The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 8 July 1939

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 17 1 The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS NO. 15,821. LSTD. 1835 SATURDAY, JULY 8, 1939. 5 CENTS
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  • 393 1 Mobilization Of Whole Economic Power STRENGTH FOR COUNTRIES THREATENED BY FORCE London, July 7. r\{\ British (Government's decision to make available tlu ho export credits guarantee machinery an ,iMO,OOO to countries who are members of Frost", requiring armaments and other goods in»m tht Inited
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  • 81 1 London, July 7. rE noted economist, Mr. J. M. Keynes, m a letter to The Times today, calls for the establishment of a vital commodity reserve by the Government, adding, "Money spent on such stocks is not wasted, even If the emergency passes. It is insane m
    Reuter  -  81 words
  • 22 1 Jerusalem, July 7. HTHE APPEAL COURT today reduced the sentence on Max Seligman to four months' imprisonment. —Reuter.
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  • 98 1 I.R.R.C. CHIEF ON PRICE OF RUBBER Reminder To I Impatient (From Our Own Correspondent) London, July 7. VIEWING the future with 'cautious f optimism," Sir John Campbell, chairman of the 1.R.R.C., at today's Incorporated Society of Planters luncheon, reminded impatient members that the price of rubber at present was higher
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  • 108 1 Alleged Attack On Newspaper Office Shanghai. July 7. THE Japanese consular authorities at Hankow have filed a vigorous protest with the British Consulate-General against alleged attacks on the office* of a Japanese newspaper by a British ship's officer. C. Winterbottom. and three ether British members of
    Reuter  -  108 words
  • 32 1 London, July 7. The Chinese community m London is attending a memorial service this afternoon at the Chinese Embassy for Chinese who have died m the war.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 112 1 Washington, July 7. President Roosevelt has signed the compromise Monetary Bill prolonging the existence of the stabilisation fund and restrtrinfr his nrnxrpr tn ripvnlup thp. dollar.- Reuter China Gives Hope. Says Writer London, July 7. UTTHE ONLY COUNTRY that gives hope at the present time is
    Reuter  -  112 words
  • 642 1 Washington, D.C., July 7. TTHE Secretary of the Navy, Mr. 1 Claude A. Swanson, died today. The first news of Mr. Swarson's death which occurred at Rapldan Camp Virginia, came from White House, when President Roosevelt made a statement that he joined the entire
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  • 39 1 An official at S?iow Hill Labour Ex:kange, London, preparing one of the forms for militiamen with which was posted a 4 postal order, as first payment to the militiamen, who report on July 15.
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  • 146 1 India-Burma Coastal Defence Simla Talks D Simla, July 7. EFENCE talks which the Governor of Burma, Sir Archibald Cochrane, will have with the Viceroy, Lord Linlithgow, here next week are expected to embrace questions of coastal defence, air strength, co-ordination of war supplies and the financial aspecfs of these subject*.
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  • 110 1 SOVIET PACT TALKS: NEW POINTS Resumption In Day Or Two London, July 7. JUEW INSTRUCTIONS from the British and French Governments went last night to their representatives m Moscow with reference to negotiations m progress there for a tripartite agreement against aggression. It is expected here that active conversations with
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  • 84 1 Wars**, July 7. HFHE official newspaper Gazeta PoUka. stating that Germany ta forma' j notification of the forthcoming visit to Danzig of the cruiser Koenlgsberg is clearly intended to calm world opinion, warns Poles. "Nevertheless it cannot be doubted that Germany is framing an internal
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • 63 1 The Hague, July 7 QUEEN WTLHELMINA today decided to consult the President of the Chamber and also her army and navy chiefs. This is the first time such a step has been taken by a Dutch sovereign m modern times It is interpreted m political quarters
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 83 1 FOR QUALITY AND ECONOMY D~INK BIOSA TEA .t^^B^^HOHE. "*T~ _Wt^t"^^-^— 1 lLu ._t -»tt _K» iM_^_^Ji^_^_i__^_fc_ "*~S?SS~^ y -^SBJ^^ByJ^^Mft^^Bwnpliltelsi-»»^^^BP3i^^S'^pi*^B'^^Bw onight^ Orchestral Concert 8.15 to 9.15 P«»*' DINNER DANCE (foraal) 9.45 to midnight Will CABARET PROGRAMME BY I DUO MUSANOFF -J__!^ >on-Diners SUM KUnttuel served today from 12.30 to 2.30 p.m.
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  • 25 2 Diana Fishwick, the golfer wife of Brigadier -General A. G. Critchiey, pioneer of greyhound racing m Britain, leaving the London Clinic with her baby daughter.
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  • 351 2 Japan's Early Hopes Of Victory Ended LONDON TAKES OPTIMISTIC CHIANG London, July 7. JAPAN is denounced for alleged violation of the League J Covenant and the Washington and Kellogg Treaties m a message by Generalissimo Chiang Kai Shek addressed to the nations of the world
    Reuter  -  351 words
  • 66 2 Tientsin Britain To Stand Firm London, July 7. THE Chinese Ambassador to London. Dr. Quo Tai Chi, saw the Foreign Secretary* Lord Halifax, last night when they discussed the situation m Tientsin. Reuter understands that it was made quite plain to the Ambassador that the British Government has no intention
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  • 143 2 Japan Observes Anniversary Of War Tokio, July 7. THE second anniversary ot the China war is being observed throughout Japan and Japanese-occupied regions m China with elaborate ceremonial, the day being dedicated to "the new order m East Asia". Observances included a minute's silence m honour of the war dead.
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  • 169 2 London, July 7. THE United States Treasury's decision to pay 36.75 cents per ounce for foreign silver is causing those bullionists who predicted an adjustment of the official United States quotation to the London price to congratulate themselves on their foresight The market does not
    Reuter  -  169 words
  • 101 2 Washington, July 7. SENATOR BORAH, vigorously defend- lug m the Senate the action of the House of Representatives m retaining the arms embargo, declared. "If we determined our foreign policy because European nations are denouncing each other, we would be changing it about once a fortnight.
    Reuter  -  101 words
  • 166 2 Washington, July 7. Senator Hiram Johnson, representing San Francisco, stated that 34 senators had dgned a declaration that they will fisht any change m the existing neutrality law "by every honourable and legitimate means at our command." The declaration reads: *We are unalterably opposed to repeal or modification
    Reuter  -  166 words
  • 103 2 •From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, July 7. IN COMMEMORATION of the second 1 anniversary or the Sino-Japanese war, Mr. Lim Lean Teng, chairman of the Penang China Distress Relief Fund, has today contributed $30,000, Chinese currency, to the fund. Madam Khoo Poh Ean has also
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  • 85 2 •From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, juiy 7. TODAY'S the second anniversary of the Sino-Japanese war, passed oil quietly m Kuala Lumpur. Unlike last year, today most of the Chinese slkhs m the town carried on business as usual. Many of them, however, donated their proceeds
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  • 54 2 THE Governor and Lady Thomas, accompanied by the private secretary and aide-de-camp, will leave Singapore by the night mail train on Saturday, July 15, on a visit to Ipoh, and will return on Monday morning, July 24 While m Ipoh, Sir Shenton will
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  • 35 2 AN electrical short-circuit m a shop m North Bridge Road last night is believed to have caused a small fire, which was soon extinguished by the Singapore Fire Brigade.
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  • 106 2 Restrictions On North China Exports JAPAN PUTS ON THE SCREW London, July 7. LATEST restrictions en North China exports are generally regarded as due to the desire of the Japanese military authorities to put the sere?: n to the utmost, possibly In view of the Tokio conference on tne Tientsin
    Reuter  -  106 words
  • 68 2 London, July 7. THE Police are actively investigating the possibility of incendiarism m connection with a fire on the Dutch steamer Taponoeli, with a cargo of copra and tapioca, m Liverpool docks. After an outbreak m the forward pare cf the vessel sad been extinguished, a
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 48 2 Tokio, July 7. yHE Japanese verrion cf the fighting on the Manehukuo-Outer Mongolian border says thnt 12 o'.:t of 110 Soviet and Outer Mongolian aeroplanes I were brought down aft?r a spectacular air battle on July 5 with eight Japanese aircraft.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 49 2 Nairobi, July 1. Emergency plans have been prewar- ed for the preservation of the stock Industry m view of the increasing threat from drought and locusi.i. Arrangements are being made for the purchase of breeding s^cel-: m distressed areas by settlers from other districts.
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  • 46 2 King An Engine King Boris of Bulgaria, toko is himself an enthusiastic engine driver, has just opened a new railway line between Pomorie and Burgas, a distance of 12 miles. Here is King Boris standing on the front of a loccmotive, when opening the the line.
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  • 172 2 London, July 7. O A Y I N G heard the evidence of four survivors, the Thetis tribunal turned its attention to technical details and the evidence of experts concerning the construction of the submarine and tests made prior to the fatal dive. The
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  • 51 2 SWISS STRE SS NEUTRALIT m TiiE Swiss General C decided that Bwit lity was beyond d therefore, tilers waa n demarche abroad or. I A semi-official Bofc came to this dec! ita reftrdtng thi latkm and intern tions m which Si being mentioned The Council also I economic tent with
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 40 2 .1 The Finance IDfl has announced m sumption of trade it.. Soviet, suspended becau> insisted that they should on the resumption ol d tions. It is understt Egypt la sympatlK resumption and conven shortly.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 24 2 _F-3s *>f^i?_^i_g^^_Bw^_^_w_n_L'_^Ta-BBi-(-WHtTffS^ \vfiv is delicious I y/ ._•<* ot or co^ v CSae §UQ][ii/_GI! PHONE 5376 FIVE LINES. 3 < 7'Ac Singapore Cold Storage Co., Ltd.
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  • 331 3 tionxicide Verdict In Chinatown Case BRUTAL AND CRUEL ACT, SAYS JUDGE have ne to t- is young boy is very brutal cnid/ 1 said Mr. Justice Manning *to Yee D i> apprentice, whom he sentenced to is imprisonment m the Singapore Assizes imous verdict of the
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  • 69 3 "bus driver A on his own waa bound I *.ies of $75 thl Singapore yesterday. offence and as one of the Chief Court art that a Ing home m a after midnight m; accused, a 24- j i Tan Hock and took the occupant. The
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  • 201 3 THE following rules governing the issue and wearing of badges for Air i Raid Precautions Services have been issued: The badge may be issued by the issuing authority to any person who is a member of the air raid precautions organisations of the Colony and who
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  • 121 3 On a charge of theft of a bag of rice, valued at $1.20, from a twakow m the Sincapore River, a 32-year-old Hokkien,"lan See. pleaded guilty bo- fore Mr. C. H. Koh m the Singapore Fourth Police court yesterday. Sentence was postponed to July 14.
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  • Article, Illustration
    60 3 "Les Belles de Montmarte" picture THE MALE CANCAN DANCERS, "LES BELLES DE MONTMARTE," who were popular at the ball m aid of funds for St. Andrew's Mission Hospital at Raffles Hotel on Thursday night. From left are seen Messrs. J. H. S. Jenkins, P. H. Taggart, L. N. Griffith
    Free Press  -  60 words
  • 336 3 In Last Night's Government Gazette •THE following items were m last night's Straits Settlements Government Gazette Appointment of Sergeant A. Calvert to be a Company Sergeant Major Instructor, Volunteer Forces, Malaya approved. Appointment of Dr. R- A. Cumming to be Assistant Pathologist. S.S., approved. Promotion of Dr. J. W. Winchester,
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  • 62 3 THE majority of the pictures m the Free Press China War Supplement published yesterday were supplied to us by the Sin Chew Jit Poh, the Sin- j sapore Chinese newspaper, and the Chinese Consulate-General. Owing to a printer's error, a picture m the supplement on Page 12 was
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  • 118 3 THE following items concerning Volunteers appeared m the Straits Settlements Government Gazette last night:—Mr. P. Whitwcrth granted a Commission as Acting Sub-Lieut., S.S.R.N.V.R. Mr. T. H. Farrer granted a Commission as Sub-Lieut., S.S.R.N.V.R. List 11. Mr. E. G. Bird granted a Commmission as Sub-Lieut., S.S.R.N.V.R. List 11. Mr.
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  • 80 3 CLAIMING trial to two charges of criminal breach of trust of SlOO, from each of two Indians, 8010 Singh and Sahdu Singh at Read Street on Monday and Thursday Hawaii Singh, an Indian, was allowed bail of $200 m the Singapore Third Police
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  • 285 3 THE annual general meeting of the j National Missionary Society of India (Malayan branch) will U I place at 10.45 a.m. tomorrow at 1.61 Street. The agenda will include: the passing ;of minutes of the last general meeting; the adopting of the report of the secretary; the
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  • 203 3 THIS Is rather a prevalent type of cffence, snatching Jewellery from women," remarked Court Inspector Such, m the Singapore Second Police Court yesterday, when a Chinere, Hoo Sing Hoo, claimed trial to a charge of stealing an earring from a woman m a trolley
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  • 320 3 REGULATIONS PUBLISHED DENANG is to have a black-out from 11 o'clock on the night of July 17 to G o'clock the following morning. The following regulations have been made "for the partial cessation of lighting m Penang by way of practice
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  • 245 3 Fewer Cholera Cases Reported From India THE number of cholera caies notified from Calcutta has fallen to 206 as compared with 243 the previous week, but the motaiity has been somewhat heavier, states the League of Nation* Eastern Bureau m their health bulletin for the week ended July 1, 1939.
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  • 123 3 London. June 27. WORK is to be begun at once on a £6,000.000 factory near Morecambe Bay, Lancashire, for the production, from coal and crude oil, of petrol for the R.A.F. Though the factory will be erected by the Air Ministry, it will be operated by
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  • 78 3 London. POLA Negri, the film star, will appear m a Paris court as plaintiff m a libel suit, claiming £6,000. She is complaining of an article m a Paris illustrated weekly last November, when she was represented as an 'intimate friend" of Hitler; as having been
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 39 3 <m sEtt^^Sj? mW _KM? m^T jtf»' JB A^ _B^ Ja\ 3msaZJmm, 9_WJI SPILLERS SHAPES" AELE From FEDERAL DISPENSARY the F.M.S. 1 Singapore "0 ALL STORES. i^lnvinojibM ;watch mßg *m^amm^amm\mmm\\jßm^ JM Ktncta •rr- Jtffiot I «"»ctory. J ,ST( tmrna lUL •>— >
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    • 74 3 SINCERE DISPENSARY LTD. faf^fejl WHOLESALE RETAIL Jf% f fl| CHEMISTS fHgJ DRUGGISTS I 5 I i*"** s^ Distributor* for British Ma V^^s^f-J^ rC.P. A T.B.P. Preparation*. P*»" > HHCSBI also Products o( British Alk&loids Ltd. COLGU SPECIFIC and Continental Drug Co. of India. SLNCERF.'S LIMONIS Urce 90 cts. Head Office:
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  • 1329 4 Said To Have Contained 100 Turf Club Tickets CASE IN MALACCA DISTRICT COURT (From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, June 6. CONSIDERABLE interest is centred m a case which opened here today before Mr. W. J. Thorogood, District Judge, m which a postman, named Lim Tian Soo,
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  • 56 4 Children A.R.P. AN EXPERIMENTAL evacuation of schoolchildren was a surprise feature of the first big: daylight Air Raid Precautions test m Chelsea, London, recently. 5,000 children m Chelsea's 21 schools were "evacuated." They were marched or driven to the nearest underground station. Photo shows a woman A.R.P. warden putting up
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  • 189 4 Berlin, June 27. A MOTOR train of three coaches reached a speed of 135 miles an hour on the line between Berlin and Hamburg today. This is claimed to be a record. For a long distance the train maintained a speed of 125 miles
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  • 223 4 London, June 27. pENERAL Sir Hugh Elles, 59-yeafs- old "Admiral of the Tanks," one of the three military members of the Army Council who resigned m 1937 to facilitate Mr. Hore-Belisha's scheme for appointing younger men, will this month marry for a third time. His
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  • 325 4 Counsel Gives Notice Of Appeal (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, July 6. a WELL KNOWN Chinese, Ong A Teng Phek, was fined $1,000, m default a month's imprisonment, by the Taiping Magistrate, Mr. J. G Crnwford, for being m possession of 14 tins or matches
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  • 136 4 iFiom Our Own Correspondent) Tenang, July 6. "YOU have been more a fool than a knave and you are a very foolish man indeed to have taken the risk you took. I have given great consideration to the evidence m this case and m
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  • 89 4 Madrid, June 27. TWO members of the British colony here were injured today when a hand grenade exploded m the University City. Mr. and Mrs. James H. Tennant, Mr. George Wainwright and Mr., Mrs. and Miss Brown were siting the ruins of the University City sector
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  • 52 4 (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, July 7. TTHE largest fair ever held m Perak 1 —100 stalls— opened today, and Chinese women and girls dressed m uniform costumes are pouring into the park. The school handicraft section is attracting much attention. The fair closes on
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  • 65 4 (From Our Own Correspondent.? Kuala Lumpur, July 6. MR. Philip Noakes, Travelling Sec1U retary for the Overseas League, was guest of honour at a pahit party given yesterday at the Lake Club by members and friends of the Overseas League. The acting British Resident, Major G.
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  • 36 4 GENERALISSIMO CHIANG KAI-SHEK accompanied by I) r < ling, Vice-President of People's Political Council, Inspect inj Chinese students recently near Chungking. Walking behind the Generaiissimo is Gen. Chang Chi-chung, the former Governor of
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  • 288 4 London, June '11. A FTER police have been trying for 38 days to find the killer of 59-years- old Richard Alfred Lewis, of Con wayroad, Pontypool, Monmouthshire, his relatives now offer .€l,OOO reward m the hope of solving the mystery. This murder— a
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  • 68 4 (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, July 6. POR having tampered with an lrrlr gation canal at Ballk Pulau and using a boat on it without a licence, a Chinese youth, Tan Sin Bee, witf f?r>ed $5 en each count. He admitted the charge but pleaded::
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  • 162 4 Lond >n. .ii.M R c ™*se Graves, H laughter-maker-in-cMt pino Lane m "Me and My < of the Lambeth Walk shortly celebrate it< 1.00 I ance at the Victoria Pal; left the cast. Th's Wal reveal ;d by M She said that she and h i
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  • 64 4 i From Our Own Corre.s, Kuala Lumpur. J a TB appeal of P.atna Vellu, to I rubber tapper, who was s» :.:enced to death for the murder of his »ife, was dismissed today by the full Court of Criminal Appeal, consisting of Mr.
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  • 62 4 <From Our Owa C Ipoh. Ju!\ T'HE Kinta foundry strike took a new turn following the announcement of the result of a ballot taken by which was unanimously m favour of refusing the foundry owners' cfTer. The owners have decided to down the foundries for
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  • 44 4 FUNERAL OF MB MAILVAGANAM aa (From Our Own Corrcs Penang. Ju J"HERE was a large attendu; the funeral yesterday of Mr Mailvaganam, father of Mr. M maniam, assistant dental officer Penang General Hospital The body was cremated at Bat* Gantong according to Hindu rite*.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 85 4 GAIN VIM lV f Sun. to avoid IS yourself from be» M coming fat the afmM KJ-DLSA way. Keep wA .our Toothful figure or /MMt r *n*--ln 'he gracefulness recently enjoyed. I It umi>ie follow MM he RKLtUSA way. Aa MMmMMMM excellent course. You AMU hat "extra" flash, W You
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    • 77 4 "ROMANCE" AT POPULAR PRICES! "ROMANCE" Hair Cream 30 QM "ROMANCE" Amber Brilliantine 25 ct*. "ROMANCE" Solid Brilliantine 30 cts "ROMANCE" Rose Hair Oil 25 cts Behind each ROMANCE item is twenty years** Laboratory research and experience, ROMANCE COSMETICS arc guaranteed to be of the highest quality and compare favourabh with
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  • 305 5 AIR MINISTRY TRIES TO AID RECTOR Sequel To Extensions At Heston MTrATDTrno London, June bMBERS of Parliament, a House of Commons Select Committee, and Air Ministry chiefs, are trying to find a home for a clergyman. The Rev. Maurice Child, Rector of Cranford, Middlesex, has been living for four years
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  • 57 5 Johannesburg, June 27. The Duke of Kent paid a surprise visit to King Edward Memorial Hospital, Ealing, and stayed about an hour, i Patron of the hospital, which he last j visit :d about seven years ago. the Duke i vas particularly interested m the j childrv/s ward that was
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  • 130 5 British Planes for Brussels Exhibition I ondon. June 27. tf aircraft, aero..ccessories at the which is to be i centenaire from be far larger other nation and rd of the available I under- L. G. 3. Telegraph, will be c Wellington a.: Ministry be completely Bblfl II to pass the
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  • 17 5 .p»* l"vii. July 1. A :.ree fafcttt— ivsued to cele:he landing Africa. The er.
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  • 229 5 How Chloroform Caused Accident London, June 27. r\R. JAMES LIDDELL, of Caledonian c Road, Islington. N. f pleaded guilty to careless driving at North London j Police Court yesterday. He explained l that the cork of a bottle of chloroform m his car had loosened and he must j have
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  • 221 5 I iFrjm Our Own Correspondent* Malacca. July 6. LIOW the sea claimed another victim was related m the Malacca Coroner's Court today when a Henghwa fisherman, named Ngoh Keng Tong, i described how a 16-year-old compat- riot, naamed Ngoh Keng Ing. was lest j overboard from
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  • 49 5 Life Notice For The Day The Chief Justice at Kuala Lumpur Court of Appeal. Before Mr. Justice Pedlow m the 2nd f'ourt at 11 a.m. Magistrate's Appeals: Rex vs. Ong Joo Gek. Rex vs. Majid b Darus. Rex vs. Ahmad b. Hassan. Before the Registrar at 10 a.m.:— Taxations.
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  • 102 5 New York. June 30. Mrs. Hariet Alice Thompson, 66--years-cld Englishwoman who has lived m Boston for the last 51 years, today prepared to leave the United States on an order of the Labour Department, who have told her she must go or face deportation. Mrs.
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  • 283 5 London, June 30. AfIER an absence of 30 minutes, the jury at Nottingham Assizes yesterday found Harry Herbert Gamble, 42, a stage hand, guilty of the murder of his wife on Sept. 25, 1935. The woman's body was said to have teen unearthed, nearly four
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  • 109 5 200 Women Rush For Post Of Nursemaid Sydney, July 1. TWO hundred women have applied for the post of nursemaid m the 70-ton auxiliary ketch Ahto which is now at Sydney on its way round the world. The ketch left New York last November
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 155 5! :tnd Lau^h with CHAN Anew! IALHAMBRA- "."V,y fc >r| J&tfA THE NEW CHAN ADVENTURE j£ and the most thrilling mLj-jJ/M s\ Imagine the daring of a killer who *fi 8L strikes on the very doontep of the :is 3» world's most fomoui detective! '•S- MmW UI I f I
      155 words
    • 153 5 As violent as a slap In the lace: The thrilling drama of baby-faced killer which a. a sU,e p.»T .tonne. London and I N «w York audiences for 80 weeks I PAVILION. TODAY SUPERB CANNOT BE MORE OmVH MORE REALIST!I RKf. PKl>s Oje AIC QIC "SOMETHING YOU POSITIVELY MUST SEE"
      153 words
    • 183 5 just the RIGHT, BRIGHT show for your Week End Entertainment! Phone 5261 V%vtvt_%v 3 SHOWS TODAY I The True Life Story of the Dancing Idols of a quarter-of-a-century ago, portrayed by Tlie King tmi Queen of the Dance Today -^_k*-BBBBBBMJoaaM-_ _aaVBSSBBH-aßßafl WMBtF' r ~^mMV&sl*MWM^^<&-^* *'J&>'/S's \?yfvQMM '■S^.- '•y-^^OMm "BB^^ttS MmW
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  • 651 6 The Singapore Free Press SATURDAY, JULY 8, 1939. Two Banned Films pROM time to time the Singa- pore public learns that the film censor has banned a picture which Malayan audiences would very much have liked to see. This week there has been the banning of an A.R.P. film which
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  • 651 6 I By A Special Correspondent! TF it be true, as stated, *that Germany is sounding the Baltic States as to their attitude towards a joint Russian-German guarantee of independence their rejection of such an offer is likely to be even more decisive than their
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  • 666 6 TN the centre of Australia lies a vast tract of barren land which since 1929 has been called the Simpson Desert. Exactly what this life-defying wilderness may hide m the shape of nature's productions, past and present is an intriguing mystery. An air reconnaissance was undertaken some
    Copyright  -  666 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 143 6 M B^^^^^^Bhl^Bß^^^^^Hj^^^^b^^^B^b^l^^h^B^l^^^^b^Bh^9l^^^B BfHMnraSfßnßaan^TQ j_\i jHßffl I"H t 1 1 1 1 1 *9 i[ 1 1 1 v 1 1 ]j yS i» m O *^_££j£> MM_M_HafaaaaTlltW^aWiraafWaai^rTllaMaTi¥^ i— BY SPECIAL A JjJ TO H. M. THE APPOINTMENT K!NG OF SIAM ESTD. *!&s§?*% 1872 NEWEST DESIGNS ill DIAMOND JEWELLERY. NECKLACES BRACELETS
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  • 184 7 SAW SYNAGOGUE DESTROYED IN DANZIG Ship's Officers Tell Of Nazi Activity In Free City THE destruction of a synagogue and signs of Nazi activity m Danzig were^ seen by officers of the Blue Funnel vessel Menelaus, which arrived at Singapore yesterday from Europe. While their ship was m port at
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  • Article, Illustration
    39 7 Hit H Ml> BOTCH TAP DANCE NUMBER at the ball m r v ftfi si ;:i Hospital at Raffles Hotel on Iron left: the "i;>s?s Jean Elder, Gwillian Gale, Karen DtaUfttfl, *i_»ira Elder and Gwcn Griffith-Jones. Free Press picture.
    Free Press  -  39 words
  • 198 7 )ur Own Correspondent j Kuala Lumpur, July 7. atery over the delay m the publication I I tTs report on the extent of destitution pur, undertaken at the request of the i runent rhomas was approached last week by p.;. Mr.
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  • 61 7 Coolie Buried A1ive At Quarry U Ue, Teow Sire while doing try m Mandai at the Kngarday. hoidinc an of the Chinese. 'he M time ol tne h was post- I 11m i v^iies m his were digging d suddenly i anting when he but unfortunate- by the earth.
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  • 38 7 C ntj kaact July fc t\ v > 01 Teik Hin. ifht by Re\enue Ofn•quor m tne GovernReeene at Bukit Lata red to pay a fine of three weeks" rigorous The fine was not paid.
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  • 81 7 THREE cliargei of forgery ware made against a Chinese. Loo Ho Cheng, before Mr. Justice Manning m the Singapore Assizes yesterday. Ho Cheng was alleged to have forced a draft for $350 payable to Chop Kwon<* FOOk Thye and signed by Tay Bee Yong Brothers, of
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  • 63 7 IN exercise of the powers conferred by the Admiralty Waters Ordinance the King's Harbour Master, has made the following regulations: No foreign V2ssel shall enter Admiralty waters without the permission m writing of the King's Harbour Master and no British veasel having an alien on board shall
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  • 90 7 Forced To Commit Offence, Says Accused A FINE of $250 or. In default, five months' rigorous imprisonment was passed by Mr. C. H. Koh In the Singapore Fourth Police Court yesterday on a middle-aged Hokkien, Aug Slong Chua, who pleaded guilty to a charge of possession of three and a
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  • 133 7 New Platform Will Facilitate Loading Of Mails WORK has begun m the new plat- form which is being built at the Master Attendant's pier. Singapcre, to facilitate the leading of mails into launches The new platform, which will be electrically operated, will be independent of the s:a, so that it
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  • 130 7 a YOUNG Chinese named Wong Yin Nam who is alleged to have attempted to have caused grievous hurt to a compatriot was refused bail by Mr. McFall m the Singapore Criminal District Court yesterday, on an objection raised by Chief Court Inspector Tunn. Wong Ah Kam, a
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  • 96 7 BLEADING guilty to a charge of dis- tilling intoxicating liquor at Kampong Hiap Ban San on June 30, a 49--ycar-oid Hokkien woman, Ng Kow Keng was fined $200 m default of payment to undergo five months' rigorous imprisonment, by Mr. C. H. Koh m the Singapore Fourth Police
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  • 36 7 ON his way to Japan a German test pilot. Herr Josef Beier, of the Buccker Aircraft Company left Singapors yesterday m the Nordch utsrthar Lloyd liner Gneisenau after visiting Java.
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  • 343 7 Assault On Police Sergeant CHINESE YOUTH CONVICTED UfONG TET SIANG, a 21-year-oid Kheh, was convicted by Mr. L. C. I Goh m the Singapore Fifth Police Court yesterday, on an amended charge of assaulting a public servant ,m Woodlands on July 2 and secondly 'with bathing m public. Wong was
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  • Article, Illustration
    36 7 Some of the Royal Hawaiians, a troupe of Hawaiian hula dancers and musicians, who open a season at the Victoria Theatre tonight. They are led by David Kaili and Queenie, th§ well known musicians from Honolulu.
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  • 286 7 PUBLIC EXAMINATION IN BANKRUPTCY COURT AN account of large fluctuations m his business fortunes rt was given by Moses Joseph Nassim, a Singapore-born man, living at Amber Mansions, at his public examination m the Bankruptcy Court before Mr. Justice Pedlow yesterday.
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  • 44 7 DOUCE bail was extended m the Third Court yesterday, when a Chinese, Lye Bah Hua, claimed trial to causing hurt to another Chinese, Teo Ah See, with a stool at Boat Quay on Thursday morning. The case was postponed a week.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
      38 words
    • 201 7 r-SDorflS— i CORSETRY j f Figure Lotelin<>ss )m^W L 1582 I WyM Worth's Corseiette I f TWO-WAY STRETCH 3ACK G |k1 X WITH HALF LACING. COLITL j /Bjjf front //Pi r Sizes 36 &38 Price $13.95 8 HObiNSGM CO., LTD. w PITIvUNS (DUflffi ESTABLISHED IN ENGLAND 65 YEARS UNITEERS BIG.
      201 words

  • 145 8 London, June ZG. DLAIN clothes policemen today will mix with thousands of workmen employed on Government contracts m rural Wiltshire m the hope of recapturing a patient who has escaped from the County Mental Hospital at Devizes. It is thought that the escaped man, Kovrt ftadmex, aged
    145 words
  • 150 8 London, June 27. Mrs*. Ivy Irene May Dean, 23, r>f Pu Cane-court, Balham. was charged at South-Western Police Court yesterday with sending a letter threatening to kill or murder her husband, George Dean. There wa.< a second charge of threatening her husband, whereby he went
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  • 121 8 Water Cut Off By The Local Council Karachi municipal corporation has decided to cut off the water supply to the local racecourse, the only one m Sind which runs a weekly race meeting. "It is purely a gambling concern and has ruined thousands of citizens," says
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  • 643 8 SARAJEVO VERSAILLES Reich Commentators Historic June 28 "OLD liOOTS" FOR BRITAIN, THEY SAY Berlin, June 26. WITH the approach of June 28 German commentators busy themselves with the historic significance of that date— the date both of the Sarajevo murder and of the signing of the Treaty of Versailles. The
    643 words
  • 229 8 Scarborough Thinks "Dirty Trick" London. June 2u. THE 8.8.C. has offended Scarborough, the Yorkshire seaside resort. Scarborough was mentioned m the air-raid broadcast en Friday night. And Scarborough thinks that at this time of the year, when people are holi-day-minded, this was a "dirty trick." CAUSED
    229 words
  • 107 8 ZHJ Transmitter Is Remodelled <Frcm Our Own Correspondent > Penang, July 3. With a view to providing North Malayan listeners with better reception, the Penang Wireless Society has remodelled its transmitter to a strength 20 times more powerful than before. As a result, static interference has
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  • 29 8 QUTPUT of the Jimah Rubber Estate v tor the month of June was 16,600 lbs. and that of Punggor Rubber Estate for the same month 8,060 lbs.
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  • 253 8 London, June 25. pEORGE LYTTELTON ROGERS, si:: foot seven inches Irish champion, has married again. His bride, Mile. Greta Konenberg, is the girl whose sympathetic message after the tragic death of his first wife two years ago Lyttelton Rogers never forgot. Three years ago. when he was
    253 words
  • 128 8 Berlin, June 20. A SUCCESSOR to the man who m pre-War days deceived the town of Koepenick by appearing m a captain's uniform, putting the town under martial law and confiscating the municipal ccish, Ls baffling the Perlin police. Wearing a policeman's uniform he has been going
    128 words
  • Article, Illustration
    46 8 THE ELECTION TOOK place recently of the beauty queen and her maids of honour for Kensington's Own Hospital Carnival and grand fete m aid of the Princess Louise Kensington Hospital for Children. London. Miss Manser, photographed after her election as Carnival Queen at Nottintr Hill Gate.
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  • 87 8 Theatrical Company's 11 -Year Tour Johannesburg, June 20. pOMPETITION from cinemas did not K^ trouble the Ernesto Brothers' theatrical company, who have reached Johannesburg after a tour lasting 11 years and covering 500,000 miles. "We decided to visit all those towns and districts that did not have cinemas," said Mr.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 582 8 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS s DOMESTIC OCCURRENCES ACKNOWLEDGMENT Mrs. Caunce wishes to express to all her deep gratitude for the lasting comfort of their expressions of sympathy and oilers of help, and regrets that just now she Is unable to answer them personally. TENDERS SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY Tenders. Tenders are now invited for
      582 words
    • 286 8 RHEUMATISM GOT HIM 80- Years-Old Pianist Is Relieved By Kruschen Although old age has not yet kept this man from his occupation as a pianist, rheumatism did threaten to do so recently. 'Two years ago." he writes, "1 was suddenly taken with rheumatism, all down my left arm. I tried
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 572 8 I RADIO PROGRAMMES SINGAPORE TODAY MIL 225 mfbn ZHP 30 06 metres p.m. 12.45 Light orchest: from the Adelphi H 1.30 Midday rubber and t 1.32 Light orchestra i con the Adelphi Hctel (co. 2 00 Interval. 5.00 Malay musical e:.tertainn___ k. Tasek Utara musical pa studio). rrotr tfe 5.45
      572 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 544 9 -n_a m^4 WW mYW H_P MM H I j M /m m* 9 Hjb II H tl W^fl __t^_!H-. x v r^~^ A_M'_^_^_^_^tf_^_BHß_H^^Bß^MMMßßHßß^fc^fcra^^^^^Bfc^ fp_o an¥RITISH INDIA LIN ES H I T CORPORATED IN ENGLAND p. 6c O. S. H. COS SAILINGSW'TWARDS Dne Una Toanaje Spore. Tonnage Spore. 15.590 July 14
      544 words
    • 231 9 K.N.I.L.M. BATAVIA TO SAIGON AIR SERVICE AS from July 17. the K.N.I.L.M. service between Batavia and Saigon will operate outwards on Monjdays and return on Tuesdays, instead of on Tuesday! and Wednesdays as at present. The times of arrival and departure vail be unchanged. CASTLE LINE fOR NBH YORK, BOSTON,
      231 words
    • 612 9 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. Ocean Building, Collyer Quay, Singapore Tel. 5151. Chartered Bank Building. Penang TeL 136€. BLUE FUNNEL LINE. FAST SERVICES MARSEILLES, LONDON CONTINENT AND GLASGOW (m conjunction with the Glen Line) Dne Sails ACHILLES L'don. R'dam, Hull and Ham. July 10 July II DEUCALION Mars.. London, R'dam, Ham. and
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 386 9 Air Mail Arrivals And Despatches INWARD Imperial: From Europe aue— Monday. Thursday. Friday afternoons. Wearnes: From I'tnang. Ipon and Kuala Lumpur Arrives every evening. K.L.M.: From Netherlands Indies: Arrives Tuesday. Thursday. Saturday afternoons Qantas: From Australia: Arrives Tuesday. Friday. Sunday afternouns. K.L.M.: From Europe: Arrives Saturday, Monday, Wednesday evenings. K.N.l.LAL:
      386 words
    • 376 9 SINGAPORE HARBOUR The following ships are alongside the Singapore Harbour Board Wharves or expected to arrive:— East Wharf. Entrance Gate 1: Exit 1:— Foch 22. Main Wharf, Entrance Gate 2; Exit 3:— Kola 17; Siagen 1G; Perak 14; Panckor 12; Menelaus 9; Sphinx 7. Empire Dock, Lntrance Gate 2; Exit
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  • 458 10 "THE UNVISITED MAUSOLEUMS" London, June 25. THE AVERAGE VISITOR to amu- scum will explore a ground floor thoroughly, climb probably to a second floor, merely glance at the staircase to the third floor, and never know that a fourth floor exists. Thus the rule for
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  • 292 10 London, June 27. MR. CALOUSTE GULBENKIAN, the oil king, yesterday lost his appeal against having to disclose documents —said to require several lorries to bring them to court— in his dispute with his son. The son, Mr. Nubar Gulbenkian, claims five per cent, of his father's
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  • 299 10 COLLAPSE AS SHE KNELT IN PEW London, June 24. WHILE the congregation was assembling for service at St. Paul's Church, Newton Abbot, Devon, a few minutes before 11 a.m. the body 0 f an unknown woman, aged between 65 and 70. was found below tK>
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 591 10 BOUSTEAD CO., LTD. (Incorporated m F.M.S.) TELEPHONE: Freight .".43?.— Passage 3431. Canadian pacific J wy«i^l ceiUnrr j tlccorporatetf In England^ Till. •.:...:...-> j.OIIL otters IRANS-PACTFIC SERVICES via HONOLULU or direct EMPRESS to VANCOUVER ACROSS CANADA by TRANSCONTINENTAL TRAIN without than ge— thence by CANADIAN PACIFIC ATLANTIC SERVICES TO ENGLAND or
      591 words
    • 295 10 For Everything* Appertaining to Ocean Passages, Foreign Money Exchange and Freight m nnlv co 45k s WAC^^^LIT9 [WOQIO TPAVEt SgPVKI] 39, ROBINSON ROAD No Booking Fees. Telephone 5908. BIBBY UNE~ (LONDON ADDRESS): 22. FALL MALL. LONDON S.W. 1 Mail Passenger Vessels between RANGOON. COLOMBO. PORT SUDAN, MARSEILLES, PLYMOUTH LONDON with
      295 words
    • 617 10 AMERICAN PRESIDENT LINES, LTD. I /s£&& «^s? mm!*±~~^\ 9 A^* \_^_^<>fiß__s^_^Eßß_— _Wß3*!^P"*^ •H_r?-SS= mMMMm C^ IH TO EUROPE FROM SINGAPORE ANO PENANG TO COLOMBO. BOMBAY. SI LZ. PO k ALEXANDRIA NAPLES. GENOA MARSEILLES AND NLW Arrive* Leases Leav> Spore. Spore. Penang PRESIDENT GARPIELD July 15 July 18 Ju s PRESIDENT
      617 words

    • 896 11 'OGAPORE STOCK AND SHARE PRICES Fraser And Co. 9 s List „m w* 5 p.m. Ml*. Buyers Seller* 3s 6d 48 4c prf 5s 38s 40S 21s 1 .b l«s 3d 19s 3d I.IW 1.22 J as ios I 21s 6d cd lIS 138 .31 M -62 i
      896 words
    • 512 11 \LONDON AND NEW YORK STOCK SHARES From Lcidon 530 p.m. Yesterday Share o! £1 denomination unless Latest Quotations Previously otherwise stated Conversion Loan, 5 p.c. 1944-84 109»' 8 109*3 Funding Loan. 4 p.c. 1960-90 106% IOS I^ War Loan, 3V 2 p.c. W% 935^ Com. Union
      512 words
    • 87 11 ISSUED BY FRASER CO. AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS YESTERDAY Tin at Midday was SII3U, down 3 a, and the price of rubber at 4 o'clock was buyers Spot 28 M cents, buyers October December 28% cents, market idle. Markets outside of Malaya were steady yesterday but
      87 words
    • 171 11 JULY 4 SELLING London T.T. 2 3 31;32 London T.T. 2|3 31 32 Lyons demand 2055 Switzerland demand 241U Hamburg demand 135 New York demand 54 9,16 Montreal demand 54 9,16 Batavia demand 102 Samarang demand 102 r -i Calcutta, Bombay and Rangoon demand 156 Madras and
      171 words
    • 181 11 London, June 27. TWENTY-ONE people, the ftfft farepaying passengers en the Atlantic service, arrived at Lisbon from New York yesterday m the Dixie Clipper. Each of the men and women had paid £70 for the jcurney. Meet of them had booked their trip at
      181 words
    • 75 11 Cape Town, July 1. A LMOST one-third of the reclamation work on Cape Town's new harbour and forerhore scheme has been completed. It is estimated that 11,000.000 cubic yards of material will be required to fill m the 363 acres of rea that will eventually fcrm
      75 words
    • 67 11 London, July The Ministers of Education m the French and British Governments, M Jean Zay and Lord De La Warr. met today and referred m warm terms to the friendship of their two countries at the annual prize-giving of the Lycee Franceis de Lcndros ye t rday.
      67 words
    • 63 11 Calcutta, July I. •THE question of giving financial support to the production mink fur ,on the Nelgris is being considered by the Madras Government. Indian m nk, v/hieh is said to be j superior to that prr dueed m England, j is m great demand m European
      63 words
    • 197 11 I Ftom London 5*30. p.m Yesterday RUBBER: Quiet London: 8 3 166. B l^± Previously. 8 3 16d. BUd. Aug.-Sept: 8 3 16 d. B 5 IGd. Previously: 8 4 d. 8 5 16d. Oct.-Dec: 8 5 16d. 8 3 B d. Previously: rt 5 lCd. 8
      197 words
    • 61 11 From London: Latest Quotations TIN: Steady. Spot: £229 !7s. 6d. Previously: €229 17s. 6d. Three months: £221 123. id. Previously: £224 12s. 6d. NEW YORK TIN: 48.65. Previous:?. 48.65. COPPER: £43 2s. 6d. Previously: £43. GOLD: Yesterday: £7 Bs. 6d. Previously: £7 Bs. 6d. SILVER: Spot: 17?
      61 words
    • 119 11 JULY 7, 1939: 12 O'CLOCK NOON Buyers Sellers No. IX R.S.S. Spot loose 28 3|16 28 5;i6 No. IX R.S S. F. 0.8. m cases July 28% 28 »4 Qlrty. RSS P. 0.8 la bales July 28!* 2814 F.AQ. R.S.S. F. 0.8. m bales July
      119 words
    • 68 11 applied Hy Messrs. Fraser Co. H-ll>\V. JCa 7. 1939: 5 P~M. Total for Books Date Ex. div Financial ,i. Close Payable date Year II July 14 July 20 July 15 Vh% June 28 July 14 July 3 4<T« Final July 12 Aug. 3 July 13 lOtt iess
      68 words
    • 65 11 I London Closing Quotations I Metnoa 01 Purii* oeiore iciest Centre Quoting 20-9-31 rtate Previously Paris Franc to 124.11 176 1116 176 1116 New York.. $to 4.8655 4.63 316 468»g Amsterdam Guilders to 12.10 8.82 882 Hong Kong Pei dollar Is. 2d Is. 2d. Shanghai.. Per dollar
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 159 11 BANK OF CI IN A (Incorporated m China by Special Charter), 12, Cecil Street Singapore. Telephones: Manager's Office €444 Sab.-Manager's Office 6442 Exchange Dept. 6441 Genera! Office 5188 Cable Address: "(HL'NGKLO Paid tp Opital Ch 46 660.008 ft Reset \r E u nd* la excess of Ch 1 200 moo
      159 words

  • 549 12 Soldiers' Centre Half Injured STATE IMPRESSIVE IN EARLY STAGES LTN IMPRESSIVE but persistent, the Combined Services scored a two-one victory over Johore m the Malaya Cup soccer match at Johore Bahru yesterday. Hay and Pringle were the scorers, their goals coming m the last ten
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  • 119 12 CPECULATION is rife as to what will be the result at the Stadium today when Singapore and Malacca meet m the southern section of the Malaya Cup compeUtion. Local supporters have lost a lot of confidence m the Singapore team after the matches again -.t Johore
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  • 204 12 Selangor Vs. Perak At Ipoh Today (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, July 7. Selangor will be represented this Saturday at Ipoh m their Malaya Cup soccer fixture against Perak by the same team which defeated Penang here on June 10. The team is Kum Pak; Lim See Hu and
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  • 258 12 Raffles Start Well In Annual 3-Day Match TWO WICKETS DOWN FOR 108 OAFFLES COLLEGE made a good start In their annual three-day cricket match against Medical College on the latter's ground yesterday, scoring 108 runs for the loss of two wickets when stumps were drawn. R. Thoy and G. Clarke,
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  • 92 12 The following have been selected to represent the Navy, Army and Ail* Force Institutes Imperial Club against the United Athletic Party (Lads'), m a friendly badminton match consisting of 5 singles and 2 doubles, to be played next Wednesday, at the Happy World covered stadium, at
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  • 51 12 The following have been selected to represent Fort Canning against the R.A.M.C. at cricket at Tanglin on Sunday at 2 p.m. Capt. Ewens, Sqdn. Leader Marchank, Capt; Lieut. Mercer, S;Sgt. Wilton, Sgt. Dowling, Sgt. Long. Sgt. Baker, Cpl. Turner, L|Cpl. Beeston, L'Cpl. Telford and Pte. Stott. Reserve: LJCpI.
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  • 22 12 In a friendly game of soccer, played on the padang yesterday, the S.CC. defeated the R.A. (Changi) by three goals to one.
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  • 37 12 Johnny Bulla At St. Andrew 's JOHNNY BULLA, U.S.A., driving from the 2nd. tee of the old course at St. Andrew's, which was recently re-opened after a fortnight's rest. Golfers were practising for the Open Golf Championships.
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  • 147 12 Wimbledon, July 7. IN the Men's final Riggs beat Cooke 2__G, B—6, 3— 6, 6—3. 6—2. Play was almost monotonously perfect. It was the 13th meeting between two Americans, who were both competing at Wimbledon for the first time. The weather was sunny but
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  • 48 12 London, July 7. IN the Gentlemen's vs. Players match, which was concluded at Lord's today, the Players won by 160 runs. The Players scored 270, Fames taking 5 for 78, and 202 for 4 declared. The Gentlemen scored 158 for 7 declared and 154.— Reuter.
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  • 19 12 MISS ALICE MARBLE, one cf the finalists m the Women's Singles at Wimbledon, m action.
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  • 57 12 Monday Handicap: H. R. Wilson and H. R. L. Dyne (owe 3> vs. T. C. Hay and W\ Williams (plus 3). Wednesday, Handicap-Final: A. Ferguson and E. H. Coleman vs. F. J. L. Mayger and W. H. Stuart Clark (plus 4). Subsidiary-Final: E. B. Evans and A.
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  • 161 12 The following is the draw for the Royal Singapore Golf Club's qualifying round— Duffer's Cvp to be played at Bukit Tlmah on Saturday and Sunday. July 15 and 16. W. L. Blythe and B. de F. Garland; E. G. Sellers and J. E. P. Maucorps; A.
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  • 72 12 The following have been selected to play football for the Junior Department of the V.M.C.A. against 11th Heavy Battery on Monday, at 5 p.m., on the Anson Road Ground: Wee Aik Chan, Choo Seng Chye, Low Huck Yang, Chan Nee Sian. G. J. Moxon, Ong
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  • 102 12 In the S.AF.A. League the Malay reserves meet the Loyals' reserves on Monday on the Singapore Harbour Board ground at 515 p.m. The following will represent the Malays: Jaffar. Ali Yunos, Monchong, Masri, Kordi, Aripin, Jaffar Sulaiman, Ibrahim Isa, Jaffar Ali, Ali A. Rahman, Amat Fattah, H. Garhan, Shamsudin. Mosmin.
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  • 101 12 London, July 7. The match between Glamorgan and Hants was abandoned, Hants 50 for 2. There was no play on the second and third days. Sussex won on the first innings. Sussex 449 for 7 declared (Cox 182, James Langridge 161). Lancashire 148 and 173 for 3. The
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  • 382 12 THE LE MERCIER SCHOOL held its annual athletic sports yesterday at the Jalan Besar Stadium. Stadium. At the conclusion of the meeting, the prizes were distributed by Mrs. Lee Choon Guan. High Jump— Championship:— 1, Wfcu Seng; 2, Mun Kirn. Height 5 ft. 1 m. Long Jump—
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  • 66 12 The key match m the Perak cricket knockout competition, that between the Kinta Indians and the Kuala Kangsar Sporting Union, is to be played today on the Anderson School grounds, Ipoh The winners will meet the Ipoh Club m the semi-final. The other semifinalists. Sitiawan and Dew Recreation
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  • 121 12 Burton Win 3 With 290 London, i u i.. RICHARD Burton x Open Golf Chan score 290-70, 72. 77 i i I Johnny Bulla, the second, returnii. 292 I He was followed b^ F linn land, Perry, R~. and King all v.*: Other notable King 294,
    121 words
  • 187 12 1 on don. June T, DEHIM) the wonder perfornun twent>-three-year-oH Jim Smurtiwaite, from North OSMWtsMV* m llkia five Derby wickets for we%m run>tf a total of twenty t.>r > ork-hir Ite the story of a shr.u.l iH p.**" l coach and a captain < imagination.
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  • 44 12 The following wii: against the AP.C. tod 1 at Paya Lebar: R. F. W. Leonard Johnson-Hill. WComdr. F j Whitworth, Dr. J. A. 1 :n< *sy H. Daly. P. M White** ad f F. V. Read, J. H IHM ander.
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  • 54 12 Telok Ayer Epworth tennis friendly mat Nanyang Chinese S Prince Edward Ronri p.m. consist of five Monday against Kgo Chong Hong Lim Str c consist of seven ing leaguers will I Soh Teow Lim Tan Hock Kee, Lee Long Th Chiu. Tco Eng Hur Hong Tlong Eng. MM
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 138 12 INDIGESTION By Dr. F-B- Scott, M.D.. ParisT Of all the aches and palm which patients come and teU me about, indigestion pains are probably the most common. 'I get such tabbing, griping pains after meals," they say, or "my meals give me such a horrible full -up feeling." Well, it
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