The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 20 August 1935

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 17 1 The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS. NO. 14.(m7. ESTD. 1835 TUESDAY, AUGUST ?0, 15*35 111 CENTS
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  • 191 1 Anti-Rome Campaign Intensified Throughout Germany CROSSES ROOTED UP FROM rilK NAZI WAR on Roman Catholicism continues throughout Germany, and among the latest incidents is the desecration of a Roman Catholic churchyard at Scheandorf. Berlin. Aug. 19. incidents m tho Nazi war Jews and Roman Catholics ccurred
    Reuter  -  191 words
  • 201 1 New Deal Hotly Criticised London. Ang. 19. IT is understood Mr. Lloyd George's proposal for a combination between Liberals and the Labour Party during the next election is unlikely to be adopted by the Labourites who consider Lloyd George's plans aim at saving the crumbling
    Reuter Wireless  -  201 words
  • 84 1 Vppeal To Archbishop Of Canterbury London. Aug. 19. ns ol persecution ol memGerman Orthodox Church In an appeal to the ArchC interbury by iriends of the nmunity who declare Dr. the Orthodox Metropolitan 1933, was taken to Wurtenntration camp where he is have been kick.-d and otherled and
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • 34 1 ni mediately After Congress Adjourns Washington. Aug. 18. S nut( has approved the Pittm n. ition authorising investigation by ■til committee into the Silver Act immediately alter the nl ol Congress.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 23 1 ."Marseilles, Auk. trike on the liner Patria conid the ship is still laid up. The k( is and the company ar? continunegotiatiols.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  23 words
    Reuter  -  383 words
  • 63 1 London. Au&. 19. CIX GREAT DANES today savagely attacked and worried three-year-old George Smith who entered a yard at Henley where the dogs hitherto had been well-behaved They are kept by a breeder. Fifteen-year-old James Nolan courageously drove oil the dogs with stones and picked up
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 133 1 Chinese Officials And Murder Of Journalist Shanghai. Aug. IX Oflie;. I •.nrt^s* at .K^iiKir.u un pressing deep rcgfei ai the deatti ol Mr. Garerh Jon i They declared that J nes and Mueller wen warned by the CMnes d\v lit it > at Kalgar* that bandits wen rampant
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  • 38 1 Plane (rashes At Littorio Airport Koine. Aug. 17. Prince Francisco Sanseverino Costa \6i Santagata, attached to the Foreign Office with the rank of First Secretary. was killed In an air crash at Littorio Airport today. Reuter
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 44 1 Gibraltar, Aug. 19. Mr. H. A. Albrecht. en route froftn Shanghai for a holiday m Britain, died at sea aboard the Terukunf Maru two days ago from an ulcer m the stomach. The body was landed here and buried today. Reuter
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 48 1 Italian View Of The Breakdown Rome, Aug. 18. There is no surprise or regret m Italy at tin conclusion >; the Paris conference. It is stated hers that the last thing Italy desires is- a compromise. Tna government is determined on a campaign ol resounding victory, with
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  • 110 1 Muar Commemorates Sultan's Reign X From A Special Correspondent) Muar, Aug. 19. The Sultan of Johore has consented to the proposal of his third son, Tunku Ahmad, State Cornmissiotiei. Muar, for the establishment of a public park m Muar m order to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Sultan's reign.
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  • 467 1 Abyssinia Kirmness Of The Italian Demand* Paris, Auu. is I U twins the una itlsfaci »ry replj brought by Baron Aioisi rrom Bignoi Mussolini to :h Anglo-French pi sals for granting Italy economic rights m Abyssinia, the Three-Power Confer i nee adjourned this evening. It is understood that
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  • 134 1 Held Up At Midnight On Way To K. L. ATTEMPTED SABOTAGE j SUSPECTED (From our own Correspondent I I npiii". Auk. If* THE mall tr.un lrom Pni.iim fen 1 Kuala lumpur WAS held up g< midniuht last niuht between Haeai. Serai and Alor POOgSU OWtng to
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  • 61 1 London, Aujf. I*. Mr Baldwin toda> warned ill \lin.*trr* lo hold ihrmsrfvrs m nadii'es> i.»r .111 rarl> Hireling ol thr Cabinet uhieli mil probably Imhi Id this week. |hili.i(iv .01 I rid. in I'rai-ticall) ill < .ihinrt MBMsfl .m- ■■Pin lll to .iffrnd. Mr Kilduin will return from
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 42 1 ■long Kinu lug I" 1 Il is uoeitit i.ilh learned thai do roiisti uetion ot .1 I. ni:!' .terodromr al I allium, m the Krilivh leased territory, is 9X9O* led In m*% oi the arrival <>f iw« sirrrafl from Britain. Reuter
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 88 1 BIGIA TEA Brings the freshness and fragrance of the Malayan gardens direct to your home. flicks IMel «^I- MALAYAN PREMIER HOTEL TONIGHT SPECIAL DINNER CONCERT us to 9.15 Pm DANCE formal 9.45 to midnight and the Continental Acrobatic and Eccentric Dancers ERIC AND GERDA Lata ol PALLADIUM LONDON. SCALA BKRI
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  • Letters To The Editor
    • 789 2 GOVERNOR-GENERAL OF AUSTRALIA— WILL NEW HIGH COMMISSIONER WIELD THE POWER?— ARISTOCRATS MAKE THE BEST LEADERS— L ORD TWEEDSMUIR —ARE BURKES PEERAGE APPOINTMENTS RESENTED IN DOMINIONS? To the Editor, Sir. The loader m Friday's issue, entitled "The Kings Representative" is an incursion into the rarefied atmosphere of high Imperial
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  • 307 2 Queen Salote's Gift Of Historic Turtle A MONG the many strange gilts for King George on the occasion of his recent Jubilee celebrations was a 200-year-old turtle. It was taken personally to London by Queen Salote. the popular ruler of the island of Tonga. It had been
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  • 106 2 Increase In Imports From The Empire London. Aug. 18. An analysis ol overseas trade lor the first halt oi J 935 shows a growth of the empire's share of total trade. Imports from countries oi the Brtiish Commonwealth represented 40 per cent of total imports m the first
    British Radio  -  106 words
  • 56 2 Britisher Released After Arrest Berlin. Auk. 17. Mr. Gerhard Mosel. the London busi- ness man who was arrested m Munich |on a charge ol speaking against the i anti-Semitic campaign, was unconditionally released today but although j under no compulsion he immediately returned to England. Mr. Mosel
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 690 2 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. TROPICAL SKIN DISEASES. A NEW DISCOVERY. After long and patient research on the peculiarities of many prevalent skin disorders, and experiments with varying proportions of ingredients and formulae, a wonderful new remedy m the form of Kitano Ointment, is offered for the treatment of all types of skin
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    • 359 2 ~bc free press Hcaad Oflice: Cecil Street. Sln C anoee I'hone 54; l (5 llftr N >iUapor* Kuala Lumpur Oflice: iS, Jj\ A SOm ********> London Oflire: Phone: MM Tel: "laadm^l.u SUBSCRIPTION R A r Within Ou: Mala\a Mala Monthly f3 00 f4 00 J Quarterly t8 50 SI
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 414 2 Diary Of The Week TUESDAY, AUG. 88 High Water. 234 a.m 9.6 ft. 238 pm 9.3 ft. Football: S.A.F.A. League Commercial Cup. Oversea Chinese Bank vs. Municipal Services. YM C A ground. 001 l Keppel Club. Committee Meeting. Lawn rennis: Exhibition against Japan- se "Varsity students at S.C.C. 5 p.m.
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    • 426 2 Today's Radio Programmes B.B.C.— GSG and GSF Wavelengths— l6.B6 and 19.82 metres. 6.20 Big Ben. The 8.8.C. Northern Orchestra. 7.05 "Remote Corners. No. 3: Round Mount Weddingtori Crossing the Coast Range of British Columbia." A talk by WingCommander E. Beauman. Greenwich time signal at 7.20 p.m. I 7.20 Joseph Muscant
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  • 351 3 Blood Of Dying Man Dripped On Room Mate Penang, Aug. i 8 CORONER'S inquiry into the Ji death of Blew Yit, who died m after having been removed Chulia Street where he was I with throat wounds, was held lay before Mr. J. p. Biddulph. tor Ingham conducted the ispeci
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  • 92 3 Bangkok. Aug. 17. Vi 1 Decree m this week's Gazette pre vision for extension of the ground at the Don Huang airfacilitate air communications Issued by the Council of Reunder Section 6 of the Act profor the expropriation of land, be put m
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  • 189 3 Police Action In Dispute Over Burial Tithes Colombo, Aug. 12. rther incident has taken place m 'nb:> Sea Street Church. v B. R. M. Cheenivasagam. Ed to St. Sebastian's Church. Sea late yesterday evening with an police guard on a complaint made by the Rev. Father de Silva.
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  • 311 3 CONSTABLE TURNS GUN ON HIMSELF A verdict of suicide was returned yesterday by lir. W G. Porter, the Singapore Coroner, after an inquiry into the death of a 30-year-old Bengali additional police constable. Muir Hasain. attached to the Government chandu shop m Queen Street. Tan Kirn
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  • 128 3 Valuable Medicinal Qualities From Baltic Berlin. On the strength of experiments earned out by the medical faculty of Kiel University a factory is being built at Henkenhagen, near Kolberg. for bottling Baltic Sen water on a large scale. The faculty is convinced that the Baltic water has valuable
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  • 154 3 CHEQUE FORGERY OF $1,800 IS ALLEGED Taiping. Aur. 18. The story ol a cheque missed from the counter of a well-known Chinese firm m this town and its subsequent presentation at the bank for $1,800 led to a Tamil. Govindasamy. and a Sikh Bariam Singh, appearing before the Taiping magistrate.
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  • 116 3 Huts Demolished And Pigi Impounded Hong Kong. The Wonsneicheong district resembled a disturbed ants' nest when hundreds of Chinese squatters, their womenfolk and children, fled before a concerned drive by Police Sanitary Board men to move them from Crown Lands. About eighty huts were torn down, a
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  • 57 3 Contentious Book Will Be Published In 1950 Colonel Lawrence leit m typescript a work called "The Mint", recording his life m the Royal Air Force, with instructions that it should not be published till 1950. The forccfulness of its language and the various reflections on the R.A.F.
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  • 80 3 lIAVING pleaded guilty to criminal breach of trust of jewellery valued ai $259. a Chinese "piece worker." Yen Song Wee was yesterday sentenced to I two months' rigorous Imprisonment by Mr. Norman Grice. the Singapore j second magistrate. The prosecution story was
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  • 73 3 Pola Negri, the film actress, told Reuter's Nice correspondent that she is to be married to an English M.P. Pola Negri said she did not wish her fiancee's name to be known at present. "I have known him for the past five years," she
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  • 309 3 MR. WONG LEAN SHU THINKS HIS RACE I FARES BETTER THERE THAN i IN FOREIGN LANDS (From Our Own Correspondent) M Bangkok, Aug. 18. K. Wong Lean Shu. Commissioner of Education of the Kwantung Government, who arrived m Bangkok from Malaya last
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  • Article, Illustration
    35 3 EXPERIMENTS have been carried out near Potsdam with a balloon m hated by warm air. heating being done by a gas reservoir m the ear. The new hall. too is seen beginning a trial flight.
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  • 237 3 QUINTUPLET'S LIFE SPAN Statistics Gi\e Hope Of 39 Years As Group Toronto. \I7HILE the Dlonnj quintuplets, well Into their see >nd year, continue to live and thrive under the guardianship of the Kiniz. US represented by the province of Ontario, the statisticians have been working out their expectation of life
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  • 44 3 Kdson (Alberta). Miss Vivian M.icMillan. whose suit alleging enticement and seduction against Mr. Brownlee, former Premier Ol Alberta, is the subject of an appeal to the Supreme Court ol Canada, has married Mr. Henry Sorensen. a Danish Canadian storekeeper here
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  • 25 3 Housing Act. The most important among the bills which became law at the end ol the past week before Parliament adjourned was the Housing Act.
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  • 202 3 Due To Taking Kruschen For It.ickaichc. She wouldn't ox n H but tn. seal* i insists d Tog s, b, ,i Xl take Kraaehen Baits with the ridding hersell ol sup.rilu i She had bacfcachi md thai was she was treating This is
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  • 113 3 A thud arrest wa- mid. over tie week-end m connection with the Bllsl Road murder, ol which he victim Chua Bene Chwe. The crime was committed In broad •daylight on Aug. 10, but although th. alleged participants succeeded m getting away at the
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  • 126 3 Hunt For "Claring K\cs" Man Recalled Mdtrshol Pol toning la nupected to have caused the death ot one ol tin most promt! oi the pack oi bloodhounds v ed by the Surrey poller m their recent hunt lor "the man with the glaring Writhing In pain the noun
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 116 3 P. AND O. BANK PREMISES Fraser And Co. Not Affected By Change With reference to yesterday's report m the Free Press announcing the decision of the P. and O Banking Corporation. Ltd.. to remove to Union Building m January next, we are informed that Fraser and Co. will retain their
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    • 78 3 -c \o-^ "yo y i_^___i_i--S^~~G J .1 -or their pleasant colour* anil <W'si>fns. J Why not your hagglfcteyhiufs I V Aik for Pyrmmkli mm yom outfitter will show you a variety of design." m colour* ami hit* and colour borders. Buy a <*<>/• n IMfer- nt one*. Don't bi put
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    • 1062 4 Eliz abeth Says THL OTHER DAY an ultra-modern. charming (the two characteristics cio not always go togethei young man buttonholed me and asked to be introduced to "thai girl over there with the lovely hands." That was all the only identification mark,
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    • 326 4 Cha_f.e of Style THERE is probably the perfect way of doing each person's hair, but anyone who sticks to the one and only way is apt to get left with a high fringe or a razed neck which can never again be altered. First, and foremost, too, the
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    • 374 4 In spite of the improvement m the facilities for obtaining fresh food. Malaya is still a country which is largely dependent on tinned In the old days, before the art of canning reai Iv d its present high state. this was a necessary evil, but m
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    • 37 4 DEVOTEES OF THE WAYWANG have enjoyed a surfeit of good tare m the past Wi groups of spectators comprised mestly of mothers and their children absorb;! fun of waywangs m Singapore
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 202 4 STOM iCH SUFFERER SINCE CHILDHOOD. T.) be perfectly fit and able to eat r over, 20 years ol acute stomach trouble is more than most iple would dare hope ror yet this actually happened to Mr A c D These are his i wn words: l must t- !i you
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    • 574 4 COMFORTABLE SHOES By wav of ianey and variety mainshoes are actually becoming comfortable, and fewer people are suffering from hot shoes than ever before (writes a London correspondent' This is due to what is almost a sandal fashion or at least one in which perforations or plaited leather allow the
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    • 207 4 TREATMENT FOR Thick ankles can be greatly Improved by a twice-a-day treatment ot Rtassai The Angers must be lubricated with a little French chalk l cream must not be used', the parts rubbed in a downward direction, and the muscles pieked i up and gently pinched These movements will encourage
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    • 144 4 LEMON lUNs Sil; Into a b w! tfcal :\nd a pinch ot of butter ad and tr. ma i nine ipoonful cl cast i nto a quarter Ol idd ton drapi ol Make a well iv the c< tit ind pour in t! 3 ver the I p I Uld
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  • Article, Illustration
    217 5 LADI PEEL (Beatrice Lillle. the actress) who has been m England lo visit her son at Harrow, left for New \o, k in Urn Itei -iigari.i Also oa heard was Mr. Reginald (iaidinei. übois „<! uitli her He is seen talking to Ead> Pc« I before the ship sailed >EAR
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 87 5 Photographic copies of Free Press local pictures can be obtained on application to the Manager. Price 50 cents each. bbbbV /g-/y i At \*r^a* > I l_\ 1 l_x V M ___v ><x L__>V S/ _F^ _a~BB_a~»~ _l __TVw _Pl_N.^__aa B bbß ia^** £*^1 1 r- P ___L I P^^'^
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  • 227 6 Very Decomposed Condition Penang, Aug. 18. THE chance discovery of a corpse floating m the sea oil' Sungei Pinang on Aug. 5 was the subject of an inquest held belore the Coroner, Mr. J.P. Biddulph. m the police court yesterday. Inspector W. C. Alexander conducted
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  • 78 6 P. P.W.V.C. MANOEUVRES Watched By Maj.-Gen. Ea O. Lewin From Our Own Correspondent.' Penang, Aug. If. Large .scale manoeuvres were carried out m Province Wellesley by the Penang and Province Wellesley Volunteer Corps yesterday. Maj.-Gen. E. O. Lewin. who watched the proceedings, was accompanied by his aide. Lieut. Chassiron. and
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  • 97 6 The next meeting ol the Rotary Club ol Singapore will be held m the Rooi Garden oi the Adelphi Hotel at 1 p.m. tomorrow. Mr. J. T. IV. Mason will address the Club on •Realism m Japan and China." Mr. Mason has been a journalist for :'.5 years
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  • 314 6 STORM OVER GIRL 'S ESSAY IN ENGLAND London. A 12-year-old school girl's essay, a facsimile oi which was reproduced lln the daily press, engaged the attention of the House of Commons for an hour and 15 minutes on Aug. 2. Brief cable reference to the debate lias already appeared m
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  • 93 6 Special Constables As Pilots In British Force Reigate (Surrey). Britain's iirst officially recognised Hying police force has been inaugurated here with the swearing In as special constables of 12 pilots. They belong to Redhill Aerodrome and Aeroplane Club. The Chief Constable of Reigate Borough Police. Mr. William H.
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  • 159 6 SHOULD ARRIVE HERE THIS WEEK p\ELAYED several days by a mishap which occurred near Rangoon, the Singapore 111 flying boat coming out to make up the Strung th of No. 205 (F. 8.) Squadron at Scletar Station should reach Singapore this week. Taking oir lrom Rangoon for Mergui
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  • 42 6 Mass Marriage. The first mass marriage ceremony was performed by Dr. Ma Chao Chun. Mayor of Nanking, on Saturday when he signed marriage certificates for sixteen couples m five minutes. A large crowd witnessed the ceremony outside the Li Chi Sheh Club.
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  • Article, Illustration
    25 6 THE DIKE OF KENT opened the Extension of the Royal Eastern Counties Institution at Mile End. Colchester. Essex. He is sren arriving for the ceremony.
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  • 433 6 CANCELLATION OF LICENCES SEVERAL important announcements under the Textile (Quotas* Ordinance are made m p Government Gazette Extraordinary issued on Sa turday. I In the first place it is notified that every restricted import licence issued i f or the quota period ending Dec. 31, 1935. will cease
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  • 123 6 Boy Who Was Refused 50 Cents (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Aug. 18. "My son asked me for fifty cents but I could not give him the money as I had no change. He was angry and wer away. The day following I* received information that he was
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  • 54 6 Seventeen Chinese Charged With Gambling A raid was made on Sunday night on the Vat Loke Club In Upper Cross Street, and 17 Chinese were arrested They were charged yesterday with gambling. One of the accused is a clerk attached tc the Marine Police Station. The case
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  • 216 6 HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY OF SIAM To Be Formed I n Bangkok •From Our Own I BANGKOK is to hs hut this m Is ol is to say r b Siamese lor Siam. as the s. Foreigners will no: I). rShip Ol cuurs keen lardeners smoni ttv ies. Violets and .m.,
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  • 155 6 DIVING for the thirteenth time to the bed of the River Wear, at South Hylton (Durham), Mr. Allied Balderson, aged 22. an unemployed man. rescued a 12-year-old boy who had been beneath the surface lor ten Dtinntes The boy. Richard Dodds. of
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  • 208 6 Public Morality Council's Attack What was described as "semi-nudity on the stage" was criticised at a meeting of the Public Morality Council, presided over by the Bishop of London, the Rt Rev. Dr. Wlnnington-Ingram. It was decided to call a public meet ing m London m the
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  • 187 6 The premises ol the Junior Civil Service Association m Tessensohn Road, off Balestier Read, were gaily berlagged and decorated when the club celebrated its tenth anniversary by an At Home, on Sunday afternoon This organisation has a membership of over 500. the majority oi whom were present. There
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  • 34 6 Car Radio Ban.— lt is understood the Minister of Transport. Mr. Hore-Belisha. proposes to prohibit the use of radio sets m motor ears m built-up areas owing to comoiahits of annoyance caused to residents.
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  • 90 6 Girl Disappears Slate. ShouN Warning (From Our I ii»..i i: A verdict <»i r.e ith by i was returned I Gajah into the oV who was drowi d while bathing. The girl's eldei iW gether they weni to the opposite sidt of 1 she started to re-cr
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 47 6 CABLE TIMES The Eastern Extension Telegraph Company announces that the transit time on full rate telegrams from Singapore to London on Aug. 19. were as follows: telegrams handed m up to 5 p.m. 10 minutes: 5.30 p.m. 11 minutes: G p.m. 12 minutes; 6.30 p.m. 7 minutes.
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    • 76 6 AIR PASSENGERS The lull vwlni Dutch plain Arrived lrom Nl l S3 X Pcrkoetoet on Aug IT Miss Julia Ifal Mrs. Wis* Left lor Medan. India SI K.LM. plain' Perta U Medan. Dr KoUonan; b B and Mrs Wl* to C LI stein: to Amsterdaa Mathildr Mens Arrived tmm Ku:
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  • 153 7 25,000-Ton Liner And Destroyers For Admiralty London. Aug. 17. Today has seen the launch oi new vessels, mercantile and naval, from shipyards In England. Scotland and Ireland. At Bellas: the 25.000-ton Union Castle Line. Stirling Castle, was launched at Messrs. Harland and Wolff's yard. The vessel, which
    British Radio  -  153 words
  • 77 7 London, Aug. 17. The poll of 160.000 milk producers, which has been proceeding on the question cf the continuance of the milk marketing scheme, closes today and it i? expected the result will be known early next week. It is generally anticipated the voting will show a considerable
    British Radio  -  77 words
  • 1090 7 "King of Vagabonds' 9 Tells How It Is Done "V° l I,AVE J"st come all the way from the East Indies: —without a penny; without a passport?" asked a respectable Londoner m amazement of J. B. Roberts, inveterate rover who has just outlined his
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 310 7 |M^^^B TONIGHT 6.15 9.15 I AI UftMRPA f PP_P^ Tomorrow at 3.15 I WIDIlfl I E^r^^Hjp^ >S^SPlb_*3Bgx $$S___ I C YOUR OLD FR! CHARL^HAITI™ t _-!a__l NEVER FAILS T0 FLEASE BACK T0 THRILL a> Y °U WITH NEW EXPLOITS IN PARIS! H__ v B Against the fiendish cunning of an
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    • 114 7 'j&.oSr THEATRE ROYAL SSS b 930 north RRiiu.ntoui NIGHT' M.-G. M s mcst successful GRAND DOl Bl X STAGL AND comedy, murder mystery S< RFLN ATTRACTION william rownx mmmm LITTL-JOHN DIAMOND MYRNA LOY m an entin hanse ol proßianime m together with > thrilling SCttotl Dim 'THE THIN MAN" "SPEED
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  • 918 8 The Singapore Free Press TUESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1933. The Paris Failure rriHE failure of the Three-Power _L Conference at Paris has created a situation as grave as it is possible to imagine, and the gravity is not lessened by the fact that failure was foreseen. In point of fact the
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  • 363 8 Raja Lope, ot the Malay Regiment. who has been on a brief holiday m Perak. returned to Pori Dickson. Mr. P. A. Finlayson arrived on the P. and O. Ranpura on Friday to Join the stall of Messrs Kellv and Walsh Ltd. Mr. K. R. Blackwell. who
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  • 342 8 MR. Love, the landlord of the 400 year-old Turks Head at Wapplng. which has been declared "redundant by the licensing authorities, is not pleased with the impression given by certain newspaper reports that his house is to close at once. "We shall not put up shutters
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  • 1044 8 y>EORC.E and Mabel met on the boat, going across Mabel was wearing a Uttte white suit with a fortv-iive denangle hat and blue leather shoes that had cost a whole week's salary and George was magnitieent m plus tours with scarlet tabs and I grey pullov. r Mabel
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 47 8 "HOW TO MAKE A FESTIVE PARTY GO." Pretend not to notice that his glass is empty. But do not pretend not to know the value of v GAFLAC POLICIES on the contents of the home. GENERAL ACCIDENT, lIRE LIFE ASSCRANCE CORPORATION. LTD. Hongkong Bank Chambers. Telephone 6480.
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  • 85 9 Bangkok Newspapers Silent STATEMENT IN COUNCIL TODAY Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok, Aug. 19 XHI SUDDEN death of H.R.H. P Anuvatana Chaturonta. Chairman of the Council of Re- :.■■>-. mi Monday morning has led rts of rumours and con- The newspapers have been prorj :rom publishing
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  • 104 9 Man Sees Brother In Clutch Of Crocodile n Our Own Correspondent Ipoh. Aug. |M. the tragi* death ol .1 fisherman near Port Weld wis >re tiie Taiping Coroner when ilry was held today, brother o! tin- deceased man court that he heard his r et ear the water's
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  • 102 9  -  Sin Chew Jit Poh (anion To Support Tho Meeting Shanghai, Aa*. H>. ntang headquarters In s' unking ire making a big effort to ning Plenary Congress of part; pr< sentative as possible Mr Liang Han Chao. chief th Leg! lative Yuan, who returned from a visit to the
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  • 328 9 Victim Of Smallpox In Singapore jVyfRS. Fanny Annette Puller, Euro--IYA pean wife of a senior warder m Singapore Prison Department, died at Middleton Hospital on Sunday from smallpox. She was taken iil on Friday and admitted into the General Hospital. Ou Sunday she was transferred to
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  • 68 9  -  Heng Kong, Ana. 18 The Chili *se residents m South Allien have emitted a sum of *J3OO to the Overseas Chinese Affairs Department m Nanking for the relief of flood sufferers m the country. The Van Oi Sin Tong (a charitable institution m Canton* has remit led
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  • 35 9 Treasury Hills. The total amount applied for m tenders for ,40.000.000 Treasury bills was £56.110.000. The average rate per cent, for bills at three months was lis. l.Md. against lis 9 37d. a week ago.
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  • Article, Illustration
    46 9 THESE IS QUITE A VOGUE m Hollywood at the moment for adopting eliildren and so great is the demand that the lilm star. Jark Haley, and his wife, seen above, havi to ro to Chicago before they eaald find a suitable playmate for thenown little son.
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  • Article, Illustration
    21 9 MR. J. A. MOLLISON. the airman, and Mrs. Amy Mollison are pictured aa inaj arrived In Baegcd during their Hungarian tour.
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  • 62 9 I Paris. The Ministry of Air has awarded a prize of one million francs < roughly £13.000) to an engineer. M. Makhonine. tor his folding-wing airplane. Fitted with a 1.000 h.p. motor, the machine at a height of 13.780 feet develops a maximum speed of 289 m.p.h. and
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  • 106 9  -  Sin Chew Jit Poh Will Fly To Geneva Shanghai, Aug. 19. V\R Wellington Koo. Chinese Minis ter to Paris who has been appointed a member of the Chinese delegation to the September meeting of the League of Nations, will board one of the Dutch planes
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  • 73 9  -  Sin Chew Jit Poh Reported Withdrawal Of Resignation Shanghai, Aug. 19. The latest report from Nanking states that Mr. Wang Ching Wei. the Premier has agreed to withdraw his resignation and that he and his family will return *o the capital by plane today. An earlier message stated
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  • 194 9 All Valuables Taken By Peiping. It is revealed here thai the tombs ol Prince Kung. younger brother of the late Emperor Hsien Feng, and his concubines, had been looted on the night ot July 19 by a gang of 200 bandits. Two suspects have been arrested by
    Reuter  -  194 words
  • 99 9 Kin Gathering. At Oxford And St. Andrew's London. Aug. 11. While l.soo delegates are attending world education conference at Oxis rd. another gathering of educationists, some 400 m number, many of whom come from overst ns. will open tomorrow at St Andrew's University, m Fifeshire. Scotland, when the
    99 words
  • 134 9 Latest Rubber And Tin Prices (From Our Own Correspondent" R( BKKR London. Aug. 19. Spot (Sellers i 5 3 4 d <5i3i6d> Buyers* 5 3 8 d »*****d> October December B 13 16d 1 5 7 d. I January March 5 15 16d 1 5 31 32d April
    134 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 197 9 Help Kidneys Don't Take Drastic Drugs r dr ya have nine millions tiny niters which are endangered hy I or «irastir\ Irritating dru^.s. Ti' 'f Kidney trout. i«» <->r Bladder wesk:...J<' h you suffer from Getting Up \j--j; Pains, Ner\ >usness« Dissi- ess. Rheumatism, Lumbagoi Burning, Jt<-hi>.g, Smarting, L bs
      197 words
    • 213 9 FASHION DEMANDS AM) IS NOT FASHION j A HANI) MISTKFSS? £0V INSIST ON £Xl WORTHS 1 A COMPREHENSIVE $T~0 S RANGE OF WORTH'S N jT ,N CORSETS IS MOOEL N 63 a «P /a 8 Robinson Co.. Lid. i________________M______iEi i ii __tnnt >; I B_B_ o->'H I M -> Kmenb^'*'
      213 words

  • 2114 10 Demand For Permanent Control Of New Planting (From The Free Press Correspondent) London, Aug. 8. 13UBBER has suffered another setback this week, and the JA price of spot at the moment is m the neighbourhood of only 5* 4 d. per pound, chiefly as a
    2,114 words
  • 83 10 Chamber Of Commerce Rubber Association Aug. 19, 12 o'clock noon Buyers Sellers No I. X. R. S. S. in cases (F.O.B. August) 19 3 s 19*2 Good FAQ. in cases (F.O.B. August) 19» 8 19 f/ 4 No. I.X.R.S.S. (Spot-loose) (awardable Singapore* 19 3 s 19*2 September 19?s 19 3
    83 words
  • 371 10 r[E eighth annual general meeting of shareholders of Puteh Tin Dredging Company, Ltd.. was held at Kuala Lumpur, on Aug. 14. Mr. A. A Henggeler occupied the Chair and. m moving the adoption of the directors' report and the accounts for the year ended April 30. 1935.
    371 words
  • 235 10 London. 4 months' sight 2 3 3132 London. 3 months' sight 2 3 15 16 London. 60 days' sight 2 3 29 32 London. 30 days' sight 2 3 7 h London, demand 2 3 27 32 London. T.T. 2 3 27 32 Lyons, and Paris demand 863
    235 words
  • 102 10 German Company's Plans To Overcome Loss The annual report of the Deutsche Bergin Company, at Heidelberg, which produces spirit from wood sugar by the j methods discovered by Professor Berigius. reveals that Germany's plans of .making itself to a great extent indej pendent of foreign raw
    102 words
  • 1081 10 Fraser 's Share List MONDAY. AUG. 19. 1935 MINING Bayers Sellers J Ampat Tin (4s> 4s 3d 4s 9d Asam Kumbang U) 33s 6d 34s 6d Austral Malay 60s bis Ayer Hitam Tin (ss) 13s 6s 14s 6d Ayer Weng ($1) 1.80 190 Bangrin Tin 20s 6s 21s Batu Selangor
    1,081 words
  • 165 10 •THE 18th an:. oi >hareh» ft Limited was lv on Aug 14. Mr a. a. 4eng* md. In th« directors' h I thl year endl d Mining eonttow out the year, tl company v compared witi c MM d during I lrom sale of vw T!tt profit
    165 words
  • 82 10 lai I I Q mMM I lavs CMs I Hamburg Cub* I white Pepper I Muntok Whiu I I Copra. Sundrn t I Copra, mixed I »ll Flake r.ip. I R B Siam No 1 r I Banja Jclot* I Sarawak Jelotoi I r i mam) W.C
    82 words
  • 75 10 The first plant I country lot th. pi I coal of diesel oil I transport engin. 1 1« I a: the Barugh work ture Carbonisation I "The new plant ton Bristow. cl. "is concerned m the extraction from tl able tar acids cont then with the
    75 words

  • 108 11 IT.S.l T .S. daft Had Startling Advances In Gunnery. Lor~ Reach (Cat). U.S. Army aircraft have Pacific Ocean off the Caliasl without finding trace of a mystery pursuit 'plane re- isslng. plane is stated to be the fastest leadliesrt aircraft m the world. hour.- previously Lieutenant Bcaer
    108 words
  • 80 11 London. House of Commons. Mr. Neil i< an asked the Secretary of State Foreign Affairs if he had any inrmation as to the number of Italian oops that had been sent to East Africa. Sir Samuel Hoare. m reply, said: I nave no detailed information. I idvlaed
    80 words
  • 539 11  - LONGER PICTURES Trend Gives Actors More Scope MOLLIE MERRICK Hollywood In Person BY r vrVRE pictures are running longer nowadays than they This undoubtedly is a the part of distributors to double-feature bills. The n els now run an hour and t n hour and 40 minutes. Inst the hour
    539 words
  • 164 11 Moscow Attack On Japanese Moves In Mongolia MOSCOW. Japan is manoeuvring to seize Mon- j golia. So declares the "Pravda." which says editorially: "The Japanese military clique is pursuing vis-a-vis the Outer Mongolian Republic the same policy which it applied to Manchuria and Jehol and Is now applying
    164 words
  • 360 11  -  Ely Culbertson to I World's Champion Player And Cireatest Card Analyst ESTABLISH! XC. A TENACE THERE is a situation m the play which all players should learn to recognise It is not uncommon, vet very few players take advantage of it. The situation of which I speak
    360 words
  • 151 11 AFTER TASTING FRUIT IN ORCHARD "THE HON RICHARD DICKINSON) only son of Lord Dickinson, the Socialist peer, was strolling through the orchard at Brambleberrv. neai Aylesbury. Bucks He wanted to examine the ripening fruit, and tasted some. An hour later he complained ot severe pains, and.
    151 words
  • 123 11 HgfC Cast In Film Of Hu*h Walpole's "Vanessa" Rivalling "David Ooppertteld'*. the' motion picture version el Hugh Walpole's "Vanessa.' is to have no less than 80 minor but important characters. according to an announcement by Met ro-Goldwyn- Mayer Helen Hayes, Robert Montgomery. Constance Collier and Otto Kruger have
    123 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 139 11 HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporated m the Colony of Hong Kong» The liability of members is limited to the extent and In the manner prescribed by Ordinance No 6 of 1929 ct the Colony. HEAD OFFICE lIONC. KONG Authorised Capital $50 000.001 Issued and fully paid up $20 000
      139 words
    • 495 11 1 CHARTERE!) UANK OF INDIA. AISTRALIX AND < HINA 'Incorp »rat«d m England b. Ro;.ai Chartef Paid up capital ir; m»o shares oi In each Reserve Fund i no> JDOO Reserve Liability Proprietors w HEAD (M IK 38. Bishopsgate -ndoi. I c Agencies and Hraiuhrs Alor Star Dotlo BalgOfl
      495 words

  • 2571 12 BRITISH NAVAL HISTORY IN ROYAL REVIEWS Fleet Inspections Over Last Five Hundred Years K_;vi_:WS of Britain's naval power over the last 500 years and more are described m the following historical account of the rise of Anglo-Saxon sea-power. The article was written soon after the Jubilee review
    2,571 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
      471 words
    • 141 12 STATE SHIPPING SERVICE of Western Australia FREMANTLE (Via Port Swettenham ft Palembang. Ban joe* a ngi and North Western P wt») Dur Spun Kangaroo OH Fares Single £19.0 0. Anßtl Return £30.0 0 C lor particulars ol I rrurlu I I please apph McALISTER CO.. LTD. SINGAPORE PENHG Planters
      141 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 622 12 Local And Foreign Mail Despatches And Arrivals BY TRAIN Bangkok every Saturday 7 pm. Thursday 7.30 a.m. Kedah Monday to Friday 7.30 a.m. Saturday 7.30 a.m. and 7 p.m. Kuantan (via Jerantut) Monday to Friday 7.30 a.m. Saturday 7.30 a.m. 7 pm. Sunday 7 p.m. Kajang, Kota Bahru, Kuala, i
      622 words
    • 133 12 "Vinegar" Parker But the review was fully justified; the enthusiasm engendered had the effect of bringing forward large numbers of volunteers, relieving the Press Gang of part of its unpleasant duties and saving the Merchant Service from victimisation. Many promotions and honours were distributed on this occasion, but m the
      133 words
    • 139 12 SINGAPORE HARBOUk >hips aloiis>i.i, or expe«t d Wharf (Ktuc i Hong Khoni M Main Wharf (Kntrime Indrapoera |g tgj lawers 11: K< d., Empire Dock <,, steel Boafaru I Kota Tjandi 37 Empire Dock (Entraaai < Teiresias 46. P_ng* West Wharf (Enti on l I j Troilus 5:
      139 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 401 13 I_\ --o^-*-" I y BRITISH INDIA P. O. S. N. COS SAILINGS, OUTWARDS Due Due 6.070 Aug. 29 CORFU 15 000 Oct 25 17,000 Aug. 30 RANCHI 17 000 Nov I 11.000 Sept 6 BHUTAN 6 100 Nov 21 15.000 Sept. 13 NALDERA ***** Nov' 22 6,810 Sept. 25 BEHAR
      401 words
    • 489 13 EUerman Bucknall Steamship Co., Ltd. (Incorporated m England* "ELLERMAN" LINE FOR HAVRE, LONDON, ROTTERDAM AND HAMBURG. VIA PORTS AND SUEZ CANAL Also accepting cargo for Canadian and American ports via Colombo Steamer n B City of Salisbury Au^ 30 Se S p a t 11 City of Hereford SeD 7
      489 words
    • 1158 13 REPRESENTING SHIPPING THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE (Ocean The llua h si m __i.i_ Steam Ship Co. Ltd. and China Mutual The Cunald White LUI Steam Navigation Co.. Ltd.) The Sarawak s_____F The Straits Steamship Co.. Ltd. TUr A raLo? f E The China Navigation Co., Ltd. The Irrawadd? ElotHl, KJ'
      1,158 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 747 14 K. P. M> KOMNKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ ROKAN Tuesday, Aug. 20. Bengkalis. Paneh. Berombang. Tanjong-Mengeidar. Tanjong-Leidong and Asahan. TOMOHON Tuesday. Aug. 20. Singkawang. Pemangkat and Sambas. MAJANG- Wednesday. Aug. 21, Prigi-Radja. Sapat. Tembilahan. Poeloe-Pallas. Pengallan-Estate and Rengat. THEDENS Wednesday. Aug. 21. Muntok and Palembang. TOHITI Wednesday, Aug. 21. Toengkaj. Moeara-Saba and
      747 words
    • 506 14 wa j i Wi s g^-. VA /I I \fl_T__r I I 1 "toHeurope FROM SINGAPORE AND PENANG VIA COLOMBO, BOMBAY, SUEZ, PORT SAID, ALEXANDRIA. NAPLES, GENOA, MARSEILLES AND NEW YORK. Arrive. Leave Leave Arrive Spore. Spore. Penang New York Prcs. Adams Nov. 30 Dec. 3 Dec. 5 Jan. 14
      506 words
      566 words

  • 353 15 FINAL TIE DECIDES ISSUE IN FAVOUR OF SELANGOR From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Aug. 18 v RLSENTATIVE teams ol Perak and Selangor players mot the Padang here yesterday and today m a match cornprism* -m singlet and nine doubles. The singles, played last
    353 words
  • 178 15 fland's Pace Causes India To Crack Loudon. tt India by 8 goals to 6 m th( Prince of Wales' Em-' at HuxUngham. was represented by the Kashv tich included two Englishexcluslon of two members Jaipur side and the England, included only one member of the wi!! play
    178 words
  • 664 15 LIGHTEST 12ST. j 9LII. London IyiUCH more information has reached me about the New Zealand team ol Ruuby toot bailers who are now on their way to this country and who will open their tour against Devon and Cornwall at Devonport on Sept. 14. writes
    664 words
  • 601 15 A.P.C. ANNUAL j SPORTS MEETING I •""pHE Asiatic Petroleum Company held their annual sports meeting en their own grounds m Paya Lebar Road on Saturday. Bunting around the field and the, clubhouse, the dresses of the wives of I the members of the European staff and
    601 words
  • 299 15 BRITISH SPRINTERS SHOWING FINE FROM Chances In Olympic tjanies London. /"^VUR track runners have been showing such brilliant form this season that some of the track events at the Olympic Games at Berlin next year should fall to Great Britain. W. Roberts, the young Salford A.C. athlete, is the most
    299 words
  • 107 15 Outstation Visitors Successful At Taiping From Our Own Correspondent.' Ipoh. Aug. 19. At the Taiping Swimming Club gala, out-station visitors claimed the lion's share of the prizes. The John Outram challenge cup for diving presented by Capt and Mrs. Hodgkinson was won by W. S. Paterson of the
    107 words
  • 132 15 The growth of international sport has been so tremendous that cricket and lawn tennis have become almost non-stop games for the more skilled players. An England cricket team under E. R. T. Holmes will be playing m September for New Zealand. They will be back m time for
    132 words
  • 222 15 CHELVAM AGAIN DEADLY (From Cur Own Correspondent) Ipoh. Aug. 19. •THE Rest easily beat the Europeans 1 and retained the Hennessy Trophy. The Rest knocked up 173 m the second innings and dismissed the Europeans for 41. Chelvam again being unplayable. He got 7 for
    222 words
  • 363 15 Won By Hlackwall Sculler The 221 st annual race for Daggett's Coat and Badge was won by Alfred Edward Gobbett tßlackwall' by about 12 lengths. The start was a good one All except Chandler got off together. Ambler and Gobbett showing slightly ahead after a few
    363 words
  • 296 15 South Africans' Tour Entirely Satisfactory Thr happy South Alrican cricketrrs have been mad. the more happy by the knowledge that the Test match with England at Old Tra fiord was a splendid financial sueccs.s It was estimated that th. procecd.s of thr three days piny wrrr at leas'
    296 words
  • 152 15 Australians lireak Three In A Month The Australian cycling trio who arhere to break road iccords seem to l* making a pretty complete job of it Another record was knocked high by W Q ftuart, when he cy< from London to LSoftsmoilth and ba. k again < 1
    152 words
  • 308 15 N.S. Club Win Hose Cup For Sixth Time PORT DICKSON FORWARDS TOO LIGHT (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban. Aug. IK TiHE final of the Negri Sembilan Hose Cup competition between the Negri Sembilan Club and the Port Dickson Recreation Club, ended m a win for the Seremban side by two
    308 words
  • Article, Illustration
    23 15 THE DARIL BAH AR team which beat the Shahaul Kamar team by 7—o m the final of the M.F.A. Cup.— (Free Press photo).
    23 words

  • 1093 16 Day Of Magnificent Batting Realises 492 Runs TWO NEW PARTNERSHIP England Reply With 313 For Four To South Africa's 476 VESTBRDAY. the second day of the final Test Match between England and the South Africans, produced some of the brightest batting for the series,
    1,093 words
  • 286 16 Second Division Soccer h.m.s. I; S.C.C. II 1. THE Terror and the S.C.C. the last two teams m the second division table met m League football on the Padang yesterday, and the former won by five goals to one. In tho fourth minute Duncan .md
    286 words
  • 104 16 Exhibition Matches Today On Padang: Two Japanese students If. Tsukaba and J. Kinoshita will play a series oj exhibition matches at the S.C.C. this afternoon. The courts will be enclosed and charges for admission will be 50 cents seating accommodation and 20 cents standing. The following programme
    104 words
  • 82 16 London. Aug. 19. The following is the latest St. Leger betting: 11 to 10 Bahrain offered. 6 to 5 taken: 9 to 1 Field Trial taken and offered; 100 to 7 Plassy and Sea Bequest offered: 100 to 6 Hairan offered, 18 to 1 taken; 20 to
    Reuter  -  82 words
  • 325 16 Keen Fight For Commercial Cup Points P. 0. JUST BEATS PUBLISHERS P.O. 3; M.P.H. > "THE Commercial Cup encoun- ter between the Post Office and Malaya Publishing House on the Post Office Club ground yesterday ended m a victory for the home team by the odd goal m five. The
    325 words
  • 153 16 VyiTH (he end of the League m sight, the thoughts of foot ball enthusiasts are beginning to turn towards the S.A F A Cup competition. Who will win the trophy this year According to the draw which took place last night, the holders of
    153 words
  • 70 16 L___L. Iollovvin WW the results- ol yesterday's ties m the Garrison Tennis Tournament: R.A M.C. beat Royal Navy 6 3 6-2 6-3 6 Ch 2 eStnUtt beat R V Gatehou se Ties For Tomorrow The following ties will be played tomorrow: 4 p.m. Lt. Home vs. Lt.
    70 words
  • 389 16 NUTLAND AND NICHOLSON SHINE FOR WILTS WOt-hires I; R.A. p. I riIHE U'iltshires beat the R.A.F. by two g»:ij« t«. I 1 First Division of the I.A.F.A. League at the V I Stadium alter leading by two goals to nil at hull
    389 words
  • Article, Illustration
    33 16 pholo). TAN WEE CHEE, Tan Hong Sen?; and Sim Teng Pheng. first, second and third resneetively in the Singapore 120 yards open championship at the Y. M.C.A. annual swimmini: i arpival Free Press
    Free Press  -  33 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements