The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 8 March 1937

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 17 1 The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS. NO. 15,103. ESTD. 1835 MONDAY, MARCH 8, 1937. lb CENTS.
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  • 697 1 City Bombarded By German Artillery INTENSE COLD AND RAIN New Rebel Attempt To Cut Madrid- Valencia Road Fails rpHOUGH the rebels have made little progress since 1 their initial successes on the outskirts of Madrid, the effect of their seise of the Spanish capital is daily
    Reuter  -  697 words
  • 184 1 CONFERENCE I Considering hivilalion To All Rulers Washington, Mar. 7. IT is persistently rumoured that Mr. Bullitt. U.S. Ambassador to Moscow, who wa.s a member of the America delegation to the World Economic Conference, has returned, with the object of impressing on Mr. Roosevelt
    Reuter  -  184 words
  • Article, Illustration
    9 1 *i AM NOTASWCJATW WfTM COtONIl iMMM'^^e/^r 555 S CmwmeS
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  • 75 1 10-Hour Sitting Of Sub- Co m m ittec London, Mar. 7. A FTER a ten-hour sitting, the non-intervention sub-com-mittee last night reached virtual agreement on the outstanding questions regarding the observation scheme. The full committee will be asked tomorrow to adopt the recommendations, bringing into immediate force the
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  • 113 1 Malayan Members Of Crew Arrested Brooklyn, Mar. 7. A RECORD haul of opium was confiscated by Treasury officials m New York harbour from the British steamer Taybank yesterday. The consignment valued at between £40,000 and c 100.000. wa.s hidden m 12.000 small
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  • 44 1 London, Mai 7. The COrcnation ceremony m Westminster Abbey will op filmed m order i that a comprehensive historical record will be available. Before being publicly exhibited, thc film will b passed by U Areh'oishop iof Canterbury.— British Wireless
    British Wireless  -  44 words
  • 115 1  -  Sin Chew Jit Poh To F'ress For Abrogation Of Kxtra-Tcrritorial Rights Shanghai. Mar. 7. Dr. Wang Chung Hui. th: newly-i-.ppointed Foreign Minister, will assume charge of the Ministry tomorrow. v/lrn he is expected to Issue a declaration outlining his line of action m the nrar future.
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  • 48 1 London. Mar. 7. The King and Queen will be present at the dedication of the completed Royal Military College memorial chapel at Sandhurst by the Archbishop of Canterbury on Sunday. May 2. Subsequent to the dedication service His Majesty will inspect the cadets.— British Wireless
    British Wireless  -  48 words
  • 22 1 The domestic tin quota for the period April 1 to June 30 has been determined at 72 per cent.
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  • 38 1 Gibraltar, Mar. 7. XIII British battleship Ramil- lies has returned unexpectedly to Gibraltar and reported that four naval ratings were injured by the accidental firing of a gun loaded with star shell yesterday.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 116 1 Tanker's Crew Of 30 Saved Sau Francisco, >lar. 7. THE Dollar liner. President Coolidge. 21.936 tons, was m collision with a 6,000- ton oil tanker, the Frank 11. Buck. beneath the Golden Gate Bridge m a dense fou: yesterday. The tankers crew ot
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  • 153 1 WHA'I RIIiIiENTROP MEANT Germany To Be Independent Berlin, Mar. 6. A NEW interpretation of Herr von Ribbentrop's speech on colonies at Leipzig last Monday is furnished by an official of von Ribbentrop's office. Many Germans are under the impression that von Ribbentrop sought to place
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  • 65 1 Makes Formal Application For Admission Cairo. Mar. 7. Etavifig received invitations irom 22 members. Egypt has formally applied for admission to the League of Nations, expressing a sincere desire to pafttdpati In lni xnati nal co-opera-tion M Avenol. Secret .eral ol the League hi WW Ito include
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 43 1 Washington, Mar. 7. Mr Ifacta osfte King, Urn Canadian Premier, concluded his talks with Mr I ell yesterday N > < mm unique was issued, but it Is understood the conversations embraced every topic ol mutual interest between America sad Canada*— Reuter
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 49 1 Akron. Ohio. Mar. 7. Menben ol the United NM I Work r.x ol America yesterday voted unanimously not to return to work In the closed lactones of the Firestone Tyre and Rubber Company until their union is recognised as the sole collec- tive bargaining agency Reuter
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 46 1 m Conktail Dance li Mi to B.ii) pm. o Y\ Dinnrr and Dance <«■■«-■* *\o* ji ;;o lo midnight Harvey and Young \l a Famous American Comedy Dancers Non-diners 51.00 RAI HIS HUMUTU ORCHESTRA When m Penang Stay at Directed by Dan Hopkins. the E O Hotel
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  • 73 2 BUKHARIN RYKOFF Expelled From Communist Party Moscow Mar. Thc Central Communist Committee has derided to expel Messrs Bukharin and Rykofl irom the Part) M Bukharin. till rect-ntl) editor ol Izvestia. and M Rykofl a 'ormer president of the Council ol Peoples C mmissars. camt tinder :i cloud si the time
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • 43 2 Law Notice For The Day The hiel Justice at Kedah C >urt ol App Before Mr lastiec de Kuriatte m the ",Jnd Court at 14 a.m. Assizes: 12 Rex v.s Loh Nglap Piian 5. Rex vs. Valayatham. 6. Rex Vi PO Kota X'
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  • 64 2 Edmonton. Mar. A motion of want of confidence m the \berhart <iovernment moved l»y the Conservative leader. Mr. Havid IMiggan. was defeated by .">'! votes to 7. Mr. Duggan declared that instead of gaining a reputation for solving problems and providing a high standard of living for
    Reuter Wireless  -  64 words
  • 768 2 "House Full" For Faust: Sunday's Concert TIIE "House Full" boards were out at the Victoria Theatre on Saturday night for the Gonsalez Opera Company's production of Faust, a tribute to the never-failing appeal of this work and the excellent reputation built up by the company
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  • 43 2 London, Mar. 7. •THK English rugger team to play Scotland at Edinburgh on Mar. 20 is: Oven-Smith. Sever, (ranmei, A. N. Other, I'nwin. Reynolds, B. Gadney, Prescott. Tolt, Longland. lluskisson. A. Wheatley, Weston, A. N. Other, Cook. Reuter
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 30 2 London. Mar. 7. Bishop Frodsham. former Bishop oi North Queensland and on his return to England Vicar of Halifax for 17 years died yesterday, aged 83 British Wireless
    British Wireless  -  30 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 116 2 I VICTORIA THEATRE TONIGHT-9.30 P.M. SHARP GONSALEZ ITALIAN GRAND OPERA Co., Present CAVALLERIA RUSTICANA AND I PAGLIACCI vkbbi 80X OFFICE PLANS AT LITTLES Prices *4, *3, *2. < Note. „c eartata v rise at Ml p.m. sharp and the audience is requested to be seated by 0.25 p.m. Bookings not
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    • 626 2 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. TENDERS. m W m_ 9 _^_^_^_mm-mm\\\\w-m_________mmm--mmmw---wa-_m_m__m-wmm Tenders win be received at the Cbfcmlal Secretary's Ofhce up to noon ol Mar 10. 1937. for the supply ol black boots and shoes to thc Police Department. Singapore, lor the year 1937. Form.-, ol tenders may be obtained ot the Chiel
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    • 355 2 w-------_-------_------mm______-m----_im-_-mmmwmmm^____m--m---rmmmmmmmmm PRICKLY HEAT AVOID IT UY USING ACNESIA DUSTING POWDER oE all chc#r»t\t\ and stores. Manufacturers, GPAFTON LABORATORIES BOARD RESIDENCE. SEA FRONT KATONC GRANGE— 77 Meyer Rd Large rooms facing sea «rtth own bath room H and C. and mod. sar. Phone 5758 Tennis Large Garden. NAPIER HOUSE, 7. Napier
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    • 308 2 £be Singapore jfrcc preee Head Oflice: tr« I Mirri Sine ipoir riiom II I 1n,,., t \i« nsioii' lv ill lei. limcv Kuala Lumpur OlJi.c: T,v sitwl I'll Ipoh Oflirr: Brrwstct Koad I'honr Prnanc Oflirr 12 Ri- hop Slir«< I I'honr lin London Oflirr: 41 43. Ilrrl v I Phonr:
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 113 2 Diary Of The Day High Water: 5.48 am 7.2 ft; 8.58 p.m 6 G Lt. Sports Soccer: s.c.c "B" va Heavy Battery. MiddS V UA. at .Stadium; G.E.C. vs. UK. and S. Bank at 5.H.8.. NettangSo va P. tnd o. B at YJUCJL; V.M.C.A. vs. R.A.M.C. at Tanglin. VICTORIA THEATRE
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  • 185 3 Ex-Convict As Sleuth OTHERS BELIEVED TO BE IMPLICATED GNew York, Feb 20. OVERNOR HAROLD HOFFMAN, of New Jersey, has seeretlv launched a new investigation into the Lindbergh kidnapping, hoping to prove a theor> that Bruno Richard Hauptmann was not solely responsible. Hoffman hold
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  • Article, Illustration
    43 3 £5X2555 f,om the Ita,ian m Londen attended a tea party at the Victoria Hall. Rloomsbur> Sqirf c. at which Signor Grandi and his wife were present. The Italian Amassador and Signor Grandi s wife making friends with little k lests, after presenting prizes
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  • 307 3 Deputy Health Officer Leaves Today \v Dawson, Deputy Health fleer ol the Singapore Municipality. gap re today by the Memnon. Dr Dawson's resignation according debate In the Municipal ehamx precipitated by the "solidarity against him at a committee on an important matter conv.ith anti-malaral work." He d
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  • 39 3 Arrivals from and departures to the Madras Presidency of Indian labour during February were as follows: Arrivals State aided).— 37l adults. 72 minors. Arrivals (ordinary deck passengers). 2.730 adults. 285 minors. D partures. 3.205 adults, 239 minors.
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  • 372 3 DEMANDS TO M. P.s London, Feb. 19. QNE HUNDRED undergraduates from Cambridge University, among them IU women, made history at the He use of Commons last night. Securing "absits" from their tutors, they had hurried Irom lectures and laboratories to lobby their local MPs en
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  • 288 3 Unforeseen Contingency Remarking that a contingency such as had arisen had nev?r been foreseen by the framers of the Procedure Code. Mr E. M. Tampoe-Philips appealed to Mr W. G. Beeves, the Singapore Third Magistrate on Saturday morning, that the summons against Major G. D.
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  • 408 3 BROTHERHOOD OF PEN FRIENDS IN MALA YA To Meet In Singapore THE Brotherhood of Fen Friends m .Malaya, known to its Muslim male and female members scattered over the Peninsula as the Persaudaraan Sahabat Fena Malaya, will gather m Singapore for its Fourtli Annual Conference on Mar. 26, 27
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  • 34 3 The Calf ot Man. to the south of the isle of Man. is to be purchased by an anonymous benefactor as a gilt td the National Trust and will be closed during bird-nesting time.
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  • 359 3 RUBBER WORKS RIOT Peaceful Settlement Announced (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, .Mar. 5. AT a conference lasting into the early hours of this morning, a peaceful settlement wa.s reached with workers m the Malayan Rubber Works, of Kiang. who rioted oil 1 nesday afternoon and engaged m a battle
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  • 61 3 Two window cleaners. David Palmer. Of High Gate. N., and P. Cull?ton. of Wood Lane, W fell while at work m different parts of South-West London on the same day and died shortly afterwards. At a court-martial aboard H.M.S Woolwich at Malta. Paymaster Lieut. James B. Scott. H.M.S. Galatea, pleaded
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  • 416 3 Englishman "Put On The Spot" In United States n |sd MOKMAX REDWOOD, the wealthy, English- born dictator of the Tunnel Workers' Inion has been "bumped ofl MtaMt his home m a fashionable district of Tc.ineck. Nee ferae) Six bullets were fired at him as he
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 26 3 BURTOL QUICK CLEANERS FOR SAME DAY SERVICE Goods handed m by 10 a.m. can be collected by 6 p.m. same day. 278, Orchard Rd. Phone 7776.
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    • 132 3 H Craven' A' are cooler and JJ smooth to my throat y \/m hL~ i'iMM— l»^""*" ■ii 3 EST vHH HCSttHß^^^fM m Wmmmspfe "&<_U XX '^$9 B^mi :^i EJ- .'<jnw *^"^^jjw» l^Bkiar #£^BcW HPIBk *^H <■ [^issi a- uu^^"^?' v^Jl hw c w. B!^^^ v w is ':^dk *^S
      132 words

  • 3653 4 AIR MAIL LETTER FROM LONDON Royal Purchases Influence Industries Fair Buyeri Souvenii China, Donald Ducks And Shirts Hearty Business On The Metal Exchange Prime Minister's Appeal To London Electors Sir Stafford Cripps Earns "Reprieve" Subsidies For Brides? Women Are Bad Drivers Ranchi As Coronation Grandstand Promise Oi •mmmU I Wt^
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 15 4 1 OV/JITINE* JE^ tonic '008 tIVINACI A. WANDER LIMITED, l 8 Chartered Bank Clumbers, Singapore.
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    • 195 4 NEW! "SUPER-SOFT" HIGH-POLISH PEPSODENT! The world oscr. there *s nothing like Pcpsodcnt new $200,000 tooth paste iormula. Its sensational new ingredient gives your teeth thc most brilliant polish ever discovered— I and it is Super-Soft. 1 I^^B^^^tfH^^B I I^^______t___\\\_\\m fj&B^^l^A mmmmWWZ*'*' _\_\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\__V m\ i T Ti^^^M TJ3 > Wr) J
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  • Article, Illustration
    242 5 TS^hSPJE 1 m IES TOOK VVu CF Zf tt ent,>. nt,> at Vi,,efranthe «»f all the new bells were inaugurated at the Cathedral (there are Mof them, and then the old procession of the Black Patents" was held. Those who took part wore gawa and hoods of black anS one
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 63 5 rj'<^_# THAT IS DIFFERENT from the ifs^^^^n T^ 1 ordinai\ v\ as difficult to obtain inn! 3 (hc CCLD STORAGE." the.r S y\ many years experience of muttoi .1 V buying, found ihe brands that meet J*\\N v\uh favour from all who taste 4| Chops 0.35 I Shoulders Whole
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  • 294 6 Air Estimates Include $7,000,000 For Malaya HEAVY EXPENDITURE ON SELETAR BASE THE construction of a new headquarters building for the Royal Air Force m Singapore, which will be m the city instead of 15 miles away at Seletar is m the Air Estimates
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  • 75 6 EMPRESS PASSENGERS MAROONED i From Our Own Correspondent ltangkok. Mar. li. The Bmpreaa ol Briuin arrived oil 8.i:..r:0k bar this morning Paa imgers descended into two steam lighten for conveyance to Ban^k >k. on*' of the lighten containing the cruise director and severa' notabilities wai marooned short y after leaving
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  • 79 6 A large and varied collection of wild animala is being taken to Japan m the German motor ship D; mrg, which nas Just pas; d through Singapore. The collection Included polar bean. hippopotamuses zebras, 12 penguins iiom South America, a few African antelopes. 24 mandrils and other rare
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  • 334 6 MALAYA TO GUARD HER REPUTATION Closer Control Of Rubber Packers (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Mar. 5. MALAYA is to guard h*'i reputation a.s rubber export* r Witt) a new law which will place the packing of rubber for export to any other country under close control by making
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  • 98 6 R.A.F. Flying-Boat Tukos Patient To^Hospital A flying -bout, from tin- Royal Air Force Station. Seletar. was commission ed oo Saturday, to brio;.' Mr H i Waymouth, aged 40, of the Pahang Consolidated Co., from Kuantan to Singapore, where he was Immediately rushed to hospital seriously ill The
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  • 84 6 (Fkom Our Own Correspondent* Penantj, Mar. v. One of the longest current failures aflecting the whole of Penang Island occurred early this morning and at 111 o'clock was still unrepaired. It is understood that the trouble is at the main power station at Prai. The current first failed
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  • 870 6 Accused Committed To Trial (From our own Correspondent) Seremban. Mar. I». I i hearing which had lasted ele\en d.i\s m the Tampin •s Police Court, the prelimmai inquiiv into a case of mischief by lire to gain insurant: moiiev against three Chinese concluded today,
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  • 130 6 Calf's Tail Burnt (From Our Own Correspondent > Penang. Mar. 4. A revolting tale of cruelty to an 1 was told to Mr H A v Luck ham m the Penang Police Court yes terday when a Tamil lilk seller. Vadl velu. was sentenced to
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  • Article, Illustration
    48 6 GENERAL GOERING recently attended a wolf hunt at Hialowieza, Poland, as the guest of the Polish President. M. Moscicki. Of the four wolves shot, Goering's bag was tnree. Ile also shot two boars. General Guering and President Moscicki being driven to the scene of the hunt by sleigh.
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  • 195 6 With Restaurant And Dance Floor PINOAPORE la to have a new. Independent, million dollar cinema to be known aa the Cathay Adjoining it will be a restaurant with i dance floor. aquaah courts, and an eight -storey block of residential Data The project la being financed
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  • 59 6 Regiments Ouu Kiu'ine. Wh» Q the -nd Bn the Ksses Regiment returned to Warley Barracks, Brentwood, alter 17' year:.' foreign ci .ire. their own regimental locomotive hauled ttie special train. The Duke ami Duchosa ot Portland presented Blr Frederick Hobday with a portrait <>i htmsell m »>Lis on his retirement
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  • 288 6 "Both Drivers To Blame" (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Mar. TTIE double inquest on Mrs. Lena Evelyn (iiflening and Mr Claude Marcus, victims of one of the worst motor accidents m 1936 which occurred m Victory Avenue. Kuala Lumpur, m the early
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  • 296 6 Last Month's Record Figures TTIE increased prices ruling for tin and rubber are reflected m a Itmip ris/p m the value ol Malaya s trade for the month of January, which reached a total of $118.439.0t'0 -a record for any month since May. 1930 The gross
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  • 130 6 Trafk Domestic Trouble Sequel From Our Own Correspondent I Segamat. Mar 4. The body 0| a young Ctuneje lound hanging < n a rubber tree near Batu Anam. with a bicycle and a ban lying nearby, resulted In the Segamat police unearthing a tragic domestic trouble It is
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  • 175 6 On K.L.-I'enang Express •From Our Own Correspondent! Kuala Lumpur. Mar. S. A new era m travel m Malaya wiii be opened when at 830 next Wednesday morning, the day express traU. leaves Kuala Lumpur's Imposing railway station northward for Penang. The lortunate lew who will
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 112 6 FOR REPAIRS JEWELLERY WATCHES Ua S. de SILVA MANUFACTURING JEWULtR 179 ORCHARD ROAD MenMadeYoung Vigour Increased In 24 Hours If you feel old before your timp, and unable to enjoy the pleasures of row h. take Dr. Nlxon'a Vi-Taba and r 'tore your Manhood, Vitality and Energy Bir i|.ulis n,
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    • 155 6 y^Q i^% (ireen Waterproof Canvas tents. Maker and repairer off ratlaa and Bertam rhhks. l anvaa aad Spring Blinds. Tarpaulins, Teats. Bags. It inns nine Sirrenv Bertam Panels, Wire Netting Kerning. Wool huntings and ABDUL RAHMAN, Telephone *4M. Office:— Mi. Kobinson Koad. opposite Tt-h graph Co I Workshop: 293, Joo
      155 words

  • 362 7 NO ADDITION TO BRITISH TAXATION? Budget/ Prospects m "Reassuring" j. l.oiuloo. .Mar. 8. IT is now possible to forecast laiily closely from thc Civil. Delence and other estimates already published, the total expenditu.c lor which the Chancellor will have to budget. The Civil estimates at i:408.04;>.605 t are more by
    British Wireless  -  362 words
  • 56 7 Great popularity is being enjoyed by the exhibition of-Balinese paintings by M A. .1. Lc Mayeur at the V W C A Haffles Quay. ,w 7"* l Polok. thc Balinese dancer, will give a performance this afternoon and on Friday afternoon. b?ginifing at about There
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  • 60 7 "Turkey T:ine" featuring Tom Walls. Ralph Lynn and Robertson Hare returned to the Pavilion yesterday foi short peri d .xn^ was seen by man) fans ot the three English comedians This must be or.c ol the best pictures j made by the trio, its fun being [nicely timed
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  • 161 7 "One Frightened Nfefct" At The (apitol Suspense i.s cleverl.\ maintained m "One Frightened Night,*' on" ot the ;no*t successful mystery films to hay been shown m Singapore lor BOOM time it should enjoy a popular i i eon at the Capitol, where it opened yesterday. Ot course
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  • 115 7 Private .Member's Hill To End Expprl London. Mar. <». A Private Members Bill to end the export ol work-worn horses for alaughter or Further work abroad to audi extent aa it continues alter the restrictive legislation I t two years a«o passed its second reading m
    British Wireless  -  115 words
  • 55 7 Naples, >lar. »i. The former Italian Finance Minister, i Alberto di Stefani, who has been appointed as Extraordinary Financial Adviser by the Chinese Government, lelt Naples m the Victoria yesterday. He was seen oil by the Finance Minis- j ter. Count di Reval, and thc Chinese Ambassador,
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  • 39 7 London. Mar. 6. Mr. W. D. Battershill, Colonial Secretary of Cyprus, has been appointed Chief Secretary to the Government oi Palestine, succeeding Mr. J. H. Hall. recently appointed British Resident i for the Zanzibar Protectorate. British Wireless
    British Wireless  -  39 words
  • 22 7 Owing to insufficient support, the Club will not be opened In future after the Opera at the Victoria Theatre.
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  • 134 7 WILL START THIRD ATTEMPT ON RECORD THIS WEEK TTWICE within a short time Flying I Officer David Llewellyn has had to abandon his attempt to break the record tor the flight to the Cape. A tew weeks ago he had to give up ownm to
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  • 66 7 London, Mar. 5. AFTFK a discussion lasting over two hours, the Parliamentary Labour Party decided not to challenge the whole question of rearmament and they therefore will not call a division on the whole rearmament vote but will divide against separate items on the grounds there
    Reuter Wireless  -  66 words
  • 131 7 End-()f-Vovage Parly In "Miss Britain's" Cabin lyondon. Mar. CRANK VCXSPER. the well- Known English acl r baa disappeared trom the liner Pans while returning tr n ho United SUtea h i> H'lu'vod to have been toilowing an end-of-voyage p.irty m the cabin "i IfUa Muriel
    Reuter  -  131 words
  • 100 7 Home niggM resillta on Saturday as cabled by Reuter are: Royal Navy 3. The Army 14 Bath 5. Bristol 6. Blackheath 4. Oxtord Univ. 21. Coventry 36, CV M Taylors 0. Gloucester |g, Cheltenham o. Leicester 3. Harlequins 11 Liar.eiiy 'J3. Northampton o. Richmond 5. L'don Scottish 20
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  • 41 7 Copenhageo. Mar. 6. Raejihild Hveger belt the women's world record 'or the 300 metres ireestyle m the time ot A mins. 50.1 see The previous record wa.s held by den Ouden of Holland with the time 3 mm. 50.4 aac Reuter
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 273 7 U.S. APOLOGY TO GERMANY Washington, Mar. 6. rE United States' apology to Germany for remarks made by Mayor La Guardia about Hitler took the form of a verbal statement by Mr. James S Dunn, Chief of the West European Affairs Division of the State Department, to
    Reuter  -  273 words
  • 205 7 ITALY'S SMALLER GOLD RESERVES LOAN" TO BALANCE BUDGET Rome, Mar. 6. FOLLOWING a meeting of the Fascist Grand Council to discuss the financial and economic position it has been announced that the gold reserve of the Bank of Italy on Feb. 20 was 4,021.000.000 lire, not including reserves m the
    Reuter  -  205 words
  • 111 7 Mr. Tan Urn Rag And Miss Winnie Lim The marriage took place yesterday at the Chi:. o SUI-Generaft office In Btngaj) r ol Wtanlt, the second daughter ol late Mr. Lim Cheng Quee and Mrs Lim Cheng Quee of Singapore I (Buddy) Uan Eng. eldest son ot th
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  • 65 7 SdMM For Reduction Of Capital Withdrawn •From Our Own Correspondent' London. Mar. 6. m the Chancery division yaotstday thc schema for tha proposed reduction ot the capital of Bom.- Company Ltd. irom E 1000 000 to i: 630.640 was withdrawn and the petition was dismissed COSta The
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  • 93 7 London. Mar 7. Over R 800 subscribers to two London telephone exchangee, who make on the average about 350.000 calls weekly, participated yesterday In the largest single transfer to date m the conversion of the telephone service from a manual to an automatic Every circuit had been
    British Wireless  -  93 words
  • 238 7 The Singapore Vounteer Corps programme ot drills lor the week -mding Mar. 14 is as follows Today Monday 515 pm. Headquarters S.R.A <v». HA Gun Drill. 530 p.m. S.R.E. »v>. Drill and Zeroing Rifles. SFCRE iv Malay Sec. Drill; S V FA.. Unit Training. 6.30 pm All Units.
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  • 26 7 Washington. Mar ."i. The House of Representatives passed the Naval Appropriation! Bill by 257 votes to 83 Without amendments and lorwarded it to the Senate- Reuter
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 209 7 LOOK at this grand Cast of Famous Stars ALL IN ONE PICTURE The Biggest "Big Broadcast" of All! JACK BENNY GEORGE BURNS GRACIE ALLEN 808 BURNS and MARTHA RAVE Benny Goodman ond his Orchestra SHIRLEY ROSS RAY Ml LIAN D FRANK FOR E S T ,»ENN V FIELDS \W_a_WW^^^^*M 'Ik
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    • 28 7 FINAL 2 SHOWS TONIGHT PAVILION 615 915 f^T" RALPH j£*J|< LYNN WALLS "TURKEY TIME" with ROBERTSON HARE By Bon Travers KXTRA POLO THRILLS (How polo should be played).
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    • 43 7 It would take CHARLIE CHAN and SHERLOCK HOLMES together to solve this mystery! I CAPITOL 6.15 TONIGHT 9.15 Crowds shrieked with laughter at the novel situations! Come ane enjoy "ONE FRIGHTENED NIGHT" with MARY CARLISLE and 8 other Stars ALSO: tATEST BRITISH NEWS
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    • 22 7 GREAT SUCCESS LAST FEW SHOWS |alhambra NIGHTLY 6.15-9.15 RAMON NOVARRO m M.G.Ms BtgtfoM Hit "BEN-HUR" Now more Thrilling Than Kvcr m Sound
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  • 996 8 The Singapore Free Press MONDAY, MARCH 8, 1937. Germany And Colonies ACCORDING to the latest cables the Nazis are trying to explain away Herr von Ribbentrop's tactless speech at the Leipzig Fair when, referring to the return of Germany's colonies, he said that a solution would be sought "by the
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  • 73 8 Mr .1 Kdfar Jonet „t Ipoh is shortly leaving rot Rone <>n leave rhe death occurred >*i Penang on Wednesday afternoon ol Mr j R Peterson, Oovernmenl pensioner who was formerly In the Public Works Dep.irtment Rev rather a Orlnand ol Japan, is making a tour ol
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  • 42 8 London. .Mar. (i. Fourteen new or converted munition ractoilei In various parts oi the cd^ntry arc roreshadowed In the Ordnance estimates, totalling B 16.164.000. which i.s an Increase of t: in mono compared with the previous year.- Reuter Wireless
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  • 36 8 Stockholm, Ecb. ti. The Foreign Minister. Mr. Sandler recently discussed the possibility of extending the Oslo convention to Switzerland and the Baltic States tfe proposes shortly to tour the three ■ialtic capitals Reuter Wireless
    Reuter Wireless  -  36 words
  • 687 8 IT is interesting to notice the reflec- tion of national events m the play of children. In the poorer parts of London there is a game which became popular six months ago called "Blackshirts vs. Reds." Two sets of children raci with each other, fence with
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  • 889 8 A SHAHHII V i! m In Was w.Lki: long book under his arm Th- young man v. is ut o: w >rk H- wa> taking b >ok to thi p lb] c Imt I h it tor anotl r He mounted thi A v He did tmost
    889 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 119 8 ST~7|BOLS ffisk BLUE .^SpSSt^ Curacao The latest of Bols fine Liqueurs. CALDBECK'S. 5933 I N Telegraphic Address PHONE 5934 M GOODWOOD CHARMINGLY SITUATES IDLAI FOR VISITORS AND TOURISTS Unrivalled Facilities :o? PrtmU KnterUOmment* Don't be Vague ask NO FINER WHISKY GOES INTO ANY BOTTLE SOLE AGENTS JOHN LITTLER Incoppobatjd m
      119 words
    • 80 8 I M BNBg j "I DIDN'T REALISE my husband spent his evenings celebrating' till his friends carried him m one night." said a woman In court. Then the truth was. brought home to her. Should you hnd yourself m hospital seriously ill or injured it will be too late to
      80 words

  • 1654 9 Harming The Local Entrepot Trade PROTEST BY PRESIDENT OF INDIAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Independent Line From Here To India? "rpHE autocracy of some of the shipping Conferences" 1 was condemned by Mr. Mohamed Jumabhoy, president of the Indian Chamber of Commerce, m his report for
    1,654 words
  • 223 9 On Flight To Australia LANDS AT NEW AIRPORT /~VNLY a brief stay was made at vJ Singapore by the German Junker Diesel-engined. plane which arrived yesterday from Alor Star on a flight from Germany to Melbourne. Australia. It is the first Diesel plane to visit
    223 words
  • 92 9 Opens Extension To College For Working Men London, Mar. 7. Queen Mary visited the Morley College tor working men and women yesU rdsy and opened the extension which has cost £22,000 Her Majesty herself was one oi the contributors to the fund. The extensi Xl includes, besides additional
    British Wireless  -  92 words
  • 73 9 To He Taught In All Soviet Schools Moscow, Eeb. 7. Military science and Strategy henceforth will b t s prominent item m the j curriculum of all schools teaching children irom sight years and upwards under a law just promulgated Millions ot miniature bullets, gas masks, mins. parachutes
    Reuter Wireless  -  73 words
  • 79 9 London, Mar. 6. A long list oi questions 1 r answer by the Foreign Secretary m the House of Commons on Monday include five with reference to Herr von Ribben- tfop's recent speech at Leipzig and I several asking for information regarding reported disorders ln Addis Ababa following
    British Wireless  -  79 words
  • 97 9 Hylhe Supersedes Croydon London. Mar. 7. pROTDOM has now ceased to be an Empire air terminus and all services to and from the Empire will arrive and depart from Imperial Airways' new temporary base at ilythe, Southampton. This move Ls m pursuance of the policy of operating
    Reuter Wireless  -  97 words
  • 214 9  - NANKING COMPROMISES WITH REDS Sin Chew Jit Poh Move Towards Sino-Soviet Alliance Agahist Japan hai, M i •yilH Central (Government is reported to ha\c rc.o -In m I agreement with the Chinese Reds for the foi mat ion oi united front against Japan on the following ISffSBS Tne Central
    214 words
  • 136 9 Seeking Removal Of Trade Barriers r>__ a* __m r. The Hague, Mai. economic league ol small nations, strong m spirit opened a conference today Which will last several days with the aim of laying the foundations of economic The conference consists oi signatories of the Oslo Convention.
    Reuter Wireless  -  136 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 12 9 m_w-tmwmmmummmwmmmmmmmmmwmm\ I yy yy m* *jb s __\____SamSl ___A__Z^^C___Z_-—Z--—_—--_--mmm>m--Wm..-.' iwrrnr 1 —^_^M
      12 words
    • 183 9 Stllli II EARLY STREAMLINE Many a time m the early days of motoring and befor? th was any speed limit. Romary Bfccuits helped to while ti hours of enforced deiay. And still, for motoring, tin nicest of biscuits. No others exist with quite the sanu < of delic ous crispness.
      183 words

    • 864 10 May Force Prices To Higher Levels CONSUMPTION FIGURES IN U. S. ANALYSED Prom the Free Press Correspondent) Ixmdon, Feb. 22. ANNOUNCEMENT of the British C.overnmenfs vast rearmament programme precipitated a sudden boom m the London metal markets this week. Dealers on the Metal
      864 words
    • 21 10 Messrs., Harper. Gilnllan Co.. Ltd.. advise the output of Rahman Hydraulic Tin, Ltd. for the month of February was 1.000 piculs.
      21 words
    • 42 10 London, Mar. 7. The total amount applied lor m tenders ror v; 45.000,000 Treasury Bills \vu.s *C 75.050.000. The average rate per cent, for bills a' three months was 10s 8.76 d. against Ids. 5.19 d. a week ago.—British Wireless.
      42 words
    • 177 10 Mar. t. American Can. Com tO9 im 1 10a American Telephone and iv:. graph 179% 177' L 17« Atcheson R lilr >d 84\, 86 Chesapeak <;8 <;n' 2 cn 1 Dupgni 178 17'P 2 1 T v j Firestone :'.h ;i h :'>8 7 k h tiei
      177 words
    • 188 10 I From London 5.30 p. m. March 6 RI IUUK: Strong. London Spot: 11', d 11 5 16d. Previously: 10 15 16d 11 1 16d. Apr -.lune 11 I 16d. 11 7 16d. Previously: 11 1 16d 11 3 16d Oct. -Dec: 11 7 16d. ll- 2
      188 words
    • 72 10 London Closing Q"otations March 6 Method of Parity before Rate Prenentn Quoting 10-t-11 furtirtti iriy P-irus Francs to 114.2] 107 51€ lor, ;U6 New York to 4 88 I^7 13 16 4 8!) Amsterdam Guilders to liliuT x\n hu2 Houk Kong Per dollar Ls. 2 5 16d
      72 words
    • 210 10 SHIINt, London, TT \k Loudon demand 2 4 l 16 London A months 1 aight 2 4» H na, d. mand 1230 H i nburg, demand 141 New York, demand 56 15 16 treal, demand 56 is 16 Batavia, d< mand ***** Bamarang, demand H)3 M Calcutta
      210 words
    • 63 10 I I Mar. G Gambier TT. 7,50 Java Cube 10.50 Hamburg Cube 15.00 White Muntok Pepper 21.50 Black. Pepper 12.00 Copra, mixed 7.80 •<*£- Copra, sundried 8.00 Small Flake Tapioca 5.40 R. Saigon Al $174 R. Siam. W.C. No. 1 $162 Rice, Siam, W.C. No 2 $147
      63 words
    • 104 10 During the week ending Feb 27 cxi ports ol tinned pineapples Irom Maj layan ports amounted to 48.029 cases, of which 29.957 <62 per cento eases were to the United Kingdom. 1.687 -tour per cento cases to the Continent of Europe. 9.127 '19 per cent.) cases
      104 words
    • 131 10 ISSUED BY FRASER AND CO. AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON SATURDAY The local price of tin rose 54.75 to $130 75. Thi* is the highest price since January 1928. Apart from support from London the local market m tin shares tailed to respond to thLs increase
      131 words
    • 1156 10 I Fraser and Co. f s List SATI RDAY. MAR fi. 1T»37: 1 P.M MINING Ampat Tin <4s> 5s 6d ss9d Asam Kurobang <t) 33s SKI 34., M Austral Malay 54.s Ayer Hitam ">s> 24s Ml Ayer Weng ($1) 1.70 1.80 Bannrin Tin <£» 23s
      1,156 words
    • 79 10 Fraser Company. TIN *'"'V ri :,,h M n hi 11 i b>( v.r 13 m_ M f__ I M- 11 6 1/1 T, n, h I'" M.T 2 M„ H M r GENERAL ■bstern United 5', Int Mir o ,,u M ir D Mar 16 Mar 10 RCBBER Joram PllM1
      79 words

  • 287 11 Hampered Rv Shortage Of Officers Scouting m Malacca Ls being hampered by a shortage oi officers, and m some English school troops the scoutmasters have been carrying on singlehanded. "This is very unsatlsfact wry, as the standard of the troop is inevitably lowered." states the annual report
    287 words
  • 72 11 The Chief Overseas Commissioner of the St John Ambulance Brigade. Col. J L. Sleeman. will be the speaker at the next meeting of the Rotary Club of Singapore, which will be held next Wednesday. The directors have appointed Dr. X Ando the club's representative on the committee of
    72 words
  • 457 11 Winning CONTRACT DaVi if!Z'? t ne *4 Me 7* n D Maier 09waUL Jacoby and Howar Schtnktn, world s leading team-of-four and inventors of the system that has beaten every other system m existence VOIDING AN END PLAY experts have a deadly fear of being thrown m towards the end
    457 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 421 11 HONGKONG SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporated ln the colony ol Hong Kong) Tne liability of members Is limited •o ike extent and In asaanse praeerlked ky Ordinance No. of 1929 of the Colony. Authorised Capital 950.000.000 Issued and Fully Paid-up 920.000.000 Reserve Fond: Sterling 9,500.000 Hong Kong Currency 910.000,000 Reserve Liability
      421 words
    • 519 11 CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AISTRALIA AND CHINA (Incorporated m England by Royal Charter) Paid up capital In 600.000 shares of £5 each £3.000 000 Reserve Fund £3,000.000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £3,000.000 HEAD OFFICE: 38, Bishopsgate. London, E.C. 2. Agencies and Branches. Alor Star I Hollo gon Amritsar Ipoh Semarang
      519 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 499 11 RADIO PROGRAMMES FOR TODAY SINGAPORE Wavelength— 22s metres pm. 000 Malay music (gramophone records 6.30 Teochew music (gramophone records > 700 Recital of gramophone records. 7.30 Time, weather, news and an- I nouncements. 745 "Royal Mail." A talk by B. J. Freeman, Acting Controller of POBtl and Telegraphs Singa- pore.
      499 words
    • 217 11 12.10 Dance music. 12.20 Close down. Berlin— DJE, DJB, DJQ, DJA and DJN Wavelengths 16.89, 19.74, 19.63, 31.38 and 31.45 metres 6.15 Opening announcement. 7.20 News m English. 7.35 Light music (contd). 8.20 News and economic review In German. 8. 35 A gay musical hour. 9.20 News and economic review
      217 words

  • 182 12 Presentation On Behalf Of The Board Lady Margaret Shaw, wife of the chairman of the P. and O. and British India companies, recently presented I a gold cigarette case on behall ot the British India Board to Captain J W Gilchrist, ol the Modasa.
    182 words
  • 155 12 BRIGHTER PROSPECTS FOR EXPORT TRADE Increased Purchasing Power Of Overseas Countries The ! m thfl FBI Business Barometer points out that the recovery m home trade seems to br approaching peak, and takt I the view that rearmament policy, the C ronation. and the volume ol public and wml-public work
    155 words
  • 52 12 In January 510 ships with 631.275 tons entered and 559 with 644,434 tons cleared Bremen Harbour, as against 596 with 701.847 tons entered and 612 with 686,750 tens cleared m January. 1936 The battle last, menth showed a decrease ol 8 1 per cent, compared with
    52 words
  • 227 12 Chinese (iroup To Operate Soviet Vessel Put:inj-' mother tpoke hack into the which crashed when China 'i pkrniaf I r i■ h the t' BB R nearly ten fcan IgO. the Union St« Kinship C Utp the B i i Ip Unt B l inii as br ker
    227 words
  • 110 12 t anion, Feb. Palatini tin by thi irfinrtr boat Man TSOk that wi.t to the bottom while >he was on her voyage to Kougmoon. and passengers who 1« st their personal < llects. have fc| a group instituted civil proceedings lor reimbursement for their losses Some 70 plaint
    110 words
  • 257 12 UNITED STATES TONNAGE SHORTAGE Tankers Only Ships Under Construction 4<T*IIFRK i.s not a worthwhile sea-going ship building m U I I'nited States, except naval vessels .md od tankers.' the response of Mr. 11. Cierrish Smith, president of the National Council of American Shipbuilders, to the report of Lloyd's I gister
    257 words
  • 26 12 Over Fort) Million Ton* (II Goodfl llamllrri don iron; En United K:ngd< 16.7k- ■< lorm« Dv:: goods w< Dv: 1.114 vesa I T l l
    26 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 476 12 BOUSTEAD CO., LTD. (Incorporated _n F.M.S.) TELEPHONE: Freight 5433— Passage 5431. LLOYDS AGENTS:— BOOKING AGENTS FOR FEDERATED MALAY STATES RAILWAY* ROYAL STATE RAILWAYS OF SIAM. Vi^xo>^ SEE.CANADA f mvtC%uu^_*_mJ£^\^Zi Go vla Canada t0 North A:Tier,ca- mmtml^'-'^^mmjmm^^4} Europe. Fast, through trains direct KJlBJ?^ V^Uit UJlfli sF' from ships skk> at Vancouver
      476 words
    • 288 12 SOUTH AFRICAN CRUISE. M.s. "STELLA POLARIS" (Ideal Cruise Ship) LEAVE SINGAPORE 19th MARCH. 1937. ARRIVE SOUTHAMPTON 9th MAY. 1937. s.s. "ORION To serve as a Floating Hotel at the port of London during the Coronat.o* Festivities. Excellent accommodation available on both these >hips Please apply, AMERICAN LLOYD AGENCY LTD. 64.
      288 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 445 12 Local And Foreign Mail Dispatches And Arrivals 9 WM f BY TRAIN Bangkok every Saturday 7 p.m. Thursday 7.45 a.m. i Swettenham, Taiping and Telok Anson: Weekdays* 7 pm. Kota Bahru, Kuala Kri and Tumpat: Mon.. Wed.. Thurs. and Friday* 7.43 a.m. Sundays 7 p.m. j Kuala Lumpur and Penang:
      445 words
    • 529 12 SINGAPORE HARBOUR Ships alongside the Wharves or Expected to Arrive East Wharf (Entrance Gate 1): Rajula 22: Muinam 20. .♦lain Wharf (Entrance Gate 3): Op ten Noort 18; Hai Lee 16; Kepong 15; Diomed 13; Kinta 12; GlenOnlas 8 Empire Dock (Entrance Gate 3): Siamese Prince 30: Awobasan Maru 32;
      529 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 445 13 fi a «^^r* I Wmmm\ I BY, P&Oand BRITISH INDIA LINES P. O. S. N. COS SAILINGS, OUTWARDS Tonnage Spore. m CATHAY 15 000 li .r %9 r*r^r.w-n. 1937 •BURDWAN II?!" S??™ May 7 RAJPUTANA nuou MaJ 26 r!^ nf,- 16UUU May 21 RANPURA nMb Aal 9 Lfm v X
      445 words
    • 627 13 ELLERMAN BUCKNALL S.S. Co., Ltd. Edncorporatea tn Straits Settlements.* "ELLERMAN LINE" FOR UNITED KINGDOM AND CONTINENT VIA PORTS AND SUEZ CANAL Steamer D(|^ g.^ SKSSKKS HAM J!* m Lo,ldon dam H bur X Mar. 29 Apr. 2 ClTySkhfErv :m i^M^'" 11 l.aXmMVm Apr 12 Apr 10 CIIY OY DERBY Havre.
      627 words
    • 746 13 fe^^ REPRESENTING SHIPPING THE BLLE FUNNEL LINE (Ocean lhe Hua Khlow m«m. _t__ r. __m__m_ mmm Steam Ship Co.. Ltd.. and China Mutu.l lhe IWd WhiV/ S', P i is Steam Navigation Co.. Ltd.) The San Tali sX!JS_V The Straits Steamship Co Ltd. The W^ltn t t? ,P. fr LU
      746 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 673 14 K. P. M. OP TEN NOORT Monduv. Mar 8 Beuwan-Deli. HOUTMAN -Monday. Mar. a. Batavia. Rodrlgue*, Mauritius, Reunion, Durban, Luuienrn-Marques. Beira, Zanzibar Mambasa and Mane BOTH Monday. Mar. 8. Muntok. Batavia and CheFttMß ROKAN— Tuesday. Mar. 9. Bengkalis Paneh, Berombang, TanjongMengeidar, Tanjdng-Letdong a*nd Asahan THEDENS— Wednesday. Mar 10, Muntok and
      673 words
    • 599 14 DOLLAR STEAMSHIP LINE dbid AMERICAN MAIL LINE i^ r /&/6^^P\ m mm ~7'^mwßtߣSmL 7^Wj^vS\ TO FCROPE V KOM SINGAPORE AND PENANC. VIA COLOMBO. BOMBAY. SUEZ. PORT SAID. ALEXANDRIA, NAPLES. GENOA. MARSEILLES AND NEW YORK Arrives. Lca%es leaves Arrive* Spore S pore. Penang. New York. Pres WSwfm Mar. 12 Mar. 14
      599 words
    • 500 14 O. S> K. LINEI Arizona Maru Buenos Aires "ia Colombo. Momb.i Mar. a Zanzibar. Dar es Salaam. Beira. I Marques. Durban. P. Elizabeth and Cape Town Italy Maru Cape Town via Mombasa. Zanzibar. D Mar. g o Salaam. Beira, L. Marques. Durt and P Elizabeth Hakonesan Maru Buenos Aires, Montevideo
      500 words

  • 302 15 EXCITING FINISH IN K.L. CRICKET MATCH (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Mar. 5. A SPLENDID innings by T. L. Gulland, thc F.M.S. player, who scored G2 runs, and a brilliant fourth wicket partnership between V. Ponniah and S. Perimpanayasam, the former Perak state player,
    302 words
  • 410 15 N.S. WISE EXTENDED BY KOBAYASHI Saturday's Play In V.M.C.A. Tennis Tournament T^OBAYASIII gave Wise a h ,rd fight m the men's open singles ot the V.M.C.A. open tennis tournament on Saturday. The Singapore champion was very erratic m the first sel and lost it at li 3. H( :i Hie
    Free Press photo  -  410 words
  • 46 15 me following aTe ties ror next--B.C.C. b »wla pairs knockoul handle ip Monday: P. W. Peachey and E. G. 3) vs O W Dilmour and V Barbat I 2). Im-sda.v: A Ferguson and C. G. er i— 4) vs. E. Fozard and F. H. Brooks <scr)
    46 words
  • Article, Illustration
    23 15 I l IF -I.M. CEICKET. Flay hi Uu match m uhhh the Chinese teal thc s.t'.C .on lhe padang yestenl Free Press Photo
    Free Press Photo  -  23 words
  • Article, Illustration
    36 15 h N ,t X 11 0,dHns Ur hv\h hIV V ,e eCer mxUh m uhkh th <* T r r tM tne Indians by three goals to nil at thc Police Depot on Saturday. (Free Press photo).
    36 words
  • 256 15 ST. ANDREWS BEAT A.C. S. '■ww's Sch Chii boo i\ Icel on Saturday tin SI Andrea md. Scores: WGI.O lIINFSF SCHOOL C Wong b ir tsainsah 2 •\n Kow Chu c Ross b Hoosainsah 4 Chen .Tan Ju lbw Singh 21 T Kanagaretnam c Bowerman b 7 Kirn Hor b
    256 words
  • 258 15 SUNDRAM TAKES SIX CLUB WICKETS FOR 12 A FINE b twling performance by S. X Sundram enabled the Rallies. Institution to register a derisive vie-' At*r an S.CC. eleven by 122 runs. antneTadanl 01? Saturday. The R 1., who took first iease of the wicket, declared with 171 tor eight
    258 words
  • 58 15 Melbourne, Feb. 6. The match at Ben •da between th« M.C.C tourists and a country eleven was drawn The country team scored! 147 tor 8 and then declared m order to see the Englishmen bat Davidson, with 52 retired, was the highest scorer lor the heme
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 276 15 BIG SCORE BY C.S.C. Muthu Totals 95 f\H the point of scoring a century for the Ceylon Sports Club. Muthu cumaru was unfortunate to be caught out on Saturday m the cricket match I with the S.C.R.C. which the Ceylon. I ese won by eight wickets They scored 182 for
    276 words
  • 267 15 Excise Beaten By Two Goals To Nil Chinese II .2. Excise Dept 0 THE Chinese should have put up a bigger score m their Second Division football fixture against thc Excise Department at Anson Road stadium on Saturday They finished on tne right side by two goals
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  • Article, Illustration
    30 15 A HEADER. Picture taken during play m the second division soccer match at Anson Road on Saturday. The Chinese heat the Excise by two goals to nil. (Free Press photo).
    30 words
  • 220 15 BRIGHT SOCCER AT POLICE DEPOT Terror Beat LA. Three-Nil A BRIGHT, clever and by no means one-sided name ol SOCCet was playled at the Police Depot Saturday Where the H.M.S. Terror defeated thr Indian Association by three clear uoals The Terrors had a workmanlike forward line who understood their respective
    220 words
  • 172 15 Badminton Team Suspended Johore Bahm, Mar. fi. A minor senaatl n has been created hi Joh ir badminton circles by the decision ol the committee ot the Joh re Bahru District Badminton Association to Miapend the Blue Badminton Party, leading Johore team and for two successive fi
    172 words
  • 707 15 End Of Had mm ton Season T'HF Married vs. Single match W played on Saturday was a fitting match to mark thc close of the lfKNi I adminton season Thc game was a thrilling one from start to finish, and contrary to expectations resulted m a brilliant
    707 words
  • 132 15 Thc Young Mens Christian Asso tion gained big cricket victory ever H.M.S Terror on Saturday beating them by eight wickeLs. thanks to a sterling, and unfinished century by young Kenneth Leembruggen. Scores II M S TKRROR Hodgson G liarker b Hay 14 Workman lbw. b Hay
    132 words

  • 1941 16 Millwall Play Part Of Giant-killers ARSENAL HAVE BAD LUCK DRAKE UNFIT AND MILNE INJURED (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Mar. 7. C A. (up results yesterday were all "wrong" according to general anticipations. Nearly a quarter of a million spectators witnessed the
    1,941 words
  • 140 16 M. M. Paterson Wins "A" Division THE March BoKey competition, on the Stapleford handicapping system, was played at Bukit Timah on Saturday and yesterday and resulted ln a win for M. M. Paterson m "A" division with a score of 38. m a win for J H. Phillips
    140 words
  • Article, Illustration
    47 16 YAP All HIAN (left) beat Urn Kirn Wee m the handicap men's singles event at the V.M.C.A. on Saturday. Free Press Photo X WL WL MENON (left) and Tan Peng Cheow taken before the match, which was not completed, at the V.M.C.A. on Saturday. (Free Press photo).
    Free Press Photo  -  47 words
  • 148 16 KEPPEL WOMEN'S TITLE TO MISS HADLEY fONSISTENT play by Miss Hadley and a final round of 89 cave her an easy wm m the Keppel Golf Club's Women's Championship Thc winner's three rounds were 98.91 and 99 Mrs E A. Eld f r who im .shed MOOOd, had t total
    148 words
  • 287 16 CHOON LIN TAKES FIVE WICKETS FOR 30 A STRONG S.CC. team were well beaten al cricket on (he padang yesterday when they were all out for m r. ph to the small score of 94 compiled by the S.C.R.C. The Club's innings
    287 words
  • 58 16 EL KINS WINS SELANGOR G. C CHAMPIONSHIP •From Our Own OOfffWp Kuala I. umpur \i W H Elkins retain. ship of S» langor Oolf Civ B M G pion lor the third year pull all 99J81 n but I m nd was five 18th it end of ye.>ng saw
    58 words
  • 15 16 Bong! si Mii i UUcaJ team v I J 1
    15 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements