The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 27 July 1938

Total Pages: 24
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 18 1 The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS NO. 1 :»..>.•? ESTI). 1835 WEDNESDAY, JCI.y «>7, i<);> B l» CENTS
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  • 746 1 Premier's Foreign Policy Statement SPAIN WAR MENACE TO EUROPE Tiiw v- r v London, Juh 2ti. IHh main object of the Government's foreign policy was the establishment and maintenance of peace and re moval as far as practicable of all causes for possible conflict ffn f,.
    Reuter  -  746 words
  • 35 1 Egyptian Queen Mother For Europe ICCOMPANIED BY HKR FOl R DAI (iHIhursday t>r a holiday m Europe. :"-Hla is seen hers accompanying his from the Palace^ de Ras el Tia to' th« «!>-U at Xlexanrtrij.
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  • 178 1 I.R. R. C. POSTPONE QUOTA DECISION lx>nclon. July 2(5. V ivsiierl followinir the mcctinu Honal Rubber Regulation Commniif meeting h London tnH-n the committee ha. reached no decision 7 Rnal garter of the year, and The 0 n 1 M meets a ai «> September. Men* feels that it would
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  • 115 1 Japanese Hankow 140 Miles Shanghai, July 26. THE Kiukiang occupation follows intensive aerial bombardment and naval shelling yesterday as the big Japanese drive gathered momentum. The Japanese are now 140 miX- >i from Hankow, says Renter. Navai forces reached Kiukiang yesterday having advanced three or four miles up-river, intercepting retreating
    Reuter  -  115 words
  • 28 1 Washington, July M The United States Department or Agriculture predicts tor this year a •\Mxrkl record wheat urcducLion ct i 5. 200,000,000 bushels.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • Article, Illustration
    30 1 IHK EVER YWOM AYS lIKAI.TII MOVEMENT, which is led kf Yiiss Sali I,obel, gave a demonstration "f on the Brow. Hyde Park. Here are girls balancing bowls on their heads.
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  • 103 1 Bodyguard For Miss Lydia Hill (Ffm Our (kn Correspondent) London. July 2«. VT'HK.N Mm lydia Cicely Hill, the SI year old lon don claiuer. win recently left Singapore after a Visit to Malaya, arrived at Waterloo today, she met hy relatives and a bodyguard vi Southern Railway Police. Her
    Free Press Cable  -  103 words
  • 68 1 KNIGHTHOOD FOR BARON FRANCKENSTEIN London. Jul.V To. THE King, yesterday, conferred Knighthood on former Austrian Minister In London, Faron George Fianekenstein who recently became a naturalised Britisher. Appointed to his pott m 19:20 Rli George Franckrnsttin ccmUnued In h until Austrian legation tvascd to cxi.t After the German anr.oxntlon. H*»
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  • 123 1 PRAGUE ACCEPTS London. July 2t>. r FHE suggestion that I the British (iovernment should nominate an investigator and mediator, who, acting independently of the British (Jovernmeni, would endeavour to elaborate proposals that mi^ht harmonise the views of the Chechoslovakian (Government and the Sudeten Party, has been accepted by the Prague
    British Wireless  -  123 words
  • 134 1 TEN DAYS' MANHUNT ENDS London. July 2s. THE most sensational man hunt m recent years w;i < concluded at Sheernem la&< night when George Brain. aged 27, v. as arrested aftei ten days' search and charged •wirh \h" imirder of a woman. Tlio woman's body was found tfttly morning: mi
    Reuter  -  134 words
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    • 30 1 LPil»_L»il4w(U*H*__^__B COck Ta TONIGHT NNER Oanc?? 630 p M. ,o 8.30 P.M. no Ormal) 930 pM. to midnight h AX MALINI 6^ n '"^mv D^O NOVAC" [^^^S*° BIT AN OUT
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    • 97 1 l Tal yy J r r j r j// T?f jff ~~//J f/F l r^ y **f SEA VIEW |g^ HOTEL SPECIAL DINNER <& DANCK 'l WC SH BY ftUAHTI POnriJUl Ml \(.\|f|\\ HAM. ENTKRTAINMENI PROVI1) Kl> BY NADJA S A KASKII MOIJNISTi: A KNTKRTAINKR IMNM.K 53.00 NON-IHMIh II (HI
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  • 117 2 Money And Jewellery Missing (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, July 36. QPENING the safe m the office of Bungsar Estate, Kuala Lumpur, this morning Mr. L. C Maria Sube, the manager, discovered that $2,300 cash and $1,500 worth of jewellery were missing. There were no signs of the safe
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  • 64 2 London, July ML IT WAS ANNOUNCED m Edinburgh yesterday that Queen Mary will visit Edinburgh from Sept. 1 to 12. Daring her stay the Queen will plant a tree opposite to that which was planted 1-enturies ago by Mary Queen of Scots at Little France,
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  • 47 2 London, July 26. She Duke and Duchess of Kent, accompanied b> Prince Regent Paul \nd Princess Olga, arrived by special .rain from Bucharest at Prince; Paul's summer residence m Slovenia, where they will spend the first part of their holiday.- British Wireless
    British Wireless  -  47 words
  • 31 2 The Court of Directors of the British North Borneo Chartered Company have awarded the North Borneo General Service medal to Mrs C. D. Martin for specially valuable services to North Borneo.
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  • 412 2 AN 11- JEWISH BOOK FOR BOYS GIRLS Vienna, July 26. ALL Austrian maid-servants, under 45 years of age, employ- ed by non-Aryans, must Wave their posts by Au£. 1 under orders issued today. A Nazi "administrator"' has been appointed for the Benedictine monastery, Styriea,
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  • Article, Illustration
    25 2 THE bedroom used by the Queen at the Qual d'Orsap Palace In Paris The bed is cue which was C pt m by Marie Antoinette.
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  • 439 2 /CRITICISM of the Admiralty's system of financial cony* trol and a recommendation for an examination of the existing arrangements are made m the second report of the Committee of Public Accounts. The committee's remarks are based on two eases of converting commercial shios to
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  • 309 2 Chinese Rush To Check kiangsi Advances Hankow, July 2ri. f PHK Chinese on the North 1 Kiangsi front, claim that most of the vantage positions around the river-port are still m the hands of their forces. In anticipation of an early attack on the NanchangChamehow Railway by the Jap anese.
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    27 2 Even the Column of Victory m Berlin is to be taken down and erected m oofn f of the new street, which Hitler plans for the capital.
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  • 200 2 y^ITK various Jessie Mathews singing and danc'ng to bright new tunes. "Sailing Along,- which oprned at the Pavilion Cinema, Singapore, last night is attractive entertainment Jessie Mathews is given a better story than usual m this film, although the action lacks movement The dreams of
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  • 35 2 London, July 26. The Viceroy of India, Lord Llnllth*ow, was received by the King at Buckingham Palace yesterday. ATterwards the Viceroy and Ludy Llnltthßow lunched with the King tuul British wireless
    British wireless  -  35 words
  • 118 2 Nightsoil Strike I of th from a I' auf. cert... nigh: D IntenUoi Of OUt IMv t lir< I lie l.ri Jlll> l'« ..I ,I, thr nrufc falls on Jul\ M hi. nu-iurmrnt xr *i fore tlif r» i •wo <la>v rjap»«i Slll.r I!
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  • 13 2 ■n i Mil wiJJ tl A;:, otina j Mifh and ttafl wi
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  • 13 2 PREMIER REFUSE STATEMENT I Prli: m r• still Hi PWP 111 British Wireless
    British Wireless  -  13 words
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  • 369 3 y.Malayan Urban Co-Operative Union M ANY DELEGATES TO ATTEND IeGATES from all parts of the ccsniry will attend tnnua l All-Malaya Urban Co-operative Conference KjiaDore next iveck-end. Secretary, Mr. A. S. Small, will and among the addresses to by ihe Rev. R. K. S.
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  • Article, Illustration
    14 3 UK. AND MRS. H. BANSONfwhT^i^ZTTTrTTT^ >«t«da y Mr. Sansoni.wl.o is singles rhall 'i??', SlbaJak
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  • 420 3 Undischarged Bankrupt Got Credit Imprisoned h th 1 dicing I Vfs farced bankrupj STL**- CrJ lb 'r, n a .''JMr., lirrfr -J, 1 Wstricl l;rt n the The' ling unupieci day ""I li ity the ide. Ich was la'.er the same month, he took two more cases. it was stated,
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  • 55 3 A HUNTING PAGEANT, with airships, cannons, guns and wild animals well represented is to be held at the Great World from July 29 to 31 Pretty girls will sit m the airships and hundreds will be dressed as hunters. The procession will go roi'nd the
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  • 62 3 Law Notice For The Day Before the Chief Justice. Mr. Justice a 'Beckett Terrell and Mr. Justice Home m Ist Court at 10 30 a.m. For mention:— Habeas Corpus No. 1 1938. Thereafter: Before Mr. Justice Home m 3rd. C ourt: Petition 171 38— Reduction of Capital 0! Singapore Investment
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  • 185 3 TTHE S.S. Court ot Appeal, consisting of the Chief Justice. S.S.. Mr. Justice McElwaine, Mr Justice a'Beckett Terrell and Mr. Justice Home, reserved its decision yesterday. In the appeal of Uin Liat agains 1 his conviction ana sentence by Mr. Justice Howes, at the Penang
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  • 76 3 (From Our Own Correjpordent» Bangkok. July 26. JMPOFTS from Japan into Bangkok continue to decline. For the month of June the total declared value of 30 classes imports was £32,850. En June. 1937, the total imports of the same 30 headings amounted to £60.194. The
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  • 24 3 Mr. Kurt Black's orchestra has been engaged to play at the S.C.C. on Saturday. July 30, from noon till 2 p.m.
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  • 95 3 QHl\ KAY CHEONG, a clerk employed m the Registrar of \ehic!es office. was yesterday charged, m the Second Police Court, before Mr. Oldham. with crinunal breath of trust as a servant m respect of S2l. It was alleged that early m February t,Sf^2H v pa:d
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  • 194 3 NO HEALTH CERTIFICATE NEEDED tFtom Out O/ n Ci,~iy 0.-r.citv.r > Bangkok. Juf> |In t the Assembly on Tuesday Interest i'ao centred en the Bill, which sought to amend thp section of the Civil and Commercial Code relating to 'i marriage contract, by the addition of a sub-clause empowering either
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  • 51 3 The -annual prize day cf the City High School will b? held on Friday July 29. at the Theatre Royal. North Bridge Road, at 9 a.n\ Rev. P. K. S. Adams will speak and Mrs. Adam.s will give away the prizes and Cambiid^ Certificates for
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  • 29 3 A STUDY pi TRANS7GRT. The Maia. main unit of the composite air< raft snort-Mayo, above a stream lined sieam >acht and old sailing ship at Southampton
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  • 352 3 CURES AND SPIRITS (From Our Own Correspondent.) sranrcav i Kuala l.umpar, July 25. (TONESE who come to Malaya to escape the war bare brought with them treasured legends ana local myths. A Peking Chinese told me of various cures practised m th* legions
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  • 144 3 FIT TO STAND TRIAL SAYS PROSECUTION (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban. July 15. yilt Xegri Sembilan Assizes b* gan today m the Seremban Supreme Court before Mr. Justice J. Howard Pedlow. A. H. Joseph, the estate clerk from Kuala Pilah. who is charged with the murder of his daughter. Jvv.
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  • 31 3 PilJt Officer J T Heath R.a.F escaped uninjured wften the Hawker Hurrlcan 'plane he wu flyins made a forced landin? m a (\ibbaue field near Co'.n'orcok, Bucks.
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  • 26 3 Mr. Percy Rowland, who ha.s hcvd a similar post under the Folkestone Corporation, has been appointed as the first entertainment manager at Southend-on-Sea.
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  • 24 3 Ths South Australian vintage is estimated at 16.400.000 gallon* which It 250.000 caPons more thin that m 1926-27 hithorr-) t'i» !ar<r*f en rrcorr 1
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 110 3 K. P. M. LINE On leave? Travel home via South Africa First Class from C 97/-- DETAILED INFORMATION APPLY TO KOMINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPY Incorporated m Holland; Men Made Young Vigour Increased In 24 Now? it you if-el oit oefore \our Ime nnd unable to enjoy the plea i:if> <ii yout;h,
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  • 1160 4  - King And Queen To Cruise In The Royal Yacht Joan Littlefield By THE ROYAL YACHT, Victoria and Albert, m which the King and Queen are to cruise before going to Ealmoral, is the third ship of that name to be built for royal use. Victoria and Albert I was laid
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  • 312 4 LOR all that has been said about other Salzburgs, all about Europe, the old one, here m the old place, has come up to the occasion for this year's Festival with a very up-to-date new Playhouse. It is a solid, yellow building, planned by the architect Clemens Holzmeister,
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  • 57 4 AFTER BABY CAME y On H I Afforuar **kV I incrras, "I I fest T W,d /^he I If.' 1 if I I my noj I able to I Urn. s I sensitive m I I Krua I I perl* M V V? M( i I ■vl vrrtrrt 1,. >]
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  • 748 4  - Plans For Britain 's Food Supplies In An Emergency BY ANY drastic and effective action to improve the nations defences is now welcomed by Parliament, Press and public m Great Britain. Whereas financial measures concerned with defence were critically received m the House of Commons two or three years ago,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 109 4 aa 1C .c I 'II ■a t^i fB Wrajprd tn Cdlopkm. INCREASE YOUR EXEK All Doctors will tell yoJ good Halibut Liver Oi i] you and the chitorv Thanks to SIMPKINS y*i now take Halibut Liver Oil form of a delightful 14 scotch sweet SIMPKIN, Barley Suit AT ALL FIR.'
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  • 30 5 declared mgM en popuU.tß*i ah ia Ji aact c I lensel his Kj BR<H>K' (t! BAIAWAM m mm o\ sabawak lIAI IAI »V INUH.v KOI fdfd
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  • 650 5 Social And Economic Report Issued RESIDENT LAUDS UNOFFICIAL HELP (From Our Own Correspondent) APFATITRir ♦4u Seremban, July 26. *bAIUKE of the annual report on the social and economic progress of the people of Ne^ri Sembilan for the year 1937 which has just been issued, is
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  • 443 5 Tronoh Narrow Gauge Railway Proposal A PR OPOSAL affecting the f?Trn ar X° W gauge raiJ way line, lar-reaching consequences d \s n h^enleT^c P ar p^ age bST M' With ad nt%u n t 0 the bu s services. t J l" c thers who are °PP°^d to the
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  • 67 5 'From Our Own Correspondent* Seremban, July 2G. Mr. Han Moh Lee. a prominent Selangor Chinese, and another passenger, escaped injury when the car m which they were travelling: from Kuala Lumpur to Port Diokscn overturned into a drain near Seremban. The police believe that a Tamil boy
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  • 160 5 PRESIDENT Roosevelt and his objectives remain popular throughout the county. but the people dislike his methods, his advisers and associates and feel that he has too much power, says a quarterly survey by Fortune Magazine. In addition to these observations, the magazine sajs its
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  • 90 5 •From Our Own Correspondent! K iia l.». Lumpur, July 26. Admitting 18 previous convictions, Leong Wu Yui, a young Chinese was sentenced by Mr. Justice Raja Musa at the Selangor Assizes today to seven years' rigorous imprisonment for armed robbery. The prosecution's case was
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  • 315 5 Bangkok Customs Seek False Customs L(From Our Own Correspondent" Bangkok. July 2S. THE Customs are gradually tightening up on the importer who tries to dodge the Fisc. Importers have been notified that "m order to facilitate the passing of import entries by the Customs, the invoices relating to the goods
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  • 20 5 A 46 years m the postal service, Mr. Frederick Ashby, postmaster at Windscr. has retired on pension.
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  • 546 5 Agriculture The Mainstay Of Kedah THE KEDAH REPOPT for 1937 shows that this State, the largest of the Unfederated Malay States, depends for its prosperity almost entirely on agriculture, padi being its principal crop. The estimated population m 1937 was 474.775, made up of Malays and C/ther Malaysians 319,260; Europeans
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  • Article, Illustration
    29 5 JHE Royal launch m which the King a nd Queen viade the fovrneu up the Seine from the Quai d'Orsay to the Hotel dc ViUe dur'na their recent visit.
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  • 209 5 BALLOON STRATOSPHERE ATTEMPT BY POLES IT HAS BEEN decided that th« Polish stratosphere balloon ascent will start from the Tatra mountains. The start is expected early m September. The backers of the Polish strato sphere attempt hope to beat all Sn L nin ng altitude records by reaching 30.000 metres.
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  • 31 5 CHIEF CONSTABLE'S RESCUE I Cupt. W. J. Hutehlnaoa, Chltf Constable ol Brighton, rescued a two-year old girl, Emily Smith, of William i Street, who lell into lily pond m O'l Stcino
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  • 18 5 A talk on Tlieosophy and The).sophists" will be given at thf» The3- sophical Society. Handy Road, tomorrow evening.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 155 5 BACKACHE starts here STOP IT NATURES OWN WAY IMPURITIES and clogging waste matter m the kidneys axe the root -cause of agonising backache. Relief can best be obtained by drinking alkaline mineral water, which thoroughly flushes the kidneys free of these pain-causing imputitie% Ths effect is marvellous fatn is quickly
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  • 39 6 KING AND QUEEN of PARIS VISIT J^HE King end Queen say gooabyc to officials before lyoardn. W[ toria en the start n/ their ofl\dal three f'c I pRESIDbHT Lebru?i talks icUh the Or H weft- 60/s rfu a J
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  • 7 6 r* *"^^»~"~*&>%«^^ t0 lhc
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 182 6 tows Topical &odget HOLIDAYS WtTtf PAS foil poultry !*m*B*l#8M0» 1 L Loujs spy report 1haT1He Boai^l of t 4FP^> Trade. cooperaW u,.1Vt 1he Mimstry of The .nd.soosuW of *x L -T welfare, 5 Trying 1b fed Out hou* much H« rv r Ne™7 are noT )dE?\^ J J^^^Bk\s' iS poultry
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  • 462 7 MUNICIPAL COMMISSIONERS MAY DISCUSS SINGAPORE STRIKES Bus Workers Reply Xo Free Press SOCIATION PREPARED TO ACCEPT ARBITRATION LtfnoNS al !l Singapore bus strike and the removal coolies are likely to meeting of the Municipal ners? to he held on Friday. Following compUints published m the Free the iuthorities announced that
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  • 77 7 (From Our Own Correspondent) London, July 26 COUTHERN Kinta Consolidated Ltd. are issuing to shareholders 35*,924 new ss. shares at haJf-a-crown premium m the proportion of one new share to ten present shares. Th* new issue is to provide additional working capital for the company, it
    Free Press Cable  -  77 words
  • 69 7 Chua Chwee Kiat, a former salesnan of Roneo Co., who was sentenced j to three yeaii 1 rigorous imprisonment i charges of theft, forgery and using) as genuine a forged document, was al- i I wed a reduction m sentence by the i >. Court of Appeal
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  • 214 7 Saturday, July 16. His Excellency presided at a meeting of the Executive Council held at Government House this morning. In the afternoon His Excellency was present at the Annual General Regatta of the Royal Singapore Yach: Club. Sunday, July 17. His Excellency dined with the Hon'ble Mr. A.
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  • Article, Illustration
    49 7 A llt'M)KKi) YEARS have passed since the birth oi Count Zeppelin, the German airship constructor, and on his centenary recently the German P«>st Office issued two commemoration stamps; one of them showing Count Zeppelin m an old airship model, and the other of one of the latest airship models.
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  • 107 7 Passengers expected to arrive irom j Australia by the s.s. Marella tomorrow iare: Mrs E. J. Baifour, Mr. J. C. Butler, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Davis, Mr. M. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Falkner and child, Mr. G. A. Farrelly, Mr. and Mrs D. R. Dickey. Mr.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 35 7 HARLES LA(IG H ON TALKS MALAY! I fIWWK '^^jliflsP^^ famous story of the CHARLES LAUGHTON ne Re aI Theatre, London! Kr HAPPY TIDINGS PU s^^- 20th CENTURY uppy new fox u!vipil t^ THEATRE DON AMEChE
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  • 643 8 The Singapore Free Press WEDNESDAY, JULY 27, 1938. Railways Prosperity MR. L. M. SMART'S first report as general manager of the F.M.S. Railways is the best from Kuala Lumpur lor several years. It shows that the railways shared to the full m the return of prosperity last year. It also
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  • 937 8  - Millions Of Wanderer Are Scattered All Over The World C. A. LYON The Evian Conference BY BEHIND the polished speeches of the statesmen at the Evian Refugee Conference there loomed a spectre— the spectre of the Homesick Millions. You will not find the land where the Homesick Millions live m
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  • 13 8 SHERIFF, (rrvllJ"" complttt* In rlrrt.on lot^of lAe~ S»«i».* uV«|>,>^(
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 228 8 THE PG 1 WASHING UP IS EASIER AND QUICKER WITH A j HEATER ***>qHp will give you as much 'CT^^^^Kmi L fIKiJI hot water as you want, mfrlM> at any time, and the J^ii****^ 9/&J0 MUNICIPAL GAS DEPARTMENT. PHONE 5101- 0R CALL AT IHE showrooms MUNICIPAL BLDG., COLEMAN STREET. w.p.s.
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    • 30 8 Gilbey 's SPEY ROYAL Scotch Whisky* 10 YEARS OLD APB 8 Photographic copies of Free Press local pictures can be obtained on application to the Manager. Price 50 cents each
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  • 186 9 LOCAL JAPANESE IN COURT INDIAN ON ABETTING CHARGE G!S, the Singapore Third Police Court i preliminary inquiry yesterday into a seditious book m English— k The Japanese Japanese, K. Ko<ruti. the proprietor Sanyo Printing Office, m Cecil Street, a c har&€ of abetting the
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  • Article, Illustration
    12 9 TOE mKE AM, DUGOSS OF W.NDSOR H hen they tollred „e ar
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  • 72 9 I AT the meeting of the Singapore i Municipal Commissioners on Fri- day, Mr. Parbury will ask the President. Mr. W. Hartley, what steps have been taken to implement the proposals contained m the report of the AdI vancement Committee drafted by the Municipal Commissioners. Thi.s Committed
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  • 15 9 X IXUI1 Lumpur, Juh »fi WckI illfrom v,d i is: J
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  • 164 9 WOOD INTO GOLD? (From Our Own Correspondent; Kuala Lumpur. July Si QOBAISAMY, who claimed to be able to turn wood Into Kold. appeared before Mr. Justice Ka.ii Musa, at the Selangor Assizes, today, on two charges of cheating and one of attempted i -heating. Mr. M. C. Hay. Deputy Legal
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  • 59 9 Tne annual report o: the Kedah Rubber Company lor the year ended Apr. 30 last shows a net profit of The directors recommend the payment of a 10 per cent, flnal dividend, (making a total of 15 per cent, for the year. The annual
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  • 29 9 Tho Isle of Wight, vessel Vecia, fitted with a "crab*" system of propulsion, enabling her to proceed sideways as well as forward or backward, was launched at Wooiston Hants.
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  • 196 9 By Our Seremban Correspondent) Port Diik.son. July SS. VARLY one morning m September last the S.S. Kinta lav off Port Dickson harbour unable to reach the wharf owing to the heavy sea. A motor launch of the shipping company, stationed at Port Dickson. was taking- passengers to
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  • 32 9 Mr. A. J. Braga and Mr. T. H. Stone will make their declarations on taking office as Municipal Commissioners at the meeting of the Commission to be held on Friday.
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  • 244 9 AWING to departmental rearrangements, the office of the Chief Inspector of Schools. S.S. and F.M.S., Mr. H. R. Cheeseman. has been moved to Singapore from Kuala Lumpur. Mr. Cheeseman's arrival m Singapore on Monday has caused speculation m educational circles whether he will
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  • 201 9 GROW MORE PADI SAYS SULTAN Make This Country Self-Supporting JHE Sultan of Perak, at the opening of the North Perak Agricultural Show at Taiping, urged all Malays to help the improvement of cultivation of padi. He stressed that one of the most important duties of a penghulu was to encourage
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  • 175 9 •From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok. July M. The eldest son of the late Prince of Kamoaeng Bejra. Prince Prem Purachatra, who is at New College, Oxford, appears m the July examination list Honour School of Jurisprudence, Class 11. The Prince is shortly returning to Siam. -:f
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  • 60 9 •From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok. July 26. The French Minister entertained yesterday the French and British colonies and leading Siamese to a tea party at the Legation to commemorate last week's visit of the King and Queen to Paris. The British Minister and Legation staff were
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  • 418 9 Chinese Are Against Certain (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, July M, INSTEAD of opposing- m full the Business Registration Bill. 1 which is down for the second reading m the Federal Council on Aug. 3, the Chinese community is now voicing an objection to certain
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    • 4 9 f I i^^^^JH |^fci^^^^^----~^—
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    • 164 10 From London 5.30 p.m. Yesterday RUBBER: Easy. London: 7%d. 7 3 id. Previously: 7%d. 7 13 16 d. Oct.-Dec.: 7%d. 7 1316 d. Previously: 7%d. 715 16d Jan. -Mar.: 7 13;16d. 7 15|16d. Previously: 7 15 16 d. Bd. Apr.-June: 7&d. Bd. Previously. Bd. 8» 3 d.
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    • 529 10 LONDON AND NEW YORK STOCK SHARES From London 5.30 p.m. Yesterday Chare ol £1 denomination unless Latest Quotations Previously otherwise stated Conversion Loan. 6 pc, 1944-84.... 114% 114% Funding Loan, 4 p.c, 1960- 90 114 ft 1143/ 8 War Loan. zy 2 p.c 102% 103 Com. Union Assce. (Units) 10
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    • 1071 10 SINGAPORE STOCK AND SHARE PRICES Fraser And Co.'s List TUESDAY, JITLY 2«. 1938: i P.M MINING Buyers Sellers Anipat Tin (4s> 4s 4s 6d Asatn Kumbang (f) 29s 3 is c.d Austral Malay 44s 48a nc d Ayer Hitam iss) 24s 9d 2m 9a Ayer Weng ($1) 6) .65 Bangrin
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    • 68 10 From London: Latest Quotations TIN: Easier. Spot: £194 5s. Previously £194 12s. 8d Three months: £195 7s. 6d Previously: £195 17s. 6d NEW YORK TIN: Opening price 43.75 Previously. 43.75. COPPER: Settlement: £41 5s. Previously £41 5s GOLD: Yesterday: £7 Is. 4d. Previously: £7 Is. 5d SILVER:
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    • 64 10 Foreign Exchange Rates London Closing Quotations Method ol Parity before Latest PreCentre Quoting 20-9-31 Rate vlouslv Paris Franc to 121.1 178^ 178 116 New York to 4.88 4.92*,, 492' Amsterdam Guilders to 8.97- 1 8.95* 8 895'.' Hong Kong.. Per dollar Is. 3d Is 3d~ Shanghai Per dollar 9» R
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    • 192 10 Yesterday's Singapore Quotations July ?.H SELLING London. T.T. 2 3 29 32 London, demand 23 29 32 Lyons, demand 2063 Switzerland. demar»-i 248? j Hamburg, demand HIV'2 New York, demand 57 3 16 Montreal, demand 571^ Batavia. demand 103 15 16 Samarang, demand 103 13 16 Calcutta.
      192 words
    • 392 10 The following New York quotations are supplied by Reuter now j ones Hill Previously Yesterdays on T Close Close Changes 30 IndustnaLs ..144.24 144.91 up Tg7 Pn SSL 3038 3014 off -2« ~'O Llilrties 21.99 22.08 up 09 40 Bonds 90.5 i w.S3 up .32 Business done—
      392 words
    • 90 10 Chamber Of Commerce Rubber Association July 26, 12 o'clock noon Buyers Sellers No. I.X.R.S.S. In cases (FOB. July) 26 3 3 26^, Good FAQ. m bales (F. 0.8. July) 25 1 25 3 No. I.X.R.S.S. (Spotloose) lawardable Singapore) 26» 4 26- a August 26» 2 26- rt Aug.-Sept. 2634 26
      90 words
    • 65 10 ISSUED BY FRASER AND CO. AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS YESTERDAY Ed from ?™h« midda was S9B u *> Cabl orders receivthe selTinr ZZ ith orn for tin were again rather on ere JS although prices m a number of cases had been m In the local
      65 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
      58 words

  • 15 11 IPOH AERODROME WEARNES NEW PLANES ht ol Ipshl Ltd., havi fourat will .■an will be
    15 words
  • 9 11 CHAMBER MUSIC CONCERT be Ist) and d 0! the
    9 words
  • 17 11 I. immod •f Chlei n I mo aai mt ti frived :r,m luty. I Bta-
    17 words
  • 734 11 STOCK EXCHANGE BUSINESSES HOLIDAY SLACKNESS Healthy Appearance Of Rubber Market SPECULATIVE BUYING PRICE ADVANCE the approach of (he holiday season, busi- ness on the London Sfock Exchange usually slackens unless some major event occurs to affect markets write Means. Fraser and Co., m their weekly stock and share market report
    734 words
  • 246 11 List Supplied By Messrs Fraser Co* TUESDAY, JULY 'IS, 1938: 5 P.M. r nanoia 'Ompant oivicseno Books »IN Close Asam Kumbang 6d No 62 July 29 traJ .Malay 9d div 3d. bonus K~iig Kcng Tin 5% less tax Ipoh Tin 2s. 6d. final July 15 KampDnj Kamunttng
    246 words
  • 180 11 Tirgapore. Ju-y 2j. 12 o'clock noon Buyers Sellers Gambler S 7.50 Hamburg Cube 513.50 Java Cuhe SII.CO Pepper: White Muntol: M 4 2i> y-hlte 513.75 R] ark S 8.25 Copra? M»X?d $3.45 n Dried $3.75 Tapioca: Small Fi.ike 3.60 Fair 3.50 Medium Pearl 3.00 Smnii Pearl
    180 words
  • 36 11 \c.v Vor.;, fay 14. Thtt Mexico, during the Lvst three reeks, Ics shipped over •5i0.250.ii00 KOld to New York Is disc*lc*:d by the imtul etatra Department cf Comnc: ?e. 17? if.-.
    36 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 174 11 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS I Jre^J i dt'i' r B**" Ph«M> 2^83. t (Bstoaa to ail departL ,) rr€t I U+» I unes with I Koad. t IP* I I BtfMi London I I I3 J JGOB— JCO'J I idm.ila' a London I IOBSCWPnOII RATES -Mii.apore f :Jp Without I I Mila
      174 words
    • 211 11 BOARD RESIDENCE. SEA FRONT KATONG GRANGE-?*. Meyer Kd (near Swimming club) Board-Resjdcnce at moderate rates l<ar*e Gardens— Tennis. Phone: 5758. i THE MANSION OXLEY RBSE PRIVATE HOTEL Tc!. *****. "LOXTON" Pint Class Private Hotel. Bedrooms with modern bathrooms trom $05 per month Hot water to Bathrooms Ceiling fans and ions
      211 words
    • 460 11 BANIToF CHINA rineorpoiatco ir, L^M Sn u< C)l|lrtel 12. Cecil Streri Sinfap«re MODERN BANKING With branches and sub-branches throughout China, and correspondents m all the principal cities of the world, the Bank is well equipped to transact modern banking business of /»very description. TO LET OFFICES IN BANK OF CHINA
      460 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 684 11 RADIO PROGRAMMES SINGAPORE. ZHL 225 metres (1.33 me/i) ZHP 30.96 mrtrrs <9.69 me s) 1.00 M^cellancous programme of new Kramophone records. 130 Mid-day rubber prices 1.32 Miscellaneous programme contd). 2.00 Interval. 5.00 Hokkien Amoy music* 5.30 Selections from Peiping dramas. t COO Chcir music sun* m Mandarin, t 6.12 Selections
      684 words

  • 37 12 July 26: Hcng Kwong, Hong Thong Hong Lam. Esmeralda, Rantau, Jeran- i tut, Aing Leong, Agamemnon. Anshun (Brio; Ka'mpar <Dut>. July 27: Raub (Brit.; Suddhodib (Siam»: Perak (Brit.i; Togian, Makasser. Thedens, Khoen Hopa, Sin-kel Sipirok <Dut»
    37 words
  • 687 12 MAN IN CHARGE OF HUGE EXPENDITURE TTIE man m charge of efforts to rebuild the American Mer- chant Marine, entailing the expenditure of more than $2,000,000,000 over the next eight years, is a retired naval admiral who believes passionately m the use of the
    687 words
  • 203 12 I I LOYDS Register Book t«>i 1938-39. published this month, gives a complete, detailed survey of the [world's sea-going merchant vessel.s ol j 100 tons and upwards. The total (number of steamers, motor ships, and j sailing vessels listed is over 31.000. The statistical tables show that within
    203 words
  • 38 12 The Holland East Asia Liner -s..s Zniderkerk La e\r> -tM t) ir ny« alongside the wham* tomorrow ai dnylifht cm arrival fa a Pai will b: tailtaf the laroc day for M and Par E» I
    38 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 378 12 [P^^^^Wi EMPRESS 7b /Vor/A America JnJ^ii Fortnightly sailings to Victoria HBr H^SI *3 |B^s ifS^^^^ and Vancouvpr Direct or via jjjjm'lf >~«^H|EBEr This llme e vla Cana <J a b oo^ f'm^RSEJ^ your Passage on Canadian Pacific's fe r^s^j^^ days iess by Empress of Russia m\ V. /-|f S^^W connections
      378 words
    • 421 12 BIBBY LINE (I.OMMiN \|i|,|:|s PAI.I MAI i t h\!.,»\ R Mail Passriut-t fft RANGOON, (oiinii'.n t* i Mm MABsnixcs ri.YMom AMI I MMMIN with Ihrnuch i mnci i-n ir«« Sincaporr ana Pry nisviii >\u i\« CHESHIRE yORKBHIRi DERBYSHIRi^ BHROPBHIRI BTAITORD6HI OXFORLkSUIIM wroßCßsn i CHESHIRt N VORKr.HIRIHCRBTAHII riirougn Pa* i Tar
      421 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 595 12 Local And Foreign Mail Dispatches And ArrivalsDESPATCHES BY TRAIN Bangkok every Saturday 7 p.m Thursday 7.45 a.m. Swettenham Taiping and Telok Anson. Weekdays* Kota Bahru, Kuala Krai. Thursday and Friday* 7 a.m. Sunday 7 p.m. Kuala Lumpur and Penang Weekdays: 7.45 a.m. Malacca. Batu Annam. Batu Pahat, Gemas, Kajang. Kluang.
      595 words
    • 102 12 Sii\c wtii^X a \iti tl)l M Ust Wll f MBPWI I nlni is Presidonf D (l f rmnireh,,,, Foylfh,; I I ■-PifD X "M, Uest Wharf I MoatevM t West Whirl I Rrhm p I l^.l West Whmti I w:mi Htßlloii Wh.m I Crow. Tur P:;:. I Oil Wharf I
      102 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 259 13 g\f i x^^^m*** I ipSi •'•■■••lf v I K2S?:Siil vl HliKtiJSlsssjr vfe \J f 'Hi MM 'ißssssf \f v KB 111 •'^BH P^-^«'5 X -Bh^l fl l***>a m 9 lu^S w ALL'S WELI I A^ I— L- %J w L> L- l_ I BY I CHEAP RETURN TICKETS TO CHINA,
      259 words
    • 451 13 (incorporated tn Straits Settlements i ELLERMAN BUCKNALL S.S. Co., Ltd. (/ncorporatea m Engiana.) FOR UNITED KINGDOM AND CONTINENT VIA PORTS AND SUEZ CANAL Steamer CITY OF DERBY Havre L'don ftdam. Hbur- r-o^ Doe S ih> CITY OP SINGAPORE Ha\Te. Ldon R'clam. Hburl' GlaSsn» ug 5 Aup 8 CITY OP BAGDAD
      451 words
    • 740 13 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. SINGAPORE AND PENANG PHONE 5154 (7 Lines) REPRESENTING. SHIPPING SbiD f^ E |t? JNN H L L J l NE (OceaD rhe Ha Steam.hip Co (193? > U* NaSiitoif?" rSi chlM Mutosu steauD Conani sur Tht straiu St^nlfh n r Aberdeen A Commonwealtb Line The SJ™.?*!** 1
      740 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 625 14 K. P. M. THEDENS— Wednesday. July 27, Muntok and Paiembang. TOGlAN— Wednesday, July 27, Toengkal. Mo-ara-Saba and Djambi. MAKASSER— Wednesday. July 27, Prigi-Radja; Sapat, Tembilahan, Poeioe-Pr.llas, Psngalian-Estate and Rengat. VALENTlJN— Wednesday, July 27. Belawan-Deli. TOMOllON— Thursday, July 28. Singkawang. Pemangkat and Sambas. TlNOMBO— Thursday, July 28, Selat-Pandjang Bengkalis, Soengei-Pakn- ing,
      625 words
      388 words
    • 396 14 O.S. K. LINE FOR AFRICA ANO son It >%„,,, tMontevideo Maru Ituenos Aires m Capo Town. R;o de j I and Montevideo. 1 Manila Maru Kuenos Aires via OMm Zanzibar. Dar-e.s-Saia.iii renco Marque.s. Durban i ana Cape Town I U Plata Maru Buenos Aires via < Cape Town, Rio de
      396 words

  • 888 15 Doreen s Chances fright In Women s Singles Joyce Grenier May Provide Most Opposition was rather the unthe result Joyce Gre•iM- player Mrs. Hart- ca left•n lhl bot irvive i; age, Joyce the next round their iorm on she re aon the champion, Miss b seen
    Free Press  -  888 words
  • 21 15 Inning Qt of 7)r'-^rr>r,J! 4//oc Gotland, with record suvi- 2 P 7k P frwn >"lt'c aid there is
    21 words
  • 112 15 jyiEIWBERS of Potters Bar Golf Club arriving at the fourth green last week found the wcrds "Jews keep out" burned on it m letters covering a hundred feet of turf. Similarly marked on the green was a large swastika. It is believed that caustic soda
    112 words
  • 28 15 Eppins Fire Brigade engine had to be driven through flames at a flre sit Lwer Hill F:\rm. Roy don, to reach "he only available vater.
    28 words
  • 80 15 £IGHTY-FIVE per cent, of snmJ 1 1 5 *l rls take P art j n ome for »n of sport. Athletics are more or less obligatory for |irls up to the age of 17 From that age to 20 the per cenUge of those who take P^rt
    80 words
  • Correspondence
    • 119 15 To the Sports Editor. S^u~ M J hearties t congratulations to the Singapore XI for their great victory over the Combined Services «s indeed tough luck for the MilltheV cam and mRy I sympathise v ith Their supporters should not be disappointed with them, though they lost
      119 words
  • 206 15 The Singapore Volunteer Corps programme Of drills up to and for week ending July 31. are as follows: Wednesday, 5.15 p.m Headquarters .2S.S.V.F. Signal Section, Signal Training; IS.S.V.F. Int. Section, Section i Training; 3.30 am, Holland Road Intelligence Platoon, Night Work; 515 p.m.. Headquarters, "E" Coy.,
    206 words
  • 201 15 From Our Own Correspond* nt > Lumut. July ?6. C*OR falling to exercise a little patir ence, Ken Thim, a Chinese junkmaster, was convicted and fined $5. m default four days' rigorous imprisonment, by Datoh Ahmad bin Osman, the Lumut First Magistrate, for discharging his cargo
    201 words
  • 54 15 Four months' rigorous Inpriioiwieiil was imposed en an Indian, Vytalingam, m the Singapore Criminal District Court, on Monday, when he pleaded guilty to a charge of possessing drußs, (Indian hemp> worth 50 cent? at Townsend Road, on July 2. Ha admitted four previous cc.r.: tions, two
    54 words
  • 430 15 pHINESE hold a convincing lead m the first division of the League and it is difficult to see them losing the race for the hon ours this year. Tables up-to-date are: DIVISION 1 Goals P.W. L. D.
    430 words
  • 97 15 It is proposed to conduct t badminton tournament thLs year under the auspices of the Singapore Malaya'ee Association, open to all Malay alees resident In Singapore. The application form.* of intending competitors should reach the hon. > sports secretary, the Singapore lialavalee Association. 100 Race Course Road,
    97 words
  • 81 15 The following are requested to turn up at the Trade School field on Sunday July 31. 1938 to take part m a trial game of football lor the Makepeace soccer XI. Max Lang, Gerald Lim. Kg Cheng Ham, Lionel Dand. Chan Chong Keen, V. Dana, George Lionel Lange.
    81 words
  • 120 15 Thr follo^in^' ate the IMBIU o.' .i spoon shoot of tho Fingapon Rifl I Association held on Bukit. f'mah Range on Sunday The leading scircs were as foil" S R. Atf^TT- n Mmm a c.t b. gate i:v.' tk*x Dr.n Ht»pkiiis B 90 S Pte.
    120 words
  • 63 15 AGREEMENT OVER LANCE Count Kurt Hau*jwitz-H .vnaow discharged it Bow Street when a charge of using threats to his wife, causing her bodily fear was withdrawn. is determined to remain m London m the hope that a .satisfactory agreement j regarding his son Lance, will be made. He expects the
    63 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 178 15 Diary Of The Day HOTELS. RAFFLES: Cocktail Dance 630 t-> 8.30 p.m. Dinner and Dance 930 pm. to midnight. SEA VIEW: Special Dinner and Dance. COCONL'T GROVE: Dinner and Dance. CINEMAS. NEW ALHAMBRA: 'The Adventures of Robin Hood." with Errol Flynn and I Olivia de Havilland Warner Bros Production. Gala
      178 words

  • 1183 16 Large Entries For Competitions The lollowing is the draw and starting times lor the competitions to be played at Bukit Timah on Saturday and Sunday of the August Ban* holiciav week-end. MEDAL COMPETITION Saturday Morning 855 S/Ldr. C. M. Gricrson and Major H. Q.
    1,183 words
  • 210 16 Essex Win Well Against Nortkants OEUTER cables ittmalU. of Home cricket matches completed yester!day as fellows: At Rushden, Essex beat Northamptonshire by seven wickets. Northants 199 and 284 (Nelson- 110. .Ray Smith .five for 51>. Essex] 37 0f /O'Connor 115 not out' and 110 for three wickets. Surrey
    210 words
  • 65 16 The follow iiig have been selected to pay football for the Y.MCA. m n League Match vs. 'Casuals* on Friday at 5.10 p.m. on the Anson Road: J. Ferguson. M. Swyny. Koh Ho Khoon. C. F. Tessier. G. L. Day. Hutchinson, Pullen, Shamsudin, Urn Kirn Wee, Ong Swee
    65 words
  • 123 16 pVNLY Don Bradman is likely to take advantage of the Australian Cricket Board of Control's reversed decision recently to allow players' wives to join them after the last match of their English tour. Seven women must stay m Australia, for a trip to England costs
    123 words
  • 663 16 England Lost Her Chance At Headingley LONDON COMMENT ON HEADINGLEY GAME (From Our Own Correspondent) London. July 26. DISAPPOINTMENT at England's failure to win the fourth Test Match after they had such a grand opportunity at the close of the second day's play is
    663 words
  • 178 16 TOD A Y'S TIES IN M. L. T. A. CHAMPIONSHIPS Rain Stopped Play Yesteri QN account of rain yesterday U»n V| nis championships and additional ur k from yesterday, will be played this ulicn. I Because of the loss of one day tn~ international match against N.h.l will start with
    178 words
  • 57 16 pOLLOWING All-England Eleven has been chAsen to meet the Australians at Folkestone on Sept. 3. 5. and 6:— F. C. H. Chalk (captain) (iMt), R. 11. Va'entine (Kent). J. W. A. Stephrnson (Essex), Woolly (Kent). Arne. (Kei.t). Wright (Kent). PaynteY (Lan<s >. HardstaA' 'Notts) C'ompton
    57 words
  • 144 16 £2,000 Loss On Aust. Women's Tennis Tour? Mfilmn ii.' July IT is expe-tcd thu a Imj nt'aboiii /j2.oo^'» will b? ihowil on Uie toui of the Australian women'! tennis te mi v\ov: m Germany, and suggestiens ar? being mad Q that the Lawn Te.mis Associav on oi Austral a might
    144 words
  • 94 16 Caul field And Melbourne Cup T.i:: order oi fofmrltini ior Ai li;-': j wo Imbml racial thf 0m1« tield Mid Melbounv^ Copi i- anaounccd m Sydin^y x^ i(.lU»> AIIUFI!) (IP Oi' .'iid a bft'f mil: 1 n on I 15. AfWtfer, Ai:r: Fcofnuuk. Speo CM -t. j* polio. Bu'ulon«v OOWAOC
    94 words
  • 107 16 the Stewart*' cup run at c. civ.wd over six fartengi yesterday resulted, eabtefl Reiue 1 HARMACHIS (gvaiU) OLD RELIANCE iGarane* DAVY DCOLTiILE (SibbrlM. Twenty-five run. Won by ;< head; t-v3 lengths. Betting ico \d' t to r 100 to 9. Also ran: Monmoulh fGom* il (Gllb-rt.
    107 words
  • 92 16 The July men's medal ml the Island Club resulted m a win lor C A. R Baiemun In the 'A' division with a nett score of 73. In the 'B division, H. D MueLaren won with a nett scGie of 68. The lollowlng were .some ol
    92 words
  • 23 16 Competitors n the various events are informed that there will be no ties this week-end m the Singapore badminton championships.
    23 words
  • 110 16 Benny Lynch. the Cla.,-ow b appeared before the stewards of tIM British Boxing Board of Control Louden with regard to his b ins 61b overweight for the world flyweight UMe fight with Jae'-l,* Jurich (Amn: ca» at Pai.sley a ironth ifO. v.h n he f<M felted
    110 words
  • 88 16 Capt. J. A Barlow won the Kin", s Prize at B sley for the second timer. us-ng the same rifle which Mi.v* Foster used when she won the prb,e M«ss Foster had lent her rifle to I Cap\ Barlow the previous night winning score was 287. Two
    88 words
  • 49 16 TAKEN IN HIS STRIDE QumriPfiNc lhr Pion IIISI X S dllr% U tt J the ,r.i,k „,,1,,--fumrrv N KJ l i i and Italt N > ot>|Miiif>i t |s m lkfy havr l,r, I SiKsom Nv r<|f|| M .Hun,.,;, I Kudlr. ld (i lx «W UhJT C'unnin-hiMi <[ S rki
    49 words
  • 9 16 P Men. i I ground a* I
    9 words
  • 15 16 nirndod :.Jd b-r )i T\w d«H- or 1 I t.i the p I thn- I
    15 words
  • 86 16 Ties for Today and Tomorrow [Off today m the Tfc&gUa t^;..i I toumamenl are: ll'dirap Men's Doubles (Semi-tinals FL Ram^av-Rae and Mr. DroOfleevar 15.1» n Mr. Mcrrls and U PerdrUa 1 3». Mr. Phl.ilos snd Mr. Ifmrthl!] < 15 1' VS. Mr. Se;h .»nd Mr de.
    86 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements

  • New Alhambra Supplement
    • 9 1 N ew Alhambra Supplement SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, JULY 27, 1938
      9 words
    • 598 1 prst Air-Conditioned Theatre In City Opens. HSTINGUiSHED AUDIENCE AT I NEW A.LHAMBRA AXE of the most distinguished audiences ever to attend a cinema m Malaya will be present at tho *ala opening of the New Alhambra Theatre tonight. Among: those expected to be present are the
      598 words
    • 29 1 Shaw Bros. Rise Is Romance Of Cinema. i is WHO but Bro- proprietors ut the New mat■- and until Bri. the 1933 to the i hi me I- |v*ra
      29 words
    • Article, Illustration
      5 1 corner 0/ the renovated thea
      5 words
    • 108 1 QNE of the most difficult tasks m the reconstruction of the Alhambra Theativ was the strengthening of the roof with new steel trusses. This work was done by the United Metal Works. Several unusual problems were presented by the job. as the work had to be
      108 words
    • 24 1 Mr. C. S. See (left) and Mr. C. C. Sung who tea be joint managers of the New Alhambra Theatre.
      24 words
    • 44 1 TPHE general renovation work on the New Alhambra Theatre was done by the Nanyang Structural Company, V/ilkie Road. The company was responsible for the alteration work necessary for the fitting of the air conditioning plant and the installation of the ducts.
      44 words
    • 182 1 y^IR -CONDITIONING was ruled a conservation of assets rather than a "speculative investment" m a recent court test— believed to be the flrst of its kind— of a $500,000 (U.S.) contract recently given by the liquidators of the Canal Bank and Trust Co., New Orleans, for remodelling
      182 words
    • 117 1 JfUILT IN 1910, the Alhamurawas for viany years the premier theatre m Singapore, ant with the installation of air-conditioning U should regain that position. When it was a favourite Saturday night resort before jnoior-cars were popular, long lines of rickshas took patrons to the cinemc.
      117 words
    • 310 1 Fine Films For New Theatre. 4 S well as comfortable actvmmo- dation, the New Alhambra will 'offer its patrons a wide variety of high-quality films. The theatre has been fortunate m signing contracts with two of the most important studios m Hollywood, Warner Brothers and Twentieth Century-Fox. In recent years
      310 words
    • 132 1 NEAT STAFF TAUGHT TO FIND YOUR SEAT p> ensure the utmost Mrvfei tt patrons, special attention ha* been paid to the training of thr ushers and mhtriUM for the N-". Alhambra Theatre. There was exceptionally k« on competition for the positions, and th* rip pllcantl selected were ehOMn lor their
      132 words
    • 82 2 "Jezebel"Picture And Song. INSPIRED by Bette Davis' 1 finished portrayal of the "Siren of the South" m "Jezebel," Harry Warren and Johnny Mercer wrote a song entitled Jezebel," which has been incorporated into the score of the picture of the same name. The tune has caught on and the best
      82 words
    • 1118 2 "The Adventures Of Robin Hood" In Technicolour FINE CAST PLAYS WELL-LOVED STORY rVSE of the greatest stories of historical fiction which has charmed millions m the 600 years since Robin Hood and his merry band lived, is brought to the screen for the first time m natural colour m "The
      1,118 words
    • 261 2 Actress Born In Far East Makes Good QUVIA DE HAVILLAND was »born m Tukio m 1916. Her parents were English, the father being a patent attorney. H^r mother brought her to California when she was a year old and she was educated at Saratoga Grammar School, and Los Gatos High
      261 words
    • Article, Illustration
      28 2 Beautiful Carole Lombard and the French musical comedy star, Femand Gravet, m a hiarious scene from "Fools For B«md* o Warnrr Bros, comedy xohich is c^niij to Singavorc
      28 words
    • 181 2 pviALOGUE which comes like bullets from a machine gun is a feature of Fools for Scandal." a Warner Bros, production from the hands of Mervyn Leßoy which leads with Carole Lombard and Fernand Gravet, the French musical comedy star. The story Carole Lombard is an
      181 words
    • 397 2 The Play Ran For Two Years In London J L. WARNER saw the play Tovarich m London and bought it the next day from Gilbert Miller. It went into movie production as Tovarich," but the name warn changed 1 1*. A" W€e tO r
      397 words
    • 89 2 1 r T t UE Adventures of Robin flood." with ErroJ Flynn, Olivia de Havilland and Basil Rathbone. TOVARIC H. w ith C laudettc Colbert, Tharles Royer. liasil Rathbone and Anita Louise. "JFZEBFL," with 11, tie Davis. Herry Fonda and Georce Brent. "pHE f'.reat
      89 words
    • 329 2 Flynn Is Actor, Author, Adventurer Errol Flvnn Is <; llx 1 MNTO the brief space of 11 juar: the Irish actor- auth: r-cdven-turer Errol Flynn has crtm-d* d HOfi odrrniwre f/i<i« /^it^ atTraicrc person IPOIiM experience m a lifetime Born 28 years ago m north of Ireland, he traces an<c*tri/
      329 words
    • 49 2 I m V I fan;., I v, U liv I ilhM I only mn plon A* II I I I .NV/;v</ I Afti I i k» m ■> r I r I H m I No H I und I I 1 ond j I it- H V >'
      49 words
    • 14 2 F I I Ban Pi Did 1 I I I a Id m
      14 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 129 3 At LaSt! |y;" P 2" CINEMAGOERS CAN ft ENJOY PICTURES IN COOL COMFORT AT MALAYA'S FIRST ONLY AIR-CONDITIONED Theatre rj^f TIT 1 m m I IHI MB BHHk mmh| *Ai VHV mOIV 4 WOWB AT /i AM AM P.M. 6.15 P.M. Zs P.M. Grand Malayan Premiere of WARNER BROS' Spectacular
        129 words
    • 845 4 Great Advances In Equipment At New Alhambra Theatre. NO SUDDEN CHANGE ON LEAVING. THE most modern methods of air-conditioning will be used m 1 cooling the New Alhambra Theatre when it opens tonight. The plant which has t?ccn designed for the theatre will overcome the defects
      845 words
    • 16 4 Thtsc smartly-uniformed usherettes end pages will ivork m the Nerj Alhambra'l "mountain-top" atmosphere.
      16 words
    • 282 4 NEW BOON MAY CHANGE OUR ARCHITECTURE. gINGAPORE lias taken an active I interest m air-conditioning for a I comparatively short time. Although the city's hot, humid climate is one m which air-condition- 1 ing can give the maximum benefits, it has lapged far behind more
      282 words
    • 79 4 piCTUKES of the King and Queen's visit to Paris will be among those shown at the gala opening of the New Alhambra tonight. Th? pictures v/ere scheduled to arrive tomorrow, m accordance with the theatre's usual policy of showing airmailed newsreels, but special arrange-rm-nts have
      79 words
    • Article, Illustration
      5 4 The n:icly-dcccratcd circle and boxer.
      5 words
    • 374 4 'THE first cinema film was shown m Singapore In 1902 by a Parsee I travelling showman named Basrai lin a tent on the open space at the 'junction of Hill Street with River j Valley Road. Electricity was uni known m Singapore at that
      374 words
    • 197 4 Air-Conditioning Victoria's Time YORK COMPANY SKU'REsJ CONTRACIS. I most people think of itr cuadl tioning as an int';uu ladostry." As a matter of fact, v iirconditioninf f yitem wai installed m the British House of I mrns m LBS6, two yean btfora th« accession »>t" Qiicm Victoria, N\'\vs-\\\tk. Utilitinf ict
      197 words
    • Article, Illustration
      6 4 Through this huge duct will be
      6 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 49 5 HEADQUARTERS FOR MECHANICAL COOLING ALHAMBRA THEATRE AIR CONDITIONING BY YORK. I&JS^ imßM^l^^lWWl—^^^^ i 1 1 wy<'<?. H oßoKsfli i; x^.-x *••-,< -V-v-^>^»r*' -s&i lAS jooh "?^3»Ks<ss"''>£Ss36 111 yjRfV '^Sk'^?'' '^^1 IBS v *xiM' -3C38E2 BS^^B 4»iimw( 111 BapM^^H B^^OTmßß^W?^ BEBI 0 Bl I NSTALLATION BY SIME, DARBY COY., LTD. j
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      • 699 6 (j-VSW A SURVEY AND REVIEW OF NEW PRODUCT QflV i^^ TWENTIETH CENTURY FOX 4i>l| JlJbhbmbw- —^^bßl-^bbhhbv *i*3 The Editors, I M Straits Times Singapore Free Press. «pv BT BT\ BF A 1 ll* si Bi REBECCA 01 9^^^B^^y%%iT I^l Mi^^S I B^B Ir is with ercat pleasure that we. Fox
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    • 170 7 P v > X W. outstatdm 20th Century-Fox Film Corporation i> dictions have '«■<» planned for screening m Singapore. f. K idna ■.-Kobert mortal [en and a intrigue, adventure laid an back- Old Chicago' umph tickl over ovary's barn rle Chicago fire.
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    • 62 7 J EDGAR HOOVER, United Chief ol G. Men, ime an ordinary patrolman In an < xtraordinary force the Shirley Tern Department. I the Federal Bureau Angeles, on duties, paid an official visit ntury-Ka studios to meet •s for her I Sunny town inSin•n wben
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    • 144 7 Coming 20th Century-Fox Films COME 20th. Century-Fox films that are scheduled for screening m Singapore shortly are: The Baroness arid the Buller", a laugh-rippling romantic-comedy starling William Powell and Annabella. "Sally. Irene and Mary"', a super-mu-sical with Alice Faye, Tony Martin. i Jimmy Duxante. Gregory Rat off, Marjori? Weaver and
      144 words
    • 132 7 A LICE Faye was born and educated m New York and her life has been precision and decision ever since. With the ambitions of being a dancer, singer and actress, she has realised all three. She worked m choruses of Broadway shows and then had a featured role
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    • 334 7 M t high spun 1 rolled, a year by r,searoh into the w Alan Brerk led -rs m rhdr 1 of union i land tomew brings •ur. who kidnap! -i murrole ftrst aim rl if vi-n--d man ol irhlts wig *akin« D uk« I H*
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    • 126 7 DEBONAIR William Powell may play butler roles on the screen but he will have nothing to do with valets m his private life. It is not unusual far a Hollywood star to have a valet, personal maid, chauffeur, secretary and several other "hired hands." Bill admits to a
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    • 877 7 TN "Four Men and a Prayer," Richard Greene has the role of one of the four brothers whose father, a distinguished British officer m India, is cashiered from the army and then subsequently murdered through the machinations of a munitions concern engaged
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    • 256 7 FIVE GREAT DRAMAS FOR 1938-1939 TWENTIETH Century-Fox Film Corporation have unfolded and planned a production schedule for 1938-1939 which is far more ambitious, costly uwl impressive than any previous year's. Five dramatic .spectacle product. are proposed "Alexanders Kactime Hand." A lavish dramatic spectacle covering the stirring events of a Reneration
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    • 106 7 "NOTHING looks more like coat or simian to the camera than .suntan itself." the make- up man at 20th Century-Fox advised Tyrone PffMT. With this m mind Power *p*nt an entire week at C-Uallna Island acquiring a heavy coat of tan for a fWlmmlnf sequence m "Second Honeym
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    • Page 7 Advertisements
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      • 475 8 I^^^r WARNER BROS. #flfii^ip§ AT THE RENOVATED AND AIR-CONDITIONED -^^^p ffliTii o\dventures of THE MIGHTY AD VENTURES. PJ 1 T T I THE GREATEST FILM THAT THRILLED THE AGES- gH I^ool fl ***** OF ALL TIME NOW LIVE FOREVER ON THE flaßKEHß^^*^-*"*"*' -i-VrV/Vi* BCTI/llSvffl R i? l^^l tJI ->^ton .„>
        475 words