The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 17 July 1935

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 17 1 The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS. NO. 14,628. ESTD. 1835 WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, 1935 10 CENTS
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  • 195 1 w Mobilisation Orders In Italy Rome. July 16. i increased momentum military preparations. inique, Signor Mussolini I on fresh mobilisation Division has been called up under the command of ral Bertini. A replacement diviSila II will be formed imand of General DeQfth new Black Shirt called "The Ist.
    Reuter  -  195 words
  • 45 1 Position Of British In London. July 10. e view is taken in London reling developments in the dispute vernment is continuing its ef- in a discussion with the French ment to find a way of promotpeaceful settlement but beyond onsultationi have not gone.
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  • 64 1 Mountains Honeycombed With Dugouts New York, July Hi. The Emperor of Abyssinia has been preparing for war for the past six years, according to his cousin, Princess Heshlatamanya who is studying here. Among carefully prepared measures to resist the Italian attack are munitions stored in mountain caches, while
    Reuter Wireless  -  64 words
  • 31 1 The Hague, July 10. The Abyssinian representative. Proi fessor Jeze, simultaneously calls atten- tion to the extreme urgency for the Council for intervention but does not I ask for immediate convocation.
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  • 98 1 No Licences Granted By Great Britain London. July 15. Until the whole question is consider|ed by the British Government, it is understood that no licences are being granted for the export of arms and ammunition from Britain to Abyssinia. One or "two applications recently received have not
    Reuter  -  98 words
  • 156 1 Town Densely Crowded With Visitors London, July 16. Brilliant sunshine, in which practically all outdoor jubilee functions attended by the King have been held, prevails for today's great spectacle at Spithead where the combined fleets comprising 157 vessels each dressed over- all with flags are assembled for
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  • 316 1 Immense Crowds At Portsmouth Naval Review London, July 16. ONE hundred and sixty warships thundered a salute as the King, aboard the Royal yacht Victoria and Albert left Portsmouth today to review the greatest naval assemblage since the Coronation. Immense crowds, hours before the review,
    Reuter  -  316 words
  • 48 1 A REGRETTABLE incident marr- ed the occasion of the Naval Review yesterday. An aeroplane chartered at lleston to take passengers to Portsmouth erashed when taking off and burst into flames. Two passengers were incinerated. Four others and the pilot were rushed to hospital unconscious. Reuter
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 160 1 Berlin, July 15. j The British Legion delegates, who, were enthusiastically welcomed by! German veterans on their arrival yesterday, laid a wreath of Flanders' poppies on the Tomb of the Un- j known Warrior this morning. The Brtish were conspicuous in I bowler
    Reuter  -  160 words
  • 166 1 Several Cafes Wrecked By Nazis SEQUEL TO CINEMA PROTEST Berlin. Jul) lb CEVKRAL cafes from which sup posed Jews were hauled out, were wrecked during riots lust night arising from Nasi reprisals against Jewish resentment against a new anti-Semitic Aim. Apart from several Jews taken into protective
    Reuter  -  166 words
  • 108 1 Detained By Soldiers For Two Days London. July 15. An official communique issued in Rome reports a number of hostile incidents on the part of Abyssinians including the arrest at Adowa of 25 persons who sold food to the Italian Crnsul and the arrest at Addis Ababa of
    Reuter Wireless  -  108 words
  • 32 1 Mr W J Walsh. Superintendent ol Customs, has returned Irom home ll and is posted lor duty at Teluk Anson Prior to going on leave. Mr Walsh *.ts stationed at Por* Dickson
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 47 1 ll4' I fill |\u\\m\ j SACrMM D ft Ijg Mi I T J _v^ IluV\L I I Wh,r< wc Tlon no und«r*T»nd *c B>«, V HbbbbblsbbK' I ll\ I ll! I obey call c f Mat;cn a H^noL". I^lbbbßSbexl "T MOMpllls AMOft+6 SAVAGES. tCssarissi km au Cm****
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  • 130 2 "Cardinal Richelieu" At The Pavilion "Cardinal Richelieu." which opened at the Pavilion last night is one of the most impressive films seen in Singapore in the past six months. It is a masterpiece of cinematographic art. A vital period in France's history, the reign of King Louis XIII
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  • 165 2 L Refreshing Fare At The Victoria Theatre Many of London's most brilliant stars are to be seen in the British Lion production Tn Town Tonight" which opened at the Victoria Theatre last night. There is Stanley Holioway. the three Radio Rogues, the Carson Sisters. Wilson. Arthur and
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  • 169 2 I (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, July 15. A landing competition for holders of "A" Licences was held at the Kuala Lumpur Flying Club yesterday. There were eight entrants- Miss Wong Chiew Wan and Messrs. Loke Yaik Foo. Leong Chong Tat. H. B. Hussey. A. V.
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  • 74 2 'From Our Own Correspondent.* Penang, July 15. A preliminary inquiry into the charge against Chan Teik Yong for the alleged murder of Lee Ah Niuk on June 8. commenced today before Mr Biddulph, police magistrate. It was alleged that the accused struck the deceased with a piece of
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  • 34 2 Members of the Singapore Musical Society's Orchestra are reminded of and asked to attend the special orchestral rehearsal which takes place on Friday evening at 5.15 p.m. in the Victoria Memorial Hall.
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  • 438 2 HOW two Chinese one armed with a knife and the other, who wore dark glasses and a Malay songkok, with a pistol walked into a room in a house in Japan Street on a night in May and robbed the occupants was related at the
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  • 149 2 Saturday. July 13. Dr. Reford had luncheon at Government House. In the afternoon His Excellency and j Lady Thomas attended the Annual 'Athletic Sports of the Combined Services at Tanglin Barracks and afterwards Lady Thomas gave away the prizes. Sunday. July 14. In the morning His Excellency and
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  • 42 2 Swami Advaitanada of Bharat Sevas,ram Sangha, the Calcutta monk, delivered his fourth lecture in a meeting held in the Kali temple. Serangoon Road, on Sunday, presided over by Mr T. Sivapragasam. Co-operative officer The subject of his lecture was "religion of age
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  • 77 2 The members of the Straits Chinese Epworth League will make an excursion 01. Saturday at 2 p.m. to Hampstead Bath. Bukit Timah. which has been kmdly lent by Mrs. Lee Choon Ouan for the purpose. No charges will be made for this excursion and Leaguers are asked to assemble at
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  • 72 2 (From Our Own Correspondent Seremban. Jul> M The Seremban police this mornir recovered irom the lower lake, M •> the General Post Other. HM tad] male Chinese It appears th i man was seen last night w.ilkinu i wards the centre <»] the lain u appeared In
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 77 2 MenMadeYoiing Vigour Increased In 24 Hours If you leal old before your Ume, and unable, to enjoy tbe pleasures of youth, take J)r. Nixon's Vi-Tuba and restore jour Manhood, Vitality snd Energy. «*K results In 21 hours. i>r. Nixon T a vi-Taba are new discovery and guaranteed to i.i iid
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    • 360 2 CLASSIFIED ADV ff \n I nique Preparation and the onh Real Preventive ot MOSQUITO BITES Obtainable from all first elasx < hrmisU and Stoie>. I Sole AfenU: GRAFTON LABORATORIES 20b. Collyer Quay. BOARD RESIDENCE. Ii vou require accommodation, stay at tl:e 'Overseas Residential Club, off Cnancerjr Lane. Ideal situation. 6
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    • 380 2 'ERTISEMENTS. Übc fetnoaporc Jfccc press Head Ofli.c: ecil Sin. Phone Mil extensions to a U dr,,*,.,, l Tel: 'Time* KlnJ^Sf? Kiiul.i Lumpur Oflice: 2.V .Lixa Mim Phone. London Offtee: M,<, MM Phone: tenlr„l TH: Leadm.lo SUBSCRIPTION R Within Ou Mai.. I;, Month l> I J.M 4 (mi Quarterly 8..M» f
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 157 2 Diary Of The Week WEDNESDAY, JILY 17 High Water. 12.24 a.m. 8.7 ft. 11.30 p.m. 10.3 ft. Football: SAFA League. Div 11. b S.C.F.A. vs. Marine Department. Anson Koad Stadium; s.C.C League, Merchants and Services vs. Merchants and Police. padang. Goll Keppel Club. Women's Foursome Competition, Garrison Club. Women's Monthly
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    • 370 2 Today's Radio j Programmes Singapore ZHI Owned and operated by Radio Service: Co. of Malaya Ltd.t Wavelength— 49.9 metres 6 p.m. Recorded music. 645 News bulletin supplied by Straits Times. Stock and share report, supplied by Fraser and Co. 8.30 Close down. B.B.C.— GSH, JBSG and GSF Wavelengths— l3.97, ItJi
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  • 767 3 Bridegroom Who Belongs To Another Denomination y >CK created by the attitude adopted by the Roman Catho- arch towards the marriage of a Roman Catholic young woman Roman Catholic young man. had a sequel in the Supreme yesterday, before Mr. Justice a 'Beckett
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  • 62 3 Alleged Threat To Assault Senior Officer Mohamed Shah, a Pathan police constable attached to the Beach Road division, was produced yesterday before Mr. Norman Grice, the Singapore second magistrate, on a charge of having threatened to assault a senior officer— a sergeant. He claimed trial, which was fixed
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  • 49 3 Plans for the new cinema at Pudu Road-Bukit Bintang corner have been passed by the Kuala Lumpur Sanitary Board Plans Committee. Building is to commence immediately and the proprietors of the new cinema have already signed contracts, beginning in January, for the supply of the world's most important films.
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  • 969 3 STORY OF UNHAPPY MARRIAGE tpIE story of an unhappy marriage was narrated in Hie Supreme Court yesterday, before Mr. Justice a'Beckett Terrell, when Mary Chua, nee Wee. sued her husband Chua ton*,- Hong, for restitution of cenjmfal rights. Fung, appearing in support,
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  • 407 3 FRAUD ALLEGED IN PROMISSORY NOTE CASE AN action on a promissory note for $7,500 was begun in the Supreme Court yesterday afternoon before Mr. Justice a'Beckett Terrell r?othP ai w Uff S Naraln Slngh and hG SUGd Ang Kon Wee and his mother, Wee Choo Neo. eventually the praatlll ctloi
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  • 25 3 Mr Farnworth. formerly ol the Hook Kong and Shanghai Bank. Kuala hum pur. is doing a year's work in the London office of the Bank
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  • 1090 4 On The Continent i'aris. TTHE exhibition commemorating the "Visits and Journeys oi British Sovereigns In Prance in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries" is appropriately housed In the lovely Chateau
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  • 124 4 London. A question was recently asked in the House of Commons about the system ;of charging a motorist £5 when he j wants to retain his old number on 'changing his car. Mr. Hore-Belisha explained that the "concession" is an ex-statutory one to those who "for sentimental
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  • 169 4 Indian Doctor Hopes To Save Many Lives Life without breathing that is the possibility held out by the experiments of an Indian medical research worker now in Britain. He has been able to supply animals With the oxygen they normally obtain through the lungs, by
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  • 180 4 Airmen's Bilk To He Paid In Return For rim Search I Melbourne. In recognition of the fine part played by the American Navy In searching for C. T P. Ulm on his ill-fated Pacific flight, the Centenary Council finance committee has decided to pay the cost oi
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  • 163 4 i Last Months Of Lawrence Of Arabia Sir Ronald Storrs. speaking at a litere. ry luncheon in London threw fresh light on "Lawrence of Arabia." Mentioning Lawrence's inventive ability, he said that there was in existence the last motor-cycle he had built, but which he
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  • 128 4 Man Left Girl To Drown In Lake An alleged murder, committed in circumstances similar to those described in Theodore Dreiser's novel "An American Tragedy"— of which a film was made two years ago and shown in many countries— is being investigated by the Berlin police. Herr Heinz Muller.
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  • 818 4 Alexander Korda Goes Ahead Britain On The Screen NEW STUDIO WILL BE T\\ V I LARGEST IN EUROPE I (By .loan Littleficlcl) London. ONE of the most interesting things about the British Aim industry today ll the rise of Alexander Koiria. Two years auo. he was making quota pictures for
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 108 4 Sfi *i fll J^^^^^^"WSl HSBBBBB^^^^^^m^. BBrvßttßn W^^Z' C h evrolet The World's Most Popular Commercial Vehicle For many years Chevrolet has been Chevrolet Chassis A veri?cle of* tW? &eller of lorrles on the Malayan type ii an advertisement in itself. market, and today with the new models |_j^^_ now offered
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    • 47 4 "SSHHHBttttHßJMttajSSjjta* I v All I* Al STEEL FILING ,iv„ r _VJJ I BBJ I ft; H t 28" Deep *************** IB I 1 4t» I <k ft fl If O w REMINGTON RAND INC. (In co rpo ra ted in (J. S-A.J UNION BUILDING SINGAPORE. StUdi I
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  • 237 5 SIGNOH Ml SSOLINI reviewing division of the Sabauda before its departure to East Africa. IPTAIN it AH. Orlchar was arricd to Miss Pih-lu r at ill Langham Place. London. iid Is sei n giving a hind to a small bridal I h ndant. IR WALTER
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 174 5 Aperture if Speed i.s changed. Jp I Film Insertion by ONE simple B^^Mi Bf^aflßk operation, whirl: -an be done F/^/mb^bl bbb""*"J Speeds alßmxl K*B bTbIbW Rapid for Single J^jl Mm^Ti' Expo-Tires. 7 flßßh. I "^P^^BBfflflt SIEMENS CINE CAMERA for 16 mm. Smallfi'm is so popular at home! We stock it
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  • 512 6 Bangkok, July 12. of violence and sniping by riflemen hidden in forests have followed a strike of truck-drivers on the Lampang-Chiengrai Highway. On Saturday evening, while two buses belonging to Police Lieutenant Grudh Sri Samit, were travelling to Lampang with rice and
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  • 166 6 Narrow Escape For Little Girl From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, July 15. The collapse of the whole tiled roof of a shop house, used as a store by a firm in a lane off Bukit Bintang Road, very nearly caused the death of an entire family on
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  • 55 6 Mr. A. Jex, a resident of Butterworth who was convalescing up at Cameron Highlands, was admitted on Thursday to the Batu Gajah Hospital with pneumonia. His condition grew worse and he passed away at about 7 o'clock on Wednesday night. The deceased was given a military funeral at Batu Gajah
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  • 382 6 MARICAR GRANTED BAIL OF $200,000 PENDING COURT APPEAL lOONA Mohamed Hussein Maricar, the wealthy French Indian mer--1»* chant, who was recently sentenced to terms of imprisonment amounting in the aggregate to nine months and two weeks, was allowed bail in a sum of $200,000 by the Acting Chief Justice, Mr.
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  • Article, Illustration
    51 6 LORD ALLENBY arrived with the headmaster of Hackney Downs School to inspect the school battalion, when they held their last parade after being in existence for 54 years. The last parade was caused by the decision of the London County Council to discontinue military drill at secondary schools under its
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  • 105 6 Admitted As Advocate And Solicitor in S.S. I From Our Own Correspondeni > Penang, July 15. In the Supreme Court this morning Mr. Justice Whitley admitted into practice as advocate and solicitor in j the Straits Settlements. Gurchum Singh who is a locally qualified lawyer. In admitting the
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  • 146 6 Extraordinary General Meeting AN extraordinary kcik rk Raffles Hotel. Ltd terday at the ntfflfc n French Bank Buildin. which was confirmed garding the <u» of sub-clause 1 1 1 „i Ai the Articles of Assoeia passed at an extraoro meeting held on Jim. Mr. A. Dobson \ka
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  • 181 6 (From Our Own Correspondent! Bangkok, July 16. IT is announced today that Commander George R. G. Allen who is Staff Officer (0) attached to the Naval Office in Singapore has been appointed Naval Attache to the British Legation in Bangkok. The appointment is
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  • 71 6 Dinner In Aid Of Re-building Fund The Bishop of Singapore, the Rt. Rev. B.C. Roberts, was present at a meeting of friends of St Andrew's School and the Mission, at the G. H. on Monday night. A dinner was held, in aid of a fund for the
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  • 45 6 Mr. J. L. If. Boyd, manager Ol Bous,ead and Co.. Ltd Teluk Anson Branch, ind a well-known Rugby player, has been transferred to Singapore and he left for his new station on Tuesday Mr. C. K. Foster, the well-known Penang cricketer, has succeeded Mr Boyd
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  • 63 6 Senior C •unbridle BcMri (iocs To Prison 'From Our Own OoffNpaai Ipoh. Jul\ 1 Leong Petal BOOR, wt» m while awaiting sentence In with eharyes ot stealing b i schools madv> an attempt liberty by boitinu. today wa to tourteen montht 1 Imprlaonn three charges ot stealing Wcyi
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  • 19 6 Captain Denis cjV Vitrv NS State Adjutant. MSVI' at the depot ot his rtftmenl tl Berks at Reading. w
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 112 6 I W JL 2*. I ■BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJ BBBTBTv^f'-''°'"v^ -'-oBBBJ Just To Get Pw^H Mm iBIBIBVHBHBIBaBIBVBM^H B ML 'Aj^j-.Mm H Here Quicker fi *****88 BBBBJ BBJ B u WeVeDu K I *****88 *****88 *********************************************8881 Through a\fl From K^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H BBBJ i~*i» BB^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^BBBBBBBB^BBbJl IJuna ■^«J H I TO GET A DRINK OF _H 11
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    • 226 6 615 TOMGHT 9.15 "IN TOWN TONIGHT A British Lion Production with the most popular Stars of the British Broad. .1 stint company in a magnificent programme of variety entertainment at VICTORIA THEATRE Featuring DAVE APOLLON HIS BAND Howard Jacobs A His Orchestra, Billy Merrin His Commanders. Knrllrr 11. 11 Military
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  • 461 7 FALL OF TREE IN STORM KILLS INDIAN Penang. July 13. |N the heavy rain storm which swept over Penang early yester- day morning, a coconut tree fell on lan Ayer Irani house and fatally injured one of the inmates who was asleep. The victim was an aged Indian named Poodusamy.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 232 7 2 T o,ttr gsregg gggj t [CAPITOL II °5gSJg£ Y I The Famous Rubber-faced ENGLISH stage and screen comedian LESLIE FULLER la^ BAINA 1 Kj^j Al IMf Fl '"M re t 1 DOCTOR'S ORDERS E MAY HAVE BEEN A "oUArk" r»rs/~i-^.« COMP In,. DOCTOR BUT HE HAD A HEART OF
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    • 231 7 I TODAY -THE AIR MARINES TAKE OFF AKD (THE SKY'S THE LIMIT FOR THRILLS! I"m l '.,f ,r t Here C N »vy" ich, Ik. only f„,!„,,« c,,rp, a yri, won. miss it! Its the scree- sensation of the yciir I "IfclMiu MMmpmrnw^mumsm |ILII|I MMWMMMbF^ Hbba t1 s UCVIL FJB^^'
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  • 1187 8 The Singapore Free Press WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, 1935 Lloyd George And His New Deal IT is perhaps unfortunate that Mr Lloyd George should have used the term New Deal to describe his proposals for restoring prosperity to Great Britain for that description has somewhat fallen into disfavour in the land
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  • 596 8 InPHE Master of Balliol's recent appeal I for new science buildings at Ox- ford falls on more sympathetic ears than did the first suggestions of giving science a recognised habitation and home in the University. Eighty years ago donnish opinion of scientific Science study was still
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  • 1110 8 "I ISTEN'" said Mr Goss It was the word which dropped most often from his lips; not indeed that it did anything io casual as "drop." for it boomed out like a trumpet, joyous, authoritative demanding, lull of the promise ol information He raised his umbrella as a
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 85 8 COATES' I g| ORIGINAL PLYMOUTH tDRY Sole Agents: I Caldbeck Macgregor Co., Ltd. (Incorporated undor the Companies' Ordin[W^- ■<" H ances of Hong Kong> I;; f (Incorporated in Shanghai) WINE MERCHANTS 201, Cantonment Road, Tel. 5371. SAVOURY SUNDRIES SWEETBREADS KIDNEYS BRAINS LAMBS LIVER -SHEEPS TONGUES A VARIED SELECTION SINGAPORE COLD
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    • 53 8 "IF YOU ARE OF A NERVOUS TEMPERAMENT" says a writer, "you must be prepared to go through a good deal while learning to drive a car." Including possibly, the rear wall of the garage. What about a "GAFLAC" MOTOR CAR POLICY? GENERAL ACCIDENT. FIRE LIFE ASSURANCE CORPORATION. LTD. Hongkong Bank
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  • 82 9 Consulates Question Shanghai, July 16. r refusal of the Soviet Goviment to allow the Manchukuo to open consulates in East and other Soviet territories the Far Baal and the stiffening Ol the leaders in Outer who are reported to have ted by Russians in the the Mongolian
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  • 144 9 Exciting Moments In Isako Show U8 has lost none Of its and attractiveness in spite of ounter-attractions was ast rated last night when a 1 reeted the opening of the n ol Franz Isakos al Kallang Road last programme of 20 a wkk repertoire and nong ;he
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  • 141 9 Rumours In West Szechuan Shanghai, July 16. A REPORT from a Japanese source in Szechuan states that the Chinese Communists in West Szechuan, assisted by Soviet officers, are forming a new Chinese Soviet Government in West China, including the regions in Chinghai and Sinkiang. The Reds
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  • 134 9 Japanese General Relieved Of His Duties Tokio, July 16. A sensation has been caused by a War Office announcement that Gen. Jinzaburo( Mazaki, inspector- general of military training, one of the highest post in the General Staff, has* been relieved of his duties after refusing to resign.
    Reuter  -  134 words
  • 166 9 Economic Treaty Signed Shanghai, July 16. The new Japan-Manchukuo Economic Treaty was signed in Changchun, capital of Manchukuo. yesterday. General Minami, Japanese envoy in the territory, and General Chang Ching Wei. Premier of the new state, signing for Japan and Manchukuo respectively. The main clauses
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  • 248 9 Difficult Negotiations With Dominions London. July 16. The House of Commons today passed by 242 votes to 42. a financial resolution moved by the Minister of Agriculture. Mr. Walter Elliot, to extend to the end Ol June. 1936. the subsidy from the cattle fund at a cost
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  • Article, Illustration
    53 9 I i A CAR RI A GE, the body of Admiral of the Fleet, Sir ifiarles Madden, Bt., was conveyed with full ceremonial from the Admiralty to Westminster Abbey, where a funeral service was held. The body was later cremated at Golders Green. The cortege entering Whitehall on the way
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  • 188 9 Russian Sailor Stranded In Singapore IV^ICHAEL Aiexandrovitch Boiko, the Russian sailor who pleaded guilty before Mr. Whitton in the Singapore police court last week :to a charge of vagrancy, was yesterday sentenced to one day's simple imprisonment in lieu of payment of a fine of $1. Mr.
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  • 96 9 Illness Of China's Premier Shanghai. July 16. Mr. Wang Ching Wei. the Premier, who is recuperating in Tsingtao at the moment, is reported to be contemplating the relinquishment of tlie duties of his post shortly. Rumours in Shanghai and Nanking persist that his resignation depends entirely on the
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  • 65 9 Treatment Of Catholics In Germany Rome, July 16. A Papal pronouncement about the treatment of Catholics in Germany is foreshadowed by the tone of an article in the Vatican newspaper Osservatore Romano, stating that the persecution of Catholics in Germany is irreconcil able both with Hitler's original
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  • 51 9 Dortmund, July 15. Ten were killed and 27 injured by an explosion at a depth of 2,000 feet in the Adolf Von Hanseman coal mine at Dortmund, Westphalia. Rescue work is very difficult as fire has broken out in the pit shaft. Reuter
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  • 155 9 King Cheered On Arrival At Portsmouth London, July 16. The King travelled to the outskirts of Portsmouth yesterday by special train, accompanied by the Prince ol Wales, the Duke of York and the the Duke of Kent, on his way to attend the Jubilee review of the
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  • 68 9 From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, July 16. At an extraordinary general meeting of the Penang Chamber of Commerce held this afternoon Mr. H. S Russell, of Sime Darby and Co.. was elected the Chamber's representative on the Legislative Council, in place of Mr. E. Newbold who
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  • 113 9 Latest Rubber And Tin Prices (From Our Own Correspondent* RUBBER London, July Id Spot (Sellers* 5 15 16d. (6d.) (Buyers) 5 13H6d. (5 15;16d> Oct.-Dec. 6 l|32d. (6^.) January-March 6 5 32d. (6 9 32d.) April-June 6 5 16d. (6 7 16d. I Market Easier. New York, July
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 56 9 Potase Jackson $1-00 Creme de Laitue < old Fish Mayonnaise Fish a la Grenobloise 'i«»as t u, of Umb, Mint Sauce WATCH Roast Chicken Bacon I< abbase Brown Potato Long Beans Chips < old Meat Salad DAILY MENU Cold Meat Salad Chocolate Ice Cream UIUL.I IWEJIU Ginfw p^^ SyTU p
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    • 1145 10 TUESDAY, JULY IC, ItSS MINING Buyers Sellers. 4_n tat Tin <i^) 3s 6d 4s I4d Asam Kumbang (£> 32s 33s Austral Malay 58 J 6d 60s 6d Aver Hitam Tin (5m 12s 9d 13s 6d Ayer Wettg ($1> 1-85 1.95 cd. Bangrin Tin Its -> d Gd
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    • 86 10 Chamber Of Commerce kiubber Association July 16, 12 o'clock noon Buyers Sellers No. I. X. R. S. S. in cases (F.0.8. July) 20 20 1 8 .joou F.A.Q. in cases (F.0.8. July) 19% 1934 No. I. X. R.S.S. (Spot-loose) (awardable Singapore) 19 7 20 No. I. X. R.S.S. Aug. Sept.
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    • 201 10 July 16 SELLING London. 4 months' sight 2,3 31 32 London. 3 months' sight 2,3 15,16 London, 60 days' sight 23 29;32 London. 30 days' sight 2,3y 8 London, demand 2 3 ***** London. T.T. 23 27|32 Lyons and Paris, demand 862 Hamburg, demand 141 New York, demand
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    • 99 10 July 16 Shell and Fish Kerosene per Unit of 2 x 4-gallon tins $4 86 Crown, Cross and Dragon Kerosene per Unit of 2x4 gallon tins $4 46 Shell Motor Spirit ex pump per British Imperial Gallon 82 Shell Motor Spirit in 4gallon drums per British
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    • 1653 10 WHY RUBBER SHARES ARE WEAK London Thinks 1935 Earnings I Will Be Low (From the Free Press Correspondent) London. July 5. TYESPITE the rapidly improving statistical position of the rubb< r- growing industry, and the probability of a substantial rise In com- j modity prices in the near future, the
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    • 91 10 July 16 Buvers Sellers Gamoi( r 6 00 Java Cuoe 10.50 Hamburg Cube 10.50 White Pepper 16.50 Muntok White Pepper 17.00 Copra. Sundried r>Bo Copra, mixed 3.45 Small Fiake Tapioca 3.80 R. B. Siam No. 1 per koyan $114 Blanja Jelotong 7.50 Sarawak Jelotong 7.00 R. «Siam>
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    • 162 10 July 12. 13. 18, American Can Com i:w 4 140 ua" American Telephone and Telegraph 127 127% 128 Atcheaon Railroad 49% 50 I 1 Chesapeake 44 44% Dnpont :'>j% ioe 104 1 Firestone i4 7 H unq I I General Dectrlc 26% 26% 26 General Motors .'6' t
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    • 171 10 Heavier Imports I>ead To Customs Surplus Canberra. July 3. Customs and excise collections in Australia tor the financial year just ended, were, it was stated, nearly £39.000.000 afa nit 64.180.000 above the Budget estimate. Official figures are withheld pending announcement ol the year's result by the Acting Treasurer.
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    • 45 10 The following is a list of outputs lor the undermentioned estates foi the month of June: Brunei 33.03* lb., Bukit Tlmal 11J87 o. Changkat 33.339 lb« Haytoi <>8:V i 0 Lunas 35.300 lb.. Nyalas 33 000 lb Tapah 10.081 lb.. Ulu Pandau 4.;j31b
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    • 313 10 MARKET PRICE LIST Sinjcapm i IbUI Beef tteaa Beef stew or cun. Fillet steak Mutlen. Austral.. Pork. i« in Pork, lean iind lai 'Ist. quality i POVUBI Capons (locally I Ducks Fowls Hens tl(>( lily r< Pigeons, domestic. Bad Pigeons, dome iUc, unfledged KGGS Duck, lresb mwt fresh 1« Duck,
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    • 71 10 Mr. E. M. Sykes. Supcrinti Customs. Teluk Anson i^ ihOTt ceeding home on k aw Mr. E V. C Than and Co.. Penang. hai covered irom his nnni illne>> ceed to Europe ay the Dul on Thursday Dr. Mihara. the Japan. pert who conducted a and Indo-Chlna some n. been
      71 words

  • 539 11 Hollywood In Person CORRECT DICTION BY MOLLIE MERRICK Cl UDE Rains, of "Invisible Man" fame, substitutes for Mollie Merrick today and tells of his earlier struggles against speech impediments and later in the world of the theatre. 7ID critic once declared ft u make-up of the
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  • 421 11 Two Cities At Daggers Drawn POLES AND LETTS HAVE RIVAL CLAIMS TO VILNA Vilna. 01 ever-improving I cations it is startling cities in Europe, only 60 rt, between which it is travel, to telephone, or id a letter or a telegram. an Kovno. the capital nd Vilna. a city of
    421 words
  • 87 11 What Italy Wants In Abyssinia Rome, July 11. Italy could not remain at the mercy lof Abyssinian disorderliness and pro- vocative truculence. declared Mussolini when addressing black shirt officers on the eve of their departure to Africa. II Duce emphasised that Italy was determined to arrive at a
    Reuter  -  87 words
  • 454 11  -  Ely Culbertson by I World's Champion Player And Greatest Card Analyst 1 KNOCKING HEADS TOGETHER TPHE sinking sensation which any hard-working declarer feels when he finds a terrible division of the trump suit may be fatal if he gives up hope. With courage and a bit of
    454 words
  • 219 11 Tamil Committed To Assizes Butterworth, July 11. "IF the wound on the neck had been inflicted half an inch behind, the complainant would have died almost immediately." This was a statement made by Dr. S. V. Murthy. Assistant Medical Officer. Sungei Bakap Hospital, when he
    219 words
  • 577 11 MAGISTRATES VIEW OF BRANDY PARTY Woman Accuses Captain Justice Of Theft CIR Gervais Rentoul. the West London magistrate, last week dismissed charges against Captain James Justice 30. described as of no occupation, ot Edward Road. Bromley. Justice was iormerly a member of the Saar International Police,
    577 words
  • Article, Illustration
    23 11 I GEORGE ARLISS as Cardinal Richelieu in the film of that name which opened at the Pavilion Theatre last night to crowded houses.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 134 11 I HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporated In the Colony of Hong Kong) The liability of members is limited to the extent and in the manner prescribed by Ordinance No. 6 of 1929 cl the Colony. HEAD OFFICE HONG KONG Authorised Capital $50,000,000 Issued and fully paid up $20,000,000 Reserve
      134 words
    • 491 11 CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA (Incorporated in England by Royal Charter) Paid up capital in 600.000 shares of £5 each £3.000.090 Reserve Fund £3.000 006 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £3 000 000 HEAD OFFICE 38. Blshopsgate. London EC 2 Agencies and Branches. Alor Star Iloilo Saigon Amritsar Ipoh
      491 words

  • 92 12 About 1.300 bales of Indian rrw cotton were either burnt or soaked in I a fire which occurred in one of the wS S the NYK car 8° boat MaeFriction between a cable and the iron Sr^ d bales of cotton is *a»SS i Owing to this
    92 words
  • 70 12 Booking Note —Palm Oil In Bulk 1 The alteration in paragraph 2 clause 8 <)'. the Booking Note published yesterday refers to the Straits New York Lines and not to the Straits Homeward Conference: The alteration is: Provided 24 hours' notice has been given, whether vessel is
    70 words
  • 660 12 U.S. MOVE TO CONTROL SHIPPING FREIGHTS Secretary Of State Fears Foreign Retaliation LETTERS have been addressed by the U.S. Secretary of State. Mr. Cordell Hull, to the Senate Commerce Committee and Interstate Commerce Committee and the Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee of the House of Representatives, regarding
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
      485 words
    • 355 12 BIBBY LINE r (LONDON ADDRIsn 22. PALL MALL. LONDON > u of fast twin-screw Oil Dr Mail Passenger Vessels b« I 1 RANGOON. COLOMBO. PORT >IH\n MARSEILLES. PLYMOI 111 \S|> 1 MINIMIS with through connect lon 1 Singapore and Penal HOMEWARD S\II1S(Lea\c U Rangoon i 1 1, GLOUCESTERSHIRE Julv If
      355 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 622 12 Local And Foreign Mail Despatches And Arrivals BY TRAIN Bangkok every Saturday 7 pm. Thursday 7.30 a.m. Kedah Monday to Friday 7.30 a.m. Saturday 7.30 a.m. and 7 p.m. Kuantan »via Jerantut) u Monday to Friday 7.30 a.m. iS Saturday 7.30 a.m. 7 pm. IC Kelantan <via Gemas) every Monday,
      622 words
    • 223 12 VESSELS ARRIVED Monte Piana. Ital.. 3.715 tons. Irom •Trieste IS, for Yokohama 16. Van Heutsz. Dut.. 2.749 tons, from Amoy 15. for Hong Kong 25. Santhia. Brit.. 4.841 tons, from Calcutta 16. for China and Japan ports 18 Kutsang. Brit 3.643 tons from Osaka 16. for Calcutta via Penang 17.
      223 words
    • 232 12 SINGAPORE HARBOLH Ships alongside the or expected to in, East Wharf (Entrance Gate I Rohna 22 Main Wharf (Entrance Gate Mata Karl 18. Cart-. 16; Perseus 14; S.inthi i l Empire Dock (Enframe <..«i, Silverwalnut It; Thurl Khandalla 34: Rahman Empire Dock (Entrance (.it Choko Maru 46 West Wharl (Entrance
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 426 13 BRITISH INDIA P. O. S. N. CO'S SAILINGS, OUTWARDS Tnage S'pore. rnage g£H 6.000 July 19 SOMALI 6 810 Sent 25 HI 17,000 July 19 CATHAY 15 000 £ent 27 >UDAN 0.500 July 31 RAWALPINDI 17 000 Oct 11 •i.OOO Aug. 2 BANGALORE 6000 Oct' 24 fPURA 17.000 Aug. 16
      426 words
    • 506 13 Ellerman BucknaU Steamship Co., Ltd. Incorporated in England > "ELLERMAN" LINE FOR HAVRE, LONDON, ROTTERDAM AND HAMBURG. VIA PORTS AND SUEZ CANAL Also accepting cargo for Canadian and American ports via Colombo City ot Yokohama i n Port July 17 2? °l atavia July 30 Aug. 2 *S£2?^K. Aug. 14
      506 words
    • 1090 13 REPRESENTING SHIPPING THE IJLLE ELNNEL LINE (Ocean The Hua Kino, sieainsh.u <„ ii^ Steam Ship Co.. Ltd. and China Mutual The C unard White Star It,' Steam Navigation Co., Ltd.) The Sarawak Steamship <„ I.a The Straits Steamship Co.. Ltd. The Australian Oriental Une Ltd Th e ti s^^'^x 10
      1,090 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 758 14 K. P. M. KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ THEDENS Wednesday. July 17, Muntok and Palembang. TOHITI -Wednesday, July 17. ToengkaJ. Moeara-Saba and Djambi. MAJANG— Wednesday, July 17, Prigi-Radja. Sapat, Tembilahan, Poeloe-Pallas. Pengalian-Estates and Rengat. NEIUW HOLLAND— Thursday, July 18, Batavia. Semarang, Sourabaya, Boeleleng, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourjie and Adelaide. GEN. VERSPYCK— Thursday, July
      758 words
    • 345 14 <. _-^^^?35IS5EE5fe2SR5Si^a^^^^^^* REGULAR FORTNIGHTLY SAILINGS TO NAPLES GENOA MARSEILLES Via Penang, Colombo, Bombay, Suez, Port Bali, Alexandria the Famou PRESIDENT LINERS All outside stateroom*— Excellent cuisine Swimming bath— talking motion pictures. Three day atopover In If TV*. I Arrive Leave Arrive Singapore. Singapore. New York. PRESIDENT GARFIELD July 13 July
      345 words
    • 591 14 I GENERAL PASSENGER AGENTS FOB CUNARD WHITE STAR LINE. J NEW REDUCED FARES TO EUROPE via SUEZ M Ports of call Penang. Colombo. Aden. Suez. Port Said Naples. U Gibraltar and London. Sails k m s Terukuni Maru July 24 s.s. Katori Maru Sep' ss Hakusan Maru Aug. 8 s.s.
      591 words

  • 523 15 Yachting 1 THERE was some interesting: vachtilll at the R.S.Y.C. over the week-end. Kamona the Daniels Cup on Friday lM d also finished first in the final rue for the Somerville Cup Sunday. This latter cup ut „f to Kathleen. ii nut re yachts which had
    523 words
  • 2406 15  -  Argus Weekly Sports Notes. Compiled By Singapore's Position Must Win Or Draw 2-All Local A. A. Formed Why Not Inter -Team Events? Cricket Topics Some Good Performances Tennis Championships /""•AN Lim Bong Soo regain his Malayan tennis crown this year? Chin Kee I
    2,406 words
  • 127 15 ROWLING J. hd wards (S.R.C. vs. M.F.A.) live for 4 H. L. Ward (I'.S. vs. Etceteras; ei*ht for 18 Chow Tat (S.C.R.C. vs. 1.A.) seven for 18 Le Cain (S.R.C. vs. Schools) five for 14 Wheeler (S.C.C. vs. Y.M.C.A.) five for 11 Mahmood (M.F.A. vs. S.R.C.) five
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  • 119 15 The following are the Starting times lor the Oldfield Cup to be pl:ived on Saturday. July 20 p.m 315 Lt and Mrs C. F U Bond vs Capt J B Gurnhill and Mrs E. Morris. 320 Mr and Mrs T. M Calhaem vs Mr R C. R Land
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  • 59 15 Ties for today and tomorrow in the S.C.C billiards handicap tournament |are as follow TODAY G. Pritchett (owe 50) vs E H Coleman (owe 75). H. R Wilson towc 100) vs F J L Mayger «plus 25). Tomorrow N Grice <scr.) vs E V Smith <owe 25). R.
    59 words
  • 121 15 Kent Beaten By Eight Wickets London, July lb. THE following are the results oi County cricket matches played today Surrey beat Kent by Sight wickets Kent 335 (Ashdown <*<)> and 191 <Sun nucks 83. Gover 7 t(»r 64 > Surrey 380 and 147 for 2. Somerset beat
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 129 15 PFFER Baf 7CA4A9 WITH BVslClflMa Tlie soothing, healing power of D.D.D. Prescription will amaze and delight you Itching stops two or three seconds after you apply D.l>.l>. Bv persevering with D.D.D. Prescription, the germs and corroding impurities ensconced in the deepest layers of the skin and which keep the disease
      129 words
    • 23 15 H yr vX/^v^La •st H /fox^v v \>*lX d I /4\^v^^ ;^^^Ws^ m I pertirv «fe 4fe F I P tm^M rn^mW B
      23 words

  • 864 16 England Declare At 294 For Seven Wickets HAMMOND CARRIES HIS BAT FOR 87 SOUTH AFRICA MAINTAINED THEIR ADVANTAGE IN THF PRESENT TEST SERIES PA DRAWING WITH ENGLAND AT HEADING LY YESTERDAY. After England had declared at 294 for seven, South \friea batted very
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  • 664 16 LEE FUN WINS SIX EVENTS (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, July 15. IDEAL weather favoured the conclusion of the Methodist Boys' School sports which were held last Friday and Saturday, July 12 and 13, respectively before a representative gathering. The feature of the meeting was
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  • 264 16 Handicaps For Kedah Skye Meeting (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, July 16. THE following are the handicap; x for the annual skye meeting ol the Kedah Gymkhana Club al Alor Star on Saturday. Ponies 14.2 and under and certified I Polo Ponies: Lerrick 11.10. Babz 11. 11.07, Rio Rita ,11.0,
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  • 73 16 Annual General Meeting This Month The first annual general meeting of the Perak Rugby Football Club will be held at the Ipoh Club on Wednesday. July 31, at 7 p.m. Although it is too early to say definitely what sort of a XV Perak will be able to
    73 words
  • Mixed Doubles Finalists
    • 317 16 BOTH semi-finals in the mixed doubles at the Singapore open lawn tennis championships on the S.C.C. courts were over within a few minutes of each other shortly after 5.30 p.m. yesterday. Mrs. Laing and H. S. Hewett beat |Mr. and Mrs. Swinchatt 6 3, 6—3,
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    • 57 16 To Be Held On Aug. 15 17 XHE eighth regular pr. 1 ing of the Taipmu 1 held on Thursday and 15 and 17. Subject to sufficui lowing races will b, runs for Taiping pony runs for horses cla for ponies class 2 Entries close on Wedm Two
      57 words
    • 54 16 The following is the r Tanglin Club Tennis played yesterday M t?\* D 2 Ub t!r eS Handl^P I H. F. C. Home and T nut owe 30 beat R I L. Palmer owe 15 2 6—2 11 Tie For Friday Julv Mixed Doubles Open (Final Col
      54 words
    • 43 16 •From Our Own QOR Johore Bahru Ji Two interesting nccet played here yesterd.iv the opposing teams cominß g a pore Fort Canning beat th. J Bahru Rangers by seven goals to fl Johore Military Forces beai Dahar team by five poala
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 66 16 SEE THE NEW P)KERS iy time you are passing e gas showrooms, you n call in and see the est models of gas okers. Their appearce with their enamel rf aces and easily cleaned ight parts will delight u. There are makes to It every size of kitchen prices that
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    • 109 16 1835 Singapore 1935 FREE PRESS TO COMMEMORATE A CENTURY OF PROGRESS THERE WILL BE A SPECIAL 100-PAGE ISSUE 1 ON OCTOBER Rth This Vill give a comprehensive survey of the history and development of Malaya in the last 100 years, with special reference to the rise of trade, commerce and
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