The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 6 January 1939

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 18 1 The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS HO. 15.G«8. ESTD. 1835 FRIDAY, JANI \ry 6, 193H 5 CENTS
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  • 239 1 Minister's Hint Of Closing "Open Door" RESTRICTIONS ON THIRD POWERS Tokio, .lan. 3. JAPAN'S foreign policy, Ctpfriißj her relations with J China, are not likely to be changed as a result of •he new Cabinet appointments. rhe ittftudc of Mi*. Arita, who continues as
    British United Press  -  239 words
  • 194 1 Speedy Government A ction Urged London, Jan. 5. CONTINUING the campaign for vigorous defence of y British' interests m China, the Financial News today, m a four-column article, details Japanese encroachment, particularly stressing the closure of the Yangtze while Japanese vessels ply on the
    Reuter  -  194 words
  • 33 1 State Of Emergency In Burma Rangoon. Jan. 5. mergency, not only m but throughout Burma was m ordinance issued by n nt. apowan police offlindeer pablk vehicles for movement rI police and Reuter
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 213 1 London, Jan. 5. <»MEWS 01 the further move of the Japanese Government along the road to Fascism is not a good omen for the future of Britain's trade interests m China." states a long unsigned article m the Financial News today. The article, after dealing
    Reuter  -  213 words
  • 34 1 Jerusalem. Jan. g. Government cfnces at Beersheba were set on fire last night. The fire was extinguished b^ a party of men of the Highland Light Infantry after considerable damage had been done. Reuter
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 245 1 Nazis Angry, Britain France Pleased Reactions To Roosevelt Speech London, Jan. 5. DRESIDENT ROOSEVELT'S speech is given prominence m all newspapers today. The Times m a leading article states that m his description of American ideals and American reaction to the world's troubles. President Roosevelt was the authentic voice of
    Reuter  -  245 words
  • Article, Illustration
    54 1 MOTHERS Ol' LARGE FAMILIES CAME TO ROME from all over Italy last week, to be introduced to Signor Mussolini, who presented them with diplomas for their part m keeping the birth rate figures up. Mothers are seen giving the Fascist salute as the Dure presented them with diplomas, at the
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  • 90 1 Berlin, Jan. 5. A STORM of anger has broken out m the German press over President, Roosevelt's speech. With complete unanimity German newspapers explain the President's 'bellicose" utterances as being dictated by weakness m his political position. National Zeitung declares: "The speech can almost be interpreted as a provocation
    Reuter  -  90 words
  • 51 1 Paris /^REAT satisfaction In P. isat Roosevelt's speech is reflect- d m the French press, which discusses the de facto "rupture of German -American diplomatic relations.'' Typical comment Is that of Populaire, which states: "New hope and new encouragement comes to us from the other side of the Atlantic."-
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 167 1 New York. Jan. 5. THAT President Roosevelt's speech is conciliatory where American industrial interests are concerned Is the concensus of opinion on Wall Street, which thinks it obvious that the address was primarily intended to pave the way for considerable expenditure on armaments. The absence of the usual prepared
    Reuter  -  167 words
  • 87 1 London, Jan. 5. A LETTER to The Times today, signed by the Archbishop of Canterbury. Cardinal Hinsley and representatives of the Free Churches of England and the Church of Scotland seeks to correct the impression that the refugee problem is a Jewish problem "which ought
    Reuter  -  87 words
  • 86 1 "Princess Baba" Father Are Reconciled New York. Jan. ,>. ji^RS. Gregory Princess Baba. wife of wrestler Bob Gregory announced today that ;here had b?en a c-omjjiete reconciliation with her father, the Rajah of Sarawak over the question of her proposed film career. "He is le ting bygones b? bygone and
    Free Press cab'e  -  86 words
  • 176 1 Gabes, Jan. f>. AN enthusiastic welcome was accorded everywhere today as M. Daladier. the French Prime Minister, continued his tour of Tunis. At Sfax, the Caid of Si ax presented the Premier with an olive branch as a symbol of union and peace. M. Daladier replied:
    Reuter  -  176 words
  • 37 1 Genoa, Jan. The Queen Mother of Egypt, accompanied by her four daughters, including the fiancee of the Crown Prince of Iran, arrived here from Marseilles. After a short visit to th? city they left for Alexandria Reuter
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 54 1 Berlin, Jan. Mr. Montagu Norman. Gmcrnor ct the Bank cf England, who is paving a visit to Dr Schacht, President of the Reichsbank. arrived m Ber'.ln tDday accompanied by his wife. Mr. and Mrs Norman wen received by Dr. Schacht. Dr. Schacht emphasised that the visit
    Rauter  -  54 words
  • 126 1 Washington. Jan. .">. Another heaw deficit, owing to the increase m defence expenditure, is shown m the IT.S.l T .S. budget Tor 1940. President Roosevelt's message expressed the opinion that a large part of the additional national defence expenditure should he put m a special category on a
    Reuter  -  126 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 22 1 |^W*a«WSTn«ISKAFABRIK| •ikon J^wm BAFFLES HOTEL TONIGHT q TONIGHT 3lf W[ p»**^~ 3 ___»—__■■■> _B S__. IN SKATING THRILLS DINNER $3.00 ADMISSION NON-DINERS $1.00.
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  • 545 2 HIRANUMA SUCCEEDS IN FORMING NEW CABINET Emperor Attends Palace Investiture Ceremony KONOYE'S POST Tokio, Jan. 5. INVESTITURE of the new Cabinet ministers, headed by Baron Dr. Kiichiro Hiranuma, Prime Minister, took place this afternoon, m the presence of the Emperor, at the Imperial Palace. DARON HIRANUMA, who has been President
    Eastern News  -  545 words
  • 74 2 Prague. Jan. 5. A POLITICAL sensation was caused here by the action of the Soviet Minister, M. Alexandrowsky, who sent to the editors of all Czech newspapers a copy of the Journal de Moscou, containing a strongly- worded attack on the Prague Government. Each copy of
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • 82 2 Berlin. Jan. 5. A GERMAN newsagency message from Washington reports publication there of an anti-Semitic booklet, showing the number of Jews m American administrative life. Under the heading "Judah Rules m America.* it noints out that 62.000 Jev;# an* m Federal and State administration. The
    Reuter  -  82 words
  • 201 2 New Premier Is Extreme Nationalist Tokio. Jan. 5. DARON HIRANUMA, the new Premier, was born at v Tsuyama m Okayama Prefecture as a member of an old "Samurai" family m September. 1887. He was graduated from the Law Department of the Tokio Imperial University iv 1888. Baron Hiranuma seived with
    Eastern News  -  201 words
  • 70 2 CIELD- MARSHAL COERING has given Dr. Funk. Minister of Economics, the task of increasing German economic production. In a letter to Dr. Funk Marshal Gocring says: Increase of production can be realised by the improvement, of machinery, by the improvement of production methods, and by increasing the
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  • 75 2 Tokio, Jan. 5. pOMMENTINQ on the advent of the v Hiranuma Cabinet influential Japanese newspapers today predict that there will be no change m the established unshakable policies of the Government. On the contrary, the papers say, the policies pursued by the Konoye Cabinet will be
    Eastern News  -  75 words
  • 143 2 Cairo, Dec. 24 QPENING the debate on the speech from the Throne m the Chamber Ismail Sidky Pas ha, the former Prime Minister and member of the Treaty delegation, attacked the Anglo-Eevn-tian Treaty. p He declared that the terms under wnich Egypt had placed her territory
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  • 164 2 Last Night's Films "jyiEN With Wings" Paramount^ technicolour film, which opened its Singapore season at the Capitol last night, Is almost 10 000 feet of thrills, depicting the progress of aviation since the advent of flying, right up to the present day. Beginning with the
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  • 78 2 IN a portrayal of English public school life. Otto Kruger gives a great character study m the Associated British Picture, "Housemaster," which opened at the Pavilion last night. The idiosyncracies of varying types of schoolmasters are well brought out m this lilm version of lan Hay's
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  • 65 2 SOME OF THE CHILDREN, who attended the party for children ot officers of the garrison ard the Volunteers at Flagstaff House yesterday. Mrs. Dobbie, wl t entertained the children with the G.0.C., Malaya. Major-General W. G. S. Dabbie. is seen standing at the right of
    Free Press picture  -  65 words
  • 154 2 ]JARKS closely resembling th>: pug prints of a iiger have been seen m the vicinity of Pasir Panjana. A Chinese boy from lie Cadets Mess bungalow, Labrador. PaMr Pan jar g Road, declares that he has seen the tiger. A Singapore European informed the Tree Press
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  • 178 2 San Francisco, Calif. iCOUR grand jury indictments were voted on charges by the State Board o2 Medical Examiners that a deadly South American poison had been used m treatments of alcoholics. Under indictment were Thomas F. H. Huston, proprietor of the Samaritan Treatment, an establishment offering
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  • 81 2 A \erdict of death by misadventure was returned by the Singapore Coroner, Mr. W. G. Porter, at an inquest, into the death of a 17 year old Chinese boy. Low Hang Siang. who was drowned hi the sea off the Yacht Club on Dec 27. He
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  • 385 2 ATTEMPTED MURDER CHARGE "A short man anoi,t **9 heigh! came up to mc, peered Into my face and when I asked him *hj he stared at me. he drew a rr\r>:\« r from his right trouser pocket and fired at me twice Thus declared Chng Kut
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  • 49 2 A 24-year-old Cninese, Tev> < Hong appeared m the Singapore Fourtl Police Court yesterday charged robbery of 80 cents from another Chi' nese, Chan Ngan, m Jubilee Part I Tank Road on Wednesday. He claimed trial. The case was postponed till Jan 12 for mention.
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  • 36 2 A meeting of the local Welsh munity will be held at the Adelpl Hotel at 6.30 p.m. on decide how to celebrate St. David Day, which falls on .Tar. 1.
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  • 90 2 MRS. J. H. PEDLOW will ling w lecture hour of today's tea the Malayan annual conference of th< Methodist Episcopal Church at Wo lev Church. At 5.30 p.m. today (here will conference choir rehearsal at Vi« Memorial Hall. In the morning, the devotional hour will be followed
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 56 2 BS_^jT^l V»** f f I Hv "5 1 l tf 1 s**^ i > <* .^b I >»*^ :;v j*. 9 ML- OmmmL^ G flavour and i^A lilt -_H *i !<# Why! it s a^sa BEEF V M*^\/ COLD STOM6t; mm §wmm Phone: 5376 $2£Xs (5 Lines; Advt- <>f Singapore
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    • 19 2 20 cents and this advert gets you a 15 day supply of ASTMNG-0-SOL Concentrated Mouth Health MEDICAL HALL, LTD.
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  • 1533 3 "COLONY SHOULD DROP FREE TRADE" Manchester Man Attacks Existing System MENACIf~OF r JAPAN ABANDONMENT by the Straits Settlements of its policy of Free Trade is advocated by Sir John Barlow, a director of Barlow and Co., and a director of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce and a member of the
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  • 277 3 CTATING she shared a hotel, > J room with a man because: wanted her to become his ue on condition she shared .norn with him, a pretty offee shop waitress, Leong Pui r, was acquitted by the pore Fifth Police Magifryesterday of a charge theft
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  • 117 3 THE Wuhan Songsters, consisting of 15 women and 13 men, who will give concerts at the Capitol Theatre on Monday, are a troupe of scholars, including many foreign graduates, from Wuchang and Hankow. They have staged several p?ri::rmances at the Great World with great
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  • Article, Illustration
    30 3 MRS. DOBBTE, wife of the GeneraOfficer Commanding, Malaya. Major-General W. G. S. Debbie, receiving the key from litre Margaret Sturch before opening the new Alexandra School yesterday.— Free Press picture
    Free Press picture  -  30 words
  • 277 3 BUILT ON SOLID ROCK THE new garrison school on the highest hilltop m the 1 Alexandra area was officially opened yesterday by the General Officer Commanding, Major-General W. G. 8. Dobbie. and Mrs. Dobbie. Mrs. Dobbie opened the main door with a key presented to
    Free Press picture  -  277 words
  • 96 3 AN ALLEGED stowaway, an Australian under police escort aboard the Burma Philp liner Mangola. lying m Empire Dock, and bound for Australia, was missed from the ship early on Wednesday morning. The Australian, it is reported, went to the lavatory and when he failed to return
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  • 40 3 Pleading; guilty to a charge ol negligent driving at the junction of Bedok Road and Changi Road on Aug. 26. a young Chinese. Chong Yin Fa!, was yesterday lined $2.1 m the S'mga pore Traffic Court.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 68 3 Q>AIWMS *"V# i f 9 TJ V^TWANKSTO BO 2 APB 13. ..m^^vL tr^ <"^^ B^a*^ Vtw*^ '#w3ll *<Bflr i to Pcrtaa I'ane!^. v>' «'t and repairer of rattan «"d llerlam Chicks. Canvas ard inmji minds, Tarpaulins. Tents, J«li, Blue Screens, Bertam "anela. Hire Netting Fencirg. Wool buntings and Flags. ABDUL
      68 words
    • 116 3 jd VVags m*S. *lm**w* BUI ijflj ■He Bmm rUmmm Ba4BBBB m*& »R BHLn fl Hfl m-SIS I Ifcoi BS avMt3i HaUr^V almw^ II i ~t w^^^^^^^b 77ie 7Veu> Dodge has Remote Control Gear Shift, Independent Front Wheel Suspension with coiled springs, High Torque engine power, Straight -line power drive, Austenitic
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  • 536 4 POLICE W OMEN FOR CHINAS CAPITAL No Luxuries For These Girls T^HE Chungking Municipal Police Force will for the first time, be reinforced by 32 policewomen now under training at the city's Police Training Institute. These policewomen will be chiefly responsible for duties on census, family interviews, the searching of
    Free Press picture  -  536 words
  • 130 4 Royal Bride's Shopping REAL lace is likely to be the choice for a bridal gown for Princess Fawzia, sixteen-year-old sister of the King of Egypt, who is to marry the Crown Prince of Iran. Although the Princess is selecting many of her gowns m Paris, it is unlikely that the
    Free Press picture  -  130 words
  • 157 4 A Chrysanthemum Story ■"pHE chrysanthemum, which we see m great variety of size and rolour just now m Singapore, is the flower of Japan. But it originated m China, and was introduced into Japan about a couple of thousand years ago. Later, it became the national flower of Japan. Chrysanthemums
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  • 510 4  - Green Tomatoes For Chutney Pickles MIGNON By I WONDER how many housewives In Singapore realise the fact that green tomatoes make excellent end economical pickles and chutneys. Taking the pickle first, you will need five pounds of green (green, mind you) tomatoes, a pint and a half of vinegar, one
    Free Press picture  -  510 words
  • 912 4 SAYS URSULA BLOOM HAVE wanted to write this article for some time. I have wanted to write it because I believe that there are thousands of people who want to read it. I know too that it ought to have been published years ago.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 83 4 A FREE BOND STREET INNOXA BEAUTY EXPERT AT THE FEDERAL DISPENSARY RAFFLES PLACE Will Br IN AriENOANCr Hf 1 6 JANUARY 3RD TO 17TH. to advise you on skin health, make-up, personal beauty problems and home treatment, and to give you a beautifying treatment m a private room free of
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    • 165 4 _^^S™^^^^^^~ '^fc mmv*\kll- I Angier's Emulsion exercises mucous colitis and other intestinal soothing, lubricating, antifermenta- disorders. tive effects throughout the entire Angiers is invaluable m the digestive tract. That is why it is so treatment of gastric and intestinal valuable m all affections of the catarrh or ulceration, chronic indistomach
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  • 234 5 THESE pictures taken on the Ellsworth Antarctic Expedition of two years ago, are published for the first time m Malaya. They derive added interest from the fact a series of articles by the famous explorer on his present venture m the Antarctic are appearing exclusively
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  • 122 6 Franco's Italians Have Bad Time Barcelona, Jan. 5. AN Italian division which took part m attacks m the Castelladan zone came out with 4 2,000 casualties on Tuesday. The division was supported by 60 tanks, heavy artillery and waves of planes. A Republican communique says only slight progress has been
    Reuter  -  122 words
  • 176 6 AFRICAN TRIBES ASSERT LOYALTY TO FRANCE Daladier's Impressive Review Of Troops "SOUL AND" LOVE" Gabes, Jan. 5. THE French Premier, M. Daladier, m a broadcast to France 1 giving details of his visit to the Mareth Line and his review of troops, said the chiefs of the southern tribes who
    Reuter  -  176 words
  • 86 6 London, Jan. 5. TTHE Prime Minister, Mr. Chamberlain, has received, as a tribute to his efforts m the cause of peace, a generous present from the women of Malta consisting of a Maltese lace table cloth, a silver model of a Maltese boat and a
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • 285 6 Electricity Warms London Giraffes Zoo Animals Half Frozen TWO thousand wild beasts and birds crouched m icebound shelters at Whipsnade Zoo, Bedfordshire, ten days ago while men worked with snowploughs and tractors to clear a way for lorries bringing them food. For 21 hours Whipsnade was a village lost m
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  • 98 6 France Expels Polish Miners Paris, Jaii, 5. TPWO hundred and fifty Poles, most f whom have worked m France for 20 years, have been expelled for participating m the recent strikes. They are mostly miners and metal workers m the Valenciennes district, j They are now m a predicament as
    Reuter  -  98 words
  • 75 6 Sacramento, California. Andrew Peters. 23, who can't resist j temptation unaided, called the police Ito come and get him before he bro.:e into a service station. Arrested on a vagrancy charge, [Peters said that, once before he had [been tempted and because there were !no
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  • 134 6 A LOCAL volunteer regiment has been mobilised and sent on patrol throughout the country while 300 special constables have been enlisted oecause of renewed strike troubles. Sympathy strikes at other ports following the stoppage on the Kingston waterfront yesterday are now reported. Resistance on both sides
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  • 69 6 Hollywood, California. Charlie Chaniin wiii talk m his next picture, but not a word will be •T&tstcrCaUe to the movie audi:nccs, it was reported. The comedian will be piaying the role of a prisoner m a concentration ?amp. He can't speak his fellow prisoners* language
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  • 645 6 China Supplies Jap an's Raw Materials (Free Press Special) Tokio, Dec. 31. THE lack of natural resources which Japan has felt for so many years is being slowly filled m by tapping the riches of occupied districts of China. Cotton from north and central China, tobacco from Shantung, coal from
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  • 700 6 "i (Free Press Special) Washington. OARAGUAY, formerly smallest of South American republics, has through the Chaco peace, become larger than Uruguay and possibly also Ecuador, according to a bulletin of the National Geographic Society. While the 100,000-square-mile triangle of Gran Chaco was m dispute,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements

  • 712 7 POLITICAL NEUTRALITY Mexico, D.F. MOBODY has officially anhis candidacy for President of the United Mexican States for the 1940-1946 term, but already there is a scramble for the position by numerous politicians who covet the office of Chief Executive. General Lazaro Cardenas, who, on Dec.
    British United Press  -  712 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 398 7 ((POUR'S A CROWD," which drew Urge audiences to the Alhambra for the opening performances last night, is an excellent picture by Warner Brothers. It is one of these gay and irresponsible comedies which are so popular nowadays and which, as it were, hare developed a new technique of the cinema.—
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    • 105 7 ALHAMBRA COMING SHORTLY! to** Jvii. J*mmw* /|/^l Ik Kv^ *aa I IRk __e9_fcL>~2R»- <^ Y RRRI NR^rifc i^NRRRRk. >► 1 ■■RRNRHRiaNR> <nS ___w "SB %rf^W^4 •tarring Bf?^WARNER W BAXJERf MARJORIE WEAVER 1 PETER LORRE JEAN HERSHOLT JOHN CARRADINI IYNN RARI J. WARD UONOOft fRTTZ PUD Dtr«cta4 by Wohoc long Darryt
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  • 645 8 The Singapore Free Press FRIDAY, JANUARY 6, 1939. America Fascism DESPITE the strong words used by President Roosevelt m his speech to Congress on Wednesday, some may feel a little disappointed that he was not more outspoken m his references to the dictatorships and the present threat to world peace.
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  • 823 8  - Old -Timers Of The Films Now Haunt Hollywood's Studios Harold Heffernan "They Never Come Back" By "THEY never come back/ *This aphorism was coined by the world of sport as an epitaph for its fallen champions, but it applies equally to the world of the screen. Scores of men and
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 171 8 *aT*_k_wM—f'_>iaV._BaK^ LUXURY ALOFT --cr It is the luxury which surprises so many passengers m the four-engined Imperial flying-boats. They find themselves taking meals m the comfortable soundproof saloons, enjoying the passing scenery from the promenade deck, smoking or having their afternoon nap, with a steward always at their service. Nights
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    • 258 8 CIXTY-ONE-YEAR old Osetefl* headline lover of 30 years M* under the Vitagraph banner. stti hi his small Hollywood apartiu: n: I waits for casting bun an *Jh that net him occasional od«J .i= s pictures. He ruminates bitterly on his fal He points across the street at structure that once
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous

  • 272 9 Singapore Jew Fund Mow $14,000 [FURTHER AID IS NEEDED THE relief fund for German and Austrian refugees has now risen to $14,000, the Singapore Jewish Refugee Committee announced yesterday. The fund is expected to be sv.clled by the forthcoming charity j rfonnanec of the historical film, The House of Rothschild,"
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  • 110 9 A LIGHTED Igarettc accidentally dropp (I into a tin of spirit which resulted m the death of a Chin Yon Fan. manager of a i). pensory In Uoper Nankin U t. Fan received t xlensivc burns -i tin (lamci caught his *lothes. the story told
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  • 38 9 Law Notice Far The Day Before tu;' Cfc let Justice m the First ••rt at 12 noon: Bai kruptcj No. 406 38— Re Koh How m Man the Registrar m Chambers:— w «*s am Summonses. -15 pm Probates
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  • 115 9 HAVE YOU RE-REGISTERED YOUR CAR? registrations at the beginning nf this year are expected to set a record. Half-yearly registration is now due and about 10,000 cars are concerned. Reminders are being sent out by the Vehicles Registration Office to car owners. It is pointed out that when the completed
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  • 273 9 AMENITY FOR TRAVELLERS THE need for a Moslem travellers' rest house m Singapore and the hardships endured by poor Moslem travellers are stressed m a letter to the Free Press from Nawab Sardar Akhtar Begum Hyderabadi, a visitor to the city. "It is a pity
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  • 87 9 Bail Of $I,GOO was allowed to a Chinese, Llam Goon Seng, m the Singapore Fourth Police Court yesterday when he appeared on a charge of criminal breach of trust cf $594.23, when employed as a bill collector and canvasser by Leng Chuan and Co., between Sept.
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  • 69 9 A daylight robbery m Holland Road on Nov. 25 had a sequel m the Criminal District Court yesterday when a young Hokkien, Ng Slang Kee, was sentenced to five months' rigorous imprisonment by Mr, L. B. Gibson. Chief Court Inspector MacQuarrie told the court that
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  • 27 9 •THE Isako Circus will presert a specially selected programme tonight at 9.15 when the Governor and his party will be among the audience.
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  • 78 9 RETURNING from the World Mission- ary Conference at Madras, 19 delegates from Japan, headed by Dr. Y. Jhiba, chairman of the Japanese Bapfc'st Convention, arrived at Singapore yesterday m the N.Y.K. liner Yasukuni Maru. Dr. Kagawa, the world-famed Chris:ian Socialist author is remaining m India for two months
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  • 61 9 Charged with the theft of 456 pieces jof iron, valued at $40, the property of another Chinese, Seah Hoe Yew, from Royal Engineers, at iMandai on Dec. 23, a 32-year-old iHokkien, Seah Ho Sui claimed trial m the Singapore Fourth Police Court yesterday. The case
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  • 320 9 Daylight Thefts POLICE SUSPICIOUS ITINERANT hawkers peddling silks, lace, cloths, brass trays and Balinese heads are believed to be responsible for daylight thefts from European homes m Singapore. Action is to be taken by the police m all districts. Beat constables have instructions to stop
    Free Press picture  -  320 words
  • 127 9 G.O.C. Host To Hundred Children |N the spacious new Flagstaff House, the G.0.C., Malaya, Major-General W. G. S. Dobbie, had a busy time directing a treasure hunt and musical bumps, when he and Mrs. Dobbie entertained 100 children at a party for children of officers of the garrison and the
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  • 255 9 ALTHOUGH health reasons are ad vanced officially for the return ol the Japanese Ambassador to France. Mr. Y. Sugimura. who passed through S'ngapore yesterday m the Yasukuni Maru, .the French press claims tha: differences of opinion exist between th Ambassador and his Government. After
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
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    • 658 9 §An Outstanding Value POWR-PAKT" ELECTRIC FANMODERN ECONOMICAL Two S inch Airplane type blade? more a large volume of air (600 cubic feet per minute) not a terrific blast at short range. OUesn Bearings. No Brushes to adjust. No Radio Interference. Very quiet m operation. Far 220 volts, 60 cyrle, A.C.
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  • Article, Illustration
    13 10 MR. HORE-BELISHA caught m an informal moment m the garden of his home.
