The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 29 August 1938

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 21 1 The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS. (SPECIAL DELIVERY NOT FOB PUBLIC SALE) NO. 15.559. ESTO 18.35. MONDAY, AUGUST 29, 1938.
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  • 763 1 Sir John Simon On Czech Crisis WAR IN EUROPE NOT INEVITABLE ALTHOUGH German and Italian commentators declare there is "nothing new" in Sir John Simon's speech on British policy towards the Czech crisis, the new statement of Britain's attitude Kg welcomed in Prague, Paris and
    Reuter; British Wireless  -  763 words
  • 86 1 al interI r iron'd the and vie vital 'siont. if it I i or averting things nU help to •i any i( P r i n*o •rlai?i Czechoed the pij wee to 0/ an% with declaration the U Of ed that 0/ the at from iiiiacl o)
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  • 114 1 Wing Sensational" Government ";c Berlin Is that Sir J. '•ot up t.j tue expec■pwd i. pertain quarters as "•^d "notUng &ensatUv,*tf." Wdkial Politische Korre;;rame oi Sir John P "atria ar^ disappointing 7 ;ru" <nrourage ents in Caecno«*<u<h»,,t ronUin i warning F»ao ure rontinually aggia|T terr rising the C*
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  • 71 1 i f'rague. Au.?. ?S. I A DISTURBANCE is reported *^^a^T^^owMh^T*wwar %fcafcpa- S/'rtm' ten-Deutsche pitty arrived during the course of a tour of tV.c Sudeten region Four thousand people, a quarter of them Czechs, rilled the market place. The Czechs demonstrated against Ilerr Hcnlein, but
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • Article, Illustration
    42 1 picture. m m THK CiOVERNOE, Sir Shenton Thomas, registers a smUe of delight as he leads in Lady Thomas' Rostrum, who won the fifth rare in fine style at Bukit Tiniah on Saturday. Lady Thomas is in England at present.- Free Press
    Free Press  -  42 words
  • 377 1 /TV PRAGUE Sudeten Deutsche View Prague, Aug. 28. THERE is general approbation in Prague for Sir John Simon's speech, which is considered to show that Britain is throwing her whole weight on the side of peace, yet contains a warning that there are limits to
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  • 200 1 Brother May Defy Marriage Ban THE Sultan of Tren-ganu arrived in Singapore last nijrh«. accompanied WJ the State Secretary and his private secretary, the Free Press understands. He is on holiday. Tungku Mahmud. of Trenggan i tnc Sultan's orcther. who wants ta mar-y Miss Joyce
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  • 71 1 The Italian authorities have ordered the French people owning land* at Vallon and Chastlllon. near the Franco-Italian frontier, to rIyc up their properties immediately. Farmers have been granted a mom 1 in which to remove their cattle and gather crops, but after thot period the military
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 47 1 iFlWga Our Own Correspondent.) London. Aug. TS. 1 ONDON newspapers state that th* Sultan of Johore will meet Signor Mursollni and Herr Hitler durin? his forthcoming visit to Europe. Th.^ Sultan leaves Singapore o.\ Thursday for Germany, via Italy.— Free Press cable
    Free Press cable  -  47 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 39 1 J^^mtmW^^^^'' •<^^rr_p^^^?yi_k\ ff/~ 4 *r ►■■v. v Malaya's Premier Hotel. TONIGHT D(K HER TAIL Da NCE 6.30 p.m. to 8.30 p.m. DANCE (informal) 9.30 P.M. to midnighi V^^ N0 ADMISSION CHARGE F FLES ORCHESTRA DIRECTED fi Y DAN HOPKINS.
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  • 77 2 Prague, Aug. 28. A COMMUNIQUE says that the Czechoslovak Lan Government is not only busy on the SudetenDeutsche problem, but is devoting considerable attention to special measures for winter relief, especially In the frontier regions, which are hit by the crisis. The statement adds that
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  • Article, Illustration
    56 2 HITLER AT MANOEUVRES. Herr Hitler arrived in the manoeuvre area at Gross-Born, near Stettin, Pomerania, on a two-day visit to the 2nd Army Corns. Hitler, accompanied by Gen. von Brauchitech. Commander-in-Chief of the German Army (2nd from left) and Gen. Keitel (left) is here inspecting a guard of honour outside
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  • 62 2 London, Auc. 2*. it is announced that, as already arranged, the Prime Minister will return to London tomorrow, when a number of appointments have been made for him. Before leaving for his visit to Scotland, he intends to hold a meeting of the available
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 175 2 Animal Colonies To Maintain Supplies? •From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Aug *g JHAT American scientists are now entering into a new field of research to find the basic mechanism of mankind, through exhaustive studies to study the cause and cure of various diseases was the statement
