon and Second Saloon oassengers Special Holiday Rpturn tickets to China
      358 words
    • 338 14 RED FUNNEL LIBE HEAP ENG MOH S.S. CO.. LTD. (Wcort.or.teo m StralU Settlement.. BEGI'LA- PASS-NG-K and CARGO Service For BATAVIA. CHERIBON and SEMARANG (Every Tuesday and Friday) LI NAM YONG jW- £_Jj J| EDENDALE Tues. July 25 For SOURABAYA AND BANDJERMASIN (Fortnights Service) I c BAN HONG LIONG Jhurs. July
      338 words
      635 words

  • 2439 15 pj oW Malays Regard "A Nebulous Policy" Intense Dislike Of The Malayanisation Trend I Johore committee on Malayanisation the Johore State Council meeting yes- Braddell was chairman of the commitat the Sultan should take steps to get wrongl} Johore dislikes Malayanisation mil he
    2,439 words
  • 738 15 from the F.ol]. .prising Lrman, Dato S Q. Wong Major C H. by His High:o .^.at mm MalayanisaCurrency Fund, Aliens Imew the Heads of resent sys- from Dfnc* (trl l.ould ree underrodncea cr or centra- j a and ite the ig feelJohore. c is cne of
    738 words
  • 167 15 ADVISERS' POSTS An "Extraordinary Position" 47. The next thing to be considered is the relation of the Technical heads of departments and advisers m the Straits Settlements and Malay States with the respective Johore heads of departments; and we can say at once that the position is unsatisfactory m the
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  • 338 15 "THE Governor, Sir Shenton Thomas, m a memorandum commenting on the committee's conclusions, which is published with the report, says: ■I speak with complete sincerity when I say that I can find nothing In the report which can justify Tear and distrust
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 92 15 'jßSipia^^ Ijj^^^KjfcJigjaP^sS^R^ *.s____j_ A-_/; 4flBi__i________fl__!_F _fi_re__h[ li^_a|_»_ ?__»*'3 t/0%& r i^>9w_3fL-t _w ___K_-_a--if _____t_Cq ■__B-_-_»QHjf-- '-,'jy^T y. il_L% l 'B____________~» fl ____iii«M£-EBflPn T_. m*W^*r •C B _____Ltk_'' > ta____r i ___-s*^^___fi___Ft mp.', %Be^^£iii!!l!l_______W^^ .__Rl '^I^Bfs__^__> r^-^B a^____^__se_B____-r* J MBS_g&fcijgMl^_B/iaia S h^^^-H" 4^t WP^^jfv -^tS^J^K late, sipping a Mart»n\ fooleing cWfApoui
      92 words

  • 1796 16 Empress, The Poacher Mim Also Fancied REGIMENT ~HOPEFUL By Our Racing Reporter PONIES and class two and four horses will run at today's races ir Ipoh, the second day of the FeralTurf Club's July meeting. In the main .vent of the day for class two horses,
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  • Article, Illustration
    18 16 I.DRICH HITTING OUT jrom a ball from Nutter, during the came between Lancashire and Middlesex at Old Traffort.
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  • 29 16 ColDncl Sutherland, captain of the Royal and Ancient Golf Club, St. Andrew's, presents the Cup io R. Burton after his victory m the British Open.
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  • 97 16 PREE PRESS selections for today's races at Ipoh are as follows: Race 1. —Queen's Course, Polo. Race 2.—Achilles, Woden. Race 3. —Empire Flower, Oorugan. Race 4. —Sycillian, Silver Lace. Race 5. —Mim, Night Empress. Race 6. —Empress, Kissing Cup. Race 7. —Freedom, Regiment. Race 8. —The Poacher,
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  • 185 16 (From Our Own Correspondent' Ipoh, July 18. THE FOLLOWING are the results of the Lower Perak tennis tournament. In the men's singles the winner was Au Kee Kiang who beat R. L. Gr\_< 4—6, 6—4. 6—3. It is reliably understood that Grut will not be playing m
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  • 345 16 Quan Chong Strikes Fo^ A FTER holding a two goal lead, n minutes of the start, the Police S.C.F.A. by six goals to three m their soccer fixture played at the Stadium f The Police are to be congratula: feated, they gave
    345 words
  • 126 16 R.S.G.C.'s July L.G.U. Medal Winners THE JULY L.G.U. Medal of the Royal Singapore Golf Club was played at Lukit Timah en Monday and resulted m a win icr Mrs. G. V. Allen m Silver division with a net score of 71 ana m a win for Mrs. K. D. Mathewson
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  • 85 16 JHE FOLLOWING is the draw for the first round of the Royal Singapore Golf Club's Duffer's Cup to be completed not later than Sunday. July 20. A. S. Andersen vs. R. M. Duff. G. W. Stabb vs. J. H. C. Read. M. J. T. Watson vs. E.
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  • 158 16 Women's Golf Match At Keppel THE MATCH between the women of 1 Keppel Golf Club and the women of Garrison Golf Club, played on Monday, over the Keppel Golf Club's course, resulted m a win for the home team by 6 J 4 points to 1% points. Results as follows
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  • 86 16 R.S. Y.C. Races THE USUAL the Royal E will be as Bolli On Friday th afternoon n ing at 5.25. On Sunday m sail the first ra lenge Cup, atari M* "B" class wll tor the Ma* J starting at li The Singa; dinghy class a Parting at 10.1 «A"
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  • Page 16 Advertisements