The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 7 June 1935

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 17 1 The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS. NO. 14,594. ESTD. 1835. FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 1935 10 CENTS
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  • 136 1 Passes 1 hird Reading In House Of Commons 1,100 AMENDMENTS r rnment of India Bill creating a new constitution was read a third time in the House of mght am! passed by 386 votes to 122 nt to the Hou>e of Lords. is
    British Radio  -  136 words
  • Article, Illustration
    67 1 THOUSANDS OF PILGRIMS from all parts of the world who have arrived m Lourdes gathered to greet and receive blessing from Cardinal Pacelli, the Pope's Secretary of State when he arrived m Lourdes to represent the Pope at the great religious ceremonies. Photo shows Cardinal I'acelli blessing the crowds of
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  • 38 1 PEACE IN NORTH CHINA Nanking, June 6. The North China incident is regarded as virtually closed with the transfer of General Yu Hsueh-chung to the post of Commissioner of the Frontier Defence of Kansu. Szechuen. and Sensi.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 100 1 Samuel Hoare Makes >s Speeches London, June 5. Commons, by 386 votes i the third reading of the India Bill, which was use of Lords. xpected to receive the )elore the summer reiince the war has claimImc m the House of Com- days— the equivalent of lentary weeks—
    Reuter  -  100 words
  • 49 1 U.S. Programme For Defence Of Alaska Washington. June G. The House of Representatives today approved of a Bill authorising the construction of six key army air bases to defend Alaska and the frontiers of the Panama Canal. The Bill has been sent *o the Senate.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 71 1 Geneva, June 4. The employers' group of the International Labour Conference has recommended its members to abstain from the discussion and voting on the 40-hour week question. If this attitude is maintained, the conference will be unable to take any effective decision, as a quorum will be unobtainable.
    Reuter Wireless  -  71 words
  • 94 1 Quetta. June 4. The earthquake death-roll for Quetta iind district is now estimated at 56.000. according to official circles here. Within two hours of the collapse of the city, the military had rescued from the ruins over 10.000 people alive, and high tributes are paid m all
    Reuter Wireless  -  94 words
  • 186 1 10,000 Enumerators To Be Engaged For Week London, June (>. •THE greg^est traffic census ever taken m Britain will be carried out during the second week m August by the Transport Ministry m collaboration with the highway authorities. AT many points there will be a
    British Radio  -  186 words
  • Article, Illustration
    53 1 (says The Aga Khan, whose horse Bahrain won the Derby on Wednesday was. together with 58 other members of the Jockey Club, the guest of the King at a dinner at Buckingham Palace last night. The table decorations were in green and chocolate the Aga Khan's racing
    British Radio  -  53 words
  • 72 1 SINGAPORE— HONG KONG AIR SERVICE London, June <>. In the House of Commons today Mr. W. Nunn (Con. Whitehaven) asked whether there was any likelihood of establishing a British air service to China via Singapore. Sir Philip Sassoon replied: The question of an experimental service to Hong Kong m connection
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • 419 1 Death Of Lord Byng Following An Operation LORD Byng died following an operation yesterday, announces a Reuter telegram from London. Julian Hedworth George Ist Viscount Byng of Vimy and of Thorpe-le-Soken, Essex, was the seventh son of the second Earl of Stratford, and was born i on Sept 11. 1862.
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  • 172 1 NEW CHIEF AT SCOTLAND YARD Sir P. Game Succeeds Lord Trenchard BRILLIANT ARMY AND R. A. F. CAREER CIR Philip Game has been appoint ed to succeed Lord TVenchard at Scotland Yard as Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, says British Radio. Sir Philip, who is 59 years of age, has
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  • 30 1 The latest news from the Trout Hatchery at Brinchang. the Cameron Highlands, is that the "troutlings" continue to grow and will soon be ready to go into the rearing ponds.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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  • 641 2 Witnesses Tell Of Dose Of Medicine *6J saw the Chinese Sin Seh mix coconut oil with something m a cup. and give it to the sick woman. Within half an hour her head dropped, and her eyes turned white. The sin seh left the house saying
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  • 16 2 Mr. Jamieson has been appointed to act as Government Analyst ss 12 Deputy Comm lssioner STS^^
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  • Letters To The Editor
    • 323 2 A WIDOW'S COMPLAINT —HUSBAND WHO LEFT NO WILL— MUST FIND CO-ADMINISTRATOR -AS WELL AS TWO SURETIES COURT MAY TAKE ACTION —"IS THIS JUSTICE?" Jo me r.aiior. Sir. I am a widow. My husband died intestate leaving me and two infant sons, also a house and a small piece
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  • 247 2 TROPICAL EXPRESS COMPANY IHSITING the East for the first time, the Tropical Express Company. Professor W. Doorlay's non-stop revue will arrive m Singapore on June 19, and open at the Capitol Theatre for a short season next clay. The company is targe one and many nationalities arc
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  • 27 2 •From Our Own Correspondent.) T Malacca. June 4 The announcement m the Birthd'iv WcSS^S H. E th t the he Se Gre a n7or fOr
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  • 59 2 l£L i the s P ecia l matinee at the -apitol yesterday to enable school heatrew, 0 avW c °PPerneld rThe were" ££T SSL, hUnd^ mpnt(! hoH awriV special arrangedisappoint^ yes erday wm h Wh Were modoted at th.wS w »'.be accomto be held at t^: y Se
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  • 35 2 The trial of Vengadasalam Pillai. who 'IT* 11 haVing cheated Rangassras j m aXair der the sinfo^Jhf H H Ue? c da Silva Ilas bee briefed ban d 4O0 enCe ACCUSed Was all^
