The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 20 November 1937

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 17 1 The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS. NO. 15,321 KSTI). 1835 SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 20, 1937 10 CENTS.
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  • 414 1 Claim Hindenburg Line Is Broken FOREIGN POWERS ANXIOUS British Ambassador Sees Hirota ALL EMBASSIES REMOVING TO HANKOW DRESSING on towards Nanking from Shanghai, the Japanese claim to have broken the new Chinese HMt line, 100 miles long, known as the Hindenburg inc. at Changshu,
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  • 241 1 WIDESPREAD TERRORIST ORGANISA TION Alarming Discovery In France THE discovery of time bombs with electrical contrivances and a hundred grenades carefully hidden m fortified cellars is the latest sensation of the so-called Cagoulard (hooded men) movement, which is keeping the police busy throughout France. This sinister, says Router.
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  • 50 1 FLYING Officer Clouston and Mrs. Kirby Green, who recently established a new record for the London-Cape flight, were approaching Cairo yesterday evening on their return flight, states Reuter. They hope to arrive m London today and beat the Cape-London record. They left Khartoum at B.H p.m. G.M.T. yesterday.
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  • 205 1 Settlement Reached With Japanese Tientsin, Nov. 19. QEUTER is authorised to state that following protracted discussion a satisfactory solution of the customs situation m North China has been reached. Full details are not at present available. The arrangement mainly provides for the integrity of the customs and
    Reuter  -  205 words
  • 64 1 AUSTRALIA TO JOIN TRADE PACT London. Nov. 19. FOLLOWING the announcement that the United States is opening negotiations with Canada for a trade treaty comes a Canberra despatch stating that Mr. Lyons (Premier of Australia), has declared that he will take the earliest opportunity to consider opening trade discussions with
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  • 42 1 London. Nov. 19. Mr. Anthony Eden, the British Foreign Minister. Is not returning to Brussels for the Far Eastern conference. Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald. Minister for the Dominions, will go to Brussels. on.ibably tonight- Reuter
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 141 1 HITLER WARMLY WELCOMES LORD HALIFAX BRITISH MINISTER'S LONG TALK Berchgaden, Nov. 19. LORD HALIFAX had a private conference with Herr Hitler today lasting an hour and a half The interview followed warm greetings by Herr Hitler, who enthusiastically showed the visitor over his house and then took him to his
    Reuter  -  141 words
  • 64 1 Pontiac, Nov. 19. piFTEEN thousand workers m a General Motors' factories are idle through a sit-down strike m the Fisher body plant The strikers refuse to evacuate the plant, notwithstanding the fact that their union did not authorise the stoppage. In Akron a .sit-down strike of
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 61 1 London, Nov. 19. Shouts of Vive le Roi echoed at Victoria Station when King Leopold left for Brussels. He was given a personal farewell by King George, with whom he drove from Buckingham Palace. King Leopold is being accompanied to Brussels by M. Spaak (his Foreign M
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 77 1 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Nov. 19. The registration of certain instruments which had been executed prior to the retrocession of the Dindings to Perak and were valid conveyances, but had not been registered under the Colony Registration of Deeds Ordinance prior to the retrocession, is provided
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 70 1 BIGIA TEA Brings the freshness „,tt fragrance of the Malayan gardens direct to your home. TONIGHT Orchestral Conceit 815 to 9.15 p.m. Dinner and Dance (formal) 9.45 to midnight CABARET ATTRACTION MIMI d« BONNE »«d JOSE REQUESEN UENTED MEXH AN DAN( ERS presenting a repertoire of vivacious dance routines. HOOK
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  • 171 3 The Truth >„. hop t*l»v better tin .ml voo Wnow il i hen onh an voo i i,l> iu'l teel your paia If you are trouhi^j with flatulence, it •v full alter oniin ut overcome by sickoes* i m your shoulders m bl tairh -**lc id putting if>l»>
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  • 78 3 MHIISf, of M-uaporf Chinfsf merchants will be held sh«>rtl\ to consider the disposal of iip.inrsr goods bought by Chinese mrnhnits before the Sino-Japan-r\r u.»r broke out. M«»i> than a million dollars worth of Japanese goods, it is helicved. are lying m Chinese w irrhouse* m Singapore; foods
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  • 67 3 Renter's Manager Going: To India '"lies, for the past ten years r Reuters Ltd m Singapore. ippointed Principal Assistant nil manager of Reuters m Mrs Jones will leave Slngaitta <m Christmas Eve. vho previously worked m where m China, has iteet m Singapore. been appointed
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  • 37 3 MR. W. J. WEARNE RETURNS •r J Wearne. a director of Brothers. Limited, returned bl ninths leave by the P. and O lin^r R inpura yesterday. his leave Mr Wearne inspect- mmber ->f motor factories m Entlaiui
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  • 132 3 HAD TO MAKE GOOD ESTATE LOSSES Subject to a suspension ol six months. Song Chin Eng obtained his discharge from bankruptcy m the Bankruptcy Court yesterday, before Mr Justice Howes. His liabilities totalled $11,000 and proofs had been filed by five creditors to the amount of $4,795 Two proofs had
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  • 72 3 After returning from a Ceylon honeymoon by the Conte Rosso on Wednesday, a young couple from Kuala Lumpur distinguished themselves yesterday by being the first Ceylon Tamil couple to travel on the Singapore-Kuala Lumpur air line They were Mr. and Mrs. Thillaiambalam Mr. Thillaiambalam is a
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  • 81 3 From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, Nov. 19. A large gathering of friends at the Seremban Railway Station on Wednesday night bid farewell to the Hon. Mr Justice J. Howard Pedlow and Mrs. Pedlow. who were leaving for Singapore en route to England. The Hon. Mr.
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  • 156 3 DISCHARGE OPPOSED IfUTA SINGH bankrupt with liabilities totalling $575.75 due to one I"* creditor, was given his discharge yesterday m the Bankruptcy Court. before Mr. Justice Howes, subject to a suspension of three months Singh was a jaga m various Government and commercial departments and
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  • 77 3 *T*HE Chinese Red Cross Relief Fund continues to receive generous and steady support. At a meeting of the Cantonese section of the Fund, which is under the management of Mr. Ching Kee Sun and committee, held at the premises of the Hoi Thin Association it
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  • 150 3 THE failure of the Siew Inn Steamship Company, some years ago, was recalled m the Bankruptcy Court yesterday, before Mr. Justice Howes, when Tan Boon Cheok and Tan Siew Inn, two partners, obtained their discharge from bankruptcy, subject to a suspension for a year. The liabilities
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  • 23 3 Mr. P L Barclay. Superintendent of Transport. Municipality. Singapore, together with Mrs. Barclay and daughters have returned from leave.
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  • 58 3 A sixteen years old Chinese boy, Kirn Huat, appeared before Mr. F. V. Duckworth m the Second Police Court yesterday, with being: m possession of arms, two knives, on Nov. 18. near Bugis Street The case was postponed to Nov. 23. to the Criminal District Court
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  • 195 3 BANKRUPT'S DEBTORS ABSCONDED M. P S. Rowther. who was adjudi- cated a bankrupt m connection with the bankruptcy of M. R M P. Saheb Ghanny Brothers, successfully applied for his discharge yesterday. Mr Justice Howes granting it subject to a suspension of nine months. The liabilities of the firm amounted
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  • 126 3 Sentence of 18 months' rigorous imprisonment was passed by Mr H JV Forrer m the Criminal District Court yesterday, on an Indian. Haveli Ram Chawla. who was convicted on a charge of having dishonestly induced Tan Sim Piow to deliver to him 20,000 latex
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  • 70 3 A mass meeting of Singapore Tamils, i will be held at the Memorial Hall on Sunday at 4 p.m. to protest against the proposed bill of the Congress Ministry, prescribing the Hindi language as a I compulsory subject m the school curric ulum of the Madras Province,
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  • 79 3 I From Our Own Correspondent^ Malacca, Nov. 18 An ordinary meeting of the Municipal Commission will be held on Wednesday. The agenda includes re- gistration of bicycles, trade stalls at the City Park, and arrears of rates owned by poor people. An extraordinary general meeting of the Malacca
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  • 307 3 pONVICTKD by Mr H A. Forirr m the Criminal District Court on chargrs of criminal breach of trust and cheating, a Chinese, Chia Han Kiat, successfully appealed m the High Court, Singapore, before acting Chief Justice. Mr. Justice a'Beckctt Terrell, who delivered judgment yesterday. The
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  • 166 3 A FATAL accident m Robinson Road on Thursday evening, m which a Chinese was knocked down by a motorcar, allegedly driven by a European. F. L. Kennedy. had ;m echo m the Singapore Coroner's Court yesterday when Mr. W. <i Nffaf held an
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  • 83 3 Two Negligent Driving Cases H. Heitman. of the Straits Java Trading Co was fined $25 for having driven a motor car negligently opposite Clifford Pier, on Aug 18. by Mr :L. C Goh m the fourth police court yesterday In the same court A G Roche, office manager of Dobb
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  • 117 3 Ooh Tiang Hoe, who was made a bankrupt m 1932, obtained his discharge, subject to a suspension of three months m the Bankruptcy Court yesterday, before Mr Justice Howes His liabilities totalled $4,166 and there was m hand to his credit a sum of $164.18 m
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  • 91 3 The following crop returns lor Oct. are announced by Barlow and Co. Lbs. The Ayer Kuntng (F.M.S i Rubber Co. Ltd 110,000 The Badek Rubber Estate Ltd. (Staffield Estate* 26,500 The Bradwall (F.M S Rubber Estate Ltd 63,000 The Chersonese (F.M.S Estates Ltd 93,000 Dennistown Rubber Estate*
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  • 132 3 Bankrupt Pays Debts In Full Havinm paid dividnid >»f 100 prr cerji Ivan A BraiMOH was niv<u hi* discharge from bankrun'rv yr.,t«Tday m the Bankrupt cy Court, brloio Mr Justice Hou Mr J W Ambrcs 1 ;..-^is!.in( O^i rial Assignee, said Bransom's liabi lities totalled $1,326 A Straits-born Eurasian. h<-
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  • 46 3 Proceed* Knmi XL. IMavs The Planters Benevolent Fund of Malaya has received irom Mrs W S Rorve-Tw-k WjMttf. l.his bemx the profit nude from ih»- itton at Kuala Lunpv. on S*pfl 17 and three plays from 'To night at V, by Noel Coward
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 171 3 IJ.( What is the best remedy for f (Wasting Diseases T) ANClElSypfc (II I l^ jfjr \y_| pHP^-^-^iSsßijiNß v .""r> JK«^t > Emulsion is widely and scrofula, rickets, HMM, wasting fully used the treatment bowel disorders and after any sumpUai aad all forms of serious illness. m uhirh there is
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    • 30 3 SPECIAL CHRISTMAS TOURS BRASTAGI PRAPAT 8 day tour $150-00 10 day tour $165.00 including steamer, hotels, tips and sightseeing. OVALTINf COLD^HoJ is now served m the leading Cafes and {Restaurants
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  • 264 5 DIM (U GLOUCESTER UNVEILS EARL ll.Mi. ST.VHL IN WHITEHALL.— The Duke i:is|ieiti'.ig a pl*rt ot honour after the ceremony KU STAMMERS KOI KOK THfc HI.MS.-Kuv Stammers, the tennis pla>rr n»»\\ m Xmeriia where she ha> ktcn playing with the Wrjhtup team, photo^rapheil a«% >he examined
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 110 5 Photographic copies of Free Press lo':al pictures can be obtained o application to the Manager. Price 50 cents each On sultry days the inert- right H dlroyTpcUte l Cwkcd C rWd Sjlv rsid< COLD COOKED Prcmd Beef Cioke< MEATS Ham. Windsor Sausigc, make a pleasant and satisfying d A n«
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  • 901 7 Letters to the Editor Do The Powers Really Know Why There Is War In China ..f the Frrr Pre^ nee the outbreak of the ..utilities m North English Press, without having no stone v efforts to make their r it was Japan whicl' d"
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  • 95 7 Honesty Test In Southern Germany passengers In a motor-car driving through South and Central Germany threw away about 200 keys— single and m bunches— at intervals during the journey. Of 100 bunches "lost" m this way. 97 have now been returned— within lour days— to
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  • 780 7 Tributes To Former Commissioner THE funeral of the late Mr Johannes j Bartholomew < Birch > Westerhout I former Municipal Commissioner, took place at the Bidadari Cemetery, i Singapore, yesterday afternoon and was very largely attended. The Rev D. E. J. Hodge officiated Besides the
    Free Press  -  780 words
  • 38 7 PROPERTY losses m Nantao and Footung as a result of hostilities are estimated at $500,000,000, according to the Chinese press and between 200,000 and 300,000 civilians have been rendered homeless and destitute. Reuter
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 224 7 Funeral At Bidadari Cemetary THE death took place at the Hospital, Singapore, on Thursday afternoon of Mr. Donald Shumacha van Geyzel at the age of 76 years. Mr. van Geyzel had been m indifferent health for several months past. Mr. van Geyzel came
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 50 7 itf^l^Kw Lovely i*a Lasitvt jflKj\ PERMANENT 134^ J =hould be inslsteo Lpon See us (or satlsfac- tton toda >• h FIGARO I.ADIK.s HAll; DRESNERS Bras Bwiab Kd and Rafflm Hotel Phorr :»W Gags and gabf Mirth and music f It's got everything! i ARTISTS and 111' -w I PAVILION NEXT
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    • 49 7 ALHAMBRA TODAY 3.15 Ij 6.15 9.15 N s^s>*»^' y^v^ One big laugh from start to finish and spririßled^ with mischief and^ thrills it is a picture that should not be missed for those desiring an evening of splendid light entertainment, says the TRIBUNE. 'STOWAWAY' OPENS TOMORROW AT THE ALHAMBRA
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    • 327 7 Positively LAST DAY! 3,15 6.15 9.15 3 SHOWS! Don't miss this! r% A J I 1 1 4-t ft.L a pi-rrn PAVILION CAPITOL THE SCREEH ERICH REMARQUE'S THRILLING \T i/ft^S bREATEST -OF ALL SEQIEL TO Ml QUIET" S^P^ MiRTH PROVOKERS THE AMAZING DISC LOSURES J^' Thor«m«l.U Amusing <>X \VH\I HAPPENS
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  • 355 9 VOLUNTEER POLICE FORCE FORMED IN SINGAPORE Active Service Only In An Emergency SPECIAL CONSTABLES TO BE ARMED WITH REVOLVERS Training To Be Arranged THE formation of a Volunteer Police Reserve Force m Singapore was announced m the Government Gazette last night. The new force, which it is presumed will be
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  • 559 9 Great Work In Three Years SIR JOHN SALMOND IS AMAZED THK past three years have seen miracle of modern aerial achirvemrnt m the development of Empire air r«»ute>," declared 57-year-old Sir John Maitland Salmon, one of the four Marshal's of the Koyal Air Force and
    Free Press  -  559 words
  • 165 9 NEWSPAPERMEN like Sir John Salmond, former Chief of the Air Staff m Great Britain and now a Government director of Imperial Ainrays. A tall, soldierly figure of a man. he arrived by Imperial plane from Europe yesterday. When Singapore pressmen sought an interview icith him as soon
    Free Press  -  165 words
  • 13 9 Jerusalem, Nov. 19. The curfew here was raised from tonight—Reuter.
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  • 113 9 Flying Boat At Penang Today CIRST of the giant new flying boats of Imperial Airways to visit the Far East the Cordelia, which reached Bangkok yesterday afternoon, is due at Penang at about 2 o'clock this afternoon from the Siamese capital. The craft will spend tonight at the northern settlement
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  • 206 9 OI^NANG will cease to be the junction of the England-Malaya and Ma-laya-Hong Kong air services early next month Beginning on Dec. 5. the western terminal of the service to Hong Kong will be Bangkok. The four-engined planes of the Diana class
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  • 56 9 Hong Kong, Nov. 19. JAPANESE planes bombed the J Kowloon-Canton railway just outside the British borders today. Residents of Shumchun, m which is a village on the Chinese side of the border distinctly heard the detonations and answering machine-gun tire from Chinese positions. The damage
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 254 9 Singapore Firms Asked To Help THE Free Press understands that the China Relief Committee of Singapore is holding a sale at the New World on Dec. 3-5. An appeal issued by Mr. Tan Kah Kee, chairman of the Relief Committee, states: "Prom the latest cables to
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  • 86 9 Tuesday, Nov. 16. In the morning Capitaine de Vaisseau Pavie of the French cruiser Primauguet called on His Excellency at Government House. Sir Malcolm Watson. Hon. Mr. G. Wiseman, Dr. G. Macdonald and Miss Loring had luncheon at Government House. Wednesday, Nov. 17. His Excellency presided at a
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  • Page 9 Advertisements

  • 1306 11 Scrap Collecto r's Survey Of Market Factors WORLD ECONOMIC TRENDS THE U.S. SITUATION Til «s|(iNS of optimism, or rather redurrd pessimism, which were j evident towards the end of last! were unfortunately very short With s<> many factors influencing the market it is
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  • 227 11 Singapore, Nov. 19, 5 p.m. Total for Books Close anancla) Company Dividend To Date Ex Div yeai TIN ?T,?»ole Oate to date Ayer Hitarr Tin 20% Int. Nov. 10 Dec. 3 Nov. 15 50% Burma Malay 6d. Int. Dec. 11 Dec. 18 Dec. 13 7V 2 Hong
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  • 374 11 U.S. Production Rubber Quota "Far More Drastic Cut" Needed it A FAR more drastic cut m the rubber quota than had been dreamed necessary two months ago" is suggested by Messrs. Lewis and Peat (Singapore) Ltd., m their weekly market review. They wri^: To the aJmost complete break- down of
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  • 131 11 Municipal Health Statement For Last Week Ail appreciable decrease :n deaths caused by pneumonia was recorded by the Municipality of Singapore last week m their health statement, i when only 26 deaths were recorded as compared with 43 m the previous j week and 26 m
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 362 11 HONGKONG SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION (Incorporated In the Colony of Hong Kong) The liability of member* Is limited to the extent and m manner prescribed by Ordinance No. 6 of 1929 of the Colony. Authorised Capital $50,000,000 Issued and Fully Paid-up. $20,000,000 Reserve Fund: Sterling £«,500,000 Hong Kong Currency $10,000,000 Reserve
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    • 499 11 OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA (Incorporated m England by Royal Charter) j Paid up capital m 600.000 shares of £5 each £3,000,000 Reserve Fund £3.000.000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £3.000.000 HEAD OFFICE: 38, Bishopsgate, London, F. < Z. Agencies and Branches. Alor Star Uoilo Rangoon Amritsar Ipoh Saigon Bangkok Karachi
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 503 11 RADIO PROGRAMMES SINGAPORE ZHL 1 33 Mcs (225 m.) 12.45 Light orchestral concert played by Roller's Famous Hungarian Band. Relay from the Adelphi Hotel. *..00 Interval. 6.00 Cantonese music. Gramophone records. i fc.4o Children's programme. (Chinese). 'i.OO Victor Celeste Trio. 7.30 Time, weather, news and announcements. 7.45 Two short plays
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 477 13 TKAi EL BKM IISH BY P&Oand BRITISH INDIA LINES INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND) P. O. S. N. COS SAILINGS, OUTWARDS Hue Due Tonnage Spore. Tonnage Spore. 1938 1*»37 r 'SOMALI 6.800 Jan. 14 17 000 In Dort CARTHAGE 15.000 Jan. 14 ?A COMORIN 15.000 Jan. 28 '•SOUI' 6.500 Nov 20 KAISAR-I-HIND
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    • 326 13 (Incorporated m Straits Settlements) wP'^^M ELLERMAN BUCKNALL S.S. Co., Ltd. (incorporated In England./ FOR UNITED KINGDOM AND CONTINENT VIA PORTS AND SUEZ CANAL Steamer Due Sails CITY OP ATHENS Havre, London, R'dam, H'burg. Glasgow Nov. 29 Dec. 2 CITY OP CHRI3TCHURCH Havre. London, R'dam, H'burg. Glasgow Dec. 30 Jan. 2
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    • 980 13 P^^^ REPRESENTING SHIPPING THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE (Oceaa Aberdeen and Commonwealth U** Steam Ship Co., Ltd., and China Mutual The Hua Khiow Steamship Co. (1931; Lt4 Steam Navigation Co., Ltd.) Cunard Whn star Ltd The Straits Steamship Co., Ltd. Shaw Savin and Albion Co. Ltd. The China Navigation Co., Ltd.
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  • 285 15 AIR FORCE GO DOWN IN PADANG MATCH FAST and interesting hockey was seen on the Padang yesterday afternoon when the S.R.C. and the R.A.F. met m a second team fixture. A goal notched by Valberg early m the second hall" proved the winning point
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  • 138 15 LORRY DRIVER FINED "You Think Road Belongs To You" From Out Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru, Nov. 17. •You lorry drivers should use your oommonsense. You seem to think that The road belongs to you." said Sheikh Abu Bakar, the second magistrate, today m sentencing a Batu Piriat lorry driver. Ong
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  • 130 15 STREET COLOURS ROMANCE Coloured pavements which will make women seem more beautiful and men more romantic will be a feature of the Golden Gate International Exposition to be held m San Francisco m 1939. The effect will be obtained, it Is hoped by a lavish use of red colouring In
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  • 122 15 With Order Of The Crown Of Siam From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok, Nov. 18. His Majesty the King has conferred the Third Class of the Order of the Crown of Siam on Sir James German, Consul for Siam at Cardiff, and Mr. H. J. King, Consul for
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  • 61 15 Istanbul. Nov. 19. The death is announced of Prince Ahmed Seilfeldin. aged 56, brother-in-law of the late King Fuad. His d*?ath recalls the shooting incident at the Mohamed Ali Club. Cairo, m which th*» Prince was wounded and King Ouad was injured m the throat It recalls
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  • 211 15 Two Goals To Nil St. Joseph's Inst. 2 V.M.C.A. 0 DEING superior m every phase of the game the St. Joseph's Institution defeated the V.M.C.A., by two clear goals, at hockey on the school grounds yesterday. The scholars well deserved their victory. Patrick Yee. the school's
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  • 75 15 Bonnevlile, Salt Flats, Nov. 19. Captain Eyston oroke the land speed record, previously held by Sir Malcolm Campbell with the time 301.1292, when he had .m average spy: d of 311 42 m.p.h. over a mile north and a mile south today. His northward
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  • 40 15 The R.N. and R.A.F. will play the Army m a Malaya Cup fixtur? at Anson Road this afternoon. Kick off will be at 5 p.m. and charges as usual $1, 50 cents and 10 cents.
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  • 146 15 Little Nene Outpoints Joe Paraiso In One-Sided Fight At K.L (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala l.umpui Mm r* I ITTLE NKNE flashed out a s< ries «,f straight lifts on Jue Paraiso's face, all through their tight at the liukit isn.'uug Park tonight, but was always ready to dance out
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  • 443 15 llflD CARPENTIER <7.12»/ 2 >, married 1 only last month after he had hung ■up his gloves, staged an impressive i comeback at the Happy World last night when h? easily outpointed game Young Aman iB.o> over six threeminute rounds. The Kid's scienc? beat Aman nearly
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  • 86 15 CEYLONESE AND A.C.S. DRAW TWO- ALL Playing on th e Ceylon Tamils' Asj sociation ground at Baiestier yester- day. the Anglo-Chinese S^hooJ drew with the second ftttll oi the Ceyion Sports Club at hockey the score being two-all. The school was the first to score through their energet c^ntreforward Ebert
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  • 124 15 Mr. H. B. Butlt-r. director oi the International Labour Office of the League ol Nations. Gtnrv.i, who is on j a visit to study labour conditions m Malayu and the Netherlands Indies, arrived at Kuala Lumpur Imm Singai pore yesterday. He will return to Singapore
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  • 108 15 SHOPPERS AT A JAPANESE STORE From Our Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur. Nov. IM. TWO Chines-3 buying fDtiii from a Japanese .store m PetaMng Street last night, it is stated, er.raged a crowd of Chinese watchers who pounced upon the men. While one escaped, his luckless companion
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  • 60 15 (From Our Own Correspondent) London. Nov. 19. The Derby Cup, run at Derby today over a mile and six furlongs, resulted MARCUS SUPERBI'S 4 (Blackshaw) 1. PEEL LAWER 7—o (Gilbert) 2. CARIOCA 8-%* (Lowicyi Won by short head: three quarters of a length. Betting 10
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  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 593 15 CHURCH SERVICES 1 s v\l>Kr\VS CATHEDRAL s|N ,,o man ww advent hAy Communion Matins. Choral Eurcharist Communion School. and Sermon Archdeacon ..stian Perfection. llKI nunion on Monday. Wednes--8 v m r. Tuesday. T. at 7 am I Wednesday at 5 Thursday *t 545 M 'soil B»»«r I Matins and Sermon
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    • 484 15 Classes. 6.00 p m English Service Speaker Dr. Khoo Peng Seng Hob 800 pm Gospel Meeting (Malay Service) Speaker: Mr. Ong Tian Tye. Fn 8 p.m. Hokier Service. Speaker Mr Yeo Kok Kee "BETHISDA" (KATONG) lun. 1 1.. i. of PMnefather A ('arpotael Roads) Sun uM> a.m. Breaking of Bread.
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