The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 22 November 1937

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 17 1 The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS. NO. 15J8 KSTD. 1835 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 22. 1937. 10 CENTS.
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  • 355 1 Chinese Propaganda Complaints HARADA SPEAKS Invaders Plan Gala Dinner At Nanking ANEW threat lo the security of the International Settlement and the French Concession -huiuhai is made by the Japanese, whose spokesman announced yesterday that if steps taken wfthn Umm areas to curb anti-Japanese activities 'he (hi
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  • 92 1 Heavy Fighting Continues Shanghai. Nov. 21. Chinese reports confirming the fall or KftfMni stat« heavy fighting is taking place along the Soochow-Kashlng FUilwftv where Chinese reinforcements are engaging their Japanese attackers. Fushan and Lungshan. on the banks of the Yangtse were heavily shelled preparatory to a Japanese attempt to oreak
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  • 44 1 picture) CLOI T DS PILED ON CLOUDS made a glorious background for the Imperial Airways flying-boat Cordelia, when she moored near the airport pier yesterday. She is the first of the new Empire airboats to visit Singapore. Free Press
    Free Press  -  44 words
  • 322 1 AVIATION IN PUBLIC EYE WHILE the arrival m Singapore yesterday of the Imperial Airways flying boat Cordelia marked the passing of a further milestone m Malayan communications and British commercial air services, aviation made the news m mnny other parts of the world. Description
    Reuter  -  322 words
  • 180 1 'From Our Own Correspondent) London, Nov. 13. BANNED Olympic Games swimmer Mrs. Eleanor Holm Jarrett is m th^ news again, says the Daily Mail. Said Eleanor today: "I would like to marry Billy Rose, the showman." Said Billy R-se: 'I hope my wife. Fanny
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  • 143 1 (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Nov. 21. MISS VALERIE BROOKE, A 21 years old daughter of the White Rajah of Sarawak, failed to arrive at the Marylebone registry office yesterday afternoon to marry Robert I Gregory, all-in wrestler. "After a sleepless night I feel I
    Press Special Cable  -  143 words
  • 41 1 London. Nov. 21. A murai tablet commemorating the centenary of the birth of Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone, will be unveiled on Wednesday at the house m which he was barn m Edinburgh British Wireless
    British Wireless  -  41 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 48 1 SDFSDFDSFDSF TONIGHT Cocktail Dance 630 to 830 p.m tanner Dance (informal) 9.30 to midnight I \HARET ATTRACTION MIMI de BONNE «d JOSE REQUESEN "Mtl> MEXICAN DANCERS presenting a repertoire of vivacious dance routines Non-diners $1.0« »^II\ITIES EARLY. Apply at tbc reception desk for reservation 1 -rd and particulars.
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  • 603 3 Ti HAVE H EARD ABOUT VITAMINS To Be Taller And I leavier TS REVEALED BY COLLEGE OF MEDICINE ildren m Singapore island are learning! 1 1 vftamins and are demanding better eggs, from their eiders, states the re-' rnti>ti v department of the King
    603 words
  • 115 3 117HILE is being coinpulsorily imposed m a section of the Madras Presidency, m the province of Bihar an effort is being made to bring about prohibition by persuasion. In Bihar the prohibition campaign will be begun m v few villages, vthifh have a drinking population of
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  • 21 3 Today at 10 a.m.. Mr A F Caldwell will speak on "Chemistry m the Kit-i-heii" at the Fortnightly Club,
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  • 543 3 JUNIOR CIVIL SERVANTS' PAY feß Broken Faith' A PETITION TO WHITEHALL? A JOINT petition to the Secretary of State for the Colonies, requesting a new inquiry into the salary conditions ol non-European Government servants m Malaya, is proposed by the committee of the Junior Civil Service Association of Singapore. The
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  • 214 3 The amount of the export allotted to Siam under the International Rubber Restriction Scheme lor the fourth quota period -that is the ye:tr 1438 amounts to not more than ***** tons ofl dry rribber. That is In accordance With a notification m the Siam Oftaette by the
    214 words
  • Article, Illustration
    67 3 THE WORST KOMBINTi KAli> of the Spanish civil war took piac* recently when a ll?et of Fran -o's bombing planes bombarded Lerina, atalonia. Over 200 p*:plt> were killed, including GO children who were m school at the tim\ and w«i<e buried beneath the ruins of the bonib.-d building. A mother
    67 words
  • 167 3 Prompt Action In Siam Against Drought A N HUflal >tuteinent hns been Ls.sued m Siam showing that the drought experienced recently at Nondaburi had caused much anxiety t,, the tanners of the area who were faced with a loss of thousands of rai of the padi
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  • 74 3 The Band Of the Straits Settlement! I Police will play the following programme, under the direction ol Mr .1 C. Hitch. L.R.A.M.. A.R.C.M., R.MS.M., at Telok Ayer at 6 pm tomorrow: March. "Lorraine," Louise Ganne Overture. "French" Comedy." Keler ißela: Selection. •'Ktudcnt Prince", S. ■Romberg: Solo for
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  • 106 3 Protest Against Bombay Decision THE Bombay Provincial Government have be+ure them a Bill to make education In Hindi compuLsory. and this has raised widespread feeling among the Indians resident m Singapore Local Indiana are against the Blil on the ground that if education m any language
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  • 60 3 It is announced m London that the meeting of the International Missionary Council which was to have been held at Hungchow m the autumn of 1938 will now tak? place at Tamb.uam. near Madras, from Dec. 10 to 30, 1938. as conditions m China have J Tnade it
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  • 293 3 Rehearsal Stopped By Men NfINE men of Urumpiray are accused belure Ml V S Jayawickrema. the .'affna Police Magistrate. Ceylon, ot having trespassed and caused Mtiftlfff by .stopping the rehearsal oi a school play m which girls wtiv acting. The Police Vidhan of Urumpirav accuses S.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 151 3 W eV* Sft.4 Phoue 4582. '.HIMURA CO. MHII MAKERS, Bras Basah Road, SINGAPORE How to Cure PILES c Application Stops Pain ami »*uiftg. Pi let Heal Completely. IMI 1/r V»u Vleck •Urtluig <iiMOV«7 Ai^.rpuve PiU» Pliom*, the »ur I aouie «a« th« only OUT* for bftd but iky aui.t^ui^ heaiio^j
      151 words
    • 151 3 PITMAN S COLLEGE ESTABLISHED IN ENGLAND 65 YEARS UNITEERS BIG. RIVER VALLEY RD^ira kMBM now l.niit; enroll^ for IIMOK and SENIOR (AMKKIUGF KXAMIN'ATIONk 1938. The year's Coarse begins Jan 3rd. under El ROPEAN TLITION AMI SI'PEEVISION. oursf imludt-s Shorthand and Book-k*rpitif without fxtra frc. Write, telephone or call for particular*
      151 words

  • 375 5 EMPIRE FLYING BOAT ARRIVES AT SINGAPORE Soaring out of the northern sky. Hu- Imperial Airways flying-boat onltliu ):u»ded off Tanjong Rhu shortly after midday yesterday and taxied to moorings .ju?.t on tin- pi» r at the Singapore Airport. Several thousands at the airport witnessed her arrival. On this page Free
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 52 5 1 makes better Breakfasts because it is the freshest B:k on oi the l>« r quality and flavour, purchased from reliable sources of supply. Use Bacon as a garnish. It adds exciting flavours and makes dull dishes deliciouslv appetising. PHONE 537G SmZVs 4 LINES Adt>t. 0/ t/ie Singapore Cold Storage
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  • 297 6 MALACCA AMBULANCE UNIT ALMOST READY Leaves Soon For China 100 IN FIRST BATCH (From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, Nov. 21. A REPORT of a hitch m forming the Seng Cheong Ambulance Unit and doubts as to whether plans were proceeding according to schedule owing to need of funds are discounted
    Free Press  -  297 words
  • 139 6 PAUL CAVANAGH, famou English actor and ft m star, returned, after an absence of 2 even years, to find a degennaii homeland. He has written a book. "Cae.sar's Wounds," wl.i-'h i.s bis pretest against this mcd m England. In it, he strikes blow
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  • 182 6 Alleged Illegal Sale Of Crown Lands A HIGH official m Siam has been asked to resign, reports the Bangkok Times, following investigations by the Council cf Ministers into the sale of Crown properties. According to the Sri Krung the Counci: of Ministers considered a report submitted
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  • 180 6 FOR MOURNERS OF MINISTER'S WIFE Book Confiscated By Police FROM Siam comes the story of an attempt to distribute 3,000 copies of a Communist propaganda leaflet, under the guise of a tribute to the deceased, to mourners attending the ciemation of a Minister's wife. The
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  • 495 6 Sir F. Whyte's View GROWTH OF NATIONAL UNITY SIR FREDERICK WHYTE, Political Adviser to the National Government of China, 19'!9-S2, discussing the situation m the Far East at a meeting of the Second Wednesday Luncheon Club, said the present conflict m China was the scene m a
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  • 190 6 New Facilities For Volunteers (From Our own Correspondent) Segamat, Nov. 20. NEW buildings m the district appear to be on the increase. A large second-class ward is to be erected m the District Hospital soon. The Segamat Branch of the Johore Volunteer Forces, which was formed
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  • 104 6 From Our Own Correspondent) Alor Star, Nov. 20. On the fifteenth day of the Bulan Puasa, the Zahara Masque was floodlit, and more than 5.000 people asj sembled at the mosque to hear the I Koran reading and offer prayers. The I gathering included His Highness
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  • 74 6 Visit To Singora To Meet Consort H.H. Prince Aditya Dibabha spent several days last week at Singora when he left Bangkok to meet, and accompany back. Mom Kob Kaeo, his consort, returning from a visit to the Paris Exposition. Princ? Aditya and his consort were entertained to dinner
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  • 142 6 MILLION SQUASH BALLS USED A YEAR One million squash rackets balls are 1 used each year by the 300,000 squash players m Britain. This figure has been reached from i the output of the various ball manu- facturers for every ball used by the public, rive are made. The other
    142 words
  • 272 6 Housebreaking Cases In Segamat (Fran Our own Correspondent) Segamat. Nov. 20. A REMARKABLE burglary occurred at Segamat when a high Malay official's house was broken into at night and about $400 m cash stolen from his safe. The police are making inquiries. A similar theft occurred m
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  • 319 6 Non- Sinhalese SOI.H lIOHu :x| SI Ml MIM A LTHOUGH tttt all sides that v,. ihe home of \i. 3uddhists, it must t>, mind that there i Buddhists and uonwell. This is a lac Anandians must ap; Mr. E. A. L. IWJCfgWm citor-General, at th«
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  • Page 6 Advertisements

  • 671 8 The Singapore Free Press MONDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1937. Airways Progress WHEN the Imperial Airways fly- ing boat Cordelia reached Singapore yesterday it marked the beginning of a new stage m the development of Imperial air communications m this part of the world. These giant seaplanes are going to mean a
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  • 1898 8  - Chinese Japanese Spokesmen Explain T. K. Chang Ken Nakazawa How The War Began Chinas Version By Japans Version By NO NATION throughout the world's history has so consistently sanctified universal peace as has China. For ages, we cherished the ideal that he who relies upon his own strength shall not
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 116 8 X Britain's^^^^r W best f I brew J CALDBECK'S cqqo '--JLa Telegraphic Address: PHONE fl GOODWOOD crarhinglt sittjated ideal for \isitors fomusra ijnnvalled Facilitiet for Private Entertainm-nts. la vl^coruted Cases of 3. 6. and 12 Bottlos The Whisky that definitely solves the problem of what to give and drink "ticked
      116 words
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    • 191 10 I From London 1 p. m. Nov. 20 KIBBER: Dull London: 611 16d. 613 16d. Previously: 6 7 B d. 7d. Jan. -Mar 613 16d. 6 7 B d. Previously: 7d. 7»/ 8 d Anr. -June: 6 7 B d. 7d. Previously: 7 1 B d. 7
      191 words
    • 67 10 From London: Latest Quotations j Tin: Firm Spot £183 12s. 6d. Previously: €131 12s. 6d Three months: €183 7s 6d Previously. £181 12s. 6d HOI YORK TIN: 4175 Previously: 41.72. corns: Settlement: £37 12s 6d Previously: £37 12s. 6d GOLD: Yesterday: £7 Os Od. Previously: £7 Os.
      67 words
    • 68 10 London Closing Quotations Nov. 20 Method of Parity before Latest PreQuoting 20-9-31 Rate viously Paris Franc to 124 21 147 316 147 316 New York to 486 4.90= 4 4.90 Amsterdam Guilders to 8.973 4 Ml* 9.02 Hong Kong Per dollar Is. 3d. Is. 3d. Shanghai Per
      68 words
    • 194 10 Nov. 20 SELLING London T.T. 2 4 1 32 London, demand 2 4 132 London. 4 months' sight 2 4 1 16 Lyons, demand 1715 Switzerland, demand 250 Hamburg, demand 142 New York, demand 58% Montreal, demand 58 4 Batavia, demand 105*8 irang. demand 104 7 8
      194 words
    • 113 10 Union Oil 2Q\ 4 19 3 /4 19% U.S. Pacific Railroad 87 83 84 1 2 US. Rubber 26% 24y 8 26 Warner Brothers 7% 7 7i/ 2 DOW JONES AVERAGES 30 Industrial 125.48 118.13 120 45 20 Rails 32.01 30.07 31 06 20 Utilities 22.31
      113 words
    • 121 10 Nov. 18. 19. 20 American Can Com. 88V4 84 84V 2 Tp'p phone »ncl T'.rzraph 148 1 145« 2 148 Moan Railroad ;i7' 2 34V 2 37 3 4 sapeak 39% 38 39 3 4 Dopi 116 108% 109 l«W 21V2 20> /8 20V2 nd Beetrk 397a
      121 words
    • 418 10 Beef steak Kati 34 Beef stew or curry do 27 Fillet Steak lb. 50 Mutton, Australian do 35 Pork, lean Kali 44 Pork, lean and fat <lst quality) do 34 Capons 'locally reared) Kati 55 Ducks each 45 Fowls Kati 33 Hens < locally reared) do 38
      418 words
    • 596 10  - Some Changes In The Capital Market Robert MacKay By WHAT is known as the capital market is (always worth interested scrutiny, for by the study of the issues of new capital one may learn not only about the volume of money seeking investment but also about the direction m which
      596 words
    • 1169 10 Fraser and Co.'s Litl CLOSING QUOTATIONS SATURDAY. NOV. 2«. 1937: 1 p m A Brickworks Ord. (s2* A Brickwork.-- 7Vi% Prei. ($2) AUsls Ire (s]n; B. M British Malaya Ttumit r| Oonsold. Tin Smelter M <v>nsoic ric Smelter Ord Eastern Realty Co (f fc-staie T
      1,169 words
    • 184 10 Singapore, Nov. 20, 1 p.m. Total for Books Close 9nanclaj Congany Dividend To Date Ex Dlv year Ayer Hitan Tin 20% Int. Nov 10 Sc'T Nov^f *50 Burma Malay 6d. Int. iDec. 11 Dec. 18 Dec 13 vi% ?<fe Fatt 3% Int. Nov. 24 Nov. 30 Nov.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 67 10 S. E. Levy Co. Shanghai. Hnnpkonn, Manila. fittißapor*. investment Bankrr* and Broken m Seciiritim and f'nmm>*iiiif Daily Foreign Market Cable* and Qimtatu** MEMBERS. NEW YORK COTTON EXCHANGE. COMMODITY EXCHANGE. INC. NEW YORK COFTEE fc SUGAR EXCHANGE CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE. CANADIAN COMMODITY EXCHANGE. SHANGHAI STOCK EXCHANGE. HONGKONG SHARE BROKERS' ASSO
      67 words

  • 593 12 Growing Lack Of Discipline SPEAKIN(- at a Press Conference m Washington Mr Jovt-ph P. Kennedy, chairman of the Maritime Commission, referred to the "growing lack of discipline" abqard American freight and passenger vessels, and issued a warning that unlese it ujn checked the
    593 words
  • 126 12 Rates of Freight Shippers are hereby informed that thr bxsis rul< freight on the undermentioned commodities from straits to Oonfeci Ports In Europe W imrrejsed a.s Follows effective tram Pt-b 1 19^8 (ol 1. Col. OIL. COCOANUT Drums 20 cwt 52 a N 58 G Pipes. Casks,
    126 words
  • 61 12 l>< TH the II l!i tan u.i! i and \)t ni the i I the |OW) I ul t |prenUct-« n. v ro.'lir v rOU! ;u Such it would 1 1 t tic h holia N To Aiiuu r<>/</,. D Ten low l 1 but ht<»Ut B German
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 476 12 BOUSTEAD CO., LTD. (lii corpora ted m PMS.) IHFPHONK: Frrlrht 5433— Passage MSI. LLOYDS AGENTS: BOOKING A(;FNTS FOR FEDERATH) MALAY STATES RAILWAT& ROYAL STATE RAILWAYS OF SIAM. 1^.14' JklT, i4r^ y CJo vlu to Nuith Ainerlea— W* llil Canadian Pucitle tiuns- At Untie f-f SmiSKß"^ liners at Muntreul or Quebec.
      476 words
    • 54 12 TELEPHONE Sr/2& 1 SV?-A M i-^ftl m^v I-I m ift B Jm Jmßu k 'PHONE I M 'J fi47l iH^H (5 lines) IGSE no liiuc Uj tall -*iug va wLtttcVrr ihc ii. d uiay bo— for m the 1 .l.»n«i(ir»l Wan! Ad < .ol tiinnr. lie rcauitß Mditib^ m acive
      54 words
    • 206 12 HENDERSON LINE S( HUH II i»l s Ml IN,. H\ KuitUl|> I'lSStllgfl Mt-jiliiri between X ill n l'..i i Marseille nul I ii. IjhU HOMKM IKH s\n Port oi In; <m ii I ihiioulli I < i i*.. n AMAH -%I J < N U I i ME B i
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 443 12 Local And Foreign Mail Dispatches And Arrivals BY TRAIN Bangkok every Saturday 7 p m. Thursday 7 45 a.m. Swettenham, Talping and TeloK Anson; Weekdays' 7 pra Kota Bahru, Kuala Krai Thursday and Friday' 7 45 am. Sundays 7 p m. Kual?. Lumpur and Penang: Weekd.ivs* 7.4 C am. and
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    • 216 12 SINGAPORE HARBOUR The following ships are alotit the wharves or expected to arrive: I tvt Uharl Entraiur Cat* I. Exil I: PUncius 22. Main Wharf Entrance Gat«- 2; Exit 3: Ifeonia LT; Cranneld 10 .4 Centaur 11; Glennogie 7 I mpire Dock Entrante (iatr E; Exit 3: Perak 31; Hoegh
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 722 14 K. P. M. PLANCIUS— Monday. Nov 22, Bela^an-Deli. REIJNST- Monday. Nov 22. Muntok Butavia, Semarang and Cheribon. ROKAN- Tuesday. Nov 23, Bengkalis, Paneh. Berombang. TanjongMtngeidar. Tanjong-Leidong and Asahan. PALOPO Tuesday. Nov 23 Penang and Bagan Si-Api-Api. BOELONG AN— Tuesday, Nov 23. Rhio, Tambelan. Singkawang. Peniangkat and Selakuu MAKASSER Wednesday. Nov
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    • 522 14 DOLLAR STEAMSHIP LINE It) EUROPE. FBOM SINGAPORE AND PENANG VIA COLOMBO, BOMBAY, SUEZ, PORT SAJB ALEXANDRIA, NAPLES, GENOA, MARSEILLES AND NEW YORK. Ai rives Leaves Leaves Arrives S'liore. S'iiore. rVnang Mew x Pres Harrison Nov 28 Nov 3o Dec 2 Jan li Pres. Polk Dec- 14 Dec 15 Dec 17
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    • 526 14 Q.S.K. LINE FOR AFRICA AND SOUTH AMF.KK a China Maru Cape Town via Mombasa fiinrtbai Dar-trs-Salaam Loureiicu Ma!,. Uurban. East LOBAoh Port t and Mosstl Buy T Hawaii Maru Buenos AiPM ill OtldMfeO MflMft Zanzibar Dar-es-Saiaam, Ben a Lou renou Marques Dun>:»ji Port t i hi id O:ipc Town t
      526 words

  • 1894 16 Arsenal Get First Win For Six Weeks GRIMSBY HAVE DAY OF MISTAKES (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Nov. 21. SHIFT, the Manchester goal-keeper, was the talk of the town for his brilliant display after Chelsea had scored the first goal. Burgess and Milk scored
    Free Press  -  1,894 words
  • 392 16 Scotland Beat Rest At Singapore G.C. *T*HE four-ball match played yester- day morning over 18 holes at Buk;t Timah resulted as follows Scotland players mentioned first. J. H Beeton (scr.> and H C. Aainsiie (4) 1; S. A Beavis '4) and A. V. Cramsie '5) 4 M. C. Bail. <3>
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  • 51 16 Twenty-two cards were taken out for the mixed foursomes at Keppel Golf Club yesterday, and resulted as follows Mr and Mrs Williamson 48— 12 3 4 -35> 4 Mr Kerr and Mrs. Hitcham 46—10 -36 Mr. and Mrs. Crawlev 48— 9V 2 -38 1
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  • 124 16 Home rugby games played on Saturday resulted as follows-: Cumberland 8. Cheshire 18 Durham 19. Yorkshire 9 Lancashire 14. Northumber and 0 Bath 3. Gloucester 0 Bedford 9. London Irish 10 Cambridge Univ 11. Blackheath 0 Coventry 8. Old Cranleighans 6 Devonport Serv 0. Bristo' 6 Guy's Hospital
    124 words
  • 50 16 Reader Makes A Suggestion Sport* enthusiast" writ* Free a> follows: Bern? an old I have both hocke\ games on the padang and I am sur^ the undermentioned team will very good arrount ol itsell Aeria, Muthucumaru Moreira i kinson. Oehlers. Ros.s Loveday Hwan. Valberg Sullivan Ross
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  • 455 16 Spoiling Tactics Of Trams Close Game Up ALTHOUGH great thrills were expected m the M i Rugby tie at Anson Road last Saturday, m uhui, n,. Army XV defeated the R.N. and R.A.F. by niur points (tin tries) to three (one try), the
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  • Page 16 Advertisements