The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 17 January 1939

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 17 1 The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS NO. 15,677. ESTD. 18Ji. TUESDAY. JANUARY 17, 1939. 5 CENTS
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  • 383 1 FRANCO MUST WIN' MUSSOLINI TELLS PREMIER German Support For Italian Claims REICH WANTS MORE POWER IN MEDITERRANEAN Geneva, Jan. 16. CRAN CO-ITALIAN relations and the results of Mr. Chamberlain's visit to Rome were discussed at a dinner given by Lord Halifax, Foreign Secretary, attended by M. Bonnet t, French Foreign
    Reuter  -  383 words
  • 54 1 >h.m;;hai. Jan. lti. ..t.ilitv of Shanghai uutilr Co absorb any M Imm (iermanv is ..> iinlf s here. M arrived yesterday itM total i» Shanghai to ■,ul« nt «»i IIM conimittee M kkt forci«n refugees ,j i >iatement yesterday th it the organisation is l(l ,Me
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 74 1 DUCE'S WARNING TO FRANCE Koine. Jan. Iti. I imlng to France not to A ;>• r.muf etlorts to save enl )i Spain Is the interplaced in political circles on :it which appears on the Of all newspapers today. 1 the statement was writ,l'.. r Mussolini. ie, it If stated. Italy
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • 140 1 Nationalis t Troops Nearing Barcelona JUBILATION is the keynote of official Nationalist accounts Jof victories on the Catalan front and in Salamanca. It Is claimed that 82 villages were captured today and that virtually the whole of Tarragona province and threequarters of Lerida province are nov n Gen. Franco's hands.
    Reuter  -  140 words
  • 43 1 Gibraltar. Jan. lt>. i r MBOfQ <riress and Horns Fleet to test the defences of be carried out between It Is cffl"i~Jiy aiinounc- {•nliation ol certain iv il area. 1 will also be >ndit:ons strictly apfrartime conditions. Reuter
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 79 1 LEAGUE TO DISCUSS SPAIN CHINA Geneva, Jan. lu. W British Foreign M Bonnet. French re attending a priUn| oi the League 11 today to deal with I ;f > ;id.i for the sesrludc discussion ot m led 10 have a ii Dr. Wellington delegate, b?fore leavight a at the public
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • 184 1 London. Jan. 16. TK) the extent it helped the promotion of peace through personal contact, the Prime Minister's effort was thoroughly worth while, is the general verdict of today's newspapers on Mr. Chamberlain's Rome visit. The Times recalls that the visit originate d in a cordial
    Reuter  -  184 words
  • 112 1 Paris. Jan. 16. ANE positive element of credit has from the Rome talks, namely proof of the resistance which the Paris-London axis affords the totalitarian States, says the newspaper Republique. policy, M. Leon Blum, ex-Premier of After referring to Mussolini's Spain France, writing in Populaire. says: "The
    Reuter  -  112 words
  • 162 1 Rome, Jan. 16. IyPLOMATICA INFORMAZIONE, the official Fascist newspaper, giving the official Italian account of the Rome talks says "In responsible Rome circles optimism as well as pessimism as a result of the conversations is conisidered premature. Insofar as the talks touched Anglcj Italian relations
    Reuter  -  162 words
  • 74 1 Jerusalem, Jan. 16. DATROLS of men of the 11th. Hus- sars and the 2nd. West Yorkshire Regiment encountered heavy firing in the "Valley of Robbers" between Jerusalem and Nablus today. They replied with machine-guns and It is believed the attackers suffered heavy casualties. Two Jewish watchmen
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • 138 1 ??f ONE DAY last week to find itself the youngest mnmJ v I m Europe w Hh a monopolistic political party, mnii?* u mforms F scis salute a nd r eetin ff all this on the Italian model. In future Rumanians, if they want to belong to
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  • 115 1 i Barcelona. Jan. 16. f\ESPITE the Nationalist threat, the city remains calm. People are recalling the old time prophecy that Spain would be invaded but the invaders would be driven back when they reached the gates of Barcelona. The Republican withdrawal is proceeding in an orderly fashion,
    Reuter  -  115 words
  • 20 1 Tokio, Jan. I.;. It is expected France will shortly present a note similar to Britain's note. Reuter
    Reuter  -  20 words
  • 227 1 Terrorists At Work In London? TWO MYSTERIOUS EXPLOSIONS p I .onjlon, Jan. Id. SCOTLAND YARD is investigating two mysterious explosions in London today, the biggest of which occurred outside the Central Electricity Board's control room in Southwark. Innumerable windows were shattered but nobody was hurt. An explosion 01 a similar
    Reuter  -  227 words
  • 79 1 OKVRAL thousand Bfcmel CtTWtma have joined the storm tr'-op detachments which were lormoi after tfcc recent Nazi victory in Tha election?. The organisation, which include; cavalry units.* is coitjinj out military exercises in various parts of the country, despite a semi-official Lithuanian statement that the fcrmation
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • 64 1 Tokio, lan. i<\ The IHamltukuo Government formally announced tnd:ty that it had decided to join the AntiComintern Pact, u cording to .1 telegram received here. Rruter. London, Jan. It!. Replays in the third round of Mm F.A. Cup resulted: Southend 4, Chesterfield alter extra time). Notts Forest 0.
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 74 1 BIGIA TEA the tremhtmm •rance ot b» vl;||a N :I n u^ rclfiis (i In y€Hir home r t rx _w ij^^^ V\r r^r I l^H I^^b «^J^H l%s xi /<iS BV' PC -S O^C I^H P^B r^B 163H i TONIGHT DINNER DANCE (informal) to 3.30 p. m. 9.30 to
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  • 119 2 Belgrade. Jan. Hi. nEITERATION of the Croat peoples' demand to be 'sole masters of their territory" Is contained in a resolution adopted by 103 O*oat deputies on the eve of the first meeting of the new Yugoslav parliament. The deputies, who are boycotting parliament, met at
    Reuter  -  119 words
  • 32 2 Mr. K S. Patton. the United States Consul-General in Singapore, and Mrs. Patton have left on a visit to India and will not be back until the end of March.
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  • 377 2 CHINESE RED FORCES ATTACKING IN MANCHUKUO Communist Directing Drive On Central Jehol Chungking, Jan. 15. r*RACK Chinese Red forces, under the personal command of Gen. Chu Teh, famous Communist leader, are attacking Central Jehol and North Hopei. Fighting broke out almost simultaneously at Kihsien, south of the Great Wall, and
    Union Times  -  377 words
  • 61 2 New York, Jan. 16. BRITAIN backs the United state-.." declares the New York Herald Tribune, commentIng on the British note to Japan. The New Y,ork Times says Japan Is now facing: an Anglo-American front. The newspaper adds that the outstanding diplomatic reaction in Washington is
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 42 2 t Berlin, Jan. 16. King Ibn Saud of Saudi-Arabia has •^iven assent to the appointment of the first German Minister at Jedda. He will be Dr. Grobba. who will present his credentials later in the month 1 Reuter
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 163 2 WELL over $20,000 including a donaf" tion of half the amount by Mr Aw I Boon Haw, well-k\c\vn Singapore I philanthropist, has been collected blithe Cheng Fong Girls* School in aid of ithe school building fund. This w«.s ?nnouneed w'-cn pbptia of the so', ooi
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  • 89 2 Australian Bush Fire Toll Melbourne, Jan. 16. THE death roll in the bush fires is now 66 and damage is estimated at £2.000.000. Light rain fell today and the fall In temperature has raised the hopes of the fire fighters who managed to save the town of Corryong. 180 miles
    Reuter  -  89 words
  • 43 2 Hong Kong j a n ltf St*fnrf£!^ Yu n fu member of the Standing Committee of the Chinese Kun^ atOn o erehas cabled to SI" Kuomintang Government urging It to respect Mr. Wang's statement In peace.- Eastern News
    Eastern News  -  43 words
  • 176 2 Tokio, Jan. 16 MR. WANG CHING-WEI, vice*T» President of the Kuomintang, is now in Saigon, from where he has not yet departed for Shanghai, according to a Hong Kong correspondent of the newspaper Nichi-Nichi Shimbun. Quoting remarks of a "certain trusted follower"
    Eastern News  -  176 words
  • 158 2 ALREADY wellknown in Singapore for their choral singing, the Wuhan Songsters gave another inspiring performance at the New World last ni<?ht, the second night of a season which will extend till Saturday at the park. Enthusiastic applause from a packed hall followed the rendering of
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  • 41 2 Blantyras (Nyasaland). Jan 16 Sir Harold Kittermaster. Governor of Nyasaland Protectorate since 1934, died today. Sir Harold, who was 60 years of ago was Governor of Somaliland Protectorate from 1926-1931 and of British Honduras from 1932-1934 Reuter
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 52 2 To H.n FRENC AMBASSADOR TO REPUBLICAN SPAIN, M. lrt?yr ily P1 fu enledhis credentials to the President. Senor Manuel Azana, .n the presidential palace in Barcelona M tZ Pr7L?J*7 WUh .l en r Rivas Cherif who introduced him to the President, leaving the Palace after
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  • 701 2 STORY that he had awakened a Malay girl at midnight by prodding her with a stick and then taken her to a vacant house in Pulau Übin, where she had stayed the night, was told by a young married Malay motor boatman during his
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  • 262 2 "Security' Pan-American Highways EMPHASIS K 1 I security in r, sphere may al port in many long-agitated pi Pan-American hi connect the capif can republics. If President R, "continental .prove acceptable republics, mili: I that improved transportation i. the most prit-, the least political .physical effect tc The Pan-Americai modern
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  • 57 2 Japanese To Set Up HanKow Government 4 be established in In April or May, exercl over the Ihrec pi Kunan and Klai statements by J*P« Prior to faauguratioi government, tho pi tenancc Comiv. organised and loc Cipal Government. Governments will Hupeh, and K; Some former lead* area, who sought
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  • 31 2 '1 1 Father J*equlnot, I j worker, arrived here j Chungking, where viewing Government He told Heater t: j Kal-shck ham! $50,000 to Shanghai Renter
    Renter  -  31 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 112 2 C S- 94A v. :^^B l^H iv* x "^Vz^SjSV^xjf^^^^^^^L -Ll-^^^^Mfr^r' > *c" > J •■v*®s*sßs v«^^| you can tell by the flavour it's LAMB of exceptional quality in fact it is the very n n^ finest lamb Australia and New Zealand produce. Dellciously tender— a real pleasure to carve and
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  • 404 3 AT ALEXANDRA "Fighting ivUd" Man Goes To Gaol FIERCE STRUGGLE A STORY of a fierce struggle between a Tamil, armed with a clasp-knife and described as "fighting mad," and two European Staff Sergeants, an additional police constable and a Chinese coolie, at the Alexandra Depot, was
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  • Article, Illustration
    37 3 picture. THE CHIEF JUSTICE, Sir Percy McSteaine, inspecting the guard of honour provided by the Sikh contingent of the StraUs Settlements Police at me opening of the first Singapore Assizes of the year yesterday morning. Free Press
    Free Press  -  37 words
  • 67 3 H lff aiM« Chinese. W Sim -M was all'C'd to have inoth e, man. Ue Kim Pon«, h( us in Sun*rt Onan, in |rknn onlK^ll waspost- llPt Jin. l?> in the Sin K a- s ..d < ourt y^ eTd *y P 'i, »ai BJ thr
    67 words
  • 168 3 Acquittal For Chinese Fruit Seller COMMENT BY MAGISTRATE [ING that a close; .tion should be made Mr. K. A. Blacker, I e Fourth Police Magis- 1 yesterday acquitted a fruit sdler, Quai Ah [10 was alleged to have; ,1 to stab a Chinese j tive with a knife. detecllTe'3 allcgavions
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  • 43 3 Hu. .m Annamite member appeared before Mr. In thi Criminal Court a charge of possession of rih of non-Government ill. i tn -a trial and 'the casi 1 until Jan. 25, b:UI being i [n the sum of $350.
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  • 46 3 I -iu.lty to a charge of stealirtlni handles from a motorVict .Ma S,reet on Sunday, a 24Intlt, Heng Bock Ken*, in Second Police Court yesi allowed a postponement until Jan. 19. trmtf* by two police cont*kln| the handles which were ecntt,
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  • 191 3 OIIWEE Lai WVc. a yciuv; En^ L;hChinos?, who was en a cliarge of causins the death cf a compatriot by negligent driving, was acquitted by Mr. C. K. Koh. in the Sixth Police Court yesterday. Accused'* defence war. rcl called vpc*i. The hearing was a
    191 words
  • 147 3 Two Chinese Drivers On Same Charge ■TWO Chinese. We? Heck Chin, and 1 Tan Cheng appeared In the Singapore Tr;\^«c Court yesterday ■harged en thre? counts of causing hurt to three dlfterent persons by Irivin? negligently at the Junction ci Aljunicd Read ana c;.i.- Avcime on Sunday morning. They
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  • 53 3 pONVICTED of thelt of a $3 trunk from a shop in Victoria Street, a Chinese, Kwek Tong Chiang, was fined $50. in default two months' imprisonment by the Singapore Second Police Magistrate, Mr. Conrad Oldhani, yesterday. He was stated to have four previous convictions. Court
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  • 288 3 rviFFICULTDES in serving a sub- poena on a Chinese woman were referred to by counsel in a case heard before the Chief Justice, Sir Percy McElwaine, in the Sircapore High Court yesterday. The case concerned a claim to a share of the estate ci Cheang
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  • 300 3 Malays Catch Chinese Chandu Suspects TUSSLE IN THE SEA A h f f% LE between Malay fishermen and Chinese in the sea *VT St n s Island w as described in the Criminal District Court before Mr. L. B. Gibson yesterday during the trial of two men, Tan Siew Choon
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  • 133 3 Pickpocket Asks Court For Thrashing REQUEST NOT GRANTED A REQUEST for the rottan in preference to a year's police supervision, made by Ismail bin Ali, was disallowed by Mr. Conrad Oldham yesterday in the Singapore Second Police Court. Ismail who was convicted cf theft of a wallet was told that
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 48 3 Itch Germs Killed in 7 Minutes -arly:r) mUnont «Wjn; Jitde anrt cause [**+**S. Kczemu. peel- -]'VU 1-oot Itch and other "Y> treatments K lv« only r V-'auT* they do not kill n- «r jtlaoovarr, NMxo- 1>» 7 minute* and la V u cl r in one u-eek. cr
      48 words
    • 164 3 Iu I i 111 ■I 1 H 1 1 1 I I L^^^^^Rl Ila m 11 1 1 1 I'V I ives tm^m_^M^ MfIDDIC 111 fi9m^&GSk% How have thcse tow im P° rtant opposit©s faster performance < J^Y^^|j^^^^v and greater economy been united in one car? Morris began yO§|g<StN by
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 74 3 Law Notice For The Day Mr Justice Pedlou h\ Crd < Mri it Ut.i'.O a n\. Chaa Bok Seng vs. Kee Ban meattea: f» 5 3ft— Lam Voo '< Eastern Film Co. Agency. .i Part h.»ard:— 5.395 36— iphri, Baker ra. Atla insur- mother followed by t lira > i
      74 words

  • 1297 4 Tea And Savoury Biscuits Including The Neapolitan Sandwich WtLL made and evenly baked biscuits are always welcome with a cup of tea, especially if they are interestingly novel in nature. Most biscuit factories are equipped with electric ovens, for the very sufficient reason that electricity has been proved to be
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  • Article, Illustration
    53 4 SHELL-PINK JERSEY DRAPES THIS BEAUTIFUL ALIX MODEL worn by Rosalind Russell. Especially designed for the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer actress, its sophisticated lines are achieved through draping, the material being: entirely in one piece. Toeless blat k crepe sandals with the bow trimmed in black sequins diamond and ruby bracelet and earrings complete
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  • 625 4 Ma de With Apples Jellies, Jams And Chutneys APPLE JELLY 6 lb. apples. Ji:;.v rf 3 lar.zc lemons. Water to cover. Sugar. Wash the apples, cut into pieces without coring, cover <tj quite IV2 bk above the fruit la the preserving pan) with water, edding the lemon juice. Simmer until
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  • 195 4 Rump Steak Meat Pies Steak and kidney pie is best made with rump steak, which does not need such prolonged cooking, and sheep's kidneys. Cut the beef into strips and the kidneys, skinned and cored, into neat pieces. Season the beef strips dip them In flour and roll up. Place
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  • 109 4 Lampshades Again pASHIONS in lan change as oft. hats. Gone ttatM lumpy, bumpy sh coarse canvas. The latest are .smooth yet feminine, lik^ tosses. With rhq faces, plain or hart, tern indicated umi. r the. ln are finished round single niching of enal, such as the used as tuckers t
    109 words
  • 59 4 VEGETABLE PIE CPRINKLEth: boti with breadcrumb with short pastry V 2 oz. butter, 2 tab.. K pint milk. Beaa i pepper, a pinch ol grated cheese. To this add cooked vegetabl potatoes, sliced onto rooms, asparagus etc., and about 3 oz Cover with ft lid bake 40 minutes at 400
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 164 4 WUNGtRimy MORNING !^smm TO liirilT TO.MABDAUI V >J' Apply CremeTokalon B w^ f Wltltl# ¥V Skinfood, Rose Colour which contains MORNING c Bioc«l the amazing discovery of Dr ,^T ~!lu how m «ch fresher 7n r tm 13 n W ConUined 111 to In a week y£ look >n Lrcme
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  • 135 5 THE WEDDING of Mr. Alexander Hardinge Patrick Hore-Ruthven, son of Lord Gotcrie, Governor of Australia, to Miss Pamela Fletcher, daughter of the Rev. A. H. Fletcher, took place last week in the Henry VII. Chapel at WesUninster Abbey. Bride and bridegroom, followed by the bride's only attendant, Miss
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  • 136 6 Strength Of Britain Empire London. Jan. 15. 1 /*REAT Britain ana 'the Empire as whole arc beeomliif itrongcrr every b'y I hope we have 113 potential lies, but if ih^rc shoivd be any iuh it would bo dcplcrabl? if they Id !:.'l into the same errcr as nations which were
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  • 288 6 hungtu, Szechuan Province, Jan. 16. tyAR generally brecls hatred, but it is difficult even for bombs, machine -suns and rampaging -oldiers to upset psychological equilibrium which is ingrained in the Chinese character. In Western China, one sees little of tl i hatred which marked
    United Press  -  288 words
  • 212 6 Talk Of "Lost Face" In Rome Talks AIR CLARIFIED Tokio, Jan. 16. COMMENTING on the British Note which the British AmSir Robert Craigie, handed to the Foreign Minister, Mr. Hachiro Arita, on Saturday, Japanese political observers point out that the best way for Britain
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  • 241 6 Japan Goes Beyond Her Own Limits MORE VIEWS ON THE NOTE London, Jan. 16. THE Daily Telegraph says the plainness of language in the British Note will be welcomed by all who have studied Japanese official statement?. The original limitations which Japan nominally set on her aims at the start
    Reuter  -  241 words
  • 108 6 London, Jan. 16. THE Times diplomatic correspondent tays the British Note is evidence of the increasing resistance now being offered to Japanese encroachment on the rights and interests of other nations. The Note is understood to have been drafted before the United States took their step.
    Reuter  -  108 words
  • 89 6 Hankow. Jan. 16. Inadequacy of coal stocks has resulted in the Hankow Light and Power Company closing down, plunging the foreign arexus in darkness. The only available stocks of coal are seven miles distant and the company has been feverishly ai tempting to prevent stoppage o:
    Reuter  -  89 words
  • 67 6 cilun «*inj:, Jan. 16. Undrr cover of heavy artillery flre Japanese infantry and cavalry in the North River sector of Kwangtung launched an offensive in the direction of Tsunghua, north-east of Canton and east of the Canton-Hankow Railway, according to official military dispatches received here Fighting
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • 96 6 Chungking, Jan. 16. In Ihe first serious air raid on the c ty today 21 Japanese plcnes dropped bombs en both banks of the Chialing River and western suburbs of Chungking and there were many casualties. Ami-aircraft guns shelled the raiders, one of which Is believed
    Reuter  -  96 words
  • 405 6 Pro-Moslem Program^ Pays Dace Dividends REACTION IN LIBYA MUSSOLINI'S pro-Moslem policy is beginning j* IVI dividends in Libya, now an integral Italian Kingdom. As a result of II Duce's friendly policy to Moslem scale repatriation from the countries bordering been taking place. Up to Oct. 31, almost 10,000 expatriated n
    British United Press  -  405 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 660 7 ■K^^iiidiißl B^*i B^^B^B^B^^^^^^^^B^B^BsH aw 1 4H^ipiß^ Pi II SSbHI bI rsfeß9flv*iw+T?) iJ^H'^Uß^^Bt'^ I I I COMEDY THAT NEVER FLAGS ■^B B B B B B bB THRALLING-^- IS JANET GAYNOR PAULETTE GODDARD HPB HPR9H i IN THE UNITED ARTISTS PICTURE b^bß^lK^bHbV P^^ of "A Star is Dai m mm m
      660 words
    • 170 7 CAPITOL I POSITIVELY LAST I SCREENING of M.G.M.'s Memorable Triumph Bth Day and acclai- TONIGHT at 6 p.m. only med by Enthusiastic Crowds at EVERY no late show owing to Show! CHARITY PERFORMANCE OF 'THE HOUSE OF ROTHSCHILD" W AYbI Bibl HbW. «BHb^ 4HMMiifl|^ :^BBMbW x- .awal BWBt Bbyl b»
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  • 654 8 The British Note ALTHOUGH brought up to ciato rk by specinc replies to Prince Konoye's statement o: polic\ before he resigned the premiership, the British Note to Japan published yesterday was really long overdue. It was delayed evidently by the United States decision
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • 979 8 A CHARACTER SKETCH H. HARVEY DAY ANE knows less about Malcolm MacDonald, the Colonial and Dominions Secretary, than any member of the government holding an equally important post. To a. great many, he is mere.y "the son of Ramsay MacDonald," and thore still
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 47 8 SUNGLASSES with SAFE AND COMFORTABLE VISION New IftHgM in Optical Quality frames available with correctly ground Genuine English Chance's Crookcs B or B2 Dark Glasses. Nan Sin Optical House c 325, North Bridge Read 1 f i P I P j pr. 'Phone (Ja63. Singapore. 1 xr
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  • 580 9 REGULAR SARAWAK AIR LINK 7 LIKELY SOON Successful Week-End Survey Flight FOUR-HOUR RUN a HOLLOWING the experimental survey flight of the Wearne l Brother! four-engined DHB6 aircraft from Singapore Kuching, Sarawak, and back during the week-end it Ijkel) that a regular bi-weekly service will begin in or three months. flight
    Free Press  -  580 words
  • 155 9 A young Ivlalay, Daud bin Mo named Said, wlu was, together with two Chinese vouths. originally charged with robb ng a fishmonger, Goh Tian Scah. was convicted m an amended charge of voluntarily causing hurt and was sentenced to a day's imprisonment by Mr L. B.
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  • 104 9 'From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok, Jan. 13. Two persons, charged v/ith pickpocketing at the royal landing on the day of the homecoming of His Majesty the King, were sentenced by the Criminal Court yesterday to six years and eight months and two years and six
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  • 24 9 The first Italian volunteer lAglin or Maritime Artillery has been foimed in Venice by the fusion of two sreups of the local Blackshirt Militia.
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  • 320 9 A MODERN UTOPIA? A REFUGEE on his way to find haven in America, 1 v the famous 75-year-old German-Jewish political economist, Dr. Franz Oppenheimer, passed through Singapore in the Messageries Maritimes liner Felix Roussel veaterday. He was accompanied by his talented 21-year-old daughter Rente,
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  • 122 9 «Frcm Oui Own Correspondent) Bangkok, Jan. 13. A suicide wave appears to be spreading among the womenfolk in Bangkok, seven cases having been reported to have occurred during the past two days. Of the seven persons attempting to end their lives, six were married women. Herewith
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  • 251 9 ISLAND PICNIC I PLANNED KING ANANDA MAHIDOL, 13-year-old boy ruler of Siam, remained in quarantine yesterday at Singapore aboard the Danish motor vessel Selandja, on which he is returning to Europe after a visit to his homeland. The ship was quarantined when it
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  • 53 9 THE East Coast railway line, which was blocked just north of Kuala Gris by a slip following heavy monsoonal rain last w?ek, has been cleared and normal work:ns was resumed yesterday. The "Sakai Express iefi Tr.mpat yesterday and uiil arrive here this riorninr It will leav-
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  • 275 9 MOTORISTS acclaim the summary ITI action provided in the new Traffic Regulations against jaga kreta boys, trick cyclists and the slow-driving motorists but are cautious in their comments regarding arrest for minor traffic offences. They unanimously agree that the traffic regulations needed bringing up
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  • 64 9 The road from Kota Tinggl to Mertjlng was still impassable last evening, owing to flooding. Early yesterday afternoon water covered the road to a depth of from 3ft to 4ft In several places between the 42nd mile and the 46th mile. Th? Kluang-Jemuluang Road was flooded
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 47 9 TONIGHT and iMiiiuo the Season of MARIE ANTOINETTE" REE r in »P« Varies (Mates Ketchi:> hUi de foie Gras, -MM,,, poUed 1 "lives, cheese. Prawn lls <*. mits, potato chips, etc.). kt supplied in the BAR LOUNGE 1 P -m. to 9 .30 p.m. at the CAPITOL JESTWRANT
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    • 132 9 HUMBER The Aristocrat of Cycles mfX/^X--- "HUMBER CLIPPER" IPvi/^'Aml 7W\^^^s^ Beautifully finished in Rrd or I¥ I \1 //£f/KX \k. Orcen and with cverj' feature iaßSi- 1 fa \V that makos for Strength t •T*^^sil /rrf/i U Lightnewi. The Sturmey- \\aSfca^ S^i k m Archer close-ratio 3-speed glvws V retlnf
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  • 973 10  -  "Scrap Collector" Sensitive To Events In Europe EXPORTS MUST RISE SOON By T MET a rubber dealer friend today and more or less automatically asked him whether the price would go up or down. His reply came spontaneously. "Ta'buleh tahu, Tuan. Misti tingo' Europa." As far
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  • 384 10 Big Tourist Trade To S. America San Francisco, Jan. 3. ALL previous records of special j ship cruises to Latin American countries will be broken this year, according to a survey of tourist agencies here. Both the number of ships of the leading lines of the world and the number
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 538 10 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS DOMESTIC OCCURRENCES ACKNOWLEDGMENT Mr. Tan Teck Chuan and family thank all relatives and friends for their kind attendance at the funeral of his father Mr. Tan Kim Swee, the eldest son of the late Mr Tan Chay Yan. also those who sent wreaths, telegrams and letters of condolence.
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    • 707 10 MAN ROBBED OF HIS YOUTH! Have you given years of your youth to unremitting labour in an enervating climate Are the years taking their toll of you far too quickly, robbing you of energy and vital force, draining you of your natural joy In life Most men and women think
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    • 494 10 RADIO PROGRAMMES SINGAPORE TODAY ZHL 225 metres. ZHP 36.96 metres. p.m. 5.00 Malay variety, t 6.00 Teochew selections. 7.00 Children's programme. (English). 7.30 Time, weather, news and announcements. 7.50 Health talk. 8.05 Swingtlme." t 8.35 Marek Weber and his orchestra.! 8.50 News and announcements. Relay from London. 9.10 "Devonshire Cream."
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    • 591 10 BANK OF CHINA Telephooet: Manager't OfflcV Awt Manaref. offi,*' Uli Exchange Dept. 41 General Office Reserve Funds B #0 -°«».IM.H excess of ToUJ Asset* '•""0.(|)(), approximate!* .Ch n vn. Sung Han-chang. Genera" M.^ ra London. New Vork and (W Midland Bank OTerseas r*-,^ NEW YORK SsKER^ O^esponden, FOREIGN Currency o?SSn«
      591 words

    • 287 11 LONDON AND NEW YORK STOCKS SHARES From London 5.30 p. m. Yesterday I Pominatlon unless Latest Quotation! Previou-lv 1 stated nrices Quoted In U.S. currency «'.<n* are dealers middle prices; jobbers martins brokerage iut> are nut included. an. 5 pc 1944-64.... 4 pc 1960 90 2 PC Asfce <
      287 words
    • 109 11 > Ml I RASH WD CO. AT I <>s|* OF BI SINESS 1 1 STEKDAI flu- price „f tin at midday "P 1 t Tlie tin -hare loiaj irag <«msidrrably ictin ihan fur some lime I UMN was jcood dealing r of popular stocks. showed no ap-
      109 words
    • 55 11 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE RUBBER ASSOCIATION "2 O CLOCK NOON Buve.-R Sellers. o n* 27>, No. IX R.S.S. on Registered Tender January to% Feb-Mar 27H 27%, Apr.-June 2774 28'4 July-Sept 28% 1-3 Tone of Market: Very steady, latest Cable: London Spot Sheet Sd. per Ib. New York Sr>ot Sh?et U.S. cts.
      55 words
    • 189 11 .I IN. it SELLING London T.T j 3 13 16 London clem:. 23 13 16 Lycns demand 2050 Switzerland demand 239 Hamburg demand 133"* New York demand 54 1 16 Montreal demand 54 7is Batavia demand 99 i< Samarang demand 99 i s Calcutta. Bombay and Rangoon
      189 words
    • 182 11 I From London 5.30. p. m Yesterday I RUBBER: Steady. London: Bd. 3 1 16d. Previously: »d ft itf*i Jan-Mar: Bd. BVbd. Previously: 8d Ii Apr.-June: 8 1 16d. 8 3 16d Previously: g 1 I6d 8 \\m' July-Sept.: 8» B d. B»id. Previously- 31 d 1
      182 words
    • 63 11 From London: Latest Quotations TIN: E.isy. Spot: £213 ICs Previously. fc'2M 12s. 6d. Three months: l :2:s i- 6d Previously: 'i2\i 7s 6d new rou tin (Opening prlre): 46.00 Prevlcusly: *6.61 8 ttlcment v 2t. 6d Previously: .113. mi i\. H.l»: V( Pn 'jt la. 9d SILVER
      63 words
    • 65 11 Foreign Exchange Rates London Closing Quotations >;ethoa ji f^nt.v ocrcre Latent Cei.ive vjuoung l'o-9-;^ Rare Prevtauall Paris Prane tQ 121.11 IT! 316 ITT 516 New Yorfc s to 4.8665 4.6T 1 t 4.07 715 Amsterdam. Guilders to 8.96-- 3co s.eo^ Horg Kong. Per dollar is. 3d li 3a. Shanghai... fm
      65 words
    • 422 11 Hhmpim Jan. IS. MEAT Beef ifa ak Kati ?8 Beef stew or curry do 30 fillet steak lb 55 Mutton. Australian do 30 Pork, lean Kr.ti 44 Perk, lean and fat •Ist Quality) do 04 POULTRY Capons (locally roared) Kati 50 Ducks each 45 Pcwla Kati 26
      422 words
    • 1340 11 I Fraser And Co. 's List I I MONDAY, JAN. 16, 1939: 5 P.M. MINING Buyers Sellers Ampt:t Tin <4si 3s 9d 4s 3d A am Kumbang 1 1 26s 9d 27s 9d Ausii-aJ Maiay itj «3s 47s nom Aver Hitam <ss) 22s 23s 6d
      1,340 words
    • 126 11 List Supplied By Messrs. Fraser Co. MONDAY, JAN. IG, 1939: 5 P.M. Company Dividend *>■>*, ™aLial TIN CJ ose mte Kx njv K. Kamunting 3d. Jan. 27 Feb. 3 Jan 28 5" Pungah 9d. div. 9d. bonus Jan. 20 Jan. 27 Jan 21 v'° Petaling.... 5% final
      126 words

  • 616 12 Tom Mooney Is A Free Man VICTIM OF A FRAME-UP San Francisco, Jan. 8. DfcRSPIRING crowds packed the sun-lit streets of San Francisco on July 22, 1916. Threading its way across the city was a great demonstration parade in favour of bigger army, bigger navy and
    616 words
  • 561 12 INWARD Imperial: From Europe due Wednesday, Friday, Saturday mornings Wearnes: From Penang, lpob. and Kuala Lumpur. Arrives r verv eve nine. K.L.M.: From Netherlands tidies Arrives Tuesday. Thursday. Saturday afternoons. Qantas: From Australia: arrives Tuesday, Friday, Sunday mornings. K.L.M.: From Europe: Arrives Tuesday. Thursday, Sunday
    561 words
  • 736 12 'TOM Mooney, the world's most famous prisoner, has been pardoned and set free, after a formal plea to California's netclyeleeted Democratic Governor, Culbcrt Olson. Here is the whole grim story of the United States Labour leader's 22 years' imprisonment on a framed-vj) charge, and of the legal battles
    736 words
  • 234 12 But No Real Relief Until This New Drugless Remedy Came Let this fellow-sufferer give practical advice to all who suffer from any form of indigestion. He has found in Chardox a new, refined, superactivated, tasteless charcoal, 50 times irwre powerful than the ordinary kind. Chardox
    234 words
  • 349 12 WILD BOARS 9 ISLAND It was Bernardin de Saint-Pierre, the precursor of romanticism in France, who. in hi", famous novel "Paul and Virginia." was the first to draw attention to Madagascar, the beautiful island of th° Indian O?ean. This island, which is the fourth largest in area, was discovered in
    349 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 24 12 For Every thing Appertaining to Orean Passages, Foreign Monej Exchange and Freight. apply co^ks iwooto TWAvgr^sgpvicil 3». KORINRON ROAD No Booking Fees. Telephone 5308
      24 words
    • 63 12 End the nuisance of Wyf BUGS Jip HEART OF LONDON. midst of theatres and shops. 100 bedrooms, with bathroom and 'phone. Fully licensed restaurant open till mid-night. Special rates for Overseas visitors. DETAILS FROM MAPLETON HOTEL Coventry Street, Piccadilly Circus. Cables: Bachflat. Lesquare. London. Photographic copies of Free Press local
      63 words
      429 words

  • 148 13 Canberra. piVE thousand migrants have been officially approved, since March, for 1 1 assisted passages from Britain to (Australia. So far nearly 700 have arrived, compared with 141 for 1937. Only five per cent., however, cf the i applications by Eurcpean refugees for entry, are
    148 words
  • 82 13 Canberra. URS. RUDYARD KIPLING has pre- scnted her late husband's manuscript of "Five Nations" to the Australian National Library here. The work was first published in The Times in 1897, on the occasion of Queen Victoria's diamond jubilee, and includes the well known "Recessional" and "The
    82 words
  • 35 13 Franco- Japanese Trade Relations Tokio, Jan. 12. To exchange views regarding the projected readjustment of FrancoJapanese trade relations, the French Ambassador, M. Arsene Henry, met the Foreign Vice-Minister, Mr. RcnzD Sawada, yesterday afternoon.— Eastern News.
    35 words
  • 100 13 Canberra A T least .€25.000 uto be spent oc remodelling and adding to "Yarralumia." the official government house, at the capital, before the Duk.' and Duchess of Kent take up resident there. "Yarralumia," Is one of the "Id Nation homes, it was converted at a
    100 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 402 13 |YP&Oand BRITISH INDIA LINES INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND) P. <Sc O. S. N. CO'S SAILINGS, OUTWARDS Due iJur lonnutr Spore. Tonnage. Spore. 17.000 Jan. 27 CORFV 15.000 Mar. 10 17.000 FVb. 10 CHITRAI 15.C00 Mar. 24 70 Feb. 11 CARTHAGL 15.G00 Apr. 7 1 .5.503 Feb. 24 BANGALORE 6.000 Apr. 8
      402 words
    • 525 13 McAUSTER CO., LTD. (Incorporated tn Straits Settlements) QMHIM HOUSE. BATTERY RD, SINGAPORE. PHONE 5173 ELLERMAN BUCKNALL S.S. Co., Ltd. {Incorporated tn England) HAVRE LONDON ROTTERDAM HAMBURG VIA PORTS AND SUE2 CANAL Steamer Due Sails CITY OF MANOALAY Calls Glasgow lan 3(J Feb 2 CITY OF FLORENCE Calls Glasgow Feb 2
      525 words
    • 496 13 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. Ocean Building. Collyer <>nay. Singapore Tel 5151. Chartered Bank Building. Prnan^ Tel. 1366.' BLUE FUNNEL LINE. FAST SERVICES MARSEILLES, LONDON, N. CONTINENT AND GLASGOW (in conjunction with the Glen Line) Due Sail* AENEAS Mars., Vdon. R'dam, Brcmmerhaven, Grow In port Today ACHILLES L'don, R dam. H burg.
      496 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 200 13 PASSENGER LIST Aircraft Camilla G-AEUB fror.l Sydrcy, Drisbane, Darv in and N.EX :;rrivfd on Tuesday: Mr. E. m. Hunt from Sydney; Mr. e. 3 Pflieger frrm Scurobaya. Aircraft Carpentaria VH-ABF for Penang, Bangkok, Burma. Karachi and Southampton left on Tuesday: Mr. E. M. Hunt for Calcutta. Aircraft Corinthian G-AEUF from
      200 words

  • 488 14 Why Speedway Races Become Tiresome London. Jan. 1. 17 there is en? thing guaranteed to Piakfl ."pr.-'dway racing tiresome, it is t: |M racoj wan at the first bf»nd. It happened rt'p^at last season, and v.• v. ndared why. Ivlax Grosskreutz. old Ajuralian Te^t rder has now lifted the veil
    488 words
  • 143 14 The following ships are alongside the Singapore Harbour Board Wharves or expected to arrive: Main Wharf: Entrance Gate 2; Exit 3: Hakodate Maru 18: Gazana 15; Aeneas, Karnuning 13; Pies. \an Buren, Kedaii 11; iLarut 7; Kajang 6. Empire Dock: fcntranre Gate 2; Exit 2:— Ha.-. aii Maru
    143 words
  • 101 14 iFifm Our Own Correspondent Tenans. Jan. 14. T^HE Hur:;l Beard. Penang, ha?, until the new Municipal Abattoirs are fitted with cold storage facilities, de- ,-iclcd net to enforce the slaughter of pii»s by Baiik Pulau sl?u?hter.i in th--» ICunlctDftl Abattoirs. That decision va.; reached at a
    101 words
  • 24 14 g- Heir Frederick Fehnpr. a comisellri lat the German Consulate o.t Alexandria, who had r?rently bsen in b*d health, wao found dead in his «<*!"<;
    24 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 262 14 UMntu rAttEKom a€commoi»atmm Arrives Sails Due N>w Vork MUNCASTER CASTLE Feb 1 Feb 13 Mai SJ OaSrSTOn CA3TLE Mar f Mar 1. Apr M THURI.AND CASTLE Apt. 7 Apr II r,t a M I I VII ILL) PASSLWGKRS AC t ()"HM<»U M(IN B£r*f £jlm£ fOM IONWI.N IMWKKP KOTTKKUAM. HAMBLKCi LtITM
      262 words
      669 words
    • 516 14 *OU Al-KIIA AM) SOUTH MlltftlC- tCuenos Aires «laio Buenos Airea via Colombo. Durban Ea Lcndon, Port Elizabeth, Cape Town. Ru i 1 Janeiro. Santa? Montevideo ion Um homeward voyage, Rio Grande and Belrrr. vAfrica Mara Buenoj Airei via Ccloirbo. Ma«adi3ro, Ifotr tasa. Zanzibar. Dar-es-Salaam. Beira. ntel 1 t encj Marquei,
      516 words

  • 564 15 Today's Contract Bridge Problems I By The Four Aces Bumstonr, M-iwin D. ,ald Jacoby, Howard Bchenfcea) ..rtirles we started some--1 Bridge -an actual rub- in which our readers •t unity to play as partner i poor Aces against two of p*et in our daily prevents our com- oil on some
    564 words
  • 445 15 Referees Use Their Discretion To Reduce Pain FARR-NOVA FIGHT INCIDENT Atttttt? v is. London, Jan. 8. LITTLE human sympathy i S creeping into American boxing-, to the disgust of those fans who demand to see at least one man per fight spread like a
    445 words
  • Article, Illustration
    82 15 DAPHNE WALKER, 15-y car-old skater who was placed third in the British championships recently, and is regarded as a certain champion of the future, believes in lucky mascots. In her case it is elephants. She has 180 of them, in ivory, cbeny and jade, and uUMtyj tceara a string of
    82 words
  • 400 15 SKILL BETTER THAN BRAWN London, Jan. 8. TEN years ago among the many classes into which billiard players could be divided, the slasher category was prominent and numerous. His type today is more rare, although he is still to be met with. You
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  • Article, Illustration
    15 15 DURING YESTERDAY'S EUROPEAN HOCKEY TRIAL nf. the S.C.C. Whites beat Colours. 6—4,— Free Press victure
    15 words
  • 199 15 Billiard Notes By J. V. Rainbow nique at snooker. Straightforward i plain potting is any man's to learn, with an odd spot of continued concentration. It is obvious that positional play is harder to learn. Look what has to be taken into consideration— side, stun, stab, pace control have all
    199 words
  • Article, Illustration
    17 15 oicture. WHOSE BALL? A snap taken durinj the European hockey trial at the S.C.C. yesterday.- Free Press
    Free Press  -  17 words
  • 155 15 BY two goals to one, the SRC. II beat the RE. II at hockey on the S.R.C. ground yesterday. Indicative of the keenness of play, the score was one-nil in favour of the Recs. at the end of the first half. On resumption the Sappers equalLs- ed,
    155 words
  • 68 15 Twenty-seven cards were taken out for the Keppel Golf Club's January medal, which resulted in a win for W. Fryer, 2 down. Ball sweeps resulted: Saturday. Ist. nine, R. J. Fennie, 1 up; 2nd. nine, C. W. Watson, 1 down. Sunday.— lst nine, W. Fryer, 1 down;
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  • 68 15 Today's practice hockey match between two Singapore teams will be played at the Ceylon Sports Club ground instead of the Singapore Recreation Club padang as originally fixed. The game is between the team to meet Negri Sembilan on Saturday, and the one to meet Johore on Friday. Players
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  • 116 15 •THE annual inter-unit contests j 1 between S.S. Police and F.M.S. Police take place at the S.S. Police Depot on Saturday and Sunday, Jan. 21 and 22 Probable S.S. Police teams are: Rugby. J. Sanderson (or Janmeja Singh); Mahpuz, M. C. Manby, F. O. Minns
    116 words
  • 232 15 THREE successive goals by Tee Siang, who thus performed the "hat-trick," and a goal by Madon. enabled the Post Office Club to gain a 4—o victory over the R.A.M.C. in a friendly football game played on the Post Office Club ground. Serangoon Road, yesterday.
    232 words
  • 264 15 THE hockey match between the G.S.C. and the European women which was to have been played on the G.S.C. ground yesterday was cancelled, but instead, a game between two teams representing the Singapore hockey side and a combined G.S.C, Y.W.C.A. and European women's team
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 38 15 N Kidneys 01 bisons And Adds ll'ontinytubJfhlrh "•».!0..,i Whrnpo^ryian,! '.>'.'« -urr.r from B«nMn B '"'^rp Nights." Leg I ;V""' l 1 t isiri Lumbago Kyea or Swollen <y medicines can't do must bo removed. i>"l«ons and acids In {Ks?apS
      38 words
    • 46 15 Do y° u remember him in f^^^^^^^^^K' "THE GOLDWYN FOLLIES?" Now New Universal bring: you I chablie McCarthy in a rollicking romantic comedy t•■ -■wm^^mm^mm m> i nit K^/ffif J| ANDREA LEEDS, ADOLPHE mff^ t^ MENJOU and 10 other stars COMING TO THE CAPITOL NEXT WEEK
      46 words

  • 366 16 Apparentl y Weaker Team Won DEFENCE SHOULD BE GOfc)D (By Nimrod) VESTERDAY'S European trial for the annual match 1 against the Rest went the way of all trials the spectacle of the apparently weaker side running all over the apparently stronger side. Whites
    366 words
  • 128 16 TO CELEBRATE the retirement of Mr. H. S. Russell, the Slme Darby Golf Club held a competition at the Island Club. The results were as follow?: G VV. Piercy 82—14 68 C J. Clarkett 90—18=72 S. T. Rees 122—49=73 F J. McAra 88—14=74 II
    128 words
  • 218 16 'Tllil royal Singapore Golf Club's lirst bi-monthly mixed foursomes com) rtiticn fcr January played at Buki.. Timah resulted in a win fcr Mrs. L. G. Hartmann and Capt. J. A. K. M''trhell with a net srore cf 34 3 4 O. 4;; cards tiken
    218 words
  • 179 16 COM PONG is in hard training for his fight with Young Frisco on Friday at the Happy World Stadium. Frisco's Orient middleweight title will be at stake, so he has much to lo.s<\ while Som Pong, holder of the weltei weight honours, has little to
    179 words
  • Article, Illustration
    20 16 picture. TRAINING told <„ nughy matche, on the S.C.C. around. Even th* ;ouna u io fccep wp with play.- Free Press
    Free Press  -  20 words
  • Article, Illustration
    72 16 TOMMY GODWIN, the 26-year-od j Hemel llempstead cyclist, started j from the Eroadway, Ncrthwood Hills, on his attempt to beat the icorld's 12 months' cycling record. y The present record set up last year f b;/ an Australian, stands at 62,655 s miles, but Godwin hopes to beat this bn
    72 words
  • 32 16 i Ihe date of the Europeans and Rest annual match has been 1 brought forward from Jan. 31 to Jan. 20. It will be on the S.C.C. padan;.
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  • 236 16 Y.M.C.A. Defeat Blakan Mati Gunners THE Blakan Mati gunners. 35th Fortress Company, suffered defeat when they met the Y.M.C.A. in a keen game of hockey on the latter's ground at Anson Road yesterday. Playing well together, the i^ome side won by five goals to two. Lyne was outstanding in thj
    236 words
  • 206 16 r\OMINATING play In the second half, the Loyals defeated the S.C.R.C. by five goals to three in a game of hockey played at Alexandra yesterday. The Chinese In the first 15 minutes of play notched two quick goals, through Keng Slew and Cheow Chye,
    206 words
  • 98 16 At the annual general meeting ot the Eenderr.e:r Athletic Club the fcl--1 awing v;ere elected office-bearers: President. Mr. Lim Hong Yeow. vice-presidents Messrs. Llm Hock I Seng, Low Peng Cer. Goh E*ig Chim: ilion. secretary. Mr. Sim Kwang Tow: j hon treasurer, Mr. Tan Joo Siang; hon.
    98 words
  • 46 16 A meeting of Singapore and Johorc members ot the Non-Benders will be held at the S.C.C. on Jan. 23 at G.30 iP.m., following the cricket meeting of .the S.C.C: Business.— To decide on matches to be played thi.s seaccn; to elect a cap- tain general.
    46 words
  • 381 16 S. C. C. 7-A-Side Games Commence THREE ties were decided in the S.C.C. seven-aside RufW tournament started on the padang yesterday The S.C.C. "A" gained a splendid victory *W they defeated the R.E. (Pulau Brani) by a wide mam, of 3$ points (three goals) to nil. Seward made a great
    381 words
  • Article, Illustration
    20 16 picture. THE SRC. II beat the RE. II 2—l o*l ihe S.Rr. ground moment c'*.-r*nrj the paw v Free Press
    Free Press  -  20 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements