The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 8 August 1935

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 17 1 The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS. NO. 14«47 ESTD. 1835 THURSDAY. AUGUST 8, 1935 10 CENTS
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  • 288 1 Grave Situation Arises In France PAY CUTS RESENTED Workers Attack Troops And Marines IAVI SITUATION HAS ARISEN IN FRANCE AS RESULT ING IN BREST. PARIS, AND TOULON FOLLOWING THE EMENT OF THE FRENCH ECONOMY DECREES. ;»er rent, pay cut is hotly resented, and at the at Brest
    Reuter  -  288 words
  • 173 1 Workers On New Cruiser Down Tools Brest. Aug. t>. A lerioui situation In the naval dockyard following the lightning strike yesterday of Arsenal workers as a protest against the ten per cent, wage cut under the decree laws has developed. The workers refused to resume work on the
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  • 35 1 2,000 Civil Servants Demonstrate Paris, Aug. <». A number ot arrests were made last night when 2.000 civil servants and gas workers demonstrated here against the new ten per cent wage cuts. Reuter Wireless
    Reuter Wireless  -  35 words
  • Article, Illustration
    31 1 THE OFFICERS <>i the Normandie, the giant French liner which recently raptured the Blue Riband ot the Atlantic, have refused their pay as a protest against the ten per cent. cut.
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  • 252 1 11 Duce Counts On Winning Quick Campaign With Planes Rome, Aug. 7. The army is approaching one million under arms following the new mobilisation. The Press emphasises that while Italy is mobilising troops for service m the Colonies, new divisions are always constituted to replace them for
    Reuter Wireless  -  252 words
  • 91 1 New Roads Built In The Colonies Paris, Aug. 7. DiMjiiosing Italian arrangements lor supplies m the African Colonies m the event of war breaking out. the Italian Minister tor the Colonies, m an interview with Le Journal, states Italians m the last six months have accomplished more work
    Reuter Wireless  -  91 words
  • 51 1 The Hague, Aug. 7. Queen Wilh.lmina. accompanied by Princess Juliana, has left for a holiday In the Loch Earn district, Perthshire. This is the first time since the death Of the Consort that the Queen has dressed In a travelling suit instead of In white mourning dress. Reuter
    Reuter Wireless  -  51 words
  • 242 1 Crashed.— Frances only stratosphere plane crashed yesterday m flames near Bonnieres. The pilot. Cogno, was burnt to death Quetta 'Quake.- The Corporation ot London has made a grant of £525 to the Lord Mayor's fund for the relief of suiferers m the Quetta earthquake. Plane delayed.—
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  • Article, Illustration
    371 1 LONDON -HONG KONG AND BACK IN FIVE DAYS Campbell Black's Four plightc OFF TO CAPE TOWN ON SATURDAY London. Aug. 7. U/EATIIEK rERMITHM;. (amphell Black, the famous airman. begins on Saturday, a series of four sensational flights, the first to Cape Town and back via Cairo, and the
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  • 63 1 (Prom Our U^.. Correspondent) London, Aug. 7. "THREE Soviet workmen wen I ecuted at Tom>k. m Siberia, yesterday for ftf ling rubber from railway coupling Ten minutes ifM making a briel appearance before a military tribunal they were m their uraves. Four other prisoners were
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  • 41 1 Washington. Auk I The Rom < passed Pn i tt*i "Tax the Rich" Bill mc: axes t>n In 'incs .v r HMM It now (01 'j BtOftti wlicn 1 it is expected f<» hai tormy reception Reuter Wireless
    Reuter Wireless  -  41 words
  • 46 1 Shanghai. .Aug. I. A JAI'.VNKSK. rrport from IVipm* stairs lh.»i (i.irrlh Jours, Ihr Welsh journalist h.»s bwn released and has arrived at t M<n»Mch. The release v\as efTeotrd l»> Mani'hukuo ofttiials uhn negnlialed with his raptors m the l*engnnu district of Jehot Reuter Wireless
    Reuter Wireless  -  46 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 91 1 BIGIA TEA gs the freshness and fragrance of the Malayan gardens ct to your home. MALAYAM PREMIER HOTEL 4 TONIGHT SPECIAL DINNER CONCERT sis to <us P .m formal 9.45 to midnight AND THE CABARET OF THE SEASON ERIC AND GERDA Famous and Daring Continental Acrobatic and Eccentric Dancers m
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  • 328 2 LONG TACK SAM TO MAKE SINGAPORE VISIT THE management of the Capitol Theatre announces that arrangements have been completed for the appearance of the world famous Chinese troupe, headed by China's, foremost entertainer. Long Tack The company that will appear here is identical, both m personnel and presentation, with that
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  • 97 2 The d.-ath occurred on Sunday night i oi detective sub-inspector Teong Kay Chuan of Kuala Lumpur. The deceas- 1 cd. who was seen by several of his friends on Saturday at the exhibition complained m the morning of a headache Medical aid was called but the deceased lost consciousness and
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  • 213 2 Betting House Charge (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Aug. 7. TTHE case m which a Japanese mimed Hironaka, a dealer m electric goods, and better known as ."the racing professor" was charged I with using his premises as a betting house was heard today before Mr.
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  • 154 2 Excellent Entertainment At The Pavilion "It's a Bet." the 8.1. P. picture featuring Gene Gerrard and Helen Chandler, was introduced at yesterday's Change at the Pavilion Theatre. Singapore. The picture provides excellent entertainment and should not be missed. Gene Gerrard. m the role of a journalist who
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  • 126 2 40 Witness To Be Examined In Case Against Davies FURTHER evidence for the prose- cution was led yesterday by Dr. C. H. Withers-Payne before Mr. H. A. Forrer, the Singapore criminal district judge, m the case m which Dorai Manicam Davies is standing trial on three charges of criminal breach
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  • 131 2 hx-I>eputy Sentenced To Death Berlin, Aug. t, The ex-Reichstag deputy. Albert Kayser. has been sentenced to death by the Peoples' Court m Berlin for high treason. This is the second time the Peoples' Court has passed such a sentence. Four other prisoners were sentenced to penal servitude from
    Reuter Wireless  -  131 words
  • 82 2 •From Our Own Correspondent.* Penan g. Aug. 6. A bull bioke Ixwe from a shed m Transfer Road yesterday afternoon, and rushed along the road, attempting to butt pedestrians. It gored one Indian who was taken to hospital unconscious. The bull then reached Northam Road, and finally
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  • 373 2 servants of the British Empire receive possibly the biggest tribute ever m the London Films ei3ic. 'Sanders of the River." This picture opened a run at the Capitol yesterday; it is definitely worth seemg even if you have to come a long
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  • 286 2 I^ast Voyaße Of Veteran Steamer Melbourne, On a grey Scottish day m 1888. a new steamship slid gently down the stocks at Clydeside and took the water for the first time, spotless Olid dignified Recently the same vessel. Oonah. moved away from South Wharf. Melbourne, on
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  • 38 2 <From Our Own Correspondent) a Seremban, Au*. 6. A crocodile measuring seven feet from tip of nose to tail was brought to the SlTh PPOnel n e Statl n at Seremban reward Wh ClUimcd the usual
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 37 2 uktmnspius I I^^ fhcrr nn hrtter pill MWP^ s.M r e J- V n l n MA RTINS HLLs" I b,HKM emt Storci and I m by IHh HiDKKAL DfSPKNSARV, I R alt !r>, Square. Singapore M
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    • 203 2 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS^ Spillers Dog Foods for Uniform Quality, Purity and Nutritive value are unequalled THEY PROVIDE THE IDEAL FEED FOR EVERY AGE AND BREED AGENTS FOR MALAYA Wholesale and retail special rates for Kennels. The Federal Dispensary, Ltd. (Incorporated In the F.M.8.) Raffles Place, Singapore. BOARD RESIDENCE. KATONG GRANGE Excellent
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    • 350 2 Kuala Lumpur Oflire. 25. J 4 a N(w rh»ne: 3tlS London OSier: SUBSCRIPTION R ATES WilWi, Ouuwe g 11 I^^ •■•3 I. 2 Tl s*WJ~rly $17 M Tearly S 4 M JJ Not*.— OuUtation rh^,,^ hllllM the usual bank dbcounr »C ADVERTISEMENT rates Claasided To Lrt. For Sale. War: Insertion
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 268 2 Diary Of The Week TIU'RSDAY, AUG. 8. High Water, 4.08 a.m. 7 ft. 3; 1.07 p.m. 8 ft. 4 m. Football: S.A.FA. League. Div. 11, S.C.C vs. Monopolies, padang. Golt: Keppel Club, Women's Committee Meeting. FRIDAY, AUG. 9. High Water, 5.26 a.m. 6.8 ft.; 5 p.m. 8.2 ft. Football: S.C.C.
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    • 424 2 Today's Radio Programmes Singapore— ZHl (Owned and operated by Radio Service Co. of Malaya 1934 Ltd., Bcoadcast House. 2 Orchard Road. Singapore) Wavelength— 49.9 metres p.m. 6 Recorded music. G. 45 News Bulletin supplied by Straits Times. B.B.C.— GSH, GSG and GSF Wavelengths 13.97* 16.86 and 19.8*! metres p.m. 6.20
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  • 827 3 Professor Bottrall Speaks On Importance Of Reading LDING literature leads to a better life centrally »id iterating I think, is one of the things which can contri- finer i;rasp of life." That was the sentiment expressed I .1. R. Bottrall, Professor of English Language and
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  • Article, Illustration
    66 3 TWENTY-ONE RACEHORSES, bttfodlng lust Son which ran m the Derby, dogs, stable lads and theftf wives entrained hi Tattenlnun < orncr station. Epsom, when Mr. Percy Allden. the racehorse trainer hit the <»ondola establishment on Bfsiw Dtwns, Surrey. l or Meynell House Newmmrfcet, SafTolk. The Gsililla establishment has been purchased