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  • 359 2 Land Mortgage Bank Wanted In Malaya AGRICULTURAL PROGRESS LONG TERM CREDIT (From Our Own Correspondent) Koala Lumpur, Aug. 28. "IF we nad a land mortgage bank in this country, a great many properties could have been saved from becoming 'talang' and being destroyed by fire during the last slump," declared
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  • 284 2 Malayan Livestock Food Problem What Might Be Done To Relieve Anxiety A HOPE that Malaya's food supply, a most important factor in time of war, would be dealt with more effectively than it had been in Ceylon, was expressed to the Free Press by Mr. S. Kanapathipillai, who has wide
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  • 56 2 Washington, Aug. 28. REMINDING the world that to- day was the tenth anniversary of the Kellogg-Brland Pact, the United States Secretary of State, Mr. Cordell Hull, said: "No nation can profit by war." He called attention to the hostilities in some parts of the world as "preparations
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 147 2 Hankow Cut Off From Canton Air Services All Stopped Hankow, Aug. 28. |^ANKOW is today cut off from land or air communication with the outside world, except via Indo-Chino. The Eurasia Airways Co. announced the indefinite suspension of their air Services between Hankow and Hong Kong The CN.A.C. have also
    Reuter  -  147 words
  • 46 2 MORE POLICE TROOPS FOR PALESTINE London, Aug. >H. Some 120 new recruits for the Palestine police force left London today. Another 230 are expected to leave before the end of September. An infantry brigade will next month be sent f% r»infnr/«j fk A Palestine. British Wireless
    British Wireless  -  46 words
  • 29 2 Jerusalem, Aug. 28. The pilot and observer ot a Royal Air Force plane were killed during a forced landing, north of Tulkarem.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 96 2 Nazi Newspapers Czech "Terror" Berlin, Au*. ?1. 117ITH ine departure from Berlli. of the Hungarian mission led by the Regent. Admiral Horthy. tlu Nazi press has turned its |HM OH Czechoslovakia. Boersen Zeitung publisher a go-call-ed balance sheet of terror enumerating alleged aggressions against the Su^tens from June. There is
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  • 76 2 Vat is. Aug M aj| DALADIErt is consolidatii ■< his' position after the recent; A delegation of the Left-wing parliamentary parties today passed i resolution virtually endorsing his policy. They have reached an agreement with M Daladier on the maintenance of the present policy
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  • 151 2 Naval Battleship In Straits Of Gibraltar Republican W^ Bad>y ha* watched ftta oui^^ r>*m of ietrrhUcbuT, 1 tea. and listened uJl' funnrr, (he j^ MfJ *>Publloan denfmt: into harbour bad)? j Thr rwT rarr, berthed in shaßownbJ 4 m leired ih< ship s British mi::uir\ annisam IWd in the Tic**,.
    Reuter  -  151 words
  • 27 2 brai uui sugjafai faaai sydi.. -wd at aaaa»« media nical trosbk. a aaan <'..;:• "a It I rx P LmA lyaaf-aaai rr,f
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  • 14 2 Ion** *J ,h, Brit**. llfrlin U»da^ ni f ht llf imiiorrow Reuter
    Reuter  -  14 words
  • 156 2 Britain's Fastest Aircraft Breaks In Two After Landing London, Aug. 28. ■DISASTER overtook the Albatross. Britain's fastest air liner, when she made her full load tests at Hatfield Aerodrome today preparatory to inaugurating the British trans-Atlantic service in September. The machine, which was piloted by Captain Geoffrey de Havilland. broke
    Reuter  -  156 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 186 2 gat^BMßtfigag3£fe&^:A?:i« ?i '^F^grMgf^a^^aw^-' '^'S**^^^ uaSaaafl SSa&^fiStfik '"V,*^ •*a%. irirTff KtnMo BrwiitLTnnnQ:' mm WWl^&wxM «*i^V V v' «L^S WM}MF\» ~r V:^: X aasallir <v ''aaaaHaaaaVJ!* y.-: mm. n .*?jffc la^Bß*'»Sa»7Bi BtT 1l aaaaK^aal ■r^^ :^V :8iv:.:/»t-; <»■..<>■ M-JwYfr. **SgS SwT -x^f sS g« ■•■^•<3S *>:•:■ x^|f aa« aMfcuj. \'^T^i^^^rfß^'TftnW^anlW^^^nff^^^^' %^:^^a«'* affr^^^l
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    • 4 2 M J**«> tx HS.-..1U.
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  • 98 3 SINGAPORE .SOWN MEN Promoted indent [»ndon, Vuff. 20. ays P :lots j b. White and jo istone, forii Sinvsi- "master ith the ision. he two ilchare d ior Atlantic mp-range tl cruising miles per lling 3.000 ■lling. the Royal :pert on aircraft tish Airline He
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  • 101 3 Chinese Mining Customs fiIEIMJM. i i. if lire n tnc a|KI oi (hitter cnstoan in .itbiM lo the naming of the fkrrn aaa given in the District Can Plains, bj Mr. <iee Kok M lit oflii ial translator and ■aetfi attached to the ■m Protectorate, in the Mil the hearing
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  • Article, Illustration
    10 3 >• iii> la Coll ye? Quay inriiis tht transport strike service.
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  • 146 3 Seafarers At Church Next Sunday "THE seventh successive Seafarers' Service will be held In St. Andrew's Cathedral on Sunday. Sept. 4. at 5.30 p.m. The Bishop of Singapore, the Rev. B. C. Roberts, in h.s announcement of the service, says that, as St. Andrew's Cathedral is within sight of the
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  • 63 3 Traffic was held up and several pedestrians were in danger when a two-year-old racehorse bolted through High Street. Newmarket. It had got loose whil^ at exercise with Frank Butters's team on the training gallops and made straight for the town. A woman pushing a perambulator
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  • Article, Illustration
    198 3 C: the great ClTiL i < China thou- all Chinese I fc r offices >! la holiday >• -ray. The from all n vernacular remem--1 c mi eontroltnship jre iment i a 1 legram >mce oi rail been length ol ing tne »m A HYLAM who was
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  • 60 3 Mr. P. Sclvadurai, of the F.M.S. Railways. Kuala Lumpur, and Mrs. Selvariurai have issued invitations for the marriage of their eldest daughter Annaratnam to Mr. A. Vijeyaeonc, Interpreter, Courts, Singapore. The wedding will take place on Aug. 30 at 1 a.m. at the residence ot
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  • 19 3 No fewer khan S3O elementary school children In Surrey have won scholarships tcnab'e at secondary schoola in ihe county.
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  • 698 3 Vegetable Oils Could Be Used RESEARCH~DURING RECENT YEARS (From Our Owr Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Aug. £(>. THOUSANDS of oil engines now operaHn^ in Malaya could be kept running if the Peninsula were blockaded and oil imports entirely cut off. In-tcad of Diesel fuel oil,
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  • 551 3 "CROM reading Britibh and American newspapers, you haw the feeling that tho Angle-Saxon opposition to Japan'a war is overwhelming and that public opinion in both t!»o<nations is definitely against Japan; it is strange to realise that the war is being financed on both
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  • 96 3 the transport strike ended a week ago, mosquito huses have continued running on Singapore streets in opposition to Singapore Traction rompany. This apparently tacit approval is believed to be an official gesture of appreciation to the owners of the buses who came forward to
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  • 38 3 Law Notice For The Day The fhi"f Justice it Penan C 2 II ef Appeal. Before Mr. Justite Pedlow in !nt Court at 11 a.m. Summonse.s-:n-Chombevs »nd Originating Summonses. Thereafter: Judgment Summons. Mr. Justice Home it Malacca v.sizes.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 119 3 9 Jfkmmm mmimwrnW IRIUM THRILLS MILLIONS Br^^^fc\ WITH NEW LUSTER ON TEETH R^ T^Wll PEPSODENT o/on« of all tooth pastes l^KidS afll contains IRILM which so nmnzinplv re- SSP^a^Sw aaaaaaaat stores natural brilliance to teeth! WQmWr .-S£ m W* -'mm Irium is the new modern way to remove aafeaa^(f dull,
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  • 2210 4 A Singapore MAN in LONDON HOME OFFICE OFFICIALS ARE INTERESTED in a special holiday camp, the first of its kind, which has been started by Worthing magistrates in an effort to reduce juvenile crime in their area. In the midst of 100 acres of ground, near East Grinstead, Sussex, 12
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 102 4 WW M UM 1 VrVI lilO ft Worn y i m 1 ft |l a 1 rtT mft wA .Ibb,^:"* of 'Arm ~^fc aV vt '<-*JmM' km m IX iißr 9 ll^%" mnm JA^Lmm ieaH. al Baton naoP 4 SIB Laaaaa^aw iMwwwwwmi M HI aaaMmaaar^ "•■•UP H _^^^a^iaBasaiBBBBBBBBBVmI maBBBBBHk^ ii^al
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  • 441 5 MUSLIM LEAGE'S "FALSEHOOD DECEIT AND DISHONESTY" Sahib's Indictment Of Politics ORjV i£R PRESIDENT "WILL KEEP MILES AWAY" Indictment of Muslim League politics is made by Sahib of Nawapara in his reply to a request of Suhrawardy for aid in the establishment of a h at Kbulna I ym ever ready
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  • 226 5 Appeal To Chinese To Maintain Peace SEQUEL TO DISORDERS (From Our Own Correspondent) i M Ipoh, Aug. LIS. appeal lo all Chinese organisations in the State to exert their influence in the preservation of PJJ and the maintenance of order was made by Mr. NnNam, 0.8.E., following the disorders in
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  • 43 5 Mrs. G. Baldwin, who keeps a dairy at Lower Sydenham. S.E., left a friend's shop next door, but was called back to see a new dress, and the next moment a lorry crashed into the doorway of her •hop.
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  • 180 5 Costumes For The Bath Only Sports Club's Warning (From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok. Aug. 28. THE COMMITTEE of the Royal Bangkok Sports Club has issued a circular drawing attention of all members to a rule made at the time of the opening the swimming *>ath to the effect that members
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  • 120 5 Work Among Adolescent Y.W.C.A. Girls THE FORMATION of a nation ai Malayan committee to direct Y.W.C.A. work among adolescent girls of later school age was mentioned at the meeting of the Singapore Y.W.C.A. committee when Mrs. A. B. Jordan presided. This was discussed as a result of a report of
    120 words
  • 58 5 The Governor lias appointed Mr. H. F Earl to act as Assistant Superintendent Bf Excise, Straits Settlements, with effect from today, it was anno .eed in the Straits Settlements Gazette on Friday. 4 Mr. P. at Williams has been appointed ii member of the Rural Board, Malacca, during
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  • Article, Illustration
    94 5 picture. piCtUTi MALAYA'S GIFT VACCINE FOR CHINA: Some of the 250,000 dose, of anti-cholera vaccine sent by the League of Nations Far Eastern Health Bureau at Singapore by the P. and O. liner Carthage for Hong Kong on Saturday. The vaccine has been prepared by the Institute of Medical Research
    Free Press; Free Press  -  94 words
  • 211 5 Alleged Threat Against Ipoh Resident (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Au*. 38. AS A SEQUEL to a trap set by the police, a Chinese named Cheng Pin appeared in the First Magistrate's Court. Ipoh before Mr. P. F. Y. RadclifTe and charged with attempting extortion
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  • 190 5 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Aug £3. SUBSEQUENT to appeals by the Police to a European who witnessed a fatal lorry accident on the Kuala Lumpur to Rawang Road, to come forward, Mr. E. P. Baker of Messrs. Patterson Simons and Company, communicated with the Campbell
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  • 130 5 (From Our Own Carraisaaaaal Teluk Anson. Aug. 2X. A STIR WAS CAUSED near the Teluk Anson market when a larqe man-eating crocodile was brought into Teluk Anson in a motor lorry. The beast, which weighed over four picu's, was ol extraordinary size and had
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  • 471 5 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Auk. 28. /CROSSING a deep nnning pond in improvised cora- cles, in the fashion oi Roman legionnaires, was on? of the obstacles 21 Scoutmasters from all over Malaya had to overcome, as part tl their training for
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  • 206 5 Japan' s Eyes On N.I. Oil Fuel (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Aug 22. TTHAT JAPAN casts a covetous eye upon the Dutch possessions in the East Indies is a matter of common knowledge as the oil fuel resources of the Indies would give the Japanese Navy what it wants
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  • 98 5 During the week cudlng Aug 20. 1938. exports from Malayan port*, amounted to 29,375 cases, of which: 19.637 '67 per cent.) cases were to the United Kingdom. 1.545 »5 per cent.* cases to the Continent of Europe. 98a <3 per cent. I gam to Canada, and
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 16 5 nlbey 's P£ V ROYAL E*» Whisky* W YEARS OLD U>B&A S'Hadelfoong fcr *°»*> nof -or Si
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    • 154 5 The New Method Of Administering Castor Oil to Children and elderly people The method of incorporating Castor Oil into Chocolate form is entirely newg Introduced by a manufacturing Chemist of England, under the disguised and patented name of "CASTOPHENE' Delicious in taste and flavour. Castophene is eagerly eaten by children,
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  • 168 6 A BURNT OUT TREE has been converted into an unusual signpost on the Sydney-Melbourne road, n ear Henty, New South Wales avusa ratifELui STACK, leader of the Women's League of Health and Beauty with her fiance. Lord David Douglas Hamilton, swimming zt Guisachan, Scotland. •<-»ioolboy S
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  • 263 7 Chinese Banker Buried At Malacca Funeral Of Mr. Chee Swee Cheng (From Our Own Correspondent > Malacca, Auk. 28. "THE funeral of Mt. Chee Swee Chenv, 71 -year-old banker and phhaßthrapcsi. took place today at the family burial ground in Bukit Bruang. Malacca. Mr. Ch«e died at his honae in
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  • 140 7 No Husband Tried Suicide Girl Now "Feels Sorrv" (Froin Our Owi"\ Correspondent) Ipoh, Aug. 38* "THERE are worse things In life than not being married," said Mr. P. F. Y. Radcliffc, First Magistrate, Ipoh. when a pretty young Chinese girl named Chan Ah Khey appeared before him on a charge
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 311 7 ,v A Great Show for Everybody! 1 OPENING TOMORROW 4 SHOWS DAILY 4 II A.M. 3-15, 6-15 9-15 P.M. Al Haaaya't First Air -Conditioned Theatre AttfAMSKA .Direction: SHAW BP OTHERS LTD.) 20th Century -Fox Present SHIRLEY TEMPLE jk World's Sweetheart in her best of all Musical by far B^'4'V* *JL
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    • 184 7 COMING SOON! ALHAMBRA AIR-Condit ioned A NEW THRILL IN TECHNICOLOUR aaaTfT^^^Emlii^T^^^BazM* ±e\ Pin LaaatW I J*\\ aaaaaaaaa^JL -■■<- t* M 1 kfcr f f f MmW m 9mcM»womi cv<mt iau a— a '.a* 4 1 ACBSt&m.nur*um awMMNWAXmR IROS WATCH FOR SCREENING DATE 2nd WEEK SEPT. LHAMBRA AIR-CON OITIONeO) SPECIAL MIDNIGHT
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    • 273 7 "It comes as a delightful change from the stereotyped production of the present time'* Morning Tribune. 27 8 M. the CAPITOL I posit,vely y^i "ight introduces Hollywood's new I 6.15 AND 9.15 Screen-find Sensation Paramount's Vivacious, alluring new misrhievous miss OLYMPE i( Sweet Seventeen and never kissed V t until
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  • 652 8 The Singapore Free Press MONDAY, AUGUST 29, 1938. Half-Holidays ANY proposal ior an Improve- merit In working conditions in the Colony .should bc applauded by those to whom the mere suggesting of "sweating" in any form is abhorrent. The reported move on the part of the Straits Settlements (Singapore) Association
    652 words
  • 931 8 If We Can Emerge From The War, What Of China's Future? Chinas Outlook 111 Asks Madame Chiang Kai Shek 117 11 AT a re the Chinese in Han- kou thinking *m<l talking about, what are the trends of thought among their leaders. In the throes of war? What of China's
    931 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 335 8 m\\\ aaaaT^awL VCaHaflftWl i I I ii ft a ii ?a^ 1 i Swi aaaT saar M aw aV ear fi 5934 /> 13^ GOODWOOD CHAUMINGL^ SITUATED IDEAL FOR VISITORS AND TOURISTS "^rivalled Facilities for Private Entertainments. arm l^LaaW^ Se^L»»a— a ■a^^a^' w£J i 2 Does not v hat s.
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  • 86 9 L Indian titration tetrictions In C in ord kii n rerUflcates were J7«rf«B«n^ and th« boldLsj| ivi-fi allowed to pay L^cs Malaya. w re on receive prohibir im India w lu'.d, ii i ad to qualify m oi ISUKATION I EES Will >'l i d only v. t re
    86 words
  • 88 9 IDUN «>f all-u M air had i nark** P* 1 Ufbt-weifM F» Stagatare. feP" sonal no^Paper air-mail, but most now have thpir JLJnW on air-mail °n Paper ol stand* L *m wmunesn notes, ■at m i p ,s Sl,f iu-i-Ku S ™d an h '...der half an ounce. i
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  • 89 9 MAJOR W. L. F. WRIGHT, of Brls bane, a "Dinkum Aussie" who fought in the Austra'ian Volunteer Fore? in the Boer War and wen the Distinguished Service Medal. II? enlisted in the Great War as a Lieutenant and returned as Major with a fine record. He is
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  • 270 9 Visited Singapore In 1876 DATE TRACED IN FREE PRESS FILES 'CIXTY-TWO YEARS ago Mr. A. C. Mackay, of Sydney, a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, was in Singapore, a boy on the sailing ship Liverpool from London. A few days ago. the acting chairman I of the Singapore*' Harbour
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  • 107 9 APPROVAL fcr the erection of a block of flats with a restaurant providing for music and dancing, at the corner of Orchard Road and Angullia Park has been given by the Municipal Commission. When the matter was first before the commission, a member asked that it
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  • 288 9 (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Aug:. 17. pAPTAIN EDWIN' FRANCIS HANNAN, R.D., R.N.R., who until recently commanded the P. and 0. liner Naldera, and is well-known to many Malayans, has resigned from his company's service after' a period of r?ck leave. Educated at the Mercers'
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  • 86 9 ANOTHER changa in headmasters is taking place with tht transfer of Mr. R. Young, headmaster of the Bukit Mertajam High School, to Singapore. It is understood that Mr. C. P. Purcell, Assistant Master, Penang Free School, has been appointed as headmaster of the B.M High School, and
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  • 30 9 The German Olympic champion, E R. Erwinblask. made a world record hammer throw with a distance of 193.7 feet during the Swedish-German international meeting at Stockholm. Reuter
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 34 9 An elderly Chinese who was seriously injured when he was knocked down by a motor-car yesterday morning in Beach Road was removed to hospital, but died on the way.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
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    • 181 9 Kleinert 9 s Figure Reducers The very Instant you wear this Bras a It will give you a modish r.'ihouette. a mmr 9 I fat diaphragm and an upward divided *mnw\\\\teff%* 4^^—-± i, .-jv^.^uir bust contour. A patented Kleinerfa E, Ti3aaWy' reducing fabric in which nibber prr- mwwmm^ffio*W J I'W^f
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    • 158 10 From London 1.30 p. m. Saturday RUBBER: Firmer. London: closed Previously: 81!16d. 8 3|l6q Oct.-Dec: Previously: 8V B d. fc^d. Jan-Mar.: Previously: BV 4 d. 8 5,16<L Apr.-June: Previously: 8 s|l6d. B%d. New York: Opening Price 16.57 Previously: 16.57. STOCKS: London 64,496 tons (63,918 tons) Liverpool 34,871
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    • 829 10 Levy And Co's Review nURING the week under review the market continued to show some recovery, Dow Jones Industrial averages rising from 141.20 to 141.95, say Messrs. S. E. Levy and Co. in their weekly report. Politically there has been too slight an improvement to allay unrest
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    • 66 10 From London: Latest Quotations TIN: Pirmer. Spot: £193 15s. Od. Previously: £193 15s. Od. Three months: £194 12s. 6d. Previously: £194 12s. €tL NEW YORK TIN: (Opening price): 4357. Previously: 43/37. COPPER': Settlement: £40 17s. 6d. Previously: £40 17s. 6d GOLD: Yesterday: £7 2s. 8d. Previously: £7
      66 words
    • 69 10 Foreign Exchange London Closing Quotations H Met&od ot Parit* Dexore Latest PreCentre Qaotin* 20-9-31 Rale viously Part* Franc to 121.1 17« 51Bd. 178 S,l«d. New Yorfe to 4.88 4.87 7 IB 4^7 1316 Amsterdam Guilders to 8.97 3 4 8.92 8.52 Hong Kong.. Pst dollar Is. 3d
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    • 176 10 Satu rday 's Singa po re Quotations ci^aHMa^MHaBBaaMaHBaHaaBHMaaaaiiMMHa^MaMMMi^MBMM^Mi^MaMaMaBHaM^Hi^HBBM^^BMMHaaai^HBiMaBB Aug. 27 SELLING London. T.T. 2i3% do demand 2!3y 8 Lyons, demand 2066 Switzerland, demand 246 Hamburg, demand 140*4 New York, demand 56 9|16 Montreal, demand 56 11)11 Batavia. demand 103 716 Samarang. demand 103 5)16 Calcutta. Bombay and
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    • 147 10 Singapore, Aug. 27, 12 noon, Mayers Sellers Gambier 7.25 Hamburg Cube <13.C0 Java Cube $11.00 Pepper: White Muntok SIS 00 White $12 56 Black g,23 Copra: Mixed $3.05 Sun Dried $8.35 Tapioca: Small Flake $3.60 Fair Flake 3.50 Medium Pearl 390 Small Pearl 3.70 Jelutong: Palembang 8
      147 words
    • 90 10 Chamber Of Commerce Rubber Association Aug. 12 o'clock noon Buyers Sellers No. IJC.R.SJS. in cases (P.0.8. August) 27 15 16 28 116 Good FAQ. in bales (FOB. August* 27 316 27 516 No. I.X.R.S.S. (Spotloose) (awardable Singapore) 275. 27* 4 September 27 3 4 27 7 /8 Oct. -Dec. 28
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    • 319 10 The following New York quotations are supplied by Reuter DOW-JONES AVERAGES: Previously Saturday's Close Close Changes 30 Industrials 144.07 142.94 off 1 13 20 Rails 29.61 29.31 off '.SO 20 Utilities 20.25 2C.12 off 13 40 Bonds 86.36 89.38 up .02 Business done— total volume 820 0D0
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    • 916 10 SINGAPORE STOCK AND SHARE PRICES I Fraser And C: I SATURDAY, AUG 27. I9r.§ fM MIKING > Ampat Tin m T'l 89" m^V? K m^n« 1£) 28s 6d *0s 6d Austral Malay i£ 44s 4te a I Ayer Hitam <ss) 25. 3d 2^ Ayer Weng (gl) H Bangrin Tin (£>
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    • 110 10 List Supplied By U,w> W is i r" ftATIBDAV. M<. fcl v f Compauj Diviaena t*oaj_j p b '> P** TIN Clo* JJJ*! *W l Austral Malay 9d div &*pt. 2 3d. bonus Kramat Tin 3d. No. 24 Auk 31 :1 KU Kuala Kampar 2 I Auk
      110 words

  • 858 11 Ever* Greater Than Last Year BANKJNG& INSURANCE PROSPERITY AM' of Ihc surest indications of general economic J conditions in Great Britain is the bank return for the week which precedes the annual August bank holiday and the ensuing period of holidays. This year the
    858 words
  • 313 11 Market Price List Singapore. Aug. 15. V MEAT v ßee. steak Rati 35 Beef stew or curry do 30 Fillet Steak lb. 55 IfutUm. Australian do 35 Pork, lean Kati 44 Pork. _ean and fat 'Ist. quality) do 34 POL l/TRY Caponi 'locally reared) Kati 50 Dur.ks each 35 Fowls
    313 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 228 11 ADVERTISEMENTS i ,7 Street Phon-: 11*' „i i.f.ndnn Ml .tt \ll Otrtral *-»W r j <■.'.'■ l° ndoD I LCBIPTJCS HATES Without MM *tM Ii |tt.SI s fl e, nasi k* r f i no.eo f ,M mrU-if j mntfStmEM RATES It ULSSLVIfTISCMFM I ..'ird II <"C ptr wc-tt*t -and
      228 words
    • 514 11 BOARD RESIDENCE. SEA FRONT HATONC CHANGE-;?. Meyer ltd <near Swimming Club) i ftoard-Retideaee at moderate rates Large (iardens— Tennis Phone: 5758. THE MANSION OXLEY RISE PRIVATE HOTEL Tel. *****. "LOXTON 11 first Class Private BoleL Bedrooms .vith modern oathr^oms trom $05 oer month net water to Bathrooms. Ceiling fans and
      514 words
    • 522 11 BANK 09 c::ir>fA I (lacorporated in Ohlns b- Bpeelal ISj OeeS Six.t. mapore. rclephoncs: Manager's O €i<; Ssegj MSMMaaaa oi;»r mi E\rha'» K( ncpt. fit I General OsYm MSB-f Cable 1 Idirvc t O r.iid Lp CaaHal di. s i; mm Ileserve Funds in excess of Ch. l.«0!> O.TMO
      522 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 658 11 RADIO PROGRAMMES SINGAPORE. i TODAY. EBL 115 metres I LSI mc s) Zlir 30.96 metres '9.ti» mc/s) p.m. 5.00 Malay Music. 5.30 Cantonese dramas. 7 0.10 Cantcncse orchestral recital.t 0.15 Cnildrcn's programme. (CantoneccV 6.30 Cantonese musical interlude 6.35 Cantonese comic drama. f 7.03 Pianoforte recital by Lindsay Granville 7.30 Time,
      658 words

  • 1027 12 Laid- Up Tonnage Pool May Prove Imp racticable DRITISH tramp shipowners arc considering an appeal to th. Government for the reintroduction of a subsidy. Thj. follows the further decline in freights the Chamber ot Shipping revised index (1965 a 100) fell another 2.4 point* to
    1,027 words
  • 34 12 Tne w^ll-known Kent cricketing, bßJtns, Barbara and Joan Bl.ickfr. ore to be joint captains of one oi the te?ms playing during the Women's; Cricket Week, which begins ;it Colwnll. KtTefordshire.
    34 words
  • 48 12 Among ||fts made to the Di?kens House by It le Ccmu Siwannet is the earliest known portrait; of the novelist, a miniature pslnts 1 lo 1630 by his aunt. Janet Barro* is now on exhibition si lbs MsWSSR in 48. Dcu?hty Street. W.C
    48 words
  • 27 12 Rouah water on Lakt_' Hindi rssSfS caused the postponement of th. run of the speedboat Empire Day. which Mr. Edward Spurr hop, cieate new water-speed ESCQfdI g
    27 words
  • 80 12 I *eek. under ih* te I J C I M s M Tomorrow Kl I 1 nm I Emblem", r E ls>' Place for .JLM Borodin*' 4*4 aS Aubrey Winter >. sofe I Ooißsti r .k'Dt(i'<tit» t tion <ChambTv ar.d mam fail sity m i) I lhurxd.iv
    80 words
  • 6 12 A Park
    6 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 458 12 bUUSi&tU IffU.a LitJ. (Incorporated In PM.B) TELEPHONE: Freight 5433-~Passage 5431. LLOYDS AGENTSBOOKING AGENTS FOR FEDERATED MALAX STATES RAILWAYS, ROYAL STATE RAILWAYS OF SIAM {^^^.^A Go via Canada to North America— jfc^^^ff Europe. Fast through trains direct JOTjKr from sn, P* s Bici€ Dt Vancouver in |Pni^ Canada's Evergreen Playground.... fgQ^^WJ^l'^K
      458 words
    • 293 12 HENDERSON i\*\ MIIMHII l^< K» Forlnfchlh P^«"-" v Urturrn Kane hi NSI Har*eilk« »i<* n^ ,p< HO>trW\Rl< *MIW m*m***] I BURMA H YOMA PE I S-'WEEN i kimmimtnt LlUltAfOOftJ PROME 1 BURMA ICHi PEGC IO^IMrN SilUl* iiltj I 19 att j #0 atSJMilgyfLm C pmRV»>M RED FUNNEL LINE nm/0 ENG
      293 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 621 12 Local And Foreign Mail Dispatches A nd ArrivalsDESPATCHES BY TRAIN Bangkok every Saturday 7 pm Thursday 7.45 a.m Swettenham, Taiping and Telok Anson, Weekdays* Kota Bahru. Kuala Krai, Thursday and Friday* 7 am. Sunday 7 p.m Kuala Lumpur and Penang Weekdays: 7.45 a ja. Malacca, Batu Annam. Batu Pahat, Gemas.
      621 words
    • 45 12 I I Hi,,,, 1 u.B I nso i» I I »n»pirr l»,»a rn! I ,1 WeM Hh Cntri. I I »»jgr I < "H Whari I USS,,N MM I hUsJtSs] PSSSffj Mfcstt i^,k VMt,„. K«'pp.| !l,rh„;,. Kim'n IWk No l>„ k H I He ,'h.Mk G^aq
      45 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 444 13 I U ft L BKMTISH *W TS^Om mmmm^^^^Sm**mm^ iiT? W *n\ PiOand BRITISH INDIA LIMES l* w rNCORPORATEIJ IN ENGLAND) p& O.S.N. CO'S SAILINGS, OUTWARDS Due D„ e Itanage Spore. lonnage. S'pore. I» 1938 CANTON 15^00 Nov 4 Sept 9 CORFU 15,000 Nov 18 IT.i/Dii Sept 23 3 BANGALORE 6.000
      444 words
    • 495 13 I ELLERMAN BUCKNALL S.S. Co., Ltd, {Incorporated tn England.) FOR UNITED KINGDOM AND CONTINENT, VIA PORTS AND SUE2 CANAL Steamer nl ESS?" L don HbUrg> laSgow SeT 2 CITY OP BAGDAD Havre. L'don. R'dam. H'burg. Glasgow Sept 29 Oct 2 CITY OP ORAN Havre L'don R'dam. H'burg. Glasgow Oct. 30
      495 words
    • 800 13 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. SINGAPORE AND PENANG PHONE 5154 (7 Lines) REPRESENTING. SHIPPING THE BLUB FUNNEL LINE (Ocean Steam The Hoa Khiow Steamship Co (18M1 I in. Ship Co.. Ltd.. and China Mutual Steam Canard White StaTLUL HffßS ?fc Lt Aberdeen A Commonwealth Lino. The Straus Steamship Co.. Ltd. Shan Savtll
      800 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 542 14 K. P. M. PLANCIUS— Monday, Aug 29, Belawan-Deii. VALENTIJN— Monday, Aug 29, Muntok, Batavia. Semarang and Cheribon, KAMPAR— Tuesday, Aug. 30. Bengkalis. Paneh. Berombang, TanjongMengeidar, Tanjong-Leidong and Asahan BOELONGAN— Tuesday. Aug. 30. Rhio. Tambelan. Singkawang and Pernangkat MAPlA— Wednesday. Aug. 31. Poeloe-Kidjang.- Sapat. Tcmbilahan, PoelosPallas. Pengalian-Estate and Rcasat. THEDENS— Wednesday.
      542 words
      422 words
    • 423 14 FOR StBSCi an! m,77,— JAfric. Mam Bueno, Air<s M N^| bar. Dar- >*> lloa,^ Durban. E^l^^WJj IBnenos Aire* Mam Buenos Aire, i bar. Dar ban V Janeiro, Toaa^L*- I video. Tosan Mara Fast London v I Mombara. Zai Marques and Duiban uj iHawaii Maru Buenos Airrs bar. Dar-es>Bala.\: H Duita.i
      423 words

  • 1041 15 FA VOURITES BEATEN AT BUKIT TIM AH ON SATURDAY |jj r Shenton Thomas Leads In Rostrum SPENCER WHITE TAKE RIDING HONOURS -tf rf brilliant racing featured the opening of the Sineart Turf < H'b s Gold Cap meeting at Bukit ThnajT on S,. DWdeada were good and most of the
    1,041 words
  • 567 15 D TMOT, tfce years* SJR.C. and RanV* GeOeg, eriekeler, 4V again rtwtiwgsitsend himself wits sst anal saftL arisen Use S.RAI seat tse Singapore Kon Benders try seven wickets at cricket est the SXLC padang yesterday, searing 154 runs far eight wickets, In
    567 words
  • 716 15 Following sae results of the first round of the FA. League and results and league tables in the Scottish league, the third round of which was played on Saturday: ENGLISH LEAGUE Arsenal 2 Pcrtsmonth 0 j Birmingham l SumJerland 2 Blackpool e Everton 2 Bolton W. ..2 CharTton
    716 words
  • 1050 15 Leow Kim Fatt needs no introduction. He was one of the best in Selangor a few years back and when he came to Singapore annexed the men's open singles title. When J. F. Devim, the English professional was in Singapore for exhibition games Kim
    1,050 words
  • 152 15 (From Our Owu Correspondent Malacca, Aug 28 £EOW CHIN CHIANG. Malacca singles badminton champion, retained his title when in the final of tjhe Miilacca championshipf, concluded today, he beat Tav Koon Lim 15—4, 13—13, s—o. Seow won the first set seemingly with ease, but in
    152 words
  • 53 15 The Royal Singapore Yacht Club held their bi-annual Sea View Hotel anfl back yacht race yesterday and the results were: To Kea View Hotel: "A* cla».> Kathleen (O. Lundon I "B" class, Punsl <V. C. Barth>. From Sea View Hotel ■A class Anne <E. W. Slight). *B" class,
    53 words

  • 5 16
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  • 385 16 BRYN JONES SCORES HIS FIRST FOR ARSENAL /^T least 820,000 spectators witnessed the opening of English soccer fixtures on Saturdav. At Highbury 58,000 saw Arsenal beat Portsmouth by two goals to nil. Brys Jones Arsenals £13,500 player who recently was transferred from Wolverhampton,
    385 words
  • 68 16 AMERICAN lawn tennis champicn- ship finals, which have been played, resulted: Women's Doubles: Alice Marble and Mrs. Fabyan retained their title by beating Mile. Mathieu and Mlie Jedrejowska 6 B. 6—4, 6—3. Men's Doubles: D. Budge and G Mako beat A. Quist and J. Bromwich 6—3,
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 81 16 The S.C.C. bowls, pairs and singles championships ties, are drawn as fol lows fcr this week: MONDAY H. Gray and J. E. Jeans vs J Phiijn and A. Buchanan. TUESDAY W M. Edwards vs. E. J. Cassels WEDNESDAY F. H. Brooks and H. Gi'd vs. H Gray and
    81 words
  • 76 16 {.From Ovr Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Aug 28. 'THE Police and the United Services played a draw in their two-day cricket match here over the week-end. Services batted first and declared at 107 lor nine (Long nor e 3 a DennisonSmith jour for 22). Police 119
    76 words
  • 200 16 THE Malay Football A&sociaticn d::-w with the Indian Association at cricket on the laUer's ground yesterday. C. Sandosham got the highest individual score o' the match v.ith 37. Dollah earned the bowling honours taking five tor 40 Scores INDIAN ASSOCIATION Ram Piara lbw. Dollah 10 C.
    200 words
  • 44 16 Henry Cotton with rounds of 71-67--72-72 won the Czechoslovakia Open Golf championship, beating his nearest rival by 11 strokes. His second round was a course record. Last week Cotton won the German Open with scores of 71-68-70-76 and beat Reuter
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 239 16 SINGAPORE BEATEN BY NINE GOALS TO FIVE CUCCESSFUL in their semi-final matches yesterday, the u R.A. "A" team and Inni^killincrs will meet in the final of the Spooner Cup polo "tournament, which la to he played on Tuesday. The semi-finals were played
    239 words
  • 89 16 Air Force Easily Beat Rengam IN a cricket matoh played at Seletar yesterday the R.A.F. beat a Rengam side by 58 runs. Aided by a third wicket partnership of 108 runs between Cpl. HaM and A. C. Daniells, the R.A.F. declared when six wickets had fallen for 138. Hall was
    89 words
  • 286 16 <Fr3m Our Own Correspondent Kuala l.umpur, Aug. "18. By defeating the Selangor Indiana by 13 runs the T.P.C.A. ha\? q.n. fled to me: the Y.M C A in the final of the Stoncr Shield cricket SOfAnttJ tlcn The match was brought ta
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  • Page 16 Advertisements