The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 7 July 1938

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 18 1 The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS NO. 15,515. ESTD. 1835. THURSDAY, JULY 7, 103 X. 10 CENTS.
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  • 69 1 I >PLE were .A to a tiny hall— r, ordinary the Singapore Employees ting last night. •Nt was a of the King In Coronation n either side Pandit Nehru, i picture an isement and of Kemal Ataturk X hek. n the room was piration present n
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  • 76 1 tnergtn transport service I the Registrar of Vehicles, fbe I -^s undei t H w;i.s i< der uth- c tuxht Hi U D the Eur m p vould r dley-bua the men last a". re- .I:.. sport W that I i,1., B taked 10 co-operate P UIVI!
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  • 17 1 (MM**, July g. •an for the breaking all übscrtbed ta tnd Leningrad! rear. Reuter
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  • 274 1 The Malay interpreter had a quiet hearing when he read out the demands, but the Hokkien and Sikh speakers had little chance. •It Ifl like teaching the crocodile to swim." shouted one man. "We know what the demands are because they were prepared by us lour months ago
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  • 285 1 k MANIFESTO signed by "All Traction Employees," but for which the committee took no responsibility, was issued by the men after last night's meeting. The men will not resume work until every demand is met, it states. "It is regrettable that m our sincere efforts
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  • 287 1 "INTERFERENCE WITH BRITISH SHIPPING" Butler Replies In Commons I /on 'lon, July tk THK Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Mr. IR. A. Butler, replying to Lieut.-Com. Fletcher (Lab., Warwick) m the Commons, denied that the naval authorities at Hong Kon*r had announced that they would not tolerate Japanese interference with British
    Reuter  -  287 words
  • 115 1 QNF year ago today an vent took plate a few miles west of Peking which has hecome known as the 'lukou; hiao Incident" the beginning of the undeclared .var. Shots »pf fired where Japan c soldiers w»r«- drillin* near the Marco Polo bridge. Two Japanese soldiers
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 59 1 BIGI/ 1 i'EA Br in«« *c freshness :inl i fragrance of the Malayan gardens dlrec< to your home *f J —-4 I V J -J- L tMaiayas Premier Hotel. TONIGHT GRAND HOSPITAL BALL AID OF ST. ANDREW'S MISSION HOSPITAL SPECIAL CABARET tot X r J J^ nninm w« M>MISSION 52.00.
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  • 431 2 Defence Against Super-Dre adnaughts AMERICAN COAST STRATEGY THE supcr-drcadnaughts of 15,000 tons or more, armed with 18-inch 1:11ns which major naval powers are expected to launch within a few years, will be incapable of staging a successful "give and take" attack on any naval base, such
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  • 70 2 Bombay, July 6. THE SIND town of Hyderabad is torn with domestic strife through the rapid spread of a new Spiritualist cult among wives, who have taken vows of celibacy. Husbands are being curtly informed that they are at liberty to re-marry. The local council
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  • 428 2 London, July 6. ASKED m the Commons by rk Mr. J. J. Davidson (Lab., Glasgow) if he intended to fix the date whereby conditions preceding the ratification of the Anglo-Italian Agreement i must be m operation, the Prime Minister, Mr. Neville Chamberlain, said that the Government had
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  • 67 2 fENERAL SIR EDMUND IRONSIDE, G.OC. the Eastern Command, is presiding over the Court of Inquiry into the Official Secrets Act. A secret commiltec of Members of Pariamcnt is also considering whether Mr. Di Sandys. Conservative M.P. for Norwcod (above) uhis privileged m having alleged secret information und
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  • 129 2 REPUBLICANS FAIL TO GET GOLD Paris, July t». rPHE Spanish Government has (ailed to secure the immediate surrender of .€7.500,000 gold bullion, the property of the Bank of Spain, which is at present deposited with the Bank of France, as a result of a judgment delivered by the First Chamber
    Reuter  -  129 words
  • Article, Illustration
    1 2 l-S^HriS,»S:r""™
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  • 51 2 •From Oar Own Correspondent) l'enanjr. July 6. Late tonight the main thoroughfares Of the town were devoid of crowds. Business shops m Penang Road. Bishop -.rect and a few others were open, but tie majority were still closed. A calm mosphore prevails. Cinema hall-. ..-c i
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  • 123 2 Admirable Restraint By Jews London, July f> TTNKKI were already more than 1.000 Jews employed as supernumerary police for the protection of the Jewish settlements and crops m Palestine, said the Colonial Secretary, Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald, m the Commons today. He had asked the High Ccnimissionor. he said, whether
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  • 60 2 Jerusalem. July C. Four Arab> vtn today sentenced to death on a eharpt ol attempting to set lire to a Hour mill near Lydda. The entire town of Safad, witli tlic (xception of the Jr wish quarU r L^ uncierpcing a 48- hour curfew with two-
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 319 2 Japanese Troops For Paracel Is. Says Chinese Report Hankow, July o. ALTHOUGH the Japanese military have denied that they have sent Sroops to occupy the Paracel Islands where a detachment of Annamitc force is stationed, Chinese reports persist that two Japanese warships have arrived there with a strong force of
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  • 80 2 "The Awful Truth" Is A Riot COMPLETE Columbia Truth' now them Ing a\ one of th. h, Singapore a eonMntM from las! night' audu Dunne, the bi Qoes U'./rf and husband, erottttf period of ucitv. be madr ibj tvte Ralph Bellamy, Oklahoma uho wi beautiful divnn torpretutioi: f> f hi
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  • 80 2 C Washington, hd ONTRAKY tO UM MMfc HJilMllm 111 Vv ton that the A trade MgottAtfc I suspended until A now understood thai count nrs an- itrti i reach agreement by July. one veil-Informed w&btmm "Wt mi drtTinc fnii .st. thinking about Mljouri i centratinp
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • 53 2 liudapcsl, Jiji FOLLOWING his .ij Hud.ip* H Hivrli ODurt id the sentenn impc lower court OB tin head or th< Nazis, from trn moDl ia Imprteonn ilx' lll'-h Court criminal offpno Major BMIMf »U I five > ar^ Hi a.» i\U ment thr »u^h \h> \r. arUviUm
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 61 2 x II -IS rIME FOOD^ because it is so good for the brain and nerves, also for helping to maintain correct balance m the diet. We can offer an unequalled vjriety of the choicest fish, and, if you will kindly ask, many helpful suggestions on preparing and «ervinjf PHONE: 5376
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    • 12 2 I ft. t Beie agtttt GMFTON ÜBORATQit. y ob. fOI.I.VKK «|i NN
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  • 138 3 AW MAIL FLYING BOAT STRANDED ON ISLAND Relief Boat To Rescue THE Imperial Airways mail which should have reached Singapore on Tuesday afternoon now cannot arrive before sunset tonight. The mail will be delivered on Friday morning. The flying boat that should have brought the mail is lying at Koh
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  • 130 3 Air Vice-Marshal A. W. Tedder, Air OQlcer Commanding R.A.F.. Far East, was recently appointed Director General of Research and Development, R^yal Air Force. He will be leaving Singapore fo" London, to taki vp this post tomorrow. Air Vice-M si al Tedders departure from Stngan:>p n generally regretted.
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  • 260 3 Now m h€f last royare from the jndi. t«» Holland, thr old jpjH steamer Houtman formerly M o f the best-known pasnengtr ship-* Iradini to Singapore. m mining land surveyors v iya In the HoutHoutman and her earned for l iarv
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  • 242 3 Pilgrims Who Stayed To Look After The Sick the origin of the Order of St. John of m, from which sprang the St. John Amtnce movement— world famous for its medical 1 by the Yen. Graham White m a Th- Knights of St. John at the SingaPore Rotarj Club tiffin
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  • 72 3 Stowin* ho* one and one five double value. *M teeth that*. Ik v! Magnesia] th exceptions Ttat'« number one tor Phillips. W» ol turned. Tooth m uthpro .j the number two y;u 'I n flenttlrtees that attacks! ache and! add and you -••■I-
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  • 179 3 A SENTENCE of 14 months' rigorous imprisonment, with one year's police supervision, was passed on a Chinese, Kwang Mun. by Mr H. A. Forrer m the Singapore Criminal District Court yesterday. Kwang was convicted on a charg? oi house-oreakmg and theft of $30 Irom a Japanese
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  • 109 3 From Our Own Correspondent Johore Bahru, July 6. pHARGED with committing robbery at Johore Bahru-Pontian Read on May 30, Wong Seng Chan was committed for trial at the Assizes by Sheikh Abu Bakar. the Second Magistrate, today. Court Inspector Abdul Khalid bin Dato Klana alleged
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  • 237 3 QNG CHUAN. 25-year-old Chinese, who stood his trial on a charge oi nuraer. was found guilty at the Singapore Assizes yesterday on the leaser charge of culpable homicide not amounting to murder by a unanimous veidict of a special jury. He was sentenced to
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  • 513 3 A MARRIAGE document m the Hebrew language called a Ketouba," signed by the late Jacob Manasseh Meyer, whose estate was sworn at over $1,400,000, was the subject of an application by the trustees of the estate before Mr. Justice a' Beckett Terrell m the Singapore High
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  • 60 3 A ILEGEi) to have .sold a sedi- tious book, written m Japanese and called "Koei Sekai Senso" *Anti-Britisl. World War") a 61-year-old Japar «se, Shi itaro Kashio. appeared m the Singapore Third Court, yesterday. The charge wa. explained to him and th ca»e postponed a week
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  • Page 3 Advertisements

  • 2070 4 Problem Of Defence Reconstruction MANIFESTO ISSUED A CALL for all women m China to rise and join their menfolk In making China's war of selfdefence against Japan and her programme of national reconstruction a double .success, is sounded m a manifesto issued by
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 431 4 £n£||t Don't Gamble With Your Health t. »iy I \'J \r \U»en v>mi wilfor vnrh Sour 14,^ W/ toM «the«. Cold*, Heartburn, or Muvuv*): BS^B^/ uyfltf and P^ o*'0 lt IS nature's •,y c >t v r^^ClV* /Vrlf A <hat tIICTC tl>mctlun X v I *C\\' Kmsl system that nrol»
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  • 1103 5 People Today Will Resolve Firm Support National Honour Is "Still Soiled" (From A Special Correspondent) gIRENS and bells will be sounded throughout Japan today, reminding the populace that exactly a year ago a few scattered shots outside Peking set off a conflict of
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  • 244 5 What Has Happened And When Itti I July T-Openins sUraUM be- twwn CluaetC and .l.tpanrsr t r ,K>i»s outside Peking. I )u V >t4_japarirs? planes bombed I Tientsin I Uf. 14-Chin** bMßfci dropped j :n Shanghai. I u< J.ip;u>t'"' n.i\> began rl'Mkad.- <•!" < I' na COM* I In v
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  • 49 5 PLANE STRIKES HILL IN A FOG machine *le 01 hill near the I mata red at occupants were I Ul Th <>- were Pilot Officer Canadian, who I ,n,i Pi lot I, C,,,,,.,. Uw, a native I Ha moo beX iron. RAF I '.ken I 'ded the hills. I v^-hich
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  • 287 5 REFUGEE CHILDREN'S HOME Hankow, July 1. FK>R children who have loat their parents, a new home to accommodate 300 boys and girls who recently arrived m Hankow from Hsuchang, now a devastated city on the Pinghan railway after a severe Japanese bombardment, has been opened m this city. Sponsored by
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  • 536 5 Their Part In China's Year Of Warfare (Free Press Special Cable) MADAME CHIANG KtH&fSAf erahssimo Chiang Kai-shek, and the "first lady" of China, today expressed gratitude and appreciation for the fearless and unselfish services rendered the war-dazed, homeless refugees of China during the first year
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  • 98 5 The two Boer ox-wagoivs which will leave Cape Town In August m the step, of the Voortrelckers will visit more than 60 towns. One of the wagons will travel to Pretoria, and the other to thBlood River, not far from Rorkes Drit' Natal. It has
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  • 66 5 The United States Administration is not satisfied with the German reply to Its protest against the possible confiscation of German property bel mging to American Jews. The Note received from Germany recently on the matter seemed to indite that the property of Vmerican who had
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 30 5 J^A YE SIRl\ t^^^^t GABA UUeU will relieve H I W tKat »<»« throat, and prevent I the inflammation from jl *preading Always keep tin handy when travelling M W.P.S. 2
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    • 55 5 I RED FRICTION I I SURFACE RU3BER I I CANVAS TRANS- I I H^^^^^H MISSION BELTING I H "Copper Queen*' m your plant B H mean* greater efficiency, rewer B B belt replacements, less strain B I COPPER QUEEN on shaftinß and le lorn I B power. B I BEL
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  • 195 6 I OR THE CHINESE, whether m China, Malaya or other parts of the world, today is a special occasion the .anniversary of the opening of hostilities m the Sino-Japanese war, ihfn there was a skirmish between rival troops outside P«.king. This pace of pictures recalls
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  • 158 7 BUYING BRITISH— AT ANY COST? I ition tll p i hin the MuniI the J „.1 like the thereon. P WJ>. B BriO hgooda v might be .and the I I Mrs adopted some I Oat British I tet. secured, I A member of the Committee suggested that m the
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  • 228 7 M.P's Statement On Colonies 'From Our Own Correspondent) London, June 29. AS allegation that m some British Colonies wages were shockingly low, being as little as 2d. or 3d. a day, was made by Mr. W. Paling, Labour M.P. for Wentworth, m the House of Commons
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  • 130 7 Lorry Owners' Insurance Grievance 300 VEHICLES GARAGED 'From Our Own Correspondent' Malacca, July 5. Q.VKR 300 lorries m Malacca which were "garaged" during the week-end, following a protest by the owners against certain requirements asked by the Registrar of Vehicle? before licences could be issued, are back on the roads
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  • 106 7 S.S. (S.) A. Questions AT T*£E LAST meeting of the Straits Settlements (Singapore) Association, there was considerable discussion on the new Sedition Bill. It was pointed out that the provisos which follow the definitions of what shall not be considered sedi ion, might to a large extent
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  • 67 7 From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru, July 6. POUND guilty of evading duty on 110 t airs of rubber shoes a Chinese, Ong Cairn Hoi, was today fined $110 or four months* rigorous imprisonment by Sheikh Abu Bakar, the Second Magistrate. Wan Ibrahim bin Uda, Asst.
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  • 51 7 Yong Sing, a middle-aged Chinese yestorday apo^ared bi the Singapore Second Police Court when he was charged with the theft of barbers' instrument, vhtte m the employ of Song Ah Seng. The accused pleaded guilty to the charge and sentence was postponed to July
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  • 301 7 Possibility Of Lower Buying Levels Comment On Wall Street Trends THE following is a cabled synopsis from the "Trader's" column of "Barron's. published by courtesy of Messrs. S. E. Levy and Co. The accelerated momentum of the present rise is largely attributable to the stampede to buy on the part
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  • 107 7 Disney Gives Away The Odd £200,000 OAVING discovered that his share of the v.orld earnings on "Snow White" will amount to £1.200,000, Walt Disney ha.s decided to hand on a large" .slice of thus to his employees. About 300 animators and technici whom Disney considers to have contributed most to
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  • 150 7 A CHINESE who was involved m a street accident on Mar. 7 and injured his spine, died m hospital on Apr. 1. At an inquest held by Mr. W. G. Porter, the Singapore Coroner, yesterday, it was revealed that the deceased. a 39-year-old man, named Koh
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 128 7 ,<„,/, Women! Such adventure m love V AItI AUL su ch beauty and danger. nt her man has ever Opening with Special Matinee THE HERO OF CHINA LEAPS TO >;^W i. SAMUEL GOLDWYN'S L "IT tzd MIM.ION DOLLAR SPECTACLE! BpH! GARY COOPER It^Mte*^ E ADVENTURES '^»M»' 0F MARCO POLO V^3HHL|:^3SbSb^
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    • 248 7 What a grand LAUGH Show! Don't miss seeing FANNY BRICE, she'll keep you m roars! IT'S M.G.Ms Brightest Musical Hit!! lTsT ly SOMETHING TO BARK ABOI'T SAYS "MR. SMITH'"""" AND SOMETHING TO SHOUT ABOUT SAY THE CRITICS News of the World. The Evening Ncws< in'print A good show.. One of
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  • 632 8 The Singapore Free Press THURSDAY, JULY 7. 1938. China Looks Back jVijALAYAN Chinese who look back on the past i 2 months have every reason to be proud ol the record of their countrymen. Just a year ago when a comparatively small incident m North China looked like developing into
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  • 926 8 Hankow Will Be The Next Stage In Japanese Advance The Future Of The War By A Special Correspondent r THE Japanese Army has occupied and garrisoned approximately 3.500 miles of railways In north and central China and holds the bayonet at the heart of an estimated 225,000 square miles of
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 35 8 n= Opportunity to buy THE BEST at LOWEST PRICES comes but once a while so leizc it whilst it lasts CALL TODAY- WITHOUT DELAY at GIAN SINGH'S graKd annual STOCKTAKING S A L E, tSlurfii!
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 65 8 7i (made for each 1 1 "TIT^n JUA a a fl g toBev r 0JHEf l^--p^c^ uj^ H^^flttSkos v P^feH I "ever |r* H NATIONAL ,4a L K^v/., s u ;ra MIXTURE L***»* gggg T^l CMI6F w»xy Tb Fl(iHf &f?itf IS i INHO i% w. LSr/f+'SJCT To CONSOLE with A
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  • 600 9 Coolies Accept 64 Cents A Day MAN A GEMENT TO END CONTRACTOR SYSTEM (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, July 6. Ike of the 4,000 workers of Hong gest open cast mine m Malaya. cially at 12.55 p.m. today. Tlu main body of
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  • 205 9 Lottery Charge Against Racegoer CAID to have won the first prize m Singapore Turf Club lottery m February and to have bought three tickets, selling them to nonmembers of the club, an Indian, Soona Govindasamy, was charged m Singapore Sixth Police Court, yesterday, with
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  • Article, Illustration
    104 9 M NS FROM KILLESHANDRA CONVENT, IRELAND, *ho are going to Nigeria as missionary sisters, arc among the 200 planters (including soeral from Malaya), miners, engineers and missionaries, who are now taking the free malaria course for laymen at the University of London's Ross Institute ol Tropical Hygiene The course Mas
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  • 362 9 NAMED the Double Seventh/ meaning the seventh day of the seventh month, today, which marks the first anniversary of China's entry into war with Japan, is a significant day for Malayan Chinese. Singapore police do not anticipate any trouble but are prepared for any emergencies.
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  • 283 9 240 Singap ore Worn en Sell 30,000 Flags APPROXIMATELY .W.MO OF THE 35.000 FLAGS FOR FLAC; DAY IN AID OF ST. ANDREWS MISSION HOSPITAL WERE SOLD BY I\o WOMEN HELPERS IN SINGAPORE YESTERDAY. The amount of the collection is yet unknown as the money is beimr kept m the Hongkong
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  • Article, Illustration
    14 9 Mrs. G. I* Bav]>s and Mi*y Rachel Sum sold flags to Chinese banters yesterdny.
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  • 423 9 PENANG CHINESE COMMUNITY ISSUE APOLOGY PAMPHLET (From Our Own Correspond f n; IVnang, July <>. A PAMPHLET issued on I*. half of the Chinese community m Penanjf and circulated throughout the town this morning tendered the apologi** of the Chinese community U the (iovernment for disorders
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  • 150 9 Selangor Chinese Consul's Appeal From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, July G. J^IO disorders are expected here tomorrow when Chinese of all classes will commemorate "Marcopolo Bridge Day" anniversary of the beginning of the Smo-.lapan-ese hostilities. Several Chinese guilds have decided on a holiday as have
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  • 39 9 WHILST WORKING on a tank which was m the course of construction at the Naval Er...e on Tuesday a Chinese, Chim Kwee, f «-ll 48 feet to the ground and received fatal injuries.
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  • 50 9 A younK Chinese. L>a Chui. wu i yesterday < h.trK<*ri m Ihi Sinßitpore < Second Pol cv L\Wtl W*& CIWfBf grievous hurt to lim Ah T<>w The accused rlaini*d ttMl a:i«* t^r raa^ 1 p->s f ]>"»'d J *W l^ rr mcntiu; H i!l o! V-'CO
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  • Page 9 Advertisements

    • 501 10 LONDON AND NEW YORK STOCK SHARES Last Night's Quotations From London 5.30 p.m. Yesterday I* New York prices quoted m U.S. currency. The abo*'e are dealers' middle prices; jobbers' margins, brokerage and stamp duty are not included. Bhare or £l denomination unless Latest Quotations Previously otherwise stated Conversion Loan. 5
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    • 361 10 ■HOW-JONKS AVERAC.KS Previously Yesterday Close Close Changes 30 Indu. trials 138.53 136.52 off 2 Ul -0 Rails 27.57 27.21 off .So 110 Utilities 22.27 21.83 off 44 40 Bonds 87.99 S7 9S off .03 Business tione— tv>tal volume 1,700,000 i harts. Last Sale Stocks July 2 July
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    • 89 10 July 6, 12 o'clock noon Buyers Sellers Nc. I.X.R.S.S. m cases (FOB. July) 24 24» 4 Good F.A.Q. m bales (F.O.Q. July) 23 V t 23^ No. I.X.R.S.S. (Spotioose> (awardable Singapore) 23 7 <g 24 July 24 Vi 24% Aug.-Sept. 24% 243 A i Oct.-Dec.
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    • 171 10 From London 5.30 p.m. Yesterday RUBBER: Firmer. London: 7«4d. 7%d. Previously: 7 3 16d. 7 5 16 d. August: 7 5 16 d. 7%d. Previously: 7'/4d- 7 %d. Oct.-I>ec.: 7%d. 7»/ 2 d. Previously: 7%d. 7 7 16<i. Jan.-Mar.: 7 7,16 d. 7 9il6d. Previously: 7 716
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    • 64 10 From London: Latest Quotations TIN: Easy. Spot: £192 2s. 6d. Previously: £193 10s. Three months: £193 7s 6d Previously: £194 12s. 6cL NEW YORK TIN: Opening price: 43.67. Previously: 44.12. COPPER: Settlement: £39 17s. 6d. Previously. £40 2s. 6d. GOLD: Yesterday: £7 os. lid. Previously: £7 os.
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    • 71 10 London Closing Quotations Method of Paritj before Latest PreCentre Quoting 20-9-31 Rate viously Paris Franc to 121.1 177 3 i 177 7 8 New York to fc 4.88 4.94 4.95". Amsterdam Guilders to 897% 8.96 l >> 8.96 V» Hong Kong.. Per dollar Is. 3<i. Is 3d
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    • 178 10 Yesterday's Singapore Quotations July G SELLING London, T.T. 23 2932 London, demand 2|3 29 32 Lyons, demand 2065 Switzerland, demand 250 1 2 Hamburg, demand 142 New York, demand 57 7 16 Montreal, demand 57% Batavia, demand 104 Samarang. demand 1037 b Calcutta. Bombay, and Rangoon, demand
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    • 133 10 ISSUED BY FRASER AND CO. AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS YESTERDAY MINING. Tin at midday was $97%, up The market m tin shares m London yesterday was slightly easier here and there bat q*uiet m r PrlCeS W<ire unehan ed a^hough conditions were There was a further
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    • 1252 10 SINGAPORE STOCK AND SHARE PRICES From Exchange Telegraph Co, Fraser And Co. 's List SuloN (50 cts.) Sun K cl Bagan ($1 1.00 1 Sung'-i Rumaj $1 I I U Sunjrt Tukang ($1 x Tambalaic <Slj Tapah (sl> 1«^, T. Anson <fl> Temerloh (sl* Trafalgar ($2) H Ulu Brunt «50
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 66 10 S. E. Levy Co. Shanghai. Hongkong. Manila Singapore Investment Bankers and Broker* tn Srcuntwj ana Commndittr Daily Foreign Market Cablet and Quotation s<tt MEMBERS. NEW YORK COTTON EXCHANOE. COMMODITY EXCHANGE, INC. NFW YORK COFFEE SUGAR EXCHANGE. CHICAGO BOARD OF rPADE. CANADIAN COMMODITY EXCHANOE. SHANGHAI STOCK EXCBANGE. HONGKONG SHARE BROKERS 1
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  • 175 11 Singe po re Produce Prices Singapore. Jul> t>, 12 o'clock noun Buyers Sellers Qamblei 7.5t Hamburg Cube $13.50 j Java Cube SI 1.00 Pepper White Muntck $14.00 White $13.50 Black SB.SG Mixed $3.25 Sim Dried $3.60 Tapioca S^nall Flake $3.50 Fair Flake $3.40 Medium Pearl $3.90 Small Pearl $3.60 Jelotong
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  • 1254 11 WASHINGTON'S INTERVENTION POSSIBLE World Stock 10,000 Tons Down By Year-End (From Our Own Correspondent; .^m i London, June 29. VEI another cloud is looming on the already overcast 1 buffer pool horizon, and from an entirely unexpected quarter— in fact, it would seem as If
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  • 103 11 Outputs of Rubber for the month of June from the following estates are: United Patani (Malaya) Rubber Estates Ltd. 133,47« lbs. Maiakoff Rubber Estates \f\. 129.500 lbs. Taiping Rubber Plantations Ltd. 74,011 lbs. Sungei Batu (Malaya) Rubber Estates Ltd. 35.200 lbs. Windsor «F.M.S.) Rubber Estate Ltd. 1 6,224
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 279 11 CLASSIFIED AD VERTISEMENTS Ir. II Sirert Slbf«Mr*exUMtaM to all tuk LMg* 1 uva Street. fhone: 5471 tb re rhonr: 3683. Btsbop Sire«t Penanf, Ihone: im ,h,,nr: Ontr.l .UoB— 3Cf9 iradmjliM LoodoD SUBSCRIPTION RATES Sincapore, U.thin OulMde Without l,U\a Mjl.«va rostaitt > i.OO S '2.M sS .C M-VOfl 5 7.30 „.00
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    • 186 11 BOARD €f RESIDENCE SEA- FRONT KATONG GRANGE— 77. Meytr Rd. (near Swlmmicg dab) Board -Residence at moderate rates »>arge Gardens— Tennis Phone: 57SS. THE MANSIONI OXLEY RISE PRIVATE HOTEL Tel. *****. I "LOXTON" First Class Private Hotel. Bedrooms with modern oathrooms from $G5 per month. Hot water to Bathrooms. Ceiling
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    • 227 11 BANK OF CHINA 'Incorporated m Cfilna c? Special Chai'ttt 12. CecO Street Siaca»»r«. MODERN BANKING With branches and $üb-brcnch** throughout China, and corre* pondents m all the principal bMM of the world, the Bank Is well equipped to transact modern banking business of every description. TO LET OFFICES IN BANK
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 787 11 OPPOSING 1 RADIO PROGRAMMES SINGAPORE. ZHL 1.33 me s (2*5 m cm. 5.00 Cantonese orchestral recitals, r 5.20 Cantonese dramas. t 6.15 Childiens programme. < Mandarin) 6.30 A song recital m Mandarin by Miss Butterfly Wu. 7.00 Hawaiian music. t 7.15 "Talks for women 6 Art for th« Amateur— l.—
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    • 254 11 Yesterday's Rubber A uction THt .^i. Mnbtr oX c-.ii.n ci Rubber Ajaociatlon Jn^ld its 1 aucticn jrefterd cataloffued I.SM.OM lot. (711 oflorod 1.217.916 Ibt. (545.71 I 1 000 988 lb«s «450 89 i Spot Loodon 75 ltd New Tork 14 nifi TRICES ICKAIISFI) Ribbed Smoked Slieei ents Nff 1 i<
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  • 52 12 July 6: Rahman, Tandjong Pinang, Sin Aik Lee, Silver Gull (Brit); Blitar. Togian (Dut); Auby (Sar); Thedens (Dut); Antenor, Menelaus (Brit); Khoen Hoea (Dut); Taronga (Nor); Perak (Brit); Sauerland (Ger); Both, V. der Does de Bye (Dut); Kepong (Brit); Vyner Brooke (Sar). July 7: Merkus, Asahan, Reynst. Tinombo (Dut);
    52 words
  • 190 12 Arrived from N.E.I. by KLM plane "PeUkaan on July 2. Mr. Blackstone, Mr. Everard, Mr. Cuhel Mr. Badlngs, If. Elleman. Left for Medan, India and Europe by KLM plane "Pelikaan on J«ly 2. vrr F 1 d l ?Ji Mr B^ing". Mr. Elleman, Mr. A. Donald. For
    190 words
  • 599 12 Anti-Aircraft Guns For British Ships PRIME MINISTER RESTATES OFFICIAL OBJECTIONS IN the House of Commons recently, Mr R. A. Caiy (Birmingham, U.) asked the Prime Minister if he would inform the British merchant shipping companies trading m Spanish waters that no obstacle would be placed m the way of British
    599 words
  • 97 12 Co-Operation Move Consideration has been given informally to the possibility of bringing about a working agreement between leading organisations m the Soiuh Wales tinplate industry, accord' ng to well-informed circles, m order to eHminate competi ion and improve prospects of recovery. The immediate aim is to
    97 words
  • 604 12 *THE decline m British shipping, involving grave dangers to Britain m time of war, is engaging the attention of the Navy League. Lord Lloyd, who has been president of the League since 1930. and was reelected at the annual meeting held at the Hotel Victorio. sounded a note
    604 words
  • 31 12 The P. and O. Kldderpore has left lions Kong and is expected to arrive here at 4 p.m. on Tuesday. She will proceed alongside the SUB Wharf on arrival.
    31 words
  • 121 12 Th# following ships a. ,i wharves or expected to 4 Sheers Wharf, F.ntrame („ir i i,, Olcades 19. Main Wharf, Entrance (.atr k t Azuma Maru. TUawa ih %vi, Maru 14: Kepon« 7. Empire Dock, Entrance (•.it* Vl Greystoke Cuatle 30; Cttj ley 32; Cingalese Prince 34; KtrU
    121 words
  • 127 12 European Association Discussion AT the last nuvtuu: <>: Association OQOUntttec r ported that m Hour, X I immigrants from $300 to $t>, passage from there to fltaf A committee member mmm. the Hong Koflf Oorernnn informed. He knew of a case whtfl ti ed metal
    127 words
  • 70 12 New.* received m \1 Kashmir states that the 0 Himalayan Expedition attempting to climb N.u 26.6201t. has successfully the climb to Camp 4, 20.150 the mountain. This Is th where the seven German <lv and nine native porters wen* kill an avalanche last year. The message also
    70 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
      484 words
    • 99 12 HENDERSON LINE SCIIKUILE Ol- SAIIIX.^ By Kortnifhtlj Passenger Str.nnrHetween Rancuon. Port latfM Marseilles and Kncland H«»Mi-'u \Klt SAILINGS l^avr I. KEMMENDINE AMARAPOORA SAOAINO V, PROME Spi S BURMA YOMA PEGU 0 X* f .WEEN KEMMFNDINK AMARAPOORA SAO A ING PROME Calls London Throu m pa.s.s.iu'1 1 Hal ravai to Strain
      99 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 424 12 Local And Foreign Mail Dispatches And ArrivalsDESPATCHES BY TRAIN Bangkok every Saturday 7 p.m. Thursday 7.45 a.m. Swettenham Taiping and Telok Anson. Weekdays* Kota Bahru, Kuala Krai. Thursday and Friday* 7 a.m. Sunday 7 p.m. Kuala Lumpur and Penang Weekdays: 7.45 a.m. Malacca. Batu Annam. Batu .Pahal. Gemas, Kajang, Kluj\ng,
      424 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 399 13 BY hOand BRITISH INDIA 5 LINES INCORPORATED TN ENGLAND) P. 0. S. N. COS SAILINGS, OUTWARDS Due Due lonnage Spore. Tonnage S'por*. H3N 1938 CARTHAGE 15.000 Aue 26 RAJPUTANA 17.000 Sept. 9 I) July 29 RANCHI 17,000 Sept 23 6 100 July 30 BURDWAN 6 070 Sept. 24 (.000 Auk
      399 words
    • 421 13 ELLERMAN BUCKNALL S.S. Co., Ltd. (Incorporated tn England.) FOR UNITED KINGDOM AND CONTINENT, VIA PORTS AND SUEZ CANAL CITY OF DERBY Havre. L'don EVdam Hburg, G'gow July D 3O Anc"* 2 CITY OP 6INGAPORE Havre. L'don Rdam. Hburg. GlLgow Aue 30 t I CITY OP BAGDAD Havre. L'don. Rdam. Hburg,
      421 words
    • 724 13 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. SINGAPORE AND PENANG PHONE 5154 (7 Lines) REPRESENTING. SHIPPING THE BLUK rymnML LINE (Ocean Steam The llua Khlow Steamahip Co. fl»3?) L 44. Sbip Co.. Ltd., and China Mutual Steam Cunard White Star Ltd. Navigation Co.. Ltd.) Aberdeen A Commonwealth Lino. The strait* Steamship Co.. Ltd. Shaw
      724 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 642 14 KP lVf VAN HfcUTSZ— Thursday. July 7. Hong KoOf Swatow and Amoy. MERKUB— Thursday. July 7. Letonc Kramat. Tarempa, Midal, PoeloePandjang. S -rassan. Gcnting and Maras. ftEUNST— Thursday, July 7. Cheribon. Semarang, Sourabaya, Boeleleng ipasaengera and mails only). Ampcnan < passengers and mails only), Padir.a-Bay < passengers and maii.s only).
      642 words
      565 words
    • 488 14 O.S. X, LINEI FOR AFRICA AM) SOI Til \MI Kanto Mam Buenos Aires v:a Lourenro v Durt>an. East London Pjrt Elltab Mossel Bay and Cape Town |fl video and Santos- on nor:, a voyage \r ihia Mar» Burnos Aires via Colombo Motm Zanzibar. Dar-es-S.ilaam Beirn i^ou. renco Marques Durban Port
      488 words

  • 249 15 Especkerman Not Competing In Negri Athletic Championships i owi Correspondent) Serembaa, J"«y 5. N Scmbilan Is not competing m mateur athletic lace at Seremturday. that the Malay upply the _c* won the first places .1, event. He Police champion. tUng Part ms is al--220 yards are Ir. Omar. Sheikh Mistapha,
    249 words
  • 60 15 Owner's Promise Ko;nc. Lye the px-r-M mi before he vas considered I ding. nor Tesio said that he v. rnment that xt best stal'ion to th< Bti E 10,000 less than he tiation. I ill hand over the pur- P rice ol N( to Signer Guar- Exchange
    60 words
  • 26 15 Pracwe, July 3. •d that Britain and presen i i as to! Government urgIhe solution totem. Government*! communication to sche party this *eek.
    26 words
  • 25 15 Recreation Club social hi' r embers and friends will (i "ne H S; ;:i irda^ J«IV 16- Mr. has consented to 'y items for the
    25 words
  • 56 15 BANISH THE CURSE CONSTIPATION n Stf* And ln A Few Hours •;i and keep ioo banish tK^^ Casto P h *ne the curse of con- Cwtophene purifies S y ***ns the ni clear, it vu cieriv* the r your food. aflcrwmnte, be- d happy. Ci slo 't to iake-tt absolutely
    56 words
  • 396 15 PEARING that a change m the present .system of conducting the Davis Cup I may mean the end of the popularity now enjoyed by this contest, the United States Lawn Tennis Association has urged all competing nations to defeat any proposal to make
    396 words
  • 123 15 Competition Proper Begins 'T'KE Open Golf Championship pro- per began today m ideal, sunny' weather an-rl the indications are that there will be, low scores. Plary will be over 36 holes and tbo first 40 competitors will qualify for the final two rounds. The aggregate of the four
    123 words
  • 89 15 It is reported m Simla that a certain number of Waziristan tribesmen have been observed crossing into Afghanistan, following the appeal to them by a Syrian. Saiyd Mohammed Sadi, to invade the country and overthrow the reigning dynasty. Hope is still maintained that warnings issued by the
    89 words
  • 115 15 Sir Harry Charles Luke, LieutenantGovernor of Malta, the new Governor and Commander-in-Chief of Fiji and High Commissioner for the Western Pacific, is 53, and entered the Colonial Service as private secretary to the Governor of Sierra Leone m 1908. He was promoted to be Colonial Secretary
    115 words
  • 52 15 Reuter Manila, July 5. Last Sale Prices Previous Today Pesos Antamck 0.385 0.375 Atok 0.255 0.265 Coco Grove 0.46 0.465 Demonstration 0.275 unq. I.X.L. 0.70 unq. Masbate 0.155 0.155 Mines Operations 0.105 0.105 Sar. Maurkio 0.445 0.44 United Paracale 0.295 0.295 Gold Share Averages: Previous 76.84
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 413 15 Comparisons With Sydney And Melbourne NEARLY a million people watched the five England Australia Tests m Australia m the 1936-7 season. The aggregate attendance at the third Test at Melbourne was 350,000. The Australian cricket authorities have long realised the importance of providing adequate
    Free Press  -  413 words
  • 293 15 OOOKMAKERS all over the O world will no doubt be cheered by the news that Ncarco. the world's greatest racehorse, is unlikely ever to run again. The unbeaten Italian champion was Hought for £60.000 by Mr Martin H. Benson and will probably be brought
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  • 176 15 COLLEGE BU ILDING DEMOLITION THE 13th century building at Queens' College, Cambridge, that was found to be unsafe recently owing to the action of the water of the River (Cam Is to be demolished. It will be rebuilt further away from the river. The decision has been arrived at by
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  • 32 15 «r C. M. HUftflns, Primo Minister oi Southern Rhodesia, who is paying a i surprise visit to Gen. Hertzog, the Prime Minister of the Union, has arrived at Preteri.i.
    32 words
  • 176 15 A LAST MINUTE ff oal decided yesterday's third division soccer match m favour of the R.A.M.C. when they beat the Police one nil at Tanglin. Throughout the match the gamo wtw. crappy, neither side being able to core, until a
    176 words
  • 145 15 s AN EXTRAORDINARY COINCIDENCE I (From Our Onn Correspondent) London, June 30. a WHILE it is rarely that a boy F from Malaya represents either Eton or Harrow at cricket, it must be nothing less than an extraordinary coincidence that, m all probability, youngsters from
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  • 133 15 «From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, July 6. A GUARD OF HONOUR of 50 polire, under Mr. Abubakar, the Commissioner of Police, was provided when i His Highness Yam Tuan of Negri Sembiian opened today's meeting of the Upper Chamber of Nfegrl Sembilan State Council. Those present
    133 words
  • 113 15 H.M.S. Terror, the Singapore base ship, which is at present moored off Buona Vista village, will carry out heavy gun practice today. m During the past week the Terror has been carrying out practice with her smaller guns; today, the big guns 'mounted on the
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  • 337 15 NEW EXPEDITION TO ICE CAP THE THIRD of a series of expeditions to West Greenland, wnt out by the Oxford University Exploration Club, has left England. It is intended to carry out meteorological and glaciologiral work on the Sukkertoppen Icr Cap, north of Kvighed's Fjord m
    337 words
  • 98 15 Diplomatic privilege was successfully claimed at Bow Street (London) police court when Mr. Thing Kien H-sieh, of Havcrstock Hill, N.W., was sunrunoned for travelling on the Ur.dcrfyround without having paid his fare. Mr. Hsi.'h did not api>ear. IB 1 Mr. Harry Rickett.s. for the London P.ussengcr Transport
    98 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 126 15 Diary Of The HOTELS. RAFFLES: Grand Hospital Ball m aid of St. Andrew's Mission Hospital, Special Cabaret, Extension to 2 a.m. 1 ADELPHI: Special Dinner and Dance. COCO AN VT GROVE Dinner and Dance. CINEMAS. CAPITOL: -Everybody Sing," with A:»an Jones, Judy Garland and Fanny ißrice. M.G.M. Production Today G.
      126 words
    • 22 15 Law Notice For The Day liefore Mr. Jiutice Home m the 2nd Court at 10.30 a.m. Assizes: Rex vs. Ong Tcck S«u
      22 words

  • 1628 16 Favourites Beaten In Every Race THREE WINNERS FOR DUVAL WHALAN (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, July b. DXi dividends were the feature of the day today, the second v day of the Perak Turf Club's Juiy race meeting held here. Chance came home m
    1,628 words
  • 139 16 Dividend Race Place Horse Rider "Win Place li 1 Prude White $25 2 July The Seventh Dodd $8 3 Rex McPherson $9 2: 1 First Bid Martin $28 $8 2 Excuse Me White $7 3 Lay Off Ellis $7 3: 1 Drift On J. Donnelly $21 $10
    139 words
  • 203 16 By 34 Runs I At Cricket j THE Staff and Department <Tort Canning led the V.M.C.A. by 34 runs at cricket played on the letter's ground yesterday. Scores. ST.IFF AND Dj«:PT. Mac!: low. Xavier 13 Tristram c Hope b G. Day 21 Br.kcr lb\v. Hep? 6 :A'
    203 words
  • 103 16 LEAGUE SOCCER IN NEGRI Medicals Clear First Hurdle i From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, July 5. The Negri Sembilan Medical Ser- I vices Club, who are heading towards! winning the League chamoionship. cleared the first hurdle m the Negri SembQan knock-out soccer competition, known as the Hose Cup competition when
    103 words
  • 103 16 1 (From Our Own Correspondent* Scremban, July 6. The Negri Chinese Recreation Club gave? walkover tJ tht^ Negri Indian! Association today m the Hos^ Cupj, knockout soccer competition. The Indians will me^t the winners of tii2 Police versus Malay R?°imrnf match, m one semi- final.
    103 words
  • 158 16 SINGAPORE BADMINTON CHAMPIONSHIPS The followlri badmlntcn t:es wii: be played at the Clerical Union. BawP^r Hail. th:.s week-end:— SATURDAY AT Ul P.M. Men's Junior Singles Chua Lens Kuan (Marigold) vs I Raymand Frois (Uatfitt). Men's Junior Doubles Wop Tye Suan and Lim Chen", Hon* "'•.-etuli vr. A Rahim bin Ahmad
    158 words
  • 49 16 The following players will play fuot- i call for the Railway against the Loyals Regiment Signal Section on Sunday on the home ground at 5 p.m j Nagamuthoo, Ah Han (Capt.) Oaman. Yeng Hong. Rajuloo, Arumugam Sany. Karudin, Omar. Sulong and P. Sainy. Reserves: Vaithy and Hassan.
    49 words
  • 37 16 Member? of the Chinese Frendlv Association are requested to note that Mr. H;e Ghee Poh, of the P. and O c.N. Co. was elected hon. superintendent m place of Mr. Swc? Eec Ay resigned.
    37 words
  • 261 16 Gordons Beat Club By Only Goal Of I First Division Match GORDONS ft] S.( S. AFTER a goalless first half the Cordons played enthusiast to beat the S.C.C. by I—o m a first division ratl the Anson Road Stadium yesterday The victory tv thor by the winners Who team. Thoy
    261 words
  • 91 16 (From Our Own Correspondent* Kuala Lumpur, July G. C?;i \N(.i pSay Penan^ at PenanK on Saturday m the Malaya Cup Soccer competition and the team w ll b rhosen from M<( row. See Hu. K.n Ran. All. Mori, Vij?ndram. Ta h. Jahn Mohamed, Sharif^, Ismail.
    91 words
  • 146 16 Results of yesterday's tie, m the Itltglln tennis tournament were I>YNE CUP Mr and Mrs. Mltcb«U tier.) be \t Mr. Mid Mro. D. 11. Palme; •3» 12 10 CQUIN (IT Mrs. A.rg-r ard Mr Handersrn I best Mrs. Bright well and Mr E.^u I) 7—9. 6 I,
    146 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements