The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 14 January 1938

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 17 1 The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS. ESTD. 1835. FRIDAY, JANUARY 14, 1938. NO. 15.366. 10 CENTS
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  • 404 1 Pull Together, Appeals Premier Chautemps FINANCE CRISIS SAID TO BE OVER Heavy Buying Of Franc In London FRENCH NATIONALS RUSH STERLING THE fate of the French Government and the grave financial situation it was facing kept official circles :in Paris and London agog with
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  • Article, Illustration
    20 1 THE BOY KING OF SIAM enjoys the winter sports at Arosa, Switzerland. He smiles as he starts a down-hill run.
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  • 115 1 ULSTER GOES TO COUNTRY ON PARTITION QUESTION Belfast. Jan. 13. A MCUI meeting of the Cabinet derided to appeal to the Hertors immediately the Parliament A Northern Ireland was dissolved lan :i» Nominations will close •u Jjn and polline will be on .n a statement. •In view of the recent
    Reuter  -  115 words
  • 68 1 Warlord Under Arrest For Weak Resistance Shanghai. Jan. 12. ACCORDING to an uncon- firmed Chinese report, Li Tsung Jen, the Xwangsi warlord, who was commander-in-chief of the Chinese forces on the Tientsin-Pukow Railway, has been placed by Han Fu Chu, the Governor of Shan tan;, under arrest for the loss
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 37 1 2ND INNISKIL LINGS GET SILVER BACK "■v. Our Own Correspondent* i rl -ii Jan. 13. i the cl\.-e-*s' and the 2nd Battalion. Fusill which i,i g >er 1922. ar.d .y been reformed, wai cental ceremony Free Press
    Free Press  -  37 words
  • 59 1 TWENTY CHINESE SHOT Shanghai. Jan. 12. Th? Japanese have proclaimed martial law at Nantao. following an incident tan which 20 out of 22 Chinese nbbef. who were attempting to cross the barbed wire barricade with stolen goods, ignored the order to halt and were shot dead
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  • 23 1  -  Nanyang Siang Pau During a raid on Tungkuen yesterday, Japanese planes deliberately bomb'd a fun?ral procession. There re 60 casualties
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  • 172 1 MADAME CHIANG KAI SHEK IN HONG KONG Hong Kong, Jan. 13. DEUTER learns authori- tatively that Madame Chiang Kai-shek has arrived by plane from Hankow, and is now in Hong Kong with the entire Soong family. ment that the Government was not resigning as the crisis was tempor- i arily
    Reuter  -  172 words
  • 209 1 Hankow. Jan. 13. "Despite the urgent military exigencies and the Government's financial problems. China has lived up an.<l intends to live up to her obligations by fully and promptly meeting her external and internal obligations" said Dr. H. H. Kung, the Premier and
    Reuter  -  209 words
  • Article, Illustration
    22 1 Captain Edwin Musick. of the amoan Clipper, '.vhich crashed and urned near Paso Pago, in the southrn Pacific. The crew was killed.
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  • 112 1 THREATENING LETTERS TO BIRA'S BRIDE London, Jan. 13. Ih* Free Press Landon C^rresp nient learns that many police w re ei duty at the Siamese Lega--licn duiing the weddnr of Prince Fivebcngse, of Siam because of threatening letters w ich had been sent to the bride, iVliss
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  • 27 1 (From Our Own Correspondent I London, Jan. 13. Mincing Lane attributes the rising price of rubber to the improvement In the American motor industry.
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  • 58 1 San Francisco, Jan. 13. The Samoan clipper disaster will give Britain an opportunity to enter transpacific flying through the temporary stoppage of the Pan-American service to New Zealand, is the belief informally expressed in aviation circles here. But representatives of Pan American Airways Indicate that the
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 28 1 Allahabad, Jan. 13. The election of Subhaschandra Bose as president of the Indian Congress is now certain, following the withdrawal of other candldate^a^^Cong^^ Headquarters. Reuter
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • 25 1 Lisbon, Jan. 13. A contract to purchase 15 British Gladiator fighting planes for the Portu guese air force has been slgne^b^he Portuguese Government. --B Reuter
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 119 1 CANTONESE STAGE ARMED ROBBERY Daggers, Revolvers Used; $1,000 Stolen 117ITH drawn daggers and level- led revolvers six Cantonese, flve dressed in white and one in black, entered the ground floor of a house in Keong Saik Street. Singapore, last night at 730 p.m. and stole jewellery and cash worth $1,000.
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  • 69 1 Gibraltar. Jan. 13. r prevent desertions from the insurgent ranks a detachment of Franco's cavalrv. composed of 25 mounted men, has be2n placed on neutral ground between the insurgent and British territory The move is a seqiitl to the increasing desertions of troops and carabineers from
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
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  • 644 2 Admitted By Air Marshal THERE IS ALSO A SHORTAGE OF INSTRUMENTS Civil Pilots Are More Successful STRIKING admissions that R.A.F. pilots were put into high-speed machines before they were experienced in them and that there was a shortage of instruments for bad weather flying
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  • 72 2 Washington Jan. 13. Mr. Roper, the Secretary for Commerce, announced today that 50 members of the Business Advisory Council will attend a conference with President Roosevelt on Jan. 19. Tlie Council has been making an exhaustive study of American business recession, and is expected to make
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • 116 2 Final Payment Of 5 Per Cent. V/i For Year (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Jan. 13. The directors of the Singapore Traction Co., Ltd.. which operates buses and trolley buses in Singapore, today declared a final dividend of 5 per cent., making a total for the
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  • 33 2 From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Jan. 13. Joe Diamond »10.2) scored a comfortable points victory over Luis Blanco (10.6) over 10 three minute rounds at Jubilee Park tonight.
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  • 29 2 A first aid examination will take place tonight at 7.30 p.m. at the Y.M.C.A.. in Singapore for those who recently attended the first aid class there.
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  • Article, Illustration
    55 2 HMS. RAGLE. th r t uf *he China Sw,adron wUI with a destroyer HMS. Diamond, arrive ia Star.pore today from Hon. Kon* io take par. in thc hi. rn.Mr.vrr. She is 22.000 tons, the largest B ritish ship in the Far East She carries 21 aircraft and has nine six-inch
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  • 48 2 Four hundred children attended the Peter Pan Party at Claridges Hotel. Among the prizes were a doll and a toy bus sent to Queen Mary. So me of the guests arrive at the party Is the t d gentleman on the right in fancy dress
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  • 300 2 Clouston For More Records, London-N.Z.-Back Nine Days LONDON to New Zealand and back in nine days— against the 12 weeks taken by ship is the plan for a joint record flight attempt by Flying-Officer Arthur Clouston and Victor Ricketts, Daily Express Air Reporter, early next month. Starting from Croydon, they
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  • 21 2 The following outputs are for December: Perak River Vallev Rubber Company Limited 41.754 lbs. Juru Estates Limited 36.000 lbs.
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  • 216 2 $125 MILLION FORECAST Washington, Jan. 13. A NEW Bill to strengthen the United States fleet will authorise a huge construction programme embracing all types of naval vessels, announced Mr. Carl Vinson chairman of the House Naval Committee. He states that legislation is ready to be introduced
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  • 94 2 Helped Injured Man ABOUT 10.40 p.m. last night two cars, one driven by Captain J. F Kelleher, of the R.A.MC, Blakang Mati. collided outside Raffles Hotel. A Chinese, who was driving the other car, received several severe cuts and was taken to hospital. Captain Kelleher, who
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  • 30 2 London, Jan. 13. Sir Clark Kerr, the new British Ambassador to China, was received by the King at Sandringham today. Sir Clark kissed the King's hand. Reuter
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 29 2 Professor Lim Wei Hsiang of Amoy University, arrived in Singapore yesterday for the conference of Prehistorians. He has brought with him specimens of the Tang dynasty.
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  • 29 2 More than 100 Chinese coolies on Municipal construction work in Thompson Road, struck yesterday. Non-payment of wages is said to be the cause, according to Chinese reports.
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  • 67 2 Japan Presses Onward From Tsining Shanghai .1., Pressing the advantage pail* the capture oi Tslnint troops have branched columns which country towards KwHtetl other point! on thi Lungl Thr Chines" have f peml-clrcular line stretd ward from the Tientsin Puk v way in an attempt to vance Meanwhile. the movement
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • 62 2 AMERICAN WOMAN CONVICTED FOR DRUG RUNNING New Vork. Jan I Mrs. Margaret Florence Evrr.s 48 American, was sentenced in the Unit«ci States Court for China to lur pi m 1: a Federal institution for women in V Virginia. She was charged with trai. and being in the possessing ot cotics.
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 73 2 Tsingtao. Jan. 1.1 Japanese bluejackets have oft channel through the Chinese i)<» ri blocking the inner harbour and expected that British coastal will resume their temporarily pended calls to Tsingtao in I days. The Japanese authorities have a proclamation threaten or punishment to looters nnd kfccen ists.
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • 71 2 (From Our Own CorrespondentLondon. Jan 1 At the wedding oi Prince Birab <•:. of Siam. to Miss Ceril Heycotfc daughter of Col. and Mrs H which took place in London ythe best man was Prince Chula. bridegroom's brother, who m M tl s business
    Free Press Cable  -  71 words
  • 31 2 It was announced in tl Government Gazette last i.i i Mr. Cheok Huan ChSQPf hM f > pointed an additional ■nofficll ber of the Council o years.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 44 2 HARRIET HUBBARD AYER?; The three creams that aia ays brln* results. LCXCRIA; The silk soft cl,* n n l cream. SKIN St TISSUE (REAM i non-rloffglnjr rrram scented Attar of Roses. BEAUTIFYING EAt K (KI AM Tb#> pearl -fair transparent finish MEDICAL HALL LTD.
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  • 230 3 Roosevelt To Make Truce r> I MASand New Year trade has -j'-ar throughout the I States Ql America, states a New ndent. ol the east it was benefited weather but elsewhere the unemployment cut down reu complain that there, -rders than there have he past two years.
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  • 665 3 FIRST PICTURES OF THE SINKING OF THE PANAY BRITISH CAMERAMAN'S RECORD People Fall Dead And trying Around Him TODAY the Free Press publishes the first pictures received in Malaya from the films actually taken during the sinking .of the American gunboat Panay by the Japanese on the Yangtse. These films
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  • 304 3 The funeral of Mr. A. M. Birchall took place yesterday afternoon at the Btdadari Cemetery and was largely attended. The remains were brought from his residence at Pulo Tekong by motor launch to Changi steps and from there* the cortege comprising the hearse and
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  • 27 3  -  Nanyang Slang Pau Chines? planes yesterday raided the Tsining-Yenchow Railway, south of Yenchow, killed several hundred Japanese troops and destroyed several Japanese heavy guns.-B
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  • 105 3 Indies Will Not Buy ill** Japanese Goods UNLESS the Chettiar communities in Malaya can obtain European or Chinese made fireworks in time there will be no display of fireworks during the Thaipusam celebrations which commence on Jan. 16. The community, in deference to the feelings of
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  • 299 3 No Order Made By Judge aUY wife instituted divorce pro- ceedings against me in July last year. She obtained a decree nisi and it is due to be made absolute at the I end of this month, and in spite of these j proceedings I was
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  • 36 3 The promotion of- Major D. M. Noyes Lewis. Military Adviser, Johore, was announced in the Johore Government Gazette last night. Major Noyes Lewis is promoted to the local rank of Lieutenant Colonel.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 215 3 UNABLE TO DIGEST HIS FOOD PROPERLY Until Chardox Ended His Acid Stomach llu man's stomach trouble was hin a permanent invalid. He .ted. cculd not sleep, could I d was losing weight. On a j ■Met, h2 started taking I ..iter every meal. He soon I ■■■■ail difference in his;
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    • 310 3 •g MM! vnV swe breed 5 rr* rw Z t* different tastes i la*. ■MMMMHi aW c fl I >• IS^mw^m^Km^mmmm^m^Lw I w\*)mM\ I c fl BM wwwt.a:-., I "o I flfli 2 II sl k: il I* yet BOTH > arc /cd from 2 Spratt's big range, o Dogs
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 43 3 Law Notice For The Day Before the Chief Justice in the 1st I aarl at 11 a.m. Lots] :tcy Petitions for R.O. <i bv: train Appeal:— Rex vs. M. h. P. L. A S. Somasundaram, Liiuam Grace and Hayatmlah Abdul Shukor. -part heard).
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  • 311 4 PRINCESS Juliana h»ir to the ancient Throne of th? Netherlands, spent Christmas proa in? for the birth of her first child -fvture heir to th2 Throne And she be 1 eves that the child will be |trl. Ye. she wruld not sav so outright r h"' "oil
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  • 538 4  -  Mignon By MANY people In Singapore, no doubt, wiß remember the former visit to Malaya 01 40 lads of the Young Australia League. This tine the trip is being made by 40 girls in charge Of Ur. Jack Riley and chaperoned by Mrs. W. H. Taylor and the
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  • 115 4 K. L. Charity Performance Eleven litt e Eur pean b ys ad girls gave a dancing display at the Pavii n Cinema at Ku la Lumpjr last Ties av ni?ht in al I of th Feci rrl Car Hal's new C nines* Matrrrviv a. v. t.-iu Raid Trailed bv M.s.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 813 4 STREAMLINE [T\,~J yourFACE w^^^^m oi^l r.\^MM U^*^, v^Hfe. *Qr t^***m 1 v^x-" s rc«Baß iBF-' -^aB na&roM^ 1 :-:-:'>aWy I *f y rviTrwy i f^- -"^^^M^fci^^Wf^B^^^^^^^^^^^^B^^^^^^Er *od^H BjoW jwKr ja* a^^ .\^rrr-'y^L*\ aWW. '.'.\'r *^a*{ a*U6u- '.'j'.'^aawr Jt* ■fe^<* m^wwlm **********my &&r 'ySmrtHtW^ :^&3flflS£&&wP W^ ~~'^jr*m y s }S£<^smsn^ Amf^jWi
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    • 125 4 Glto RF4I-»nd imitation Jewelierj call or write tor free illustrates catalogues. HA Ml FYS Rodney House 10. Rpttery Road. F -pr- The Newert m fel U— H-*» Ja 9 *a*uM*m i^kaW^^ 48— HIGH SIKLfrl i/Jf j}^ii ml It J I I ///Sit fr^zlu ifiwwwtWwmmttr--} I Ifl I V *>Nl*. I
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  • 497 5 Official Expert's Opinion HARBOUR DISASTER Coroner's Inquiry In Singapore "I ACE OF OXYGEN" was the opinion expressed bv a Government analyst at the inquiry yesterday into the death of three men who were overcome by fumes the hold of the Dutch ship Meerkirk
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  • Article, Illustration
    56 5 THE WEDDING of Mr. Lee See Pin (only son c!f Mr. and M:rs. Lee Fai Hee, the well-known miner of Kuala Lumpur) to Miss Ong Boay Sim, daughter of the late Mr. Ong Eng Guan and Mrs. Ong Eng Guan and sister of Messrs. Ong Ee Lim and Ong Ee
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  • 113 5 DRESENTS to the value of approxi- mately $200. received by a Chinese bridegroom for his wedding yesterday, were donated to the China Relief Fund. The bridegroom is Mr. Lim Kok Boon, fourth son of Mr. Lim Kim Tian President of the Chinese Twakow Owners'
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  • 387 5 Tho undernoted newly added nonfiction and fiction works will be ready for issue on Saturday (15-1-38). Seven Heirs Apparent, Illustrated, 'Sir George Arthur: Eighteenth Centory London Life. Illustrated. Rosemond Bayne-Powell. The Crusade: The World's Debate, Hilaire Belloc: Poctraits and Personalities, Illustrated. Arthur Compton-Rikett; The Empire in These Days:
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  • 819 5 APPEAL IN TRADE MARKS CASE Did Accused Receive Them Innocently? OAKUYA EBATA, of Coleman Street, was convicted by the Criminal District Judge on Dec. 2 last, of importing cotton stockings to which a counterfeit trade mark had been applied and was fined $500 with the alternative of three months' rigorous
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  • 58 5 Mr. Harencarspel And Miss i Joehem Mr. Johan Alexander Maurits van Harencarspel, sub-accountant of the Netherlands India Commercial Bank, Singapore, was married at the Singapore Registry Oflftce yesterday to Miss Army Joehem, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. .R. Joehem, of Buitcnzorg. The groom is the con of
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  • 34 5 Hong Kong declared by the Governor of the Straits Settlements, under tha. qi^irantine regulations, to be an infected port, owing to the Existence there of smallpox ln an epidemic state.
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    • 370 5 •gag lE< Bv..- .-.< -yj .j .aa |K jy; *>&-. H^B^^Hb *^MB^ "'W Did you Maclean ■jr^ Ji* EkS m j**t^ «H> v ft *pP* B H^. -^a^e^mSf \u^mv<^ mmmmmmmmmmmM yK '*m^^^ j*t*w mm Wmw Oui,oui, Monsieur! MACLEANS PEROXIDE I TOOTH PASTE i If you use a solid dentifrice, try
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  • 275 6 "THE Admiralty Police Force at Seletar. guardians of the Naval Base, were reviewed for the first fme on Wednesday bv Commodore M. L. Clarke, Naval Commodore, Malzya. prior to thc departure on leave of their first officer in charge, Captain A. V. Cxk e. Men
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 166 6 SINGAPORE OAIRY FARM FRE SH COWS Ni" v fc^*^E2 l^^^^^^^B aSbm\*,^^^^^B ES M x «BwJt J^l v »^EM^B»ll^gsr 3fS^L__ -equal tc Grade "A" Pcctcurised \.U\k as sold in the United KiftgtfOQfc Produced at the Singapore l>a r F;,rr« Irom ;in imported herd ol pure bred dairy cows which i rt-
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  • Article, Illustration
    49 7 THF F.3LS RAILWAYS stand for 'Malaya Court" at the Glasgow Empire Exhibition this summer is being displayed in the Kuala Lumpur railway station, prior to being packed for shipment. Picture shows the realistic 10-foot model of one of the new air-conditioned day and night coaches being built in Malaya
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  • 741 7 Letters To Editer "Modesty Diffidence" Of A "Neglected Community" (To the Editor of the Free Press) ■fcr-1 am not an Eurasian but am. jLiid always have been, deeply and jJncerely Interested in them as a community and particularly in their well arc. I have, in
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  • 421 7 MODEL OF NEW COACH (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lampur, Jan. 12. DEFORE betn; packed for shipD ment to Scotland, the complete F.M.S. Railways* stand for this year's Empire Exhibition at Glasgow is being shown to the Malayan public in the booking hall of the
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  • 55 7 A Malay. Abdul Salam, was charged in the Third Court yesterday with voluntarily causing hurt to an Indian by striking him on the head with a kandar stick on Dec. 18 last. He was fined $7. In default seven days, and bound over for six months
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  • 34 7 For driving negligently, failing to stop and failing to report after an accident on Dec. 12 last, a well dressed Chinese was fined $55 in the Fourth Court yesterday.
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  • 196 7 Three Accused To Be Banished? (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Jan. 13. rpHREE Chinese who were arrested ln connection with the Penang bombing outrage at the Fun and Frolic Park, in which one man was killed and several others were injured, are at present on a banishment
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  • 108 7 (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Jan. 13. Good work by the Perlis police has led to the discovery in a pawnshop of stolen jewellery valued at $530 belonged to Mr. Kanapathlpillay. Sanitary Inspector, Ipoh, who lodged a report of its disappearance with the Ipoh
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  • 397 7 THE most astonished woman in England is Mrs. Altoft, the wife whose ""Good -Bye" kiss saved her husband from 14 days in prison. "It was just a natural tiling to do," she told a reporter in her little house discussing the drama of
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 99 7 To look smart l« not m%\. OMgh but to uok AW WRm^~ MMIM f? A jou should mstm You k^fl 61 bave complete satis- mL faction a yen s*«. FIGARO t> v i"cn Ladies Hair Dressers. »1 Bras Basah Kd and Raffles Hotel Phone 2868 Hoi SM on >K« yaar
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    • 381 7 AGAIN HER MAGIC VOICE HOLDS THE WORLD BREATHLESS! to new heights! The screen blazes brilliantly with the 1 jfe&t grandest of all musical entertainments! Bl^Bwi^^^Bußßfliß GRACE MOORE ■^SH IN COLUMBIA'S MAGNIFICENT PRODUCTION P^iiL, ACCLAIMED BY LONDON PRESS AS BEST of 1937"! wHm^^^ 'THE KING STEPS DOT' MUSIC BY FRITZ KREISLER!
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  • 634 8 The Singapore Free Press FRIDAY, JANUARY 14, 1938. China's Munition Routes CHINA'S chief problem today is no longer one of organising herself for resistance against Japan but rather that of securing from overseas sufficient munitions to enable her to continue resistance. The bold statement of the Kuomintang leaders that China
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  • 1285 8  - I Campaign For Peace War Must Not Come George Lansbury Co-operation Among The Peoples. By INURING the past two years I have been campaigning for Peace. I have visited the President of the United States, M. Blum, M. van Zeeland, and all the Scandinavian Prime Ministers and Foreign Secretaries. I
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  • 531 8 JUiR J. G. Hay is not the only mem***ber of the International Rubber Regulation Committee who will be aosent from the next meeting on Jan 25. One of his colleagues, Mr. Clifford Figg. who is a member for Ceylcn on the LRJt.C. is now on his
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 171 8 C A L. D B E C K*S Bright boys know I CIOMPTON J j 1 1 3 It must be a CROMPTON COILED-COIL LAMP Tiie Cromptcn lamo ll in th* t;p rlass l/sth more 'i*ht he mm current ccn-sumntinn-extri val e ClV»" i—*** jr2 th*» solution to every lisr
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    • 52 8 AN ESKIMO WOMAN IS OLD AT FORTY states an explorer. A Western woman of that age, of course, is only about twenty-eight. Whatever your age a BAGGAGE POLICY when you travel is essential. GENERAL ACCIDENT FIRE h LIFE ASSURANCE CORPORATION LTD. (Incorporated in Great Britain) HONG KONG BANK CHAMBERS SINGAPORE.
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  • Article, Illustration
    30 9 >. LD, tie crcise fro the F.'vt Indies Squadron wbi h K t.ri* I'-iot. Penang, bene comin; on to w in^ao»re lor the miiu irvre> at Cie erd cf the month.
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  • 411 9 Plans To Welcome East Indies Cruisers Im.h Our Own Correspondent) Penanf, Jan. 13. HTMtKK will be more than 2,000 naval visitors in Penan* when H M v Norfolk. H.M S. Emerald both ships »f the East Indies Squadron and tbr^e Royal Indian
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  • 163 9 Originally Held By Dutch From Our Own Correspondent* Malacca. Jan. 13. Much interest has been caused locally by an inquirv under the Criminal Procedure Code regarding the right of use of a certain piece of land in Banda Kaba. Malacca. In the Malacca District Court yesterday, before
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  • 167 9 Accident Near Court From Our Own Correspondent I Ipoh. Jan. 13. Che Mohamed Zanuldin was yesterday convicted on a charge of drivinj his car without due regard to the safety of people using the road. He was fined $10. The charge was a sequel to an accident
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  • 57 9 Prom Our Own Correspondent* Ipoh. Jan. 13. Tan poii a resident of Anderson Road ipoh was yesterday fined $2,500 tail to serve 18 months' hard for possession of non-Govern-i handu He admitted two previnvictions for possession of i'i dross. This ls one of the jjjltest fines
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  • 344 9 Mr. Lee And Miss Ong From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 13. i I\/|R. Ong Ee Lim, the well-known i Kuala Lumpur cinema magnate, 'gave away his sister. Miss Ong Boay i Sim, when she was married this morning to Mr. Lee See Pin.
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  • 142 9 'From Our Own Correspondent) j Malacca. Jan. 12. Mr. VV. H. Salt, a Malacca lawyer. was the plaintiff in a civil suit in! which he claimed $500 from two Chin- j ese. A. C. Tarn and Chan Ah Peng, as j fees for professional services rendered.
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  • 345 9 Australian Defence Plans At Darwin IVARWIN is to be reconstructed along modern tropical town planning lines at a cost exceeding £100.000, states a Canberra correspondent. It will also become one of the most important strategical centres in the Australian defence system, an important link with Singapore.
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  • 103 9 Taiping Brigade Has Useless Journey From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, Jan. 13 A fre broke out at 4 a.m. yesterday at Temerloh, Trong. a village 19 miles away from Taiping. when a charcoal store was partially destroyed, causing damage to the extent of nearly $200 The Taiping fire
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  • 140 9 "From Our Own Corresponds nt I Alor Star, Jan. 13 T am 57 years old and am partly blind. The easiest way of earning my livelihood is by manufacturing samsu I am not strong enough to do any other work." said a Chinese. Chow Ah
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  • Article, Illustration
    87 9 Mr. Ho Wing Yew and Miss Kong Mei Wah, wedding at Chinese Consulate-General, on Jan. 13, 1938. Mr. Tan Cheng Cheow and Miss Ong Geok Hong, wedding at Chinese Consulate-General on Jan. 13, 1938. Mr. Tan Cha Lee and Miss Ong Seok Khim, wedding at Chinese Consulate-General, on Jan. 13,
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 21 9 Dine and Dance at the CAPITOL RESTAURANT Music by Xirt Black His Orcbtstra TONIGHT and WEDNESDAYS 8 P. M TO MIDNIGHT.
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    • 97 9 NONE BETTER! D I X CHOICE QUALITY TONCUKS mt a*i**\\\\\\W^^^^^ m m*m m mmm\ mw*% Wm Australian Sheep Tongue 12 oz. tin .43 OX 12 75 OX m U lb 1.25 ROBINSON CO., LTD. SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR treasure The priceless treasure of baby's BEAK life is in your hands. His
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  • 491 10 LONDON AND NEW YORK STOCKS SHARES Last Night's Quotations From London 5.3 0 p. m. Jan. 13 Sharr of tl denomination unless Latest Quotations Previously otherwise stated Conversion Loan, 5 p.c. 194*4-64.... 114% I 114% Funding Loan, 4 p.c, 1960-90 113 113 War Loan. 3V 2 PC 102 101% Com.
    491 words
  • 161 10 Jan. 10. 11. 12. American Can. Con. 82 82 82 American Telephone and Telegraph 149 149 149 AU-heson Railroad 39 7 8 40% 40% Chesapeak 37% 38V 4 37% Dupont 115% 119 118 FiresUi- 21% 23 23% General Electric 44% 44 7 8 44% General Motjrs 36%
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  • 79 10 Chamber Of Commerce Rubber Association DAILY PRICES CURRENT Jan. 13, 12 o'clock noon Buyers Sellers No. LXILSIm. in cases (FOB. Jan.) 23% 23% Good F.A.Q. in bales F.OB. Jan.) 22% 223/4 No. I.X.R.S.S. (Spotloose (awardable Tone of Market:—Quiet and slight!" easier. Latest Cable: London Spot Shee'. 7%d per lb. Kew
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  • 78 10 liondon, Jan. 13Sir William Firth, head of thr firm of Richard Thomas Company, at the reception held to celebrate the establishment of their new works at Bbbs Vale, said he believed that the new works would revitalise the whole steel sheet and tinplate trade of the country.
    British Wireless  -  78 words
  • 178 10 j From London 5.30 p. m. Jan. 13 RUBBER --^Steady. London: 7V B d. 7 3|l6d. Previously: 7 3[l6d. 7V:_d. Jan.-Mar.: 7%d. 7 3|l6d. Previously: 7 3!16d. 7»/.d. Apr- June. 7'/4d. 7 s|l6d. Previously: 7 s'l6d. 7%d. July-Sept.: 7 5;16d. 7 7|l6d. Previously: 7%d. 7 7|l6d. New
    178 words
  • 71 10 From London: Latest Quotations TIN: Easy. Spot: £187 7s. 6d. Previously: £190 17s. 6d. Three months: £187 12s. 6d. Previously: £190 12s. 6d. NEW YORK TIN: Opening Price: 42.25. Previously: 43.12. COPPER: Settlement: £43 10s. Od. Previously: £44 2s. 6d. GOLD: Yesterday: £6 19s. 7d. Previously: £6
    71 words
  • 67 10 London Closing Quotations Jan. 13 Method of Parity before Latest PreCentre Quoting 20-9-31 Rate riously Paris Franc to 121.1 141 Va 1-1% New York to 4.88 5.09% 5.09% Amsterdam Guilders to 8.97% 8.97V 2 8.97 3 4 Hong Kong Per dollar ls. 3d. Is. 3d. Shanghai Per
    67 words
  • 172 10 Yesterday's Singapore Quotations Jan. 13 SELLING London. T.T. 24 1|32 London, demand 2^4 1|32 London 4 months' sight 2]4 IJI6 Lyons, demand 1725 Switzerland, demand 251 Hamburg, demand 142 New York, demand 58 7)16 Montreal, demand 58% Batavia. demand 104% Samarang, demand 104% Calcutta. Bombay and Rangoon,
    172 words
  • 208 10 ISSUED RY FRASER AND CO. AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS YESTERDAY MINING. Tin at midday was $92%, down $1.00. Cables from London report that the prices of sterling tin shares were again rainn betfer and Huying interest was well maintained with bids for Tr;>ro»»s. I'atfanis. London Tins,
    208 words
  • 1267 10 From Exchange Telegraph Co. Fraser And Co. 's List THURSDAY, JAN. 13, 1938, 5 P.M. MINING Bayers Sellers Ampat Tin (4s) 4s 9d 5s l%d Asam Kumbang 32s 34s c.d. Austral Malay 50s 55s Ayer Hitam (ss) 25s 6d 27s Ayer Weng (81 75 .80
    1,267 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 67 10 Sm E. Levy Co. Shanghai, Hontrkong. Manila, Singapore Investment Bankers and Broken in Securities ar,d Commodities. iMUy Foreign Market Cabirs and Quotation Service. MEMBERS. NEW YORK COTTON EXCHANGE COMMODITY EXCHANGE. INC NEW YORK COFFEE SUGAR EXCHAN* M CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE. CANADIAN COMMODITY EXCHANGE. SHANGHAI STOCK EXCHANGE. HONGKONG SHARE BROKERS'
      67 words

  • 1426 11 GLOOMY NEW YEAR FOR MALAYAN TIN SHARE HOLDERS RENEWED PESSIMISM IN LONDON Consumption Expected To Go Lower (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Jan. 5. T ONDON representatives of Malayan tin-mining interests are not greeting 1938 with any remarkable show of New Year optimism. There is, on the contrary, a general
    1,426 words
  • 63 11 i Jan. l.: Gambier TT. 8 00 White Cube 13.50 Hamburg Cube 15.50 Whits Muntok Pepper 14.00 Black Pepper 8.50 Copra, mixed $4.40 Copra, sundried $4.70 Small Flake Tapioca 3.80 Rice. Saigon Al $162 Rice, Siam, W.C. No. l $155 Rice. Siam. W.C. No. 2 $150 Rice,
    63 words
  • 81 11 Guthrie Co.'s Rubber Report In their weekly rubber report dated yesterday. Messrs. Guthrie Co., Ltd., Singapore, state that during the week under review a more- optimistic tone has been apparent in the London and New York Stock Exchanges, and with, if anything, slightly more encouraging advices from
    81 words
  • 38 11 Messrs. Evatt Co. announce the following list of rubber outputs for the month of December, 1937 (in lbs.) Brunei 37.701. Bukit Timah 8,492. Changkat 29.229, Haytor 15,582. Indragiri 104,765. Lunas 44.430, Tapah 75,453, Ulu Pandan 3,188.
    38 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 553 11 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. Gbe Singapore /ree press Brad Office: CM! StrecA. tapH^ ■h^MH »M *«pwt- I ments. Td: Times Singapore. K-a ja lumpur Office: 25. Java Street, Phone: 3*33. i nob Office: Brewster Road, Phone: 37. \Tr^; stree, p— rhone 1477 i^odao Office: 43. Fleet Street, London t.C.i. Phone: Central 36*8—36«9.
      553 words
    • 411 11 board residence sea-front KATONG GRANGE—77, Meyer Rd. <near Swimming Club) Board-Residence at moderate ratee Large Gardens—Tennis. Phone: 5758. •—«-i-^__^ZIZ^ZZZZ^ZZII^IZI^ir THE MANSION, OXLEY RISE HON LICENSED RESIDENTIAL HOTEL Daily and monthly terma. m^m TEL. SOO9B. EAST ANGLIA oaLat «.s> .tsoAtoaa mlnB- to town hl*h tevel« wmnmmsa <*»Uy monthly rates, large ground*.
      411 words
    • 448 11 BANK OF CHINA Incorporated in China b> Spo iui ObartH 12. Cecil Street, S.»r~i*x t\ eiepnaaes Mana? ei s Omtr 6444 Exchange Dept, 6441 General Office. 518* Cable Address: "CHUNGKDO" Paid Up Capital Ch. 40.000 ooo.M Reserve Funds in excess Ch. 4,803.000 00 Total Assets approximately Cb Si himi uuo.bdo
      448 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 379 11 RADIO PROGRAMMES FOR TODAY SINGAPORE ZHL 1.33 mc/s (225 tn.) p*m* 6.00 Malay music. t 6.45 Children's programme. (English). 7.00 Prom the Studio Armchair Weekly newsletter 7.15 Dance music t 7.30 Time, weather news and announcements. 7.50 "Food for Thought." Three short talks on matters of topical interest Relay from
      379 words

  • 165 12 The 2nd Bn., Royal Scots (The Royal Regiment), will leave Lahore for Hong Kong to take the place in the Hong Kong Infantry Brigade of the 2nd Bn., Royal Welch Fusiliers, recently withdrawn for temporary duty in Shanghai. The Hong Kong Brigade is commanded by
    165 words
  • 1230 12 Orient Line's Passengers And Cargo Problems rE 38th annual meeting of the Orient Steam Navigation Co., Ltd., was held recently, Sir Alan G. Anderson, G.8.E., director, presiding in the absence of the chairman. Mr. I. C. Geddes, now in Australia, on a business visit. The chairman,
    1,230 words
  • 223 12 rE Stratheden, the newest ship of the P. and O. fleet, is to be thrown open for inspection by a large number of Ceylon residents, when she makes her first call at Colombo on Sunday. Needless to repeat, she is magnificently appointed. Ocean greyhound that
    223 words
  • 780 12 •T'HE following passengers are leaving Singapore and Penang today by the P D. liner. Rawalpindi, ior Colombo. Bombay, Marseilles and London Mr. and Mrs. J W. Anderson and Child I Miss E M. Anderson. Mr and Mrs J W Ada *ni. Mrs. C. D. Arbulhnot and Infant,
    780 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
      515 words
    • 142 12 RED FUNNEL LINE HEAP ENG MOH S.S. CO., LTO. incorporated In Straits Settlements) REGULAR PASSENGER and Cargo Serrieef from Smgmpere to Java, Borneo, Banka and FOR BATAVIA, CHERIBON AND SEMARANG. (Every Tuesday aad Friday) s.s. GIANG SENG FrL Jan. 14 s.s. BAN HONG LIONO Tues. Jan. 18 IW SOURABAYA AND
      142 words
    • 8 12 <r-?a#l b^mmtS m^fr\ r- am r- *^m**m** 9^mW
      8 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 292 12 Local And Foreign Mail Despatches And Arrivals BY TRAIN Today Bangkok every Saturday 7 pjn. Thursday 7.45 ajn. Swettenham, Taiping and Telok Anson; Weekdays* 7 pjn. Kota Bahru, Kuala Krai Thursday and Friday* 7 a.m. Sundays 7 pjn. Kuala Lumpur and Penang Weekdays* 7.45 a jn. Sundays 7 pjn. Malacca,
      292 words
    • 35 12 CLEARANCES Jan. 12: Tsushima Maru. Tajima Maru (Japan): Rusa, Aing Leong, Sin Aik Lee. Malacca. Nam Yong <Brlt». Jan. 13: Centaur, Klias, Sin Kbeng Seng, Cora to <BriO: Tomohon. Camphuys. Anastasia, Josefina. Asahan. Tjipai (Dut).
      35 words
    • 146 12 SINGAPORE 1 HARBOUR The following ships alongside ths .wharves or expected to arrive:— East Wharf Entrance Gate 1 hxit l Indrapoera 22; Op Len Noort 20. i Main Wharf Entrance Gate 2; Exit 3: Rawalpindi. Carthage 18; Shoyen Maru 15; Malacca 14: Kelantan 12. Bengalen 11; Felix Roussel 8. Empire
      146 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 473 13 m s^^^^ ,HMm '»m m^^^^^ BY P&Oand BRIT ISH [NDIAIiNES (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND) P. O. S. N. CO'S SAILINGS, OUTWARDS Due Dii e Tonnage S'pore. Tonnage S'pore. 1938 1938 ♦BHUTAN 6,100 Mar. 12 CARTHAGE 15.000 Jan. 14 BEHAR 6.000 Mar. 21 •SOMALI 6.800 Jan. 18 RAWALPINDI 17.000 Mar. 25 COMORIN
      473 words
    • 441 13 (Incorporated tn Straits Settlements.) f 1 ELLERMAN BUCKNALL S.S. Co., Ltd, (Incorporated In England.) FOR UNITED KINGDOM AND CONTINENT VIA PORTS AND SUEZ CANAL Steamer Dae Sails CITY OP SINGAPORE Havre. London. R'dam, H'burg, Glasgow Jan. 30 Feb. 2 CITY OF EASTBOURNE Havre, London, R'dam, H'burg, Glasgow Feb. 27 Mar.
      441 words
    • 734 13 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. SINGAPORE PENANG PHONE 5154 (7 tines) REPRESENTING. SHIPPING THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE (Ocean The Hoa Khiow Steamship Co. (1932) LUt Steam Ship Co Ltd., and China Mutual Cunard White Star Ltd. Steam Navigation Co., Ltd.) Abe. dcen 4b Commonwealth Line The Straits Steamship Co., Ltd. Shaw Savill
      734 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 698 14 K. P. M. (INCORPORATED IN HOLLAND) VAN RIEBEECK— Friday, Jan. 14, Rhio (passengers and malls only), Padang-Bay (passengers and mails only). Ampenan, (passengers and mails only). Boeleleng (passengers and mails only) and Soerabala. OP TEN NOORT— Friday. Jan. 14, Muntok (passengers and malls only), Batavia, Semarang and Sourabaya. .MlJER— Friday,
      698 words
    • 539 14 DOLLAR STEAMSHIP LINE AMERICAN MAIL LINE /2/fi^^Ki y^ ~~"~77»KiSw~~l TO EUROPE FBOM SINGAPORE AND PENANG VIA COLOMBO, BOMBAY, SUEZ, PORT SAID, ALEXANDRIA, NAPLES, GENOA, MARSEILLES AND NEW TORK. Arrives Leaves Leaves Arrives S'pore. S'pore. Penaag. New York. Pres. Garfield Feb. 3 Feb. 5 Feb. 7 Mar. 19 Awe. Monroe Feb.
      539 words
    • 606 14 O.S.K. LINE FOR AFRICA AND SOUTH AMERICA Victoria Mara Cape Town via Mombasa. Zanzibar, Jan 12 13 Dar-es-Salaam, Beira, Lourenco Marques. Durban and Port Elizabeth. tArabia Mara Buenos Aires via Colombo. Mombasa, Feb 910 Zanzibar, Dar-es-Salaam, Beira, Lou renco Marques, Durban, Port Elizabeth, and Cape Town. tßio de Janeiro Mara
      606 words

  • 1158 15 Revival Of Interest In Rugger r London, Jan. 4. IT is impossible to say with accuracy just how many Rugby football enthusiasts there are in this country, writes Trevor Wignall in the Daily Express. What can be stated, however, without much fear of
    1,158 words
  • 20 15 Home soccer matches played yesterday resulted, cables Reuter. SOUTHERN Newport o. Torquay 2. NORTHERN Hull 10, Southport 1.
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  • Article, Illustration
    29 15 BEN FOORD. the famous South A frican boxer leaving England en route for Germany, where at Ha mburg on Jan. 30 he will meet Max Schmeling, the German heavyweight.
    29 words
  • 172 15 FE Islington Corinthians, who are coming to Singapore towards the end of this month, will play four maches here, Mr. R. Williamson announced at the annual general meeting of the S.A.F.A. yesterday. Tentatively their first match would be against the .S.A.F.A. (Chinese). Next
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  • 120 15 Gauder To Defend Title For the first time since he lifted the Singapore featherweight crown from Nai Boon Mah nearly six months ago, Young Gauder will be defending his title at the Happy World Stadium tonight. His challenger. David Dharmaraj. Penang featherweight champion, has done
    120 words
  • 31 15 A 17-year-old Chinese girl was taken to hospital in a semi-conscious condition last night. It is believed she fell off a moving trolley bus in Geylang Road shortly before eight o'clock.
    31 words
  • Article, Illustration
    63 15 AN HISTORIC OCCASION: The i«c\v)v formed Admiralty Pmltee Pfcrce wai> inspected fot U;p H r! »t time by Commodore Sf, L Clarice who later watched a Bffe-ftftfctfetf display by the forte. Commodore Clarke, in the picture, iz standing between Commander I. IX. Brownrigg, Commander of the Dockyard, and Capt. A.
    Free Press  -  63 words
  • 210 15 BRITISH SPORTING EXHIBITION OPENS TODAY Gen. Goering Sends Greetings London, Jan. 13* rpKE British sporting exhibition which will be opened at the Imperial Institute by the Earl ot Athlone tomorrow includes all British trophies exhibited at the recent international sporting exhibition in Berlin. The exhibition which is restricted owing to
    British Wireless  -  210 words
  • 29 15 Believed to have been involved in a motor accident. Mr. N. S. Isaacs was taken to hospitil yesterday morning suffering from an injury to his leg.
    29 words
  • 16 15 The Johore Government has set aside $23,000 'or a playing area at Johore.
    16 words
  • 471 15 THREE GOALS SCORED IN TRIAL AT K.L. (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur. Jan. 13. TTHAT the T.P.C.A. League and Cup soccer champions of Selangor will have to put in a lot nf hard and honest training if they want to make anything: of a
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  • 60 15 K. Ellison, of H. M. Wireless Station. Yeo Chu Kang Road, was fined $3 by Mr. E. C. G. Barrett in the Fourth Police Court yesterday. He pleaded guilty to a charge of having turned about in a prohibited area while driving a motor car, at Orchard
    60 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
      71 words
    • 113 15 2 **> Awwwwl 4flfr BWfft^r^^^^^t^^^Bfcfy-^ :^^ptt&&+*** m mm m "*a>mw»aa+».a »a 4 T ™^H ENGLAND BY 4-ENGINED AIR LINERS Twice weekly from Singapore to London. Big comfortable 4-engined air liners as far as Karachi, thence by Empire flying-boat to England. British standards of service. Everything included in the fare even
      113 words

  • Article, Illustration
    41 16 picture. A "IHH": N. Sullivan, the S.R.C. forward, executes one of his cricket suing* at the hotkey ball in the match against the S.O.C. yesterday. Cojklng on. trom left to right are: Macmillan. Kinsey. Valberg, Moreira. licwan and Aimstrong.-B Free Press
    Free Press  -  41 words
  • 247 16 Decline In Drawing Power Of Malay F. A. Main Reason THE decline of the Malay Football Association, 'whose draw- ing power fell with the standard of their football/' resulting in smaller gate receipts from the matches in which they were engaged, was a reason for
    247 words
  • 567 16 Armstrong Excels For The Winners By Nimrod S.C.C 0. S.R.C 3. ry. final match between the padang rivals yesterday ended in another win. this time by 3-0, for the Singapore Recreation lub. The Singapore Cricket Club were game, but they lost because of faults in
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  • 124 16 Siamese Champion Fills 15th Place (From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok, Jan. 13. Golfers in Siam. foreign, as well as Siamese, combined to raise a fund jto meet the expenses of sending Nal Tim Kanrai. the present Siam open champion, and the professional formerly of the Royal
    124 words
  • 112 16 (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Jan. 13. A CROWD of 5.000 were given a shock on the Kedah Football i Association ground at Alor Star this evening when Kedah held the Islingtcnians to a goalless draw in their second Malayan game. The visitors were strong in defence
    112 words
  • 171 16 The following have been selected to 'play hockey for the Y.M.CA. vs. S.C. iR.C. on Monday at 5.10 p.m. on the Anson Road ground: V. N. Pillay, R. Lyne. P. C. Sands, Dr. V Xavier. G L. Day. L. Sura tta, Lee Fong Lim, E. A. Joy, E.
    171 words
  • 257 16 McNair Team Beat G.S.C. One-Nil A GOAL scored during the first, minute of play, decided the issue for the McNair Girls when rhey met and defeated the G.S.C by one goal to nil. at Serangcon yesterday. Miss Millicent DPilva who led the attack for the McNair GirTs rac^d -.way seen
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  • 390 16 Indian Association 4: Police 1 si A BRILLIANT forward line combined N with good stick work enabled the .Indian Association to defeat the Police 1 by four goals to one at hockey played at Balestier yesterday. The Police were lucky to have had
    390 words
  • 124 16 17 TEAMS IN S.C.C. "SEVENS" TOURNAMENT Play To Start On Monday T'HE S.C.C. seven-a-side rufby invitation tournament opens next Monday at 5 p.m. on the padang. During the tournament 17 teams will compete. Or Monday the following ties wilj be played: S.C.C "A" vs. llth AA. Brigade, R.A., Changi, at
    124 words
  • Article, Illustration
    45 16 picture. STUDY OF EXPRESSIONS. Strain is hardly the \*ord to describe the efforts by the S.C.C. and S.R.C. players making tor the ball They arc (from left to right): Todd. MacMillan (background*. Sulli van, M. Valberg and Kinsey. It look^^^Sulli^i^nus^iav^gol to the first Free Press
    Free Press  -  45 words
  • 371 16 Inter-Militar y League Fixtures May Be Played At Changi r ETHER it will be possible, during the coming soccer season, to play some of the inter-military matches at Changi instead of at Anson Road Stadium, and whether the S.A.F.A. should continue to issue season tickets and at what price, wili
    371 words
  • 23 16 In the r«cbf countv m itch pi yesterday Oxtorc^hire were beaten 16 points to three by Kent at Oxf rc Reuter
    Reuter  -  23 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 62 16 NEW GAMES FOR YOUNG OR OLD SUM-IT! It's the ms»st pruvokin; *nd amusing uain« y> u ever pUyed. PRICE 51.5C X «>ijs!ul an' amusing gamp oi prusecuti n anj defence. PRSCE IMI •'CUPO'S LUCK" A \eo r\« it n» game aud described as one ol the best 'Gamble Gamts." PRICE
      62 words
    • 574 16 EVEN IF YOU ARE am* KATURAUYTHIN^ RUNDOWN/2^^ Gain Perfect Health, JK^M^^^^H Renewed energy, A Re-/ jjPVi Juvenated Body and trW \&sj^ wm I 5 lbs. of Firm Flesh m j^^m^B^l in 10 days without Ifl MBH M fha amazing Mlnaral I Ji Cancantrata from tha In MINERALS Mil Md FOOD
      574 words