The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 11 January 1939

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 19 1 The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS NO. 15.872. ESTD. 1835. WEDNESDAY, J ANE ARY 11, 1939. 5 CENTS
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  • 91 1 Police Searching Jungle For Gunman 1 olombo, Jan. 10. Pol ii I ire tombing the jungle of Ceylon for a gunman .ho r.wi uno!;. killing four people IM ,I wounding one. Mt- :n known to have still 100 .rtnilKrs m his possession. Panic -trickea people m villages are redlining
    Reuter  -  91 words
  • 103 1 Roosevelt's 'Historic" Speech London. Jan. 10. TOE DEFINITION by President Ro 9 eit oi the American atfciprobltUS of the modern world rarely become historic, declared \nthnny Eden, former Foreign 'ary. speaking as a £vest at a Ing of the American Chamber of neret tn London. added: That speech is m
    Reuter  -  103 words
  • 133 1 London. Jan. Id. I". t.v :..iih*. m the third round Ikt I A v:» resulted: i u.hport I. Don. aster 1. '•riinv,»> ii, Tranmere 0. m thr Sottish League Clyde •Sl St. Johnstone. 3 C airo, Jan. 10. \ leaders are going by aero.» t H.Mrut tomorrow to
    Reuter  -  133 words
  • 482 1 ROME TALKS MAY BE VITAL MOVE FOR WORLD PEACE Premier And Duce To Discuss Tunis Claims? BRITISH DELEGATION GOES TO PARIS London, Jan. 10. DURSUING the policy of personal contacts between heads of countries, the Prime Minister, Mr. Neville Chamberlain, left London today accompanied by Lord Halifax, Foreign Secretary, on
    Reuter; British Wireless  -  482 words
  • 166 1 Spain Truce Discussion In Paris Parts, Jan. 10. 9AU CHAMBERLAIN and Lord Halifax lfl will be met, on their arrival is. Paris by M. Daladier, Premier, and M. Bonnet. Foreign Minister. The four ministers will drive to the Quat D'Orsay for a discussion. It is expected a good deal of
    Reuter  -  166 words
  • 65 1 Amsterdam, (New York), Jan. 10. TWENTY-FIVE thoroughbred horses owned by the millionaire sportsman John San ford were destroyed m a fire which razed to the ground the main stable of the Hurricana breeding farm. Among the horses trapped m the blazing stable was Supply House, one
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 294 1 British Help For China Expected London, Jan. 10. MANY reports continue to appear m newspapers that the British Government is preparing positive action m the not distant future for the defence of British trade and the support of China. The Birmingham Post declares: "Soon after
    Reuter  -  294 words
  • 67 1 London, Jan. 10. PVENTY-TWO countrios aic represented at. the international wheat conference which has opened at the Board of Trade to conaider measures to taken owing to the world surplus ot wheat. India, represented by Sir David Meek. Trade Commissioner, is one of the four newcomers
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • 221 1 London, Jan. 10. U/HILE large crowds were waiting at Victoria Station to see Mr. Neville Chamberlain, the Prime Minister, leave for Rome, a party of unemployed appeared at another part of the station, carrying the now familiar black coffin and a banner inscribed "Unemployed
    Reuter  -  221 words
  • Article, Illustration
    43 1 SIR KINGSLEY WOOD, the Air Minister, last week visited the de Havilland Elementary and Reserve Training School at Hatfield. Sir Kingsley is photographed while undergoing a test m the Link Trainer. He underwent all the evolutions of blind flying without leaving the ground.
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  • 102 1 Japan's Exports Dropped Last Year Tokio, Jan. 10. JAPAN'S foreign trade, including that with yen bloc countries, m 1938, ended m a favourable balance of yen 60,498.000, the Finance Ministry announced. An excess of imports over exports totalling yen 635,906,000 was a feature of Japan's foreign trade m 1937. In
    Eastern News  -  102 words
  • 45 1 London, Jan. 10. British manufacturers have secured! a £650,000 contract for the supply of automatic telephone equipment for public telephone exchanges ln Portugal. It is claimed the Portuguese system of communications will be second to none ln the world.- British Wireless
    British Wireless  -  45 words
  • 56 1 Shanghai. Jan. 10. POUR pirate Junks attacked the British-owned tug, Hanwo, which was towin? lighters in the direction of Shanghai this evening. Despite a hail of machine-gun bullets, the wireless operator despatched an S.O.S. A British gunboat proceeded to the scene, but the junks fled, evading
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 62 1 Hong Kong, Jan. 10. A NXIETY caused to foreign residents by the delay m the reopening of the Pearl River has been partially allayed by the announcement that the British steamer Klnshan is going to Canton tomorrow, carrying foreign passengers only. It ls hoped this
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 80 1 Jerusalem, Jan. Hi CIVE Palestine Arab leaders have been released from exile on Seychelles Island and permitted to visit the Mufti m Syria. From official sources it is learned they will be allowed to proceed to Lebanon from Egypt for a five-day stay conditionally, inter
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 61 1 **k*^AWm***^ m A^\ w^ m L~~ r maammmmmmwi mmu *[^**-*****^m\lff^^j^^ m^*t^* m m m A*^imm**Cm^mmmTm^T^ZZ f^_r^E 9P^m TONIGHT DINNER DANCE (informal) 6.30 to 8.30 p. m. 9.30 to midnight NEW PROGRAMME SUCCESS MORE WHIRLWIND THRILLS BY THE DAREDEVIL PRESTONS A DARING AND SrECTACULAR ENTERTAINMENT 1 ,m,,fr Non-diners SIjM. 9A**FIJLM ORCHGSTRA
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  • 416 2 Three Forces Fighting Towards City GEN. CHIANG CALLING BIG CONFERENCE Chungking, Jan. 10. FOR the purpose of reorganising the political and mili--lary departments, Gen. Ch'ang Kai-shek has called a conference to which leaders of the provinces m the south west are specially invited. The decisions
    union Times  -  416 words
  • 33 2 Tokio, Jan. 10. Mr. Gcnzo Kayaba, Governor of Okayamn Prefecture, is to be appointed Superintendent-General of the Metropolitan Police Board m succession to Mr. Genki Abe, who has tendered his resignation.- Eastern News
    Eastern News  -  33 words
  • 157 2 Veteran Siam Statesman Dies <From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok, Jan. 9. The death has occurred of Chao Phya Yomaraj, a member of the Council of Regency and an Elder Statesman, at the age of 76. He had been m service m four Reigns, his most notable period being throughout the
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  • 44 2 Indian Stabbed By Chinese An Indian was stabbed m the arm and abdomen, allegedly by four Chinese, who broke into his house m Lorong Mydin, off Changi Road, last night. The men were alleged to have attempted robbery, but went away without taking anything.
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  • 70 2 The death occurred at the Singapore General Hospital yesterday of Major Philip Thomas Rawlinscn_ aged 61 The funeral was at Bidadari cemetery yesterday afternoon. Wreaths were sent by the followngHis loving cousin Ada, Mr. and Mrs LV.J. La ville. Freemasons of Singapore; A. C. Smith; Mr.
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  • 214 2 London, Jan. 10. "WE are working on the assumption that there is a risk f of war within a comparatively short time, but that does not mean we expect war," said Sir John Anderson today on his return to London from a holiday m Switzerland.
    Reuter  -  214 words
  • Article, Illustration
    45 2 CHRISTOPHER Sullivan, qf Barking, Essex, is the youngest qualified air raid warden m Britain. He has just passed fhe necessary examination with 78 per cent, of the total marks. Master Sullivan is seen fitting a gas mask on his father, who is a church missionary-
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  • 89 2 (From thw Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 10. A FTER taking evidence m camera, A Mr. A. J. Grattan-Bellew, the first magistrate. Koala Lumpur, sentenced Eustace. S. Dunn, a European of Kuala Lumpur, to simple imprisonment for three weeks and fined him $156
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  • 65 2 Berlin, Jan. 10. THE effort Britain is making to support her currency is being closely watched by German exporters and newspapers, who regard the matter as one of considerable concern to Germany. Lokal Anzeiger points out that whenever sterling drops, BriUsh goods become automatically cheaper for
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 150 2 Washington, Jan. 10. *RMED with secret data, understood to include a report from the iamous aviator, Colonel Lindbergh, on Germany's air armada, Mr. Joseph Kennedy and Mr. William Bullitt, Ambassadors to London and Paris respectively, will appear at a joint meeting of the Military
    Reuter  -  150 words
  • 84 2 Paris, Jan. 10. OVER and above the programme for two aircraft carriers, one cruiser, six destroyers and five submarines, already announced, the government has sanctioned under decree laws an additional naval programme. This includes two battleships, one cruiser, seven submarines, and 24,000 tons of auxiliary
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • 116 2 Kaunas, Jan. 10. THE German language will m future have equal rights with Lithuanian m government organs published m the Memel territory, according to the Governor. It was also announced today that former Memel German officials who •had been dismissed would be re-em-ployed if they applied
    Reuter  -  116 words
  • 365 2 Shanghai, Jan. 5. DITTERLY attacking Japanese replies to the United States 1 v representations demanding the maintenance of the "open door" m China, the American Relations Committee, m a statement here called on the American people to realise the grave import of Far
    British United Press  -  365 words
  • 21 2 DOMESTIC OCCURRENCE BIRTH GILES:-On Jan. 0. Ifi v.. General Hospital, to Myi Zj J* Rev. Alan GUes, RJLF, the ift son.
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  • 193 2 Fine Acting In "Marie Antoinette" Last Night's Fil ms Shearer, with r as a co-star, tarings a V\. tory's most fMriiutli.ii women screen m "Marie Anton, opened at the Capitol, Singapore Its night. Norma Shearer resumes her I film career m the role would-be queen who looked open marriage as
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  • 105 2 TF it were not for I Charley Foy. Warner Bl "Daredevil Drivers." w; the Alhambra Theatre i only be placed as aw. ment. However thanks to V mechanic to a road-speedster Die.: Purceli, who li diaqnallfled I less driving m a racr. this film
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  • 61 2 Berlin. J.m Mr. G. Rublec American direct the Evian Refugee Committee, here this morning accompanied b rather members of the commits Mr. Rublee stated: Wi 10 continue conversations wo had Dr. Schacht (President oi the bank) in London." It is hoped the talks will Jewish
    Reuter.  -  61 words
  • 54 2 Berlin. UM MANY shops here are wttliOß lfl and housewives have that no supplies are I Wednesday. An official explain... shortage is due to difficult barter agreement with Brazil. quently for the first quarter W only three-quarter of normal I is to be roasted for sale
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 43 2 A male Chinese was knocked *JJ by a motorcycle ridden. It s v j. stood, by a European insp< r > li day evening at Kallang Road The man bled from the O-OV^ nose and was taken to 1. ,ital
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 82 2 /^Pf W m laj <^^^^^B mm Might and I just can't W^ ______L mmv^^mm m**m** f m make up my mind what I ~9 ***m^*****T f^L\ tO m \^^L m B^ u msaA* I 0m V VUR European Assistants are vSr* always at your service. Call upon them for advice
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    • 17 2 20 cents and this advert g ets youalsdaysupp| Vof ASTRING-0-SOL Concentrated Mouth Health at MEDICAL HALL, LTD.
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  • 787 3 GOVERNMENT CONFIRMS DELEGATION PERSONNEL Indian Talks At New Delhi LEAVING SATURDAY COMMUNIQUE issued today by the F.M.S. Government co l /I fii ms the forecast m regard to the personnel of the Malayan Governments* delegation to New Delhi to discuss with representatives of the Government of India matters connected with
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  • 379 3 Incident In A Tax cab THE story of how a Chinese c< ntractor was pulled out ,i a stationary taxi and robbed $120 m cash was described efore Mr. L. B. Gibson, m the Criminal District Court esterday during ths trial of young
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  • 54 3 hr- ai-anjements for today r 'i East D3QQ, 16 godown. West 7 am. 50 1 rk« en West 9 a.m, 57/58 'Wen Kast 7 a.m.. 46 7 West am., 9 10 »la Weit 3 a.m.. 34/5 West 7 am 16/17 Shift noon. 6. "ntahlie Haul. am.. West
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  • 142 3 (From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok, Jan. 8. A fishing centre at the mouth of the Tachin river. 19 kilometres from the capital, and connected with Bangkok by a railway, was burned out. Huge quantities of fish m process of jalting and curing for Malayan ani Java
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  • 230 3 Man Lost When 2 Boats Collide Tragedy In Harbour UOW a motor boat, the Sam Hoe, while towing a twakow from Teluk Ayer to the docks m Tanjong Pagar capsized on the morning of Dec. 29, following a collision with a lighter belonging to the Singapore Harbour Board, was related
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  • 88 3 (From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok, Jan. 8. The parish priest of the Assumption Cathedral has issued the following announcement, effective from Feb. 5. "Persons coming to Church m sleeveless dresses will not be admited to receive Holy Communion." Siamese women hardly ever wear sleeves, and m
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  • 284 3 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 10. TWO HUNDRED workmen are busy 1 m the Astana Mahkota, the Sultan's palace m Klang, with reconstructions for the Coronation Of Sultan Alam Shah on Jan. 26. The designs for a new Throne are being completed by
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  • 104 3 (From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok. Jan. 8. IJENTISTS m Slam will soon have to be regis t?red. The Government has decided to control dentists m the near future, and those unqualified will not b? allowed to practise At present, itinerant dentists hailing from China roam
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  • 161 3 Collapse At A Football Match Ma-XL AY'S DEATH "HEATH by misadventure" was the verdict returned by Mr. W. G. Porter m the Coroner's Court yesterday at the end of an inquiry into the circumstances surrounding the death of a Malay, Osman bin Abu Bakar, who was found m an unconscious
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  • 139 3 Spades For Tardy Payers Of Taxes (From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok. Jan. 9. Investigation into failure to pay poll tax will be made towards the end of the Siamese year (March 31) and those who have failed to pay then will be rounded up and put to work digging canals.
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  • 68 3 (From Our Own Correspondent* Bangkok, Jan. 9. A party of Buddhist monks from the middle belt of Slam have left on a pilgrimage to Burma by way of the overland route and are then proceeding to visit Buddhist shrines ln India. From Bangkok this week a
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  • 188 3 Official Denied Having Any Debts ONE MONTH'S IMPRISONMENT (From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru, Jan. 9. ALI bin Suboh, a Customs 11 Department Malay outdoor officer, w r as found guilty by Mr. J. B. Weiss, the First Magistrate, today on a charge of making a false statutory declaration and
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  • 377 3 Europe Must Enter South America i— San Francisco. DEACE m Europe will never be possible if European nations are to be kept out of Latin America, Dr. Thomas R. Adam, professor of political science at Occidental College, told Pacific Coast audiences recently. Dr. Adam, an Englishman by birth and a
    United Press  -  377 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 13 3 Tr teller* Lotua Honey. l!^•T nM *•***> r Ma. Mr *L_ li^J^a^jpofc a Penang.
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  • 906 4 'THEY LIVE AGAIN" By Free Press Film Correspondent THE discovery of insulin has been hailed as one of the great life-savers of all time. The number of diabetics throughout the world who have been cured by insulin treatment is countless. For that reason, and
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  • 186 4 JOSEPH SCHILDKRAUT quietly passed the silver anniversary of his career as an actor while creating the role of the Due d'Orleans m "Marie Antoinette which is at the Capitcl. The son of a famous father, Rndolph Schildkraut. Joseph was destined for the theatre front the day
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  • 1079 4  - "The Citadel"DOCUMENTARY OF WELSH MINES Joan Littlefield Britain On The Screen By "THE CITADEL," which received its European premiere at the Empire, Leicester Square, at Christmas time, looks like being as popular here as it has already been m America. Most of the critics vote it the best film of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 45 5 Holl ywood... ...Newcomers VIRGINIA DALE, JACQUELINE WELLS AND RlT^T_^^*T" three lovely Columbia starlets. TV X= 4 «*ee_ir,„ BESS EHRHARDT AND HUSBAND. ROY SHIPSTAn e«_ T the skatin, number. a M e t^o-a < > I dw^-MTre^p^ucU» rt,1 a «,r tint Joan Crawford, James Stewart and Lew AyreT
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  • 285 6 Successes Encourage The Nationalists PLANES IN USE ssmyrm Lerida, Jan. 10 PENERAL FRANCO'S forces have now complete control VJ of the plains of Urgel. The tide of battle is fast flowing away from the banks of the Segre and is lapping the mountain buttresses of
    Reuter  -  285 words
  • 141 6 New York, Jan. 10. AN attempt to deal ill arms with "China or another foreign Power" by Donald Coster is reported by the authorities. A preliminary report from the Federal Bureau of Investigation disclosed that Coster used an alias- Mueller"— in trying to sell 2,000,000
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  • Article, Illustration
    17 6 THE ANNUAL TOY SERVICE was conducted at Kew Parish Church by the vjcar, the Rev. Mostyn Pritchard.
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  • 75 6 Shanghai, Jan. 10. r IS LEARNED that a number of local authorities on the lower Yangtse delta have issued orders that no foreign vessels will be allowed to carry on freight or passenger trade at their ports unless they fly the Japanese flag or flag
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 47 6 Law Notice For The Day Before Mr. Justice Pedlow m 2nd Court at 10.r.0 a.m. Magistrates Appeal- -1 Rex vs Yio Sn Fong and Yio Sin Luan. 2 Mohd. Sharif! vs. Rex. 1 Summons-in-Chanbers m Suit So 16 39 and Thereaf.-.i:— l Motion m Suit No 507/33.
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  • 87 6 New York, Jan. 6. AMERICANS may become a race with pear-shaped faces because their Jaw strength is declining and the lower half of the head is becoming smaller, narrower and weaker, Dr Leuman Waugh of Columbia University Dental School said here. He told the New York
    British United Press  -  87 words
  • 68 6 Paris, Jan. JO. JTALIANS ridiculed their ftllovj countrymen's claim to Tunis, Corsica and Djibouti when members of the huge Italian agricultural colony m south-western France, which numbers nearly 1000,000 persons, staged a protest meeting yesterday against such e'aims. At the same time a resolution appealing for
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  • 183 6 'rjla? rsryrl mW Al U S *l U ****> 10. j HE end oi the trial of the British h— c °nstablcs was marked by a iaTo C tburst b J William Wo °d last of the constables being cross examined, who turned to the
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  • News In Brief
    • 79 6 ACCOMMODATION m Kuala Lumpur is practically fully booked up for the coming week-end. wh-n Sl Malaya Cup Rugby Football final between Selangor and the Army wil be Played. There will also be a motor rally. Crowds of people from Singapore and up-country centres and outstations will visit the Federated capital
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    • 101 6 «I«HE Church m the East does not care about and does not want the denominational differences of thp West declared Mr. P. W. Tambyah m a report on the Madras M'ssionary Conference which he submitted to the Methodist Conference m Sineaoore He had felt all his life that there^ little
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    • 103 6 Just before noon on Monday Mr J M Billing, Executive Engineer. p u b ii C Works Department, Segamat. wa£ found dead at the Batu Anam r7£ Range with a gunshot wound m the head. A revolver and a small leather bag were by his side. The discovery wac made
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    • 73 6 THE Royal Air Force Short Sunderland flying-boat which alighted at Nancowry, one of the Nicobar Islands with engine trouble on a flight from Ceylon to Singapore, will fly to Seletar within a few days. Spare parts were taken to the a'rcraf t from Singapore and repairs have now almost been
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    • 79 6 f OVERS of traditional Chinese art should not miss the exhibition by Madame Sim Yee Pin (Mrs. George C Hsu) at the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, the object of which Is to collect money to start a school for Chinese refugee children m Hong Kong. Thl most significant aspect of
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  • 955 6 Wu-Han Singers Blend Music Of East West SPIRIT OF NATION nn t u*xt f rom A SP^al Correspondent) W i? N S rs who entertained a crowded house at the Capitol Theatre this week, have as president and gyfa^V fl.-. C. Hsia, who was I member of 1 Sh a
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  • 90 6 WARNING that feverish opt* air fleet, Sl 1 7 and CnZlaZ Is w conl ained In a repori to committee on Aviation The Committee cf whin. < L hPrf f^ e^ rville n,rr.. bers, insists that effectiveness of d is more important than mere nui
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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  • 710 7 Local Market Shows Little Activity Fraser Report THE first* ten days of the New Year have passed very quietly m all sections of the local market, says Fraser and Company's weekly report. Commodity prices have remained steady but there has been little or no inclination to trade, and similar conditions
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  • 130 7 Phya Bahol The Army (From Car Own Correspondent) Bangkok. Jan. S. Colonel Phya Bahol Balabayuha Sena, former Premier and Commander-in-Chief of the Siamese Army, has tendered his resignation from the latter position, on the ground that he desires complete rest. This resignation ls now under consideration. Should the resignation be
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 199 7 positively Last Day at 3.15, 6.15 9.15 P.M. ALHAMBRA WARNER BROS/ THRILL PACKED HIT! LOOK OUT FOR COUISIOKS, n&HGOV\ SMASH-UPS, THRILL AFTER THRILL! CT F yP **fc'i A When thU d rcdcvil drive roan onto vk UC-DAlr thc open road lhrilu come fa,t l\|T^-|yffi a he driv e«...*n<i that', the
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    • 85 7 ma^ame mama^ amamwm aaam^mmm ammmymmmam^^mmmaam UNITED ARTISTS PRIZE AWARD TRIUMPH— PAULETTE GODDARD IN HER FIRST TALKING ROLE— ROLAND YOUNG AS •SAHIB." LATE OF THE BENGAL LANCERS. (BUT HE HAD NEVER BEEN IN INDIA!) A RIOT OF I*.**** Cf ___b IB R^j^Hr^^^B^^^. am*AmT^<*\9 9\ <~- 9 9 mm^: mW^Lm m =p•
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  • 594 8 The Singapore Free Press WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 1939. New Delhi Talks MORE than ordinary interest has been aroused m „he forthcoming immigration talks at New Delhi between representatives of the Indian and Malayan Governments. The official announcement today regarding the personnel of the Malayan 3overnmente' delegation, which leaves on Saturday,
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  • 1222 8  -  Phillip Carr The Grynszpan Case By THIS article gives a character sketch of Maitre de MoroGiafferi, the senior Counsel of the Polish Jsw, Grynszpan, who shot and killed Herr vom Rath, a member of the German Embassy m Paris. M. de Moro-Giafferi
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 120 8 'V If *A^9^' f Wm\m^^^^^ t^^B^^ V*S when two is /Sslfk company (k Kl\ EXSHAW COGNAC ;|H is best with I DRY GINGER W CALDBECK'S COX KINGS AGENTS) LIMITED arrange SHORT TRIPS TO CAIRO for homeward bound passengers Apply for particulars to PATERSON, SIMONS CO., LTD. or to any of
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    • 20 8 Tt*£ jam rate Small stock of Men s Pyjamas and Dressing Gowns received. 18, BATTERY ROAD, FIRST FLOOR PHONE 7143.
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  • Article, Illustration
    54 9 wS-jfl .inter sLts The'capt^rea^T ■«w ™J?*/£ a 0t v J XiG "™B *rMl9h Protectorate mtfet. The Sultan icho came to Zurich /or his health, accom** lfl ZSl l n f C h V€ryW here 'loaning and stating. In spite of the nee m their ages, they boih appear
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  • 271 9 A ust r alian Defence Man Coming TALKS ON DARWIN? rO inspect the constructional methods used m Singapore's defence works Mr. H. V. C. Thorby. former Minister tf Defence m the Lyons Cabinet, yesterday left Sydney M a Qantas Empire Airways flyin?-boat. according to i Mm ter dispatch from Sydney.
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  • 34 9 Pleading guilty to a charge of driving a car without a third party insurance policy a Chinese woman. Tong Lai Wah. was yesterday fined $10 m the Singapore Traffic Court.
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  • 838 9 Sequel To Telephone Call For Taxi AMAZING STORY AN extraordinary story of a fight between a European client of a taxi firm and a Chinese employee of the firm, m which the Chinese bit the European so hard that the European had to go to hospital
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  • 73 9 (Froai Our Own Correspondence) Johore Bahru, Jan. 10. JHE Tengku Mahkota, Regent of Johor? who was treated as an outdoor patient following a recent attack by a Siamese panther at his private aoo, has been admitted to hospital as a precautionary measure. His condition is satisfactory
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  • 778 9 Night Ch ase After Admiralty Motor-Car THAT A WATCH had been kept for four months on Naval Base syces suspected for stealing petrol was revealed by Crown Sergeant W. F. Stafford, of the Naval Base Police, m the Singapofe Third Police Court, yesterday. Stafford gave his evidence during the hearing
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  • 394 9 WORK OF M.C.S. MAN THREE beautiful busts, the work of Mr. W. G. Stirling, formerly of the Chinese Protectorate at Singapore who has earned a reputation as a sculptor since he retired to England, have been presented to Raffles Museum by Mr, fli] a* rl
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  • 126 9 ADMISSION BY YOUNG MAN "J WANTED to throw the dead body of my child Into the Singapore nyer on the advice of a midwife" said a young Chinese, Tan Koh Chor when he pleaded guilty yesterday to a charge of depositing the dead body
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  • 74 9 'From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok, Jan. 9. An order recently was issued by the Ministry of Public Instruction prohibiting Chinese hawkers from selling food and sweets m Government schools. The vernacular papers announce that the Chinese schools, of which there are many m Bangkok, have decided
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 63 9 TONIGHT an* l»urm* the Season of MARIE AMTOWETTE Pfi CT <an ape Varies 1 ACC M.k.n Ketchil) Pate d* foie Gras, vw,„u... K/Uf potted M uffH Olives. Cheese, Prawn >?«-.■ I itl, nuts. Potato chips, etc.). 1,1 le supplied m the BAR LOUNGE p.m. t.» 9 :<0 p.m. at the
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    • 60 9 THE =-T P SUPER LAWN MOWER PRECISION-BUILT and perfectly ft 4< aligned moving parts m eil V\ A a^\ baths on self-aligning double-race /m }W ball-bearings this machine A m' spins along with exceptional ease. AY^\ M^ll 12 inch Complete with Grass Box #V^^^H___P^f 16 inch Complete with Grass Bex
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  • 1003 10 Optimism At The New Year RENEWED INTEREST IN RUBBER (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Jan. 3. IN spite of the absence of many investors and dealers on extended New Year holidays, and m the very teeth of fairly widespread selling to meet January tax
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  • 158 10 Prisoners Roasted Alive London, Dec. 27. RETAILED allegations of how Abys- sinian prisoners were burned and roasted alive by Italy's army last summer were contained m documents issued m London last night. Consisting of a seriss of petitions, letters and other papers, they were made public by the permanent delegate
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  • 117 10 mm Miami, Fl a rsil?* nd Mrs Earl Lc decided lo plead for mercy for the negro true* driver who killed their six-year-old daughter, Irene, because the child had dreamed she was being killed by a truck, and the parents were convinced that such a
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  • 572 10 Quiet New Year For Tin (From Oyr Own Correspondent) London, Jan. 3. A LTHOUGH the metal price con- tinues at what would, if production were higher, be a very satisfactory level, the London tin market is m a quiet and colourless condition. Demand is always slack at this season, when
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 374 10 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS TENDERS. SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY. Tenders. Tenders are now invited foi the following materials or services For particulars, see Municipal Tenders Supply of Sluice Valves for Water for period May 1. 1939. to Apr. 30, 1940. Date of Closing. 4 p.m.. Mar. 6. 1939. Supply of Galvd. Wrought Iron Tubes
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    • 379 10 BANK OF CHINA (incorporated m China o. Special Ota! It, Cecil Street. Bln_ra»« f Telephones: Manager** Office JS* Manager Office" S Exchange Dept JJ** General Office Cable Address: "CHUNGKi Ti M| Paid Op Capital eh «Vj MMt Beserve tunds to "••W.H M| exceaa at Ck i Total Asaeu approximate!, eh.
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 639 10 RADIO PROGRAMMES SINGAPORE TODAY ZHL 225 metres. ZHP 10.96 metres. p.m. 1.00 Miscellaneous programme or new gramophone records. 1.30 Midday rubber prices. 1.32 Miscellaneous programme (continued) 2.00 Interval. 5.00 Hokkien Amoy music, t 5.30 Pelpiner drama, t 5.50 Selections from Peiping dramas, t 6. C0 Mandarin selections. t 6.12 Mandarin
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    • 194 10 7.45 News bulletin. 7.50 Close down. 10.50 Time signal. Recorded music 11.30 Morning devotions. 11.50 Piano solo. 12.20 Luncheon variety. 1.10 News. 1.22 Carel van der Byl Trio. 1.50 Alfredo Campoli and his Orchestra. 2.10 News. 2.20 Close down. BERLIN TODAY OJB 15.20 tnc/s OMO m\ p.m. 6.20 Concert of
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    • 366 11 LONDON AND NEW YORK STOCKS SHARES Last Night's Quotations From London 5.30 p. m. Yesterday V.irk Dr.cs quoted m U..8 currency. ire dealers middle prices jobber* margins, brokerage I stasia dul> are not included. nomination unless '..test Quotations Previously t -tated n D pc 1944-6-1.... IM 109 1 I pc.
      366 words
    • 190 11 RUBBER: Firmer. London: 8 1 16d. 8 3 ICcJ. Previously: 8 1 I6d. 8 1 d Jan.-Mar.: 3 1 16d. 8 8d. Previously: 8 116d 8 3 lCd Apr.-June: 8 3 16d. 8 5 Kd Previously: 8 3 16d 8* 4 d
      190 words
    • 1362 11 SINGAPORE STOCK AND SHARE PRICES Fraser And Co. 's List tu2sday, jan. 10, 1939: 5 p.m. vinino t>u>er§ Sellers Anipat Tin t 3s lO^-d 4s 4 1 2 d AMUB K..-.:a'oang <•:> 26s 9d 27s 9d Austrai Malay <£> 13s 47s aom Ayer Hitam ita) 21s 6i 23s Aver Wens
      1,362 words
    • 91 11 List Supplied By Messrs. Fraser Co. TUESDAY, JAN. 10, 1939: 5 P.M. Total for Company Dividend Books Financial TIN Close Dat*» Ex. Dlv. year Southern Kinta 2Vfe% Int Dec 28 Jan. 20 Dec 29 7V 2 Sungei Way 2»/ 2 Jan. 3 Jan. 12 Jan. 4 2»a%
      91 words
    • 149 11 v Mt» Bl I RISER AND CO. AT rm (i on oe business W STERDAY k iIMN«. lin at midday Mas The tone of the Steel. Exchange yesterday rt d ;iv being rather -Ji.'r but according to cables eiveU tl-_ s morning Tin shares »h«-tr v ..r«
      149 words
    • 178 11 SELLING JAN 19 London T.T 2 3 13J16 London demain 2 3 13 16 Lyons demand :042 Switzerland demand 239 Hamburg demand 134 New York demand 53 15 16 Montreal demand M% Batavia demand 99^ Samarang demand 99 Calcutta. Bombay and Rangoon demand Io5 Madras and Colombo
      178 words
    • 84 11 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE RUBBER ASSOCIATION XS ,f Wtl 12 O'CLOCK NOON i Buyer*. Seller. i*V> 28 \*m ro.i iv mt H Sw'Voa'ii' 1C34 L6V. Flat Bark Crepe F.O.B. in bales January 23 U 23 'i Future Months Quotations No. IX R.8.S. on Registered Tender January 27*i 277* Feb.-Mar 27?i 28
      84 words
    • 64 11 Foreign Exchange Rates London Closing Quotations Method of Parity oeiore Latest Centre Quoting 20-9-31 Rate Previous!? Paris Franc to 121.11 177»» 117% New TOTk... S to i. 4.88 4.67*4 4.67% Amsterdam. Guilders to 8.96% 8.59% 859 Hong Kong. Per dollar ls. 3d. ls 3d. .Shanghai... .^er dollar 8V 2 d.
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    • 29 11 The United States _»hip Trinity (Lieut.-Com. F. S. Holmes) is expected td arrive today and will anchor m Singapore Roads. The Trinity is expected o leave Singapore nent Monday.
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    • 96 11 •'From Own Correspondent) Bangkok. Jan. 9. Siamese vegetarians have decided to :orm themselves into a body and a meeting has been called for Jan. 14 to discuss way.: and means, and also culinary problems. The opening of a restaurant where a strictly vegetarian diet will
      96 words
    • 72 11 TUf: Easier. Spot: €217 2s. 6d. Prevlouily: £217 "is Gd. Three months: £111 I7t Bd. Previously: .€213 s*. nkw york tin (Opening price): 46 60. Previously: 43.73 COPPER Settles .nt: £43 10s. Previously €44 2s. 6d (iOLD: Yesterday: r .7 :s. Previously: £7
      72 words
    • 204 11 APPEAL TO TFE GOVERNOR VEO HOCK CHENG, 2G-year-old Teo Chin, Chinese school teacher, sentenced to death m Singapore ten months ago for the murder of his 16-year-old sweetheart, Loh Koh, has, through his counsel, Mr. E. M. Tampoe-Philips, petitioned the Governor, Sir Shenton Thomas, for
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  • 713 12 Permanent Atlantic Force ls Being Considered CONGRESS WILL DECIDE THIS MONTH Washington, Dec. 29. MEXT session of Congress, m January, may decide whether the United States is to have an Atlantic fleet, supplementing the Pacific fleet, m the maintenance of a two-ocean naval standard. Naval
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  • 550 12 Futurism Exiled From Italy As "Non-Italian" Rome, Dec. 29. pONCEIVED and nurtured by Italians, Futurism has been unonicially exiled from Fascist Italy because it is "non-Italian, disintegrating, anarchistic. Bolshevic and Jewish." Creator of the movement Musso-lini-loving, eccentric Filippo Marinetti, has always passionately contended that "Fascism is 100 r Futuristic." On
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 540 12 WORKING HARD AT 71 After 40 Years Of Perfect Health There is no need to be a back number at three-score-and-ten. Ever since she was 31, this 71-year-old woman has taken Kruschen Salts. During those 40 years, she has been In perfect health. She still is. I feel I must
      540 words
    • 380 12 \^KAmm\jj*^mma. y E^^^m^mmmmAm m^ M EMPRESS WORLDS GREATEST TRAVEL SYSTEM BURNS PHILP LINE (Incorporated m Australia) FOR BRISBANE, SYDNEY AND MELBOURNE rh JAVA, DARWIN AND THURSDAY ISLAM) Regular monthly sailing by sa MAR El. LA (7.375 toi.s) and mm. MERKUR (6,000 tons). Both vessels are fitted with abnsde luxe single
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 591 12 Air Mail Arrivals And Despatches INWARD Imperial: From Europe due today. Wearnes: From Penang, lpoh, and Kuala Lumpur. Arrives every evening. X.L.M.: From Netherlands 9 idles: Arrives tomorrow. Qantas: From Australia: .rrives Friday. X.L.M.: From Europe due tomorrow. K.N.1.L.M.: From Saigon: Arrives Wednesdays. K.N.1.L.M.: From Netherlands Indies: Arrives Tuesdays. OUTWARD
      591 words
    • 42 12 CLEARANCES Jan. 9: Klias. Sin Kheng Seng, Meran, Apoey. Raub, Ho Sang, Bangalore (Brit)Van Vollenhoven (Fch); Burylochus (Brlt) Halldor (Nor). Jan. 10: V. der Does de Bye (Dut); Hon* Kwong, Esmeralda, Hong Thong, Hong Lam (•Brit); Hin Lee (Tganu); Jerantut, Rantau (Brit).
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 235 13 P o Ammm^ f ***s.moA I REPEAT -^oIL pjfjm.* 7 r J*.*.-. x \i*T* FOR COMFORT AND SERVICE CHEAP RETURN TICKETS TO CHINA. JAPAN, COLOMBO AND BOMBAY IvailaMl for two months I'KOM SINGAPORE To.- Ist. Class 2nd. Class Hong Kong $137.14 $102.86 Shanghai $18&57 $137.14 Kobe or Yokohama $222.86 $154.29
      235 words
    • 399 13 McAUSTER CO., LTD. i f lncorporated tn Straits Scltiew.ent*., GRESHAM HOI SE. BATTER* RD, SINGAPORE. PRONF 5173 ELLERMAN BUCKNALL S.S. Co., Ltd, {Incorporates! tn hnqiana HAVRE LONDON ROTTERDAM HAMBURG VIA PORTS AND SUEZ CANAL Steamer )ur Satls CITY OB MANDALAY Calls Glasgow Jan 30 Pet) 2 CITY OP FLORENCE Calls
      399 words
    • 854 13 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. (Incorporated In Strait* Settlements) Ocean Building, Collyer Quay. Singapore Tel. 5151. Chartered Bank Building. Penang Tel. 1366. BLUE FUNNEL LINE. FAST WEEKLY SERVICE LONDON NORTH CONTINENT (m conjunction with the Glen Line) AND FAST FORTNIGHTLY SERVICE MARSEILLES GLASGOW. Oue Sail* FLINTSHIRE L'don, R'dam. H'burg. Ait.. Mbrough In
      854 words

  • 425 14 San Francisco. CIvE German whaling expeditions s are this year sweeping the Ant-!< arctic seas t-r whiles to yield whal? L oil for the manufacture of oleomar-i, garin according to a report just I s made by Dr. Karl Brandt, professor j at the
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  • 86 14 Berkeley, California. Wendel Zimmerman, graduate physics student at the University of •California, threatened to sue the police and the City of Oakland if anyone analysed his new explosive. He called it "rpz." and said it was 15 times more powerful than dynamite. It was so powerful
    86 words
  • 111 14 Hollywood, Calif. Hungry lions, tigers and elephants I the bankrupt Zoo Park were fed on novie pay-checks for 300 of the menigerie's gay-coloured birds. The zoo has been m straits for nonths and faces a sheriff's sale. The >icture brightened a bit when the detro-Goldwyn-Mayer film
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  • 88 14 Los Angeles. Soprano Rose Pauly went through a performance of "Elektra" with two sprained ankles. Five minutes after the curtain went up Miss Pauly. of New York, fell while descending a flight of steps to ■he stage. She was singing at the time and not
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
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    • 671 14 O.S.K. LINE FOR AFRICA AND SOUTH AMERICA Belgium Man Cape Town via Mombasa Zanzibar Dar-es Salaam. Belra. Lourenco Maraues Durbatu is East London and Port Elizabeth Buenos Aires Mara Buenos Aires via Colombo. Duiban Cat. Town, Rio de Janeiro. Santos Montevideo 3 I (on the homeward voyage. Rio Gvande and
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  • 378 15  - Today's Contract Bridge Problems Four Aces By ace Burnstone. N.erwin D i >swald Jacoby, Howard B henken) V you were Oswald I partner and with neithc. ',Ic. you held- CQ I X Burnstono, on poor riglv: deal heart What was you I uid is jjuss. There is nc the hand
    378 words
  • 43 15 a Golf Clubs championapetltton qualifying round. Played last Saturday, was wing to the course being j play. rhls competition will take place next v same time and placer. rse will be closed from 3.15 I ewe* to those playing In
    43 words
  • Article, Illustration
    22 15 picture. N v > 11 THE BALL Seefrc fn mx'tuim lliHe-{t /fi^TM riiirifiP- va-aimeAmv'm rii»hv >i._/<h «r_ _h« n^lan/. Th* RAI? _______4_U> 19
    _  -  22 words
  • 373 15 Next Year's Ryder Cup Match DOTH m Great Britain and m America the proposal to play next year's Ryder Cup match between teams of professionals representing the two countries, m February instead of July, has met with a good deal of approval especialy by the players themselves. The match ls
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  • 97 15 In the junior championship semifinal Wee Swee Lee beat Ong Swee Keng. 21—7, 21—7, 21-16. W T ee Swee Lee will meet Lav Kieug Hiong m the final at 4.30 p.m. today. The following have been selected to play Table Tennis for the V.M.C.A. Junior Department against
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  • 303 15 COLOURS AND WHITES DRAW IN HOCKEY TRIAL Women Prepare For Selangor Match MISS N. OEHLERS SCORES BOTH GOALS ANOTHER women's hockey trial m preparation for the m match against the Selangor women on Jan. 21 was played on the S.R.C. padang yesterday, when Colours met Whites and drew I—all1 allTwo
    303 words
  • 58 15 England* rugby team to play Wales at Twickenham on Jan 22 is: Freakes (Oxford University). G«est (Liverpool I nivcrsity). Heat on (Waterloo). Hancock (Birkenhead Park), Carr (Old Cranleighans). Cooke (Richmond), Walker (R.A.F.). Prescott (Harlequins). Toft (Waterloo), Teden (Richmond), Hnskisson (Old Merchant Taylors), Wheatley (Coveutry), Berry
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 70 15 Team to represent the Banka Sports Club vs. the Junior Civil Service Association on the J.CS A. ground tomorrow m a friendly match will be selected from the following: Pak Tong. Be? Clieow, Ah Poon; Soon San, Chit Lim. Stephen Ding; Boon Kwang. Ah Bah <Captain>, Lim
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  • 49 15 The following have been selected to play Rugby for the V.M.C.A. against the S.R.C. tomorrow, at 5.15 p.m. on the SR.C. groundRobert Eu. Lincoln Lord, Hutchinson, Nasarudin, Tessier, K. Leembruggen. H. D. Lewis, Ranatunga, Vicaiy, Mudge, B. Fones, A. O. Lord, Benneth, Divall, Mitchell, Oh Lock Hen^.
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  • 28 15 The hockey match between the Singapore Dutch eleven and thc V.M.C.A. Juniors, to have been played yesterday at the association ground m Anson Road, was cancelled.
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  • 48 15 Gustav Eder, the German welterweight boxing champion, called off his fight with the French champion, Marcel Cerdan at the Palais des Sport, Paris. The question of financial terms and the fact that Cerdan wanted the fight at a later date are given as the reasons for the cancellation.
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  • 429 15 Boxing Boom Forecast In 1939 London, Dec. 29. £EN HARVEY, the British heavyweight champion, holds most of I the trump cards m thc poker game now being played by big boxing promoters, who see possibilities of a box,ing boom m 1939. This year has been one of the dullest, with
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  • Article, Illustration
    209 15 £1,000 is very rarely earned over there by any boxer from flyweight to light heavyweight, with the exception of Henry Armstrong, the negro, who Is world champion at lightweight and welterweight. MCAVOY AND HIS WEIGHT The chance of getting first-class American fighters here, therefore, was never so good as it
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 96 15 THE DEMAND FOR BLENDED CIGARETTES I N C R E A SES ALL THE WORLD OVER 'AMj**** T for Men only That's what the blenders thought when they evolved the new blend which gives Astorias the satisfying flavour you've always associated with a pipe. But women seem to like the
      96 words

  • 597 16 Discussion At S. A. F. A. Annual Meeting PLAYERS MAY BE CONFINED TO ONE DIVISION PRINCIPAL topic of discussion at yesterday's annual meeting" of the Singapore Amateur Football Association was the institution of "home" and "away" matches. It was hinted by the
    597 words
  • 351 16 CROSSED LINE FOUR! TIMES CUPERIOR combination by the R.A.F. forwards and enabled them to defeat a weak S.C.C. XV by 18 points (three goals and a try) to three (a penalty goal) m a game of Rugby on the padang yesterday. The
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  • Article, Illustration
    30 16 picture. WOMEN HOCKEY PLAYERS had a trial at thc S.R.C. yesterday. The trouser-leg In the background belongs to one of two men nlayers who filled up the elevens.— Free Press
    Free Press  -  30 words
  • 89 16 S.C.C. Volunteer Snooker lies, starting next week, are: Monday, E. H. Coleman and M. F. Cutler vs. F. J. L. Mayger, and V. R. Lisamer. Tuesday: E. R. Olden and J. L. Purnell vs. C. L. Boumphrey and F V Read. Wednesday: Carl Lawson and J. H.
    89 words
  • 221 16 January Bogey At Bukit Timah The Royal Singapore Golf Club's women's January bogey played at Bukit Timah resulted m a tie m "A" division between Mrs. R. \V. Cowen and Mrs. K. A. Jackman with a score of 2 down, m a win for Mrs. R. L. Nunn m "B"
    221 words
  • 156 16 I THE second annual cycle race for the open individual and inter-club championships of Singapore will be held at the Jalan Besar Stadium on Sunday, Feb. 5, under the auspices of the Malayan Publicity Bureau. Besides the usual championship events and the inter-club relay race, there
    156 words
  • Article, Illustration
    25 16 picture. w <*■ i **m*** mm m MAY CCTS TH* BALL AWAY SMARTLY Iron, the ,cn.n, durln, th, R .A. F vs. S.C.C. r-mmTJIVJZL.. rree Press
    rree Press  -  25 words
  • 104 16 Seventy-One Cents As Proceeds INTER-SERVICE soccer matches played at Anson Road stadium certainly do not a. tract th<_ crowds! In a letter to the SA.F.A, the R.A.F. wrote, "Our -hare of the gate receipts have on occasions been as low as 71 cents, which seems out of all proportion to
    104 words
  • 324 16 '■piIE first bi-monthly mixed four- somes for January played over the first nine holes resulted m a win for Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Barry with a net Mfe. The following were some of the best cards returned: Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Barry 45— 11% 34*
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  • 316 16 CLUB RECOVER TOO LATE TOO much dribbling by the S.C.C. forwards, which am m direct contrast to the short pasting methods 0 f the Colleges players, were responsible for their def«rf at the hands of the Combined Colleges hockey team oa the padang
    rree .tress  -  316 words
  • 65 16 The following have been selected to play hockey for the V.M.C.A. Junior Department against 7th Heavy Battery, Changi, tomorrow at Anson Road ground at 3 p.m.:— Edward Wee. J. b. Shaw, K. Jalleh, Tan Guan Kiat. Goh Chin Chye (captain). Wong Fatt Lim. B. M. Barker. Lionel Newman,
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  • 39 16 Maurice Strickland, the New Zealand heavyweight boxer, has been matched with Buddy Knox of Dayton Chio, for a ten-round contest en Jan. 13 The fight will be on tho samp programme as that between Tommj and Clarence "Red" Burman.
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  • 262 16 Hammond Has Bright Future As Captain Lo.i_.oii. I:.-.. S| T cf the mon aucceaaful ej captains m the history of T; .< r for he has least five'tr m:• .•masons' cricket anead of him nd has a numbe of your men and bo.-\'er._ to L>ad. Australia canno. rqual our
    262 words
  • 107 16 FOLLOWING are the ren l( r past year's racing of UH Dickson Yacht Club: Championship Trophy Nereid Williams. Commodore's Cup. Nerd I liam. S.Y.R.C. Challenge Cup N Mrs. Williams. Hay Cup, Plppa, Major An Wood Cup, Memerang M waite. Knocker Cup, Miranda. Cap! H v< Palmer.
    107 words