The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 23 September 1935

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 17 1 The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS. NO. 14,686. KSTI> 1835 MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 23. 1935 10 CENTS
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  • 356 1 WELL-KNOWN JOHORE RUGBY FOOTBALLER Stepped To Death From Train After Returning From State Trial Match I BODY FOUND ON LINE I A FTER playing in the first B>?te Rugby trial in Johore at Rengam on rt Saturday. Mr. C. G. D. Williamson, secretary of
    British Radio  -  356 words
  • 267 1 Emperor's Troops Getting Out Of Hand EXTREME STEP TAKEN BY NORTHERN ARMY COMMANDERS THOUGH Italy has rejected tbe Committee el Ffae'i proposals meeeegee from Rome indicate that she thm not consider the step as final and may possibly make counter-proposals. The effect m Abyssinia, however, has been ver> great. There
    Reuter  -  267 words
  • 116 1 On Schedule For Cape Flight Cairo* Sept. ii. pAMPBELL Black landed at Almaza aerodrome at 3.20 G.M.T. Accompanied by a co-pilot and Wireless operator. J. H yf: Arthur, he took oIT from Hatfield on Saturday evening m an Attempt at a record flight to the Capo
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  • 118 1 Three Killed And Three Women Wounded Shanghai, Sept. 21. T!HE Pao Feng was pirated by 12 men who disclosed themselves at 7.15 p.m. on Thursday just as the vessel passed Woosung. Th^ey seized control of the ship after billing a soldier, a coolie, and a constable, and
    Reuter  -  118 words
  • 151 1 TTHE torpedo-boat destroyers Daring and Diamond arrived m Singapore on Saturday to join the two destroyers! already here. Dainty and Duchess. Yesterday afternoon all four vessels! left port. The aircraft-carrier Hermes and the two cruisers. Cornwall and j Berwick, si ill remain. All Chinese servants teinpjrarilv engaged
    Reuter Wireless  -  151 words
  • 122 1 Large-Scale Army Manoeuvres In Britain London, Sept. ?L FOUR infantry divisions, four tank battalions, two cavalry brigades and eight air squadrons are engaged In army manoeuvres which began last night and which are the first large-scale manoeuvres since 1925. Tbe area oi operations, which lies between Aldershot. Salisbury and Southampton,
    Reuter Wireless  -  122 words
  • 45 1 London. Sept. HI The increasing demand for books m Braille has necessitated the rebuilding of part of the National Library for the Blind which has just been completed. The library contains 185,000 volumes and supplies 11.000 readers. Last year over 314,000 volumes were issued.British Radio
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  • 71 1 Frightful Solo Journey London. Sept. S8« A TRANS- ATLANTIC solo flight was accomplished today by an American Felix Vaitkus. He left Floyd Bennett field. Long Island, at 6.45 a.m. local time yesterday morning with the aim of reaching Lithuania non-stop. After a frightful journey of 22 hours
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  • 50 1 Germany Hands Over Jew To Swiss Authorities Berne, Sept. S3. Tho kidnapped German Jewish jour- j nalist. Bert hold Jacob, has been handed over to the Swiss authorities'] following the German-Swiss agreement 1 on the matter. Jacob will be taken to the French frontier and expelled from Switzerland
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  • 37 1 MISSING DUTCH PLANE FOUND Made Forced Landing i Rangoon. Sept. 21. T*HE missing Dutch survey plane has been found at Xgaputaw. 15 miles south of Basvein where it made a forced landing. The crew are safe. Router.
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  • 81 1 Rubber Improves On Better Technical Position London, Sept. 18. The St oek Exchange today generally remained m a state of uncertainty, though m the latter part of the day the sentiment appeared somewhat brighter. Gilt-edged Securities particularly recovery earlier losses. Cotton ruled hrm on speculative ouy- ing induced
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  • 67 1 Duke Of Gloucester To Wed On November 6 London. Sept. 21. Tho wedding Of the Duke of Glouces- ter and Lady Alice Scott has been officially fixed tor Westminster Abbey on Nov. 6— Reuter. A Privy Council meeting wiil bo hold alter the King's return to London next
    British Radio  -  67 words
  • 38 1 Ranee Of Sarawak Passenger On Imperial Plane Bangkok. Sept. 22. The eastbound Imperial Airways linei arrived here this evening, one day late having left Akyab m the morning. The Ranee of Sarawak is a passenger
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  • 89 1 "Vital Rights And Interests Of Italy" 1. 0n 1 1.. 1 1 Sept. 21. Developments today m connection with the Italo- Abyssinian dispute included meetings of the Fre no h and Italian cabinets. At Rom. Signor Mussolini and hil ministers considered the report of the League Council's sub-committee
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  • 418 1 Italy Prepared To Negotiate For lietter Terms tieneva, Sept. 21 Aloisi \plain«d to Senor Mad riaga today that the Rome oommuni que should not be taken as a Hat r» fusal of the proposals of the- Com mittee of Five This implies that Itah i prepared
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 106 1 flTFGodlunrs Scots tflhisky Mt,, *»d Friendly S,,iril ra_j>^'mt'^^^*m^~- —y^ :—r**S .^'-SmM^ J^^u jft^MJH^i^a&nMPaaJV"*^^ _M ▼_l w Pl^^S _4n\ S M^^^B TIT w TONIGHT NEXT SATURDAY COCKTAIL DANCE GRAND MOVIE to /"itTurF BALL CABARET DINNER DANCE 1N AID OF silver jubilee informal) 9.30 to midnight FUND. VALLABLE nBBWJ THF BEST COSTUMES
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    • 127 1 r Scots (i}hvi\iy .1 M»-!l«m _>1 Irt* txll«| S*rrt L PTHIS WEEK lAL DINNER DANCE DANCE MUSIC BY THE RELLER BAND =1 ADELPHI TUESDAY HOTEL THURSDAY DINNER MUSIC 8 9 p.m. DANCE 9 12 Midnight Dinner *3 00 No After Dinner Ad Charfr THE ROTARY CLUB OF SINGAPORE MEETS WEDNESDAY
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  • 239 2 No Business Was Brought Up Penang, Sept. 18. ■"THE half-yearly general meeting ot the Penang Posts and Telegraphs Co-operative Thrift and Lcir. Society. Ltd.. was held m the Controller's Office. General Post Office, yesterday evening. Mr. E. A. Staines, the Controller of Posts and Telegraphs, was m
    Reuter Wireless  -  239 words
  • 33 2 Payment of suitable bonuses to tin touring South African cricketers wa strongly recommended by Mr. S. J. Pitt when he presided at the annual meet Ing of the South African Association a Johannesburg.
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  • Article, Illustration
    25 2 NOEL COWARD with Julie Haydon m "The Scoundrel." opening at the Pavilion tomorrow. This is the first film that Noel Coward has ever appeared m.
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  • 232 2 The programme ol drills up to and for week ending Sept.. 29 is as follows: Today Monday 5.15 p.m., Headquarters SRA. 'V-. Lecture; s.fc.E. Blocks and Tackle: S.F.C.R.E. Malay Sections. Drill: "E" Coy 1 and 2 Pi. Teams. 30 yards range. Tuesday, 5.15 p.m.. Headquarters, "A" (M.G.) Coy.
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  • 28 2 Before Mt. Justice Gordon-Smith at 11 a.m. Summonses-in-Chambers and Originating Summonses. At 11.15 a.m. m Ute 3rd Court: Motions and 2 Originating Summonses.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 69 2 AGONISING PILES. there v ao need to suffer this distress! ni ifflicuon. One tube of DR. VAN VLECK'S PLASMA will relieve you of all painful •welling and inflammation. Results an amasing. It sacceeds m most obstinate cases Simple to use and certain m its curative actioa. U3 tl Stock by
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    • 696 2 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICES. Re ENG KIAT ANN otherwise known as CHOP YONG KIAT ANN POON KEE. Bankruptcy No. 305 of 1935. The Official Assignee is prepared to consider oilers for the purchase of the stock-in-trade including furniture and fittings of the above firm at Nos. 487. 489 and 420. North
      696 words
    • 551 2 HAtMAGON. scientific Combination of Nature's MINERAL COMPOI" NDS Nourishes and maintains the full functions of all the cells and tissues of the body Increases mental and physical vigour and corrects many disorders of the nerves and digestive systems MEDICAL HALL LIMITED. CHEMISTS. BOARD RESIDENCE. KATONG GRANGE Excellent position on Sea
      551 words
    • 478 2 vtbc Jfrec press iiead Office: Cecil Street. M 0**,,,,,, Phone 5471 15 extension* to aU d*oan«. TH: Tune* s.^Jgl 9 1 Kuala Lumpur Office: 25. Java Street Phone: JbH.: London Office: B.cY erl Slr Phone: Central Ittt-V4 Td: "Lcadmala SUBSCRIPTION RAIL Within OuUic Malay 1 k Monthly I SOO I
      478 words
  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 177 2 Diary Of The Week MONDAY, SEPT. 23 High Water, 9 3 a.m. 7.3 ft. 8.3 p.m.! 7 8 It. Football Wilts vs R.A.F. Second round S.A.F.A. Challenge Cup. AnI >n Road Stadium. 5.15 pm. Hockey S.C.R.C. vs. Colts. S.C.R.C. ground. TUESDAY, SEPT 21 High Water. 9.43 a.m. 7 8 ft..
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    • 271 2 Today 's Ra di o Programm es Singapore ZHI (Owned and operated by Radio Service Co. of Malaya Ltd.) Wavelength 49.9 metres 6 p.m. Recorded music. 6.45 News bulletin supplied by Straits Times. 7 Relay ot concert artistes from Tomhnson Hall: Mrs. 11. Witte— Songs. O Margarita from Faust (Gounod*
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    • 63 2 9.50 Close down. Berlin— DJA, DJB and DJQ Wavelengths— 3!. 3B. 19.74 and 19.63 8.20 Opening announcement. 8.35 "The Last Rose of Summer." I musical radio Revue. 9.05 News m English and In Dutch. 9.20 Concert oi march tunes. 10.20 Dance songs. 10.35 News m German. 10.50 Current events. 11.00
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  • 3237 3 Need For Continuity Of A Declared Government Policy MR. FOOTNER~XFT^r CONFERENCE m m ———————m—m^_________ (From Our Own Correspondent) H°; T ,y t privau £LZ Si H m*i»cu u> Mr. v. L. Footner m a lecture ,4 A Till, on Cameron Highlands" at the nual conference of
    3,237 words
  • 448 3 Alleged Ruse To Cheat A Parson Penang. Sept. 19. ingenious ruse to cheat thc Rev. E. T. Loader, of the St. George's Church, was alleged to have been made by W. C. Fredericks, who was recently released from thc Penang Prisons after having served his sentence on charges
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  • 83 3 Programme For Tomorrow's Performance The Regimental Band, under Mr. W. Atkins. A.R.C.M.. by kind permission if Major R. Evelyn Smith and the; d Ulcers. Ist. Bn. the Wiltshire Regiment, will perform the following programme of music at the Botanical hardens tomorrow at 5.15 p.m. March. Royal Standard. Keith.
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  • 156 3 Death By Accidental Fall London. Sept. It. A verdict o: accidental death was returned at the inquest at Southwark yesterday on Mr. Walter Gautry. aged 37. of Avondale Square. Old Kent Road. porter at the 8.8.C. Ho weighed 22 stones, and was popularly known as "Tubby." He
    156 words
  • Article, Illustration
    260 3 Fired Point Blank Vl Leaping Brute Ipoh, Sept. 19. A fine specimen of a male tiger measuring over eight feet and' weighing about 180 katies. was bagged!, m tho jungle ofl Gopeng Road onj| Tuesday, at about 4.30 p.m. by Mr. Chong Hup Soon of the Kinta Tin.
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  • 112 3 The Manufacture Of Switch*, ear A new industry is to be started m Cardiff which, it li hoped, will eventually employ between 000 and 750 persona Mr. G. L\ Whitehead, inventor of oilpressure swltchgear and the "Whitehead" isolation principle, i.s at the head' oi the venture. Tho
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  • 100 3 Contest For Singapore English Schools The Singapore Anti-Opium Society will hold an oratorical contest for pupils of English schools m Singapore on the subject "Why The Opium Habit Is Harmful" on Friday. Sept. 27 at 4.30 pm. m the Victoria Theatre. Mr. H. R. Cheeseman. Inspector ot Schools,
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  • 159 3 Tho following index numbers represent the estimated monthly traffic receipts of Cable and Wireless Ltd.. as related to comparable traffic m the year 1929. Monthly figures reduced to working day average. Working day average of comparable receipts, year 1929 100 11)30 1931 1932 1933 1H34 193. r >
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  • 569 3 Staying Willi The Sultan HEIR-APPARENT TO THE oMA win n: raja Kuala Kangsar, Sept. 18. AN interesting visitor to Perak this week will be His Highness the Tuan Muda of Sarawak, who is expected at Kuala Kangsar, where he will be the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 50 3 WIRE NEI TING FENCING Maker and repairer of rattan and Bertani Chicks, Canvas and Spring Blinds. Tarpaulins. Tents, Bags, Blue Screens, Bertam Panels. Wire Netting Fencing, Wool buntings and Flags. ABDUL RAHMAN, Telephone 2454. Office: <>G, Robinson Road, Opposite Telegraph Co.> Workshop:— l7-A, Joo Chiat Place, Singapore. Orders Promptly Executed.
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    • 46 3 Dr D. B. Blacklock. Professor of Tropical Hygiene, at the University ofl Liverpool and Mrs. Blacklock, Curator Of the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine Museum, arrived at Klang on Friday and were with Dr. Barclay Barrowman until Saturday, when they proceeded to Kuala Lumpur and Ipoh.
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    • 95 3 Vr^ae.a/^ r -^rJmmm-mmmmJmm^ ill™ PERMANENC 1 j T)BRMANENT the durability mi JU I L ileal. Yet beautiful aa the patterned .Mini lljAl cailinga of oldpalacra. And lafc rm— lII W^A btlit> of iSt»«- mrnj. ing < ra< ki _►< h pU*««v develop*. That ia Wunderlirh. f 1 \J L»**
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  • 1469 4  - EMANCIPATION OF WOMEN IN TURKEY GLADYS BAKER Interview With Leading Feminist BY UTfAMAL ATATURK. President of *■*> Turkey, has done more for women during the twelve years of his regime than would have been accomplished m six centuries of natural evolution under the old Turk' yY leading feminist, Esma Nai
    Free Press  -  1,469 words
  • 293 4 London. pROWDS watched a man here falling helplessly to the ground from the wing of an air liner 1.200 feet up. Above him trailed his useless parachute only hali-open. He struggled frantically to opep it as he fell. But it was m vain. Tall trees
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  • 190 4 SPLIT NOTE First Case Of Its Kind In England London. Sept. It. The man who split a 1 note is still unknown to the police. At the Old Bailey yesterday John McCabe. a cab washer, of Catford. was found guilty of uttering one of thei halves, but a police officer
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  • 1092 4 Important Films To Go Into PRODU CTION Britain On The Screen London. CM. WOOLF. a pioneer of British films, who resigned last year from the post oi deputy Chairman and joint managing director of the Gaumont-Brithh Picture Corpora- tion. lias been appointed managing director of British and Domin ons Films,
    1,092 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 78 4 IMesiMadeYoung Vigour Increased In 24 Hours I V" 1 f el 'l »>efore your time, snd »'•»•<* to enjoy the pleaawee: of youth. I*! V.'- KlKon'i VI-Tahs and restore Vur Manhcod, Vitality an.l Energy. reaulta In t\ hours. \>r. Nixon'e ZL. 1 ar n w dleeovery and soar* eatoed to
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 130 5 I <udi^^ na I A 1» mt9 I I J> *%m \_flh lS_^m_* *"*f mmWCWt mmm A^^^^^Wmmmm^mmm mLm^mfmm\^m^m I f t 'f';Y_m_*T jjg)fiH^vj^*ffiflß--i- r'~t—mm. v mwrnLfer IV' m. jEw^ Bfr%"lKj>A mmV*'*~*^Gm\*' dBSO lm f*m Designed last 77ic AUS TIN ten-four Thiv Ten-tour, lour dtwir salo<«n is undoutitedlx i»i«- mot |o|»ti
      130 words

  • 1031 6 FIGHT TO RESTORE PLANTERS' SALARY CUTS Technical Education Scheme PLAN FOR AN EMPLOYMENT PANEL (From Our Special Correspondent)! IN addressing the half-yearly meetIng of the Incorporated Society Of Planters here today, the chair- 1 man. Mr. W. Leggatt, said that the work of the half-year had been mainly 1. The
    1,031 words
  • 264 6 Residents Alarmed m— INSPECTOR 3 TROUSERS SE 7 ON FIRE Penang. Sept. 19. PENANG'S "Invisible Man" whose haunt m the vicinity of Patani Road has been causing some alarm to the residents, seems to be on the prowl again. Apparently overcome by modesty at the
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  • 372 6 Sets New Fashion In Shoes Budapest, Sept. 14. THE Prince of Wales, stepping on to the platform here today after a two day's train journey from Cannes, started a new men's fashion black-and-white sports shoes. They were the first things that Budapest noticed Within half
    372 words
  • 67 6 London. Srpi Miss Nor. Henderson sued five, shop assistant, ol Road. Woodhouue. near awarded 1.250 breai mages at Sheffield Sheriff*! C Iterduy auainst the nan vh alleged to be th. :.r.h. uirls. The man. Cyril Robert v> ll ling engineer, ol Mam Road I I Sheffield, who
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 496 6 I HAVE YOU HEARD g^S I THE NEWS j sV Jm)! PEPSODENT 1 TOOTHPASTE 1^IS SELLING AT A Jj£ NEW LOW PRICE X J9 Now everyone can afford this S^r Scientific Film -removing Tooth Paste This announcement is vitally important I H to everybody who wants clean, lovely AT TLje
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  • 297 7 t Tamils Fight Hard But Lose I—o irTom our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Sept *>1 ALTHOUGH there wa. he^y this afternoon the Stadium ground remained m -ood condition when lhe teams took the field for the Selangor Cup hna] between the Tamils and the
    297 words
  • 144 7 Penang vAnu A n Team's Rugger Victory (I From Our Own Correspondent > Penang, Sept. 21. In a scrappy Rugby game Penang A beat Taiping by 8 points (a goai and a try I to 6 points two tries I Taiping were two men short and had the
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  • 111 7  -  Choon Leong, Kee Chee The following will represent S.C.R.C. m the undermentioned games: Against Colts today at S.C.R.C— Cheok Wah. Tiang Seng. Evan Wong. Boon Gim. Kee Siang. Choo Beng Kee Pow. Gim Lock. Chong Sen?, Kee Tian. Geo Lee. Reserves Choon Lin. Teng Chew Chim Bock. Against
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  • 29 7 Mrs. Glenna Collett Vare won the American Somen's golf championship! for the sixth time when m the final she defeated Miss Patty Berg. Hopkins <Minne>, by 3 to 2.
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  • 776 7 PENANG CHAMPION SOUNDLY BEATEN Boxing 1 Ventura Marquez Cheered By I Large Crowd /CONTRARY to expectations; Saturday night's programme of boxing at the New World Stadium proved of absorbing interest. Mr. Bertie Bell, the promoter, has certainly picked a winner m Ventura Marquez, a Mexican boxer with a pleasing style,
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  • 312 7 80 Yards Backstroke Time I Smashed QNE record was broken at the sixth annual swimming carnival of Anglo-Chinese School held on Saturday at the V.M.C.A. pool at Fort Canning. This was m the 80 yards backstroke event which was swum by Yeo Jui Mok. who proved to
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 428 7 JOAN'S WHISPER TO 808 wai a bedtime lory compared lo what GENEVIEVE told WARREN m this Saucy Picture! Last Night's crowds simply roared at this snappy comedy! TONIGHT 9.1 s |C A PITOL Positively The LAST NIGHT owing to engagement of LONG TACK SAM REVUE Co., TOMORROW. t Warner Bros',
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  • 64 8 DOMESTIC OCCURRENCES DEATH. KHOO. -Khoo Peck Lock, passed away i at No. 46 East Coast Road. Singapore, at 1 a.m. on Sept. 20. 1935. aged 46. Deeply regretted by his loving wife Ong Boey ;Neo and three daughters. No banners jand scrolls Cortege leaves No. 46 East I Coast Road
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  • 407 8 The Singapore Free Press MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 23, 1935 China And The League JIfITUCH sympathy will have been felt with the views put forward last week by the Chinese Minister, m his broadcast speech from Geneva, m support of China's claim to a seat on the League Council. The Minister's arguments
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  • 281 8 A STRIKING example of how closely all the countries of the world are bound together, economically even if not politically, was j afforded by the week-end reports on the fluctuations of the world's financial markets. Failing a peaceful i solution of the Italo-Abyssinian disI pute, food prices throughout
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  • 403 8 Mr. W A. Kirk. Executive Engineer. PW D ha.s left for home on leave. Mr F. Hutchinson. European Warder. Prisons. Straits Settlements, has been seconded for service m Johore. Mr. If. B Mathews has been appointed acting Agent of the Kuala Lumpur office of the Hong Kong
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  • 55 8 Manslaughter Charge Withdrawn Toronto, Sept. 20 The magistrates have dismissed the charge of manslaughter against Mulqueeny and Davis —Reuter Mulqueeny. the pilot, and Davis a parachutist, were charged on Sept 17 with the manslaughter of Len Koenecke. the baseball player, follow'ng a fight m a plane m
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  • 651 8 TTHE name ol John Maseiield. thc Poet Laureate, is prominent m a "social register" of Greenwich Village, the artistic colony of New York, which has just appeared. Other famous names m the publication, which lists about a hundred famous Bohemians, past and present, who have lived
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  • 923 8 my friend Prantlook Lan .er has writ- ten story about I vendor ol dreams He is an old nian Who buys folks 1 dreams trom them m the marring and sells them back to them at night so that they have OOtnethlnf to dream These dreams are described
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 51 8 A USED CAR SHOW was recently held. It is gratifying to think, also, that used pedestrians are often patched up to be almost as good as new, J I particularly if they happen to have a "GAFLAC" ACCIDENT POLICY. GENERAL ACCIDENT. FIRE LIFE ASSURANCE CORPORATION. LTD. Hongkong Bank Chambers. Telephone
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  • 415 9 "Government Should Control Supplies RETIRED CHICAGO BUSINESS MAN INTERVIEWED "QOVERNMEST should control munitions and food supplies •f not. profiteering is bound to occur m case of a new war ,n Europe." declared Mr. Charles T. Atkinson, retired secretary of the Chicago Stock Exchange, m
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  • 106 9 Screamingly Funny Comedy At The Capitol 'Goodbye Again." Warner Bros.' screamingly funny screen comedy, was ntroduced at yesterday's change of programme at the Capitol Theatre and attracted large audiences to all three performances. Joan Blondell. Genevieve Tobin. Warren William ar.c Hugh Herbert are Lhe principals In this side-splitting
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  • 39 9 London, Sept. 22. The total amount applied for m tenders for .€45,000.000 treasury bill* was .£65.165,000. The average rate per for bills at three months was 10 6.58 d. against 10 702 a week ago British Radio.
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  • 268 9 To Visit 17 Ports In 160 Days I A party ol 19 English people, organised by the Workers' Travel Association of London, is making a round-the-world tour m the American liner. President Johnson which arrived Singapore yesterday. This is believed to be the first
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  • 231 9 Sudden Death Of Singapore Priest REV. FR. LOUIS BURGHOFFER 'T'HE Rev. Fr. Louis Bury hotter. Mis. Ap., Vicar of the Church of Our Lady of Lourdes. Singapore, died suddenly at the parish horn? at Ophir Road yesterday evening. Fr. Burghoffer was one of the old >it residents of Singapore. He
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  • 352 9 Mr. T. V. Soong Discusses Monetary Revision With Sir Frederick Leith-Ross, f Shanghai, Sept. 22. SIR Frederick Leith-Ross, British economic actviser. arrived m Shanghai trom Tokio yesterday. Mr. T. V. Soong. head of the National Economic Council, has made arrangements to meet Sir Frederick
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  • 214 9 "BETTER FOR CHINA TO STAY OUT OF LEAGUE" Dr. Sun Fo's Strong Words Shanghai. Sept. 22. INTERVIEWING pressmen yesterday. Sun Fo. President of the Legislative Yuan, expressed his opinion that it was useless for China to secure a seat ln the executive council of the League of Nations, which Is
    Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  214 words
  • 36 9 London. Sept. 'Zl. A firm of London motor distributors has placed an order for 20.000 cars and chassis with Morris Motors— the largest singl e order ever booked by the manufacturers. British Radio.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 46 9 a^^A k y_^_^m^^^^^^^^^^^^^^mmt_r' F TIFFIN $1.00 Potase Cressoniere Fish a la Menagere Roas-t Loin of Beef Yorkshire Pudding Cabbage Pomme Chateau Cold Meat Salad Vanilla Ice Cream Cheese, Fruit, Coffee. TRY OUR SPECIALITIES _>.. LOBSTER FRESH cSb BAKED ALASKA A CHOICE lOF OVER 100 OTHER DISHES. PHOrsT^49o6.
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    • 228 9 *_^_^_^_m P^^^fl B^tffl S/'/ent l j^ ■■> s^^ NC3 8 6.864 _m*4B**-mmmmmm*~*-mmm\ BkS m_^_\\ Wm^>mmmm%. S»i,''S l^ i^. 1 >^*S_ __________________W^_^_mmmmmmmmmm^**^^ mmm\ m Jf^ r^^9 JL *^U rtTaTWirj'jta iMMMf^n b9k_v > -^t^aa V MmM m^L^m *^«Hito PRICES FROM $35.00 EACH SOLE AGENTS: ROBINSON CO., LTD. SINGAPORE m— mm i i~—^—
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    • 1493 10 New Employment Record TEA SHARES RISE WITH PRODUCE PRICES (From the Free Press Correspondent) London, Sept. 12. lI7ITH the latest turn of events m the Italo-Abyssinian crisis, W the London stock and commodity markets have become unsettled again this week. Business had been dull and the
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    • 411 10 4 PER CENT. FINAL RECOMMENDED THE 25th report of the directors of The Sungei Bagan Rubber Co. Ltd. for j presentation to shareholders at the annual meeting at the Chartered Bank Chambers. Singapore on Monday Sept. 30. states-: Your directors beg to submit their annual report together
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    • 98 10 During the week ending Scot. 14. exports of tinned pineapple, from Malayan ports amounted to 16.339 cases of which: 14.750 (90 per cent) cases were to the United Kingdom. 150 1 1 per cent. cases to Continental countries. 233 <2 per cent.) cases to Canada, and 1.206 <7
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    • 97 10 Chamber Of Commerce Rubber Association Sept. 21, II o'clock noon Buyers Sellers No. I. X. R.S.S. m cases (F. 0.8. September I 19 19U Good F.A.Q. m cases F. 0.8. September* 18 1116 18 13 16 No. I. X. H.S.S. < spotloose (awardable Singapore I 19 19' a October 19'
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    • 433 10 MEAT Singapore, Sept. 20. Beef steak Kati 38 Beef stew or curry do 31 Fillet steak lh. 55 Mutton. Australian do 36 Pork, lean Kati 42 Forw lean and fat < Ist quality* do 32 POULTRY Capons 'locally reared' do M Ducks each 45 Hens 1 locally
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    • 69 10 Singapore Produce Prices Buxerv *e\\rt* Gambit r Java Cube Ham bur t: Cube Muntok White PtpfM 1 Ccpra. Sundried Copra, mixed Small Flake ToplOl R.B. Si am No. 1 per fe Ban.ia MoOOBI Sarawak MotOII R Siarn I W C N Rice. Saigon Al Rice. Saigon No 1 Rice. Saigon
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    • 88 10 Sepi :i Sh» 11 and Fish KOffOOl per Unit ol 2 4-fallon liH Crown. Cross and Dragon Kerosene per Vv.'.' 2 x 4-gallon tins x Shall Motor Spiri* ex poi per British Im; Gallon Shell Motor Qptrti gallon drums per Brr.-* Imperial Gallon Shell Aviation Spirit
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    • 97 10 Sept 1" American Can Com 141 Americon Tetepb and Telegraph I 1 Atcheson Railroad 51 Chesapeak Dupont Plrestone I4?i General Electric 33' i General Motors 45' Goodrich 3oodyear If Inter-Telephone and Telegraph 10 National City Bank 27' New York Central Railroad Pennsylvania R'road 28 Ftadio Corporation 7 H
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    • 1067 10 SATURDAY. SEPT. 21. 1935 MINING Buyers Seller.. Ayer Weng ($1) I; «2 rh Eangrin Tin <£) 1»* 6s 20s 6d Batu Selangor ($1) Chendcriang 10s Hitam Tin 50 Cta.) 47 .51 Hong Fatts «$1) 50 .W Hong Kong Tin (ss) 12s 6d 13s 3d Idris Hyds. (sg>
      1,067 words

  • 1058 11  -  Ely Culbertson by J World's Champion Player And Greates( Curd Analyst FAMILIAR HAND f N the hand belt w thc bidding was I clearly influenced by the partjocore of 40 and the final contract; was not the best j spot m which to try for game. At
    1,058 words
  • 225 11 London. Sept. 12. Day alter day a slim, iairhaired woman of twenty-two sits with her two-year-old daughter at the corner table of a little Italian restaurant m Boho waiting for a telephone call, but hoping it will not come. It it comes it will summon her to
    225 words
  • 153 11 Incorporated In tne Colony of Hong K'»ng» The liability of members Is limited to the extent and m the manner prescribed hy Ordinance No c of 1029 ct the Colony. lIFAD oil ie 1: horn; gone Authorised Capital £50. 000. '100 Issued and tally paid
    153 words
  • 62 11 Leyland Motors. Ltd., ol Leyland. Lancashire, have received orders tor two complete rall-cai units for the Buenos Aires Pacific Railway Company, and lor tour similar units for anoher South American Railway, da Mogyane Estradas De Ferro. Increasing ncitivPy m all-metal body buildiim iit the Leyland works necessitates the
    62 words
  • 116 11 OF INDIA. \ISTR\LI\ AND 'Ills. 'Incorporated m England Royal Charter -'aid up UMtai a. Mm KIO shares ot Cg OtAMi Reserve Fund <)r Reserve UobtUt Proprietors <_ HEAD fM I X I 38 Bishopsgate „<;>;.;•( AMKfte* and Itrm, he*. Alor Star Doll Amrit.s.,; _p,, f s i Bangkok
    116 words
  • 198 11 Capita- Louooum. Bobocrtbed isooooo p aid up 1050 000 Reserve rand ond 1 1.247.930 BOARD Ol DIRFCIORS *lr Thorn; s Catte Bart. Chairmar. 51r Chortei Alexander Innes KCU Sir Thomas Smith X' P. R. Chalmers Esq Charles J Hambro Lm, Sir C C Barrie. KB!
    198 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 122 11 mmi^mmmmmmmmmmmm^mmmm^mmKm^mmmmmmmmm^mmmmmmmmmmmm^m^mmm^mmmmmmmmmm Bl STANDARD LIFE URANCE COMPANY VERSIONARY MPOUND BONUS 21 PER Rs. 1,000 [-utive year the Standard has declared the above Not only has the Standard maintained its riod of the recent world-wide financial troubles ithout m any way weakening its basis of valuaemploys the most stringent basis of valuation
      122 words
    • 176 11 THE YOKOHAMA SPECIF I BANK, LTD. •I itthOd japitai Roboortboi Pol > paid up. YluOouo..*, teoorvo Pbnd President K. Kod Esq Vice-Presidein t Okubo 1 Head Oflice YOKOHAMA Sinsspore Branches MEYER CHAMBERS RAFFLES PLA< I LONDON BANKERS Westminster Bank. Lta The National i*ro\inclal Bar a to l.lovd's Bunk Ltr! BRANCHES
      176 words

  • 660 12 i 1,000 IN TWO SEA MISHAPS Doric Passengers Transferred I London, Sept. 10. MORE than 1,100 British passengers were involved m two sea mishaps yesterday. Over 700 were transferred from the cruising liner, Doric* to the liners, Orion and Viceroy of India, after the Doric had been
    660 words
  • 184 12 Exemption From Taxation In Lieu Of Subsidies As a means to the relief of shipping under the present unlavourablc conditions. Swedish shipping interests arc urging the Government to exempt the companies irom State taxation. Such relief was granted m Denmark some time ago. while Norwegian shipowners have
    184 words
  • 85 12 Owners and masters ol >hipping are requested to keep their vessels as clear il the range aa possible during the Subcalibre gun practice, which will take >lace from Mount Siloso fort on ruesday. Sept. 24 commencing at 7 3.m. A red Hag will be flown from Mount Siloso.
    85 words
  • 112 12 SINGAPORE HARBOUR Ships alongside the wharvet or expected to arrivr Wharf (Entrain. <„ Rajula 22 Main Wharf (Entrance (.ate 3> Fushimi Maru 18; Bawahloc'i Alcinous 14. Preside] Ophir 7. Empire Dock (Entrance (.at. 3) Kurama Maru M gteel J Marudu 37 Empire Dock (Entrain r Gall j Glenshiel 48
    112 words
  • 113 12 Presentation To Mr I; Rickanbw w PH ll R, bravery m i r- scue ol the which was A ttroyed Kong m March I'M. Mr Rob» rt Richardj net'i- ol the China N steamer BBCChWaO sulate-Gm. ral at Bh day. Sep: 14 It will bi rememto itanding thc
    113 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
      451 words
    • 288 12 HEAP ENG MOH S.S. CO., LIMITED. RED FUNNEL LINE) •Incorporated m Straits Settlements) REGULAR PASSENGER and Cargo •Services from Singapore to Java Borneo. Banks and Billiton. For BATAVIA. CHERIBON AND SAMARANG (Every Tuesday and Friday) I v Ban Hong Liong Tiu s Sept. 24 > v (Hang Beng Fri Bept
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 571 12 Local And Foreign Mail Despatches And Arrivals BY TRAIN Bangkok every Saturday 7 pm Thursday 7.45 a.m Alor Star: Mon. to Fri.* 7.45 am Saturday 7.45 a.m. and 7 p.m Ipoh: Weekdays* 7.45 a.m. and 7 p.m Klang, Kuala Lipis, Port Swettenham, Taiping and Telok Anson: Weekdays* 7 p.m I
      571 words
    • 94 12 VESSELS ARRIVED j Vyner Brooke. Sar.. 721 tons, from! Kuching 21. for Kuching 25 2i R ?n Ul t B i" U 4 0 702 tons from Madras' 21. for Madras 26 9o H fo T n B o rit 110 tons fro Muar' 20. for Muar 21. Larut. Brit..
      94 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 380 13 <^ \mJ and BRITISH INDIA P. O. S. N. COS SAILINGS, OUTWARDS 'S3SS HWSZ S UDAN HAWAII 'S 'St H «AJPUTANA 17.000 De.2o C^- L RE M CHITRAL 15 .000 Jan 3 RAnSc 2 B URDWAN 6.070 Jan 16 BHUTAN «?S2 2° V CATHAY 15.000 Jan. 17 \ALDETA i 2™
      380 words
    • 484 13 EUennan Bucknall Steamship Co., Ltd. (Incorporated m England) "ELLERMAN" LINE FOR HAVRE, LONDON, ROTTERDAM AND HAMBURG. VIA PORTS AND SUEZ CANAL Also accepting cargo for Canadian and American ports via Colombo steamer r_-_. o City of Newcastle D S ?"f City of Bristol c < Calls Avonmouth. ciu^wJF 0 0
      484 words
    • 1129 13 REPRESENTING SHIPPING THE BLUE FUNNEL LLNE (Ocean The Hua Khisw Steamkhia C. ntiti im Steam Ship to. Ltd. and China Mutual The Cunard White M,) Urn S^ mB li V ri niion Co LUL > Th S*rswak Stea^dJi Cs- Ltd. %<-*• Steanmhlp Cs.. Ltd. The Australian Y£Sta_ Ll^ tit S*
      1,129 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 724 14 IV* nrla KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAA^SCHAP* il OPHlR— Monday. Sept. 23. Belawan-Deli. BOTH— Monday. Sept. 23. Muntok, Batavia and Cheribon. HOUTMAN- Monday. Sept. 23. Saigon and Hong Kong. MAKASSER- Monday. Sept. 23. Selat -Pandjang, Koedap. Bengkalis and Bagan-Api-Api. ROKAN- Tuesday. Sept. 24. Bengkalis. Paneh. Berombang. Tanjong-Mengei-dar. Tanjong-Leidong and Asahan. THEDENS- Wednesday.
      724 words
    • 414 14 DO&LAR STEAMSHIP UNE TRAVEL THE AMERICAN WAY IF YOU WANT COMFORT and ECONOMY £76. 12. 0. SINGAPORE TO ENGLAND VIA 1 AMERICA IN TOURIST CLASS. INCLUDING TRIP THROCGH THK PANAMA CANAL. TOURIST CLASS OFFERS YOU: Large outside staterooms with hot and cold running water— excellent cuisine talking motion pictures ample
      414 words
    • 567 14 O. S. K. LINE FOR AFRICA AND SOUTH AMERICA Keifuku Maru Cape Town via Mombasa. Znnzlbar Dar-es-Salaam. L. Marques. Durban ane. and Algoa Bay s> f Kio de Janeiro Buenos Aires via Colombo. Durban. Cap Maru Town. Rio, Santos and Montevideo. f Africa Mam Santos, Buenos Aires via Colomb Mombasa.
      567 words

  • 2114 15 Four Double Tote Ticket Holders Get $1,123 Each END OF SINGAPORE AMATEUR THE second day's races of the Singapore Turf Club Skye meet--ng were run on Saturday at Bukit Timah, bringing the autumn races to an end. Bright weath-r. prevailed and there
    2,114 words
  • Article, Illustration
    22 15 photo). WINDFALL (Underbill up) after winning the third race on Saturday Mrs. S. E. Shtrida seems pleased at the win. Free Press
    Free Press  -  22 words
  • 119 15 From Our Own Correspondent I Klang. Sept. 21. Fine weather prevailed thraughout the week at thc court of the Yale Badminton Party when matches m the Klang District open junior ooubles championship were playea. Results: Junior Division (second round*: U. Abdullah and Mohamed Shariff beat L. Mahmud and
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  • 110 15 The following are invited to play hockey for the V.M.C.A. vs. Sikh Police today at the Depot: Bleha. J. Sanderson. B. R. O. Willis. P. O'Dyer. Lee Fong Lim (Capt.), W. Pullen. J. Ferguson. Lumbrugger. W. R. Willis. M. Armstrong and M. Citchatoor. Reserves: P. C. Sands and
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  • 125 15 Schoolboy Player Warned From Our Own Correspondent) Segamat. Sept. 18. THE Disciplinary Board of the Belangor Football Association met to consider the referee's report against Mohamed Teh. of the Trade School, who had been ordered oiT the field for deliberately kicking an opponent, after being warned for rough
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  • 354 15 'From Our Own Correspondent) Segamat, Sept. 18. The semi-iinals Ot the Tennis Tournament held m honour of the Sultan's birthday were played today and the final will take place on Friday after which the trophies will be presented to the respective winners. The results of the quarter
    354 words
  • 25 15 The Aston Athletic Clubs fortnightly dance will take place this afternoon, commencing at 5.15. It was postponed from Saturday owing to the races.
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  • 30 15 Centre-forwards come and go, but "Dixie" Dean is still first favourite at Good ison. He hopes to beat Steve Bloomer's record of 352 League goals He needs about another twenty.
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  • 1017 15 Brilliant Display By Singapore THE big crowd that turned up at tinClerical Paten Hall en Saturday expecting to see a good match, were not disappointed as the match betweco the Novice Badminton Party (holders of the inter-club trophy) and lhe Diehard Badminton Party (winners ol
    1,017 words
  • 654 15 Tournaments 'THF individual badminton i lum plonsliip tournaments wore sin cessfull> MM -hided last work Alien UM finals ol tin mens open sinfftM and NtMM events were pla\«d ofl af»d for the first time m the l»is(..r> of bad mm (on m Singapore sime (he (ournamen(s were hrs( inaugurated m
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  • 523 16 Brentford Unlucky To Lose To The Villa WHAT'S WRONG WITH ARSENAL? (From Our Own Correspondent) London. Sept. 22. SO far this season the Arsenal have not been playing like champions. Yesterday's match was no exception. Manchester completely dominated play m the second
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  • Article, Illustration
    8 16 MAJOR LINDSAY YEARS at the races on Saturday.
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  • 246 16 Lawn Tennis THE tennis match between the Singa- j pore Cricket Club and the Straits Chinese Recreation Club on Saturday. afternoon on the S.C.C courts resulted m an overwhelming victory for the Chinese by six matches to nil. 12 sets' to 3 and 85 games to
    246 words
  • 336 16 t Hockey JMalacca Club j Held To A Draw THESIERA SHINES FOR ST. FRANCIS Malacca, Sept. 21. \f\N the Malacca Club Padang the two strongest locnl hockey sides met. namely, the Malacca Club and the St. Francis' Association. I The teams lined
    336 words
  • 414 16 Methodist Boys Defeated In Thrilling Match (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Sept. 21. A unusually large crowd witnessed the Victoria Institution, last year's champions, defeat the Methodist Boys School by three goals to one, m the senii-linal of the inter-school soccer competition for the Thomson Cup at the padang
    414 words
  • Article, Illustration
    45 16 ONE OF THE chief sporting interests of the coming winter at home will be the Rugby football tour of New Zealand's "All Blacks," who are here seen greeting Sir James. Parr, their country's High Commissioner m London, on their arrival at Tilbury on Sept. 2.
    45 words
  • 50 16 In thc SCC. lawn tennis tournament today m the B Class Singles Final H H. Markham 'owe 3) will meet B E Ablitt <scr.» In the B Class Doubles Handicap R. Nolli and J. Pifiaretti I plus IS) play T. C. Hamlyn and S J. Elgar «scr.)
    50 words
  • 141 16 Valuable K. L. State Rugger Trial (From Our Own Correspondent.) i Kuala Lumpur, Sept. 21. The State Rugger trial ende_d m a win for Colours by eight points (a goal and a try) to three points <a try). J. Brown scored the first try for the Colours. Mayor converted, and
    141 words
  • 322 16 POOR SUPPORT FOR AMATEUR BOXING MEET Singapore Middleweight Champion Beaten SOLDIER KNOCKS OUT SAILOR AN attractive programme of bouts between amateurs was held at the New World last night in aid of the Singapore Jubilee Fund but there was only a small crowd present. A special exhibition bout was l
    322 words
  • 172 16 Sultan Suleiman Huh "Al Home" (From Our Own Correspondent. I Kuala Lumpur. Sept. 11. In honour of H.H. the Sultan of Selangor s seventy- second birthday, the Sultan Suleiman Club held an "at homo" on the club ground this evening. A representative gathering was present including
    172 words
  • 95 16 Singapore Golf Club Championship IS. N Kelly R. J. I sherwood W. McMullan 157. W. Eldred J. P. de C. Hamilton 160 E. E F. Pretty H. M. Alexander F. Gordon Smith R. H. Allen A. L. Birse >•,, H. H. Sturt qualified for match play The draw resulted IS
    95 words
  • 167 16 Other Sports News On Pages 7 15 petition of the Singapore Goll < SSjS played at Bukit Timah or. Bundaj md resulted m a tie between Mr stone and F. Bedford and Mr- H I Sturt and C. E. Brooke with .t net if 35 4. In accordance with the
    167 words
  • 67 16 L Kedah Yollevhaller Fnr China Olympiad From Our Own Oot* \\ot Star. Sept. Z\ Kedah I il r P n live for the All-China Olympiad Is Sehu Te.p. a weli-knowi. aU sportsman. exceUing m volley bail which game he ha* been '•<• n present Malaya Mr Chin Kok
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 18 16 lOSTEHHOLM'S ■■■au// FAMOUS POP OVER ijr _______^^S^^^^^^ g <r t_jLi v^mmmmJMnmmWi^^^^ STOREY 6- CO. 52 iv*arfn Studios 1
      18 words
    • 55 16 [A^^ K. H. I. Ls w. """"^^^e^fe^^^i-- "J^^ ROYAL NETHERLANDS "-^^Ki^SUS* !NO!ES AIRWAYS Don't worry \f your holiday* are fchort. The K.N.I.L.M m.!vm lhe problem I SINGAPORE- BALI— SINGAPORE m ONE week Giving two days m BALI for sightseeing Apply: KNI.L.M./K.L.M. Office 49 Stamford Road. Phone 7856 or to any
      55 words