The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 10 March 1937

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 17 1 The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS. NO. 15,105. ESTD. 1835 WEDNESDAY. MARCH 10, 1937 lft CENTS
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  • 120 1 Still Hotting In Kn«:lish Lcndon. .Mar 0. The tin dredge Kantoen-g. which capsized In a ttann yesterday at the beMnning of towing to Netherlands India. now aground a mile i' 'lie Cornish -ast near Fo perro. floating k^cl up Yermost m GO .'eet ot water and it
    Reuter  -  120 words
  • 132 1 WESTERN PACT NEARER? Von Ribbentrop's New Instructions Berlin, Mar. 9. HERR von Ribbentrop is returning to London tomorrow and it is Lelieved he is bringing new instructions concerning negotiations for a v. estern pact which is claiming the attention of high officials here. It is probable the next step will
    Reuter  -  132 words
  • 759 1 Rebels Claim Big Advance In Torrential Rain DECISIVE BATTLE IS IMMINENT Cv la la n Win is It r Captu r<>d Salamanca. Mar. 9. "THE insurgents claim an advance of 7U miles on i wide front m a new drive to the nortli-eiusl of Madrid. Despite torrential rains hampering operations,
    Reuter  -  759 words
  • 156 1 Spreading In The Goodrich Plant Akron, Ohio, Mar. 9. SERIES of sit-down strikes is hamp**rinp operations at the Goodrich plant and is reported to be spreading to several departments. The strike tituatlOfl .it UM f Ca. is unchanged. Flint. MfeMgM, M»r 0. The .strikers at the Chevrolet No.
    Reuter  -  156 words
  • 131 1 London, Mar. 10. IN the House o! Common.s today a Labour member. Mr. H Parker, asked when the Malayan Government proposed to extend the same measures of relief to unemp'ov >d nan-coolie inhabitants m the Malay States as to those m the Straits
    Reuter  -  131 words
  • 197 1 10,000,000,000 Franc Defence Loan Held Up LEGAL HITCH Paris, Mar. 9. J I is rumoured m well-inform- ed circles that the total aimed at by the Government for the Defence Loan will be. 10,000,000,000 francs at four per cent. P.irl of the proceeds will be applied t) repayment Ql the
    Reuter  -  197 words
  • 55 1 Air Raid Precautions Cause Jump London. Mar The civil MtflMftQi tor the Homo Office and Justice arc published today. TlMl t>t tl an.ount requln d Is I SSJMO.I4S, ronrcsentinß an mcreaie (<i Bi.ftt.7Tl over last yevr This increase la largely accounted lor by the provision made for air
    British Wireless  -  55 words
  • 63 1 London. Mar. 9. The Kinz and Quwn will tnttftlil t lie AmbMMtfOCl and Ministers accredited to the Court 04 St James tomori< V altornoon at Buckingham Palacrv Their Majesties will receive tholr quests, who will be accompanied by their wives m the SUte Room ot !he Pllact.
    British Wireless  -  63 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 52 1 FriVEH A^^f j >/ »»*—^»>—^r-:fc-* 4^^k Jc -^fl^fc. T^ll Jt^ml j^^ Cocktail Dance H N to R.:<« p.m. -\?VA liner snd Dance <«-'•«»■» 930 to mtdnlght t^ Harvc and Young Famous Amerkiin Comedy Dancers Non -diners $1.00 RAFFLES CELEBRATED ORCHLSTRA When m l>nang BUy at Directed by Dan Hopkins. the
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  • 130 2 Pr.icur. Mar. <». Thr F reign Minister. M Krotta. iiddr ssinj the Parliamentary Commis- •sion. said he hoped Hcrr Hitler would step the Gorman press ramp.iisn against Czechoslovakia and denied the < German aUegationa thai Ciechotlova- kia was spreading the B rirua "We .shall remain j democratic
    Reuter  -  130 words
  • 119 2 'Escape Me Never" At The Pavilion "K.-c auc Me Never." now at the Pavilion Theatre, actually :> i.. •ape. It is an escape from the ste ;:<d ftlna with which audiences too rrquonUy have I ci ntend. It might easily have been a failure. :>r m the
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  • 144 2 Broadcast Pletan At The Alhatnhru Paramount have given a new to wha' is partly a broadcast picture m -Easy To Take." latest film scrwtiIng at the Alhambra Sarah We:Ulake, eccentric spinster. wills her reputed millions which, by the way. the didn't haye to her spoilt little
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  • 166 2 'The Kitf Broadcast Of Every member of thi.s comedy-ro-mance against a radio station letting ,vork.s hard with rather thin material to make the st ry go with a swin?. Unlike former "BU Broadcasts." the 1937 version has some .story interest m t and although it doe.s not mean
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  • 69 2 Cyril c!e Silva. a Sinhalese riding boy was charged befor? Capt. Nelson Jones, the second maui.strate. Singapore, yesterday with causing urievous hurt to Che Yacob at Bukit Timah on Mar 8 The charge was explained to the accused and Inspector Shannon who is conducting the investigations asked
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  • 385 2 Acting Secretary To The If iuh Commissioner The Following app >mt:n< tits are n<> titled m the s s Government Gtaaette Mr S T Stewart to officiate m Assistant District Officer Butterworth Mr W L Blythr MC S to Ml as Assistant Secretary tor CblneM Atlairs. Malaya ami
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  • 437 2 Lucia At The Theatre IN her favourite rolo ot Lucia Stenorina Nuni Sanchion! scored a personal triumph m the Gonsalez Opera Company's performance ol Lucia di Lammc-rmoor at the Victoria Theatre last night. Lucia i m opera Uml (1 vs'ty^s to be heard more. It is PMBetflßMi
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  • 81 2 Very Quiet In Absence Of Fresh Developments London. M.v. .">. iii the ttaence oi tresh development* the Slock Exchange ruled very u.uiet ye.sterday Inrimn [TOOi were again m demand and ran to 755. v;iii!p Hio Tintot jumpod trom 30 1 to :i2 on Paris buying Brow Ties tncoantervd
    Reuter  -  81 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 50 2 I ViCTORIA THEATRE I TONIGHT-9.30 P.M. SHARP I GONSALEZ ITALIAN GRAND OPERA Co., Present ■B i I MADAME BUTTERFLY I i 30X OFFICE PLANS AT LITTLES. Prices $4, S3, S2. Note. lhe curtain will rise at 9.30 p.m. sharp and the audience is requested to be seated by 9.25 p.m.
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    • 298 2 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. Tlbc Singapore Jfrcc press Head Office: Cecil Street MncipAtr Phone. v<l k e»lensi«»ns to all lil I im< Kujl.i Lampur oniic 1 Phone: 34M3. Ipoh Ofbce: Rrewxtrr Ro«4. I'llOll. Penanc Office: 12. Bishop Phon«- it London Office: 40 43. Meet s, rr I < Phone: C |tH
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 94 2 Diary Of The Day High Water: 833 am 7 8 ft.. 10.10 p.m. 7.6 ft. Sports Cricket: Bi. Andrew's vs h.m.s. Terror: 9th HB, vs. ACS. at Blakn^ Mati. Soccer: S.C.C. vs. RAF. on padang. VICTORIA THEATRE Gonzalez Opera Coy. Cinemas AUIAHBRA Buy to Take, with Marsha Hunt. CAPITOL The
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    • 31 2 Law Notice For The Day Thr (hirf Justirp at Krdah— Cour; oi Appeal lipfore Mr. Ju>ti<p do nuriattc m the 2nd (ourt at 11 A.m. Atttoes: Ron vs L»h NfUp Finn
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  • 1633 3 Improper Conduct In Discharge Of Duty "BREACH OF THE LAW" JI'DGMEXT ordering the suspension from practice for three calendar months, from Apr. 1 this year, was passed by Mr. Justice Laville m the Johore lli*h Court yesterday on Mr. Irving Arnold de Soyza Siriuardhene. a Johore Sinhalese
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  • 372 3 5. 5. (S.) A To Take Part In Discussion piKTHFK Interest to the eta- troversv »f the establishment of ;i local I'niversity is provided by the annoum ement that the Straits Settlements (Singapore) Association has accepted the invitation of the Straits Chinese British Association to take part
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  • 159 3 Bou stead Director Dies At Home A former captain ol the Selangor and Singapore Ruijrv tcotball U and a director ol Boustead and Co. Ltd Mr Colin Graham Brown has died at Home at tl He had spent 25 yean m Malaya. Mi Graham Brown was
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  • 124 3 It is understood that the Johore Government ha c approved ;t scheme lor the establishment during 1931 of English school.s i r nir!.- ai J h re Bahru Mujr. Batu Pa-hut. Begamat .md Klung Approval ha.s been given for a < reward to the Naib Penghulu of Sediii
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  • 68 3 Further Evidence •"FHE evidf J wit.:.- iaei wa.s recorded -h< as•iaet Court BJ MrJustice E A. de Buriatfc :.(i t s;>ec:.': jury, m the case i:i which Loh Ngiap Faun stands -h. I aan Indictment o: three con:.- ird At 4 p.m. yesU rd adjourmd unl day.
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  • 136 3 Managing Director Fined AN attempt to defraud the F.M.S. Custom^ of *lut> rni.inl.ii^ a consignment of perfumery from a Singapore shop to .1 customer m Kuala Lumpur. *;>s revealed before Mr. 11. A PsjffM m the Criminal District Court yesterday, when Umiik Xt
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  • 137 3 Japanese Gets I 5 Months' R. I. QE.NTENCE Of II months rigoious imprisonment was passed by Mr. H. A. F'orrer m the Criminal District Court yenerday. on a Japonese. named S Ito. who was convicted on a ehftlfjt of having had m hsl possession, on Jan 17.
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  • 80 3 The cruiser Cumberland, flagship of Vice-Adrmral Sir Chirles Little, Com-mandrr-in-Chief of the China Fleet. will leave for Hong Kong today The vessel ha< been In Malayan waters since the Singapore m^oeuvres at the beaihnlhl °f last month The |1 p Falmouth loft for Hong Kong yesterday. TV.v
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  • 59 3 An inquiry r« any Improvenu w I r b<> for sale ritl«» is to br mado by the B payers Association. It was pomu r Nt I z of the committee that although members MN mtorc U l^ot prepared to -r pur< WrtthOUl detail A vote of
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  • 111 3 I nnd.m. Mar 7 Tlv ci Genera: the a j*e of 90 Re liter Sir Rona... reer m 1R67 wfc Brljud^ He M-w In 1879. the B ai ti Egyptian War In L|S9 Hf was promoted to M m 1898 r.nd r muni hi- at
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 26 3 BURTOL QUICK CLEANERS FOR SAME DAY SERVICE Goods handed m by 10 a.m. can be collected by 6 p.m. same day. 278, Orchard Rd. Phone 7776.
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    • 50 3 on SHORTY/ LEAV yOAVA J>/byK.P.M, j 50% reduction i i permanent resident* of Maliva For detail* please apply to: X.P.M. LINF. I Kinlays«»n tireen, Irl MM MenMadeYoung VigODr Increased In 24 Hours »akf Dr. n v >our I-Tihs .it- ..tit. .J tU build I -..In l < 1.. I. •«»!j
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  • 2618 4 NEW AIRLINER FLIES 2,000 MILES IN 13½ HOURS England To Egypt Non-Stop Muils Without Surcharge Empire Scheme American Commemi M ar plant* At 100 m. p. h, DevelopmeiU Of Aero Engine* Case For Ilritvy-Oil Motors Engine* H'uUivn In Wings Art Of High Botnhing Seven Royal Air London, Feb. 23. BRITAIN'S
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  • 190 4 GROWTH OF FRANCES STEEL WALL tLxtension Along bwiss And Belgian Frontiers PRANC 1.. H'hieh has ulrrad> »%iit L;>OO.()lMI.UO0 on her "steel t'runticr" with German) 1 1 if r anious Ma-mot line -is h«»h busy extending it at a tost of UlO 000.000 aloni; th« KrUian assl Swiss borders as uell.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 73 4 PATANWAi A'Q TOILET PRODUCTS IVAIWWAI BALM, I»\l\N\\\| GLYCOUIII sn\r s(isis kkiiiixmim Thcrt' can bo no t)»>" r prool ol the mi.: this rmnfc ol df lai ioiikikiks than tl To the most [nitdkwM thej mtuii pw and a dmlntineia aquaJ t. eonaequenUf they velUuiown ahi RoyaJ Famihe^s it und .übtfdu
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  • Article, Illustration
    254 5 Ol OF AUSTRIAN NAZIS cheered the arrival m Vienna of Baron von Neurath, the (icrtnan Foreign Minister who is on a visit there, run \».n Neurath followed by llerr \on I'apen. the (ierman Minister m Vienna. «i\es the Nazi salute to the miartl of honour m the ( Cemetery In
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 91 5 Photographic copies of Free Press local pictures can be obtained on application to the Manager. Price 50 cents each. *'^Hai;bacon again?" Ves,iny dear, but COLD STORAGE' BACON f" VV-i 1^ 11l I It noes make a <l i f f v r e n c v |H<|iiane\ of flaxonr that
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  • 1507 6 DAiNGERS OF SYNTHETIC WHEN CONTROL ENDS Tapah Pays 15 Per Cent For Full Year «T l IIE rumours we bear from time to time of the difficulty being ex perienced by many estates m the harvesting of their exportable quotas seems to
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  • 582 6 INDIA NS DISA PPOINTED IN SASTRI REPORT Loral Community's Views 'T'HK Saslri Keport has pn»\i'd sjejterailh disappoint inj; to (he liulian roniinunit of Sin^a- ommcnl m some quart em of the (il\ is strong. MM \iev\ heinu that the Night Honour ahle V. S. S. Sastri had "betrayed the trust
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  • 622 6 Amazing Opera "Coincidence T'HE visit of the Oonsalez Opera Company to Singapore has made possible a striking vindication ok the truism that "Great minds think alike. with the implication that the great minds are to be found m local Journalism. Yesterday mornings Free Press
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  • 198 6 One Of World's Chief Producing Centres MQINOAPORE la one of the world's *J fancy fish producing centres." .said Mr W Birtwi.stle. Director oi Fisheries m the StraiUs BeUstmentl iind the Federated N|ilay State.;. m an addreai to members: of the Singapore Gardening Society at Government House
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  • 197 6 House Pointer Who Takes His Kruschen Every Day. How many ptftattfl MM continue to v ork when Ui»v art- OVM 7(* >{• on«- who MM and bt still do«-s som. the most trying jwb.v m Ms trad.- n dot's he do It? He
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  • 222 6 Prowling Around Coolie Lines PUROPKAN planU rs on rubber cstattv^ m So 1 th-emst Johure are lying m *.t.t iVVff night lor a tiger which M t***n prowling round bwngaluw- and coolie lines during lilt puM month A few d.t\s ag-j it entertd the ::.;xiui.d <>:
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  • 78 6 Charm» Against Woman An ie had tried K> oealed m tat tin < Prim on Mar 8. tde afSl Ah HU; an aKt'd c i yesterday. when >h«> wu eterftd before Capr 1 M« >nd. Smgap«-«» madatratc with th offtnei Bhc proUglcd vol«Uy and claimed tin
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  • 109 6 hinosr Charged 1 Chan Ah BtOf .i^Mi '.:>. tnd Ah Vn. agfd H ••ft :.i: Hi btfCTf C»pt Nelson Jore.s. tin- M-f. Hid ru.iKiNtrjti Sln^J purr»'!ii.i\ momint: \k\'h buvlug a woman Ch m Ah Wo m on iv*.- B, at Bftncap rt foi Ui
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  • 97 6 BATU PA HAT From om own Correspondent) Batu t\»lut, Mar. X. Mr J Meaner, Assistant Batu Pahat. is at present m the Haspital. .surTering lroin a ItVtffl attack ot typhoid tfver iir was taken to the Muar Hospital m Ambulance about a week ago A cricket maU'h ha.s
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  • Page 6 Advertisements

  • 1267 7 Tin Also Considered A Good Investment MARKET DEPRESSED BY ARMS PROGRAMME (From Our Own Corresponding) London, VqU. 19. AT the bef inning of this week the British Gov- eminent published its now famous White Paper, foreshadowing an expenditure on armaments of £1,500,000,000 within the
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  • 315 7 Mr. Chamberlain On Rearmament London, Mar. 7. FE Chancellor ol the Exchequer, Mr. Neville Chamberlain, speaking of the defence programme m a speech at Edinburgh on Friday night, said. "YUi can understand the feelings of a Chancellor who has bc»Mi labouring now for a number ol years to
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  • 112 7 Jerusalem. The tension following the disturb KDCtM '„•>'• rd.i>. which 'me Arab VU sh >! d> .td ard l( Jew and an Arab were seriously Injured, ha.-. .-:.ic kened today The curie* m proclaimed nviht has been repeated and th^ situation Ls b< ->>:r.. c
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  • 573 7 Plain Speaking By Sir F. Leith-Ross Geneva, Mar. 9. IT the meeting of the Lfague of Nations raw materials committee, M Avenol. m his opening address yesterday, pointed out that the member* did not represent their Government* and so could freely express their views The meetings witl
    Reuter  -  573 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 242 7 THE FAMOUS STAR OF "HOUSE OP A ROTHSCHILD" RETURNS IN ANOTHER J Bl^ SCREEN HIT. "What I consider to bt> „ne of the finest A films George Arliss has over made" X DULY SKETCH. X PAVILION I TOMORROW "I I //^SEORGE ARLISS I Greal Oval Role l^^g^^^ herbert'^mason I: HIS
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    • 104 7 POSITIVELY LAST tiirff shows today TODAY 3.15 6.15 9.15 2 SHOWS TONIGHT :u.%-ii.i .%-;>. is PAVILION 1 1 CAPITOL ALHAMBRAj -Krrsiiier cives us an exhibition of Paramnunt's Bißßest All-Star DELIGHTFUL a'"r" mum, u. with «h« m «i ENTERTAINMENT! -TIIK SINI.W TIMKS f S d r... f ovoly Now ELISABETH TH
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  • 865 8 The Singapore Free Press WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10, 1937. The Selangor Succession IT was too much to hope that the unhappy Selangor succession cii pute could be buried and forgotten and the petition to His Highness the Sultan, signed by 20,000 of his subjects, is of such a nature thai it
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  • 386 8 M..vs Mavis Lee has MSUmtd Iht Secretaryship ol the Chinese Departnun: the Kuala Lumpur YWCA Mr D. H. Trumble ha.s beta appotnt- B cretary to the B Mrd ol Licensing Ju.s:;.*<\s. Malacca, with effect t: Mir 1 1 Mr f (i Ooates, State Engineer, Oracle n Malayan
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  • 701 8 - Saturday Review's History Justice Haroncts Influenza Started In Chnui THE Saturday Review, wMch has reverted to its old price and policy, came into being m the period between the abolition of the St«imp Act and that of the paper duty It was j founded m 1855
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  • 849 8 |r i happy Ustag that there still certain birds and IB Mil 1 lur. leith.-rs. ;ind flesh m n > .an bt made >n!n v >ute to num\s wants The barring «ull rn.iy he Inrladed m this rertamat* cat 1 k .-h dm beartleai
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 88 8 ALLSOPPS I eyciy Wine TttcAxJuutt* Suic^c 1 8 6** M y- f^m~f~ XL" Ik *^A V. It ~^9 m^^^^m^^^^^m GBm IV b Don't be Va^ue ask NO FINER WH/SKY GOES INTO ANY BOTTLE SOLE AGENTS JOHN LITTLER C Incoppob ate d m England (AGENTS) lIMMT.I) arrange SHORT TRIPS TO CAIRO
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    • 74 8 A SLIMMING EXPERT says he achieves most success when he give.s personal attention to his cases. In fact, he rinds it pays him to deal with the bulk of his patients himself. It will pay you to consider covering your car with a GAFLAC MOTOR CAR POLICY which insures
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  • 791 9 CoLJ.L. Sleeman On Need For Preparedness AMBULANCE CHIEF ON WORLD TOUR URGES FORMATION OF DIVISIONS IN SINGAPORE "I AM no alarmist, but I am convinced the training clvll| aasn s in anti-gas precautions is essential, esPCna dJ£,r?H r cf Sin ff a P° r
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  • 291 9 SNAKE CAUSE OF PENANG BLACK-OUT Protective Switch Failed (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Mar. 9. "THE cause of the worst electric supply breakdown for 15 years n Penang on Saturday morning las been traced to a snake. Major Paterson. the Penang Municipal President, made an oflicial statement today at the
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  • 91 9 61,000 Drop In Britain In A Month London, Mar. 0. The Ministry of Labour estimates that at Fob 22 the number of Insured persons, exclusive of agricultural workers, m employment was approximately 11.187.000 81.000 more than a month before and 6(52,000 more than a year before. At the
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  • 48 9 'From Our Own Correspondent) I'enang, Mar. !>. The wedding to;k place yesterday at St. Andrew's Penan?, of Mr. G. A Moir. B.Sc. Ph.D., assistant manager ot Batu Rowan Rubber and Coconut Plantations Ltd., and Miss Sonia With, ol Aberdeen. The Rev. R. M. Iflnto conducted the service.
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  • 43 9 Cairo, Mar. 9. The Cabinet has authorised the expenditure oi £1.100,000 for war material, including aeroplanes Reuter. The promotion of Sub-Lieut. G. 'J. Ashworth. Straits Settlements Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve, to the rank of Lieutenant has been approved.
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  • 193 9 YOUNG HOLLANDERS! NOW STRANDED I Craft Missing (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Mar. 9. AFTER paddling their oun collapsible canoe for 16,000 miles from their home m Holland, two young Dutch brothers, Nicholas and Gerrit Entrop, on their way to find work m Java,
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  • 114 9 From Our Own Correspondent! Penan*. Mar. 9. The British Consul at Singora, Siam. Mr. R Whittington, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest S. Whittington of Whalley Range. Manchester, was quietly married tr/> afternoon at the Church of the Assumption. Penang. to Mis.s Muriel Elizabeth
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  • 64 9 London. .Mar. 0. The new George VI postage stamps will, it is hoped, bo ready, m the most-used denominations, for the Coronation, the Postmaster General the Rt. Hon. G. C. Tryon. announced m the House of Commons, yesterday. The main issue will total 250.000.000 A special
    British Wireless  -  64 words
  • 55 9 Washington, Mar. fl. Mr John bewil and the committee oi labour leaders ye.stcrd iv told President Roosevelt that the American 'working people are "with him to a man m the fight to ret >rm the Federal judiciary." Several leaders of agricultural organisations haw also assured *he
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 54 9 MANCHUKUO PREMIER TO VISIT PEIPING Shanghai, Mar. 7. The Japanese authorities m North China are making elaborate preparations lor welcoming Mr. Cheng Hsiau Shu. the Premier of Manchukuo. to 1 Peiping. Mr. Cheng is reported to have been entrusted with the task of performing Ml important mission m North China.
    Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  54 words
  • 41 9 Shanghai. Mar. 7. The units of the Cantonese army J have started road-makinp, m East Kwangtung to complete a network cf highways connecting the motor roads Of Kiangsi and Fukicn with those of Kwangtung. Sin Chew Jit Poh
    Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  41 words
  • 55 9 London, Mar. 9. The administrative council >f the Bank for International Settlements has unanimously selected a.^ the next president of the bank. Sir Otto Niemeyer. of the Bank ol England, a former Treasury official who fci re^nt years has carried out financial missions to Australia. Brazil, the
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  • 111 9 Car Loaves UoaH And riun^os Into Deep Drain A man was killed outright yesterday ftfternoon 14.. n Woodlands wht'ii Urn pi. !jor»* car m which he another ChfeMM Itfl tIM r<ud .<nu plunged into .1 dtep d: The only oth* i r oecup on whom a ,hvnce
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  • 90 9 Centred At Tientsin Shanghai. Mar. 9. •T'HE Japanese Concession at Tientsin has become the chief centre oi opium tramc m the Far East, according to an American observer who has just toured the towns m Njrth China. The American visitor is reported to bo In a
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  • 145 9 Captain Refuses To Proceed To Ceuta Gibraltar. Mar. 8. The British steamer Springwear, en route to Spanish ports, was stopped m the Straits by an insurgent trawler yesterday and ordered to proceed to Ceuta. .j The captain, however, refused to comply with the order and steamed
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  • 127 9 Visits Scene Of Famous Hapsburß Tragedy The Duke of Windsor has again taken up ski- ing lessons m the Semmering district. He us now making a series of .short tours with his teacher. Recently he motored to Mayerling. where the Crown Prince Rudolf of Austria
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  • 374 9 18 NATIONALITIES REPRESENTED AMONG P ASSENGERS (From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, Mar. 9. THE S.S Reliance, famed tourist ship of the Hamburg-Amenka Linie. anchored off Malacca on Monday morning with 315 passengers of 18 nationalities, the majority bring Americans. The Reliance Itfl New York on Jan 10
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 114 9 ..09 I IKARLY STREAMLINE Many a time m the early days of motorinp, and t was any speed Romary Biscuits helped to wt.i ,a .v hours of enforced do .ay. And still, for motoring, they tl nicest of biscuits. No others exist with quite the same ri< of dclic
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    • 448 10 LONDON AND NEW YORK STOCKS SHARES j Last Night's Quotations From London 6 p. m. March 9 Lew mr k pnecs quoted m U.S. and sinT 22 dealCn> DllddlC Pri(rS; JObb(rs ""1 1 brok.ra X c Ind bUm P duty axe not included. Share of £1 denomination unless Previously Yesterday
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    • 3 10
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    • 67 10 SINGAPORE PRODUCE PRICES THE COMMODITY MARKETS Mar. J) Gambier T.T. 7.50 Java Cube 10 50 Hamburg Cube 15.00 White Muntok Pepper 21 50 Black. Pepper 1200 Copra, mixed 7.80 Copra, sundried 8.00 Small Flake Tapioca 5 40 R. Saigon Al 174 R. Siam. W.C. No. 1 $i 62 Rice, Siam,
      67 words
    • 71 10 I From London 5.30 p. m. March 9 I i Tin: Bt] Cih C 283 Previously Firm it *::.''>!' 17.s M Three montiis: C3M l Proviousiv Bill 111 Od N 'V'f rin: p, V1 5990 (opp«r: B t tie men 1 73 Prevkratlf C7l \^< M v
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    • 3 10
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    • 187 10 Yesterday's Singapore Quotations ***> !> Yokohama, demand KM SELLING Melbourne, Bydney and M |(>lU| Tr ii 16 w Australia, demand 211 London demand l» i 1 ifi N< w Zealand, demand 2110 ***** London I months' sight l'4'h lrwtM/ i .(I mand 1245 Ci Hamburg demand 141
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    • 17 10 ji From Exchange Telegraph Co. I Fraser and Co. f s List
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    • 73 10 Chamber Of Commerce Rubber Association Mar. 9, 12 n'(lo(k noun ltuyei> Sellers No I X It K.S. m cases F. 0.8. March > :>,K M ';i Good FAQ. m cases FOB. March i 37^ No. I.X.R.SS (SpOl loose I 1 awardabie Singapore 1 37 H 'H u March :n'. B
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    • 168 10 Total for Books Close An__n*-Al Company Dividend I)af( Xx Div JJJ| TIN Payable Date to date Burma Malay 3d. (13th) Iter. 23 Mar 27 Mir 13 Katu Tim Od. (13th) Mar. 10 M ar. 17 Mar 11 7. Malayan Tin 15', Int. Mar. :i
      168 words
    • 102 10 ISSUED BY PHASER AND CO \T THE CLOSE OP BUSINESS VKSIKKI.AV Tin al midd.«> «.,s sU| up creased price" II irr „I "h"' 1 l< frmll l Jelapan^ a ..d KuaU ■«d'ih"'" > r" r<lltl J •fctWthTct^T/^d^,:!^',^: orders w,r* reived. Busine*. h, i,, t<- ml ■•«■>•"«
      102 words

  • 252 11 MONKS' STAY-IN STRIKE DEMAND DISMISSAL OF ABBOT Move Follows Ban On Pleasure Excursions Cairo. Mar. 7. 'THE stay-in strike habit has extend*ed to the desert, to the Coptic Monastery of Deir el-Moharrak. near Assiut. m Upper Egypt, and here the Christian nionk.s declared that they would remain m the monastery
    Reuter  -  252 words
  • 444 11 JUNIOR CAMBRIDGE RESULTS F.M.S. GOVERNMENT APPOINTMENTS The tallowing students oi L»Mercirr's School 218 Queen Street, Singapore have passed the Junior Cambridge Examination (63%): Chiang Kair Ton-. John De Wind. Leow Yew Shin. Lok Win<4 Kan. Mak Fok Leng. The rollowinf students of th»« y M.c.A. School oi Commerce have also
    444 words
  • 1253 11 Winning CONTRACT Mi&M CAMP VALUCS Of I Ml FOUR ACES SYSTEM iMitM-tt m V}J*_*_ WfTm^mmm Avr»«%cie HAM»6'/l S^Wtou^Guu* d JH%?* t n C J, Mcr^ n D Maier > Otwud Jac °»V «nd Howard Schenken, world s leading team-of-four and inventors of the system that has beaten every other system
    1,253 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 483 11 HONGKONG SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporated m trie col on j of Hong Kong) Tk« liability of mamhen to limit** the •xUnt and 1b manaar »re«cfiK«4 by Ordinance No. of 192S of Xhm Colony. Authorised Capital $50,000,000 Issued and Fully Paid-up 120.000.000 Reserve Fond: Bterllng •500,000 Hong Kong Currency $10,000,000 Reserve
      483 words
    • 516 11 CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, UMi:\m AND CHINA 'Incorporated m England by Royal Charter) Paid up capital m 600.000 shares of £5 each £.1000 000 Reserve Fund £3.000,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £3,000.000 lIKAI> OFFICE: 38, BishopsKitc. London, F C 2. Aifenrirs and Kranches. Alor Star Iloilo amlßMi Ainritsar lix>h Btmarslaf
      516 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 451 11 RADIO PROGRAMMES FOR TODAY SINGAPORE Wavelength— 22s metres pm. ti 00 Malay music (gramophone records 630 Children's programme. 700 Song recital by Mary Gardiner. 730 Time, weather, news and an- nouncements. 745 "Your Health m the Tropics" II Child Hygiene by Dr. W. A. Nicholas, L.M.S. (Singapore) D.P.H. 1 00
      451 words
    • 202 11 735 Light music <contd.i. 8.20 News and economic review In German. 8.35 Home evening. 9.20 News and economic review in\ English on DJE. DJN. DJQ, and In Dutch on DJB. a. 35 Today m Germany Sound pictures. 9.50 Solo concert 10.20 Ballads on annuals In sound and word. U.faU \s
      202 words

  • 102 12 During 1936 the coastguard organi sation look action m the case of 8(M» vessels or aircraft observed or reported to be In distress, m difficulties, or over- due otl the coasts Of Grcwt Britain and Northern Ireland, and i) 8 persons were brought to safety. As
    102 words
  • 139 12 Ships alongside the Wharves or Expected to Arrive East Wharf (Entrance Gate 1): Rajula 22; Hal Hing 20 ♦fain Wharf (Entrance («ate 3): Mata Hari. Naldera 18; Ho.sang 16; Diomed |g* Sirdhana 11; City of Evansvill. 1 9; Glenfinlas 7 Empire Dock (Entrance (.ate 3): Siamese Prince :*0;
    139 words
  • 251 12 Hrifish T—mgc Far To<i la>\\ Says Expert Hocly London. I Vh. A resolution drawing attention to the "vital position ol British shipping m any .scheme ol Imperial defence." was passed at the annual meeting ol th«Chamber ol Shipping today The resolution, which was moved by Lord Bssendon also
    251 words
  • 169 12 To Expand Or Modernise Kcjuipment Plai rei irdlni the subsidisation N rweglan ihipbuilding Industry .:rt» under c I it on by the ti eminent, notably m the pub Ik 1 ani to .such yards thai wish to xpand or modernise H Some loans have already i><-
    169 words
  • 90 12 B.O.T. MERCANTILE MARINE DEPARTMENT London Post For Liverpool Official Captain i> Smith, principal district officer at Liverpool, his been appointed professional officer In the Ifercan tile Marine Department Ol the Hoard Of Trade, m succession to the late Captain H n Pope, it was announced last night Mr F VV
    90 words
  • 39 12 The and [MJUftlWl vessel v. Pre.sidfin Doumer from Colombo li expected to arrive on Friday at 6 am and .sail the .same day at 1 p.m. for Saigon, Hong Konc, Bh*nghal ami Kobe Bertli: sub. s/harves
    39 words
  • 493 12 FUTURE OF MARINE OIL ENGINES Relative Cost Of Fuel Factors "'Till iiil.iM' o) the mariiu* oil engine is, of 'ours:, bound mm with (lit* irlativt* cost of oil and coal. lln nil oh tin will have to determine sooner or later how th- > can rcassui* shipowners as tc their
    493 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 491 12 llj i'J EMPRESS i^lj 7V> North Atn oriva mJm%L}J*~ 9f^M Fortnightly sailings to Victoria Hf -lt<l£<i,^!l^' '"w' :i!il1 Vancouvei Dtnct or via y^JMssi^r^ your passage on Canadian Pacific's f 'z W^^B^. largest, faste. c k Imn on the Paclflo >BSbl a i 'Vk or ncr running mate the V^k luxurious
      491 words
    • 199 12 SOUTH AFRICAN CRUISE. M.s. "STELLA POLARIS [(Ideal Cruise Ship) LEAVE SINGAPORE 19th MARCH. 1937. ARRIVE SOUTHAMPTON 9th MAY, 1937. s. s. "ORION" To serve as a Floating Hotel at the port of London during the Coronal. o« Festivities. Excellent accommodation available on both these >hips. Please apply, AMERICAN LLOYD AGENCY
      199 words
    • 194 12 BIBBY LINE IK'MIOS ADDKKnS r\l l MALL, LONDON, I N II ol Ja>t tWln-l a n Mail i r Vessels t RANGOON, COLOMBO, I'olM Mi»\V MAKsm.IKN. I'lVMol 111 \M) I.OMMIN with thr. BJMdm fro« Slllgftp< r .tiui ii\g HOMIU IRO >\ll IN<> I r.i\c I MM Rangoon < olnmt* CHESHIRE
      194 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 527 12 Local And Foreign Wxiil Dispatches Arid Arrivals Ilfr. Ml i *t!i BY TRAIN Bangkok every Saturday 7 p.m. Thursday 7.45 a.m. Swettenham, Taiping and Telok Anson: Weekdays* 7 p.m. Kota Bahru, Kuala Kri and Tumpat: Mon. Wed.. Thurs. and Friday* 745 a.m. Sundays 7 p.m. Kuala Lumpur and Penang: Weekdays*
      527 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 296 13 w i\r II i *^> at Sflr H^Pb^B^F^ W^T^b'^bV'^B^B^B^K I r a i™hJb^^^Hm^|L^*^^^ c^^^B I*v I v^-i DU' F^^^^B^fiß^flß^Bv Lfl^^>^B^Ls«* £<^V B^BjV I •JiS^ K%Qe^B%^H^ WT'U? Wl. X&ssSt WuCvfSM WC* >!'ci'tn ■i*?^ m I jrauOrA B^Ur>>V9BH BHv^B^B^B^r If* lift JBBj»^ H J^B^BVnVvl I B^bVj/v^P^P^BB BV^L* I'i2HB^B^BF* l^^^^^^^^^ H^>M^HvaMi^^BßW^^. WE'LL LOOK
      296 words
    • 573 13 (Incorporated In Knpand h^H T .LERMAN BUCKNALL S.S. Co., Ltd. (Incorporated m Strait* Settlement*./ A E^ELLERMAN LINE" UNITED KINGDOM AND CONTINENT VIA PORTS AND SUEZ CANAL i Steamrr l>«« Sail. I 17 OF BIRMINGHAM HaviP, London, tfdam llburi' Mar J» Apr 2 TV OP CANTON llaxic. Loodun, i.cJun H'burg QlaagOV
      573 words
    • 1013 13 SHIPPING HE BLUE FUNNEL LINE (Ocean The llu.i Khiow Steara».jip Co., <lMt» LU Steam Ship Co., Ltd., and China Mutual The C'unard Wktte Star Lid. Steam Navigation Co., Ltd.) The Sarawak SteumUilp Co.. ltd he Straits steamship Co, Ltd. The Australian Oriental Line LI4. he China Navigation Co., Ltd. Tbe
      1,013 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 695 14 K. P. M. THEDENS— Wednesday, Mar. 10. Muntok and Palembang. TOGlAN— Wednesday. Mar. 10, P. Samboe. Toengkal, Moeara-Saba and Djambi. MAKASSER— Wednesday. Mar. 10. P. Samboe. Prigi-Radja, Sapat, Tembilahan. Poeloe-Pallas, Pengalian -Estate and Rengat. C'KEMER— Wednesday. Mar. 10, Penang and Belawan-Deli. REAEL -Wednesday. Mar. 10. Belawan-Deli. TOMOHON— Thursday. Mar. 11,
      695 words
    • 575 14 DOLLAR STEAMSHIP LINE dbid AMERICAN MAIL LINE I P TO EI'ROPK FROM SINGAPORE AND PENANG VIA COLOMBO, BOMBAY, SUEZ. PORT SAID. ALEXANDRIA, NAPLES, GENOA, MARSEILLES AND NEW YORK Arrives. Leaves Leaves Arrives Spore. Spore. Penan* New York. Pres. Hayes Mar 13 Mar 14 Apr 21 Pres Wilson Mar. 16 Mar.
      575 words
    • 439 14 O. S. K. LINE Hakonesan Maru Kuenos Aires, Montevideo and Santos via Durban and Cape Town i- Buenos Aires Maru Bueni* Aires via Colombo, Durban. M,, Cape Town. Kio u> Janeiro, Santos and Montevideo. Yeifuku Maru Cape Town via MOMfeMI Tanca. M,. Zanzibar D. Salaam. L. Maru, Durban F. London,
      439 words

  • 2381 15  - SINGAPORE INDO- CHINA ANNUAL SOCCER FIXTURE NIMROD I By Significant Stride In Local Football History Spotlight On Sport Another Cricket Y. M. C. A Tennis Tournament i .< HOT. You're hot. The heat is and it is not Whit sun. nip difference between me > U that I must .turn
    2,381 words
  • 89 15 HONOURS LIST BATTING i Mr I X Mutluu umaru (C.S.C. vs. S.C.R.C.) 95 V. Ponniah (T.IVC.V vs. Sel. Club) 7!» T. R. GulUnd (Sel. Club vs. T.P.c.A.) m S. Perimpanayagam (T.IVC V vs. Sel. Cluh> :»K R. Dudley (C'.S.C. vs. S.C.R.C.) *>■» not out. BOWLING Samson dr Silva (C.S.C. vs.
    89 words
  • 507 15 Pra tt ice Necessa ry lt> I V. RAINBOW London. ASK any moderate Bi.liards player what he considers the most difficult shot m the uamr Urn most diflicult stroke. It is all the pineapples m Hawaii to nothing that he will say the masse. And
    507 words
  • 128 15 StaplolOrd And Foursomes Competitions TIM Kcppol Goli Club ha> arranged m- follow Hi:'. competitions for Ihc I er hotktayi Gui'lemard Cup Mar 26 to 28 inclusive. Shanghai foursomes usur.l conditions; •*,,th.s of combined lumdii SUptefOfd Bfilf C m p* lit ion Mir 2G to 29. ine.usivc;
    128 words
  • 51 15 All members ol the V.M.C A. who wish U) mm th nrst aid classes should be m attendance at the nrst lecture which will be hold on Monday at 8 pm Or J T P Handy w 11 be the lecturer (1 th»* eIMM wi last six
    51 words
  • 45 15 The Eastern Extension Telegraph Company announces that the delay on lull rate tefegrmmi rron Sinsap^re to London .vest .-relay w.i* if follows: Te!rjzra:n.s handed m at 500 pm roar mii.nt.^: mo p m six minatct: <HX) pm 15 nunui^. ;«i pm seven minui
    45 words

  • 539 16 Japanese Win Only Two Games In Match RESULTS OF YESTERDAY'S PLAY AT V.M.C.A. 17" AMIS and Yadi, the Malay pair proved too good for the Japanese Shoda and Yoshi when they met m a Open men's doubles tie yesterday m the
    539 words
  • 240 16 CLERICAL UNION DEFEAT S.C.C. FOUR -ONE Club Goalkeeper In Form C.U. "B" 4; S.C.C. "B" 1. A MAGNIFICENT display be- tween the posts by Cluirington saved the S.C.C. "B" Crom a heavier defeat by the Clerical I'nion "B" m a friendly soccer match on the Padanj; yesterday, the I'nion scoring
    240 words
  • 54 16 The following have accepted to play associatUvn football lor S C.C. vs. RAF. today at S.C.C J. A. S. Taylor. Capt. N. L. Hammond. F. A. McCafTery. K. C. Gil'ett. F. E Hutchinson, R. Davidson. R. J. r'urbc.s. J. H Abbott W D J. Vincent. L. D. s.
    54 words
  • 122 16 CHINESE BANK BEAT WEARNES Van Cuylenberg's Good Display O \B I Wearne Br<»s I) m the business houses league soc «r played n the F and N ground yea terday the oc.bc defeated Wearne Bros, by two clear goals This is their fifth victory From the kick oil the bankers
    122 words
  • 53 16 Tennis Tournament Admission For Spectators starting today and continuing daily, ted tennk matches will br played On an rnricsed court, admission to which will be charged to all persons rezardl'-ss t whether they are prtitors or members ot the V.M.C A The charges will b^: chairs 50 cents.
    53 words
  • 94 16 Bright Batting At Sydney, Mar. 9. THK M.C.Cs final match of the Australian tour, played here resulted m a draw. There was no play on either mornings of the two days but some bright batting was witnessed, cables Reuter. Hammond scored 103, including three sixes .md 14
    94 words
  • 108 16 Today's Ix?aguc >latch Today's First Division Lfu?ue match will b. played on the S.C.C. padang and will be between the RAF., last season's league champions and the SC.C The Kamr> will be of Interest from the p int of view that it is both sides Mnst league
    108 words
  • 123 16 The V.M.C.A. Wat^r-Polo League for Ihe 'Framroz rup' will commence on Tuesday. Mar 9. at 5.30 p m The Red team captained by Mr. Lim Fook Loouk will meet the Brown fam capt fined by Mr. Lim Thye Hex-k in the opening game. Members are asked to note that
    123 words
  • 81 16 (From Our Own Correspondent* Taipinjr. Mar. 8. The first boxing promotion at Coronation Park last night attracted a large crowd but the fights proved a bis disappointment. Results: Nai Tong Joo 80. outpointed Buddy Dason. 8 0. m the main event over :»-n rounds. James Dawn 8 8
    81 words
  • 46 16 London. Mar. (J. Under ideal conditions Cambridge nwod a lull course trial from Mortlake to Putney m IF, minutes, 45 seconds compared with Oxford's 19 mmutes, 28 seconds earlier In the week when conditions were unfavourable Reuter. z =^m^ svsl* Ai n Free Press
    Free Press  -  46 words
  • 595 16 SAPPERS POLICE SHARE TWO GOALS Spiritless First Division Match At Anson Road g BY MMROD POOTBALL of a very poor quality was seen at Anson Road I* stadium yesterday when the Royal Engineer* and th. Polite played a First Division tf'me. The result was a draw of one all. Bad
    595 words
  • 84 16 The will pi "i" *t n c matchet .t.^ ■>• Saturday xv si{< lt •P ,i S.l{.( Kroutid H L *****, {)< Sur, X Kill Poo lx>u Kfr Tou K^ isiou Kan dm Locli irk. Oan L<v Tian. Lo« X Hob. it B la: ami Nro Cm I,
    84 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 18 16 The whole meal cooks MUNICIPAL GAS DEPARTMENT. PHONE 51fft1 OR CALL AT THE showrooms, wavx- MUNICIPAL BLDG..COLEMAN STREET.
      18 words
    • 56 16 BOOKS ON GOLF A Nrn Way to Better Cinir— Alex J Morrison v The Short (iamr- P. Valle 0a l.i-iiKth on the I. inks— Abe Mitchell Sound (i oh —thr |.;arl of Rerkeley imi Clolf from A. to 7 .1 t Mac beth H Pictorial Ciolf II li M.irtin ->...:
      56 words