The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 13 July 1938

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 17 1 The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS NO. 13.520 ESTD. 1835. WEDNESDAY. JULY 13, 1938. 10 CENTS.
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  • 142 1 Two Arabs To Be Hanged For Terrorism Haifa, July 12. TTWO Arabs who took part m 1 the terrorism m Palestine were sentenced by a military court today to be hanged at Acre. tEPORT IN COMMONS In a report on the situation In Palestine made m the Commons this afternoon,
    Reuter  -  142 words
  • 141 1 Canton. July VL An official Chinese sta*em Q nt issued today stages that there were 61 Chinese including 23 dead I and 38 wounded, m today's air raid by Japan "c? bombsrj. Wcng.sha sta lcn suffered badly. say? Renter, three locomotives being destroyed and
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  • 90 1 London, July The suiut'on In the Far East is re- i cognised m Lcndon. states Reuter s i diplomatic correspondent, to offer no i pro,p?c l of metf'atlOQ at present, but. if vhe British Government v/ere to see j at a i y moment a hop?ful chance
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  • 331 1 DOLLAR- STERLING RUMOUR CAUSES STIR I Big Reaction On Exchanges London, July 13. REUTER learni from circles m close touch with the United States Government that the remarks yesterday by the Secretary Of State. Mr. CordM! Hull, at a press conference v\ Washington. In no way implied that |ihe negotiations
    Reuter  -  331 words
  • 27 1 King Condition Is Satisfactory Itdon, Jin l p \y cii I Lord !s that IS JTO -v Roy a to tai Xii lay oi I i rest
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  • 4 1 UI HMRM Reuter
    Reuter  -  4 words
  • 54 1 Where Is Dr. Sun Fo? 11/11 KRi: Ls Dr. Sun Fo. CMMN \niba.«sador-at-I.arge. who has been for some months m fttirope One (hire*'?, report received m Singapore said that he was m London. Another received last night statei that he was aboard the I >!ix Kou.y^ei. uhiih is due :tt
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  • 99 1 $1,000,000 Tax Evasion Charge Washington. July 1 TWO famoiii American financiers, Mr. Pierre dv Pont and Mr. John J. Raskob, arc excused by the United states Board of Tax Appeals of evading income tax amounting to more than $1,000,000 In 1923 by a 'paper transaction m securities." Raskob. a foimer
    Reuter  -  99 words
  • 41 1 At Independence Day Dinner T ll^ Ar :c T ican Ambassador to London. Mr. Joseph Kennedy, attended the Independence Day dinner at the Dorchester Hotel the day he the American Society m London, was the former Foreign Secretary. Mr. Anthony Eden.
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  • 69 1 Sin Chew Jit Poh reporUs that eight I Japanese cruisers and 30 trawlers and launches have moved from Kwangtung to the Paracel Islands, which were j occupied by France a week ago. Twelve submarines are also said to have avrived at Hoihow. The report adds that there
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  • 176 1 DWINDLING FORTUNE CAUSE (From Our Own Correspondent) London, July 12. I UNDERSTAND tha< I Mr. Havies Phipps Lemon, who was found dead with his wife and three children m a house at Worthing;, Sussex, yesterday, was a Eurasian who retired from Siftgapore m 1929.
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  • 55 1 London, July It TIGHT Royal Air Force Hawker Hurricanes flew today m formation from Paris to Cioydon m 51 minutes, beating a French airliner's previous record from London to Paris by six minutes. The Hurricanes covered the distance at an approximate speed of
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 72 1 Moscow, July I* WR. HOWARD HUGHES, millionaire airman and film producer, has completed the second lap of his round the world flight and b now on the third leg of the journey. He left Paris this morning and reached the Central Airport. Moscow. completing the 1,550
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  • 51 1 S Rome, July 12. INCE the beginning of the Spanish war, 120 Italian airmen havp been killed including 38 officers, according to an official communique issued today. The communique also claims that Italian airmen brought down 580 Republican planes, of which 487 were officially verified.-
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 42 1 Bit |f«sj y A A dTviJ^H j Malaya's Premier Hotel. I TOKIGHI' Idm! CKTAIL DAMCE 63 p M to 830P M. ii IHM^ DAMP- I ( 9.30 P M to midnight 1O ADMISSION CHAEGC. AFfi^e^ ORCHESTRA B-^V^ 1^ 1 J >> Dan Hopkins
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  • 346 2 WHERE HANKOW BATTLE WILL BE FOUGHT North Between Sinyang And Nanyang NO ATTACK THROUGH WEST OF YANGTSE npHE battle for the defence of Wuhan (Hankow) is A predicted to be fought between Sinyang, on the PeipingHankow Railway, and Nanyang, to the north-west, m the south-west of Honan. The nucleus of
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  • 65 2 'From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, July 12. CIR Shenton Thomas, who is visiting Cameron Highlands, spent today m the Blue Valley. Later, he paid a rail at the Cireen Cow. Sir Shenton, who is discussing with settlers the possibilities of future development m the region, will
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  • 190 2 3,300,000 Miles By Civil Planes London, July 12. a REPORT c:i civil aviation shows > that Britain's internal air services flew more than 3.300,000 miles m the past year, about 161,500 passengers and 1,300 tons of freight and mail being carried. That there wr*s not one serious a.rclicnt on the
    British Wireless  -  190 words
  • 37 2 About 100 Volunteers attended a •cktail party last night at the Volunteer Me:,.-; to say goodbye to Major E. W. Milfora. Brigade Major of the S.S. V)liirt^er Forces, who leaves *sr England by the Ranclii en Friday.
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  • 164 2 vFrom Onr Own Correspondents London, July 12. A SPIRITED defence of the In- tf rn.itional Tin Committee and of the buffer pool scheme was made yesterday by Mr. Oliver Lyttelton at the ar*»i»al meeting of the London Tin Corporation. Mr. Lyttelton. who recently visited Malaya, claimed
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  • 80 2 From Our Own Correspondent) Penanfj, July 12. TTday Shankar. the l iraous Indian ballet dancer, arrived m Penang toc.r.y by Til^wa €n route for Calcutta after two months' holiday m Java and Bcli. He is accompanied by his beautiful partner, Zora Mumtar, a former Indian princess.
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  • 27 2 Sir Frederick Leith-Ross has been appointed chairman of the sub-com-mittee of the League Economic Committee which began to discuss exchange control.
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  • 351 2 Reaction In Canton (CONCERNING the French occupation of the A Paracel Islands, about 40 miles south-east of Hainan Island and off the coast of Indo-China, a high official m charge of foreign relations m Canton was quoted m a local paper as saying that it is better
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  • 74 2 CLIMBERS RETURN TO BASE Simla, July 12. LJAVING equipped a camp at a height of 20.340 feet, all the climbers of the German Nanga Parbat expedition have been forced to return io their base camp owing to ceaseless falls of snow which have made progress impossible. Reuter's correspondent with the
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  • 197 2 County cricket results: Yorkshire won by 163 runs. York shirt 198 (George Pope six for 37) and 210 for seven declared. Derh-v shire 158 and 87. I an. i .lure w<m by an innings and five runs. Leicestershire 191 and lit (Poilard five for 5"). 1 shire 365
    Reuter  -  197 words
  • 363 2 Anking-Hukow-Kiukian Triangle Gun Duel Hankow, July 12. pHINESE guerillas m the Che- kiang and Kiangsu areas have commenced attacks on small Japanese outposts and garrisons along the railway extending from Hangchow, capital of Chekiang, to Nanking. The headquarters of the Japanese garrison at Pootung were attacked by £00 Chinese guerillas,
    Union Times  -  363 words
  • 139 2 COMMENT ON STRIKE bus sti I 4.000 n was mad and on local n nißht A The F:ut mine *h set-back Qui<: met! the < liny •Th< •tlik l- i like b< inu tfrai are disinclined to arbitrate •The publi. think well ol DritLsh c< ur the servant > I
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  • 73 2 lilt I l« MAM o POUJ rrincevs Xu 1 Inn Ahmed I>in<cui<in Ktidu Kul.'.a. Xl hi Nmmm Vmnuv M Haian v :ilr Tortai hen I I'ersian s < Nico'o I'olu M.i/Tn» IV In QFtCT 1 I o/ rti m tlir f (lary I Illl'l' A I
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  • 12 2 BIG PRIZE FOR ENGRAVERS Mr Hu awarded (oreifn rait eihii an lhe
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    • 89 2 Jc' ■'■'■^^?S'T^^^ ''^^SCivSvvv'^v^ftiwcS?' -?Mt.^^>^3fl^^B l^^y -JctSBBv I^K^ wS^Bwf,* '''4 ins is rather an unusual phctograph of Bread, but a l roduct eucfc as ours If worthy of unusual treatment. IT IS GOOD ALL THROUGH j THE ROYAL BAKERY offera y v wholeeome, nourishiag bread, made under hyglenij conditions from the
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    • 8 2 W t J $»e ageitt c« v tßh
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  • 390 3 Three Calls A Week At Singapore IMPERIAL AIRWAYS and Qantas Empire Airways a fort- night from tomorrow will inaugurate a three-times-a-week flying boat service between Southampton, Singapore and Sydney. This will replace the existing two planes a week service. Introduction of the new
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  • Article, Illustration
    17 3 |(,l\si Empire skyways makes a glorious pieture of sturdy h in -he sT>eed.s up for the tak?-off.
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  • 127 3 RHISII RESIDENT FROM JAVA )IS( RKDITS THE SUGGESTION m Java were learning to underish faster than Dutch as a result of English talking pictures, was British resident of many years exa, when referring to the report I- ree Press yesterday. matter as action
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  • 126 3 A VERDICT of misadventure was recorded by the Singapore Coroner. Mr. W. G. Porter, yesterday, following an inquiry into the death of a fitter employed m the F.M.S. Railways. The deceased, a Tamil named Kuppusamy. was lou*id lying dead In the backyard of his quarters
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  • 112 3 The following are rubber returns for Jane: The Ayer Kuning (F.MS.i Rubber Co., Ltd. 00.000 lbs. The Badek Rubber Estate Ltd. (Staf- Aeld Estate) 18,000 lbs. The Bradwall (F.M.S.> Rubber Fs- tate Ltd. 05.000 lbs. The Chersonese (F.M.S/» Estates Ltd 58 000 lbs. DennUtovai Rubber Estates Ltd. vDennistown
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  • 12 3 The Canadian Government has de- < < ided to establish a Legation m Brussels.
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  • 263 3 Impressive Ceremonies Promised (From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok. July 11. •THE King of Siam's visit to Bangkok m November next is expected to cost about £20,000, and the officials of the Royal Household and the Ministry of Finance are now consulting on the different items of
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  • 89 3 TM'RING a Coroner's inquiry MJ into the death of a Sinhalese goldsmith. D. A. Barnis Hemy, it was revealed that the deceased had been addicted to drink and that he had consumed about two tumblers of brandy daily. He began to act m a queer manneon June
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  • 85 3 Y.W.C.A. FORTNIGHTLY CLUB SOCIAL The Y.W.C.A. Fortnightly Club Held a social morning on Monday. The programme was arranged by j Miss North -Hunt, the retiring Presicent. who shortly returns to England. Appreciation of the work ot Miss North-Hunt and good wishes for the tUure were voiced by Mrs E V
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  • 22 3 Law Notice For The Day Before Mr. Justice Home m the '.nd ourt at 11 a.m. Assizes: Rex vs Tan Ah Poi.
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  • 178 3 (From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok, July 12. j^ MEMBER of the Starn Assembly is trying to get amended the Civil and Commercial Code m regard to marriage. At present the law does not bar the marriage of persons who suffer from hereditary or contagious disease,
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  • 78 3 Possessed Unprepared Chandu A FINE c. $60 or. m default, three monttu rigcrcus imprisonment W£ls imposed on a ChT.ese Seng Lai Ooi ir. the Singapore Criminal District Court yesterdu.,, when he was convicted on a charge ot possessing unprepared chandu at Solomon Street. It was alleged that he was caught
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  • 11 3 Queon WilheJmina ot Holland has gone to Switzerland tor a holiday.
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  • 291 3 A FTER conferring with chiefs of the Royal Australian Air Force on problems concerning co-opera-tion m wartime between that body and th- R AF East Command. Marshal of the Royal Air Force, Sir Edward L. Ellington, who is Inspec-tor-General of the R.A.F., will arrive m Singapore from
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  • 313 3 Jury's Second Retirement For Verdict y^FTER retiring 27 minute.s. the jury at Singapore Assize yesterday disagreed m the hearing of charges against Soon Lee Seong. former storekeeper of the Master Attendants Office who stood trial before Mr. Justice Home on three allegations of falsification of accounts, and alternatively, on three
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  • 120 3 the circumstance suggested suicide a post-mort'-m examination disclosed that the death of a Chinese was mm d by tubei culosis. This was revealed m evidence at a Singapore Coroners ioqiw t on a Chinese. Krh Eng Kce. yesterday. The deceased, a coolie en ployed m
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 90 3 KIDNEY VER AM) BLADDER DISORDERS Milk 'Saltrales' Water for Permanent Relief I le liver ai languor, I m. The I tew ills is! timulatlntt b the organs 5 ■mediately the ab- ody sound I alert, eyes! as .steel. I break- j ••pared 01 Alkia' finable Irons any ..•v.Kvnd exactly "trated
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    • 29 3 K. P. M. LINE On lea ye Travel home via South Africa First Class from £97/-/-FOR DETAILED INFORMATION APPLY TO. X.P.M. Line 1, FINLAYSON GREEN, SINGAPORE. (Incorporated m Holland.)
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  • 414 4 Four Concrete Objects In Economical Plan EXPLAINING the aims and policies of China's eco- nomic reconstruction m a special article published m the latest issue of the Central Bank of China bulletin, Dr. Wong Wen-hao, Minister of Economic and foremost Chinese geologist, declared
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  • 267 4 FEDERATION FOR HANKOW •THE formation by Chinese artists of a national federation as the organic unit of a w jrldwide artists' campaign for peace, democracy and cultural progress is m the offing as a result of the return to China of Mr. Jack Chen, noted cartoonist
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  • 47 4 CAPTAIN T. B. DREW, who will become Commodore, Malaya, next October, photographed aboard H.M.S. Royal Oak. the battleship of which he is captain. Capt. Drew who is seen talking to Rear-Admiral C. G. Ramsey (left), will succeed Commodore M. L. Clarke as Commodore. Malaya.
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  • 592 4 Is Cholera And Smallpox Staving Off Japanese South China Drive? (From Our Own Correspondent) FHong Kong, July 6. OR some reason best known to themselves, the Japanese have evacuated Namao Island, at the entrance to Swatow Harbour, which they captured a couple of weeks ago and which it was generally
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  • 62 4 Jumped Into River Because She Was 111-Treated A 17-YEAK-OLD Chinese girl, On? Poon Siew, charged with attempting to commit suicide on July K. was cautioned and discharged m the Singapore Second Police Court. It was alleged that she jumped into the Kallanf River. She stated that she did it because
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  • 164 4 (From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok, July 11. IN an effort to combat the smuggling of opium from the Shan States and stop the hill tribes m northern Siam from growing poppies for their own use, the Siam authorities have inspected fields where the poppy is cultivated,
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  • 207 4 A FTER several weeks' investi- gation, the police are convinced that they have foiled an attempt to blow up one of the large Government buildings at Edinburgh. Early last month the police received warning of the attempt, which Is said to have been planned by a group
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  • 171 4 From Our Own Correspondent) Bankok, July 12. THE political prisoners still at th" Bang Kwang gaol, some distanc from Bangkok, now only total a little over a hundred, and it is believed that ull of thorn will be sent to Bangkok soon-at lease before the arrival of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 37 4 I Everyone tWnkl I I swctt I F we admit that it's 1 1 GRAND j I c mea n tf, c fc( g j f., $At 6$ I I Chotirmall^r. CHOTIRMALL'S 41-43 HIGH STREET. 'PHONE 7957
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    • 234 4 GOT I vP^>> HER OHKRJfJ* Kruschen v i* i llr < It If ((UIN after an r; are micM happened decided to U -Three j serious opt operaUon was to put on a sr-rr., I started tak..weight ii norm T *i» how much t»" former me v figures- bust 3«
