The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 6 July 1939

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 17 1 The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS NO. 15,822. ESTD. 1835 THURSDAY, JULY 6, 1939. 5 CENTS
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  • 209 1 Warning To Nazi Bomber Danzig, July 5. WARNING shot was fired by the Polish batteries when a heavy German bomber flew over the village Orlowo between Danzig and Gdynia, today. After the >hot, the aircraft flew off m the direction of the free number of German workmen
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  • 72 1 London, July 5. THE Under Foreign Secretary, Mr. X A. Butler, replied m the affirmative :he Commons when asked whether be were satisfied that the Spanish r.ment was sufficiently stable to v the initiation of trade talks. d whether he would see that any advantages
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  • 28 1 Labou r Holds Seat London. July 5. v retained the CasrI la the by-election death of Mr. Mor d urcd a victory ever >i>9rvative> 10.490, compared election.—
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  • 35 1 I.onrlor. Ju!; .">. :es3 has been made with of transport m BriktaM of war. A scheme for ol road passenger services and with petrol now has to public by the Minister of British Wireless.
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  • 100 1 Britain Ready For Action, Premier Says London, July 5. WR. CHAMBERLAIN was asked m the Commons tonight, whether, In view of the illegal importation of munitions and armed men Into Danzig he would take steps while there was time to impress upon the German Government the determination of the British
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  • 137 1 Replying to a previous question, the Under Foreign Secretary. Mr. R. A. Butler, referred to the terms of the pledge to Poland, which, he said. Britain would certainly fulfil, when he was asked whether the Government's policy to resist further aggression covered a case of any attempt
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  • 68 1 London, July 5. IN PARLIAMENTARY CIRCLES, it is assumed that m view of the con- gestiou or business m the Commons it will not he possible to make further progress beiore the summer adjournment, early m August, with the Criminal Justic? Bill, a major
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  • 135 1 London, July 5. EVINCING LANE refuses to allo* itself to be unduly disturbed by reports of the difficulties of leading tea brokers, whose cheques are alleged to have been returned, marked "refer to drawer." It is claimed that any trouble that has arisen is purely temporary
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  • 62 1 London, July 4. MR. GEOFFREY SHAKESPEARE, Under Naval Secretary, emphasised m the Commons that the possibility of accelerating progress m all classes of naval construction was constantly under consideration. Ships were being built rapidly as was permitted by the labour and plant available and by the necessity
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  • 53 1 Sw&tow, July 5. Mr. Tadahlsa Matsudaira, vice-' consul m charge of the Japanese Consulate here will meet the Customs Commissioner, Mr. C. G. Asker, and the Deputy Commissioner, Mr. A. L. Sewman, this afternoon to legally transfer the Swatow Customhouse, which is now under the occupation of Japanese
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  • 33 1 London, July 5. Mr. R. L. Scott, chairman of the famous Clyde firm bearing his name, which is reputed to be the oldest shipbuilding company m the world, died today.— Reuter.
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  • 61 1 Italian Troops To Fight For Japan Rome, July 5. COME Italian legionaries from Spain are being recruited by the Japanese to assist them m their war m China, according to reliable sources m Rome. A number already have sailed from Naples. Apparently, the men have accepted the engagement on their
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  • 90 1 London, July 5. DEPORTING the Sultan of Trengganu's gift of $50,000 and the Sultan of Brunei's gift of $100,000 towards the cost of Imperial defence, the Secretaiy of State for the Colonies, Mr. Maicolm Mac Donald, said m the Commons tonight that these gifts were gratefully
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  • 82 1 London, July 5. AiT WIMBLEDON today, it was warm. sunny and windy. The Duchess of Kent was present. In the semi-finals, Coolte (America) beat Henkel (Germany) 6—3, 4—6, 6—4, 6—4. The American owed his victory to a sterling defence m a match of many excellent rallies. Henkel cleverly
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  • 162 1 London, July 5. THE RAJAH OF SARAWAK has auth- orised the Sarawak Government Agent m London to issue an unqualified denial of statements that the appointment of a General Adviser, Mr. W. E. Pepys, indicates any change m the relations between the British Government and
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  • 359 1 BICKER ING OVER SOVIET PACT Moscow Accused Of Wilful Delay GENERAL ANXIETY London, July 5. WHILE various small States are vigorously objecting to being drawn into any anti-Axis grouping against their will, the French publicist "Pertinax", m TOeuvre, blames both Mr. Chamberlain and M. Stalin for the Soviet pact delay.
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  • 128 1 London, July 5. MR. CHAMBERLAIN, asked In the Commons tonight to make a further statement regarding the progress of the Soviet negotiations, said that Lord Halifax had received the Soviet's, reply yesterday and this was now being considered, m consultation with the French Government. Dr.
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  • 62 1 London, July 1. MX. WINSTON CHURCHILL'S appointment as First Lord of tha Admiralty is certain, according to the Daily Mail, which .says that pop I pressure has been exerted on Mr. Chamberlain from outside Parliament, as well as by th? Prime Minist2r's immediate supporters, to
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  • 313 2 Undeclared War With Soviet Troops, Aircraft TROOPS MASSING Tokio, July 5. \UIIILE rival forces are feverishly entrenching themselves near Nomonhan on Lake Buirnor, Japanese and Soviet planes have fought a series of spectacular air battles above the Manchukuo-Outer Mongolian border, according to Japanese press
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  • 81 2 Britain The China Dollar London, July 5. ASKED m the Commons whether it was still the policy of the British Government to support the exchange value of the Chinese dollar, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir John Simon, said he saw no reason to depart from the view thnt stnhiliry
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  • 277 2 (Continued from page 1) t. I the Soviet is deliberately delaying negotiations with the object of undsrzninlng Mr. Chamberlain's position and. that if such proves true, the British Amoassador to Moscow, Sir William Ceeds, will do some plain speaking. Government supporters, who were once keenly interested
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  • 273 2 Japan Denies Food Blockade At Kulangsu 20 CHICKENS Tokio, July 5. VO reply has yet been received from British, French and American Consuls regarding the formal notice 1 delivered to them on Saturday pertaining to issues between Japan and the [three countries over the International Settlement m Kulangsu, according to
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  • 115 2 Tungkwan, July 5. THE JAPANESE forces operating at the Fenglin Pass, on the north bank of the Yellow River, withdrew unexpectedly on Monday, but enemy forces stationed at Linfen and Hungtung tried to advance eastwards In the direction of Yungchl, where the Chinese field base In South
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  • 679 2 VITAL INQUIR V PROCEEDS London, July 5. \UHETHER the reason why the submarine Thetis carried out her trials at Gareloch instead of Liverpool was because some fault was discovered m the oil pressure system controlling the hydroplanes was asked Lieut. Woods today. He replied
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  • 318 2 A MAN who has written scripts for the Marx Brothers and the R:tz Brothers and— believe it or not for Shirley Temple, handed out wisecracks |on the radio last night with all the 1 slickness one expects of Hollywood script writers. He was
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  • 79 2 Empire Communications The state of sGme branches of Empire communications was demon strated last night when, even during a period of international tension, the Penang radio telegraph station could not receive the Rugby transmission of British OlUcial Wireless, except for a few foreign exchange quotations. British Official Wireless messages m
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  • 138 2 New Appointive London THE WAR OFFICE ailfl Dame Helen Qmjan S been appointed director o: iiary Territorial Service. with the rank of Chief Com: The formation ol the Auxili ritoria! Service was announced tember last. A corps of worn c D to release
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  • 183 2 London. Jui. THE Dominions Secretary, Sir Inskip, told the Commons had recently received from the I African Government a draft Memorandum m which, m acc< with the MacDonald-Hertzog i ment. of March last year, set for.. terms under which the transfer South African Protectorates, if r upon,
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  • 96 2 London, li THE TIMES' diplomatic cor. says the Japanese press I tary still are harping on the m means of securing British su Japanese currency In North < other measures of DOfU Japan's invasion. He says that If these points ftl at the Tokio conference the
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  • 55 2 lokio, Jti! CIR Robert Craigie, who s Arita yesterday, declare: interview today that It wtfl understood the Anglo- Japa. tiations would relate to i connected with present co. Tientsin. The date of the formal r: the conversations was not lhe solution to the imbroglio sible only by negotiation,
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  • 406 3 Trial Begins Of Apprentice Mleged Murder In Singapore THE story of what was known three months ago m Singapore as the "Pagoda Street mystery" was told before Mr. fustke Manning m the gapore Assizes yesterday the trial opened of Yee a tailor's apprentice. I n is accused
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  • 28 3 Mrs. H- C. Riley (left) and Mrs. E. G. Renton checking collecting boxes during yesterday's flag-day m aid of St. Andrew's Hospital.— Free Press picture.
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  • 419 3 SINGAPORE SPEAKER ON MODERN METHODS THE adoption of modern methods of reeling silk-worm cocoons struck what was nearly a death-blow to seri-culture m China, said Mr. A. M. Carman, speaking* on "Seri-culture m China" at the Singapore Rotary Club yesterday. The mistake lay, he
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  • 86 3 Law Notice For The Day The Chief Justice at Kuala LumpurCourt of Appeal. Before Mr. Justice Pedlow m 3rd. Court at 11 a.m. Part heard:— OS. 159 28— Re Song Tiong Cheng deceased (if not concluded). Thereafter: 5.442 37 and 5.268 38 Shaik Awath bin Abdul Rahman Baswaydan vs. Shaik
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  • 10 3 Trawler's Cruise To Netherlands Indies temetm tmetm
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  • 81 3 IJOVV many eggs d»es the female silk-worm moth lay. Speaking at the Singapore Rotary Club on t4 Seri-culture m China/ Mr. A. M. Carman said that when he tried to check up, his old houseboy, who is the original of my John Willie, said,
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  • 130 3 Tamil Gets 15 Months' R. I. For Theft PLEADING guilty to a charge of theft r and admitting eight previous convictions, two of which were committed m Colombo, a Tamil, Mohamed Moshim bin Shariff, was sentenced to 15 months' rigorous imprisonment to be followed by a year's police supervision, by
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  • Article, Illustration
    99 3 BOOKING is open at Robinson's for "On Th* Spot," Edgar Wallaces thrilling gangster play, which the Repertory Players ara presenting at the Victoria Theatre, on Saturday, Friday and Saturday, Aug. 5, H and 12. Patrons are advised to make their reservations without delay. Amons the helpers at
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  • 230 3 Man's Story Of Missing Money A LLEGED TO HAVE STOLEN $45 m i cash from a mess m Geylang, Gor- don Edema appeared before Mr. Conrad Oldham m the Singapore second police court yesterday. The case was adjDurned until July 10, following evidene of
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  • 38 3 Washington, June 15. MR. John L. Lewis, head of the Congress of Industrial Organisations, announced here that the peace negotiations between his organisation and the American Federation of Labour have been finally abandoned.
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  • 89 3 (Frcm Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, July 5. A YOUNG Malay, named Abu bin Daud, employed as a stamp pressman m the Malacca Treasury, was produced m the police court today by Detective-Inspector Uphill on a charge that he did fraudulently, or with intent to cause
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  • 81 3 Hokkien Granted Bail By Singapore Magistrate Claiming trial on a charge of criminal breach of trust of $82.95, on beard the s.s. Kedah, on June 29, a 41-year-old Hokkien Chinese, Lim Tiang Swee, was allowed bail of $500 m the Singapore third police court yesterday.
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  • 55 3 AN Indian ana a Chinese, inmates oi the Central Mental Hospital, Tanjong Rambutan, came to blows yesterday morning during their exercises. It Is alleged that the Tamil, after felling the Chinese stamped oil him. The Chinese was removed unconscious to the hospital where
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  • 29 3 St. Andrew's Old Boys' Association will give an at home to Mr. Lim. Chong Pang on Saturday on the occasion of his appointment as a Justice of the Peace.
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  • 392 3 Kuala Lumpur Case Against Chinese (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, July 5. DLEADING guilty to a charge or criminal breach of trust of $4,000, Lim Hee Jim a former director of Station Hotel Ltd., was convicted and sentenced today by Mr. R.
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  • 72 3 A LLEGED to have been lound m pos- session of a spectacles case belonging to Mr. H. W. Todd of Grange Road, on July 4, a 25-year-old Javanese, Sari bin Karsona, appeared before Mr. L. C Goh m tnj Singapore Fifth Polica Court yesterday. "I got the case from my
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 41 3 1 LlK£ fji i SPILLEHS SHAPES' 9 OBTAINABLE Prom THI FEDERAL DISPENSARY )orated m the F.M.S.) Singapore AND ALL STORES. Tr 7 ©ur Best I). T. M.MS CURRY PICKLES I Using A.d Tasty D. UM tfc COY. North Brldft Road, Singapore.
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    • 38 3 PITMAN'S COLLEGE ""RUSHED IN ENGIANO 65 YEARS UNITEERS BIG. RIVER VALLEY RD.Ki:."& SPECIAL CLASSES for London Chamber of Commerce Examinations In SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING. BOOK-KEEPING. COMMERCE and m all COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS. Write, call or telephone for prospectus. Phone $022.
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  • 1709 4 A Singapore MAN in LONDON London, June 30 CLAMING June will have to be re-christened "Shiverins:" June. Not for 25 years has the weather been so cold m the latter part of the month. And the prophets say: ''Winds remain northerly and mlv relatively frr.all amounts o! sunshine are promised."
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 75 4 WHY I USE tfißt. if//// -j^* INew V**t' ends all unwanted hair m 3 minutes without trouble, mess or bother. 2Neut *Vt€t* leaves the skin soft and smooth without trace of ugly stubble 3Sru. Vert' is just like a dainty white cream sweetly scented (and pleasant to use. M Nt%A>
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    • 81 4 1 ">r." Cs2i HSmw HOTEL» mm I 1» W. 14im. Upper Thc-nton-Sembawang Rd. Opp. Mata Gate Naval Bate One of the Beauty Spots of Si neap ore. Beautiful Outlook. Lovely Surroundings. Excellent Cuisine. Fully Licensed. One of the feu quiet spots left m Singapore. NEXT SUNDAY*— HIGH TIDE: SPECIAL: Badminton.
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  • Article, Illustration
    320 5 :< A.R.P. TEST IN CHELSEA: An experimental evacuation of school children was a surprise feature the Aral bif daylight airraid precautions test m Chelsea. Five thousand children m Chelsea s 21 schools evacuated". They were marohed or driven to the nearest Underground station. Picture shows children ving at Cook's Ground
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  • 612 6 Renewed Historical Research Going On OPIUM TAINT CAUSING DIFFICULTIES Hong Kong, June 14. THERE is already talk m Hcng Kong about the Colony's centenary celebrations m 1942 and more than a little discussion as to what form the celebrations should take. Although the Island
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  • 312 6 Family Papers That Have Disappeared IVA.ME Katharine Furse is trying to solve a family mystery— the disappearance of the private papers of her father, John Addlngton Symcnds. the critic and poet of the past century. Symonds left them to his friend Horatio Brown, the historian,
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  • Article, Illustration
    257 6 Aftermath Of Civil War Madrid, June 13. SPAIN Is passing through a period of chaos as an aftermath of the civil war. Spaniards do net know for instance where the Government is. They are told it is still at Burgcs, but receive communications from Madrid. Spanish diplomatic
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  • 208 6 Faris, June 24. THE Duke of Windsor celebrated tonight hi£ forty-fifth birthday— his third In exile—at a dinner party 186 feet abeve the ground. He and the Duchess attended a gala dinner on the first platform of the Eiffel Tower. The gala marks the fact
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  • 620 6 Numerous Wreaths At Funeral Of Mrg. Yeo Soy Bah JU|ANY wreaths were sent for the iVI funeral of Mrs. Yeo Soy Bah, who was laid to rest on Tuesday. Amongst these who sent wreath* were the following Her sorrowing husband and children, Sir Ong Si&ng tmd Lady Song; Kon. Dr.
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  • 330 6 A BYSSINIA has assumed the shape of an expensive white elephant which has already cost the Italian Government more than £450,000,000 it Is admitted by Fascists m Rome. Some day the Government hopes to £et some of this money back, but before Abyssinia can
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  • 552 6 Elissa Landi Scrubs Floors At Her New home "I WASTED SEVEN Kingston (New York Stat<o, June 11 CCRUBBING floors is part of the wcrk which EHssa Landi, the auburn-haired actress-author, now does m her seventeenth century house, a farm near Kingston, New York State. Elissa Landi. who is of mixed
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  • 83 6 Million- Mile Hobo Saye Not Tramp IEFF DavLs Chicago "King cf th* Hoboes," who cLaims to have c-jvered a mil'icn ml!e m wandduring the last <7 years, said ncn '"Don't let the wcnderlu.Tt |et is the worse curse m the world Davis is very anxious that hobces should net be
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 37 6 Qlostbra r Rrst impressions are important. A few unruly hairs can ruin the most carefully dressed coiffure. Glostora conquers unruly hair keeps every strand m place adds sparkling lustre to yo^ur hair. POR LUSTROUS HAIR i Am>—
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    • 63 6 ITS EAS» KOK A CHAP TO KEEP CIEAN WITH THIS Hl* GAS WATER HKAIi our newgas water JBrf^T^ *r ft^^ autcmatic si m pi 5 economical reliable. Gas is the best v.ay of getting hot water on tap, without waiting without work, without dirt. Pay us a visit today. MUNICIPAL
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  • 571 7 Died Pretending To Be An I. R. A. Man How "Inveterate Joker" Met His Death London, June 26. ACCUSED of "feloniously killing and slaying" Flightrt Lieutenant Nicholas Comper, the well-known aircraft designer and pilot, Samuel Reeves (32), a labourer, was discharged by Hythe Magistrates yesterday. It was stated m evidence
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  • 335 7 I ra. Gold Coast, June 27. 4 1 CRA is today fighting a frantic A battle against earthquake and Mood. V a battle to feed and shelter r.ds of homeless nativas, Ne^ley Jonscn to the Daily Mall. D followed disaster. The wai slowly recovering from
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  • 174 7 London. June 27. FOLLOWING the rejection by the Home Office of its plan for bombproof shelters, Hampstead Borough Council is making a survey of the borough to ascertain the number of cases not included m the GDvemment's shelter schemes. It is hoped to incorporate some of
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  • 88 7 fJAZI aytnU are very active among A the natives of the Northern Transvaal, according to a report m Durban from Pietersburg. One well-known Nazi, wh/> was once a missionary is giving Afrikaans lessons to native teachers at the request of the Education Department, despite his
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  • 251 7 London, June 26. A DECREE nisi was granted by Mr. Justice Bucknill m the Divorce Court yesterday to Capt. Alec Startford Cunningham-Reid, M.P. for St. Marylebene, on the ground of the adultery of his wife, the Hon. Ruth Mary Clarisse. nee Ashley, with M. Henri
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  • 384 7 A WARRANT lor the arrest of two j Chinese, Tua Kor and Bak Aik, on charges of culpable homicide j amounting to murder, was issued by i the Singapore Coroner, Mr. W. 0.l Porter, at the conclusion yesterday of an inquiry into the death
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 43 7 H imi im^i ibwiii i ii T9LIS? fc'ClAf rUAW t P3 fc W v ri M ni ■■>ff^^'H BE£N WA TS NG ja3icHARUE DHAN i^rSsl _ALHAMBRA_ —>^1 CP^^?MUROIII\i MOVIECSIIME I |V>» fcl /lN MONOIULUXj ?Hm^ BKOOn* |Qa^ KW^ »trik« m Cho»« B TfINP
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  • 651 8 The Singapore Free Press THURSDAY, JULY 6, 1939. After 30 Years IT IS just 30 years since the Siamese Government transferred to Great Britain "all rights to suzerainty, protection administration and control whatsoever v/hich they possessed" over the state of Kelantan. Thus the survey of Britain's contribution to the state
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  • 915 8 Mussolini's Understudy: Count Ciano's Career IBy A Special Correspondent ITALIAN Fascism has con- stantly preached the right of youth and vigour to control the affairs of State. Its early champions have outgrown their first youth, and Galeazzo Ciano alone carries on the romantic tradition of the ardent and youthful leader
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  • 495 8 THE claims of the so-called A "have-not" Powers have greatly stimulated interest m the affairs of the British Colonial Empire. In many quarters colonies are referred to as sources of wealth to be exploited solely m the interests of the occupying power, and the suggestion is made
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  • 293 9 Conference To Be Held In Simla INDIA'S ROLE IN FAR EAST FLAWING the recent Anglo-French defence discussions izapore, an imoortant conference on India's part dice of the Far East will be held m Simla RMAtk states that the Governor of Burma, ochrane, is leaving
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  • 116 9 r<n Issue en Saturday: I I .ted ry Lead. Ill urt rated. J iraball; Island of Bali. •el Covariub'as; Down John Gay. IllusGaye; Tha h Klngsmfll, cd.; I od Africa, Brans Lewin; I Di Liszt; Warnings Illustrated. Viscount I :p. the Next War, r; Gentlewomen
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  • 106 9 (From Our Own Correjpcndenti Ratu Gajah, July 4. BUYONO, a police constable, charged with wilfully using as genuine a false certificate was convicted to a fine of $25 or a month's imprisonment, by Che Fawan Teh, the Kumpar Magistrate. This was a sequel to Bnyong
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  • 47 9 BOOH, a 36-year-old Hoktppeued before Mr. L. C. the Singapore Fifth Police Court on a charge of stealing a •I S2 belonging to Ahmad a house at the H| mileRoad, on July 4. the accused had claimed trial postponed to July 14. led.
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  • 78 9 FURTHER hearing into a charge of causing grievous hurt to a Javanese woman by a negligent act at Bukit Timah Road on June 9, preferred against a Chinese, Tan Chin Hoe, m the Singapore Traffic Court yesterday, was postponed a week. Accused is alleged to have
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  • 71 9 Our Own Correspondent) Batu Gajah. July 4. CHE BAH AM AN BIN SAMSUDIN, thr Batu Gajah Magistrate, acting as coroner, held an inquest this morning into the death of a young Chinese girl of 14, who slipped and fell into an unused mining pool
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  • 56 9 A niece of Mrs. Wu Lien-ten, Miss Helen Chin, was married to Mr. Douglas Clement Yews of Malim Nawar on Tuesday afternoon at the marriage registry, Ipoh. Mr. P. F. Y. Radcliffe, Registrar, officiated and among those present were Dr. and Mrs
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  • 25 9 A meeting of the State Council will be held at the Dewan, Jon ore Bahru on Tuesday. July 18, at 10.30 a.m.
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  • 97 9 A 60-YEAR-OLD Hainanese, Wons Siang Joon, wns produced before Mr. L. C. Goh m the Singapore Fifth Police Court yesterday, on a charge of house trespass by entering the garage of the Assistant Superintendent of Customs at Woodlands on July 4. A second charge of
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  • 369 9 Murder Trial Ends: Chinese Discharged JUDGE'S COMMENTS IN SUMMING-UP CIFTEEN minutes after retiring, the special jury returned a unanimous verdict of not guilty of the charge of murder against Yong Ah Tee m the Singapore Assizes yesterday. Mr. Justice Manning discharged Ah Tee. THUS ended the four and a half
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  • 66 9 Car Thieff Is Sentenced pLLADING GUILTY to theft of three motor-cars, a young: Chinese, Ng Chong Hai, alias Tong Hai, was sentenced to nine months' rigorous imprisonment by Mr. Conrad Oidham m the Singapore Second Police Court yesterday. Accused admitted two previous convictions. The cars were stolen from the Geylang
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  • 156 9 THE annual meeting of the Sinhalese Association, Singapore, was held at the Club House of the Association. A fairly large number of members was present, and Mr. P. E. Perera, the president occupied the Chair. The report and accounts which were approved and adopted showed a
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  • 61 9 ON a charge of theft of a bottle of whisky valued at $4 and a tin of cigarettes from a house m Grange Road on July 4, a 31-year-old Hainan ese, Ying Kok Kee, pleaded guilty before Mr. L. C. Goh m the Singapore
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  • 598 9 CHARGED WITH wilful trespass m the compound of the residence of Mr. John Laycock at Tanah Merah Besar, m Changi, on June 9, a middle-aged Hainanese, Wong Ah Sai, appeared before Mr. C. H. Koh m the Singapore Fourth Police Court yesterday. Wong was also charged
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
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    • 129 9 The Jtik. "BURBERRY" 7 Weatherall c WL'^r. ]f I Made of Proofed Garba/d- in©« Companion m all |df climates. Checked lining. Single Breasted. Converti--4 X|l ble Collar. Raglan Sleeves. It Vertical Pockets. To be H used with or without belt. 1 I $43.50 $45.00 df p| ROBINSON CO.. LTD. SINGAPORE
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  • 22 10 DOMESTIC OCCURRENCES BIRTH GROWDER— At the Maternity Hospital, Singapore, on July 5, to Iva. wife of A. C. Growder. a son. (stillborn).
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  • 57 10 ACK NO WLEDGE MENTS Mr. Yeo Soy Bah and family beg to ihank all those who so kindly attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Yeo Soy Bah nee Hannah Tan, and those who so kindly sent wreaths, telegrams and letters oi condolence, and the doctors, sifters and nurses of
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  • 69 10 Durban, June 13. THE Greater Durban Town Planning Association have asked the City Council to inquire into the possibility or establishing shipyards and to find out if the Union Government would help. The hon. secretary, Mr. C. T. Belielin, suggested that the Government might establish
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  • 171 10 London, June 20. THE effect of the war m China on shipping contracts was discussed ed m the King's Bench Division yesterday, vrhen Mr. Justice Branson heard an appeal from an arbitration on a dispute between the Court Line Ltd., owners of the steamer
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  • 102 10 New York, June 13. EUot Ness, former G-man, who is leading a fight to end gangsterdom m Cleveland, Ohio, has dealt his third big blow at organised crime by bringing indictments against 23 alleged members of a "numbers racket" estimated to take £1,000,000 a year.
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  • 62 10 tkuboiu'vilic (Kexiturky) Jane IS. c Hlggint, aged 11. killed her I -year-old brother Joseph ana then shot herself witti a revolver In their Kentucky mountain home. Elsie lived with her mother and h^r two bfotnen m I mountain cabin four milrs irom Baibourville. Kentucky.
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  • 788 10 Industry Well-Equipped To Meet Expansion NUMBER 6F ORDERS FROM^ F. MTS DRITISH steel output m May reached a new nign D record. At 1,218,100 tons it exceeded by 40,000 tons the production m November, 1937, the highest monthly total till now. Pig-iron production also rose considerably,
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  • 270 10 London, June 25. AMONG the 150 men and women who attended the 8.8.C.s "television tea party" m the Concert Hall at Broadcasting House yesterday after- noon was a viewer who drove into the hall m a motor invalid carriage. He was Mr. W. W. Stone,
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  • 145 10 Milford (C«mnect£cu£), June 15. OIMON LAKE, the man who invented the even -keel submarine, thinks that if his safety ideas had been used the Thetis and Squalus tragedies could have been prevented. He has sent appeal to President Rcosrvelt, and Mr. Chamberlain Urging the adoption of more
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 534 10 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS TENDERS SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY Tenders. Tenders are n^w invited for the following materials or services. For; particulars sec Municipal Tenders Ro Supply cf Air Cumpicastng Plant for :idai Quarry. (Deposit $25). Dat? of dosing. 4 pm. July 31, 1929. Supply of Pumping and Auxiliary Plant for Pcntian Ketchil Pumping
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    • 112 10 BOARD RESIDENCE. SEA FRONT! KATONG GRANGE— 77. Meyer Rd. I (near Swimming Club) jj Board-Residence at moderate rates L Large Gardens Tennis. Phone: 5758. c EAST ANGLIA 6, OXLEY RISE SINGAPORE. 3 mins. to town high level, garages, dally or monthly rates, large grounds, excellent cuisine, tennis, single and double
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    • 137 10 BANK OF Cl ml (Incorporated m Clur.a by «?t--., 12, Cecil Street Si£2£*«J Telephones: Manager's oii», Sub.-Manar^r', l>fc I E XC k*i» f e Dept. General Office Cable Address: m N A I Paid t'p OrpKal .Ch ,J1 Kesetve Fund; to I exce&t of Ch t I ota I Assets
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 660 10 RADIO PROGRAMMES SINGAPORE TODAY ZHL 225 metre*. ZHP 30 0G metre*. p.m. 5.00 Hindustani music. t 5.30 Hokkien— Amov munc.T 6 00 Hokkien orchestral interlude, f 6 05 Teochew selections from: "Hue Hwang Cheat See" Suns by the chorus of JaLao Yee Lai Choon theatrical troupe i 7.03 Children's programme.
      660 words
    • 414 10 CALCUTTA TODAY n c.n a.j p s. CO Indian so: 9.30 A bincoro 9.55 Talk (Ecn^a 10.35 News ani 11 .00 F.nnlfch rr-"ir 11.20 Talk (English 11.35 8.8.C. record^ on 12.02 *New Dance 30 Closo dc >v TOMORRO p.m. 6.50 For t;v 7.50 Girls and beys cc: 8.30 *Benr Goodman
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    • 35 11 LONDON AND NEW YORK STOCK SHARES Yesterday's Quotations From Lcndon 5.30 p. m. Yesterday I r-rice^ quoted m US currency. )ve are dealers middle prices: jobbers margins, brokerage I sta.-r.p dnty are not included. yk5ryk
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    • 9 11 From London 5.30. p.m. Yesterday fg,fgm
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    • 8 11 From London: Latest Quotations yl56k
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    • 94 11 Daily Share Report ED B\ FKASKK CO. AT I LOSt OF BUSINESS VfcSTERDAY at midday was $*****. "P H» the price cf rubber at four was buyers Spot 28 cents, October -December 28 3 16 ientv market quiet. nder the leadership of giltthe London market yesterioned an all round advance
      94 words
    • 65 11 1929: 1- O'CLOCK NOON Buyers Sellers S. Spct loose 23 116 28 316 i 8 FOB m KaS."K 28H 27% 28 Cr?p t F OB m 2C 26% I OB m F Mt& 24\ Quotations I •rred 28' 28-, 23', 28 1 28 3 IS
      65 words
    • 171 11 JUNE 4 SELLING London TT. 2 3 15,15 London demand 2,3 15,16 Lyons demand 20M Switzerland demand 240 Hamburg demand 134 H New York demand 54 H Montreal demand 54 V* Batavia demand 102 Vs Samarang cemand 102% Calcutta, Bombay and Rangoon demand 155% Madras and Colombo
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    • 46 11 The North German Lloyd liner Gnei~er.oi; is expected to arrive !rr,m Europe via Port Said, Suez, and Colombo at 1 p.m. today and will leave akatn for Manila, Hong Kons. Shanghai Vokchama and Kobe at 10 am. tor- She wU berth alongside scdown CO.
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    • 68 11 Foreign Exchange Rates London Closing Quotations Method o; Parity oeiure Latest Centre Quoting 20-9-31 Rate Previously Paris Franc to 124.11 176 11.16 176 1116 New York... to 4.8655 4.68 1 8 4.***** Amsterdam Guilders to 12.10 8.81 7 a 8.82 Hong Kong.. Per dollar Is. 2d Is. 2d. Shanghai... Per
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    • 136 11 Sydney (N.S.W.), June 16. WHILE Katrin Rosselle, an Austrian actress, was acting m "I married an Angel" at the Sydney Theatrp Royal, a middle-aged man walked from the stalls during the performance, through the pass door and on to the stage. He raised his
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    • 150 11 THE Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held its 1,4415t. auction yesterday when there were Catalogued €64,652 lbs. (296.72 tons) Offered 636,327 lbs. (284.08 tons) Sold 494,650 lbs- (220.82 tons; Spot London 8 3 16d. New York Closed PRICES REALISED Ribbed Smoked Sheet Cent Per Lb. Standard
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    • 58 11 London, July 5. CIR K I N G S L E V WOOD, the Air Minister, was received m audience by the King at Buckingham Palace today. During the morning, the Kir.£ also received the new Chilean Ambassador and the new Yugoslav and Uruguayan Ministers,
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    • 136 11 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, July 4. There has been one change m the Negrl Sembilan State cricket side to meet Malacca on Saturday and Sunday at Tampin m the last State match of the season. E. S. Erskine is unable to play and his
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    • 1319 11 From Exchange Telegraph Co. Fraser And Co. 's List WEDNESDAY, JULY 5, 1939 5 P.M. MINING Buyers Sellers Ampat Tin (iz) 3s 6d 4s Austral Amal. (ss) 4s 6d 5s 3d Austral Malay 38s 40s Ayer Kltam (ss) 20s 21s Ayer Weng (II) .72 .75
      1,319 words
    • 91 11 List Supplied Hy Messrs. Fraser Co. WEDNESDAY, JULY 5, 1939: 5 P.M Total for Books Date ciiv. Final. Company. Dividend Close Payable date Year TIN Burma Malay 6d. No. 19 July 14 July 20 July 15 London Tin 4 r .i> less tax June 28 July 14
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  • 589 12 Designing Engineer Dies In Floods FARMLAND UNDER WATER Brussels, June 27. THE new £15,000,000 Albert Canal, which was to have been opened to traffic for the first time on Saturday, burst its banks at Hareelt, the capital of the Province Lunburg today, flooding the lower
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  • 195 12 London, June 25. SIXTEEN thousand workers m Morris Motors, Ltd, will share £112,500 which is to be paid out m the next few weeks. The money comes from dividends on the 1,000,000 Ordinary stock units In 'he company which Lord Nuffleld gavo m trust for his
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  • 402 12 Paris, June 25. DUBLIC executions and publicity about them are abolished 1 by a decree, which appears m the Journal Officiel this morning. The Government's decision is believed to have? been directly influenced by the morbid excitement which was caused at Versailles last week by
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  • 92 12 (From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru, July 4. PREFERRING to the building of three Government English schcoLs for girls m Johorc, Mr. W. E. Pepys, General Adviser, Johore, says, m his report: "This step on the part of Johore constitutes a notable advance as there are
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  • 116 12 (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, July 5. pOR the purpose of testing AH P. organisation and instructing the public m the part they will be required to play so far as lighting restrictions are concerned m the event of an air raid, application has been made to
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  • 205 12 New York, June 25. TpiE round trip of the Atlantic Clipper flight which, ended with the arrival at Pert Washington this morning, after 19 hours 45 minutes' uninterrupted passage from Hcrta, has verged on the eerie. This morning at 2.10 the steward awakened us to see
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  • 69 12 A MALAY v/oman, wii c of the late rx Ungku Mohamed, a former Johor? State official, reported to the Singapore police yesterd?.y morning the losr of a box, containing $5,000 worth of Jewellery, from her kampong house at Geylang Road. The box had been
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  • 41 12 AS THE ROYAL Princesses grow older and get taller, the wax figures of them at Mme. Tussauds' Waxworks have to be altered accordingly. Here is Mr. Bernard Tussaud arranging a necklace on the figure of Princess Margaret Rose.
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  • 167 12 ■TOE A.R.P. nim The Warning" has been banned by the censor as unsuitable for Malayan audiences because it is rather gruesome. An appeal is pending. The producers m England are stated to be extremely surprised at the ban, and are reported to be taking up the
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  • 106 12 Berlin, June 28. QERMANY'S new 10,000-ton cruiser, to be launched at Bremen next Saturday m the presence cf Hcrr Hitler, will probably be named Luetzow. She is the fifth of her clais, and is a sister to the Ssydlitz, which was launched on January 19 this year.
    106 words
  • 49 12 A SCENE from the M.G.M. picture Night Must Fall which opens today at the Pavilion Theatre Ad»P* from the »la, b,r Emlya William* film wa, banned to Malay, when first I»porte4. I*. Appeal hart now permitted the picture to be screened to adults oalr
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  • 8 12 Carries 125 Passengers fg,dg,
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  • 185 12 MEARLY L flag day collection Andrew's Mission H morning. The money eoU counted until Sunday, but appear indicate that the sum ra;s*(j s j MB u exceed last year's total. Collectors were issued v number of flags as last year, but, byte o'clock many had
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  • 123 12 THE "cup stealer" was at work again among Eurcpe?.n houses m Tanglin on Tuesday. Employing his f usual bold methods, this successful daylight thief walked into a houc? m Chatswcrth Road occupied by Mr. W. Q. Lennane, engineer m the Gramophone Co., Ltd. He stole
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  • 33 12 New York, Jane 13. FIFTEEN window cleaners employed at the British Pavilion at the New York World's Fair, staged a "sitdown" demonstration for higher wages last night. They were ejected by the police.
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  • 93 12 Lond m June DLAYING with come sodiurr found, 15-year-old Eddie PI Hcdworth Street, Bow, was ye. burned about the face and neck whe the sodium exploded. With Piii* Raymond Buddl?, 3ged 13. of Ra«*l Street, Bow. "We found the WOttam unde; I way arch, and
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  • 318 13 Construction Requirements London, June 26. IV ATE RIALS embodying maximum fire-resisting qualities IVA developed by manufacturers m co-operation with the Bureau of Marine Inspection and Navigation .and the National Bureau of Standards, Department of Commerce, are being incorporated m all passenger vessels under construction m
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  • 164 13 "NO MORAL REFLECTION" SAYS JUDGE TO MOTORIST London. Sentencing a motorist, who had been acquitted of manslaughter, to three months' imprisonment for dangerous driving, Mr. Justice Wrottesley remarked at Chester Assizes recently I may tell you that it is no reflection on you morally to go to prison, and you
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 553 13 i 0 and BRITISH INDIA LINES I" RATED IN DtOLAH P. 6c O. S. K. COS SAILINGS. TTWARDS Due Due Tonnage Spore. Tonnage Spore. 14 RANPURA 17.000 Sept 8 M I.iv ?<? RAWALPINDj 17.000 Sept 22 28 BHUTAN 6.100 Sept 23 II 6.000 Oct 2 V: 2^ CHITRAL 15.000 Oct.
      553 words
    • 351 13 For Everything Appertaining: to Ocean Passages, Foreign Money Exchange and Freight apply CORK'S [won to njlvfi stPVKCI 09, ROBINSON ROAD No Booking Fees. Telephone 5908. K. P M. THURSDAY, JULY 6. TIDORE— SeIat-Pandjanj, Bengkalis. Soengei-Pakning, Siak and PakanBaroe. CREMER— Hong Kong, Swatow and Amoy. FRIDAY. JULY 1. TlNOMBO— Belawan-Deli. PLANCIUS—
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    • 596 13 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. Ocean Building. Collyer Quay. Singapore Trl. :,l. r »l. Chartered Bank Building. Penang TrJ. ir»r,6. BLUE FUNNEL LINE. FAST SERVICES MARSEILLES, LONHON CONTINENT AND GLASGOW (In conjunction with the Glen Line) Due Sails ACHILLES L'don, R'dam, Hull anJ Ham. Jul* 9 July II DEUCALION Mars.. London, R'da/n,
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
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    • 181 14 CASTLE LINE FOR NEW YORK, BOSTON, RALTUtOfci AND SAVANNAH via The Cape. Arrives Sails Due New York m.v. MUNCASTER CASTLE July 7 July 12 Aug. 23 m.v. GREY STOKE CASTLE Aug. 7 Aug. 12 Sept. 23 m.v. THURLAND CASTLE Sept. 7 Sept. 12 Oct. 24 LIMITED PASwKNGLR ACCOMMODATION. BEN LINE
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 769 14 Air Mail Arrivals And Despatches ,^ITd SINGAPORE Imperial: Froirf Europe due— V+- L *vx Monaa, Thursd., Frida, .fUr- HARBOUR Wearnes: l«Yom Penang, lpoh, and l Kuala Lumpur. Arrives ever, .lon, 1 d the Tfifc Fron, Nether.ands W"^b dies: Arrives Tuesday. Thursday. g2sTVh«rf En'trmnc. G»t« It Exit l:Saturday afternoons. Tilawa, Foch
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  • 603 15 Babe Didrickson Causes Stir Down Under NO RULE TO STOP HERE London, June 25. THAT well-known Amazon of the track, Miss M. Didrickson, who is m Sydney with her wrestling husband, a big, tough American named Zaharias, has raised a breeze m golf circles by entering
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  • 364 15 Today's Contract Bridge Problems Four Aces, David Bruce .11 D. Maier. OsBoward Schenken). p'.ayers would neve o'ovious method of the thirteenth club ..rd of the losing I htner, undoubtedly test experts, was quirk Dt way of making mond contract. West .if hearts, and when vulnerable tth 30 on score J
    364 words
  • 163 15 Ovn Correspondent) Segamat, July 4. have entered for the •thy Cup knockout soccer combf the Johore Puoiic 5 Department for their diirerep.t bodies, lhe competition is two sections, the north Johore East, Batu Bafan comprise Urn it. Kluang and north. I -y favoured to wm
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  • 399 15 (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, July 5. FOLLOWING is the draw for the open tennis tournament to be conducted by the Lower Perak lawn tennis tournament committee: MEN'S SINGLES C. R. Laßrooy vs. Chin San Hoi; byes. R. L. Grut vs. Tan Kheng Hong, K. C.
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  • Article, Illustration
    44 15 LUUT.-GENERAL SIH GLT C. IHIXIAMS* GENERAL OFFICER COMMANDBfG-IN-CaiEF, Eastern OmmhuiC carried out the half-yearly insucclitm of cadets at the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. General Lelong, the French Military Attache, presenting a priate to one of the Gentleman Cadets, on behalf of the French Republic
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  • 48 15 THE FOLLOWING will play cricket 1 for the V.M.C.A. against S.C.R.C. at Hong Llm Green on Saturday, at 2 p.m.: Dr. V. Xavier. Chrysostom, Gan Kee Tian, A. Nathaniels, J. Lovick, J. Shaw, I. Suratta, S. Hope, I. Leijssius, Mohideen, Y. C. Seah, Barker, and L. M. Aeria.
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  • 56 15 THE DUKE OF WINDSOR recently celebrated his 45tb birthday by attending the gal:i dinner held on the first platform of th» Eiffel Tower, m celebration of the 50th year of the tower's erection. The Duke was accompanied by the Duchess and a number of friends. The Duke
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  • 278 15 WORKING UP SPEED 07 London, June THERE will not be any doubts about Len Harvey making 12st. 71b. for his fight with Jock McAvoy for the vacant world's cruiser-weight title at White City on July 10. Harvey said yesterday at Hampstead that he is
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  • 29 15 At the sixth annual sports to be held on July 21 at Jalan Besar Stadium there will be a 220 yards event for Old Boys at about 5 p.m.
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  • 190 15 London, June 25. r\ID YOU SEE the sjiemn announcement from Madrid that the Spanish National Council of Sport, of which General Franco hr.s just been elected president, has refused to sanction a soccer match m September between Spain and England? It sounded like a rebuff.
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  • 786 15 Wives' Ban On Golfers Should Be Lifted London, June 25. pEFOFfE the position becomes urgent rr.d turn", az it VCMId b? sure to turn, into a national controversy, I hope that the P: C I Nation will quietly relax their ruling that wives may not accDmpany the p.aycrs m the
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  • 95 15 'From Our Own Correspond -i.t Batu Fahat. July 4. Entries for the district tennis tournament of Batu Pahat. which is due to tart on July 10, will close on Saturday. The programme will not Include any •vents for women or mixed doubles. There will also be no
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  • 229 16 Two Goals All At Harbour Board Ground A TWO-goal-all draw was the result of the second division «b) league soccer match on th: SJUB. ground yesterday between the Customs and Moravia. The Customs began the game well leading I—o at holt-time, but faded away as the match wore on. In
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  • 133 16 'TIES IN THE JUNIOR Singapore bad- mlnton championships for the week-end are as follows: SATURDAY AT 2.15 P.M. Singles: C. 3. Nair O.A.P. vs. T3O Heok Kwans 'U.A.P.»; Teo Thuacgl Clut 'Jacques* vs. Tan Kirn Swee •U.C.A.): Yes Hons Chujm 'A.A.U; vs. Chla Chin Soon <E~lir>s:>>. Doubles: Scow
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  • 69 16 From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, July 5. Outstanding difficultiei having been overcome, the Malacca Football Association will keep its engagement with Singapore m their Malaya Cup match at Anson Road Stadium on Saturday. Following is the side to represent Malacca: La Wan Sang; Chegu Hassan. Lim Chwee
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  • 56 16 •THE FOLLOWING wiil represent the Borneo Co. XI m a friendly game of soccer against the Amity XI at Farrer Park today: Maddox. Scow Khlam Chuan. W. R. Ravie. Ahmat. Charlie Ksng, Chua Ah Hoe, Sim Kan? Hal. Khor Tian Hoclc, Harry Tan, Wun Yew Tim and
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  • 114 16 Oy two matches to one the S.C.C. defeated the R.AJ. m a lawn tennis fixture played on the padang yesterday. All the ties were decided m straight sets. Scores: (S.C.C. players mentioned first). Capt. R. R. O. Hoarz and D. E. L. Anderson lost
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  • 289 16 F[£ Indian Association surprised the Chinese m the second division <b> match on the Clerical Union ground yesterday by sharing eight goals with them. The draw does not alter league positions, but it consolidates the Chinese at the top with 21 points, while the Indians remain
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  • 217 16 Victoria School Beat St. Andrew's By 9 Wickets IN a first team match against Victoria School the St. Andrew's Ist XI were beaten by nine wickets. ST. ANDREWS Anchant b J. H. C. Trail 0 Capel c and b J. M. Trail 31 Ouan Hong b J. H. C. Trail
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  • 362 16 THE Roy^l Singapore Go.f club's' Woman's July bogey competition on th 3 Stapliford sys:cm played at Bukit j Timah resulted m a win fur Mrs. R. Wakeford m A division with a score of 18 12.l 2 m a win fcr Mrs. D.
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  • 25 16 CINGAPORE'S NEXT MALAYA CUP soccer match, against Malacca will be played at Anson Road Stadium on Saturday at 5.15 p.m.
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  • 479 16 Solitary Goal Against S.C.C. On Padang CLUB FORWARDS POOR TWO points gathered at the expense of the S.C.C. on the padang yesterday m a dull first division match, m which a solitary goal decided the issue, have once again put the Malays on top m the
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  • 185 16 INTERESTING tennis was seen mi n men's open doubles of tennis tourney, yesterday, v ;en Choon Leong and Cheong chee L played an unfinished tie a^ain? Thian Teck and P. T. Wong. Each pair won a set each, the fe set being put off for
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  • 83 16 "Badminton Championships" Entries are Invited for the faUo*i*j badminton championship events: Mem open singles and doubles championships, women's Junior angles and doubles, women's open singles and doubles, mixed doubles, veteran* singles. Entry fees for the men's events are $1 per competitor for the singles and $3 per pair for the
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 38 16 fftet| always come mi^Wx back to HULK /V% 1^ M»l'lTS TlMtr MOT! An essential of First Class Lager Beer is > \^lWß^^sHß^^Py>'^r^f TirCS DEEDHn r I 111 En DCCII 'MLj; DISTRIBUTED BY FRASER 4 HEAVE IT& Vtt |pE> y
      38 words