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  • 739 10 Minister Who Gets* Up Too Late MANY COMPLAINTS LAID London, Dec, 28. DEHOLD the man who has the job of giving us guns D himself facing gunfire. The breast of Mr. Leslie Hore-Belisha, our Minister of War, is bared to the cannons of criticism. He is
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  • 579 10 German Book On Munich Crisis I Berlin, Dec. 24. •THE story of the September crisis is told for children m the "Christmas Book of the German Youth," which has just been put on sale. The subject of the book, which is issued by Baldur von Schirach, the Hitler youth leader,
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  • 66 10 1 Cairo, Jan. 4. J I Palestine Arab leaders are expected to receive permission shortly to proceed to Lebanon, m order to confer with the 1 MuftL i It is understood here that the first 1 jmeeting of the Palestine conference I 'will take place on
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 432 10 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS TENDERS, SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY. Tenders. Tenders are now Invited for the following materials or services. For particulars, see Municipal Tenders Room: Supply of Sluice Valves for Water for period May 1, 1939. to Apr. 30, 1940. Date of Closing. 4 p.m., Mar. 6. 1939. C. H. GOLDIE. Municipal Secretary.
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 10 10 CLEARANCES Jan. 6: Anadara (Brit.). j Jan. 7: Mumnhal (Brit.)
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    • 411 10 Air Mail Arrivals And Despatches INWARD Imperial: From Europe expected today. Wearnes: From Penang, Ipoh, and Kuala Lumpur. Arrives every evening. X.L.M.: From Netherlands Indies: Arrives tomorrow. Qantas: From Australia: Arrives today. X.L.M.: From Europe: Arrives Sunday. K.N.1.L.M.: From Saigon: Arrives Wednesdays. K.N.1.L.M.: From Netherlands Indies: Arrives Tuesdays. OUTWARD AIRPORT
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    • 1293 10 RADIO BANK OF C «M«A (Incorporateo m China o> Special Charters PROGRAMMES -*S-°&S «r-. M Aast Manager's Office Exchange Dept 614] General Office 51 bb b -LJ- Cable Address: -CBUNGKUOSINGAPORE &S^>SR excess of eh TODAY ToUI Awrt •<w«»moi approxlraateif Ch Sl.ttoo 000 »a, t. ZHL 285 metres. rse-Vung boong. Chairman
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    • 452 11 LONDON AND NEW YORK STOCKS SHARES From Hixcnange Telegraph Co. From London 5.30 p. m. Yesterday if £1 denomination unless Latest Quotations Previously otherwise stated rs:on Loan. 5 p.c 1944-64 09 e 109? 8 ;,ng Loan, 4 p.c. 1960-90 e IQY**. Loan. 3V2 PC fi'iH 97^4 Com Unlcu Asjce. (Units)
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    • 116 11 ISSI I n BI I K\SEK AND CO. AT MIL (LOSE OF BUSINESS VI STKRDAY IM. Tin at midday was v l)li!i dimn According to received this morning Tin net m London >esterday apI tiiher easier. Locally, however, the ignored this ««1 «r.d shares v ere
      116 words
    • 106 11 »A-V .s. 1939; O'CLOCK NOON Bujexs. Sellers. 1 X L< S Spot loose 28*4 28% W R. 8.8. P. 0.8. m Januarj 28% 28% W KS.B p. 0.8. tn I nuary 28% 28% R. 8.8. FOB m J -*»»uary 27% 27% Banket Crepe FOB In
      106 words
    • 186 11 .T. _.!.-> VJ JAN. 5 London TT 2 3 13 16 London dems^.l 2 3 13 16 Lyons demand 2037 Switzerland demand 236 Hamburg demand 122 H New York demand 53 9 16 Montreal demand 54 Batavia demand 93 Samarang demand 98 j. Calcutta. Bombay and Rangoon
      186 words
    • 169 11 I From London 5.30 p.m. Yesterday I RUBBER: Steady. London: 3 3il6d. SV4&. Previously: 8 3116 d. 8»' 4 d. Jan.-Mar.- 3 3jl6d. 8 5!16d. Previously: 8 3|l6d. 8 s|l6d Apr.- June: 3 516 d. 8 7jl6d. Previously: 8 s]l6d. B%d. July-Sept.: B%d. BV2d. Previously: H^d. 8
      169 words
    • 1370 11 Last Night's Quotations I Fraser And Co. f s List I ma--*-M-_»__-_M_a_B_j-ac------__________M---------i THURSDAY, JAN. 5, 1939: 5 P.M. MINING Buyers Sellers Ampat Tin (,4s) 3s 9d 4s 3d Asain Kumbang U> 26s 9d 27s 9d Austral Malay 43s 47s norn Aj'er Hitam <ss) 21s 6d
      1,370 words
    • 74 11 I From London: Latest Quotations I TIN: Firmer. Spot: £217 10s. Previously £217 2s. 6ci Three months: £218 10.>. Previously: £218 2* 63. NEW YORK TIN: Opening price i: 46.60 Previously 46.50. COPPER: Settlement: £44 lis. Cd Previously: £44 7s. 6U. i GOLD: Yesterday: £7 10>\ Id.
      74 words
    • 69 11 Foreign Exchange Rates London Closing Quotations Method oi Parity oerore Latest Centre Quoting 20-9-31 Rate Previous!* Paris Fr.\nc to 121.11 *****16 176 9 16 New York... to i- 4.88 4.63 s 4.63V 2 Amsterdam. Guilders to 8.96 3 4 8.54 8.52 3 4 Hong Kong Per dollar ls. 3d- ts
      69 words
    • 161 11 Yesterday's Rubber Auction THE Singapore Chamber of Commerce Ruoaer Association held its 1.415 th jauction yesterday when there were j Catalogued 379.923 lbs. (169.61 tons) OTcred 317.161 lbs. (141.59 tons* >IS:ld 303.155 lbs. (135.34 tans) Spot London 8 3 16d New York Ittt cents PRICES REALISED Ribbed Smoked Sheet Cents
      161 words
    • 67 11 Chicago. Wahna Jane Huddleston, 19. blushed as she told how she broke her left leg. fractured an arm m five places and suffered a possible hio fracture. She leaned too far out on her seoond flocr apartment window to blow kiss[oo to her departing fiance.
      67 words
    • 152 11 A FTER rain had washed out yester- day's Probables vs. Possibles match on which the S'ngapore Hockey Association selection committee were to make their choice for a State side to i ravel to Kua'a Lumpur for tomorrow's I gamo against Selangor and Sunday s
      152 words
    • 186 11 Arrived from N.I. by KNILM plane nr Tues frij Mr. Prustuck. Mr. Ochse, Mr Biocrsma. Mr. NooEten, Mr. v.d. Zwiep. Mr Sambcedjo Hocrip, Mr. Liem Djoe Djiem. I Left for Saigon by KNILM plane or Tuesday: Mr. v.d. Zv.iep. Mr. Samboedj< Hoerip. Mr. Licm Djoe Djiem, Mr.
      186 words
    • 3 11
      3 words

  • 1829 12 Air Guard Formed: Big Merger Planned MANY SURVEY FLIGHTS AND RECORDS Free Press Special CORMATJON of the Civil Air Guard and the official an- nouncement of plans for the merger of Britain's twc biggest air-line companies were features of British civil aviation during 1938. They
    1,829 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 346 12 REP FUNNEL LINE HEAP ENG MOH S.S. CO.. LTD. (Incorporated m Straits Settlements) km.ilak FASSENGER CAKGO Serr*ee% from Singapore to Java. Borneo. Banka and BUUton. rOK BATAVIA. CHERIBON AND SEMARANG. (Every luesda* and Friday) ■j GIANC SENG Frt. Jan. 6 s.s. BAN HONG LIONO Tues. Jan. 10 IOK SOURABAYA AND
      346 words
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 451 13 —^—jmmmi TOR ~__r"~T^___T^~___r __~~~__~~i ,,^i^^ MM, __1„, l_^i _i B_B_i B__B_ BS_____^ R_T__ __!^al_B____ i_| BY P&OandBRITISH INDIA LINES IM C,P!>- ;i fN ENGI.ANT.* P. O. S. N. COS SAILINGS, OUTWARDS Jonnage. Spore. Tonnage. Spore, )AN 6.000 Jan. 13 /.SOMALI 6.800 Mar. 10 HI 17 000 Jan. 13 CORFU 15.000
      451 words
    • 383 13 McALISTER CO., LTD. (Incorporated tn Stratts Settlements.') GRESHAM HOI SE. BATTERS RD„ SINGAPORE. PHONE 5173 ELLERMAN BUCKNALL S.S. Co., Ltd, (incorporated tn England.) HAVRE LONDON ROTTERDAM HAMBURG VIA PORTS AND SUEZ CANAL Steamer Due Sails CITY OF MANDALAY Calls Glasgow Jan. 30 Feb 2 CITY OF FLORENCE Calls Glasgow Feb.
      383 words
    • 817 13 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. (Incorporated In Straits Settlements) Ocean Building, Collyer Quay, Singapore Tel. 5151. Chartered Bank Building, Penang Tel. 1366. BLUE FUNNEL LINE. FAST WEEKLY SERVICE LONDON NORTH CONTINENT (m conjunction with the Glen Line) AND FAST FORTNIGHTLY SERVICE MARSEILLES GLASGOW. Due Sallo FLINTSHIRE L'don, R'dam, H'burg. Ant., Mbrough Jan.
      817 words

  • 1407 14 j Italy Presses Claims ENGLAND FRANCE MUST CO-OPERATE y London, Dec. 24. CUEZ CANAL lives now m drama which far outstrips "^the film which has broken most of Hollywood's records for imagination and expense. Night and day, over the seas and the land that it
    1,407 words
  • 45 14 London, Jan. 4. Still m great pain, George Robey, the famous comedian, who broke three ribs on Monday, passed a rather more restful night. It was stated today he was a good deal brighter and hoped he was en route to recovery —Reuter.
    45 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 571 14 AMERICAN PRESIDENT LINES, LTD. fa z __lvT____ z l mm l^_a >&3_!_m~t ~"^^^BffST^~*~^~^^^^^^^^^^^~^~^^^~^^~Mß^^^^^^^^^M_iy*~^~* *-^*~^*tm^ mm ~i^m^mtm\ i^___3 ____B B^*^^* TO EU2OPE FROM SINGAPORE AND PENANG TO COLOMBO. BOMBAY. SUEZ, PORT SAID. ALEXANDRIA. NAPLES. GENOA. MARSEILLES AND NEW *ORK. Arrives Leaves Leaves Arrives Spore. Spore. Penang. New York. PRESIDENT VAN BUREN
      571 words
    • 655 14 O. S. K. LINE tOB AFRICA AND SOUTH AMERICA Syunko Mara Dakar via Rangoon, Tamatave. Durban. j u Lobito. Matadl. Douala. Takoradl. Port Bouet. J Moarovia. Lagos, Colonou, Accra, Conakry, Bathurst and Rufisque i Manila Mara Buenos Aires via Colombo. Mombasa. Zan- j an tibar, Dar-es-Salaum. Beira, Lourenco Mar- s
      655 words

  • 333 15 By The Four Aces ,v Bruce Burnstone, Merwin D. Oswald Jacoby, Howard Schenken) "V7i_S-ERDAY you held the following .id: LS 6 3 H 7 4 DAKQJ76S C Q 3 me bidding, with neither side vulle, was: (your partner) You Schenken Maier 2D 2S 2NT Pu rrcct
    333 words
  • 717 15 Fair's Defeat Brought It Nearer NOVA IS THE RIGHT MAN By Gram I OU NOVA, when he beal m his drive toward a California's latest bid for There usually is a Cali m the picture but if Nova and he is at least two he
    717 words
  • Article, Illustration
    42 15 RUGBY ON SODDEN GROUND: The SJLC. met the RJLO.C. on the SJLC. ground yesterday and fought r out a draw of B— The picture shows Hoffman, of the S.R.C. with the R.A.O.C. players about to converge »n him. Free Pres* picture. 1
    42 words
  • 78 15 The only game played m Singapore yesterday was a rugby match between the Singapore Recreation Club and the RJLO.C. on the former's ground. It ended m a draw of eight points each. The S.R.C. got a goal and a penalty against a goal and a try.
    78 words
  • 364 15 Joe Davis 100 th Hundred Is Not Far Off i London, Dec. 24. 117E are so accustomed to Joe Davis making ?00 breaks at snooker that they excite us no more than do centuries from the bat of Bradman. Bu. I would remind you that Davis rrade his 90th break
    364 words
  • 47 15 Following their win of 8 points to nil over the Penang Chinese at Penang during the holidays, the Singapore Chinese rugby club yesterday beat the R.E. (Changi) by 11 pts one goal, two tries) to 6 (one try, one penalty), at Farrer Park.
    47 words
  • 15 15 Members are notified that entries for the above tournament will close tomorrow.
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  • 482 15 D LANS TO RECOVER CUP London, Dec. 24. MESSAGE from Melbourne suggests that the Australian L.T.A. are debating the prudence of sending an Australian team to compete m the championships at Wimbledon wxt year. Norman Brookes, the president of the association, is reported to
    482 words
  • Article, Illustration
    17 15 JißJiiw.y.^^^vasßK.-^r:-,: ''i^^sum^Mi^i^^^^^^^^fm?^ is V i- ?Hk ARSENAL VS. BIRMINGHAM AT HIGHBI RY.-The Birmingham goalkeeper leaps to save.
    17 words
  • 235 15 How The States Fix Bogey Figures YARD BASIS USED CRED CORCORAN, secretary of America's P.G.A. wants the par figures for American golf courses overhauled. Over there they get their figures by tape-measure— a hole up to 250 yards is a 3. up to 450 a 4. and over 450 a
    235 words
  • 136 15 w i _,_> irom more than 200 ap- plicants. William Laidlaw. chief assistant to Henry Cotton at Ashridge, has been appointed to the post of professional to the West Herts Club, Watford, and he will begin his new duties early m the New Year. The club
    136 words

  • 2177 16 Henry Armstrong's Three Titles: Eyston's 357. 5 M.P.H.? SCORES OF RECORDS FALL TURN your thought! back on the year just ended. ■In sport records fell like ninepins. There were many thrills. Which made the greatest impression on your mind? The Test matches
    2,177 words
  • 124 16 Army XV For Malaya Cup Final "THE fo.'lowing wi.l represent the Army against Selangor m the H.M S. Malaya Rusjby Cup final at Kuala I.umpur on Saturday. Jan. 14. Sapper Pass, R.E. Cap am C. W. Ifalsey, R.A.M..C, 2 Li?ut. J. E. P. Plerc?, R.A. L Cpl. Richardson, R.A.M.C. Lieut.
    124 words
  • 37 16 Programme for tonight's boxing at the Happy World (covered) stadium will be as follows; Frank Hill vs. Menriinla; Tommy Carrie vs. Boy Quee; Hemchit vs. Fernandez; Gatot Kotjo vs. Fighting Choo, and Herman vs. Dass.
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  • 630 16 Never Yet Have Missed SUCCESSFUL PAS! SEASON THE Singapore team maintained its record of appearing *m each H.M.S. Malaya Cup final since the inception of the competition, but was beaten m the final Selangor, by on_ goal to nil, states the report to presented at
    630 words
  • 42 16 The following hockey mat I Mncelied through rain jresterda S.C.C. vs. R.A.. on th Padai V.M.C.A. vs. 'D" C>y I Tillman Barracks. G.S.C. vs. Y.W.C.A.. on I Sports Club ground. lA. vs. R.A.O.C, at G;i tn racks. V.M.C.A. wo. R.A.F
    42 words
  • 316 16 Australia's Cricket Mystery I>IG cricket mystery What is reason for the withdrawal pcrary "retirement" it has been c of five members of the Nev B Wales team, all of whom were b?rs of the la^t Australian touring m England? Latest of the Aye to take th itn action is E.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements