The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 5 July 1938

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 17 1 The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS NO. 15,513. ESTD. 1835. TUESDAY, JULY 5, 1938. 10 CENTS.
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  • 233 1 MEN OPPOSE SECRET VOTE TRANSPORT >trike will occur m Singapore W;\<t two days if ,i aU. Loud opposition to a that a secret should he held employees of the ipore Traction Company, Ltd., on the issues disputed with the mpany was expressed by •a
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  • 40 1 T Mexico ity. July 4 ria, Hying the Bri- H Port Minati•r to load 100.000 that the vessel will "rdnr.s. fc >ipmont of 200.000 •*d at the .same port I other ships J aUttim are (lPr: Router.
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  • 86 1 Commons Question On S.S. Penal Code London, July 4 jyjK JOHN PARKER (Lab. Rom ford, Essex) asked m the House of Commons today whether the Colonial Secretary was aware that public opinion m the Straits Settlement*. both European and Asiatic. w*. strongly opposed to the proposed amendment (Section 157 A)
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • 77 1 Port Darwin, July 4. yHE X.L.M. airliner, inaugurating the Amsterdam-Sydney air mail service arrived at Port Darwin at noon today says Reuter. The plane has on board representatives of the Netherlands Government who are enroute to Canberra Their mission to the Federal capital is for
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  • 38 1 London, July 4. Early returns m the British Golf Open Championship today were: Arthur Lacey (Berkshire) 68 and Ernest Whitcombe (Porter (Spark) 68. Played on the Royal St. Gecree course, par being 76.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 51 1 Farm Cart Bier For The Queen's Mother THE COFFIV containing the body of the Countess of Strathmore was placed on a farm cart and taken to Glamis Castl<*. and the King and Queen followed m a car. This picture shows the farm cart with the flowercovered coffin arriving at the
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  • 100 1 Challenger Report Demanded Sydney, July 4. MR. H. V. C. THORBY. th* Australian Minister of Defence, today demanded an urgent report from the authorities at Part Darwin on the circumstances surrounding the arrival of the Imperial Airway.s" flying boat. Challenger, carrying the first through mail from England. The demand fallows
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  • 230 1 Europeans Objections To Hankow Evacuation Questions In The Commons London, July 4. QUESTIONS were asked m the House <>i V Commons today regarding the objections of the European communities m Hankow and Kiukiang to evacuation, and their request for British gunboats to remain nearby to protect British interests. The Under-Foreign
    Reuter  -  230 words
  • 128 1 Healthy City Market Opening London, July 4. The satisfactory conclusion of the Anglo-German debt talks and Wall Street's sustained recovery caused the City to reassemble m a cheerful mood today. Firm conditions characterised most sections ot the Stock Exchange with activity especially pronounced m internationals, gold mines and German and
    Reuter  -  128 words
  • 69 1 London. July 4. The Under-Foreign Secretary, (Mr. R. A. Butler) questioned m the House of Commons today on opium imports to China, particularly 300 chests by a Japanese firm through Shanghai said ihat a.s the Japanese delegate at Geneva had declared that the Japanese firm acted solely
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 174 1 Strategic Move For Safety Of Hainan Fnp vru London, July 4. 7 H n circles ln London confirm the French occupation ot the Paracel Islands. It is pointed out that the islands are intimately connected with Hainan, which the French general™^ sider ifl a French
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  • 109 1 FRANCO'S BOMBING REPLY London, July 4. THE Burgos Government's reply m regard to the bombing of British ships was outlined m the House of Commons today by Sir John Simon, the Chancellor of Exchequer. The reply maintains thai the ports were legitimate military objects es, hut it strongly disclaims any
    Reuter  -  109 words
  • Article, Illustration
    67 1 THE FIRST large-scale kOMM ft house usit bi/ A.R.P. wardens began When over 300 men m Hackney completed their training and ristted housnciies armed with larg<\ <rnal! and medium gas-masks and a card Of authority. Here is Mr F J. Ames, an air warden, fitting a gas ma\k on Mr*.
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  • 128 1 Hankow, July 4. A LATE report from Loyang, at the western portion of the Lung-Hai Railway states that 40.000 Chinese troops from the Red army have joined forces wtth Chinese irregulars m Jehol, Chahar and Suiyuan preparatory tD launching a general attack on the Japanese rear
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 77 1 BIGIA TEA l(s the freshness mid fragrance of the Malayan gardens direci to your home Malaya's Premier Hotel. TONIGHT dimher/S* DANCE 630 PM to 830 PM -1 DAMCE (informal) 9.30 P.M. to midnight >Hh POTOLU VERSA! HE COMEDIAN. RICE rM|r KSUAi 7U. j, lv i\ ViiV GRAND HOSPITAL BALL 2J£
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  • 40 2 THE lIAKBOI R AT LES SABLES D'OLONNE, France, filled with Kaily decorated fi.'hins boats, during the Annual Festival of the Sea. In the motor-boat m foreground can be seen Cardinal Verdier, who perforated the blessing ceremonies.
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  • 456 2 AMAZING RIOT SCENES IN PE N ANG From Our Own Correspondent Penang, July 1. AMAZING scones were witnessed m Penang tonight following a day of sporadic rioting, m which several police and civilians were injured m street incidents, including the Assistant vSuperintendent of Police, Mr. Kinder, M T ho suffered
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  • 91 2 < I rein <htr On n Correspondent) Penaag, July 4. 4NTI-JAPANEBB disturbances toob place m Malay Street las;t i.i;jht :iiij this mornlne when one house hecamc the targxt of stone. 1 lar and aril. A piece of cloth oa which was l*a-:i rd the rising sun and some
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  • 546 2 MEN INTERESTED IN OFFICIALS MEETING (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, July 4. A SETTLEMENT of the strike of the 4,000 workmen at the Fatt mine may be expected at a meeting with the executive of th<? mine called for
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  • 34 2 Playing ngainst the Australians yes t» i day Yorkshire ."cored 20:>. Tlie tourists replied with 132. Waite took seven wlcketl for 101. Smai'es four for 45 :ind Verity three for 46 Rcutcr
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  • 41 2 One Chinese was killed and anoti^r injured whilo working at tho Cathay Building sit Dhoby Ghaut yesterday. It is bo'ie-.^d that they wore injured by fnl ir t oj stones while on '•vied la ixcavatlnc csrth.
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  • 39 2 Guerillas Active In Great Wall Pass Hankou. .lul, fHINESE itrangUi rtoui Great wall betw< i and Johol, it Japanese anxk intr to Sin Chen Jit A force <•: sent there )va\< h* < vler if of I In :l. trainc < m
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  • 242 2 MALAYAN CH INESE GOING VEGETARIAN COMMEMORATING r START OF HOSTILITIES DRORABLY for the fin* time m history, Chinese m Malaya and throughout the world are on Thursday #oin£ vegetarian for other than a religious causo. They will fast or eat vegetables, as they choose, to commemorate the first anniversary of
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  • 70 2 A tjre toon a racing car rar. for 100 yards, hit a bump, shot 50 feet Into the air. then bounced for another 50 yards among spectators at the Crystal Palace. t>ut no one was eren scratched K. D. E*an« was m the fourth lap ol
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  • Article, Illustration
    28 2 X hii^n.ahl Mrs F.H DoHIMI> j Schubert V D /m^' %V ;IMIIW Sl a4ri/ n /r>ir: Arrmngino Stan and S G\-nr.-af /or Mf OMI«| Stairs) n»ia iff] I?
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 125 2 T/»^ Staff Of Life —or bread baked by the Royal Bakery* i* the best baked bread you can buy anywhere. Made m a modern hygienic bakery, under the watchful eye of a European Master Baker, from the very best ingredients. If you grow tired of one ktnd of bread, we
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    • 8 2 Site agtttt GRAFTOH LAIOMTOnii 2*b. (OLI.YKK Q| |f
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 114 2 Diary Of The Day HOTELS. RAt'tlr** D 830 p.m. I) 9 3(» pm. T.i -i Idi I iemtnl ol Audi v < SKA tIFH D^nce. < (H OAM I (.HUM Dan. CINEMAS, APITOI. Ever\b < A. Jan J.jn< .J i I rial Brlce. II Ci M Pnniu ionUhl 6 15
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  • 140 3 Too Many SnatchRun Cases ij^HEN a case of theft came beT fore the Third Police Court yesterday, Mr. G. S. Raw!ings asked the Court Inspector whether it was another case of a snatch thief. When he was told it was, he said that there were far too many of these
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  • 70 3 Law Notice For The Day i Refore the Chief Justice m Ist Court at 11 a.m. Part heard:-S. 190 37 L. W. Ariyaratn.? vs. H Sena etc F.efore Mr. Justice a'Beckelt TerieJl m 2nd Court at 10. "0 a.m. Judgment:— Malacca Suit ***** j Chew Kong Chin vs. Estate and
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  • 24 3 Archdeacon Graham White will address the Rotary Club luncheon at the I Adelphi Hotel tomorrow on "The 1 Knights of St. John."
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  • 190 3 A FTER a retirement of about 25 minutes the jury returned its verdict at the Singapore Assizes yesterday m the threeday old case m which Ng Ma Cheow. Low Eng Choon. Leong Peng Lim and Lin? Wee Yang, alleged to have threatened a compatriot to cut
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  • 198 3 Thirty Chinese Appear In Singapore Court FURTHER ACTION IS CONTEMPLATED I THE Government had taken a serious view of A the recent anti-Japanese demonstration, said Mr. W. Parks, A.S.P. m the Third Police Court yesterday, when the 30 Chinese, who were arrested during an anti-
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  • 157 3 THE draft of the proposed In- Austria! Wages Dispute Bill shortly will be sent to the Socrotary of State for the Coloni?s. The Bill may be returned m time for its Introduction m the Federal Council at the Budget meeting In November. •yHE European Association ol Malaya
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  • 109 3 JUDGMENT for $189.69 and costs was given by Mr. Justice a'Beckett Terrell, m the Singapore High Court yesterday, m favour of F E. Somerecker, a civil engineer, m the action brought by him against Engineers Contractors Ltd., Singapore, for wrongful dismissal. Somerecker claimed three months' salary
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  • 214 3 A DMITTING six previous convic- tions m Singapore and stated m Court to have been twice previously convicted up-country. Ong Eng Chuan. 24, was sentenced to eight months* rigorous imprisonment to be lollowed by one year's police supervision by the Criminal District Judge, Mr. Forrer.
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  • 16 3 W isiana. rfte /lr»t renter K.N.t.L.M. plane ui!i reach Sydney this afternoon
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 322 3 LO'S TELL-TALE TONGUE vffl ten y.»u definitely n Uu tiny bowels p of a laxative. A coated r stomach and constipayoU L.ivr to be most ol opening medicine you strong purgatives leave the U nd than ever. everywhere, advise which acts on the t>>weLs Miae, being a liquid the dose
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    • 133 3 IN* I* s A I Be 'i jßj^^^^ > '<■■■ B B :> 2 *f > bb^l I S I Hjl Bi Bl N BBBH e»-'- Ba $S^£3 Bs Bl Bj I bbßbl &fe -Bl BBS l I^B > '^^m v"'"^i '^■fc^fc filE^ x Saw l^am ii^a^am a^am^*/Kl H^ BK>
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  • 190 4 Although Parisiens will not admit it. the coming visit of King George and Queen Elizabeth is influencing dress fashions m Paris. The rose, which is regarded as an English emblem, is coming into great favour for hat and dress adornment. Re^ul plumes, jewels m the hair
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  • 588 4 IJAIR condition is a sign or mdi*- cation of the general health. It happens some limes, of course, that the disagreeab'e disability of unhealthy scalp and falling hair is due to local trouble. The scalp is infected by germs which cause dry dandruff or perhaps olliness
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  • 69 4 A iavourlte Arab dish is a savoury of apples stuffed with chicken. Cut a slice from the top of an apple remove the core, but without piercing the other side of the fruit and careiully scoop out some of the interior. Fill with chopped breast of chicken
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  • 48 4 If any of your gue.sts enjoy their breakfast m bed. or if you yourself have inclinations towards 4 la/y morning now and then, you appreciate the new light- wood »etitablcs which hold your breakfast paraphernalia and may bo used a5 writing table when necessary
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  • 615 4  -  Dr. Elizabeth Sloan Chesser By THE skin m health so beautiful m colour and texture, has certain physiological functions. It covers tender, vital organis. It regulates temperature and, therefore, comfort It has the power of passing poisons from the body, and it grows hairs and nails m
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 192 4 If you want to lank fresh and youngPUTA SPOONFUL OF MOUSSE OF CREAM m your FACE see the^wf j MAGICALV-^-, RESULTS/V^ 2 dry. l^-»'"'m r and wrmkl'il \*< .< .t la j*>wd«-i i^»rh> :t^ natura moisture ar. »i\ '^m>*"'% oils. AMM lw;tu*>\\ *C»^^r truk enables i '^k i to avoid
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  • 323 5 Gieaper Than Crepe Or Sheet GIVING NEW USES TO RUBBER THK quantity of rubber sold m forms other than crepe or sheet is increasing, says John Hockin m 1ht Empire Review. For many manuring processes it is an advantage to have the wr m
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  • 969 5 Story Of Frantic Search A 7 EAR a A g0 two f America's most renowned aviation figures, Amelia Earhart and Frederick J. Noonan d appeared m the vicinity of Howland Island, m mid-Pac L while on the last lap of a world-circling flight
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  • 37 5 T ln: l Le c a see :s <° b <-' enjoying himself outside A'l Satnf, H a n Hilltngdon, perhaps not knoicinc, that he. shcu'd hnL i yjhere the ivdging o babies the Nalional
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 201 5 HOW SANATORIUM PATIENT PUT ON POUNDS of FLESH weight s m/j^mm T HIS EASY WAY I W^B-t Jojibt work chese miracles 1 f **IGHt I nead these /etters L f wo^o'!!? RECOR ">S of WEIGHT INCREASE 1T- L AINS 4 LBS COU °H NU«E GAINS «J LBS. Ed Jn iy
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    • 72 5 Itch Germs Killed m 7 Minutes In* Acn/'m raCkinir Eczenia Peeling. BurnPimot, nh K ng W °,T m Psori ««H Blackheads, tat ff y tChl Singapore Foot and oth e teS£wk£ r ii i n K ry treatm^s Kivo only se?iTct7,T <£i heciiuse th ey do not kill the Sn^th*
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    • 173 5 With Baby's first wee teeth comes ru.> <JBJ need of Gibbs Dentifrice f.»r denial decay which may affect the permanent teeth, can begin m babyhood. Th»* cleansing, antiseptic powers of Gibbs Dentifrice are delicate enough, trust- mnr 4--*t worthy enough. to protett your 6Ur iVtry ClStleS Baby's teeth— polishing softly—
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  • 1226 7 IMPERIAL AIRWAYS CHIEF ASKS FOR FAIR PLAY MR. S. A. DISMORE'S LETTER TO PRIME MINISTER "Trying To Minimise The Damage To Company" j^K, S. A. DISMORE, assistant general manager of Imperial Always, has written a personal letter to the>rime Minister m justice to men who are suffering from a sense
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  • 175 7 Shot Trapeze Girl's Wreath WITH a bullet from her husband's automatic still m her side. 27-year-old Madeleine Cuisinaud s ked her two French trapeze ;ra to buy her a and place it on the the man who wounded then killed himself, says the Daily Mail. v. Frenchmen. Suchot and just
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  • 105 7 15 YEARS FOR MAN RELEASED FROM BROADMOOR been convicted m r <2\ of murder, and attempted murrdered to be detained duri pleasure Thomas Harold Th 14, a tobacconist, was senal Chester Assiiea to 15 years' servitude. i pleaded guilty to wounding Alice Hannah Johnson, a .shopkeeper, of Rediane, Wallasey, v.-ith
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  • 14 7 A German waiter was .sentenced to! imprisonment lor espionage
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 269 7 JUDY GARLAND... Your new singing Sweetheart.., Leading the BIG PARADE of HOLLYWOOD FAVOURITES! /x TONIGHT _y^^fc When MGM -(S7 CAPITfIi aical V^>fy Mfiri lUL Jh-w^rl v J YOU KNOW i v^^^^^wL^ wB? ,m 44 IT S POT 1 1^ S^- /^ti* l^ lip'SJHi hearthese Pft I lJtJ^A\ fi (Cr^ 'P^T*
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  • 641 8 The Singapore Free Press TUESDAY, JULY 5, 1938. Japanese Policy Unmasked RECENT reports of mediation efforts m China seem to be totally without foundation. Both Japan and China are as determined to fight through to the bitter end as they were six months ago. China's point of view is understandable,
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  • Article, Illustration
    25 8 JOHN "WHY, SAM, I BELIEVE ITS OLD RIP VAN HIMSELF (President Koocvch is reported to be considering a plan to ultlt the British War DrH.»
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  • 1277 8  - Mussolini's "Battle Of The Grain": Effect Of Drought Frost Geoffrey Cox Italy's Big Problem By MUSSOLINI, faced abroad with the problems of the Spanish war. has been attacked at homt by two unforeseen enemies— drought and frost. Th?y have cut down Italy's wheat crop by 1,000.000 to 2.000.0<j0 tons, and
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 165 8 9 Caldbecks BY SPECIAL TO H M THE APPOINTMENT K NG F SIAM ESTD 1872 ENGAGEMENT ETERNITY RINGS. Choose Carefully The DIAMOND RINGS You „ould be proud of rears from today— and carefully choose its maker. Every |)E SILVA'S ring is measured by a standard of excellence which tnsorts quality
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    • 31 8 ■HMHBI YOU BBW find better bargains here than elsewhere... GIAN SINGH'S GRAND ANNUAL^ STOCKTAKING SALE Help you buy more at lower prices. CALL TODAY GIAN SINGH CO., 4, Battery Road, Singapore.
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  • 184 9 No Cases Among Europeans INOCULATION IS ADVISED IiEARLI HM» CASES OF TYPHOID FEVER HAVE 100 l R RED IN SINGAPORE DURING THE PRESENT rfIREAK AND UP TO YESTERDAY 71 DEATHS i; vi) OCCURRED. 1 until yesterday, 094 cases had There are signs that the main
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  • 377 9 Muzzle Loaders Boom (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, July 4. JV4ORE than 5,000 Malay women and men m their 1 best kain gathered at Kampong Kotah today as Haji Ipaji bin Abdullah, 43-year-old Malay ex-Government surveyor, was installed as Undang of Kembau with the customary
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  • 63 9 i theft In the TJirri Police 1 which the ac- matched a worth 25 cents from a Street, on July 2 Mr. G s. Ravlinws. Un Inspector Mr R the only thing to do m i put those chargof six menthe." this," said Inspector ming
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  • 50 9 Pllnter, Of Singapore A Penang Case at- thai m a public examination v-n Nadar, of Penang, mentioned is not Mr. nianaflnf-director of r. Ltd.. Singapore. I Mto s tate that tap has sold diapersons mentioned m thennore neither Mr. rs. A. Flinter, Ltd. "nje levied execution on u.stomers.
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  • 16 9 JWorct granted to tlerosse wm among 343 absolute by Mr. Justice he Divorce Court
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  • 150 9 Chinese At U.S. Aviation Schools rv'IDENCE of the increasing number or young Chinese studying aeronautical engineering m America was given by Mr. Wu Yuan-Hao. a graduate of the Cur-tis-Wright Aeronautical School, California, who passed through Singapore yesterday en his way back to China m the Lloyd Triestino liner Con to
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  • 75 9 A Tamil infant, Simon Manuram, was drowned In the bath tub m his home m Hooper Road on Saturday afternoon. The child was playing bur was missed for a few minutes by its parents. The father found his son m the bathroom hanging over the
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  • 48 9 The marriage took place at St. Margaret's Church, Westminster, on June 28, of Mr. William Carleton Lee, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. William Lee, of Stoke Poges. with Miss Eileen Mary Low, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Low, formerly o 1 Singapore and Penan?.
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  • 156 9 A PLEA for his nephew to be sem< to the reformatory by Tan Heng jChua, m the Third Police Court, yesterday, was refused by Mr. G. S. Rawlings, who told him that his charge was too old to be sent there. He sentenced 16-year-old Tan
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  • 42 9 yiOTORISTS paying their half-yearly tax at the office of Vie Registrar 0/ Vehicles, Midde Road, Singapore, yesterday. To avoid congestion the cffice prefers postal payment. Registration cards should be accompanied by the recently-issued certificates of third-party insurance
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  • 126 9 <From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, July 4. AFTER Rengasamy. a fnan- dore on a rubber estate near Kuala Selangor. had been convicted ana sentenced to death by Mr. Justice Raja Musa at the Selangor Assizes, for the murder of his wife, Rengammah, he
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  • 162 9 Another Short Flying Boat Here AFTER an uneventful and comparatively leisurely flight from England, the second of the Short Sunderland flying boals for No. 230 Squadron, Royal Air Force, Far East, landed at Seletar a few minutes before three o'clock yesterday afternoon. The flying boat made an I.IGO-mile non-stop run
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  • 62 9 Epiphani Dante, forty-year-old merchant of Turin, Italy, drew a revolver and shot himself m front of the wax figure of Mussolini m the Musee Grevin (Madame Tussaud's of Paris). He died m hospital. An attendant said that Dante, who stayed behind alter the other visitors, seemed
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  • 470 9 /iA'E o/ i he essential eftyefifistics of the ux>rk at the exhibitim of the Society of Chinese Artists at the Y.W.C.A.. ihich opened yesterday, is an intense striving toward the art of the West and an almost ruthless discarding of all that China has
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 10 9 *>ine an d Dance Wtol restaurant FRIDAYS M. TO MlDNiriu-r
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    • 154 9 jSEjfaL DO NOT NEGLECT JBBBI t|l| J^ "KLEENOFF CLEANJ:-^ ING MEANS NICER Its impossible to prevent WRmW^mWF^^^ l^^^ grease from splashing thr WW «j inside and top of your <vcn X 1 when cooking. hlini^llPfl Caked-on grease prevents iilllllpJl I C U full use being made of The heat obtained,
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    • 525 10 LONDON AND NEW YORK STOCK SHARES Last Night's Quotations From London 5.30 p.m. Yesterday 3nare oi £1 denomination unless Latest Quotations Previously otherwise stated Conversion Loan. 5 pc, 1944-84.... 114y 4 114 Funding Loan, 4 p.c. 1960-90 113 5 /s 113% War Loan. Hfc pc 102^ 8 102 M, Com
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    • 165 10 From London 5.30 p.m. Yesterday KUBBER: Strong. London: 7M>d. 7 9 16d. Previously: Closed August: 7 9!16d. 7 1116 d. Previously: Closed Oct.-Dec.: 7 11|16d. 7%d. Previously: Closed Jan.-Mar.: 7?4d. 7 13|16d. Previously: Closed New York: Closed. Previously: Closed STOCKS: London: 60,654 tons (59,778 tons) Liverpool: 31,806
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    • 1282 10 From Exchange Telegraph Co. Eraser And Co. 's List Suloh (50 cU.) .40 Sungei Bagan (tl 1.50 is Sungei Kama] $1) 1.10 M Sungei Tukan* <$i» 1.10 Tambalak ($1; J| Tapah ($1) 1.90 T. Anson (tl 14 Temerloh ($1» Trafalgar ($2) a.. Ulu Bcnut (50
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    • 66 10 From London: Latest Quotations TIN: Strong. Spot: £194 17s. 6d. Previously: Closed Three months: £195 17s. 6d. Previously: Closed NEW YORK TIN: Opening prices: closed Previously: Closed COPPER: Settlement: £39 12s. 6d. Previously: £38 2s. 6d GOLD: Yesterday: £7 Os. G»/ 2 d. Previously: £7 Os. 9d.
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    • 66 10 London Closing Quotations Method of Paritj Detore Latest PreCentre Quoting 20-9-31 Rate viousiy Paris Franc to 121.1 177 7 8 177 7 b New York to 4.88 4.9534 4.95% Amsterdam Guilders to 8.97 3 4 8.95% 8.95% Hong Kong.. Per dollar Is. 3d. Is. 3d Shanghai PeT
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    • 136 10 ISSUED BY FRASER AND CO. AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS YESTERDAY MINING. Tin at midday was $100.00, up $2 The tin share market as a general rule continued its upward course today and a fair turnover took place m sterling, dollar and Australian issues. An exception to
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    • 189 10 Yesterday's Singapore Quotations July 1 SELLING London. T.T. 23 27 32 London, demand 2|3 27 32 Lyons, demand 2053 Switzerland, demand 249' b Hamburg, demand 141 3 4 New York, demand iTVi Montreal, demand 57 7 /8 Batavia, demand 103% Samarang, demand 103Vb Calcutta. Bombay, and Rangoon,
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    • 412 10 New YorkMarkets The following New York quotations are supplied by Reuter. »OW -JONES AVULUMCS. Previously Yesterday Close Changes 30 Industrials 136.53 138.53 up 2.00 20 Hails 26.69 27.57 up .83 20 Utilities 22.05 22.27 up .22 40 Bonds 87.55 87.99 up .44 Business done total volume 1.470,000 shares. Last
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    • 75 10 Chamber Of Commerce Rubber Association July 4, 12 o'clock noon Buyers Sellers Nc. I.X.R.S.S. in cases (FOB. July) 25V» 25% Good F.A Q. in bales (FOB. July) 24% 24 V 8 No. IX. R.S.S. (Spotloose) tawardablo Singapore) 25V4 25% July 25 Vz 25% Aug. -Sept. 26 26 V' H Oct.-Dec.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 67 10 S. E. Levy Co. Shanghai. Hongkong, Manila Singapore Investment Banker* and Brokers tn Sccunttrt and Commodity*. Daily Foreign Market Cables nvd Quotation Service MEMBERS NETW YORK COTTON EXCHANGE. COMMODITY EXCHANGE INC. NEW YORK COFFEE 81 SUGAR EXCHANGE. CHICAGO BOAR'J OF TOADE CANADIAN COMMODITY EXCHANGE. SHANGHAI STOCK EXCHANGE HONGKONG SHARE BROKERS'
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  • 548 11 Revival In Autumn A Popular View LONDON PRESS COMMENT ON AMERICAN OUTLOOK "rpHE surprising strength of Wall Street m the ■I last few days has again drawn attention to the possibilities of business recovery m the United States/ writes the Financial Times m a
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  • 499 11 Technical Position New York Bear Raids Pit monthly figures irom America, resetted during the week, v.erp not v.ildlv bullish, but nevertheless encouraging m that they showed the beginning of the drop m stocks that is likely to continue, write Messrs. Hecht, Lrvis and Kahn ltd.
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  • 64 11 Manila July 2. Last Sale Prices Previous Today Pesos Antamok 0.305 n.383 Atok o 255 unq. Coco Gro\e 0.46 unq. Demcn.stration 0.275 0.275 IX. L 0.70 unq. Mast.« c 0.i55 unq Mines t)permtlorA 0.10 o 105 San Maurici3 0.445 0.445 United Paracale 0.295 iuiq. Gold Share
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  • 174 11 Singapore. .Inly 2, 1 o'clncl. i eijinbici f Hamburg C\ioe .Java Cttbt 111 C) IVppei White Munto 1 Il4jM Wtiite H3.»l Black Copra lixed $3.15 B Dried <v3..n lapiota Small Kakc t:ij) Fair Flakf $3 4«» Medium Poari BBMU Pe.irl Irlotonc Paltmbani $-;.5j Bmnja *77> BMtwak %ti,
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 419 11 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. nan «"«cD Street. Steffi *«r». -;pr:,ico« t« all d»p*rtmeats) Tth *JTaw«" Singapore. VhoM: 6471 fl liM ntih 'pLr??:^- Pfa^ 1..C4. Phone- Cfntn} 36*8— 00t9 lei: Le*dma!»T» I eotfon SUBSCRIPTION RATES -iiniapore vy.tbin OoUide \Vitb«at Mjlaya Malaya Postage |Ml H« IMI s*,o HIM ItM HIM 92AM SISW -viiflC 149.M
      419 words
    • 454 11 BOARD RESIDENCE SEA -FRONT KATONG CHANGE— ',1. Me»«r Ba (B«ar Swlmmir-a a»b) Hoard-K«sJdence at madcralc rates "W Gartens Tennis. I Phone: 57SJ. THE MANSION OXLEY RISE PRIVATE HOTEL Tel. *****. "LOXTOM" First Class Private Hotel. Bedrooms with modern oathrooms from SGS per month. Hot water to Bathrooms, filing fans and
      454 words
    • 238 11 BANK OF CHINA (Incorporated to Chtna tj Speclßi Chi.:«r) 13, CerD Street Siagap«tt, MODERN BANKING With branches mn4 sub-brnchae throughout China, and corra* pondents m all the principal sTJa* of the world, the Bank Is wtH equipped to transact modern banking business of every description. TO LET OFFICES IN BANK
      238 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 637 11 RADIO PROGRAMMES SINGAPORE. TODAY. ZKL 1.33 me »ir> n Ml 5.00 Malay masic.t 6.00 Tecchew mu;ic.+ 7.00 Children's programme .Fn^li:h). 7.30 Time, v feather, news and armour ments. 7.45 "Books to read." lalk by Mtfnrcl Rose. 8.00 Light orchestral concert played by Rei ler's HuiiKarlsai Band. dirfcted by B Reller.
      637 words
    • 49 11 MANILA. TODAY. K.Z.K M. 4.VJ3 m. and MJ m p ni. 6.30— 10 20 turup**an nrogrti" 6 50 Slock qjcUtiOii.' and Kxrhanw krt report. '< M lime si<mai eafhfi report •!>»• HONG KONC TODAY. pin 6 30- 10 20 Europrtn progranirre 7.20 rtme signal «r»rb^i irpo* ano »r--nounccmenta '0.20 Cloa*
      49 words

  • 1086 12 a kfw chaDter m the quarter-century effort to recover the rusty hufk buried m the sea o<T the Virgmia coast. Rammed and sunk m a fog 55 miles cir Cape Charles, near the entrance of Chesapeake Bay, the Ward Liner has
    1,086 words
  • 358 12 Mr. T. Shiya. a high official of the Shipping Bureau of the Japan .s" Ministry of Communications. lelt Shanghai recently for Tokio with data gathered during a pro'racted inspection tour of Central China. This information was expected to be used by Government experts In putting finishing touches on
    358 words
  • 56 12 U.S.'s $1,459 MILLION DEFICIT Washington, Ju'y 3. The U.S. Government's ttptncTtVtt exceeded the income for the yctr ending lout 30 by $1.459.000 000. It is the smallest dtfldt for ei'ht years, but the new ye lr is expected to bring the deficit down to $300,000,000 as a result of the
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
      462 words
    • 24 12 For Everything Appertaining to Ocean Pa*sage». Foreign M exchange and Freight, apply CORK'S [woo to MJ^vfT^scßvicT) 39. ROBINSON ROAD. No Booking Fn^ Taleohone 5908.
      24 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 578 12 Local And Foreign Mail Dispatches And Arrivals DESPATCHES BY TRAIN Bangkok every Saturday i Pm. Thursday 7 45 am Swettenham, laiping and Telok Anson Weekdays* Kota Bahru. Kuala Krai Thursday and Briday* 7 am Sunday 1 Pm Kuala Lumpur and Penang Weekdays: T. 46 am Malacca. Batu Annam. Batu Pmhat,
      578 words
    • 608 12 SINGAPORE I HARM mi I The following ships wharves or expected to arriv< Sheen Wharf Entrance fiat* Olcades 19 Main Wharf Entrance (.air Kedah 18; Kepong 15, Ante.) Meigcn Maru II: Blitar 9. M Empire Dock K.lram r (iatr Karapara 34. Las.w)>ink N 38. Empire l>ock Entrant djitr y Taronga
      608 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 459 13 JY P&Oand BRITISH INmAIJNES INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND) p w &O.S. N. CO f S SAILINGS. Ot ARDS Due Due Tonnare Spore. Tonnare Spore. 5.000 July 5 CARTHAGE 15 000 Aup 2B 00 July 15 RAJPUTANA 17 00C Sep* 15.000 July 29 RANCHI 17 000 Sept S3 6.100 July 30 BURDWAN
      459 words
    • 370 13 X V^B^V^flß^^^^^BH S S hKm^m^^S^Cm^^^^^^^^BM^^^^^^ (Incorporated tn Stratzs Scttlctncnts ELLERMAN BUCKNALL S.S. Co., Ltd. (Incorporated tn England.) < FOR UNITED KINGDOM AND CONTINENT VIA PORTS AND SUEZ CANAL Steamer ■j CITY OF DERBY Havre L'don R dam H'buro r>'»«™ Doe S* l1 CITY OF SINGAPORE Havre. L don R 4am.
      370 words
    • 655 13 I MANSFIELD CO., LTD. I SINGAPORE AND PENANG PHONE 5154 (7 Lines) REPRESENTING. SHIPPING The Siam Steam NartKatlon Co.. Ltd. Canada Steamship Une* Ud INSIRAMI "in^isrzL'Li London m=d Ciiob "cv^ijr* mnd Mer^ k r m RAILWAYS The FederaUNl Malay States RaUwaja. The Roy.l SUU Railway «t Stam. AIRWAYS Oanu E«m
      655 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 692 14 K. P. M. KAMPAR— Tuesday. July 5. Bengkaus. Paneh. Berombang, TanjongMengeidar. Tanjong-Leidong and Asahan. BOELONGAN— Tuesday. July 5. Rhio, Tamb?lan, Singkawang and Pemangkat. MAKASSER— Wednesday, July 6. Poeloe-Kidjang, Sapat, Tembilahan, Poeloe-Pallas. Pengalian-Estate and Rengat. IHEDENS— Wednesday. July 6. Muntofc and Palembang. TOGlAN— Wednesday. July 6. Tcengkai. Mceara-Saba and Djambi. BOTH
      692 words
      554 words
    • 525 14 Q. S.K. LINE FOR AFRICA AND SOtTH \MIR|( Ranto Maru Buenos Airea via Lourenco Marques. Durban. East London Port Eliza u Mossei Bay and Cape Town Montevideo and Santos— on homew.ird voyage) t Arabia Mara Buenos Aires via Coiomoo M imoas* Zanzibar Dar-es-Salaam Beira Lourenco Marques Durban. Pori Lllzaoetn and
      525 words

  • 295 15 COST OF ENTHUSIASM IS £250,000 [MEREST m the Te>t I Matches m Australia, it i* estimated, costs Australia a quarter of a million pounds. ;an Broadcasting ion maintains a continu-ball-by-bali description of Match, starting at 8.30 j p.m. -Australian Eastern Standard i and terminating at
    295 words
  • Article, Illustration
    14 15 (Denmark) m play against M.le. H. Kovac (Juro- on tUe Centre Court at Wimbledon.
    14 words
  • 34 15 fOUORfi will play Singapore at Anson Road on Frida3 T in their Malaya Clip soccer fixture. The kick off will be at 5.15 p.m. and admission charges will be as usual.
    34 words
  • 140 15 Melbourne, June 18. Eddie Tolan, former Olympic champion, who won the world professional sprint title from Austin Robertson m Melbourne three years ago, has advised the Victorian Athletic League that he is prepared to return for another world title series m Australia late
    140 words
  • 602 15  - Pot-The-Wh ite Menace In Billiards J. V. Rainbow By AN old billiard "friend" is out and about again. His name is "The Pot-white Menace." I thought he was dead, beaten to death by reason helped m the good work by ridicule. But he must have been on)/ unconscious for as
    602 words
  • 22 15 Correspond^*) Sercmban, J»i y 2. !remb*n, Saturday.' Wan Club of Seremban llVd f Shortly lUt!»ev ca v Ti and
    22 words
  • 549 15 Paynter Tops Batting List FAYNTER and D. G. Bradtl# man are the respective leaders m the Test batting averages. Payntcr with 358 runs at an average of 179.00 has the best figures; Bradman who has two not out centuries, has scored 315 runs at an average of
    549 words
  • 27 15 Y.M.C.A. MIXED DOUBLES FINAL I*' EAR-OLD Phym, Lber r v£r r T Kobayashl. thampi W( A mixe^ doublps -relay, benttog R. h>^ sister, Mi 8s S Nathan.
    27 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 70 15 f B^B^Bv B^l .^^B^B^^ B^B i B^Bv I B^L Hb^B^™^ Bs^Bßi Bl B> BF B^^V B^B^r B^P^B^" B> Bm Bi Bi m m 1 >^C I MM I*-""*""'" F. M.S. TAX. 9^)^^^ Now reduced by more tlnm 2S«a J^ 22 H.P. from $84 to 60 per annum. 30 H.P. from
      70 words

  • 281 16 iI.A. (Illakan Mall) 3; lA. 1. A POOR GAwTE of soccer was played on the Harbour Board Ground yesterday when the R.A. (Blakan Mati) defeated the Indian Association by three goals to one m the second division league. The Indians were not at
    281 words
  • 162 16 Qualifiers For The Rom Howl Twenty-two care's were taken out for the Women'! July spoon at the Kcppel Golf Club and the following scores were returned: nett Mrs, a. II Williamson 48—13—30 Mrs. C. Q. Starkey 44—11-33 Mrs. F. Starr 47—14—33 Mrs. H. E. Han
    162 words
  • 96 16 The Royal Johore International Club concluded its annual tennis tournament on Sunday with a final watch m the men's doubles handicap between Sheikh Abu Bakar bin Yahya end Chong Thutt Pitt versus Omar b\n Abdul Rahman and Markom bin Haji Mohd. Said. The latter won 6—4, 6—l. At
    96 words
  • 82 16 Keeping a fast pace up to th<? end the Royal InnLskillinqs defeated Pulau Brani Football Club by one peal to nil yesterday m the second division of the S.A.F.A. at Pulau Brani. Pulau Brani made a great fight and were very unlucky not to equalise towards the
    82 words
  • 50 16 The Veterans Soccer to play the Imiiskillings will be chosen from the fo'lowiiiß payers- Ah Kow, Yeow Soon, Keman. Wan Puteh, Abdul Rahim, Yong Liang. Khoon Onn, Joy. Taib. Kassim, Mat Noor, Saneh, Woods and Keng Hock. The match will be played at Tatigitn today at 5.10 p.m.
    50 words
  • 218 16 ONE OF TENNIS' GREATEST PERSONALITIES A REI'TKR message from Paris announces that Mile. Suzanne Lenglen died yesterday from acute pernicious anaemia. Suzanne Lenglen was one of the greatest tennis personalties that has ever be?n seen m the premier tennis tournaments throughout the world. Bht« was born m
    218 words
  • 249 16 Yesterday's Results Results of yesterday's ties m the Tangiiri tennis tournament were: DYNE CUP Lady Addlson and F;O Miller 15.3) beat Mr. and Mrs. Brooke (scr.\ 6—4, 6—4. Men's Open Doubles Mr. Green and Mr. Droogleever beat Mr. Oak-Rhind and Mr. Dobbs B—6. 6—2. Mixed Open Doubles
    249 words
  • 440 16 Loyals Beaten Five Goals To Two GOOD DISPLAY IN FIRST DIVISION MATCH MALAYS 5; LOYALS r'""' m 2 DEFEATED four times out of their last six matches, Malays staged a welcome return to form and scored an easy fivetwo victory over the Loyals m
    440 words
  • 104 16 Polo A. A. Mitchell's Team Wins Sussex Cup IN the flnal of the knock-out Polo competition for the Sussex Cup. played on the Polo ground yesterday. Mr. A. A. Mitchell's team defeated Dr. Sioper's team by four goals to one. Mr. Mitchell's side m the first chukka dominated play and
    104 words
  • 77 16 The Straits Times Press Sports Club soccer team registered their first Business Houses League win m their final fixture of the season, yesterrtay, when they were given a walkover from the Hong Kong Shanghai Bank XI. The Bankers failed to make an appearance on the V.M.C.A.
    77 words
  • 35 16 From Our Own Correspondent.) Sercniban, July 2. In the Negri Sembtlan Football L< ague, the Negri Sembilan Medical Services Club beat the Malay Regiment of Port Dickson by three goals to one
    35 words
  • 268 16 Weights For Third Day At Ipoh RACE handicaps for Saturday, the final day cf the summer meeting, are: Hoiks, class 1. div. 1— furs. Eastern Knight 9.00 Miltondale 8.01 j Sun.ihir.e Sue 8.12 Royal Worlington 8.02 Jack Druce 8 09 Meadowman 7 l< Pure Gold 8.08 Emrliic T.U Bombus 807
    268 words
  • 334 16 Welfhtl for tomorrow, sc md day l! the Perak Turf Club's meeting are: lior«cs. 4. dW. I—Hi1 Hi fan. Old Cow 9 00 BentMJict 8 04 Beth V.Oli Oolden Blaze 8 01 Patroleah 8 07 President 8.02 Starlock 8.06 Chance 8.01 Meg 8 05
    334 words
  • 29 16 •From Our Own C>n Srremh.^M I Tlie Nourl S.-mbiUn C tion Club beat th Club m the Cluing Beni lntor-club Unnli t oniMß games to nil yest«-rd
    29 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements