The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 16 September 1936

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 17 1 The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS. NO. *****. ESTD. 1835. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER It, 1936. It CENTS.
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    Reuter  -  493 words
  • 66 1 Johannesburg. Sept. 15. THE biggest Empire Exhibition since Wembley was opened this afternoon by the Governor-General reading a message of good wishes from King Edward. The ceremony, which was broadcast all over the world through the BBC. included addresses by the Prime Ministers ot Britain, South
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 820 1 DESPERATE HAND-TO-HAND FIGHTING Burgos, Sept. 15. *THE insurgent attack on Madrid is 1 being prepared on three sides and it is undeiotood will be launched as soon as the columns are ready. One column will start from Guada- lajara, 40 miles east and
    Reuter  -  820 words
  • 120 1 MAINE ELECTIONS SHOCK FOR MR. ROOSEVELT NEW GOVERNOR A REPUBLICAN Portland (Maine), Sept. 15. THE Republican* have captured the Governorship and Senatorshins of three Congressional seats, winning 603 out of 633 precinct*. The results are based on the known figures of 603 precincts, the remaining 30° being rural communities, nominally
    Reuter  -  120 words
  • 57 1 Rome. Sept. 15. The Cabinet has decided to increase by 8 per cent, the salaries of State emnoyees also employees of municipalities and State-controlled organisations. The increase affects 670,000 civil servants. It is expected the increase will be extended to black-coated workers generally. About 8,000.000 workers are
    Reuter Wireless  -  57 words
  • 147 1 Hong Kong, Sept. 15. SQKOTS fired at the British steamer 1 Tai Lee from the banks of the river near Wongping, m Kwangsi, j resulted m the death of a Chinese quartermaster and the wounding of the captain and second engineer and an American
    Reuter  -  147 words
  • 34 1 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Sept. 15. The slow progress is being maintained by the Hen. Mr. D. H. Elias and fur;. her daily bulletins are now considered unnecessary.
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  • 201 1 WILL U.K. POPULATION FALL TO 6,000,000? Doctor's Grave Warning London, Sept. 15. I TNLESS something is done the U population ol England and Wales will be. less than 6.000.000 m another two centuries, was the warning given hy Dr. E. P. Poulton, Physician to Guy's Hospital, at the British Association
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 68 1 k. I k A iii f«l COCKTAIL DANCE DINNER DANCE 6 3O to a 15 d m (informal) 9.30 to midn-ght D. FOKIEN-MARVIN RUSSIAN TRIO i XT- s«2«Viff«S ft (3) Russian Cossai'Ks. A DANCING SENSATION! NON-DINrRS SIOO. saTI'RDAY NEXT 19TH nUMI NFXT 18TH A^ G OLD CIP RACE DINNER IHtRK
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  • 238 2 ASSIZE HEARING TO BEGIN TODAY /CHARGES of forging and of using alleged forged receipts as genuine were made against Yasuhara Arima. i ycung Japanese, at the Assize Couri yesterday. Hearing will begin this morning. Accused was charged with, and •laimed trial on. the following charges.
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  • 45 2 Washington, Sept. 15. IX the presence of 3,000 dele--1 gates to the World Power Conference, President Roosevelt pressed a button m Washington and set m motion the turbines of the Great Boulder Dam harnessing the waters of the Colorado River. Reuter Wireles
    Reuter Wireless  -  45 words
  • 71 2  -  Sin Chew Jit Poh Eight Killed, 13 Injured Near Changsha Canton, Sept. 15. Eight persons were killed and 13 injured m a collision at a level crossing near Changsha, Hunan, between a Hankow-bound through train from Canton and an omnibus. Most of the casualties were among the passengers
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  • 124 2 In response to numerous requ-sts and owing to the tremendous interest! aroused among the Straits-Chinese community, the members of the Straits-Chinese Methodist Church S lOl^ 111 again stage Tne Posing of the Third Floor Back" by Jerome X Jerome under the auspices of the
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  • 147 2 TO BE ENFORCED IN COAL MINES Dilemma For The Lille Textile Employers Paris, Sept. 15. A DECREE enforcing a 40-hour week m the coal-mines has been completed and forwarded to miners and mine-owners for final approval. This is the first decree dealing with hours since the
    Reuter Wireless  -  147 words
  • 198 2 Tense Drama About Deep Sea Diving A tense drama revolving around two deep sea divers, one of whom quits and joins the harbour police while the other gets tangled up m crooked business, is "The Best Man Wins" (which opened at the Alhambra yesterday) m a nutshell. Edmund
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  • 82 2 U.S. Airmen Break The Easi To West Record New York, Sept. 15. Planes are proceeding to Musgrave Harbour. Newfoundland, where the Atlantic fliers. Harry Richman and Dick Merrill, are marooned with a damaged propeller. The airmen made the fastest east to west crossing, beating Mrs. Mar^ham's recent record
    Reuter  -  82 words
  • Article, Illustration
    205 2 James Oliver Curwood's story "The Country Beyond." which opened at the Capitol last night, gave 20th CenturyFox Films an excellent opportunity for some fine photography. The novel itself may be gripping but while the film is imbued with drama, the players themselves do not have much to do— with the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 103 2 NOTICES. THE EASTERN UNITED ASSURANCE CORPORATION, LIMITED. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thai :he 23rd Annual General Meeting ol ihis Corporation will be held at its Registered Office, No. 16D. Cecil Street Singapore at 12 noon on Saturday Sept. 26, 1936. and Notice is also hereby given that the Register of
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    • 449 2 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS/^ Th* Latest Beecham Product BEECHAM'S LUNG SYRUP For coughs, colds, and all chest and throat troubles. Suitable for Adults and Children. Obtainable at all Chemists, Dispensaries and Stores. Sole Agents: GRAFTON LABORATORIES. 20b, COLLYER QUAY. BOARD RESIDENCE. SEA-FROW KATONG GRANGE— 77 Meyer Rd. Large rooms facing sea with
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    • 340 2 Kuala Ltunpur Office: 25. Java street Phone: 3683. Phone: 1477 r «ua£, London Office: Heet si**. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Monthly Jff fSS? Quartet JJj g rff Half Yearly.. $17 W Jj] Vearty Kg g» g.J, ADVERTISEMENT R A Tfr s The charpes and instruction* for en*« FIED ADVERTISFMKNT etc, arf H
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 168 2 Diary Of The Day High Water. 11.13 a.m. 9 ft., 11.24 p.m. 9.7 ft. Sports Races: S.T/C. Autumn Meeting. Lawn Tennis: Tanglin Garrison finals. Soccer: S.C.C. Six-a-side tourney. S.A.F.A. Cup: Marines vs. Middlesex at Anson Road; G.S. Cup: Police vs. Medical Services at J.S.C.A. Hockey: V.MC.A. Juniors vs. Genera 1
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    • 56 2 Law Notice For The Day Before Mr. Justice Adrian Clark m the 2nd Court at 11 a.m. Assizes:— Rex vs. Yasuhara Arima. Before Mr. Justice Mundell m the 3rd Court at 11 a.m. Part heard:— S 528 33— S. Rengasamy Pillay vs. Sadhu Pakirswamy. \t 12 noon:— S 538/35— G.
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  • 911 3 Decrease In Costs Of Production ins: the adoption of the leport and accounts for the year DC 30. at the annual meeting of shareholders of Kluang Company Limited m Singapore yesterday. Mr. S. Q. Wong, the -aid: aunts for the year ended si.
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  • Article, Illustration
    70 3 oW.K UMI PI'BLIC SCHOOLBOYS left Waterloo Station on the Auso...»t train at the start of a 7.000 miles holiday tour to Canada I the I'nited States. Thirty-se\en public schools are represented iIK p.irty. which will visit the chief Canadian stay on a ranch and cross into tfre Inited
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  • 146 3 TEN STROKES OF "CAT" FOR USING KNIFE "Stabbing Cases Are Too Frequent/ Says Magistrate UQTABBING cases are too frequent," commented the magis- trate, Mr. J. P. Biddulph, m the Singapore Magistrate's Court yesterday m imposing a sentence of six months' rigorous imprisonment and ten strokes of the "cat" on an
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  • 153 3 Chinese Who Imported Contraband Tobacco Arrested at the 10th mile stone. Changi Road, or* Aug. 31. m a lorry which was suspected to carry 49 lbs. of various kinds of dutiable cigarettes. Poh Lew Chong. Peh Chwee Siew and Chew Kok again appeared before Mr. E. E. Colman
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  • 61 3 London, Sept. 14. The Duke and Duchess of Kent have concluded their holiday m Yugoslavia and arrived m Munich yesterday by road where for the next few days they will be the guests of Count OrringJerenbach. whose wife is a sister oi the Duchess. The Duke and
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  • 66 3 House-Breaking Charge A PRIVATE m the Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers. James Madden, aged 26, was charged before Mr. J. P. Biddulph ID the Singapore Magistrate's Court yesterday afternoon with house-break-ing by breaking a pane of glass at the dressing room of the Keppel Golf Club at 2
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  • 560 3 Judge Defers Sentences Until This Morning BY a unanimous verdict, the Jury I found both the Lee Printing; Co., Ltd., and Karban Hussein Mula Hassan Bhai guilty of two of the three charges against them, at the Assizes yesterday. Against the Lee Printing Co.. Ltd
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  • 154 3 Vigorous Denial By Accused Tamil (From Our Own Correspondent) Segamat, Sept. 15. A vigorous denial m the police court here was made to a young Tamil I woman's story that the accused had j come into her room at night on Buloh Kasap Estate and
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  • 363 3 Engineering Association Of Malaya HALF-YEARLY MEETING AT WEEK-END MEMBERS of the Engineering Association of Malaya will assemble m Ipoh over the week-end on Sept. 18. 19 and 20 for their half-yearly meeting and lectures and demonstrations. A very large and interesting programme has been prepared for the meeting which is
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  • 148 3 Case Transferred lo Johore CHARGED with armed robbery with a pistol of $1,850 m Tanjong Kupang. Johore. on May 16 of this year, a Chinese. Mak Ping, appeared before Mr. J. P. Biddulph m the Singapore Magistrate's Court yesterday. The case was transferred to Johore. A tattoo
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  • 165 3 Lorry Driver Who Told Lies In Court (From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru, Sept. 15. Convicted by Mr. J. B. Weiss, First Magistrate, Johore Bahru, on a charge of reckless and negligent driving, Lee Yam Mong was fined $25 and his licence was cancelled for a year. It
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  • 113 3 Gen. Chan's Brother Not In Liner In Singapore Chinese residents and Singapore pressmen scoured the French liner President Doumer this morning when lit was reported that Chan Wai Chow, the former Salt Commissioner of Kwangtung and brother of the "dictator." General Chan Chai Tong, was I travelling to
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  • 74 3 Charged with having committed robt bery of $14 and a gold ring from an 11-year-old child named Lim Chia 80. I at the back lane of China and Amoy Streets. Teh Soon Kiat was yesterday prodoced before Mr. L B Gibson m the Criminal District C;mrt
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 17 3 FOR THE DOC IN HOT CLIMATES WHEAT^p COMPLETE »WITH MEAT Ttalt tnfuiriei to P.O. 8.,« 2W. BOMBAY.
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    • 41 3 K. P. M. CHRISTMAS TOUR TO INDO-CHINA AND SIAM AN ALL INCLUSIVE TOUR OF 19 DAYS by s.s. "TASMAN" LEAVE SINGAPORE: DEC. 19th RETURN TO SINGAPORE: JAN. 6*h. For detailed information please apply to: X.P.M. LINE, 1. Finlayson Green Tel. 5451.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 102 4 181 w S t w«l if i ['■mSiV i-a.^ W&S^ «L. JP *mWE 51 ,^Bf>' 1 r La^tJnflßHH t .^fln SBBn|. T-%<-* tiJt^SißHs m Bpßl >^^^ .^B^^^P^^^^B^B^^^i^v i^BI '''h** M ~^i^y^i2fl^B^BP^<»" ;V *9 w m i BT^ L# B^v IB^I "ff^sß2^Bßß^B^s 4^- i #f^ MM' Bl ill BT bt i
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    • 540 4 i»— f I |T is a frequent comment among visito rs to Singapore that the faeiii I II beauty treatment and hairdressing are more satisfactory hprp for other town m the East. man m ny Singapore houses, of course, are well equipped with modern aDDlun™ m the hands of competent
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  • 162 5 t n— itrsmm^mmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmamm^mmmmmmmmm lUOISANDS OF REFUGEES, haggard and hungry, poured into Hendaye. on the Franco-Spanish frontier after the fall of Irun into rebel hands. W omen and children carry m? the few possessions they could save from their blazing homes sat for hours m the rain
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous

  • Article, Illustration
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  • 95 6 The Johore Government Gazette an nounces that His Highness the Sultan m Council has constituted a Johore State Medical Board. The following have been appointed to be members of the Board The Principal Medical Officer Chairman) His Highness the Tunku Mahkota His Highness the Tunku
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  • 146 6 STRIKERS NOT WEAKENING TEN of the 13 pineapple factories ii the Singapore and South Johort areas are still idle or working at onl: a fraction of their normal output, anc the strikers are not showing any sign: of weakening m their attitude. At the
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  • 202 6 Syce Who Knocked Down Cyclist From Our Own Correspondents Kuala Lumpur. Sept. 14. "I think on the evidence the driver should be charged under section 46 1 > ;oi the Motor Vehicle Enactment. He should have slowed down when he saw many cyclists m front of
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  • 59 6 i From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur. Sept. 14. September 13 was an unlucky day for an aged Sikh cyclist who at 10 a.m. was knocked down by a car driven by a Tamil at the junction of Chow Kit Road and Ipoh Road. Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 244 6 "Good Progress Says Trainer iUTHROUGHOUT Malaya I have found great enthusiasm among all i nationalities for the girl guide movement." said Miss Croft-Watts. Diploma Trainer, who is visiti .g Singapore troin India to conduct training classes lor j Guiders. m an interview with a reporter.
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  • 23 6 Mr. D. Clay, who was until recently attached to the Government English School. Tapah, has gone on transfer to the Anderson School, Ipoh.
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  • 464 6 S£VEA/ y£A/*s' IMPRISONMENT WAS' "SUBSTANTIAL JUSTICE" A SUBMISSION by counsel lor ap- pellant m a case heard by the Singapore Court of Appeal yesterday, that he could not urge anything m favour of his client resulted m the upDeal of
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  • 629 6 LIE I IN STATE Death After Short Illness I "FATII2R OF RAILROAD IN SIAM" THE Free Press regrets to record the death of Prince Purachatra of Kambaeng Bejra, one of the builders of modern Siam. He died m the Singapore General Hospital on Monday night after a
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  • 174 6 4 In A Month rpHREE Governor-Gener&ls within A a week, and four within a month such is the unusual succession of distinguished visitors m Singapore at present. On Monday afternoon Jonkheer A. W. L Tjarda van Starkenborgh Stachouwer, Governor-General designate of Netherlands India, passed, through the port
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  • 334 6 JUDGE CONGRATULATES COUNSEL Clients Advised To Settle AN actian was commenced yesterday morning before Mr Justice N H. P. Whitley. acting Chief Justice, m which Lam Joon Chiang, an infant, by his next friend Lam Moey Toon, and Lam Moey Toon were olaintiffs and Lam Joon Fook defendants, claiming administration
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  • 118 6 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru. Sept. 15. A Japanese named Oyahara Sawaru had an expensive trip to Kota Tinggi recently, his failure to pay for the hire of the taxi causing his appearance before the Third Magistrate jlnche Rauf. who fined him
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  • 122 6 His System Was 3ecomin, Sluggish it Is the late ol mam weight aftei reaching P ut oq is usually a sign that ih< T*U getting sluggish and la; Bl remedy us simple— ih< i X The Kruschen can be counted right as it did
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  • 396 6 "COFFEE MONEY" DEMAND" From Our Ov.r. Ootnapmtm/U Kuala Lumpur Sept H. THAT schoolboys had fc -aidfeti by hooligans and "coffeemoney'" was an alleea :e ore Mr. J. Calder m the Kuala L. police court today. In the dock were three Chine* youths who were charted gg|
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  • 381 6 The question ol nomtl Municipal Commission i agenda for a meeting of the SS A (6H on Monday. Sent 21. m tl. 1 Room at 5 p.m. Other ma agenda are: -Agenda ol t sioners' monthly me« Amend the Stamp OnlinaJ tive Council Pftpem Wm I I
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  • Page 6 Advertisements

  • 98 7 London, Sept. 14. At Garden City. Long Island, m the \merican amateur championship, outstanding first round results were: Blevins (Kansas City) beat Bentley 1 up. after Bentley had been 3 up with tour to play. Langley beat Pittman (Bethesda) 3 md 2. Langley was 3
    Reuter  -  98 words
  • 134 7 The following have accepted to play ;ricket for S.C.C. vs. Pahang on Runiay. Sept. 27, at 11 a.m. at the S.C.C. P O'Neil Dunne, E. N. Griffith Jones, F Hunter, L A. Hygate. J. W. Jackion. *J. E. C. Mitchell, F P. H. Pearse (capt.), N. Poyntz Roberts,
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  • 804 7 Police Held To Three-All Draw In Great Game Police 3; Terror 3. THE Terror team are giving the other Cup sides cause to A worry. Last Tuesday week they caused a tremendous surprise by bowling over the Air Force, winners of the
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  • 343 7 Yesterday's Match Drawn V.M.C.A. Jrs. 1; Sikh Police 1. IN a very scrappy game of hockey the V.M.C.A. Juniors drew with the Sikh Police by sharing two goals on the V.M.C.A. ground yesterday. There was little of merit displayed by any player, and the game m general
    Free Press  -  343 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 78 7 ■^pciiM TOMORROW SIGHT at "the CAPITOL amazjng Screen p,*v indent by the n who made **LES M IS XX A BLtS" l\i: of INDIA and TOWERING m its dramatic immensity above the year's great hits! I rted hi W I ">; )!:en ad recovering .ite C a: Fx SOMETHING BIG!
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    • 35 7 s» dancing »»u- «^S^^^^^^*^ ticol m 100% >^ W NEW jft Picfurti prti«nr« S^X 'JMR+m, W CharUi Collins /*£„>,s ft Frank Morgon <£J f, \v St«Hi Duno JT si (SCREENING THIS MONTH AT THE CAPITOL, 1
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    • 244 7 BRITAIN'S KING OF COMEDY GIVES HIS GREATEST PERFORMANCE IN THE FUNNIEST FARCE FOR YEARS! JPENMG TOWGHT (^BPOCJIGK? r iuw JV jM^^^^«^*^^ .^^M I &>:%!& Jem tm*:^ mK iijjiMF *w ft 1 1/ '■m^'^^^^'iZ- M I^^^^V 1 If M •^'^kMWß I H ■ml %^S2|3S2smy£B| ALSO A FILM OP INTEREST TO EVERY
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  • 524 8 GOVERNMENT HOUSE Tuesday. Sept. 8. Mr and Mrs Martin Johnson Major Lindsay Years. Major E. C. Doyle and Captain Hicks had luncheon at Government House. The following were the guests at a dinner given by HLs Excellency at Government House this evening:— H E Major-General \V. G. S. Dobbie and
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  • 776 8 The WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1936. The McMahon Trial I proved sufficiently garrulous at the time of his arrest and freely offer!ea varying explanations for his action, it seems .to have taken j McMahon the two months he was iheld m remand pending trial to concoct this fantastic story which, as
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  • 519 8 Fewer Cast Saw Seen I -i I^ondoii Dr. Skeppard's PeacfPUd&i Movement M fZtmedt hi Sp<iifi '"THERE are now said to be fewer cats m London than ever before, and it can be seen from the records of the centres for humane destruction that an increasing number
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  • 793 8 MR Ifdntacv PertTtle had passed through one of the less expensive )f the greater public schools, hid won m exhibition at Oxford, and had passed thence <not without (UfßevUjr) Into :he higher reaches of the C:v Serrloe. He lifced to think himself mod?rn. It is true that he believed
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  • 25 8 Mr C. C. Brown. Tengku Aris Bendahara. Ungku Muda and Ten^ku Mohamed had luncheon at Government House. Hon^ Mr. C. C. Brown left Government House.
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  • 1055 9 HITLER HAS BUT TO SNAP HIS FINGERS And 15,000,000 Germans Will Answer Call FUEHRER EXPLAINS ANTIRED FANATICISM Nuremberg, Sept. 15. THE first reasoned explanation as to why this year's Nazi congress lias been so largely devoted to an attack on Bolshevism was given to Reuter by Herr Hitler m an
    Reuter; Free Press  -  1,055 words
  • 244 9 "We Have No Faith In Royal Co mmission" Jerusalem. Sept. 15. HAVING tailed I BgffM .vhether tbc Ar. itrl j should be called oil or M A: a o Higher Commit;ee b :j call a general meeting of ational committees throughout qc lor Thursday to decide
    British Wireless; Reuter  -  244 words
  • 159 9 London. Sept. 15. Encouraged by the satisfactory result of the Sydney auctions, the h wool trade is entering today s London sales m an optimistic frame ■\;vcting that the offerings ot 100.500 bales, which is the smallest for will be readily absorbed, pro- vided the
    Reuter  -  159 words
  • 50 9 Dalton (Georgia). Alter storming the gaol m the middle of the night, a frenzied mob lyncn- *<* a 21 -year-old negro accused of an -nted attack on a white woman I here. The mob forced the gaoler una ver of revolvers to hand over me It the man's
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  • 205 9 ARMY STRENGTH IN ABYSSINIA i Rome. Sept. 15. INTENSIFICATION ol Italy's military preparation! are indicated m an •uncement by Mussolini to the Cabinet that special grants would be made to ruse military preparations to ••the necessities of the international situation and perfect it
    Reuter Wireless  -  205 words
  • 90 9 Unlikely To Begin Before November London. Sept. 13. It is now certain the Locarno Conference will not begin before November. C ?h German Charge d'Atlaires. Prince Bismarck, m the course of an U erview with Sir Robert Vansittart Permanent Under-Secretary for ForSgn Affairs, emphasised Germany's SS interest was
    Reuter Wireless  -  90 words
  • 89 9 Arrival Back In England After Holiday London. Sept. 14. Kin- Edward arrived oack m EngJS s>da> at the end cf his holiday travelled overnight by train from Vienna. His Majesty arrived St lunch time at Zurich md early JS "a ternoon took off from Duebenidorf aerodrome m his
    British Wireless  -  89 words
  • 90 9 5,000,000 FLATS FOR WORKERS Nuremberg Sept. 15. A PLAN to build live million flats for workers was announced by Dr. Ley, leader of the Labour Front, at today's Congress session. He said the work would be begun on the Labour Front two years hence. "We cannot allow German people to
    Reuter Wireless  -  90 words
  • Article, Illustration
    39 9 Santa Monica (Calif.). Sept. 14. The death is announced of Mr. Irving Thalberg. the well-known film producer and husband of Miss Norma Shearer, the film star. Miss Shearer was at his bedside when the end came. Reuter. IRVING THALBERG
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
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    • 432 10 LONDON AND NEW YORK STOCKS SHARES. From London 6 p. m. Sept. IS *ru pnees quoted m US J^TZi,^rLZt"~-' bb Share of £1 denomination unless Previously Yesterday Rise; or Fall otherwise stated Conversion Loan, 5 p.c.. 1944-64.... 119 3 4 119 3 >4 Funding Loan, 4 p.c. 1960-90 118 a
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    • 199 10 Sept. 11. 12. 14. American Can. Com 125 125» 2 125 American Telephone and Telegraph 178 7 8 1784 175» Atri.eson Railroad 83 83 81- 1 Chesap-ak 67' 8 665 8 66 5 3 1 Dupcnt 164» 2 1613 4 160» 2 Firest -'T 7 8 27
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    • 71 10 Settlement With Norway In! Next Pew Days London, Sept. 14. A settlement within the next few flays ot the Anglo-Norwegian whaling dispute is expected. A note was handed J l *>y the Norwegian Charge UAiTaires at the London office on Saturday and its contents are stated to be
      British Wireless  -  71 words
    • 82 10 Sept. 15 Buyers Sellers Gambier 5.25 Java Cube 875 Hamburg Cube 10.25 White Muntok Pepper 13.75 Black Pepper 7.50 White Pepper 13.25 Copra, sundried 5.80 Copra, mixed 5.20 Small Flake Tapioca 4.80 R. B. Siam No. 1 per yokan 1.10 Ranja Jelotong Sarawak Jetolong R. Siam. W
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    • 94 10 Chamber Of Commerce Rubber Association I Sept. 15, 12 o'clock noon Buyers Sellers No. I.X.R.S.S. m cases 'FOB September) 26 3 4 26 7 8 Good FAQ. m cases "F. 0.8. September) 26 5 8 26 1116 No. I.X.RS.S. (Spotloose) tawardabJe Singapore) 26 5/ 8 26 3 4 September 26
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    • 200 10 By arrangement with the Exchange Telegraph Company, Ltd., the Singapore Free Press is able to offer to its readers this complete and reliable service of commercial news from London, New York and other centres. This is the first occasion on which a newspaper published m Malaya has
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    • 186 10 I From London 5.30 p m. Sept. 15 KIBBER: Quiet London Spot: 7-11 16d. 7^ 4 d. Previously: 711 lGd. 7 3 4 d. Oet.-Dec 7 11 16 d. 7 ;i 4 d. Previousl": 7 11 lGd. 7 :5 4 d Jan.-March: 7^ 4 d. 7 7
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    • 73 10 From London 5.30 p. m. Sept. 15 Tin: Dull. Cash: £196 ss. Previously: Strong at €197 12s 6d Three months: €193 ss. Previously: £193 17s. 6d New York Tin: 451 2. Previously: 45 37 Copper: Settlement: €39 2s. 6d. Previously: £39 5s Gold: Yesterday: €6 17s. 4d.
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    • 65 10 London Closing Quotations Sept. 15 Method of Parity before Rate PrePai£ 5. U ting 20 9 31 Yesterday viousiy xvew YorK to 8 8 7 06 I<>1 <> 7 nfi3 Amsterdam Guilders to 12 91 7 46 >£ 7 J Hong Kong Per dollar Is" 213 16d
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    • 193 10 Yesterday's Singapore Quotations I Sept. 15 London. T.T. 24 1116 London, demand 2 4 116 London, 4 months' sight 2 4' 8 Lyons, demand 897 Hamburg, demand 145 New York, demand 591,3 Montreal, demand 59 1 16 Batavia, demand 86% Samarang, demand 86% Calcutta. Bombay and Rangoon,
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    • 1169 10 Fraser and Co.'s List TUESDAY, SEPT. 15, 1936' 5 P.M. MINING Buyers Sellers. Ampat Tin (4s) 4s 3d 4s l^d Asam Kumbang 27s 29s c.d. Austral Malay (£> 53s 55s c d Ayer Hitam (ss) 15s 6d 16s 6d c.d. Ayer Weng ($1) 1.91% 1.75
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    • 161 10 In their daily report issued at the close of the market yesterda>. Messrs. Fraser Co., state that the local market was disappointin?. In spite of a strong rise m the price of tin vi London and New York and a rise of Sl s locally, the tin
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 42 10 cable run The Eastern Extension Telegraph Co.. announces that the tmns on full rat telegrams from Sln«ap tn London yesterday were U folloi Telegrams handed m up 10 5 fi\e minutes: 530 p.m three I 6 p.m. four minutes; G.3U p.m minutes.
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  • 334 11  - Winning CONTRACT Four Cices David Burnstine, Michael Gottlieb Oswald Jacoby and Howard Schenken, world's leading team-of-four and inventors of the system that has beaten every other system m existence. PLENTY OF FANCY BIDDING A PSYCHIC bid m a void suit is a dangerous experiment, but occasionally may achieve marvellous results,
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  • 428 11 Singapore, Sept. 11. MEAT Beef steak Kafl 34 Beef stew or curry do io Fillet Steak ">• Mutton. Australian do .38 Pork, lean Kati 44 Pork, lean and fat .Is: quality* do 6t) POULTRY Capons -locally reared) Kati 50 Ducks ejch 40 Fowls Kfti 30 Hens t
    428 words
  • 141 11 Speedboat Swamped In Squall Port St. Mary. Isle of Man. Tragic parents, amid a crowd of anxious holiday-makers and islanders, searched the coast from Castletoxn to Port St. Mary. They failed to find any trace of John Alan Charles Knight, aged 16. of Victoria Avenue,
    141 words
  • 96 11 Bulawayo Baker Competes At London Exhibition London. A baker from Buluwayo, Southern Rhodesia, who has entered for some years— so far without success— for the bread-making competition at the Confectioners' and Bakers' Exhibition, is again sending a number of loaves. These two-pound loaves are
    96 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 519 11 HONGKONG SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporated In tne colony of Hong Kong) The liability of members Is limited to the extent and m manner prescribed by Ordinance No. 6 of 1929 of the Colony. authorised Capital $50,000,000 ssued and Fully Paid-up $20,000,000 tf serve Fund: Sterling 6.500.000 Hong Kong Currency $10,000,000
      519 words
    • 495 11 CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA (Incorporated m England by Royal Charter) Paid up capital In 600,000 shares of £5 each £$,000,000 Reserve Fund £3,000,000 Reserve Liability 0 niiftAftftn Proprietors £3.000.00? HEAD OFFICE 38, Bishopsgate. London EC. 2 Agencies and Branches. Alor Star Iloilo Saigon Amritsar Ipoh Semarang Bangkok
      495 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 906 11 RADIO PROGRAMMES FOR TODAY Singapore— ZHl Paris— Radio-Coloniale I c 6 and operated by Radio Wavelength— 2s.6o metres .re Co. of Malaya Ltd.) a.m Wivelenfth \9.9 metres 5.35 Concert. 6.35 News m French. 6.50 News m Spanish. v ii, orded music. 7.00 News m French; market prices. I .A Stock
      906 words

    • 91 12 Negotiations ase proceeding for the purchase 01 the shipyard at Greenock formerly owned by Messrs. Harland and Wolff. Ltd.. and its utilisation as a seaplane factory. The shipyard was acquired some time ago by National Shipbuilders Security, Ltd. The first hint of the present development
      91 words
    • 27 12 H.M. Commercial Counsellor. Rome reports that the Italian authorities have imposed the quarantine restrictions against plague on ships arriving from ports oi the State oi San Paolo
      27 words
    • 648 12 "STEAM IS BETTER THAN DIESEL" Considerable Reduction In Operating Costs London, Aug. 18. CRANK criticism of British shipping was made by Mr. R. L. Hague, of the Standard Oil Co., of New Jersey, at a dinner given recently at the Carlton Hotel m his honour by Sir Joseph W. Isherwood,
      648 words
    • 361 12 Cancellation Of Modification To Freight Agreement Unjust discrimination and unfairness as between carriers to the detriment of the commerce of the United i States has been held by the Depart ment of Commerce to exist m the socalled modification No 3 to the agreement of the North
      361 words
    • 44 12 Mr. Walter Harding, formerly managing director of the Moss Line and an ex-chairman of the Liverpool Steam Ship Owners' Association, who died on June 4 at the age of 68. left estate of the gross value of £208 148 net personalty 196.465
      44 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 537 12 BOUSTEAD CO., LTD. (Incorporated In F.M.S.) Ci" TELEPHONE: Frelcht 5433— Passage MSI. *jB B «<*» f*<f LLOYDS AGENTS. V BOOKING AGENTS FOR FEDERATED MALAY STATES RAILWAYS. M ROYAL STATE RAILWAYS OF SIAM. CANADIAN MClffIC iwo«ioi Cftiifltn < incorporated In ■offend) THE "EMPRESS" ROUTE offers TRANS-PACIFIC SERVICES «fta HONOLULU or direct
      537 words
    • 374 12 NOTICE Owners and Mas" ippine a» requested to keep th< lS ciear ot the range as possibl machine gun practi place at Blakang Mat: S 19 con] mencing at 7 p.m. and Sept 20 commencing at 8 a.m. Warning signa Code Flag "D" over be flown irom Mount 6 a.m.
      374 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 596 12 I Local And Foreign Mail Dispatches And Arrivals j BY TRAIN Bangkok every Saturday 7 pm Thursda y 7.45 ia Alor Star: Mon. to Fri.* 7.45 a.m. Saturday 7.45 a.m. and.... Ipoh: Weekdays; 7.45 a.m. and 7pm Klang, Kuala Lipis, Port j Swettenham. Taioing and Teiok Anson: Weekdays* 7pm Kota
      596 words
    • 42 12 CLEARANCES Sept. 14: Havana Maru <Jap. Marly Nor. J. V. O'barnevelt, Tjipai (Dot); Gemas. Sin Kheng Seng, Maron. Flevo*. Raub. Javanese Prince. Hong Peng (Brit.). Sept. 15: Esmeralda. Jerantut, Hong Thong. Hong Kwong, Hong Lam Rahman. Tandjoeng Balei. Kelantan (Brit); Tomohon (Dut.).
      42 words
    • 124 12 SINGAPORE HARBOUR Ships alongside tfe UJu ne s^ expected t,, irrhf East Wharf ffMnnci r. lt iv H.M.S. Herald 2: Muinam 20 22; Main Wharf (Entranu i Mata Hari. B l l: 16; Menestheus E 10; Menelaus 8 N Empire Dock (Entrance < City ol Batavia 30. Ryoyo Maru ST.
      124 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 268 13 P O /dp V H^^r^ w'P^ OFF FOR A CRUISE BY P&O WHY DONT YOU GO TOO? CHEAP RETURN TICKETS TO CHINA, JAPAN, COLOMBO AND BOMBAY. From SINGAPORE. TO:— Ist. Class 2nd. Class Hone Kong 5137.14 5102.86^hai 5188.57 $137.14 h>ho or Yokohama 5222.8H 5154.29 Colombo 5205.71 5137 14 Bombay
      268 words
    • 459 13 ELLERMAN BUCKNALL S.S. Co., Ltd. (Incorporated m Straits Settlements.) "ELLERMAN LINE" FOR UNITED KINGDOM AND CONTINENT VIA PORTS AND SUEZ CANAL ACCEPTING CARGO FOR MONTREAL AND HALIFAX VIA COLOMBO. Ste*mer Hue Sa»« *CITY OF BATAVIA Havre, London, Rfdam. H'burg, Glasgow In Port Sept. 17 XCITY OF FLORENCE Havre. London, R'dam,
      459 words
    • 1045 13 SHIPPING THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE (Ocean The Hua Khiow Steamship Co., (1932) Ltd Steam Ship Co., Ltd., and China Mutual The Cunard White Star Ltd. Steam Navigation Co., Ltd.) The Sarawak Steamship Co., Ltd. The Straits Steamship Co., Ltd. The Australian Oriental Line Ltd. The China Navigation Co., Ltd. The
      1,045 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 678 14 K. P. M. MAKASSER Wednesday. Sept. 16, P. Samboe. Poeloe-K:djang. Sapat, Tembikihan. Pooloe-Pallas, Pengalian-Estate and Rergat. THEDKNS— Wednesday. Sept. 16. Prig.-Radja. Muntok and Palembang. TOBA —Wednesday. Sept 16. P. Sambje, Toengkal, Mc<:ara-Saba and Djambi. BOTH— Wednesday. Sept. 16. Belawan-Deli. CREMER— Thursday. Sept. 17. Hong Kong. Swatow and Amoy. IIMI lliwiilij
      678 words
    • 441 14 DOLLAR STEAMSHIP LINE dbid AMERICAN MAIL LINE PRESIDENT LINERS THE AMERICAN MAIL LINE PRESIDENT STEAMERS offer you:— 1. A short fast route to Canada. 2. 23 Days only from Singapore to Vancouver. 3. Lowest first and tourist class fares to America and Canada. 4. Excellent Tourist Class cabins. 5. Fast
      441 words
    • 641 14 O. S. K. LINK 1 La Plata Maru Buenos Aires via Colombo. Dur:,. Cape Town, Rio de Janeiro, Bant(« Montevideo Ryuyo Maru Cape Town via Mombasa, Z Dar-es-Salaam. L. Marques. Dur: East London, Algoa Bay and MossH Bay. Aden Maru Cape Town via Mombasa. Zanzibar. <>t Dar-es-Salaam. Beira, L Marques.
      641 words

    • 542 16 FOURTEEN SCRATCHINGS FOR FOURTH DAY OF MEETING (By "Bookie") THE fourth day's rates of the Singapore Turf Club Autumn (Gold f up) meeting will be held this afternoon and an enjoyable afternoon's sport is promised. The entries are good and there should be
      542 words
    • 148 16 BY 'BYSTANDERS' Race 1. Blue Hare. Closing Time. Race 1. La luloniale, Sauntress. Rate 3. rpright. Broadway Baby. Race 4. Kalaw. Sky Raider Race 5. Hard I" p. Vapour. Race 6. October. Parthesi. Rate 7. Absinthe. Kathryn. Race 8. SnutT box. Devon King. it is about time he registered
      148 words
    • 452 16 BY -BOOKIE" Race \o. 1 1. COMMANDER 1 Blue Flare Hue No. I 1. LA COLONIAL! 1. Scribble S. Komolux Race No. 3 1. SEE YOU LATER 2. Swift Arrow 3. Ever Green Race No 1 1. FIRST BID Z. La Re>iiarde 3. Cieorge Edwardes Kate No. 5 1.
      452 words
    • Article, Illustration
      25 16 photo) PLAY during the K.O.R. Cup final al the Singapore Poio ground yesterday. The Singapore Civilians won the match, beating the Garrison team. Free Press
      Free Press  -  25 words
    • 352 16 SCRATCH INGS Race 1. Chinese Doll, Independ ence. Flood Tide. Kate 2. Personality, Indult. Race 4. Schemo/zle. Benedict, Pom Blank. Race 5. Fascinating Lady. Race (J. Gallant Maggie, Arctic. Race 7. Tiny Belle. Race 8. Miss Caprice, Burraba. Hokey Pokey and Unity for second *nc third. Wampum finished fourth m
      352 words
    • 73 16 The R.A.P.C. beat the R.A.M.C. by two games to one on Monday m the lawn tennis tournament for the Garrison Inter-Unit Championship The results were: Col. Golding and Capt, Milling lost to Col. Gibbon and Major Graham 2—6, o—6. Q.M.S. Poyser and S.Q.M.S. Pearce beat Staff Sgt. Rhodes
      73 words
    • 50 16 The team which took the Malaya Publishing House to victory over the Chinese m the Cup match on Monday was Haji Dol; T. Dollah and Salleh; Karsani. A. Jabar and Dawood; T. Ibrahim. Amin, Dollah, F. Ibrahim and K. Jabar. and not as was published m yesterday's Free Press.
      50 words
    • 433 16 Mackray Cup To Be Played Tomorrow Singapore Civilians 10; Garrison FAST ridin? and accurate hitting brought the Singapore i vi lians the title of polo champions of Malaya when they feated the Garrison yesterday m the final of the K.O.R played before
      433 words
    • 288 16 Tournament Play Results THE fallowing are the results of yes- terday's ties m tr-e S.C.C lawn teninis tournament: "A" Singles: D. A Johnston (-3) beat T. V. Anderson <— 15 3>. 6—4, 6—3. V Singles. J. E Graham beat A Buchanan, 6—o, 6—2. S.KU A J. Vaz
      288 words
    • 89 16 London, Sept. 14. Results of league matches played today were: English League Div. I. Btoke City 2 Grimsby T. 0 English League— Div. 11. \ston Villa .5 Bradford C. l 3arnsley 2 Norwich C. 31ackpool l Bury 3radford 0 Newcastle U. Surnley 2 Plymouth A. Coventry City.l Fulham
      Reuter  -  89 words
    • 57 16 ALL- INDIA WIN FINAL MATCH London, Sept. 15. ALL-INDIA won the final match of their tour by an innings and 76 runs. The game was played against the Indian Gymkhana Club at Osterley, the scores being; All-India 303 (Jai 100 n.0.) Indian Gymkhana 144 (C. S. Nayudu four for 21)
      Reuter  -  57 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements