The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 28 January 1937

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 13 1 The Singapore Free Press NO. 15,072. KSTD. 1835 THURSDAY, JANUARY 2s. 1937 CENTS
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  • 375 1  -  Sin Chew Jit Poh Rebels Now. Ordered To Withdraw FENGTIEN ARMY LEADERS SEVER CONNECTION WITH REVOLT Mr. Wang Hot Favourite For Premiership aa-*,*, Shanghai, Jan. 27. rpHR rebel leader, Gen. Yang Hu Cheng, has virtually A accepted the peace terms of Nanking and has ordered the
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  • 152 1 London. Jan. 27. WITH ammunition provided by the unconfirmed rumours of a hitch m the French credit negotiations, bear speculators have launched a renewed attack against French currency today. While the spot rate was rigidly hf Id against sterling by French control, the latter has not
    Reuter  -  152 words
  • 543 1 Well-Know n Russian Journalist Murdered In Paris MOSCOW TRIAL SEQUEL? Paris, Jan. 27. THE press is discussing the murriex of a well-known Russian JoUrn-* a list. M. Navachin. who was shot m broad daylight m the Bois de Bolosne and they unanimously express the opinion the murder is political. Th?
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  • 83 1 Questions Asked In L Parliament London, Jan. 27. JN the House of Commons. Mr. Parker asked why no provision was made for the relief ot unemployed Asiatics m the FM S. whilst such provision was marie m the Straits Settlements. He mentioned the High Commissioners recent declaration
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  • 56 1 (From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok. Jan. 27. JHE Siamese press is carrvin, a story to the effect that the Premier, Phya Bahol, wishes to relinquish his duties at the termination of the next ordinary session which ends m October. A general election follows m November and
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  • 76 1 First Service Flight To Alexandria London, Jan. 27. The Imperial Airways Empire flying boat. Cassiopia. left Southampton yes- terday on her first service flight to Alexandria, stopping at Marseilles and 1 Brindisi. The air liner is expected to reach Alexandria on Thursday. This service Ls the preliminary
    British Wireless  -  76 words
  • 137 1 London, Jan. 27. REPLYING m the House of Commons to Miss Rathbone, Mr. Oimsby-Gore. the Colonial Secretary, stated that the investigating commission on mvi tsai ln Hong Kong had signed their report on Jan. 23 and it had now been sent to the printers. He
    Reuter  -  137 words
  • 45 1 Paris, Jan. 27. DRESII>ENT Lebrun at a cabinet meeting signed seven decrees providing for the appropriation of a number of aircraft factories to be given to nationalised companies m conformity with the Government's policy for partial nationalisation of armament firms.- Reuter Wireless
    Reuter Wireless  -  45 words
  • 315 1 DOMESTIC TRADE REVIVAL HAS COME TO STAY BRITISH HANKERS OPTIMISTIC Further Progress Expected London, Jan 27. TIIK annual meetings of the I shareholders of the Reading banks, held at this time of the year, provided an opportunity for Reading bankers to review the current trend of finance and commerce. So
    Reuter; British Wireless  -  315 words
  • 42 1 Washington. Jan. 27. THi: army is preparing to evacuate every living being for 50 miles on either side of the Mississippi from Ca'ro (Illinois) to New Orleans m anticipation of a much more serious flood than has yet occurred Reuter
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 70 1 BIGIA TEA Brings the freshness and fragrance of the Malayan gardens direct to your home. a TONIGHT Orchestral Concert B. is to 9.15 p.m. Dinner and Dance format) 9.45 to midnight AND POPULAR CABARET ATTRACTION EULA HOFF 808 BURNETT ONE OF AMERICA'S FOREMOST DANCE TEAMS Raffles Celebrated Orchestra Directed by
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    • 112 1 There is no better Tea than BIGIA TEA GROWN IN MALAYA. ADELPHI ~'m" HOTEL Rook-(;\rdi:n tonk.iii SPECIAL DINNER-DANCE CABARET MI SIC BY RELLERS FAMOIS lUNOARIAN BAND. DINNER 53.00 NON-DINERS Sl.OO ADM j^6aM||B^M^^||^gfe^ _mm\mmm—. V amm F V_/ \\*T aaa W*\f ma. ar yi m mmam. m\ *t H mm\. jr.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 121 2 KATHERINE HEPBURN AS MARY STUART New Film At Capitol Katherine Hepburn gives a vita' .study of one of the tragic char acters m British history m 'Mary 0 Scotland." the new film at the Capitol Theatre. It attracted hir»o crowds al the opening performances yesterday. She is supported by
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  • 38 2 me nrsi list oi suoscnptions to the Jewish Coronation Fund is as follows: A Aman 100.00 Anonymous 15.00 Miss R. Manzon 15.00 Ellison S. Ezekicl and Co. 8.50 A. J. Gubbay 5 00 143 50
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  • 227 2 Fraser Company. LIST OF CURRENT DIVIDENDS. Books Total lor Clo c. linanruil Company Dividend. Date Ex Div. year Payable Dalr to t'ate Hitam sr;5 r Int Jan. 28 To Fib 3 Jan 29 10'; X Lumpur 1 <30th> F< b 2«i r y; Pfthang Con sol 10': Int. Jan 2G
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  • 97 2 Settlement Reached London, Jan. 27 THE Franco-Turkish dispute about Alexandretta has been settled. An earlier message from Geneva stated that the language question had I proved a stumbling block m the Franco-Turkish conflict over Alexand- retta. Rustu Aras Bey told Reuter he had been compelled to break off
    Reuter Wireless  -  97 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 587 2 COMPANY MEETING. m^*a*mmmammmm^^mmaimamri~mMm—m—^ma^mmm^mßm^*mm BRITISH TIN INVESTMENT CORPORATION CAPT. OLIVER LYTTELTON ON POSITION AND PROSPECTS The ordinary annual general meeting o_ thc British Tm Investment Corporation, Lt rl WM held on Thursday, Jan. 14. m London. Capt. o. Lytteltoi. ij.s.o. (chairman a. id managing director tn the courts of .is speech
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    • 217 2 nm m m m r m m VICTORIA THEATRE lf>37 100', NON-STOP VARIETY SHOW 1«>37 TONIGHT LAST 2 PERFORMANCES TONIGHT AT 7.30 AND 9.45 P.M CHANG WEI CHUNG the WORLD FAMOI S (IHNFSE MAGICIAN and 30 Talented .Artistes PRICES mM\ 51.r.0. $1.00 and 50 cents BOOK AT LITTLES TRADE MARK
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    • 63 2 SITUATION VACANT. mmmm mmm m ——*'——*——ma——mm——~mm——m——--Applications are invited for the post ,of pupil (under the Regulations for the Pharmacist Qualifying ExaminBtfcn) In the dispensary at the General Hospital Singapore. Applicants must have passed the Cambridge Srho<>l Certificate Examination m English. Mathematics. General Science or Chemistry or Chemistry-with-physlcs. and two other
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    • 430 2 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. AMBROSIA PORE-DEEP SKIN CLEANSER. Ambrosia Cleanser removes all dirt frank the porr- 4nd skin surf arr Clear* away blackheads, blemishes and pimples leaving the skin clear and TeJvety. Ambrosia Tightener: rloaea large pores makes oily skins normal. Amlbraala Dry Skin (ream: replaces natural nil makes dry skina dewy
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    • 558 2 Zbe Sinoaporc fvee press Head Offlrr CaeU &ir*+i, Singapore PhMW 5471 (I UMa -it* rilfDMons ta all 6au*> TH: "Tuam" SU««»ar«. Kuala lam par OOec: 25. Jmra Htraal. rhaae: ISSS. Vv Ipah OflBra: fl Brawatar Steal. i Phonr: ST. remaat Oflkc: It. Blahap Straai. P»naa« Phone: MR. London Otßre ••43
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 97 2 Diary Of The Day High Water. 00.12 a.m. 9.2 ft.. 11.33 p.m. 10.2 ft. Sports Soccer: S.C.F.A. vs. Govt. Services at Anson Road. Lawn Tennis. Farrer Park tournament. Hockey: S.C.C. vs. H.M.S. Terror on padang; R.A. vs. A.P.C. at Chanpi. Cinemas ALHAMBRA Conflict with John Wayne and Jean Rogers. CAPITOL
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  • 641 3 Verdict On Detective Stabbed In Street THE guilty conscience or consciences of those who were responsible for I murdering Oetedtive Mohamed Ali Khan on the night of Dec 5. 1936. while he was attempting to arrest some slogan writers at the junction of Kandang
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  • Article, Illustration
    41 3 FIGHTING broke out again on the Madrid front, after a fortnights lull, and over 100 people were killed m bombing raids. Government soldiers stooping low as they run forward during a surprise attack on the rebels, m the outskirts of Madrid.
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  • 134 3 "YOUR SHIPS ARE BETTER THAN OURS" A Japanese '"travelling British"... on a P. and O. liner, m fact— the Ranpura. You could have knocked me over with a sledge-hammer when Mr. F. Tanaka told me he was travelling to Europe from Japan by a British liner because
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  • 103 3 To Brinjr New Destroyers From Italy With a complement of nearly 700. In- I eluding officers and men who will man seven new destroyers which are now being built m Italy for the Siamese Navy, the Siam Government yacht Angthong. which arrived at Singapore irom
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  • 65 3 A grey cat belonging to a Thames boatkeeper at Windsor has given birth; to five kittens m the hollow of a tree 60 ft. above the water. §m a mark oi appreciation of the bravery ol persons who effect rescues trom drowning In the borough of Camberweil they are to
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  • 119 3 Hong Kong Crown Solicito r's View "^IVIL war is not likely to break out *-'m China." declared Mr. T. Hazlerigg. who is on his way Home on retirement after being Crown Solicitor at Hong Kong, when he arrived at Singapore by the P and O.
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  • 173 3 December Report THE December report of the Perak Flying Club Is as follows: Flying times were low owing to the illness of the instructor and ground engineer during the first ten days. Mr. H. Huntsman, vice-president of the Club, and Mrs. Huntsman returned from leave. Mr. R.
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  • 188 3 (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, Jan. 27. AT the Negri Sembiian Assizes yesterday, the Hon. Mr. Justice J. H. Pedlow, sentenced a Tamil, Ayasamy, to death for the murder of a Tamil woman at Bahau. Evidence given by the prosecution revealed that
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  • 232 3 WHITE SLAVERY IN THE FAR EAST Conference For Suppression In Java v v n »tv "W HITE Slavery ln ,a P an ls steadily decreasing." declared Mr. C. Akagi, leader of a party of three Japanese delegates who arrived at Singapore from Japan by the P. O. liner Ranpura yesterday
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  • 410 3 FAKE CABARET TICKETS SOLD SOLDIERS AND SEAMEN DUPED .Chinese Mohammedan Gaoled PREE drinks and dancing at the Great World Cabaret for 30 cents Recently, while Singapore residents were contributing to Poppy Day Fund, a young Chinese-Mohammedan went around and sold fake tickets, priced at 30 cents, purporting to entitle each
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  • 170 3 Scheme Proposed As Long Ago As 1858 'From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok, Jan. 24. The recently much discussed Kra canal has had more than present-day interest, for the matter was being written about m 1858. The suppression of the Indian Mutiny, the settlement of the British dispute with
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  • 204 3 Phya Bahol Visits Kedah (From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok. Jan. 24When Parliament is out of session the Ministers try to go on tour m the interior as much as possible to see how the new order is working and how officials are carrying out their duties.
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  • 198 3 i Driver On Charge Of I Causing Hurt Amputation of one leg was found necessary when a elderly Chinese Ml picked up from a Singapore Harbour Boaxd road and rushed to hospital. He had been knocked down by a motor lorry from behind and been
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  • 151 3 pOLLOWING the footsteps or the mechanics and fitters of a European j firm, who recently struck. 2.000 Chln- ese mechanics m Singapore, connected with Chinese firms, have downed tools asking for general increase m wages and better conditions Seventy-five per cent, oi them are
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  • 118 3 An admission that he. as a representative of a certain local Arm. had taken certain goods valued at $489 25 irom Nahar and Co and had then sold the articles outside, utilising the money thus realised for his own ends. earned Lim Wah Choo.
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  • 122 3 $10,000 Bail Offered. An aged Chinese woman Kwok San Lip. was charged before Mr. W. O. Reeves m the Singapore Third Magis trate's Court yesterday, with inducing Peng Yong Fan to witness an indenture for some property m Joo Chlat Terrace by impersonating another woman, named Wong
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  • 26 3 Mr R. C. Ehrke. Passed Probationary Assistant Commissioner ol Police. Federated Malay States, has been appointed to be an Assistant Commissioner of Police, Federated Malay States
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 103 3 A CARE FREE VISIT TO ENGLAND Our Services are available for everything you require CONDUCTED or INDEPENDENT TOURS ARRANGED Throughout U.K. and the Continent. Plane, Train, Coach or Boat. CARS SUPPLIED on HIRE or REPURCHASE TERMS SEATS BOOKED for THEATRES and all LEADING EVENTS < Pass all your cares over
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    • 269 3 Y|Ws mmr y~, am** w,» '*mm ma J V^fe^ Am aaMa^^MW^ CJfct&UstS AND BUNIONS -BANISHEOI Don't let corns and bunion* make your life a misery. Do as this woman did. and you will soon have young, happy feet. Read her grateful letter:— am writing to tell unu of the great
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  • 57 4 LAST NIGHT'S QUOTATIONS BY ARRANGEMENT with the EXCHANGE TELEGRAPH CO. Copyright by Singapore Free Press and Exchange Telegraph Company, Limited. Prices given m this service are official middle closing prices only where there has been no further business after the official close. THE QUOTATIONS ARE
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  • 502 4 LONDON AND NEW YORK STOCKS SHARES From London 6 p. m. Jan. 27 I Share of £1 denomination unless Previously Yesterday Rise or Fall otherwise stated Conversion Loan, 5 p.c., 1944-64 116 5 8 H6 3 s Funding Loan, 4 p.c, 1960-90 H4 3 ,4 1143/4 War Loan. 3V 2
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  • 206 4 S Jan. 23 25 26. American Can. Com. 112 3 4 112 3 8 112V_ American Telephone and Telegraph 183 3 8 184' 2 183' 4 Atcheson Railroad 74% 74 7 2 i /2 Chesapeak 66% 66» 8 65» 2 Dupont 175 i 74 7 8 172
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  • 86 4 Chamber Of Commerce Rubber Association mmt mt __________________J I Jan. 27, 12 o'clock noon v« iv-^r. Buyers Sellers no. I.X.R.S.S. m cases <FXXB. January; 35 15 16 36 116 I Good F.A.Q. m cases m (F January) 35 13 16 35 15 16 |No. I.X.R.S.S. (Spotloose) (awardable Singapore) 353' April-June
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  • 79 4 Jan. 27, Gambier T.T. I a_ R z n Java Cube I o _2 Hamburg Cube 1100 White Muntok Pepper 21.50 X Z e > 12.00 White, Pepper 21 00 Copra, mixed f 7 55 Copra, sundried 7*go Small Flake Tapir ,ca 540 R. Saigon Al __Z
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  • 199 4 From London 5.30 p. tn. Jan. 27 Straits S.D Rotterdam Jan.* __21 13* Previously £21 5s PEPPER: White Muntok: ln bond 6d. Previously: 6d. White Muntok Jan -Mar 5 116 d. Previously: 5 116 d. Lampong black: ln bond 3> /2 d. Previously: 3» 2 d Lampong
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  • 70 4 From London 5.30 p. m. Jan. 27 Tin: Dull. Cash: £226 17s 6d. Previously: Firm at £227 12s 6d Three months: £227 7s. 6d. Previously: £228 2s 6d New York Tin: 50 25. Previously: 50 15. Copper Settlement: £52 10s. Previously: £52. Gold: Yesterday £7 ls. lld.
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  • 74 4 I London Closing Quotations Jan. 27 Method of Parity before Rate PreCentre Quoting 20-9-31 Yesterday viously Paria Francs to 124.21 105 1 105»a New York $to 4 8823 500 4 90 3 Amsterdam Guilders to 12.107 8.95 H.'Jti Hong Kong Per dollar Is. 3d. Is. 3d. Shanghai
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  • 191 4 Yesterday's Singapore Quotations Jan. 27 SELLING London, T.T. 2 4 116 London, demand 2 4 116 London, 4 months' sight 2 4% Lyons, demand 1230 Hamburg, demand 141 New York, demand 57 3 16 Montreal, demand 57% Batavia, demand 103% Samarang, demand 103% Calcutta, Bombay, and Rangoon,
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  • 78 4 M. Vienot, French Under-Secretary tor Foreign AtTairs. received the Marquess of Lothian at the Quai d'Orsay. Mr. S. A. Cunard, of the office of the State Engineer. Pahang, Kuala Lipis, has been transferred to the office of the Deputy Commissioner of Customs and Excise, Perak. The Post Office Issued 1.007.923
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  • 1276 4 SINGAPORE STOCK AND SHARE PRICES Fraser and Co.'s List WEDNESDAY. JAN. 27, 1937: ii P.M. MINING Bayer* Seller* Ampat Tin (46) 5s 5~ 6d Asam Kumbang (£> 33s 6d 34s 6d Austral Malay <£> 55s 56a Ayer Hit am <ss> 22s 9d 23s •ju lAyer Weng <$1> 1.75 I.M Bangrin
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  • 84 4 ISSUED RY FRASER AND CO AT THF CI OSF OF BUSINESS YESTERDAY Tin was up >:. cents at midday. a. ws/tendem'v of"^ 'fT 1 S*? «h, day and shares, practica.l, hr ™2Ea {^tJS***** also applies to Australian issues. filers and tlu. Speaking generally, however, there is v.r.
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  • 93 4 Majority Of Prices Tend To Slip Back London, Jan. 25. On the Stock Exchange today an early promise of increased activity" failed to materialise and the markets returned to their previous listlessness with the majority of prices tending to slip back Among oils VOC Mil •sharply firmer on
    Reuter  -  93 words

  • 291 5 TEL A VERA IN RUINS AFTER AIR RAID Trna)t TK KaJIr^ VILDISGS JtJ-P** U|> dehrK tnc resu,t of an air raid b Government planes on the village of Telavera near the Madrid Fropt. Several women and children were killed m the air raid. Mules are seen m the picture piled
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 58 5 v'Uy/ H|H ma _\ijJ Jf _Jl> wV **^V i jr jj *{^p^w_3^v_jiC You be just as sure. Commence the day with a tasty breakfast. There is nothing like a good start. Make your selection AUSTRALIAN DEVONSHIRE DANISH Have you tried our CHILLED BEEF? PHONE: 5376 ***********aaaa aaa m mmaammfmaa% m
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  • 228 6 £1,500,000 To Be Spent In Next Three Years TT is understood that enlargements to be carried out at Seletar and other air stations on Singapore Island involve an expenditure of at least £1.500.000 within the next three years. The present visit ol five R.A.F.
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  • 67 6 Profit Or $874 for Various Charities •From Our Own Correspondent i Kuala Lumpur. Jan. '.*7. The Committee ol the Midnight Follies revue annoum that the accounts connected with the recei per tormane:- ol "Up Sh< G audited b;, Messrs Evatl anci Co., th 2 hon. auditor.,, and d
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  • 80 6 'From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumper. Jan. Fines totalling $300 n. default one year's rigorous Imprisonment, wen imposed by Mr. c. H Dakers In the Kuala Lumpur Police Court yesterday on a Chinese. W ag Fook wh pleaded guilty to steal;!,- bi-ytles on six occasions m Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 68 6 •From Our Own Correspond nt) PtfUUff, Jan. 87. Mr. John Hunter, thi veteran Be langor and Pahang planter arrived by the futlandia and !e!. Penang for Kuala Lumpur by last n shfs mail train. Mr. Hunter Ls the former wellknown sportsman, having represented Selangor at Rugby and
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  • 42 6 Leonard Hlghmore Jeffrey, a farmer oi Bishops itchington Warwickshire! was attacked o v a bull, which trampl ed on him and gored him. Edwin Mins. a waggoner. »ught oil the animal with a pitchfolk. Jeffrey is m hospital In a serious condition
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  • 208 6 GAOL FOR WELSH NATIONALISTS Re-Tried At Old Bailey London, Jan. 20. CEVERAL hundred oeoole tra veiled m special train and buses from North Wales for the re-trial of the three Welsh nationalists, who set lire to buildings on an aerodrome as a protest against spoliation of the landscape and to
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  • 118 6 Message To Commons From The King London. Jan. ?">. The Prime Minister. Mr. Stanl<>\ Baldwin, is bringing to the Commons this afternoon a message from Uv Klng asking for legislation to be pa.ssI d establishing a Regency and providing for the administration of Government m the event
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  • 65 6 For First Time Batavia, Jan. Hi. For the first time, sound films were made m Java, during the festivities connected with Princess Juliana's wedding The films were taken by the Anif-journals. They were sent to H )lland by the X.L.M "Kieve" to be shown m
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  • 55 6 London Hotels To Spend £200,000 In Preparation London, Jan. M. It is estimated that the leading London hotels are expending sums totalling £200.000 on redecoration and lemodelling In preparation for the Coronation, for whi-h a great influx of visitors from all parts of the Empire and trom foreign
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  • 161 6 COASTAL TRADE BARRED TO JAPANESE SHIPS IT is confidently predicted m well informed quarters that the lin. tish Government may assist* Bri* i shipping m the Far East by latl during legislation whereby \i coastal trade between British East ports such as Bombay.
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  • 689 6 FOUNDER OF DEVELOPMENT COMPANY Kelantan Dispute Recalled A REMARKABLE chapter m the development of the Malay States! m which the Governments 01 Malaya were involved m disputes over millions of dollars. |g recalled by the death m Wales last week-end of Mr. Robert William
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  • Article, Illustration
    31 6 rrr jiim^jtitt ~i muar THE SCENE at the start of the Boys Chess championship of London, organised by the London Chess League, at St. Bride's Institute, Hi ft. Fleet Street. <i
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  • 925 6 $4,000 CLAIM AGAINST BARRISTER j Reference To Loss On Tin Shares r 77 ER DESCRIBED AS "QUITE UNTRUE" (From Our Own Correspondent > Kuala Lumpur. Jan. 11. A 54 (/oo claim against a Kuala Lumpur barrister ftMM m.tde m the Supreme Court by Mr J Baker, proprietor oi the exchange
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  • 93 6 Punjabis Mount Guard At Government House TALL and handsome soldiers of the lst Battalion. 2nd Punjab Regiment, mounted guard at Government House yesterday, watched by an admiring crowd. The Regiment, which Is usually stationed at Taiping. Is visiting Singapore for the forthcoming combined j manoeuvres, and has been accorded I
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  • Article, Illustration
    44 6 •WOT *>«— under from their horned frail S^ h ,on ,n s which they rushed airplanes Irffi^i, tl" r PPed fro,n lives. Note the wav il Jw ca t tf ne f their hol ""ir «ie way m which the street has been torn up.
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  • 176 6 JOHORE POPPY DAY COLLECTIONS Total Reaches $5,522 Poppy Day collections m Jol, f this year totalled $5,522. which +v $940 more than the previous Mrs Lueien A Allen was the h ofl organiser Following is a list of colleetio: the various towns of Johore Muar. Mrs Andrews I! ,53 ij
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  • 59 6 Further indication of the gre, 1 pablic interest m the suggestion university m Singapore is given announcement that the Hrn I M. Hashim. Malay Member Legislative Council, will read a p<tpr on "A University for Malaya the Arab Pcranak.m AsMvir. Wednesday The meeting which la open
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  • 38 6 •From Our Own Correspond Seremban. faa Mr M J Hayward Seremban Magistrate, left > on two weeks leave for Camerp Hi--lanos Mr Hayward is Pres. the Negri Sembiian Hock. tion and a State player htnuvelt
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 44 6 UiDJINSPSUS ka wkf^P no pill m ■M^ vhan MARTINS. Yoi. tan W*W soln ,l MARTINS PILLS. I M" k xiit y ..i" hem 'sts Stores and 1 W by THE FSOEKAL DISPkNSARY. I at fits Square, Singapore! M i^^^^B -a^ wmmkak > c _#_ikllrJ Jllrf.ld"__k
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  • 1278 7 Trust Money Used To Clear Personal Liabilities H^^^^^^^^M STARTLING EVIDENCE IN DISMISSAL CASE Mr. Richards Re-Examined THK case m which Mr. Leonard Richards is suing Messrs. Anglo-French and Bendixsens, Ltd., for damages for wrongful dismissal was taken a step further yesterday, m the High ourt, Singapore, before Mr. Justice P.
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  • 67 7 Lord Mottistone. having passed the age-limit for the command, has retired from his position as coxswain of Brook Isle of Wight* lifeboat. He is now to serve as second coxswain. Lord Mottistone. who is a Vice-Pre-sident of the Royal National Life-boat Institution, is 68 years of age.
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  • 24 7 The ashes of Mr. William Frederic Wakelin, aged 62. of Ealing, were scattered from a 'plane over Ealing Common, a favourite place 3f his.
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  • 133 7 GREATER THAN CANADA OR FRANCE mm aw* London, Jan. 25. IT was stated^ m reply to a question m Parliament that estimates recently compiled by the United States Department of Commerce and the Treasury Department, showed that at Dec. 31, 1935, investments m the United
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  • 263 7 Junk Commandeered By Ten Armed Robbers Quick work on the part of the Nantao River Police resulted m the recapture recently m Shanghai near the Fish Market m Yangtzepoo of a junk and its cargo which a few hours before were stolen by armed robbers. At the time
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 113 7 ■'fi SEBS JOAN CRAWFORD, CLARK GABLE, V FRANCHOT TONE REGINALD OWEN Hy (M m another M.G.M. Super Production IfivJH "LOVE ON THE RUN" UwbhSt mM H» _#_B f^B (A w or thy Successor to "Libelled Lady") <oan H Trawford I PAVILION// NEXT CNM6E I 7*e Go Wen fl<>a«f v o/
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    • 348 7 WA7NE Is a Univanol Picture CMfflucr *mPmmarma*WW mmtml^m H Bos«d pn tho Fomout H JACK LONDON: I T story, "Ih* Abysmal Brut. JfEAN ROOERL OPENING 6.15 i 0 big action filled TONIGHT 9.15 mm gggj one show i ALSO IN THE SAME wR PROGRAMME Carl FAiMXi-ti ?T?se7uV”- '^^H|W JOMB B
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  • 605 8 The Singapore Free Press THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 1937 Has The I.R.R.C. Lost Control i THE decision of the International Rubber Regulation Committee to increase the quota for the third quarter to 85 per cent, came as a surprise to the market. Although a rise of some kind was anticipated, it
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  • 300 8 THE fact that 1936 continued to show an advance on the previous year so far as Malayan trade is concerned was revealed last night with the ibsue of the figures for the year by the Registrar-Generai of Statistics. These show that Malayan gross trade increased from $1,062,910,000 m
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  • 248 8 Friday, Jan. 22. At noon TH. The Sultan and Raja Perempuan ol Perak. and H.H The Sultan of Trengßanu called on His Excellency at Government House and afterwards accompanied His Excellency and Lady Thomas to witness the route march ot the Malay Regiment at Stamford Road TH The
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  • 68 8 Mr. Spence of the PWD. Alor Star and a member of the Kedah Club, will be going to England shortly. Mr. J. W. Moore, headmaster, the Trade School, Johore Bahru, has returned from leave and assumed duty. Major and Mrs. C. E. Bone have returned to Malacca after a short
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  • 685 8 Pirandello* Puzzling Play Titles "THE plays of the late Luigi Piran- dello always had odd puzzling titles which were apt to promise something quite different from what the expectant playgoer received. "The Man With a Flower m His Mouth" is one example, and latter play was
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  • 1031 8 A REGIME is ended Miss Goukro- ger has cleared out her desk at St. Bartholomew's Council School and ncr successor is installed For the best part of forty years m that oty Lancashire town she climbed the unbeautiful acclivity of Brown Lane to grind the three R .s into
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 220 8 iMAKE YOUR 1 GIMLET j WITH 1 ROSES LINE JUICE I Caldbecks J Wute MUlc/iGfih Sutcie 18 6*l 1 ■--_«____i_._______^ --____»_____________________»-_--_i--_--«--------i--i BY SPECIAL Nfcfc Ak jmi TO II M. THI APPOINTMENT KlN<i OF SIAM JEWELLERY. A WOMAN'S MOST FASCINATING GIFT AND A TREASURED POSSESSION FOR LltE DIAMOND JEWELLERY AND DIAMOND
      220 words
    • 53 8 THE AUTOMOBILE I APPROACHED the corner at 60 miles an hour. But even il you drive with the greatest care accidents may happen when a "GAFLAC MOTOR CAR POLICY will save you from financial loss. GENERAL ACCIOENT fIRE 6 LIFE ASSURANCE CORPORATION LTD. (Incorporated m Oreat Britain; HONGKONG BANK CHAMBERS
      53 words

  • 936 9 Revealed In House Of Commons ACT OF FOREIGN POWER? London, Jan. 26. TN the House of Commons this afternoon a vote *of censure was moved by the Labour Opposition m connection with the dismissal of the dockyard workers on Jan. 19 on the ground that the men
    Reuter  -  936 words
  • 257 9 Last Year's Figures yHE total value of Malayan trade, imports and exports, for 1930 reached a total of $1,152,15 1,000 an increase of $N9.24 1,000 on the figure for 1935, which was $1.062.9 10,000. The total value of trade m December was $108 705.000
    257 words
  • 69 9 Site To Be Found In Lancashire London. Jan. ?7. The Prime Minister announced m the House of Commons that m view Ol the wider considerations involved m the case of the proposed new aircraft factory at White Waltham, near Maidenhead, the Minister for Air was prepared to
    British Wireless  -  69 words
  • 158 9 REGENCY COMMISSION TO BE APPOINTED RECOMMENDATION BY THE KING Succession To Throne Not Involved London. Jan. 27. jyiß. Baldwin In the House o! Commons read a message from the King recommending a permanent Regency institution to cover any possible incapacity of the Sovereign, the accession of a Sovereign during infancy
    158 words
  • 83 9 Trade Restrictions Still In Force London, Jan. 27. Questioned m the House of Commons, the Chancellor of the Exchequer. Mr. Chamberlain, said that no actual negotiations were at present taking place for the relaxation of trade restrictions as a result of the Anglo-French-United States currency agreement of last
    British Wireless  -  83 words
  • 53 9 Show Huge Increase In Revenue London, Jan. 27. The Exchequer returns show that the total ordinary revenue to date amounted to £540,611.382, as compared with .€531.231.486 on the corresponding date last year. Ordinary expenditure to Jan. 23 amounted to €631,600.302 as compared with €599.933.361 at the corresponding date
    53 words
  • 44 9 The four Royal Air Force flyingj boats, which have been on a Mediterrenean cruise, left Tagues yesterday morning on their return journey to England. The machines are under the comI mand of Air Marshal Joubert De La i Ferte I British Wireless
    British Wireless  -  44 words
  • 59 9 The marriage arranged between Ivo Charles Clayton Rigby. Bathurst. Gambia, Colonial Legal Service, only son of James Philip Clayton Rigby, late Malayan Civil Service, and Mrs. Corbett, of Scarborough Hill. North Walsham Norfolk, and Agnes Mary, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bothway of Wreningham. Norfolk, will take place
    59 words
  • 284 9 I Y.M.C.A.'s Fine Record PERVICES to humanity which the V.M.C.A.. with a chain of 9.000 branches comprising one and threequarter million members circling the globe, has performed and will perform were dealt with by Mr. Oliver H. McCowen. C.8.E., L.L.8., m m address to Singapore Rotarians yesterday.
    284 words
  • 33 9 Brussels, Jan. 26. A Belgian air liner, returning from the Belgian Congo to Brussels, crashed near Oran and all the occupants, consisting ot eight passengers and four crew, were killed. Reuter.
    33 words
  • 281 9 Rescue Barge Capsizes New York, Jan. 27 A MBQI loaded ui(li rofapOOO capsi/ed m the High Street of Pandu* ah, Kentucky, ant! lt of the occupants were drouncd. Tiie chronic tbori i\ I <>: drl I ing water and appalling tan tuj < ll m>
    Reuter  -  281 words
  • 66 9 Indian Contingent London, Jan. 27. TTHE Indian OOntlngnnt ,tt the Coronation will consist ot GuO British and Indian otlicers and other ranks. represent lag all branches of the Indian defence services and also the Indian pollet. Oi the. c some :;oo vlll \\.\\c a place m the Coronation
    66 words
  • 48 9 Washington, Jan. 27. pKFSIDKNT Roosevelt lias appointed a special Commission to represent the I'nited States at the Coronation of King George. Headed by Mr. James Gerard. Ambassador to Berlin at the outbreak of war, and including General .lohn Pershinu and Admiral llnrli Kori- man Reuter Wireless
    Reuter Wireless  -  48 words
  • 77 9 where it whi remain until about May 25. In addition H.M. Sloop Indus will be at the Spithead revi- w on May 20 Approximately 85.000 .seat^ will he available lor viewing the Coronation processions on stands erected along the routes and the Lord President ot the Council said m the
    British Wireless  -  77 words
  • Article, Illustration
    53 9 ALTHOUGH her house is almost m ruins and there is danger of faling masonry to anyone staying inside this aued Spanish woman refuses to leave the only home she ever known and is seen sitting outside her door, m one of the streets of Madrid where bombing irom insurgent planes
    53 words
  • 74 9 Migration Question Likely To Re Discussed l.ondaii. J^n. ?7. Thi Domtnioni Becretary, Mr m»i co.m Mac Donald In Ihe Tio:-> of Commons ye.sUrdav stated th-; the igenda tor the coming Imperial Con« v rence had not yet b i n Rn »;iv determired. 'jut the Oofununonl r;t.un!y hjpd
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • 21 9 Geneva. Jan. ?7. The public session of thf League Council approved the CTOmticn t a raw materials committee.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  21 words
  • 21 9 Vatican City, Jan. 26. The Pope's health centinucs to :;h iw improvement and his heart is much stronger Reuter
    Reuter  -  21 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements

  • 1477 10  - Stormclouds Over Europe SIR AUSTEN CHAMBERLAIN LESSONS OF 1936 A Year Full Of Shattered Illusions And Hopes BY London, Jan. 15. IT is with a sigh of relief rather than of regret that one bids farewell to the past year. It is true that conditions m our own country have
    1,477 words
  • 119 10 London, Jan 12. INVALIDS are going on the gold 1 standard. Harley Street specialists, m increasing numbers, are prescribing injections of gold for various diseases, particularly rheumatoid arthritis. The gold, m an oily suspension, is injected into the muscles with a hypodermic syringe. Sometimes there are
    119 words
  • 837 10 Signs Of Greater Tolerance Now Evident. SO shrewdly has the Church In Russia adapted itself to new conditions m the struggle for survival that anti-religionists and militant atheists have no easy time winning converts to their ideas. They have complained bitterly m recent months of the persuasive
    837 words
  • 569 10 CONTEMPORARIES OF THE PEKING MAN? 11/ITH the recent discovery of two W adult skulls of the Sinanthropus PekineYisis, generally known ps the Peking Man, an important contribution has been made to the material available for the study of human evolution. The new specimens were unearthed within
    569 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 48 10 Keep your property free from rust by applying WAILES DOVE'S j|^7___^^____! Xl ft m\\\\\\\\\\\\\\mm^^^^^^m \\\\\\\\\\\\m\\^^^-^^m m lm* .__M BLACK BROWN RED GREEN CREAM GREY For all surfaces I RON. STEEL. TIMBER. BRICK. CONCRETE. FELT. ETC GIVES COMPLETE SATISFACTION SOLE AGENTS: UNITED ENGINEERS LIMITED SINGAPORE BRANCHES pm+am aWmfJt, i
      48 words

  • 1018 11 Proof Of Prosperity And Strength Of Tin AMERICAN MOTOR STRIKE CREATES SERIOUS POSITION of particular moment appears to have happened since our last report to flutter the political or financial dovecots at home and as far as the London Stock Exchange is concerned
    1,018 words
  • 494 11 Winning CONTRACT 2>alVv^ouaOuou> David Burnstine, Merwin D. Mater, Oswald Jacoby and Howard Schenken, world's leading team-of-four and inventors of the system that has beaten every other system m existence. A SERIES OF FALSE CARDS /^OCCASIONALLY we see a hand which Ls so well played and so well defended that it
    494 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 419 11 HOfIWRONG SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporated ln the colony of Hong Kong) Tto UaMlfty of member* to limited te ito extent and tn manner preen Bud by Ordinance No. of 1«9 of the Colony. Authorised Capital $50,000,000 Issued and Fully Paid-up $20,000,000 Reserve Fund: Sterling 6,500,000 Hong Kong Currency $10,000,000 Reserve
      419 words
    • 496 11 CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA (Incorporated ln England by Royal Charter) Paid up capital ln 600,000 shares of £5' each £3.000,000 Reserve Fund £3.000.000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £3.000.00t HEAD OFFICE: 38, Blshopsgate, London, E.C. 2. j Agencies and Branches. Alor Star Hollo Saigon Amritsar Ipoh Semarang Bangkok
      496 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 274 11 1 i RADIO PROGRAMMES FOR TODAY Singapore ZHL Wavelength-- 225 metres 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.— Speech and recorded music. Batavia— NlßOM 6.20 a.m.— 7.05 a.m.— YDA 98.68 m. and YDB 31.2 m. 10.50 a.m.— 1.50 p.m.— YDA 49.67 m. and YDB 25.3 m. 5.50 p.m. to closing YDA 98.68
      274 words
    • 492 11 I 8.05 Greenwich time signal. f 8.20 Close down. Transmission 2 The following frequencies will be used: GSH 13.97 m., GSG 16.86 m., and GSB 31.55 m. i i p.m. 6.20 Big Ben. A sonata recital by Harold Fairhurst (violin) and Hetty BOlton (pianoforte). 6.50 'John Londoner at Home' 4.
      492 words

  • 575 12 LONG RECORD OF MILES AT SEA Captain Of Chichibu Maru Keeps A Tally Hong Kong, Jan. 20. SINCE he was an apprentice at the age of 22, Captain S. Oya of the Chichibu Maru, which arrived m port from San Francisco and Los Angeles last week, has
    575 words
  • 183 12 Situation Yesterday Was Desperate Oslo. Jan. 26. The Norwegian steamer Veni. with a crew of 27. which sent out an SOS saying that she was m a hurricane with a broken ruuder, is now steaming towards the Norwegian coast under her own power. At the time of
    Reuter  -  183 words
  • 386 12 Dollar Freighter For Manila Hon* Kong, Jan. 20. HPHE steamer Chief Capilano. former■ly the Robert Dollar and belore that the Kurland. has been sold by the Dollar Line to the Madrigal Steamship Company ol Manila lor use m their overseas services She will, m luture. work with
    386 words
  • 71 12 The Eridan from Colombo is expected to arrive on Saturday at 5 pm and sail the .same day at* 9 pm lor Balgon, Hong Kong' Shanghai and Rote. Berth: SHB Wharves. The Conte Rosso is due here tjday Jj 7 am. trom Trieste, Venice. Oenoa Naples Port Said. Massaua. Bombay
    71 words
  • 141 12 Thirteen Persons Arrested By Shanghai Police Shanghai. Jan. 2t. Thirteen persons, suspected to hay*» committed piracies and robberies, arr detained at the Shanghai Bureau 01 Public Safety for Investigation. The group including one woman, were rounded up m several raids conducted m Chapel and the Settlement Information of
    141 words
  • 162 12 .Many Main Roads Kendcrtx) Impassable London. Jan. 26. The widespread floods, the mott extensive :or many years, caused by the heavy week-end rains which ar* already double the normal January total tall show no signs as yet of abating Reading. Richmond and huge tract* of the Thames
    British Wireless; Reuter  -  162 words
  • 20 12 Mr H J Sinclair, the well- known Selangor tennis player, has returned ir-mi leave He was accompanied by Mrs. Sinclair.
    20 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
      483 words
    • 26 12 'THOSE who buy and those who sell have common meeting ground m the Classi6ed Co) umns and they do big business! jfiee press WANT ADS j
      26 words
    • 123 12 HENDERSON LINE SCHEDULE OF SAILINGS Ry Eortnightly Passenger Steantei Between Rangoon. Port Sudan. Marseilles, Palma and England HOMEWARD SAILINGS Port of Disembarkation Plymouth Leave Rang'M* 1937. AMARAPOORA Feb. I SAGAINO v e t) ?q BURMA Mar 6 YOMA Mar 20 PEOU Apr S KEMMENDINE Apr 17 CHINDWIN May 1 AMARAPOORA
      123 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 633 12 Local And Foreign Mail Dispatches And Arrivals BY TRAIN Bangkok every Saturday 7 p.m. Thursday 7.45 a.m. Swettenham, Taiping and Telok Anson: Weekdays* 7 p.m. Kota Bahru, Kuala Krl and Tumpat: Mon.. Wed.. Thurs. and Friday* 7.45 a.m. Sundays 7 p.m. Kuala Lumpur and Penang: Weekdays* 7.45 a.m. and 7
      633 words
    • 114 12 SINGAPORE HARBOUR Ships alongside the Wharves „r Expected to Arrive East Wharf (Entrance Gate I): Rohna 22; Hong Kheng 20 Main Wharf (Entrance Gate I>: Ranpura 18: Hamburg Maru n Jerantut 15; Kinta 14; Conte Row', 12; Sarpedon 9: Rhexenor 7. Empire Dock (Entrance Gate 3): Irisbank 30; Bteel Traveler
      114 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 472 13 1 __=__=~~~=~r l _R ___T^_________ i _.L—^^a ™_mi ____■< aa\mw I aw II ____________.<■ H___i____________^^________n________r m H a m mffg S I ll— I! Sss_____^-" iSfi 5 m «i»r r BY. P&Oand BRITISH INDIA LINES P. O. S. N. COS SAILINGS, OUTWARDS c'aEtSa™ 00 ,Wl 'BURDWAN 6 070 MaM3 CARTHAGE
      472 words
    • 561 13 (Incorporated m England.) 9 X EIIERMAN BUCKNALL S.S. Co., Ltd. (Incorporatea m Straits Settlements.) "ELLERMAN LINE" FOR UNITED KINGDOM AND CONTINENT VIA PORTS AND SUEZ CANAL ACCEPTING CARGO FOR MONTREAL AND HALIFAX VIA COLOMBO. Steamer Due SjU|t CITY OF SALISBURY Havre. Lnndon. Rfdam. H'burg Jan 20 Feb 2 CITY OF
      561 words
    • 903 13 fH-PKEStNTING ■WMI THE BLUM EONNEL LINE (Ocean iv. Hua Kblow titeamahtD la ntlli i_ »team Skin Ca, LUL, and Chin* Mutual ihe tu__ua VVhite ?Tr Ltd bteasn Navigation Co, Ltd.) The Sarawak Steanuhlu t„ Lid. J?' sif.* Ito SUwmW <*- "ft »»»e AustiaUan Oriental |S Jd The Chlaa Navigation Ca..
      903 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 626 14 K. P. M. TlNOMBO— Thursday. Jan. 28. Selat-Pandjang, Bengkalis, Soengei-Pak-ning. Siak and Pakan-Baroe. BOELONGAN— Thursday. Jan. 28. Singkawang. Pemangkat and Selakau. BUIJSKES Thursday. Jan. 28, Penang. Oelee-Lheue (not for passengers), Sabang. Tjalang, Meulaboh. Tapa-Toean. Sinabang. 3anfak- islands, Singkel. Sibolga and Padang. OPHIR Friday. Jan. 29. Muntok (passengers and mails only)
      626 words
    • 575 14 joint aomo. PRINCE LINE-SILVER UNE FO* HALIFAX, BOSTON, NEW YORK, BALTIMOME AND PtfILADCLfNIIA, VIA CAFE OF OOOD MOFfe Due Salla Doe Singapore Singapore New York. M.S. JAVANESE PRINCE Jan 29 Feb. 8 Mar. 25 M.S SIAMESE PRINCE Mar. 8 Mar. 15 Apr. 29 M.S SILVERWALNUT Mar. 22 Mar. 29 May
      575 words
    • 635 14 O. S. K. LINE it 1 HaracMl Mara Cape Towm rta Mombasa. Zanzibar. D. Feb. s 7 Salaam. Beira. L. Marques, Durban and P. Bltsabeth f Hawaii Mara Buenos Aire* via Colombo. Mombasa, Feb. a 7 Zanzibar, Dar-es-Salaam, Beira, L Marques, Durban, P. Elizabeth and Cape Town. Alaska Maru Buenos
      635 words

  • 440 15 Leyton Club Pays Annual Rental Of £680 W HAT d amateur football clubs do with their money? This is a question I often hear asked by people who are sceptical where the amateurs are concerned. But wait a moment, you critics, and read what
    440 words
  • 195 15 (From Our Own Correspondent) Segamat, Jan. 25. Playing on the town padang today the India-Ceylon Association beat the Police 2—o at hockey, m a Wills Cup league match on a heavy ground. Soon after the start Ajaib Singh nearly got through when he eluden throe
    195 words
  • 440 15 CHOON LEONG DEFEATS AIZAWA Winner To Play Kamis In Singles Final pHOON LEONG, the S.C.R.C. tennis champion for last year, gives promise of starting the year well tn the tennis world. After losing a set and winning the next at 7 sin the semi-final of the open men's singles of
    440 words
  • 348 15 FORT CANNING BEATEN AT TANGLIN R.A.M.C. Rally Weil In Second Half IN a hard fought rugger game thr I R.A.M.C. beat Fort Canning by seven points (one penalty goal and a i drop goal) to five (one goal) on the Tanglin ground yesterday. Keep, playing scrum half for the Medicals
    348 words
  • 98 15 Office Bearers For Ensuing Year (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 25. The following were elected officebearers at the annual meeting of the sports section of the F.M.S. Railway Institute: Chairman Mr. R O J. Coppage •reelected); hon sports secretary. Mr S. V. Murugupillai; cricket
    98 words
  • 59 15 The English FA. has decided thut no football matches will be allowed on Coronation Cay. May 12. 1937 Suffolk County FA. put a resolution to the meeting of the FA. held recently ihat charity matchts should be played on that day. but the proposition was
    59 words
  • 780 15 OXFORD AND CAMBRIDGE CREWS Preparations For Varsity Boat Race London, Jan. 15. OXFORD seem to be meet in* with fewer difficulties than Cambridge m building up their crew for the University Boat Race, which takes place o n Wednesday. Mar. 24. Recent developments suggest that the Oxford President, J. S.
    780 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
      105 words
    • 210 15 V 1 Wa^M mW L^T J j y^y^M fl The AC Heat Range te a range H of olugs identical m all respee is exceot for varying of insulator. It is I ba. d on two well-known _M fl of physics: fl fl 1 Heat will always flow B from
      210 words

  • 692 16 EUROPEANS REST TEAMS FOR TOMORROWS MATCH Both Hockey Elevens Picked Last Night O. C. AERIA OUT: CHEOK WAH CHOSEN (By Nimrod) rE annual Europeans and The Rest hockey match has been brought forward a few days, and will now take place tomorrow at the S.C.C. instead of next Wednesday as
    692 words
    • 139 16 The following have been invited to play hockey for S.C.C. vs. R.A MC. on Tuesday at Tanglin: F J. L. Mayger C E Brooke. G. E C. Ash J. McKinlay. F. E. Hutchin son. G. A. L. Plummer A. Colville. Lt, Jenkins. R. J. Forbes. G Williams and J.
      139 words
    • 159 16 THE following have been invited to play association football on Tuesday at the S.C.C. Colours.— J. D. Hawley Capt. Hammonds. F. A. McCatt'ery. L. D. S. Gardiner. J H. Abbot. F. E. Hutchinson: J. E. D. Graham. G. Williams. J. M. Fraser. R. J. Forbes
      159 words
    • 105 16 The finals m the Singapore Table Tennis Association's Men's and Women's Singles Championships will be played on Sunday, at the Neptune Hall. Great World, commencing 8 p.m. The order of the ties to be played off will be as follows: Men's Singles Championship (Play for Position*: Chan
      105 words
    • 54 16 The following are invited to represent the S.C.F.A. against the Government Services Football Team at soccer today, at the Anson Road Stadium Messrs. Pak Tong. Patrick Yee. Soon San. Kek 800. Kirn Swee. Yew Leng. Hor Khoon. Choon Lye. Kok Choy. Quan Chong. Keng Hock. James Goh. Hai
      54 words
    • 26 16 The V.M.C.A. football practice will be held on Monday next. Any member wishing to attend will meet at Anson Road ground at 5 p.m.
      26 words
    • 35 16 The women's monthly medal competition at the Island Club, played over the first nine holes on Tuesday, resulted m a win for Miss E. McCammon. who returned a net score of 33.
      35 words
    • 13 16 The S.C.R.C. and R.I. hockey match flxed lor yesterday was cancelled.
      13 words
  • 519 16 Volunteers Win S. C. C. Seven-A-Side Rugger Tournament SAPPERS LOSE GOOD GAME BY EIGHT POINTS BY "BREAKAWAY BY eight points (a goal, a ti>) to nil, Singapore Volunteers "A" yesterday beat Royal Engineers "A" in the final of the Singapore Cricket Club's seven-a-side rugger tournament on the Singapore padang. The
    519 words
  • 125 16 Thrilling badminton should be witnessed at the V I Hall. Kuala Lumpur on Saturday, when the finals Of the open singles and junior singles championships will be played Ong Beng Chuan. who defeated last year's champion. Foo Lum Choon. is meeting A S Samuel ir. the open event Both
    125 words
  • 108 16 'From Our Own Correspondent I Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 25. K. Hunter won the Class "B" medal •stroke) at the Selangor Golf Club, played during the week-end. with a net score of 64. Other cards returned were: G. L. Gibson (20) 72 net H. H. Facer <24> 7? W
    108 words
  • 29 16 The following are the results of home rugger matches played yesterday, cables Reuter. Royal Naval College Greenwich 3. Portsmouth Services 35. Cambridge University 25. Guy's Hospital 10.
    29 words
  • 28 16 The Girls Sports Club second team fielding nine players, beat the second eleven of the Y.W.C.A. I—o m a hockey match yesterday. Miss D. Clarke was the scorer.
    28 words
  • 142 16 (By Mm rod) HOCKEY fans are looking forward with interest to the forthcoming cm ohm.. between the Singapore Recr«.. tion Club and the Royal An Force. The later created a sensate with their victory of 4 2 cently. They have two more fir
    142 words
  • 116 16 Tomorrow at the Yacht Cl ll "B" class will sail the flnal r.. the Saturday C*#. The C ila sail the usual afternoon race ing at 520 p m and 525 prn r< tively. On Sunday the Internationu metre class will sail the first r.i a series lor
    116 words
  • 34 16 Intending competitor* are advised OOU that entries tor the SCC Ch n U New Year Tennis Tournament BB Jan 29 Entries received after th_: date will not be entertained
    34 words
  • 32 16 The YMCA 1937. open law:, tournament will start on Mar 1 will be played on the YM C A I I:. tending competitors are askfd note that entries close on Feb 15
    32 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 26 16 I MONOPOLY The new game and now all the rage m England and America. MILLIONS NOW PLAYING IT $4.50 KELLY WALSH LTO. I BAFFLES PLACE SINGAPORE.
      26 words
    • 39 16 I WALTZ TIME cl -p-'m£_m Y__ dinner tine /iff frM/tL j hw-. f Vs v. I c > a -mw^^ ________J__________H__________> T f I x^^L^^mVa mw -aJt' m ______P L Af ANY TINE FRASER REAVE LTD. DISTRIBUTORS FOR TIGER DEER
      39 words