The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 6 July 1938

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 17 1 The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS NO. 13,514 ESTD. 1835. WEDNESDAY, JULY 6, 1938. 10 CENTS.
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  • 173 1 READY TO TAKE ON FOREIGNERS IF WAR REACHES CITY Hankow, July 5. AS a result of fighting approaching Kiukiang. the British gunboat, H.M.S. Cockchafer and the U.S. warship Monocacy are standing by near Kiukiang and m the event of hostilities shortly reaching
    Reuter  -  173 words
  • 44 1 vu,l\ HIM" CAMPAIGN WAS HELD IN BERLIN and this >how<% the novel method u-»ed to illustrate to pedestrians how lid not behave m the road. The men have covered their baskets, tnd are wandering about m the roadway, talking
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  • 153 1 MORE TROUBLE MAY END IN DRASTIC ACTION From Our Own Correspondent) Penaitff, July 5, midnight. of police made charges against a of Chinese, who made a raid on Aik, m Penan*? Road tonight. »wd made an attempt to smash their irough !)ut they dispersed
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  • 38 1 New York. Julj 5. Co.vji. 475 people met with violent deaths during the week-end celebrations of Independence Day. This figure includes 245 traffic deaths. 126 drownings. 23 shot dead and 19 suicides, says Reuter.
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  • 38 1 Canberra, July 5. iy|R. R. G. CASEY, the Australian Finance Minister, today, announced that the Australian bucig?t surplus amounted to .£3,498,000. This was mainly owing to Customs' revenue exceeding the estimate figure by £3,881.000. Reuter
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 89 1 The Free Press was informed last night that a warning was issued yesterday to Singapore Japanese of a maw demonstration of Chinese tomorrow, the anniversary of Sino-Japanese hostilities. The "mass demonstration" probably refers to a meeting at the Happy World tomorrow night. COUNTY CRICKET Surrey first inning's points,
    Reuter  -  89 words
  • 263 1 Hankow, July 5. r\R. H. H. RUNG, the Chinese Finance Minister, interviewed by foreign newspaper correspondents at Hankow today declared that the world had witnessed the. wild fire of the Far East reducing millions of innocent hotnes to ruins and ashes. "Unless thio fire is
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  • 56 1 Havana, July 5. 'T'HKKI. was a parade of 10,000 demonstrators today m honour of Britain and the Inited States following a banquet for British and American ministers. The demonstration was intended as a reply to a smaller rally m favour of President Cardenas and the Mnrirmn
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 22 1 Port Said, Ju!y 5. All workshop employees of the Suez Cmal Company went on strike Ihil t&ornini, states Reuter
    Reuter  -  22 words
  • 173 1 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, July 5. CE ARC HERS for the murderers U or Mr. F. G. W. Dunsford. the Terra ng gold miner, have returned from the jungle around Pulaj m South Kelantan to report that traces of the sans have
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  • 398 1 COURT ALLEGA TION BY BARBARA HUTTON London. July 5. £OUNT HAUGWITZ-REVENT-v LOW. husband of the Woolworth heiress. Barbara Hutton. appeared at Bow Street today charged with using threats to his Wife, causing her bodily fear. It WU alleged m evidence by Mr W.
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  • 52 1 Hankow, July 5. TWENTY-SIX German military advisers, headed by General Falkenhausen. left Hankow today for Hong Kong en route for Germany. Many military and government leaders, to whom they had rendered valuable assistance m China's effort to resist Japan, were at the station to bid them
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 72 1 cc€@Ooo V BRONCHIAL PASTILLES f AU'GCfNS TEKNISKA fABRIK I 6£fLC SWEDEN s- 'P Malaya's Premier Hotel. Corvr TONIGHT DlNnfp DANCE 6.30 P.M. to 8.30 P.M. X DANCE (informal) 9.30 P.M. to midnight I'OI-II.AR VERSATILE COMEOIAN. RICE 1111 k^* :th j, IV 1 (.RAMt HOSPITAL BALL AID OF ST. ANDREW'S MISSION
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  • 893 2 Pumpmen Keeping Water At Level COOLIES TAKE WAGE DECISION CALMLY (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, July .">. THE danger of Hong: Fatt mine being: flooded when all the 25 pump men left their posts at 9.30 this morning, on account of the coolies' I
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  • Article, Illustration
    41 2 MR. HEN TSE-MIN, MINISTER OF EDUCATION of the Reformed Government, and his Japanese wift photographed at Soochow when he was invested as chairman of the Japanese fostered Kianffsu Provincial Government. In the background, a Chinese guard of honour stands at attention.
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  • 145 2 PHK dispute between the Singapore Traction Company Limited and its employees, which has been brewing for more than three months, is expected to come to a head tomorrow morning. If the workers arc not satisfied* with the reply to their demands, made by
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  • 510 2 Fire Danger If Singapore Is Bombed STREETS WILL BE BLOCKED BEFORE their cocktail dance last night, several hundred men and women, members of the Singapore Swimming Club listened attentively m the Club ballroom to a lecture on Air Raid Precaution by Major A. D. Spark, secretary of Air Raid and
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  • 232 2 "THE Adventure of Marco Polo," open- ing at the Capitol Cinema, Singapore, next week is a fine film, splendidly acted, and though bristling throughout with tense situations, has some excellent humorous interludes. With Gary Cooper m the main role, the picture has not a dead
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  • Article, Illustration
    51 2 pw '..lire. OMB OF Til LAKC.F M .MIsKK nmtvit'ir nn >iir ordered by the Netherlands lndi" 1 N w s. rVi V, v V"* *f^ on arrival at Singapore from ■gjTgAg?!!^"*'!!!?^^ U«Vi freighter, Blitar, from uSEZI ftS SffLJL?!>"Jii. ll £S ,hich cau c,rr y more than a ton ?*2?J*+2L« Free
    Free Press  -  51 words
  • 306 2 Leaving After 19 Years THfcRE w ..hit eollan on board i h which Mr. Frni T J« r\ i superintendent Singapore Harbour B for Singapore m arty 20 j "Ocran travelling vav i fort and one did no. dress up and looli j,r. said
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  • 14 2 SOUTH CHINA SINGERS BROADCAST TONIGHT (C'h na. I Vrll > .1, I .•II 'I f
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  • Page 2 Advertisements

  • 607 3 15- Year Tie-Up For Australia £40,000 SUBSIDY TO BE PAID RETAILS <»t new arrangements for the control of the Empire air nni to between Singapore and Sydney and between ttnnnore and Karachi have lu^en announced. 15 YEARS FROM AUG. 3. AUSTRALIA WILL COM)NTROL THE
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  • 36 3 The body of a French climber, M. Rastoul, who disappeared four years ago, was found embedded m the top of a Racier on the ll.OOOft. peak L'Etenciurd, m eastern France.
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  • 22 3 sending of Mr. Stewart Croft Joly and Lady Alma he Poer Trench took place at St. Margaret's, Westminster.
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  • 133 3 A TRAFFIC CASE was yesterday adjourned for eigth months —to Feb. 1. 1939. This wlil enable the complainants, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Phillips, to go on full leave and return to Singapore before the case is heard. The case arose from a
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  • 141 3 CINGAPORE Chinese are unanimously m favour of the Civil Marriage Bill shortly to bintroduced In the Legislative Council. One Chinese merchant said yes t-rday .hat the Straits Chinese British Association had been agitating for it for th? paot four or five years. A SUGGESTION that a Govern-
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  • 51 3 Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Warm will be leaving Singapore for Cameron High- lands on July 15. They wiU be staying at "Hrisbrow" whilst the finishing touches are being carried out to the Smoke House Inn. Mrs. Warm will remain at the Inn after
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 62 3 t- Wf 4t Wili you Maclean your teeth to-day? >fc JS^Ss^^B^B^E TSt SsEa^Bfls^B^aW nrnBTT v v*^^ssa» s^Sr c <£&£fl^HSfl9fE "...course I will" MACLEANS PEBOXIDE TOOTH PASTE Hfoaw t tolid JtMif, ict, try the new *Cl'O PIPOKICt DENTIFRICE I INVESTMENT! I new fluctuates I A wsk& A^fin^^saSjA^^^^H sa sSs JSKlit'tw^blvX '^'/'^■BraHHH^s^^
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    • 263 3 K. P. M. LINE On leave? Travel home via South Africa First Class from £97/-/-FOR DETAILED INFORMATION APPLY TO. X.P.M. Line 1, FINLAYSON GREEN, SINGAPORE. (Incorporated m Holland.) COX KINGS (AGENTS) LIMITED arrange SHORT TRIPS TO CAIRO for Homeward Dound pasoeiigera. Apply for particulars to PATERSON, SIMONS CO., LTD. V—
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  • 891 4 500 Warships Are On The Way BRITAIN HAS A MIGHTY ARMADA THE seven leading world naval Powers, engaged m the maddest race for supremacy of the seas m history, have started construction of, or have appropriated funds for, approximately 500 warships, according to official United
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  • 99 4 ACCORDING to the current rk issue of the "African World," a London publication, a meeting probably unique m the history of modern communication was recently held m the Northern Transvaal. The Nyl Basin Farmers' Association was to hold a meeting, but as the weather was threatening, the
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  • 283 4 A Royal Experiment Which Failed pRINCESS Tarhata Atik Kiram, whose education at the University of Illinois icas an experiment that failed, apparently is not scrrj/ she declined to help speed the change m civilisatioji for 300. 0G0 Moros m the Sulu archipelago. American lipstick, fur coats, football gomes and evening
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  • 54 4 A verdict of death by misadventure was returned by the Singapore Coroner, Mr. Porter, on Monday after an inquiry into the death of Herbert Owen. 41, Lancashire assistant engineer on the Glen Line motor-vessel Glenapp who was ki led while carry ins out repairs m the engine
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  • 221 4 A SAVOIA seaplane shot down not far from Tarragona. Catalonia, is believed to be the mystery seaplane, named by Spanish sailors "El Solitario," which for a fortnight has harried foreign and Spanish shipping on the Mediterranean coast. In Uie wreckage of the seaplane, which had
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  • 27 4 Ashes of the 18-year-old Rajah of Gangpur. whose body was cremated at Golders Green, N.W., will be taker, back to India and a temple built for them.
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  • 513 4 Drive Against Drug Smugglers In U.S.A. MORE than $1,000,000 worth of contraband narcotics, smuggled into the United States largely from the Far East, have been seized on the Pacific coast within the past year, Federal Narcotic Agents disclosed m San Francisco. The first direct result of these seizures has been
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  • 19 4 T*iE Harvard coach protects himself against the rain during ins Crete's preparations for Henley Regatta.
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  • 123 4 LEFT THE ARMY WITH RHEUMATISM. Now He Is Fit ft I :n {r Again. coiustip.iti (i and rn< un Kot fat. T«» day, M a merry, romptil young. "I came out ol rheumatism," he rspceiahy bad m un puttinß on wi i-:),t stone. I started tn>: and m a tow
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 256 4 h^^^HBSBH COULD YOU f i ford an<* brin r ■i hoo*«' clothe, i<^* rSI* 'Ut an a '%l is not. I? Could > our ..lit* wOUHI .< YOU O*eu« 'I' hen H hy^.^'''^^^.,.! "»'>• itv t „f in* i 1 HERE is ;i way oul ih c il, llK uli>.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 91 4 Law Notice For The ±juy Before the Chief Justice m Ist Court at 11 a.m. Bankruptcy 59 and 6C 37 P.e W. S. bee and Cj. Public Examination of Lee Hock Lack and Tay Kirn Soon, bankrupts Before Mr. Justice a'Berkett m 3rd Court at 10.30 a.m. Judgment— O.S. 52/58—
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 166 5 The AWFUL TRUTH PAVILION S «c, ii ■up jJB fS^^SSSB M i OIITCT A y niy r *9 SKI HH^ 1 UU I 5 I ANUING SUPERIOR MvCJIi "ife >^^P *B TAILORING I /pß3v a '^■L^ li W^. i -.'W[r- iwM^^^^^^^Kfimm^fl^frWWffFfU DRESSES j s. Hj^^^^^*' iflfl i. aY V 9
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  • 83 6 TSfSi!^ ~^r r} surp^s U proves typ s ln ihe ltum Ai of .|r J MflM an hour The picture, at top show the engine and the interior of "The wSTRu^ISJISI hu* J tiT SrfJTSfi SPeed f 57 5 lniles ail hour »nrludin X IX .stops.
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  • 72 7 Entertained by Tamil Community Tamil ComM ((f Singapore, at the si: yftcrB. Uovmdaindian Labour io nour of Ma recent ,-f the Ishcd gathering, Mrs. A. S. dimmer. Mr. en. Singapore, the I tl, Messrs. H. A. n Hong, l apt. N. Hashim. H. Kiat, L. C. Muduliar. M. C. -,i
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  • 114 7 I v In Sh ilk a Malay re both uc m d Court 150 to keep the cl with voluntary lammed by stab- ,n the night of I jj. later amendj under pro- I aded guilty. was that he WL Fohore Road with X He
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  • Article, Illustration
    50 7 picture. CAPTAIN N. J. ASQI ITU. master bt the Moller Line tvs, Henry Burton, which left Singapore yesterday m the continuation of her tow of five SOO-ton hoppers from India to Shanghai. With a towline extending for nearly one mile, the tow is believed to be world's record.— Free Press
    Free Press  -  50 words
  • 111 7 New Capitol Film 'P VERY BODY SIMG." which opened at the Capitol Cinema lasfc night. Is an entertaining musical comedy based on the lives of a stage struck family. Judy Garland. 14-year-old singing star, has ample opportunities to display her singing talents, and she uses her voice m
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  • 189 7 New Bridge Or Causeway Clemenceau Avenue Extensions HPHE Municipal Commissioners have submitted to Government a scheme for the building: of a causeway over the subsidiary stream of the Singapore Rivet from the south end of Pulau Saigon to Havelock Road. This is stated by Mr. K. G. M Frascr, Municipal
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  • 256 7 Dying Wrote Name In Book I A SINGAPORE Chinese, whose name is alleged to have been written down m a notebook by a compatriot who had had his throat cut and who subsequently died, was charged before Mr. Justice Home at the Singapore Assizes yesterday with murder. He was Ong
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  • 40 7 A body washed ashore neir Pel ten. North Holland, is believed to be that of John Casey, of London, who fell into the sea while crossing from Antwerp after plftytns In a cricket match m Holland.
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  • 202 7 Headmaster On Malayan Education "More Scope For Hands Feet" MR. LOW NGIONG ING. headA master of Geylang English School, writing: m the new issue of the school magazine, states: "The truth is that while the three R\s have their place m the curriculum —it may be an unduly large place,
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  • 143 7 Making Singapore Streets Safer HPHE Singapore Municipality is taking steps to remove the danger caused by wide or deep roadside drains m the streets of the city. This is stated by Mr. K. G. M. Frascr. Municipal Engineer, m his annual report issued last night. Mr. Fraser
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 181 7 K^^v The Whole World is humming ft r and Dancing to the Haunting JL^ "-X Strains of this captivating &S jk Melody! Now HEAR it sung *3£ Jm y a^ ur^ n 9' vivacious 4 r"irß-4 ALICE FAYE -nrtF^^Arfar m her first starring Role *P« 'EVERYBODY'S |8k SWEETHEART 9 J|hH^
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  • 654 8 The Singapore Free Press WEDNESDAY, JULY 6, 1938. Malaya Overseas MALAYANS who travel round the world on leave brint; back a fine collection of amusing stories which might be published unaer the heading "As Others See Vs. Unfortunately* the world knows little of Malaya, important though this country may be
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  • 699 8  - Inner Mongols Will Not Join J apan Owen Lattimore Chinese Muslims' Viewpoint By IAI'AN S drive toward China's .Moslem north-west. vitally important gateway to the Soviet Far Kast, has already failed, according to Owen Latiimore, one of the world's foremost authorities on Mongolia. In the following stor>. ii>. expert reviews
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  • 411 8 pOR more than 20 years Sir MauriiHankey has been one of the most important figures connected with the Government of Great Britain. Ministers have .changed with the ri>e and fall of Governments, he has remained always at the centre of affairs as Secretary to the Cabinet
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 115 8 O c^-^ o^^ jo CALDBECK'S ■■'V^ v Xi .>>■• j- fj"->*s MVH RBI. FRUIT SALAD sparkle of appreciation to your eyes. SOLE AGENTS: JOHN LITTLE IX. ilncorpcnUed m England.) SINGAPORE, KUALA LUMPUR, IPOH PENAN6. WASHING UP IS EASIER AND QUICKER WITH A GAS SINK J*k\ HEATER -*«^qH» U)U can have
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous

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  • 184 9 NO GERMAN-JAPAN-SIAM AGREEMENT Denial By Consul-General 1 (JANG Vudhisara Netinati, Siamese Consul-General m Singapore, told the Free Press that rhere wia no truth m the Chinese report published yesterday that an agreement has been signed lor the supply oi" German arms to Siam. The report, which was published ov the
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  • 226 9 p riNG Qrst started m when the called to prevent d. of piecegoodj vei the roadway polic( arrived. Three Rationed alon^ order was tempo- had bron. In other parts ol were stoned. at 8 me his a mob m Bearh t. but thei no casualties. h single
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  • 20 9 "•iai meeting o: As^clatloS at July 10. at the <>7. apottiswoodc un hon. secretary v a Mahanama, who
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  • 82 9 JINOAPORE experiments with rubber road surfaces are proving successful. According to Mr. K. g. m Fraser, Municipal Engineer, m his annual report, issued last night, the "Malaytex" rubberasphalt macadam laid down on South Brici-e Road, between Pickering Street and Scuth Canal Road, m April. 1&3£., js "provinp
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  • 94 9 'I bought thli opium for £2. I wanted to cure my asthma" said a middle a-ed Chinese, Chan Pan- Soi. when he pleaded guilty to a chzxge of being m possession of chandu m the Criminal District Court yesterday. Passing sent*>r>?e of one day's imprisonment
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  • 40 9 PINED FOR NO LIGHTS P. H. Carey, of the R.A., Biakan Mati was yesterday lined $5 m the Second Pole* Court, when he pleaded guilty to charge of driving his car without 1 Silts on the night of May 11.
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  • Article, Illustration
    46 9 pirtrrc. J DR. JOAO DE LEBREE LIMA (left) the new Portuguese ffflptftev m China, was met by Dr. R. G. Alves Gucrra, Portuguese Consu' -General m Singapore, when he arrived here yesterday. Dr. Lima icil review? Dr. Navarro, who d*ed m Shanghai recent y.- Free Press
    Free Press  -  46 words
  • 92 9 Personnel o: No. 230 Squadron. Royal Air Force, Far East, are receiving almost daily training m the flying of the first of the Short, Sunderland flying boats, delivered a fortnight ago. Tbe second Sunderland, which arrived on Monday afternoon, is undergoing a routine overhaul before being
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  • 41 9 J*HE German Ambassador m London, Herr von Dircktn, and Ma Ir ife who attended the wedding of the Hon. Esther WaMcrgrove elder laughter Of Lord RadttOCk, and Her r Adolf Kunz, Counsellor of L-oatiZ at the German Embassy.
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  • 86 9 UVI s. TKUKOR. the floating fortress" which is the Singapore base monitor, will be carryins: out heavy gun practice tomorrow and Friday morning. The Terror. which is now moored off Buo»a Vista village, Will fire her 15-inch guns. A statement issued by the Navy Office yesterday says:
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  • 249 9 Would Not Order Man To Be Whipped T'HE Criminal District Judge, Mr. Forrer, yesterday declined to order a man to be whipped because, he said, the Secretary of State did not like whippings. Li Ah Chai. 20. Cantonese, with six previous convictions, three of which included whippings, was centended to
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  • 38 9 Only 27 state-aided labourers vill j arrive m Tcnang tomorrow by ax Rohna. It is expected that ton will be .sent to Pulau Jerejak and the balance will proofed to Pot Swettenhatn lor quarantine.
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  • 214 9 200 Women Will Collect H^HIS morning 200 Singapore European arul Chinese women will go out m the street** visit offices, the railway station* the wharres. most of the regiments and most of the schools to sell 35,000 flags m aid of St. Andrew's
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  • 233 9 "THE question of the division of profiti of $113,339.04 among Ihe partners iof a business formed by Ma'.acca men I was decided by a judgment delivered 1 by Mr. Justice a'Beekett Ti-rwll m the .Singapore High Court yesterday. Chew Kong Chin, the plaintiiT Kiven judgment for
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  • Page 9 Advertisements

    • 487 10 Last Night's Quotations LONDON AND NEW YORK STOCK SHARES From London 5.30 p.m. Yesterday Share oi £i denomination unle« Latest Quotation* Previously I Conversion Loan, b pc, 1944-64.... 114,2 114 /4 Funding Loan. 4 p.c, 1960-90 113% 113% War Loan. 3V 2 pc 102% 102% Com Union Assce. (Units) 10'a
      487 words
    • 172 10 Siam Parboiled (1) Siam Parboiled (2) Motor Spirit and OH Imp Gall 50 Tl Socon.y Motor Gasoune 4 drums ncr drum $3 Hi Singapore, July 5, 12 o'clock noon Buyers Sellers Gambler 7.51> Hamburg Cube $13.50 Java Cube $1100 Pepper White Muntok $14.00 White $13.50 Black $8.50 Copra
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    • 74 10 Chamber Of Commerce Rubber Association July 5, 12 o'clock noon Buyers Sellers Nc. I.X.R.S.S. m cases (FOB. July) 25 a 25% Good F.A.Q m bales (F. 0.8. July) 24V. 14% No. I.X.R.S.S. (Spotloose) (awardable Singapore) 25 Va 25% July 25V-; 25% Aug. -Sept. 26 26V 8 Oct.-Dec. 26^ 26% Jan.
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    • 56 10 New York, July 3. It i.s understood that an administration is informally discussing a Chinese request for a wheat loan, reported to be worth 100,001) 000 bushels. Well informed circles, however, are oj the opinion that the application will be rejected owing to the strenuous objections
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    • 180 10 From London 5.30 p.m. Yesterday KUBBER: Easy. London: 7 3 16d. 7 5;16d. Previously: 7»' 2 d. 9 16d. August: 7Vid. 73 B d. Previously: 7 9 16d. 7 1116 d. Oct.-Dec: 7 3 /Bd. 7 7 16d. Previously: 7 11 16d. 1%4. Jan. -Mar.: 7 7,16
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    • 73 10 From London: Latest Quotations TIN: Easy. Spot: £193 10s. Previously: £194 17s 6d. Three months: £194 12s. 6d. Previously: £195 17s. 6d. NEW YORK TIN: Opening price 44.12. Previously: Closed. COPPER: Settlement: £40 2s. 6d. Previously: £39 12s. Sd. COLD: Yesterday: £7 os. 8V 2 d. Previously:
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    • 74 10 London Closing Quotations Method of Pants betore Latest Pre-Cenu-e Quoting 20-9-31 Rate vlously Paris Franc to 121.1 177 7 8 11V H New York to 488 4 95* 4 4.95 3 4 Amsterdam Guilders to 8.97 3 4 8.96' 4 8 95^ O Hong Kong.. Per dollar
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    • 196 10 j Yesterday's Singapore Quotations July 5 SELLING London. T.T. 2;3 29 32 London, demand 2 3 29 32 Lyons, demand 2065 Switzerland, demand 250 1 4 Hamburg, demand 142 New York, demand 57 9 16 Montreal, demand 58 Batavia. demand 103T. s Samarang. demand 103 3 j
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    • 192 10 ISSUED BY FRASER AND CO. AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS YESTERDAY MINING. The price of tin at midday was $97.00, down S3 00 According to tables received the market m tin shares m L .ndon was firmer but once again the principal focus of attraction was the
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    • 1115 10 SINGAPORE STOCK AND SHARE PRICES From Exchange Telegraph Co. Fraser And Co. 9 s List Sulot. <50 ctt 4 Sunm'l Bagun ($1 Sun«ti Ramal $1) Sumvi Tukhiu- I|l) Tambalak ($1; Tapah (Sit T Asm (fi> 'I>m<«rloh <$lt 7Yafal«ur <$2. Ulu Bt-nut (M Ijiu Paixl.u. Urni Utan <$!, IM)I >!KMI
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 70 10 i^ S. E. Levy Oh Shanghai. Hongkong Manila Singapore Investment Bankers and Brokers m Securities and CnmmodiUm. Daily Foreign Market Cables and Quotation TITHiCW. MEMBERS. NEW YORK COTTON EXCHANGE. COMMODITY EXCHANGE. INC. NFW YORK COFFEE SUGAR EXCHANGE. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE. CANADIAN COMMODITY EXCHANGE. SHANGHAI STOCK EXCHANGE. HONGKONG SHARE BROKERS'
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  • 119 11 Preparing For New Planting Programmes IN order to implement the recom- mendations of the International Rubber Regulation Committee that nurseries for the purposes of new planting m 1H39 should be allowed m 1938, the Controller of Rubber la prepared to consider applications to lay down nurseries
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  • 1280 11 RUBBER TIN SPECULATORS ACTIVE IN SINGAPORE Business In Shares Increases MESSRS. FRASER CO.'S WEEKLY REPORT THE past week has witnessed further advances m A share and commodity markets and a general expansion of interest, write Messrs. Fraser Co. m their weekly share report issued last night. The news that Britain
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  • 62 11 A Turkish economic mission, heac;. i i by Numan Menemcncioglu, perma^e.:t i chief of the Turkish Foreign Jffice. has left for Berlin, to neuotiat2 a nexl Turco-German trade treaty. Turkey has denounced he txistin trade and clearing convention, wtitshj will expire en Au^. 31 by virtue
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  • Article, Illustration
    16 11 nOII IMAM; AM) < ARY (iRANT. uho ipptM m 1 o!ittnki's Ar fwl Truth at the r^viUon
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 405 11 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS the 3683 -stffis»oa> to department*) fel: <inffap«re. {'hoot: 5471 (S luie* wilb lrt Brrwutei B««il •P« b riMMI 5683. Rmhop Strret Pfnanf. ihnnr: |«n ,H3. llfet Street. LondW j I.CA Phone: Central UoB— 3Ct9 1,1: i.eadmalmya l«n*oo SUBSCRIPTION RATES Mnfapoie \Mthin Ootsidr Without \Uiava. NiaUya. Tosta^e i.w
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    • 302 11 BOARD RESIDENCE SEA FRONT KATONG GRANGE— 77. Meyer Rd (near Swimming Club) Board -Residence at moderate rates Large Gardens Tennis. Pbone: 5758. Ithe mansion oxley rise PRIVATE HOTEL Til. *****. "LOXXOH^ first Class Private Hotel. Bedrooms I with modern bathrooms from $65 per month. Hot water to Bathrooms. Ceiling tans
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    • 298 11 BANK OF CHINA 'Incorporated m China o* Special Omltf) 12. Cecil Street Siaff»i*rc. MODERN BANKING With branches and sub-br nches throughout China, and corres pondents m all the principal afUfjai of the world, the Bank is well equipped to transact modern banking business of avery description. TO LET OFFICES IN
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 579 11 RADIO PROGRAMMES SINGAPORE. ZHL 1.33 me s (2t5 m V.iXL I.OC Miscellaneous programme of uw gramophone records. 2.00 Interval. 5.00 Hokkien Amoy muflc.t 5.30 Peiping music Selections. 6.10 Mandarin stage songs.) 6.30 Chinese dance music. t 7.00 Military band music by the Bai.d of H.M. Coldstream Guards.t 7,20 "World affairs."
      579 words
    • 124 11 BERLIN. OJB UJM imc/s 19.7 m. i p.»... 2.20 News and economic review m En*'ihi. 2.3S Today In Germany. Soi;nd j)l"t.irr«. 250 The Hapn Family and their tekphone 3.05 'Martha' Opera by Frtedinh von Flotow. 4.3£ Short prcpriimmc rf j;ramcphonc records 11 4.50 News and economic re\lew In 5.05 Press
      124 words

  • 37 12 July 5: Hin Lee (T'ganu); Hong Lam. Esmeralda. Hong Thong, Hong Kwong. Rantau, Jerantut, Tandjong Balei (Brit); Tjipai (Dut); Lossiebank (Brit>; Hydra II 'Nor); Manoeran. tKeimpar (Dut). July 6: Raub (Bnt»; Makasser. Singkel (Dut); Valaya (Siam).
    37 words
  • 143 12 NIGERIA TO HAVE OWN WARSHIPS Defence Measure l I The King has approved an Order m Council for the defence of Nigeria, it is announced m the "London Gazette." Approval is given m the Order for Nigeria to maintain and use vessels of war at the expense of the colony.
    143 words
  • 1419 12 PROBLEM OF GERMANY'S SHIPPING "Special Situation" Bans "Prestige Building" THE problem of new tonnage for German shipping is 1 surveyed m an interesting article which appears m the latest issue of the bulletin of the Hamburg Worlds Economics Archives. The article reads, m part, as follows:— The improved world trade
    1,419 words
  • 120 12 Tht fol!owin?c ships along wharv«3 or exported to aj Sheers Wharf, Entrant r <„t»- y Xi{ Olcades 19 Main Wharf, Entrance C.ale y xil j. Azuma Maru lS.^Bulan :•> >' 14: Meiwn Maru 11: Uht ir 8; Menelaiu 7. Empire Dock, Entrance C.aU i. Kn j Oreyatoke Csustle
    120 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 483 12 n2SM EMPRESS IP^^d Fortnightly sailing to Victor!* IhsPH ;^Pi 1i:h1 Vancouver Direct or via Honolulu ships-side ran con'J^T\ Zj^JßDg^ unctions at Vancouvrr wfEkisißy^kttirV%j This tiinp x> via canada tKy>k F7 IL9 KS^ I your passage on Canadian Pacific's J tn"«>'t. white Empress of Jajvin— W %BstP>&^^^^^^mZl j largest, fasU-st liner
      483 words
    • 362 12 RED FUNNEL LINE HEAP ENG MOH S.S CO LTO. (Incorporated In Btrnlt» Settlement!) ■Mil PASSENGER OHM from Singapore t« Java. Homo, i Rilllton. I'm BATAVIA. Cllt Xi < SLMARAMi. (Every lor«dav and It id* S.S. NAM YONC FOR SOLRABAYA AM) BANDJt KMVSIN (Fortnightly Srrvirri S.B. GIANG A" OXANQ AH K>R
      362 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 382 12 Local And Foreign Mail Dispatches And Arrivals/ DESPATCHES BY TRAIN Bangkok every Saturday 7 p.m. Thursday 7.45 a.m. Swettenham Taiping and Telok Anson. Weekdays* Kota Bahm, Kuala Krai, Thursday and Friday* 7 a.m. Sunday 7 p.m. Kuala Lumpur and Penang Weekdays: 7.45 a.m. Malacca, Batu Annam, Batu Pahat, G-emas, Kajang,
      382 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 248 13 DON'T MISS THE BOAT GO BY IT'S MORE COMFORTABLE I CHEAP RETURN TICKETS TO CHINA, JAPAN, COLOMBO AND BOMBAY. tillable for two months mm SINGAPORE. Ist. Cla«s 2nd Class $137 14 Slo:!ftt> S188.5? 5137.M hbr or Yokohama $22? 86 $154.29 <»iombo $282.86 81*8 57 r ™fcaT rwi.tia *****1 BRITISH INDIA
      248 words
    • 480 13 ELLERMAN BUCKNALL S.S. Co., Ltd. (Incorporated tn England.) FOR UNITED KINGDOM AND CONTINENT, VIA PORTS AND SUEZ CANAL Steamer n c CITY O* DERBY Havre. L'don. R'dam. Hburg. G'gow July Jo Ana 5 CITY OF SINGAPORE Havre L'don R'dam. Hburg. aiL™ aS In S^t* CITY OP BAGDAD Havre. L'don. R'dam.
      480 words
    • 859 13 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. SINGAPORE AND PENANG PHONE 5154 (7 Lines) REPRESENTING. SHirPING THE BLUE FUNVEI LINB (Ocean Steam The floa Khlow SteaiMhlp Cm fliJVi .^i, > M'ip Co.. Ltd- and China Mutual s>teaa> Cunard H'htte Stat Ltd Navigation Co.. Ltd.) Aberdeen m Common.eaJtfe Une. The Straits Steamship Co.. Ltd. Shaw
      859 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 654 14 K. P M MAKASSER— Wednesday. July G. Pr>eloe-Kidjang. Sapat. Tembilahan, Poel(>e-Pallas. Pengalian- Estate and Rengat. lllEDENS— Wednesday. July 6. Munto-c and Palembang. TOGI AN— Wednesday. July 6. Tcengkai. Mceara-Saba and Djambi ROTH— Wednesday. July 6. Belawan-Deli VAN HEUTSZ— Thursday. July 7. Hong Kong Swatow and Amoy. MERK US— Thursday. July
      654 words
      424 words
    • 439 14 O. S. K. LINEI FOR AFRICA ANO SOI 1 11 AMKKK Kanto Mar« Buenos Aires via Lourenco Mjrq Durban. East London. Pr>rt Eliza;) i Mossel Bay and Cape Town Mnn--video and Santos— on nomeward voyage) tArabU Mara Burnos Aires via Colombo Momoatt Zanzibar D_r-es-Sala_m Boira Lou renco Marques Durban. Port
      439 words

  • 1141 15 Wimbledon Committee Postponements: French Player FootFaulted: Farr And Louis Fight For London London, June 29. match, as you know, I day m a draw. Al- wai the result generally ball was bowled on „u rlh day 22.000 spectators were Itness the tame finish. it the Test
    1,141 words
  • 432 15 OUR LONDON WEEKLY S. LETTER In the meantime, several boxers are very annoyed at Farr's continued absence m America. They say that In allowing him to retain his titles, the British Board of Control is allowing him to be a law unto himself Farr's Titles Len Harvey Is still anxious
    432 words
  • 174 15 London, July 5. DAIN which swept England today robbed Yorkshire of the chance of being the first county to beat an Australian touring side since 1912. Their match was abandoned as a draw after Yorkshire with 150 to get, scored 83 for 3 wickets. Australia 222 and
    174 words
  • 554 15 APPALLING conditions prevailed rk at Sandwich yesterday when m the British Open continued. Rain fell heavily and players' slipping hands were borne out by the rounds. Scores yesterday totalled: collapse and was so much be'ow the border-line, there could be no question of leniency by the referee.
    554 words
  • 65 15 Oilicers of the Royal Air Force, Far East, wiil informally farewell the Air Officer Commanding Air Vice-Marshal A. W. Tedder, at a "guest night*' at the officers' mess at the Seletar station tonight. The Air Vice-Marshal will leave Singapore by Imperial Airways plane on Friday to
    65 words
  • 33 15 Thi In:i^erial Airways flying bo: was held up at Rangoon through bad 7.-jather leached Bangkok last &Jght It should reach Singapore this .fternov-n, 24 hours behind schedule.
    33 words
  • Article, Illustration
    11 15 J. D. BUDGE who once airaiii leaves Wimbledon with three titles.
    11 words
  • 27 15 Zurich police are investigating the death of Henry Dunn. 23. of Blackpool, who was drowned m a lakeside bathing pool m shallow water.
    27 words
  • 23 15 Robert Shaw, the Briton whose execution was postponed owing to a legal technicality. was electrocuted at Michigan City, Indiana.
    23 words
  • 313 15 Women 's Bogey At Bukit Timah The women's bogey played at Bu!:it Timah on Monday resulted m a win for Mrs. M. M. Paterson m "A" division with a score of 16 > 2 m a win for Mrs. I. W. Whitehorn m *\B" division with a score of 17
    313 words
  • 52 15 A.C.S. SWIMMING CARNIVAL. Amlo-Cl.ini o School uill h< Id U»#:' annu».l swimming carnival Sat irday Aup 6. m th< YM c a P«»<»1 Fbri Cannlni Old Boys who wi-h to tnk»- part m Iht I^ l yards frw-rtyl" Jiandicap i°lay are a-Mied to fitmmmurate with Mr iti Pook I/«>nkTrfasurors IXpartrnmt.
    52 words
  • 44 15 Again t M» v;r-. Jus* ph Tray« rs L Soils Gtylarß stadium. 515 p.m tomorrow Ah Chyp. Ch**n* Seah. Ah Bah, All Win*, Kai Teck. Hrnir Fook. Ah I*m. Yuen Chonif, Yoke Onn, S. Hock «Capt Sum Wlnj?, Chin Ncn, Chin Cacon.
    44 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 102 15 FRIDAY'S YACHTING. The Royal Singapore Yacht Clubs **B" Class will sail against the Johore Yacht Club on Friday In the first race of this year*s series for the Dato Mcntri Besar Challenge Cup, starting at 5 p.m. On Sunday, the international 6-metre class will rail a race, to start at
      102 words
    • 142 15 Diary Of The Day HOTELS. RAFFLES: Cocktail Dance 6.30 to 8.30 p.m. Dinner and Dance '"Informal) 930 pm. to midnight. Special Engagement of Andy Rice SEA VIEW: Special Dinner and Dance. COCOANUT GROVE: Oinner and Dance. CINEMAS. CAPITOL: "Everybody Sing," with A.; an Jones, Judy Garland and Fanny Brice. M.G.M.
      142 words
    • 168 15 SINGAPORE GOI.F CMB I\r it KKPPIL GOLF CMB (LAIUKS) IT»e following arr the mamsi n ams and rtartirv times for the S.G.C. vs. K»ppH doll Cl«b niaU'h to bo played at Bukit Tii iah on Monday. (SitiKupoir C»« If Chit) p> monlicned firM i 3 30 \f rs. M. M.
      168 words

  • 1400 16 Four O'Clock May Complete Double SELECTIONS FOR SECOND DAY OF PERAK RACES I7XCUSE ME should provide punters with a reasonably good bet, this afternoon, the second day of the Perak Turf Club's July /neeting. A card of eight events make up the
    1,400 words
  • 298 16 Ties For Friday Re-iUts of today's ties m the Tangliu tennis tournament are: DYNE CUP FL Burke and Miss Liuk (plu.; 2, w.o. a ust Mrs. Grierton and Mr. v o\\ c 3• MEN'S DOUBLES OPKN lir. Phillips and Mr. MarshaU beat lAi HolyjaJc and Mr.
    298 words
  • 72 16 Two events, 100 yards and 800 yards, will be held for the Old Boys at the third annual athletic sports of the V.M.C.A. School of Commerce to be held at the Jalan Besar Stadium on Saturday, July 1G from 2 30 p.m. .The events are scheduled
    72 words
  • 246 16 Chinese And Municipal Services Draw 1-1 In Third Division AN EQUALISER, scored five minutes before the final whistle, enabled the Chinese to draw one-all with the Municipal Services m their third division soccer fixture, played on the V.M.C.A. ground, yesterday. The game was well contpsted and there were several outstanding
    246 words
  • Article, Illustration
    22 16 picture. iHE SHOT WHICH WON THE R.A.F. the first division soccer match against the R.A. at Anson Ri >\d yesterday. Free Press
    Free Press  -  22 words
  • 101 16 Ti. the Sports Editor, Sir, The S.A.F.A's selection conr.mi;tees have undoubtedly chosen a perfect team whose outstanding performance against Malacca last Saturday proves that Singapore ha^ every chance to enter for the final. Thus let as sincerely hope to see the same payers m action
    101 words
  • 341 16 SHOWING al! round superiority the R.A.F. registered a well-deserved victory over the RA. at the Stadium yesterday m a first division league match which was noticeable for several missed opportunities. This victory has gained the second place
    341 words
  • 62 16 THE fallowing will pUj for Sinirapore m lh»match against Selan«.. r July 16 and 17. Hay *j|» s un at 11 a.m. on both 111 L 'pi. Bolt on. (apt Q Rryan, Lt. II Dukr i,,t l>. Dynes, A. Foster. Growder. l>r. II O H
    62 words
  • 128 16 11. KAF !lr,t r dt»feut°d n n -tlir h. Bwima Inj Caiu jt day. 1 <r <1 h >Ut JxakJan .1 v w c < daw They win b ThOVSta Iht Jun; i Him tIM Airrji t!:»'ni the OOMHM, w... I from a c! ar d
    128 words
  • 18 16 Owing to the S.A.A.A. meeting tomorrow, the soccer fixture S.C.C. vs. RAF. (H.Q.) has been cancelled.
    18 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 70 16 Have Your Stationery Printed with your Address FREE of CHARGE! irom today until July 31st all orders for 3 or more Writin* Pads or 3 Boxes of Notepaper will be printed with your Private Address Free of Charge. JUST PUBLISHED SCIENCE FOR THE CITIZEN by L, Hogben $7.50 By the
      70 words
    • 30 16 m? ill tm Gj^BßwT vA is B Pi twl H^^r 1 W SW^^^TT wr LlVlsHii t- tw I MADE FROM THE FIHEST malt hops yeast Distributed by Fraser AWitv Ltd.
      30 words