The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 28 May 1934

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • Title Section, Illustration
    32 1 The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS. NO. 14,275. ESTD. 1835. MONDAY, MAY 28, 1934 It CENTB. M. Barthou, French Foreign Minister, whispers a secret to M. Benes, the Czech Foreign Minister.
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  • 123 1 SHALL WORLD NAVIES Brisk Preliminary Talks Arranged London, May 26. silence surrounds the discussions with to the 1935 Naval Conference. Both the and the Admiralty refuse to make the subject and it is believed that the ye not gone further than preliminary
    Reuter  -  123 words
  • 166 1 London, May 25. Communications have passed during the last few days between interested Governments as to the possibility of preliminary bilateral discussions through diplomatic channels on the subjects of the procedure m technical Questions preparatory to the opening of the Naval Conlerence to be held next year. The
    British Radio  -  166 words
  • 45 1 Tokio, May 27. holding prelimigenerally welcomed, seemingly reofficial circles. mcc of watching and warding off Britain and America Rapidan agree- force Japan t the abolition inter alia, compel categories which •icular paper?, merely desires r the purpose of Im rights of Reuter
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 182 1 lokio, May 27. Minister.) is Mr. Matsudaira J"w«e >assador m London), I to express Ja- to discuss the pros-j N al Conference, it ircles. In ad- time, location' y***« conference it is! vital questions Of 1 likewise be touch-! lon discussions. gh T m has thus far' indications
    Reuter  -  182 words
  • 63 1 In Straight Line Across Atlantic Paris, May 27. The French airmen Codos and Rossi took off at 5.10 a.m. to-day m an attempt to beat their own world's record of a non-stop flight m a straight line. They are flying m a Westerly direction and hope to go
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 313 1 New Arms Plan From Scandinavia MUST KEEP DISARMAMENT ISSUE ALIVE Geneva, May 27. On the eve oi the re-opening "of the Disarmament Conference hopes of the work proceeding along the old lines but with less ambitious objectives are raised, firstly, by the prospect of the Soviet developing a plan of
    Reuter  -  313 words
  • 67 1 Profiteering Among Officials Moscow, May 26. Twenty-nine high officials, mostly of the Communist Party are among a large gang being tried at Kiev tomorrow on a charge of the illegal sell ing of food and clothing m the Ukraine. It is alleged that they diverted state property which
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  • 41 1 Bangkok Receiving Her Share (Prom Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok, May 28. The first shipments of Japanese cotton yarns have arrived m Bangkok and are selling at forty ticals per bale. They are cheaper than similar goods imported from Europe.
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  • 170 1 Recrudescence Of Strikes In Minneapolis RIFLE FIRE EXCHANGE WITH TROOPS New York, May 26. The strike of lorry-drivers m Minneapolis, which led to riots m which one person was killed and a hundred injured, has been settled but plans advanced by the Federal Mediator, Mr. Charles Taft. to end the
    Reuter  -  170 words
  • 88 1 Limping On To Rome London, May 25. Capt. Pond and Lieut. Sabelli, the two American airmen who made a forced landing m Ireland after crossing the Atlantic m the attempt to reach Rome and who came down yesterday on the Welsh coast when trying to complete the journey,
    British Radio  -  88 words
  • 46 1 Wireless Communication Being Adjusted i From Our Own Correspondent > Bangkok, May 28. The Telegraph Department, durir the present season of bad atmospherics, is using short-wave transmitting and receiving m order to keep m touch with aeroplanes of operating companies wml? m Siamese territory.
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  • 76 1 Results of Malayan Billiards Championship final Pace 15. Singapore Dog Show awards Page 7. Saturday's county cricket results Page 16. Last day of Singapore Spring Race meeting Page 1 6 America offers £5,000 for Loch Ness monster Page 4 Impressive S.V.F. Parade on the Padang Page 6
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  • 225 1 Geneva Once More In Public Paris, May 27. TEWFIK Rushdi Bey, the Turkish Foreign Minister, who has arrived m Paris from Vienna to discuss with M. Barthou questions relating to consolidation of the Balkans, m an interview expressed Turkey's satisfaction at the possibility of the Soviet's admission
    British Radio  -  225 words
  • 167 1 MORE WIRELESS MAR VELS Automatic Linking With Cables London, May 24. The system evolved during the vast year, whereby a message might be transmitted partly by cable and partly by wireless without human intervention, was mentioned by the chairman iof Imperial and International Communications, Ltd.. Mr. Denison Pender. at the
    British Radio  -  167 words
  • 120 1 Paris, May 25. A solution at Geneva is not Impossible declared M. Barthou (Foreign Minister) m the course of a debate on foreign policy m the Chamber. He added that he had promised Mr. Henderson his help. No issue was closed but French policy remained disarmament
    Reuter  -  120 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 33 1 Kryr, W m TO-DAY COCKTAIL DANCE <makan ketchid §6.15 to 8.15 p.m. DANCE (INFORMAL) 9.45 p.m. to Midnight WEDNESDAY, MAY 30th THE POPULAR ARTISTS sands dawn. kaffles celebrated orchestra L I" HONE 5381.
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  • 379 2 Successful Chinese Exhibition Very pleasing success was achieved] the first Baby Show sponsored by Chinese irhich was organised by the Nanyang Chinese Students' Society at the Great World yesterday iromj >; am. to 11.90 a.m. There were 78 entries and purveyors oi children's ioods were to the fore.
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  • 152 2 Scenes Of Bohemian Paris At The Pavilion Bohemian Paris ti made the butt oi much ridicule In the burlesque "Girl Without A Room," P-aa mount's present Pttraction at the Pavilion. Montpari&sse with its population of deranged artists, queer atttos ana care-free attitude is painted m glaring
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  • 942 2 S.C.C. TOURNAMENT I Kain Spoils Interest ing Match Quick Scoring I The S.C.C. tournament match be--1 Iweeu the Etceteras and Services was abandoned after 1% hours play owing to h javy rain. The Etceteras, who won the toss. opened m very promising iashion Mitchell and Hunter scoring the first
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  • 665 2 The Rest Test Their Strength With a view to selecting a team to represent The Rest against the Euroj peans the former played a trial game jon the C.S.C. ground yesterday bei tween Evan Wong's eleven and H. N. 1 Balhetchet's eleven. Scores Evan Wong's XI H. Boon
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  • 159 2 Brigade Called To Grassland! Outbreaks < A badly functioning chimney caused seme anxiety to residents m Queen I Street on Saturday afternoon. The Fire Brigade was summoned to No. 67, whicn j is a Chinese eating house, and it was! discovered that the chimney had been i Chcked
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  • 60 2 i j Among the passengers arriving from] Europe by the P. find O. Rawalpindi l (says the Bangkok Times* was Mr. W. j jH Edwards, who was partly responsi- I ble lor bringing the Siamese Govern- ment into the restriction scheme, when be was out here last. Mr Edwards Is
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 559 2 DOUBLE CENTURY BY PATAUDI j ERNEST TYLDESLEY AT HIS BEST Larwood Not Bowling Fast i London, May 25. Larwood. the Notts fast bowler, upon i whom, it is generally thought, much will depend m the winning of the Ashes, is not being severely worked by Carr, his county captain. He
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    • 410 2 CLASSIFIED ADVERTKEMEiNTs "BEETLE VIRUS" A certain destroyer of BLACK BEETLES AND COCKROACHES. Harmless to other creatures. Obtainable from all Chemists Stores. SOLE IMPORTERS: GRAFTOH LABORATORIES. BUSINESS CARDS STRAITS TYPEWRITER AGENCY STATIONERS A REPAIRERS. 14A Change Alley, Singapore. The Cheapest for your Stationery, Typewriters, Ribbons and Carbons a 'so for
      410 words
    • 263 2 TENDER* MUNICIPALrn Tenth Tenners are "n^following material, particulars, see Room. Supply of 6.5(.0 Gas Com lM( Sept. and 3i Closing 4 p 1934. Supply of Hear] Specials forth, v Date of cio, 1934 OLDU NOTICE OF 11^^^ i NOTICE 18 HEREBY 01 above trad, mark perty ol w j r,
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 179 2 Diary Of i The Week MONDAY :>8th. High Water: 10.26 a.m.. 7.9 ft.. 9.49) p.m. 8.8 ft. Legislative Council Meeting, .^s (Singapore) Assn. aimuul meet-' in« 5 p.m. Football Commercial Cup F N. A" vs. M.P.H.. at Stadium; fA PC. vs. Gov. Monopolies at Goylang; Straits Times vs. Municipal Services
      179 words

  • 624 3 Selangor Golf Club May Have Swimming Pool DESPITE RESIDENT'S DECISION Legal Opinion That His Consent Is Not Necessary i I umpur, May 25 that the >iming pool at the ;b will be built, at the annual the Club held exhaustively avenue of approach.. red advice that it, whether the British
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  • 253 3 Tewkay's Plan To Outwit Gang i <From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 25 Having once been bitten to the extent of having $10 extorted from' them when they visited Kuala Lumpur,' last year, a Chinese jewellery merchant; from Singapore and his assistant de- vised a plan to
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  • 84 3 Vital Importance Of Next Year's Conference Tokio, May 9. The Navy's decision to extricate Japan from the letters of existing disadvantageous naval treaties remains unchanged, declared Admiral M. Osumi. the Navy Minister, m an address to-day before the Convention of Provincial Governors. The Admiral stressed the fact
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • 204 3 Gaol For Former TroJley-Bus j Driver An ex-trolley-bus driver named i Kannusamy was sentenced to one month's rigorous imprisonment, to be! followed by six months' police supervision, m the third magistrate's; on Saturday on a charge of theft < of a dollar irom a trolley-bus. Evidence
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  • 63 3 H. I. Fougere Again In Court H J Fougere. against whom a charge of criminal breach of trust In respect c>! $10,000. the property of the Children's Aid Society, has been preferred, appeared again In the police court on Saturday morning. Mr E A Stevens, who mentioned
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  • 86 3 Monday, May 28th, will be the birth- day of Buddha, and it is a very important day for Buddhists not omy because it is Gautama Buddha s oirthday but also as the day on which he j attained enlightenment or Buddhahooci In Siam and Ceylon, Wesak Day IS celebrated with
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  • 403 3 EVACUATING ALL FLEET BASES Impossible To Defend The Philippines London. May 16. It is understood that the United States Government, acting on the advice of its naval experts, is contemplating the evacuation of all fleet bases m Far Eastern waters and the withdrawal of the
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  • 301 3 Alleged Mischief By Two Guests The .story of how two Chinese. named Liin Eng Kay and Lim Kai Too who werf invited to a wedding feast were alleged to have caused' mischief by breaking up cups and saucers to the extent of $88.40 at 503. Penang
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  • 45 3 i The wedding will take place on June 2 at the Church of the Assumption, Pena^ g, of Miss Wilhelmina Danker, daughter of Mrs. Lucrecia Danker, of Penang, with Mr. Michael Antonio Pereira of the staff of Messrs. Kennedy j BurkiU and Co., Ltd.. Penang.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 206 3 FLY TO JAVA m SIX HOURS. COOL QUICK COMFORTABLE single fare $120,--(ROYAL NETHERLANDS INDIAN AIRWAYS.) '•>£•*•■ »V *.-.-.-X*X'.**.*X*X < X'X"t'i*X X X*^'. \\y.v/.;.;.; ■'.-'.•'.•'•l Tc2**-'X*. ''If' •i*""X*X*X*X' t X*!*!*X*X IX X*X >X*X\*X *X* I >;•:•:•: -x i-x^ "j >■■;';■■*;• ■\*x'x<***;*x*i*i*i*iV*x*X'X"r"x*>x^-*'' V x^^s. /tfi w. j ii?>>x ••■i-x i -i-Xj /^^i*
      206 words

  • 1332 4  -  Philip Carr INTERVIEW WITH RUSSIAN EX-DICTATOR NO ANALOGY BETWEEN MOSCOW AND WASHINGTON-ATTACK ON BOLSHEVIST REGIME By •THE REAL Kerensky laughed when he heard that President Roosevelt had been described as a "second Kerensky." He received me m the office of the anti-Bolshevist journal which he has been
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  • 142 4 £5,000 FOR LOCH NESS MONSTER For Delivery Alive In New York Dr. Reiri Flair, curator of New York Zoological Park, has promised some enterprising youth 25,000 dollars £5.000) if he can capture the Loch Ness monster. Dr. Blair says that he received a visit from an unnamed youth who is
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  • 62 4 J An aeroplane belonging to the Kuala Lumpur Flying Club landed just outside Gopeng on Monday. The machine which was piloted by Mr. Newark the Club Instructor, left for Kuala Lumpur at tiffin time. During its few hours' stay Mr. George Terrell and Monsieur Rollin did solo nights, while quite
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  • 136 4 50,000 Yen "For The Suppression of Harmful Thoughts" Tokio. In the Japanese Budget for the flnan- j cial year 1934-5 a total of ¥12,683,584 j was allocated for secret service funris j This was five times the amount appro- j priatcd m 1927 for the same purpose.
    Reuter  -  136 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 391 4 1 Kemington Noiseless TYPEWRITERS (STANDARD PORTABLE) ASK FOR A FREE DEMONSTRATION Or THESE WONDERFUL MACHINES. REMINGTON RAND INC. (Incorporated m C. AJ UNION BUILDING SINGAPORE. Bourn vita r |g> t. 4 jijn BETTER rof" dOURNVOB I^^^^^H i *T IKjw <~ pa ->'* t t B derstand. NevTr eS befor! a
      391 words

  • 136 5 Prince Ge«r*« leaving Claridges Hotel alter paying visit l»> the King and Qji". »i of siam. The scene on the Tempelhof Aerodrome, Berlin, as two million people f am all sections of the population li tened to Chancellor Hitler's ]\lay Day address. The Hon. Michael
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 26 5 I Photographic copies of Free Press pictures i can be obtained on application to the Manager. Price -50 cents each. BB^ CIT\(X specially cured dairy-fed pigs.
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  • 1860 6 IMPRESSIVE CEREMONIAL ON THE PADANG "Service With Them The First Call On The Leisure Of Every Man Of Military Age 1 1R. CA LDECOTT SINGAPORE'S most r: jressive military pageant of a generation took place on the padang on Saturday afternoon, when the regimental colours
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  • 163 6 EVEN GASTRIC ULCERS YIELD TO THIS NEW TREATMENT. These last few months doctors haw found that even Gastric -a:tci Duodenal dicers yield t^ what is known ns the ttactain Formula, the curs :cr Indigest«on now :.v;> m th? clinics of the l^idim- Lend m spl als. 'I hen- they hay
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  • Article, Illustration
    12 6 lI F. '!r A jor General Lewis ■nivlnf for the Padangr oeremonial.
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  • 137 6 Should Costs Be Gives Against Crown Kuala Lumpur. >luv -JV Remarking that it was "Hen i matter." Mr. Justice Burton today reserved rad^ment on the question o! costs In the appeal of two Tamil estatecoolies who had been successful m getting their convictions and sentences I set aside.
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  • 92 6 London, Apr i\ a 14-: ear-old English bo.v Sidney Burton claims to bays n the w&rld'a fiiosmakirg soling and heeling a pair ot shoe.- m 11 minutes. Tho previous record time was 13 I minutes. Ir was set up \i\ Americ; throe yean
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 31 6 ASK rOUR CHEMIST *OP A TUBE C* Certain Curo >>-^ y« r Haemorrhoids *n</ kindred ailments TWK T&jMV W£PS TMI SURGEON AW«V v» iiw rvw«« 9 sis f ma i,4i* m. qlwn
      31 words
    • 136 6 wEm. dishes fo7^2 IrU 5,..,. (i| >> Pol «".isi Quart*, s VeteUW, i| In Ja Stewed m,,, Crimed Bp|| Potato^ CWcken (nrr Btltt.-r 0 H- W. H. STERi Nnmom COMMISSION mtUEANa u,ui 2nd FLOOH CKBBRA.M ROtSI Code addr KKNSTITKX^ THE GlFtlhopl NOW OPEH. NOW OPM connect ■(ii! t SI LADIES
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  • 146 7 FORCE TO BE niSBANDED net onomical And I'nnecessary i xperlment with loth s detectives has mall force organised 0 be disbanded. as not unexpected, for 1 i gperiment, it was al crime-detection is ti ng point i:ti reasons given for rce is that the mem,,i
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  • 23 7 Oi Progress air Chicago. May >t>. S8 Fair, which -opened to-day and tiousand persons me of whom had rdoy mom- Reuter
    Reuter  -  23 words
  • 301 7 Ratepayers Association's Interest In Constitution A meeting of the committee of the n!!?H aP f r l Rat l payers Association was he.d at the offices of the Association 'Hong Kong Bank Chambers, Singapore jon Thursday. Present -Mr. TayUan" j I eC k< vice-president >m the ir. Mr.
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  • 26 7 Dail Parses Abolition Bill Dublin. May >•>. The Dail to-day passed lie bill :or the abolition of the Senate bj >4 votes 'to 33. Reuter
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 267 7 Reception By Cantonese And Hakka Catholics The congregation of the Church of tie Sacred Heart of Jesus at Tank Road, of which the Revd. Father Sy is Vicar- in-Chargc. and which is comprised of members of the Cantonese and Hakka communities m Singapore welcomed HE. Mgr. Adrian Devals,
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  • 228 7 Roxy Cinema To Show NW British Picture •'Fur Love oi You," the British and Dominions production which is shortly tc be screened at the Roxy Theatre, Katong, is an excellent harmony of geoi music and delightful comedy. The^pici ture was trade-shown yesterday. Set In Venice, the story
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  • 639 7 Pronounced Terrier-Alsation Rivalry Dunsraven. a perky little smooth haired Fox Terrier, owned by Mr. ian cnong Chew, was voted the best dog at the show held fit the Polo Club ground under the auspices of the Malayan Kennel Association, yesterday. Among the bigger dogs, Mr. Lim
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  • 100 7 m Specially .designed traffic lights to list people who are colour-blind were iggested by Dr. Edwin Smith, the West tendon coroner, at an inquest at Hamrsmith, on William Child, aged 70, a etired electrician, ol Chelsea Parky. sllii Ch< laea. Mr. Child wcis knocked down by a ■notor-coach
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 179 7 OPENING TO-NIGHT 615 f ALHAMBRA j SPECIAL REPEAT SCREENING FOR TWO DAYS ONLY! Al/LI//^M W JBk^ SOARS AGAIN TO THE DRAMATIC J HEIGHTS OF "DISRAELI" AND "THE MAN WHO PLAYED GOD" II M ston man of the centuries N Tost )U pirsonalin mankind ever produced... Z^B ng millions with his
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  • 475 8 The Singapore Free Press MONDAY, MAY 28, 1934. Week-End Comments BRITAIN has taken the lead m endeavouring to initiate a series !Of preliminary discussions m coninection with the naval conference 'which is to be held next year. The United States, France, Italy }and Japan, the four other signa■tories to the
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  • 965 8 - Hampton Court Palace Residents Big Ren's Substitute Redecorating Buckingham Palace Hozv To Make The Chinsse Ai r minded Nudism Out Of Favour In Vienna VISITORS to the State Rooms at Hampton Court are not usually ay/are that there are some forty private residents m the Palace.
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  • 378 8 FROM DA Y TO DAY Mrs. C. V. Bailey left for Home, via Canada, on Saturday. Mr. C. V. Bailey is accompanying her as far as Hong Kong. Miss Mona Daley, who was recently operated on for appendicitis at the Ipoh Hospital, has come to Singapore to recuperate. The following
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  • 924 8 Through the loq| dar winter the very thoW,f r spring day had b2f7 l »*adtotam pin^''bol of the sunlit month'/ And yet. he wond. had indeed come, *a t£? yet one more link m\> I chain of disillusion the diastole-systnl.-(appointment? For the wSd terous and even at two
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 285 8 YOU CAN BE EXTRA SURE OF EXSMAW FAMOUS OV£ft t=p Vg /OO YeA*S~ BRiOrDY CALDBECKS SPECIALLY CURED GAMMONS Whole Boneless Cuts and sliced Try them all Hot or Cold -equally enjoyable STREAKY BACON The Breakfast SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE Co., Ltd. Orchard Road. W.J.W. MM I Heinz Home Style Soups I
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    • 47 8 A BUDDING AUTHOR when asked how he ever expected to make a living replied "By writing." "Writing what?" enquired his candid friend. "Home" was the answer. When going home a "GAFLAC" PAGGAGE POLICY is essential. GENERAL ACCIDENT, FIRE LIFE ASSURANCE CORPORATION, LTD. Hongkong Bank Chambers. Telephone 6480.
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  • 203 9 PEASANT BANDS RESIST INVADERS Sly Japanese Penetration Reported t»wtt fn.n.f i Shanghai, May 27. THE forceful occupation of another large area of land at Dolonor for the purpose of building a number of barracks and aerodromes has provoked much indignation among the Chinese m Charhar
    Union Times  -  203 words
  • 82 9 CROWING AMERICAN CONSUMPTION Enormous Advance In Tinplate Output London, May 26. |faf bulletin of the Internation- Research Development Council 29 per cent increase m tin (umpUou during the year ending 934, compared with the previ- and amounting approximate--9.000 lonfe tons compared with 100.020 long tons. March consumption
    Reuter  -  82 words
  • 252 9 Shanghai. May 27. In the name of the Political Council of the Government of the Southwest, the leaders m South China have wired to Nanking opposing strongly the resumption oi any form of communications with the Manchukuo. An official declaration issued by the Central Government
    Union Times  -  252 words
  • 93 9 New Chief Of Staff Appointed Hong Kong, May 27. General Fan Tak Sing assumed charge of the headquarters of the Peacs Preservation forces m the Canton area yesterday m place of General Hiong Hon-ping who has been appointed Chief of the General Staff. Canton. The investigation mission
    Union Times  -  93 words
  • 93 9 Warning Against Poison Gas Hon* Kong, May 27. Ipwvi»win* pressman y^erdajtr Canton, the living Buddha from Sikang one of me semi-ind2pend-nt str.tes m West China, said that he was willing to t^a^h t^ people to repeat rxn mcantotlon w^Th is capable of protecting cmetelf acalnit poison gas.
    Union Times  -  93 words
  • 277 9 Aviation And Broadcasting Displays London, May 24. Aviation and broadcasting are praying a leading part m today's annual celebrations of Empire Day. which are being held m British territories m all parts of the world. In the United Kingdom 41 Royal Air Force and Auxiliary Air Force stations
    British Radio  -  277 words
  • 265 9 Death Of Eminent Musical Leader London, May 25. Tiie death occurred this morning, after a serious operation undergone last Wednesday, of Gustav Hoist, the distinguished composer. Hoist was born at Cheltenham sixty years ago and has always devoted much of his time to teaching music. His numerous compositions,
    British Radio  -  265 words
  • 90 9 London, May 24. An improved system of patrolling by rr>l!ce car- controlled by wireless from Scotland Yard Is to be introduced m the Metropolitan Poll- District. The whole district consisting f 700 *-rare miles has been divided into 52 a roar ir each of whic' at ler-t
    British Radio  -  90 words
  • 347 9 INDUSTRY STEADILY ADVANCING Striking Success Of Building Policy London, May 24. There is every prospect that another substantial reduction m unemployment will be revealed by the official month iy returns to be issued next week. Ih^se figures are not yet complete bin it is anticipated that they will
    British Radio  -  347 words
  • 68 9 Network Of Communications Planned London, May 26. The Chinese Government has placed a large ordei with Standard Telephones and Cables, Limited, London, for the supply of wireless stations for the purpose ot linking up all big towns m China by tek phone and telegraph Many new features wiL
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 51 9 Forty Fourth By-Election Created London, Maq 25. The death has occurred after a long illness of Mr. Murray Phllipson, Conservative member of Parliament for Twickenham, aged 32. He was an enthusiastic airman. The by-eiection. which his death will necessitate, will be the 44th since the General Election. British
    British Radio  -  51 words
  • 52 9 First Imposition Of Extra Duties Washington, May 26. Mr. Roosevelt to-day exercised for the first time his powers under the N.R.A. to impose additional import restrictions when he announced additional duties ranging from 5 to 23 cents a square yard on rugs, the chief material of which is
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 57 9 Tokio, May 27. The wide-spread celebratoins ir Japan of Navy Day, the twenty ninth anniversary of the battle of Tsushima Straits was marred by the news that Admiral Togo, who has been confined to bed with sciatica since lasc summer is now m a critical condition owing
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 47 9 Latest Rubber Prices (From Our Own Corresponden London, May 26. Spot (Sellers) 6 l/16d. (515/16 d.) (Buyers) 5 15/16 d. (5%d.) July-Sept. 6V R d. (6 l/16d.) Oct. -Dec. 6! 4 d. (6 3/16 d.) Jan-March 6 3 B d. <6 5/16 d.) Market Quiet.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 121 9 fsEKS AT lONALLY VuCCESSFUI" i Perfect!} Gorgeous Film IV ■■5? «R v^^»^l I i y^^, wP n^ <v ;dHs Bp^^£^>l >(.<!! DVVYN-MAYER PICTURE !H GARBO ACTING AS SHE J SEVER \i IEU BEFORE J it. Beautiful and Thrill- m? Entertainment! JOHN GILBERT, lAN KEITH, mo. Elisabeth Young and thousand others.
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    • 175 9 PETER DAWSON =a=======aHaaß!B=SßßB B FA^Y TO «;AY I HARD TO BEAT. C" '■''< '■'?.'?■< BR II $jjfc'£ '"■>"'■'■ /--v.ftMl LaV I c c gifim IjT FOLLOW THE leadftß MEANS r^tol Bordering 4K"prJ p. d. ?y^s^ THE PERFECTLY DIS Peter I it 161 [tilled and blended I lAWcrw 9 ld "scotchSPOIAI
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    • 1476 10 British Motor Industry's Year Of Achievement IN the motor industry the theory of to-day becomes the practice of tomorrow, so rapid is development. In fact f should m many ways like to see our manufacturers agree to standardization for two years, were it not for export and the
      1,476 words
    • 140 10 i i I I• V The following index numbers represent the estimated monthly receipts of the Imperial and International Communications Limited as related to comparable traffic m the year 1929 Monthly figures reduced to working day average. Working day average of comparable receipts, year 1929-100. 1930 1931 1932
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    • 78 10 Chamber Of Commerce Rubber Association DAILY PRICES CURRENT May 26, 12 o'clock noon Bayers Sellers F.S.S. equal to London Standard. Spot (loose) 19% 20 RS.S. equal to London Standard, 'FOB.) 20V8 20» 4 Standard R.S.S. on Tender June 20% 20> 2 July-Sept. 20% 20% Oct-Dec. 21»/ 2 21% Jan-Mar. 22
      78 words
    • 146 10 May 26, 12 o'clock noon Buyers Sellers Gambler 4.50 Java Cube Hamburg Cube 7.25 Muntok White Pepper 34^50 White Pepper 33.50 Black Pepper 16.25 Copra, mixed 2.90 Copra, Sundrled 2.40 Small flake Tapioca 4.80 Small Pearl Tapioca 6.00 Lingga Sago Flour Fair Sago Flour 1.80 Palembang Jelotong
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    • 206 10 May 26 SELLING London 4 months' sight 2|4 11)64 London 3 months' sight 2[4 5|32 London 60 days' sight 2 4 9|64 London 30 days' sight 2!4y 8 London, demand 2|4 7|64 London, T.T. 2|4 3J32 Lyons and Paris, demand 892 Hamburg, demand 149 New York, demand 5914
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    • 47 10 CANADIAN BUSINESS IMPROVES CANDIAN BUSINESS IMPROVES Traffics continue to increase In Canada indicating a steady upward trend In industrial recovery. For 111 daya ol this year, earnings of the Canadian National Railways total €9 012.095. an improvement of l 2.765.000 over the corresponding period of last year.
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    • 928 10 SATTRDAY. MAY 1934. An,p, t Tin ,4, "g^J S^T Asam Kumbang 37s 6d 40s Austral Malay 43s 6d 45s Aver Hitam Tin <ss> 15s 16s Aver Weng (Si) 200 210 bangrin Tin 34* 9d 35s 6d 1 Changkat Tin <£) 49s 51 Chcnderiang i£) 9s 10s Hitam
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    • 1129 10 1,200,000,000 GALLONS OF FUEL Britain s Consumption Last Year RESEARCH IN LUBRICATI\ oils Great Britain's two million odd motor vehicles, including cycles, called for the supply last year of 1,200.000,000 gallons of fuel. There are indications that the 1933 car registrations and fuel consumption will be surpassed this year The
      The Times  -  1,129 words
    • 83 10 Ul Can C Hi American Telepln ai d i. i graph Atchesoa Rallro Dupont Flrettooe, Oomm General Electric General Motors Goodrich Goodyear Enter-Telephone i Telegraph National City Hank New York Central R;\!'roii'« Pennsylvania Raii nud Co. (Com.) Radio C trporatl n Socony Vacuum Standard Oil N J T|
      United Press Association  -  83 words

  • 419 11 LKS COMMISSAR'S REVIEW Extensive Purchases From America Moscow, May 10. isue oJ the magazine i published an article v ngolz, the People's Comrelgn Trade, dealing with relations between the capitalist countries, sixteen years oi extathe Suviet Union the author total value of all imported reached 8.4
    Tass  -  419 words
  • 46 11 H ««s Panchen Lama To y^tunx To Tibet Hangchow, May 9. '*i delegation headed by <:hor t interviewed the PanV V' !i here to-day. <*'-' fT d vhat tne Panchen Lama iklerat l uS lntentl °n to give conTib- fc) '-r Petition to return to
    46 words
  • 652 11 Young: Chinese Girl Was Sold For $120 Tut defence In the mvi tsai case m which a Chinese named Lim Ket Seng was charged on three counts under the Ordinance, was commenced before Mr O. Wills mi n the Penang Police Court on Thursday. The accused,
    652 words
  • 109 11 Series Of Unexplained Fires From Our Own Correspondent.* Ipoh, May 2«. News comes from Tronoh of a strange occurrence which has mystified police and public alike. In one quarter of this small town there is a collection ©f about 50 attap huts. Every afternoon between two and three
    109 words
  • 349 11 Allegation That Natives Are Penalised 'From Our Own Correspondent.* Medan. May 24. For soir.e days the discussions m the Peoples Council ot Netherlands India have been going on, referring to rubber restriction: as was expected, the strongest opposition came from the native members. The People's Council finally
    349 words
  • 152 11 Considerable Increase Over Previous Year Alor Star, May Z2. Last season's estimates of the are.*« planted and quantity of padi produced In K.'c. .*'.i zvc now available. The estimates oi the Department oi" Ajrl culture, which closely correspond with iic c of the penghulus, show that 233,497
    152 words
  • 133 11 Sound Financial Position Rabaul, May 18. Notwithstanding that tho Administration has waived the? duty on copra exported since the beginning of November, statements published disclose a sound financial position for the Administration during the nine months' period ended March 31. Revenu\ £264.739 Australian currency, compared with the same
    133 words
  • 451 11 Singapore. May 25. MEAT Beet steak 'Round' Kati 30 Beef stew, or curry do 25 Pork, lean do 40 Pork, lean and fat Ust quality* do 30 Mutton. Australian lb 35 Fow Kati 34 Hens (locally reared' do 40 Ducks Each 50 Pigeons, domestic unfledged Pair 70 Pigeons,
    451 words
  • 66 11 Canton, May 9. Owing to the high value of the prizes and the full payment of their amounts, the people here are showing much interest m the second term reconstruction lottery isssed by the Canton Municipal Government. There is a great demand for tickets at present, and it
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
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    • 49 11 CREDi T-FONCIER DEXTREME-ORIENT .^corporated m Belgium~iW)7 HEAD OFFICE: BRUSSELS BRANCHES PsxSSf^i^ 11 11 HANKOW, el^ Ai?T? N^,^ ONa TAINAN BRICK AND TILE FACTORY IN SHANGHAI. MORTGAGE BANK Mortgages on real property Loan* for building. House and rei *X agents. 3rd. noor. Tele. 2083. P.O. Box" 134 H. SARTON, Manager
      49 words
    • 578 11 %wts gxcee* Il2.t— The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd (Incorporated m th» Strait* BtttleaMotr MAD Otnct. Great Eaitern Ufc BuUdiug. CecU Street. Singapore. LONDON q^^ Qu Jrwr> AGENTS WANT^i On Application to P. C. B. Newlngton, Inspector of Agencies, Singapore, expert advice will be given HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING
      578 words
    • 335 11 CHARTERED BANK O¥ INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CBI*A Incorporated In England b* Royal Charter Paid up capital m SOu.nfli shares of £5 ear? £3.00t.»M Reserve Fund £3.000 Reserve UabLUt; a Proprietors £3.009 HEAD OFFICE 38. Blshopsgate. London «.C Agencies and Branch**) Alor Star i Hollo Salgoi. Amritsar Ipoh Semarant Bangkok Karac/*
      335 words

    • 899 12 Kaleidoscope Of Craft On London River NOWHERE m the whole wide world can be found such a medley of all sorts of ships as is to be seen on the biJGom of the River Thames m the fifty miles v^iich lie between the sea and the
      899 words
    • 543 12 BETTER SECOND CUNARDER But Not At Once Company's Liverpool, Sir Percy Bates, chairman of the Cunard Steam Ship Company, at the annual meeting today, suggested chat the next big British-owned North Atlantic liner would be even a better one than the No. 534, now being built at Clydebank. The directors
      543 words
    • 70 12 r Last month there was stated to be tTp'Tv P^ llding Work m h nd on wholfoT l^Var* CMc OW the The s.s. Conte Rosso is due here to BrinTi r S° rning from T^este Venice" Brindisi, Port Said, Suez, Bombay and s Co^° B mbo wh She WiU berth
      70 words
    • 117 12 Sensational Cwrto* Chart;* The allegation ooat is implicated operations has < Chinese waterfront and Canton. Th< •first m the verna Hong Kong, but v. which have substu,. to light. It is now under, i gunboat loaded sug from Java m H •ago. The gunboat the cargo, amount ii
      117 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 652 12 BOUSTEAD Co., Ltd. (Incorporated In F.M.S.) TELEPHONE Freight 5433 Passage 5431. LLOYDS AGENTS. Imperial Airways. looking tgents for Federated Malay States Railways. Koyul State Railways of Siam. I^^Un V7T^lF3v4 US Ii pjß^^jP?^! OTBAMOHI P# RAILWAYS ftlBV pL (Incorporated m England). HOME VIA CHINA, JAPAN, HONOLULU CANADA. FOLK MAGNIFICENT "EMPRESSES," COMPRISING
      652 words
    • 143 12 HENDERSON LINE SCHEDULE 01 BAILINGS By Fortnightly PftMMftf M^amfr Between Rangoon, Pert Sudan Marseilles. Palina and Kn eland HOMEWARD BAH IN< B Port of Disembarkation Pl] Lhivc Raaf< n BURMA YOMA PEGU JUJ CHINDWIN KEMMFNDINT BHAMO AMARAPOORA SAGAING BURMA YOMA PEGU CHINDWIN KEMMENDINE BHAMO AMARAPOORA SAGAING Calls London. Through Passage
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 550 12 Local And Foreign Mail Despatches and Arrivals BY TRAIN Bangkok every Saturday I p.m. Thursday 7.30 a.m. Kedah Monday to Friday 7.30 a.m. Saturday 7 p.m. Kuantan (via Jerantutj Monday to Friday 7.30 a.m. Saturday 7.30 a.m. and 7 p.m. Kelantan (via Gemas) every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 7.30
      550 words
    • 94 12 VESSELS ARRIYI Erie Maru, Jap 26.5. for Kobe 26.5 Raub. Brit., 51 A lor Perak 28.5. Rahman, Brit.. 7 I I 26.5. lo r Malacca 28.5. Hydia, Nor., 823 tons 25.5, for Bangkok 26.5. Kaisar-I-Hind. Brit., London 25.5, for Yokoh. Kong 26.5. Cyclops. Brit., 5,786 25.5 for Liverpool 16 Polah,
      94 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 419 13 p. O. S- N. CO^S SAILINGS. OUTWARDS Dae Tnagc Spore- T*nage Spore. 6.500 June 6 CORFU 15,000 Aug. 3 LiANA 17.000 June 8 MANTUA 11,000 Aug. 17 17.000 June 22 RAWALPINDI 17,000 Aug 31 i DWAN 6.070 July 5 COMORIN 15,000 Sept 14 HAGE 15.000 July 6 RAJPUTANA 17,000 Sept
      419 words
    • 532 13 Ellerinan Bucknall Steamship Co., Ltd. (Incorporated In England) "ELLERMAN W UNE j FOR HAVRE, LONDON, ROTTERDAM AND HAMBURG. VIA PORTS AND SUEZ CANAL Steamer Dae Sails City of Hankow May 29 June 2 City of Eastbourne June 14 June 16 FOR DONG KONG, SHANGHAI AND JAPAN. City of Wellington m
      532 words
    • 1133 13 ■V^W ""^r 1^ BfsslB««t1B» s^^ W i I I ■ssssTT%-^r *^ErF^*^^^ > THX BLUK FUNNSL LIKE (Ocean THX HUA ECHIOW STEAMSHIP 00, UHI Steam Snip Co., Ltd., and China Ltd. Mutual Steam Navigation Co., Lta THE CUNARD STEAM SHIP Go LM CTOS BTRAITB STEAMSHIP Co., Ltd. THE SARAWAK STEAMSHIP Co.
      1,133 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 827 14 K. P. M. COMI.HKLim PAKETTAABT MAATSCMAPPU OPHlR— Monday, May 28. Belawan-DeU. 6INGARADJA Monday. May 28, Selat-Pandjang. Koedap, Bengkalis and Bagan Si-Apl-Api. ROKAN Tuesday, May 29. Bengkalis, Paneh. Berombang, Tanjong-Mengeidar, Tanjong-Leidong and Asahan. TOMOHON Tuesday. May 29, Singkawang, Pemangkat and Sambas. MAJANG— Tuesday, May 29, Prigi-Radja, Sapat, Tembilahan, Poeloe-Pallas, Pengallan-Estate and
      827 words
    • 581 14 TO EUROPE rROM SINGAPORE AND FEN ANG VIA COLOMBO, ««a Arrive Leave Leave Arrive Spore Spore Penang N. York. Pres Harrison Jun. 2 Jun. 5 Jun. 7 July 17 Pres Hayes Jun. 16 Jun. 19 Jun. 21 July 31 Pres Johnson Jun. 30 July 3 July 5 Aug. 14 Pres
      581 words
    • 619 14 TO LONDON, VIA NAPLES, MARSEILLES, ANTU ERP^T^^^^ AND MIDDLESBROUGH tTERUKUNI MARU 12,000 May 29 30 JYASUKUNI MARU 12,000 >, HAKUSAN MARU 10,400 June 13 14 HAKONE MARU ***** a« HARUNA MARU 10,400 June 27 28 SSUWA MARU i 0 7 50 £l BKATORI MARU 10,000 July 12 14 BFUSHIMI MARU
      619 words

  • 301 15 Thrilling Finish In InterSchool Relay t ic sports meeting of the Continuation School an Besar Stadium on con oi visitors. Including her and Mrs. Archer Hinch, principal of the i clas es, watched an extf hlch the Anglo-Chlneae victory from Raffles the finish. The B mile, run
    301 words
  • Article, Illustration
    11 15 nnlsh of »h* POt»to race at the An^-Chines* Continuation School sport*.
    11 words
  • 177 15 Sydney Man's Invention May Revolutionise the Game A new type of racquet which, exports say, will revolutionise tennis and acquet-making m every country, has caused the greatest interest In trade aid playing circles m Sydney. it is the Invention, ci Mr. H. h. vVeoeck, of BurstviUe. N.S.W.
    177 words
  • 176 15 T nique Golf Match Between Tennis Champion And i» on no Melbourne, May 8. J. C Anderson, the former tennis! hampicn ol Australia, has challenged s lly Bolder, the Sydney golf proies- j Icnal. to a unique same of golf. Anlerson will play with a racquet and
    176 words
  • Article, Illustration
    18 15 Lord Tennyson, former Hampshire cricket captain (who made 56 against the Australians) photogr aphed with his American bride.
    18 words
  • 144 15 Brand to Replace Farwell Against R.A.F. S.C.C teams for forthcoming matches arc as follow: Vs RAF. at Anson Road on Tuesday m 'the Ist Division: E. C. Cherrington; C. G. Van Houten, F. A. McOSaffery; IL. V. Taylor, J. W. Muncey, A Donald: S. E. Craig, E. A.
    144 words
  • 578 15 INTER-STATE SOCCER AT SEREMBAN Henry Scores Visitors' Two Goals From Our Own Correspondent Sercmban, May 2ti. Gallant litil^ Negri held Selani>c: r o a c'.rcr.v of two all when they met today at Beremban m an Inter-state soccer iratch. A. L Henry of Kuala Lumpur. Malaya's bost
    578 words
  • 632 15 S.S. INTERPORT SHOOT FINALS Scores In Two Important Contests Twelve of Singapore's best marks- j i men took part m the final of the j Interport Shoot fired at Bukit Timah" range yesterday afternoon and compiled the good total r*t 954 points cut of a possible of
    632 words
  • 367 15 Won By Teo Chwee Hoe Of Aston Athletic The final In the Malayan billiard* championship tournament for tha "Padmore" Challenge Shield was played last night at the New World when Teo Chweo Hoe of Aston Athletic Club defeated Gan Hock Hoe of United Confederated Funeral Association m
    367 words
  • 37 15 London, May 12. Smith, the young Middlesex professional, batting against Gloucestershire at Lord's yesterday, received only eight balls, but hit 29 runs off Sinfleid's bowling. His hits were 4, 6, 6, 4, 4, 2, 3.
    37 words
  • 421 15 Home Side Just Save The Game Malacca, May 2b Considering It was the fust the Malacca side were playing together, they did we!! to draw with the Blrma pcre Marines today m a thrilling game. The visitors were all at sea m the fiisr hall when
    421 words

  • 1800 16 KEEN RIDING AT AMATEUR MEETING Lucky Number Springs A Surprise 'THE Singapore Spring racing season came to a close on 1 Saturday with the final day of the amateur meeting which followed on the six days Governor's Cup professional meeting. Pine weather prevailed and the going
    1,800 words
  • 352 16 Big Scores In Saturday's Games From Our Own Correspondent) London, May 27. There was some bright batting m the county matches begun to-day. Besides the Australians vs. Middlesex encounter the top-scorer of the day was John Langridge who made 232 unfinished against Northants. Liarwood had to
    352 words
  • Article, Illustration
    59 16 A British team of 50 runners representing the Universities Athletic Union, won the International Road Relay Race, over a distance of 25 kilometres (about 15i/2 miles) which was run through the streets of Paris along the embankment of the Seine. D. L. Rathbone (Cambridge), is here seen finishing first at
    59 words
  • 43 16 Paris, May 23. In the French hard court championships, second round, A. Merlin, the youthful French Davis Cup player, beat C. E. Hare, the 19-year-old British find, by 6—l, 6—3, 5—7, 6—l. All the leading players won t.hpfr matches.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 27 16 Paris, May 22. The International Lawn Tennis Club of Great Britain beat the International Club of France by nine matches to eight. Reuter Wireless
    Reuter Wireless  -  27 words
  • Article, Illustration
    14 16 Knave's Crib (Mr. Whittaker up) was among the winners at the Singapore amateur races.
    14 words
  • 273 16 AMERICAN WINS AMATEUR TITLE BY 14 AND 13 A Record Round TROON SAWMILL WORKER FAILS TO WIN A HOLE London, May 26. TN IDEAL conditions at Prestwick to-day five thousand spectators saw Lawson Little, the 24 years old Harvard undergraduate, playing m his first national
    Reuter  -  273 words
  • 237 16 Hendren Likes Australian Bowling SECOND CENTURY AGAINST THE TOURISTS DATSY Hendren evidently, likes 1 the Australian bowling. A fortnight ago for the M.C.C. at Lord's he hit 135 m quick time off Grimmett, O'Reilly, FleetwoodSmith and Wall. On Saturday at Lord's (Reuter cables) playing for Middlesex, he hit his second
    237 words
  • 35 16 Inter- Varsity Lawn Tennis London, May 26. Oxford won the inter-Varsity lawn tennis to-day by 13 matches to 8. The Hong Kong player. Choy (Cambridge) beat J. Collins. 6—2. 6 4. Reuter
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 49 16 London, May 4. Two world's championships recognised respectively by the International Boxing Union and the New York State Athletic Commission tojk olace yesterday evening, both being fifteen round contests. In Paris Marcel Thil outpointed Gustave Roth i ßelgium) and at Paterson (New Jersey) Vince Dundee outpointed Al Diamond. Reuter
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 90 16 Defying The Daisies M St. Andrews London, May 10. Blue coloured golf balls were a novelty introduced by C. H. Tolley and R. H. Wethered at St. Andrews yesterday while practising for the Walker Cup match against America. On some parts of the course daisies are growing
    90 words
  • 62 16 The following are invited to play football for the V.M.C.A. m a friendly match against the Dutch Club to-day on the S.HB. ground at 5 p.m.: J. Sanderson, Lee Kit Soon, J. E. Tan, Au Peck Kan, Chan Ah Wing. Sect Ben Sin, Yap Yeow Siang. F. Pullen. Chan Joo
    62 words
  • 31 16 »AVIS (i I U.S. Wins (Ulilk s A W»« <unada IjU l In the, Ik I America) boat, p Su*»Ufcl -Canada) 6- o, (i J* ttd I Reuter
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 24 16 R.A.F. Defeat Police Team A police team M veiled the Seletar A nnls t J afternoon for a m ,-eh R.A.F. TheRA, ■':t y
    24 words
  • 226 16 Tanslin dub I Tournamont I T)!^ ieS D Ubl< Thompson and U 15 vs. Miss X yg |Venningowt-15 Mr Mrs. J. V. S. Br. X Fletcher and Mrs. J. c. Macjj !A. Wise and Ac A. J. ZyUra am. W j lo 4. Mrs. J I ll^nteTpr,' Men's
    226 words
  • 43 16 Kuantan. Ma> l\ In the Whitsuntide tennis touma ment here th» i Snail lows: Handicap Sinslrs Bu beat Swee HoQf Handicap DwMti HodgkJnson btftt Ibrahim and Aziz. Open Single*— H Beng Choo. Open Doubles H don beat Hodgkii: 1 Fo:
    43 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
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