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 306 2 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEIS^^J ISILF Brad OBESITY TABLETS. HAYE RESTORED THOUSANDS TO HEALTH AND A NORMAL WEIGHT. Obtainable in three Sizes Distributers Grafton Laboratories, 20B, Collyer Quay. BOARD RESIDENCE! "EAST ANGUA." 8, OXLEY RISE, Near Town. High and cool situation. Large erounds Excellent cuisine. Tennis. Daily or monthly terms. Telephone 4390 ITHE
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    • 302 2 Tcadcn Tenders foUowitic gwtlcalars Room. •> Purchase i Hie Tr Roaci D I Thursd..- i Supply oj 8 s^ Sept ffl Date ol C *L June 20tl P: Supply of 100 the Water D 4 p.nv M Supply of R Tubes f 0I I ar- MNGAPORE sun 1Ml J; CLUB
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 211 2 Diary Of The Week FRIDAY. JI'NE 7 High Water. 1.55 am. 8.7 ft.. 3.26 pm 7.5 ft. Football: Malaya Cup. Johore vs. Combined Services. Johore Bahru; Friendlies. M.P.H. vs. R.1.. V.M.C.A. ground; Medical College vs. V.M.C.A.. College ground; inter-School. St. Josephs Institution vs. Singapore English School, S.J.I, ground; Govt. League,
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    • 392 2 I Today's Radio Programmes B.B.C.— GSF and GSG Wavelengths 19.82 and 16.86 metres p.m. 6.20 Big Ben. "What they Say" or "With and Without Prejudice" (second programme). 7.00 The B.B.C. Dance Orchestra. Greenwich time signal at 7.20 p.m. 7.35 Friday midday concert 8.20 Talk: "freedom" 8.40 Interlude 8.459.05 The news
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    • 49 2 Law Notices For The Day ii Be /7t the Actin chi f Justice in the 1st Court at 11 a.m. Summonses-in-Chambers. and Originating Summonses. Before Mr Justice a Beckett Terrell n the 2nd Court at 11 a.m Bankruptcy. Before the Restrar at 10.30 a.m Fixing list of civil cases.
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  • 4411 3 IF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL AGREES Founder's Day Speeches SOUND ADVICE TO PARENTS AND PUPILS UIIR Bayliss has mentioned to you the inadequacy I>l of this building. I suppose it is inadequate and not very convenient. Times have been bad but .t-y are improving and it
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  • 188 3 Reduced 6 Ihs. And Still Enjoys Her Meals. Shv dared not eat the food she fancied and she was afraid to satisfy her appetite to the full. She had a constant dread of becoming too fat All that is changed now. She tells you
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 25 3 CONSTANCE COLLIER'S performance Is a triumph. her wonderful stage technique has been Perfectly adapted CONSTANCE COLLIER Famous English Actress m shadow of nnuOT'-::;,tr T rr
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    • 151 3 old reliability plus new styled bodies, make A \J S T 1 IN a still better INVESTMENT. See the new Models at BORNEO MOTORS— LTD. Singapore, Malacca, Seremban, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh, Pcnang. uRU w v If C I C WHITE PORTLAND CEMENT SNOWCRETE MIXTURES Concrete made with "Snowcrete" Mixture provides
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    • 2002 4 Around The Town Mignon Looks On GALA NIGHTS Practically every night this wee* there have been gala occasions ol Mine kind or another and the strain is beginning to tell on some ol the more enthusiastic social lights ol Singapore. Still, m the Classic phrase. "It's great life it you
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 100 4 nealtnif, nappy Childhood— A he Lady Diana Duff Cooper writes.. jafi Ey > 'v, wOflfi S BL;^ Mk. i.v'iiumi, >. B^ObLi^L. <^k. l.. n ii ■BBB^^f jJ_BV I*l II It 1 v,^^. 'Jal H experienced a monnnt^ ;in\wv v^ na\'in{j >ol\'o»J the pr«>l>K i r';'i i»f .i x .<* and
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  • Article, Illustration
    179 5 £rT2E£! Sr^'T MfVarb'V, k": le SO lhe C °T" a WaS ma if *,r „i. barrister Phi s r M^ 1,1 ,n <>f .u Judee Ruegß XC Th<> mius »ir. beMie Mm (left) arriving at the church with the hrideffroom. THE DIKE OF < ONN AIGIIT bel.. received on arrival
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 160 5 Photographic copies of Free Press loc;il pictures can be obtained on application to the Manager. Price 50 cents each. A NEW Jpcb^. Again the Leica leads the \\M, it has the widest range of shutter speeds, now also 1/1000 svc.l ASK US FOR A FREE DEMONSTRATION OF THE NEW MODEL
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  • 1236 6 Mr. J. Hands And The K.L. Sanitary Board ANOTHER DEMAND FOR A MUNICIPALITY (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, June 5. jlilß. John Hands returned to the attack on the Municipal AVI issue at today's meeting: of the Kuala Lumpur Sanitary Board. He spoke of
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  • 522 6 V TRIP TO ARCiiC REGIONS A N address on his experiences m the Polar regions was delivered to members of the Rotary Club of Singapore at yesterday's luncheon meeting at the Adelphi Hotel by Mr. Gordon Burt of the Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ltd. Mr. Burt was a
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  • 329 6 Singapore 's New Supreme Court NO URGENCY Not To Be Ready For 3 Years TTHE construction of the new I $1,500,000 Supreme Court for Singapore will not be concluded until three years hence. At the present time, the Public Works Department is busy carrying out exploratory work In the strata
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  • 332 6 COMPARISON WITH LAST YEAR MALAYAN trade continues to ex- pand. Gross trade during Aprl amounted to S88.433.000 compared With $78,454,000 in April last year. Trade for the first four months o: this year has totalled S364. 380.000 compared with only S294.894.000 in the first four months of
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  • Article, Illustration
    29 6 SIR HARRY BRITTAIN. President of the Skybird League, an organisation of scale-model aircraft constructors, presenting: the prizes m the. League's annual competition, at the Polytechnic m Recent Street, W.
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  • 143 6 (Knife And Pistol Threat In House Alleged A story of a daring armed robbery m Japan Street about 10.30 p.m. one night m May was unfolded before Mr J McP Brander. the Singapore third magistrate, at a preliminary inquiry yesterday. Two Chinese, one dressed m Europ- can
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  • 168 6 Indian's Complaint Against Three Others Three Indiana named Satar Thavan. Suran Thawar and Thinathee Thawar were arraigned before Mr. J. P. Biddulph, the Penang second magistrate charged with robbing a compatriot. Viragee. of four gold pendants valued at $35, two gold beads valued at $7, one gold locket
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  • 27 6 Capt C. R. Howitt. M.C.S.. is acting II as British Adviser, Perils, vice Mr O 1 1 E Venables, M.C.S., who has gone on I leave. I
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  • 296 6 AFTER 50 YEARS ON THE STAGE Sudden Death Of Grock II pROCK 11, the well-known clown. who, with his partner "Bobby." has been bringing joy to the hearts of over 20,000 children m Singapore, is dead. Paul Emmanuel (which was his real name» died at the General Hospital early yesterday
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  • 98 6 Sir Jos: jh Stamp. dirctr: Bank ut England, m the eon Interview m New York said United States is bound I better now. no matter vtul He also took an optin world's economic Referring to the 54.800.000 000 relic: expenditure programme, Sir I that "properly handled thll should
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  • 156 6 SEQUEL TO LOAN OF $70,000 Sze ai To ng JUDGMENT d UvereG r day by Mr J Br,. Singapore third mu^ ting five directors O f the B Tong Banking and fa, Ltd.. on a chat*, und,r t... panics' Ordinance. 0 authr Joan up to
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 23 6 CONSTANCE COLLIER mm m The Famo "s English Actress "Vff A DO'W TV" DO fiTx H A Sensational M. G M. Dramatic Photoplay.
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    • 59 6 SUNDAY TIMES (THE LEADING SUNDAY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA) has arranged to produce a Special Food Number on June 30th. <I This Special Number will contain many up-to-date articles on what to eat, etc., etc.. and will be illustrated. *I This Number will form part of the ordinary publication. Make sure
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  • 198 7 I Wonderful Performance At j The Alhambra Shirley Temple has visibly grown since she last appeared in "Little Missl Marker"; her mental development has made great strides too and that is the only way one can account for the wonderful performance she gives in I "Now and Forever"
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  • 91 7 ALL -DAY HEARING Appeal Against Conviction Oi' Receiving Bribe Mr. Justice W. Burton, acting Chief Justice, was engaged the whole of yesterday m the Singapore Supreme Court healing the appeal of S. Tamboo which was commenced on Wednesday. The hearing will be resumed at 2.15 p.m. today. Mr. K. Page
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  • 97 7 Bishop Of Malacca Performs Tampin Ceremony fFrom Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, June 2. The Bishop of Malacca <Mons. Adrian Devals D.D. visited Tampin today to perform the dedication and blessing ceremony of the little church of S*. Philomena. The church is the outcome of thy labours of the
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  • 56 7 (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, June 4. Identification of the Indian found on Tanjong Tuallang Road has been established by three friends of the deceased who is stated to be Marimuthu, of Ipoh, who used to work m a dredge. It is understood that more than one
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  • 175 7 I Auditor-General Entertained At K.L. 'From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, June 4. Nearly two hundred members of the j Selangor Government Servants' Cooperative Thrift and Loan Society attended the dinner last night at the Hotel Majestic, in honour of Mr. G. P. Bradney, Auditor-General. S.S. and F.M.S.,
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  • 78 7 Johore Policeman Served 23' Years Without Break Inche Elah! Baksh, O.C.P.D.. Plentong, has been granted three months leave. Inche Elahi Baksh is now 42 years l of age. He first came to Malaya in 1908. He has completed 23 years service In the local police force and
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  • 63 7 ROBBED OFFICER'S HOME A sentence ot three months' rigorous j imprisonment was imposed yesterday i jy Mr. Norman Grice. the Singapore jecond magistrate, on Juan Chin Kiu, who pleaded guilty to a charge of theft Dt $46 and a gold bracelet. The theft was committed at Com- nander Moore's house
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  • 50 7 Members of the Perak Hokien Kong Hoay held an "At, Home" on Saturday afternoon m honour of Mr. Toh Eng Hoe, J.P., oi Taiping, being appointed a member of the State Council and Mr. Sm^eThe^of^el^r^S appointed Justices of the Peace of; P3rak, on His Highness the Sultan of Perak's birthday.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 700 7 s*^ \«i "N I J\ ft H A lIMS^S tk LAST NIGHT'S AIDIENCES WERI ""^^■"^■■^■■^■^■■^■'■■■^^■^i^^^W^iMßißßß^i^ Km" L^tl^^ 1 ■"^■▼iCsllC#% DELIGHTED WITH THIS WONDER- TONIGHT AT I m THE TALLF<;t "«»5 j f < g^m. ftll 44 temple h R- SS WkjMjm **^T- w. TimLrz:: "WOW AMD FOREVER" Rbw^SlbP An Absolute
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  • 38 8 DOMESTIC OCCUR RENCE ACKNOWLEDGMENT. The iamily of the late Mr. C. M. van Cuylenburg wish to convey their sincere thanks to all relatives and kind friends as well as those who sent wreaths, telegrams and letters of condolence.
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  • 839 8 The Singapore Free Press FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 1935 Australia And The Naval Base JOHORES magnificent Jubilee gift of £500.000 towards the cost of the Singapore defences inevitably raises the question of what the other parts of the Empire have contributed to a scheme which is the keystone of security In
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  • 14 8 Malayan P ersonalities SIR SHENTON THOMAS (m the Legislative Council) The "Ayes" have it.
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  • 432 8 Borers Ami The Bored MO Soccer Dress Pro hi ems NEW YORK, wnicn nas a pieasanti way of laughing at its own methods of publicity, appears to have been holding a competition for bores, and has given Mr. Ely Culbertson the first place, with the Princess
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  • 901 8 'THAT early evening of her ninth year Jessica Ann. who had literally fought her way to a throne, emerged, with a stealth and speed that, m her. indicated high purpose, from her royal palace m the human warren they called Bayley's Court. Her crown was a little awry,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 104 8 CALDBECK'S "FOR THE COLD LUNCH" PORK BRAWN -HAMS -PORK PIES PRESSED OX TONGUE PORK BRISKET SILVERSIDE PREPARED FRESH DAILY. SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO., LTD. ORCHARD ROAD i^^^—^i^«-^^^"^«^-—« 1 Warm Studios, Captive! to 4711 Captivating by its delightful and reireshing fragrance, 4711 Genuine Eau de Cologne is the choice of sophisticated
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    • 55 8 THE NAME OF WILLIAM is said to be a popular one for babies born m January. Bills certainly do seem to have a habit of arriving this month. A GAFLAC ACCIDENT and ALL-SICKNESS POLICY wil! defray the ruinous cost of illness or injury. GENERAL ACCIDENT, FIRE LIFE ASSURANCE CORPORATION, LTD.
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  • 121 9  -  Sin Chew Jit Poh Alleged Unfair Treatment Shanghai, June 6. TRice Merchants Association Canton held a meeting yesay and decided to launch a campaign against rice Slam. measure is reported to be a refor unfair treatment meted Chinese residents m Siam earlier message states
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • 31 9 Danzig. June 4. Government, composed ias ordered the closing of all two days owing to the feverof buying of foreign exchange rum< ur of further devaluaDanzig aulden. Reuter
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 100 9 Latest Rubber And Tin Prices m Oar Own Correspondent) RUBBER: London. June 6. r 6» 8 d (6 1 16d.) Buyers' 6d. i6d.) 6 9 32d <6 9 32d.» 6 7 16d. <6 13 32d.> 6 9 16d. <6 9 16d.> Steady New York, June 6. 12.61 (12.46
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  • 196 9  -  Sin Chew Jit Poh Governor Of Hopei Transferred Shanghai, June o. "FHE commander of the Third Japanese Naval Squadron m China has proceeded to Szechuan to see Marshal Chiang Kai-shek m connection with the situation m North China. A meeting is reported to have been arranged
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  • 95 9  -  Sin Chew Jit Poh Collection Leaves Shanghai Shanghai, June 6. MINETY-THREE cases of priceless treasures which past Chinese emperors had taken cenJturies to collect, will leave Shanghai |on board the British Warship Suffolk tomorrow to be exhibited m the Chinese Art Exhibition which will be held
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  • 101 9  -  Sin Chew Jit Poh Yunnan Government's Programme Hong Kong, June 6. ACCORDING to a late official announcement of the Yunnan Government the province has completed arrangements for the building of six thousand miles of motor roads within the next two years. The bulk of the
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  • 60 9 London, June 4. The Irish silver dish and rings purchased by 36.000 persons m the Irish Free State was presented today to the King as a Jubilee gift. The King, expressing his sincere thanks, voiced his wish that the unused balance of the £3,300 subscribed
    Reuter Wireless  -  60 words
  • 486 9 QEPORTED by three shipmates to have admitted participation m the assassination of King Alexander of Yugoslavia and M. Louis Barthou, the French Foreign Minister, at Marseilles last October, Michael Abranovich, a Yugoslav seaman, has been detained m Shanghai. The man. who is also known as Michkos. arrived
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  • 49 9 Mr. C. G. Boutcher. F.R.I.B.A.. was at Cameron Highlands during the weekend on business. Mr. F. G. Lundon leaves for Batavia by the outward K.L.M. plane today to sail in the Interport Yacht Races on June 8 and 9 returning to Singapore by K.N.I.L.M. plane on Tuesday. June 11.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 86 9 TIFFIN $1.00 (reme de Florentine Fish a la Meuniere Grilled Lamb Chop (ireen Peas Fried Potatoes (old Meat Salad Sultana Rolled Syrup Cheese, Fruit, Coffee. TRY our SPECIALTIES EDECU LOBSTER rKEiOfi SOLE CRAB Baked Alasca a Choice of Over 100 Other Dishes. PHONE 4906. The World Famous English Actress B
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    • 785 10 Report Shows Total Dividend Of 7i Per Cent. r.E report of directors to the first ordinary general meeting of Ampat Tin Dredging Limited, held at the Chartered Insurance Institute, London, on May 22, was as follows The authorised capital of the company is t: 250.000.
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    • 239 10 Foreign imports of tin ore during the month of May. 1935. Country of Origin Tons 1. Alaska 2 Burma 226 3. The Netherlands Indies: Banka and Billlton Other Places 4 4. French Indo-China 220 7. Tanganyika 11 8. Union of South Africa 7b 9. Uganda 14 Total
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    • 118 10 -From Our Own Correspondent o London, June 5 Sungei Rinching Rubber Estates, Ltd. report a pront of £0.263 for 1934 and a dividend of 4 per cent is r&?n m forward f £3 5 7 iS forward. Other company results Pr««? tra lfc erak Rub &er Co., Ltd
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    • 100 10 Chamber Of Commerce Rubber Association June 6, 12 o'clock noon Tone of Market :—Very Dull. Latest cable:—London Spot Sheet 6d. per lb. New York Spot Sheet, U.S cts. 12' b per lb. Buyers Sellers No. I. X. R. S. S. In cases (FOB. June) 205 a 20 3/ Good F.A.Q.
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    • 150 10 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held its 1,229 th auction yesterday when there was catalogued 1.566.226 lb.: 699.21 tons; Offered 1.545.597 lbs.; 690.00 tons; Sold 1.276.870 lbs.: 570.03 tons New York 12! cts. 8 The next auction will be held on Thursday. June 13. Ribbed
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    • 210 10 SELLING London, 4 months' sight 2 4 1.16 London. 3 months' sigh: 241 32 London. 60 days' sight 2 4 London. 30 days' sight 2 3 31 32 London, demand 2 3 15 16 London. T.T. 2.3 15 16 Lyons and Paris, demand 869 Hamburg, demand 140 New
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    • 129 10 Held Up By Dutch Indies Government Conditions London, June 5. The Financial Times correspondent m Amsterdam understands that negotiations for the amalgamation of the Banka and Billiton tin groups have ?o^, n j?eld Up because of the conditions laid down by the Netherlands Indies Government.
      Free Press  -  129 words
    • 411 10 i FAITH IN BANKS AND PROMISES Economist On Currency Stabilisation /CURRENCY stabilisation, both V' from a national and international point of view, is discussed m Lloyds Bank Monthly Review by Dr. Benjamin M. Anderson, economist of the Chase National Bank of the City of New York. Referring
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    • 121 10 British Exports Show Drop In First Quarter Exports of cotton and artificial silk mixed piecegoods from the United Kingdom for the three months ended March last (which are the latest statistics available) amounted to 6.673,336 square yards, valued at .£297.948, which shows a decrease of 3.212.289 square
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    • 76 10 June 6 Shell and Fish Kerosene per Unit of 2 x 4-gallon tins $4.86 Crown, Cross and Dragon Kerosene per Unit of 2 x 4 gallon tins $4 46 Shell Motor Epirit ex pump per British Imperial Gallon 32 Shell Motor Spirit m 4gallon drums per
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    • 989 10 TIHRSDAY. JUNE U. 1M3 Buyers Sellers. Ampul Tin (4^) 45 3d 4s 6d x.d. Asam Kumbang U") 32s J4S Austral Malay <£) 59s 61s Ayer Hitam Tin (8») 13s 3d 14s Ayer Wen- tfl) 1-90 2.00 Bangrin lin (£> 24s 25s Chenderiang Hitam Tin (.50 cts.) .47
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    • 51 10 Kuchai Tin Limited report that the working oi the Company's dredge for May was: Actual running time, 267 hours 10 mins.; time lost. 44 hours 50 mins.; Government quota restriction scheme, 432 hours; average digging depth 47 12 feet; ore won 269.83 piculs; yardage treated. 59.000 cubic
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    • 86 10 Jane t> THE TIN PRICE Juno o Btagapore Un prl 3icul> $114.50 Qambier Java Cube lt,uo Hamburg Cub Muntok Whit- Peppt r White P. pper Copra. Bundried Copra, niixv'd Small Flake Tapioca R. B. Siam No. I MJJ Bianja Jelotong Sarawak Jelotoii*: R. (Siam* VV.C No. l
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    • 32 10 From Our Own Oorrejpon Lwitr Today's closing prlcei on I pepper market were M ft Whit? Mlintok, nneban ii bond. Black Lampong, spot. S 1 There wu I better olaek.
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    • 22 10 Kramat Pulai Limited I ipoh the following yield ol their mine for Mav From the mine. 211 P trltrators, tl piculs; total
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    • 188 10 June 3. 4. American Can. Com. 123 1 l>t> \ZI American Telephone and Telegraph 123' 3 124' 4 127. Ateheson Railroad 40 7 8 4i^ 8 4ii 4 Chesapeake 43^4 44» 4 44V-> Dupont 9(5.., c) 75 a 96 Firestone Unq. H 13^, General Electric 24*4 2o» *>5
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  • 1137 11 MAN WHO REALISED Possibilities Of Amusement Parks Local Chinese Topics BY OUR CHINESE CORRESPONDENT j^ Lee Choon Eng. managing proJ" 1 pri( t<Ht Ol the Great World, partner flrma of Tlang Seng Chan promt Tenants* and To Lam. an Ol the Chinese Chamber of mmerce, member of the Jubilee Fund
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  • 52 11 London, June 4. The King has practically thrown off all etfects of his recent slight cold and, •according to present arrangements, he i-will visit Epsom Downs tomorrow to see the Derby. On Saturday after their semi-state drive through West London, their Majesties will le«™ f«r Sandrineham fo Whitsuntide
    British Radio  -  52 words
  • 33 11 i Rao Sahib K. A. Mukundan the Agent of the Government of India m 1 Malaya, is a recipient of the Kings i Silver Jubilee medal issued fFom the j Viceregal Lodge. Simla.
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  • 559 11  -  Ely Culbertson by World's Champion Player And Greatest Card Analyst DISCARDING BROMIDES DRIDGE lore carried down from the early Whist days is tilled with many inadequate generalities. Such old bromides as "always lead through strength," second hand low." "always cover an honour" really have only a small
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 135 11 HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporated m the Colony of Hong Kong) The liability of members is limited to the extent and m the manner prescribed by Ordinance No. 6 of 1929 of the Colony. HEAD OFFICE HONG KONG Authorised Capital $50,000,000 Issued and fully paid up $20,000,000 Reserve Fund—
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    • 486 11 CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND (ULNA (Incorporated In England by Royal Charter) Paid up capital m 600.000 shares of £5 each £3.000.000 Reserve Fund £3 000,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £3.000 000 HEAD OFFICE 38, Bishopsgate, London EC. 2. Agencies and Branches. Alor Star Iloilo Saigon Amritsar I Ipoh
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    • 1082 12 £1,750,000 To Provide For Growing Traffic J THE Port of London Authority has announced that it is seeking powers to carry out certain dock improvements, and that it is prepared to spend £1,750,000 m the next five years m accomplishing the work. THIS well-advised
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
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    • 116 12 I HEAP ENG MOH S.S. CO., LIMITED. <RKl> PI NNtt UWBI (Incorporated In Strata BetUeme REGULAR PABSBNOBI tar* Services from Singapore t<» J:l Borneo. Ranka ana BUlitMi. For BATAVIA. CHERIBON A NI> BBMABANG (Kver> Tuesday and PHity) S.S. NAM YONG Fii Jun< s.s. Ban Hons LkHlf Tius Jun< For BOTOAMYA
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 588 12 > Local And Foreign Mail Despatches And Arrivals BY TRAIN Bangkok every Saturday 7 p.m. Thursday 730 ajn Kedah Monday to Friday 7.30 a.m. Saturday 7.30 a.m. and 7 p.m Kuantan (via Jerantut) Monday to Friday 7.30 a.m Saturday 7.30 a.m. 7 p.m. Kelantan 'via Gemas) every Monday. Wednesday, Thursday
      588 words
    • 485 12 PASSENGERS The following passengers iire proceeding by the Ranpura V. 336. sailing at 9.30 a.m. today for Penang. Colombo Bombay and Europe. Mr. D. S. P. Noakes. Mrs. I. M. Thomas, Mrs. D. S. P. Noakes. Mrs. A. G. Brookes and infant Miss E. J. Risdon. Mrs. Grummitt's 2* children,
      485 words
    • 589 12 SINGAPORE HARBOUR Ships alongside the Wlum, or expected to arri\c East Wharf (Entrance Gate Hakodate Ifaru 22: Ophir Main Wharf (Entrance (iate Ranpura. Carthage 18 Dar Chr. Huygent 11; Peiibrok* Unyo Maru 7. Empire Dock (Entrance (iato Havana Maru 90; Rani nesc Prince Sg, Empire Dock (Entrance Gate Ir Katong.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 387 13 f BRITISH INDIA P. O. S. N. COS SAILINGS. OUTWARDS Due iiE, 5S .EEL 5"53 BHUTAN 6 100 Ju?v 4 ?Y?Pr^ 6 0 70 Au 8- 29 KAISAR-I-HIND llisSS J*y 5 SS^ iVS? AUg 30 BEHAR 6,000 July 18 CIOTlX? ?£22S l^ X 6 RANCHI 17,000 July io onS^ 1500
      387 words
    • 431 13 rJlerman Bucknall Steamship Co., Ltd. (Incorporated m England) "ELLERMAN" LINE FOR HAVRE, 0 HAMBURG Steamer n City ot Wellington t««??a t B *V? City of Bagdad J T une June 16 City of Yokohama J T^ »J£ J City of Batavia yl* Ju] y 16 July 30 Aug. 2 Cit
      431 words
    • 685 13 REPRESENTING SHIPPING IiUKr M IIBKir~ INSURANCE T ™7??! VS. l< m IBd OWw Ett" awl M wy IBM RAILWAYS The Federated Malay States Railway.. Tfce Royal State Railway of Slam AIRWAYS THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE WEEKLY SERVICE TO LONDON AND NORTH CONTINENT PROMETHEUS Aden. MarseiUe, Ol^. jSSSii J" JJ June
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1647 14 KONINKLMKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPU 1M ■AwJHWbI ■WHH-MiiW-WiH 1 k B I I A I k MAROS Friday. June 7. Poeloe-Kidjang. Sapat. Tembilahan, Poeloe-Pallas Uj H^^gjyiJßlH-l-M wkMUUEI^BKB^^^^^ f L-^t^-^J^-—m— -sLJ 1 and Rengat c ui'Hiß Friday. June 7. Muntuk (passengers and mails only. Batavia. &c-MIJ^-^d^^^t^RW BlinjoeDjeboes. Soengei-Liat, Pangkal-Pinang, 4~\ GENERAL PASSENGER AGENTS
      1,647 words

  • 733 15 George Cook, At 38, One of Europe's Best Heavyweights BIG LOSS ON FIGHT WITH WALKER j.:i DICKSU^ .an tuko v p^un the chin. In the shape of a boxhvlop, m better fashion Ulan any otheT an I know, writes Trevor Wi^nali i> Daily Express. ITOB U) hai had a few
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  • Article, Illustration
    18 15 MEMBERS of the B.AC at an anniversary celebration recently held at Mr. Aw Boon Haw's bungalow, Pasir Panjang.
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  • 273 15 BOWLER TAKES TWEIVF WICKETS FOR 18 'From Our Own.Correspondent,. THF Tmh Malacca, June 4. HE Indo-Ceylonete Association of mci scor^H V. ited Muar on Su»day and scored a decisive victory over the WnS?** <** inning L™ d7' ing pitch X Pt *era took his e oil U) breaks
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  • 65 15 The usual Singapore Golt Club monthly mixed foursomes competition will be played on Sunday afternoon. June 16. The Band of the Wiltshire Regiment will play from 6.30 p.m. The Batavia Radio Society have arranged to broadcast the sailing and rowing races between the Royal Singapore Yacht Club and the Batavia
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  • 365 15 Junior Ties For Week-End WEEK-END ties m the Singapore junior badminton championships are as follows: SATURDAY Junior Doubles Second Round 2.30 p.m Ong Peck Koon and Low Fob Hye vs. G. Jean and R. Ragmanan Bo?y Keok Bin and Wee Seng Chiang vs. Ong Kwee Yang and
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  • Article, Illustration
    22 15 AN "SPSE i" hC S f o tou a ™«t match between Etceteras and Merchants and Police, which the latter won £-1.
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  • 70 15 Schoolboys Delighted With Plan London. The football coaching scheme for i schoolboys inaugurated by the F.A. worked extraordinarily well during the i past season m Derbyshire, A. T. Jones, the old Welsh international, states. "All the boys I had the pleasure of teaching were delighted with the
    70 words
  • 115 15 List Of Swimming Events TTHE list of events for the. Malayan Chinese athletic meet "swimming section), to be held at Penang from Aim. 2. is as follows. 50 Metres Free Style 100 Metres Free Style. 400 Metres Free Style. 1.500 Metres Free Style 100 Metres Back Stroke
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  • 167 15 I. la»ojs Wins Championship For Fifth Time London. Lowther Lees, the Manchester player, won his fifth title m the amateur tennis championship at Queen's Club. West Kensington, by defeating Lord Aberdare. the winner m 1932. by 6 5. G— s. 6—2 m the final. Lord Aberdare led 4—3
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  • 92 15 Services Match Won By T.A. London. The Territorial Army won the annual 40-a-side inter-Services small-bore match organised by the Society ot Miniature Rifle Clubs. Their score. 7.814, was 30 points above that which they made last year. The Regular Army team, which takes second place with 7,810, also
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  • 573 15 H. J. Sinclair Wins Through To Final Of Selangor Tennis Championship WEARS DOWN NG KOK THOY IN SEMI-FINAL Kuala Lumpur, June 5. 11. .1. Sinclair defeated Ng Kok Thoy 3—6. 6 l 1 on the padang this evening m their semi-final tie m the singles event m the Selangor Championships,
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  • 87 15 London. Fred Perry was recently presented with a gold signet ring by the Balloon-st. 'Manchester* C.W.S Luncheon Club. The tennis champion was once a clerk m the C.W.S. Referring to world tours by tennis players. Perry said they had a lot of glory and a
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  • 138 15 JAPANESE BEAT ISLAND CLUB T^he Japanese g.c. liifamliiti tfet Island Club <m Sunday, at the Island Club course, by V«, points to 2":, points The results. Is! .ml Club players men Uoned ttrst. wen- ;is tallows C. A R Bat eman and T Maders 1 Chikamoto and Suganuina
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  • 90 15 Alter defeating a former title-holder fl one-legged golfer just failed to gain ft place m the last eight m the English amateur championship. Ho was Cyril Sellick, 29-year-old colliery worker, and member of Bulwell Forest Artisans Golf Club. He lost to N. C. Selway (Sunning dale) on the
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  • 113 15 Player To Leave Chelsea After Ten Seasons Law, Russell and Chilly, oi Chelsea, have been put on the transfer list at their own request. Law has teen with Chelsea ten seasons. Recent transfers. O'Mahony, centrehalf, Southport; Chadwick, centra iorward, British Dyes F.C., Manchester; Miller, outside left, Rotherhum.
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 41 15 CHANGE TO Those old worn- Wc_ out plugs of youts UlV*| may be wasting /^^n one gallon jMKimm every ||j|| haoc w f^cuvnd I M li v t' I (*4 MI 14l I REMEMBKR LOOK FOX TIIK CHOP MADF IN BN6L4ND
      41 words

  • 521 16 Rain Prevents Good Times MRS. W. BARTLEY PRESENTS THE PRIZES RAFFLES Institution held their annual sports on the school ground yesterday and the full programme was carried out without a hitch, despite rain m the early part of the afternoon. At the conclusion of the sports
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  • 3 16 fgf
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  • 84 16 Bendemeer Beat S.C.C. In Last Minute Of Game Aii interesting friendly was played on the Padang yesterday between soccer sides representing the S.C.C. and the Bendemeer A.C. The Europeans opening the scoring through a penalty and led 3 2 at halftime, but the Chinese, showing improvement m the
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  • 659 16 Raphael And Frisco Meet In "Rubber" Contest Tonight WILL FILIPINO GET DOWN TO WELTERWEIGHT LIMIT? AIME Raphael, a French champion, and Young Frisco, a Filipino Orient title-holder, will meet m a "rubber" light tonight at the New World Stadium. Honours are now evenly divided between the two as far as
    659 words
  • Article, Illustration
    27 16 GILLETT takes a flying kick at tlie ball during the S.C.C. t m.-i ment match between Etceteras and Merchants and Police, whicn the latter won 2 l.
    27 words
  • 45 16 Probable Starters knd Jtckeyi lond-m. i,. The probable start- I are as lollows. ck given m brack" BuchaninMerry Maid Corrida Irish Lassis' II Coronal For Lair Light Tackle Sun Kiss Solerina Q Ankaret Fairetonian Hyndford Brldfi Papyrette Quashed Blue Girl Clerestory Mesa Reuter
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 47 16 Yorkshire Beat Hampshire In Two Days J.«md'iM. JWM Yorkshire requir which to beat Ham] by an Im li Verity raptured 14 H total of 78 runi clifTe scored a centra I Scores Harr.pshirlor 31 1 and 117 iVerit Yorkshire 315 for clirTe 100 >. Reuter
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 98 16 Selangor Footballer Not To Play Again This Year <From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, June 5. The Disciplinary Board of the Selangor Football Association has considered the cases of two players wno were reported to the League and by that body given official earning. This was considered adequate
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  • 62 16 The singles final m the R.S.Y.C lawn tennis tournament takes place today. The following will represent V.M.C.A at soccer vs. Medical College Union on the M.C.U. ground today at 5.15 pjn.: J. Bleha R. Lyne, Lim Chong Huan Kwee Thiam Teck, G. Day, W. Mitchell; W. Pullen, V. N. Pillay,
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  • 531 16 A Thrilling Finish NOW LEVEL WITH BETSY ON POINTS ON Saturday the second race of the series was Bailed U\ the ladies for the R.S.Y.C. Santry Cup. There a strong flood tide and a light breeze from the east -north east. Five of
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  • 72 16 A ski-run unpit > tory of this >p I been completed by Army commanders On Jan. 2 Mrs Wadji kova. Mrs. Matchenko. Mi and Mrs. Ulitina left 1 headed for Moscow B snow-storms the women cow: tance of 2.132 kilometre Sometimes they were able to cow kilometres
    Tass  -  72 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 48 16 PROTECT YOURSELF AQAINbv BURGLARY TUB C\r*l? AXI 'RESIDENCES" POLICY 1 fit UCtL AIM COVERS THEFT BY SERVANTS FULL PARTICULARS OF THIS AND OTHER OCEAN POLICIES May Be Obtained From THE OCEAN r cciden uaran J cc Corporation, Limited. •Incorporated m Great Britain) Tel. 2310— Chartered Bank Chambers, Singapore.
      48 words
    • 92 16 SEE THE NEW COOKERS /jp, Any time you are passing r^**.^'? luJjT T^9 the showrooms, yoo v can call m and see the /T\ x latest models of gas jmm^ f >^} cookers. Their appear- A\ I ance with their enam<* surfacesand easily cleaned It mW^S 11. (I Uf bright
      92 words