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  • 133 3 INDIGESTION CURED WHEN ALL ELSE FAILED. id had years ol Functional nd c mid find nothing to uuld you not think i :«\v doses of the last l d completely cured ring happened to one man US. Read his own words Brand Stomach Powder is dicine which has relieved uffered
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  • 109 3 A verdict of death by misadventure was recorded by Mr. W. G. Porter, the Singapore Coroner, yesterday after an inquiry into the death of a 27-year-old Shanghai Chinese, Tong: Ah Loh. Ah Loh was travelling m a trolley bus soing along Jalan Besar on the
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  • 61 3 J^ -MALAY woman, wife oi an unemployed, died I small]); ix on day m her house m Duxton Hill She had been Infected f >r about seven days. Since the beginning of the year •-here hay- been 55 cases oi smallpox with 13 deaths. Vaccination has
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  • 691 3 GERMANY'S WONDER SHIP IN SINGAPORE 18,000 Ton Floating Palace Carries Distinguished y tsitovs niJCAgING iii her gffMiM external lines, the steamer Pots dam, sister ot the Sc» arnhorst. brrlhrd it thr Wist wharf yesterday on her maiden voyaue to the Kar Fast, tin band playing: on the main deck as
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  • 635 3 Tamil Acquitted On Murder Charge I poll. Auk. 5. VERDICT oi acquittal was pronounced at the Perak Assize Court on Saturday at the conclusion of the trial of Pokan, a Malayalee, who stood charged with committing murder by causing the death of a Tamil, named Vengattaraman, at Kalumpang Fstate, Bagan
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 953 3 t'fh. Bennett College Ud ihe Principal J^r l .rs J s. Aj ~S''- 7£»>LiP llSi: Inland Colomi-. I have pleasure m laformhu jroa that I Dear Sir i- iccessful m the 1934 London City aad 1 p m i« a£S3£i3£ letters £sS£s™sf"--l^umv>,av !,th t; ,x, tl !,uttu,Uon READ THZM THEN
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  • 2617 4 Squadrons Of Bombing Planes OVER LONDON Aviation Notes London, July 23. LONDON awoke this morning amid the reverberation of aeroplane engines. High above the city droned squadrons of bombing 'planes, their progress difficult to follow with the eye m the steel and blue mistiness of a hot summer morning. The
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 66 4 THE BEST WAY TO REPAIR A LEAKING ROOF USE fSa Stamdaird of tKe World f-^\ < "^^v x w x. »j>. x «l R. i 1 <ii_ *wd m n^ i il^il b/' I —^-Tl* I > M m «fEBn^^^ POURED ON or BRUSH SPREAD A watertight roof is assured.
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  • 75 5 THE SELANGOR and Singapore football teams THE PKNANG and Nesri Semhilan teams THE PERAK and Johore teams THE MALACCA and Selangor teams 'IOP RIGHT: lVrak's first Roal against Selangor m the football competition. I I I allisthenic display Fuken Ciirls* School. i:i VOLLEY BALL
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 26 5 TnrpiCK~°r TUf w°r ior £(/om CARTON CHEESES Swiss Camembert. Cheddar 'Blue Moon' Limburgcr 'Blue Mann* Pimiento Cheddar 'Blue Moon Camembrie. €®> #FRA£i; CUI 1 Warm .Studios 51
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  • 665 6 WHO WERE THE THREE MEN ON BICYCLES? Kuala Lumpur, Aug. b. A VERDICT of "murder by stabbing by some person or persons unknown" was returned this morning at the inquiry into the death of Choo Heck Fong, the former Selangor Club head-boy, who was stabbed to
    Free Press  -  665 words
  • 474 6 tionality as he had not seen them well and had not heard them talking. He had heard no gossip to shed light on the murder. Tan Yew Moy. a ricksha coolie, said his ricksha was parked 20 or 30 paces away from the kiosk and he was
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  • 74 6 Singapore Jubikv Fund, which according to yesterdays list published on page 2 has now reached a total of $123,967. will be considerably increased by a number oi entertainments to be held m the next four months. August 17 Jubilee Ball at New World Sept. 7 Charity Bale at
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  • 303 6 Eurasian Girl Drowned I n Mining Pool TRAGIC END TO BATHING EXPEDITION (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping. Aug. 3. ■THE tragic death of Miss Josephine Jeremiah who was drowned while bathing m a disused mining pool at Assam Kumbang formed the subject of an inquiry this morning before the Coroner.
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  • 42 6 It has boen dtiidtd to h^ic Fair on Aim m th. Chin sembly Hall. Kuala Lumpu: the funds of St Mar-. I Lumpur, especially the fund the repair of th»- churrh Fair will b»* opened if 4 W. D Barron Admission 1
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 215 6 prove 43% longer tread wear [Sfcf*'-' *S* BaHk.^B^B^La^^^v^ ■^■r Ik Bh^^bl BK>^^^^k. IK^^ ■iHb^l BanaVßaß Bflßw B^^^^H B^^^B B^^^ bv :^^b^ bt i^bl HiM bbk^B b^^^^B bw^^^^^b^^^*^ BK Bm*' V' vJB BAw^H BV^^^^B] BV^^^^^^^^Bi k r^ -V is m.rrp fh."sn living up to *~hr reputation Lfjß l^Pjm H Sjr *f
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    • 112 6 WASSIAMULL'S GREAT ANNUAL BARGAIN COUNTERS 1. Underwear Chinese embroidered Silk underwear beautifully worked md <>n the best materials, it prices you will hardly believe they :ire so low 2. Remnants tr oddments m silks of ;ill kiiuK at prices that will truly astound foil A Hosiery and Critncut underwit Ridiculously
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  • 413 7 Speech From The Throne PROGRESS IN EVERY BRANCH OF PUBLIC SERVICE (Irom Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok, Aug. 3. QIAM'S Parliament opened another session on Thursday, \u«. I. The speech from the Throne was read by the h. it man of the Council of Regency,
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  • 833 7 GIFT OF NEWSPAPER READER With a shy smile and with tears m ncr eyes, she wrapped it up m her small handkerchief She left the court- for the House of Detention. Mr. Cowie said that arrangements could probably be made for her daughter to be
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 112 7 CAPITOL— NEXT WEEK THE BIG MUSICAL SHOW YOURE WAITING FOR! Sger r t .^a ■■S-- a^alfcj^^^^^^ Js tit i sty An Absolute TRIUMPH! Packed out at all Shows Yesterday!! U Great I I g^ mM II 111 fc v fl ■M&&1 f'.LTURt: Lj^jfl London Film Cos brilliant production of HkMfcj
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    • 147 7 SEASON STARTS TONIGHT |3fi DON T MISS i J kSr EDMUND LOWE -^f^| k £«p^ L^>' *^EJ Jjj^n Chtst«r Morrn vy <^ P| 30 6l^ StafS HeUnV^^n" Rs*js »"n a grand Alexander Woollcott LJi4 H| and^lor/ous d, u ,^Kol. v C^, A SCreensh Ro 9 er Pryor f^X f^Tflfl Pf
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  • 915 8 The Singapore Free Press THURSDAY. AUGUST 8. 1935 If War Comes i ALTHOUOH recent developments at Geneva give the impression that the Italo-Abyssinian dispute may be settled by pacific means the fact that both sides are making feverish war preparations tends to give the lie to any such reading of
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  • 234 8 Mr. j. d. Hussey. Commandant. Police Depot, has returned from leave. Mr. G. H. Caldicott, Assistant Engineer P.W.D.. has been seconded for service m Johore Messrs. F. H. Turrell and J. Hardman have been appointed Executive Electrical Engineers, Johore. Mr. C. A. Vlieland has been appointed to
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  • 611 8 Sickiuimcs Far Statesman MODERN statesmen may not be al- together sorry that, as Lord Hewart has been pointing out. few of thorn, with the exception of the irrepressible "Jim" Thomas, have popular nicknames It is certain, at all events, that eminent politicians of the past would
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  • 797 8 r|NE of the stock questions with which v*e sometimes plague our fellow-creatures is: What is your favourite book.' Like most trite questions it is most imprecise. More correctly it should run: Which is your favourite book for such and such an occasion.' Certainly people will have one favourite
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 330 8 SHERRIES A flpfl I Williams and mf~TM mkm uotVwmO I DRY SACK I br£!-? I CALDBECK'S *uwiS»hSSbii rz"i ""-I--I— r I JEREZ A IOHDd' J mamjmjj^gm people of good (I II taste. BY SPECIAL Rfc£ A JMI TO H.M. THE APPOINTMENT KING <>F SIAM ESTD ffik^iß IK?^ BEAUTIFUL JK\VFIJ.KK\ ENHANCES
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    • 77 8 "IF PEOPLE ARE FOOLISH ENOUGH to borrow money," says a magistrate, "they must suffer for it." One imagined that it was usually their friends who did that. A little money invested at the commencement of a journey m a GAFLAC BAGGAGE WORLD WIDE POLICY will relieve you of all anxiety
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  • 245 9 Drugs Secreted In Crops Of Turkeys INGENIOUS DEVICES OF ORGANISED GANGS A SFVTFvrr London, Aug. 7. A Si o f° f S m nths im P^onment passed at ICyde on a smuggler convicted of having smuinrled d "ue. of nd tL m SmaU Cht led t0
    Reuter  -  245 words
  • 194 9 Brides Who Arrived On The Postdam T-.«.h0 arrived m Singa- the German express ship relay morning were Ln the afternoon m the i Church, Orchard Road. W.i him Murray officiated ceremonies. are Miss Diana Violet ■liter of Mr. and Mrs. Deighton, of Croydon, Engs Carla Maas, of
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  • 58 9 Encouraging Figures In Great Britain London. Aug. 7. lie Improvement m employment m July gives solid ground for satisfaction, declared the Labour Minister announc- i ing that the unemployed on July 24 totalled 1.972.941. The figure is 27.169 below the June figure notwithstanding that an improvement m
    Reuter Wireless  -  58 words
  • 76 9 Firemen Work In ThreeMinute Relays Quincy (Mass.), Aug. 7. A big fire broke out today m the engine-room of the recently launched cruiser Quincy which is still m the shipyard. Firemen wearing gas masks staggered through acrid smoke to direct hoses via the portholes. The fire was
    Reuter  -  76 words
  • 40 9 A tombola will be run at the Union Jack Club, Singapore, from 7 to 9 p.m. tomorrow, m aid of the Sailors', Soldiers' and Airmen's Families Association, (Singapore Branch), to which 10 per cent, of the proceeds will be given.
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  • 171 9  - Provost Denied Privileges Of The Church PRESBYTERS BAN IMPOSED BY I London. Auk. 7. AN astonishing attack on dancing; is contained m a statement issued by the Northern Presbytery of the Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland m reply to a petition which was the outcome of the exclusion of Provost
    Reuter  -  171 words
  • 155 9 Great Task Ahead Of Him In India Lord Linlithgow. whose appointment as Viceroy of India was announced m the later editions of yesterday's Free Press, succeeds Lord Willingdon next year. Lord Linlithgow. who was chairman of the Joint Select Committee Indian Constitutional Reform whose report provided the final
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  • 362 9 Abyssinia Views On Mandate Question Addis Ababa, Aug. 6. OEATED at a desk littered with papers and telegrams m the ground floor of the study m his ultra-modern palace, the Negus received Reuter m an exclusive audi ence at which no one else was present. The Negus,
    Reuter  -  362 words
  • 128 9 Troops Removed From French Frontier Rome. Auk. <> The removal of two Italian Divisions from the French frontier would seem to lend credence to the report that a Franco-Italian military understanding was reached during the recent visit to rtaly of General Oamelin. the French military Chief of Staff,
    Reuter  -  128 words
  • 126 9 Latest Rubber And Tin Prices From Our Own Correspondent) RUBBER London, Aug. 7. Spot (Sellers 5 3 4 d. (5 7 8d.i (Buyers* 5 13!16d. (5 13 16d.» October December 5 15 16d. (6d. > January March 6 1 16 d. (6» B ci.> April June 6 7
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 98 9 TIFFIN $1.00 Pota^e Darblay Kill* t Sela^in Orientate nlled Chicken Bacon Spinach Chips fold Meat Salad VaniUa Ice Cream hem. Fruit. Coffee WATCH DAILY MENU 'PHONE 4906. JUST PUBLISHED STONE COX'S MOTOR SPECIFICATIONS PRICES 1935 including Private Cars. Caravans, Commercial Vehicles, Trailers, and Motor Cycles $7.00 STONE COX'S MOTOR TABLES
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    • 205 9 SALE value at ROBINSON'S \R|y| v tFm mhXd m PW^iiW tM ■ji n x <^p^ FINEST QUALITY BATH AND jf^^^g^|j| TALCUM POWDER wit H PUFF 95 Cfnts I TALCUM:- LONG OVAL I (ff fti^^^. GERARDS SHAVING I bakalite c n lli^i^^^^)^^ VALUE K. N. I. L. M- Royal Netherlands Indies'
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    • 829 10 Market Should Revive Early In September (From the Free Press Correspondent) London, July 26. TEA produce auctions m Mincing Lane this week produced rather disappointing prices, and conditions m the Tea share market have been far from encouraging. Such dullness is always found
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    • 87 10 Aug. 7 Buyers Sellers Gambicr 6.00 Java Cube 10.50 Hamburg Cube 10.50 White Pepper 18.00 Muntok White Pepper 18.50 Copra. Sundried 4.00 Copra, mixed 3.55 Small Flake Tapioca 4.30 R.B. Siam No. 1 per koyan 10S Ban.ia Jelotong 7.50 Sarawak Jelotong 7.00 R. Siam) W.C. N. 1
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    • 90 10 Chamber Of Commerce Rubber Association Aug. 7, 12 o'clock noon Buyers Sellers No. I. X. R. S. S. m cases fF.0.8. August) 19 1116 19.13 16 Good FAQ. m cases (F. 0.8. August) 19 716 19.9 16 No. I.X.RS.S. (Spot-loose) (awardable Singapore) 19.11 16 19.13 16 August 19.1M6 19.13;16 September
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    • 973 10 Punggor <$l> Radeila «ss> 4 Sand} croft (12) Sun*ei Bagan ($2) 6un*ei Kamal ($1) S. Tukang <$1> Tambalak <fl> Tapah <fl> T. Anson ($n Turner ion <$1» Trafalgar ($2) Ulu Ben. it <50 <ts.) Ulu Pandan ($1) United Malacca ($1 Utam Blmpan ($1) IMHSTRIM > A. BrffeMMriH
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    • 57 10 TTHE following communique has been issued from the office of the Controller of Rubber. Malaya "It is hereby notified that m accordance with the recommendation of the International Committee, Rubber Regulation, deductions from Standard Production on account of areas of mature rubber cut-out and replanted will be at
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    • 150 10 money Into shareholders' pockets, it is yet too early to count with any contidence on so happy an event. As the Financial News remarks m an editorial article tcday. "even if one takes the brightest view possible and assumes that the 1935-36 prices of tea will average from 2d. to
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    • 219 10 Aug. 3. 5. H. AmericanCanCom. 146 144 142> 2 Amercan Telephone and Telegraph 131 :l 4 132> 4 132 S Ateheson Railroad 53> 2 53 52 Chesapeake 46 46 46* 4 Dupont 106' 4 107» 4 108' 2 Firestone 14 3 4 15» 2 15 l 4 General
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    • 234 10 Aug. 7 SELLING London. 4 months' sight 2315 16 London. 3 months' sight 2 3 29 32 London. 60 days' sight 2 3 7 S London. 30 days' sight 2 3 27 32 London, demand 2 3 13 16 London. T.T. 2 3 13 16 Lyons and Paris,
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    • 39 10 The following rubber outputs for the month of July, are notified: Alor Gajah 18.000. Ayer Panas 69.000. Glenealy 35.000. Jalan Kebun 11.000. Kluang 30.000. Pajam 129.000. Port Swettenham 10.200. Tambalak 12.000. Teluk Anson 51.321. Ulu Benut 30.000.
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    • 26 10 Mr. J. A. G. Wharton has been appointed deputy controller of rubber m Province Wellesley, Malacca and Labuan m place of Mr. J. S. H. Cunyng-ham-Brown.
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    • 138 10 Production Shows Rise On Last Year Amsterdam. July 14. The annual report of the Government Banka Tin Mines, the world's largest tin-producing concern, shows production of the mines as follows. 1931 17.397 Tons. 1932 11.450 1933 8.064 1934 11,606 The tin ore was almost exclusively produced m
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    • 148 10 Ocean shipments of rubber, including Concentrated Latex, Latex and Revertex beine final «Hi™,««f the month of July. 1935, m Long Tons. nevertex. being final shipment on ocean steamers at all Malayan ports during Sheet and Crepe Latex, Con. LatexTSevertex. ~TOtJIL EXP rt Transhipment Export Tran shlpment Gran*
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    • 28 10 Pdf July drt-dur Tak, I U hours 150.000 cubic fardi Dlldif Takuap.i N 180.000 rubio yards oM pu VthM ol on' Mm«- working costs $:UM>o«i
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 45 10 <$tcrH*jL costs I J affect yen/ (bnp atorac* kind* of produc* n«« •rallable, at Mrt*'> BUnton NfJson and I RiT«rslo« Godo«n. 144. Boat Quay. Mn»»i>« ITANTON NELSON E^ CO., LTD ER QUAY, SlN(.\ •'<"'• Trlepnont I OODOWN )E OODOfVN Inspection InPRoni ir. h <»c>im y> V
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  • 559 11  - IF ONLY SCREEN Kiddies Would Not Grow Up MOLLIE MERRICK Holiywood In Person BY P kiddies grow vp and by hangs one of Holly;reates? financial tragedies. chap who is bringing m one season shoots up gangling fellow whom recognises as the small The tiny girl who thrills ■omes less tiny
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  • 66 11 i Our Own Correspondent' Kuala Lumpur. Auk. (>• "><) people visited the Exhibition during the week- were 11,971 on Saturday, 13,396 and 4 500 yesterday— a total 'ta! attendances m 1933 and fe 20.093 and 22.583 respect iveires, of course include two visits b individuals. Rycroft,
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  • 285 11 Father And Two Sons Drowned Sydney (Nova Scotia), July t. .Their desperate fight for life In an Atlantic storm. during which the' master of the yacht and his two sons were drowned, was described by the three survivors today, when they brought the battered ketch Hamrah into port
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  • 503 11  -  Ely Culbertson by World's Champion Player And Greatest Card Analyst MODERN METHODS pORRECT use of the four-five notv^ rump convention is not difficult, but like any other of the bidding tools of expert players, this Ace-showing method requires care and systematic visualisation of your partner's hand. Two
    503 words
  • 67 11 The local office of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer has received a wire from London stating that M.G.M. has contracted two outstanding British stars to appear m coming pictures. Cicely Courtneidge is en route to the M.GM. studios to co-star with Frank Morgan m "The Perfecj Gentleman" and Jessie Matthews
    67 words
  • 466 11 The following publications were issued or received by the Department of Statistics. S.S. and F.M.S.. during the period July 27 to Auk 2. inclusive, and are avil.lable for public use m the Ret Tence Library, Fullerton Building. Singapore. Applications may be made by members of the public resident
    466 words
  • 62 11 "COMPELLED BY POVERTY" Yet Another batch oi lour participants of the "ricksha parade" was pro duceri before Mr. Norman Grice. the Singapore second magistrate, yesterday All pleaded guilty ami one who elected herself as spokesman pleaded m extenuation that they were compelled by poverty to adopt this method of earning
    62 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 136 11 HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporated m the Colony of Hong Kong) The liability of members is limited to the extent and m the manner prescribed by Ordinance No. 6 of 1929 ct the Colony. HEAD OFFICE HONG KONG Authorised Capital $50,000,000 Issued and fully paid up $20,000,000 Reserve Fund—
      136 words
    • 504 11 CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND HINA (Incorporated In England by Royal Charter) Paid up capital m 600.000 shares of £5 each c 3 00^000 Reserve Fund C 3 00 o*o Reserve Liability of Proprietors £3 00 HEAD OFFICE 38, Bishopsgate. London EC Arencies and Branches. Alor BUt Iloilo Saigon
      504 words

  • 1475 12 "AN EXCEPTIONALLY BAD SEA BOAT" Blairgowrie Condemned By Seamen QERIOL'S allegations were made during the inquiry which re- cently concluded m London into the loss of the Glasgow steamer Blairgowrie with her crew of 26, m the Atlantic m February. AT the conclusion of the inquiry Lord
    Free Press  -  1,475 words
  • 31 12 Hi i B kin J ran Baalc M N M: Mn C Kuyrr Mr V. P A Marl D B p i C r&debottom Mn Pruit'ssor O I I
    31 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
      503 words
    • 142 12 M.s. PANAMA ARRIVED JULY 30, 1935. Consignees of cargo per the above ,motorship from Europe are hereby notified that a general survey of all cargo landed m a damaged condition will be hold at Godown No. 50 at 9 a.m.. Bonded "D" at 2 p.m. and Matches Store at 3
      142 words
    • 111 12 STATE SHIPPING SERVICE of Western Australia FREMANTLE (Via Port Swettenham, Penang Palembang, Banjoewangi and North Western Ports) Due Sail Spore. Spore. T.s.m.v. Kangaroo Aug. 11 Aug. 12 Fares Single £19.0.0, Australian Return £30.0.0, Currency i For particulars of Freight and Passage please apply to: McALISTER CO., LTD. SINGAPORE PENANG Planters
      111 words
    • 99 12 For everything appc to Ocean Passages. Foreign Me Exchange and Fn apply cooks WACOJSIrLITS [WOOIQ TQAVf^ SIPVICp 39, ROBINSON ROAD No Booking i-'ec*. Telephone 5908 HENDERSON LINE SCHEDULE OF SAIII^ By Fortnightly Pa&sengrr SteMßff Between Rangoon. Pmi Marseilles. Palma and I n HOMEWARD SAILING Port of Disembarkation Lea\r K«nf«t« I
      99 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 627 12 Local And Foreign Mail Despatches And Arrivals BY TRAIN Bangkok every Saturday 7 pm. Thursday ™0 a m Kedah Monday to Friday 7.30 am. Saturday 7.30 a.m. and 7 p.m. Kuantan <via Jerantut) Monday to Friday 7.30 a.m. Saturday 7.30 a.m. 7 pm. Kelantan via Gemas) every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday
      627 words
    • 97 12 SINGAPORE HARBOUR Ships alongside tht \sli or expected to im Main Wharf (Entrance t. Yasukuni Maru U X Klang 12; Hakus.. Empire Dock (Entraan <>.i Akibasan Maru :i(» fl Greystoke Castlt Empire Dock (Entrants Karapara 4<> West Wharf (Entranci 0 Potsdam 5. Tak>.n, Section 10 < Entrance <.«, Akabahra 50;
      97 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 412 13 dill I vj P. O. S. N. COS SAILINGS, OUTWARDS I) II a T'n W Spore. T na?e 17,000 Aug. 16 RAWALPINDI 17 000 Oct 11 DWAN 6,070 Aug. 29 BANGALORE 6 000 Oct 24 PUTANA 17.000 Aug. 30 CORFU 15 000 Oct 25 11.000 Sept. 6 RANCHI 17 000
      412 words
    • 473 13 Ellennan Bucknall Steamship Co., Ltd. (Incorporated m England) "ELLERMAN" LINE FOR HAVRE, LONDON, ROTTERDAM AND HAMBURG. VIA PORTS AND SUEZ CANAL Also accepting cargo for Canadian and American ports via Colombo "SSSSk*, Sli £H SSS.S3& x Calls Dunkirk. AMERICAN AND MANCHURIAN LINE FOR HALIFAX, BOSTON, NEW YORK BALTIMORE City of
      473 words
    • 1003 13 REPRESENTING SHIPPING INSI It AM I I£,r*™m T,l l ndOn alld G Obt ZZ J5-- MnM RAILWAYS The Federated Malay States Railways. The Royal Stale Railway, sum. AIRWAYS J m EmPlrr Alrways wmm Air iJS! j i as iflsu THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE WEEKLY SERVICE TO LONDON AND NORTH CONTINENT
      1,003 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 731 14 K. P- ML KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPU j TIDOKK Thursday. Aug. 8, Selat-Pandjang. Bengkalis, Soengei-Pakning, Siak and Pakan-Baroe. fRFMFR Thursday. Aug. 8, Hong Kong. Swatow and Amoy. M»HOS Friday Aug. 9. Sapat. Tembilahan, Poeloe-Pallas and Rengat. FT NCIUB- Friday, Aug.* 9, Muntok (passengers and mails only), Batavia. Semarang and Sourabaya. VV
      731 words
    • 503 14 TO EUROPE FROM SINGAPORE AND PENANG VIA OLO>in l O BOMBAY, SUEZ, PORT SAID, ALEXANDRIA, NAPLES, GENOA, MARSEILLES AND NEW YORK. Arrive. Leave Leave Spore. Spore. Penang New York Pres. Adams Aug. 10 Aug. 13 Aug. 15 Sept. 24 Pres. Harrison Aug. 24 Aug. 27 Aug. 29 Oct. 8 Pres.
      503 words
    • 672 14 O. S. K. LINE FOR AFRICA AND SOUTH AMERICA Arabia Maru Buenos Aires via Colombo. Mombasa. Zanzibar. Dar-es-Salaam. Beria. L Marques. Durban. Alßoa Bay. Cape Town and Santos Tofuku Main Cape Town via Mombasa Zanzibar Dtl es Salaam. L. Marques. Durban and Algoa Bay Santos Maru Buenos Aires via Colombo.
      672 words

  • 1878 15 (From Our Own Correspondent) London, July 25 imXL-INFORMED critics of the game and ordinary cricket YV enthusiasts alike find it difficult to follow m their minds the devious ways through which the M.C.C. Selection Committee arrive at a conclusion. I p
    1,878 words
  • 618 15 BOWLER'S RECORD AT K.L. 'From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Aug. 6. DRILLIANT bowling by E. C. Jumeaux enabled the Kuala Lumpur V.M.C.A. to beat the Ipoh Association by six wickets, m the annual cricon match played here during the August holi- days. Jumeaux took
    618 words
  • 35 15 'From Our Own Correspondent, Aug. 4 In a badminton match played In th#Hospital Court on Sunday the Medn al Recreation Club beal the Moonlight Badminton Party of S« remban by ■even lamei to nil
    35 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 80 15 YOUR LAST CHANCE TO GET A FREE TABLET OF LUX w£/*%^ <m TOILET SOAP WftL rz^^^m SAVE 8 SUNLIGHT SOAP J^^^^^^m PRINTED WRAPPERS Offer closes definitely on HIIUUv I tJIST >L— r SAVE 10 UMBRELLA SOAP After this date, the printed wrappers PRINTED WRAPPERS undoubted merit. Be sure you ask
      80 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 59 15 SWIMMING CONTEST Lowndes Cup Race Of 150 > Jet res On Sunday At the Swimming Club, at li am on Sunday the Lowndes Cup ISO metres free style handicap race will be held By kind permission of Major R E Smith and officers, the band Of tho Ist Battalion the
      59 words

  • 105 16 PENANG SWEEP PRIZE OF $20,i56 ADDED TO PREVIOUS SUCCESSES (From OuY Own Correspondent) Penang, Aug. 7. MR G R Oehlers, head of Singapore's lucky family and winner of more sweepstakes than any other man m Malaya, collected first prize of $20,156 m the unßimted sweepstake on
    105 words
  • 203 16 THE followng are the ties m the Singapore Badminton Championships at the week-end. Saturday, 2.30 p.m.. Mixed Doubles Final— E. J Vass and Mrs. L M. Pennefather vs. Seah Eng Hee and Aileen Wong. Inter-School Championship Final Anglo-Chinese School vs. Anglo-Chinese Continuation School. Sunday, 9.30 a.m.,
    203 words
  • 218 16 Strange Challenge Match On Sydney Course Sydney. The player taking most strokes at i a hole must wheel his partner In a barrow from the green to the next tee." This was one of the extraordinary conditions of a challenge match played on the Australian Golf Club's course
    218 words
  • 77 16 At the annual general mooting of the General Hospital Recreation Club. Singapore, the following were elected to the committee of management for the ensuing year: Messrs. M. N. Das. president; A. S. Ponnambalam. vice-pre-sident; C Karthigesau. Hon. secretary; Chan Boh. Hon. treasurer; Lim Teng Kok. Hon. sports secretary;
    77 words
  • 63 16 London, Aug. 5. The duel between the women aces. Mrs. Gwenda Btewart and Mrs. K. Petre. drew thousands of Bank holiday spectators, especially women, to Brooklands. The two women, driving separately, drove over a maximum of four laps, about 11 miles. The fastest single lap was run
    Reuter Wireless  -  63 words
  • 69 16 The cricket match to be played on the Ipoh Club padang on Aug. 10 and 111. will be between the President's (Dr. P. H. Hennessy) XI and the Secretary's (Dr. H. P. Hodge) XI. Non-Benders who have not signified their intention to play by tonight will not be
    69 words
  • 55 16 The Y.W.C.A. Sports Club will hold: their annual priz<> distribution ot the Spring tennis tournament on Saturday.: Aug. 10. at 5 p.m. The distribution of prizes will be preceded by the finals ot the mixed doubles between Dr C. E. Smith and Miss E. Smith and Lim Bong
    55 words
  • 29 16 Brooklands, Aug. 5. The lap record for Brooklands course was broken by Oliver Bertram, who registered 142.C miles an hour m a Bert-! ram special. Reuter Wireless
    Reuter Wireless  -  29 words
  • 63 16 U. S. Speed Ace Clips Three Of Cobb's Records Salt Lakr iv TTiE American rue Jenkins, broke tl.< cord for one hours <! speed of 152 ***** Ovtr 200 mtkw .j 151 7211 miles IB 151 Sl6 Th( ipwdi AbUshcd Imi dr.vor. John Oobb, m I nemr Salt Laki C
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • Article, Illustration
    17 16 rhoto). MEDICAL COLLEGE tus-of-war team which beat the Raffles team at the annual inter-College sports. Free Press
    Free Press  -  17 words
  • 382 16 (From Our Own Correspondent > Kuala Lumpur, Aug. ft. THE eighth annual Posts and Telegraphs of Malaya Sports Meeting was held at Kuala Lumpur today and resulted m Yeo Lip Chee of Johore winning the individual championship with T. Wong of Selangor second The full results
    382 words
  • 702 16 Malays, With Ten Men, Lose 0—3 To Chinese In Second Division Soccer C hinese II 3; mmULJM n v. OLAYING with ten men, the seccnd string of the Malays suffered a three-nil defeat at the hands of the Chinese II at the Anson Road Stadium yesterday, m a Second Oivi-ion
    702 words
  • 20 16 In a third division match played or the association ground yesterday For Canning beat the YM.C.A. by two clea: goals.
    20 words
  • 80 16 Clubs Reap Rich Harvuti On Bank HtMt] "London x It has been .1 i i H cricket clubs and report. s tendances show that 1 attended Dine mate 1 watched the "Battle of Bradford, while nearly 20 sent at Kenningtnn Ov i] fa rev- Notts match Another
    Reuter Wireless  -  80 words
  • 60 16 The Combined School > trial match on RaA I ground on Saturd.r. A The teams are: Solakan Sinphs XI 'ACS >, G Clarke. B I Donough •S J I 1 Surata, Barker IRI.I. J Beng Chonp IS.AS 1 J Fergusons XI. R T guson H van Cujrl
    60 words
  • 56 16 London Glorious wtuihi t opening of Cowcs v King and Q\: EndtMVcuir won I tic for the big class \«nt out. She covtTt'd U m 4 hours 57 mimr and had a corn i f minutes and 44 WCOBdfl B jod by Astr:i V< rock and CandM
    Reuter Wireless  -  56 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements