The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 12 September 1936

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 17 1 The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS. NO. 14,956. ESTD. 1835. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1936. it CETJTS.
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  • 445 1 Serious Situation Arises At Pakhoi NINETEENTH ROUTE ARMY PREPARING TO DEFY THE JAPANESE Threat To Blockade Yangtse Ports Shanghai, Sept. 11. FOLLOWING the murder by a Chinese mob on Sept. 3 of a Japanese druggist named Jyunzo Nakano, the Kwangtung port of Pakhoi has become
    Reuter  -  445 words
  • 68 1 London Sept. 11. "THE Minister of Health, Sir Kingsley Wood, announced last nigtit that he will propose m the new session of Parliament that old age pensions should be given to blind persons m the United Kingdom, of whom .5.000 now receive old
    British Wireless  -  68 words
  • 61 1 Receives Chancellor At The British legation London, Sept. 11. King Edward received Doctor Shuschnigg, the Austrian Chancellor. lat the British Legation this morning. Yesterday morning the King and his party had some excellent partridge shootine at Trumau, near Vienna, accounting for 78 birds and this afternoon an
    British Wireless  -  61 words
  • 232 1 NO DANGER OF FASCISM I JN BRITAIN London, Sept. 11. THE Communist overtures for affiliation to the Labour Party have been flatly rejected. Sir Walter Citrine, addressing thn Trades Union Council, of which he is secretary, said that after many years of unbridled derision
    Reuter  -  232 words
  • 93 1 ALTHOUGH tht P. and O. Co. have been criticised m the past for the sloicness of their mail ships on the Far East route, the Rawalpindi which arrived m Singapore yesterday achieved a speed record which must be unique. The liner carried
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  • 124 1 afkWING to the sudden illness of Mr. Crawford Lawson the curtain rose half an hour late at t u je Singapore Amateur Dramatic Club's performance of "Nothing but the Truth" at the Victoria Theatre last night. Mr. Lawson took ill about 9 o'clock, half an
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  • 30 1 London, Sept. 11. The destroyer H.M.S. Douglas left Malta this morning for Palestine having on board Major-Gen. Dill, the new commander of mi'itary operations m Palestine British Wireless
    British Wireless  -  30 words
  • 74 1 Colombo, Sept. 11. THE Colombo Import Merchants': Association is arranging a trade and goodwill mission to Japan, consisting of ten business men representing different interests The mission 's expected to leave m time for the Nagoya Pan-Pacific Peace Exhibition. The Financial Secretary, Mr. Huxham. will
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • Article, Illustration
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  • 47 1 (From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok, Sept. 11. j'HE statement appearing m x the Netherlands India press to the effect that Mr. van den Brock is revisiting Siam m connection with the tin situation by invitation of the British Minister to incorrect.
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  • 168 1 Artery Tied To Stop Bleeding STILL DANGER OF INFLAMMATION (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Sept. 11. THE Hon. Mr. D. H. Ellas, general manager of the F.M.S. Railways, who was stabbed ln the neck as he was entering his office on Wednesday morning,
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  • 69 1 Britain To Reveal Views At Next Assembly London, Sept. 11. The Foreign Secretary. Mr. Anthony Eden, has informed M. Avenol. Secre-tary-General of the Lsague of Nations, that while the British Government dc not pronose to make any written observations on the future application of the principles of the
    British Wireless  -  69 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
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  • Letters To The Editor
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    • 258 2 Another Court Drama And Civil War Newsreel In "The Case Against Mrs. Ames." the Paramount film which opened at the Pavilion last night, you get the spectacle of a woman accused of murder swaying a jury m her favour m the face of the masterly logic of her
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    • 123 2 Before Mr. Justice Mundell m the 3rd Court at 11 a.m. Part heard :--S. 309;35~Chang Yee Koo vs. Liew Lin Van q^. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Frisby will be leaving Taiping on Aug. 27, when they will go on to Malacca Mr Frisby
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 12 2 $t.T3 ..ammmmmWMMMMWMMWM ._______ij_^^__i _^JPro\\^B m Xm^^J 9 tone— BifmiTEi. I 'tritsim-caoLuc— ■rune.
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    • 790 2 GOVERNMENT NOTICE. Tenders will be received up to noon. Monday, Sept. 21. 1936, at the Colonial .Secretary's Office, Singapore, from persons desirous of contracting for (1) Supplies to Government Hospitals, and '2) Supplies to the Government Health Branch. Singapore, for a period of one year, commencing January 1, 1937. Forms
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    • 378 2 TENDERS. SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY. Annual Supplies 1937. Tenders are invited under the following heads for supplies to the Singapore Municipality from Jan. 1. 1937, for one year:— 1. Brooms and Baskets. 2. Bakau Firewood. 3 Bakau Piles for general use. 4. Bakau Piles for Sewerage Extension Scheme. 6. Scaffolding Poles, Bintangore
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    • 455 2 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. Th** Latest Beecham Product BEECHAM'S LUNG SYRUP For cougtis, colds, and all chest and throat troubles. Suitable for Adults and Children. Obtainable at all Chemists, Dispensaries and Stores. Sole Agents: GRAFTON LABORATORIES, 20b, COLLYER QUAY. BOARD AND RESIDENCE. SEA- FRONT KATONG GRANGE— 77 Meyer Rd. Large rooms facing
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    • 460 2 Gbe Singapore Jfcee pcess Head Office: Cecil Street. Singapor, Phone s\-,[ j extension* v a li d.»„*ri_.*** f..1. **nr ID Hat* Tel. "Tun.* P^C^ Kuala Lumpur Office: 25, Java Street. Phone: 3_83. Penan* Office: 12, Bishop Mmm f Phone: 147;. London Office: c 43 4 Street. Lo_d^ Phone: Central StiOH—
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  • 277 3 A LLEGED CO UNTERFEIT LABELS CASE Difference In Lettering Pointed Out UT NEVER authorised the Lee Printing Co., Ltd. to print my I lab* Is. I never authorised Karban Hussein to have them printed at his own instructions Tan Khuan Chai. managing for 15 yean of Sin Heng and made
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  • 62 3 DEALERS' and port stocks of I >oer m Singapore. Penang. Pruj mcc We'lesley, Ma J acca and Luhnun. at the close of business on Ann 31. totalled 31.718 tons, com Mm IA 32,381 tons on the mMmi den, <>t Jul y. 'ocfcs were distributed as
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  • 46 3 well-known Kuala Lumpur fam:'•vvre united y.sterday when Mr. Bute Fjti. of the late Mr. Yao Shin and Mrs Kon Shin and ison of the late Captain Yap Ah m married lo Miss Ho Kam eldest daughter ol Mi and Mrs 11 Bout Man, of Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 161 3 COURTS ATTITUDE UTTHE court is reluctant to make a man a bankrupt merely for a single small debt Thus, the acting Chief Justice. Mr. Jusiice N. H. P. Whitley, signified the judicial attitude when an application was made by Mr. C.
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  • 75 3 The Detective Branch. Singapore, have arrested a Cantonese named Mak Fing who is wanted by the Johore Police m connection with the armed robbery alleged to have been committed by him. at Tanjong Kupang Johore. of $1,739. on May 16 of this *w_______r He was produced before
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  • 223 3 Over 100 Disappeared In Past Month (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Sept. 10. "The:. seems to have been a systematic way of stealing these bicyel.s' lAli Mr. A. E. Jakeman Chief Court Inspector m the Kuala Lumpur Police Court yesterday, when a 21--year-old
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  • 131 3 THE domestic production of Un and tin-in-ore at 75.5 per cent as represented by exports from Federated Malay States, Uniederated Malay States and Strai. s Settlements, during August totallec. 4 721 tons. Of this amount, the F.M.S. produced 4.557 tons; the U.M.S. IC tons and Straits
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  • 378 3 Chinese In Arrears COMMITTAL ORDER NOT REQUESTED DISCHARGED from employment because he was a bankrupt, a Chinese named R. J. Tjon pleaded m the Bankruptcy Court before the Acting Chief Justice yesterday, when he faced an application for his committal to the civil prison
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  • 61 3 THE estimated total production of rubber on estates, i.e. excluding production on native holdings, m Netherlands India for the mont.'i of July ivas 13.815 tons, of which 4.838 tons were produced m Java and the remaining 8,977 tons m the Outer Provinces. This information is
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  • 167 3 I MOTION BY PROTECTOR OF CHINESE A MOTION by the Protector of Chinese, Malaya, for an order of the Court to remove 40 boy actors, wards of the court, from the guardianship of a Chinese named E. C. Seah, was briefly referred to m
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  • 165 3 Bailor For $2,000 To Show Cause Against Estreatment (From Oar Own Correspondent) Penang. Sept. 8. A bailor who stood surety for an accused person named Tan Poh m the .urn of $2,000. appeared before Mr. H. A. L. Luckham m the police court, Penang. yesterday to show cause
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  • 156 3 Four Women With 108 Yards Wound Round Bodies (From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru, Sept. 9. Four Chinese women, plump and smiling, drove up to the Johore Bahru Customs barrier m a hire car. They stopped at the barrier at the end of the Causeway, exchanged a joke
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  • 102 3 Given Farewell Salute By R.S.F.C. Four planes of the Royal Singapore Flying Club flew m formation over the P. and O. liner Rajputana as the liner steamed out of Singapore yesterday. They were giving a farewell salute to Capt. J. L. Sinclair, the Club Secretary, who
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  • 95 3 $2 245 Damages For Change Alley Trade r JUDGMENT lor the plaintiff was given by Mr Justice Whitley, Acting Chief Justice, m the High Court yesterday m the case between J. E. Benjamin, a Jewish trader of Change Alley, and N. A. Rahim Sahib and Co. Benjamin sued Rahim Sahib
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  • 73 3 TF/HEN it was revealed that a bankrupt, applying for his discharge, had declared a dividend of 94 per cent, the aciting Chief Justice, Mr. Justice N. H. P. Whitley, said i\ the Bankruptcy Court yesterday. "I would like to grant him an immediate discharge so
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  • 65 3 Mr. Philip Francis Kinsey. solicitor, was convicted yesterday by Mr. E. E. Colman, fifth magistrate, Singapore, on a charge of causing hurt to Ngai S:>on by negligent driving on May 29 at Victoria Street, and fined $50, the money to be paid to the injured man.
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  • 59 3 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban. Scut. 11. Ismail bin Mohamed Nor, an Indian was sentenced by Mr. Justice dc Buriatte, m the Seremban Supreme Court, tp 18 months' rigorous impri sonment for voluntarily causing grievous hurt to another Indian, Ismai 1 keeper of an eating shop. It
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  • 93 3 (From Our Own Correspondent* Johore Bahru, Sept. 11. Ng Pak Law was yesterday charged before Inche Abdul Rauf with having teen m possession of one kukus, one pipe, one condenser and three jars of fermented rice, apparatus used for distilling or manufacturing liquor, when he had no licence
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  • Article, Illustration
    67 3 \l I.X BEING RELEASED on bail. George Orsborne. skipper of the truant Grimsby trawler "Girl Pat" which eluded the worlds shipping i..r maiij weeks went with his brother. Jim, from Bow Street police station (London) to a solicitor's office m the City. Photo shows «.«H)rge Or>borne (left) and his brother.
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  • 29 3 It is understood that HH. Tunku Abdul Rahman is to be confirmed as District Officer. Kuala Muda. consequent to changes m the higher grades of the Kedah Civil Service.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 272 3 K. P. M. CHRISTMAS TOUR TO INDO-CHINA AND SIAM AN ALL INCLUSIVE TOUR OF 19 DAYS by s.s. "TASMAN" LEAVE SINGAPORE: DEC. 19th RETURN TO SINGAPORE: JAN. 6*h. For detailed intcrrnation please apply to: X.P.M. LINE, I Finlayson Green Tel. 5451. Syr fV n v v Surfer Why endure the
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  • 1035 4  -  Joan Littlefield Britain on the Screen By New Rene Clair Satire London, Aug. 29. RENE HUBERT, famous fashion expert, who has dressed most of the stars of stage and screen m Hollywood. Paris and New York, is determined to make England fashion-conscious. As dress-dicta-tor of Denham.
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  • Article, Illustration
    26 4 HITCHCOCK'S HERO AND HEROINE. Sylvia Sidney and John Loder are the stars of Alfred Hitchcock's new thriller "Sabotage" which deals with London menaced by bomb explosions.
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  • Article, Illustration
    17 4 VIVIEN LEIGH as Cynthia, granddaughter of Lord Burleigh, and I.ady-in-Waiting to Queen Elizabeth m "Fire Over England."
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  • 643 4 London Life Queer London Bylaws London, Aug. 30. DURING his holiday abroad, the King is travelling as the Duke of Lancaster. This is an old title taken by the Crown on the accession of Henry V. When Edward VII visited the Continent unofficially, he
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  • 208 4 T^HE undernoted newly- added non,l fiction and fiction works are ready for issue today. Anonymous, 1871-1935; Atlantic Ferry, illustrated. C. R. Bonstead: Without Prejudice, illustrated. Sir iChartres Biron; A Search m Secret j Egypt, illustrated. Paul Brunton; The King's Darling, illustrated. Lt. Col. j Henri Carre: Famous Plays
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  • 981 4 On The Continent Vatican City Radio Paris, Aug. 28. BARGAIN hunters who love the Paris 'fairs' or jumble markets will rejoice to hear that the Municipal Council has just authorised the Prefect of Police to permit the holding of a new fair of this kind lc October.
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  • 158 4 Thought There Was N 0 Cure For Rheumatism This woman was such a connrrruu su_!m_liom rheumatism that she th. incurable But before she Mac ooitle ot Kruschen her rheuma caving her Here Is her l»tter"l had rheumatism .so baci.\ thai n,,,, t got into
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  • 266 4 As It Was— In The Singapore Free Press For The Week Ending September 15, 1836 100 Years Ago To the Editor. Singapore Free Press. Dear Mr. Editor. Produce is m such demand and parties so anxious b that there is great danger o: r to the old delusive system— in
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  • 56 4 Three well-known off; are to leave Malacca Mr. M. R. Holgate th Schools, will be succeeded by M: A Frisby. Mr. A. Williams R trict Judge. First assistant Official Assignee. on Sept. 10 and his m Trevor Hughes. has Malacca. Dr. W. L Blake: cipal Health Officer, is tß| leave
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 72 4 OOROTHY MORE HAS SOMETHING OF INTEREST TO THE WOMEN OF SINGAPORE. A pupil of Mr. Hornibrooks is demonstrating his famous syctem of exercises m her Salon at*» 11 a.m. today. These exercises m conjunction with v »r zotofoam baths will be of the greatest assistance to the "not so slim."
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  • 245 5 photos). It'll IS \N MPUSSmi (iATHERING of Malay ii Singapore \esterda> to say farewell to lI. H*. SaMaa «.l Ntlanyor. who left by the Rajpotana .nd where he is to receive me mai treatment. siMtan «.i Pahang was among the visitors and he s
    Free Press  -  245 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 107 5 "COLD STORAGE orchard rd. speaking" M-ffßp XlrTjut' wz i&AMjdli PW^^ <S" W_»*» _w7 V/» s^/.£s-*, ■1-ANy T I j ro HELP you TO remember I TO FORGET NOTHING our n«u> Telephone Order Department is always at your service. We are confident that it will save you much anxiety. It doesn't
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  • 321 6 Basic English "True Solution To Language Problem In Malaya DR. PURCELL'S ADDRESS TO PENANG ROTARY CLUB (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Sept. 10. DR. VICTOR PURCELL Protector of Chinese. Penang, addressed the Penang Rotary Club yesterday on Basic Engli. h. m the course of which he said: I have addre.sed
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  • 101 6 Opening* Of Conference In I .ond on L— don, Sept. 10. The iference between repr-esent-racti v d miners to discuss qy-st. out of the threatened atopps rk In the South Wales coalfield was opened this morning m London under the independent chairmanship of Mr. John Forster Barrister, wh
    British Wireless  -  101 words
  • 131 6 COURT PROCEDURE SURPRISE AT IPOH Ipoh, Sept. 10. TPHERE was a mill sensation m the first magistrate s court yesterday during a case m which a Cusl intl oilic er charged a Chinese with a liquor offence. The accused pleaded guilty and the Custom officer
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  • 119 6 Not Affected By Foreign Exchange Unset tie ment London, Sept. 9. The Stock Exchange ruled Arm and Uve m nearly all sections despite tne unsettlement of foreign exchanges Gilt-edt'ed securities and Iron and Steels were the chiet beneficiaries trom the satislactory employment returns but minor gains were freely
    British Wireless  -  119 words
  • 112 6 Features Of Exhibition To Be Held In London London, Sept. 10. The various methods of building houses and other buildings will prove an interesting feature of the exhibits at the Bi-annual Building Exhibition, opening at Olyrrpia. London, on Sep;. 20. Research work into this subject has of late
    British Wireless  -  112 words
  • 93 6 John Cobb Beats Time Put Up By Capt. Eyston London, Sept. 10. A Bonneville Salt Flats <Utah> press telegram reports that John Cobb, the famous London racing motorist, set up d mw world's cne-hour motor speed record there today by travelling at 167.69 miles an
    British Wireless  -  93 words
  • 96 6 (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, Sept. 11. A Tamil married woman and a girl or 14 years alleged m the police court yesterday that although they had at first, after a drink of coffee they agreed to run away with two Tamil men. Mr M. J Huvward.
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  • 212 6 APPEAL COURT'S VIEW Judgment In SubLease Case Upheld Ipoh, Sept. 10. -"pilF PJfJS. Court oi Appeal, con- listing ol the acting Chief Justice. FMS .the Hon Mr. Justice a'Beckett rerrell), the acting Chief Justice. S.S. the Hon Mr. Justice Whitley i and the Hon. Mr.
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  • 118 6 Increased Trade And Healthier Financial Conditions London, Sept. 10. The deposits of the eleven London bearing banks advanced m August to the new record figure of £2,245,889,000. This figure repiesents an increase of 157.000,000 since August. 1935, and of 425.000,000 since 1931. A feature of
    British Wireless  -  118 words
  • 72 6 All Branches Of Science Represented London, Sept. 9. The meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science opens today at Blackpool and all branches of science are represented among the hundreds of delegates from all parts of the country who are assembled there. The chairman is
    British Wireless  -  72 words
  • Article, Illustration
    42 6 -LA PASSIONAMA" (Passion Flower), otherwise Madame Iriburi, fiery Spanish Left Wing leader and member of the Chamber of Deputies, arrived m t'aris accompanied by several Spanish statesmen on a m.steiious mission from Madrid. She Ls here seen on her arrival m Paris.
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  • 242 6 Against Chinese Found Waist Deep In Sea SENT FOR OBSERVATION From. Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Sept. 9. IN the Penang Middle Court yester- day afternoon, a Chinese, Wong Pans NKUi alias Wong Guoi. bearing signs a struggle was formally charged with the murder of a compatriot. Wong Kau.
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  • 96 6 FOURTH ESTATE OVER £1,000,000 Windfall For British Exchequer London, Sept. 10. Duty amounting to £595.847 is payable on the estate of the late Mr. Harold Cohen, chairman of large retail stores m the North of England, which was proved yesterday for £1.285,498. Mr. Cohen was a generous benefactor to social
    British Wireless  -  96 words
  • 85 6 Finland's Army Chief Paying Visit To England London, Sept. 10. Field-Marshal Mannerhein, chairHHUQ of the Finnish Council of National Defence, who has superintended the re-organisation of the Finnish defence forces, will attend the Tank Brigade exercises on Salisbury Plain next week and his programme while the guest of
    British Wireless  -  85 words
  • 380 6 Alleged By Man He Helped COOKS STORY OF INGRATITUDE Ipoh, Sept. 10. UT fed him and gave him accommo--1 dation when he was unemployed I built a house for him when he was ejected by a landlord and yet he thre* acid m my face because
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  • 206 6 Malay Says He Stole Money From Father (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Sept. 10. Large sums of money were found m a Kuala Lumpur lodging house yesterday following the arrest of a Malay on suspicion of selling a stolen bicycle. Inquiries regarding the origin
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  • 109 6 Charged with having committed robj bery of $1.40, the property of Salleh bin Tahar, at Alexandra Road on Aug 23, and with having failed to pay to him taxi hire of 80 cents. James Hutton, a private of the Middlesex Regiment, was produced before Mr. T.l
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  • 81 6 Clear Out Acid This Sure Quick Wa> Stomach disturbances m Uve pain, gastritis, wine and feeling of revolt, an the result of "acid formal as a rule, gets worse and may ultimately lead t By counteracting cxc Ing its formation. BISMA(, Magnesia) quickly puts r: stomach; pain dlsappeai
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  • 599 6 LEAVES SINGAPORE ENGLAND Scenes At Departure Of The Rajputana MALAY Sultans, eh; h^ m government offici. lo H.H. the Sultan of Bell gapore yesterday on his dep England by the P. and O Rajputana. Many Malay women Md chiidrer. jhad travelled trem B isame train
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 137 6 JTV.r* ________fc_! m tmmmmmmmmwkij <MmMr v M JMP Mm \M\M\ Nothing suits a dog better m a hot climate than a Daily Drink of Sherley'a LACTOL. It keeps him fit and sprightly as nothing else can. Whereas much meat overloads a dog's digestion and overheats his blood Sherley'a LACTOL; while
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  • 669 7 NOTICED BLOOD DRIPPING FROM CEILING INQUIRY INTO PENANG TRAGEDY Shop Tenants Closely Questioned j (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Sept. 9. pURTHER evidence was recorded r yesterday m the preliminary inquiry held by the additional police magistrate. Mr. H. Watsdn, into the case m which a young Chinese. Lok Kum,
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  • 144 7 Messrs. Lewis And Peat's Rubber Report Messrs. Lewis and Peat (Singapore) Ltd., m their weekly rubber report issued yesterday, state: The moderate break m prices that has occurred this week m the East has not been reflected to any great extent m home markets. Offerings appear to have
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  • 41 7 London, Sept. 10. Exchequer returns show that total ordinary revenue amounts to £248,504.976, compared with £255.596,164 at the corresponding date of last year. Total ordinary expenditure is £325,528.493. compared with £313.--118,900 at the corresDonding date of 1935.- British Wireless
    British Wireless  -  41 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 64 7 J ________£'r jjJMP*^^^ sl_ MT"'"- v' v rnViii_f.f v -QgjQjjllgjj ''J^________a_i^s[ __________M_%__ ________________________iH^n_iWV__M__M__R_TfYf'T9_Rt_t_7lTlV__7____l OPENING WEDNESDAY 16th SEP. PAVJLION THEATRE_ ADDED ATTRACTION— OF INTEREST TO ALL MOTORISTS 'THIS MOTORING" being the history of the V- A FROM ITS INAUGURATION IN GT. BRITAIN. SCREENED UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE A. A. OF
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    • 339 7 Never before has Singapore A I U A |U| PDA been thrilled like this! "**m TRULY IT'S A PICTURE TO DAY 3.15 6.15 9.1* THAT THE WORLD WILL NEVER FORGE" 1 The most-discussed und uumummmmmmu sensational fight for years! CAPITOL JQE LOU|S ys Special Matinee Today 3.15 6.15 NIGHTLY 9.15
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 844 7 CHURCHJSERVICES ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL 400 n m <_ I'nX P f undav School. rOCRTEENTH SLNDA^ APTER MS. S°aLs COmmU 0n iOO am. Choral Eucharist. 11.8 Im" S?__?_ff SSett ct T B 10 15 am Sunday School. 530S m' SS?^^ 001 5.30 p.m Evensong and Sermon 800 mm Efiß meetin teacher
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    • 135 7 (m Malay) Preacher: Mr. Chew Hock Hin. Friday: 4.30 p.m. Boys' Brigade Bible Class. 5.00 p.m. Boys' Brigade Drill. 8.00 pm. Epworth League Devotional Meeting. GEYLANG CHINESE METHODIST CHURCH (Junction of Al Junied Road Sims Avenue) 11.00* a.m. Service of Worship (m Hokien). Preacher: Rev. Lim Poh Chin. 3.30 p.m.
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    • 169 7 Diary Of The Day High Water, 9.10 a.m. 7.8 ft., 8.24 p.m. 8.5 ft. Sports Racse: S.T.C. Autumn Meeting. Soccer: G.S.F.A.. Cup: P.W.D. vs. G.P.0., at Post Office ground. Rowing: R.S.Y.C. Regatta (Chiengmai fours). Cricket: S.C.C. vs. Malay F.A., at S.C.C. VICTORIA THEATRE Nothing but the Truth presented by the
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  • 46 8 DOMESTIC OCCURRENCES ENGAGEMENT. The engagement is announced of Frederick Marshall, eldest son ol" the late Mr. T. H. Adam and Mrs. T. H. Adam ol Gt. Crosby. Lancashire, to Dulcie Elspeth Mary, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. R. Redfearn of Singapore and Australia.
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  • 1113 8 The Singapore Free Press SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1936. The Nazi Party Congress ALTHOUGH we are told that about £2.000.000 were spent on making the Nazi Party Congress as "impressive as possible and hundreds Of thousands of Hitler's followers were given free travelling facilities and every other inducement to help make
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  • 1627 8 THE two great red rags to our public-spirited bulls continue to be the Municipal "palace" or Mayor's Nest and the Sea Belle, and the Topicist wonders if it is possible to bring about a cessation of hostilities, with peace with honour on both sides and at
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 65 8 Scots Corner SCOTSMAN: How much pair of trousers'' Assistant: One shillme Scotsman Then press one saxpence I'm taring my i taken side view. MAN. Donald. I'm the lupi m the world. I have th* m the country." _,_dna "That's naethin'. Tarn, wl be happy wi' his wile m the cool
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  • 442 9 JAPANESE OFFERS TURNED DOWN BY SHANTUNG GOVERNOR Independent Regime Proposal REVOLT AGAINST FAST HOPEI GOVERNMENT Shanghai, Sept. 11. FURTHER Japanese attempts to bring pressure to bear upon Gen. Han Fu Chu, Governor of Shantung, have failed. Gen. Han has flatly turned down the latest offers of Japan m exchange for
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  • Article, Illustration
    27 9 photo). PRINCESS MARY, the launch which brought the new Naval Cominnd<»re ashore >estcrd.i\. and part of the guarJ of honour drawn up to meet him. Free Press
    Free Press  -  27 words
  • 184 9 Cruiser And Monitor To Exchange Gan Salutes COMMODORE M. L. Clarke, D.S.C., R.N., arrived yesterday m Singapore to relieve Commodore W. P. Mark-Wardlaw m the command of H.M. Naval Establishments at Singapore. P and O. liner Rawalpindi which to berth at 1 p.m. did
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  • 90 9 To Replace The Scipio In The Mediterranean London. Sept. 10. C"t -he second of the fleet of boats, under construe- Brothers, was launched R day. •aded for the prelimce experimental nnecticHi with the North rmail r^ute. this boat will. the loss of the Scipio off have
    British Wireless  -  90 words
  • Article, Illustration
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  • 74 9 K« turns From Attending The Vancouver Jubilee London. Sept. 10. v cent. Lord Mayor of Vincent and the City of >n who attended the m jubilee celebrations I nd >n tonight on their re- C .ida r Per. WmM that m all towns of round an active
    British Wireless  -  74 words
  • 34 9 Nmn Resigning Labour Party Leadership London. Sept. 10. C. R Attlee Leader of the Opposition, yesterday emphad the report that he in<*ed to i-___m rhP ior,rfpr«hin nf his British Wireless
    British Wireless  -  34 words
  • 252 9 Alleged Torturing By Japanese Moscow. Sept. 11. IT is reported from Khabarovsk that 21 Soviet citizens are being kept prisoners by the Japanese and Manchuk'-.o authorities at Harbin and are being subjected to oeatln?s and tortures by the Japanese gendarmes according to the official Tass Agency, which
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  • 18 9 The total of the King George V National Memorial Fund now stands at £219.833- British Wireless
    British Wireless  -  18 words
  • 73 9 Service In Mauritius To He Extended Londoiv Sept. 11. The Colonial Office announces today that Sir Wilfred Jackson, whose normal term of office as Governor ot Mauritius J was due to expire on August 30 last I has been asked to extend his service i to enable
    British Wireless  -  73 words
  • 49 9 From Our Own Correspondent) london, Sept. 11. The Doncaster Cup run today resulted: 1 BUCKLEIGH <G. Richards) 9.2 2 Enfield 'T. Burns) 10 0 3 Valerians CR. Jones) 9.11 Won by U_ lengths: 6 lengths. Six started. Betting 7 ,o 2. 4 to 1, 25 to 1.
    49 words
  • 59 9 London, Sept, 11. Verity has influenza and probably 'will be unable to join the M.C.C team {leaving for Australia tomorrow. The 'doctor advised him not to travel but he has made good progress m the past twenty-four hours and may fly to Southampton. Otherwise he will 'ravel overland
    59 words
  • 114 9 For The Sultan's 71st Birthday (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Sept. 11 "TODAY was a public holiday throughout Selangor m h>nour of H.H. the Sultan's birthday, and nearly ail buildings m Kuala Lumpur and Klang Ihung out flags. This morning the Raja Muda too.< I
    114 words
  • 125 9 Serious Situation From Stay-in Tactics Paris, Sept. 10. Stay-in strikes are again creating a I serious situation and the Minister of the Interior. M. Salengro. is leaving immediately to direct negotiations between employers and employees at Lille, where 40.000 textile workers are striking. The employers
    Reuter  -  125 words
  • 94 9 Research Necessary For Social Problems London, Sept. 10. A large number of sectional meetings or the British Association were held today at Blackpool. Several newspapers devote editorial j comment to the presidential address delivered yesterday by Sir Josiah Stamp on "The Impact of Science on Society," Sir
    British Wireless  -  94 words
  • 53 9 Che' Mohamed YusofT bin Ahmad j and Syed Esa bin Alwi have been ap- j pointed Deputy Camp Chiefs for Malaya, by Imperial Headquarters Council. These two Scouters are at present m j England, where they were sent for ■pedal Scout training. They are due back In Malaya
    53 words
  • 51 9 London, Sept. 11. Mr. E. T. Crutchley, public relations officer m the General Post Office, who wai formerly United Kingdom repre- sentative m the Commonwealth of Australia, has been seconded temporarily to act as additional assistant under the Secretary of State m thej Dominions Office.- British
    British Wireless  -  51 words
  • 183 9 Attitude Causing Concern i To Powers London. Sept. 11. IT is expected that the second meeting oi the International Committee for the application oi the agreement regarding non-intervention m Spain will be summoned by the chairman. Mr. W. S. Morrison. ~MUU_etel Secretary to the
    British Wireless  -  183 words
  • 63 9  -  Sin Chew Jit Pohn Hon^ Kong, Sept. 10. ALL attempts by the professional gamblers of Canton to establish a gambling "farm" at Shameen, the British Concession at Canton, have failed, following the announcement of the British authorities that they are willing to co-operate with the Chinese
    63 words
  • 170 9 Marriage To Take Place Before End Of Year Contrary to first reports, Princess Juliana, the heiress to the Dutch throne, will be married before the end of the year. Reuter learns from Court circles at The Hague that the marriage of the Princess to Prince
    170 words
  • 110 9 King's Ears Pronounced In Excellent Condition Vienna. Sept. 11. For the third tim* m 48 hours King Edward visited Prof. Neumann the famous ear specia ;st, who continued the light treatment It was stated yesterday at the British Legation m Vienna that, as on his visit
    British Wireless; Reuter  -  110 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 110 9 ROMARY'S BISCUITS THE BISCUITS FOR THE CONNOISSEUR £m\ Celery Sticks. Small Tin $0.90 Ginger Nut*. Large Tin $0.90 f.inger Wafers. Small Tin $1.25 Honey Bake Large Tin $1.00 Parmesliks Small Tin $0.90 Malt Bake Large Tin $1.15 Cocktail Assorted Large Tin $1.25 Wheaten Digestive Large Tin $1.25 Wheaten Water Large
      110 words

    • 485 10 LONDON AND NEW YORK STOCKS SHARES. From London 6 p. tn. Sept. 11 The above are dealers' middle prices; Jobbers, margins, brokerage and stamp duty are not included. Share of £1 denomination unless Previously Yesterday Rise or Fall otherwise stated Conversion Loan, 5 p.c.. 1944-64.... 119% 119% Funding Loan. 4
      485 words
    • 215 10 Sept. 8. 9. 10. American Can. Com. 127 126 126^ American Telephone and Telegraph 17 8 1 4 178 179 3 4 Atcheson Railroad 84 82> 2 82 Chesapeak 674 67^ 67 3 S Dupont 163 1634 163 3 i Firestone 28 28 27 3 4 Genera!
      215 words
    • 83 10 Chamber Of Commerce Rubber Association Sept. 11, 12 o'clock noon Buyers Sellers No. I X.R.S.S. in cases (F.O.B. September) 26 916 26 1116 Good F.A.Q. In gases (P.O.B. September) 26^2 26 9 16 No. I.X.R.S.S. (spotloose) (awardable Singapore) 26 7 16 26 9J16 September 26 916 26 11'16 Oct.-Dec. *****I6
      83 words
    • 74 10 London, Sept. 10. The Board of Trade Index of wholesale prices showed an increase m August of 1.7 per cent, from July— the index number being the highest recorded since September, 1930. During the first five months of this year wholesale prices were relatively stable but an
      British Wireless  -  74 words
    • 202 10 By arrangement with the Exchange Telegraph Company, Ltd., the Singapore Free Press is able to offer to its readers this complete and reliable service of commercial news from London, New York and other centres. This is the first occasion on which a newspaper published m Malaya has
      202 words
    • 190 10 From London 5.30 p. m. Sept. 11 RUBBBER: Firmer London Spot: 7 li 16d. 73 4 d. Previously: 7^ 8 d. 7 11 16ri. Oct. -Dec 7 1116d. 73 4 d. Previously: 7 11 16d. 7 3 4 d. Jan.-March: 7^d. 7 13 16d. Previously: 7 3
      190 words
    • 69 10 From London 5.30 p. m. Sept. 11 Tin:— Dull. Three months: £193 17s. 6d. Previously: Ea.^er at £195. Cash: £190 17. 6d. Previously £192 7s. 6d. New York Tin: 44.50. Previously: 45.00. Copper: Settlement: £39 Previously £39 Gold: Yesterday: £6 17s. 6» 2 d. Previously: £6 17s.
      69 words
    • 79 10 Foreign Exchange Rates. London Closing Quotations Sept. 11 Method of Parity before Rate PreCentie Quoting 20-9-31 Yesterday viously Paris Francs to 141.21 76 13 16 76 13 16 New York to 8.8 5.05 7 8 5.05^ 4 Amsterdam Guilders to 12.91 7.46 7.45 3 4 Hong Kong Per dollar Is.
      79 words
    • 186 10 LOCAL EXCHANGE RA TES Sept. 11 London. T.T. 214 I|l6 London, demand 2]4 I|l6 London. 4 month.-,' sight 2|4 1 8 Lyons, demand 897 Hamburg. deman_ 146 New York, demand 59 Montreal, demand 58 15(16 Batavia, demand se 7 Samarang. demand 86% Calcutta, Bombay and Rangoon, demand 154% Madras and
      186 words
    • 1187 10 Fraser and Co.'s List FRIDAY, SEPT. 11, 1936, 5 P.M. MINING Buyer* Sellers. Ampat Tin (4s) 4s 3d 4s 74d Asam Kumbang 27s 29s c.d. Austral Malay 53s 55s cd Ayer Hitam (ss) 15s 16s c.d. Ayer Weng (*1) 1-674 1.75 Bangrin Tin 17s 6d
      1,187 words
    • 186 10 MESSRS. FRASER CO. m their daily report on the share market. issued yesterday afternoon, state that, hampered by a holiday m Selangor and discouraged by falls m the price of tin m London. New York and locally, tin shares were quiet A number of the dollar shares
      186 words
    • 86 10 Sept. 11 Buyers Sellers Gambier 5.25 Java Cube 8.75 Hamburg Cube 10.25 White Muntok Pepper 13.75 Black Pepper 7.50 White Pepper 13 50 Copra, nutftried 565 Copra, mixed 5.05 4 80 Small Flake Tapioca mw R. B. Siam No. 1 lQ per yokan m Banja Jelotong w
      86 words
  • 23 10 Messrs. Harper. Gilfillan and Co U* advise the output of Sione nn -.HgUH MM 74? pirn.*, v M«< 89 200 hours run 476
    23 words

  • 347 11 Winning CONTRACT £\ttv^oVJJ\Qotfc David Burnstine, Michael Gottlieb Oswald Jacoby and Howard Schenken, world's leading team-of-four and inventors of the system that has beaten every other system m existence. A WELL-PLAYED HAND I7DWARD Hymes, Jr., and Merwin D. (Jimmy) Maier are two of our iavourit? Bridge players. They are both brilliant
    347 words
  • 271 11 The following is the health bulletin cf the League of Nations Eastern Bureau for the Week ended Sept. 5. Plague. Rangoon was the only port m the Eastern Arena to report the presence of human plague during the week, while Colombo notified rodent plague.
    271 words
  • 49 11 London, Sept. 10. Commenting on the decision of the Prime Minister to prolong his holiday, the newspapers state that it is his intention to resume his full duties as head of the Government towards the end of October and to meet Parliament on its reassembly.— British Wireless.
    49 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 325 11 HONGKONG SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporated m the Colony of Hong Kong) Tbe liability of members is limited to the extent and m manner prescribed by Ordinance No. 6 of 1929 of the Colony. Authorised Capital $50,000,000 Issued and Fully Paid-up $20,000,000 Reserve Fund: Sterling 6,500.000 Hong Kong Currency $10,000,000 Reserve
      325 words
    • 504 11 CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHIN. (Incorporated m England by Royal Charter) Paid up capital ln 600,000 shares of £5 each £3,000,000 Reserve Fund £3,000,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £3,000.00e HEAD OFFICE 38, Bishopsgate. London EC. 2 Agencies and Branches. Alor Star (Iloilo Saigon I Amritsar Ipoh Semarang Bangkok
      504 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 776 11 WEEK-END RADIO PROGRAMMES TODAY I Berlin— DJß, DJB and DJQ Wavelengths— 16.89, 19.74 and 19.63 Penang— ZHJ metres I Wireless Society) p.m. .-_j_. n ,rti_-_-_Q? 615 °Pf-ning announcement. Wi^elength— 49L3 metres 6 20 Light music. 7.20 News and economic review Ln German. B __T 0 Light music (continued). dance musa*.
      776 words
    • 310 11 7.31 Sports talk. 7.46 A recital of Shakespearean songs by Leonard Gowings (tenor). 8.00 The news and announcements. 8.05 Greenwich time signal. 8.20 Close down. Transmission 2 The following frequencies will be used: GSH 13.97 m.. GSG 16.86 m. I p.m. 7.20 Big Ben. Charles Brnesco and his Quintet, with
      310 words
    • 102 11 10.50 Woman's Hour: 11.20 Close down. Paris Radio-Coloniale Wavelength 25.60 metres a.m. 5.35 Concert. 6.35 News m French. 6.50 News m Spanish. 7.00 News m French; Market prices. 7.20 News m English. 7.35 Records or theatrical broadcast. 9.35 Close down. Wavelength 19.68 metres p.m. 5.15 Day's programme. 5.20 Concert. 6.20
      102 words

  • 59 12 Sept. 10: Boribat <Siam); Bengalen, I Sidajoe (Dut); Santhia, Meran, Silver Gull (Brit). h Sept. 11: Ampang Pontianak, Esme- ralda, Tandjong Balei. Rajputana. Goldmouth, Ho S^ng, Giang Ann, Banka, Nam Yong (Brit); V. der Does de Bye, Mijer, Mambang. Talang Akar. Chr. Huygens. Tinombo. Oo ten Noort i <Dut);
    59 words
    • 1261 12 Builders Of The Singapore Floating Dock London, Aug. 23. A NOTABLE shipbuilding event took place on Aug. 19, when Messrs. Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson, Ltd., who have built more ships than any firm m England, launched the vessel which bears their yard number 1,500.
      1,261 words
    • 115 12 Owners and Masters of Shipping are requested to keep their Vessels as clear lof the range as possible during the Gun Practice, which will take place at Pulau Tekong Sept. 14 at 7 p.m. <Changi Area), at Blakang Mati Sept 15 at 7 p.m. (Western Area), at
      115 words
    • 120 12 Ships alongside the Wharves nr expected to arrive East Wharf (Entrance Gat* I\. Hai Lee 20. Main Wharf (Entrance Gate V Rawalpindi 18; Kittna 16 Kepong 14; Kinta 12; Lar.r io^ Maru 8; Kota Nopan. V Empire Dock (Entrance Gate 3>. Javanese Prince Empire Dock (Entrance Gate i
      120 words
  • 27 12 A rectified advice nes Maritime.* passenger vessel d A Colombo is expected to arrive to_ a 1 p.m and will jd] Hong Kong. Sh, Berth: S.HB. wiu:
    27 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 493 12 BOUSTEAD CO., LTD. (Incorporated tn F.M.S.) Cf TELEPHONE: Freight 5433— Passage 543 L PP* P """^rMft LLOYDS AGENTS. r BOOKING AGENTS FOR FBDBR_rTED MALAY STATES RAILWAYS. ROYAL STATE RAILWAYS OF SIAM. mmmmmpwamammmwammm CANADIAN (PACIFIC iW9QlD^tt_Jfr.ST/ (Incorporated m Bnglmnd) THE "EMPRESS"* ROUTE offers TRANS-PACIFIC SERVICES Mm HONOLULU or direct EMPRESS to
      493 words
    • 237 12 BIBBY LINE [LONDON ADDR IS. 22, PALL MALL, LONDON. S.W. of fast twin-screw Oi: D: Mail Passenger Vessels between RANGOON, COLOMBO. POX I *VMm% MARSEILLES. PLYMOUTH AM LONDON with through connection from Singapore and Penang. HOMEWARD SAILINGS Leave Lea** Rangoon olomto 1936. DERBYSHIRE Oct. 8 OcLM SHROPSHIRE Oct 22 Oct
      237 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 148 12 VESSELS ARRIVED [kawang 11. to Borneo 15. Op ten Noort, Dutch, 3,566 tons, from G.G. Merlin. Fr 953 tons from Sai- Bel.-Deli 11, to Batavia 11. gon io, to Saigon 11. Hawaii Maru, Jap., 5 916 tons from Senani? r>ntr*h too t t> i Nagoya 11, to Colombo 11. batSmp!,
      148 words
    • 609 12 Local And Foreign Mail Dispatches And Arrivals —«p_— BY TRAIN Bangkok every Saturday 7 p.m. Thursday 7.45 a»m. Alor Star: Mon. to Fri.* 7.45 a.m. Saturday 7.45 a.m. and Ipoh: Weekdays; 7.45 a.m. and 7 p.m. Klang, Kuala Lipis, Port Swettenham, Taining and Telok Anson: Weekdays* 7 p.m. Kota Bahru,
      609 words
    • 55 12 M.S. "LALAMHA". Arrived Sept. fi. 19°,6. Consignees of cargo above 'motorship from Eur hereoy notified that a general sumcargo landed m a damaged condition will be held at God.-w:-. N Bonded "D" at 2 p.m Store at 3 p.m. on II instant. No further tor ue .held. THE EAST ASIATIC
      55 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 434 13 k___*^^_M^__ jt^^Sfjs} s^^^***'*'"i t ____V^____97___9*v- ___V__H BY P&Oandlffl P. O. S. N. COS SAILINGS, OUTWAROS Due Due Tonnate Spore. Tonnage Spore. 1936. 1936 17.000 IB Port CARTHAGE 15 000 Oct 2*3 AN tjD -Sept. 23 NALDERA 16.000 Nov' 6 lo 000 Sept. 25 SOMALI 6 810 Nov' 18 17 Oct.
      434 words
    • 583 13 (Incorporated m England.) xx l^^^§S ELLERMAN BUCKNALL S.S. Co., Ltd. (Incorporatea m Straits Settlements.) "ELLERMAN LINE" FOR UNITED KINGDOM AND CONTINENT VIA POHiS AND SUEZ CANAL ACCEPTING CARGO FOR "MONTREAL AND HALIFAX VIA COLOMBO. Steamer Due Sail* CITY OF BATAVIA HfiVie, London. R'dam, H'burg, Glasgow Sept. 16 Sept. 17 XCITY
      583 words
    • 1092 13 SHIPPING THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE (Ocean The Hua Khiow Steamship Co., (1932) LU. Steam Ship Co., Ltd., and China Mutual The C unaid White Star Ltd. Steam Navigation Co., Ltd.) The Sarawak Steamship Co., Ltd. The Straits Steamship Co., Ltd. The Australian Oriental Line Ltd. The China Navigation Co., Ltd.
      1,092 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 752 14 K. P. M. HOUTMAN— Saturday Sept. 12. Batavia. Rodriguez. Mauritius. Reunion. Durban Lourenco-Marques. Beira, Zanzibar, Mombasa and Mahe no cargo will be accepted for East and South African ports). TOBOALl— Saturday. Sept. 12. Selat-Pandjang. Koedap. Tampoetih, Ttunpat-Tingri. Bengkalis. Seneboei and Bagan Si-Api-Api. TOHITI Saturday Sept. 12. Tambrian and Pontianak. TOO
      752 words
    • 639 14 PRESIDENT UNER— TO EUROPE FROM SINGAPORE AND PENANG VIA COLOMBO, BOMBAY, SUEZ, PORT SAID, ALEXANDRIA, NAPLES, GENOA, MARSEILLES AND NEW YORK. Arrives. Leaves Leaves Arrives Spore. Spore. Penang. New York. Pres. Van Burren Sept. 19 Sept. 22 Sept. 24 Nov. 3 Pres. Garfield Oct 3 Oct. 6 Oct. 8 Nov.
      639 words
    • 467 14 O. S. K. LINE ILa Plata Mara Buenos Aires via Colombo. Durban, Serr Cape Town, Rio de Janeiro, Santos and Montevideo Ryuyo Mara Cape Town via Mombasa, Zanzibar, fc Dar-es-Salaam, L. Marques. Durban, East London, Algoa Bay and Mossel Bay. Aden Mara Cape Town via Mombasa. Zanzibar. Oc 7 Dar-es-Salaam.
      467 words

  • 730 15 Weather Conditions Spoil Hockey Trial Whites 4; Colours 3. IT was distinctly unfortunate that the first of the hockey 1 trials held to choose a team to oppose the Japanese Olympic side on Sept. 20 should have been played under such bad ground
    730 words
  • 111 15 S. C. C. Batsmen In Good Form MITCHELL and Gaillard gave the S.C.C. a good start m the cricket fixture, against the Malaya Football Association, which began on the Padang yesterday. Fifty-one runs were on the board before they were separated. Mitchell being caught by Hoosainsah off Dollah
    111 words
  • 263 15 Entries For Amateur Events Close Today Amateur boxers are reminded that the entries for the Singapore Open Championships close today, and that no iate entries will be considered. Applications with a fee of $1 should be forwarded to the Hon. Secretary of the Singapore Amateur Boxing Association at
    263 words
  • 176 15 The following are ties drawn for play next week m the S.C.C. lawn bowls tournament. CONSOLATION HANDICAP Monday. Sept. 14: J. R Strachan and W. Rodger (+6) vs. E G. Mozar and A. Mathieson (+5). Tuesday, Sept. 15: H. S. Godwin and O P Griffith- Jones (—4)
    176 words
  • 233 15 THE following are the weights of five races only, for Wednesday, the lourth day of the S.T.C. Gold Cup meeting. Horses Class 4 Div. 1 8 furs. Unity 9.0 Woover 8.11 Cheerful Eyes 8.11 Excuse Me 8.9 Gallant Maggie 8.9 October 8.8 Arctic
    233 words
  • 350 15 Singapore Athletes Chosen IN connection with the visit of th-3 Japanese Olympic Team, who will compete with Singapore Athletes at the S.C.C. on Sept. 20 at 2 p m., the following have been invited to represent the Singapore Amateur Athletic Association: 100 Metres: F. G. Minns (Police Sports
    350 words
  • 79 15 Forest Hill, Sept. 11. In the quarterfinals of the U.S. lawn tennis championship, Miss Helen Jacobs beat Miss Gussie Raegener 6—l, 6—o, and meets Miss Kay Stammers m the semi-final. Miss Helen Pedersen beat Miss Dorothy Bundy 6—3, 4—6. 6—4. and meets Miss Alice Marble. Frankie Parker
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • 34 15 London, Sept. 11. The league soccer matches played yesterday resulted as follows: DIVISION I Sheffield W. 6, Everton 4. DIVISION lll— (Southern) Clapton O. 0, Cardiff 1 Newport 1, -Brighton 4. Reuter
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • Article, Illustration
    15 15 photo). AN INCIDENT during play m the hockey trial on the nadang yesterday. Free Press
    Free Press  -  15 words
  • 128 15 Local badminton ties for this weekend are as follows: Saturday 2.30 p.m. Teo Soo Poh vs. Low Seah Chuan William Tan vs. Wong Peng Soon. Leow Kirn Fatt vs. Charlie Chua. F. S. Chong vs. Wong Peng Nam. Robert Tan vs. S. A. Durai. Sunday, 10 a.m. Seah Eng
    128 words
  • 59 15 The following players will represent the S.C.R.C against the R A.F. at the S.C.R.C. courts today at 5.00 p.m.: George Gaw, Chia Keng Tye. K. H. Tan, Yap Ah Chuan, Chua Choon Sim, Soon Eng Kiat, Pang Chiap Song, Scow Poh Leng, Yeo Kok Hoe and Yap Ah
    59 words
  • 67 15 (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Sept 11. The opening match of the Penang Football Association Cup competition, which was played this evening between the Muslim recreation Club and the Indian Recreation Club, provided a sensation, both chibs' captains being sent off the field for dangerous play m the
    67 words
  • 662 15 Annual Sports Meeting Of City High School rERE was a large gathering at the Jalan Besar Sta-Uum yesterday, when the third Annual Athletic Sports of the City High School were held. Cheong Kwong Hock was the indi- 1 vldual champion with 15 points and Class
    662 words
  • 204 15 S. C. R. C WIN BY ODD GOAL IN FIVE S.C.R.C 3: YM.C.A 2. 'T'HE Y.MCA. fielded a pretty useful team of juniors yesterday against the second string of the S.CR.C m a hockey match which was played at the Hong Lim Green. Although the club won three goals to
    204 words
  • 184 15 (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Sept. 11. The Perak open amateur boxing championships were concluded last night at the Jubilee Park Stadium before a large crowd. The results were as follows: Bantam: Gordon Hogan beat D Samy easily on points and thus wins Cheah Ghim Leng belt.
    184 words
  • 121 15 The following are selected to represent the V.MC.A against the Clubs stated below on Monday, Wednesday and Friday next at 5.10 p.m.: Monday: J Bleha H. Crocker. Thong Sing Ching. Looi Eng San. Lee Fong Lim (Cap.t. P. C S?nds. P. Swyny, C Angus, K. Leembruggen. M Armstrong
    121 words
  • 71 15 It is notified that the draw for the second round of the SA.F.A Cup is as follows: Monday: SC.F.A. I versus winners of M.F.A. vs. M.P.H. Tuesday: Winners of S.C.C vs. Police versus H.MS. "Terror." Wednesday: MaTines versus Middlesex Regiment. Thursday: Winners of R.A. vs. SC. F.A.
    71 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements

  • 1665 16 Punters' Problems Will Not Be Easy STRATHPEFFER IS DOWN IN THE WEIGHTS AND A POSSIBILITY BY BOOKIE." SCRATCHINGS have been heavier today— the third day of the Singapore Turf Club Autumn (Gold Cup) Meeting— than On the two previous occasions, numbering eleven. Notwithstanding
    1,665 words
  • 48 16 BY •BYSTANDER*' Race I—Blue1 Blue Flare, Sam Burger. Race 2— Kate Kelly. Broadway Baby. Race 3 Fighting Finish, Queen of Hearts. Race 4 Squeeze, Tin Pool. Race s—Vandal.5 Vandal. Starlight. Race 6 Singing Bird, Kuala Prince. Race 7 Aviemore, Biddy's Squire. Race B—Pay8 Pay Out, Princess Hermia.
    48 words
  • 127 16 The following ate scratchings for today's racing: Race 1. Chinese Doll. 2. Chance, See You Later. 3. Great Houdini (all engagements). 4. Alum Rock. 5. Gee Up. 6. Eastern Knight. 7. Greenstone and Short Suit. 8. Agapanthus (all engagements) and Reform. BY -BOOKIE Race No. I—l. SAM
    127 words
  • 259 16 The following are home soccer fixtures set down for play today. DIVISION 1 Arsenal vs. Sunderland. Birmingham vs Stoke C. Bolton W. vs. Everton. Brentford vs. Huddersfield T. Leeds U. vs. Charlton A Liverpool vs. Grimsby T. Manchester U. vs. Manchester C. Middlesbrough vs. Chelsea. Preston
    259 words
  • 288 16 Middlesex Beaten By 114 Runs On First Innings BY defeating the Middlesex on the first innings at Cr.angi today ttH R.A. (Changi i became the holders or the Garrison Cricket Shield for this season. Batting yesterday the Gunners compiled the huge total of
    288 words
  • 46 16 Barr ackers! Adelaide Sept. n. The Australian Cricket Board of Control has resolved to Uuneh a campaign to prevent ohjertionable and excessive barracking m all international matches and the assistance of the police is tv he sought and offenders removed from the ground and piosnuted Reuter
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 114 16 The Island G.C. Ladies .gapore G.C. Ladies' mate: t Bukit Timah over S hole, on Monday" The following are the teams Ing times <Isiand players n flrst»: 3.50 Mrs J Hill pi M->ncw. 3.50 Mrs EUfgenb V. Allen. 3.55 Mrs. Swayne vs. Mrs R H 3.55 Mrs Greet
    114 words
  • 21 16 Bowling: \Y r 42 Jefferies one for 16. Dear.c >ne tor 18. Raeburn two for 68. Pea: c two tor 19.
    21 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 160 16 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU An Autobiography With Musings on Recent Events m India (Illustrated) Publisher's Note: Jawaharlal Nehru, one of the most important figures of Modern India was educated at Harrow and Cambridge, and called to the Bar. He returned to India and to follow m his father's footsteps as a lawyer.
      160 words
    • 24 16 FvWl]/ J x?i\ V jt\ fi^JSTi__s_*iP $r i t_ it C/s __f\ _^i__ WW l^ Iv y FRASER NEAVE LTD. DISTRIBUTORS FOR TIGER BEER.
      24 words