The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 21 December 1937

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 17 1 The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS. NO. 15.347 ESTD. 1835 TUESDAY. DECEMBER 21, 1937 10 CENTS
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  • 133 1 Peace Impossible— Dr. H. H. Kung China Will Surrender Gen. Matsui Hankow, Dec. 20 I i H H KUNG, China's Finance Minister. m an interview With correspondent today, add the gravity of China's pliyh t He emphasised her depleted reps and man power He said, however, that although fecri part
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  • 124 1 SAFETY ZONE PLAN FOR HANKOW Powers 9 Proposal To Guard Foreign Property rIS understood, says Kcutrr that separate representations have been made to the Japanese m *ki<i by Britain and other Powers urging the advisability of establishing safety xone m Hankow. Tne other powers concerned Bit -d to be the
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  • 52 1 Hankow, Dec. nesf etretofl m Hankow are enbv the n^ws that Mohamme--roos. under 28-year-o'd General Chung Yin?, who led the insur.igainat the Xunking GovernI couple of years ago, have if Lanehow. capital of Kansu. their way from Sinkiang m order to join the war
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 133 1 Bombs Fall In Centre Of Barcelona Many Civilian Victims Barcelona. Dec. 20. SCENES of horror were witnessed when airiraft bombed Barcelona today. Eight people were kilWd and 30 injured. There were three raids within six hours Hospitals were hit Bombs fell m the centre of the city, a shor: distance
    Reuter  -  133 words
  • 583 1 M.P. WANTS A STATEMENT FROM PREMIER "Present Position Which Is Feared" In Colony Mr. Anthony Eden's Sharp Retort In Commons H^KSTIONS about Hong Ko.ijj and the contemplated Japanese invasion of South China were asked m the House of Commons last night. Mr. A. V.
    Reuter  -  583 words
  • 59 1 lyfK ARTHUR HENDERSON ask- ed Mr. Eden to give an assurance that the Government would not under any circumstances recognise the provisional government installed at Peking by the Japanese authorities. Mr. Eden: The British Government recognise the Central Government as the Government of all China. There
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  • 100 1 Troops Only Twenty Miles Away Shanghai, Dec. 20. JAPANESE operations gained new momentum today when four columns of troops began to move against Hangchow, the beautiful lakeside city. Gunfire is already audible there. The nearest troops are only about 20 miles away from the city. About 30
    Reuter  -  100 words
  • 25 1 Canton, Dec. 20; Headquarters of Canton have officially denied that the Japanese hjvft landed 10,000 troops at Bias Bay.— Union Times
    Union Times  -  25 words
  • 105 1 Conflicting Accounts Of Yangtse Incident Shanghai. Dec. 20. nPfIE Japanese inquiry into the sinking of the Panay was completed today and the findings announced by Major-General Harada. They indicate a wide variance between the accounts given by naval and
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  • 184 1 ANXIETY INCREASES IN U.S. ENGLAND "Deliberate And Ruthless Attack On Panay" London, Dec. 20. Public recognition of the seriousness of the crisis between Japan and England and America grows rather than diminishes with the 1 arrival of first hand accounts from different sources of the Yangtse shootings. The Times' Washington
    Reuter  -  184 words
  • 74 1 Washington, Deo. 2s. TWE United States Navy Department has asked Congress to increase by $55 million the annual appropriation for the navy so that two new S6O million battleships can be laid down, m addition to the two already authorised. It is also proposed that work
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 151 1 BIGIA TEA Brings the freshness tin) fragrance of the Malayan gardens direct to your home. Tonight Cocktail Dance 6.30 to 8.30 p. m. Dinner and Dance (informal) 9.30 to midnight NO ADMISSION CHARGE HAVE YOU MADE YOUR XMAS tfc NEW YEAR'S EVE RESERVATIONS YET? FESTIVITIES PROGRAMME XMAS EVE— Friday. P*c
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    • 193 1 There is no better Tea than BIGIA TEA GROWN IN MALAYA. ADELPHI HOTEL TONIGHT SPECIAL DINNER CONCERT RELLER'S CELEBRATED HUNGARIAN BAND XMAS EVE SPECIAL XMAS DINNER BALL o Hats, Balloons, Streamers Etc. December Dinner S4.— Non -diners admitted 8 P.M.— l2 Midnight free of charge Music by D'Souza Brothers XMAS
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  • 413 3 Engine Trouble Keeps Commander At Penang ONE BOAT MAY BE OUT FOR TRIP DECAUSE the starboard engine of his flying boat v would not start, Wing Commander K. D. Lloyd, Officer Commanding the flight of the Royal Air Force squadron from England
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  • 149 3 ■"THE first budget m the history of the Municipality of Bangkok has been officially announced. The estimates, which cover a year ending on Mar. 31. 1938. were signed at the beginning of this month by the Lord Mayor, Chao Phya Rama Raghob. The total expenditure
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  • 147 3 London 's First AntiAirraid Police Station A T Bishopsgate the first police station to be guilt m London with anti-air raid features has been opened. When complete, the station, costing €150.000, mil be the most up-to-date m the country Seven stories high, it toill be so constructed that, should a
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  • 83 3 Lady Massererne and Ferrard, famous hostess, who had counted the King of Greece among her guests died at, her Argyllshire home. Knock House, Mull, last week She married the tweltth viscount m 1905. About seven years later, when the family seat. Antrim Castle < Ireland
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  • 73 3 Dr M G Brodie has been appointed to be Lady Medical Officer. General Hospital. Alor Star The Malayan Collieries. Ltd Batu Arang. are losing a very popular member of their stall on the departure 1 for home on retirement ol Mr. J. A. Porteous. their senior mechanical j engineer. M.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 20 3 AN X'MAS GIFT U. S. dc SILVA Makes LIF E-LONG FRIENDS U 5. dc SILVA Jeweller »06 ORCHARD ROAD SDF
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    • 69 3 LATEST-MATERIALS iS JUST RECEIVED \k. for AFTERNOON m EVENING FROCKS /jMn^ Prices Greatly Reduced at Ktajmahals Hop- GRAND X'MAS SALE or E S s T s N m C a T k' e V rs PHONE 3849. 23. HIGH ST. tJuz Xnuu—. MAGNUM SO 1 tmm m STAKDARO PLAIN X^jJ^aJl
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  • 279 5 LIEUTENANT-COLONEL BEFORE CRIMINAL COURT ON CAUSING DEATH CHARGE CROWN ALLEGES NEGLIGENT DRIVING Two Midshipmen Give Lviaence j IMT <01. A. W. (1. WILDEY. of the 3rd. V»»h- Aircraft Brigade. Changi. was yesterday, M the Criminal District Court, charged with W rawmg the death of a ricksha puller by negligent *f
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  • 94 5 B. B.C. May Be Sued For Plagiarism "THE British Broadcasting mm mission may be involved m one of the most sensational literary lawsuits of the century. Allegations of copyright m frittgtment have been made concerning a work tthlch first appeared as a novel m 1933. Tt is said to have
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  • 147 5 Chinese Woman's Death A Chinese. Funi Jin Ngen. was charged, before Mi. Forrer, m the Criminal District Court yesterday, with having caused the death of a Chinese woman. Ching Soh Lui. and hurt two others. Chia Yu Moev and < hers; Moey. by driving a car m a
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  • 114 5 Ihe police nre doing their best to stop the jaga kreta nuisance but they get very little assistance from motorists' .said Court Inspector Frew m the Fourtli Polity Court yesterday, when C H A Oliver a European, appeared before Mr. Barrett m answer to a summons
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  • 81 5 Sydney Man Has Private Power Cable Thr first Sydney resident t lay down a MfcflMffcM cable for hk> own use. Mr H w Headerson. has his week-end cot- *ge at Scotland Island Pittwater. north <>t Sydney, lit witli one hall a mile long extending irom tlie ;nahiland It w^ made
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  • 236 5 Change In Country A Miracle rr-HE greatest miracle of the 20th century was the rapid change m China since ;ae overthrow of the Manchu.s. said Professor V. Hendershot, American pastor of the Seventh Day Adventist Mission, at graduation day at the Chung Ling High
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  • 191 5 Did Not Get To Court BUT SUCCEEDED NEXT TIME John G. Burns, who failed to appear m court on Saturday on a charge of having driven his car along St. Andrews tiuad on Aug. 24 m a negligent manner and for whose arrest a warrant was subsequently issued, appeared before
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  • 101 5 Street decorations for Australia's 150 th Anniversary Celebrations In Sydne\ are being planned on the biggest scale ever attempted m that city. Green and gold, the colours used by the Australian cricket eleven and other bodies, have been adopted as the dominating colour throughout the
    Austral News  -  101 words
  • 88 5 Mr T. G. D. A. Cooper of the Customs and Excise Department. Ipoh, has gone to Lumut and is engaged m taking over the duties of Mr. D. J. Allen, Assistant Superintendent of Customs and Excise. Lumut, Mr. Cooper is a well known cricketer and he will strengthen the Perak
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  • 80 5 Its I- iulse charge." said a young Ceylonese. H. E Forsythe. when nine charges, consisting of cheating, attempted extortion and extortion, were read out to him when he was charged m the Third Singapore Police Court, before Mr. Reeves, yesterday. Al Forsythe claimed trial the case
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  • 51 5 Mr. Charles Murray MurrayAynsley, Chief Justice, Grenada, has been appointed a Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court of the Straits Settlements. \NM RITJIFKIOitU. M(. M player wears the world's larcr*i hat. Sh? bought it m Iki .f uana. Mexico, and uses it for beach
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 52 5 PITMAN'S COLUGE ESTABLISHED IN ENGLAND 65 YEARS UNITEERS BLG. RIVER VALLEY RD.^r^ Cla**» now bein« enrolled for JLMOB and SENIOB C.IMHRIDGE EXAMINATIONS 193S The *e*r > t«u«e be«im Janaanr 3rd under EtEOPtL%N TUITION AND StPERVI 81O.V Course im lades Shorthand and Book-keeping without extra fee. Write, telephone or call for
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    • 22 5 io vi:ak b*Ld j/^-i <^//-- K. OUtHfiiE i. CO, Us jn Pflk,.^^'- 1 v.-2] >• J> APii T Weak "insecticides won't protect your family
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  • 54 6 Ninety students of the Cheng Fonb Girls' School yesterday had a cooking competition. The last stir (above). Anxious eyes (left) natch the chicken curry. One of the judge's (belon) meditates. Sergeant Robert Rodqers and his bride. Miss Elsie Griffiths shudder under confetti at Johore. The Sultan gave
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 44 6 CS 68A CHRISTMAS CAKES fit for any table. be sure its a royal Bakery cake MADE AND DECORATED iS n I- 1 BAKER Skoppiig koun t'u kmtiJMpt ,n> >/ /7/v< t on p. 2. PKCNE: CC7S (4 Lines) 4citfs. o/ Singapore Cold Storage Co., UC
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  • 132 7 Singapore Woman's Comment At School Dinner •pDUCAIION .3 nul [Of thy purpose jobs: it is not for the mirpDs? at making mnwf. In itseli education is valuable declared Mrs r" i ipc i annual hrldai cUmw d.. An^loneat Seh ol at the
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  • 70 7 Ear Cut Off: Men Charged i From (Mir Own orropuiulcnt Ipoh. Dec. Ml P<>K REI I'SIN<; to tontributf to- wards a fund, five Chinese are alleged to hu\e waylaid a compatriot la>t night at l.urmit and. having siven him a severe heating. cut nil one ear The Perak detective hranch.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 140 7 i jdffij^k HERES THE GRAIIDEST FESTIVE EV£NT 0F THE WEEK! f*% oKU^^^^m Adorable SINGING STAR of THREE if^% W-^ I^j^^^^ M/Ws'/ GIRLS' Radiating Happiness ami Joy m 4'*^^ I>M5 t'WVERSAL'S Sensational Musical Sneers,- J WITH LEOPOLD STOKOWSKI and HIS WORLD-FAMCUS SYMPHONY ORCHESTKA f^ JflL v ADOLPHE MENJOU, MISCHA AUER, ALICE
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  • 625 8 The Singapore Free Press TUESDAY. DECEMBER 21, 1937. Britain, France, U.S.A. Japan IT is now clear that no drastic steps will be taken by Britain or the United States m regard to the incidents m the Yangtse River, m which an American gunboat was sunk and a British gunboat damaged.
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  • 1436 8  - Is Soviet Election Ano ther Turn Towards Democracy? William C. McCloy The New "Retreat From Moscow' By THE nation-wide election m Soviet Russia is yet another step m the new "retreat from Moscow"- -toward Democracy. This is the first national election under the new constitution, adopted oy the Eighth Congress
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  • 477 8 - THE plot to establish a dictatorship m Siam, which has been nipped m the bud. bears some similarity to the "Hooded Men" conspiracy m France, according to an American friend who has just travelled down from Bangkok. All we have learnt so far is that a
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 255 8 Pi NESCHAMPAG fc 1 VEUVE CLICQUOT Dry Demi Sec. fl^-^jL BOLLINGER Vintage Spe cial Cuvee GEORGE GOULET Vintage. Extra Dry JP^MAm DELBECK CIE Carte Vertc Sec. JKI'iHBb rodert ce uche Df I BY SPECIAL TO H M THE APPOINTMENT KING 0F S A M CSTD. 3e&£+ 1872. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS IN
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  • 31 9 on air-conditioning will ov Mr Synman. of the United rs. Ltd at tomorrow's tiffin meeting <>: the Rotary Club of Singapore on the roof garden of the Adelphl I
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  • 27 9 •From Our Own Correspondent* MTcmhan. Dec. 20. Three thousand dollars was collected c ladies section of the China H mmlttee, who held a show
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  • 1394 9 GENERAL LUDENDORFF DEAD: GERMANY'S "GREATEST WARRIOR" PAGAN CHIEF TWELVE-YEAR FEUD WITH HITLER NAZIS War Career An Inquiry Into Political Conduct TENERAL LUDENDORFF, "Germany's greatest warrior" and a leader of the new pagar cult, died at Munich yesterday. He was 72. After an outstanding military career during the great war, Ludendorff
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  • 300 9 Sultan Of Johore Gives Reception For Instructor WEDDING OF SERGEANT RODGERS—MISS GRIFFITHS FHK Sultan of Johore gave a reception yesterday afternoon to Sergeant and Mrs. Robert Rodgers, following their wedding at St. Christopher's Church, Johore Bahm. For two years, Sergeant Rodgers has been an instructor with the
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  • 132 9 SHOT FLYING FOX AND WAS FINED A BOY, Low Fatt Lim, appeared before Mr. Forrer, m the Criminal i District Court yesterday, charged with having been m possession of a gun without a licence. He pleaded guilty and was fined $25. m default three weeks' imprisonment. Two Chinese reported to
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  • 25 9 Mr J M. Nob'e, Senior Executive Engimer, Muar, is leaving next month on transfer as State Engineer, Pahang, 4n place oi Mr. J. B. MacLg.eM*n
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  • 189 9 Prolonging Hostilities -Ca v tio us Watch On The Powers Tokio, Her '.'0 IT is understood that important meetings Of the Japanese Cabinet held iast Friday and Saturday tentatively decided on fundamental policies for action m China. Thes? decisions are reported to include the prolongation
    Reuter  -  189 words
  • 233 9 Ninety Girls Cooked Judges Ate Everything IUINETY students of the Cheng Fonp j i Girls' School yesterday had a cook, ing competition. The judges, including the Chinese Consul, Mr. Li Yen, ate even/thing, including the fish, chicken curry, prawns, eggs and salads. Purely professionally, of course. The winning menu, cooked
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  • 117 9 One of the mast interesting vessels ito arrive m Singapore yet will be a training ship of the Japant.*? Fisheries i Institution, the Hakuyomaru, which is < due at six o'clock this morning With a band of students learning everything there is to be known of
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  • 81 9 Dr. W. A. Rogers has returned to Malaya after a year's holiday m Ceylon. He is proceeding to Kelantan on mining business. Mr. C. T. Smith, the popular captain of the Perak Rugby Football Club, is shortly going on transfer to Penang. Mr. Burchett, Rubber Restriction [Officer of Batang Padang.
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  • 222 9 Lightning Which Struck Tree Near Cenotaph 'THE evidence of a Tamil mandore who was tapertMaf the layta cab!.? near the Cenotaph m Conntufht Drive on the afternoon of Div 16 when liehtning struck a palm tret under which several coolies were tatdßf shflter faon
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  • 109 9 "You should have reported the matter to the authorities instead cf taking the law into your own hand.?." said Ungku Ismail bin Abdul Rahman. 1 thp Segamat Magistrate last week, to a Tamil youth who admitted hou*e hreaking and theft, on Muar I Estate. Batu
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 85 9 CHRISTMAS GIFTS THAT NEVER FAIL! LADIES SILK HOSE* PHOENIX Silk Hose. Latest styles and colours. 'All sites Prices $1.85 to $3.25 pair. ARISTOC All British Newest Shades. All sizes Prices $1.85 to $3.50 pair. MORLEY'S Famous Hose. AH fashionable shades. All sizes. Prices $1.15 to $4 75 pair. J^ 'FROM
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  • 1105 11 Employ me n t Figures Disappointing INVESTORS STILL SHY OF RUBBER Company Reports Show Good Profits /From Our Own Correspondent) London, Dec 10 p\KK^ week seems to produce some new, and little exted, shock for the City of London, and the longanticipated Stock
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  • 76 11 London. Dec. 19. A herd of Arabian camels presented i to the London Zoo by Ibn Saud, King of Saudi Arabia, are at present In quarantine. All the four camels are from Mecca j but they represent four distinct j strains of which perhaps
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  • 20 11 Mr. N Fish, manager of Bukit Ijok i estate. Jeram, has returned from leave j and resumed duties. i M
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  • 687 11 Welcomed In Amsterdam MALAYA IS STILL UNSATISFIED THE Immediate reactions to the reduction from 110 per cent, to 70 per cent, of standrard tonnages In the international tin quota were diverse and not altogether conclusive, states the Financial Times. While the decision was welcomed
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  • 236 11 RUBBER MARKET IRREGULAR "We have had a steady but a somewhat irregular market since our last report and since the decision of the Control Committee," states Messrs Lewis and Peat (London). Ltd, m their latest rubber market report. "Prices after minor fluctuations are practically the same as we quoted last
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 279 11 HONGKONG SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION (Incorporated In the Colony of Hong Kong) The liability of members Is limlt«4 to the extent and In manner prescribed by Ordinance No. 6 of 1929 of the Colony. Authorised Capital 150,000.000 Issued and Fully Paid-up.. $20,000,000 Reserve Fund: Sterling £6,500,000 Hong Kong Currency $10,000,000 Reserve
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    • 506 11 CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND COIN* (Incorporated m England by Royal Charter) Paid up capital m 600.000 shares oJ £5 each £3.000,0Ui Reserve Fund £3.000.000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £3.000.000 HEAD OFFICE: 38, Bishopsgate, London, E.C. t. Agencies *.nd Branches. AJor Star Hollo Rangoon Amritsar Ipoh Saigon i Bangkok
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 404 11 RADIO PROGRAMMES FOR TODAY SINGAPORE ZHL 1.33 me s (225 m.) p.m. 6.00 Indian music. t 6.20 Chinese music. Selections from Peipin° dramas. 6.45 Children's programme. (English*. 7.00 Musical comedy selections. t Vocal selection "Waltzes from Vienna." Franz Hoffman's Viennese Opera Co. Selection "Going Greek.' Debroy Somers Band and vocal
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    • 90 11 Transmission 3 GSH 21.47 me s (13 9i m.); GSG 17.79 me s (16.86 mi; GSF 15.14 me s (19.82 m.); GSJ 21.53 me s (13.93 m.); GSD 11.75 me/i (25.53 m.) m. 9.35 Big Ben. "London Streets this Christ-mas-time." Talk by John C. Maude. 9.40 The Morris Motors Band;
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 498 13 4 SSSSS g >fc^£f BY PaOand BRITISH INDIA LINES INCORPORATED LN ENGLAND) P. O. S. N. COS SAILINGS, OUTWARDS Due Dae Tonnaee S'poT*. Tonnafe Spore. 1937 1938 NALDERA 16.000 Feb. 25 8.070 Dec 20 RANPURA 17 000 Mar. 11 AL H.OOO Dec 31 c BHUTAN 6 100 Maf n 1938.
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    • 356 13 l lncorporated m Straits Settlements.) s V^^WL ELLERMAN BUCKNALL S.S. Co., Ltd. (Incorporated In England.) FOR UNITED KINGDOM AND CONTINENT VIA PORTS AND SUEZ CANAL Steamer Do© Sails CITY OF CHRISTCHTJRCH Havre. London, Rdam. H'burg. Glasgow Dec. 28 Jan. CITY OF SINGAPORE Havre. London. Rdam. H'burg. Glasgow Jan. 30 Feb.
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    • 955 13 Slui PING THE BLUE FUNNEL LINK (Ocean Abrrdern and Commonwealth line. Steam Ship Co., Ltd., and China M.taal 1 iic Ilua Khiow Steamship Co.. (1932) Ltd. Steam Navigation Co., Ltd.) C'u ard White Star Ltd. The Straits Steamship Co., Ltd. Sha v Savill And Albion Co., Ltd. The China Navigation
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  • Article, Illustration
    83 15 DM TEH TOON FONG. of the Genera! Hospital Trengganu, and Choon Hiong, of Cebu, uho ue>v married at the Chinese ate-General. Singapore, ov Saturday. Free Press picture. HfR LEF HONG SAN. of Sime Darby Co.. Lid Singapore, icho i«u Komg Shui Tshin, of Saraicak. at the Straits Chinese Methodist Church
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  • 1254 15 Contests Are Few And Far Between cept the offer of £2.000 for a bout at the new Earl's Court. It never occurred to me that more than passing j consideration would be given to the proposal; but those who wonder why challenges cannot creep into these
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  • 165 15 The second bi-monthly mixed foursomes competition for December was played at Bukit Timah on Sunday afternoon and resulted m a win for Mrs. I. W. Whitehorn and Capt. R E de 8. Pirrie with a net score of 35 l 2 Thirty-seven cards were taken out
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  • 69 15 The S.C.R.C. will hold the tennis tournament dinner and dance on Wed- nesday. Dec. 22. The tournament dinner will be held at the Club house i at 8 p.m. to be followed by the tourn- ment dance at the New World Cabaret which cabaret has been put at
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  • 26 15 The hockey match between the S.C.R.C., and the R.A.F., Headquarters. to have been played on the former's ground, yesterday, was cancelled owing to rain.
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  • 19 15 In a second round Cup replay New I Brighton beat Crewe four goals to one. Reuter
    Reuter  -  19 words
  • 83 15 CLERICAL UNION BADMINTON Besnlti ol the Clerical Union btciriiinton ten! played last Chun* Chi of H p Neubranner 15-^B. If T L*)w P.)h H ii:)tn Tan 15—7 IS 13 TU t I p.m. are. Yap Chin I Tan. Koh Keni BUni ri Chan Chin Bok The Qnali A ahd 'B
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  • 529 15 Three Titles Change Hands In Perak Badminton Tournament (From Our Own Correspondent) I poh. Deo. 20. NO FEWER than three titles changed hands at the annual Perak badminton championships which were concluded at the Ipoh Town Hall yesterday before a large ciowil The biggest surpri^? of the tournament was the
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 67 15 i M a w .dm m -this J£fot 1933 FORD SALOON 24 K. P. $775 1932 MORRIS MAJOR SALOON 15 H. P. $650 1932 VAUXHALL SALOON 17 H. P. $525 1931 HUMBER SALOON 23 H. P. $500 1931 HILLMAN WIZARD SALOON 20 H. P. $400 1929 WOLSELEY SALOON 16 11.
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