The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 4 March 1937

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 14 1 The Singapore Free Press NO. 15,100. ESTD. 1835 THCKSDAY, MARCH 4, 1937. Ift CENTS.
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  • 263 1 Figh ting In Streets f f\t/% ~ti t/i it /Jo REBEL MACHINE-GUNS CONCEALED IN CHURCH 1 oledo Again Threatened .Madrid, Mar. 3. OVIEDO is completely isolated by Government armies, which have captured the village and hill of San laudio m the Escamplero sector outside the city,
    Reuter  -  263 words
  • 75 1 To Be Restored As Part Of Defence Programme London. Mar. 3. The names o! tw lamou.s Infantry battalions which wore disbanded durum the economy campaign m 1922 are to b n yiven to two new intantry batis Which Parliament recently ;«utho:i.sed under the Government's rearmament scheme,
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 147 1 New York, Mar. 3. OFAELATIONS o f the so- called secret debt of about $2,000,000,000 on account of Germany's rearmament employment programme are made by the Securities and Exchange Commission. Th matter came to light In connection with the registration o! a German Government issue
    Reuter  -  147 words
  • 16 1 Tokio, Mar. 3. Mr. Naotake Sato. Japanese AmbassadOf to France, ha* been annointed Foreign Minister Reuter
    Reuter  -  16 words
  • 165 1 Interchanges In The Commons London. Mar. 3. rHE Singapore Base inspired brisk interchanges m the House )i Commons today. Mr. W. Thorne (Labour* enquired when the work would be finished, also en certain financial details. Mr. Kenneth Lindsay. C.vil Lord of the Admiralty, replying, .said it
    Reuter  -  165 words
  • 346 1 ANGLO-AMERICAN NAVAL CO-OPERATION "Could Pacify The VV I J I Im. m London. Mar. 3. r3 much attention li being paid to the German "bogey What was wanted wai Anglo-American naval cooperation. Recording to Lord Lothian, speaking m the debate on loreign policy m the ol Lords on the
    Reuter  -  346 words
  • 89 1 Cabinet Moves Against Proscribed Iron Guard Bucharest!, Mar. 3. One of a series of drastic steps de- cidod on by the Cabinet to keep students from participating m politics is the temporary closing of all univer- j sities and student centres m Rumania. Students are also
    Reuter  -  89 words
  • 69 1 Sculptor Of Statue Of King George V London, Mar. 3. Sir William Reid Dick will be the sculptor of the statue of King George V for the Westminster site under the Memorial Fund scheme. He is already engaged on an effigy of the late King for
    British Wireless  -  69 words
  • 135 1 Heavy Buying By ■United States London. Mar. 3. TTIN'S sharp advance at today", 1 session on the Metal K.\ change, when it closed at £2."»1 10s. three months buyers, compared with £245 10s. yesterria.v. reflects heavy Tinted Stales buying both here and m Ihe East overnight.
    Reuter  -  135 words
  • 133 1 £105,065,000 FOR NAVY BIG CONSTRUCTION PROGRAMME Plans For Singapore Unmodified London, Mar. 3. Till-. Navy tstimates at £105,065.000 show an increase of £23,776.000 over last year's, including suppletnentaries. Now coivtructnn will con.sist o! three battleships, tVO aircraft earners, ttv 8.000-ton cruisers. tw> 5.300-ton sers. 16 destroyers. M*ta subrm: and 45
    Reuter  -  133 words
  • 102 1 Five Dead; One Injured S yd ne? .1. The uir'.ir^r Whftctl hi- BNfl missing since Fob 20 X** been lcur.d WRCkt I m the .\1 \-J; '-son Range on the borders ol Qi I and New South Wttl Flit pfl pie aboard were dead, but
    Reuter  -  102 words
  • 67 1 TPIIKFK hundred engine drivers 1 employed m tin mines m P*rak tlnriifi to icxse <\ork on Sund.i> unless ;in agreement I* »rrived at with empl<v>^rs. In virv* of the '»«•Tiou^nevs of the situation the Terak Chinese Mining Assoi i.ilion has < »llc<l an »trii.rdinary general meeting for Friday.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 99 1 BIGIA TEA Brings the freshness and fragrance of the Malayan gardens direct to your home. T" \*^B fl^ui i V I^*m <lH^fll ill Er^ ff^v i^^lH I r i^^b K-J I^^^ >^^r^^PQ^K B h^H J y uC3 H R^B '^B j i vs flHPfl K-^^b 2bW p^B I BVB Pvi
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      76 words

  • 51 2 RADIO LICENCES Too Expensive? Letten To The Editor •o /usnncATion for so heavy a fee— OH KAMFONC DWELLEMS PAY tl2 A YEAR? CLERKS CAfttWl AFFORD TriF L VXL'R V— FISE SO f FEE GOVERNMENTS DUTY TO REOBS TA CL £S- 7 HA T EXTRA DOLLAR I r j i i
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  • 77 2 UNCERTAIN FACTORS IN TIN MARKET What Will The I. T. C. Do LOCAL INVESTORS SEEK FOR RUBBER BARGAINS call §m U r —m i. at wt*U friii ir.d C« i i a r T: t L Mining i h i"*- 1 *nm *.4» i 7 La K.~ i Rubber* 3c
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 48 2 VICTORIA THEATRE TONIGHI O.:j<) jivl \i e i,ih ji ->.;i» GORSALEZ ITALIAN GRAND OPERA Co.. Pre, ent RIGOLETTO ve'ro. 1 BOX OFFICE PUHS AT LITTLES. .Pricet *4, *3. <2. Note. fkt curtain vrUJ rk^ it 'sV* pm. Hh*rp d the *udi*n*.« is re<4Uf-,l«d t<» b« b> »^i pro.
      48 words
    • 76 2 Laz: Sot ice MFor The Day sr» uve fha*f >««<ae* ta Ui- MIS^.ELLANEOUS. BEAVTTFVI. CZ?/£TZ?V rw P.IALf: s i i; C: i'l Pershju P.»d NOTICES, notice: MALAYAN VCELI'AL .0*. > J. •>• tfM Of?., -i^ TiM B .i- Aj*X._i._X. IB MALATJ MUI NOTKE. Oac-*. Ori>.-. of -J3^ Br-._ Aa//u.-.x Mi.*
      76 words
    • 189 2 CLASSIFIED AD\-ERTISE.MENTS NOTICES. ORIENTAL TELEPHONE A FL£< TRK CO« LTD UM Of Addition^ Anci Ah^ratM>«^ To TW Jajuiary ISST Te4ephoo* Diretrtor> r —< told-;. •-< ~M ICile BhL VIC ii ¥iwiri mimn z Xl W I .-s 2. Mi "'a.3. c V.. 7 2 z m_m 1 r D 3
      189 words
    • 55 2 GOOD HOMING! Mt*^»Jtt TOTS F».fl H>« PREP *It i .«H Sell fIX MEBICAL HALL I'H'TEI. SEA FRONT i%t««^<; oil m P4 r» *„< .4 NAPIER HOUSE. THE MANSION, reside-::::. Cxley ?.ls« T» LET. TO LET BATTERY BUILDING an «e=*M> far x A Mm f A«,KM- U F-3»d TeapfeStm oooe^cd
      55 words
    • 95 2 j free ipi:££ Tci T ip»' «t v: r w SUBSCRIPT' arm iftfttiwv T^ iK P -^^--.C .5 M M «r. r. *■>-.-.-• 12 TF M»F.k--IN*. IPOM I j rENDEI OXTB T^ FOR S WV NOTirFS. »KM I*ll i' rv vm. Our vrrir^. Ar 4 4...'4*> f«r i-i« tOMH< Tt
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • 309 3 Deposit Is Of No Commercial Value VERY LIMITED EXTENT (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur. Feb. Z. THE well -remembered minor sensation caused m Singapore by a find of coal on the property of the Alexandra brickworks m Pasir l'anjanff Road last year has found
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  • 74 3 Terror Crew To Spend Eitfht Weeks At Tannin About 80 men of the monitor Terror, are to have several weeks ashore m barracks at Tanglin while most ot the troops ot the Ist Battalion. Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, ure away at Hong Koim for manoeuvres I' will be
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  • 65 3 A combined religious meeting the Chinese Christian Association with the Girls' and Young Men's Friendly Bands, the Boys' Brigade < Ist Co), and members of the Prinsep Street Church and Sunday School, will be held tomorrow, at 8.15 p.m. In the church. Sir oim Slang Bong, K.8.E..
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  • 69 3 IMPORTS <>f rubber during Feb- >■ -try Uito the Strait* Set tie"i' nt, totalled 14.048 toyis compared with 16.956 tons m January and 19J57 tons .n February last year. Of thin amount, 7.453 tons were received from Netherlands Indies; 101 ton* from Brunei; 527 tons from
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  • 94 3 PERJURY SENTENCE False Evidence At Inquest pONVICTED on a charge of perjury, Goh Siew Tee was sentenced to a day's imprisonment and lined $200 or ten weeks m deiault by Mr. H. A Forrer m the Criminal District Court yesterday. The accused was alleged to have twice given contradictory evidence
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  • 109 3 Case Against Chinese Postponed The case against Goh Kirn Ann. Nu Chit 80. Ng Cheng Kwang. K| Buk Long and Lim Gek Bah who were chained before Mr. W. G. Reeves, the third magistrate. Singapore, yesterday with the possession of seditious Mterature was postponed till Mar. 10 lor
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  • 65 3 Mr. H. R. Ri\ the well-known Ipoh lawyer, and Mrs. Rix are Shortly leaving tor home on turlou^h. The marriage will take place :;t the Penang Buddhist Association on Mar. 14 of Mr. Cheati Tong En^. managing propn»'t' r of the Pmang firm, the Overseas Trading Syndicate, and Mi*s Lee
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  • 72 3 FOREIGN imports of tin ore into the Strait* Settlements during February totalled 2.383 tons compared uith 2M84 tons m January. Of this amount 323 tons were received from Burma; 4 tons from Netherlands Indies: 124 tons from French Indo-China, 79 tons from Japan; 1,725 tons
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  • 444 3 Geological Department's Report (From Otir Cwn Cories|KJiid' tit) Kuala Lumpur. Mar. 'TIIK eHIJtlf jul value which was placed on ilnieuite m M;il.i>.i last year owing to reports that it was Immiir ii >• «l rxtcnsivcly by the World Powers for the manufacture of smoke screens
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  • Article, Illustration
    31 3 OWING TO THE REBUILDING OF CHURCH HOUSE, Westminster, the Church Assembly's first meeting of the year was opened m Central Hall, Westminster. Photo shows the Archbishop of Canterbury addressing the meeting.'
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  • 212 3 Illicit Chandu Easily Had (From Our Own Correspondent) Segamat, Mar. Z. OTATINCS that opium smuggling was very common m Johore and that it was an easy matter for smokers to obtain nonGovernment chandu m the State, Inche Osman bin Ahmad. Assistant Superintendent of Customs
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  • 50 3 /IF 38.058 tons of rubber shipped from Malaya m February. 3.850 tons were consigned to the United Kingdom: 18.492 tons to United States o; America; 10,747 tons to Continent of Europe; 1.241 tons to British POtfettiOfU; 3.3'J't ntns 4 o Japan and 32'J tuns tn other countries.
    50 words
  • 285 3 Death Of Former Well- Known Boxer A lormcr well-known lightweight joxer. Mr J R Perreau. died In the General Hospital. Singapore, on Tuesday morning. Mr. Perreau. who was i 8 years ol age. once figured pr miinently m the local ring, arnun^ hk> opponents being the late
    285 words
  • 111 3 TWO Phlnoae, Lee Ching Poh and Tay Lam we it charged before Mr. W. G. Reeves, the third magistrate. Singapore, yesterday with the rebbery of an attache case and 885 guilders Irom Lim Chew Poh as he was travelling afocg Church Street on Mar. 2 m a
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  • 129 3 "EXTREMELY BAD HAT" No Fear Of Whipping (From Out Own OOfVMpOMdint) So«am;it. .Mar. 1. STATING that the accuM-d an extrem°ly bad hat having bern convicted on Uire< previous <»< sions on charts <»i then bMht Haroun bin Abu Bakei askm i i I.smail bin Abd'.l K.thni.m tin* Segamat magistrate
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 82 3 'owujtinet TONIC FOOD BEVERAGE A. WANDER LIMITED 18 Chartered Bank Chambers Singapore. PITMAN'S COLLEGE I Established m England <»", years Tnder European Management 1 niteers Building, River Valley Road If you failed to secure a pass m the CAMBRIDGE .EXAMINATIONS; ensure success this year by training at Pitman s <
      82 words
    • 55 3 t\ u^^L^gw m g^S g\\\\ B B g^^^^^^^^^gcs^^B gggV I //<• prrciitcly iniviscs them y\ 11 I also not only to ask I 11 11 (A) II ciT GATE but to O 1195 JACKSON 4 CO. LTD., VggggT ggflf gggflk V gpwill B E^gV^^^iS IS ROBINSON ROAD. Ul A^^P^P bP
      55 words

  • 2473 4 GREAT ADVANCE OF FLYING CLUBS IN 1936 New Scheme Of State Aid? llixhl'ri formatter Monoplane For The Fleet A Question Of Huoyaney The Air Registration Board Ckmmge In Civil Aircraft Control Devolution Of Responsibility Importance Of Air Survey Augmenting Empire** Wealth Value Of The Robot Pilot Ideal Survey Plane. London.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 55 4 UHJJNSPIUS mw^r There it no better pill mmrnm hln martins, you r»n fflf c 1 iPOfl MAR UN S PILLS I Jf" Sold by a hemisi* A S'.nm »ni I m by THfc FEDERAL DISPENSARY. J Raffles Square, Singapore. 3 I SUNDAY TIMES I MARCH 7 I HOME LEAVE I
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 64 5 Photographic copies of Free Press I local pictures can be obtained on application to the Manager. Price 50 ent& each u m 4 "First catch your hare then cook him: We catch em vv© soli em You buy em You cook em Everybody eatt en. Not only Hares but Partridges.
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 339 5 «w^"^^ri!ft\ f hi /y/.'/ A shortage of v **^!ita*%v ■F n 1 *^tt*sL i P^dic^cd for visitor's ■■^Bb^Bb^Bb^Bb^Hb^B^Bl J^ aB^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^BI A I "^~nJb^bW To Hie Co'onaTTpn German pr*«. u^dc- Head"^ Ib^B^B^B^B^B^B^bIk 'tT Ibb^B^B^B^B^B^H A rrieefn^( ?R£iEMTr- N]^r^ar^T N\arr^ 7 N/oel-Baker BuHe^Jrl «F*1UhbT iS»^^^^^Rfl»\ VI Dot f^ound. DauJSOT. Prune'ly Stack ,^-ss^
      339 words

  • 447 6 Importance Of Sound Tactical Training YEAR'S GOOD PROGRESS (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Mar. 1. «f AST year I stressed the importance to such a force as the Federated Malay States Volunteer Force, m view of its role m war, of
    447 words
  • 376 6 Godowns Now Choke-fall A CHOI'S situation has arisen m the godowns of Singapore and I'cnanjj which are reported to be choke-full of rubber awaiting ocean shipment. Port and dealers' stocks m the Colony arr expected to show, when figures are available, an increase
    376 words
  • 315 6 Women Strikers Clash With Police 1 1 GO DEN SUPPERS HURLED (From Our Own Correspondent) Lumpur, Mar. 3. POI'R IHNDRED Chinese coolie women hurled their wooden slippers and followed them up with a barrage of stones m a ttlash between stiikers and 40 police at a Klang rubber factory
    315 words
  • 172 6 A new .series entitled "Timber Trade Leaflets' has been Inaugurated by the Department. SS and PJCB. leaflets are published to meet a demand for a simple and. as far as possible, non-technical account of Malayan timbers m a handy form They contain an abridged
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  • 57 6 Rear-Admiral Little and officers of H.M.S. Cumberland ion Monday save an At Home aboard the warship to i Fenang residents The large gathering was representative of all communities. The guests were received by j Rear- Admiral Little and officers; cock- i tails and other refreshments were served and the party
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  • 322 6 Chairman Explains Il> Functions (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Mar. I. TN an interview with the Free Press yesterday Mr. Hugh Fraser. Acting Under Secretary to Government. F.M.S.. and Chairman of the Committee appointed to inquire into unemployment m Selangor inlormed us that m response to the
    322 words
  • 79 6 Miss Picion-Turbervill Adflrcssos Public Meeting (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Mar 3 Interviewed by a representative oi the Free Press here fejterday, Miss Edith Picton-Turborvill supported Sir Ci»- ;rge Maxwell's mvi t.sai report m outline except that sho would restrict exemptions of nearest relatives. Wrll-informed people believe
    Free Press copyright  -  79 words
  • 99 6 •From Our Own Correspondent) London, Mar. 'I. Olacg w Rubber Estates Ltd a private company owning an Mtatc at Kulim. Kedah. has born re-constitut-ri into a public company with a caoit il Of 200,000 The issued capital is 106,000 of which 35.000 fully paid shares have teen
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  • 277 6 Benevolent Scheme Proposal THERE is an indication from some members that a Benevolent Scheme should be introduced and the Council of the Union is prepared to .support and devise .such a scheme if the members are .sulnciently interested, states a circular j issued yesterday by the Clerical Union.
    277 words
  • 123 6 Malayan Doctors To Gather At Kuala Lumpur •From Our Own Correspondent) Serrmhan. Mar Doctors from all parts m Malay i wi'i foregather at the Institute lot lledicu Research. Kuala Lununir. tor their BU nual meeting and conference whlr»i will be held irom Marcli M 28 Th annual meetini
    123 words
  • 27 6 The F.M.S. Railways announce Hn; alr-eondlttoned Qrst dan coaches will run on the day mail trains bet*e,« :i Kuala Lumpur and Penan*, on and from Mar 10
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  • 159 6 Successful Students Of Seremhan ift n our own ndtaii Srrrmhan. M ;tr 1. Ihr »*ni mban itudenti have t>.- n successful m the I g ,)oi 1 exam:: ing to Information mpplied b) the Inspector ol BchooU, N>«ri BimbUan Anclo Chinrsr S« ho,»l S,m;h Pun« Thnv Mrng.
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  • Article, Illustration
    11 6 "GOLD-DIGGERS OK SINGAI'OK V loggers of 1937," lum at the Capitol.
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  • 172 6 BAND CONDUCTOR'S DISMISSAL Requisition By Club Members (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur. Mar. I. THE dismissal by the Selangor I of its band conductor. Mi I Roeytrnbcrp. has rrsulted tn a requisition brint? sißm d by 67 mem-bf-r.v of thr club, reading: "W»' Mi- •iMiersmned. feel that srrviros <»i
    172 words
  • 262 6 Successful Year's Working 'From Our Ov respondKuala I untpur. Mar Tht Engineering MaWfclttaa of Malay. i with a total membership 249. records a success! m year's working during 1936 with an excess 01 income iiwr expenditure M $1.049 35 Its Council reports that it lecli that
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 34 6 FOR REPAIRS JEWELLERY WATCHES U. S. de SELVA MANUFACTURING JEWELLER 179 ORCHARD ROAD LADIRS' iiAf^ DRE88BB87" MAISON PERM tumford Road. Singapore MAISOW MARIE 5 Victoria Street, Sinjfapore. I>*pots for Max Factors Cosmetics -Phone 4610
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    • 216 6 Out came Corns a/ter 10 years' misery "My husband had temhle earn* fc*w*« Am <or«, an^ i>rry tender fret due to Inng hours of standing. After uuting H<id<>t ns i footbath, he was able to lift the bjpbj right out, and he is able now to «#*i/i at»*t \n mmfort,
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  • 123 7 U. S. TO BUILD 397 PLANKS $526,000,000 For Navy Department Washington. "Vlar. 3. HPHE appropriation ol $526,000,000 lor the Navy Department m ftv next fiscal year, which is nearly $56,000,000 less than m the original budget estimates was approved yestentay by the Appropriations Committee. The chief reduction is m respect
    Reuter  -  123 words
  • 358 7 Prof. Van Stein Callenfels' Address At Rotary Dinner SINGAPORE ROTARIANS and their guests, including women, heard Professor P. V. van Stein Caller. i els explain the importance of the new pleistocene iossil human skulls found m Java for the problem of the evolution of
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  • 384 7 Allegations Against Malay A young Malay Deris bin Mohamed was charged before Mr. W. G. Reeves, the third Singapore magistrate, yesterday on two counts. First with housebp'akirg and theft and again with attempted housebreaking and theft. He claimed trial on both charges and the case was postponed
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  • 442 7 CHANCES OF NEW EUROPEAN TREA TV IMPROVED I mimli.m. Mar B. m the Hovas ol Crftmnwm ptftifdiy Mr ftten vigorously upheld the sucot the lintush policy o. nonintervention m the Spanish war. winch, be said, had proved the ruht < ne. Th< v
    Reuter  -  442 words
  • Article, Illustration
    22 7 photo) AN INCIDENT during play m the soccer match, m which the S.C.C. beat the Middlesex. on the padang yesterday. Free Press
    Free Press  -  22 words
  • 34 7 London, Mar. 3. MMAII.E Selassie has decided that his eldest son. Cronn Prince As faun Wosan. shall represent him at the Coronation, announces the Ethiopian Legation m London Reuter
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 163 7 The Singapore chamber ol Comn* c Rubber Association neld ttfl 1 llttt) auction yesterday when there were Qttalogued 1.241.170 lbs 554 09 Urns; ottered 1.103,753 lbi 492 74 tons; sold 813.010 lbs 362.95 tons. Spot London 10 13 16d N:w York 21 13 16 tl I'KKKS KKAMSKI)
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  • 43 7 llerlin. Mir A special c ilonial KCtion is a teature ol the Leipzig Fair which opened yesterday ExhibiLs show German .soientLst.s contributions to righting tropical diseases and also how Germany's timber need could be supplied it she had colonies. Reuter Wireless
    Reuter Wireless  -  43 words
  • 182 7 Italy To Increase A rmed Forces GRAND COUNCIL'S PROGRAMME Rome. Mar. 3. THE Fascist Grand Council yesterday decided on a live-point programme lor the complete remiir M i>: \hr country Firstly, a further increase m the armed forces. Secondly, the o;r<tinua:ion lOff M other five years ot tlli duties <>:
    Reuter  -  182 words
  • 111 7 Sir T. Inskip's Defence I'iikl .11 Mar II Government had I rie rt out ttl policy of i- •ml v would r>eow swop! tIDOI ;><>* t declared Sir ThOMM tnsklp If at Fare:iam v»\sterda\ It MM v> kn| '.a*. ||H wi.ole trorM ihoukl undtnUund thtfi are really
    Reuter Wireless  -  111 words
  • 108 7 I .-Mil. ill M>In IIM House ConflMM vday Mr Burke ask< ;i wlvt.ier Mr Eden's lUtntkXl had been drawn t Mv k by Italian naval men on ■OldlCtl of th»- Hofftll I.anrashin Shanghai and whether bt pfOpOtti to make represent ittOOl to tlie Italian Government on the matter
    Reuter  -  108 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 157 7 The Year's Most Exciting Mystery Thriller! YOU'LL GASP WITH TERRQk., AS YOU LAUGH WITH GLEE! Hex! Change CAPITOL OPENING TOMORROW ALHAiVIBRA 1 1 6.15-9.15 1 jBL "*^^SK^^|fs AND HEAR IT! Bißi "BEN-H!IR epp The Chariot Race 9CC Tho Sea F^ saht! TUe Galley Slaves! The Wreck! And Hundreds of other
      157 words
    • 108 7 This h a thoroughly entertain- ft c d M j j Show LAST 2 SHOWS TONIGHT ing picture. News-chrotiicie. PACKED WITH LAUGHS! x U/I|U|DDA I PAVILION I [CAPITOLI A jJT""!r NIGHTLY 6.15—9.15 6.15 NIGHTLY 9.15 BUCK JONES ALEXANDER" KORDA (At His VerY Be8t m Blill rt MlMt "WHEN A MAN
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  • 1073 8 The Singapore Free Press THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 1937 Tomorrow's I.T.C. Meeting XHE recent spectacular rises m the price ol tin invest the meeting Ol the International Tin Committee i 1 Pans tomorrow with more than USUBI Significance. Clearly, action ol a somewhat drastic nature is called for and the question
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  • 119 8 Mrs. Todd. wile ol Mr. A. H Todd •ecretary of tnc Singapore Tun Club, returned to Singapore by the Ranch! Capt. A. V. Cookie. Assistant Superintendent of Police, has been appointed a Justice of the Peace tor the Settlement ol Penang. Mr G. A de C Moubray.
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  • 627 8 JLIR. Eden's rather gruesome account m the House of Commons recently of the inducements held out to young men by recruiting agencies on behall t 01 one or other ol the contending lorces m Spy m may be compared with the method ol recruitment lor Garibaldi's
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  • 1044 8 1 JJOLLYWOOD hf mi us many a I tense drama hro dlunUgss fly j and OM lOflf glrj BMDtf P :.k and i Albert Tteggtn wen ■seabed oj the &aroe Flying Club. They br«aj> their nying early, so n 1 lett school at Fourteen I go 1:
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 115 8 Caldbecks m SPECIAL TO H.M. THI APPOINTMENT KIM. OF SIAM UTD l 87 2" DIAMONDS SET PLATINUM ENGAGEMENT RINGS B. P. DE. SILVA, LTD., Foremost always m design, Workmanship and Quality (Incorporated In Ceylon). i!£iJSKLJ? tr- No. 1, Bishop Street. INTRODUCING /I ij^d 1 1 4^ SATURDAY, MARCH 6lh, AT
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    • 54 8 A FAMOUS NOVELIST I says he is going to the Hebrides m search of peace. So that is where it's gone. For peace m the home acquire the protection oi "gaflac" fire and BURGLARY POLICIES GENERAL ACCIDENT FIRE 6 LIFE ASSURANCE CORPORATION LTD- Incorporated m Great Britain) ■ONG KONG BANK
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  • 211 9  - Britain To Invest $30,000,000 In South China Sin Chew Jit Poh MONEY FROM BOXER INDEMNITY FUNDS For Development Of Hainan Shanghai, Mar. 3. npHE British Ambassador m China has informally A signified that his Government is prepared to invest a sum of $30,000,000 out of the Boxer Indemnity Funds (British
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  • Article, Illustration
    15 9 REBEL PRISONERS captured on the Madrid front, having a frugal meal m a >ladrid prison.
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  • 717 9 Fine Performances In JT was only fitting that a full house should greet the Gonsalez Italian Grand Opera Company at the Victoria Theatre last night for the opening performance of their season, because Singapore has been starved of this form of entertainment for some years.
    F.R.S.  -  717 words
  • 128 9 All Liable For Extra Fee rE number of radio licence-holders m Singapore is increasing steadily and the total is approaching the 3.000 But the new 8M.8.C. is not the sole reason for that. There was a rush to take out licences be! ore Mar 1. when
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  • 41 9 London, Mar. 3. Exchequer returns show total ordinary revenue amounts to £694,803.957 compared with £667,588.537 at the corresponding date of last year. Total ordinary expenditure is €712.277.495 compared with £672.240.--i 581 at the corresponding date of 1936. British Wireless
    British Wireless  -  41 words
  • 141 9 MALAYA CAN PRODUCE HER RUBBER QUOTA What Statistics Reveal THE impression thai Malaya cannct produce the current rubber production quota which has been given prominence m London and America recently should b' 1 removed by the i production figures tor January which were published by the Registrar-Gener- j al ol
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  • 89 9  -  Appointed China's Foreign Minister Nanking, Mar. 3. Dr. Wang Chung Hui. former Judgo of the Hague Court of International Justice and ex-President of the Judicial Yuan, has been appointed Foreign 1 Minister m .succession to Gen. Chani Chun, who resigned on Feb. 22 Reuter. Gen. Chang
    89 words
  • 83 9 The British .steel industry's dLfliculties m meeting trade demands are responsible lor the Treasury order abolishing the 33 per cent, import duty on pig iron and reducing the duty on imports of iron and steel products Irom 20 to 10 per cent. The Import Duties Advisory
    Reuter  -  83 words
  • 47 9 To Appear In Public On Easter Sunday Vatican City, Mar. 3. THE Pope's first public appearance following his severe illness is likely to take place on Easter Sunday when, weather permitting, he will impart the Pontifical Blessing from the central loggia of St. Peter's Reuter
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 136 9 Distinguished Gathering At Private Opening A distinguished gathering, including numerous Consular representatives, attended the private opening ol an exhibition ol sketches and paintings by M A J Le Mayeur at the Y.W.C.A, Raffles Quay, yesterday afternoon. There are excellent studies of Balinese life and scenery, including
    136 words
  • 43 9 The Eastern Extension Telegraph Company announces that the delay on lull rate telegrams from Singapore to London yesterday was as follows: Telegrams handed m at 5.00 p.m. eight minutes; 5.30 p.m ten minutes; 600 p.m. eight minutes: 6.30 p.m. eight minutes.
    43 words
  • 22 9 London, Mar. 3. Dr. Hatez Ann Pasha. Egyptian •Ambassador Designate to the Court of St James, arrived m London yesterJday. British Wireless
    British Wireless  -  22 words
  • 192 9 "CINGAPORE is a shopping paradise for tourists." said one of the passengers ot the world-cruising luxury liner. Empress of Britain, shortly before the vessel continued her voyage from Singapore to Bangkok, Java and j Bali at about 5.30 o'clock last evening. Many of the passengers told the
    192 words
  • 253 9 FIERCE STORM AT SELETAR CAPTAIN PARMENTIER, famed Dutch airman who was copilot of the Dutch plane which gained second place m the London-Melbourne air race, had the honour yesterday of landing the first airliner on the new Singapore airport, which is to be
    253 words
  • 123 9 Visible Supplies Decline <Frorr. Our Ow.i Correspondent London. Mar. 3. IN their monthly report on the tin market :.->sued yesterday Messrs. W. H Gartsen and Sons estimate that the total world stocks of tin on Feb 28 were 22.766 tons, compared with 24.922 tons on
    Free Press Copyright  -  123 words
  • 105 9 Alberta Premier Called On To Resign Edmonton, Mar. 3. Following Mr. Aberhart's admission he could not succeed with the social credit dividend scheme m the 18 months* time limit as originally intended, the Liberal members 01 the Legislature have demanded the resignation of the Alberta Government.
    Reuter  -  105 words
  • 117 9 First Time In History London, Mar. 3. For the first time m history husband and wife share the distinction of be ing Royal Academicians Mr. Harold Knight was yesterday elected a R iyal Academician, while his !wife. Dame Laura Knight, who was elected last year, is
    117 words
  • 149 9 Ix>rd Nuffield's (ienerosity Yielding: Results London. Mar. 3. The Minister of Labom announced yesterday m tht HOVM Ol OOMMM ;».s a result ol negotiations between the Nuflleld Trustees the- sp ml ifINM reconstruction a*s>ciation and certain companies, agreement has b.en reach cci whereby a new company
    149 words
  • 34 9 Berlin, Mar. 3. A subsidiary company ol the German Dye Trust has been formed with a capital of £2.400.000 and Hi factory at Mersoburg will exolu.n. I produce artificial rubber. Reuler
    Reuler  -  34 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements

  • 474 10 LONDON AND NEW YORK STOCKS SHARES Last Night's Quotations From London 6 p. m. March 3 The above are dealers' middle prices; jobbers 1 margins, brokerage •nd stump duty are not included. Share of £1 denomination unless Previously Yesterday or Fall otherwise stated Conversion Loan. 5 pc. 1944-64 115%
    474 words
  • 189 10 From London 5.30 p. m. March 3 RIBBFR: Easy. London Spot: 10 \d. 10?' B d Previously: 10 13 16d. 117« d.0 7 «d. Apr-June: 10 13 16d. 10 15 16d Previously: 10 7 H d. 10 15 16d Oct. -Dec: 10 15 16d. lid Previously: 10
    189 words
  • 65 10 Tin: Strong ih 17.- Id Three montha C2SS 12.^ Gd Nrv, York Tin: rmn; nent etu l ii (Wild Vest nt.iv: B1 3 Silver: »< M 7 lGd Two months: JO 1 4 d From London 5.30 p. m. March 3 PrevJ 'Visly Firm at v:245 17
    65 words
  • 878 10 From Exchange Telegraph Co. Fraser and Co. 's List WEDNESDAY. MAR \*Z. f I Ml MNO Ampat Tin <4r>> 5.- I.d I*. *-d A.-am KumbaiiK u'l 33s :*i :|4\ (,d xd AlMtral Malay (f) 4 > d Ay«-i liitam <$s> 24 nl Am Weng i
    878 words
  • 72 10 London Closing Quotations March 3 Method of Parity before Rate Prerentre Quoting 20-8-31 Y*»«terday Yiously Parti Francs to 124 21 105' 8 105'h Nr York $to 488 4 «yd 4 B!>ci Amsterdam Guilders to 12.1t1 8 9ii 8W Hong Kong Per dollar U.I 5 16<] U 2
    72 words
  • 220 10 ISSUED BY FRASER AND CO. AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS YESTERDAY Tin at midda> was SlM 's. up S!U. Ihe market m Sterling tin hhares remained stead> throughout the itmrsf of the day and there are buyers of \yer Ilitams. .Southern Tronohs. Southern Malayans. Kamiintinjrs, Penfffcalena, Selatango
    220 words
  • 198 10 Feb. '»7 Mar. 1 American Can. Com. 106 105-"' 8 107. American Telephone and Telegraph 177' L 179'j 179 3 8 AtcheflOO Railroad 76 1 77 3 8 78U Chesapeak M G6' 2 G6": b Dupunt 171 172> 2 175 Firestone 373 8 39 39 QenermJ Electric
    198 words
  • 65 10 Mar. .I Gambier T.T. 7 r>n Java Cube 10.50 Hamburg Cube 15.00 White Muntok Pepper 21.50 Black. Pepper 12.00 Copra, mixed 7.55 Copra, .sundrjed 7.85 Small Flake Tapioca 5 40 R. Saijjon Al $174 L Siam. W.C. No. 1 $162 Rico, Slum, W.C. No 2 $147 Rice,
    65 words
  • 132 10 Fraser Company LIST OF CURRENT DIVIDENDS. Total foi Books Ciom financial Company Dividend Date Ex Div. year Payable Date to date TIN Aust. Malr.y 6d. Feb. 23 To Mai. 2 Feb 24 2 1 2 ',i Asam Kur.ibang 6d. Feb. 2H Mar. 5 Feb. '27 2\^ r 'o Katu Tin
    132 words
  • 216 10 Yesterday's Singapore Quotations Mar. 3 SELLING London, TT. 2 4 1 16 London, demand 2 4 116 London. 4 months' light 2 4 18 Ly >ns den and 1230 Hamburi demand 141 New York, demand 57 l io Montreal, demand M \~> lfi Batavia, demand 103^4 Samarann.
    216 words
  • 89 10 Chamber Of Commerce Rubber Association Mar. 12 o'clock noon Buyers Sellers No I X.R.S.S In cases F.OB March* 37 37' Good FAQ. m CMM •FOB March > 36 916 :J6 S 8 No. I.X.R.R.S. i SpotSingapore t 36 r> H :i6\ March 36* 36 7 8 April- Juno 37 1
    89 words

  • 1168 11 Winning CONTRACT £^ttv^O\tf\Gu!JUi David Burnstinc, Merwin D. Mater, Otwald Jacoby and Howard Schenken world's leading team-of -four and inventors of the system that has beaten every other system m existence THE FOUR AC ES POINT COUNT WE .are frequently asked whether our raceen In play when pitted against other systems
    1,168 words
  • 434 11 Singapore. Feb. Hi. WAI B« ol ste:ik Kati 32 Beef stew or curry do 25 Fillet ■teak lb 50 Mutton, Australian do 10 Pork, lean Kati M Pork, lean and fat (Ist quality i do 34 rotJLTM Capons 'locally reared* Kati 50 Ducks each 45 Fowls Kati
    434 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 360 11 HONGKONG SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporated In tne oolonj of Hong Kong) Tk« liability of member* to llmltoi tk« extent and In manner prescribed by Ordinance No. of 1929 of tb« Colony. Authorised Capital 150.000.000 Issued and Fully Paid-up $20,000,000 Reserve Fund: Sterling Hong Kong Currency $10,000,000 Reserve Liability of
      360 words
    • 525 11 CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AISTRAI l\ AM) CHINA < Incorporated m England by Royal Charter) Paid up capital m 600,000 shares of .t!5 each I 000 000 Reserve Fund Ju3.000.000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £3,000.000 iifai) ovum 38. Rishopsgatr. I i.n.i.m V..(\ 2. \m ii. i«s and KiiiiilnAlor Star Iloilo
      525 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 480 11 RADIO PROGRAMMES FOR TODAY SINGAPORE 6 p.m. 10.15 p.m. Speech and recorded music. Penang— ZHJ i Penang Wireless Society) t Wavelength— 49.3 metres p m. 7.00 Time signal and day's programme. 705 Recorded operatic programme. 755 Share report. HOO Prose reading: "Dandy, A Story of a Dog". (W. H. Hudson).
      480 words
    • 236 11 9.00 Talk. 9.20 A recital by Mrs. Jo Hendricks —Zalsman (soprano). 9.30 The Phchi Chamber Orchestra 10.00 Close down. Berlin— DJE, DJB, DJQ, DJA and DJN Wavelengths 16.89, 19.71, 19.63. 31.38 and 31.45 metres p.m. 6.15 Opening announcement. 6.20 Light music. •7.20 News m English. 7.35 Light music < contd.).
      236 words

  • 179 12 Maintaining Speed London. |>b. 17V I. QUMH Mary whirh le:t South Ampton on Wednesday on her BnJ v. \am> alter her Metal overhaul. iM a1 ir.Kiniulu last night maintaining sj «M(i o| M knurs m taim weather, with t slight sea running An affldal o: the Cunnard-WhlU
    179 words
  • 151 12 Liners Cleared Ry Wireless The Anchor liner Cameronia was the first ship to enter New York harbour under the new quarantine regulations which lame into lorce recently. lUttt a Renter message She .steamed ri^ht PMj the quarantine station and up the harbour, docking with the
    151 words
  • 112 12 Ships alongside the \\har\e>, „r Expected t<> Arrive East Wharf (Entrance i. A t r Tilawa Van II- 20 Kun Main Wharf (Entrance <..,tr Bhutar 18. X DJambl 7. Empire I><h-Ic (Entrance Cialc 3> TVcedbank 34 P.ilima Empire IH>ck (Entrance €..iir 4): Merkur 46; Ipoh 48 West Wharf
    112 words
  • 71 12 White Econoim Engine** Flm Performance 1 ThrAddrr ex Boswel. W A Whftl turbuu" and t>)iior.^ and pen<*l she bin i i ployed and j. «.> trt world The Add.-r>' Uvtrpool Pacll day a numb* neci stallati Th rribed as the truun; :)d a s»Ur< turbine
    71 words
  • 8 12 Tk. third n cr tnquln Mangm ioocluded earij
    8 words
  • 582 12 IMPROVED SERVICE TO SOUTH AMERICA Steamer Recommissioned By P. S. N. Company London. IT was recently announced that the Pacific Steam Navigation Co. were rccommissioning the steamer Oropesa to augment their services between this country and the West Coast of South America, via the West India Islands
    582 words
  • 246 12 Traffic For Rhine Provinces Through Antwerp In.spired by their success year when the returns closely approached the peak year, the City Corporation at Antwerp has issued an Annual replete with information supplied by the dnterent municipal port services, State services, and private concerns. By its
    246 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
      425 words
    • 25 12 For everything appertaining to Ocean Passages, Foreign Money Exchange and Freight, apply coWs WAG OJSJS-L ITS iwopto VSaveT 'kroner} 39, ROBINSON ROAD. No Booking Fees.
      25 words
    • 143 12 HENDERSON LINE SriIUMII oi s\|||N«.s By tortnichfh I'^vsrncrr M' Helwrrn K.«nc<»on. P..M su I n Mar**illrs. r.ilm.i aui\ I m nomu \icn s\n in<.^ Port of Disembarkation pi*m. mh OMA PEGU KEMMKNDINE CHINDWIN AMAK^roOKA M SACtAINU BURMA n YOMA PBQI KEMMENDINE CHUfDWIM < .ills I Through P.iwiiT ir m,
      143 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 599 12 Local And Foreign Mail Dispatches And Arrivals IW\. f BY TRAIN Bangkok every Saturday 7 pm Thursday 745 a m Swettenham. Taiping and Telok Anson: Weekdays* 7 pm Kota Bahru, Kuala Kri and Tumpat: Mon., Wed Thurs. and Friday* 7.45 a.m. Sundays 7 p m Kuala Lumpur and Penang Weekdays*
      599 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 451 13 BY P&0 and BRITISH I N D IATIN ES P. O. S. N. COS SAILINGS, OUTWARDS Tonnage Spore. Tonnage Spore 1937 1937 Su Y am iTn w ar 12 RAWALPINDI 17,000 Apr. 23 rfs?p cnl° Mar 13 BANGALORE 6.000 May 3 ra^phtama Mar 18 CORFU 15.000 May 7 s^x^V A
      451 words
    • 562 13 (Incorporated m tnQtonA.) t^P^Ji ELLERMAN BUCKNALL S.S. Co., Ltd. (Incorporated tn Strait SttilementM./ "ELLERMAN LINE" FOR UNITED KINGDOM AND CONTINENT VIA PORTS AND SUEZ CANAL Steamer n«« Sail* CITY OF BIRMINGHAM Havre. London. Rfdam H'burg Mar. 29 Apr 2 CITY OF CANTON Havre. London. R'dam. H'burg Apr. 14 Apr. i
      562 words
    • 1004 13 SHIPPING THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE (Ocean The Hua Khiow Steamship C». <19.U» U4. Steam Ship Co., Ltd., and China Mutual The Cunard White Star I Id. Steam Navigation Co., Ltd.) Ihe Sarawak Strjmship Co.. Ltd. The Straits Steamship Co, Ltd. Ihe Australian Oriental Ltn* Ltd The China Navigation Co., Ltd.
      1,004 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 637 14 K. P. M. OENERAAL VERSPYCK— Thursday. Mar. 4. P. Samboe, Letong, Kramat, Maras, Tarempa, Genting, Poeloe-Pandjang. Serassan and Midai. TlNOMBO— Thusday, Mar. 4,, Selat-Pandjang, Bengkalis, Soengei-Pak-ning, Siak and Pakan-Baroe. VAN HEUTSZ— Thursday, Mar. 4. Hong Kong. Swatow and Amoy. CAMPIIUYS— Thursday, Mar. 4. Cheribon (not for passengers). Semarang. Sourabaia. Boeleleng
      637 words
    • 704 14 DOLLAR STEAMSHIP LINE o&uf AMERICAN MAIL LINE TO EUROPE FROM SINGAPORE AND PENANG VIA COLOMBO. nOMBAY. SUEZ. PORT SAID. ALEXANDRIA. NAPLES. GENOA. MARSEILLES AND NEW YORK Arrives. Leaves Leaves Arrives Spore. Spore. Tenant New York. Pre«. ItaAtes Mar 12 Mftl 14 Apr. 23 Prcs. Wilson Mar lt Mar 16
      704 words
    • 441 14 O. S. K. LINE Arizona Mara liuenos Airr?, via Colombo, Mombu jy| ar 6 / I >;»r cs BateMl BftHL L Marqiu.s IV Elizabeth .mti Cape Town Italy Mara (ape Town via Mon> Zan/ I) Kalaam, Bcira. L. Marquee, and P Elizabeth M.iknnc.iM Maru Huenos Aires, Montevideo and
      441 words

  • 467 15 Boat Struck By Lightning In We ek-end Yachting At Changi Tho Sim»ap<ire Yacht (luh's race for the Aeolus Challenge Cup of Chaniri was held last week-end. This perpetuates the annual race once held to that delightful spot, Fairy FViint Club. 11m- race started at 2.15 p.m. on Saturday m good
    467 words
  • 606 15 Third Annual Regatta Of R.A.F. Yacht Club On Sunday (From A Special Correspondent) r plK third annual regatta of the Royal Air Force Yacht Club is to be held at Seletar on Sunday next. An Interesting programme includes a Visitors Hate and an open rate for Burling Prams. A large
    Free Press  -  606 words
  • 282 15 Entries For K. L. Spring Meeting Kuili l.iunpur. Mar. S. Thr foli< wihg :ire the entries for the Selaneor Turf Club's Spring me* Horses. Class 1: Bestlot, Biddy's Squire. Catherine VY..- c.ever Combination, Don Carlos 0 .p. Bre^enJlonT Herbe Folle, Knight's E\e. Kuala Prince Meadowman, Nonya Bukit Timuh. Nutcracker. Prohibition,
    282 words
  • 116 15 Horses Transfers From Class 1 to Class 2 Bill of the Plnv, Complacent. Marie Antoinette. Pet* rnel. Tocsaway. From ClflUM 3 to Class 2 Calvados date Niban), Jack Druce From Class 3to Class 4 The Cretan Girl. Hard Up. Miss Polly. Salmon Par, Tete dOr, Wait-A-Bit. New
    116 words
  • 175 15 Holder Beaten 506 In th< OmU the sec billiardi championship la>t night A. D. Baker beat H Gray by 500 to 387. the match lasting from 8.30 ?.m to 8.:io p.m. These two players have appeared m the Anal for the past three years. Gray winning In 1936
    175 words
  • 109 15 On Friday there will be the usual afternoon yacht races for the "B" and *C" classes, starting at 5.20 pm and 5.25 p.m. respectively. On Sunday the International sixmetre class will .sail two races tor a trophy. Starts 10.00 am. and 300 p.m. The? "B" class will sail
    109 words
  • 40 15 An Eclectic Competition '9 hoie.s> is now being held :it the Keppel Golf Club and cards may be taken out until the M;r. 31. Further particulars and condition! of play will be lound m the Competition Book.
    40 words
  • Article, Illustration
    25 15 photo > THE KORT CANNING GOALKEETER makes a valiant attempt it .i save m the mate!) against the M.P.H. at Anson Koad yesterday. F ree Press
    Free Press  -  25 words
  • 215 15 EAST WIN FOR ST. ANDREW'S Victoria School Soundly Heat en si. Andrew*! scored .1 1 easy vl rj over Victoria School ai cricket Ml 'he st Andn w.s ground yesterday, The following are the scorei Victoria School: J Trail Ibw P. Singh 7. Bubat run out 4; Ali Ahmat b
    215 words
  • 61 15 The following will represent the Si Andrews Old Boys at cricket .>n Sunday at 2 p.m. against the R A.F. on the R.A.F ground. Scletar: J. Lovick. j fferguson, J Ransom, H. van Cuyenburg. Tan Ah Hung, W. Pullen, J. Moss. G. Michael. B. Willis, A. Jos-?ph
    61 words
  • 57 15 The following have been Invited to play association football for SC C T vs. Battery Team R.A. on Mend. S.C.C.: J D. Hawley. C. W H GouU. It. W. P. M. Allen. T. O J. Kirwan. H. G. Riches, a p Webb, a v. Cramsie. J. M.
    57 words
  • 104 15 YM.CJL 4 SUB. I A good Bane ol soccer was plavcd OH the Harbour Gr und yesterday between vmca. and s.h.b the tomet wlnninf by four goals to one For a few minutes play went on evenly, but the y.m.c.a. having a small
    104 words
  • 542 15 S.C.C WIN NARROWLY IN PADANG SOCCER ii: military ride genre i much b< the first hall than they die. i ecOfld, whik- the Club had the bett r of things m the .second >pell. Valiai Hforta were made by the Regim r they were noai down
    542 words
  • Article, Illustration
    24 15 photo). K. lIMM IKWWI.I makes a backhand return during pi iv m thr men's doubles event at the V.M.< A. \estrnla\ F ree Press
    Free Press  -  24 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 225 15 r jivo the most satisfactory ami oor.omical p« rf ortnance. -parking jUugs must oprrate vtthln a certain definite tern- Bl p«:«Mir- -not tou hot |^H d v. -on cool. H A plug must operate hot iph to burn away tht> carbon deposited on the H Insulator. othenrtM it win
      225 words

  • 556 16 "NOT THE LUCKIEST TEAM TO TOUR AUSTRALIA"— Allen "Rain Dealt England A Cruel Bio W* Bradman 10,000 PEOPLE PRESENT TO SEE TWO BALLS BOWLED "THE Final Test and the rubber with it, went to Australia atter a lew minutes play at Melbourne yesterday. After the game was over Bradman sympathised
    556 words
  • 585 16 'T'HE complete averages lor all Tests. 1 01 all players who took part m the series, are given below. Bradman stanc's well uu* at the top of the batting with a total ol 810 runs at an average of 90. Bradman's prevDus highest aggregate tor a series
    585 words
  • 389 16 photo i Publishers In Goal-Scoring Mood At Stadium HuMishrrs *>; Fort Canning nUBUSHEBfI .mil lort Caaalllf phiy.d livrly Mcecff at Anson K(»;ul StuJnim yi«st« rday. rt suiting m u«ll-clrs< rvcd win (»l livt- Koals t<i our for tilt* former. Fon Cannlni did noi really get ioIni until
    Free Press  -  389 words
  • 21 16 lon don, Mar 3 I round to t»' play* Mar i w I ith Bl Mlrn Hin ill Reuter
    Reuter  -  21 words
  • 49 16 The following are tics 1 r Monday In the S.C.C. bOwla pain knock out handicap. c. c Winter and n. o. Biabop <scr JlLa) H Curtla ancJ p Neil Dunne H. H Wl!<on and E A Maphs I 4) VA S. Webb and K. C. Oillett (+1).
    49 words
  • 426 16 Yesterday's Play In V.M.C.A. Tennis Tournament AN unusually lar*e trowel jjitherecl at the MCA. courts yesterday, mainly no rioubl. to sfe thr Sianifsc pla>t-i C hartakavani.j. who played at Wimbledon last vrar Yesterday, he v <i Wi th« Btagapore singles champion, defeated CtftOTrin«t
    426 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements