The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 1 August 1935

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 17 1 The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS. NO. 14,641. ESTD. 1835 THURSDAY, AUG. 1* 1935 10 CENTS.
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  • 716 1 EMPEROR INSULTED BY ITALIAN MINISTER League Mandate Turned Down Italy Wants An Army Of Occupation FATEFUL TALKS IN GENEVA Addis Ababa, July 31. is rising and a million Abyssinian* arc sharpening spears and daggers, oiling their rifles and revolvers and h ads in preparation
    Reuter; Reuter Wireless  -  716 words
  • 143 1 i Being Recruited In South Africa (ape Town. July 30. THY. Emperor of Abyssinia has cabled asking for the argent despatch of British white men being recruited here as officer* for Abyssinian troops. \rrangements have been made t<i equip and rush enlisted officers by air at an estimated
    Reuter; Reuter Wireless  -  143 words
  • 195 1 Price Acrobatics Due To Extreme Shortage London, July 31. rE International Tin Committee is meeting in Paris on Aug. 9. This news arouses intense interest and conjecture as to the nature of the topics to be discussed and hopes are raised that an increase
    Reuter  -  195 words
  • 289 1 Inflation Ultimately Unavoidable London, July 31. rE rumours of Chinese schemes of currency inflation are var- iously regarded in financial circles. The majority point out that the Chinese situation is no worse than when previous similar rumours were bruited and the opinion is expressed that China is
    Reuter  -  289 words
  • 223 1 Naval Mission.— The Siamese Naval Mission now touring the various naval centres in Japan is reported to be ready to spend several weeks at the dockyard where two Japanese training ships are being built. Train Collision.- A Barcelona mestage states tha* 100 persons were injured in
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  • 243 1 NEW CABINET FORMED BY DR. COLIJN SUPPORTED BY THE CA THOLICS Economies Bill To Be Reconsidered? The Hague .lul> M P\H L Colijn has micc eded in forming I new Cabinet on a broad basis, as requested by the Queen, which includes new MtnJttl belonging to the Catholic and Liberal-Democratic
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 62 1 BIGIA TEA Brings the freshness and fragrance of the Malayan gardens direct to your home. Ua»« MALAYA') PREMIER HOTEL J TONIGHT SPECIAL DINNER CONCERT sis to 9.1s p.m. DANCE formal 9.45 to midnight AND THE POPULAR AMERICAN DANCE TEAM HANK BROWN UKIE LEE (The Two New Yorkers) APPEARING NIGHTLY NON
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  • 63 2 SLaw Notices For The Day i Before the Acting Chief Justice and Mr. Justice a'Bcckett Terrell in the Ist Court at 10.30 a.m. Judgment: -Civil Appeal N0.4 35 0.5.150 34— Re Writ of Prohibition. Before the Acting Chief Justice, Mr. Justice a'Beckett Terrell and Mr. Justice Mills in the Ist
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  • 254 2 But Italy Wants Army Of Occupation Addis Ababa, July 30. A proposal has been made to the Emperor from an undisclosed source suggesting a League mandate over Abyssinia without political power but special economic concessions for Italy on the understanding Abyssinia is safeguarded from foreign aggression. The Emperor
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  • 267 2 'Reckless" Is First-Class Entertainment There is sufficient sincerity In the story to make "Reckless." the M.-G.-M. picture now showing at the Capitol, interesting as a study in human emotion while the carefully prepared atmosphere and splendid acting make it lirst-class entertainment. This is of the marriage, alter a
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  • 82 2 The Singapore Education D-partm^nt are holding the 1935 Exhibition of Work under the distinguished patronage of His Excellency the Governor and Lady Shenton Thomas on Tuesday Aug. 6. The exhibition will consist of a collection of original handwork execute* > Tpn n i? mbers f the p ostal-Norma]
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  • 160 2 The British And French Standpoints Paris, July 30. As the result of what is described as a "distinctly useful" hour's talk between Mr. Eden and M. Laval on all sides of the Abyssinian problem it is learned the Anglo-French standpoints are much closer than three weeks ago. It
    Reuter Wireless  -  160 words
  • 100 2 Small Committee To Examine Position Rome. Julv 31. It is understood that as the result of the Paris talks between Mr. Eden and M. Laval, a proposal has been submitted to Italy providing for the establishment of a small committee of Britain. France. Italy and Abyssinia which would
    Reuter  -  100 words
  • 203 2 Thoroughly Amusing Film At The Victoria Theatre Warner Bros. First National British production -So You Won't Talk," starring Monty Banks and a large cast, was introduced at yesterday's change of programme at the Victoria Theatre. It is a thoroughly amusing film with Banks in the role
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  • 74 2 PROMISSORY NOTE OF $1,400 Judgment Delivered On Two Claims Mr. Justice k Beckett Terrell delivered judgment yesterday in the case in which Chua Joon Hian sued Tan Choo :Neo and her mother. Chew Hye Neo tor the recovery of $1,400 on a promissory no„te plus interest. defendants admitted signing the
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  • 43 2 win hnM US SettlPm?n ts Assize Court da" Aul so 055 0 Mal3CCa 0n Tues- ne.a in Kuala Lumpur on Aug. 12. The Indian community of Kuala Lumpur will b» "At Hnmo" t„ K Uala of Pmf t.i. o~ 2 nome In honour
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 530 2 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. Spillers Dog Foods for Uniform Quality, Purity and Nutritive value are unequalled THEY PROVIDE THE IDEAL FEED FOR EVERY AGE AND BREED AGENTS FOR MALAYA Wholesale and retail special rates for Kennels. The Federal Dispensary, Ltd. (Incorporated In the F.M.8.) Raffles Place. Singapore. BOARD RESIDENCE. mmmm LARGE ROOM
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    • 343 2 Gbe ftingaporc free pr C s S Head Office: Cecil Street s.n Phone J,:i ,n f* P 2^_ •xtenak.ns la m *M Kuala Lumpur Office: 25. J ai4 Mre Phone: 368: London Office* ?C 43 t l^sa TH: -Lrßadmala^- t?*^ SUBSCRIPTION RATES withm oaaaii bBS? Half Yearly si? oo 0
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 194 2 Diary Of The Week THURSDAY, AUG. 1 High Water. 12.50 a.m. 8.8 ft., 12.17 p.m. 9.9 ft. Races Penang meeting, third day. Football S.A.F.A League, Div. I, R.A.F. vs. S.R.C, Anson Rd. Stadium; Div. 11, Wiltshires vs. S.C.C. padang. Athletics Singapore A. A. A. general meeting, S.C.C. 6.30 p.m. FRIDAY,
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    • 311 2 Today's Radio Programmes Singapore— ZHl (Owned and operated by Radio Service Co. of Malaya 1934 Ltd Broadcast House. 2 Orchard Road. Singapore) p.m. 6 Recorded music. 6.45 News Bulletin supplied by Straits Times. 8.30 Close down. B.B.C.— GSH, GSG and GSF Wavelengths— i3.97, 16.86 and 19.82 metres p.m 6.20 Big
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  • 231 3 Tragic Story Of Starvation And Want rRAGIC circumstances have separated a Straits-born Chinese 1 Hokkien mother from her eleven-year-old daughter. On Tuesday morning, a Singapore Harbour Board police onstable an duty at the Telok Aver basin, saw a strange sight. A MIDDLE-AGED woman
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  • 573 3 PROTECTORATE OFFICIAL AND LAWYER Breeze In Court ALLEGED "INSULTING STATEMENT A "BREEZE" between Mr. I). K Walters, the local advocate and solicitor, and .Mr. T. P. McNeice. the Assistant Protector of Chinese. Singapore, took place in the Third Court yesterda> In tore Mr. C. 11. Whitton. Mil waiters was appearing
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  • 19 3 information having been reeeived cholera, asd la In an «p4dtmlf it Itadi that port >- u. dared an infected pi
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  • 79 3 Seven L.C.C. Schemes To Cost Nearly £1,000,000 London. July 30. The he Go nt's paign bolition slums tin In th* v. Ing conn rthe County Council and Meropolian Boroughs, it has been ided thai I lunty will acquire and ir larger condemned areas forming ctory rehousing sites and
    British Radio  -  79 words
  • 68 3 Penang, July 3#. 11 named Ahmad bin Abdulla d at the Police court yesterIven lalse information i public rvant which he knew or believe was false, with ising the public servant p »wer v t cne M. D rlie. d claimed trial, maintained that the
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  • 67 3 liar Isako Circus will end its eason on Aug. 5. The crowds continues to attract and endespite its stay of well over two i not seem to diminish. On the th< v help to swell the Jubilee ht's bill is a special continuaI their entire change of proMatinees
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  • 221 3 More American Tourists In Singapore photo). FOLLOWING closely upon the heels of the 23 Americana who passed through Singapore a fortnight ago on a round-the-world tour is another group of Americans numbering eleven on the P. and O. Steamer Rawalpindi, in port today. This group consists of two doctors, two
    Free Press  -  221 words
  • 189 3 Siamese Men And Women Fined $2.50 Each Penang, July 19. Five Siamese, three women and two men. were charged at the police court y sterday with playing "lotto" in a common gaming house. All the ace used claimed trial. Inspector Ingham who prosecuted said that on
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  • 175 3 New Offices Opened In A distinguished gathering including' members ol the Legislative Council., the various Consular representatives,; Trade Commissioners, members of Chambers of Commerce, and leading! ousiness men were present on the oc- casion of the official opening of the; new head office and studio of the Advertising
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  • 400 3 Penang, July 30. FOR his part in a pistol-point robbery at Bukit Relau in which B husband, wife and son were dragged from tiieir beds at midnight and bound tightly to chairs. Lien Chee, a Chinese was sentenced to seven years' rigorous imprisonment by
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  • 135 3 Chinese Gaoled For Five Months On his own plea of guilty sentence of five months' rigorous imprisonment was imposed yesterday by Mr. H. A. Forrer. the Singapore criminal district judge, on a middle-aged Chinese. Huam Long Hock. He was charged with theft as a servant of $2,000 in
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  • 336 3 Klang. July .JO. LIAJI Hussein bin Haji Mohd. Salleh. living at Bukit Ngah. Kampong Java. Klang. was charged today before Inche Osman with < 1 > causing the death of Osman by a rash car driving; <2> driving a car without a certificate of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 25 3 SINGAPORE QI I K REAL KNOCKDOWN PR,CES QTftPFQ &fe N W ofl 9 uict^ 36 40 MORTH BRIDfiE ROAD A P B mmmmauummmmmmmmmmmmmmWmmmm mmm a
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    • 114 3 IOuO SINGAPORE 1935 FREE PRESS TO COMMEMORATE A CENTURY OF PROGRESS THERE WILL BE A SPECIAL 100-PAGE ISSUE IN ADDITION TO Till: USUAL It PAGES. 116 IMAGES. This will give a comprehensive survey of the history and development of Malava in the last 100 years, with special reference to the
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  • 445 4  - George Arliss Springs A Surprise PORTRAYAL OF A TRAMP Joan Littlefield Britain On The Screen (By London. I THINK George Arliss will surprise 1 his admirers in his new film, "The Guv'nor," now being made at the Oaumont-British studios at Shepherd's Bush. The story concerns the doings of two tramps,
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  • 454 4 Here is a case of intense interest to all sufferers from indigestion and ■tomach trouble Even it you have been in p.un lor years and have tried all sorts 01 medicines without relief von Jjn«tillbe cured .if you wiUoniy'So as Mi W— did. and
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  • 845 4  - BELLINI CENTENARY NEXT MONTH Rose Patte rson (By In the little 15th century markethall of the tinv town of La Cote-Saint-Andre, the composer's birthplace 25 miles south-east of Lyons, a Berlioz museum has just been opened with 'a performance of the full text of the "Damnation of Faust." M. Herriot.
    Singapore Free Press  -  845 words
  • 800 4 Around London London. •THE DUCHESS of Kent has re- cently carried out one or two improvements in her London home at No. 3, Belgrave Square. The latest of these is the introduction of daylight reading lamf>s in her own and the Duke's study, as
    Singapore Free Press  -  800 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 74 4 Are You Running A White Ant Farm? rid of them if m^ *T Mb apply i m m-% p^i; I JJ IfS iJJ Wk ivj 7 i f^lCv^j and BANISH TO"? EVER all such X^Vst*^ ,nsec *s and prevent further rot Atlas A strengthens the wood and %mammmmmm F f
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  • Article, Illustration
    145 5 I**^*****^* 9 illumi nations at the Jubilee review of the Navy by the King. The warships were SHIPS OF THE FLEET picked out their both by day and nieht. THE EFFIGY of lIIMM IK Peace, the famous criminal. ihirlaMl loanpd from Madame Tussaud's hamher of Horrors. attended the Crime
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 183 5 NOTICE eeeSSSSSSSSSSSSSBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS^ MOTOR VAN DAILY DELIVERY SERVICE* COMMENCING Ist AUGUST 1935. FROM "COLD STORAGE" ORCHARD ROAD. The first dcli'ccry will leave <:t 6. 1S a.m. with Milk. Ice and Hread i uly, and as it is necesstiry for this round to ft* tmmpli ted by X a. m. it will
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 133 5 mtottvs TD/ieccu £uefyet DOC 7*?ATMFMTV a FIRSTNCWa I i A/ gjv f?/ cowwwj H)E«RVK» I rm A^P^~) >J "^llll/^S^ ftcpheuj Cousin AvnT Uncle B/// Afc'ce 1 Director of s^) Cll >v "W//tGBOAnr AT SMAXT />Aff7Y *UI M^^^^a\ So many guards have V-^i£& 'iQy^/^ Our old friend (^j/ If #<:: 7\
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  • 3495 6 Important Statement On The Question Of Pools INSUFFICIENT SUPPLY OF STRAITS TIN FOB nearly two hours today, at the Chinese Assembly Hall, members of the Selangor Miners' Association (as briefly reported in yesterdays Free Press), were engaged with Mr. V. A. Lowinger in considering the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 40 6 I 'FOOTPRINT' F J that delivers k 1 LONGER P J NON-SKID Ii M MILEAGE K kl great Detective's I a II EVIDENCE N Goodyear Ii "I Dealers p §$1 17 ALL-WEATHER \4 A»eßfifes«^ m^^ m 4S Warin studio* 2
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    • 216 6 [||j|millllllllllll -^gssf*"^ b<lsslF^ Blrs^. A^r 4 mi I 8.1 a BVJ s^*^ !"> bV f^^fl S\A .^b( fi V gr^r ?\<Ka *j B xHp i MASTERS" WASSIAMULL ASSOMULLco &j£ llllllllllf ffff llllllff |||f f fllllflf f f f f f f f |f ff f f f f f fff
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  • 369 7 COMPILED BY LOCAL MISSIONARY Mr. Tipson's Mastery Of Chinese By Our Chinese Correspondent > Let students take warning that the Amoy colloquial cannot be learned properly without a typical Amoy teacher; I mention "Amoy teacher" because a foreign student is liable to make the mistake of employing
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  • 30 7 Mr. T. Talukdar, the solicitor, who v/as suspended from practice for a period of six months for professional misconduct, has appealed against the rinding of the Supreme Court.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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  • 34 8 DOMESTIC OCCURRENCE DEATH. At the General Hospital, Singapore, on the 27th July, 1935. after an operation. Elizabeth I Dolly I Cowan, youngest daughter of the late Captain Cowan of Singapore. English papers please copy.
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  • 872 8 The Singapore Free Press THURSDAY, AUG. 1, 1935 Physical Training In Schools In HE dictum of a healthy mind in a healthy body is the standard by which the training of the young in most countries is advanced. This simply-expressed theory is bounded by difficulties in the execution because the
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  • 231 8 Privilege leave has been granted to Major H. S Bagnall 2 20th Burma Rifles from Sept. 4 to Nov 2. Mr. Francis Ooi Eng Bee and Mr Kenneth Shem arrived in Penang by the s.s. Takada from Hong Kong. When Mr. Gordon Hall goes on leave next
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  • 549 8 RAINFALL in Singapore is a very puzzling business. Its favourite time for calling is at the week-ends when sportsmen are in full cry after golf balls and tennis balls, and other symbols of athleticism. In the past two or three weeks, the rainfall has been negligible,
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  • 1464 8 Fens, or parts of the Midlands, you can .manage up to twenty. We reckon to do one day's shafting and a day to rest aiiat seems a very slow way." I began. "I thought anywhere up to thirty, !cr at least twenty each day." "It might be slow,"
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 162 8 V^f^dm^mMwU IfIcTICMIVyH gfliM^^ II "AC 0V SI BY SPECIAL A TO H.M. THF APPOINTMENI KING OF SIVM BEAtJTIFtJL JEWELLERY ENHANCES FEMININE CHARM The beautiful designs of today as stocked by us make the possession of a ring, brooeh, clip, bracelet or pendant more desirable than ever before. You will always
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    • 51 8 A SOULFUL LOOK may denote a yearning for" the infinite but it is often due to a sluggish liver. It also may be a sign of becoming sufficiently GAFLAC minded to take out an ACCIDENT and All SICKNESS POLICY. GENERAL ACCIDENT. FIRE LIFE ASSURANCE CORPORATION. LTD. Hongkong Bank Chambers. Telephone
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  • 781 9 Chief Clerk Of Municipal Treasury On Trial CHARGED WITH CRIMINAL BREACH OF TRUST No Receipts For Singapore Turf Club Cheques THE trial commenced before Mr. H. A. Forrer, the Singapore Criminal District Judge, yesterday of Dorai Marican Da vies. the Tamil chief clerk of the miscellaneous division of the Municipal
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  • 166 9 SEQUEL TO BREMEN INCIDENT Washington, July 30. AMERICAN sympathy towards the rclse ol religious freedom and liberty of conscience in all Duntrles was expressed by Mr. lips, Under-Secretary of State. tter to the Jewish organisawhich recently protested to the Department against the alleged Jewish persecutions
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  • 23 9 Commander Derrick has assumed is Police Magistrate and Harbour Master. Malacca, ir. place of Mr C. T Middleton, who is shortly going on
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  • 134 9 Police Raid On Chinese Squatters THE Air Ministry of Singapore, have lost about $4,000 worth of rubber trees. Between 1.400 to 1.500 trees in the estate oil Air Base road, were cut down on Tuesday and removed in lorry- loads, allegedly by squatters. The police
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  • 68 9 London. July 30. Mr. Douglas Hacking 'Financial Secretary War Office i announced in the House of Commons today that as a result of trials extending over seven months the War Office had decided to adopt a Czechoslovakian light machinegun which will be known as the Bren Gun. instead
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 119 9 Latest Rubber And Tin Prices i From Our Own Correspondent > London, July 31. Silver 30 3 16d. <30 3 16d.> Gc id 140s. Bd. < HOs^ 5d. GOLD AND SILVER London. July 31. ?.pc t iSellers) 5 7 sd. <si3i6d.> (Buyers* S:J5 :J id. <5 3 »d.
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  • 251 9 Another Triumph For Chinese Girl |V iISS Tjong See Yin. the 19-year- w s old girl who received her musical education in Geneva and Java, scored a great triumph with the piano recital she gave at the Hollandsche Club last night. There was a very*
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  • 108 9 Ex-Naval Officer's Death At Beachy Head London, July 31. rE discovery of a car. apparently abandoned by the cliffs near Beachy Head, and a letter in it addressed to a girl in Hong Kong led to the discovery of the body of a young
    Reuter  -  108 words
  • 62 9 The Registrar of Companies. S.S.. notifies that Tay Brothers and Co Ltd.. was struck off the register of companies on July 23. initialled by somebody in authority Davies had said that permission had been given him by a previous head of the department to cash cheques without their being sanctioned.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 77 9 I. I TIFFIN $1.00 Potage Cres>oniere Fish a la Meuniere Iloast Sirloin of Beef Horseradish Sauce Cabbage and Roast Potatoes lold Meat and Salad Apple Fritters and Apricot Sauce Cheese, Fruit. Coffee. WATCH DAILY MENU PHONE 4906. i JUST PUBLISHED STONE COX'S MOTOR SPECIFICATIONS PRICES 1935 including Private Cars, Caravans,
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    • 178 9 I ROBINSON'S"! 1 nssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss^ ISALEI COMMENCES TODAY 1 K- N. I. L. M. Royal Netherlands Indies* Airways lias operated for more than 5 years already a weekly Singapore Batavia air service with 100% REGULARITY Visit Java by air Planes leave Singapore for Batavia anil Bandoeng eww \Yciliu's<l:i\ Apply: Offices K.
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    • 742 10 TIN AND RUBBER SHARES DEPRESSED But Cheerful Business In Local Industrials J\/J^BSRS. Fraser and Co.'s weekly share report states Condition! prevailing in our local share markets show little if any improvement during the past week, and although there have been small signs of reviving interest here and there, the effort
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    • 88 10 Chamber Of Commerce Rubber Association July 31, 12 o'clock noon Buyers Sellers No. I. X. R. S. S. in cases (FOB. August) 19% 19 11 16 Good FAQ. in cases (F.0.8. August) 19 316 19 516 No. I. X. R.S.S. Tone of Market Very steady. Latest Cable: London Spot Sheet
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    • 90 10 July 31 Singapore tin price <per DjCUI) $115.50. Jul> 31 Buyers Sellers Gambier 6.00 Java Cube 10.50 Hamburg Cube 10.50 White Popper 18.50 Muntek White Pepper 19.00 Copra. Sundried 4.00 Copra, mixed 3.55 Small Fiake Tapioca 4.30 KB Siana No. 1 per koyan 108 Banja Jelotong 7.50
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    • 206 10 Markets Are Devoid Of London, July 26. The Stock Exchange today again was very slack and apart from a few isolated instances, the markets were devoid of interest. There were no important features in the commodity markets. Very heavy operations by official I funds kept spot rates steady
      Reuter Wireless  -  206 words
    • 126 10 Unexpected Drop In Rate For Treasury Bills rt London, July 27. On the money market, In the absence Ol any material demand credit conditions have continued easy. Discounts ater a firm tendency, experienced an unexpected shock by a drop In the average rate of Treasury Bills from 12s.
      Reuter Wireless  -  126 words
    • 1099 10 WEDNESDAY, JULY 31, 1935 $4,000,000 Interest May 6 4 9 J™ ■■-1959-69 125 126 Ci sB.2* Intersst May $*****.000 Interest Jan JUly 120% 12P..C.1. PENANG MUNICIPAL s^'< 1901 red. 1940 $400,000 Interest Mar, 31 Sept. 30 108 110 nom «'•.•< 190 1 red. 1947 1.600.000 Interest Mar
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    • 196 10 SELLING London. 4 months' sight 2315 16 London. 3 months' sight 2'3 29 32 London. GO days' sight B2 London. 30 days* sight 2327 32 London, demand 23 n ir London. T.T. 23 JJ Lyons and Paris, demand 862 Hamburg, demand 141 New York, demand 571 2 Batavia
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    • 101 10 July n Shell and Fish Kerosene per Unit of 2 x 4-gallon tins $486 Crown. Cross and Dragon Kerosene per Unit of 2 x 4-gallon tins $4 46 Shell Motor Spirit ex pump per British Imperial Gallon g2 Shell Motor Spirit in 4gallon drums per British
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    • 62 10 (From Our Own Correspondent) The Eastern Intern^f^oer the d rr^n^r^o V'S asainit riin s rcc,: >mmended 'against nili, carrying forwmrf n.,.„ •against £6.832 broulh7 n, "n' trust owners shares an d 8 deben ures atd Bur mn E n St Ind an Ceylon "indian! ana orhe
      Free Press  -  62 words
    • 188 10 Carry Forward Figure Cut To Pay 5 Per Cent. "THE annual general meeting of the New Scudai. Lid I at the registered office of the company, V| Street, Singapore. Mr. J. M. Sime, the chairman, gceaidiiti Also present Elias. E. S. Man.. Tuan.
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    • 151 10 Yesterday 's Ru bber Auction THE Singapore Chamber oi Commercv Rubber Association held its 1.237th auction yesterday when there wer catalogued 1.146.768 lbs.; ***** tons offered 1.089.844 lbs.; 486.54 tons: sold 975.991 lbs 435 71 tons. Spot London 5 3 4 d. New York H'a rts. Ribbed Smoked Sheet Cents
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    • 73 10 Further Drastic Action By Germany Berlin, Jul> •>: "S! deCn,> "t*^«tol import regulations is announced bv Dr Sc-acht making M necessary to Obtain import permits tor a list ol article.? V ret announced, before they can b< imported. moLiv ctocl ,h <' U* wui contain mostly luxury manuiaetured
      Reuter Wireless  -  73 words
    • 59 10 The returns for May show that bieger Canart e nL P f SSinR the Canal, thus increasing the tolls as compared with those for April, although the number of vessels declined bv on daily states a Panama message The TrZ h 4 revenup ruined to €40.000 from 424
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    • 150 10 Sclama fMalaya) Rubber gatadnaaneport for year to March -icd £3.372 brought In divldonrt t Z I cent, (against 3 per cent £2 0on P reserve; £3.587 forward suWect n n.anagers commission. Crop *****, ml 'against 485.285 lb.). '••".442 lb. 735.000 1.750.000 1.680.000 SALES STOCK EXCHANGE 30 Industrials 125
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    • 19 10 An order tor 400 tw< carriages ;md wan ns Bengal Railway us the Steel Company gow.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 55 10 <Jter*Me costs I effect u^il Cheap atoraxe for a»| kin da of prodt available, at Mrsar* Stanton Nrlaoo and RJveralde Godown. I««. Boat Qua j. Slnxaporr 'osts CtHVtlt fTANTON NELSON CO., LTD 4. COLLYEK QL'AY, SIN'GAI'oKI Telepnones SEASIpE GODOWN Kl\ EKSIDK GODOWN OFFICE v K Inspection Ini ttcd PRODUCE com"*,
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  • 1010 11  - STARS CHANGE TYPE To Keep POPULARITY MOLLIE MERRICK Hollywood In Person BY DO motion picture stars change much, from year to year 11l sas thej do Beset as they are to interest, with the il having that public natery. both from toorances, to which stage were not subjected. writing, which,
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  • 453 11  -  Ely Culbertson hy World's Champion Player And Greatest Card Analyst A PRE-EMPTIVE BID LTESTERDAY I gave an example of a pre-emptive bid which turned out nost disastrously for the pre-empter. I nentioned it as an exception rather than the rule. Generally, pre- i emptive bids oan keep
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  • 65 11 Potsdam Making Good Time After Delav Latest iniormation about the N.D.L. liner Potsdam, which is on her maiden voyage to the Far East with a lull complement ot passengers in both cabin and tourist olasses. is that she has been steaming satisfactorily since her delay at Port Said.
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  • 165 11 I).I\I\ UMbfe To Support Conviction The appeal ot G. D. Neubronner and Mohamed Aboobaker against the finding of Mr. J. M Brander. the third magistrate, convicting them of cheating, was taken up yesterday beiore Mr. Justice aßeckett Ten ell. The charge against both men was that they cheated
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  • 54 11 i The following were passengers by {.L.M.: Arrived from N.E.I on July 30: Lady Chetwode and Mrs. Schot Lett lor N.E.I on July II Mr. MacKall. Mr. Pugh. Mr. and vlrs. Nouwens. Mr. de Mooi. Mr v. Keuven, Dr. Janden, Mr de Baan, Mr 3utwirth. Mr Oosterink and
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 135 11 I HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporated in the Colony of Hong Kong) The liability of members is limited to the extent and in the manner prescribed by Ordinance No. 6 of 1929 ol the Colony. HEAD OFFICE HONG KONG Authorised Capital $50,000,000 Issued and fully paid up $20,000,000 Reserve
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    • 499 11 CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA 'Incorporated In England by Royal Charter* Paid up capital In 600.000 shares of £5 each 1 3.000.000 Reserve Fund t: 3.000.000 Reserve Liability of Propri etors I 000 000 HEAD Off MJft] 38. Bishopsgatc. London EC Agencies and Branches Alor Star Iloilo fgifOgl
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    • 605 12 Seeking Remedies For Unemployment IV^ANY reasons have been given aj to the cause of unemployment amongst British seamen, but never before has it been suggested that the very ease with which unemployment benefit dr relief can be obtained has in any way contributed to it. The fad
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    • 21 12 Two new trun-hoof- <• Harbin, i «2! be attached^ to the 1° nS Whlch «e of the latest design the VP Reuter
      Reuter  -  21 words
    • 177 12 Ngow Hock Norw 70<J tons iro.n Bangkok 31, tor Bangkok Aug. 1 Vyner Brook. Sarw. 721 tons from Kuehing SI, lor Kuchlng Aim. 1. Elout. Dut 986 tons trom Padang SI tor Penang Aug l Tinombo. Dut 585 tons from Beia wan SI, tor Belawan Aug 2 Giang
      177 words
    • 115 12 The following passengers left Sin- pow on board the o.s k round "he South T rn n 10r SnUth Ainean :(i South American ports Mr.^Kathenne J Hartpence. Mr anC Mra. David Hendry, Mr and m,- Ozaw a^ Mr Raul R «*lg Aki, E. do onto. Mrs Fileta C
      115 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
      415 words
    • 113 12 STATE SHIPPING SERVICE of Western Australia FREMANTLE (Via Port Swettenhan,. P e ng Palembang. Banjoewangi and North Western Port.) Spore. Spore. Kangaroo X K m Fares Single £19.0.0. Australian Return £30.0.0. Currency K r Particulars of Freight and Passage Please apply to:- McALISTER C O., LTD. SINGAPORE PENANG Planters
      113 words
    • 113 12 HENDERSON LINE SCIIEIUI.E oi gajUMQI B> tortiiightJ» IW, U(I s lrAttt Between Rangoon p (II s U(la Marseilles. Palm.i JMI i Homeward n\iiin«.> l>orl o| "M^mbarkalion I'lunaa* Ua i. aujai 1 SAGAING BURMA YOMA PEGU CHINDWIN KEMMENDINE BHAMO AMARA POOKA SAGAIM, BURMA YOMA I'* PEGU CHINDWIN KEMMENDINE BHAMO Calls London.
      113 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 583 12 Local And Foreign Mail Despatches And Arrivals BY TRAIN Bangkok every Saturday 7 pm. Thursday 7.30 a.m. Kedah Monday to Friday 7.30 am. Saturday 7.30 a.m. and 7 p.m. Kuantan (via Jerantut) Monday to Friday 7.30 a.m. Saturday 7.30 a.m. 7 pm. Kelantan via Gemas) every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and
      583 words
    • 124 12 SINGAPORE*^ Ships alongside thr u, °< «^W arn! I;'^1 East Wharl (Em,-.,,,,, Rajula U H Main Wharf 0n.,,,,,, Rawalpindi I, Heidelberg 14 i,, Hosang 7 Empire Hock Ont^,,, fl| Benvenue 30 ,j Lossiebank 37 KUti Empire Dock lEntr.u,. < Marella 46; Pe, West Wharf Ointr,,, Soudan Errn Section 10 (Entrance
      124 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 428 13 BRITISH INDIA P. O. S. N. CO'S SAILINGS, 7 1 OUTWARDS T'nage S'pore. T'nage S'pore. SOUDAN 6,500 In Port CATHAY 15.000 flept 27 NALDERA 16,000 Aug. 2 RAWALPINDI 17,000 Oct. 11 RANPURA 17,000 Aug. 16 BANGALORE 6,000 Oct 24 BURDWAN 6,070 Aug. 29 CORFU 15,000 Oct 25 RAJPUTANA 17,000 Aug.
      428 words
    • 484 13 EUerman Bucknall Steamship Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in England) "ELLERMAN" LINE FOR HAVRE, LONDON, ROTTERDAM AND HAMBURG. VIA PORTS AND SUEZ CANAL Also accepting cargo for Canadian and American ports via Colombo. Steamer Due Sails. k City of Batavia In Port Aug. 2 <. City of Oran Aug. 14 Aug. 16
      484 words
    • 1186 13 REPRESENTING SHIPPING THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE (Ocean The llua Khiow Steamship Co (liJtl I id. Steam Ship Co., Ltd. and China Mutual The Cunard White Star Ltd Steam Navigation Co.. Ltd.) The Sarawak Steamship Co Ltd. The Straits Steamship Co.. Ltd. The Australian Oriental Line Ltd The China Navigation Co..
      1,186 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 696 14 K- P. ML KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPU REAEL Thursday, Aug. 1, Cheribon <not for passengers), Semarang, Sourabaya. Bmleleng, Ampenan, Padang-Bay, Benoa and Banjoewangi. FLOUT Thursday Aug. 1, Penang, Oelee Lheue aot for passengers) Sabang. Tjalang. Meulaboh. Tapa-Toean. Slnabang. Singkel. Baros. Sibolga. Natal. Sasak and Padang. TIDORE Thursday. Aug. 1. Selat-Pandjang. Bcngkalis.
      696 words
    • 530 14 1 p— fr— A _rH V=- \X 1 I \lH^^a_^^i I i WTO EUROPE FROM SINGAPORE AND PENANG VIA COLOMBO, BOMBAY, SUEZ, PORT SAID, ALEXANDRIA. NAPLES, GENOA, MARSEILLES AND NEW YORK. Arrive. Leave Leave Arrive S'pore. S'pore. Penang New York Pres. Adams Aug. 10 Aug:. 13 Aug. 15 Sept. 24
      530 words
    • 726 14 O. S. K. LINE FOR AFRICA AND SOUTH AMERICA t Arabia Maru Buenos Aires via Colombo. Zanzibar. Dar-es-Salaam, Berla. L Marques. Durban. Algoa Bay. Qg| TOVn and Santos Chifuku Maru (ape Town via Mombasa. Zanzibai Dar-es-Salaam. L. Marques. Durbar East London, and Algoa Bay Tofuku Maru Cape Town via
      726 words

  • 799 15 London, July 15. FOR some time past many of us have been saying that the standard of athletic performance in this country is higher ever before, and the achievements of our home athletes a the A.A.A. Championships, which began at the White
    799 words
  • 138 15 IM Yards. A. \V. Sweeney (England) !!0 Yards —M. B. Osendarp (Holland). UD Yards— W. Roberts (England). SKO Yards.— J. C. Stothard (Scotland). Mile S. Wooderson (England). 1 hree Miles. A. V. Reeve (England) Six Miles— J. T. Holden (England). Two Miles Walk. A. A. Cooper England). ii
    Budapest Budai  -  138 words
  • 422 15 with Lovelock next in 3 •^8 and Wooderson at his elbow. diately after the last lap had oetderson took the lead. Love- wed him in his favourite posiln close attendance on his most rous rival. Lovelock made his effort, rather than usual he did not somehow; lop that devastating slipping
    422 words
  • 37 15 lsts. 2nds. 3rds. England 11 11 13 Holland 3 1 1 Sweden 3 Scotland 2 2 France 1 '■'> Hungary 1 2 4 U.S.A 1 Greece 2 1 Latvia 1 New Zealand 1 Cyprus 1
    37 words
  • 1590 15 Britain's "Old Gentlemen Too Steady in the long jump (just short of 24 it.>, and two Englishmen got over 23 ft.. which is. I behove, unprecedented In the Championships. The weight went to a Dutchman, the? javelin to a Swede. S. R. West jumped finely to gain the only British
    1,590 words
  • 580 15 International Polo Honour To Artillery Team THE 3rd Brigade Royal Horse Artillery, won the fiftieth International Regimental Tournament at Hurlingham recently when they beat the 15th- 19th The Kings Royal Hussars in the final tic by 5 goals to 4, after one of the finest and most exciting games seen
    580 words
  • 403 15 THE PLYMOUTH WEEK Yachting A WIN FOR CERIGO "J" Class Results Compared London, July 7. pERIGO, owned by Dr. T. H. Ward, was the winner in the race for the local handicap vessels given at Plymouth yesterday by the Minima Yacht Club. The breeze was light irom the northwest, and
    403 words
  • 175 15 ROYAL SINGAPORE YACHT CLUB PROGRAMME On Friday. Aim. 21. the Royal Singapore Yacht Club will hold Its usual afternoon IBOSS, starting at a. 20 p m On Saturday and Sunday, au^ :j and 4. the "B clsss will sail the Ist and secon I hall ot the Rottnd-the-Island Race. On
    175 words
  • 114 15 I" -M |n|| (I Perak defeatc I the Burni Rifl by six uo.iis to low after extra the fOOtbS I mate!) Which wa p I on the Kuala KaitgSU Road Pad ipoh, for a cup pre ented by Mr Rastie, president ol the Football Assodattoti
    114 words

  • 451 16 (By BOTH BOXERS IN FINE FETTLE FOR GREAT WORLD BOUT TOMORROW NIGHT GUNBOAT JACK and Young Frisco have completed serious training for their 12 three-minute round clash at the Great World boxing arena tomorrow night and both are as fit as intelligent and
    451 words
  • 148 16 To the Editor, Sir— l am writing this to inform the local Boxing Commission and the general public through the medium of 1 your valuable paper that, as I was able to beat Young Frisco, the welter-weight j champion of the Orient, I was the best
    148 words
  • 355 16 I j Jubilee Meeting In Third Day (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, July 31. FOLLOWING are the handicaps (in the order of running for the third day, today, of the Penang Turf Club Jubilee meeting Race 1. Horses. Class 3, Div. 5. 6 furs: The Cretan Girl
    355 words
  • 63 16 Team For Cricket Match On Saturday The following will represent the Recreation Club in the cricket match against the R.A. on Saturday. Aug 3 at 2 p.m. on the S.R.C. ground M. Orr, (Capt.i D. D'Cotta. D. Ross J. le Cain. O. C. Aeria. H. R. Bartels'
    63 words
  • 54 16 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur. July 31 Selangor Club defeated Batu Arang in a padang match by an odd goal in the first round of the S.F.A. Cup competition. Both sides missed chances in the first half. The club scored the only goal late in the
    54 words
  • 21 16 The annual general meeting of the United Services Rugby Football Club will be held at the S.C.C. on Fridav Aug. 9.
    21 words
  • 304 16 T'HE final of the championship singles was played off on Tuesday between Dr. W. A. Balhetchet. a former champion of the Club, and G. Lowe. The doctor played very strongly in the first set and won easily by 6 3. but in the second
    304 words
  • 66 16 S.R.C. Football Team To Meet R.A.F. The following have been invited to> play for the Singapore Recreation Club against the R.A.F. today, at 5.15 p.m.J at Anson Road Stadium. J. Edwards, H. C. Humphries T Albuquerque, R. Barth, H. Street, G Windsor. G. Ross, J. Reutens, M.
    66 words
  • 28 16 Wiltshires Get Match In Third Division The Wiltshires were conceded a walk-over in the Third Division match fixed for yesterday against the S C P A
    28 words
  • 51 16 London, July 31. The result of the Goodwood Stakes un today, was HOPLITE (100 to 6) 1 CLARAN (6 to 1) o MALLIN (20 to 1) 3 Won by a head. Fourteen runners. The membership campaign of the Diehard Badminton Party has been extended until Aug.
    51 words
  • 53 16 ELLA DOROTHY II «T. J. B. Wearne) 11—46—00 CLASS LPiZI °IaSS sailed tne first race for I the Cardoza Challenge Cup during i which a steady/fresh breeze from the south prevailed. JJ e se? was moderate and the tide flood. Merlin, skippered by O E B Crowe finished first. The
    53 words
  • 175 16 Woolley Gets Double London, July 30. THE following County cricket re- suits were recorded today: Kent won by ten wickets. Kent 579 for 8 declared »Fagg 111. Woolley 229 > and 80 for no wicket. Surrey 290 'Freeman 5 for 99) and 368 (Barling 113). Leicester won
    175 words
  • 69 16 Kuala Lumpur. July 30. Dr Moreira. the Perak player has been brought into the F.M.S. team as Clemetson of Perak was unable to < play. The XI against the Colony will; therefore be C H. Miller and F de Silva (Negri Sembilan). L. Whittaker Bahaudin and Dr. Moreira
    69 words
  • 318 16 Ramona Romps Home To Take Yachting Cup LAST Sunday's ra :e at the R.S.Y.C. for six-metre yachts was for the Van Schreven Cup. Weather conditions were a weak flood tide and a moderate strengthening breeze from S.S.E. Storm clouds were approaching from the S.S.W. so that a change of wind
    318 words
  • 191 16 Yorkshire All Out 3/. Read 6 For U A London 1..,. MAZING cricket today at fc| iM Yorkshire were dismiss, [or 31. SutcUffe lludr land 0 and Barber one Read, at prcsmi u bowler in Enclanri t,„ lk Ku in six overs at a cost* onMi Nichols
    191 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 25 16 WOSTEHHOLM'S _r __k _^_^_^H _r _f t ~^^^^_Si_fl^jtt _a___^Ss_SS__k i i 9 Mr •__»^^___»of _iS*^ ■j' ___^_i_^_^_^^*^^^^^^^ JSy^f^TOM STOREY 6- CO. 52 Warin Studios 1
      25 words
    • 41 16 W__^' X^_^c _B^^^ I I r V >3fc_B^^^ i^*!___^^^ _Hf i vSmvEm _r ill WvH s^»^ __j\ \\\il__k < ■1\ WBB-I^ 111l HH T W Alj 1J- Li. r 11U X ■It s JLiMI \\K V 111l x IIpNEAVE'S GRAPE FRUI I
      41 words