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 156 5 p |^^^Wmm[ HfW II II II II THE OLD NAME BOT A NEW QIL I the two leading qualities sought for i^ a mode?n"!nSoJ Insta starting due to its free flowing properties, oil, clean running and high lubricating properties Freedom f A a k« t» THE NEW PROCESS f thC
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  • 262 6 King Inspects Yeomen fHE KING inspected the Yeomen O] the Guard and presented them u-itn new colours, at a ceremony m the grounds of Buckingham Pa'aee. The ceremony was vatched by Queen Elizabeth and Queen Mary, Queen Elizabeth being m deep mourning fcr her mother. The
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  • 716 7 "MEASURE TO SAFEGUARD WESTERN HEMISPHERE" Warships To Move From Pacific THE scheduled concentration of United States naval power m the Atlantic next February for extended wai• nuinofiiN res "at least as far south as the Mniator" is regared by diplomatic observers m Washjngton
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  • 66 7 Cambodian King His Wives CISOWATH Monivong, 63, Kinff of Cambodia, is divorcing: 100 of his dancing girl wives, says an American report. It is an economy measure. He still has 100 left, however, according to the U.S. National Geographic Society. The ex-queens of this French protectorate m Indo-t'hinu, will not
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  • 450 7 Victory Won Over Disease Tilt: Noiih American Indian has taken the "war path" against disease and thereby won a population victory which seems to have saved his race from extinction, according to ollicial reports. Once known as "The Vanishing Reri I Man." the Indian today
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  • 58 7 Manila, July 11. '.Ast Sale Price? Previous Today Pesos. Antamok 0.38 0 385 Atok 0.265 0 265 Coco Grove 0.455 0 445 Demonstration 0.28 unquoted I X.L. 0.70 unquoted Wasbate 0 15 0.15 Mines Operations 0.105 unquoted San Mauricio 0.44 0 43 United Paracale 0 295
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  • 56 7 To provide for air travelers, plans for a modern tropical hotel at Darwin have just been lodged with the Northern Territory Licensing bench on behalf of a Sydney hotel licensee. The cost win be £45,000 and the construction is to begin within a few months U
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  • 343 7 What Illness Costs United States i National Conference Next Week J^ NATIONAL health conference, railed at the direction of President Roosevelt, will open m Washington on Monday next to discuss means o t' coping with the cost of illness and premature death m America, estimate! at SH) 000 000.--000 annually.
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  • 66 7 Highly paid stars who have been unable to make the journey to Australia because of the earning time lost on the six weeks' voyage each way are to be brought by air m future Plans, states Austral News, are be- Ing evolved by the J.
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  • 79 7 Claiming trial m the Singapore Criminal District Court yesterday, two Indians, Kannapan and Totan were allowed bail of $500 each, on a charge of abduction of a woman, said to be the wife r+ the first accused. Kannapan said that he did not abduct her,
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  • 41 7 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, July 12. Mr. John Hands, "champion" of Selangor'a unemployed, will sail m X.P.M. Linor, Bcisscvain on a rourd trip holiday *o Cape Town from Singa- i oore, July 21. j
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 30 7 p— njEATEE I max pALINI TUf n c Magician l L V 2lst, 22nd I i UI Sl ry of mMAM PASSIONS.. A AUKI)OF DRAMATIC TRIUMPH of I TAUUNQ BOUODfJ
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  • 623 8 The Singapore Free Press WEDNESDAY, J ULY 13, 1938. Warning To Chinese CHINESE everywhere In Malaya Will do well to pay heed to the communique issued by the Colonial Secretariat last night appealing to the community to prevent public disorder arising from anti-Japanese demonstrations. Singapore. Penang, Taiping and Seremban, as
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  • 1090 8  - Czechs Are A Tough People Refuse To Get The Jitters Raymond Leslie Buell Conflicting Forces— ll By Till: i ii fin tin l- forces of democracy. Fascism and Communism and the principles that guide them are analysed here m the second of two articles by an authoritative commentator on international
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  • 345 8 OUMOUR6 Ol possible iHernational a.' '.ion to end the conflict m bpafo f .rough mediation are be- < ominz more and m.»re insistent Then- .nn be no question that moves to bring about an arm i.s lice /.pve v );.en fcoing on behind the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 70 8 PRODUCE OF f &AH« H2 I COCMAC iiMm& CALDBECK'S JR®3B&&3Sm/ ft> P* M <=; FRUITS |HK|||§|§Kif FRUITS SOL£ AGENTS JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. INCOPPOtATEO IN ENGLAND ■V^B£x^vT^?' <*''-^ •^f,'& '.-'J- *^^^^X "*"-'"^B Gas Water Heater HOT WATER any time -all the time -with GAS Come to the showrooms and see
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  • 301 9 Government Appeals To Singapore Chinese Settlements Government last night issued to the Chinese community— both Straits-born -to prevent anti-Japanese demonstrations lead to rioting and other breaches of public colony. In a comnuiniquo, the Colonial Secretary, Mr. refers to the rioting m Singapore
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  • Article, Illustration
    39 9 AN AUSTRALIAN GIRL reporter. Kathleen Wise, of Smith's Weekly, who arrived from Batavia by K.N.1.1..M. plane yesterday after beitijf the first girl to fly Dutch from Australia to the Indies. She is flying back to BUavia tfcfti mornin.p. 1
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  • 215 9 Induction m the profit of the Sapore Municipal Gas Department for last oi $6,932. according to the annual report tne department Cor 1937, issued yesterday, was *7, compared with 5:103,080 m 193 G. Baa manufacfeet against I -rease I 598.000 cubic to 24.3 per m.Muuaure
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  • Article, Illustration
    29 9 MR. MUG WILFRED REEVE, of the Malayan Department, Singapore, and his oride. Miss Kathleen Jnlliffe, of the General Hospital, Singapore, who were married at the St. Andrew's Cathedral yesterday
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  • 66 9 Pram Our Own Correspondent) Se rem ban, July 12. A teacher in a Seremban Chinese school, Mr. Lee Cheng Ooi, was reported missing today. It ia stated that he went to Sitiawan, Perak. with his fiancee, also a schoolmistress, and they were married. They returned by train
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  • 115 9 I Coroner's Court Is Up-To-Date "IWHILE there is much con- gestion m the Singapore Police Courts m sp te of magistrates sitting until 5 o'clock and m some cases much longer, work m the Coroner's Court is well up to date. Cases were behind time s'x months ago, but work
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  • 85 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, July 12. A YOUNG Siamese woman, Tankimlan. aged about 24 \ears. was stabbed to death m a house m Perkin Street early thLmorninf. A younif maTi, believed to be* a Chinese. slashed at her inflicting serious wounds. She it-11 to
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  • 263 9 Schoolmaster Weds Hospital Sister /CARRYING a bouquet of madonna l.'lies. and wearing a dress of white cloque, embossed with silver flowers made m Empire lines, Miss Kathleen Jolliffe, a sister at the Cieneral Hospital, Singapore, was married to Mr. Erir Wilfred Reeve, of the Malayan Education Department. Singapore, yesterday. The
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  • 55 9 Steps are being taken to develop the Federal Govcrnment'.s special investigation service to suppress the leakage of confidential defence information. Need for .safeguards has been increased, nyi Austral News, because of the decision to equip the Australian defence service with a wide range of the latest war
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  • 409 9 Singapore's $500,000 Electricity Prof it OINGAPORE Municipal Electricity Department made a profit last year of nearly $500,000. The total number of units sold showed a ten per oent. increase over 1936. These ligures are published m the mnual report of Mr. E. W. P. r ulcher. Municipal Electric En;ineer. issued
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  • 408 9 These Two Men See That You Go To Work Return Home Safely F^ATING their breakfast- m their office, two men are hearing the brunt of maintaining Singapore's transport services durintr the sirike. They aft Mr. G C. Mrnviith arid Mr. W. Row, Registrar a: 1 DN ;>utyRegisttar of Vthickw AfiT
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  • 139 9 WIFE AND CHILD DIED-MANSENT TO PRISON •From Our Own Correspondent Kereniban. July 12. WOIIAMED Nor Bin Kahar. a Malay writer. Sercmban Land Office, va.s charged with criminal breach of trust m respect of $354 at Stremban today. Mr. R. C. R. Humphrey, prosecuting said that part of the accused's duiies
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  • 52 9 When a 50,000 compound i.s completed, natives are to be prohibits! from coming within the town im <>: Darwin. It is hoped eventually to MtaUWl a native settlement well out Mdi town boundary where aborigines w»!. be taught the rudiments of agriculture land encouraged to
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  • Page 9 Advertisements

  • 190 10 From London 5.30 p.m. Yesterday I It ('BRER: Dull. London: IVsd- 7Vid. Previously: 7 3 16d. 7 5 16d. Augast: 7y B d. 7» 4 d- Previously: 7 3 16d. 7 5 16d. Oct.-Dec: 7'id. 7 5;16d. Previously: 7 5 16d. 7 3 B d. Jan.-Mar.: 7
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  • 368 10 LONDON AND NEW YORK STOCK SHARES Last Night's Quotations From London 5.30 p.m. Yesterday Share of £1 denomination unless Latest Quotation* Previously otherwise stated Conversion Loan. 5 pc, 1944-84.... 1141^ 114 i A Funding Loan. 4 pc, 1960-90 ***** 1141^ Com. Union Assce. (Units). 10 \qu Royal Insce share 10s.
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  • 1045 10 From Exchange Telegraph Co I Frascr And Co.'s List I TUESDAY, Jt'LY 12. 19.18: 3 P.M. MINING Buyer* Sellers Am pat Tin <4s> 4s 4* 6d A.sam Kumbang 29s 31s Austral Malay i£) 44s 48s nun Ayer Hitam (ss> 24s 9d 2.">s 9J Ayer Weng
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  • 59 10 From London: Latest Quotations TIN: Dull. Spot: £189 7* 6d. Prt-viously: £190. Three months: £190 12s. 6d Previously €191 Od NEW YORK TIN: 41 50 Previously: 12.75. Settlerr.-ent: £38 Previously: £33 15s. Od. Yesterday. £7 Is. Ifed. Previously: £7 Is. 2d. Spot: 19^d. Previously 19 5 16d.
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  • 72 10 London Closing Quotations Method of Pant 3 oerore Latest PreCentn Quoting 20-9-31 Rate viously Paris Franc to 121.1 178 1116 178 9 10 New York.. A to 488 4.92 7 4 9 >S 8 Amsterdam Guilders to 8.97^ 895S 8953, Hong Kong.. Per dollar Is 3d U
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  • 172 10 Yesterday's Singapore Quotations July 12 SELLING London T.T. 2 3 29,32 London, demand 2!3 29|32 Lyons, demand 2070 Switzerland, demand 2493-4 Hamburg, demand 141% New York, demand 5714 Montreal, demand 57% Eatavia, demand 104 Samarang. demand 103 7 8 Calcutta. Bombay, and Rangoon, demand 155% Madras and
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  • 399 10 New York Markets Tlie following New York quotations Are supplied by Reutcr. MOW JUNKS Wll'At.fs Previously Yesterday Close Close Changes 30 Industrials ..136.20 134.56 off 1.C4 20 Rails 27.31 26.61 off .70 20 Utilities 21.70 21.23 off .47 40 Bonds 88.64 88.48 off .16 Business don*; Total volume 1.090 000
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  • 84 10 Chamber Of Commerce Rubber Association July 12, 12 o'clock noon Buyers Sellers No. I.X. R.S.S. in cases (F.O.B. July) 24VJj 24»4 Good FAQ. in bales (F.O.B July) 22% 23 ft No. I.X.R.S.S. (Spotloose) (awardable Singapore: 24V 8 24> /4 July 24% 24>/ 2 Aug. -Sep* 24% 24 3 /4 Oet.-Dec
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  • 133 10 ISSUED BY FRASER AND CO. AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS YESTERDAY MINING. Tin at midday was $94*,. down fe Tin share orders rom London contained little of interest this morning anSta ocal market shares were very dull throughout the enfire day Thl rherk^H »H nCy taeable yesterday,
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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  • 978 11 "Looks Like Being Long Drawn-Out MESSRS. FRASER CO.'S WEEKLY REPORT JUOTHING of particular significance either m political or 1 financial circles has happened during the week to call for special comment, write Messrs. Fraser Company m their weekly report issued last night. After
    978 words
  • 179 11 Sing apore Produce Prices ififfspore, July 1?, 12 o'clock noon Buyers Sellers Gambler 7.5t Hamburg Cube 513.50 Java Cube $1100 Pepper White Muntok $14 25 White $14.1)0 Black $3 31 Copra Mixed $3.30 Sun Dried $3.65 Tapioca Small Flake $3.60 Fair Flake $3.50 Medium Pearl $3.90 Small Pearl $3.70 Jelotong
    179 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 365 11 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Te<-0 Mrcet Sl»»i»»«re. rtU-ihiun* lo all departments. r«»: -run«> »*22 va StrM>t rhonr 5471 <* Hnes "ilb llrewstf? lioad. l-hone: J#iH-i. undo. 0*« JVT 7 Stfeet LMI<UID Phone- Ontr.l 1608-3600 lr|. i radmala>a London SUBSCRIPTION RATES Mppm Within Oot«id» Without Malay* Malaya Postage SiM S 00 „,50 SI2.M
      365 words
    • 460 11 BOARD RESIDENCE SEA FRONT UTONG GRANGE-77 Meyer Rd (neat Swimming Club) Board -Residence <»t moderate ral^s Large Gardens— Tennis I Phone: 5758. ITHE MANSION OXLEY RISE PRIVATE HOTEL Tel. *****. "LOXTON" First Class Private Hotel. Bedrooms with modern bathrooms from $05 per month. Hot water to Bathrooms. Celling fans and
      460 words
    • 450 11 BANK OF CHINA < Incorporated m China o* Special Cr>axttr,Jk It. CerO Slreet Slnrapwe. MODERN BANKING With branches and sub-branches throughout China, and correspondents m all the principal i ities of the world, the Bank is vtell equipped to transact modern j banking business of nvery description. "ITT OFFICES IN
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 712 11 RADIO PROGRAMMES SINGAPORE. ZIIL 1.33 me/8 (225 m p.m. 1.00 Miscellaneous programme of new gramophone records 2.00 Interval. 5.00 Hokkien amoy music. t 5.35 Peiping music. t 6.00 Modern Mandarin son^s.t 6.30 Dance music played by Charlie's Hot Stompers, with Mandarin Vocal Refrains sung by Mr. Soon C. C. a-id
      712 words

  • 644 12 HIS ANKLE BROKEN, his body burned and his face cut m several places, Lieut. Jackson H. Gray of the U.S. Army Air Corps, swam for three hours m the Gulf of Lingayen, Philippine Is., last week after his plane had
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  • 667 12 IN a letter to the Daily Telegraph. Mr. Theodore Instone. chairman of Messrs. S. Instone and Co., Ltd.. colliery owners, points out that the tramp shipping subsidy, payable for three years if freights were below a certain level, was discontinued after two yean owing to an improvement In
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 379 12 MllLii//^ or 1 America \Bfij^& i^' '^L Fortnightly sailings to V'cloviak ■—> ?r'i^-Tr(i' //&> an d Vancouver Direct or via ■■T Honolulu ships-side tall conThis tim^ go via Canada t>ook gjffi M -*S^Rk3BKFf' your pa^- v<j<? on Canadian Pacific's W^-'-'W^SBJi^^^'- fifrcnt, white Empress of Japan i-I^H^. "o^ohamrx to Honolulu m
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 642 12 Local And Foreign Mail Dispatches And Arrivals* DESPATCHES BY TRAIN Bangkok every Saturday 7 p.m. Thursday 7.45 a.m. Swettenham Taiping and Telok Anson. Weekdays* Kota Bahru, Kuala Krai. Thursday and Friday* 7 a.m. Sunday 7 p.m. Kuala Lumpur and Penang Weekdays: 7.45 a.m. Malacca, Batu Annam. Batu Pahat. G-emas, Kajang,
      642 words
    • 40 12 CLBARANCBB July 12: Rimau. BHMCalda ■OBgl Kvong. Hoiik Thon^. RanUv Boni Lam, Jerantut (Brit.; Jutlandi.l (Dan.): Monte Pianu (ItoL); Flintshire (Bri. Huvdrot (Nor,; Pulopo SSH *'<"'^f r5 <Brit); Kampu. 'Dut.); OiRAg Song (Brit taf^Vit., RCael T Bian D tl: T1
      40 words
    • 113 12 SINGA/>()JtPm The nan i v. harvco or ci last Intru Etohna Main Wharf. Entrui Ranch! 18; X IS; Diomed 13; H I lix Rou.ssel. A« I Umpire Dock. Ratrmi Sirdh.-uvi X,: Clngal< N Tiince 3G Kmpire D.nk. Kntr v t Galaxias M; X l West Wharf, Kntran,r <„, r
      113 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 212 13 Ua b^bt B^B^^^TvTwß^Bm LOOK AFTER YOU ON THE CHEAP RETURN TICKETS TO CHINA. I4PAN I COLOMBO AND BOMBAY. tuo months From SINGAPORE. $137.14 $10>8b BRITISH INDIA SAILINGS FOR BANGKOK I>ue leaves Singapore In Port July 17 Eln Port July 24 M> nUP FARE KKTIRMNG IN SAME VESSEL SBO 00 S:>o
      212 words
    • 473 13 ELLERMAN BUCKNALL S.S. Co., Ltd. {Incorporated m England.) FOR UNITED KINGDOM AND CONTINENT VIA PORTS AND SUEZ CANAL Steamer CTTV OF DERBY Havre. L'don R'dam. H'burg G'eow 1,,.* CITY OF SINGAPORE Havre. L don Riam H'burg Oli°cow a, Zln S^ 8 CITY OP BAGDAD Havre. L'don. R'dam. Hburg Wa^ ow
      473 words
    • 814 13 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. SINGAPORE AND PENANG PHONE 5154 (7 Lines) ft REPRESENTING. SHIPPING S?.n fi DE i£ UNN ?vt INI (Of€an BUmm Hoa Sleaaahlp C« tint) Lti. Co.. lAL. and Cbina Mutua) Mom Cunard Whit* sta* LUL IhJ l ?i"!J LU t! Aberdeet, CoSLinrealUi une. 0 Hi ?h U J*?"£s
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 626 14 K. P. M. MAKASSER— Wednesday. July 13, Prigi-Radja, Sapat. Tembilahan, Poe-loe-Pallas, Pengalian Estate and Rengat. REAEL— Wednesday, July 13. Belawan-Deli. THEDENS— Wednesday. July 13, Muntok and Palembang. CREMER— Wednesday. July 13, Penang and Belawan-Deli TOGlAN— Wednesday. July 13. Toengkal, Moeara-Saba and DJambi VAN OER LI JN- Thursday. July 14. Toboall.
      626 words
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    • 421 14 O. S. K. LM FOR AFRICA AND SOI Til |\|»k>m tMontevideo Maru Roenos Aires via C Cape Town Hio de j and Montevideo. i Manila Maru Buenos Aires via Color; Zanzibar. Dar-es-Salaam renco Marques. Durban. P and Cape Town. 1 La Plata Maru Ruenos Aires vi i Cape Town. Rio
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  • 190 15 TALKING'S OWNER RETIRES FROM A USTRALIAN TURF Mala Killed In Accident In Doom ben Cup kMH ILAN < OOPnti <»»<* of the most sensational buyers of ougbbrtiM Australia has seen for some years has in(l from th< turf. Mr. Cooper paid fIO.OOO for Talking i "i for Mala daring the
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  • 239 15 Benny Lynch Fined And Licence Suspended enny Lynch, tormer fly-weight el of the world, was fined :20 and had his Lcence disqualified for a \car at Kilmarnock for driving a car while under th influence of drink He v/as also fined £2 fir driving hcut due ca and attention Sheriff
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  • 78 15 Berlin July 4. COME important decisions affecting amateur boxing have been taKen by the International Amateur Boxing Federation, which has been meeting here. Alterations were made m me system of point-scoring. In future, points will be awarded f:r: A blow which lands clearly; a blow wnlch
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  • 69 15 GREYS WIN REGIMENTAL POLO TOURNEY London. July 4. The fifty-third inter-regimental tournament ended at Hurlingham In the success of the Royal Scots Greys, who. m the final tie, beat Vnc 12th Royal Lancers by 10 goals to 8. To win by a two goals' margin after being three goals down
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  • Article, Illustration
    32 15 LORD lIRABOURNE (m top hat), Governor of Bengal, inspecting lac iruard of honour at Viceregal Lodge, Simla, where he took over the duties Viceroy during Lord Linlilhgow's four months' absence m England.
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  • Article, Illustration
    16 15 NORWEGIAN athletes training at the While City for the athletic match against Great Brilain this month.
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  • 394 15 PHYSICAL CULTURE FOR MODERN CHINESE YOUTH A NCTENT Chinese physical culture, hitherto somewhat neglected in modern China, has been revived as a means of strengthening the spirit and physique of the nation's ycuths. on whose shoulders mainly will rest the responsibility of post-war reconstruction. This is the movement sponsored by
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  • 37 15 London, July 11. The British Boxing Board of Control has given the managers and promoters until Aug. 5 to arrange a FarrPhillips British and Empire title bout. Otherwise it will open Invitation Purse offers. Reutcr.
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  • 507 15 Champion For Second Time London, July 6. p S.M. F. J. COLES, 2nd Bn. Monv mouthshire Hegt., today won tr>e Kings Medal, Gold Jewel and the title of Rille Champion of the Terriiorial Army. His aggregate for the two stages was 341. Coies. whb is 41,
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  • 60 15 Ihe following have been selected to play tennis for the V.M.C.A. vs. Singapore Teachers' Association on Friday. July 15. at 4.30 p.m. on the V.M.C.A. Courts: H Kamis. See Gim Hock. Tan Huck Toe and Wee Eng Lock; H. K. Yadi and c. Y. Koh; Miss Eber and
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  • 35 15 Clerical Union 1 Munic'nal Ser. 0. 'pHE Clerical Union defeated the Municipal Services by a goal m the third division league sorer played on the former's ground y o >t rday.
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  • 596 15 SIOW LEONG JOO'S RISE IN MALA YAN A THLETICS Will Be Attraction At Championsh ips CIOW LEONG JOO, Penan* Chinese, who has literally lept Malayan athletic limelight with some startling performances m high jump and long jump events over the last two years first took up sports seriously four years
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  • Article, Illustration
    14 15 MISS R. M. 11 \HD\vii k in p!ar arainst MKs llarti;an <\ustralia> at Wimbledon.
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  • 157 15 SECOND IN WORLD'S HE A VY WEIGHT RATING "pHE world's leading heavyweight after champion Jo? Louis Is "TwoTon Tony.' the Newark. USA. publican who tra'ns on beer. So says the National Br>xin<s As&oc'.a'ion of America m its latest lUt of ratings. "Tony" Mr. Gahnto In pr,\atr lilt earned his nickname
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  • 24 15 The second division lootball ilxturf between the Moravia and Pulau Brani. to have been played on the S.RC ground, yesterday, was postponed.
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 32 15 c/Xr evening Wears on scores mount above and below your satisfaction is complete m the assurance of hospitality fittingly displayed m Players N°3 T-HE EXTRA QUALITY VIRGINIA CIGARETTE jonn Piflvf* sons. t*<*AN».
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  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 161 15 I Diary Of The Day I HOTELS. lAFFLES C ttdh Dance G. 30 to D *c 930 p m I VIEH Night Din--1 <»sj 1 GROVI :>inner and I CINEMAS. 1 1 ins oi Marco < per and Basil Artist« Picture, 15 m. PAVILION A-.vui Truth." .1 Cary Grant. 6
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  • Article, Illustration
    20 16 fcVANS AND TAGGART m play m tlic men*; doubles event of the Tanglin Club tennis tournament .yesterday. Fwt9 Press picture.
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  • 330 16 Air Force Beaten. By j Three Clear Goals I Police 3; R.A.F. QOTTOM team on the first division league. Police sprang a surprise by netting three times in five minntes to beat the R.A.F.. who rate seeond with the R.A. on the league, by three
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  • 204 16 CProm Our Own Correspondent* Segamat, July 10. Th^re was an exciting fin sh to the cricket match on the S a gamai G.E.S. !>adang over .he we?k-er.d. when the Johore Bahru Cricket Club met the Segamat Cricket CJub m a whole days yame and lost by
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  • 53 16 Y.M.C .A. FOOTBALL The following have been selected Ie pay iootball for the V.M.C A. vs. Bata Shoe Sports Club on Thur.duy. at 5.1C \jiu. on the Anson Road Ground. J Ferguson. Sham.«udi>i. M. Swynv C Tessler. Ranatunga. F. Hutchinaon Puller,. S. Ort?n. MitcheU. Swec ll^n<i and Kirn Wee. r^rvc
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  • 246 16 Women 's Cricket May Become Popular I AT a cricket meeting held by the guls ot the Y.W.C.A. yesterday, It was decided t3 tonn a team tj challenge cth?r cricketing sid^i m Singapore, the firit probab'y V/ 111 b? against the v.-jtren 01 tl 1 Rcyal Air Forc\ S^l^tar. Whom
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  • 71 16 In a ramilni finish at Biakan Mati the Loyals defeated the R.A. (Biakan Mati> by three goals to nil m th? Garrison League played at Biakan Mati yester4jy. Play was even m the Initial stages of the gan.e and about two minutes b2lore halt
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  • 55 16 The following are requested to represent the Diehard Badmint.n Party igainst the Sunnydale Badminton Party In a iricndly match of five sin|lei and two doubles tonight at the Happy World Covered Stadium at 8 p.m.:— Michael Tan, Tan Peng Hock. Ahmad Matter. L?e Kirn Sen,;. Koh Bens Swee.
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  • 243 16 TANG LIN CLUB TENNIS Yesterday's Tien Hjsults of yesterday's UN m thr Ttnghn Club. DYNE (IP Mrs. Stapl?don and Mr. Oak rUuud C— ji b2at F L Burke and liiai Link < 'D 7- 5. 6— i. CULI.EN (IP Mrs. Hannyngton aad Mr. Morris I- 15» beat Miss Scctt-Dalgleish and.
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  • 100 16 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, July 12. D fl. V MITE will captain the Selangor team which will leave Kuala Lumpur by train on Friday night to play against Singapore this week-end. Some of Selangor's best players wil be absent, including H.
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  • 357 16 Not A Ball Bowled In Third Test Match P. A. GIBB MA V LOSE HIS PLACE IN NEXT SIDE Rain at Old Trafford again yesterday caused the Third lest Match to be abandoned without a ball being bowled. Hi3tory has repeated itself at Manchester. In
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  • 155 16 TEAM FOR CUP MATCH THIS WEEK-END (Tj the Sports Editor) Sir. --When thj Cjmbm-d IOHUIUJ mciet Singapjre this Saturday i: wi'l b? hard tj gVOOI who wll be m QaftL There- must b^ some changes m the Sinsapor^ team. C?ntr.?-forward Lai Chuan Mtmi .o be an lncansist^j.t player for his
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  • 85 16 Y.M.C.A.Bear Air Force At Water-Polo A V>AIK RAF byt^YUCM at th« V MX x The R .at. torva bine and tl^ir race, i jans savnj ir v The Ys pl.iv.-i land ptorlni U wards. lii jlway.s proa Th« RA I' v QM m the o;mv.i.' norlnt toth th muu s<-or«d
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  • 73 16 From Ou» I I li Meeting the < -ond ti;i other MCCtr i I todaf ahum oy the odd -.1 I ha Indu i btli tebut In i i ..i 1 1 out havt* \ft F-?gamat r. irn Roth t^ I today aud .not h'gh. Uldll td stages
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  • 150 16 ALOR STAR GYMKHANA WEIGHTS I lI7EIGHTS for the Kedah Gymkhana at Alor Station SaturdDy are Race 1: Horses, 6 furs. Ra-.\ang ..12.00 Lonely Nancy 9.0" Rebel King 11. OJ Friendship 9.01 Nasai a 11.00 Awang 9. 07 Gv.on 10.00 Race 2:— Ponies, 5 furs. Valkyrie 12.00 Lucky Number 11.0) Babz
    150 words
  • Article, Illustration
    15 16 pr tine K. PHILLIPS in action durin? the Club tennis tournament yesterday Free Press
    Free Press  -  15 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements