The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 21 February 1936

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 17 1 The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS. NO. 11.782 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1936. 10 CENTS. KSTI). 1835.
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  • 439 1 "VITAL INTEREST OF LAKE TSANA" Need For "Corridor To Sudan" Should Italy Gain Control SUPPORTS BRITAIN'S CLAIM OF BEING DISI NTERESTED <<O well guarded are British official documents and so incorruptible the officials that the revelation in a Rome newspaper of a private
    Reuter  -  439 words
  • 219 1 MIXED COUNCIL TO BE FORMED Mobilisation In Outer Mongolia Shanghai, Feb. 20. A REPORT from Tokio states that Sovie 1 Government has to the formation of a mixconsisting of Japanese. and Soviet representapurpose of settling questions which have been repeated conflicts between Outer Mongolia and th •hukuo
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  • 41 1 London. Feb. 20. Duke o! Kent visited the Britisl 8 Fair this morning and mad' »ur of inspection of the exhibits ii company with the secretary of th ol Over-seas Trade. Capi c-uan Wallai-.- British Radio
    British Radio  -  41 words
  • 139 1 Italy To Introduce Political Issues London, Feb. 20. POLITICAL issues threaten to pro- long the Naval Conference now the technical problems are on the verge of solution. In addition to the French attitude on battleships, it is reported from Rome that Admiral RaJner-Ibiscia. who has
    Reuter  -  139 words
  • 36 1 Reconstructing Forts Around Delta Of Kiangyin River Shanghai, Feb. 19. Marshal Chiang Kai Shek. he Premier and Chairman of the Military Council of Nanking, has approved of the proposal of Adimiral Chen Shao
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  • 76 1 Liverpool Liner Being Towed To Bermuda New York, Feb. 20. The 7.000-ton Liverpool liner Nov; Scotia, is being towed to Hamiltor Bermuda, by the liner Eastern Prince. The Nova Scctia. which was on voyage from the Virgin Isles to Nei York, had previously sent out an SOS for
    Reuter  -  76 words
  • 34 1 Addis Ababa, Feb. 20. A DESPERATE battle between the forces of Ras Kassa, Ras Seyoum and the Italian Elackshirts is unofficially reported to be raging in the Tcmbien.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 39 1  - Sin Chew Jit Poh Kuan. Minister of the Navy, to fortify and reconstruct the torts around the delta of the Kiangyin River, near the Chinese capital. A number oi technical experts have been appointed to draw up the plans
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  • 202 1 £37,000,000' LAST YEAR Invisible i Exports Increase London. Feb. 20. ALTHOUGH there was a further increase last year in imports of merchandise and an excess of visible imports over exports of £263,000,000. Britain had the substantial favourable balance of payments, including invisible exports, of
    British Ra-dio; Reuter.  -  202 words
  • 138 1 I Conversations To Open Next Month London, Feb. 19. Reports from Cairo state that Mar 2 has been fixed as the opening dat» lor the preliminary conversations be tveen the British and Egyptian dele gations in connection with the nego Itiations for a new Anglo-Egyptiai Treaty. This
    British Radio  -  138 words
  • 43 1  -  Sin Chew Jit Poh To isit Singapore Shortly Hong Kong, Feb. 19. ANNA May Wong, the ucll-knoun Chinese film star, has made preparations for a tour in British Malaya shortly. She arrived here this morning to visit her parents.T»~ I.
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  • 67 1 Debate In Commons Early Next Month London. Feb. 20. The Government's ar:r.s txnansioi programme and the aspects o! toreigi policy which have rendered it neces sary will probably be debated in th House of Commons on Mar. 9. The estimates of the delenee service for the
    British Ra-dio  -  67 words
  • 42 1 Increase By Canada For Service To New Zealand Ottawa. Feb. 20. The Canadian Government's shippir subsidy estimates include a decrea> cf £29.800 In the service to China an an increase of €20.000 in th» i service t New Zealand Reuter
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 13 1 Mr. and Mrs. L. H iemttk have II rived in Penang from London.
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  • 103 1 SENOR AZANA AS PREMIER Amnesty For Political Offenders Madrid. Feb. 20. SENOR AZANA has formed a Cabinet consisting of eleven members of his Republican Left Party and two of the Republican Union Party. The r.L'w Pr: i ii; r was greeted with llrtooi enthusiasm vhta, aeooaaps
    Reuter  -  103 words
  • 118 1 Committee Of Eighteen To Consider Report Soon London. Feb. *!0 Senhor Vasconcellos, chairman of the Leaßue Committee of Eighteen, has 1 maae Inquiries of the Government.. members of the commttco with a view to fixing the date of *hc next meeting in Geneva at which the report of
    British Radio  -  118 words
  • 82 1 TIENTSIN AGAIN ICEBOUND Tientsin. Krh !0 With icc-n.t>ks blown in lrom U the nort is ■gala ie'r-bound and numrrMH Bit:.!) a:id oth-r ships ill Itf* jamm d Th" iteimr KMnthom has gono ashore with dliftbltd llttrtag «<-ar 2 Icebreaktn are helpfc patliwtfi made wfi Lfudtattif rfirr'n «p itnin Tims embark
    Reuter  -  82 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 67 1 FfaVBB TONIGHT pnAVTAII ftAMPC l CABARET ATTRACTION COCKTAIL DANCE lIV Q m^m V 6.30 to 8.15 p.m. t V T Ot Ifl^ rilUilCD P nAiIPC SONG DANCE PARODISTS UlflNtn a UANUE: EVY AR jviont The (informal) woman with the golden voice" 9.30 to midnight Holland's well-known radio star. NON-DINERS RAFFLES
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  • 44 2 Law Notices For The Day The Acting Chief Justice at Malacca Assizes. Before Mr. Justice a'Beckeit Terrell at 11 a.m. Summcnses-in-Chambers and Originating Summons?s. At 12 noon in the 2nd Ooust.— Bankruptcy. Before the Acting Registrar at 10.30 a.m. Fixing list of civil cases
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  • 184 2 Enjoyable Picture With Nautical Theme "Eight Bells." which opened at the Alhambra yesterday as the name would suggest, deals with a nautical theme. A mutiny at sea and a hurricane afford all the thriils one could wish for and this, coupled with the excellent performance of one of
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  • 102 2 The following is the agenda lor the Straits Settlements (Singapore) Association committee meeting to be held on Monday, Feb. 24 in the Singapora Exchange Room at 5 p.m.1. To confirm Minutes Matters arising thereform:— <a» Air Mail 'A Legislative Council Papers and Bills. Legislative Council Papers
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  • 16 2 At the annual meeting of the Seremban Epworth League Mr. J. A. Sabapathy was appointed president.
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  • Letters To The Editor
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  • 135 2 Chinese Kepala Charged (From Our Own Correspondent. Ipoh, Feb. 20. A Chinese kepala employed at th«> Southern Malayan Tin Dredging Co. appeared in the Batu Gajah polico court in answer to a charge of assaulting a dredgemaster. According to the report made to the police. Mr.
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  • 92 2 Comparison Between 1905 And 1936 Tokio, Feb. 20. The Japanese War Office has issued a 46-page pamphlet rememorating the Russo-Japanese war and pointing out differences in Russo-Japanese conditions and relations in 1905 and 1936. It stresses the argument that Russia is pursuing the same aggressive policy in the
    Reuter  -  92 words
  • 81 2 337 Steamers Broken Up Or Sold Abroad Last Year London, Feb. 20. Details of the number of ships broken up and sold to foreigners in 1935 are given in a written Parliamentary answer by the President of the Board of Trade. The figures show that 178 steamships of
    British Radio  -  81 words
  • 357 2 Office-Bearers Elected At Annual Meeting At the annual meeting of the Lotus Club which was held in the Y.W.C.A. building. Raffles Quay, the following office-bearers were elected: Mrs*. S. C. Goho (president). Mrs j G. H. Kaka and Mrs. R. Dana < vice- j presidents). Mrs. A. M.
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  • 153 2 European Air Pact The Next Step? London, Feb. 19. At a twe-hour meeting, the Drafting Committee of the Naval ConfereAcp tc.lay completed the draft treaty, but battleship and political difficulties threaten to hold up the conference for some time The French request that the United States consent to
    Reuter  -  153 words
  • 87 2 ttoiue, Feb. 10. Admiral Rainer-Ibi^ia and other naval officer! were received by Mussolini today It is understood that questions concerning the Italian navy were discussed in relation to problems confronting the London Naval Conference, but that no solution was reached According to weil-informed circles. Italy never broached the
    Reuter  -  87 words
  • 130 2 "Will Not Materially Affect London Stock Position" London, Feb. 1?». Th: International Tin Committee's reduction of the quota hardened prices u this afternoon's session of the London metal market by one pound Traders point out that this "token cut" does not materially affect the London stock position
    Reuter  -  130 words
  • 125 2 Sentenced To Prison For Returning (From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru. Feb. 18. Wong Ah Sung, alias Hassan bin Abdullah, was today sentenced to three years imprisonment by Mr Justice J. V. G. Mills at the Muar Assizes, when he pleaded guilty to a charge of having returned
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  • 143 2 Arrived from N.E.I, by KLM Nachtegaal on Feb. 15: Mr. Goessele, Mr. Tjong Soek Min, Mr. Lely, Mr. Gruntlehner. Mr. Cohendet and Mr. Smit. Left for Medan, India and Europe by KLM Nachtegaal on Feb. 25: Mr. and Mrs. Dimock, Mr. Lely. Mr. Gruntlehner, Mr. Cohendet' and Mr.
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  • 40 2 Members of the Lion City Club and its Funeral Branch are kindly requested to note that the club-house has given un and that thenceforward the official address will be at No. 513, Kampong Bahru Road, the residence of the vicepresident.
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  • 60 2 Supplementary Estimate For Commons' Debate London, Feb. 19. Supplementary estimates for £7.800.--000 tor the navy, army and air forre. mainly incurred in the concentration of British forces in Egypt and the Mediterranean, will be debated In the House of Commons on Monday. It is understood the
    British Radio  -  60 words
  • 65 2 Washington, Feb. 19. Senator Trammell introduced a bill to Congress authorising President Roosevelt to present the Distinguished Service Medal to Comdr. Todd and the Navy Cross to Lt.-Comdr. Kitcat. of the British destroyer Wishart. for their rescue of the crew of the United States steamer Fulton,
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • Article, Illustration
    23 2 SIGNORA MUSSOLINI distributing presents to the wives of soldiers who have volunteered to fight in Abyssinia. Behind is a bust of her husband
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 332 2 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. N O N S P I THE NFW DEODORANT STOPS ARMPIT PERSPIRATION. Pat on NONSPI and allow to dry. This gives full protection froVn underarm prrspiration and odour. Price 70 cents per bottle MEDICAL HALL LIMITED. Battery Road. BOARD RESIDENCE. SEA FRONT KATONG GRANGE— 77 Meyer Rd. Large
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    • 440 2 Tlbc Sinoapoic Jfccc press Head Office: Orll Slrret. S»n t *i, O f t lW,,ir:r .i.i llnecMri.uons lu all drp*,, 114f Iri. -Lairs' Mn U Kuala Lumpur Oflirr: 25. Java Strrrt I'boar: ikBi London mi.. 40/4 llrrt Slrret Um^ Ontral Sftft— Sftftt Tel: "Lradmaiaja" UaZlsi SUBSCRIPTION RATES BHi Within
      440 words
  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 178 2 Diary Of The Day High Water, 9.29 am. 11 11 p.m. Cinemas ALHAMBRA "8 Bells": with Ann Sothr?rn Rolph Bellamy and John Buckler. CAPITOL "Thanks a Million": v/ith Dick Powell and Ann Dvorak PAVILION The Student's Romance: With Grete Natzler, Patric Knowles and Carol Goodner ROXY, KATONG Dark Angel: With
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  • 2057 3 Wylie Gives Evidence CONTOUR PLANS OF ROAD EXHIBITED IN COURT I'IIE in which Mr. L M Wvlio of t K ft u n,. o yllc ot the Hongkong and Shanghai Hank. Singapore, is charged with causing grievous hurt to Mrs D 0
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  • Article, Illustration
    30 3 .MEN AND WOMEN workers of the Transpechat Printing Works at Kharkov, Ukraine, working through a complete shift in* gas-masks as part of their anti-air raid training. (Picture by air mail).
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  • 598 3 AMAZING COURT STORY OF FRAUD Woman Charged With Breach Of Trust Of $401 AN amazing story of how she had been induced to part with a sum of $401 on five different occasions was related by Ho Ah Kiew in the second court, Singapore, yesterday. In the dock stood a
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  • 148 3 BABY BORN WITH METAL IN HEART Baffles Doctors London, Feb. 10. jyiIKDU'AL records have been 1"* searched in vain for a case parallel to that of a baby born with a piece of metal in the heart, reported ai a Canvey Island (Essex) inquest yesterday. The mother »ai a nirl
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  • 36 3 The drama "Manoharan" which was acted in the Victoria Memorial Hall recently in ,id of the ftfalajralee Hindu Samajam Building Fund will be restated for the same purpose at the Alexandra Hall today at 8:*o pm.
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  • 179 3 Chance Remark Which Opened Nurse's Kyes. it is oft*-.-, a cii.iii. i irl makes a worn 'i n rnn weight. Nur-- N Matron say she was looklflf d and plump .inrj It op ■i <i eyes K«\id how h« rid ol thi» umraiitM hit:
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  • 199 3 Parmentier's Record Flight pHEVALIKK I'AltMlA i tilv air ra<« i pilot, who prctrd at Si: Ripim in UVd nesday's eastboutid K I plane left his plane Sumatra, to go to Mir aid ol Captain llulsrhos, a KIM colleague, who had heroine suddenly ill.
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  • 64 3 In Criminal Krcarh Of Trust CftM Wons Yew s, iv a Mr. M II HI nk [n th< Btagtpore, in rday with brrarh ol trust in ol t' brilliant b:< rmJued <' II M Th«- acciisi (i. Won repmentod '>y Mr n k w if i Mr ClMMlg
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  • 52 3 Inder Bingh *pp |fi \i II Blacker >••• -in Singapore <>n ;i ehai I .1 breach ol trus: ,t, n i ul um <!• < DO* nromisory noli UM uid •i« gnunopboM iceocdi Uved U 111 It The rase u I d inr m< I F'< b.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements

    • 1966 4 The Beautiful Girls Of Singapore Hollywood Debunked Our Girls Are Superior More 64 Romance M At Sea Vie iv. MISS NADIA. HOPKIN. one of the helpers at the Charity Show to be held at the Capitol Theatre on Mar. 9, in aid of the Child
      Free Press  -  1,966 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
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  • Article, Illustration
    229 5 IHI CttOWB etching UVstminstcr 1-icr being towed down river Irom M'rsiminster BrUtfti to the Surrey Comimrrial D.uks, where it uill he er naule a iino painted In lvacliness for the boat race and other events of the summer. WOMAN with a three-month -old baby wrapped In a ihswl am is
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 31 5 qo to tike Go€d Jt&kaqef'' BONELESS ROASTS Rolled Australian Sirloin of Beef Stuffed Shoulder Veal Saddle Mutton Stuffed Breast of Lamb Stuffed Leg of Lamb Tender cuts for easy carvingTEL. 5378.
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  • 516 6 $35,000,000 $16,000,000 This Year? "MYSTERY" SURPLUS EXPLANATION Yesterday's Council Meeting T'HE much -debated question of a reserve fund for the Federation, to provide for slumps in the future, came up in the Federal Council yesterday morning:. Government was asked to state what amount it
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  • 123 6 Leading Soloist Taken To Hospital Madame Renate Zwaardemaker. who was to have appeared as soloist at the Singapore Musical Society's concert on Sunday evening, has been admitted to hospital following a sudden illness. She will not be able to play or to lead the orchestra, as arranged. Her
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  • 916 6 RAMAKRISHNA CENTENARY CELEBRATIONS Unique Lecture Meeting A UNIQUE lecture meeting which will take the form of a conspectus of religions will be held by the Singapore Ramakrishna Mission on Saturday, Feb. 29, as part of the celebrations to commemorate the centenary of the birth of Sri Ramakrishna. The meeting will
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  • 50 6 (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Feb 20 The dispute between ricksha pullers and ow lers was settled following: a meeting of representatives of both >«rt:es yesterday, when th^ owners stated they had derided not to iiiccise the hiring charge^. The- threat a strike, therefore, has now passed.
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  • Article, Illustration
    41 6 LIDA LANGERVELD, the well-known violinist, who will be soloist and leader of the orchestra at the Singapore Musical Society's popular concert on Sunday. Mme. Reoate Zwaardemaker, who was to have been soloist, has been taken to hospital following a sudden illness.
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  • 134 6 MR. ADRIAN CLARK'S APPOINTMENT A CABLE has been received from the Colonial Office by the Government of the Straits Settlements appointing Mr. Adrian Clark, the Solicitor-General, as a judge of the High Court. It is expected that Mr Clark will take up his now appointment about the
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  • 59 6 Convent Pupils Gain Honours The following puoils of the Convent of The Holy Infant Jesus were amon? the successful candidates who took th» Trinity School of Music Theory Exam) nr.tion held last December: Advanced Intermediate Mary Seow <Hons>. Intermediate Rcsslyn Grimberg «Hons> Preparatory Y. Yamakawa. M. Lee. Lee
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  • 58 6 Mr. C. Jinarajadasa. MA (Cantab). ex-vic:-presi<i?nt of the Theosophical Society and an internationally famous author-lecturer, will be visiting Singapore shortly on his way to Java Mr. Jinarajadasa will give a free public lecture on "Theosophists and the Cominß World Order at the Victoria Memorial Hall on Wednesday.
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  • 765 6 Government Foots Bill MONEY FOR FURTHERING FLYING IN MALAYA (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. I< I, R, MOT everything can beforeseen when a Budget is pnpaml. and in the succeeding year many supplementary votes ha\, to be made. If they are of consequence they
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 175 6 Pimples invite Blood-Poisoning AND Ugly Skin Diseases Disease germ, ibound everywhere, lll*#v and the slightest pimple or skin M.tX»' >^mri abrasion offers an open door to THE infection. Use this simple unfailing U/nUHCD UCAICD Cuticura treatment to-day— to prevent "V/nUtK HcALtN blood-poisoning, to eradicate the AND beginnings of torturing, disfiguring
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  • 884 7 What Local Chinese THINK OF Birth Control Chinese Topics BY OUR CHINESE CORRESPONDENT jIfRS. Margaret Sanger's lectures on birth control in SingalVl pore have aroused much interest among the enlightened hinese here, and in view of her proposed campaign to spread the movement in China, lively discussions on the pros
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  • 49 7 (From Our Own Correspondent) L Ipoh, Feb. 20. Whilst engaged in working at a stone quarry at Bidor. a Chinese was buried by a fall of earth. Fellow r workers immediately began rescue work but by the time the man was extricated he was dead.
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  • 153 7 Malays Reception For Mohamed Suffian (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Feb. 20. Malays held a reception at th» Iskandar Polo Club in honour of Mohamed Suffian bin Haji Hashim who was the first Malay to win the Queen's Scholarship. The Raja Muda of Perak. who presided, in congratulating
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  • 86 7 Grim Revenge Taken By Victims Of Bandits Peiping. A grim fate befell a gang ol seven i bandits who ransacked a small village near here and carried off several I people for ransom. After the bandits had made off. the bolder villagers, arming themselves with any weapons
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  • 25 7 i Lieutenant J. E. A. Clark has beei appointed Acting Captain whils ''second-in-command of 'B' <MG> Com i pany, Penang and Province Wellesle; Volunteer Corps.
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  • 253 7 Sikh Sentenced At Kuala Lumpur (From Our Own Correspondent > Kuala Lumpur, Feb. 19. Sentence of nine months' rigorous imprisonment was ua^ed by Mr. J. Calder, in the Kuala Lumpur police court today, on a Sikh named Nehar Singh who was convicted on a charge
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  • 77 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) 1. Johore Bahru. Feb. 18. Before Mr. Justice Mills, at the Muar e Assizes. Mutthiah successfully appeal--1 ed against a theft conviction, e Mr. W. H. Salt argued the appeal. and Inche Abdul Hamid, D.P.P. was the respondent. n Mr. Salt submitted that there
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  • 477 7 Winning CONTRACT (Ssy#> David Burnstine, Michael Gottlieb, Oswald Jacoby and Howard Schcnken. world's leadina team-of-four and inventors of the system that has beaten every other system in existence. DONT ALWAYS DRAW TRLMPS •FHE French team, champions of Europe, has enjoyed an international reputaHIOH CARD VALUES on 0T ■MUBJ' or the
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  • 344 7 THE ur. demoted newly added nonfiction and Action works will be ready for issue on Saturday. Feb. 22. 1936. at 8.30 a.m.: Time I was Dead. Illustrated. Cecil Aldin; The First Tim* I. The Hon Theodora Benson Ed Cricket \v Firelight. Richard Binns: The RotetU St'.ne in the
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  • 75 7 (From Our Own Correspondent* Malacca, Feb. 18. With the usual ceremonies a service at Christ Church and an inspection of a Guard of Honour ofl j the local police, the Acting Chiet I Justice. Mr. N. H P Whltley. presided |at the first session of the Malacca Assizes
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  • 76 7 Penanu: Indian Fined SKI For Management (FnMl Our Own Corre.spondr i I IVnaiiK. Trb T» The ease m which twe IfohUßflMdMl Indians. Abdul Rahman, a in channer. and Vena; rh.ui'.id with the management «»i common betting was ro; i hided tod Mr. H. A L Luck'.. m.
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  • 53 7 The enßaut-incnt IMI bm MUMMUIC64 and the nianuiv nk ill V.k<> plaet In ttM near future «>t InclM Abdul Jamil A "•Lsistant DiMriet oi!i<<i Vm\ Dwkaon, (> l and Che' Nurluinah. In., l Ha.ii Ab.lul Halui «»t the K<m;mi Ofltf**. Kuala Kanssar Bu\h »re in< i i 1 w ■•11-known
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 60 7 Truly a film worth seeing. A TONIGHT 6.15 9.15 m LHAMBRH The most amazing mutiny and terror thriller the screen has ever known! ANN SOTHERN more glorious than ever in her first starring film 8 BELLS' v<ith RALPH BELLAMY and JOHN BUCKLER A Beautiful Girl and 66 savage men drawing
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    • 51 7 British Sprmr Kollrr lilinds Maker and repairer of rattan and Rertam Chirks, Canvas and Spring Blinds. Tarpaulins. Tenls. Bags. Blue Screens, Rertam Panels, Wire Nettlnr Fencin«. Wool buntlnfi and Flasn ABDUL RAHMAN, Telephone 2454. Office:— 66, Robinson Road. < Opposite Telegraph Co > Workshop:— 17 -A. Jm> C'hlat Place. Singapore
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 265 7 RADIO PROGRAMMES FOR TODAY Kuala Lumpur— ZGE (Malayan Amateur Radio Society) Wavelength— 4B.92 and 110 metres p.m. 7.00--9.00 Gramophone recital. Penang— ZHJ (Penang Wireless Society) Wavelength 49.3 metres p.m. 7.00 Time signal. 7.03 Day's programme. 7.05 Recorded programme of violin music. 7.30 Children's Hour. 7.55 News bulletin. 8.00 Talk— Cities
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    • 301 7 Night of Knights and Suchlike."] 8.05 The news. 8.20 Close dawn. Transmission 2 Two of the following frequencies will be used: GSJ 13.93m.. GS(i 16.86 m., or GSF 19.82 m. p.m. 6.20 Big Ben. The BBC. Welsh Orchestra. 7.05 Scots song recital. Vida Vallance (contralto) John Jeffrey (tenor; 7.20 Greenwich
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  • 56 8 DOMESTIC OCCURENCES DEATH. LONG.— On Feb. 20. 1936. at No. 9. Lorcng M. oil' Teluk Kurau Road. Singapore, Eugenie Maria, the beloved wife of Mr. S. Long of the Hongkong Bank, Singapore. The funeral service v. ill take place at the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd at 5 p.m. today.
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  • 776 8 The Singapore Free Press FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1936. The Disappearing Trick T'HE air of mystery which has surrounded the question of a reserve i'und for the F.M.S. Government has been dissipated as a result of the statement at yesterday's meeting ot the Federal Council and the answers seem to have
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  • 255 8 I Mr. R. F. Gilruth, a merchant from London, has arrived in Ipoh from Penang on business. Mr. J. Morton, a London merchant is at present in Ipoh in the course of a business tour of Malaya. A minor wave of influenza is takinp its toll of
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  • 628 8 Worth His Weight In Gold! nine, the Aga Khan became head of the Ismaili Mohammedans Jubilee celebrations .of that event ?re now being held in Bom bay, and in the course of them the world has beer provided with ar actual demonstration of something which is
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  • 983 8 /*\NE does not expect that an island whose dimensions are a thousand feet by five hundred will have aboiu it a great deal of history. And who imongst you has ever heard of Chris tianso, a Danish ward that dgnlfl s Christian's Island? Before the days ,of Christian
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 95 8 i- Srven jCucasßots.jimsterc/om CALDBECK'S THERE IS IS Q^H OAXy OA^£ ALL PHOTOGRA- l' kJ^m PHIC PROBLEMS Hl^^/^S^^B^ > yl rlß CAN EASILY BE Bf SOLVED WaTH A ■W J >-<,^^^" Wy^k^ SoU Agents For \M) MALAYA. SIAM BURMA. l SCHMIDT CO. V 89, BRAS BASAH ROAD, h RAFFLES HOTEL BUILDING,
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    • 89 8 "COAL KEEPS IMPROVING IN QUALITY with increasing agt\" a scientist tells us. It seems there is no fuel lik* 1 an old fuel And no health inmrance JJk<? the "GAFLAC" ACCIDENT AND AI/I, SICKNESS POLICY. GENERAL ACCIDENT FIRE V LIFE ASSURANCE CORPORATION LTD. (Incorporated in Great Britain) HONGKONG BANK CHAMBERS
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  • 677 9 H.E. BANGS DOOR ON NON -MALAYS No Appointments To Administrative Posts STATEMENT IN FEDERAL COUNCIL "Could Support No Such Proposal" j^I. THOUGH h<? promised to give the matter his "earnest consideration," H.L. the High Commissioner, Sir Shenton l homas at today's Federal Council meeting, dashed the hopes ot hose who
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  • 142 9  -  Sin Chew Jit Poh VITAL DECISIONS AT TOKIO Original Plan In North To Be Enforced Shanghai, Feb. 20. FOUR Important derisions wore mad 1 by the Joint meeting of th > JapanVar Office, the Naval Department an d the Japanese Foreign Office which held on Monday -ions.
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  • 83 9 Croat Interest In Colonial Exhibits London, Feb. 19. 3 re placed at the sh Ind- Fair yesterday, and fa attendance of world buyi i L >ndon and Birmingfigures for last "ions of the Fair were King. This was His 1 1 King's first public enrila acc:ssion
    British Radio  -  83 words
  • 97 9 Lieut-Gen. Sir Walter Kirk New Director-General London, Feb. 20. Walter Kirk has been r-Gen ral of the TerItorial Army In succession to Lieut B nham-Carter who. as 1 d two days ago. has been rnor and CommanderM irr-les the comment is the appointment of Lieu:.--(r 8 at a
    British Radio  -  97 words
  • 65 9 Ten Killed When Police Fire On Demonstrators Carcase, Feb. 20. raJ strike, which has paraFor days, has been called President conceding demands of the demonstrate dismissal of officials »rmer r glme of the late dicGomez. and raising the })IV Tship. Hie Foreign Minister has resigned. rsons died
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 106 9 x <> Chance Of Revival Of Party Government Tokio, Feb. 20. t>tal ol 14.479.553 n ales are en- vote at 14.000 polling-stations fll( Japanese Empire at todays 'fal elections, in which connecWl candldatea will nil 466 seats the House of Representatives. 'tion campaigns going on tor tho «t
    Reuter  -  106 words
  • 33 9 Wellington, Feb. 19 Squadron -Leader MacGregor of air and wartime fame, crashed when landing at the airport here today in Reuter I gale and died of his injuries.-
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 287 9 Three Missing Men Drowned London, Feb. 20AT question time in the House of Commons, the Under Secretary for Air. Sir Philip Sassoon. gave particulars of the accidents in which two RAF. bombers crashed during manoeuvres with the loss of six lives.He said the aircraft in one
    British Radio  -  287 words
  • 142 9 Vigorously Policy To Suppress Practice London, Feb. 19. In the House of Commons Mr. Lunn called attention to the Committee's finding that, while mui tsai in Hong Kong is undesirable, any attempt to stop the practice is doomed to failure. Asked whether the Government accepted
    Reuter  -  142 words
  • 70 9 London, Feb. 20. Road accident figures in Britain last week were 94 killed and 2,784 injured. In the corresponding week of last year the figures were 127 killed and 3,320 injured. The number of killed last week is the lowest since the end of May, 1935.
    British Raido  -  70 words
  • 610 9 SIR ERIC DRUMMOND VISITS MUSSOLINI II Duce Given Precise Details Of Position Rome. Feb. 20. THE British Ambassador yest?rday visited Mussolini and it is understood his abject was to give precise details of the position of the British Red Cross unit in Abyssinia. An appropriation cf
    Reuter  -  610 words
  • 74 9 Hritish Reply To Italy's Protest London, Feb. 20. The British reply to the Italian note of protest against the Mediterranean mutual assistance undertakings has been handed to Signor Grandi. stating that the British position remains as outlined in its memorandum to the League Co-Ordination Committee and no useful
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
      200 words

    • 205 10 By arrangement with the Exchange Telegraph Company, Ltd., the Singapore Free Press is able to offer to its readers this complete and reliable service of commercial news from London, New York and other centres. This is the first occasion on which a newspaper published in Malaya has
      205 words
    • 194 10 Feb. 17 18 19. American Can. Com. 120' 4 120*2 llf% American Telephone and Telelrapn 174 174 173% Atcheson Railroad 75 75 1 4 74?. iapeak 50Vfa Wi 6CM» Dupont 146V 2 H9 1491/2 Firestone 31 30U 29% Genera] Electric 41' 4 41 Cm n. Till Ifol
      194 words
    • 540 10 LONDON AND NEW YORK STOCKS SHARES. I From London, 6p. m. Feb 20 I* New York prices quoted In U.S. currency. The above arc dealers* middle prices; jobbers' margins, brokerage and stamp duty are not included. Share of £1 denomination unless otherwise stated Previously Yesterday Rise or Fall Conversion Loan,
      540 words
    • 193 10 From London 5. 30 p. m. Feb. 20 RUBBER: Dull Buyers Sellers Buyers Sellers. London Spot 7 516d. 7 3 B d. Previous^ 75 16 73 8 d April-June 7 3 B d. 7»>d Previously: 7 3 8 d 7 7 I6d July-Sept. 7« 2 d. 7
      193 words
    • 185 10 British Negotiations With Peru And Denmark London, Feb. 1!). Trade agreements were the subject of a number of questions in the House of Commons yesterday. The Dominions Secretary, Mr. Malcolm MacDonald, stated that in accordance with usual practice the United Kingdom Government had informed the Dominion Governments of
      British Radio  -  185 words
    • 25 10 Mr. Ho Toon Kim, general manager, Kim Seng Company, has returned to his station by train after spending a short holiday at the Cameron Highlands.
      25 words
    • 74 10 From London 5. 30 p. m. Feb. 20 I Lcndon Tin: Dull. Cash: £209 5s Previously: Firm at C2OB 7s 6d Throe months: <J202 15s. Previously: C2Ol 7s 6d New York Tin: 4825 Previously: 47 88 Copper: Settlem nt: <c:^ its gu Previously: c:*s n.s. 6d. Gold:
      74 words
    • 71 10 I London Closing Quotation Feb. 20 Method of Parity before Rate PreCentre Quoting 20-9-31 Yesterday viously Paris Francs to »M 21 U 1111 74a New York to 488 23 4J«% 4 f^l Amsterdam Guilders to 12^1 7 '>(;•, 7 '> 7 i Hong Kong Per dollar h
      71 words
    • 216 10 j Yesterday's Singapore Quotations Feb. 20 SFXLING London, 4 months' sight 2 4 1!8 London. 3 months' sight 243 32 London, 60 days' light 2 4 1 16 London, 30 days' sight 2 4 132 London, demand 2 4 London. T.T. 2 4 Lyon and Paris, demand
      216 words
    • 1064 10 I Fraser and Co.'s List Till KSDAY. FKB. 20, 1H36. MINING Buyers Sellers. Ampat Tin (4s) 5s 9d 6s 3d Asam Kumbang 29s 31s Austral Malay 59s 60s Ayer Hitam (ss) 14s 9d 15s 6d Aycr Weng <$1> 1 (iT'_. 1 77 x.d. Bangrin Tin
      1,064 words
    • 97 10 Id). !0 Bogrtffl SHlors QamMer s.OQ Jim cub- «K>r> H unbun Cube 1075 Whito Mturtofc Pepper 17 25 Black Pepp t uno Coprm, Bandrlc I 5 45 Ci pra, mix. d I «jf> Srnull F'lak(> Tapioca 1 10 R. B. Bh\m No. 1 per koyan inr> Banja
      97 words
    • 54 10 Middlesex £2,500,000 At 3 Per Cent i mi. in. Feb. M, The Middlesex C.mnty Council is issuing at par £2,5000.000 of A per cent redeemable stock to be applied for tht refunding ol 81.10t.M1 of v per cent. stock and for new capital developments sanctioned by the Ministry
      British Radio  -  54 words
    • 61 10 Chamber Of Commerce Rubber Association I J ic b. •:o. hi i i> N-. I x if s;; in c i OH MfflM (icxKi FA in e I 1F.0.8 I No. IX KSS lOOW) ;tw B I Apr f T< rie d M I I v- ibl< Lon 7 5
      61 words
    • 27 10 lon rot ton m win at rim t'i p la d and I B h, attached twelve law i incaihli turing nrma l8 ll
      27 words

  • 3 11
    3 words
  • 618 11 Disposition To Take Profits As They Become Available (From Our London Staff) c "ouse of Commons on foreign i nltl:lted b h y Lansb «'y and contributed to by „„>«. <.eor S e drew attention to the menace of war, was partly responsible. APART
    618 words
  • 594 11 Opened By Rt. Hon. Walter Runciman VIEWS ON FORWARD TRADING London, Feb. 8. |i^R. Walter Runciman, President of the Board of Trade, A officially opened the new Rubber Exchange yesterday at Plantation House, Fenchurch Street. In his address, Mr. Runciman expressed his pleasure at finding the re-exports
    594 words
  • 173 11 Greece Orders From Manchester Manchester is rapidly becoming one :of Britain's most important aeroplanej manufacturing centres. The Greek Government recently placed an order for thirty Avro-Tutor aeroplanes with Messrs. A. V. Roe and Co.. Ltd. of Newton Heath, Manchester, and the firm is so busily engaged on many
    173 words
  • 42 11 Schemes for new road and bridge constructions and improvements, costing £1500,000, are now being put into operation in Lancashire. They are part of the Government's five-year roads plan for which Lancashire has submitted road schemes totalling £10,000,--000.
    42 words
  • 315 11 New High Records Of Production Probable London. THE distribution of the production of iron and steel between the various producing areas reveals, according to the latest official re- 1 turns which deal with November 1 production, that the position of the North-East Coast as the
    315 words
  • 137 11 22,100 More Lancashire Workers Absorbed Compared with It! position a year ago, cotton nas. absorbed 22.100 more Lancashire workers. The towns which return the highest figures in this reduction of unemployment are Preston, Chorley, Blackburn, Bolton, Stockport. Rochdale and Oldham. The latest mil] to resume operations is
    137 words
  • 280 11 Survey Of Dutch Indies Native Areas Now Complete Lewis and Peat's weekly rubber market report dated London, Feb. 4. states The market has been rather quiet during the weel: but values have remained steady with a slightly upward tendency. It is reported from Holland that the survey of
    280 words
  • 211 11 Drop Of 19,000 Tons During January Guthrie and Co., Ltd. in their weekly rubber report dated Singapore, Feb. 20. state: Rumours of stFike troubles in America have caused prices to fluctuate slightly during the last few days. It is not surprising that after the continued rise in
    211 words
  • 71 11 Nanking, Feb. 4. The Executive Yuan at a meeting this morning accepted the resignation of Mr. O. S. Lieu, managing director jof the China Merchants Steam Navij gation Co.. and the present board of i directors. Mr. J. K. Choy. Commissioner of [Finance of Greater Shanghai, is apJ
    71 words
  • 281 11 COUNSEL AND REMOVAL OF HER CHILDREN Hon. Mrs. C. Liddell To Appeal London, Feb. 2. A LLEGATIONS that a wife had "kid- napped" her four children by taking i them away in a motor-car on the excuse of going to bathe, and removed them to the
    281 words
  • 229 11 THE urgent necessity of improving street lighting in Britain, with a view both to promoting greater safety and also facilitating the flow of traffic, is receiving very close attention by public authorities, and some of the latest schemes are of considerable magnitude. What is probably
    229 words
  • 27 11 Mr. V. W. W. S. Purceil on Saturday assumed the duties ot the first magistrate in Ipoh, relieving Mr. C. W. A. Sennett, who goes on furlough.
    27 words
  • 47 11 Mr. L. A. LitTan. the Kxerutive Engineer, Centra) Keduh. will be proceeding on leave on Apr 11. and vull be succeeded by Mr J A T HoinH<\v During hLs tenure of office. Mr I.afTan has been responsible for many i"» provements to the town of Alor Star.
    47 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 150 11 HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. < (Incorporated In the Colony of Hong Kong) I The liability of members Is limited to the extent and in the manner pres- I cribed by Ordinance No. 6 of 1929 of I the Colony. HEAD OFFICE: HONG KONG Authorised Capital $50,000 000 Issued and
      150 words
    • 468 11 CHARTERED BANK )F INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA (Incorporated *in England by Royal Charter) *ald up capital in 600.000 shares of £5 each £3.000,000 Reserve Fund £3.000.000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £3,000.000 HEAD OFFICE I 38. Blshopsgate. London EC 2. Agencies and Branches. \lor Star Ipoh S< marang fcmrltsar Hollo Saigon
      468 words

  • 66 12 Proposal For 1938 Celebration Sydney. Referring to a proposal to invite the Cunard White Star Company to send the Queen Mary on a cruise to Australia for Sydney's sesqui-centenary celebrations in 1938. Sir Samuel Walder. a prominent New South Wales business man, has suggested that
    66 words
    • 254 12 NAVAL TONNAGE AND GUN MAXIMA Next Steps At The Conference i London, Feh. 4. *pHE technical sub-committee w pointed to investigate questions of qualitative limitation met yesterday. It is not expected that there will be a further meeting of th^ First Committee until this sub-committee is In a position to
      254 words
    • 276 12 Proposals Welcomed By Coroner London. Feb. f). Commenting on the report or the Departmental Committee which recommendi drantlc reforms of coroners' courts. Dr. W. H. Davison. the Birmingham city Coroner, says: "It is not surprising there is criticism Probably 40 per cent, of all inquests could be fllirtfnatad
      276 words
    • 186 12 Strange Denizen Of The Sea Seen At Victoria Caiborosaurus has evidently returned to Itl former haunts, says the Victoria Colonist. (British Columbia*). Following the story concerning a rtrange sea monster seen off Metchosm by C. L. Harrison, city prosecutor, and G. H. Deane. city school inspector, recently comes
      186 words
    • 168 12 Death Of Veteran Of Japanese Shipping Lines The death of Captain U S Barstow occurred on Sunday. Feb. 2, in Chinnarmpo. Korea. Captain Barstow. who was in his lat^ seventies, jiad undergone an pperaHon about a year ago but had apparently recovered his health and his
      168 words
    • 223 12 Tender Follows Karlsruhe Round The World Hong Kong. Feb. 14 Much curiosity has been expressed COncernllK IMB ItrgC tanker moored in the Naval Anchorage ji.-ar the visiting! German Cruiser Karlsruhe She is the MiUelmeer This tanker is actually a tender for the new cruiser during h r round-the-
      223 words
    • 83 12 Canton Government Order For Dodwell And Co. Canton. Feb. 9. Dodwell and Co. Ltd. Hong Kor,g. has the order from the Bureau of Public Safety for a police launch to jccsl H.K $50,000 The specification give the length a.s 80 fe t. the width as 11 ft
      83 words
    • 110 12 Owners and masters of shipping are requested to ket?p their vessels as rlear of the range as possible during the gun practice, which will take place from Blakang Matt area on Feb. 24 commencing at 9 :tt) a.m. A re. 2 flag will be flown from Mount Serapong.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 506 12 Local And Foreign Mail Dispatches And Arrivals BY TRAIN Bangkok every Saturday 7 pm. Thursday 7.45 am Alor Star: Mon. to Frl.» 7.45 a.m. Saturday 7.45 a.m. and 7 p.m. Ipo: Weekdays; 7.45 a.m. and 7 p.m. Klang, Kuala Lipls, Port Swettenham. Taiping and Telok Anson: Weekdays* 7pm Kota Bahru,,
      506 words
    • 88 12 VESSELS ARRIVED Toboali. Dut.. 662 tons from Sambas 19. for Bagan 22 Sauerland. Ger., 4.072 tons from Hamburg 19. for Manila 20. Delhi. Swed.. 2.605 tons from Gothenburg 19. for Manila 19 Marnix Van St. Aldeisonde. Dut 11.444 tons from Amsterdam 18. for Batavia 20 Tidore, Dut.. 525 tons from
      88 words
    • 477 12 SINGAPORE HARBOUR Ships alongside thr VfcatJH ur rxjKtu-d to acrtvt Kast Wharf (Kntran.r <..,t,. Planettu :><> Main Ulun (F.ntranrr O*t« Kola 18. Centaur 1 de St Purr.' 11. I Empire l>mk (Rntraficc (...i, City of Bristol 30; v, i linpirc l>tK-k (Kntr.inn <„ Kidderpure 4« Wrst Wharf (Kntr.uur <. 1
      477 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 443 13 BRITISH INDIA P. O. S. N. CO'S SAILINGS, OUTWARDS Tonnage Spure. Dne |S JJ Tonnage Spore. RANCHI 17.000 Feb. 28 SOUDAN fi R nft XyT 1936 C BANGALORE 6 000 Mar 12 RANPORA ,S is May 6 NALDERA 16.000 Mar 13 RAWALPmni 2™° May 8 CARTHAGE 15.000 Ma r 27
      443 words
    • 629 13 (Incorporated in Straits Settlements.) B B ELLERMAN BUCKNALL S.S. Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in England.) "ELLERMAN LINE" FOR UNITED KINGDOM AND CONTINENT VIA PORTS AND SUEZ CANAL ACCEPTING CARGO FOR MONTREAL AND HALIFAX VIA COLOMBO. Slea/iirr Due Sail? CITY OF KIIIOS Havre. London. Rotterdam Hamburg Feb. 29 Mar 2 CITY OF
      629 words
    • 1199 13 SHIPPING THE BLUE FUNNEL LINK (Ocean The ll ua Khiow Steamship C« (lttt) LM Steam Ship Co., Ltd., and China Mutual 1 ii« Cunard V\hite m.»i Ltd Steam Navigation 10, Ltd.) Ihe Sarawak Str*nt»hip Co.. L44. The Straits Steamship Co., Ltd The \u n,t, OHsBStM Line Ltd The China Navication
      1,199 words

  • 405 14 SOLDIER UKMKMBRHK AFTER 18 YEARS Then Happiness Killed Him In A Day j London, Feb. 1. MISSING lor 18 years and given »p| for dead by his relatives, a tidier' suddenly recovered his memory two days ago. He was restored to his rejoicing relatives.
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 705 14 K. P. M. PLANCIUB -Friday, Pftb. 21. Mimtok (passengers and mails only), nat;ivi;i. Bemarang and Suurabaya. SIBKRG Friday, FCb 21, Rhlo, Dalij. Billiton and Batavia TIUORE Friday, Feb. 21. Bclawan-Deli. TOBOAU Saturday, Peb. 22. Ko dap, Tampoetih. Tampat-Tinggi. Ben:alls, Batoe Pandjang and Bagan Si-Api-Api. PATRAS Saturday, Feb. 22. Rhlo <
      705 words
      662 words
    • 434 14 O. S. K. LINT FOR K. AND S. AFRICA ANI> 8. AMERICA t Rio de Janeiro Maru Buemw Aires via Colombo. Durban. Cape Town. Rio de Janeim, Santos .nu] Montevideo 1 a Italy Maru Cape Town via Mombasa. Zanzibar. Dar »s Salaam. L. Marques. Durban Algoa Bay and Mossel Bay
      434 words

  • 1292 15 A. Study In Contrast VIALCOLM MACDONALD AND OLIVER BALDWIN THE sons of Stanley Baldwin, present Prime Minister of England, and Ramsay MacDonald, the exPremier, present a complete contrast to each other. Oliver Baldwin, temperamental, hull soldier of fortune and half social reformer, seems likely
    1,292 words
  • Article, Illustration
    29 15 THE HEAVY snowfall brought the thrills of tobogganing to Hampstcad Heath, London, where many people took advantage of the favourable conditions. A girl tobogganing on one of the slopes.
    29 words
  • 79 15 (From Our Own Correspondent) Scremban, Feb. 17. The Negri Sembilan Club \*ill be shortly holding Open Invitation tennis tournaments as well as competitions confined to members oi the Club. Full particulars will be announced in du,« course. The football season in Negri will commence early in March with
    79 words
  • 17 15 The transfer of Mojor S. Y. Wong. S.S.V.F.. to the S.S.V.F. Reserve of Officers, has been approved.
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  • 971 15 Few Alternations In Construction Of The Stake London, Feb. 11. JT was in 1836 that the lirst Waterloo Cup was run, and tomorrow the centenary meeting is due to be begun. The coursing world on that evening will gather at the Exchange Hotel, Liverpool, when Lord
    971 words
  • 743 15 JACK DOYLE'S TWOFOLD AMBITION Peace With Authority And A Big Name As A Boxer London. I ih. 10. "HA" PETERSEN, voluble pilot and father of heavyweight champion Jack Petersen, will be back from MMJ \.«l paraiso this coming week-end. His South American holiday has been a lons one. and there
    743 words
  • 28 15 Seattle Fob !'i J?REDDIE Miller. featherweight (hen; cording to the Natkmal B I Association, bcai a ot San Francisco on pom: round title fight today
    28 words
  • 96 15 Adopted \l\ Jobore Crickd Club 'From Our Own r t Jollorr ll.iliiii. lit* I > A general meeting Ol the .1 Cricket Club was h. h! In M (Steal Sports Club on Siiuni, i,, Dr Lowson in el The General A |fr. 1 Pepys. wa- d preside
    96 words
  • 23 15 In the Test match in vs. 1 1 beat South Africa I Monday. Grimm* It 1 for 40 in the Boutl AlrftMU innnings.
    23 words
  • 64 15 An international Rugby match between teams representative ul insurjance company stalls of England and I Wales was Dlayed at Swansea Wales won by a droDDtd goal to a penalty goal f or the English team. Woodhouse. who kicked the penalty. Butler. Palmer, and Tippett played well. Gabe
    64 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 43 15 TWO BIG STAGGERING BOUTS IN ONE NIGHT SUNDAY FEBRUARY 23rd at the HEW WORLD ARENA. INSTEAD OF FRIDAY, Feb. 21. \«3L NATORI Jt aime RAPHAEL joe EAGLE VENTURA MARQUEZ MM side Bookings At:— Frankels. Prices, $3, $2, $1 and 50 cents. (Nq increase).
      43 words
    • 38 15 IF YOUR BATTERY COULC SPEAK, IT WOULD SAY CHANGE TO IN "***s, 1 m i They spark when others can I ind make starting easier MRMMTVOBI PtM MAI BORNEO MOTORS LTD. Rem"mb°r ASK FOR THt ENGLISH AC.
      38 words

  • 696 16 Players Who Work Just For 9 Goals And Points London, Feb. 10. \/Ol would think that soccer games in which teams among the promotion "possibles" are concerned would be the Kames to watch, would you not And what a disappointment you would get,
    696 words
  • 149 16 Eight Arrive In Singapore By P. and O. Somali The eight EriLlish and French geldings and fillic. .1 ived in Singapore on Monday by the P. and O. Somali and. alter veterinary examination. were taken to the Singapore Turf Club's stables at Bukit Timah. The batch travelled throughout
    149 words
  • Article, Illustration
    31 16 COLONEL GOSLING, Master of the Essex Hounds, making a presentati v tr. Mr. Newman Gilbev on the occasion of his golden wedding, when a meet was held at Mr. Gilbey's house.
    31 words
  • 35 16 The following ai\ the results of yesterday'a ties In the Tanglin Club Squash rackets competitions: Batemah Cud: Lt. Home beat Prentis 2, 9-0. 9—l. New Cup: Henman b at Penrice 9—3. 9-4.
    35 words
  • 394 16 Scotsmen Displeased Britain's Wealth Of With Selections QUALIFICA TION CLAUSE "STRETCHED" London, Feb. 11. THE choice hy Scotland's Rugby selectors of R. J. Whitworth. of Sussex, mystifies some of my Scottish readers. They see no cause for such "stretching" of the qualification clause, writes Geoffrey Simpson. Says one: "If Scotland
    394 words
  • 33 16 OELANGOR have now decided to adopt the new lbw. rule. The announcement is contained in a letter received from the Selangor committee yesterday by the Convenor of the S.C.C.
    33 words
  • 296 16 i 20,000 PLAYERS IN NORTH KENT London, Feb. 11. CMALL news items are often signi*J ficant writes Geoffrey Simpson In the Daily Mail. One such message reached m^ yesterday. It said: "A lawn tennis league is to be formed in North Kent." Nothing to ihakfl v sporting
    296 words
  • 25 16 c London, Feb. 20. Second Division Leicester 1. Bury 2. c Sheffield United 1. Blackpool 0 Hull 2. Bradford City 5. !s Reuter.
    25 words
  • 28 16 m The promotion of Lieutenant A J Pharoah to the rank of Captain on S completion of eight years' commissioned service as Quartermaster, SSVF S has been approved.
    28 words
  • 264 16 AIRMEN'S SPORTS SUCCESSES Resuli OI The Cross Country Run THE enthusiasm of the Royal Air Force. Singapore, In the matter of sport is well illustrated in iwo sports bulletins issued on Wednesday. These bulletins cover progress i-i many fields. The records for the rugby season to date are u roUows
    264 words
  • 156 16 The following art the teams lor the President vs. Vice-President match to be played at Kcppel Golf Club on Sunday. Feb. 23. The Pr. sidcnt players mentioned first: FOUR BALL FOURSOME a.m. 850 F. Starr and W. Griffiths vs H Fancott and J. VV. Machan. 8.55 A. Wolf:
    156 words
  • 724 16 Cambridge Enjoy Their Rowing OF GREAT PROMISE ALREADY London. Feb. 10. pAMBKIIHiE naihrd tl>. of the second M t^i- <>i n,,,, Boat Race training on s.itm.: when Squadron Leader ||«i: finished his tlurc \\«»k^ coach. The crow rnu.-d th»ir tc-'^ck trial, and the DO I this
    724 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 47 16 lOvm^K^^^l I*^^ 111 and there's no work attached to it. Gas water heaters are automatic. Ask for details of the new gas water heater at the Showrooms. There's one to meet your needs reliable, economical, certain. PHONE 5101- MUNICIPAL GAS DEPARTMENT, MUNICIPAL BLDG., COLEMAN STREET. W.S. 32
      47 words