The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 8 January 1938

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 17 1 The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS NO. 15,361. ESTD. 1835 SATURDAY, JANUARY 8, 1938. 19 CENTS
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  • 378 1 SHANGHAI INCIDENT: STRONG PROTEST Commander-in-C 'lief Calls On Tokio Attache VIOLATION OF DEFENCE SECTOR WARNING |DRIGADIER Telfers-Smollet, the British Commander-in-Chief in Shanghai, last night called on the Japanese military attache and protested in the strongest terms against the violation of the British defence sector by
    Reuter  -  378 words
  • 380 1 SOUTH CHINA INVASION POSTPONED Manehukuo Trouble: Effect Of British Moves Hankow. Jan. 7. k REPORT trom a foreign sour states that the Japanese have been postpone their invasion of ig by unexpected developments which have broken out in the mm provinces in the Mar.ehukuo. •nation in Manchuku > isolated so
    Union Times  -  380 words
  • 33 1  -  Nanyang Siang Pau Hankow, Jan. 7. Mr. Eugene Chen, it is reported, is ready to leave France for China and accept a high appointment in the Chinese Governih.nt.-
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  • 75 1 London, Jan. 7. THE Daily Herald, commenting on the Japanese Cabinet secretary's declaration that "Japan will go ahead" in the Far East, says Ja*?Ni dre*4n« that she is supreme boss there. She thinks, the paper says, that there is no room for an independent
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 150 1  -  Nanyang Slang Pau French Japanese Movements IJAINAN ISLAND is again In the war picture as a result of mysterious movements by Japanese and French warships, observed by merchantmen. It appears that a Japanese cruiser arrived at Hoihow on Dec. 27 and, anchoring in the outer harbour, sent
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  • 130 1 THE Batu Pahat correspondent of the Nanyang Siang Pau. a Chinese newspaper published in Singapore, reports that several bombs were found In a machinery room at the Japanese Iron mines at Batu Pahat this week. The correspondent states that some machinery was destroyed
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  • 65 1 (From Our Own Correspondent Loidon, Jan. THE Malayan rubber industry will be represented at the Empire Exhibition at Glasgow this year by a Rubber Growers' Association display, as well as at the Malayan gt>vernmer>t exhibit. r lhe Rubber Growers' Aj»su?mti:m «vi!J r|v»: di»-nonstratiois «^f the prc??uc<ion
    Free Press Cable  -  65 words
  • 135 1 What Can U.S. Envoy Do In Germany Ex-Ambassador On Nazi Regime New York, Jan. 7. MR William Dodd, the retiring m United States Ambassador to Berlin, today outlined the reason for his departure from Germany. On his arrival in New York., he said "In a vast region where religious freedom
    Reuter  -  135 words
  • 64 1 London, Jan. 7. The film of the sinking of the US. gunboat Panay in the Yanstse. is being shown in cinema* in London and the provinces and has received continuous murmurs of sympathy and horror The clearness or the atmosphere, contradicting the Japanese plea that
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 185 1 ITALY TO BUILD BIG NAVY I New 35,000 I Battleships DUCE'S AIM IN MEDITERRANEAN Rome, Jan. CKiNOK MISSOLIM today ordered" the construction of two new 35.000-ton battleships to form part of a new naval programme. The programme will also comprise 12 scout ships 'large destroyers) and what is described as
    Reuter  -  185 words
  • 50 1 London, Jan. 7. The death occurred yesterday, at the age of 68. of Sir Milne Cheetham. the diplomat, who rendered distinguished service while in charge of the British Agency and Consulate General in Cairo at the beginning of the war and In 1919.- British Wireless
    British Wireless  -  50 words
  • 42 1 London, Jan. 7. The Prime Minister returned to London last night In the absence of Mr. Anthony Eden, who is now in the south of France. Mr Chamberlain Is in charge of the Foreign Office British Wireless
    British Wireless  -  42 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 74 1 BIGIA TEA firings the freshness and fragrance of the Malayan gardens direct to your home. TONIGHT Orchestral Concert 815 *o BJB p.m Dinner and Dance (formal) 9.45 to midnight rOrUUM I tB ISI ATTRACTION ROGOTTA "Hi; WELL-KNOWN CHARACTER, ACROBATIC NOVELTY DANCER. HOOK VOI'R TABi.F Non-diners $1.00. KlJsi UKKL served today
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  • 136 2 Treason And Currency Violations OTHER DIRECTORS ALSO FOUND GUILTY Hamburg, Jan. 7. ARNOLD BERNSTEIN, the Jewish owner of the German Red Star shipping line, was sentenced to 30 months* penal servitude and a fine of £80.000 for treason towards the German people, violations
    Reuter  -  136 words
  • 86 2 Fire Destroys His House London. Jan. 7. DUCKLAND ABBEY, near Plymouth. associated with Sir Francis Drake, "ho resided there, was completely destrcyed by fire this morning. Only a few of the art treasures and Flizabethan relics were saved, many oil paintings and valuable china being destroyed. The
    British  -  86 words
  • 68 2 U.S. Trade With China Japan New York, Jan. 7. The Department of Commerce states that Arrerican exports to Japan in November totalled $18,133,000, compared with $24,100,000 in the same month last year. wMle exports to China were $2,895,000 compared with $3,227,000. Exports to Hong Kong were $3,958,000 compared with $543,000.
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • Article, Illustration
    33 2 picture. WHERE IS IT? The R.A.M.C. and S.C.C. "B" packs in a loose scrum (l urine their same at the S.C.C, yesterday. ClMUUrty, the Club scrum Free Press half is o^ the right.
    Free Press  -  33 words
  • 89 2 London, Jan. 7. Representatives of the King, at the service this morning to celebrate tr.e Feast of Epiphany, offered on behalf of His Majesty gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. The ceremony, which goes back for several centuries, took place at the Chapel Royal, St. James
    British  -  89 words
  • Letters To The Editor
    • 467 2 "TOMORROW, WE BUZZ OFF PHILOSOPHY" THOUGHTS ON "THIS PLEASURE ISLAND" To the Editor of the Free P** Sir,-No one with a reasonable amount of concern for the moral a*d intellectual progress of this island, (which is supposed to be of some impotence as a place for permanent habitation and for
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    • 224 2 Have They Lost Sense Of Proportion? To the Editor of the Free Press Sir.—Your editorial in this morning's issue leads me to write to you about the advisability of some of our "City Fathers" laying down their high office in favour of younger men. As
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    • 261 2 (To the Editor of the Free Press) Bir,—-I notice the reference in the Rotary Club address yesterday, to those who "were always inclined to impute bad motives on any who put forward a new scheme or suggested some radical revision of present practice." I find,
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  • 252 2 M. Van Zeelancl Sees Mr. Chamber iian London, Jan. 7. The report on the international inquiry undertaken by M. van Zeeland, the Belgian statesman, at the invitation of the British and French Governments, into the possibilities of reducing obstacles in the way of international trade, is stated to be nearing
    Reuter & British Wireless  -  252 words
  • 61 2 (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Jan. 7. The British Tin Investment Corporation reports today that its gross income last year was £365,445, an increase of £175,907. Its net profit was £337,557. an increase of £167,779. The Corporation is declaring a final dividend of ten per cent
    Free Press  -  61 words
  • 54 2 London, Jan. 7. An exhibition of Chinese art, described as a "Burlington House in miniature" to aid the Chinese relief funds was opened by the Qu 0 Tai Chi tonight. It contains 400 specimens of Chinese bronze, silk, paintings, porcelain from prehistoric times to the
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 15 2 A commission as Lieutenant in the S.S.V.F. has been granted to Dr. Hugh Rintoul Morrison.
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  • 187 2 Tamil Film Industry Progress Better Productions C ATHI Ahalya. a product of Modern I Theatres Ltd., Salem, which had its premiere at the Theatre Royal yesterday, reveals the vast progress made by films in the vernacular, especially in Tamil. It is also evident that there is a grea* demand for
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  • 123 2 Shantung Province Weakening Hankow. Jan. 7. Chinese troops, under General Han Fu Chu, Governor of Shantung Province, are reported to be showing signs of collapse which may lead to the loss of the important Lunghai railway, the key to the vast province of Honan.
    Reuter  -  123 words
  • 222 2 "Virtual Slavery" Of Estate Workers PROBLEMS of Indian workers on plantations in Ceylon were discussed at a meeting in London convened by the London representatives of the Ceylon Socialist party and the Congress Socialist party of India. Mr. Mark Bracegirdle, who was at one time a
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  • 107 2 Shanghai, Jan. 8. The Japanese Ambassador, Mr. Kawago, in an interview declared that peace negotiations with the Chiang Kai Shek regime were out of the question. Japan should repudiate the national Government. The formation of a new Government of Central China* was a n ecessity Reuter. Peking, Jan.
    Reuter  -  107 words
  • 209 2 BRITISH. ART DEAL angers Italians < >* FjtfKTEEN thousand pounds woKh of paintings, bought by the ffational Gallery and claimed by the Italian art authorities to have been smuggled out of the country by air, are the centre of i "storm" in Venice. Officials of the Italian Government's Fine Arts
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  • 277 2 Plans For, Record Trade Fair 13,000 Catalogues In 9 Languages QOME idea of the many tongues which must be available to the host of buyers expected to visit next year's British Industries Fair is to be gained from the elaborate preparations already made by the Department of Overseas Trade to
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  • 283 2 "DISASTER GREATER THAN WAR" Madame Sun On Fascist Menace IUJME. Sun Yat Sen. widow «.f ihr IT founder of the Chuifv k*public, made a ktirrinic appeal tor resistance to Fascist aggression m a message published in thr i»ail> Herald (London) she said "Today the Chinese people united than ever before
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  • 74 2 Sanitary Board Clean -Up From Our Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur. Jan A SANITARY Board "clean-up met with opposition from holders in the Port Swettenham ir this morning, and Chinese and India: flsh, meat, pork and vegetable sellers closed their stalls. They said they objected to the removal of baskets and
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  • 102 2 Acquitted And Discharc^ At Teluk Anson (From Our Own Correspondent Teluk Anson. Jan Mr. R. Bennett, an electrical end er of Messrs. Huttenbatch L:: Teluk Anson, was acquitted and charged today by Mr. Inn > District Officer, on a charge of < the death of
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  • 32 2 <From Our Own Corre>; Ixindon. J*' l The Borneo Company I that it will pay on FVo 4 n< lerenc« dividend in resp year ended Feb 4. 19.5.S cable
    cable  -  32 words
  • 30 2 The Singapore Volunt.. recruiting office will bo opened Headquarters S.S.V.F. Beach K Monday, Jan. 10, and each m Monday betwnon (in- Ikmii-n «t l;> and 6.15 p.m.
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  • 42 3 'From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 7. The price of rubber for the as-st-Nsment of exnort duty in the K M.S. from January 7 to 13, has been fixed at 24 J i cents a pound.
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  • 129 3 WOMAN OF 72 CHARGED Sei?urr by officers of the Excise Department of three large stills and hundreds of gallons of fermented rice from a house in the Ralestier District on Nov. 12 led to a case in the Fourth Police Court vesterday when a woman, Lee <hM
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  • 195 3 SOME THINGS COMETS MUST NOT DO fOMETS in the heavens are allow?d a lot of latitude— but there art* certain things they simply must not do. For instance, a social custom which been rigorously observed is lor a comet to appear with its tall poii i iv from the sun.
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  • 97 3 V^ni! a roar which could be heard miles an air-compressor excd in tin- power house of the Cilnss Bottle Manufacturers* sr. Helens. Lancashire. walls of the house were blown °ut and machinery was wrecked, but MM h.ivins his supper near the ompressor. although blown from his s
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  • 120 3 THE 7,600-TON CRUISER, GEORGE LEYGIIES, flagship of the Fourth Cruiser Squadron French Atlantic Fleet and the Montcalm, arrived at Singapore yesterday bound for Indo-China. They will be joined by the cruiser, Gloiie, tomorrow. They each have nine 6-in. guns and are capable of 32 knots. Rear
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  • 215 3 Japan 's Advance Not Reason Because of a falling off in business over the last two months in Singapore, the China Relief Fund has received fewer contributions than it had averaged in the past and the sale of liberty bonds has also been
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  • 238 3 Baby Grows 14 Inches In Few Hours 4 BABY was born in Bedfordshire, <** England, about dawn a few days ago. By noon it had grown 14 inches and was more than five feet tall. The baby is a giraffe its parents, Peter arid Rosie, BArango giraffes who came from
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  • 38 3 The Borneo Co., Ltd., Singapore, has received cabled advice that Ipoh Tin Dredging. Ltd., have declared an interim dividend, for the year ending March 31. 1938, of Is. less tax per share payable in London on Jan. 28.
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  • 122 3 Eurasian Boy Charged With Robbery A preliminary inquiry was held in the Third Court yesterday, into the alleged robbery by a young Eurasian boy, Francis lloedert, of a hamlirt:; *v4 bracelet belonging to a Malay woman, in Rangoon Road on Dec. 4 last. The woman, Ney binti Tenam said that
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  • 117 3 Mr. W. York Groves, coroner for Mid- Northamptonshire, who was found dead below the window of his ward in Northampton Hospital, where he was a patient for neurasthenia, feared that he was going mad. This was stated at the inquest when a verdict of Suicide
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  • 127 3 More than 30 members of the Eura- slan community will be medically i examined and if passed fit will be ad- mitted to the Eurasian platoon, says our Ipoh correspondent. Last week about 16 were admitted. Col. Staley. Officer Commanding Ist Perak Battalion, was unable to attend owing
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  • 117 3 Ipoh, Jan. 7. Mr. and Mrs. S. Seenivasagam and family will be leaving Ipoh on an extended tour of England and other j European countries shortly. Their two (.sons will continue their studies in 1 England. Mr. and Mrs. Seenivasagam are very well known in Ipoh
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  • 24 3 THE GUARD OF HONOUR on board the Georges Leygues presenting arms on the arrival of Commodore M. L. Clarke, Commodore Malaya.
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  • 371 3 Four Men Get Their Discharge COUR bankrupts were yesterday granted their discharge by Mr. Justice McElwaine,' Chief Justice m the Singapore Bankruptcy Court. i s Th i e 5 hi ef Justice described the first case as "typical of most clerical bankrupties." The bankrupt, K. N. Nair,
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  • 226 3 Moscow. Dec. 28. rrWE "Western Christmas" wa» celebrated in Moscow by what little is left of Moscow's formerly numerous foreign colony. The number of foreigners tau been considerably reduced during the past i year, as many thousands have boon I invited to leave the country Parties
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  • 86 3 MANSLAUGHTER CHARGE Viscount Gormanston. described as Jenlco William Richard Preston, of Oorraanston Castk*. Co. Meath, was at Howth District Court. Co Dublin recently, committed for trial charm u with the manslaughter of Edward Wiggins and Patrick Mooney by knock ing them down with a motor-car Bail was
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 208 3 GASTRIC ULCER "NEARLY COST Mfc MY LIFE" The hoar* and duties of a railway worker tend to make him liable to stomach trouble. Mr. 8., a Railway maa, auner'-d from a gastric uksr which, h* mp* nearly cost me my liis." He had X-ravs. an operatiou. and was strictly dieted
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    • 30 3 K. P, M. LINE In r3rp r,-.ited in Holland > On leave? Travel home via South Africa FIRST CLASS FROM £83/-/-FOR DETAILFD INFORMATION APPLY TO: K.P.M. LINE 1, FINLAYSON GREEN, SINGAPORE.
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  • 2533 4 AIR MAIL LETTER FROM LONDON London, Dec. 31. A FEW weeics ago I purchased in toto th? works of Charles Dickers O:>e day this WMk I ROttetd the gfeflU bindings of the volumes gazinz reproachfully at me through the leaded panes of my bookcase. I suddenly felt that I owed
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 225 4 SHE FELT SENSITIVE ABOUT HER FIGURE. Kruschen Reduced Her Weight —Gave Her New Vitality. Any woman who is burdened with excess fat is liable to become sensitive about her figure. This woman did, and in addition she suffered from weakness which made her feel dull and lifeless But there is
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    • 206 4 Photographic copies of Free Press lo^al pictures can be obtained OM application to the Manager. Price 50 cents each Q fWhy do some childraN always look so 1 arid Well TJ answer mtmi* The surest way to keep children weakly and run-down after measle* healthy and robust and able to
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  • 31 5 ELIZABETH BERGNER. the famous film star and stage actress with her husband, film director Paul Czinner, at Cortina D'Ampezzo' Italy ivhere they are enjoying the winter sports.
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  • 213 5 TREES, CLOUDS, DAWN HILLS In English literature there are surprisingly few descriptions of Indian landscanc worth including in a ?ood anthology, says a writer in The Calcutta Statesman. Among the many Englishmen who have lived In India and felt spiritually uplifted by Nature's beauties here have
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  • 89 5 Three Chinese, Pek Kek, Tan Choon Lim and Koh Leong Kee, appeared in the Third Court yesterday charged with theft of a motor car belonging to another Chinese. Tan Hong Tee. in Hokkien Street. Pek Kek was convicted, and the other two claimed trial, the case
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  • 169 5 OYSTER CLUB PROPRIETOR CHARGED Failure To Shut His Premises A European. C. We in berg, proprietor of the Oyster Club in Middle Road, was charged in the Third Court yesterday with failing to close his premises between the hours of two and four on the morning of Nov. 3. Mr.
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  • 87 5 Ipoh's new cinema hall, which is the property of Mr. Lau Ek Ching, will be leased to Mr. Ong Ee Lim. the Kuala Lumpur millionaire, when completed, our Ipoh correspondent understands. There is no truth in the rumour that building operations in connection with the dance hall
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  • 173 5 BOUMPHREY— CAMPBELL WEDDING Blue Book Verse Mr. Cecil Boumphrey, of Nestle and Angio-Swiss Milk Products, Ltd., Singapore, was married to Miss Marian Campbell at the Singapore Presbyterian Church yesterday. The Rev. Stephen Band officiated. Mr. Boumphrey is the son of the late Mr. C. A. Boumphrey and Mrs. Boumphrey. of
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  • 1040 5 Strict Supervision Needed For Absolute Security EXTENT OF UNDERTAKING SHOW BY LARGE DEPARTMENT LISTS "THE Singapore naval base is a vast and complex undertaking," savs the official communique issued yesterday explaining the reasons for the new regulations which are to be imposed
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  • 205 5 Four Chinese In Hold AT the Coroner's inquiry ye&terrk day into the death of four Chinese, who were passed on a loaded with sajr© on Dec. 27 off Beach Rend, medical evidence showed that death was due to asphyxiation from a lung irritant and g^as
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  • 120 5 Home nursing lectures are to be held at the General Hospital, Singapore, from Thursday, Jan. 28, two separate courses being held weekly, one at 11 am and the other at p.m. A course of instruction in first aid will also begin as soon as manuals are received
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 105 5 How to Stop Stomach Pain In Five Minutes By Dr. F.B. Scott, M.D., Paris. ■•)i wax:t an astonishing demonstrai of how quickly and completely acute indito'sticn can stopped, just take a level *asi**mful uf iJisurated Magnesia In *at*r four tablets are equally effective. I Ja\> found that the moment Bisiarated
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    • 28 5 pure "atmme"um mnen& fBPi-j^ '^J&^S^S a^ a^ c^ u I>s hotels and deaiiit mm TpMNPSfc RPFP Sole Agents: GUTHRIE COMPANY LIMITED, Singapore. Malacca. Kuala Lumpur. Ipoh Penang TI
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  • 195 6 THE CAMERA SPOTS A SPOTTE J FASHION. Miss Kva itenner, of London, sinkes a new fashion note ilh her handkerchief hat of spotted silk with peak to shade her eyes fro*n the sun in St. Motiil, Swiiherland. THE QUEEN MART AT NIGHT.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 118 6 \^h2b^b a^aT^^^'rt t j 'i I a^aXfi^ i f av Bt *> i *s 7>vr "^Ba^aWja^B^a^^^ vL HB < >>' V< *9bmbV^ B aTf^aV^^3^a^B^ *X a^HBHBk^BaX 4a^aa s i B la^ Jfc^B^^r awßj^B^aF^B^B^ai^^M^r^r > a^alßV^za^fl On sultry days the mere sight of a large hot joint wl.l often j destroy
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  • 671 7 Service At The Cathedral THE funeral took place yesterday of Mr. Newbold Benjamin Westerhout, a member of a well-known Eurasian family in Singapore, who died on Thursday at the a£e of 73. Archdeacon Graham White officiated at a service at St. Andrew's Cathedral. Mr. R.
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  • Article, Illustration
    24 7 picture. MR. CECIL 80l MPHREY and his bride, Miss Marian Campbell who were married in Singapore yester- aay. Mory on page 3.— Free Press
    Free Press  -  24 words
  • 105 7 T'HE Straits Settlements Government j Gazette issued last night notifies i the inclusion of a new regulation to the General Regulations for Schools dealing with the collection of subscriptions. It reads: A supervisor of a registered school may collect subscriptions from or circulate subscription lists to registered committee
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  • 174 7 Joan Crawford In "The Bride Wore Red" There is a suspicion of a moral behind M G.M.'s "The Bride Wore Red," starring Joan Crawford, with Franchot Tone, her real-life husband, and Robert Young. It seems to attempt to point out the truth in the so-called social philosophy
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 240 7 LOOK WHO'S HERE: Th« -raye.. of Sl NS|IINr Fresh from her hfej fun triumph in "WAIKIKI WEDDINfJ" with the same partner in Son; and Mirth. TOMORROW at the CAPITOT Poiamounfs Sun-Burtt of Mirth Melody and music— a^^Ga^a^.r^Nw lit Ibl ■wk'Slbl i Binp wias Miry c-riuie Martha make* K^^ \^N|bVßb^b^bV W
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    • 289 7 "^Js ALHAMBRA S H^fl ciff «i BIT IT Till/ \i 1 w: r *^a^^^ :^:''%s>iß T •a y i iii> .?n/r^i jjhl "&i,*^^w. TUP llll{ I I I |\f' m Bfv O F 3 STOOGE I <P*^\j GJ^SP 44 FALSE JwBwiSSf^BEB BFEATii. A I ARM H iv ■nWifl^W3H F H
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  • 630 8 The Singapore Free Press SATURDAY, JANUARY 8, 1938. French Defences A LTHOUGH it is stated that the French cruisers which are now visiting Singapore will be staying in Indo-China waters for a month, it is quite obvious that this is no routine training cruise. An official statement issued by the
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  • 1989 8 Russia From The Inside— l L* L^t** r) the long list of executions of political and military leaders in Soviet Russia, which began with the trial of Zinovieff and his companions in August, 1936, have been added within the last few
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 268 8 V /^M* 'tF^ X mr^* mm m m mY jfCVil^^^^r ?9 mm m\m\M^^ m C A L D B E C K'S BY SPECIAL T H M< E APPOINTMENT KING h S AM CSTD j3 M 1872 ENGAGEMENT ETERNITY RINGS. f h<x>s- Caiefnlly The DIAMOND RINGS Yon would be proud
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    • 62 8 SO HIGH ARE THE CHARGES in some West End nursing homes that they have another home next door where the patients can recover from the effects of seeing their bills. ACCIDENT SICKNESS POLICIES greatly help to eliminate the necessity for such worries. GENERAL ACCIDENT f IRE 6 LIFI ASSURANCE CORPORATION
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  • 615 9 MALA Y DOG SHOOTER DEMONSTRA TES WITH GUN IN COURT (iocs Through Actions How Hokkien Was Killed DEAD MAN'S SISTER GIVES DRAMATIC EVIDENCE I DEMONSTRATION of how he thought a 25- mt -<*\\ Hokkien. Tey Swee Tian received I 11 1 -h'»t wounds from which he died, was given liv
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  • 42 9 THIS IS AN ANCIENT CUSTOM in modern setting. A French sailor on the Georges Leygues, one of the two cruisers which arrived yesterday, holds the halberd, which is always used on official occasions* when a French Admiral is -present.
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  • 495 9 (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Jan. 7. A "PECULIAR pocket watch" showing the position of the moon, stars, days of the week, days of the month, time, and seconds was the principal exhibit produced in the Penang Police Court before Mr. K. A.
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  • 72 9 "WEI"— A BAD SHOW (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban. Jan. 7. YESTERDAY nine Chinese women walked into the Seremban police station and alleged that they had been cheated of $3,000 by a Chinese woman, who recently visited the town. It is now revealed that there are now 20 complainants and
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  • 456 9 Lecturer Sees A Better Spain tFrom Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 7. The underlying causes of the Spanish Civil War were described by the world travelling American sociologist, Mr Kenneth G. Murray, in a public address in the YJVI.C.A. hall tonight. "Germans," declared Mr. Murray. i "determine their conduct
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  • 24 9 A meeting of the Rural Board, Singapore, will be held at the Land Office at 10 a.m. on Thursday, Jan. 13.
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  • 83 9 A DESPATCH has been received from the Secretary of State for the Colonies announcing that Mr. C. H. Parnell, Engineer, Posts and Telegraphs Department, S.S. and F.M.S., has been awarded a grant from the fund provided by the Trustees of the Carnegie Corporation of New
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  • 260 9 £10,000 For Brain Research MENTAL TESTS FOR SCHOOL CHILDREN WHY will one brain do the work of an Einstein while another is "defective"? In an effort to solve this problem, an investigation costing £10.000 and lasting five years is to be undertaken. The work, which is
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  • 199 9 UR JOHN JEFF, Assistant Registrar of Societies, has been making some inquiries about a number of Japanese organisations in Singapore. A series of notifications published in the Government Gazette last night on his authority state that, as there is reason to suppose they
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  • 120 9 ATTACKS on Britain have reappeared jin the Italian newspaper after the Christmas pause in publication. "British soldiers, ready to kill, stalk through streets where Jesus walked," is the Lavoro Fascista's headline over a despatch from Jerusalem. "Britain talks of peace, but does everything to provoke war." says
    Reuter  -  120 words
  • 144 9 (From Oui Own Correspondent) Ipoh. Jan. 7. An interesting visitor to Ipoh now Is Admiral Sir Sah Chen-ping, one of China's foremost sailors and an exPremier. Admiral Sah who is about 80 years of age. Is on a visit to Malaya to push the sale of
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  • 36 9 The Prudential Assurance Co Ltd announce that in the ordinary branch net new business sums assured written during 1937. excluding group business, exceeded 29 5 million pounds Consideration for annuities granted exceeded £850 000
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  • 30 9 The promotion of Pilot Officers T. Carter, G. E. M. Jones and J McK Hart, of the S.S. Volunter Air Force, to the rank of Flying Officers has been approved.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
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    • 145 9 J. P. Super Lawn Mowers. Stocked in Two Sizes 12 inch and 16 inch PRECISION Rl 1 1/1 and perfectly aligned, with moving parts Af running in oil baths on self -align- /m ml ing double-race ball-bearings, this M II machine spins along with such V I $*m exceptional ease
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    • 490 10 LONDON AND NEW YORK STOCKS SHARES Last Night's Quotations From London 5.30 p. m. Jan. 7 The above are dealers' middle prices; jobbers' margins, brokerage and stamp duty are not Included. Share of £l denomination unlets Latest Quotations Previously otherwise stated Conversion Loan. 5 p.c. 1944-64.... 114% 1 1147 /a
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    • 170 10 From London 5.30 p. m. Jan. 7 STOCKS: London 35,810 tons Liverpool 22,008 tons COPS A: Straits S.D. Rotterdam: £14. Previously: £14 PEPPER: White Muntok: in bond: 3%d. Previously: 3%d. White Muntok: Jan.-Feb.: 3 lljlSd. Previously: 3 ll|lGd. Lampong black: in bond: 2yad. Previously: 2V 2 d.
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    • 1280 10 From Exchange Telegraph Co. Fraser And Co.'s List FRIDAY, JAN. 7, 1938, 5 P.M. Buyers Sellers Ampat Tin (4s) 4s 6d 5s Asam Kumbang 32s 34s Austral Malay 50s 55s Ayer Hitam (ss) 25s 27s Ayer Weng ($1) .75 80 Bangrin Tin (£> 23s 9d
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    • 64 10 From London: Latest Quotations TIN: Firm. Spot: £186 10s. Previously: £185 ss. Three months: £186 2s. 6d. Previously: £184 17s. 6d. NEW YORK TIN: Opening Price: 42.00. Previously: 41.50. COPPER: Settlement: £41 12s. 6d. Previously: £40 17s. 6d. GOLD: Yesterday £6 19s. 9d. Previously: £6 19s. BV6d.
      64 words
    • 251 10 ISSUED BY FRASER AND CO. AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS YESTERDAY MINING. Tin at midday was $91 '4, up There was practically no change in prices of sterling tin shares from London this morning although other sections reported a fair amount of activity while Wall Street showed
      251 words
    • 179 10 Jan. 4. 5. 6. American Can. Con 74 75 79 American Telephone and Telegraph 147 148 3 4 1494 Atvheson Railroad 36 3 4 36 38% Chcsapeak 34% 334 *&k Dupont 113V 2 ***** H6V. Firestone 19 19». 20V4 General Electric 42% 41% 43% General Motors 32
      179 words
    • 81 10 Chamber Of Commerce Rubber Association DAILY PRICES CURRENT Jan. 7, 12 o'clock noon Tone of Market: --Quiet. Latest Cable: London spot sheet 6 7 cd. per H>. New York Spot Sheet U.S. cents 14 516 per Ib. Buyers Sellers No. IX.RJS.S. in cases (F.0.8. Jan.) 22% 23% Good F.A.Q. in
      81 words
    • 66 10 London Closing Quotations Jan. 7 Method of Parity before Latest Pre3entre Quoting 20-9-31 Rate Tiously Parts Franc to 121.1 147 5|16 147 5J16 New York to 4.88 5.00 4.99 13|16 Amsterdam Guilders to 8.97 8.98 8.98% Hong Kong Per dollar Is. 3d. Is. 3d. Shanghai Per dollar
      66 words
    • 172 10 Yesterday's Singapore Quotations Jan. 7 SELLING London T.T. demand 2[4 1|32 London, demand 2|4 1|32 London 4 months' sight 2|4 1)16 Lyons, demand 1720 Switzerland, demand 251 Hamburg, demand 142 New York, demand 58 7|16 Montreal, demand 58% Batavia. demand 104% Samarang. demand 104V 2 Calcutta, Bombay
      172 words
    • 62 10 Jan. 7 Gambier T.T. 8.00 White Cube 15.50 Hamburg Cube 15.50 White Muntok Pepper 13.75 Black Pepper 8.25 Copra, mixed $4.30 Copra, sundried $4.60 Small Flake Tapioca 3.75 Rice. Saigon Al $170 Rice. Siam. W.C. No. 1 $160 Rice. Siam, W.C. No. 2 $155 Rice, Siam. W.
      62 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 67 10 S. E. Levy Co. 0 Shanghai. Hongkong. Manila. Singapore. Investment Bankers and Broken in Securities and Commodities. Daily Foreign Market Cables and Quotation Service. MEMBERS. NEW YORK COTTON EXCHANGE. COMMODITY EXCHANGE, INC. NEW YORK COFFEE SUGAR EXCHANGE CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE. CANADIAN COMMODITY EXCHANGE. SHANGHAI STOCK EXCHANGE. HONGKONG SHARE BROKERS'
      67 words

  • 127 11 United States Follows British Plan JJEW YORK Marine underwriters have decided to terminate on Feb. 1 war risk insurance covering shipments beyond arrival at ports of destination Plus a reasonable time for unloading. British marine insurance companies and Lloyds underwriters have agreed io limit the war risk cover
    127 words
  • 30 11 The output for the month of December of the Nawng Pet Tin Limited was as follows Nawng Pet Pis. 211.00 Koh Sabah 228.00 Katoon 44.00 Total PIJ- 483.00
    30 words
  • 1572 11 Mr. Roosevelt And Big Business "SCRAP COLLECTOR" SEES SOME HOPE IN HIS weekly review of the rubber market for the Free Press, "Scrap Collector" states that the future is in the lap of the gods, personified by President Roosevelt and Big Business in America.
    1,572 words
  • 765 11 SETTER FEELING IN THE MARKET Singapore Reports Are Optimistic A BETTER feeling is reflected in the weekly reports on the il Singapore rubber market. It is believed that business will take an upward turn with small encouragement. Both Messrs. Lewis and Peat, Ltd., and Messrs. Stanton Nelson and Co. believe
    765 words
  • 156 11 Federation Interest In Anglo -U.S. Talk^ The Tobacco Federation of the British Empire wishes to be consulted in the preliminary stapes of any discus sions on the proposed Anglo-American Trade Treaty which may affect tobacco. In a letter sent to the Board of Trade the association points out
    156 words
  • 55 11 The Prices are published by courtesy of Messrs. Levy and Co.. of Singapore Manila. Jan 6. I „st Sale Prices Previous Todav Pesos Antamok 0.50 0 49 Benguet Consolidated 9.20 940 Consolidated Mines 0.012 unquoted I. XL. 0.59 0.57 San Mauricio 0 49 0 46 United
    55 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 424 11 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. 3be Singapore Jfree press Bmmd Oftr«: C«cU Street, Blßf »W> Phon*: 5471 (5 Uam wUh •xtcnslMM U mil itfrtMiati la*!* I*imwr Office: 25, Java Street Ph«ac: USX Ipoh Office: Brewxter 111 Phone: 37. p«B*af Office 12. Bishop 8to— 1» hailfc Phone: 1477. i«a4«a Office 4* 43. Fleet Street,
      424 words
    • 188 11 HARRIET HUBBARD AYER. The three creams that always bring remits. LUXURIA; The silk-soft cleansing cream. SKIN A TISSUE CREAM; Light non-cloffing cream scented with Attar of Roses. BEAUTIFYING FACE CREAM; The pearl -fair transparent finish. MEDICAL HALL LTD. BOARD RESIDENCE SEA-FRONT KATONG GRANGE— 77, Meyer Rd. (near Swimming Club) Board
      188 words
    • 298 11 BANK OF CHINA (Incorporated In China by Spe< iai Charter 12, Cecil Street, Singapore, Telephones: Manager's Oflke 6444 Exchange Ix-pt §441 General Office 5l8»-t Cable Address: "CHL'NGKUO" Paid Up Capital Ch. 4000.000.60 Reserve Funds in excess Ch. 4,800.000 Total Assets approximately Ch. *l .*»<> uim HEAD OFFICE: SHANGHAI Tse-Vunp Soong.
      298 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 269 11 VESSELS ARRIVED I Boelongan. Dutch. 578 tons, from Singkawang 6, to Singkawang 8. Toboali, Dutch. 662 tons, from Bagan 6, to Bagan 9. Toba, Dutch, 673 tons, from Baean 6, to Bagan 8. Belawan, Dutch, 715 tons, from Koemai 6, to B'massin 9. Van der Bosch, 1.430 tons, from Sourabaya
      269 words

  • 104 12 The Air Ministry has made some important changes in the management of Croydon airport. Air Commoodrc Robertson, who was the chief aerodrome oiftcer, has been made airport superintendent, while Mr. J. Jeffs, who was chief control officer, has been made Inspector of air traffic control.
    104 words
  • 565 12 Meet Of Tags Hits British Coastal Ships OIX lonesome men spent Christmas Day in solitude miles O away from their homes, cut off from the rest of the world They were the crew of the Dutch tug Noordzee, lying: at anchor a mile from
    565 words
  • 655 12 I ITTLE except bad weather is allow- ed to interfere with the punctual sailing of a Japanese vessel and yet when the Kokuryu Maru left Dairen for Japan on Dec. 7 it was not until the ship had been held up for 25 minutes. And the weather had
    N. C. D. News  -  655 words
  • 66 12 In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 388 of the Merchant Shipping Ordinance, the Government Gazette notifies the cancellation of notification no. 1925 published in the Gazette of Aug. 2, 1935. with effect from Jan. 1. The effect of this notification will be to restore the original
    66 words
  • 37 12 Serdang Plantation Company (rubber and tobacco >. of Amsterdam, has received an offer from the Netherlands Trading Society to purchase its shares The offer js F15.900 cash per share of Fls. 1,000. It holds good until Jan 15.
    37 words
  • 140 12 The following ships alongside th« wharves or expected to arrive: East Wharf Entrance Gate 1; Exit 1: Rajula 22; Hosang 20. 1 Main Wharf Entrance Gate 2: Exit 3: Fulda 11. Empire Dock Entrance Gate 2; Exit 3: Thurland Castle 30; Eurypylus 34; Siamese Prince 36. Umpire Dock
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
      501 words
    • 376 12 BfiBBY LINE [LONDON ADDRESS: 22, PALL MALL. LONDON. S.W. 11 Mail Passer, wr Vessels between RANGOON, COLOMBO. PORT SI'DAN MARSEILLES, PLYMOI 111 AMI LONDON with through cannootiori from Singapore and Peiiang. HOMEWARD SAILINGS Leave Leave Rangoon Colombo 1938. CHESHIRE Jan. 13 Jan. 1¥ STORKRHIRE Jan 27 Feb. 5 DERBYSHIRE F«b.
      376 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 452 12 Local And Foreign Mail Despatches And Arrivals BY TRAIN Bangkok every Saturday 7 p.m. Thursday 7.45 ajn. Swettenham, Taiping and Telok Anson; Weekdays* 7 pjn. Kota Bahru, Kuala Krai Thursday and Friday* 7 a.m. Sundays 7 pjn. Kuala Lumpur and Penang Weekdays* 7.45 a.m. Sundays 7 pjn. Malacca. Batu Anam,
      452 words
    • 51 12 CLEARANCES Jan. 6. Palopo, Kulit, Aldegonda, (Dut.); Needwood, (Panamas; Rusa, Rantau, Soudan, Kum Sang, Charon, (Brit.); Fionia, Nordhval, (Dan.); Tamerlane, (Nor.); Midori Maru, Atsitasan Maru. (Japan). Jan. 7.— Mapia. Tidore, Johan de Witt, Barentsz, Van Lansberge, Plancius, Van den Bosch, (Dut.); Kinta, j Talma, Banka, Ampang, Esmeralda, Tandjang Pinang, Jerantut,
      51 words
    • 73 12 PASSENGERS BY AIR From N.E.I, by KLM on Jan. 6: Mr. Wenckebach. From Europe, India and Penang by KLM on Jan. 6 Mr. P. S. Dawson, Mr. C. van Konynenburg, Mr. Roggeveen. Mr. Hees. For Penang. India and Europe by KLM on Jan. 7: Mr. H. G. S. Bengtson (for
      73 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 475 13 BY P&O and B RITISHINDIA L I N ES I INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND) P. O. S. N. CO'S SAILINGS, OUTWARDS Due Due Tonnage S'pore. Tonnage S'pore. 1938 1938 ♦BHUTAN 6,100 Mar. 12 •SOMALI 6.800 Jan. 14 BEHAR 6,000 Mar. 21 CARTHAGE 15.000 Jan. 14 RAWALPINDI 17,000 Mar. 25 COMORIN 15,000
      475 words
    • 360 13 < Incorporated in Straits Settlements. uP^^M^R ELLERMAN BUCKMLL S.S. Co., Ltd, (Incorporated in Englandj FOR UNITED KINGDOM AND CONTINENT VIA PORTS AND SUEZ CANAL Steamer *>«»• Sato CITY OF SINGAPORE Havre. London. R'dam, H'burg, Glasgow Jan. 30 Feb. 2 CITY OF EASTBOURNE Havre, London, R'dam, H'burg, Glasgow Feb. 27 Mar.
      360 words
    • 793 13 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. SINGAPORE PENANG PHONE 5154 (7 Lines) REPRESENTING. SHIPPING THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE (Ocean Thr Hua Khiow Steamship Co. (l»3?> LH. Steam Ship Co, Ltd, and China Mjl I unard Whin- Star Ltd. Steam Navigation Co., Ltd.) Al^.deen C'ommonwralth Line. The Straits Steamship Co.. Ltd. SI. Savai Albion
      793 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 650 14 K. P. M. INCORPORATED IN HOLLAND) VAN DEN BOSCH -^Saturday, Jan. 8, Rhio (passengers and malls only), Bsweas pas^Dngeri, and mails only), Padang-Bay (passengers and mails only). Boeleleng (passengers and mails only) and Sourabaya. TOKA Saturday, Jan. 8, Moeara-Saba and Djambi. 11)***** -Saturday. Jan. 8. Pontianak. TOKOAM- Saturday. Jan. 8.
      650 words
    • 625 14 DOLLAR STEAMSHIP LINE übid AMERICAN^M AIL LINE TO EUROPE; FROM SINGAPORE AND PENANG VIA COLOMBO, BOMBAY, SUEZ, PORT SAID, ALEXANDRIA, NAPLES, GENOA, MARSEILLES AND NEW YORK. Arrives Leaves Leaves Arrives S'pore. S'pore. Penan*. New York. Pres. Van Buren Jan. 9 Jan. 11 Jan. 13 Feb. 22 Pres. Garfleld Feb. 3
      625 words
    • 574 14 O.S.K. LINE FOR AFRICA AND SOUTH AMERICA tSantos Man* Buenos Aires via Colombo, Durban, Jan. 7 8 Cape Town, Rio de Janeiro. Santos and Montevideo. tAraona Marn Buenos Aires via Colombo, Mombasa. Jan 910 Zanzibar, Dar-es-Salaam, Beira, Lourenco Marques. Durban, Port Elizabeth, and Cape Town. Victoria Mani Cape Town via
      574 words

  • 43 15 Marine Hostel Rules, which will be in operation at the Singapore Sailors' Institute, are published in the Government Gazette. Among others they "strictly prohibit" all swearing, indecent and improper language and conduct unbecoming the character of man and dishonouring God.
    43 words
  • Article, Illustration
    33 15 picture. rum PINT AHEAD: Johnston, cleverly P™ Un *> ve !?Jc^kt to i»o u.\M.V. outside* to follow up and score for Uie S.C.C. "W av m the came on the padan*, yesterday.- Free Pre«§
    Free Press  -  33 words
  • Article, Illustration
    25 15 picture. A struggle for possession during the hockey match at Hong Lim Green yesterday when the cninese beat tie Combined Schools 2 l. Free Press
    Free Press  -  25 words
  • 352 15 ST. JOSEPH'S INSTITUTION BEATEN 5-NIL rpHE badminton team of the Victoria Institution, Kuala X Lumpur, scored their third successive badminton victory yesterday when they beat St. Joseph's Institution by five sanies to nil in a match over three singles and two doubles at
    352 words
  • 26 15 London, Jan. 7. Sir- Louis Beale has been appointed Commissioner-General for the United Kingdom section of the New York WoiJ*s Fair in 1939^-British Wireless.
    26 words
  • 146 15 There are no matches in Divisions i and II of the English League, and the fixtures in Division 111 are few DIVISION 111 (SOUTH). Bristol C vs. Clapton. Gillingham vs. Queen's Park K. Keading vs. Northampton. DIVISION 111 (NORTH). Barrow vs. Halifax. Crewe vs. Carlisle. Gateshead vs. Rochdaic.
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  • 91 15 (From Our Own Correspondent) Penan g, Jan. 7. Following the final State trial in which Probables defeated Possibles by six goals to two. a team was selected to represent the Penang Asiatics against the Islington Corinthians, of London, in the tourists' first match on
    91 words
  • 35 15 The transfer of Lieutenant-Colonel G. D. A. Fletcher, Officer Commanding, 3rd Battalion, S.S.V.F. (Penang and Province Wellesley Volunteer Corps), to the S.S. Volunteer Force Reserve of Officers, with effect from Jan. 1, has been approved.
    35 words
  • 133 15 Boy May Ride U.S. Challenger YOtTNG BRUCE HOBBS-^-17 years old on Boxing: Day— jockey son of trainer Reginald Hobbs, of Lambourn. hopes to ride the United States challenge horse in the Grand National. The horse is Battleship— United States Grand National winner, owned by Mrs. Mariona Scott, wife of Randolph
    133 words
  • 414 15 FOND PLAYS TO THE CALLERY LOSES Happy World Boxing For Singapore Charity I ITTLE Bernal (7.11 outpointed L. S. Fond (7.12*4) at the Happy World Stadium last nigiit in an unimpressive 10-min. round contest which was the main event of a 40-round card organised by Mr. F. C. Johnson in
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  • 62 15 Commissions as Acting Sub-Lieute-nants, in the Straits Settlements Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve, hare been granted to Alexander Udny Lind and Norman George Burnby Bell. The Secretary of State for the Colonies has approved the promotion of Mr. D. W. McLeod, Senior Education Officer A, Malayan Educational Service, to be Senior
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  • 788 15 Scots Ranked As Dark Horses ]tfUO will throw down the gauntlet to England for the season's Rugby Union honours? The declnie of Wales from champions in 1935-6 to wooden spoonists last winter was comprehensive yet excusable writes the Sunday Chronicle rugger correspondent. It can be summed
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  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 1095 15 Church Services ST. ANDREWS CATHEDRAL Speaker: Mr. W. Roberts. Mon: 8.00 p.m. Choir Practice (in Malay) EPIPHANY I Tue: 8.00 p.m. (Malay Service) Gospel I am Holy Communion M _^f S> Um Chln A nd i m utatinc wee leow Poh. g.wam: SKEaT Eucharist. Wwl v gSjj Servtee) Prayer aad
      1,095 words

  • 403 16 Richardson Scores Three Fine Tries For Medicals rptißKt: brilliant tries by Richardson, the Army XV's clever X centre, were features of the otherwise tame Rugby game, in nhich the R.A.M.C. defeated an S.C.C. "B" XV by 11 points (one goal and two tries) to three (one try) at the S.C.C.
    403 words
  • 161 16 Three Goals To One In Changi Hockey The Royal Signal Corps tChangi> won a 3 nil victory at hockey over the 41st Coy.. RE. at Changi, yesterday Play throughout the first half wai fairly ev.n, on* 1 seal being scored for the Signal Corps by Farley.
    161 words
  • 32 16 In the open doubles flnal event o* Ine 8 C.R C own lawn tennis tournament John Lim and Huck Toe beat Chua Choon Leong and Chov; Tat 6 3.
    32 words
  • 295 16 Chinese Beat Combined Schools 2-1 ITNFAVOURABLE ground con- ditlons were partly responsible for the sc/appy standard of hockey served up on Hong Lim Green, yesterday, when the S.C.R.C. team beat a Combined Schools eleven by two goals to one. B. :h trams finished badly and displaved little combination. Ilu hoxe
    295 words
  • 160 16 The newly amended regulations cf the International Diving Committet will apply to the British Empire Games in Sydney in February, according to an announcement by Mr. J. S. W. Eve. hon. organising secretary. The new regulations provide for hai* points oy the judges on awards
    160 words
  • 123 16 Matches in the second all-Singapore Malays lawn tennis championships, to be played at the V.M.C.A. courts today are: Open Singles <Semi-Final>: H. Kamis vs. M. I. Reshty. Open Doubles (Semi-Final>: A. S. B. ;Pakir and M. Y. Namazie vs. A. Pakir i and S. A.
    123 words
  • 20 16 Tli* hockey match between the S.R.C. and the CSC. fixed for yesterday on the former's ground, was cancelled.
    20 words
  • Article, Illustration
    25 16 picture. A duel for the ball during yesterday's soccer match when the Victoria Inst. K.L.. beat the A.C.S. six-one at Farrer Park yesterday.- Free Press
    Free Press  -  25 words
  • 181 16 (from Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 7. HOME of the members of the Army rugby team who will o'sit the Federal Capital on Jan 15 for their "Malava" Cup final onainst Selangor wil live in the Residency. Shortage of accommodation in town
    181 words
  • 314 16 Victoria Institution Beat A. C. S. SixOne At Soccer rpHF Victoria Institution of Kuala Lumpur, seem to be too good for the local school soccer teams, and they notched another victory to their string of successes, when they beat the A.C.S. easily by six goals to one, at Farrer Park
    314 words
  • 307 16 Corinthians In Penang Today WITH the arrival of the Islington Corinthians, globe-trotting soccer side, at Penang today interest in the Malayan visit begins. By "Nimrod." Working down from Penang, the Corinthians are due to play three matches in Singapore, and training by both the civilians and the Services teams who
    307 words
  • Article, Illustration
    21 16 picture). Picture taken at the S.C.R.C. yesterday when the Chinese beat the Combned Schools by two goals to one.- Free Press
    Free Press  -  21 words
  • 427 16 G.H.R.I- SC.C. "B" I. A WEAK S.C.C. XI were bealfn by three clear goals by the General Hospital Recreation Club at hockey on the Padang yesterday. The Club had the better share of the exchanges but they failed to get past
    427 words
  • 60 16 SELECTIONS for today, the final day of the Penang Gold Cup meeting are as follows: Race 1: Bright Answer. Monte Video. Race 2: Popover. Ben Ghabrit. Race 3: Royal Worlington. Pipe of Peace. Race 4: Ciscara, Drummer Boy. Race 5: Old Cow, Young Ginger. Race 6: Vedas, Dordrecht. Race
    60 words
  • 156 16 Scratching And Order Of Running The lollowing are the scratching^ and the order of running for today, the fourth and concluding day of the Penang Turf Club's Gold Cup Meeting Race I.— Horses. Class 3 Div 2. 6 furs S ieve Anierin. Waetere. Vision. Swift Arrow. Race 2.—
    156 words
  • 134 16 Y.M.C.A. Beaten Nine-Nil In the hockey match played yesterday at the Post Office Club ground between the Y.M.C.A. and the Post Office Club, the latter won with a score of nine-nil. The first goal of the match was scored by Chowdury. the centreforward of the
    134 words
  • 148 16 The following have been selected to play hockey for the "Y" vs. S.R.C. on Monday, a: 5.10 p.m. on the S.R.C. i ground: V. N. Pillay. Thong Sing Ching. P. C. Sands. Dr. V. Xavier, Lee Fong Ljm. I. Suratta, Stracy, Kam Gim Lock. E. A. Joy.
    148 words
  • 88 16 Eleventh Championship (From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok, Jan. The eleventh championship meeting of the Lawn Tennis Association ol Siam will star: on the courts of the Bar Association. Bangkok, on Mondav Jan. 24. The entries close on Wednesday. Jan. 19. There are altogether seven events:—
    88 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 121 16 I Must Tell Master To Get This! If you own a dog you should also owe Sherlev's 164 Page Dog Book. Not only is this a complete and invaluable health reference but nothing so helpful towards understanding the 'doggy nature' has ever been written. Right from A to Z the
      121 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 99 16 SELANGOR GOLF CLUB (From Our own Correspondent > Kuala Lumpur. Jan. The starting V.vnt b^l'.ot for four-ball matchrs at the Selyngor Gclf Club on Sundav will be: FKOM Ist. TEE am 8 35 RtehantsGii, Marsden, Millen. Davte.s 8.40 Sb rhan. Ah"arre. Newbcult 8.45 Bid i .11 flavin. Yew Hoi 8.55
      99 words