The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 18 July 1935

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 17 1 The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS NO. 14.62?) ESTI). 1835 THURSDAY, JULY 18, I<>3s 10 CENTS
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  • 461 1 Zar Driven Away In Defiance Of Order ...lent) >.( n mban, July 17. Singapore law--i and two the SeremJ. Calder. d with driving Lasi evening on >an, and with r at the same police constable table out of the f ULING TO
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  • 150 1 Amazing Scenes In Dublin HTKERE were amazirm scenes in Bellas! yesterday when a bi| funeral procession of a man killed in the recent disturbances was fired on in the notorious York Street. The shots came from a concealed gunman in a building at which the crowd
    Reuter Wireless  -  150 words
  • 78 1 China President's Son May Wed Columbus. July 17. TAMES LIN. a student at Ohio! J State University and son of Mr. Lin Sen. the Chinese President,! visited a ten-cent store recently and lo>t his pr°k< t book, which was found by an assistant named Viola Brown.
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  • 30 1 Washington, Jul> 17. Tiie Senate has voted by 40 votes to 3.°> in favour of retaining the pricefixing and according provisions in the bill amending the Agricultural Administration Act. Reuter
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  • 227 1 Paris, July 17. A GENERALLY favourable impres- sion has been created by the Government's decrees. Banking circles believe a recovery of Rentes will result and negotiations for stabilisation will be brought nearer, but no devaluation of the franc is expected owing to the Government's
    Reuter  -  227 words
  • 133 1 Longest Cabinet Meeting Since War Paris, July 17. Following the longest Cabinet mooting since the war. lasting over 14 hours, the Government deckled to issue 20 decrees effecting savings of seven milliard francs in the national budget. plus 1.-400.000.000 In the communal tudgets an:l two milliards in the
    Reuter  -  133 words
  • Article, Illustration
    41 1 THE ILL-FATED AIR LINKR which crashed ami was dtstroved by lire at Kushiro eail> ye*!erda> morning identical design to tIM plane shown above. These huge machines h;fve bren in operation on the Amsterdam Ratavia route since the neuinninj; of Um year.
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  • 130 1 Koine. July 17. "THREE hundred more bombinu aeroplanes are leaving shortly for North Africa. The 4 bombers will be commanded by General Vali, Under-Secretary for War. Italy already has 100 pianos in the African colonies. it is understood Bignot Ifmsolin counting >:i
    Reuter Wireless  -  130 words
  • 55 1 LEAG UE ACTION Council To He Summomd Early Next Month Paris. .lul> li». The Council ol the LMgM If pected to be mmmoned I becin nl|lg o! Allans* tfl discus, the ifnian dispute. This Intimation was given alter M. Avenol bad lir^t visited the c d' Orsay aiui then MCB
    Reuter Wireless  -  55 words
  • 45 1 Cairo, July 1" The Govt'rnmt -nt lias b.miird th«- •> port Of Euypti.m ramrls to Kl i foUovlng reports oi incn»»d :icttvit.j on HM pan. ol It:«li.m tSMtf kfl pur chasing camols In th«- Upper Egyptian market! for dispatch to Erttrrn Reuter Wireless
    Reuter Wireless  -  45 words
  • 64 1 Ke-cst:ihlishinn Ki^htinu Kflk-iontx Washington, .Inly II I Committee of the Boese lengttai Ith the Secretary l unching i i nadc Con I i too r the i 1 F,OO add) tated 1 the li t -Ann-. A. 1 Corp«. •.v v i.-- t M ih( oooußlttec Cci
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 39 1  - Sin Chen Jit Poh Shanghai. July 17. J;ip.:n«M im rrhanty 1:1 Khnnuh.u Ml making arrangement* to hoM .m m gUieering exhibition In thi <*ity. :in<i Ihr JafHUMM Oonsul-O''in'ial has n (juostrd the minnn Ootemmtnt exempt Japaneee engineertns from taxation.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 63 1 BIGIA TEA Brings the freshness ,nd fragrance of the Malayan gardens jirect to your home. f MALAYA'S PREMIER HOTEL J TONIGHT SPECIAL DINNER CONCERT sis to 9.15 P .m DANCE formal 9.45 to midnight THE THREE NEW YORKERS THE POPULAR AMERICAN DANCING TRIO IN ANOTHER ENTIRE CHANGE OF PROGRAMME APPEARING
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  • 134 2 Hit Chinese Youth With Piece Of Iron A Japanese merchant of Middle Road Masa Aruban, who had pleaded guilt} last week to having caused hurt to u Chinese youth by hitting him on the head with a piece of iron, was fined $50 yesterday before Mr. Norman
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  • 287 2 HTHE undernoted non-fiction works wih be ready for issue on Saturday at 9 a.m. Apponyi 'Albert* The Memoirs of; Count Albert. Apponyi. Illus. Barber 'Edmund' and others. The Beauty oi Britain A Pictorial Survey. Bedoyere (If. de la) Lafayette: a Revolutionary Gentleman. Best "Thomas The Voyage of Thomas
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  • 54 2 Mr. S. K. Ratnarajah entertained Mr H. Jesudason and Mr. B. Ponniah the 1933 and 1934 F.M.S. Queen's Scholars, to dinner at his house in Imbi Road on Thursday night. Both the Queen's Scholars will be leaving Kuala Lumpur on Aug. 1 lor England. The former Intends taking up medicine
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  • 106 2 Detective-Inspector D. E. Nickels. I Officer-in-Charge of Commercial Crimes in Singapore, appeared yesterday before Mr. Norman Grice. the I second magistrate, and applied that 1 757 "Pilot" fountain pens seized under the Merchandise Marks Ordinance should be returned to the agents. Mr. Nickels explained that it was presumed
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 36 2 UiDJINS mis mXPN^^lr T hne i-no bt t*'T i VI KfMM tli:in MARIINS You .jiil mmmr r el > "i" n martins pill- I Ml h< l hy bemiWi Store and I M Oy rHK FEOEKAI msp-NSARY
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    • 406 2 Today's Radio Programmes Singapore ZHI (Owned and operated by Radio Service Co. of Malaya Ltd.i Wavelength— 49.9 metres 6 p.m. Recorded music. 6.45 News bulletin supplied by Straits j Times. 8.30 Close down. B.B.C— GSH, GSG and GSF Wavelengths— -13.5)7. I<>.»<> *"<* 1J) 8 5.20 Big Ben. The Commodore Grand
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    • 519 2 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS I Spillers Dog Foods for Uniform Quality. Purity and Nutritive value are unequalled THEY PROVIDE THE IDEAL FEED FOR EVERY AGE AND BREED I AGENTS FOR MALAYA I Wholesale and retail special rates for Kennels. The Federal Dispensary, Ltd. (Incorporated In the P.M.S.) Raffles Place, Singapore. BOARD RESIDENCE.
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    • 486 2 £bc Sinoapote iff cc frets siKuala Lumpur OfWre: 25. XSA >( Thone: j«x London Office: t n., 81t SUBSCRIPTION Wittoln Ouuide f >l Monthl, T^H Qttartrrl> 8 M Tearly $34 M Note. OuUiation rhruuo «hotiU 1 the usual bank dl^ount I ADVERTISEMENT RATES The charges and in>tru<n,., K%m FIED ADVERTISIMIM
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 421 2 Diary Of The Week THURSDAY, JULY 18 High Water. 1249 a.m. 89 ft.. 12 19 p.m. 10. (i It. Football s.a.f a. League, Div. 11. S.CC. vs. RE., padang; Div. 111. S.C.F.A. vs. Fort Canning, V MCA. ground. Garrison Club. Women's Monthly Medal Stroke FRIDAY, JULY If High Water. .1
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  • 168 3 Activities In Thomson Road Catchment Basin ipUB hieves are worrying the Singapore Municipal Commissioners. areas oi jungle land in the catchment basin in Thomson ve been completely denuded of timber. Municipality has employed tdditional police constables to :u arc ittnched a gang of patrol the
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  • 72 3 lida Lan^crveld And Miss Tjonir See Yin the programme for given m the Victoria Hall tonight by Lida Langerand Miss TJong See Yin :\d pian. I VIOLIN AM) PIANO B Rat Major. \V. A. Mozart. Andante and Allegretto). ORGAN ral m E Major. C. Franck. VIOLIN AND PIANO
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  • 26 3 ot, w. Mr. A. J. Minjoot. admitted to the General Hospital. Pr. Malacca, for an operation very well and will be dist in a few days.
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  • 376 3 "We Like British Ships" AMERICAN TOURISTS IN SINGAPORE "W E RE soing see the world— and we're going to like it That, in short, is the purpose of 27 Americans who arrived in Singapore in the P. and O. 14.000 ton liner. Carthage, yesterday morning. Though they had not met
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  • 20 3 M.r R. C. Brown, of the legal firm ol Donaldson and Burkinshaw. Singapore, is opening a branch in Malacca shortly.
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  • 88 3 The marriage between Dr. Ronald Charles Blair Barbor. son of the late Mr. Charles Barbor. of Dublin, and ol Mrs. Gilbert West, of Qogar, Stirling, and Darent-Hulme. Shoreham. Kent, and Misss Ivonne Voules Hubback. only daughter of Brigadier-General A. B. Hubback, C.M.G.. D.5.0., and Mrs. Hubback. 20. Lancaster Road. Wimbledon,
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  • 442 3 Former Bank Manager Charged •PHE affairs ol the Sze Hai Tong Banking and Insurance Co. Ltd. of Chulia Street were again before Mr. J. Me. P. Brander, the Singapore Third Magistrate, yesterday, when the trial of Toh Aik Joo was started. He was charged with having authorised loans up to
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  • 115 3 I From Our Own Correspondent. Kuala Lumpur. July 16. A One or 52.000 or six months' rigorous imprisonment, was imposed oy Mr. F. K. Wilson, in the Kuala Lumpur police court, on a Hakka Chinese. Hiew Slick, who pleaded guilty to a charge oi being found in
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  • 120 3 i From Our Own Correspondent Seremban, July 15. Khong Sai Mini, a goldsmith, was i charged in the police court wltn house-breaking and theft, and was acquitted. The complainant was a Chinese woman and it was stated that the ear-ring, which she alleged had been stolen, had been
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  • 64 3 Under the auspices of the Chinese Christian Association, Mr. Charles T. Culver, of the Christian Herald Industiial Mission, Foochow, will deliver a Lantern Lecture on "Industrial Education in Foochow" in the Institute Hall, Chinese Christian Association, Prinsep Street, today at 8.1 5 p.m. A cordial 'nvitaticn is extended to the
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  • 1624 3 Mr. A. Clark Addresses Singapore Rotarians MR. Adrian Clark, the Solicitor-General, kept a large audience much amused when recounting a few legal reminiscences to members oi the Singapore Rotary Club at yesterday's luncheon meeting at the Adelphi Hotel. Recalling a case where a lawyer, who was defending
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  • 200 3 •THE fourth criminal sessions of the Supreme Court were brought to a close yesterday with the conclusion of the trial of two Hokkien> Ang An and Lim Chai Seng, on a charge of armed robbery, before Mr Justice Williamson and a common jury. The
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  • 191 3 ALLEGED CHEATING OF BANK Chia Chin Tock Convicted Police court proceedings terminate! finally yesterday in the case lnu,hlch Chia Chan Tuck, a well-known Chin ese business man. was charged with cheating Oversea Chinese B-.iiik in respect of $5,000 The trial had lasted over hearings and after counsels' addi Mr H.
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  • 58 3 Th:> wedding took pi n-• .1: s:t Mary* Church, Koala Lumpur. OH Saturday <»i Mr A c Meredith ol tlio Honßkonu ;tnci Bhanghal Bank, Kii.ilj Lumpur, no Di the late Mr John Mere nth and 01 Mrs Barbara Meredith, ol Windsor, and Miss Elizabeth Joan Lloyd, daughter of Wr. and
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 211 3 RELIEF AFTER YEARS OF ULCERATED STOMACH. to be wondered at that Mr. thankful he was advised t.; Maclean Brand Stomach Powd; r? ii suffering from ulcerate'! dose cl this marvellous itomach remedy broa^ht him instant and permanent reliei. I -im io pleased v. it li the results T obtained by
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    • 39 3 O L S I N A" THE WASHABLE WATER PAINT Eminently suitable for the decoration of all exteriors and interiors. No objectionable odour. Free from lustre. All shades intermixable. Send for colour card to UNITED ENGINEERS LIMITED SINGAPORE BRANCHES.
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  • 353 4  -  Gladys Baker (By Turkish President Condemns Agents Of Aggression Istanbul. itpvo you think war is likely to U break out in the near future?" Mustafa Kemal, newly named Kamal Ataturk, lifted direct blue eyes from the gold service of his
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  • 208 4 Dead Comrade's Son With Kini^sford Smith Sydney, July 5. When Sir Charles Kingsford Smith makes the last flight of thr Southern Cross to Canberra, where it will repose Icr^ the nation, sitting in the second pilot's sea 4 behind him will be the 14
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  • 239 4 Australian Methodist Church Will Teach Youth Melbourne. Leading Methodist clergymen here endorsed an editorial in the Methodist Spectator urging the church to take up til* 1 question of sex teaching and issue literature that will "^ympathe- I t.cally. frankly and wisely set forth the Christian point of
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  • 204 4 Australia £14,480,000 Short Of Requirements Sydney, July 9. Exports from Australia during the eleven months ended May 31, were in lvalue £5tg.84.646.000. and imports were i £5tg.69. 126.000. This gave an excess of exports of £stg. 15.520.000 compared with an excess of exports of £stg. 35.697.000
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  • 224 4 Animal That Was Terror Of District Shot Sydney. July 5. A massive wild dog. with a head ten inches long, believed to be the 'Tallong Tiger" which for years has terrorised the Marulan, Brayton and Tallong districts, has been shot. The animal was about seven feet long. 3
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  • 125 4 Bangkok. July 12. £y*IVEN ashore by a gale, a sailing boat belt ng to Nai Sa-ad Anugra- j hanond was wrecked off Koh Nnmsao I Ifland v. ;ilc on a voyage to Bangkok' with a cargo of charcoal. Only five of
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  • 938 4 WHY TURKEY WANTS TO FORTIFY THE DARDANKELLES other's particular needs and problems. Moreover, regional pacts have already proved their worth towards maintaining the peace." Hypnotw Power In his curious pale eyes lies the secret of the Gazi's almost hypnotic power tor leadership. The heavy brows are restless, lilting to Mephistophelian
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  • 18 4 1 Mr. C H Burm w Auruul!ur;i, I B Perak Central, has ben. officiate as Agricultural (>t!:ivr Kr
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 122 4 SUNLIGHT AND UMBRELLA SDAP FREE OFFER i Are you collecting the wrappers from these famous soaps? From ist May the wrappers from exchange a large- size tablet of Ixix Sunlight and Umbrella Soaps will be Toilet Soap— the famous beauty soap worth money to you! All you have to used
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 49 5 PINEAPPLE BDAN have no equal as regards r ■^.^^^r rbL l/lx^ l^ li^ quality. Each Ham is carefully selected arid a secret method of cur- Bl'jLv inp brings out to per- \^^A jection its unique flavour. V *!^B IKi wjftuV' »^.5 MARK 1 11 i War<n Studios 99 i
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  • 198 6 Vienna, July l& THE car accident in which the Austrian Chancellor. Dr. Schuschnigg. was injured and his wife killed, was caused by the chauffeur tainting. The car got out of control and crashed into a. tree. All the occupants were thrown out and Frau Schuschnigg died
    Reuter  -  198 words
  • 172 6 (iood Display Of F > roducts At Klantf I From a Correspondent > Klang. July 15. The Kuala Langat branch of the Malayan Agri-Horticultural Association held its annual Show on Sunday in the precincts of the district office. Teluk Datoh. His Highness the Sultan, who is one of
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  • 147 6 Special Alterations In Sailing With a view to meeting the requirements of the anticipated rush of travellers to Penang to attend the AllMalayan Chinese Athletic Meeting there from July 31 to August 6. the Straits Steamship Company have made special alterations in the sailing of their ss K<.'tiah.
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  • 140 6 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, July 16. I found it on the roadside," said Chan Fook when charged this morning before Mr. F. K. Wilson, in the Kuala Lumpur police court, with the theft 01 a handbag, valued at $10. the property of Mrs. Telford. Chief
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  • 60 6 Swami Advaitananda of Bharat Sevasram Sangha. leader of a party of four Calcutta monks touring in Malaya, (lelivered his third lecture in the City High School hall, Singapore, on July 1 1S U jcct bein S "Awakening of Soul" Mr. T. Naraindas JP M^ presided over the meeting which was
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  • 766 6 Alleged Death Blow To Workmate In Shop Penang, July 1<». T'HE story of how a dispute arising out of the use of certain tools between two employees of tinj smith's establishment culminated in a fatal attack on one of the men !by the other was told to Mr. J. P.
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  • 208 6 RESHUFFLE IN SI AM STATE COUNCIL rE following The Nation and the Bangkok Tton Wit ti the J\:]'- 1 Ing Marion <>i Batumi that pub!:. centred on possib! the st.n. Council Manavara.' Srvi wW < present position r mpointment <>1 Mm now detached fron ti lEci.ndinics. COCUtI submi ted to
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  • 54 6 1 Th. BM in which Vir.ui; B Ans Kong Nee and his motl Clhjo Neo, on a promissory i. ?7.500 was concluded y< s ipreme Court, before Mi a"Bockett TtTroll. his lordship ji'dgment lor plairrul ..s with costs Mr. H I) Mundrll .ipp.a; pialntlfl tod Mr n
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 308 6 MBm. C. C. Wakilui.i ft Co Ud MB Wakefield Hoilvc. Engineering Laboratory Cheapsido. EC 2 Cambridge- Igfli Dear Sirs, December 2ist. 1934 I^BI PATKN/castToLnH »!T!; d kllow thi u 11V >- «*••«•«>■ examined 9 have been abl, b ''l^ 8 Inu se to a hi^ h tle re of accuracy,
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    • 82 6 VICTORIAL MEMORIAL HALL SUNDAY JULY 28th 1935 at 9.30 p.m BENEFIT CONCERT to Mr. A. Konchester date of Raffles and Add phi Hotel Orchestras) THE FOLLOWING ARTISTES have kindly consented to appear AGA LAHOWSKA u MIO Sl(Drill CHRISTINE VAN DER LEeW p7«M ARKADV KONCHESTER V *h n JOSEPH SPEELMAN C
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  • 185 7 Owner And Driver Charged owner of a motor-car, Ee, and his Malay syce, Madhi, stood their trial bell A. Forrer. the Singapore 1 District Judge, as a result of accident at the junction a <j and Norfolk Road on os were (1) causing a
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  • 96 7 l t tt Tn Explore Unknown New Guinea Jungle Canberra, July 8. will be organised if ard this month from the Expedition that left Port Moresby last to penetrate unexplored n the headwaters of the and River and Purarl River, in rn division of Papua. has been received
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  • 171 7 Lived On Immoral Earnings Of Woman ZOOMING up tor sentence yesterday in the second magistrate's court, Salleh bin Balleh, a young seaman, was ordered rigorous imprisonment for six months and ten strokes of the rotan on a charge of having lived on the immoral earnings of a
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  • 107 7 Trying To Force Them Into Youth Movement Berlin, July (>. Membership oi the powerful Hitler Youth Movement, with its 6.000.000 adherents or membership of students' corporations is the alternative the Reich Youth leader. Baldur Von Shirach, has placed before all German students. This development follows suspension rf
    Reuter Wireless  -  107 words
  • 64 7 Delegation To Tour British Cities And Ports The London Chamber of Commerce, in co-operation with a number of provincial Chambers, has invited the Chambers of Commerce of the capital cities of Latvia »Riga>. Lithuania Tallinn*, and Estonia Kaunas > to send a delegation of business men to
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  • 151 7 RUSSIAN HAD NO OXYGEN DEVICE Moscow. from a height of 7.514 s without an oxygen device. [onoured Master Of ParaSports, has recently beaten the for this feat, s noted for his bravery and came close to disaster on experimental jump over irdrome when his parachute ed about his
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  • 233 7 Chinese Emigrants Swell Passenger Total During 1934. according to the re cently issued annual report of the Hong Kong Harbour Office, there were 20 505 vessels, includng river steamers which arrived in Hong Kong carrying passengers. Of these 12.493 were British ships. In all a total of
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  • 117 7 For Siamese Mission In Canton Owing to the bitter sentiment! aroused by the alleged mistreatment of Chinese nationals in Siam, the Siamese goodwill mission received the coolest reception ever extended by Canton to a group of foreign officials when they arrived here from Hong Kong. No representatives
    Reuter  -  117 words
  • 52 7 Ottawa. Following experiments by Canadian research workers, a new fabric having the grain and texture of leather as well as its durability has been made from Canadian spruce wood. It is expected that with further perfection of the product, the forest resources of Canada v/ill be considerably enhanced
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 227 7 A Grand Laugh Tonic for the Blues Just the show THE DOCTOR ORDERED 4HBT CAPITOL 1 a i 1 6.15 NIGHTLY 9.15 w^j^ The Famous Rubber-faced ENCiLISH stage and screen comedian LESLIE FULLER IbV Mi BmV ;1s Professor Pippin Fellow of Royal K 'll flk College of Phufi) in BRITISH
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    • 288 7 "Cardinal Richelieu," is one of the most impres- <fl BBHM^^ JT sive films seen in Singa- M ♦> pore in the past six V V months. Free Press. .l7 7/3S f^^ I I PAVILION pF^Bt a the greatest at- \JoHHbI W^^~ X TRACTION IN TOWN \^^SHf I ♦> A SHOW
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  • The Singapore Free Press
    • 885 8 CVERY day the prospect ot war between Italy and Abyssinia looms larger and in view ot the attitude adopted by the former it seems that only a miracle can prevent an outbreak, in spite of the intervention of the League of Nations. At one period of the
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  • 315 8 Mr J. J. Floury. State Veterinary Surgeon. Kedah. is going on leave shortly. The Raja Bendahara oi Perak has been gazetted to be a Magistrate for Kinta. The Hon. Mr. J. D. Hall. British Adviser. Kedah. will be going on leave in the near future. Mr. H.
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  • 623 8 7cNH Ptiinc's Bones THAT queer incident In William Cobbett's life when Ive brought back with him from America the bones of Tom Paine provided a flutter of excitement at Liverpool on his landing there from the Hercules in November, 1819. At the Customs examination of passengers'
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  • 859 8 11/HEN Trd Wiilard was six h»believed that Ins father knew < verything. It did not occur to him .is s'range that a humble plumber's assistant should have come by the way ol so much knowled^u'. nor indeed thai anyone so gifted should continue to be ;i
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  • 25 8 Mr. and Mrs. J. Holland and son are leaving Kuala Lumpur on July 19 for Singapore where they will embark on the Carthage for home.
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  • 25 8 Mr. C. F. S. Jameson, Senior Inspector of Mines, F.M.S., has been granted seven months' leave on full pay with effect from tho 11th. instant
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 243 8 cM.pP ecK S BY SPECIAL A TO H.M. THE APPOINTMENT KING f SIAM ESTD >87! BFAL'TIFUL JEWELLERY ENHANCES FEMININE CHARM. The beautiful designs of today as stocked by us make the possession of a ring, brooch, clip, bracelet or pendant more desirable than ever before. You will always find the
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    • 58 8 IN ORDER TO RECOUP HIS LOST FORTUNES an ex-plutocrat has started an amusement park and has also bought a poultryfarm. He evidently intends to make good by fair means or fowl. Nothing could be fairer than the settlement of claims under M GAFLAC H POLICIES. GENERAL ACCIDENT. FIRE ft LIFE
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  • 259 9 Close Watch On Affairs In China London, July 17. A DEPUTATION of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce representing textiles, chemicals, and engineering, today presents to the Board of Trade a report on British trade with China drawn up by Chambers in China and the Far East
    Reuter  -  259 words
  • Article, Illustration
    15 9 [)1 CHESS OF KKXT opening the new wins of the South Eastern Hospital at Sydenham.
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  • 99 9  -  Sin Chen Jit Poh Successful Trial Shanghai, July 17. I to the Japanese Foreign he Japanese Consul in :hunming. capital ot Yunnan, states British Government have right to connect its air with Yunnan and Szechuan. The first trial flight which took lace
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  • 39 9  -  Sin Chen Jit Poh Breaks Out In East Fukien Hong Kong. Jul> 17. out in East Fukien organised bandit division ot Government i ral Wang Ching Kou I \\\v District of Kuanfrom the hands cf the bandits.
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  • 115 9 Ringleaders' Sent To Prison •From Our Own Correspondent* Ipoh. July 17. T'HE magistrate of the Kuala Kangsar court passed judgment today in the case against Haji Mohamed bin Abdullah and Ngahlati. who .stood charged with assisting the management ol an unlawful society known as the Kongsi
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  • 121 9 Entertaining Comedy At The Capitol It is not often that British pictures are shown on the local screen but when one is played it usually reaches a high standard One such film Is •Doctors Orders." the British International Pictures release, which began a season at the Capitol yesterday.
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  • 47 9 By-Election Result At West Toxeth London, July H. Labour gained a seat from the Con- servatives in the bye-election at West iToxeth necessitated by Mr. C. T. Wil- son's appointment as a magistrate. The result was: Gibbins (Labour c fiC Cremlyn (Conservative) 9.565. Reuter
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 33 9  - Sin Chen Jit Poh Hong: Kong. July 17A terrific typhoon swept over East Hainan yesterday when a large number of fishing junks capsized and many fishermen were drowned. Sligm damage was done ashore^-
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  • 238 9 Sir John Simon On Police Work And Crime London. July 16. In the House of Commons today the Home Secretary. Sir John Simon, touched upon a great variety of subjects in reviewing the work of the Home Office -the vote for which he re- culled having last
    British Radio  -  238 words
  • 149 9 LONDON-TOKIO FLIER LANDS AT BANGKOK Bangkok, July lt>. Mr. KaUtttaro Anc, the Japanese airman, who left London on May 12 for S 10.000 mile flight to Tokio arrived in Bangkok yesterday. Mr. Ano who took up aviation in Jupan alter leaving Singapore some yean ago had been held up for
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  • 107 9 Latest Rubber And Tin Prices From Our Own Correspondent) RUBBER London, July 17. Spot (Sellers) 5 15>16d (5 15|16d.) (Buyers) 5 13|16d. (5 13|16d.) Oct.-Dec. 6 lj32d. '6 1!32d.) January-March 6 3!16d. (6 5|32d.) April- June 6 516d. (6 5>16d.) Market:— Steady. New York, July 17. May 12.06
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  • 188 9 Tribute To Democracy Of The Sea London. July 17. Wearing naval uniform and looking very fit the King stood on the bridge of the royal yacht when it left Portsmouth this afternoon to begin the great naval review. As the yacht steamed from the harbour the Kins saw
    Reuter  -  188 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 60 9 TODAY TIFFIN $1.00 I Creme de Laitue I Msh a la Grenobloise >•<» u-t Chicken Bacon 1 on£ Beans Chipped Potato (old Meat Salad linger Pudding Syrup Cheese, Fruit, Coffee WATCH! DAILY MENU PHONE 4906. JUST PUBLISHED A POCKET DICTIONARY OF THE AMOY VERNACULAR DV ERNEST TIPSON Price $5.00 (postage
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    • 608 9 to 1 'Ji \Um\\ h: -Ti P^^S HA N GM AI J H! ROBINSON CO., LTD. Combined services K. N. I. L M./K. L. M. Leave Singapore for Palembang Batavia d Bandoeng every Monday 6.15 a. m. Wednesday 7.(M) a. m. Thursday 6.15 a. m. i *pp!y K. L. M./K.
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  • 781 10 Drop In Hong Kong Banks On Smaller Interim Dividend MESSRS Fraser and Cos weekly re- port, dated July 16. 5 p.m.. is as follows: Market conditions locally show no change since our last issue and the absence of interest in dealing which we commented on a week
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  • 935 10 HIGHER CONTENT IN MOTOR TYRES No Price Response Yet To Improved Position London. QYMINGTON and Wilson, in their *3 weekly rubber market report, dated July 3, state The dull and inactive tone referred to in our last report has continued to date. Fluctuations have been
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  • 157 10 TTHE Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held its 1,235th auction yesterday when there were catalogued 1,251.978 lbs.; 558.91 tons.; offered 1.217.245 lbs.; 543.41 tons.; Sold 1.042,060 lbs.; 465.20 tons. Spot. London 5 13|16d. New York 12 cts. PRICES REALISED Ribbed Smoked Sheet Cents Per Lb. Standard
    157 words
  • 45 10 Juru Estates Report for year to March 31 last shows profit after depreciation. £5.331 (against €2.558): add 1.193 brought in after deduction manager's bonus £240: dividend 4*2 per cent, (against 3 per cent); reserve, v 1.500: forward. £1.185. Rubber crop, ?86.109 lbs. (against 424.942 lbs.L
    45 words
  • 86 10 Chamber Of Commerce Rubber Association Tone of market Easier quiet. Latest Cable: London Spot Sheet 5 13 16d. per lb. New York Spot Sheet U.S. 12 cts. per lb. July 17. 12 o'clock noon Buyers Sellers No. I. X. R. S. S. in cases (F.0.8. July) 19% 19% Good F.A.Q.
    86 words
  • 90 10 July 17 Buyers Sellers Gambier 6 00 Java Cube 10.50 Hamburg Cube 10 50 White Pepper 16.50 Muntok White Pepper 17.00 Copra. Sundried 3.90 Copra, mixed 3.50 Small Flake Tapioca 4.00 R. B. Siam No. 1 per koyan $114 Blanja Jelotong 7.50 Sarawak Jelotong 7.00 R. <Siam>
    90 words
  • 118 10 Dividend Of 5 Per Cent. Recommended New Scudai. Limited, secured a profit for the year ended Mar. 31 of $33,289. the sum of $20.03i was brought in and $3,392 unclaimed dividends were transferred. A dividend of 5 per cent, (against nil) is recommended, carrying forward $16,703. The
    118 words
  • 138 10 Domestic Production, as represented by exports irom FeriPnfPri yt^i,,, States. Unfederated Malay States, and strait ISattK^U (Set lement of Malacca), of Tin and Tin-in-Ore at 75.5 per cent, during 5? month o^ June Federated Malay States T IIS Tons Unfederated Malay States. 1329 Trengganu 34 c Straits
    138 words
  • 1062 10 WEDNESDAY JULY 17, 1935 Dtiyer- o_*aci Ampat Tin <4s> 3s 6d 4s I fed Asam Kumbang 32s 33s Austral Malay 58- 6d 60s 6d Aver Hitam Tin (5s > 12s 9d 13s 6d Ayer Weng ($1) 185 1.95 c.d. Bangrin Tm 19s i>d 2C.i 6d Batu Selangor
    1,062 words
  • 179 10 July 13. 15. lti. American Can Com. 140 138^ 13Q American Telephone and Telegraph 127% 125 126 Atcheson Railroad 50 51 51 Chesapeake 44', 44 44'-, S Upont 106 104' 1043; Firestone unq J^J 1U 7 < General Electric 267 R 26^ 27i General Motors 36 3 6
    179 words
  • 23 10 w iyj4 i.775 (agst. loss of £2 382* rrducing debit brought in to £12^74 Bidor Rubber Estate—Payment of in
    23 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 54 10 *ytcr*tae costs I ii//ii/ If VIZ/ Cheap storm** for all kind* of produce navailable, at MW9 H tan too Nelson and BiTenld* Godown. 14 1. Boat Quay, Slnfaporr Sqvl cv p. Catsuit STANTON NELSON CO., LTD 4. COLLTER QIAY. SINGAPOKI Telephovi SEASIDE OODOWN RIVFRSIDK GODOWN TW OPFICI Inspection Invited PRODUCEOOm^
      54 words

  • 263 11  - "DAVID COPPERFIELD" likes the Hollywood Life FREDDIE BARTHOLOMEW Hollywood In Person BY I DIME Bartholomew is inevitably identified in film-goers' inds with David Copperfield, but he has a striking perlity of his own and today he substitutes for Mollie Merrick soundest contributor the column has had— to write about at
    263 words
  • 144 11 Measures End Kuala Lumpur. July 15. report received regarding Malayan Collieries states tutionary measures have leted and there is no furmd that the sealed In lire > ill burn it .-elf out. labourer was one of a six who were overcome by but the other live are only
    144 words
  • 58 11 lowing new members of the 100 of British Malaya were i at the June meeting: P. Layton. Chartered accounii nderson. Planter. Havilland. Shipping agent stle. Planter. Fitzgerald, M.C.. 8.A.. M.D., -A.0.. Director of Medical Ser-Holmes-Smith, Planter (reMcKellar. Planter (retired) vens. Barrister- at-Law. Venables, Malayan Civil Service. W.
    58 words
  • 529 11 DISADVANTAGES OF STABILISATION Heated Monetary Talks In Paris I I TTHE vexed question of monetary stabilisation, the most important that will come before the Congress oi the International Chamber of Commerce, was hotly discussed in Paris by a special committee presided over by Sir Alan Anderson. The
    529 words
  • 217 11  -  Ely Culbertson by World's Champion Player And Greatest Card Analyst REVERSING AN OLD SAYING THERE are just as many persons walking the streets of London because ol their hurry to draw trumps, as there are lor neglecting to do so The following hand is one in which
    217 words
  • 60 11 Mr. M. H. Hawkes, Prai. leaves for 'Home on holiday shortly. i Before Mr. A. Williams, Registrar of I Christian Marriages. Malacca. Mr. Aleksande Aleksandrovich Kiriloli was married to Miss Adelina Konstantinovna Moskvich on Thursday by special licence. Both are members of the Harmiston's Circus. Messrs. C. C. Moskvich and
    60 words
  • 78 11 London, July 15. A scheme for the inclusion of air travel within the present arrange- 1 ments by which Members of Parliament visiting their constituencies on public business receive free travelling facilities was announced today. Where suitable arrangements can be made, Members desiring to go by
    British Radio  -  78 words
  • 583 11 A "SQUARE DEAL" FOR HAPSBURGS Vienna, July 4. IN about a week's time the exiled members oi the Hapsburg family will be free to return to Austria and to recover their personal property in this country. A Bill revoking the banishment of the family and entitling the Federal Government to
    583 words
  • 89 11 Mr. Percy Ezechiel. C.MG, brother of Mr. V. G. Ezechiel formerly ol the Malayan Civil Service, received a knighthood with promotion to K.C.M.G. in Birthday Honours. He was Secretary to the Crown Agents for the Colonies from 1905 to 1920, when he becam one of the four Crown Agents. A
    89 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 140 11 HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. < Incorp.. rated in the Colony oi Hong KOBf The liability of members la limited to the extent and in the manner prescribed by Ordinance No 6 of 1929 ct the Colony. HEAD OFFICE HONG KONG Authorised Capital $50.0.'MJ.Q0u Issued and lully paid up 520.00D.000
      140 words
    • 491 11 I CHARTFREO RANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA \%|l f lIINA (Incorporated In Bngl h Royal Chart, i Paid up capital in M.OM shares oi Z% each ***** Reserve Fund 000 (Reserve Liability ol Proprietors IIKAI) Ol I H I :?K BishopsßaK I,« nci.n < Agencies and l'.r.»u« Jh-n Bang! Kiir.u i
      491 words

  • 714 12 SHIPPING TRADE MAKES SLOW RECOVERY Effect Of Scrap -and- Build And Subsidy Schemes rERE has been ample proof of late of the suggestion that shipping and shipbuilding are among the last trades to feel the influence lot better times, though it is also true that both are
    714 words
  • 15 12 The MM. mail vessel Porthos Is du<» here from Colombo on Sunday a? 6 SSarMSMAsa
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
      478 words
    • 307 12 HENDERSON LINE si hkdii.k m mujnui lly Fortnightly PaMsrnecr Mrj lletueen Rangoon. Fort Sud Marseilles, Palm* and Kngl.u HOMIWXKI) lAIUNGI Tort of Disembarkation Pl>mo Leate- I Ml AMAKAPOORA Jul\ SAGAING BURMA YOMA p* PEGU CHINDWIN KEMMENDINE BHAMO AMAR/POORA SAGAING Nov. BURMA DC YOMA DtC Calls London Through Passano MIM m-
      307 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 554 12 Local And Foreign Mail Despatches And L Arrivals BY TRAIN Bangkok every Saturday 7 pm. Thursday 7.30 a.m. Kedah Monday to Friday 7.30 a.m. Saturday 7.30 a.m. and 7 p.m. Kuantan <via Jerantut) Monday to Friday 7.30 a.m. Saturday 7.30 a.m. 7 pm. Kelantan <via Gemas> every Monday. Wednesday. Thursday
      554 words
    • 796 12 PASSENGERS The following pa wen gen are travelling in the P. and O. liner Carthage. leaving Singapore at 9.30 a.m. on July !19 lor Penang, Colombo, Bombay and Europe: Mr. Harrison. Mr. G. E. Turner. Eng. Comdr. Casley. Mr. J. H. Johnston. Mr. 'H. H. Cook. Miss A. W. Hislop.
      796 words
    • 164 12 SINGAPORE Ships alongside Hi. w»■ir v. or expected lo arrive East Wharf (Entrain <.it« Nieuvv Holland H Main Wharf (Entr;in<#- c.h. Carthagi is. I ;Yuen Sang 11 K ■■<: TanfO Maru 6 Empire Dock (Entrance <<it«Silverwalnut Khandalla .4 Kl.»n_ West Wharf (Entrance Oalt Donau 5: Zuiko M Section 10 (Entrance
      164 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 416 13 B R!T!SH INDIA P. O. S. N. CO'S SAILINGS, Due Tnage S'pore. Tnage pf|rc 6.000 July 19 SOMALI 6 810 Sent 25 17.000 July 19 CATHAY 15.000 Slpt" 27 6.500 July 31 RAWALPINDI 17 000 Oct' 11 16.000 Aug. 2 BANGALORE 6000 Oct' 24 17.000 Aug. 16 CORFU ***** Oct'
      416 words
    • 481 13 EUerman Bucknall Steamship Co., Ltd. "ELLERMAN" LINE FOR HAVRE, LONDON, ROTTERDAM AND HAMBURG. VIA PORTS AND SUEZ CANAL Also accepting cargo for Canadian and American ports via Colombo. Steamer Due Sails x City of Oran Aug. 14 Aug 16 x Calls Dunkirk. FOR HONG KONG SHANGHAI AND JAPAN. City of
      481 words
    • 1037 13 SHIPPING THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE (Ocean The llua KhJow Ste*m*bip c ,1<132, LM, Steam Ship Co., Ltd. and China Mutual The Cunard White SUu- ltd J Steam Navigation Co.. Ltd.) The SarawaJt S(eamKhi D C* Li-L The Straits Steamship Co., Ltd. The Australian OrimtaJ Line id The China Navigation Co..
      1,037 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 764 14 K. P. M. SOMNMJJKE PAKfcTVAART MAATSCHAPPU NIEUW HOLLAND Thursday, July 18. Batavia, Semarang, Sourabaya, Boeleleng Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide. GEN. VERSPYCK -Thursday, July 18. Letong. Kramat, Tarempa, Midai and Gcntin" REIJNST Thursday. July 18. Toboali, Cheribon (not for passengers), Semararm. Sourabaya, Boeleleng, Ampenan. Padang-Bay, Benoa and Banjoewangi BITIJSKES Thursday,
      764 words
    • 483 14 TO EUROPE FROM SINGAPORE AND PENANG VIA COLOMBO, BOMBAY, SUEZ, PORT SAID, ALEXANDRIA. NAPLES. GENOA. MARSEILLES AND NEW YORK. Arrive. Leave Leave Arrive S'pore. S'pore. Penan*: New York Pres Polk July 27 July 30 Au?. 1 Sept. 10 Pres. Adams Aug. 10 ft*. 11 Aug. IS Sept. 2 4 I
      483 words
    • 644 14 O. S. K. LINE FOR AFRICA AND SOUTH AMERICA London Maru Santos and Buenos Aires via Mombasa. Zanzibar. Dar-^s-Salaam, L. Marquis Durban. Algoa Bay. Cape Town Buenos Air«s Buenos Aires via Colombo. Durban. Maru Cape Town, Rio de Janeiro. Santos and Montevideo \rabia Maru Buenos Aires via Colombo. Mombasa. Zanzibar.
      644 words

  • 347 15 IY NARROW MARGIN* oF 15 SECONDS ludeavour Becalmed After Holding 5-Minute Lead London. Tn yacht. Yankee, owned led by Mr. C. B. Lambert. c lor big yachts at FalRegatta by the narrow 15 sec. Og race of 41 miles and time to sail. The southnd was
    347 words
  • 147 15 Our Own Correspondent. Penanff, Julj 13. lang Cricket Club sports were ay in fine weather. Good records Results Hague. 2 Moulding. 3 time 10 4-5 sec. Race l Hague, 2 Clancy. 3 •'»mp 1 Lie 2 Hewan. 3 Reed, the Weight 1 Hague, 2 Evana, 29
    147 words
  • 42 15 I Koala Lumpur. July 15. round ties other cubs s) in the SeJangor Cup Cornell be played next week, both idang. Inesday the Police Depot will i Rovers "B" and on Friday or Club will be opposed bv A run-.
    42 words
  • Article, Illustration
    15 15 WILLY DEN OUDEN. the 17-year-old Dutch Swimming star, who has In Id seven world titles.
    15 words
  • 53 15 UPCOUNTRY CRICKET MATCHES Selangor Club Beat Wanderers 1 From Our Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur. July 15. "THE annual cricket match between the Wanderers and the Selangor Club, which was played on Sunday on the Padang. resulted in a victory of the Club by three wickets. The Wanderers 1!U Selangor Club
    53 words
  • 85 15 From Our Owl Correspondent.* Seremban, July 14. OORT Dickson Recreation Club, visit- Ing Seremban today, defeated the King George V School by four runs. Port Dickson put up 39 runs to which the school replied with 65. Batting a second time, the Port Dickson
    85 words
  • 280 15 From Our Own Correspondent > Malacca. July 14. "THE rubber cricket match between the men and women at the Malacca Club yesterday ended in a win for the men by two wickets. Women Miss Morris c Shiels o Husband 0 Mrs. Coles c Shiels b
    280 words
  • 161 15 i Semi-finalists Share Twelve Goals (From Our Own Correspondent.) Sere m ban. July 14. Though the standard of soccer in yesterday's cup tie here between the Negri Sembilan Club and the Malay Regiment from Port Dickson was poor the game never lacked interest and a c raw of
    161 words
  • 1397 15 CHINESE OLYMPIAD AT PENANG Strong Contingent From Singapore CINGAPORE is sending a contingent Of 197 men and women, including fwotball. hockey, basketball, volleyball, tennis, badminton, ping-pong and swimming teams, to take part in the All-Malaya Chinese Olympic Meeting in Penang during the August holidays. Of this number thirty-one are managers,
    1,397 words
  • Article, Illustration
    32 15 HERR TROSSBACH, the (ierman champion hurdler, tryin* out a new form of hurdle contructed of stcol tubes. The new hurdle, which is adjustable, is said to be much safer for the runners.
    32 words
  • 228 15 I- <>R INDIAN PRINCtt CHALLENGE VVV Polo Match At Garden Party I LINGHAM Itftfl Kashmir by 10 10 I in mutch lor the Indian Primes challenge cup The PUM coincided with the Indian Km plre larden party UMI played u, i garden party spirit The
    228 words
  • 113 15 Frank Southall Increases His List To EiKht Getting in the iirst blow is hall th<* battle and so Frank Southall. rn. in R cyclist extraordinary. bM stepped In and set up another record The Australians h>d by Hubert Op perman. had arrived to attack South all's times and
    113 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 104 15 CENTURY OF PROGRESS SPECIAL 100-PAGE ISSUE I I I This will give a comprrhensive survey of the I history and development of Malaya in the last 100 years, with special reference to the rise of I trade, commerce and industry and to cultural, i I social and physical changes. It
      104 words

  • 490 16 Chinese Player Champion For Sixth Successive Year HARD FIGHT IN WOMEN'S FINAL lOOTH holders retained their titles when the men's and women's open singles finals of the Singapore lawn tennis championships were played at the S.C.C. yesterday. In the men's event
    490 words
  • Article, Illustration
    30 16 COL. ALUEN AND A. P. CAMERON (centre) beat W. C. Hill (left) and J. A. Deaa (rieht) in the final of the veterans' doubles of the Singapore lawn tennis championships.
    30 words
  • 234 16 Two Records Broken At A. A. A. Ch ampionsh ips Britishers Predominant In Track Events White City, July 13. "THE sensational defeat ot the great miler, Jack Lovelock, overshadowed everything in the Amateur Athletic Championships which were watched here today by 45.000 people in glorious weather. Lovelock was surprised by
    Reuter Wireless  -  234 words
  • 43 16 Salt Lake City, July 17. THE British drivers, John Cobb, Rose-Richards and C. J. Dobson, alternate drivers of a Napier-Railton car on the salt flats here, covered 3,235 miles in 24 hours. The previous record was 3.035 miles.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 80 16 Malacca's Team To Meet .1 oho re From Our own Correspondent, Malacca, July K>. Malacca's Malaya Cup team cu meet Johore on Saturday a: Malacca has baea chosen aa follows:- Low Ah Bans Tay Hong S >ng and Leui m: Soon Lee, a d; buva and Lim Chwee
    80 words
  • 108 16 Third Championship Meeting This Week-end At K.L. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala I. .1111 pur. July 15. The following is the programme ««t eventi lor the Selangor Amateur Athletic Association's third championship melting, to be held at Kuala Lmnpur this week-end: Prkhu p m. 100 Yards Heats 1.00
    108 words
  • 60 16 Australian National Steeplechase I From Our Own Correspondent > Sydney, July 15. The Australian National Steeplechase run on Saturday, resulted as follows RIAWENA <9.13> i PACTOLUS (10.7» 2 OLD HOME (10.5* Won by a head, ten lengths between I second and third. Time 6 min. 34 sec ,Ninr
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  • 65 16 London, July 11. At Walton Heath L. Foster, Royal Calcutta Golf Club, with 7 up won the Lucifer Golfing Society's 36 holes bogey competition in which competitors from all parts of the world participated. Two of the best scores over today's 18 holes were returned by Norman
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 59 16 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Serein ban. July 15. The Shau Chong Basket and*Vollev ball teams of Malacca visited Serem ban and played the Chin Woo and the Sam Min teams. The Chin Woo won the basket ball by 39 points to 31 The volley ball match against the Sam Min
    59 words
  • 39 16 The following will represent the Combined Services in their Malaya Cup match vs. Singapore, at Anson Road Stadium on Saturday, at 5.15 r>m Stonton: Griffiths. Nutland; Hilditch Rogers, Marts; Fahy, Noble. Holmes' Baker, Shenton. Reserves: Coleman Dunn. Pease, Pond.
    39 words
  • 53 16 Penan sr. Meeting the Chinese Swimming Club at water polo for the first time this year the Penang Swimming Club were beaten .on Sunday by seven goals to nil at Tani jong Bungah. Hooi Keat did great work for the Chinese team, taking six out |of the
    53 words
  • 34 16 Ipoh, July 17 In the Perak F.A. cup-tie match t'hr Anson Crocs" (Teluk Anson team* beat Batu Ga.iah by four goals ttwo and now meet the Old Edwardian* in the second round.
    34 words
  • 123 16 The third annual athletic sports of the Medical College Union will be hold or Saturday. July 27, on the college Bporti ground. 8 The following have been invited to play association football for SCC "B" vs. R.N.V.R. tomorrow: M. G. Mills- E ir C Oa" 111^. T J L Watklns:
    123 words
  • 518 16 Chinese Score Deciding Goal With Marines Two Men Short S.C.F.A. II 3 Marine Dvpt. A GOAL scored in the first two minutes set the found ih< of victory for the S.C.F.A., while another scored within last two minutes decided the issue in their favour
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 22 16 Dignity of its own the 1935 AUSTIN seven BORNEO MOTORS LTD MMMPOKE. MALACCA. SEREMBAN. Kl ALA LUMPUB. ,POU A^ P E n"g'
      22 words
    • 43 16 HH THE BEST M. 1 ftp *^"^^^^^^M^ a Ot ALL tfc N TABLE HI WATERS Mail EXCELLENT LWITH 19- j;< Mi U I Olf v v L »f nIo iv T /e^^^^# 7 BRANDY >j £if A P(S[2)(5](11)O > ©I? PHONE 5886 FBASERtNEAVE L
      43 words