The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 11 July 1935

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 17 1 The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS. NO. 14,623. ESTI>. 1835 THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1935 10 CENTS.
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  • 237 1 Italy Prefers Direct Methods MAY REFUSE TO ATTEND LEAGUE MEETING HTHE possibility that Italy will ignore the League and proceed to settle her dispute with Abyssinia by direct methods is raised with the failure of the conciliation commission. The League is not due to
    Reuter; Wireless  -  237 words
  • 360 1 Hupeh Village Wiped Out TROOPS CALLED OUT TO STRENGTHEN DYKES 0 again floods are taking heavy toll of life and »porty m China and though details are still scanty every reason to fear that the deathroll will be high. 1 onsiderable fears are felt for
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  • 122 1 FORCED BACK B\ MONSOON I Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok. July 10. easthound Dutch air mail lane left Calcutta at daythis morning and arrived tongoon. It set out for kok but was forced to rei by the monsoon. be plane is making a fresh from Rangoon tomorrow
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  • 91 1 Scottish "'Quake" Was Only Gunfire Glasgow, July i). The daylong topic among holidaymakers and residents on the Ayrshire coast today was "last night's earthquake." People were awakened by rattling windows and violent earth rumblings and leapt from their beds and dashed into the open air. The sultry atmosphere
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  • 27 1 General Killed. Gen. Yeh Chi. of the Kwangsi forces, was killed instantly by a fall from his horse m the city of Nanning, capital of the province.
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  • Article, Illustration
    12 1 KNGINE REPAIR Section, R.A.F winners of the water polo cup at Seletar.
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  • 137 1 Attach Feared By Hong Kong, July 9. yHE rebel cruisers, Haichi and Haisheng, slipped out quietly trom Hong Kong at 2 a.m., presumably northward bound. It is understood that Admiral Chan Chak, Nanking's representative, is aboard the Haichi, and is conducting the vessels to Nanking.
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  • 57 1 Los Angeles, July 10. Ray Long, the author and oditor died m hospital after being found shot through the mouth.Chatanooga (Tennessee), July 10. Richard Walker, editor of the Chatanooga Times, a leading associate of the late Adolph Ochs. owner of the New York Times, was found shnt
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  • 485 1 MUM IN BVII IAIAT HOSPITAL A CHINESE woman of the coolie class Rave birth to triplets on Saturday at Batu Pahat Hospital (all ?irls). All three .ire doing well. abandoned by the British Government Which, throughout. has recognised that grave alternatives would arise falling such a result and
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  • 181 1 L Seaplane Struck By Lightning Rome. July t>. Lightning struck a seaplane piloted by Mussolini while he was flying to Salerno to review the Black Shirt division due to embark lor the Italian colonies at the end of the month. The wireless operator fainted but the machine was
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 87 1 BIGIA TEA Brings the freshness and fragrance of the Malayan gardens direct to your home. d^T^_ MALAYA'S PREMIER HOTEL TONIGHT SPECIAL DINNER CONCERT 8.15 to 9.15 p.m. DANCE (formal) 9.45 to midnight AND THE CLEVER AMERICAN DANCE TEAM THE THREE NEW YORKERS A CABARET OF UNtSCJAL TALENT TOP" DON'T MISS
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  • 47 2 Before the Acting Chief Justice m the Ist. Court at 11 a.m. Part heard: 5.103 34— Lim Soo Siam vs. Leow Yong Moey and anor Before Mr. Justice Williamson m the 2nd. Court at 11 a.m. Assizes: No. 3 -Rex vs Narainasamy.
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  • 40 2 j I From Our Own Correspondent Ipoh. July 10. The death occurred at Batu Gajah hospital today of Mrs Highet. wife of Mr. John Highet of Ulu Bernam Estate Lower Perak. formerly manager of Ppnawat Tin Dredging.
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  • 543 2 Letters To The Editor "CITY WORKER" SUPPORTS "GEYLANG DWELLER"— FIGHT FOR SEATS MORNING AND EVENING— BADLY LET DOWN BY CITY FATHERS PUBLIC PROTEST MEETING WANTED LORD ELIBANK ON TIN RESTRICTION To the Editor. Sir,— As another daily user of tht Singapore Traction Company's buses, heartily endorse all that
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  • 174 2 Gay Musical Romance At The Alhambra One of the biggest outdoor sets ever constructed for a musical picture a complete Bavarian village with its picturesque buildings, served as a background to the "Eberndorr sequences Music m the Air." the Erich had Ita premiere at the Aihambra
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  • 187 2 Finest Musical Ever Seen 1 In Singapore J A new realism m singing was brought to the screen at the Capitol on Tuesday night m the M.G.M. production of Victor Herbert's "Naughty Marietta," starring Jeannette Mac Donald and Nel- son Eddy. Jeannette fills one of her most glamorous
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  • 140 2 Mrs. Vanderbilt Loses Her Appeal New York, July 6. The Appellate Division of the Supreme Court has unanimously upheld the decision of Judge Carew m awarding the custody of Gloria Vanderbilt to the aunt. Mrs. Whitney. Commenting on Mrs. Vandeibilt's appeal, the court observed if the appellant
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  • 371 2 Yesterday's Funeral At Bidadari The death occurred early yesterday morning at the Singapore General Hospital of Caroline, wife of Mr. Donald Mackenzie, manager of Messrs Carreras. Ltd., Singapore. The funeral took place at the Bidadari Cemetery m the afternoon and was very largely attended The Rev Mr.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 94 2 ALKAMBRA NEXT WEEK ■^■E^i|9 H^^^E^^^. *^tf^!2ki MORE THRILLS TNAN I "HERE COMES THE NAVY" I Jimnv sad P« streak for the tk^ B with the fighuag corp. ihjf. mtvtr been I I ÜBied by gun* or damerf It'a the Uogh I packed arreen aetiMtion of the year I I I
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    • 494 2 j CLASSIFIED M Spillers Dog Foods for Uniform Quality. Purity «nd Nutritive value are unequalled THEY PROVIDE THE IDEAL FEED FOR EVERY AGE ANO BREED i T AGENTS FOR MALAYA Wholesale and retail special rates (or Kennels The Federal Dispensary, Ltd. (Incorporated In the F.M.8.) Raffles Place, Singapore. I BOARD
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    • 481 2 WERTISEMENTS. TTbc feinoapovc free press Kuala Lumpur Office: 25. Java Strwi Phone: 368.".. London Office: c f 3 4 Fleet Wreel Phone: Central 3SOX- .Os Tel: "L«ulmaJa M SUBSCRIPTION RAT Within Outride wiJ Malaya Malaya »Z Monthly :ioo I oo Quarterly S 54 $12 00 Half Yearly 117 M $24
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 263 2 Diary Of The Week THURSDAY, JULY 11. High Water. 6 10 a.m. 6.8 ft 6.6 p.m. 8.2 ft. Football S.A.F.A. League, Div. 111, V.M.C.A vs S.C.F.A, V.M.C.A. ground. Sports: Command Athletic Sports. FRIDAY. JULY 12. High Water. 7 51 a.m. 6.8 ft.. 7.G p.m. 82 Football: S.A.F.A. Commercial Cup. Municipal
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    • 250 2 Today's Radio Programmes Singapore ZHI (Owned and operated by Radio Service Co. of Malaya Ltd.* Wavelength 49.9 metres 6 p.m. Recorded music. 6.45 News bulletin supplied by Straits Times. 8.30 Close down. 8.8.C.-GSH, GSG and GSF Wavelengths— l 3.97, 16.86 and 19.8* metres p.m. 6.20 Big Ben. Light programme. 6.35
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  • 1133 3 Was Photo Removed From Registration Card KToo Kwong. a clerk employed the Monopolies Department Government Chandu shop m Road, was placed on trial at Singapore Assizes yesterday beJust ice Williamson and a ion Jury on a charge of forS A Worley, DP. P.. prosecuted A
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  • 268 3 BELIEVED WORK OF GANG OF CANTONESE BOYS DICYCLE thefts are breaking out afresh m Singapore. There lias been, on an average, a loss o! a bicycle a day tor the past few days. Special action is being taken by the police. A gang of Cantonese boys. v.oiKing
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  • Article, Illustration
    14 3 THE MALAY VOLUNTEERS parade at the Malay volunteers 25th anniversary iclebration. (Free Press photo)
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  • 209 3 Chettiar's Appeal Against Conviction Fails Prom CJur Own Correspondent' Kuala Lumpur. .1 K. The vi A If. M. Murugappa Chetti*: -gainst hta conviction by the St-pang magistrate on three charges under the Labour Code was heard today by the Chiei Justice <Sir Samuel Thomas* m the
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  • 139 3 Melbourne. "Flynn of the Inland" the book of lon L. Idriess. which deals with the work of the Australian Inland Mission and its pioneering superintendent <the, Rev. John Flynn) is responsible for a donation of £2,000 which was received by the Melbourne committee of the j mission from
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  • 235 3 BIG ROUND-UP OF GAMBLERS AT K. L. FIFTY ARRESTED Two Men Jump Out Of Hi* Kuala Lumpur. July i>. GAMING raid ol an extent almost unparalleled m F.M.S. history was made by police nilkvrs In Scntul last night. Fifty men were arrested. The raid took place on the upper floor
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  • 19 3 Dr. R. c. Burgess, Medical Officer Klang District Hospital, will act for Dr Farris m addition to his duties
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  • 341 3 New British Adviser To Siam 's Custom Department ■From Our Own Correspondent) M Bangkok, July <*. R. W. D. Reeve, at present Adviser to the Excise Department, will m future act as Adviser to both H.M.s Customs and the Excise Department. This position has always been
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  • 263 3 ACCUSED ACQUITTED ALLEGED to have made oontradlc j tory statements before Mr C. H Whitton. the Singapore fourth MM rate, and Dr. C. H. Withers Payne. tt% Secretary of the Bar Committee, m connection with the recent inquiry into the professional misconduct ol Mr Talukdar.
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  • 119 3 Mr Tar. Cheng Link. C BE. and Mrs. Tan Cheng Lock will lt**C lor Europe by the Contc Rosso on July 16 and will stay lor some time m Switzerland They will b« accompanied by their son. Mr. Tan Siew Sin. and also by their son-in-hiw and daughter, Mr
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 101 3 Make a note of it now GREAT WORLD Grand Charity Cabaret Saturday Next, July 13th. Extension Until 2 a.m. Full proceeds m aid of the Singapore SILVER JUBILEE FUND. Special Cabaret Items l»urrha.sers of Tickets j^rt reminded that tables must be reserved otherwise accommodation cannot be etiaranteed. Tables uill not
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  • 1044 4 Around London 6,000 Members In IAU Parts Of The World London HpHERE TS m London a Cente- narians' Club, formed six years ago with the idea of "inspiring men and women with a desire tv live on as able-bodied and clear-minded centenarians." The Club boasts
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  • 201 4 W. C. Fields Successor To Charlie Chaplin Fifteen years ago it was a mark of distinction to discuss learnedly the fine art of Charlie Chaplin. Long alter Charlie won the hearts of the entire world with his quaint comedy antics, the mere erudite critics suddenly discovered that ho
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  • 102 4 Paramount's "Carnival m Spain" shortly to be released, starring Marlene D.etrich, is the first picture to be Phot (graphed with grey sets? This irrr ration makes the lens work more brilliant. Members of the Byrd Antarctic Expedition No. 2. which was recorded for tne screen, covered
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  • 62 4 Marlene Dietrich's next starring picture for Paramount will be from a M A Love 1 Day In Aranjuez." fdapted by Hans Szekely from trie German of Wassermann and Franke. The fashionable woman whose imlulse lead her into many novel intrigues i^nd adventures is the central figure of
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  • 14 4 Mr. Limbury from Sourabaya arrived m Singapore on Saturday by the Qantas plane Adelaide.
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  • 88 4 Mr. .1. E. Otterson Becomes President Following the reconstruction of the Paramount American Organisation m recent months a change of name has now been ratified. It will be now known as Paramount Pictures Incorporated, thus including the full name by which the product of the company has been
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  • 58 4 It is becoming more apparent as the film production season matures that Claudette Colbert and Fred Mac Murray will wind up the year as one of the most successful player teams. They were together first m "The Gilded Lily Now Paramount has assigned them to cpDosite leading
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  • 864 4 MORE PATRIOTIC FILMS TO BE MODE In British Studios ADMIRALTY CO-OPERATES FOR FIRST TIME Britain On The Screen (By Joan Littleficld) London. TT may be the spirit of the Jubii lee; or, more likeiy, the splendid efforts of Hollywood, m such Alms as "The Lives of a Bengal, j Lancer."
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 56 4 1835 SINGAPORE 1935 rnrr PPCCC SPECIAL 100-PAGE ISSUE This will give a comprehensive survey of the and it will contain many articles of considerable historic and literary interest. TO ADVERTISERS IT WILL MAKE A SPECIAL APPEAL AND EARLY BOOKING OF SPACE IS ADVISABLE. SINGAPORE FREE PRESS THE LEADING MORNING PAPER
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  • Article, Illustration
    220 5 HE SVLTANA MELEK left Cairo fo London, where she is to spend the summer season. She is here seen talking with Havsanein Bey, first Chamberlain to Kin? Fuad, on departure from Cairo. A CJRAVK CRISIS was caused m Greek ecclesiastical circles by the expulsion from Athens of three Metmpn litans
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 31 5 Health in the home is our responsibility we cannot afford to take risks with our food. Make certain my dear and always shop at the uULU olUnAuL I Wortu Studiat ill.
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  • 417 6 CHINESE WOMAN FOUND STRANGLED Question Of Suicide Or Murder Kiittii w <>i tli. July 8. WITHE cause ol death WHS asphyxia 1 following strangulation," said H. R. Saravanamuttu. giving medical evidence at the inquest on a Chinese woman named Cheng Ah Han, v. ho was discovered dead at Kampong Aston
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  • 154 6 Sale Of Historical Papers Called Off London. July 5. Historical documents belonging to the Earl of Abingdon. including letters from the Duke of Wellington and Nelson, which were originally the papers of Lord Stuart de Rothesay. British Ambassador m Paris lrom 1815 to 1830. and which were
    Reuter; Wireless  -  154 words
  • 200 6 To have terrible pain after every meal; to dread eating tor fear of the inevitable indigestion to be. m fact, a confirmed stomach sufferer— such was the unhappy lot of Mrs. A. E. B -until she began taking Maclean! Brand Stomach Powder. "I am writing to
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  • 580 6 TWO KILLED WHEN LORRIES COLLIDE DRIVER FACES TWO CHARGES <From Our Own Correspondent Johorc Baliru. July 9. IN a motor smash between two Johor< 1 lorries at 21 :j mile. Johore Bahru Batu Pahat Road, a Chinese merchan' of Segamat and a Tamil cyclist wen killed, while five others were
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  • 137 6 Subterranean Vault Built For U.S. Gold Washington, JuJv 2. Secret orders have been given for the rapid construction of a Subterranean vault at Port Knox. Kentucky army post J A considerable proporflon of the billion dollars worth of gold now held by the Government is at New York
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  • 735 6 AMERICAN'S ADDRESS AT ROTARY CLUB TIFFIN "Approaching Sustained Boom In U.S.A." FEEL we are rapidly approaching sustained boom- not a flash m th< pan but a real long-range boom ii the United States." This interesting statement come: from Mr. James A- Moffett, Unitec States Federal Housing Commissioner who addressed the
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  • 138 6 Last Case Eight Days Ago OMALLPOX la being well held In check In Singapore by the Municipal Hi-alt h Department. Since April, when the body of an Infant was iound m a drain m Kens; LeeRoad, dead from smallpox, there hare been 27 cases. The
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  • 559 6 Total Of $1,265 For Selan^or Memorial Fund tFrom Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, July 8. Mrs. Yong Shook Lim organised a collection from Chinese women for Selangor's Jubilee Memorial Fund, and she collected the substantial amount oi $1,265. The contributors were Madam Lai Yew Khau
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  • 688 6 MALARIA AGAIN TAKING A HEA VY TOLL IN CEYLON Request For Government To Resume Distributing Food 70-YEAR-OLD MAN ON MURDER CHARGE JUDGE PASSES DEATH SENTENCE (From Our Own Correspondent" I'cnanK. July 10. T^HE strange spectacle an aged Chinese standing m the dock charged with murder, was presented when the Assizes
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 51 6 m I w J*^SPycP JSP HP^ "^^S^ jT. i^3^^HP^3^A. a. I Dignity of its own the 1935 AUSTIN seven BORNEO MOTORS LTD SINGAPORE, MALACCA. SEREMBAN. COM4 Lt MPIR. AM. Hrn! PERSONAL VERY Attractive Younu Lady, desirous meeting handsome iCentlniiuii. (wealth not essential) with view to matrimony. Address: McFADDEN'S FLATS Pavilion
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  • 685 7 EVIDENCE ALLOWED IN APPEAL Although Available At Trial AN interesting question as to the admission of evidence by way of an affidavit on appeal when such evidence was available at the trial, was settled by Mr. Justice Burton, Acting Chief Justice, m a judgment m which he
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  • 130 7 Held Up By Armed Robbers < From Our Own Correspondent 1 Ipoh, July 10. A Chinese women who turned Muslim. wife of a Malay motor-boat driver living at Telok Anson. told a dramatic story 1 of a robbery to the Telok Anson mamstrate. She said that whil«» sleeping
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  • 59 7 ITALY AND SI AM Consulate-General Created In Bangkok (From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok. July 10. The Italian Government has created a Consulate-General for the whole kingdom of Siam. Previously there was a consulate only. The first holder of the new post is the former Consul, the wellknown Italian. Signor Bovo.
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  • 45 7 The Eastern Extension Telegraph Co announces that the transit times on full rate telegrams from Singapore to London yesterday were as follows: Telegrams handed m up to 5.00 p m 10 minutes: 530 p.m. 16; 6.00 pm. 19 minutes; 630 p.m. 7 minutes.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 228 7 SINGAPORE PRESS PUBLIC ENDORSE LONDON'S ENTHUSIASM! •FIRST RATE ENTERTAINMENT "...STRAITS TIMES Naughty Marietta will long, be remembered as one those few and select pictures which achieve screen distinction MALAYA TRIBUNE. zz '"'lj Bb Bfi < VICTOR HERBERT'S musical masterpiece NAUGHTY MARIETTA" with FRANK MORGAN If Hear the sonas All- Sweet
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    • 294 7 I>-^ I I A*LH AMRDA Thc most tlirillin^ romance antl the fines) music I TOnTgHT 6*15 &9 IS eVer presented m ne reilt P'cture senv.tion J a i mi: last \\oi{i> m gok<;koi s vmi si;mi;m j i jgH^^n JOHN JUNE GLORIA 1 1 BOLES LANG sw anson W I
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  • 851 8 The Singapore Free Press THURSDAY. JULY 11. 1935 Women's Part In Defence THE newspapers of almost every country m the world are devoting a considerable amount of space to precautionary measures m the event of an outbreak of hostilities. An announcement of increased defence forces here, the shipment of troops
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  • 306 8 Mr. E. Hoyle, of Rengam. is at present m Singapore and is staying at tho Adelphi Hotel. Mr. T. A. Valette left by the Imperial Airways Astraea for Karachi on Sunday. Mr. G. E. Turner, the Assistant Controller of Labour. Klang. Will shortly be going on long
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  • 19 8 Wednesday, July 10 In the morning His Excellency visited the Opium Parkin- Factory at Pasir 1 ranjang.
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  • 360 8 REAR ADMIRAL J. T. Troup. who is to take up the duties of Director of Naval Intelligence at the Admiralty m September, was one of Percy Scott's young lions m the Boer War and the Boxer Rebellion. He was a midshipman of the Terrible at (luiniit'
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  • 2091 8 BY A. F. SPROTT "fHE crocodile was brought m alivo to Jeram Choh Police Station. It was there shot by the police officer m charge, and the usual reward was 'claimed' Thereby hangs a taje. the story ot a man-eating crocodile which ior it's sins was
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 99 8 y^ Superior OID BROWN SHERRY BY SPECIAL »0 A 2** TO H.M THE APPOINTMENT KING OF SIAM ESTD iM^JMfc 1872. BEAUTIFUL JEWELLERY ENHANCES FEMININE CHARM. The beautiful designs of today as stocked by us make the possesston ot a ring, brooch, clip, bracelet or pendant more desirable than ever before.
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    • 37 8 GARTER was the name of a fireman m London. Presumably he held up the hose. A "GAFLAC" FIRE POLII <<*V ifl perfect protection. L GENERAL ACCIDENT. FIRE 6c LIFE ASSURANCE CORPORATION. LTD. Hongkong Bank Chambers. Telephone 6480.
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  • 149 9 STIMATED TO COST ONE 1 MILLIARD MARKS Guns Limited To 11 Inches Berlin, July 9. iMANYS naval buiiding programme for 1935 m accorrtwitti the Anglo-German naval has been officially an:ed and the following warships been or will be started 5,000 battleships with 11 mi nc h two
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  • 20 9 k To Rumania. M. Titulescu. the lian Foreign Minister, who has i London for the past week has r Bucharest.
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  • 115 9 Latest Rubber And Tin Prices From Our Own Correspondent RUBBER London, July 10. Spot (Sellers) 6d. (6d.) (Buyers) 515 16d. (5 15 16d> j October-Dec. eVfed. <6 5j32d.) ;January-March 6 932 d. (6 932d> I April- June 6 13 32d. (6 7;l6d> Market: Steady. New York, July 10.
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  • 558 9 FRANK ADMISSION BY MR. STANLEY BALDWIN London, July 9. HTHE House of Commons by 450 votes to 76 rejected the Labour motion of censure that the Government had failed to produce a plan to deal with unemployment. MR. Lloyd George. Sir Herbert Samuel, and
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  • 170 9 Owners Absolved From Blame London, July 9« •T-HE official inquiry into the loss 1 of the steamer Blairgowrie with all 26 of the crew during bad weather m the North Atlantic on Feb. 27 reports that it is unable to say affirmatively that the Blairgowrie
    Reuter; Wireless  -  170 words
  • 21 9 Huge Note Issue.— The U.S. Treasury's 5j00.000.000 notv? issue m connection with work lor the relief programme has been oversubscribed threefold.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 148 9 $1.00 Potuge Crecj V ried Fi>h. Tartare Sauce Fillet Mignon Chasseur spinach Mashed Potato Cold Meat Salad Vanilla Ice Cream Cheese. Fruit. Coffee WATCH DAILY MENU PHONE 4906. THE BOOKS of the WALT DISNEY 1 SILLY SYMPHONIES LULLABY LAND, THE PIED PIPER, THE BIG BAD WOLF, THREE LITTLE PIGS. $1.50
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    • 653 10 GOOD BARGAINS GOING IN TINS Share Market Has Another Dull Week pRASER and Company. In their weekly market report, state Nothing has happened during the last week which can be said to have brightened the monotony of the local share market, and with every one apparently convinced that share dealing
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    • 72 10 1 London, July 8. The number of persons employed in Britain on June 24 was the highest since records were made fourteen years ago and unemployment the lowest for five years, according to official statistics. The total of unemployed fell by 45,000 during the
      Reuter; Wireless  -  72 words
    • 194 10 July G. 8. 9. American Can Com. 140? 8 H1 3 4 140 American Telephone and Telegraph 128 7 8 129y 2 129 3 4 Atcheson Railroad 48>4 48% 49 l 8 Chesapeake 43% 44 44» 4 Dupont 104» 8 105 3 4 104 3 4 Firestone 14>2
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    • 215 10 SELLING London. 4 months' sight 2.3 31,32 London, 3 months' sight 2,3 15 16 London, 60 days' sight 2 3 29 32 London. 30 days' sight 2 3T 8 London, demand 2 3 27 32 London, T.T. 2,3 27 32 Lyons and Paris, demand 863 Hamburg, demand 141
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    • 60 10 U.S. Relief Work Programme Loan Washington, July 7. The unprecedentedly low interest rate or 13/8 per cent, is offered by the Trea ml? r f he $500 '°00.000 note issue maturing m 4 years 5 months. The sin U c cce c SSSS" the maj r loan
      Reuter; Wireless  -  60 words
    • 106 10 •From Our Own Correspondent.) a>t 1 London, July 8 ar Ma r^ CCa Ru *>ber Plantations, Ltd are redeeming the six jer cent Fir t Mortgage Debenture cto£ on Oct I*2 with interest to that date and with a Pr Thir mr^ e f £1 er Sloe OuTstanHin
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    • 1120 10 WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 1935 MINING Buyers Sellers. Ampat Tin (4* 3s 10 4 d 4s 3d Asam Kumbang 32s 6d 33s 6d Austral Malay 58 j 6d 60s 6d Ayer Hitam Tin (ss) 13s 14s Ayer Weng ($1) 1.85 1.95 c.d. Bang r in Tin 24s 25s
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    • 92 10 July 10 Gambler 600 Java Cube 10 00 Hamburg Cube 1000 Muntok White Pepper 17 56 White Pepper 1650 Copra. Sundried 3.75 Copra, mixed 340 Small Flake Tapioca 4.00 R- B. Siam No. 1 in9 Blanja Jelotong \^t Sarawak Jelotong I'it l (SIa We N 1 Per
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    • 52 10 Britain And International Convention In the House of Com^onT'in Answer fSnJf^ fi Brown announced that following the revision of hours of work *«t V° al mines invention at the last international labour conference nment WaS prepared to wttfy ionn^i taneOUSly the other six countries named m that list-
      British Radio  -  52 words
    • 150 10 •pHE Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held its 1.234 th auction yesterday when there were catalogued 1.548.494 lbs.: ***** tons Offered 1.470.347 lbs.; 656.40 tons Sold 1 1,195.451 lbs: 533.68 tons. Lond °n 5.15 16 d. New York 12.5 16 cts. PRICES REALISED Ribbed smoked sheet
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    • 33 10 The Deputy Controller of Labour Penang. reports that Information has staTe r iH Cc J V ed K by tele «^ph tha? 609 n%*£t^r ts wni arrive n SFSS Port Swettenh
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    • 53 10 The company declares that present tevenue is tiore than sufficient to provide interest on the preference shares issuable under che scheme of arrangement. The stabilisation of the company's position should enable the board to consider paym *nt of a dividend on the ordinary shares within a reasonable period-Free
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    • 169 10 Earnings Improving After Financial Slump The Perak River Hydro-Electric Co was formed m 1926 to Acquire from the Malay and Eastern Power a™ Rf wlopment Co a concession from uiTh 6 l^ 1 CaPiUl WaS »*^d J%ith the direct assistance of fee Imperial Government under the Trade Facilities
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    • 405 10 Dividends To Follow Share Cancellation London. July 9. HOLLOWING heavy losses by the Perak River Hydro-Elect 1 1 Power Company Ltd.. preference and ordinary sharehold« i were asked today for their agreement to a drastic reorgani* tion scheme. The F.M.S. Government will suffer the great losses by
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    • 78 10 Chamber Of Commerce Rubber Association July 10. 1! oVIm-k noon Buyers No IX R S S in case* 'FOB July> 20' Good FA.Q m cases •FOB July i No I. X RSS •Spot -loose (awardable Singapore* 19 1 No. I X. RS S. Aug. Sept. 2(P 8 Oct. Dec. 21
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    • 109 10 Wheat Shows A not h. r Decline London. Juh On the money market. desj>. placement of loans borrowed I Bank of England to tide over th. year-end, accommodation for sh employment was easily availablcounts weakened owing to tht I of the Clearing Banks to r- folios but with
      Reuter  -  109 words
    • 60 10 London. Juh Partly due to European fcflaln partly owing to the wh. d I position, business on Bti was disappointing and the vm tomewhal MOMtaln alter further casing, madrecovery, mainly owing to good rders. chiefly on American v America again inU'rvenod m tl market and absorbed Offfcrtltgl
      Reuter  -  60 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 51 10 *$torqae costs I effect if** I (heap storace for a!' klnda of produce do« available, at Nmr> Stanton Nelaoa and o.i BJTertlde Godowa, 144. Boal Quay. Slncaporr jq\« cysts Consult ITANTON NELSON V CO., LTD 4, COLLTER QCAT. SINGAPORE Telephones SEASIDE GODOWN !U>©« RIVERSIDE GODOWN 716: OFFICE M 74 Inspection
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  • 851 11  - ADVENT OF TALKIES killed The Film kiss MOLLIE MERRICK Hollywood In Person BY P. ".CERS are running m circles, ing at luncheon tables, >sed doors, on the lot, off and by the lot to know or not they should have or even short kisses, lor tter- m their modern picproducer
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  • 179 11 Held At Mildenhall And Duxford London, .luly 7. Brilliant weather favoured the Royal All Force jubilee leview at Mildenhall and Duxford today. The King, who, tor the first time, wore the blue service uniform of a marshal of the R.A.F.. drove Irom Newmarket accompanied by the Prince of
    179 words
  • 381 11  -  Ely Culbertson by World's Champion Player An d Circa test Card Analyst PRE-EMPTIVE JUMPS DHE-EMPIIVE jumps to four, made either criginally or as overcalls. can ftomettmea steal games from even the strongest of opposition. On the hand belcw South stepped m with a lour spade bid after
    381 words
  • 350 11 /VHE wdenietod non-liction works' will be reMly tor issue on Saturday a' 9 a.m. Addison (Christopher I Four and a Half Years: June 1914 to January 1917 Illustrated. Alexander (8.1 Beauty and other fcrms of value Aesthetics*. Aye <John» Clerical Chuckles < Facetiae Bodlcy (R.V.C.J Indiscreet TravvN East.
    350 words
  • 82 11 ttellanca Corporat ion Completes Plans London. July 3. The Bellanca Aircraft Corporation announces that it has practically completed the plans for a regular TransAtlantic aeroplane service. Tbi BM machine is scheduled to fly m eight weeks' time from Floyd Field. New York to Liverpool, piloted by Clivc
    82 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 140 11 HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. •Incorporated In the Colony Ot Hony Kong* The liability of members !s limited to I the extent and m the manner pres- cribed by Ordinance No. 6 of 1920 ct jthe Colony. HEAD OFFICE HON(i KONCi (Authorised Capital $50,000,000 Issued and tully paid up $20,000,000
      140 words
    • 496 11 CHARTERED BANK <»F INDIA. AUSTRALIA AM) C HINA 'Incorporated In F::Kl«nrt Royal CnarU r> Paid up capital m 600 <*¥) shares ol €5 each 1 1. 000 000 Reserve Fund g;\ 000.000 Reserve Liability n. Proprietors *****0 HEAD ol I X t: :j8 Bishopsgatc. Lonata I < Agencies and Branches
      496 words

  • 73 12 The 20.000-ton Orient liner Orford which was built by Vickers-Armstrongs' Ltd.. Vas due to return to Barrow at the end of May for the whole of her third-class accommodation to be converted to tourist class. A general overhaul will also be earned out. and it is anticipated that tho work
    73 words
  • 253 12 LARGER SUBSIDIES I SOUGHT Japanese Shipowners Want Tokio. /GOVERNMENTAL subsidies for the operation of vessels on vJ irregular time tables and an increase m State grants for new bottoms have been sought by Japanese shipowners at a conference with officials from the Ministry of Communications. Other subject!
    253 words
  • 330 12 JAPAN TO BUILD 23 NEW SHIPS FOR SOVIET Tokio. THE U.S.S.R. authorities have recently placed their orders with practically all the shipbuilding companies affiliated with the Japan Shipbuilders! Federation lor 23 4.000-ton freighters' and various craft, it was revealed at the regular monthly meeting of the Federation. Besides freighters, the
    330 words
  • 66 12 Merchants are informed that the nates of freight lrom Straits to Bombay and Kathiawar ports on petrol, ken sene and diesel oil are as follows: Straits Additional Rates Bombay from Bombay to Kathiauar Ports Petrol m cases Kerosene m cases, tins and drums. $25 per 50 eft.
    66 words
  • 173 12 Queen Mary Installations Befog Erected when the wonder ship Queen Mary sails on her maiden voyage passengers will be entertained by throe separate cinema performances on board. The tirst-class lounge will have talking apparatus as used m any super cinema. On a lull-sized stage m this lounge portable
    173 words
  • 52 12 It is DOtlfled lor information that effective immediately, rubber to Eastern ports of Canada including Montreal and inland points will be subject to Rubber Ruk's A and B and additional freight, if any. will be assessed at the rate of Canadian $0.05 tor each two inches or
    52 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
      471 words
    • 60 12 STATE SHIPPING SERVICE of Western Australia FREMANTLE (Via Port Swettenham, Penang Palembang, Banjoewangi and North Western Ports) l>ue Sail Spore. Spore. T.s.m.v. Kangaroo Aug. 8 Aug 0 Fares Single £19.0.0, Australian Return £30.0.0, Currency For particulars of Freight and Passage j please apply to: McAUSTER CO., LTD. SINGAPORE PENANG Planters
      60 words
    • 155 12 HENDERSON LINE SCHEDILt OF SAII.INc.n By Furtnißhtl> Px.v*rn«er >i. Between Rangoon. Pori Sudan. Marseilles. Palraa and Itulmd lIOMKUARH BAILINGS P«»rC of Disembark Ation Plymouth H AMARAPOO- Jul\ SAGAING Aug. lv BURMA Au YOMA PEGU CHINDWIN KEMMENDINE BHAMO AMARi* POOKA SAGAING BURMA YOMA r>. Calls London Through P.. lares to Strait-
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 553 12 Local And Foreign Mail Despa tch esAnd Arrivals BY TRAIN Bangkok every Saturday 7 pm. Thursday 7.30 a.m. Kedah Monday to Friday 7.30 a.m. Saturday 7.30 a.m. and 7 p.m. Kuantan <via Jerantut) Monday to Friday 7.30 a.m. Saturday 7.30 a.m. 7 pm. Kelantan «via Gemas) every Monday. Wednesday, Thursday
      553 words
    • 84 12 VESSELS ARRIVED Edendale. Brit 1.001 tons, lrom Blinjoe 9. for Banka and Billiton 13. Kampar. Brit 498 tons, from Sar^kei 9. for Rejang River 13. Kedah. Brit.. 1.033 tons, from BelDeli 9. for Penant; and Bel-Deli 11. Vyner Brooke. Sar.. 722 tons lrom Kuching 10. for Kuching 13. Van Vollenhoven.
      84 words
    • 162 12 SINGAPORE HARBOi h Ships alongside th.or expected 1-. i East Wharf (Entrance <•> Sirdhana 2(1 Anhu: Main Wharf (Entrance Gi Cremer 18; Chek Kola 13; KWIIMH| 11 zaki Maru 6 Empire Dock ihnlr.tmr I City of BMIbOVRM Karapara .i 4: Par:i<k Empire Dock (rntrancr Shunko Maru 46 West Wharf (BMfMMt
      162 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 416 13 BRITISH INDIA P. O. S. N. COS SAILINGS, f OUTWARDS Due Due T iiage Spore. T'nage Spore. 6.000 July 18 SOMALI 6,810 Sept. 25 17.000 July 19 CATHAY 15,000 Sept. 27 6.500 July 31 RAWALPINDI 17,000 Oct. 11 16.000 Aug. 2 BANGALORE 6,000 Oct. 24 17.000 Aug. 16 CORFU 15.000
      416 words
    • 507 13 Ellerman Bucknall Steamship Co., Ltd* j (Incorporated In England) "ELLERMAN" LINE FOR HAVRE, LONDON, ROTTERDAM AND HAMBURG. VIA PORTS AND SUEZ CANAL Also accepting cargo for Canadian and American ports via Colombo. Steamer D«e Sails City of Yokohama July 14 July 16 k City of Batavla July 30 Aug. 2
      507 words
    • 1181 13 REPRESENTING SHIPPING THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE (Ocean The llua Khiow Steamship Co. (tM| LtA Steam Ship Co., Ltd. and China Mutual The Cunard White Star Ltd. Steam Navigation Co.. Ltd.) The Sarawak Steamship Co.. Ltd. The Straits Steamship Co., Ltd. The Australian Oriental Line Ltd. The China Navigation Co.. Ltd.
      1,181 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 696 14 K> P. Ml. KONINftLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPU JTIDOKE^ Thursday, July 11, Selat-Pandjang, Bengkalis, Soengei-Pakning. Siak and Pakan-Baroe. rRKMKK Thursday, July 11, Hong Kong. Swatow and Amoy. REAEL— Tmusday, July 11. Cheribon <not for passengers), Bemarang, Sourabaya. Boeleleng, Ampenan, Padang-Bay, Laboen-Hadji, Benoa and Banjoewangi MAROS -Friday, July 12, Sapat, Tembilahan, Poelo^-Pallas and
      696 words
    • 507 14 PRESIDENT LINER— Wm£ C Him* TO EUROPE FROM SINGAPORE AND PENANG VIA COLOMBO, 1 1 BOMBAY, SUEZ, PORT SAID, ALEXANDRIA, NAPLES, GENOA, 1 1 MARSEILLES AND NEW YORK. Arrive. Leave Leave Arrive Spore. Spore. Penang New York Prcs. Garlic Id July 13 July 16 July 18 Aug. 27 Pres. Polk
      507 words
    • 755 14 O. S. K. LINE FOR AFRICA AND SOOTH AMERICA f \rizona Maru Kio de Janeiro, Santos and Bu.nos Aires via Colombo, Mombasa. Zanzibar nar-es-Salaam. Belra. L. Marqu Durban. Alsoa Bay and Cape Town London Maru Santos and Buenos Aires via Mombas.. Zanzibar, Dar-es-Salaam. L. Marquis Durban, Algoa Bay. Cape Town
      755 words

  • 699 15 i London. July 1. tiarajah of Kashmir's team won their first tournament reason at Hurlingham' when they beat the 1 the final round of the .p by eight goals to markably fine game and contested throughout, vring the better of the play >nly, the
    699 words
  • 229 15 Skye Meeting On Saturday From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh. July 10. FOLLOWING are the handicaps for 1 the Perak Turf Club Skye riveting on Saturday at Ipoh: Horses, Class 5, I)iv. 1, s'j Furs.: Gorilla 10.7. Walau 10.6. Windgarde 10.5. Rangoon 10.4. Green Mark 10.3. Miss Singapore
    229 words
  • 92 15 Pembroke College Win Grand Challenge Cup London. July S. The Prime Minister and Mrs. Baldwin saw the Henley Regatta end m triumph for Cambridge University and Switzerland. Glorious weather and a following wind made conditions much faster than on previous days. Th? final of the Grand Challenge C\w
    Reuter; Wireless  -  92 words
  • 95 15 A South African "Bobby Jones' The unusual is always happening m sport: A. D. < Bobbie Locke, a South African boy golfer, is a superprodigy. At the age of 17 he won both the amateur and open golf titles of his country— and goes on his
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  • 159 15 J Taiping Turf Club announces following alterations to the official ramme for Aug. 15 and 17: "he Committee has decided that tho ;ond run for horses classes 3 and 4 j ll be about six furlongs or about one and one hundred yards, and
    159 words
  • 364 15 SELANGOR FOOTBALL TRY-OUT From Our Own Correspondent. Kuala Lumpur, July 8. rHE Selangor F.A. will hold a trial match on Friday on the padang, nd immediately following it the earn to meet Perak at Ipoh on uly 20 will be selected. This will be the deciding match
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  • Article, Illustration
    25 15 THE ANNUAL WHIT MONDAY -all-clothes" swimming race was held m the Serpentine, Hyde Park. The winner was E. A. Meech. The line-up for the start.
    25 words
  • 296 15 (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, July 7. T"HE Negri Sembilan lawn tennis championships began on the grass courts of the Sungei Ujong Club yesterday and were continued today. The full results to date are as follows Open Singles. M. Sakata beat Dr. S. S. Rajanayagam 6-1.
    296 words
  • 150 15 G. l.owe In Singles Semi-Final (From Our Own Correspondent.' Johore Bahru. July 9. On the Civil Service courts on Sunday G. Lowe, by defeating F. V. Duckworth by the odd set. qualified for the semi-final of the men's open singles Duckworth won the first set. 6 4 but
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  • 73 15 'From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, July 9. The Malayan Championships, under the auspices of the L.T.A.M.. will be held m Kuala Lumpur during the August Bank Holiday week-end. Entries close on July 16. Daring the ~ame week-end the Malayan Exhibition will be m progress bl Kuala Lumpur,
    73 words
  • 167 15 Eight Survive Qualifying Round At K.L. (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur. July 8. In the qualifying round of th<' Lovett Cup. wh:ch was played yesterday at the Gardens Golf Club, the following qualified for match play: Khoo Hong Chow 81— 13 Tap Tai Nyai 86— 16 70
    167 words
  • 32 15 The Sepoy Lines G.C. June Mixed foursomes,' were .won by Mrs. W. A. Young and Mr. N. G. Morris. The Captain's Cup was won by Dr. E. W. Martindell
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  • 151 15 Sunday's Match With Island Club The following are the tcum.s and startinu times for the representative match between the Koppel Golf Club and the Island Club to be played on Sunday morning over the Island ro Keppel players mentioned first 8.45. H. Irvinß Jones (7> vs S N
    151 words
  • 91 15 The final of the Island Club Colonial Cup eompetlllQll resulted m I win lor Dr H L H Lim and W MeMullan who beat Wm Kan Klat and Tan Moiir Hvnn 2 and L K.tirisluiii (up A cup presented by Surgeon-Com-mnndrr I CJ Rainslord will b( com petod
    91 words
  • 687 15 Selangor Indians Now Head List In Stonor Sh ield Competition (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Jul> H. r>Y defeating the T.P.C.A. on Saturday m the Stonor Shield rom- petition, by six wickets, the Selangor Indian Association are now at the top of the Stonor Shield table with 16 points
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  • 321 15 pULL details of the debut m New York on June 25 ol Jack Doyle, the Irish heavy-weight, who knocked out Phil Donato. of New Jersey, m the first round ol a bout scheduled lor ten rounds, have arrived from America
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  • 264 16 I Veterans' Doubles AS a result of yesterday's semifinals m the veterans' singles m the S.L.T.A. open championships at the S.C.C., J. A. Dean and Col. R. H. Ailen will meet m the final, which has been fixed 'for tomorrow. Mr. and Mrs.
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  • 106 16 London, July 10. rpHE Daily Telegraph states that Larwood and I Voce have declined, the opportunity to be considered by the Test selectors as possible players for England. This is contingent on the withdrawal of the newspaper comments they made last
    Reuter  -  106 words
  • 68 16 KEEN INTEREST IN INTER COLLEGE MATCH Medicals vs. Raffles I£EEN inL-nst has annual cricket nafc Raffles College and the M. \Uiich will b.> played dun week-end on the M ground. Thr nr^j match wa Raffles Institution ground n the Medicals won Since th rivalry has been w\y keen The following
    68 words
  • 175 16 Perak Tennis Championships (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, July 10. PINE weather again favoured the 1 Perak Tennis championship meeting when several well contested matches were played. The surprise of the afternoon was Appaduray defeating Khalily, winner of the Perak Malay open singles title. Chappel. the sole remaining European jompetitor
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  • 98 16 •From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru, Jnly 8. There was large a tendance at the R >va! Johore International Club Pa dan- on Sunday to wltnen a friendly game of toeeef b.-tween the Blngaporc Uhletlc nni«>n and the Johore Military Forces, which end -d i draw «>i
    98 words
  • 33 16 London, Juh ]m CtJTCUFE i> unfit and ls d« not plavine m the third I IhUwmi llntland and South \w which begins at l,e«-ds M s itum Reuter
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 143 16 WtdMt In 1930 live nnnu'. end at Bukit Timah and 1931 but failed to m 1932 at Bukit Timah. Since 1932 the Medical victorious. The won the match b by the broad MUrgtn of |(M r m the following year tli. handsomely at Tiong Wmbn innings and 74 runs
    143 words
  • 388 16 I "A CLASS NET EVENT GOES TO PTE. SEQUERAH Malacca, July i. ■THE monthly 3. R. A. Spoon Shoo was held on Saturday at Buki Sebukor Rifle Range. Private J. Sequerah m A Class wor the nett event while Copt. R. W Watson-Hyatt took the handicap prize
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  • 145 16 EIGHT GOALS SCORED IN FRIENDLY (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, July 10. In a friendly soccer match on the Padang today the Selangor Club was defeated by the S.C.R.C. by 5 goals to 3 The exchanges were very even m the first half. The club opened
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  • 239 16 An interesting soccer match between the S.C.P.A. veterans and the M.FA veterans will take place at the Anson Road Stadium on Saturday. The following will be selected to represent the Chinese:— ,J~? J^ ay Yong (age 36 retired m 1927); Chua Lye Van (age 46, retired m 1922);
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  • 273 16 RowinK Regatta To He Held Next Monlh It is proposed to hold two rowing events m connection with the R.S.Y.C sailing races on Saturday. Aug. 10. The rowing course will be from Serapong jetty In a westerly direction. The first event will be lor senior pairs the course being
    273 words
  • 38 16 Will Pla> In Wightman Cup London, Jul> hi. It is officially announced that Miss Dorothy Round will be competing against the United States i.i Vtte Wightman Cup. Miss Round has thus reversed her previous decision- Reuter
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 31 16 Chinese Beat Recreation Club The S.C.F.A. 11l beaTthe S.R.C II by three goals to one m the Third Division of the S.A.F.A. League at the Anson Road Stadium yesterday
    31 words
  • 51 16 the S.C.C. lawn bowls doubles handicap. C. Hewetson and P. M. Scott owe 3 vs H n 5 e wnL« riCh^ and Barbat ser an d w n and G Aurely p lus 4vc «i Ulam and A Fej wson owe 3 vs. winners of A. B. Jordan and E
    51 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 32 16 x^ I lalll4fl €olumn ill I m^mr^mmm V II /Mm. mJ mm I I II Sole Distributors for Singapore: Sole fof j^j^^. LEE NUAT CO. TOM STOREY CO. j 4 vvcrfa s^<ttd«
      32 words
    • 51 16 F^D UP -4*^ HbbbbbbbbbbbbbI #^r''^c^ 1 f 1 ■_J i itL |_TlCER BEETR To THE1 HCSdZ^^ I Kiti^ I I -I*- 'I I I v^r4| HK* I i?"™1 I 7£y3Kfl HbHBHB |_FRIENJD5 7O\H IN /f^ 1^^ "l««BMBBBBBid^J Lb^bJBHBI RMtRRv X^B^L J^Kl levENiNG Jb> «*V 8 V JPbBbV o»»tributors: FRASER NEAVE
      51 words