The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 19 January 1939

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 17 1 The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS no. i:»,b"y ESTU 1833. THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 1939. 5 CENTS
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  • 580 1 London Explosions Work Of Irish Terrorists? FEARS OF ATTEMPT ON WESTMINSTER ABBEY *»a_^— London, Jan. 18. f ABIMvT MINISTERS have been given special guards following the series of bomb outrages in London, Manchester and other parts of the country. Mr. Malcolm MacDonald. Secretary of
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  • 61 1 Foresees An Enduring Peace" I hi. ago, Jan IK. iefeati <»f the i;r:»iiient was made i tt il Ihiues, famous .n .ind author of rfetiuMit. when \m» r:irc pul.lir ,1 IWCS, addrc >inR the \-n \.\\i, 11 of Commerce N :*n ille hainber.a and fearless i pr^dit ted that env.
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 119 1 l ..mi. mi Jan. IK. Rangoon ccr respondent rtl that an American built emplane with heavy armalch lias afrived in Rangoon Mini <ent across thi frontier la a demonstration model sent e cf others, which are coming fhartpred .ships, pilots have begun to arrive China to
    Reuter  -  119 words
  • 33 1 Guerilla Leader Captured MMagklßfc Jan. 18. lUthorittta tjday anthey have arre.sted •oommaiider-in-rhief CuerlllA forces In one of his principal Shao-ching. for train wreckamt otftea and wtu appointed to Mrif live {in ago. Reuter
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 108 1 Reich Hunga ry Friendship Berlin, Jan. 18. THE Hungarian Foreign Minister, Dr. Csaky. is expected to return to Budapest today following important conversations with Heir Hitler and other Nazi loaders during his short visit. An official communique issued at the conclusion of Dr. Csaky 's visit states that conversations between
    Reuter  -  108 words
  • 103 1 London, Jan. 18. THE Air Ministry announcd today that at the conclusion of its visit to Australia, the British air mission will proceed to New Zealand and dLscuas ?with the Government there the possibilities regarding manufpcture of aircraft in New Zealand. Sir Kingrtey Wood, Minister
    Reuter  -  103 words
  • 134 1 Paris, Jan. 18. THE Cabinet, at a meeting lasting two-and-a-half hours, today dealt exclusively with the statement M. Bonnet, the Foreign Minister, will make on the international situation during the continution of the foreign affairs debate tomorrow. It is understood unanimous agreement was reached on
    Reuter  -  134 words
  • 146 1 Demand For Recall Of Parliament London, Jan. 18. jyiß. C. R. ATTLEE, (Labour) ITa Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons, has written to Mr. Neville Chamberlain, the Prime Minister, requesting the immediate summoning of Parliament. He declares that while the Spanish
    Reuter  -  146 words
  • 43 1 Berlin, Jan. 18. ARMY officers have been forbidden to drink the health of the exKaiser en Jan. 27— Wilhelm's eightieth birthday. They have been Instructed to get up and Jeave any company where the toast is proposed. Reuter
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • Article, Illustration
    31 1 -Photograph by SmS INI GAVE A CO:iI »AL GREETING TO THE PRIME MINISTER, Mr. Neville Chamberlain, w hen h. "i w .h Rome for the Anglo-Italian talks last week.- Luce Agency
    Luce Agency  -  31 words
  • 178 1 S 1 A UC^ LAN EDD S who Ja U^ Minster for Civilian Defence, announced som^ time ago had been giving him the benefit of his experience as Minister of National Service in the Great War made a speech at Beckenham in which lie referred
    British Wireless  -  178 words
  • 117 1 Kan soon, Jan. Jg. A CALL for a general strike throughcut Burma has been issued by the 'Burma for the Burmans" party. The call fcr the strike, of which no c.ate has yet been mentioned, is resarded as a reply to the government's round-up today of
    Reuter.  -  117 words
  • 214 1 Londot Jua. IX QRDINARY v/eeLly meeting* o£ thv Cabinet were rammed t!.i;; morning. This was the flrrt time the Prlmr J Minister and Lord Halifa::. Foreign Secretary, hav* met all their colleague:, since their visit to Rcme, and it U assumed they gave them a
    British wireless  -  214 words
  • 50 1 New York, Jan. l«. The first of the 200 Lockheed bombers being built in the U.S. for the British R.A.F. covered the 2,300 miles from Los Angeles to New York in 12 hours flying time, stopping only at Indianapolis. The iline will now be dismantled and shipped to Britain.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 45 1 BIGIA TEA I frenhneiM ,.J Of UV Mll la>» n (!(M „j u, your hooM -v'^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Ae^^^fl^^'^B^BHß) JW^^fc .^HB^B^W TONIGHT DINNER DANCE (formal) 9.45 to midnight *ACULAR CABARET SMTSRTAIMMkIfT BY DAREDEVIL PRESTONb SKILL THRILLS OK WHEEL! 11 Non -diners -Sit! -^L^j_ ORCHESTRA directed by Dan Hopkins
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    • 100 1 There is no better Tea than BIGIA TEA GROWN IN MALAYA ADELPHI HOTEL ROOI' GARDEN THURSDAY, 2nd FEBRUARY, 1939 9.30 p.m.— \l MIDNIGHT ENTERTAINMENT EXTRAORDINARY GRAND CABARET NIGHT By the Great French Artistes LYDIE VILLARS de la Comedie des Champs Elys«es PAUL ARMAND des Tournees Offlclelles de la Comedie
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  • 302 2 Thousands Leave For Interior And Towns GUERILLAS HOLDING UP HUNAN DRIVE Hong Kong, Jan. 18. serious famine in the districts on the south bank of the Pearl River is feared, according to a report from Honan. Thousands of inhabitants from these districts, the report states,
    Union Times  -  302 words
  • 76 2 Tokio, Jan. 18. JAPANESE naval units on the Yang- tse are making strenuous efforts to remove booms and sweep mines on the waterway 750 miles long, from the mouth of the Yangtse to Yochow, according to a field dispatch. Japanese mine- sweepers discovered and disposed of
    Eastern News  -  76 words
  • 16 2 The death is announced in London, reports Reuter. of Professor Robert Wallace, The well known agriculturist.
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  • 72 2 A BOUT $700 in Straits currency was collected at a performance given by the Isako Russian Circus last night in aid of the China Relief Fund There was a large attendance present, Including the Consul-General of China, Mr. Kao ling-Pal and Mrs. Kao. An American
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  • 35 2 Mr. A. Bakker, general manager for the K.P.M. in Australia and New Zealand, passed through Singapore yesterday en route for Sydney In the K PJC liner Boissevain, after a round trip In the Par East.
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  • Article, Illustration
    36 2 KING CAROL OF RUMANIA making a speech from the throne in the Royal Palace at Bucharest, last week, to the Cabinet Ministers and Ambassadors. Crown Prince Carol is sejn standing at the bottom of the steps.
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  • 728 2 ELECTRICITY COMPANY'S ATTITUDE "REGRETTED" (From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, Jan. 18. AT a meeting of the Municipal Commissioners this the President, Mr. G. W. Bryant, referred to the decision to terminate the agreement with the Malacca Electric Lighting Company on Apr. 22, 1942. The Commissioners, he
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  • 447 2 War's Toll On Churches In China Vatican City, Jan. 12. »j*HE l l^ -year-old Sino-Japanesc conflict, which is being wagec l on an area of more than 1,000,000 square miles, has already left an indelible imprint on the Catholic Church. Millions of dollars of church property has been lost and
    British United Press  -  447 words
  • 115 2 Japan Prepares Her Answer Tokio, Jan. 18. TpHE Japanese Government will probably present an official written reply in the near future to the British Government's note of Jan. 14, political observers believe. Foreign Office authorities are carefully, studying the form in which Japar#;c replies to Brit/li and American notes will
    Eastern News  -  115 words
  • 33 2 London, Jan. 18. Football matches played today resulted as follow*:— Third Division, Southern section Ipswich 2, Crystal Palace 1. Bournemouth 2. Torquay 5. Northern section.— New Bright**, k Hartlepools 2.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 22 2 London, Jan. It. Rugby matches played today resulted as follows:— Bristol 3, Royal Navy 6. R.A.P. 11, Cambridfe University Reuter
    Reuter  -  22 words
  • 123 2 Lost Mg/it's Fil m I ET the maniacal Ifeu amok in a big hot become a shocstri: pi Harpo and Chic > beceur,, let there be a dizzv i geous brunette, uid a hotel manager-- nd •Rccm Service." *hich Capitol, Singapore. Eut, somehow, "R* the Marx
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  • 176 2 'From Our Own C n Malacca. Jan. lg. ILIR. EDWIN TONGUE, cU ITI A.R.P. for Utt C Malacca this mor/iin-* a:.. conference at the Resident Counciltor's office. Others p:eic t Mdesthi Resident, were Mr. W A. C C.P.0., Dr. McSwan. CMO ial
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  • 97 2 IfoJiytiUiid. < il Hollywood movi" r .s ir in of losing their shiniest bt Angeles prepares to eliminate auxiliary fire depar..members—all chiefs. Fletcher Bowron, the new Mayor, checking up on honour p out by the hundreds under p? c ministrations, found enoueh fire chiefs among the
    British Union  -  97 words
  • 33 2 4 KILLED IN MAILPLANE CRASH Dam m. J in The crew of thv a:. were killed when a O«toei Air« mallplane crashed in Un Kat River on a flight to AdeW* Katherine. Reuter
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 24 2 Lisbon. J-*J A Colonial onice d»cre* j day Xorbids Portuguese tfMtm J^ port fonrf« ftHrinatln£ fro m Russia.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  24 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 82 2 all the 6csf breakfasts include BACON bacon and eggs, kidneys and bacon, haddock and bacon and bacon on toast, in fact, whatever the dish served, bacon seem* to play an lAS HEI I important part, which is reason enough for purchasing only the finest SHORT CUT BACK quaUty. For example
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  • 442 3 HUNDRED DOLLARS FOR JOB IN SHIP? Magistrate Warns Chinese About Lying ACCUSED ACQUITTED 'I* you tell lies like this, you are goin^ to find yourself in trouble some day," said Mr. K. A. Blacker to Lim Ah Moi, a witness, in the Singapore Fourth Police Court yesterday, during the hearing
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  • Article, Illustration
    23 3 P7 tSt IND CORSICA, U tnak I a c aim, is rmartn. NapoThe pfetarfl I Cor sic an peasant i 'i his as.
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  • 180 3 'SUFFERER" BOUND OVER ULING to report an armed rv on the night of Feb. 23. ris house in Park Read was by robbers, armed with who stole jewellery valued $50. and then locked him wiie in a room and escaped, middle aged Chinese
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  • 55 3 I m. 5J year old Hokklen. i befort Mr. K. A Blacker in ngiporc Fourth Police Court day on charges of criminal f trtttt In respect of amounts tailing $7 83 claimed trial and the case was *P Mfrt to Jan. 20. I W Hatcnard
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  • 68 3 Law Notice For The Day Before Mr. Justice Pcdlow in r,rd Court at 11 a.m. Part heard:— S. 395 36— Urir.h Hum T phrta Baker vs. Asia Insurance Co. Ltd. and another. Before Mr. Justice Home in 2nd. Court at 11 a.m. Assizes —Rex vs. Chan Yeow <lf not concluded*.
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  • 102 3 rjEMONSTRATING the vital import--■-'ance of lubrication to machinery a film, "The Inside Story." was shown to a b'g audience of engineering men at the Alhambra yesterday morning. Th3 tremendous development in machinery in the past few years has made engineers more conscious of the importance of
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  • 38 3 The Nederland liner. ChrUtlaan Huygens will arrive in the Singapore roads at 9 p.m. today. At 7 p.m. tomorrow the ship will berth and will sail again at 10 a.m. for Europe, via Belawsn and Colombo.
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  • 81 3 ADAM bin Ibrahim, a Ma ay police constable attached to the Rochore Division, appeared before Mr. L. B Gibscn in the Criminal District Court yesterday on three charges of criminal breach of trust. The prosecution allege that Ibrahim drciv various small sums of money by presenting
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  • 130 3 The suit in which a PttUUlf surveyor. Urich Humphry Baker, is suiiv; „wo bUOfSBes cempanics. Asia Insurance Co.. Ltd.. and Sincere Insurance Co. Ltd.. for alleged breach of contract, was eont nued before Mr Justice P^dUm in the S n*ap->rc High Court yesterday. Further hearing was adjourned.
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  • 115 3 •THOMAS Vickey Walker, 25, a labour- cr. of Bermondsev Street. Newcastle, who was accused by his wife of having held his three-year-old son's hand eleii to a fire, was fined £5 for cruelty at Newcastle last week. Mrs. Catherine Walker, of Harbot <e Street, Newcastle, said
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  • 95 3 A NDROMEDA. a goldfish, was found one bitterly cold clay by Mr. G. Dubcis, a builder, of Albany Road, St. Leonards-on-Sca., lyin? on the dry bottom of its tank, which had been split by the frost, in an empty house. Passing that way a week later,
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  • 362 3 THE MAN who may be the next Pre- sident of the United States, if President Roosevelt does not stand for a third term is staying with the Governor. Sir Shenton Thomas, at Government Hous3. He is the United States High Commissioner to the Philippines, Mr. Paul V.
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  • 129 3 A FURTHER DELAY A FURTHER postponement was needed yesterday, in the case in the Singapore Second Polica Court in which an English-speaking Chinese, Richard Wong, of Institution Hill, was charged with misappropriating $15,000 worth of snares in Malayan Films, Ltd. The complainant in the hearing is Sakuya
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  • 323 3 ROTARIAN'S MEMORIES JHL impression of everlasting forests, clouds of waterfowl on the rivers, the curious— and sometimes naked —Indians that trooped down to the mooring places, the eternal grinning monkey and the howling parrots" was the main impression he had retained of Bolivia, said Mr.
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  • 213 3 f^ESPITE the Nazi call for the abclition of jazz and swing, and tftta banning cf the Lambeth Walk. Hemy Hall, former 8.8.C. Dance Director, announced last week he intended to fulfil with his band a month's encasement in Berlin. But both his band and the music
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  • 91 3 A claim for $1,200 by Lim Lip Choug against Lee Choon Chin. Lee Choon Hock and Lee Choon Chwee had been settled when it came up before the Chief Justice, S.S.. Sir Percy McElwaine, in the Singapore High Court yesterday. Mr. Mark Morrison, for the plaintiff,
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  • 117 3 "J THINK rubber in Singapore has a sickly smell," said Mr. F. J. FitzCibbon in his talk on "Jungle Rubber and Mountain Tin" at the Rotary Club yesterday. Bolivian rubber, he said, had a more pleasant smell than cultivated rubber. Tapping in Bolivia ivas "a rather
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  • 115 3 CIR Derrick Gunston, Conservative M.P. for the Thornbury Division of Gloucestershire, fractured two vertebrap in a toboganning accident in Gloucestershire on Jan. 5. The injury to his spine vas disclosed by X-ray photographs. Sir Derrick, who is 47, is in hospital at Bristol, and it is
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 67 3 m WHO WILL WIN? H^ STADIUM |if %4bJfl TOMORROW fy^fcfc^ W*^^^ ;"FIRST_BOUT~BL4S P.M. MIDDLE -WT. CHAMPIONSHIP M I k^jWll *p R*S C %3 J^t i f I SOMPONG IB (challenger) HI fc A JANTAM-WT. CHAMPIONSHIP H OF SINGAPORE. W* MORTELL vs. ABAYAN J/ SOM PONG (holder) (challenger) FRISCO 192 LBS.
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  • 2177 4 THOUSANDS of acres of England are under water. It is part of the price we have to pay for our Christmas card effect in December and the New Year. Heavy rains and melting snow have turned roads into canals. Low-lying farmhouses and villages are isolated
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 51 4 'A I >HBB^ By,. I V T U HP^mW Modern style and a really vivid performance, a car with i.'^Jk '^Wk J// elbow space. Luggage is carried in rear locker with FHE 10 HP< ENTRANT f ..^Sk 1^" Jv/ outside lid. Spare wheel is in a separate compartment SALOON. "Yfto
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  • 102 5 M. DALAUIER standing in hfa car inspected seme the troop, s he drove down the three miles o* the Boulevard Gambett, in Tunb where a spectacular military review took plaee including armoured C a« and aeroplanes. The review was bO.OOO inhabitants. A FAREWELL PARTY was held at
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  • 86 5 ;:>ir\ i»\v LKS liom many Euro- ountrirs appeared at the tfttri Hall last week in the Interitional Festival. Lithuanian ■N dancers are seen rehearsint their "hat dance." THE WEDDING took place last neck of Mr. Richard Bawden stuttaford, eldest son of the Hon. Richard and Mrs. Stuttaford,
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  • 522 6 Little Doubt About The Perpetrators SPECIAL "MEASURES London, Jan. 18. THE gravity of the bombiag attempts to cripple Britain's vital electricity services is becoming more obvious as fresh facts become known. Special precautions are even being taken in Whitehall and police are on duty on
    Reuter  -  522 words
  • Article, Illustration
    25 6 PRINCE EDWARD AND PRINCESS ALEXANDRA, children of the Duke kncl Duchess of Kent, arrived back in London last week from Sandringham, where they spent Christmas.
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  • 205 6 rHE contention that many matters which ought to be published in the public interest are not printed because of fear of the Official Secrets Acts is expressed in a memorandum drawn up by a deputation from, the National Union of Journalists, the National Council for Civil
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  • 124 6 Tokio, Jan. 18. A Kclnkel passenger plane Nogi, of the Japan Air Transport Company w.ll take off from the Tachikawa aerodrome en the outskirts of the mairopolis. at 6.30 o'clock on the morning of Jan. 25 for Siam on a goodwill flight. The company has decided to
    Eastern News  -  124 words
  • 47 6 Shanghai, Jan. 17. pHINESE bankers here intend to urge the KuominUng Government to recognise the Anglo-Japanese Customs Agreement, according to Japanese reports. The Agreement was concluded between Japan and Britain on May 3, 1938, but the Kuomintang Oovernment refused to recognise it. Eastern
    Eastern  -  47 words
  • 281 6 Koo 's Appeal Futile? LONDON VIEW London. Jan. 18. THE usefulness of Dr. Wellington Kcos repeated appeals to the League is doubtful, comments The Times. The Journal adds that they tend chiefly to accentuate the political weakness of the League. The Times comes to this conclusion in a passing reference
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  • 79 6 Aircraft Cor>?re from Southampton, Karachi. Burma, Bangkok and Penang: Mr. M. Finlay, Mr. J. W. Wotherspoon. Mr. C. Short. Aircraft "Coogee'* for N.E.1.. Darwin, Brisbane and Sydney: Mr. M. Finlay, Mr. A. R. Bonnet. Mrs. A. R. Bonnet, and child. Aircraft Corio from Southampton, Karachi, Burma, Bangkok
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  • 107 6 "It's a boy! M Sir Seymour Hicks has spoken many good linos in his 68 years, but none can hav? given greater pleasure than this, which he spoke over the telephone from London to Jerusalem last week. For the famous actor had just become ft grandfather,
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  • 43 6 Hong Kong, Jan. 18. rpwo Chinese assassins attacked Wang Ching-weVs secretary in the heart of the city today with a hammer, inflicting serious injuries. The victim is net expected to live. One of the men has been arrestcd.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 515 6 China Awaits Attitude Of United States <Free Press Special) Shanghai. THE possibility of the United States A Congress revising the Neutrality Act is ons of the most important tactors at present influencing Chinese unity. Likewise it is partly responsible for the complete failure of Wang Chingwei's peace proposals to receive
    British United Press  -  515 words
  • 249 6 HE A TED CHA MBER DEB ATE Paris, Jan. 18. k SPIRITED verbal duel between two ex-Premiers, M. Flandin and M. Blum, over Spain marked the debate on foreign affairs in the Chamber today. M. Blum, denouncing Italian intervention in Spain, said the Chamber ought to
    Reuter  -  249 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 81 6 never runs cold GAS-HEATED I f YW mess and work \Ai AT C n m maket washing-up quicker WATER I —Is always on tap I -costs vtry little MUNICIPAL GAS OEPARIMENT. PHONE 5101 0R MLL T THE SHOWROOMS J' W MUNICIPAL BLDG., COLEMAN STREET. ""^^«K W.P.S. 22A PiIANSOOLLEGE ESTABLISHED IN
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    • 9 6 Kill fh, mosquitoes with -43fcs\ LWmmW/ -E^JJt— g=Lg^y-» hills
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  • 785 7 WATERFRONT INCIDENT [JOW, with his hands tied behind him and with a m his mouth, he gave chase to a "man in grey who had allegedly robbed him of a gold wrist watch and cash, was described in the Singapore Assize Court yesterday,
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  • 67 7 A young Chinese. Chan Kwok Kong, who had two aliases appeared before Mr. K. A. Blacker in the Singapore Fourth Police Court yesterday on a charge of being a member of an unlawlul society th? Mobilise Anti-Traitors Party. He was also charged with ex ortion of
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 131 7 VEARS MOST LOVABLE PICTURE! OPEKIKG TOOAY AT 3.15, 6.15 9.15 P. M. ALtIAMdRA EARNER BROS. ti\TfRTAINMENT TREATS YOU o o WILL t LOVE I I^Ml KAY J^^W V W9 AS jj^^^^^Sm^^^^^^^ BRAVE Th«rt WOS -B >*l\do^ jiV MOTHER! l^'\Tl^ aS S^ i*L*iL Youwili I 8110 KAY as Si"*' g ucd
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    • 192 7 FORGET THE DAY'S WORRIES JUST SIT BACK LAUGH! ITS NOT HISTORICAL .BUT ITS HYSTERICAL CAPITOL e^^i RADIO Riot I I IIIAIIK ALDtflldUH tANMO S. BtKMAN m Oo'B* m Dirtced bv Wiliiom A. S*il*f Scr*«n hov bv MtHt Ivikkntf Vv ith Excellent Suppoitiny pictures including MICKEY MOUSE and PLUTO in "tyUCKEY'S
      192 words

  • 646 8 The Singapore Free Press THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 1939. An American Visitor "LJOLIDAY TRIPS" by Ministers 1 and high Government officials are often given undue political significance, and it is wise to be cautious in drawing conclusions. Officials, like other less exalted men, have a right to take holidays and sometimes
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • 815 8  - A rms Manufacturers In America And France VINCENT BROME A Concluding Instalment By AMERICAN arms and munitions centre mainly around the three incrediblywealthy Du Pont brothers. They run the United States' great-east arms and powder factories. French-extracted, the Du Ponts trace their company back to 1801 when a young man
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  • 485 8 TTHE tragic end of Reginald Bray the young Arctic explorer and member of the British-Canadian Expedition which has done such valuable work in the Polar regions, adds one more valuable life to the grim toll of the icy land which has attracted the adventurous spirits
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 57 8 D. T. LIM S INDIGESTION HERB TEA relieves constipation. Good Result And Easy To Tahe. D. T. LIM COMPANY, 353, North Bridge Road, Singapore UkUJIHSPius ■^Bf* l'h?rm aobcttei pill B Al Iff (dan MARTINS. You cm mWmW ««ly upoa MARTIN'S PILLS. MlWr ?v'.d by a!l ChcnisU Stores and r tT
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  • 395 9 WOMAN SMASHES INTO LOVER'S HOUSE Breaks Crockery, Departs With Man's Clothing QUARREL SEQUEL DECAUSE she found her lover's house locked against her one night after a quarrel, a Chinese woman smashed open the door of the house with a hopper and took away some of the man's clothes This was
    Fres Press  -  395 words
  • 340 9 LOAN WHILE BANKRUPT STORY of how a European obtained a loan of $M#o from a widow while he was an undischarged bankrupt t'«ld to Mr. L B. G bson in the Criminal District n >i-terdav by the Official AffifMt when H. J. feUuir pleaded
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  • 43 9 3 x weeks' rigorous impassed on a 44-year-Soon Kam Lye, by the Fifth Police Court MagisC. Goh. yesterday, when him of possessing houseimplements in Calrnhlll Road of Jan 10. Ml previous conviction lor i I r Mclwan prosecuted. d guilty.
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  • 94 9 An a'ue^d incident In the Singapore Cafe, in Paya LcDar Road, on Boxing Day had a sequel in the Singapore Criminal District Court yesterday when Private James Burnett appeared before Mr. L. B. Gibson on charges of criminally intimidating a Malay lance corporal by threatening fcim
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  • 47 9 JOHN GLUDAVATZ, a European, yes•*terday appeared in the Singapore Traffic Court on a charge of driving his car on Nov. 17 in Fullerton Road in a manner dangerous to the public. Accus3d claimed trial and the case was postponed a week for mention.
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  • 60 9 Ah Huat. aged 60. appeared before Mr. K. A. Blacker in the Singapore Fourth Police Court yesterday charged with voluntarily causing grievous hurt to Sim Chang Suan with a knife in Se!etar Road on Jan. 15. It was stated in court that the complainant was in
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  • 54 9 Pleading guilty to a charge of negligent driving a European woman. Miss B. I. King was yesterday fined $15 in the Singapore Traffic Ccurt. It was alleged by the prosecution that the accused collided with a bicycle and knocked the C3 r clist into a
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  • Article, Illustration
    44 9 picture MISS LOUISE MCNUTT, only daughter of the visiting United States High Commissioner to the Philippines, is 17. She is the sixth generation of the McNutt family to be born in Indiana. With her parents, Miss McNutt is staying at Government House.- Free Press
    Free Press  -  44 words
  • 45 9 A European, T. N. Jackson, who pleaded guilty to a charge of failing to conform to a lamp signal on Nov. 11 at the junction of High Street and Empress Place was yesterday fined $3 in the Singapore Traffic Court.
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  • 70 9 Charge Of Attempted Murder A shooting incident in Canal Road on the night of Dec. 1, in which a Chinese was wounded, had a sequel in the Singapore Fourth Police Court yesterday, when a Cantonese, Tham Yew Chong. aged 24, was produced before Mr. K. A. Blacker on a charge
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  • 130 9 yjKAELE to find a suitable husband in China and fed up icith life of dance hostess, Miss Wang Simo-may, China's most popular dancer, known as the "Dancing Queen" and also as "President of the Dancing World," fe seeking romance in Malaya. She arrived fa the Potsdam,
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  • 113 9 gENT by the China Automobile Factory to study motor engineering in Germany, Mr. Cheng Su-yuen, engineering superintendent of the factory passed through Singapore yesterday in the North German Lloyd Potsdam. In an interview, he said the factory was the largest of its kind in China manufacturing
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  • 65 9 OOAD damage, following recent East Coast floods, has further delayed the Sultan of Trengganu's proposed holiday visit to Singapore. This is the third successive delay to His Highness' plans owing to floods. The arrival of the Sultan at Singapore is now indefinite. When he does
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  • 39 9 rpHE Tun\u Mahkota of Jolurc. has been discharged fron the Johore General Hospital after a week's treatment fcr pug and teeth wounds received whin a Siamese pr ithcr jumped on him in his private zco.
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  • 127 9 Sacramento, Calif. Rr.iph G. CJffcrd. aged 45, a farm hand, killed himself after writing a note suggesting public lethal pas chambers be placed in principal cities lor the convenience of those who wanted "to terminate their misery." Clifford suffered cracks in his hotel room with newspapers
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  • 65 9 (From Our Own Correspondents Malacca, Jan. 18. THE Danish East Asiatic liner Selandia. with the Boy Kin? of Siam aboard anchored in the Malacca Roads this morning, but nobody was allowed ashore, owing to the quarantine regulations. The ship will leave tcnight, after loading a trial
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  • 194 9 Squadron Leader 's Syce Acquitted ILfOHAMED HAN IFF bin Shalk Baboo, an Indian driver, was acquitted by Mr. K. A. Blacker, in the Singapore Fourth Police Court, yesterday, on a charge of cheating a Tamil, Rayappan, by dishonestly inducing him to deliver $3.90. Rayappan. the complainant, stated that at midnight
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  • 250 9 J^R. Frank Norman Robinson, of Malayan Tobacco Distributors, Ltd., Singapore, and elder son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Robinson, of Manaccan Cornwall, was married at St. Andrew's Cathedral yesterday to Misi Constanco Margaret Jarrett, youngest daughter of Major and Mrs. Cyril Jar rett, of Gerrard's Cross,
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  • 63 9 ABOUT 80 wives of officers, noncommissioned officers and men of the Singapore garrison— members of the military branch of the Mothers* Union— were at Flagstaff House yesterday afternoon. Mrs. Dobbic, wife of the General Officer Commanding, Major-General W. G. S. Dobb'.e. r.howed them the house
    63 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements

  • 289 10 Horn Which Belonged To Canute London, Jan. 10. |T BECAME known yesterday that the anonymous buyer who paid £1,900 at Christie's last month for the historic Pusey horn and presented it to the Victoria and Albert Museum South Kensington, is Mrs. BouveriePusey. She is the widow of Mr. Philip Bou-verie-Pusey,
    289 words
  • 110 10 G Sacramento, Calif. OVERNOR-ELECT Culbert L. Olson has assured state civil service employes there will be no "spoils" system in the plans of the incoming Democratic administration. Informing his follower of his regret that there was not room for ttoe "many sincere, outstanding and competent
    British United Press  -  110 words
  • 1215 10 THREE PREVIOUSLY KNOWN Scientists Differ Over Causes And Probable Age U7HEN Europe was recently gripped by snow and ice, we were able to see how easily the delicately adjusted machinery of civilisation can be put out of gear. A dropping of temperature to a
    1,215 words
  • 55 10 New York, Jan. 10. Seven months after marriage sixteen-year-old Yaltah Menuhin, sister of the violinist Yehudi, has separated from hec husband, William Stix. attorney for Washington's National Labour Relations Board. Yaltah has gone back to her mother in California. Mr 1 Menuhin says the
    55 words
  • 113 10 Glasgow, Jan. 10. /JLASGOW is to have its own balloon barrage as protection against air raids.* Air Vice-Marshal a. T. Boyd, who Is in charge of the balloon barrage defences in Great Britain, is to discuss the preliminary arrangements. He will nave Informal discussions with the
    113 words
  • 102 10 Troubles Of Puerto Rico San Juan, Puerto Mn LisuUr government and leaders have protested to the B tie Department In Washington against rew tariff concessions to Cuba on rum 10--bacco and sugar. It is understood briefs are being prepared, for presentation at a hearine in Washington. The leaders said the
    British United Press  -  102 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 482 10 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS TENDERS. SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY. Tenders. Tenders are now invited for the following materials or service* For particulars, see Municipal Tenders Room: Supply of 100 tona of Pig Lead for the Water Dept. Date of Closing. 4 p.m.. Feb. 13. 1939. Supply of Cast Iron Pipes and Specials for the
      482 words
    • 200 10 NOTICES. PERAK TURF CLUB JANUARYiFEBRUARY MEETING 1939 SATURDAY, JAN. 28, 1939 WEDNESDAY, FEB. 1, 1939 SATURDAY, FEB. 4. 1939 Subscriptions for Visiting Members shall be. MEN $5 LADIES $2 for the Meeting or any day thereof. VISITING MEMBERS must be introduced by Members and MUST APPLY TO THE SECRETARY'S OFFICE.
      200 words
    • 187 10 BANK OF CffiS (incorporateo in c; n in« 0 > snena 12. (tell Street sin. Jtl|rt *N relepbon«: M.n,^? ManaK*r\ *M bxehaoer Dett f h H» -h G« ner »> Office Cable Address: Tin Kt r »UI i £»M Op Capital ch i' K Bescrr* rands to <o*****0 excess of
      187 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 594 10 RADIO PROGRAMMES SINGAPORE TODAY ZHL 225 metre*. ZHP 30-56 metrm. p.m. 5.00 Cantonese selections, t 5.55 Cantonese orchestral recital. t 6 15 Mandarin children's programme. 6.30 Mandarin song recital. 7.00 The Hill Billies. t 7.15 A talk by Ida Klnloch. 7.30 Time, weather, and news announcements. f .45 G.E.C. military
      594 words
    • 201 10 10.50 Hans Bund and his orchestra 11.50 Mendelssohn's 'Italian symphony." p.m. 12.20 Grace Moore and Richard Crooks. 12.40 Studio orchestra 1.10 News report. 1.22 Studio orchestra 1.50 Ray da Costa (piano* 2.10 News report. 2.20 Close down 4.50 Time signal. 4.54 Light music. 5.50 Children's singing lesson 6.20 Cartoon artists
      201 words

    • 413 11 DON AND NEW YORK STOCKS SHARES st Night's Quotations from London 5.30 p.m. Yesterday I -nomination unless Latest Quotations Prcviou-lv rwlM stated IB IPC 19-14-64.... 109' y 109 8 4 p? 19(>U 90 1073 4 10 73; I PC 97 3 973^ Asfce. Units) 9 1 91^ e "A" 34
      413 words
    • 96 11 ISM M» HY KKASEK AND CO. AT Ml! CLOBB OF BISINESS KSTLRDAY •I s I in at midday \*as SIKH*, Ihr London Mik* Ex- rt*ttr4aj was reported as iatm with the result that l«'*al tin ?-hure market *.as \Miipathy hut in the abMmh, prices showed ll! ,u.,i,r
      96 words
    • 64 11 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE RUBBER ASSOCIATION 0-CLOCM NOON Buyers Sellers. 27 27-, ,:b B ln bak's January 22 23% Future Months Quotations No. IX R.S.S. on Registered Tender January 27 27 U Feb.-Mar 27 27^ Apr.-June 27V4 27% July-Sept. 27^ 27T» Tone of Market: Dull and easier. Late.t Cable: London Spot
      64 words
    • 176 11 JAN. 18 SELLING London T.T. fj3 13 16 London demand n 13 16 Lyons demand 2050 Switzerland demand 239 Hamburg demand 133 a i New York demand 54 1£ Montreal demand .4 B&tavia demand 991? Samarsnjj demand 99 Calcutta. Bombay and Rangoon demand 155 Madras and Colombo
      176 words
    • 178 11 From London 5.30 p.m. Yesterday RUBBER: Firmer. London: 715 16ci. 3 113d. PreviouVy 7ivifid ftri Jan.-Mar: 7 15 16d. Bd. Previously 7isifir!' s£" Apr-June: 8 1 lGd 8> B d, Previously'- 8d rtiiw July-Sept: 8' B d. 8 3 16d Previously i 8 1 ifid aid New
      178 words
    • 71 11 From London: Latest Quotations TIN: Fiim. Spot: n2]6 12s. 66. Previous y: £215 10s. Three months: c :217 7i. 6? Preflomly: -^216 7s. Cd NEW YORK TIN Opening p-im: 4G.70. Previously: 46.50. COPPER Betttement: I N3 Ss. 6d Pr.vicuslv: £43 10*. Oci GOLD: Yesierdr.y: SI f.s 7'^r.
      71 words
    • 72 11 London Closing Quotations Method oi l J .Tity t>e:ore Latest Centre vju-jting 20-9-31 Rate Previously Paris ifr:inc to 121.11 177*4 177*4 New York $to H 4.8665 IM*/ A 4.67 5 8 Amsterdam. Guilders to R96 r 3 ii.62 3 %i6l' 2 Horg Kong Per dollar Is 3d.
      72 words
    • 384 11 (Fiom Cur Own Correspondent) Manila, Jan. IS. ABANDONED by its officers and crew, the Norwegian Singaporebound freighter Hoegh Silvercrest hard aground off Montufar Point, Sorsogon, yesterday as being guarded by salvage contractors. Captain Leif Marcussen, master of the freighter, and about 15 officers and men
      384 words
    • 164 11 THE Singapore Chamber of Commerce 1 Rubber Association held its 1,417th auction yesterday when there were Catalogued 1,415,765 lbs. (632.04 tons) Offered 1,278,070 lbs. (570.57 tons) Sold 993,373 lbs. < 443.47 tons) Spot London 7 7 B d. New York 15 1116 cts. PRICES REALISED Ribbed Smoked
      164 words
    • 1321 11 From Exchange Telegraph Co. Fraser And Co. 's List WEDNESDAY, JAN. 18, 1939: 5 P.M. MINING Buyers Sellers Ampiit Tin <4s < 3s 9d 4s 3d Aram Kumbang i£) 26s 9cl 27s 9d AustraJ Malay «t\i 438 47s QOID Ayer Hitara (ss) 22s 23s 6d
      1,321 words
    • 133 11 List Supplied By Messrs. Fraser Cf Co. WEDNESDAY, JAN. 18, 1939: 5 P.M. Total ror Company Dividend Books Financial TIN Close natp Ex. Piv. year K. Kamunting 3d. Jan. 27 Feb. 3 Jan. 28 5% Pungah 9d. div. 9d. bonus Jan. 20 Jan. 27 Jan. 21 7>2%
      133 words

  • 884 12 Gradual Recovery From The War CONSTANT IMPROVEMENT London, Jan. 10. FUI RING the last few years British economic activity has been slowly but persistently emerging 1 from the dislocation caused by the Great War. This is one of the main conclusions to be gathered i'rom a
    884 words
  • 208 12 London, Jan. 10. [)R J R DRAPER, late Medical Inspector of Aliens at Croydon Airport, describes a new arrangement lor inspection of passengers arriving at the airport as "little more than n farce." Writing in the British Medical Journal, he describes it as an "appalling state
    208 words
  • 168 12 London, Jan. 10. CNGLAND and Wales, according to a report issued by the Ministry of Agriculture, had last autumn the most lavish crops known for half a century. Among the salient figures given areWheat— l,B3o,26l acres cultivated. An average yield of over 20 cwts. of grain to
    168 words
  • Article, Illustration
    52 12 A FAREWELL PARTY WAS HELD AT FI'STON STATION for the "Coronation Scot," streamlined L.M.S. train which will leave for America 011 Jan. 20 to tour America before being shown at the New York World Fair. Driver F. C. Bishop (left) and fireman, J. McKinncn Carswell in the cabin of the
    52 words
  • 46 12 STRAITS NEW YORK CONFERENCE FREIGHT TARIFF NO. 14. BLACK PEPPER It is notiflea lor information that with immediate effect, the contract and ncn-Qontract rates of freight on this commodity have been temporarily reduced to UJS. $4.00 and U.S $6 00 per ton of 12 cwt respectively
    46 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 130 12 For Everything Appertaining to Ocean Passages, Foreign Money Exchange and Freight. apply I WOO tO TWAVfI^SgWVICf) 3«». ROBINSON ROAD So Booking Fees. Telephone 5908. HENDERSON LINE SCHEDULE OF SAILINGS By Fortnightly Passenger Steamer Between Rangoon, Port Sudan, Marseilles and England. HOMEWARD SAILINGS Leave Rangoon 1939 PEGU Feb 4 SALWEEN Feb
      130 words
    • 386 12 BOUSTEAD CO., LTD. < incorporated id fmsi TELEPHONE: Height 5m~1»a9u Ke MM. CANADIAN PACIIIC lSfi^^£«£iMS Incorporated in England) THE "EMPRESS" ROUTE offers TRANS-I' w i Plf SERVICES via HONOLULU or direct EMPRESS VANCOUVER-ACROSS CANADA by TRANS-CONtiv ENTAL TRAIN without change— thence by CANADIAN PACIFIC ATLANTIC SERVICES TO BNGLAND the CONTINENT-all
      386 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 468 12 Air Mail Arrivals And Despatches INWARD Imperial: From Europe due Wednesday. Friday, Saturday mornings. Wearnes: From Penang, Ipoh, and Kuala Lumpur. Arrives ,-ery evening. K.L.M.: From Netherlands Lidies: Arrives Tuesday, Thursday. Saturday afternoons. Qantas: From Australia: Arrives Tuesday, Friday, Sunday mornings. K.L.M.: From Europe: Arrives Tuesday, Thursday. Sunday evenings. K.N.1.L.M.:
      468 words
    • 157 12 Philippine Islands Gneuenau 10 a.n;. Siam x Imperial 2 p.m. MAILS EXPECTED Mails from Netherlands Indies by Air (.K.L.M.) are expected in Singapore today. Mails from Europe etc. (Amsterdam) by Air 1 K.L.M.) are expected in Singapore today. Mails from Europe (L'don Mails) by 8.1. (Rohna> are expected in Singapore
      157 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 452 13 if P&OandBRITISH INDIA LINES IUKXMFORATED IN ENGLAND. P. 6c O. S. N. CO'S SAILINGS, OL'TW/ RDS Due D ue 1 onuir pore Tonnage. Spore. 17.000 Jan. 27 CORFU 15.000 Mar. 10 17.000 Feb. 10 CHITRAL 15.C00 Mar. 24 6.070 Feb. 11 CARTHAGE 5.000 Apr. 7 1i.500 Frb. 24 BANGALORE 6
      452 words
    • 483 13 McALISTER CO., LTD. (Incorporated in Straits Settlements.) (iRESHAM H(H St. BATTfcRY RU, SLNGAPORrJ. PRONE 5173 ELLERMAN BUCKNALL S.S. Co., Ltd, i lncorporate a tn Kngiana. KAVi^E LONDON ROTTERDAM HAMBURG VIA PORTS AND SUEZ CANAL Steamer Due Sails CITY OF MANDALAY Calls Glasgow Jan 30 Feb 2 CITY OF FLORENCE Calls
      483 words
    • 450 13 MANSFIELD CO., ITti. Ocean Bailding, Collyer Quay Singapore Td. 5151. Chartered Bank Building. Penang Tel. 1 S««. BLUE FUNNEL LINE. FAST SERVICES MARSEILLES. LOXDON. V CONTINENT AND GLASGOW i (in eon junction with the Glen Line) ACHILLES Ldon, l; dam. Hburg Hull, Gdynia Jan. 22 Jan. ?,4 AGAMEMNON Mars, L'don
      450 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 161 13 SINGAPORE HARBOUR The following ships are alongside the wharves or expected to arrive East Wharf: Entrance Gate 1; Exit 1* Sirdhana 22; Van Heutsz 20 Main Wharf: Entrance Gate 2; Exit 3: Mata Hari 18; Paolina 16; Kenkon Maru 14; Gn:i, uu 9. Empire Dock: En trance Gate 2: Exit
      161 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 652 14 K. P. M. NIFIW HOLLAND— Thursday, Jan. 19, Batavia, Semarang, Soerabaia, Bali. Brisbane. Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide. TASMAN— Thursday, Jan. 19, Batavia, Semarang, Soerabaia, Port Moresby, Portvila. Noumea, Auckland, Wellington and Sydney. VAN HElTTSZ— Thursday, Jan. W, Hong Kong. Swatow and Amoy. MERKUS— Thursday, Jan 19, Letong, Kramat, Tarempa, Mldai,
      652 words
      618 words
    • 389 14 NEXT TO THE AIR SERVICE!! m.s. "ARGENTINA MARU" j (13,000 G. TOMS) Maiden Voyage JULY 24th. TO COLOMBO z\ days DURBAN M CAPETOWN 17 RIO DE JANEIRO 2S BUENOS fllF^S 31 Further particulars,' please apply u> O. S. K. LINE, SINGAPORE i^ I I■ 1 i 11 1 1 1
      389 words

  • 255 15 Today's Contract Bridge Problems flu- Four Aces) ornstone, Merwin a ii i Jai-oby, hcnkca) HENKW was your y\ and you held: K Q X X X X ilt and the bidding You Makr Pass Pass <?> ll lour clubs. Your your partner's jump [U v lixed the suit, and hand
    255 words
  • 38 15 the r.sulU of a Spoon Shoot »*tt TuMh R^ge. practices one u, r-,unt at 200. 500 and ■s c v' g :j g +S 5 SJ I Sii S3 «U£;- C c'-::: J|S
    38 words
  • 43 15 ut > Mb fu ax pic€ of the Loiua Vw <'a c «ttry of the 81n K apow A <-m"/ J l T < !f llw a l«cture on VW(; A B R^ ia Today m the oSS?- U memb r and friends
    43 words
  • 1326 15 picture. 14 CLUBS, BIGGER BALL ARE PROPOSED London, Jan. 10. COR golfers the New Year which opens promises some new and interesting features, both as regards legislative enactments and tournament play. At the spring meeting of the Royal and Ancient Club, at St.
    Free Press  -  1,326 words
  • 745 15 Budge A Close Second AMERICAN WRITERS' POLL HENRY ARM^TROK-r- i NeW York) Jan 10 wr^M only man who ever held three crowne ifT/ cham P io shi P* at the same time, was Uni ed PvL the latest athlete of 1938 in the British every
    745 words
  • 511 15 69 Entries For The Grand National London, Jan. 8. WHAT are the odds against a woman owner, and an American at that, winning the Grand National two years running? asks Hotspur in the Dally Telegraph. Among the C9 entries for the race on Mar. 24 is War Vessel, owned by
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  • 243 15 London, Jan. 8. IF you went to sleep at Earl's Court 1 and woke up at midnight or 7 a.m you might well rub your eyes and shout "Ghosts!" Jean Thompson, ambitious yowi£ ice-skating star, is there alone at midnight, and at 7 a.m.
    243 words
  • 38 15 after the weighing in. They don't pay any attention to what the referee la saying. They know how to flight and they're on edge. It'* Just another time -killer. The promoters should get wlae themselves. This Is 1938.'
    38 words
  • 684 15 New York, Jan. 10. JACK DEMPSEY, the beetle-browed, u blue-jowied "Manassa Mauler" who was one of the roughest, toughest belters that ever donned a glove, complains now that the fight game is too uncouth— that it is neither streamlined, knee-actioned nor redolent of culture. I
    684 words

  • 571 16 SAPPERS AND H.M.S TERROR WIN IN SE VENA-SI DE RUGBY Loyals "B ?5 Defeat Volunteers "B" R. A.F. MEET SAPPERS TODAY A CLEAR 10 points victory (two goals) was won by the 30th Comoany R.E. (Changi) over the Loyals u A n team, in yesterday's S.C.C. seven-a-side rugger tournament on
    Free Press  -  571 words
  • Article, Illustration
    50 16 picture. 11 JAVA TFNMS STAI\ MM DJIiS DJIEM (lefi) ;:n 1 Samboe Ijo (licrip, Malavan and Netherlands Indies iinslcs champion, who ar<c.l hy KN.I Ul plane from Sai^m jUltwdlj f»r the'r exhib tiwii m rkM in aid of th« China ttsiief Fund at the Hannv Wcrid Stadium tonight. Free Press
    Free Press  -  50 words
  • 541 16 FIRST DAY SATURDAY WEEK (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Jan. 18. CNTRIES for the Perak Turf Club's forthcoming meeting "on Jan. 2X and Feb. 1 and 4 are as follcvs: Owing to lack of entries th? 9 furlongs event for class II horses has
    541 words
  • Article, Illustration
    23 16 pictu r PLAYING DURING THE SEVEN SIDE RUGBY ZsTn^^\S(^T^T^^!T^^^^^^ m seems more spectacular than useful.- "aißuuai. ltie dive on the right Free Press
    Free Press  -  23 words
  • 46 16 Sydney, Jan. U. T\ON BKADM.'iN by scoring 13a not cut for South Australia against New Souib Wale* in a Sheffield Shield match *q[uall2<i the wcrld record established in 1961 by C. B. Fry, of scaring six ruocesslve ccniurirs in first c'.ais cricket.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 143 16 •THE ROjal Singapore Go I Cut's January L.G.U. mecial played at Bul:it Timah resulted in a tie In silver division between ML~s S. Lucas and Mrs. E. A. Elder with a net 88 and in a Win for Mrs. J. L. E'n^air in
    143 words
  • 132 16 npiiE y. w. c. a. neaad hoe&ej team dd wall ta hold the GS.C. second team tj a on^-all draw iri a heck-y match at the GS.C. yesterday. Th? G.S.C. forwards v/crs slightly fliperior but their shootng In front of iho goal wa; decided'
    132 words
  • 38 16 Batavia. Jan. 17. It If not considered passible, that any participants frcm the? Netherlands Incites will go to the Olympic games at Helsinki, although no decision has yet been reached in this (ntped.
    38 words
  • 98 16 A S n^apore Colts* hocliey tjam wa.\ beaten by one goal to n'l by a Ceylon Sports Club s'ds in a hockey maich p'ayed on the C.S.C. ground ye;t?rday. Play was fa:t and evenly contested and a gccd standard cf hock?y was set. The winning goal
    98 words
  • 248 16 WITHDRAWAL BY PLAYERS FROM MANILA AS they contracted smallpox in Saigon jrestertU* n, Manila tennis champions, Sanchez and" Gavie unaWe to accom^anv the Java champions, Samboedi! Hoenp and Lira Djoe Diiem, who arrived J' hvSir^'i at he H g p P y World Btedi
    248 words
  • 239 16 R. A.F. Take One Goal From Chinese GOAL scored three ml iim? gave th? Rojul r PWc i 1-n 1 victory over the Ch L'.m Gr?en yesterday. Tlie Airm?n set the pac ui p good hockey, but a S Chiresa de.ence and Qn 3 Botlfcsmii bydieol: -JS better
    239 words
  • 72 16 ROYAL SING APORE YACHT CLUB On Friday then afternoon races fcr a": hlg at 5.25 p.m. On Sunday the C-metre class will tall i Jace. starting at 10 an; The "B" class will a' stake race, starting at 1" The "c* class will tail t: of a series for the
    72 words
  • 30 16 The flnal of the KoM I tian played over the Gari Club course resulted in MaJ H p Milling (7) beatin* Ma Davidson (9), 2 and 1.
    30 words