The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 9 March 1939

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 18 1 The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS. NO. 15,721 1^ 1>- 1833 THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1939 5 CENTS
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  • 285 1 TEN MILLIONS FOR CHINA CREDITS Finalised Scheme Is Warning To Japan XL BRITAIStS^POSITION rmv m IvOiidon, Mar. s. IIK WKMStfid conclusion of Britain's China currency credits scheme was announced in the House of Commons tonight h> Sir John Simon. The credits will total £10,000,000, of which British bankers will put
    Reuter  -  285 words
  • 37 1 Selangor 1 896 Rubber Pioneer Dies KED LATEX IN KITCHEN Mar. R. tribut pneulay. He ("Ronm< 1: DC. ol lubber in .:ned h .mer! I AS- 1 of :llm I Mr. Edinburgh in the ame ill pianttate
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  • 58 1 San Francisco, Mar. 8. jLJERR HITLER'S SUCCesSOI Fuehrer already has been chosen, stated Capt. •^emann. the new German Consul -G at a pi. CO] Ht .said: '1 ion fully arr Naturally. i cannoi have the names." The Consul-General added that Herr Kitler felt that the Lght
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 91 1 Fuehrer Haunted By Premonition New Vurk. >lur. X. lin his career aa Nazi Dicta rui i.> an early end. ted States news- t Karl von W:igand. writIng in B Coamopolitat! Maga- T'ne writer has known Hitler since Hp snys: "Our Fuehrer today ..unted by a premonition that the end is
    British United Press  -  91 words
  • 79 1 London. Mar. 8. When d at question time in Commons regarding the projects ot >tion o f the railway and tnei •■rvices between Hong Kong ond Canton. Mr. I?. A. Butler, Parliamentary Undersecretary, Foreign Oflice, reierred to his previous answer i and added he was not
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • 71 1 London. Mar. 8. Mr. R. S. Hud.son, Secretary for Overseas Trade, has arranged to go to America alter his tour to Moscow and the northern European capitals. He will be present at the opening of the World's Fair at New York on Apr. SO.
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 40 1 London. Mar. 8. Th* cruiser Devonshire has been ordered to the Brlri^h-ovned port of Gandia i" Spain for the protection of British interests because of the uncertainty regarding conditions in the Republican wane foil the end of the -rin administration.
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  • 337 1 WAR MINISTER EXPLAINS POLICY London, Alar. 8. IV/TALAY and Indian military m establishments in Malaya would be increased by about a thousand and Chinese and Indian personnel at Hong Kong bj the same number, stated the War Minister, Mr. HoreBelisha, in the House of
    Reuter  -  337 words
  • 100 1 London, Mar. 8. Accompanied by the strongest and largest bodyguard he has had for years, Mr. de Valera arrived in London this morning en route to Rome, where he will attend the coronation ol the Pope. When the Irish Mail arrived from Holyrood. a
    Reuter  -  100 words
  • 116 1 Ottawa, Mar. 8. In u speech in the Canadian Com ns tonight, it mier IA KenzU- King revealed that six we< ago he received from Eur< Lous that he called in the Con ;ve leader. Dr. Manion to acquaint i him with matters that h< nablc
    Reuter  -  116 words
  • 181 1 ARITA DEFENDS TREATY Tokio, Mar. 8, CXPLAINING to foreign newspapermen today points in Japan's foreign polity, the Foreign Minister, Mr. Hachiro Arita, denied the Anti-Comintern bulwark was directed against the democracies. The prevailing view in Great Rritain, America, and other nations that present
    Easter News  -  181 words
  • 102 1 London. Mur. 8. Lieu -< ri. Qsaham the Commons tonight invited Mr R. A. Butler. Secretary tor Overseas Trade, to make a statement regarding the purpose and scope ol the s >ecial tion of the Municipal Council In Shanghai to be establLsr the control oi the
    Reuter  -  102 words
  • 86 1 Chungking:. Mar. 8. AN OFFICIAL Chinese comrk muniQiic from Shanghai tales that the German Amb. sador to China has been Innoted by Bt rlin to commence talks with Tokiu with a view to bringing about pel in the Far Easi The German diplomat would advise
    Union Times  -  86 words
  • 29 1 Sbanrhai Vfar. T- 1 b of th llth. da; patches, an at: hrct columns, but, in spile of unremil .iery fir- hinese.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 37 1 Complaints From Singapore Japan ese London, Mai The British I IloVr received a lull report ent of Japan which there has b« plan i Tokio reply to tht rapan communication will bf in B lew d Reuter
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 29 1 Washington l>.( vjai x. Th< United 81 irmy a v will conduct joint He ol object ol rep< Uing i E i asion" ol Reuter
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 45 1 0G '^EA 3 shness fragrance of the O layor. gardens our homo TONIGHT -ol Concert 8.15 915 p.m. D| NNER AND DANCE formal, 9.45 to n idnight ENGAGEMBII ULI%JUMD noi moGwnsi soccßsa •IIMI JOSE FAVOURITE CABARET ENTERTAINERS Non-diners $1 00 'HMKA DIKECTED BY DAN HOPKINS
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  • 221 2 Republicans Drop Bombs On Own Soldiers LEADERS SURRENDER Madrid, Mar. 8. TT is officially announced that the revolt in Cartagena 'and neighbourhood I»as been totally quelled and that the itional Defence Council forces are in full command. But it i- not made clear whether
    Reuter  -  221 words
  • 55 2 Ru 'far. ft. WT < I iccroy who was responsible for Vie settlement of the Rajkot dispute, says i dhi in c statement. He thinks such a "good ending" to the dispuU dear the atmosphere and I irds a (/crier al solution of 0 Jh
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 36 2 Tripurl KMR CH OSE m. Friday. B tta, where ho hr^ been recover- oni pneumonia. UlWhill following tn i of V. ai reconcilial unprt n th«. question i the r Reuter
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 34 2 < Awnpore, Mar killed and lour injured in a Hindu-Muslim riot whlcr broke out again today Two policemen w< injured The rxv Jired three rounds, but no Injuries reilted.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 141 2 OPPOSITION FROM A. F. L. Washington, Mar. 8, miFICATION of all United Stalo< labour organisations in one movement was proposed by Mr. John Lewis, leader of the Committee of Industrial Organisation, at a conference between the committees of the C.LO. and the American Federation
    Reuter  -  141 words
  • 102 2 London. Mar. 8. It is unofficially reported. The Times' Prague correspondent, that the h Government has had to accept the German demand lor delivery to the Reichsfoank ol an amount of gold from the Czech National Bank proportionate to the number ol Inhabitants In the
    Reuter  -  102 words
  • 65 2 Kome, Mar. 8. All salaries in Italy will be raised from five to ten per cent, as from Mar. 1 to meet rises in the cost of living in the part decade. This announcement follows Signor Mussolini's order to the Ministry of Corporations to consider the
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 43 2 Taiyuan, Shan^i. Mar. 7. The Japanese claim to have occupied Tzinglo, north-west of Taiyuan, capital of Shansi, on Sunday. Tsinglo was the base of guerilL units and formed the distributing centre of arms for Chinese units In Shansi- Reuter
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 49 2 Cairo, Mar. 7. A communique issued by the Government states Osman Pasha proceeded to Beirut only lor a rest and that he did not see the Mufti. This denial iollows a report that Osman Pasha bringing back proposals from the Mufti for a compromise on Palestine.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 157 2 JEWS' QUESTION TO GOVERNMENT London, Mar. 8. |N the coura an informal jont meeting last night between Mr. Malcolm MacDonald and Lord Halifax the Arab delegates to the Palestine talk, appealed to the Jewish delenates to make concessions on their Immigration demands, stressing their eagerness
    Reuter; British Wireless  -  157 words
  • 27 2 Haifa. Mar. S. British troops today captured '>5 terrorists, one of whom was shot <'. nun. arches of villa outh of Haifr Reuter
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • Article, Illustration
    17 2 ITALIAN ASKARI. A nativt soldier, from Somalilund, where it is announced Italian concentrations of troops are occurring.
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  • 78 2 (From Our Own Correspondent) DR a t tt Lon <Jon, Mar. 1. W. A. L. Hoops, formerly Senior Medical Officer of the Malacca a g p n p UltU r e edical Board has jS Hf°i^v nSt T tUte f Tropicai Hygiene He leaves London
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  • Article, Illustration
    47 2 s wax Ji^iae of Lord Stj I to the Mine. Tussaud's on Feb. 25. Sir Kfogslej Wood hns vacated b fa the First lord, and now stands behind. Mr. Bernard Tuasaud, I was granted a sitiinir at the Admiralty, is seen adding a Anal toacb
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  • 160 2 Man Who Made Singapore Music Financial TRIBUTES TO MR. J. TRYNER pO lULATIONS W< upon Mr. John Trynt.i. retiring honorary irer of (be Singapore Musical s*" for his work In pi the society in such a sti ing ft position, at its at the res of Lady Small night. The
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  • 58 2 LnHtn »«.i> Sir John Anderson, In a ipeech London tonight declared pi< agai: and bombs hat to a point which peri her unlikely that gas would I used "We have now turned our attent" to the problem of the incendiary l and the organising of
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 22 2 At T^ Cm er t 1 thi How c n th( fan.. j my-). A M( M
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  • 19 2 the last "i anoth Tiii m in t ron: band h\\ i on i.\
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  • 6 2 "George Margaret" oiorr< v.i 11 tH
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  • 8 2 Eire Grapples With I.R.A. Menace j 1 Reuter
    Reuter  -  8 words
  • 9 2 P his I I
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 82 2 y' 4 r IfLiir rL l HAM Jy* t firi itl(/||^ LIVER SAUSAGE coo/ treats PRESSED toiigu e PORK BRAWN petising meals easily and TONGUE SAUSAGE quickly prepared. Economical too ui U Rn because there is no waste. Cooked meats, being ready to serve, can help to solve TOHR Pl
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    • 11 2 Docs o^V c «tr iq World Mod5 cal Hall Lh| lt>
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  • 86 3 Examination Results Announced E r 1,700 SUCCESSES IN SENIOR CAMBRIDGE 3 i( v and 314 -iris in Mala their liv students in various schools throu«-h-who learned thai .<,cv had passed I exaniinMon, the Senior "amLitinuing their studies in special ijority are poing out to earn
    86 words
  • Article, Illustration
    30 3 pi'-turr. < M '!i. J XN WK HERS alter their weddinjr at st \ndre«,-i < athedr.l vesterd.v. Th e hridc was orm er. y Miss itarbara J rac e Muitman.- Free Press
    Free Press  -  30 words
  • 13 3 iged 41, K a >lice omwith I (if the ca^e. >
    13 words
  • 12 3 Ol the at $1.20, I this
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  • 4 3 I i.
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  • 167 3 THINK you ha- I a Com] and utter liar from the beginning N i ti ;> to the Ci to decide what to do with you." Thus said Mr. L. B Gibson, Sir Criminal I I I Chinese timber merchant, s> who tinst ten,
    167 words
  • 151 3 g \NISHED from Kedah in 1923. a middle-aged Hokkien nsu Tan Ah Meng returned to Malaya and for 15 years was a "pioneer j coolie in a plantation in Johore. uld get to kn vat his and eventually! make money from the fact,
    151 words
  • 89 3 rpAN CHEE KONG, a 23- year-old „i. Chinese. tog( with two other Chinese appeared before Mr. K. A Blacker in the SingaFourth Police Court yesterday on the possession of fires In pubiic. but was discharged alter Mr' J Embury had informed the court that he had
    89 words
  • 263 3 "NOBODY TO BE BLAMED" "I K. SWADAS, am committing suicide on my own accord. For that nobody should be blamed." These were the words written with burned matchstic a the back of an .infolded cigarette packet and shown to the Singapore Coroner, Mr. W.
    263 words
  • 67 3 rpEH CHENG TEE, a 25 -year-old J > ired belore Mr. K. A. Blacker In the Singapore Fourth Police Court yesterday on a charge of criminal breach of trust in respect oil $191.61 belonging to a Chinese firm In Rob'iison Road. The ease was postponed
    67 words
  • 94 3 rpHE District Superintendent of the 1 St. John Ambulance Brigade. Dr. J. S Webster, wishes to congratulate the officers and members of the Brigade in Singapore on the dijplay at the annual Insp <tion held on Mar. 1. Their smart appearance was extremely good and
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  • 390 3 P*URTIIER evidence was recorded by Mr. K. A. Blanker, in the Singapore Fourth Police Court yesterday, at the assumed hearing of a preliminary inquiry into charges of cheating against a 25-year-old Hokkien, Loh Hwec Cheng. Accused was alleged to have cheated three Chinese sundry goods
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  • 65 3 A iemale Gr«;at lora. a beautiful bird which I-. :t member ol ~T".;) found in the Malay Peninsula. Slam and Burma has been acquired by the Regent's Park Zoo, r our London Correspondent. The bird, which Is about 6 in. Ion?. is splendidly arrayed in
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  • 217 3 !Wl PHILIP WICHERS, of Messrs. Madame, Watson Co., Ltd.. Singapore, son of Mr. and Mrs. J.H "Wieners, of Bournemouth. England, was married to Miss Barbara Grace Quitman. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Quitman. of Bickley, Kent, England, at St. Andrew's Cathedral yesterday. The R;>v.
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  • 114 3 A FINE of $40 was imposed upon a well-dressed Hokkirn. Khan? Chun. who pleaded guilty before Mr. G. S. Rawlings. Singapore Third Police Magistrate, yesterday to a charge of being an unregistered chandu smoker. Accused was arrested in a house in Temple Street on Tuesday night.
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  • 104 3 (From Our Own Correspondent) London. Mar. 8. n^HE British Government subsidy to 1 the Reuter News Ag< acy this year jis to be £6.000. This Is d in ithe supplementary Civil Estimates :ed as a White Paper. The following explanation of the >ropriation is
    104 words
  • 131 3 From Our Own Coi London, Mar. l. An interesting p i r in the Imperial Airways fly] -boat due In I Singapore on Mar. 11 is Mrs. A. B. i Osborne. a 75-year-old survi .kin? of th? Lusitania. Mrs O.sborno, who will stay in Singapore tor
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  • 33 3 DR. W. B. HAINES ON WAY TO MALAYA Dr. W B Haini the Mai. tan* or Dunlop Plantations, Ltd. will arrive in Singapore, (n his return from i -..:kI Li v.<e iin«-r Chitral.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 138 3 THE BEST I 16 GOOD BNOUQfI FOR YOL'B DOG. GIVE HIM SPILLERS SHAPES A four course meal for all do^N. llm WINALOT MEAL 5 WAL 1 f< r pu] ip »i> V i hs kVAL II for puppitf three i t moatha 1 1 Agents THE FEDERAL DISPENSARY LTD., (Incorporated
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 64 3 Law Notice For The Day Ihe (hief Justice at Ipoh— Court of Appeal. Mr. Justice Pedlow .it Malacca Assizes. Before >lr. lattice Ilorne in 3rd. ourt at 11 a.m. Part heard:— Probate L's2 38. Suit •*UB 38». Re E tvfohamed Salleh An di teased f i! not con-! .•hided There.
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  • 2245 4 (Fron Our Own or respondent) I^ondon, Mar. 2. IF you look at your pocket diary you will see that the first day of spring te Mar. 31 but for all meteorological and agricultural purposes winter ended thi< week. Today, in v of dull, dreary, and
    2,245 words
  • 31 4 THE a fan I Queen E dinner of Fan month and ih^ Lord M Or of c; charter B very They came from th their origin Ls ostrich feather riec! Ror
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 94 4 The Singapore Musical Society FULL ORCHESTRAL CONCERT AT 9.15 P.M. ON SUNDAY. MARCH I2lh in THE VICTORIA MEMORIAL HALL Conductor, John Tryner (farewell appearance) Il A C c? R «.~2 ROF HARRY °Re- R. a. Waddle. Scats $2, $i so cts Book at MTTLES 1 SPORTSMEN WHO LIKE TO ENJOY
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    • 20 4 \v'lute canvas shoes with N /><T leather so^es. Brown or Black shoes with strong boxcalf. Pr. F.M.S. 56.50 -M- -i«----l
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  • 190 5 !!N \\t> WOMEN, nkrinu trom all over the ttended n:»l f^atfa Rallj in London. After a i.tre the> marched pa^t thr enotaph and to the delivered a UewafC «»t grcettaf and support i<» Spanish You: l\\Y RECENI MOTOB SBOW IN BERLIN, foreign ride in some of the
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  • 1175 6 MALAY LANGUAGE AS "C EMENTING FORCE" OF RACE Use Of Tongue In Singapore Kampongs DIFFERING DIALECTS UN IML OlAl EjO 'j\J OSI people even in Singapore, speak Malay oi a sort to Malays and others unacquainted with English, to shop-keepers, to servants, syces, gardeners. It may he bazaar Malay, but
    1,175 words
  • 733 6 pvic. LINEHAN mentioned one State where the Malay tongue is universally used: Kelantan. In Kelantan, he said. Government correspondence is conducted in Malay: the laws are vouched in Malay: justice is dispensed in Malay. The oldest colonies of Chinese speak Malay as fluently as does
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  • 20 6 Malay boatmen in Kefenten, xne isolated Malay State unere snnir of the purest Malay is spoken.
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  • Letter To The Editor
    • 399 6 VOLUNTEERING LOCAL CHINESE POLITICS orps Produces Leaders Of otraits Community To the Editor of thr Free Press Sir, In your issue ol Mar. B, there pears b very Interest!] :ce to Volunfc In connect ith the s Chinese British Lation. The correspondent whose letter T i you prompted your abovementloned
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  • 135 6 A DROP In the circulation of Bible .scriptures by the Malayan agency of the British and Foreign Bible Society is reported by the society. The total circulation of scriptures in the Malayan area last year was 149,700 as against 208,855 in 1937 and 222,952 in 1936.
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  • 337 6 H: resided at a me< I 01 The Legislative Council held Council c\. Oovernmeni morning. Mr. G. W. Bryant, M r rnc and Home, Mr. G. Wiseman. Mr. H. E. Nixon and Colonel W n Franklin had luncheon at Government House. His Excellency and Lady Thomas were present
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  • 48 6 Sleeper On Railway Line Prom Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru, Mar. 8. A SLEEPER was found acn railway line between Klua Niyor last night. The driver of a noods train I .Singapore pulled up and picked up the sleeper, later handing it to thr* utatlon--1 master at Niyor.
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  • 42 6 Sun Life Results For 1938 T0T AL INcc rvi 5165,000,0| hoi am., dn < Nor: Whili in C I serv SOIRCI (H Mni dei an imj i out $200 placed brin fOIYt incn.':;.s. the I 12,5 I Mr Vf( m lit might j
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  • 15 6 AERIAL VIEW OF A JOHORE MOSQUE I tan A rni w e i grapher mar;.
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  • 9 6 I Railw. tx of a I during 5
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  • 128 7 PROPRIETORS OF CIRO'S CLUB TO PAY £2,352 Manager's Claim In King's Bench Division together :.come-tax, R •azzi, in his Division age Street, ra of disSALARI I DUld do over--0 one bottles of champagne to Mr l Pilkington, who held a chamnasne party at Ciro's in November 1937 CONFUCT OF EVIDENCE
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  • Article, Illustration
    17 7 SPECIAL PRFXArTIONS against bomb outrages Mere taken i hp v rZ:\^: Briti h in h dustries V^^^"
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  • 114 7 DECREE NISI FOR JOAN REVEL Husband Th»\u Things' I an instru- -spandent before Mr Jus t: a the Divorce C rccei: his wife. Joan M.. di Pietro. of C;nsions. V. the dissolution of her marri. di Pietro. who Is also a musician, lly kno^-n as Joan Revel. er husband had
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 22 7 COMING SHORTLY! ALHANBRA ■T mtY fUtK THEIR UVfS m photict youmi SHE LOVED A yiREMAK :>m -jm t MUM tnw MMIMIM4MMM *..►«*»••«••<•»
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    • 243 7 You'll experience a new JP^to Thrill when you see IRENE DARE, World's Youngest *^#$Sk^ Skating Champio-i V*l I^^ v [CAWTOLj jK 3 SHOWS DAILY j Special Morning Matinee 4 on Saturday at u. Your favourite singing star of HAWAII CALLS" in a new song-filled comedy An RKO-Radio hit BOBBY BREEN
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 812 7 RADIO PROGRAMMES SINGAPORE I NIROM TODAY TODAY pm. I>B 8 <»5 me t (31.20 nv). 5. C0 Canto:, *S5 Vd 6 mc (253 m >« 5.40 Cantonese I es.f n m ri>LN lo< 6 ro c (29.2 m.). 7.3 L TW weithe, and announce- g 7.45 The G.E.C. Military Band.
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  • 636 8 The Singapore Free Press THURSDAY. MARCH 9, 1939. Children's Charter -III IT Ls almost too obvious to need x emphasis that the customs of child transference among Chinese, already discussed In this column, inevitably tend to facilitate the white slave traffic One of the favourite ways in which girls have
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • 510 8 (By A Special Correspondent JAPA N ESE forces occupation of the island of Hainan, a territory as lanre as England and lying off the coast of French IndoChina, has caused much misgiving. In itself the move could be exi on the grounds that it Is
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  • 458 8 THE KING has approved a national Hag for Burma raid arrangements are being made to obtain international recognition for it. The flag is a blue ensign b< ing the emblem of a Burm i peacock taken from the design on the silver coinage of King Mindon
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 119 8 1> I I'tJl^ Ily a t nt masters BY SPECIAL TO H M THE APPOINTMENT KING OF SIAM pcTn tjjS?' s?* 1 Q7O NEWEST DLSIGNS IN l lAMOND JEWELLERY. NECKLACES BRjXCELETS BROOCHES RINGS CLIPS WATCHES. :-^orpora'ca in Ceyion) SLNGAFORE IFOn PENANQ. Don't lie Vague >jv\ i) ill v m K~*
      119 words
    • 33 8 Why is the THE TRUE TO LIFE RADIO definitely /^nfe\ popular glM'lHn Malaya. xgjwmij^ A FREE HOME TRIAL will show you uhy. -Phone 6618 H. L. CARTER <k CO. 22 Orchard Road Singapore.
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  • 67 9 Mr. Yap Pheng Geek Believed Elected TEACHER AND WRITER NG GECK, secretary of the Oversea* Chinese poration, has been elected to reDresent British Association on the SuK n. it is understood i one of two candidates of or th< I ommission, the other ing which disclosed, ...1.
    67 words
  • 39 9 I ing, 4 >haconcluded i uas be- the will of illia, who i a ifluence e making j as of unking It off* brotl. la and Moh Ahmad A They' thi- Angulll c. p. i
    39 words
  • 20 9 "Inspector Hontleigh" From ZHL •ions at •nes called one of the B C .casts, con.:ions in slip durt '.ore complete
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  • 82 9 QN her first voyaee on the East Coast r™/ Un Vhc new Straiu Steamship v-el Pahan, 1.136-ton ne- w h ich splendid accommo O y ia first class nnd 24 second cl passengers, it 15 hoped to o cruises up the F^ t Coast. During n
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  • 97 9 J*HE Royal Dutch Airlines (K.L.M.) have put an air liner and members of the crew at the disposal o/ Warner Brothers for a film called "Too Dangerous To Live" irhit.h is being made in England. Pictures arc to be shot of passengers arriving and departing, and
    97 words
  • 73 9 i.ock) Chinese women and girls observed acn'a D~>' it the Palace Theatre yesterday. A three-minute silence was held and contributions were madi r 0 the China Relief Fund. At the Great World last night schoolgirls held an exhibition or knitting. Proceeds from the sale Of the
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  • 340 9 1 OIRTHS and de.i a took place aboard the Blue Funnel vessel Ajax, which arrived at Singapore yesterday morning alter bringing back 1.330 Malayan pilgrims from Mecca. A 75-year-old Malay and a small baby died and were buried at were two births. the burials at sea. the
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  • 181 9 Tiger Washes Face In Main Street PANTHER SHOT FROM WINDOW JIGERfi, panthers and rogue elephants re proving troublesome at the town of Kemaman, on the coast I of Trengganu, Captain W. Grant I MacKie, one of ihe masters of Straits j Steamship vessels running up the Ea?t Coast said yesterday.
    181 words
  • 221 9 MAN WHO FEIGNED INJURIES Hospital Deceived MAN .as said to obtain admission to hospitals by feigning Inju- waj charged at Clerkenwell (London) police court with incurring a i debt of £1 at the National Temperance j Hospital, Hampstead Road, NW and also with assaulting De* I Clark. He pleaded guilty.
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  • 157 9 Yesteray's Rubber Action •THE Singapore Chamber of Com- merce Rubber Association held its 1.424th auction yesterday, when there! were catalogued 1,177,417 lbs. ton* 525,63: offered 916,629 lbs.— tons 409,21: sold 749,317 lbs.— tons 334.52. L ndon-Spot Bnpd.8 n pd. New York-Spot 16"v cents Ribbed Smoked Sheet ent> Pel Lb Standard
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  • 292 9 Per ah Ceremonies WATER SPORTS ON RIVER < From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Kangsar, Mar. > IMMEDIATELY after seven Raja.- and chiefs had been 1 invested by the Sultan of Perak this morning the dignities of office they sped to all parts of Malaya except
    Free Press  -  292 words
  • 36 9 yiscou.. ed by his Rn Dolgorouky, returned trip to lndr-( if. Visco:. at Rafll tated on his trip that h( would be married by the c strar on Monday Mar 13
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  • 70 9 i ;i. Our Own Johorc liulini. Mar H A the St. John Ambulance A tion held in the Johore Ink library to a Brigade The i: \v. E, Pep yi :r and a number oj Eur< pie of othej many women, The hon. sec
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
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    • 60 9 Corsetrv de Luxe j& l WORTH'S I HOOK-SIDE GIRDLE. M Broche CoutU Elastic J 3 Bones in Front. /;l \M7 SIZESs 24-. M) $7.50 L. 9S ROBINSON CO., LTD. VICTORIA MEMORIAL HALL SUN. MAR. 19th AND WED. MAR. 22nd AT 9.30 P.M. CONCERT BY TWO GREAT ARTISTS JOHN VALENTINE CELEBRATED
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  • 260 10 ACTION OF ADMIRAL CAPTAIN UPHFXD ILi.t MJ wuh costs for Admiral of the Fleet, the Eari of Cork and On fry and Capt. Richard Shelley was given in the King's Bench Division, in the action brought by Engine Room Artificer Eric Jchn Arthur Jenkins, of the
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  • 1487 10 I.T.C. TUG -OF- WAR WITH U.S. TIN CONSUMERS ATTEMPT TO FORCE DOWN PRICE RANGE London Expects New (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Mar. 1. A LTHOUGH, in accordance with modern technique, there has been no declaration of war, a grim struggle is developing between the International Tin Committee and American
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  • 132 10 THE B.B.( Vs income in 1938 was 1 X.3 800,051, of which ,1:1.892.081 was spent on programmes alone. The Corporation's 25 transmitters broadcast 115,050 hours of programmes, with a breakdown percentage of only 0.023 per cent. These are among the host of facts disclosed
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  • 157 10 A Concise History of Buddhist Art in Siam. By R. Lc May. Foreword by Sir John Marshall. (Cambridge £2 2s) THE historian of Siamese art is faced with a difficult task. The history of Siam is still so obscure that it is impossible to trace
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 374 10 CLASSIFIED AD VERTISEMEN^S TENDERS. SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY, Tenders are now Invited for the following materials or services For particulars sec Municipal Tenders Ronm le of Plenty Oil Engines, Dynamos. Mo: etc. (Deposit $50* Dal Ol Closing. 12 noon, Suppl;. of Australian or li>h Gas Coal, July/ August 1939 delivery Date of
      374 words
    • 96 10 HOARD RESIDENCE. SEA FRONT HATONU GRAKGE— 77. Meyer Rd (near Swimming Club; Board-Residence at moderate rates Lar*e Gardens Tennis. Phone: 5758. theTmansion oxley rise PRIVATE HOTEL Tel. *****. EAST ANGLIA t». OXLEV RISK SINGAPORE. 31 mlns. to to^rn tilgfc level garages, dally or monthly rates, large grounds, excellent cuisine tennis
      96 words
    • 38 10 BANK OF CttS! 1 Paid uf&SSr* ■saw Total A HI. approximuteK Tse-Vung Sun 2 MidKind Hank i Nf» voiiK I j; n p b j CLRHi-NI. J POSIT ACCOUNTS FOREIGN Cur,,: "KS&as? 1 run particulars on PARKCANE C
      38 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 143 10 SINGAPORE HARBOUR The follow; -de the Singapore Harbour Board Wharves are expected to arrive: Whirl Entrancr Gate 1; Exit I:— Rajula SI. Ma.ii Wharf, Entrance (;.u»* l; Exit 3: EUnpnra is. Ketty Brovlg 16; Glenearn ll Kamuning B; A. 1 ax t>. Empire Dock. Entrance Ciate 2: Exit 3:— Greyttoke
      143 words
    • 374 10 Air Mail Arrivals And Despatches imv IRD Imperial: I ropp (llJ( ne,da>, h,d., da> Uearnes: From reoam i p h and Kuala Lumpur. Arrivei rZ evening. K.L.M.: Iron, .V-therlan.i* i Arrives Tuesday, Thura lir day afternooi Uantas: Proa Au>u ..i ves Tuesday. Friday. Sundaj moniii K.L.M.: From E«rt*c Tuesday, Thursday
      374 words

  • 125 11 LONDON AND NEW YORK STOCK SHARES Last Night's Quotations from London 5.30 p. m. Yesterday t ruination unless Latest Quotations o stated wwons Previously i PC. 1944-.4 I] PC 19G0-90 108 f 1083; 3. ±:i2i/ 2 pd.i... d 0d 0 8 d 7 9d sew Vorai.. y 3d. 6d 53s
    125 words
  • 103 11 \MI! \\l) CO %1 or in sis^ i VI STERDAV lNr In. .it midday WSfl With the Stock ported generally lirm- shures received idon this morning showed "aprovemeiH on ye-terday. the market In Tin shares 1 luit rather neg- ttractions of Ur I oi the market. The p....
    103 words
  • 56 11 12 ex UH K SOON Buyers Sellers. i »»W»ttW l« 28 T|H Future Months Quotations No. IX R.S.S. on Registered Te: March 28 *9 Apr.-Junc 29 July-Bept. 20U 29% Ot 29U Tone I 'Jtt: Steady quiet Latest Cable: London Spot 1%0. ncr lb N i
    56 words
  • 176 11 Local Exchange Rates HAS. 8. IJ>39; SI I LING lon T.T I 25 32 on ciemaru"; 'J 3 25 32 Lyons demand Switzerland demand 237% Hamburg demand 134 York demand 54 A Montreal demand 54 5 16 Batinia demand 10'J Samarang demand 103 Calcuita. Bombay and Rangoon demand 154 74
    176 words
  • 114 11 From London 5.30 p.m. Yesterday Kl BBEft: Dull STOCKS: Kool ***** I™* '48,489 ton., 26 489 26,280 tons > Btraita B.O. Rotterdam: cil 10s 0d. Previously I 11 L2i 6d W| It Muntok In bond 3V 2 d Previously a d White Mnntok Mar -May: l%d PwSouSJ
    114 words
  • 38 11 From London: Latest Quotations I TIN: Steady. Three >J21; 17> Kd Previously t214 12s. 6d. 7a Bd Prevtousl3 I 42 15s. < o 1 1 > SILVEK: Previously: 20 9 16(1 I L9%d Previously; I9 7 «d.
    38 words
  • 63 11 I London Closing Quotations Method o.* Parity oeiore Latest centre Quoting 20-9-31 Rate Previously Paris Franc tO A! 124.11 176 15 1C 17*i 15'16 Now York. to 4.8655 469 116 4.69*8 Amsterdam Guilders to 12.10 8.82Vs 8.83' 4 HongKong Per dollar Is 215 lod. 1.5.*****d. Shanghai... Per
    63 words
  • 1193 11 From Exchange Telegraph Co. Fraser And Co.'s List WEDNESDAY, M.\R. 8. 193f: 5 I'M MINING Buyers Sellers Ampat Tin 4_j 3s 6d 4s Austral Amal. (ss> 4s 6d 5s Austral Malay 39s 44s Ayer Hitam <ss) 21s 22s Ayer Weng ($1) .63 .68 x.d. Bangrin
    1,193 words
  • 384 11 JAPANESE HAVE TO EAT LESS THL Ja *:icsc peopls uri- iess and going without in and thereby financing a A few less dishes at m:ol- i > c and making old kimonos last beyond t.ieir usual life are two of the principal methods by which Japanese are piling up record
    384 words
  • 241 11 RECTOR Y OF LEGEND ON FIRE A HOUSE to which a. ghostly legend lias clung so tenaciously that the London School of Psychical Investigation made inquiries In 1937 Borley Rectory, Budbury, on the Essex-Suffolk border— was prseticr.Uy destroyed by fire last week. The house had been empty for some years,
    241 words
  • 134 11 iJst Supplied By Messrs. Fraser Co. WM>>AY, MAR. 8, 1930: I PM Company Dividend Books Uncial IN Ciose Date Ex. Div. vear Ayer Weng 5% Int. Mar. 6 Mar. 11 Feb 25 Katu 6d. No. 20 Mar. 10 Mar. 17 Mar. 11 Kramat Pulai 2V_% Int Mar.
    134 words

  • 2497 12 CERTIFICATE PASSES IN DECEMBER TEST COMPLETE LIST FOR ALL THE LOCAL SCHOOLS ANNOUNCEMENT svaa made yesterday of the results of last Decembei imbridg< Junior and School CertifiThere were almut 6,000 candidates in Malaya in the examinations held last December, 3,500 for the Junior Certificate and 2,500
    2,497 words
  • 49 12 DITCH PLAN INCREASE IN NAVY— IF NEEDED M. Welter, Colonial Mi told the Netherlands Par D u tch in the Indies fleet it' the International situation gro He added that defence 1 1 during the last five s i increased i 15,000,000 Ich half was \ov the I [ndies.
    49 words
  • 14 12 The Rev. Brother Austin i T >> arrive In Singapore from Europe on Mar. 24.
    14 words
  • 88 12 Broker Remanded On £3,000 Bail g:\IL W whei sanded Police Coin: ing to i od with John Thomas V\ dulently Vioh Weils and other and Syn Edui. I ..t for nted iv. In 1933 Bond StJ K bus:. iiii Jan the Gold I plaii police v found
    88 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 97 12 AN AMAZING OFFER! S RETAILE P AT WHOLESALE PRICES! tn th vi, hcrc in Dcccmbcr ngapore for a few days uith a new and most attractive i, from China, of bemuUfmi hand embroidered SI K INfiFßl£ < Ni Bht-*own 8 Pyjamas, Sets, U**& Um^T.mK Petticoats, Cami-Knickers) MANDARIN EVENING COATS JACKETS
      97 words
    • 47 12 never runs cold GAS- HEATED I MVM mess and^^ work makes washing-up quicker VV A I t K is always on tap costs very little jr~ i—^^^ w^^^ MUNICIPAL CAS OtPARIMEHT. PHONE 510 1 M O I NI( #i L L BLDG.. T C H 0 LEM«JT^
      47 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 360 13 rr^K^"~N^_ai i_J^^ ;^r^^' Sii2[^^-&_te*_!! 1111 aI d BRITISH INDIATINES S. W. €C\S SAILINGS, *onnuge S'pori*. 1 30 > r- rp < i\ea 9 poie. 1- 15.000 Apr 21 ID O6 J; A JP' 17.000 June 2 "I >0 June 16 0 June 30 md Kat.u hi Mar. 14 'rt M
      360 words
    • 434 13 McALISTER CO., LTD. (Incorporated in Straits Settlements.*, GRESHA>I BOISE. BATTERY RD., SINGAPORE. MMR 5172 ELLERMAN BUCKNALL S.S. Co.. Ltd. {Incorporated in England.) HAVRE LONDON ROTTERDAM HAMBURG VIA PORTS AND SUEZ CANAL Steamer Dae Sails SSp m^ 0 Calls, uw Mar 30 A FOR NEW YORK, BALTIMORE, BOSTON, HALIFAX and
      434 words
    • 573 13 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. Ocean Building, Collyer Quay Singapore Trl Chartered Bank Buildine Tenant Tr| BLUE FUNNEL LINE. FASI SERVICES MAttSBIUJHI LONDON. N. CONTINBNI iND OLABOOW Due O* GLENEARN Mars.. L'don. Dkiric. Ad. BTJCTf, \nt PATROCLUS Mars L'don. R'dMß. Q SJ PERSEUS I/don Roam Hull jrburg 18 KEGILAK BKKVICt I
      573 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
      445 words
    • 730 14 CLEARANCES Mar. 9: Singkel (Dut.): Scott Harley (Brit.); V. de Does de Bye (Dut.); Rajula '"Brit.). r. 10: Javanese Prince (Brit.). BRITISH IKDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LTD. (APCAR USE) FOR HONG KON(i, MOJI, KOBE AND OSAKA s. s. SHIRALA 8.000 Tons SAILING MAR. 9, AT 3 PM. The above vesse]
      730 words
      575 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 99 14 MAILS EXPECTED Mails from Netherlands Indies by air (K.L.M.) are expected in Singapore today. Mails from Europe et^. (Amsterdam) by air (K.L.M. are expected in Singapore today Mi'il.s from Australia, Netherlands Indies etc by air <Qanta.s» are expected in SinTapore tomorrow. Mails from Japan by Himalaya Maru me expected in
      99 words

  • 109 15 later, Oswald enk< i o .;nri the Qgth aSS. If your ran I per 40 per cent. K>nd The bidI ODAY'S HAM) to D. I was accused od player tu i. the spades d ifford to I could dis- tnmy'a i Lub unnecess and so
    109 words
  • 183 15 Depleted Side7 Play In Unexciting Game THREE GOALS~TO ONE nm. to. much "^t, the club from hi £0] n lon- i lis sh< lor a c, md the fl kick Pre.rcol high the other end Bakrl shot Into after ween Madoo and Taib. effort. ted a. lii&cult
    183 words
  • 161 15 London, Feb. 16. A STRAW 0 -ed to h.. been ca thorns deep the Indian Ocean oil the South African coast may be of a prehistoric species believed to have become ex- tinct millions of ye i igo. This fish is of the kind known
    161 words
  • Article, Illustration
    19 15 picture. I Nlimi ccurc forward. Fennie. ri.ojrtWW. hjrO»^»* i-1 he '-M.CA. ,-round >e,terd a y. The tab- Free Press
    Free Press  -  19 words
  • 189 15 Double Hat Trick By A Schoolboy IN a one-sided soccer played on the Raffle Institution ground yesterday, the defeated St. Andrew's school by nine goals to one. Feature of the game was the splendid display of Barker, the Raffles cen-tre-forward, who scored tight goal :er scored a double hat-trick, m
    189 words
  • 217 15 BTokio. •agate and overrun the is the slogan which m's Welfare Mi] i,, ti this nation's population. ent figures indicate thai the n n a i- g down Japan's birth the point where deaths are exceeding births. The war has been held responsible r drop oi
    217 words
  • 210 15 H. And S. Bank Have Day Out Against Cold Storage pA' goals to one was the tune to which the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank beat the Cold Storage in their B.H.L. match on the Harbour Board ground yesterday. The Bank outclassed the Cold Storage forwards In
    210 words
  • Article, Illustration
    33 15 INTERNATIONAL RUGBY between Ireland and ScoJ ;nd.-Irel ed Scotland by 12 points to three in the Internationa] Rngby match it Lansdowne Road, Dublin. Here is an Irish player brourht down dose to touch.
    33 words
  • 301 15 pROM the frozen waste surround- ing the Great Slave Lake, in Canada's North-Wes: Territories, an express airplane was on its way last week to the Ottawa Mint carrying a gold brick worth about j £3.500. That biick represents more than 12 months of exploration and
    301 words
  • 101 15 rpHE R.AK „;d r.e. dn J- at Seletar yesterday in th< serve division game of m Heavy rain iell before and during the match and the slipp?ry ground made good soccer impossible The R.A.F. wing-haivcs. Bterllng and Kitchener, played fine soc Upperton and Went shone
    101 words
  • 157 15 Y.M .C .A. Worst Loyals At Water-Polo 8-2 AND 5-0 TTHI the Y.M.C.A. Juniors scored a C zincing victory over the Loyals at water-polo at Qillman BarracJ lay. They beat I team i) 2 and Th<? flrst u controlled by the Juniors; p] more even In I Th 1 and
    157 words
  • 72 15 Y. M. C. A. Tennis Tournament tics in th< tennis toir. r. < V. Koshj vs. H. 8. I "A" Class E. L Wee vs. T. K Know Irs Cap Lim Hec Chin vs. N. I ihi YESTERDAY'S His ults o: -days I Cli A is beat E J 1
    72 words
  • 71 15 i rot the Junior Departzn the SC.C. "B XI to on the S.C.C Edward Wee Aik Chan. R. O. .1 Moxon. Choo Chye (captain), i n Yetton, Yow v. ■■•s: Chin .Sun So. A. Ji Guthrie's Sports 5.10 p.m., Phoa Watt Sen i R. Clark, Chin Su:,
    71 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 64 15 HAPPY WORLD STADIUM TOMORROW NIGHT AT O P. M. i SfNS.\l|OV\MiHlKN(U\||,| )J# BOON MAH HEMCHIT «E -,1 10 (3) Kds m BOY QUEE v 5 l. BERNAL ■i 501 OT KOTJO v.. GUNBOAT SMITH fi (31 I.Ms M. imsv xs. Hint ill UfAM !;cos VI Ml LOGOU CMIANCI \i BSOWN
      64 words

  • 804 16 England All Out For 316,' I Opponents 193 For 3 I VAN DER BYL MAKES 97' Durban, Mar. 8. SOUTH AFRICA with seven wickets to fall in th< eond innings in the fifth Test match are 407 vud^ ahead of England's first innings total. England,
    804 words
  • Article, Illustration
    45 16 >l:: CHAMBERLAIN'S Xina gre ng M riM Cbrfatnuui card irhleli Prime Minister hainherlain and suit thla »ear to their :I (K Jn»rc l)«'si<Jrs the usual %MMM i pirtiire of the airplane rhich Iten the Pi ft Minister to tarlni the crltkml iayi in s-ptrinher.
    45 words
  • Article, Illustration
    27 16 picture. UNITEERS' goalkeeper. Brown, with the ball with an M PH. player close at hand on Mie Y.M.C.A. ground yesterd;».>. when the Pubiiv,her<> won, ;',-1. Free Press
    Free Press  -  27 words
  • 178 16 JNITEERS LOSE 3-1 :d Humid gave the M P.H I iln OTcr Unit n a are on the i. ground i lay. who ip iall tinu and then with thla .ts a hard era In the Unlteew team nention. Tl ere h i Thomson
    178 words
  • 91 16 Lost Two Soccer Players soccer team who had a friendly! fixture with th C at Alexandra rday, went on a wild efore tl tie. i raa o: -r halt pn hour's :h in OiUman Barrar^s that eight >und the iround. Out' member was then posted on road and picked up
    91 words
  • 36 16 c I «f on the day, the Club deiporti Club by \M U) two a Vain j Neu ored for I and T 1 or K for th r Post omce
    36 words
  • 108 16 (t-rom Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur. Mar. 8. 'T'HK proposed tour of Malaya by combined college cricketers from Ceylon Ls definitely off. Dr. C, H. Gunasekera. captain of the last Ceylon team to visit Malaya, is unable to book passages for schoolboys as every boat
    108 words
  • 50 16 Berlin. Alar 7. nel u left the United i tor Qermany, but will return to in the coming summer to light the winner o! the Max Baer-Lou Nova flghl in San Francis Schmeling has provisionally agreed thai the fight shall take place In September. Reuter
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • 67 16 Team* to represent Hie Banka Sports Club V5. Johore State PrUons at football tomorrow on the J.CS.A. ground will be »cted from the following Pak Tong, Tan Chin Lye; 8 mi San, Hee Chit Lim. Joon Sens Quee, Thian Teek Ah Bah (captain), Lim Swang Choong
    67 words
  • 280 16 Nyamok Wins Twice At Changi Changi Nous pOR the ilrst race in the series for the Monthly Cup the weather was disappointing, and. because of the j heavy rain, the start was delayed till j late in the afternoon, when the boats crossed the line in a light northeasterly air
    280 words
  • 67 16 Fort Canning Hold Cricket Trial HEAVY close ol t] XI handicapped the i Lev r victor: >■: n HOR BIRD Telfo i Hancock b B Mr. Smith b B Bow i fcf 20, C 8 i in x Wikon retli Curti i H Lieut Oiiffltl Burrow i c D Mill
    67 words
  • 35 16 matra j hard beat r rou bo strong lor a j "C. 29" cap 1 Felicity "li ru;-i< A; Lei th i wind Club, and Lu first, follow "LUNAR BOW "NYAMOK' U "C. 33" 'J
    35 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 38 16 xx '^^g^.y x^§^^^y^rora^BH.^^^^k^Mro^j jWr^ 4. WW m m M m M r fill m7#x F- VI Uvw H H^^ www m<& w w 9 X-# f-# k/ V* v* *sy *^R K&& IBP^^ Xf^' DISTRIBUTED BY FRASER NtA¥
      38 words