The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 6 March 1937

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 17 1 The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS. NO. 15,102. ESTD. 1835 SATURDAY, MARCH 6. 1937. 16 CENTS.
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  • 385 1 100 Home Squadrons PBy April 1 BIG JUMP IN THIS YEAR'S ESTIMATES Increase Of £31,800,000 FIRST-LINE AIRCRAFT TO REACH 15,000 SOON TIIK progress made m the expansion of the air force revealed by the estimates, issued yesterday, which, ke those for the navy and
    Reuter  -  385 words
  • Article, Illustration
    30 1 1 'ear as 'ow you're leavin' us alter the Coronation, Mrs. Staa!e>." 'Yes. but not on their askin*. Miss Neville. knows when they've jjor a good servant- -il the* don't."
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  • 196 1 Steady Rise In London, Mar. 5. THE continuous steady rise of Chinese loans attracts the attention of all financial writers. Inquiries m the City show that the 1912 loan is most favoured owing to the increased revenue ol the gabelle, on which a relatively small amount of
    Reuter  -  196 words
  • 569 1 BANK'S NEW BUYING PRICE FOR GOLD Big Defence Loan To Be Issued On Monday Paris. Mar. 5. A COMMUNIQUE issued at the conclusion of a Cabinet meeting today reaffirms that the tripartite agreement, between France. Britain and America, remains the basis of France's
    Reuter  -  569 words
  • 48 1 London, Mar. 5. Sir Francis Lindley has been nominated as the National Conservative candidate at the by-election at the Combined Universities, caused by the death of Sir Reginald Craddock. The other candidates are Sir Henry Brackenbury I Independent) and Mr. Edmund Harvey (Independent progressive Reuter
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 148 1 Labour Again Control L.C.C. London, Mar. 5. i HTIIE final results of the London County Council election is. Labour 75, Municipal Reform li. By capturing tw s. .its hi North Kensington. Labour cilicr b come assured of control. One further Labour g.un was recorded m the results declared il
    Reuter  -  148 words
  • 197 1 ,1,600 TONS A MONTH FOR STOCKS Big Reserve Of Production Paris, Mir. 5. •THE International Tin Committee today fixed the production quota for the second quarter of 1937 at 100 per cent, of standard tonnages. Th? committee desire to point out that the reduct: m
    Reuter  -  197 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 85 1 BIGIA TEA Brings the freshness and fragrance of the Malayan gardens direct to your home. TONIGHT Orchestral Concert 015 to 9.1s p.m. Dinner and Dance (fcrmai) 0.45 to midnight AND NFW PROGRAMME Sl'( CESS HARVEY and YOUNG FAMOUS AMERICXN (O.MEDY DANCERS IN SOME MORE MIRTH PROVOKING DANCES (1) La Cubanola
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  • 188 2 Five Attempt Suicide MEMBERS OF "LET US DIE" LEAGUE Tokio, Feb. 27. SIMULTANEOUS attempts to commit suicide by hara-kiri were made this morning by five members Of the Let Us Die" League. The men chose I r the scene ofl their suicide the square before the
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  • 118 2 Golden Valley Brand y Distributes $1,000 To mark the closing of the si. 000 Golden Valley Brandy nnpetition Guthrie and Co. gave a Chinese dinner last night at the Southern Hotel al which more than one hundred pc -pie were present. V. I. Home gave away
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  • 84 2 Aivurduu to the newspaper Ciaridad. Government troops entered Toledo and occupied the quarter aaai the Alcazar ye.sterday. It \s alao reported that after 2:1 hours oi bitter lighting, m which the insurgents are said to have lost heavily, ***** Government troops are ited 1 hue Tossed
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • 88 2 London. Mar. 4. In a reply to a Commons question yesterday regarding the prospects ot 1 mediation m Spain. Mr. Eden, the Foreign Minister said the questi m ;us to whether Government can take any ■tl ps to provide a basis of negotiation between the
    British Wireless  -  88 words
  • 60 2 Detroit. Mar. B, An agreement as regards hours, wages and working conditions, which was left unsettled at the end of the recent General Motors strike may be signed on Monday, according to officials of the Corporation. In the meanwhile, work has been resumed at
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 54 2 The revival ol „B en-Hur." the Metro-Gnldwyn-Mayer production, with the addition ol sound, at the Alhambra yesterday was well received when the fans had thrills to see m plenty. Ramon Novarro. who played the leading role as Ben-Hur. acted excellently, while the great chariot
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  • 28 2 The Are brigade was called shortly after eleven o'clock last night when a motor-car caught ttre m Holland Road, near the junction with Pierce Road.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 76 2 f VICTORIA THEATRE TONIGHT-9.30 P.M. SHARP GONSALEZ ITALIAN GRAND OPERA Co., Present FAUST VERDI BOX OFFICE PLAHS AT LITTLES Prices *4, s3, sJ7\ Note. The curtain will rise at 51.30 p.m. sharp and the audience is requested to be seated by WJ2S p.m. Bookings not paid for by 6 p.m.
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    • 13 2 WANTED. WANTED Saloon Car. Low Petrol consumption. Box 605 care of Free Press.
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    • 1405 2 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. TENDERS. Tenders will be received at the Colonial Secretary's Office up to noon of Mar 10. 1937. for the supply of black boots and shoes to the Police Department. Singapore, lor the year 1937. Forms oi tenders may be obtained at the Chief Police Oflice, Singapore. Tenders to
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  • 241 3 "Not Now A Question Of Haig Or Myself" WRONG MUST BE RIGHTED I I London. Feb. 19. AMI. LLOYD GEORGE will reply to the account *iven by WI Brigadier-General Sh Jame Edmonds, OflTicial Historian of the Great War, of the events leading up to thc
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  • Article, Illustration
    25 3 THE SCOTTISH IMPING Society af London's With annual Gate. B.W. William Ramsey.aged 15, one of the youngest competitors, playing to children m the street.
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  • 324 3 She Sends Another Man To T W* T\ fits Doom London. I eh. 1:0. I/l IM STANtiL, one oi six men beheaded m Berlin m the last 1X few days, is known to have been the 13th man to lose his bead over the
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  • 59 3 London, Mar. I. The moi v value Ol retail trade ..ales In January was 2.4 per cent er than m January. 1936. when however, the rise irom the year earlier amounted to 10.8 per cent. For the twelve months ol the trade •nded with January, m increase 5.8
    British Wireless  -  59 words
  • 72 3 'I-'i'im ()nr Own Correspondent > London. Mar. I. The hearing oi the petition ol Borneo Company Limited ior approval to reduce the company's capital trom £1 million to £639,640 wa.s commenced m the Chancery Division today. befon Mr. Justice Bennett. The capital reorganisation scheme is strongly opposed
    Free Press cable  -  72 words
  • 153 3 Malay Cyclist Killed In Crash COURT SEQUEL (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur. Mar. I. AN echo of a fatal accident m Princes Road, In which a young Malay cyclisl aras knocked down by a car on Jan. i>4. was heard m the Kuala Lumpur police court today \%hcn Ahmad
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  • 194 3 Questions Asked In House Of Commons Leaden, Mar. 4. Replying m the House ot Commons to Mr Iforeing on the .subject ol the proposed amendment to the Chinese insurance laws. Mr Eden, the Foreign Secretary, yesterday said he had been informed by the Ambassador that
    Reuter  -  194 words
  • 132 3 Concessions Not To He Renewed Mexico, City. Mar. 3. A Presidential decree establishes Mexico's new Government oil organisation, which is empowered to cfTect the exploitation of thc national petroleum reserves and develop the petroleum industry generally m the interests of national economy. The organisation with
    Reuter  -  132 words
  • 49 3 London. Mar. 4. The Swedish Foreign Minister. M. Sandler, who. at the recent meeting oi the League of Nations at Geneva accepted the British Foreign Secretary's invitation to pay a visit to England, will arrive m London on Mar. 15 and leave on the 18th. British Wireless
    British Wireless  -  49 words
  • 52 3 Mr. Hore-Belisha has made a Road Fund grant towards the widening and strengthening of Richmond Bridge at a cost of £72.600. Ministry of Transport returns show i that m December 1a5t' 39,183 new motor vehicles were registered compared with 31.199 m December 1935 I cars taxed on horsepower numbering [27,822
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  • 565 3 Increased Stocks THE market has been quiet with only minor fluctuations, states Stanton Nelson and Co. s market review issued yesterday. The official figures for Malayan stocks and production lor the month of January make interesting reading. Stocks on Jan. 31. at 78 276 tons are more
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  • 39 3 Mr. S. W. Jones I Acting British .Resident. Selangor* paid his first oflicial visit t? the Ulu Langat District, on Tuesday. He visited the Irrigation Works at Beranang. the Kajang High School, the Hospital, and other places lof interest.
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  • 274 3 FALLS FROM WORLD'S LONGEST BRIDGE nph Vaifc. WW*, n. A SAKKIV dc\;ce *hich hai hitlv it saved II lives during the construe* tion <>: the now bridge which spans the Gulden Oate al San Frar. failed today, and U n BM tl lost their lives and
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  • 28 3 The second presents tl >n copy ol 'Alice |n Wonderland given to Princess Beatrice by Lewis Carroll m 1866 Is to be aold at Sothein > op Mar 16
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  • 92 3 'From Our Own London. Mn It is understood tin; feilaiM unissued preference ai In live per cent cumu'atl' pi shares nl p,.,ak Rlvi li i Power c» Ltd i. pn vateiy through ading ftrm oi beoksfs at Us M It is also and) Me tors intend
    Free Press Cable  -  92 words
  • 192 3 Armenian Claimant's Story Cake id, if > ONC more claimant to the fortune of Sir Basil /.a hai oil. I Inarms financier, has come forward m thc person ol Suili'ik C hachaty. an Armenian. I mair m a tots Mondi c...:0 »rge dgarttti
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 18 3 COCONUT l\ HONOUR OF ILM.s ILLLI IN PORT EXTENSION TONIGHT j UNTIL 2 A.M. ■SlolalsMEl mmmmmmi^ mm mmimw_m^m^m
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    • 37 3 short/ LEAVE TO /JAVA s>/k.P.M, f 50% REDUCTION I r permanent residrnt Miliv unh X P.M. LIM.. 1 Finlayson Cirrrn. let »IM. OVA LTI N E Delicious— Hot or Cold A. WANDER LIMITED CHARTERED BANK CHAMBERS SINGAPORE,
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  • 282 4 Paris Preparing For Great Exhibition AVIATION TO PLAY AN IMPORTANT PART Paris, Feb. 25. TO speed tip the work on thc Paris 1937 Exhibition a joint committee has been set up and Krimond Labbe, Director of the Exhibition, says that work is tn be continued on Saturdays and Sundays between
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  • Article, Illustration
    22 4 MiUtLENE DIETRICH hi a scene from the London Film production. "Knight Without Armour," m which she is starred with Robert Don at
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  • 749 4 Britain On The Screen By Joan Littlefield Vi c t o r Sa vilie 's Ca ree r London. Feb. 25. /~VNE oi Britain's most versatile film directors is Victor SaviJle. Like Hitchcock, he began m silent clays, and since the advent of
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  • 107 4 "Geneva To Be Presented At Malvern Festival London. Feb. hi. DERNARD Shau new play, Geneva* 1 trill probably be th? chiel event at the Malvern Festival to be h n July 26 to Aug 21 So far only two md i hall acts are finished. There will
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  • 132 4 50,000 AMNESTIED IN ITALY Food Profiteers Among Those Excluded Koine. Mar. Political prisoners and those political Offenders who are on the penal islands are included In th Roy ii Amnesty to celebrate the birth ot Victor Emmanuel. Prince >1 Naples, the first s.n ot the Crown Prince Umberto and Princess
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  • 204 4 TELEVISION EXHIBITION To Be Held ln London London. Feb. 25. VISITORS to London this summer will be able to see a comprehensive exh'biMon of television appara*u.> at the Science Museum. South Kensington The collection will trace the history Ol the new art trom its earliest beginnings It was first thought
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  • 26 4 The King has appointed Mr Eric H. Savill to be Deputy Ranger ot Windsor Great Park m succession to Lieut-Col Sir Malcolm Murray, who has retired.
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  • 183 4 Sacred Go lden Rose Rome, Feb. 26. HTHE sacred golden rose, which the A Vatican la to present to Queen Elena of Italy on the 40th anniversary of her wedding, has been a mark of special Papal favour since the 11th century. It is wrought cf gold set with sapphires
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  • 159 4 To Sit In Kremlin rE new "House of Commons of the USSR., created by Stalin s new Constitution, will sit m St. Andrews Hall, the old Throne Room of the great Kremlin palace where nearly all the Romanoffs were crowned The light blue and gold cathedrallike
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  • 102 4 A USTRIANS LEARNING ENGLISH Vienna. Feb. 24. npilE latest Again show that more than 50 pl»r cent of Austrian* wh o learn foreign languages m Vienna arc studying English French, as m pre-war days is the language learned by the better cLuvs people, on the other hand, they are learning
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  • 110 4 French Inquiry Into New Disturbances M. Vienot. French Unrier-Serre! try tor Foreign AiT.iirs. ha* left Paris ior funis on a routine visit. While there h»> will inquire Into disturbances which have occurred between native elements And local Itanan FfcselStS Recently thc French authorities decided to ban the
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  • 125 4 Man Who Died Under Police Examination Mr. H Cochran, a member ot the State Legislature. Pennsylvania, alleged at hearing ot the thirddegree murder" trial that he heard screams coming from the rom m which Frank Monaghan. aged 64. questioned before he died. Stacey Gunderman. a
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  • 55 4 The King has appointed the Duke of i Gloucester as chairman of the admi- I nlstratlve council of King George's Jubilee Trust. Members of the Cinematograph Ex- hibitors' Association are to be asked by the Automobile Association to Hash a lighting-up time warning on the aevaan for the benefit of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 207 4 DON'T SUFFER ANOTHER DAY Prarticallv every firm of stomach hmihle 1 Vf'J Amazing <| ijk klv anl M C*SJ Bisnrated' Magnesia. is WM WWtt^JU 3 remedies contbined onr as V WfmmW r*Um^^^^a as a pain killrr c soreness, and inflam- l" 1 a prr-.entative, SU protecting layer to w.irl off
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  • Article, Illustration
    244 5 Ml SLIM FESTIVAL »f "Idu L-A*ha" took place at the Jehan tecssSN at Waking. Indians from a parts of England attended The Iman reading the sermon to the congregation during the service. THE SCENE m the main street of Barcelona, Spain, showing the street filled with people m the funeral
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 36 5 Photographic copies of Free Press local pictures can be obtained on application to the Manager. Price 50 cents each WYE VALLEY j CANNED FRUITS VEGETABLES I AMPc2^s3\. Vx^^^^^^Pvfi^^E^ ft Packed fresh from Garden and PHONE. 5376
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  • 274 6 Mr. F. Thomas To Ta k c Ov c r Direction AS Mrs Bottrall Is .shortly going on leave with her husband, tne direction of Basic English studies m Singapore is beinu taken over by Mr Francis Thomas, ol St. Andrew's School. Mr. Thomas read English at Cambridge,
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  • 78 6 Lieut-Col. C. H. R. Crawshay. brother of Capt. Geoffrey Crawshay. Commissioner tor Special Areas, died In Queen Mary's Hospital for Limbless Men. Roehampton. Lord Nuffield has blven £1.000 to th? dependants of 13 men trapped by an explosion m the Wontaggi Mine. Victoria, his previous gifts In Australia totalling £17,500
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  • 1124 6 Defamation In Handbills Alleged (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Mar. l. «TIAVING heard from people m general about the var ious acts of Toga Singh and after verification we come to the conclusion that this matter does not need further investigation, and that if brother
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  • 257 6 To Command Royal Inniskillings MAJOR H A ALLEN. DSO. second m command of the Ist Battalion, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers who is to be Oflicer Commanding on the retirement of Lt.-Col. M. F. Ham-mond-Smith. MC, returned Irom leave yesterday morning. Mrs. Allen is coming out from England later.
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  • 261 6 Sharp Sentences Foi Chinese SENTENCE of 25 monthsrigorous imprisonment was passed by Mr. 11. A. Forrer. m the Criminal District Court yesterday, on a Chinese named Sng (hwee Choc, who pleaded guilty to a charge of having had m his possession 297 tahils of non-Government chandu, on
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  • 165 6 London. Mar. 4. The total estimate for the completion of the Singap re Naval Base by \o.^ bai been raised to Bll.oog.QM by tha announcement In the Navj Bal matea that an addition of BSSSjOOQ has been made and the amount to
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  • Article, Illustration
    19 6 RAMON NOVARRO m mj* ,r..n, unrld lam MOM pr.,.u. lion. Rm llur. «hi,h is n.n. nhowinc al llir Alhamhra.
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  • 166 6 Much More Knergctic Since She K educed. Dieting is Inconvenient uncertain m it.* eiTects, and s'lmetlmei definitely harmful to the health It you r« duce weight, iftaromforl ulthoul dinger method that thOV women h.ivc toOomod meeoaefuiiy. Here is a letter describing exp< rience ol thll
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  • 179 6 Little Damage Dour Ii is now rovraUd that surprising little flam. i w.i > done nther public or private pffO|M rty during tho recent grand manoeuvres m Singapore, prartirailv <: only rases rojvirtcd beinß nunor damage to banpalow gardens whTp .nfantry and machuv -gunners wore < ampcd
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  • 22 6 Mr md M durnmen Kua'a i i h rived Hme n BtfM Malaya In June i Is Waivera Crockford Park 1 Add!
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  • 99 6 H. M. Air Council As Plaintiffs AN application was made m the High Court. Singapore, yesterday before Mr Justice P A McElwalne. the Chief Justice, to take the evidence of Sgt George Taylor de bene esse m connection with the case m whicn His Majesty's Air Council are plaintiffs and
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 469 6 r( Q©l LU*l* W H New, Easy Woy J MBhaiii»iM>t-niiii nii'Mii'ii »«««^iiti«iaH^ 99 out of f OO women past 30 have undernourished half dead skins Wrinkles, faded complexions, flabby sagging facial muscles and shrunken cheeks are sure signs. Prof. Dr. Stejskal of the University of Thousands of women of 40
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  • 83 7 Bookings To Be Paid For By 6 p.m. Owing to the heavy demand for eata tor Faust at the Victoria Theatr? tonight the management advises that bookings not paid for by 6 p.m. will be sold. Payment may be mad? at the Theatre any time ap till that
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  • 131 7 I D. W. GRIFFITH JJ. W. -"Birth of a Nation*-) Griffith, pioneer film director, has been summoned to appear before the Nine C d Men 'the U.S Supreme Court) to substantiate his charge that his wife has cost him a million dollars •more
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  • 152 7 Improvement In Position Reported New York, Mar. The strike position Ls Improving at various centres, notably at the Douglas aircraft iactory at Santa Monica and its subsidiary, the Northrop Corporation at Waukegan. which have re- opened. The leaders ot the United Automobile Workers announce a settlement of the
    Reuter  -  152 words
  • 39 7 Cabled advice has been received o! the declaration of an interim dividend ol 6d per share "less tax>, payable In London en Mar. 23. to shajeholders. oj iTemoh Tin Dredging, Ltd., on the register at Mar. 2.
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  • 21 7 The Raub Australian Gold Mining Co.'s output lor the lour weeks ended Feb 27 amounted to 2000.42 ounces.
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  • 502 7 Sent To House Of Lords London. .Mar. .">. IN the House ol Commons yesterday the Labour ifiotion for the rejection ot the Defence L ans Bill was debated by 241 to 117 votes and the bill was read a third time and sent to
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  • Article, Illustration
    20 7 A PORTABLE RADIO-PHONE set attached to the headquarters of General Varella being used during the battle on the Yarama front
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 241 7 LOOK at this grand Cast of Famous Stars ALL IN ONE PICTURE The Biggest "Big Broadcast" of All! JACK BENNY GEORGE BURNS GRAPE ALLEN 808 BURNS .nd MARTHA RAVE Benny Goodman and his Orchestra SH"I RLEY ROSS RAY Ml LIAN D FRANK FOREST BENNY FIELDS WuUS^^i^mWx I 1 W^^^^^i "m^a
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    • 272 7 Your Last Chance! Don't Miss It TODAY 3.15 6.15 9.15 MIRIAM HOPKINS IN ALEXANDER KORDA'S Newest Hit "MEN ARE I NOT GODS" WITH GERTRUDE LAWRENCE A United Artists Release Positively LAST DAY! 3.15 6.15 9.15 [CAPITOL Warner Bros. Musical Show PACKED WITH LAUGHS' "GOLD DIGGERS ot 1937" Presenting DICK POWFLL
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 1113 7 Church Services I ST. ANDREW'S CATHEtIttAL 6 p.m. Worship m English 1 4fc teacher. Mr. T. G. Thomas 4th SUNDAY IN LENT TI!PR: 7 P- m ChrisUan Youths' Association Meeting. Sun: 6.50 a.m. Holy Communion. TI U: spm Choir Practice. 7.30 a.m. Matins. 8.00 a.m. Choral Eucharist WESLEY MEIHODIST
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  • 173 8 The Singapore Free Press SATURDAY, MARCH 6, 1937. "A New 'Caucus' 11/ITH reference to the leading article appearing m the issue of the Free Press of Feb. 10. 1937, under the heading of 'A New Caucua" we have received a communication on behalf of two I practising members of the
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  • 629 8 IT is sometimes ditlicult to understand how Bingapors got Its reputation us a cesspool of iniquity SUM anyone who has lived here loi any length Of time will appreciate that m most thingl our mannei and conduct are impeccable and In the running of our public affairs and
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  • 143 8 Mr W Jess. Headmaster of the Ipoh Trade Bell ••>;. *a.s successfully op« i OC for appendicitis at the Baiu Gajah H iflpll a I .1 Jew days ago. Mr A I Carner n. ol the Singapore Municipality, accompanied by Mr.Cameron, wll leave by the Merkur 'oc:..v
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  • 329 8 ANYONE who has followed the development ol the cult of tattoo- 1 ing during the last fifty year* will notj be surprised to learn irom a contem- i porary that certain "society belles" are being foolish enough to have the royal monogram tattooed on the skin
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  • 976 8 THE Topidst notes that a correspon- j dent m the Free Press has been making nasty remarks about the refusal ol the Board of Licensing! Justices to grant an extension to 1 v m the night the Empress of Britain was In port He ls also
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  • 2 8
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 129 8 i fUIFI/ IfiiV" i*i?|l 1 V- fF lis! i^ s V«- Vi s maicHr€M\ H H* SPE. IM Pn^ A J^W TO H M THI AITOIMMKM KIN( BIAJVi DIAMONDS SET PLATINUM ENGAGEMENT RINGS H. P. DE. SILVA, LTD., Foremost always m design, Workmanship and Quality HM'HMIWhJI (Incorporated ln Ceylon). 19
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    • 75 8 I i A LEOPARD r which escaped from a German menagerie was reported still at large a menth later. Apparent- I ly it kept changing its spots. 3 If you travel see that your J valuables and other effects are covered by a "GAFLAC" l ALL RISKS WORLD WIDE POLICY.
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  • 134 9  -  Sin Chew Jit Poh Total Of $3,000,000,000 To $5,000,000,000 PROPOSAL APPROVED BY KUOMWTANG CONFERENCE Shanghai, Mar. 5. THE Central Government is reported to be drawing up a scheme for the issue of a huge loan for the purpose of meeting the defence measures for
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  • 174 9 WITH the methodical precision which is one of his main characteristics, Vice-Admiral Sir Chaiies Little. Commander-in-Chief of the China Fleet, made another visit to the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve headquarters at Tanjong Patar Basin yesterday afternoon. There was no guard, no undue formality. Sir
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  • 120 9 Means Of Securing Empire's Common Aims London, Mar. 5. In a speech at a luncheon m London yesterday the Chancellor of the Exchequer said he looked upon trade agreements with the Dcn.irions not only as economically advantageous but as a means of securing the Empire's common aims and
    British Wireless  -  120 words
  • 59 9  -  Sin Chew Jit Poh Shanghai, Mar. 5. The British Ambassador m China. Sir Hughe Knatchbull-Hugessen. had a i long Interview with Mr. Wang Ching Wei, Chairman of the Central Political Council, today on questions affecting I the two countries' welfare. The English diplomat will leave
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  • 38 9 London, Mar. 5. The Polish steamship line. GdyniaAmerika Line, has ordered from Swan Hunter and Wigham Richardson, the famous Tyneside shipbuilding firm, a motor vessel of 11,000 tons for the South American service. British Wireless
    British Wireless  -  38 words
  • 29 9 London, Mar. 5. The Secret Service are investigating several incidents connected with sabotage m Service aeroplanes, one m particular at a Midland aircraft establishment. Reuter
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 203 9 Created "No-Man 'sLand" Of Futility Washington. Mar. 5. T^HE United States today laced a crisis fundamentally even greater than that of four years ago, declared Mr. Roosevelt, replying to critics of his judicial reform proposals m a speech at a victory dinner of the
    Reuter  -  203 words
  • 73 9 Perpignan, Mar. 5. A number of lives were lost when a vessel, reported to be the Greek tanker Ljukia. struck a mine off Palamos m Spanish territorial waters catching fire and sinking. RETURN OF VOLUNTEERS Paris. Mar. ft. The Spanish Government nas agreed with
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • 60 9 London, Mar. 5. By a protocol amending the 1934 agreement between France, Britain, India. Holland and Siam regulating the production and export of rubber signed on Feb. 5 and published last night, Article IV <a) of the agreement Is amended as fol.ows:— "Netherlands India, 1936,
    British Wireless  -  60 words
  • 53 9 London, Mar. 5. The British delegates to the international sugar conference. which meets m London on Apr. 5, will be the Lord President of the Council, the Colonial Secretary, the Parliamentary Under-Secretary for the Colonies. Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Trade and tie Chief Economic Adviser to
    British Wireless  -  53 words
  • 71 9 DIESEL-ENGINED PLANE Demonstrated To Siamese Military Authorities From Our Own Correspondent* Bangkok. Mar. ">. The first Junker Di-esel-engined aeroplane ever flown In Siam using heavy oil fuel arrived on its way to Melbourne. This morning it loaded with fuel for ia non-stop flight to Singapore, starting tomorrow morning. This afternoon
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  • 101 9  -  Sin Chew Jit Poh First Job As Foreign Minister Shanghai. Mar. 5. A semi-official report from Nanking states that the first job Dr Wan*? Chung Hui. the new Foreign Minister. •has to tackle will be the new situation that has arisen as a result ot the
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  • 109 9 London. Mar. 4. Yesterday afternoon's sharp rise m London silver is attributed to the large buying by Indians who interpret the recent rises In war-risk insurance as an indication of the greater possibility of armed conflict These fears are not shared by London brokers
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  • Article, Illustration
    39 9 A SQUAD OF MALAY NAVAL VOLUNTEERS being inspected informally during training yesterday by Vice-Admiral Sir Charles, Little, Commander-in-Chief of the China Fleet, at the R.N.V.R. headquarters. Sir Charles is fourth from the left m the photogi-aph. (Free Press photo).
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  • 649 9 IL TROVATORE SUCCESS POR the third night m succession the Gonsale:: Grand Opera Company supplied a completely new set of principals, and even new members for most of the minor roles when they presented II Trovatore at the Victoria Theatre last night, and there is no indication
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  • 219 9 PATROL LAUNCHES' CRUISE TO PENANG Significance Of Call At Lumut LUMUT. the splendid natural Peral: harbour, is to be viMted by the Royal Naval Volunteer Rt two fast armed patrol launches Panglima and Pahlawan on their return irom a cruise to Penang shortly. This gives strength to the belief that
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  • 107 9  -  Sin Chew Jit Poh Gen. Chiang's Warning Shanghai. Mar. 5. r»EN. Chiang Kai Shek. the Premier and Commander-in-Chief, who is also the Chairman ol the Anti-Drug Movement, has cabled to every provincial and district government, reminding thorn of the approaching expiration of the period
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  • 31 9 Paris, Mar. .V French naval ratings are being increased Irom 61.113 lo 70.817 and the number of officers is being raised from 2.530 to 2.856- Reuter
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 18 9 London. Mar. 5. The death is announced of Mr. Joseph Hocking. the well-known novelist Reuter
    Reuter  -  18 words
  • 26 9 London, Mar. 5. Notwithstanding head winds and heavy rainstorms the Imperial Airways plane Caledonia reached Southampton irom Alexandria on a non-stop Journey !a 15V4 hour* Reuter
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 7 9 w^^r _H nwaa. -^^4J___B i u_m_am«_-»_-«i-_«K3»a_WE c^____.
      7 words
      66 words

    • 392 10 LONDON AND NEW YORK STOCKS SHARES From London 6 p. m. March 5 Share of £1 denomination unless Previously Yesterday Rise or Fall otherwise stated Conversion Loan, 5 p.c. 1944-84 115*h 115 !a Funding Loan. 4 p.c, 1960-90 112- 2 112*.* War Loan, 3»/ 2 P*c 102- 5 1()l»' 2
      392 words
    • 188 10 From London 5.30 p. m. March 5 RI BBKR Strong London Spot: 10 15 16d. 11 1 I6d. Previously: 10 3 4 d. 107sd. Apr-June 11 l,l6d. 3 16d. Previously: 10 13 16d It lft ltd. Oct -Dec: 11 3 16d. ll» 4 d Previously. 10 7
      188 words
    • 61 10 From London 5.30 p. m. March 5 I Tin: Strong. Cash £250 2i Gd Previously F.rm si CSM Three months i: < 8d Previously C257 2i Gd Nfw York Tin: BetUement etl ITi Id Previously BTO ti Gd Yesterday B1 2s. c-^d Previously <:7 \s 4d. 8pot:
      61 words
    • 170 10 Mar. 1. 3. 4. American Can Com. 107' 2 109^ 109 Am. rican Telephone and Tolegraph r<9 3 8 170',. 170'/ Atcheaon Railroad 78. 82 81«& Chesapeak 66ft 68' 68 D »Pont 175 178 3 8 176 pin slone 39 .i 85 8 37 General Electric 6P
      170 words
    • 82 10 Chamber Of Commerce Rubber Association Mar. 5. 12 o'clock noon Buyers Sellers No. I.X.R.S.S incases •FOB March* 37 37 > 8 Good F.A.Q. m cases •F. 0.8. March) 36 1 > 37* 8 No IX. RSS < Spotloose* 'awardable Singapore* 36-"' X 36^ March 36* 36 7 8 April- June
      82 words
    • 66 10 I Mar. Gambler T.T. 7 50 •Java Cube 10 50 Hamburg Cube 15.00 White Muntok Popper 21 50 Black. Pepper 12.00 Coprn, mixed 7.80 Copra, sundried 8.00 Small Flake Tapioca 5.40 R. Saigon Al $174 R. Siam. W.C. No. 1 $162 Rice, Siam, W C. No. 2
      66 words
    • 83 10 j London Closing Quotations March 5 Method of Parity before Rate PreTentre Quoting 20-9-31 Yesterday rlously P-iris Franca to 124 LM 1% 3 16 10S» X New York to 4 88 4 89 4 88 ',d Amsterdam Guilders to 12 107 4 92 892-. Hong Kong Per
      83 words
    • 202 10 Mar. 3 SELLING London, TT. 2 4 1 16 London, demand 2 4 1 16 London. 4 months' *ight 2 4' 8 Lyons, demand 1230 Hamburg demand 141 New York, demand 57 Montreal, demand 56 7 8 Batavia, demand 109% Samarang. demand 103 M 8 Calcutta. Bombay
      202 words
    • 137 10 Fraser Company. Ij LIST OF CURRENT DIVIDENDS. Total for Books Close financial Company Dividend Date Ex Div year Payable Date to date TIN Katu tin ar H3th) Mar. 10 Mnr. 17 Mar 11 7. Mambaus ..5* Int. Mar. 12 Mar 19 Mar 13 B I?illlb 10 r i Int. Mar.
      137 words
    • 1188 10 SINGAPORE STOCK AND SHARE PRICES Fraser and Co. 's List From Exchange Telegraph Co. IHIDAV. MAR 5. 1937: 7PM Ampat Tin <4s> 5s 6d Ss 9d Asam Kumbang (i) 33s 9d Ni (kl Austral Malay (!J ;>4.< Ayer Hitam <5s* 24 > Ayer Weng (SI) 1 70 1 80 Bangi-in
      1,188 words
    • 190 10 ISSUED RY PHASER AND 00. AT THE CIOSE OF BUSINESS YESTERDAY Tin at midday was S I.N, 00. doun $1.00. After a brisk opening the tin share market was inclined to fall awa> towards thr dose of thr day. the net result bein, price* of most shares
      190 words

  • 435 11 Winning CONTRACT Oct* DaVid Jtr^ St i ne^ Me^ D Maier oiwaid jQCOb and Schsnktn. world s leading team-of-four and inventors of the system that has beaten every other system m existence ACCURATE CARD READING fN a recent session of Bridge at the I Regency, New York's newest Bridge club.
    435 words
  • 258 11 The undernoted newly added nonfiction and fiction works will be ready for Issue on Saturday. Ships and Women. Bill Adams; Episodes of the Great War. Illustrated John Buchan; The Great Wall Crumbles. Grover Clark: Chase of the Wild Goose. Illustrated. Mary Gordon; Theatre of Life: 1905-1936. Illustrated. Esme
    258 words
  • 104 11 Leader's Demands Prague. Mar. 2. Guaranteed autonomy m the western areas oi Czechoslovakia <ln which there are large German-speak-ing minorities) Is demanded by Herr Henlein. leader ot the Sudeten-Ger-man pro-Hitler) party. Henleins party refused to come m on the previous minorities agreement. Herr Henlein m a
    Reuter Wireless  -  104 words
  • 111 11 Chinese And Japanese In Turkey Istanbul I. Chinese and Japanese military missions, composed ot General Chan Chai Tour. Colonel Wen Tai Hua and Colonel ein Kw.u Leung, representing China, and Colonel Takeyu Murakawa. Capt. Seiichi Kayayashi and J.ipt Tada Takamiyamoto. representing Japan, have arrived here end are
    Reuter  -  111 words
  • 71 11 The engagment is announced oi John Mellor Tickler, second .son ol Mr. and Mrs. George Tickler, of the Manor House. Bradley near Grimsby. Lincolnshire, and Isla. daughter of Mr and Mrs. Wallace Cook. Oakley. Merstham. Surrey Miss Isla Cook spent her early childhood m Malaya, where she was born, and
    71 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 355 11 HONGKONG SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporated m tne v^olony of Hong Kong) The liability of members Is limited the extent and la manner prescribed by Ordinance No. f of 1929 of tha Colony. Authorised Capital t50.000.000 Issued and Fully Paid-up $20,000,000 Reserve Fond: Sterling 8.500.000 Hong Kong Currency $10,000,000 Reserve Liability
      355 words
    • 504 11 CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AISTRALIA AND CHINA (Incorporated m Fin gland by Royal Charter) Paid up capital m 600.000 shares of £5 each i*:voooooo Reserve Fund £3.000 000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £.1.000.000 HFAD OFFICE: 38, Bishopsgate. London. F.C. 2. Agencies and Rranehes. Alor Star Hollo Saigon Amritsar Ipoh Semarung
      504 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 937 11 WEEK-END RADIO PROGRAMMES TOO A V I Netherlands Indies by the Roman Catholic Broadcasting cjixt/i nnnn Association: OimiAFUßfc, 9.10 Gramophone records. i 9.20 From Week to Week Talk Wavelength— 22s metres 9.40 Microphone debutants 10.00 Close down. 6—10.15 p.m. Speech and recorded music Berlin— DJE, DJB, DJQ, Penang-ZHJ DJA andJ)JN
      937 words
    • 313 11 7.30 'Pig Yourselt!' Famous in-' stances of Tv Quoque. 8.00 The news and announcements. 8.05 Greenwich time signal. 8.25 Close down Transmission 2 The following frequencies will he used: GSH 13.97 m.. GSG 16.86 m.. and GSB 31.55 m. p m. 6.20 Big Ben. The BBC Theatre Orchestia. 712 A
      313 words
    • 40 11 8.50 News m French. Colonial market prices. 9.20 Talk on the cinema. 9.30 Reviews and periodicals. 9.40 Records. 9.50 Relay. 1125 Close down. Wavelength 25.21 metro 11.35 News m French. Market prices; 12.05 a.m. News m Arabic. 12.20 a.m. Concert.
      40 words

    • 877 12 Lowest Price Is Not Always INCREASED activities during 1936, m comparison with several preceeding years, were mentioned by the ehairmati, Mr H. K. Stephens, at thc annual general meeting ;it Liverpool of the Liverpool and Glasgow Salvage Association. In reviewing the work ol
      877 words
    • 375 12 Regulations For School Ships DULKS and regulations lor the <on- dud ol United states school ships have been issued by the Secretary ot Commera Mr D C Roper In a etter to supervising inspectors of the Bureau ol Marine Inspection and Navigation, he prescribed the lollowing
      375 words
    • 89 12 Three British destroyers Active and Antelope, IJM tons each, and Worcester. 1 120 tons, were m eolttsion oil Malta while carrying out exercises The Steering peal ot Active jammed and she came mt I collision with Ante lope and Worcester, who were lollowing. Antelope and
      89 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 511 12 BOUSTEAD CO., LTD. (Incorporated ln F.MB.) EHX" TELEPHONE: Freight 54.1S— Panwm* Mil. f. E uf B15«MBB LLOYDS AGENTS. r BOOKING AGENTS lOR FEDERATI MALAY AT A TEA BAIL W AYR T3L ROYAL STATE &AILWAI OF SIAM. mmmmm*mm-mommo-I CANADIAN PACIFIC I WPiiD'f iftunn (Incorporated ln Bngiand) THE "EMPRESS" ROUTE offers TRANS-PACIFIC
      511 words
    • 207 12 BIBBY LINE (LONDON M»DI(I>S B, PM I M\ll. I ONDON SII v o: tv w Q Mad Pass nc< BANOOON, rOLOMBO, POBI MARSFILLI S. PI MOI 111 INII l ONDON with throuK i >n Sine*; HOMI H Mill >MI IN(.s I e.ixr I r*\* Rangoon I m N« WORCNBI
      207 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 591 12 Local And Foreign Mail Dispatches And Arrivals c "c *<w i* BY TRAIN Bangkok every Saturday 7 p.m. Thursday 7.45 a m Swettenham. Taiping and Telok Anson: Weekdays* 7 p.m. Kota Bahru, Kuala Kri and Tumpat: Mon., Wed. Thurs. and Friday* 7.45 a.m. Sundays 7 p.m. Kuala Lumpur and Penang:
      591 words
    • 156 12 SINGAPORE HARBOUR Ships alongside the Hii.t.r Fxprrted m \m\c Fast Wharf (Fntranee (.air I Rajul alain Wharf (Fntranee Cite Benmohr la 1 1. (Maru 11. Kola S<-harnhorst 7 Fmpire Dock (Fntranrc (..ttr PaiiKkor :n Corn* Palima AH Fmpire l>oek (Fntranee CUe I Memnon 48 West Hharf (Fntram <. ,t, t
      156 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 416 13 ---m^a JmmwL.^ I Ij I 1 rlf._" j3ct* WXt BY P&Oand BRITISH INDIA LINES P. O. S. N. COS SAILINGS, Dae D iwi' Tonnage Spore. CATHAY 15 000 Mar 12 CORFtt c 1937 BURDWAN 6 070 Mar l« xrVr^H« 1500 Ma y RAJPUTANA nooS Mar" 26 ctp^A^v 18,00 May 21
      416 words
    • 607 13 |MG*llSlEBtifpi|H ELLERMAN BUCKNALL S.S. Co., Ltd. tlnctyrporatea tn Straits Settlements./ "ELLERMAN LINE" FOR UNITED KINGDOM AND CONTINENT VIA PORTS AND SUEZ CANAL „Ji t mrr Daa Sail* CITY OF BIRMINGHAM Havre. London. R'dam H'burg Mar 29 Apr 2 £v 53 SE £££H2 M Havre Lmidon tf^m. ETburg, Olatpm Apr. 12
      607 words
    • 877 13 s^^ REPRESENTING SHIPPING THE BUJB FUNNEL LINE (Ocean The Hua Khlow r- /iat*i i^t Steam Ship Co.. Ltd.. and China Mutu.l The Cunart White vi Steam Navigation Co., Ltd.) li, e Sarawak![ __n The Straits Steamship Co. Ltd. The Auslr.L oZ.S Vj- L .t The China Navigation Co.. Ltd.
      877 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 607 14 K. P. M. TOBA— Saturday, Mar 6. Moeara-Saba and Djambi. VALENTIJN— Saturday, Mar. 6, Rhio (passengers and mails only). Bawean. < passengers and mails only). Padang-Bay (passengers and mails only), Boeleleng 'passengers and mails only) and Soerabaia. PALOPO— Saturday. Mar. 6. Penang and Bagan Si-Api-Api. TOHlTl— Saturday. Mar. 6. Pontianak.
      607 words
    • 703 14 DOLLAR STEAMSHIP LINE dtnd AMERICAN MAIL LINE TO EUROPE FROM SINGAPORE AND PKNANC. VIA COLOMBO, BOMBAY. SUEZ, PORT SAID. ALEXANDRIA, NAPLES, GENOA. MARSEILLES AMD NEW YORK Arrives. Leaves leaves Arrive? Spore. Spore. Penan*. New York. Prw. Haofes Mar. 12 Mar. 14 Apr 23 Pros. Wilson M ar Umr. IH Mar
      703 words
    • 495 14 O. S. K. LINE Arizona Maru Buenos Aires via Colombo Momb.i EanMbar, Dai os flalaam )i Ira iMarajnga,, p. BUaaaath and Cape Tovah Italy Maru Cape 'Town via Momt. i „t Zan/;!i.n I) Balaam, Beira, L. Margue.s. Dur alld P Kli/abeth ll. ik. .rn- Maru Buenos Aires. Montevideo
      495 words

  • 1147 15 i FRED PERRY ON AMERICAN HOPEFULS PRED PERRY, the British and American amateur tennis cham- who recently turned professional, discusses here the danger to potential champions of playing too much tennis without necessary relaxation. Charleston, S.C. Jan. 27. In the last seven years. I have
    1,147 words
  • Article, Illustration
    31 15 INCIDENT during play m the league match between the Post Office and the S.R.C at Anson Road yesterday, which the Post Office won by two goals to nil. (Free Press photo).
    31 words
  • 55 15 The lollowing have been selected to play football lor the V.M.C.A. vs. R.A.M.C. on the Tanglin Ground on |Mcnday at 5.10 p.m Tan Kwan Seng. K. Leembruggen, N. Jackson. Kwee Thiam Tech, G. Day. A Zezuia. P. Swyny. A Noden, Rim Kirn Wee. G. Bleha and Lim Bak
    55 words
  • Article, Illustration
    28 15 WOON CHOW TAT making a hark hand smash during play m his singles match, which he won. against Tau Chiap Hoon at the V.M.C.A. yesterday. (Free Press photo).
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  • 422 15 P.O. Should Have Won By Bigger Margin TEE SIANG SCORES BOTH GOALS FOR WINNERS p 2; S.R.C. o. ALTHOUGH brisk and aggressive, Post Office forwards dribbl- ed exasperatingly and scored a two-nil victory when with more shooting they might have beaten the S.R.C. by at
    422 words
  • 464 15 Innovation In Los Angeles Open Championship JTST to be different, for apparently there is no sound reason, the Southern Culifornian Spuitsmen's Association has decided that m the Los Angeles Open Championship of 8,000 dollars, players will be prohibited from consulting caddies. The association holds that
    464 words
  • 155 15 NOTTS FACE DEFICIT OF £6,000 Crmb-ng Effect Of Enteria inment Tax DURTHER evM ii. desperate financial pusir.o 1 m .vlilch the Majority Of county Cricket ciube find r 'H maeh i oming at the annual meeting of Nottinghamshire. La -,t year the ciub suflered a loss of t2.attB, winch, ado
    155 words
  • 274 15 HOC KEY MATCH AT SEGAMAT kost lleaten liv Trophy Holders ■From Our Own Correspondent) goajaamfti Mar. l. The Ind lon Association, champions ot tin- s gamal and District Bookey I. igue r the Wills Trophy, secured a hard-.-arned vn -tory over the Rest m an exhibition match on the town
    274 words
  • 86 15 Prom On i s;> ndent > Lupin* Mar. 5. Th promotion by the m *H the new Coronation Park it jix.d tor Sunday. A a has b •d on the racaul man lacing the Cantonese 1 In II i There will be a card ol four IUSkW Jo
    86 words
  • 337 15 Controversy Over Fight With Warnock London. Feb. 17. DENNY Lynch, ( holder of the i. British, and European flya< Ighl championships, has decided to take a three weeks" holiday m America. writei Joe Bromley la the Sporting 1 He aril] Bail, accompanied by (i Dingley, jun.
    337 words
  • Article, Illustration
    30 15 AN INCIDENT during play m the second division league match at Anson Bead yesterday, m which the Post Oflice beat the S.R by tWo goals to nil. dree Press photo*
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  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 158 15 Diary Of I The Day High Water: 3.23 a.m. 7.9 ft.; 519 pm 59 ft. Sports S.C.FA II vs. Excise at Stadium; Terrors vs. Indians at lA. Lawn Tennis V.M.C A. tourney Cricket: St Andrews vs. ACS.: S.J.I, vs Victoria School. S.CC. vs Raffles Inst.; SCC vs Terrors at Tanglin.
      158 words

  • 670 16 Fernandez Outpoints Johnson Mortell Knocks Out Peralta CHINA FLEET TARS PROVE WILLING (BY "RINGSIDE") A HARD-HITTING fight between Ignacio Fernandes, "veteran" Filipino, and Young Johnson, the Ipoh negro, and a sudden knock-out victory by Johnny Mortell m the sixth round off a bout
    670 words
  • 478 16 CHINESE WIN BY TWO GOALS TO NIL S.C.F.A. 11l 2; S.CC. II 0. T*HE third string of the Chinese beat the second string ol the S.CC. by two clear goals m a third division League match on the S.R.C. ground yesterday. On the run
    478 words
  • 285 16 Corn spondence Class Enough For Top-Notchers To The Editor. Sir. The cold calm logic of JTOUI writer "Nimrod" m the Free Press issue ol the 3rd inst m analysing the performances of the racehorse. Jack Druce. at the recent meeting of the Singapore Turl Club,
    285 words
  • 75 16 The following have accept "d to play Cricket for S.CC. vs. H.M.S. Terror today at 2 p.m. at Tanglin J. H. AWtntt. P. W Holt. R A. Hooper, W. K. Jagger B Nevland. F. P. H. Pearse (Capt.). Lt. J. H. H. Balaman, J E Blade, D. Tyer,
    75 words
  • 34 16 The various prize winners at the badminton championships are Informed that the prize distribution will take I place today at the Clerical Union Hall I after the Married vs. Single Tourna--1 ment.
    34 words
  • 32 16 London, Feb. 4 QIH PRINT'S has been w3 scratched from the Grand National and Drinmore Lad m regarded as a very doubtful starter.- Reuter JOHNNY MORTELL
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 288 16 Britain's 10,000 Players London. Feb. 13. Squash rackets is winning a swifter popularity than any athletic pastime since the wax. Eight years ago there were only about a dozen courts m I^ondon Now they are numbered throughout the country by the thousand and players by tens of
    288 words
  • 576 16 Hard Hitting Tennis At V.M.C.A. Yesterday HpIERE were many Japanese who watched wilh the keenest interest, the progress off the Formosa tennis champion, T Aizawa. when he was matched m the men's open singles of the V.M.C.A. tennis tournament against \V. J. M. Warden
    576 words
  • Article, Illustration
    28 16 ACTION PICTCKE taken during play m the third division league match at the S.R.C. when the (hinese beat the S.C.I l>> two goals to nil. oFree Press photo)
    28 words
  • 55 16 l^indon. Mar. 4. The Welsh rugger team to meet Ireland at Belfast on March I. 'l has been selected as follow v Jenkins; Kees, Claude l>:i\ey. Wooller. Clement; Tanner. Da vies; Travers, Williams. |\or Rennet l (Aberavon). Thomas, H. Rees, WatKins, A. R. Taylor (Cross
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 84 16 Hurricane Knock By Voce Benalla. Mar. 5. IN their two-day match against a Victorian Countr> team started here today, the M.C knocked up 344 and m reply the Country team had lost two for 29 at close of play. Fishlock compiled 104 m 158 minutes tor the
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • 138 16 Hooper (iots Both (Joals Against Pressmen Paterson Simons 2 StraiU Times 0 Pattern Simons deieated Straits Times Press by two clear goals OO the V.MC.A. ground m Business H uses League soccer match foatofday A few minutes !rom the k, Patanoa ■taong 1 leu baik r^
    138 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
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