The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 19 August 1935

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 17 1 The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS. NO. 14.65« ESTD. 1835 MONDAY. AUGUST 19. 1935 10 CKNTS
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  • 122 1 PEACE OR WAR MUSSOLINI HESITATES Diplomatic Struggle At The Quai D' Orsay BRITISH DELEGATIONS THE NEGOTIATIONS ARE PROVING DIFFICULT.— MR. ANTHONY EDEN AT THE Ql AI D'ORSAY. gEHIND this brief statement lies what is probably the most intense diplomatic struggle that Europe has witnessed since 1918 to decide whether Italy
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  • 68 1 Espionage Alleged At Vladivostock Shanghai, Aug. 18. Fapanese and an American suspected to having ed in espionage work in stole, h&ve been exnelleri Japanese residents have petithc Japanese Foreign requesting it should take action. re Japanese residents have n notice to leave the colony. branch office 01
    Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  68 words
  • 43 1 anese Planes Over Peiping And Tientsin Nanking:. Aug. 18. Foreign Office has protested to se Embassy against the flights of Japanese planes Tientsin and Peiping areas the permission of the Chinese The protest asks the authorities to stop such ts Reuter
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 40 1 Great Reduction In Prices For Sets London. Aug. 17. to over £5.000.000 have ur the Radio Exhibition which, in the course r i a ars. has become one of the most shows in London. outstanding features are the
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  • 33 1 Tokio, Aug. 17. GEN. Nftfmta'f murderer Lieut. Col. Aizaua, has been courtmartialled and it is understood has been sentenced to death under the civil and military law. Reuter Wireless
    Reuter Wireless  -  33 words
  • 36 1 it reduction In prices tor wireless the concentration on design and •lification of the control of dialling large display ol motor car sets. A tuning dial for the blind with lettering is- another novelty. Reuter Wireless
    Reuter Wireless  -  36 words
  • 57 1 Paris, Aug. 18. British quarters state that the British delegation will not wait more than two or three days longer for Mussolini's reply to the Anglo-French suggestions as the situation must be cleared up one way or another by the middle of next week. Franco-British
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 117 1 Uneasiness Prevails In French Circles Paris, Aug. 18. Uneasiness still prevails In French circles after the meeting of M. Laval and Baron Aloisi. The instructions re- ceived by the Italian delegate this morning are not considered to clear up two points. Firstly, they appear to discard the suggestions
    Reuter  -  117 words
  • 60 1 Long Conversation With M. Laval Paris, Aug. 18. Baron Aloisi visited M. Laval today, the conversation lasting ninety minutes. Mr. Eden also had an hour's talk with M. Laval after which Mr. Eden announced that the negotiations were proving difficult. Mr. Warriner. the American Charge d 'Affaires in
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 210 1 Knifing Sensation On B. I. Motor Ship SIGNALS requesting a doctor and a police boat were flown by the British India Steam Navigation Company's motor ship Kola. 1,530, gross tons when she came to anchor in the Singapore Roads last night on arrival from Bangkok. Both were supplied by the
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  • Article, Illustration
    37 1 MISS DOROTHY CHAMBERLAIN, daughter of Mr. Neville Chamberlain the Chancellor of the Exchequer, and Mrs. Chamberlain, was married at Chelsea Old Church, to Mr. Stephen Lloyd, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Z. Lloyd of Edsbaston, Birmingham.
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  • Article, Illustration
    20 1 IKON TROTSKY, exikd Russian revolutionary, after wandering all over Europe seeking sanctuar>. has found it in Norway, though nnl> temporarily
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  • 116 1 Emergency Ordinance In October Katavia. \uc 17. an emergency OfdtaMUMi QHWtrn- Inf Mtfttf rubber export duty Will b( issued in OctObtf wlu-n hv the duty will be enlorced intm J«n 1. 1936 Details <1 t i i« duty ..r« as t<>rm»-rlv announced Win n thr market pric |g
    Reuter  -  116 words
  • 318 1 GOVERNOR-GENERAL Sir Alexander Hore-RuUn en SIR ALEXANDER lIORE-RITH EN HAS BEEN %PPOINTFII < O\ TOOK-OP»nUL Of AI STRAIN IN SICCESS|O< VVI \IH |si\, 1 A l IS REUTER This announcement made last night in London sets at rest the speculation that had arisen over the appointment.
    REUTER  -  318 words
  • 78 1 Passengers Disembark At Marseilles Marseilles, Aug. 17. T"HE departure of the French liner Patria for the Far East has been delayed by a lightning strike of the crew in sympathy with the kitchen boys' demands for higher pay. the crew refusing to embark until the
    Reuter  -  78 words
  • 104 1 T.S. Tax Bill Amendments Approved Washington, Auk. 16. The Senate approved Mr. McCarran'l amendment to the Tax Bill repealing those sections of the Silver Purchase Act which provide ior a 50 per cent, tax on trading profits, authorisf tht nationalisation of silver inci require licences lor imports and
    Reuter  -  104 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 32 1 (T) c Gcdliims Scots HMs\s «i Mallow and Friendly Spirit THERE WILL BE NO COCKTAIL DANCE OR AFTER DINNER DANCE TOMORROW SPECIAL DINNER CONCERT us to us DANCE formal 9.45 to midnight
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    • 89 1 Scots ttlblsky =4 SEA VIEW HOTEL v '1 THIS WEEK: WEDNESDAY formal FRIDAY ==r SPECIAL DINNER DANCE DINNER DANCE MUSIC BY THE RELLER BAND SUNDAY: August 25. 1935 8— 10 p.m. 3rd GRAND 'ALL BRITISH' CONCERT Music by request 10 11.15 p.m. Special DtnrteT >.V()0 per covor SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 7
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  • 174 2 ala Ium »>"»•• An*. 17. THh preliminary inquiry was begun yesterday Into the ease in which Chan Keuii^ is charged with the alk-ed murder of a compatriot on July Mi. Ridley, the Court chief Inspector, stated that the accused 'the <h ■<• sed and
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  • 122 2 Bombay Shopkeeper Sued For $8,000 Seremban. Ah* II In the local Supreme Court today before Mr Justice R C. Cussen. with Mr Ernest Jell for plaintiff and Mr If. I A. Farr for defendant, the case Wa mentioned in which o Benjamin te suing Y. if. Esmailjee, a
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  • 62 2 The death of Ur. Tom Rodrißu^ at me age of 87 yean occurred at bis E? 1 K 1) Roa* Malacca ?ear y J;: iay nxwnlng after a short ill-' mni.v U mi the »»M»»n com- 1 munity one oi tbe oldest resident* of •ffljjcca- The deceased was by pro-'
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  • 196 2 MALACCA MUNICIPAL COMMISSION 'From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Am*. 17. THK vacancy caused on the Malacca Municipal Commission by the resignation of Mr w f Zehnder has been Oiled by the appointment oi Mr. F A de Witt who last June was made a Justice of the Peace Mr. cie
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  • 61 2 London, >\ue. 14. V is announced by the Colonial Office that Mr. J H. Jarrett. AttornevOenerai Bab. mas. is to be appointed lonlal Secretary, Bahamas In succession to tho Hon. C. C. F. Dundas Who U now Chief Secretary. Northern lodeala, and that Mr. j. e. s Merrick
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  • 108 2 The slow fox-trot competition at the Jubilee Ball at the New World was won by Miss Meeter and Mr. j. Milne, with Miss Gertrude Walters and Mr F A. Shahab second. The judges had difficulty in choosiiv the winners of the third prize from Miss Amma
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  • 101 2 Fall Of Five Inches Fills Reservoir Butterwortli. Aug 17 Owing to the incessant downpour 2«n lng L he X* few days a To inches has been recorded on Auk SeVa^ah ReSerVOh at B^ The maximum rainfall during the last eight years was 4 inches, and the niesent figure
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  • 40 2 his appointment as second asstetam General Hospital. Kuala Liols Dr Josudason is the second son of Mr P. Jesudason, retired Chief CouSntt tor. Revenue Surveys, Perak. who was for many yean attached to the Zl vey Department. Kuala Lipfs U1
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  • 945 2 GIRL SEA CAPTAIN GOES SHOPPING IN SINGAPORE "She Is Strict, But At The Same Time Kind To Us" One Of The Crew (By Our Shipping Reporter) Iy I'SSIA'S first woman sea captain is in Singapore. V She commands the Soviet cargo steamer Chavicha of 3,020 gross tons. The ship is
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  • 29 2 Relief Workers' Strike In New York New York. Auc IS Win General Johnson's ultnW-m appears to have S^gg^ lfo T h rs^tfdHF; w<!rk vumcti worKers Reuter Wireless
    Reuter Wireless  -  29 words
  • 23 2 Thursday foi hem Lipls on i due back fron, h,L« Wh jf Rawer S^S^s: Wta« hon'o P'ior to Officer. F.M.S. Raihva;;- H?althi I
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  • 249 2 Programme Of Drills For This Week The Singapore volunteer corps projramme of drills lor the week ending \ug. 25 is as lollows Monday. Aug. If, ft.lf p m h• aUiarters. S.R.A. v Section Gun brill Case 3.. SF.CR.E. iv Nos. 2 3 md I Malay Sections. Unit Parade 5.30
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 228 2 CLASSIFIED AD VERTISEMENTS TROPICAL SKIN DISEASES. A NIW mcOTHIY. After long anil patient itv.mii on the peculiarities of many prevalent .skin disorders, and experiments with varying proportion* of ingredients and formula**. a wonderful new remedy in the form of Kilano Ointment, is offered for the treatment of all types of
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    • 291 2 Sbc Sinoapoic free ||>ccs c u d at- 1 KuuU |.uni|iur I l.uiir I London Ofli,e: J' t l; sue,, SUBSCRIPTION Ra- La FK wa 5 *~ty 3400 «JJJ lb« nmial bank discount ADVERTISEMENT RATrg towrtion (up to 50 koi 3 insertions $2.00 cluti Public andln,| Not,,, Auctions, r JJ.O4)
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 212 2 Diary Of The Week MONDAY. AUG. 1!» High Water. 1.45 a.m. 10. ft., 2.2 pm. 9.5 It. Too' ball: R.A FA. League, Div. I. R.AF. *vs. Wlltshires, Anaon Road Stadium; Dix. n. s.c.c. vs. H M.S. Terror, padan^; Commercial Cup. M.P.H. vs. Post Office, Fust Office sround UESDAY. AUG. M
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    • 390 2 Today's Radio Programmes Singapore ZHI Owned and operated by Radio Service Co. of Malaya Ltd.) Wavelength 49.0 metres p.m. 6 Recorded music. 6.45 News bulletin supplied by Straits Times. 7 Relay Of concert artistes from Tomlinson Hall:— Mrs. R. Walker. Songs. A Song of Autumn <Elgan Just a Wistful Dream
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  • 336 3 Young Man Gets Nine Months lpoh, Aug. 16. j limlnary inquiry into the a Tamil, named Kuppan, on July 10 as a result of knife leged to have been inflicted ier Tamil, named Sadiappan. ducted before Mr. C. W. A. SenIpoh first magistrate, yesterday. iccused
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  • 130 3 STOLE GRAVE HEADSTONES From Malay Mosque Cemetery Si^tt^at Klla| a Lumpur, Aug. 16. bVERAL grave headstones had been removed from the cemetery of a Malay mosque and when those interested made inquiries. Gorriman. the Indian watchman. found himself charged with theft of twenty-one of hese. He would not plead guilty,
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  • 136 3 Business Partner And Clerk For Trial Loh Hong Kit. said to bt a partner in Chop Chong Fart. High Street. W! s charged before Mr H. If. Blacker third magistrate. Singapore on Saturday with fraudulently using as genuine on Feb. 12 last an invoice purporting tc have
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  • 128 3 Two Chinese Gaoled: Second Charge Pending Wanted for the theft of a motorcar parked outside a cinema on July 22. two Chinese were stopped on suspicion by the police when driving another car. The car they were riding in proved to be another stolen car. They were
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  • 85 3 Mr E. I Parrish. the honorary .cretarv of the Malacca Historical Society, has been hard at work on a historical book that will have a great appeal to all lovers of ancient Malacca. He will soon bring out a revised edition of the book entitled "The Tombs of
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  • 58 3 All members of the Y.M.C A. are invited to bring their friends to a lecture by Mr M. Jamieson. B. Sc, ARCS.. :A I C on -Some Aspects of the Work of a Government chemist" in the Large I Hall of the Y.M.C.A. on Wednesday, at 8.30 P.m. Mr. J.
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  • 142 3 ALLEGED MURDERER IN HOSPITAL Kuala Lumpur, Aim. Id A FATAL affray between three Tamils of the coolie class occurred outside the toddy shop in Temple Road. Brickfields, last night. As a result a man called R. S. Maniam was arrested and when the case
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  • 176 3 Construction Job Let To Local Contractor i From Our Own Correspondent.) lpoh. \uv.. 16. The contract for the construction ol Ipoh's aerodrome has been awarded to Goh Khoon. of Kampar. and work has begun. Th site c ?kcted is abot t a miie west of the Gopeng Road
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  • 78 3 Tan Soan. a Siamese woman, was produced before Mr. H M. Blacker. third magistrate, Singapore, on Saturday, on a charge of having failed to register under the Aliens' Ordinance within 48 hours of her arrival in the Colony She was arrested by Detective Inspector Jackson at a
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  • 36 3 (From Our Own Correspondent) Sesamat, Aug. 17. G. B. Daniel, an Indian employed as a clerk on Labis Estate, near here, was found shot dead sitting in an armchair. The police are investigating.
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  • Article, Illustration
    49 3 QUEEN WILHELMINA of Holland, who has jusl steered her country through one of the most difficult financial crises in its history, and Princess Juliana, arrived at Harwich on their way to Scotland to spend a holiday. The photo shows Queen IVilhelmina coming down the gangway on arrival at Harwich.
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  • 40 3 (From Our Own Correspondent) lpoh, Aug. 17. Following a petition to the British Resident by members of the Hylam community, the boiy of a Hylam woman buried in July is to be exhumed I for police investigation.
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  • 17 3 Dr. L. M. Ram, until recently employed in the Medical Department, Seremban, has passed his D.P.H. London.
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  • 100 3 Strange Accident At Sentul T Kuala Lumpur, Aug. 16. HE Chinese driver of a delivery van met his death in peculiar circumstances at Sentul on Wednesday night The car was discovered at the side oi the road, having run into a telegraph post, it was
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  • 128 3 DEAD INFANT FOUND IN DRAIN Believed Case Of Infanticide Penaiiß. Auk. IC 117HAT is believed t-.j be a case oi in"Manticide was brought to light by the discovery early yesterday morning of an unknown female babv. who was found dead in the drain leading to Sungei Plnang in Jelutom; Road
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  • 115 3 Given By Electrical Transcription A lecture on Armageddon was held by electrical transcription in the Telok Ayer Methodist Church last night. The lecture was conducted by the personnel of the auxiliary ketch Lightbearer which recently arrived in Singapore after a 5 000 miles cruise from Sydney <all the
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  • 38 3 From Our Own Corrrspomlt-nt SriMMiihan. Auk. H>The death occurred at tlv Qeneiml Hospital. Seremban. Of Mis Raja, wile ol Mr A S Raja ol I'aiujjin. at the age of 45 The cremation took plat a' Tampin.
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  • 71 3 ChnK Thlan S-ng. MTCrted on .iu extradition warrant in connection With an alleged fraudulent bankruptcy in Medan. was again produced before Mr. 3 A Forrer. H t Sinuaporc Criminal District Jud^e. by Detective Inspector Johnson, en Saturday it was stated that Instruction! ii.ut not yet been PecetTed irom
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 69 3 WIRE NETTING FENCING and repairer of rattan and tan (hicks. Canvas and Spring K Tarpaulins, Tents, Bags. Scroops. Bcrtam Panels, Wire I< n< ing. Wool buntings and Flags. ABDUL RAHMAN TeU phone 2454. Robinson Road, Telegraph Co.>. 17-A Joo Chiat Place. Singapore. (lr»s promptly Executed. O/^ 11 T"i I V*
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    • 308 3 At 2J) this woman 41 At iuse of corn 8h« renuMlie hofor< ho f« relieve! EUdox EUdox [on brought 1... k hei n. nua»»and alao had 1 ornn i Radox -iii r 1 ,-,i 1t hi e i "Until a few »,< nobble about. On >h. r tkin. ami u,
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  • 2966 4 AIR MAIL LETTER FROM LONDON Hot M ork London 9 Horde Of lisitors A Loss To Is All Victory For I'acijtsls Our Ohl Friend The Hector I Holiday For Life Most Powerful Man (Par Itest loan loath Again For You, Madam She Has Been Dead The Old Gentlemmn Journalists" Friend
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 70 4 Men Made Young Vigour Increased In 24 Hours In t kV' lxor Vl-Tab« and restori your Manhood, Vitallrv and Rnerirv Bg T^ultn In 14 Lotus. l»r. n"!oK Vi-Tuha ai a new dlsf-uvery and \mS»r ROYAL DUTCH AIR K.L.M. LINES THE FASTEST PASSLNGER-M AIL-FREIGHT SERVICE TO EUROPE 5} DAYS SINGAPORE LONDON
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    • 40 4 Easily the best llllllllllllel^^——^general service pump THE MYERS SELF-OILING BULLDOZER oil k I^J ta#^ Myers No. 2426 2£" suction and discharge $225/Delivery ex stock. Runs 24 hours per dr. without attention < oils use SOLE AGENTS: UNITED ENGINEERS LIMITED SINGAPORE BRANCHES.
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  • Article, Illustration
    230 5 I .\M! IN ERITREA—Workir< rea^Rsmljr ni^ht and day, |bc thousands „f Italian soldiers massed in Brifttea in readiness lor i.i uitli Abyssinia are ,nakm K every preparation known to nmdr n n,i«ita,v strategists to make rictory sure VI I I I .tructed «h-, until now there has been n rfhln,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 219 5 sv,^ BliikliifllUßUl "YOU must strengthen your nerves with SANATOGEN' 4 Rt\ ituli^f yrmr umi r>> taking Sanfltogen. That is what your iloctor will advftK you, when listlessness. lack of appetite, or irttiul are robbing vou oi vour health and iov of life. For pbystciaim know that all ihese corrpUintt have
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  • 934 6 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Aug. 17. JUDGMENT was delivered by Mr. J Justice Cussen, in the Kuala Lumpur Supreme Court yesterday, or. the preliminary issues relating to the petition of William Silva for divorce from his wife. Emile Nona. K A.
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  • 467 6 Science Finds New Terror For The Criminal TF the way of the transgressor has been hard in the past, science has ordained that it shall be harder still in time to come. Between him and the police an unending contest is waged. In that fight the
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  • 58 6 -The final meeting of the League Council at (icneva <;n Ihe Halo- Abyssinian dispute. Centre, head of table, left to right Baron Aloisi, Italian represr ntative; M. Laval, French Premier and representative of France: M. Lilvinov, President of the Council: M. Avcnol. Secretary-General of the League
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  • 59 6 Tientsin, Aug. 16. A CHINESE train guard, a Chinese conductor and a Japanese passenger were killed when 70 bandits who boarded the Mukden-Peiping night express at Shanhaikwan disclosed themselves and despoiled passengers of cash and valuables. A score of Chinese were injured daring a
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 629 6 Six Months For "Scandalising" Judges ELDERLY MAN SHOUTS AT LORD CHIEF JUSTICE London, July 31. THERE was a remarkable scene in the Lord Chief Justice's Court when an elderly man was sentenced to six months' prison for contempt of court "by scandalising: His Majesty's judges." ME was George Williamson Withers
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  • 62 6  -  Sin Chew Jit Poh Shanghai Uii K THE Ministry ol the Int. ha- promulgated .in „,,1 prohibiting hints, i,,i<i,, under six years from coin ordinary cinema shows MRS. C AMPBfcl I, BMc K H«.n.M< Dmiiil llm M r J esakraeiiti hei kmkmmi I tort on
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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  • 225 7 ON-BENDERS BEA TEN Recreation Club !U>zclcrs Too Good Dgapore Non-Benders had to defeat at the hands of the S.R C. j ay on the Padang. Taking first the Non-Behderi compiled 64. Is being undefeated with 45 not SRC. replied with 129 for 9; useful contributions coming, .vis »39> and D'Almeida
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  • 126 7 Wilts Heat Chinese By Five Wickets Wiltshire Regiment continued m ol cricket successes, when t.d the S.CR.C. at Tan-lin by five wickets. very heavy wicket after yesterK weather was not conducive iv( cricket, but Cremin. and Moore had quite lively and the Wiltshires declared at live wickets
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  • 278 7 Fine Bowling In lp o h Cup Match yHE European! vs. The Rest cricket match tor the Hennessy Cup was begun this afternoon on a soft pitch caused by rain over-night. The feature of the play was the i) mazing bowling of Chelvam who had six wickets
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  • 50 7 Prom Our Own Correspondent! Penang, Aug. 18. At cricket today the Cricket Club women beat the men by 28 runs. The women made 95 runs. Mrs. Adams '22. Mrs. Evans 17. Miss Samuel 11. being jtop scorers. The men replied with G7. Mrs. Evans took six for 26.
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  • 44 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Aug. 16. The- Singapore English School team have been on a visit to Kuala Lumpur, and in a match on the Padang yesterday they defeated the local Trade School 4—l. after leading 2—l at halftime.
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  • 24 7 r The Johore Military Forces beat the Jcrinthians by nine soals to one in the 1 final of the Hose Cup.
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  • 450 7 Recreation Club Annual Sports Meeting TTHK annual athletic sports meeting •of the Singapore Recreation Club was held on Saturday afternoon on the Padang in the presence of a big j attendance. The showers of rain earlier in the day made the running heavy but not-
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  • 238 7 Selangor Rangers Beaten I CHINESE PLAY TEN MEN IN SECOND HALF •From Our Own Correspondent.* Kuala. Lumpur, Aug. 17. TTHE S.C.R.C. gained a 3-1 victory, 1 Offer the Selangor Rangers in the I second round of the senior division cf the Selangor Football Association Cud competition on the T.P.C.A. ground
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  • 74 7 i Prom Our Own Correspondent Ser«-mban, Aug. 14. The Negri Sembilan branch of the Automobile Association of Malaya, are. I understand, organising a motor and flying gymkhana to bo held at Seremban on S-pt. 14 The event Will be under the pa'.ron- I age of His fflghnfffi i
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 89 7 ■""Trjr^^TvAl TOMORROW mmm mm ™"^""^VlORE FUN THAN ALL THE ROBT MONTGOMERY and MADGE comedies put together—^ MORE EVANS in BAFFLING than any MYMfc** Fl GITIVE LOVERS" 'ThTtHINMAN" SUPPORTED BY WILLIAM POWELL and MYRNA "MODFRN PERSIA" i LOY. f World-famous Child Star Adored by Millions CAPITOL NEXT CHANGE!! fhe Universe Over!
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    • 255 7 A BRIGHT NOVEL STAGE ATTRACTION with a Side-splitting Screen Comedy. JCAPITOLI 6.15 NIGHTLY 9.15 mUTTLEJOHN DIAMOND i-ffl Presenting V j H THE LITTLEJOHNS, I LINDA MAY, w HAROLD REID, *m#is&*« PHIL LOPAZ, etc. $MMskl in a Sparkling Repertoire of Dancing, Comedy. Juggling W^vi^fl^: *t V* and Spectacular Novelties '^fe;*VV;^.[ >V^>!aV«J|k||
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  • 518 8 MONDAY. AUGUST 19, 1935 Mussolini Must Decide MEGOTIATIONS at the Quai d'Orsay during the past week have alternated between hopefulness and despair. Signor Mussolini. in the unusual role of a man of mystery, raised high hopes when he agreed to send Baron Aloisi to the conference, but subsequent events have
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  • 335 8 THE MOST important event in Singapore's social programme this coming week-end will be the Jubilee celebrations of the R.A.F (Singapore) on Saturday afternoon Never before has an event of this nature been staged in Malaya, and providing the weather is in smiling mood the arrangements
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  • 250 8 Mr C. J Stanley Low has arrived at 'Kota Bharu from Singapore on an elephant shooting expedition in Kelantan Dr. Rontley. who recently arrived from home, has been posted to TaiDin^ for duty. Dr. (Miss* Will, who recently arrived from home, is attached to the Infant Welfare
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  • 517 8 IF WAR breaks out in the autumn between Italy and Abyssinia will It be i possible to obtain direct news from Addis Ababa? The chief wireless station there, which i.s only now being .-I lllitckadc Of The Air c o mpleted. has been built by Italian
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  • 828 8 CHE said, squint inn with hall -opened eyvs at their breakfast tray. 'What r\ wonderful still-lite that would make!" Two wedges of pale crust lying in blue bowls; a yellow jug and a white one; butter in a glass dish As foreground a blue and yellow eheeked tablecloth:
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 131 8 A "Gimlet" is a pretty good drink, but you don't know how good it Mm can be, unless you've tried this jtMy 1 tot Old Tom Gin ilMflk 2 Rose's Lime Juice 10 drops Angostura Bitters ra^gP^ -then shake it with plenty of ice in CfSsS^ a Cocktail shake?'. mjm
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    • 70 8 "HOW LONG WILL IT TAKE to get through with this case asked the burglar client. "Well/' replied his lawyer thoughtfully, "It'll take me about two days but I'm afraid it's going to take you some four years." It should not take anyone of ordinary prudence two minutes to decide to
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  • 154 9  -  Sin Chew Jit Poh Keen Interest In Dr. Wang's Proposal A PROPOSAL to call a round »,ki Shanghai, Aug. 18. i*. wang suggests that all th* Powers directly or indirectly concerned in questions relating to China should be invited to attend the conference, while all
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  • 213 9 Bright Show At The Capitol of ihe Littlejohn Cjmiany i: :;ie Capitol brought to ipi re &Im-gc?rs at the openmy yesterday au added a, 'ruction s cvel and fasclna only the novelty, but the ex the revue presented by the iohns that earns for them and
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  • 159 9  -  Nanyang Siang Pau Mr. Wan« Ching Wei Makes Decision Shanghai. Aug. 18. Mr Wei H Und< r-Secretary ol th j Executive Departm tit. who has just turned from nlerence with Mr. Wang Chin.: W< In Tsingtao. stat^ci in rview with pressmen this mornthat although Mr. Wang had
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  • 69 9  -  Nanyang Siang Pau I lood Menace Again Appears In China Shanghai. Aug. 18 01 L >yang. China's "emer:apital is reported to be In J> Inundated at any a report from General < Hung Kwei. Governor of Ninghsia. urges that step, be taken to hen the dykea In
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  • 217 9 SINGAPORE JUBILEE FUND THE 49th list of the Singapore Silver Jubiiee Fund records a contribution of $500 from Dunlop Rubber Co. and Associated Companies. Amount previously acknowledged $125.4 17. 35 A S. Shooker '200 00 Dunlop Rubber Co. and Associated Companies 500.00 Per Ons Boon Tat and Co.— David Gray,
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  • 113 9 Planiappa Chettiar's Case (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Aug. 16. THE F.M.S. Court of Appeal today l passed judgment allowing Palaniappa Chettiar leave to appeal to the Privy Council against the judgment of $26,952 in favour of Mr. Edgar Jones. The Chettiar originally borrowed money, depositing
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  • 81 9 Suggestion Approved By Lord Trenchard London, Auk. 17. The suggestions for a Dying club for mombors of the Metropolitan Police Force have been approved by the Commissioner. Lord Trenchard. The club would be self-supporting and would not be used as part of the official police organisation but
    British Radio  -  81 words
  • 91 9 Xo Official Confirmation Of London, Aug. 17. As yet no otlicial confirmation has reached London of press messages reporting that Mr. Gareth Jones, the British Journalist and one time member ot Mr. Lloyd George's sacretariat who was taken prisoner by Chinese bandits at the end of July,
    British Radio  -  91 words
  • 40 9 Hont; Kong, Aug. IS. General Huang Stiao Hsiung. Governor ol Chekiang. who has completed his mission in Kwangsi on behalf of the Central Government. has returned to Canton on his way back to Hanchow. capiral of Chekiang. Nanyang Siang Pau
    Nanyang Siang Pau  -  40 words
  • 411 9 JAPAN PAYS TRIBUTE TO GREAT BRITAIN Tokio. Aug. 17. EXPRESSING appreciation of the) British Government's efforts to advance the cause of naval limita- tion, the Foreign Office spowesman. in an interview, added "Japan expects Great Britain shortly to propose new ideas on naval limitation which Japan is prepared to study
    British Radio  -  411 words
  • 198 9 Abyssinia Rome, Aug. 17. QIGNOR Mussolini is to form a new Legion comprising volunteers from overseas. The Legion will consist of four uatiunions of 1.000 men each and will be commanded by Signor Pietro Parinl director of the office concerned with Italians abroad. So far 11,000 volunteer
    198 words
  • 168 9 Aim Of British And Front! Delegates Paris, Aug. 16. The primary aim of the British anc French delegates at the three-Powei conference is to discover Italy's precis* minimum claims on Ethiopia, otherwise no real progress can be made anc the Negus cannot be expected to statt the maximum
    Reuter  -  168 words
  • 133 9 Paris Aug. 18. Besides the Anglo-French suggestions which practically leave Abyssinia open for Italian economic development it is reported that Anglo-French financial assistance has been suggested for Italian economic development in fh<» form of tri-pariite financial exploitation. While M. Laval and Mr. Eden at* completely agreed with regard
    133 words
  • 71 9 Paris, Auk. 1~ In connection with the conference, the Paris Midi remarks that France i^ "laced with a dilemma." Britain threatens to withdraw co-operation in Europe if France does not support her against the Italian claims while Italy is making European co-operation conditional on her being allowed a
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 106 9 London, Aug. 17. Today's press comment is notable for the emphasis it lays on two points. One is that the parties concerned in this dispute must all make some contribution to a settlement and thai if that li done in the interests of peace and conciliation then there
    British Radio  -  106 words
  • 16 9 New York, Aug. 16. The Flying Clipper left Midway i Island at 5.21 <G.M.T.» today. Reuter
    Reuter  -  16 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 253 9 FASHION DEMANDS 4>D IS NOT FASHION A HARD MISTRESS' INSIST ON (^M\ WORTHS TPf-' A COMPREHENSIVE @mB& RANGE OF WORTHS STEP IN CORSETS IS MODEL N eae STOCKED BY I— Robinson Co., Lid. CHEDLET CHEESE ''his Clu't'so km an ♦•xrrt'diimly b<'nr .u-iai effect on health lentraHi and the diKt\stion in
      253 words

    • 1068 10 ISATl RDAY, AUG. 19, 1935. MINING Buyers Sellers Ampat Tin -4s) 4s 3d 9d As a Kuinbang UJ Austral Malay (fj P» Ay,r Hitam Tin (5a) 13s fe 14s bd \mv Win- <$1» 1.80 i.w Ban. Selangor ($1) cA Chtnderiang (f) "J Hitam Tin < 50 eta.)
      1,068 words
    • 91 10 Auk. 17. Buyers Sellers Gambior 5.50 Java Cub, 1000 Hamburg Cuoc •'••JJJ White Pepper 18^ IfuntQk White Pepper 18.50 Copra. Sundricd 3.75 Copra, mixed 3.35 Small Flake Tapioca 4.30 H.B. Siam No. 1 per yokan 106 Banja Jetotong j[" 50 Sarawak Jelotong 70 R. (81am I W.C.
      91 words
    • 221 10 Aug. n. SELLING London, 4 months" sigh: 2331 33 London. 3 months* sight 2315 16 London. W days' right 2 3 29 32 London, 30 days' fight 237« London, demand '-3 27 32 London. T.T. 2 3 27 32 Lyons, and Paris demand Bb3 Hamburg demand 142 New
      221 words
    • 127 10 "Not Antagonistic" Says Lord Tweedsmuir Lord Tweedsmuir. Governor-General Designate of Canada, speaking at a luncheon ol the Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Great Britain, in London. I said that no business man should take too narrow a view of his calling. He had no patience, he said,
      127 words
    • 1133 10 Control Vital, But Modified Policy Is Demanded j (Fran the Free Press Correspondent) London, Aug. 8. UT TNLEBB there is a change in the machinery of the re«tric|_j tion scheme, unless the International Tin Committee consults the market on the question of stocks and
      1,133 words
    • 96 10 Chamber Of Commerce Rubber Association Auk. 1". 12 o'clock noon Buyers Sellers No. I. X. R. S. S. in cases CF.0.8. August* 19 3 a W? Good F.AQ. in casts »F.0.8. August > 19> 8 19U No. I.X.R.S.S. t Spot -loose* «awardable Singapore 19 3 B 19\ 2 September 19
      96 words
    • 98 10 DURING the veek ending Aug 10. exports of tinned pineapples from Malayan ports amounted to 23.539 cases, of which 17.505 <75 per cent.) cases tren 10 the United Kingdom. 984 »4 per cent i cases to the Continent Of Europe. 2.425 <10 per cent.) cam to
      98 words
    • 99 10 Aug. 17. Shell and Fish Kerosene per Unit of 2 x 4-j*allon tins 54.86 Crown. Cross and DtmCQO Kerosene per Unit Qfl 2 x 4-gallon tins $4.46 Shell Motor Spirit ex pump per British Imperial Gallon 82 Shell Motor Spirit in 4B&llon ;.nims per British Imp-rial
      99 words
    • 313 10 Talks At Miners' Federation Conference In his presidential address to the Miners 1 Federation Conference at Rhyl. Mr. Joseph Jones, secretary of the Yorkshire Miners" Association, said "It the Government evades its responsibility and declines to take steps to ensure that the miners shall be reasonably rewarded
      313 words
    • 200 10 Aue. IS K» IT American Can Com. hi ho 3 l4o* a American Telephom and Telegraph 14O' i4o*fc i4O" H lAtchetonI Atcheton Railroad 52 3 bv 53 3 8 Chesapeak 47 46 7 H 46 3 H Dlipont 11Q3 H U3 1 12 1 iFlrestcne i5 n 4
      200 words
    • 79 10 Tokio. The Japanese Ministry ol Commerce -and Industry is planning an extension joi the order issued during the spring {Under the Export Control Law which is (designed to reduce the exports ol CQtton Roods to Peru, Ecuador, San Salvador and Colombia. The new order is expected to include
      79 words
    • 287 10 litacapaft, t Ml II Bed ■teak K Beel .'-tew d< Fillet steak Mutton. AUfttl Pork loan K Pork lean »mg list aaalM POIITRV Capon i loci I n n d i Dueks Fowls d< riins i locally ai Pigeons. d<»:r.« Pigeons i mettle, •JBft Dllck. tie Fowl.
      287 words
    • 54 10 l.«td..M On the fttock b nor: was fortbc i clustrials. tndVdlW but other DBCtftOI :ind rather irr« JiiUr OottOO w tkPOed New York rod ties surround:: i the With tin UM C II ,as the result >>i get* dealers Wall Sir.-' I no-llore cilhvi .lilt !lt IV .caution
      Reuter Wireless  -  54 words

  • 418 11  - IS GRETA GARBO'S Popularity ON THE WANE? MOLLIE MERRICK Hollywood In Person BY V Ol ft-pedal the rumours 3io la on the anxious Darbo'a future. that the public is mit gag came when Immigi tion Office refused to for re-entry *o bouse but insisted and get it like any lal.
    418 words
  • 79 11 appointment Of New Public Relations Officer London. Aug. 14. active publicity which Post Office work nd which was marked men: ol a public reia--1933. is to be pursued, n Tallents, who was secipire Marketing Board 33. was the first public ffl accepted an appoint Her of public relation*
    79 words
  • 66 11 value of €265,000 are j d with British firms by the vernment for rolling-stock n-Hankow Railway. The eight heavy locomotives 3 5 pas enger coaches. gap in the Cantoni lilway line should be com- irly summer of 1936 The Involved most difficult enUgh mountainous counUne is finished
    66 words
  • 31 11 3 r^ry of State for the 5 approved the regrading of 1 Intment of Emigration Corner Malaya. Madras, from Class Ib ol the Malayan f Ice. writh effect from July 1
    31 words
  • 145 11 May Revolutionise Loag Distance Flying London. Auff. 13. Imp rial Airways have on order ex,'perimental aircraft of a new type specially designed lor the purpose of overcoming the problem of "take off" under heavy load which, if it proves successful in tests to be made before the middle
    145 words
  • 80 11 Mystery Accident To Tamil Cook An unusual accident occurred at Bukit Timah on Saturday morning. A Tamil coolie, living at the 9*2 mile, was cooking his breakfast at a fireplace consisting of three large stones over which a pan was placed. He had his face close to the
    80 words
  • 553 11  -  Ely Culbertson iJ *y W o, lds Champion Player And Greatest Card Analyst j COUNT lam asked— as Iso often am what a Student of Contract Bridge must do to become a first-class player i unhesitatingly answer "Count!" Counting is a simple operation: we learn it in
    553 words
  • 503 11 THE following publications were issue or received by the Department c Statistics. S.S. and FM.S.. during th period Aug. 10 to 16. inelusiv< and are available for public use in th Reference Library. Fullerton Buildim Singapore Applications may be mad by members of the public resident
    503 words
  • 189 11 Removal To Union Building In January A decision has been definitely arrived at to remove the offices of the P and O Banking Corporation. Ltd from the present building at the junction of Collyer Quay and Prince Street to Union Building. The removal, which will take
    189 words
  • 254 11 ICELAND is the latest country to be brought into the world-wide radiotelephone system which has its headquarters In London. l-v T r\\Vo rV i tV was forn '"».v inaugurated by the Postmaster-General. Major G C Tryon. MP. and Earl Stanhope ParJiimenUry Undersecretary „!r Foreign AHairs. spiking
    254 words
  • 102 11 •From Our Own Correspondent. Seremban. Aur. 17 The lollowing have been elected n»>w cabinet oflicers of the Seremban Ep worth League President. Mrs H Y Kuehn vice-presidents, -first depart Blent) Messrs. J A. Sabapatnv and N Keam Nyen vice-presidents laecund department'. Messrs Tan Kim ChenNathan and S Marimuttu
    102 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 141 11 HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. 'Incorporated tn the Colony of Hong Kong i The liability of members is limited to h K nt^ and ln ma nner Pr"s the be Colo y n y ordinanCe 8 f 1929 HEAD OFFICE 110N (i KONG Authorised Capital $50 000 000 Issued and
      141 words
    • 473 11 CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. At STRALIA AND iiin% < Incorporated in England by Koyal Charter Paid up capital In 600 000 sTi: ss s Proprietors II FA I) OFFICE 38. Bishopsgate. London EC Airrn, ies and Branches KK? *?V' 'SSSSi; C«IC« K Lumpur SSS^T K«chln, 50ur.,,,,. S*3 ::r, sa Hamb.n,
      473 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
      458 words
      86 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 1047 12 LATEST SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE Local And Foreign Mail Despatches And Arrivals BY TRAIN Bangkok every Saturday 7 pm. Thursday 7 30 am ttedah Monday to Friday 7.30 a.m. Saturday 7.30 a.m. and 7 p.m. Kuantan via Jerantut Monday to Friday 7.30 a.m. Saturday 730 a.m. 7 pm. Sunday p.m. Kajang. Kota
      1,047 words
    • 311 12 SINGAPORE HARBOUR Ships alon^ide thr wii., or expeeted t»> mi Kast Wharf dittiamr (.altPlanciu.s '20 Main Wharf (Kntiimr «« Brria 18: Rahatn k AgMßenmoa 13 <->• Ipoli I; Ciinyo M.tru Fmpirc Dock <lntran«e Silvrrteak 30 Empire Dock (KntffMMe <«.u Tclrciln 40 West Wharf ( Qa|| Troil us 4 KEPPFI IIAKBOI
      311 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 383 13 iP O and BRITISH INDIA P. O. S. N. CO'S SAILINGS, OUTWARDS sS ill Cargo only. I Not calling at Japan HOMEWARDS Tna*e T naffe o^iof 6 10 Au 22 RAJPUTANA 17.000 Oct 11 RANCHI 17.000 Aug. 30 *BURDWAN 67W Oct 17 BEHAR 6.000 Sept. 5 CHITRAL ***** <*t 25
      383 words
    • 484 13 B BJ I^B^B* B^^^B^^B^V BP^^L VI IB I H I Steamship Co., Ltd. i lncorporated m England' "ELLERMAN" LINE FOR HAVRE, LONDON, ROTTERDAM AND HAMBURG VIA PORTS AND SUEZ CANAI Steamer""" 8 Canadlan and towi Ports via Colombo. City of Salisbury Due Sails City of Hereford J° e P l
      484 words
    • 797 13 SHIPPIMi EsiE^F^— sssHsre tu The Strait* Steamship Co.. Lid. ih' 513J3t nff^ 1 <o U4 The Liverpool arid London and (Jlobe Tlir lham«s and v-.v. x. Insurance Co., Ltd. < Lid riM Marhie lrv. „,„,< The Federated Malay suie* K.n.u a >s. Ril>al sutf Rdl||^ maguey ss»£?fe: Butler Air Transport
      797 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 638 14 K. P. M. KOMN^LUKE PAKETVAA&T MAATSCHAPPU PLANCH'S Monday. Aug. 19. Belawan-Deli. MAKASSER— Monday. Aug. 19. Selat-Pandjang, Koedap, Bengkalis and Bagan Si-Api-Api. ROKAN Tuesday. Aug. 20. Bengkalis. Paneh. Berombang. Tanjong-Mengeidar. Tanjong-Leidong and Asahan. TOMOHON Tuesday. Aug. 20. Singkaw a ng. Pemangkat and Sambas. MAJANG Wednesday. Aug. 21, Prigi-Radja. Sapat. Tembilahan. Poeloe-Pallas.
      638 words
      338 words
    • 482 14 O. S. K. LINE FOR AFRICA AND SOUTH AMERICA Tofuku Maru Cape Town via Mombasa Zanzibar I M Salaam. L Marques. Durban rod Aljz;oa Bay f Santos Maru liuei.os Aires via Colombo. I). (Capo Town. Rio. BtnUM and Mont< y Manila Maru Buenos Aires via Colombo. Momb.. Zanzibar. Dar-es-Salaam. Beira
      482 words

  • 1063 15 Financier Wins Again To Pay $44 At Tainina 4th RACE MONOPOLISED BY MR. VAN TOOREN Moderate Dividends ToLT SUal CCCUnence of one taking the fe* three placos in (From Our Own Correspondent Taipins, Aug. 17 The weather today was quito ll n ntrast to 'hat of the Ofmfoj day, it
    1,063 words
  • Article, Illustration
    19 15 Photo) ('HARLfcS CROCKER in the Fuc) i»:\nu championship irtnj, a "Jackknife,^ :i t the Y.MC.A. Swinitiiins Carnival Free Press
    Free Press  -  19 words
  • 389 15 DIVING THRILLS AT FORT CANNING Two New Swimming Records 'WO records were broken at the Y.M.f .A. annual swimmi iic larriivaJ on Saturday at tlu Foil Canning Ptt»t Competitive, divine, plunifin- and racing attended h\ .several {"me performances irerc seen. rec »rd waj the schoolVj ards tiampionship final, in n
    389 words
  • 138 15 Victories For YJM.OA. And Eurasian Association i From Our Own Correspondent* Kuala Lumpur. Aug. 17. Two Stonor Shield cricket matches »vere played today The Y.M.c.A. defeated the Kikii Club by 58 runs. Goin^ in iirst the V MCA. compiled 114. W. de Silva 20. G. O Laßrooy 44
    138 words
  • 101 15 Asiatic Teams To Be Approached 'From Our Own Conespondent > Kuala Lumpur. Aug. 17. At the meeting ol the Selangoi Rugby Association held this evening at the Selangor Club. H was decided to approach two local Asiatic fam* with a view to practices and arrang mg fixtures
    101 words
  • 786 15 Excitement And Trills At The Oval S. AFRICA'S GOOD START IN FINAL TEST Magnificent Knock By Mitchell I <> iicii* 11 Aug. 17. THANKS to a splendid knock 1 of 128 bv Mitchell and an unfinished «0 by Viljorn. the South Africans found them selves in a good position at
    786 words
  • Article, Illustration
    12 15 photo). Free Press START W 410 YAK,,s open lu V| sp m
    Free Press  -  12 words
  • 1078 15 Huge Crowd See Chinese rpHE Royal Engineers practically 1 won TIT First Division r^' Play and only want four points yH THE match was one of the best seen tins season. The losers played a great game but the Sappers seemed to improve a.s
    1,078 words
  • 51 15 l.irrtlrm Anir. IT. Games played todaj Um Beott leagues resulted as follow! «*irdrie :< Heirs nrbroath 1 Albino Ayr Rancefi Celtic l Hamilton 0 DUMtofl r» Qurcns Park Dunfermllnc i Q i»l Ibt Boytn l liibernlan l Clyde MntiMnrel] S Alwcdctn Partick .{St. .lohiiFt. nc Ihird Lanark :i
    51 words

  • 332 16 America Retains Wightman Cup DOROTHY ROUND LOSES TO HELEN JACOBS Four Matches To Three Forest Hills, Aug. 17. AMERICA has retained the Wightman Cup beating Great Britain by four matches to three. Miss Helen Jacobs beat Miss Dorothy Round (Great Britain) 6—3, 6—2. Miss Jacobs seemed rejuvenated overnight and demoralised
    332 words
  • 163 16 Foul Play In Cup Ile i From Our Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, Aug. 17. A SENSATION was caused at a soccer match in the junior knock out competition for the Selangor Football Association Cup between the S.C.R.C. "B" and Batu Arang "B" at Pudu Road ground
    163 words
  • 90 16 London. Aug. 17. At Dover: Kent 340. Todd 114, vs. Lancashire. At Derby: Derby 406. Townsend 180: Worcester 13 for no wicket. At Worksop College Ground: Gla- morgan 201. Voce 6 tor 61. Notts 81 for 2. At Eastbourne: Sussex 136; Leices- ter 155 for 9. At Yeovil:
    90 words
  • 38 16 Helen Wills And National Championship San Francisco, Aug. 17. Mrs. Wills-Moody has announced i that she is not playing in the national championships. I feel I have enough tournament tennis for the season she declared. Reuter.
    38 words
  • 104 16 Junior Knock Out Competition From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Aug. 16. In the first round of the Junior knock out soccer competition for the Selangor Football Association cup, the Selangor Malays Association defeated the Selangor Indians by three goals to one at the Railway grounds today. Play
    104 words
  • 530 16 S. G. C. MIXED FOURSOMES TPHE monthly mixed foursomes competition of the Singapore! Golf Club was played at Bukit Timah on Sunday and resulted in a j win for Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Wise with a net score of 31 3 4 Forty-nine cards were
    530 words
  • 18 16 GARRISON TENNIS TOURNAMENT I The ties for Saturday and Monday have now been transferred to Monday and Tuesday.
    18 words
  • 47 16 New York. Aug. 16. The United States Polo Association has received an official challenge from the Hurlingham Club Committee for the Westchester Cup contest to be held at Hurlingham in June next year, i There is every expectation that the US. Association will accept.- Reuter
    47 words
  • 358 16 Medical Field Scratch Team The Medica! OoOtfl only able to Btld a ■gainn tho ICalayi o pround yesterday and The matting Vicfcti v^as not satisfactory and was a factor to the low score > Scores M< Dn. b Man mood Dr Paranjothy b I Cooper c Yunos b
    358 words
  • 203 16 F\ARUL BAHAR beat Shahrul Kamar by seven goals to nil in the final of the M.P.A. Cup Competition at the Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday. The g.ame was one-sided throughout the losers being completely outclassed' Mahmood scored three jroals and Mat Noor the fourth
    203 words
  • Article, Illustration
    20 16 Photo). MISS NELLIE CHIA winner of the ladies 40 yds. championship at the Y.M.C.A. Swimming Carnival on Saturday. Free Press
    Free Press  -  20 words
  • 532 16 TAKES 7 S.C.C. WICKETS FOR 14 RUNS S. R. C. Beat Non-Benders ■THE three-day cricket fixture between the S.C.C. and th. bined Schools on the Padang ended in a draw yesterrin At the end of the hour's play on Friday the Combined Schools, who txx>k first knock,
    532 words
  • 63 16 < From Our Own Correspondent > Kuala Lumpur. Aug. 18. A LARGE crowd witnessed the prelim- inary round ties of the Selangor open i men's doubles and women's singles badminton championships at the Victoria Institution Hall today. Most of the 1 games were keenly contested and much
    63 words
  • 56 16 (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Aug. 18. TIE South China footballers played their first game here this afternoon against a Penang Football Association team. The match ended in a draw four goals being shared. The game was marred by rough play by the visitors at
    56 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 35 16 Three Pages Of Sport 7, 15 and 16 g^rw^^M r ri-ij/ FAMOUS p op over KAJTLEgjy lOOYEMS E M\ G L E A N v T i TQM STOREY 6- CO. 51 Warin Studios 1
      35 words
    • 72 16 B I I I I "~^x«%x^^* Designed to 77!e >4 US TIN four ?l!l iS |i^r i i n FoUr four door "^©on is undoubtedly the m<» ur light car produced today. The motoring public h*> kurn-i I 2 On tln q«»»ty and destrn with the rr»ult thai no Ml
      72 words