The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 9 May 1934

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 17 1 The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS. NO. 14,259. ESTD. 1835. WEDNESDAY, MAY i, 1934. 10 CENTS.
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  • 1811 1 FOREIGN IMPORTS IMMEDIATE ACTION IN MALAYA Quota Limit Fixed At 2} Per Cent COLONY NOT EXEMPT following official communique was issued by 1 Hk Excellency the Officer Administering the ument yesterday implementing the announcement bj the President of the Board of Trade m 1 House of Commons on Monday of
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  • 114 1 WARNING TO AIR PILOTS k Beware :j "Cold Fronts" c 'From Our Own Correspondent- il, Bangkok. May 8. The Government Metereological Service has issued a warning reminding pilots who are passing through Siam Xo arrange their flights so as to arrive at aerodromes before three m the afternoon, and not
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  • 128 1 GERMANS IN SAAR AREA Warning Given A t Geneva i Geneva, Mas 8. Tne danger ol German coup-dc- main In the Saar was brought to thc M attention oi the League Council by Mr. I Knox, president of the Saar governing I I body, wh j refers to the political
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  • 331 1 Hodeida Falls Ibn Sand Army S Cairo, May 6. AUDI Arabians are reported to have .-eized Hoddda and a large consignment of arms and ammunition recently sent from Europe to the Imam. j It i> understood that some of tn* foreign residents who have been re- mover,
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  • 206 1 KING ALBERTS DEATH [Murder Allegation Causes Sensation London. .May 5. Intense indignation has been aroused In Belgium by the allegation made by Colonel Graham Seton Hutchinson, D.s.O. m a speech at Nottingham, tha King Albert, was not killed accidentally but, "was tapped on the back of the head'" because he
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  • 39 1 Washington, May 8 Provided Far Bast conditions permit the Chinese Minister and Mrs. Sze will leave for London. In June for their son., wedding to Miss Bessie Yh. the engagement of whom wai announced last October.— Renter.
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  • 20 1 Moscow, May Tne Soviet and PoJand have signed a protoco: prolonging the non-aggies-sion pac: until 1945.— Renter Wireless
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 75 1 KUM POWDERED >HLK 51X ,.,.v IPPBOACH TO PI RE r\*U l KIZKI> MILK JfUMW-l IN ««H TROPIC'S. \r \LL LEADING STORES. I T 0 NIGHT I D ANCE wmu. Saturday, way 12th Seville special dinner ALFOR I> am. i^ORTWRIGHT Ventriloquist) It ARF RALL H£ MISSES SETH Extension to 2 a
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    • 176 1 GOVERNOR SHOT AT ON I RACE COURSE Sir John Anderson's Narrow Escape j Darjeeling, May 8. During local race meeting two Bengalis fired revolvers at the Governor. Sir John Anders. »r_ The Governor was not hit. Both the Bencaiis were arrested. Renter. WITHOUT PRECEDENT Shim Royalty Lunch Af The Commons
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  • Article, Illustration
    17 2 Mr. Franz Izako. the well-kno circus huMmw wuo has spent sixty year, o» his 11/. the irofe^lon.
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  • 293 2 Counting On Colonial Difficulties Tokio, May 8. The Runciman memorandum, though unexpected, has been taken unusually calmly, possibly because its generalising I strengthens the Japanese belief con- corning the difficulties of shutting] out Japanese goods from tropical markets where populations with low purchasing power are eager buyers
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  • 397 2 Tt»3 local Japanese business com munity is astonished at the turn ot events during the past 48 hours, ac j cording to Mr. Teijiro Tamura. Japanese Consm-General m Singapore. "What my community fails to under stand." said Mr Tamura. *is the rea (son for this action. The
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 90 2 NEW STOCKS JUST ARRIVED. SILK AND COTTON. SHIRTS PYJAMAS. Neckties. Collars, Socks, Belts, Singlets, Towelgowns, Sock-suspen-i ders, the best and latest style etc., etc., etc., Obtainable at: j S. SHIMURA CO., SHIRT PYJAMA MAKERS, j a BRAS BASAH ROAD, SINGAPORE. PHONE 4382. -■M---H-B-B-H-_B_H_H-H_H_-M-H-BH--H-Orders received /^tf by post attend- /J& c
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    • 676 2 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMEJ^ TENDERS. RATS BRING DISEASE. ASK YOUR CHEMIST FOR RODINE RAT POISON THE RAPID RAT REMOVER. Sole Importers I Grafton Laboratories. I Ml ft ii ''AI.IT. tatn M following na j particular.. i J Buppl) Sp Dat<> 1934 1 vi C ;n, H 0^ j Ten Colonial 5 01
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 319 2 Diary Of The Week Wednesday, 9th. rflgh Water 7.04 a.m., 3.14 p.m. Notary Twin: H. R. Arbenz on "A Tri; to Cameron Highland" Ade phi Hotel, at 1 p.m. British Trade Fair. Great World. Thursday, 10th. -[lgh Water 8.20 a.m.. 8.54 p m. Football. S.A.F.A. League (Div. It R A
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  • 4068 3 ACCUSED TELLS HIS o l kjk. y lever In The Pawnshop; Confessed Through Fear; Was Not In Hiding r« s. imed Mr Knowles ans. remember the I Apr. 8 at the it .'There Not x were opened Orice had g did you go lor
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  • 179 3 Working At The Naval Accused giving evidence on oath, gave his name as Mak Wing Chong. Hi.3 other names were Ah Nga and Kat Chat Chai. He was a Straits-born Chinese and had lived m Singapore all his lite. He had a step-mother who lived at Eu
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  • 245 3 THE STATEMENT alleged to have been made by the accused, Mak Wing Chung, before Mr. N. Grice, the magistrate, m which was contained a confession of guilt of having shot Inspector Popejoy, was retracted when he gave evidence yesterday. Mak Wing Chung who gave evidence
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 68 3 VISIT CAIRO OURING YOUR HOMEWARD JOURNIY When time permits Cox Kings rr%r Wf ah mm «ort trips by car from Suez connecting with ths stesmsi at Port Said. I ft For further particulars apply to p ATERSON, SIMONS AND CO., LTD. p/\*. or Bt any of the Branches of LU
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    • 41 3 -To treat these complaints success- i fully, get to the root of the trouble. I Clarke's Wood Mixture Is the world's freatest blood purifier and healer, fc Is famous for Wood and Skin Disorders. j Bimaßyg-dm LIQUID ~7 ABLET form j
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    • 336 3 I have used Sanatogen on a large scale after debilitating diseases and have every reason to he satisfied with the results ■buiiurT. 4. I at?^* mfmmm^*m mm f jjr >jw **£rs m^^^^^^^KLi .After Debilitating Diseases such as Malaria, Dysentery, etc. toKe a__^____. _k _k __p% _M a iia mr rii
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  • 1769 4 Japan Is The Most Formidable Industrial Nation of Today IN THE light of recent event^ m regard to trading relations between Great Hritain and Japan, and the announcement that quotas are to be imposed m the Crown Colonies for Japanese cotton goods, the following article on Japanese trade development is
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  • 218 4 Rescue Operations Continue Belgrade. Apr. 24. Over one hundred corpses have been I disinterred from the mass grave of!' j the cohapsed Senitze coal mine nea; j j Sarajevo, according to the latest re- ports. Despite the certainty that the I remaining twenty-nine missing men were also crushed
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  • 54 4 The scale of landing and housing \T i Sf!?S l Using an y aerodrime m the F.M.S. are now gazetted. Landing range from $1.07 for a weighing 1,200 lbs. to $19.21 for craft of 30.000 lb. Housing fees for 24 hours range from $1.07 for 300 sq feet to $30
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 42 4 y 7 _s_C^_^W afl __Wb^L_V I "f^^C-JT J tr j^^-g-iJ^' jU) j s^y Jf* is_i_s£sf_fß?>^^s^flll \j(^J^^^MASTERS..B PHOENIX Cilad^pt p©p«_ JJL TRADE MARK I 1 PHONE YOUR ORDER 3463. I PHOENIX AERATED WATER WOM^iT^^^^^^^" h »n, m our ord sssf w« s_st"Ja.^__S_; BEEa
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    • 177 4 A Fall cannot Damage this Wonderful Watch At last the Ideal W n «t Watch hat arrired-a guarante- I 9_____R rrliable V\ rut Watch at a popular price that will meet _g tne most exacting requirements of the modern mao id i 2 __i any climate. Here are ita many
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  • 187 5 Schoolboys Motor Cycle Trial Speakers M use at the Houses of Parliament t overed by a net of ea n> a net of scaffoldi n X erected m connection with the renov ttions. ilary schoolboys from all parts of Britain competed m the annual schoolboys' motor-cycle trial organised by the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 41 5 UILK&CREAU y\ OF THE VERY BEST I*l I I QUALITY I I Made fresh daily from "Anchor Milkpowder Anchor" Unsalted Butter imported from New Zealand the vitamin country. SIHGAPORE COLD STORAGE Co.Ltd. m^^^ am^^ m^ mma^***'^*»**»*mmmmmmmmm IWJW J 3 I MSHBS>
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  • 365 6 Statement To Be Made At Geneva Conference DELEGATION PASSES THROUGH •THE Japanese Delegation to the League oi Nations International Labour Conference passed through at .he week-end on the N.Y.K. liner Fushimi Maru en route to Maples for the forthcoming conference which is to be held m
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  • 170 6 AERO CLUB PLANES IN ACTION AT WEEK-END THERE was much activity on the 1 Per.ang aerodrome on Sunday when two 'planes of the Penang Flying Club were In the air tor practically the Wh lie day. giving joy rides to members and a number of local and out-station
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  • 21 6 Mr and Mrs S. D. Miles are shortly leaving Kuala Lumpur as Mr. Miles is' taking up an appointment m London
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  • 314 6 ALLOWED TO STAY IN PENANG AFTER SENTENCE A FINE oi $15 with the alternative of 7 days* simple imprisonment was imposed by Mr. D. Wills m the Penang Police Court on Saturday on Jun Dass. a Punjabi padre, who was found guilty tor being a stowaway on board
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  • 247 6 "MOVIE BALL" Good Impersonation of Famous Film Stars From Our Own Correspondent. > Kuala Lumpur. May 6. The Federal capital was provided With something new m entertainment! iast night when the first "movie ball' was held It was a g~eat success, over t 00 making merry. A mode] crowd was
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  • 121 6 Singapore Success Aids Kuala Lumpur Show The Trade Section of the forthcoming j Malayan Exhibition (Kuala Lumpur, i June 2. 3 and 4. 1934) continues to expand and the recent announcement of Restriction will doubtless spur the laggards to make sure of stall space before it is too
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  • 52 6 Relief To Stop On Exhaustion Of Funds (From Our Own Correspbndent.) Malacca, May 4. At a meeting of the executive of the Malacca Asiatic Unemployment Fund yesterday it was decided to stop the relief automatically when the funds I now m hand are exhausted. This will be about July
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  • 901 6 mT** Accused Solicitors Qlerl Makes Allegation Agai nst Ba n k rap tcy Office THE SUGGESTION tha<, there was "a certain amoi the prosecution was made by the accused m a before Mr. H. A. Forrer, the district judge, ye C .E. E. Edlin, a solicitor's
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  • 160 6 ARRANGEMENTS FOR ANNUAL PADANG PARADE THE Birthday of His Majesty the King will be celebrated on Monday. 4th June. The customary Ceremonial Parade, at which His Excellency the Officer Administering the Government will attend, will take place on the Esplanade at 7.35 a.m. Seatirg accommodation m the enclosures
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  • 308 6 SCHEME FOR PRODUCTION IN KUALA LUMPUR ITUALA LUMPUR, probably, will be- come the Elstree of Malaya if the arrangements now m hand to produce picture m this town satisfactorily eventuate, states the Malay Mail. The proposed producing company has not yet been named, but at its head is
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  • 170 6 Motor Tug Drifts On Rocks During the early hours of Friday morning a mishap befell the salvage motor tug Than Maru. at Penang. The tug was anchored by the side of Green Hall, but after being tossed about by the heavy seas and strong wind she broke
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  • 59 6 Man Blinded In The Right Eye (From Our Own Correspondents Kuala Lumpur, May 7. Alleged to have been responsible for the throwing of ac*d at another Chinese. Leong Hee today appeared before the First Magistrate, on a charge of causing grievous hurt. The complainant, Wong Siew, is
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 87 6 I JSp jlt going __H '^JF r ___X _P fl f \«S S' fi /£L/ \^L I g 1 I I 6 5 more than any other has g choose Johnnie Walker Jgit^. I I RED LABEL for al! occasions, the world's most popular beverage. §m§ff--40S%^. I fc r§_l_^__f P^
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    • 214 6 m \W' **Wm a I ?t_ W ftl c IK I Is Last 7 Days Last 7 Days Last///'/ Wed. 9th, Thurs. 10th. Frifctt Sat. 12th, Sun. 13th, Monday 1 4th. uc Tuesday 15th May. NH FRANZ ISAKQ'S GRAND CIRCUS AND GIGANTIC MENAGERi: Location: ANSON ROAD Commencing from WEDNESDAY U
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 385 7 1 mm^*^ Wß^^^ m%^^^^^Br** m mmmßaß^WßmmmßmmmmBmmmmmßKm%wf 4*i** m -_v -__._-^_^_^_---_M' _____■> ««____c____-____________-___-r OPENING I I -rf '.{tM_aiHli ;f P* TO-NIGHT 6.15 9.15 PAVILION A DARING EXPOSE! Im\ JL> m* J_&__________t_B_H_ Ef 1 2 I V _&-4 Bfcs __^H ii ll I*.*-. _^B _____^H F „v <^__ |3p^«g^oj|t CONSTANCE CUMMINGS and
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  • 443 8 The Singapore Free Press WEDNESDAY, MAY 9. 1934. Japanese Textile Imports Quota ."THE decision of the British Goveminent to impose a restriction i quota on Japanese cotton and,] I rayon textile imports into the United Kingdom and the Colonies should not have occasioned very.t much surprise. There have been' 1
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  • 1164 8 DIP Van Winkle, after awakening frori his non-stop record sleep, hae 1, nothing on a member of this staff whe returned a few days ago after a long leave. When he left the retrenchment axe was still being wielded with vigour passing dividends was the favourite
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  • 168 8 |w!th B ruXr be re^. ta cd s S t J at e w E „sr r sjtls 0^- Pa^ The F.M.S. Railways are issulne ca 1 r^ turn "<*<** for the Whitsur Mr L. Rayman who has i PO y. appomted to act as Financial
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  • 800 8 Mr Mand ther- hurtin, h idliws Hea-. even h( rmb bn Heaven BMlti tO. ah planked his enguli chamber Wide i] up and i< feel mobii Uverl to his right count... room hand., case, re moment latei him in* nised hi, rtT onward and U, a row or
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 85 8 I s=^yspj? --.I WH l\K vr <■.->. 1 1 1.. CALDBECKS Have you ordered your LEG OF LAMB Mint Sauce? Tender and Delicious WRITE IT ON YOUR LIST NOW. SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO., LTD. i— A a MBBr _______r_H _H __v ■sr __B **w VACUUM PACKED FROM ffiffl^y^^fc^ rsa pa
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    • 63 8 j THIS IS AN AGE OF GREAT INSINCERITY, declares a writer. The only people with real convictions are m gaol. That you owe it to yourself to take out a GAFLAC ACCIDENT and ALL SICKNESS POLICY is a conviction that should be put into effect immediately. GENERAL I J ACCIDENT,
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  • 51 9 I.R.A. GUNMEN CROSS PULSTER BORDER Imnpt I Blow Up $0 Memorial II Belfast May 7. f inmen, to-day Armagh r [rish Free .1 doctor L c stand by hurt. granite and tin other J i rushed men drove .i 1 they i ently banem. rial at I.R.A. men 'A", re
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  • 99 9 T REBITSCH LINCOLN T„ Be Deported Hack To Canada London, Ma. mber of ths I of Commons, Trebltscb Lincoln, j-ived at Liverpool from Canada board the Dm York as Abbot bo Kung. with Buddhist monks I to found a j Ihist color.;- ith of France, j I cier is still
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  • 511 9 HOW TO RECOVER LOSTT TERRITORY No Difficulty If China Unites -Jays Chiang Speaking the^JES^ meeting it w«_ weekly memorial «is?aSS.-ES ,s willing to lervJ rh and wer «hnnlH X tlle COOntry there ill rh_> i mtuin m recovering ail tne lost territories m tbe north I and Jehol. and urged
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  • 120 9 International Rounded Up Chicago, May •>. The conviction of Dr. Valentine Burin, ex-representative of the New York 1 1 mtorg <Sovief Trading Company. J n a charge of disposing of $100,000 of 1 8 Dunterfeit money is expected to have nportant consequences. c The authorities believe they have < artially
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  • 21 9 r Berlin. May 5. The embargoes on imports of wool j id jute have been prolonged until lay 21 Reuter Wireless.
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  • 234 9 Screen And Stage Fun At The Capitol began a new stage and screen show last night which is rattling good entertainment. The programme features the Chin I Loo company of Chinese acrobats and Ugglen and BlP.'i "Happy". That is ill. But it is quite enough. The Chin
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  • 86 9 Reorganisation Of Surete General Paris, May 5. The Cabinet this morning adopted .he Minister of the Interior's plan for reorganisation of the Surete Generale The French Scotland Yard) as a se- juel to the Stavisky scandal revelations. A decree enforcing the plan vill be later signed by
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  • 52 9 Teacher And Children Buried Berlin, May 5. One teacher and seven children were illed when an old school building ollapsed m the village of Winterbach, iear Stuttgart, burying the occupants teneath the wreckage. Seventeen thers were injured, five seriously. Exavation work near the school caused he collapse.
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  • 42 9 London, May 5. A scheme has been prepared for an iir survey of 16,000.000 acres of town jlanning areas of England and Wales n order to prepare up-to-date plans equired by the Ministry of Health mder the Town Planning Act. BriIsh Radio.
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  • 114 9 TAX EVASION CHARGE THROWN OUT I Jury Exonerates I Mr. Andrew Mellon i r. 0 Pittsburgh. May 8. M«,f r^ nci Jury reluse to confirm d J? lndlctn *ent against Mr. Andrew 0 Mellon for tax evasion.— Reuter r It was announced In March that the Department of Justice was
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  • 311 9 Notable Architectural Designs London. May 5. i A large and fashionable gathering thronged the salons of Burlington House today when the summer exhibition tion of the Royal Academy was- opened to a private view of invited guests. It is the general opinion of art critic* that m regard
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  • 159 9 New Step In Industrial Legislation London, May 5. The text ol the Government Bill to enable statutory etTect to be given to wage agreements m the cotton manufacturing industry has been issued. Its provisions correspond closely to the draft outline which was unanimously endorsed by the joint deputation
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  • 100 9 Latest Rubber And Tin Prices And Sterling Rates (From Our Own Corespondent. London. May 8. Spot (Sellers) 7 J 4 d. <7 5 16d.) (Buyers* 7* B d. <7 3 16 d. > July-Sept. 7 5 16 d. (7%d.) Oct.-Dec. 7 15,32 d. (7 1/ 2 d.> Jan-March
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 153 9 ITIFFIN to ii Sauce ,:,uM (l: d Bacon p rrots an I Mas! Ed Potatoes h Cold Meat and vilad fe ™t salad and < ream < heesp g 1 ruit -j* Csfl s j S ,'tc m *AT< li FOR tc j PHONE 4906 T i _MH__M___________________________________________ B fa-
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    • 171 9 LENTHERIC mm,m mm mM ■■■■B^B M_M__H_a_a_BMM t_______________v__9^np__sk___________ <_ y&^^^ jSmP' The Powdei Exquisite, the pride of f^SSjPj Paris's foremost perfumeur —Lentheric. dyl*l Soft as swansdown. caressingly perfumed. this Powder fulfils the modern woman's M Ifl demand for the perfect Pace Powder. S yjfl Lentheric has created a shade specially J
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    • 1196 10 Senior Warden Reviews Bryne Scheme The year under review records tw outstanding features m the tin mark et states the annual report for 193 of the Senior Warden of Mines, F.M.S excerpts from whose report are a follow: <a> The first half experienced a mark ed
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    • 155 10 Twenty Two Countries In Conference London, May 7. Twenty-two countries were represented at the conference to regulate i wheat prices which opened to-day at the Board of Trade offices under the presidency of Mr. Bingham, the United States Ambassador, as the outcome of the London wheat agreement signed
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    • 84 10 j Industrialists Urge Revision Of Control Bil! Washington, May 7. Twenty-eight industrialists including Messrs. W. B. Bell, Rolland J. Hamilton T. M. Girdler and F. A. Merrick have forwarded a letter to the sponsors of the Stock Exchange Bill urging further revision on the ground that "many
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    • 51 10 c London, May 5. Sterling on New York was 5 113a to-day. Paris 77 3/16. Stock markets were quiet but cheer--i lii. British Government stocks were steady. War Loan being unchanged at Gold price was 1365. 2d. Silver spot i 18^, forward 18y 8 .-British Radio. II
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    • 83 10 Chamber Of Commerce Rubber Association f DAILY PRICES CURRENT May 8. 12 o'clock noon Buyers Sellers 3 R.S.S. equal to London Std., Spot (loose) 24% 24% j R.S.S. equal to London Std., (FOB.) 24% 2434 t Std. R.S.S. on Tender May 24% 25% j June 2434 24% A July /Sept.
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    • 69 10 1 The Singapore office is m receipt of advice from head office m Hong Kong that, subject to audit, the directors at the annual general meeting to be held m Hong Kong on Friday, May 25th will recommend the payment of a dividend of £2
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    • 132 10 -From Our Own Corresoondent. London, May 7. Rubber shares are still rising rapidly, many issues improving by 9d or ls. Present prices lin brackets prices on j Apr. 21) among the more popular is- 1 1 sues are: Allied Sumatra. 19s. 6d. (16s. 6d.) Anglo- Dutch, 28s.
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    • 144 10 Singapore Produce Prices May 8, 12 o'clock noon Buyers Sellers GamDier 3.75 Java Cuoe 6.50 Hamburg Cuut 6.75 Muntok White Pepper 32.75 White Pepper 31.75 Black Pepper 15.50 s Copra mixed 2.75 Copra. Sundried 2.30 Small flake Tapioca 4.80 Small Pearl Tapioca 5.40 Lingga Sago Flour Fair Sago Flour 1.80
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    • 133 10 Boustead Co., Ltd., Penang, agents, report output of rubber for the month of April from the following estates I United Patani (Malaya) 228.224 lbs Malakoff Estate 157,000; Taiping j Plantations 111,831; Sungei Batu < Malaya 46,000 Windsor I F.M.S. (28.000: Foothills I Malaya) 20.000* Bertam Consolidated 221,620.
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    • 855 10 Fraser 's Share List TItSDAY. MAY 8. tmp. Tin (4. ■"B'tH?*" Asam Kumbang 39 S 41 Austral Malay 43s 6d JJJ Hitam Tin 'ssi Us 9d 15* 6d Ayer Weng <$l> 2 02^. 'M 2* dangrin Tin (t) 34 3 9d 35' 6d Changkat Tin 46s 47" Chenieriang 4 <£
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    • 169 10 RUBBER SHARES R EACH NEW HIGH LEVELS Profit-taking I, ln Commodity Market 4 On UH money d continuous incr at home and *>* vestment was n "*J Plications lor this week s t with the resulting drnn '■*<"» 4 rate by sixpeme JP B The Stock Exr-. u a the
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    • 204 10 I May 3. 5. 7. American Can. Com. 99 98 J 8 9G American Telephone and Telegraph 114 110^ 109Atcheson Railroad 64> 8 62 3 8 60^ Dupont 913 R gg 86 Firestone. Common 2V 2 25\ 2 19 General Electric 21 > 4 20 3 4 20
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    • 222 10 May 8 SELLING London 4 months' sigh 2411 16 London 3 months' sight 2 4 5 32 London 60 days' sight 24 964 London 30 days' sight 24 l B London, demand 2 4 7 64 London, T.T. 2 4 3 32 Lyons and Paris, demand 895 Hamburg,
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    • 81 10 Abroad London, May 5. Exchanges to-day were Paris 77 7 32. New York 5 11 34. Montreal 5.10%. Brussels 21.83. Geneva 15.72%. Amsterdam 7.52. Milan 59%. Berlin 12.93%. Stockholm 19.40. Copenhagen 22.39% Oslo 19.90%. Vienna 28. Prague 122%. Helsingfors 226 3 4. Madrid 37 5/16. Lisbon 110. Athens 530 sellers.
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    • 78 10 Soviet Denies War Debt I Default Th Washington, May 8. to the Sf^ A Dassador h <* Protested stat e Department against the S ?^r S T u iine that the Soyl <* »"«-> mem. ver her War debt pay n T Mt A mbassa <>°«- declares he
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    • 448 10 New Invention To Ise Hrn One of the most successful zxt inventions for the nae ol rabfea new material known l« produced by the Unr Rubber Company. The name Last lactrcn and lat. I It is known, oi course, tha' the milk of tho rubber tre< can be exported
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  • 802 11 Brilliant Scene At The Bersanding Ceremony i Prom Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 7. Witnessed at the Astana Mahkota. Klang. I the bersanding Uittrig-in-_sta_e) ceremony of Of H.H. the Sultan of Selangor to H.H. tho could not have lasted more than fifteen guests,
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  • 109 11 'Portuguese Children Lectured l\ On Horrors Of Communism Hendaye, May 1. The Portuguese Government, following the political crisis, has undertaken lan intensive anti-Communist drive according to messages received here.j Strict censorship prevails but it is; reoorted that the newly formed department of propaganda has instituted a campaign against
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  • 92 11 Mr. Lim Seng Hooi. J.P-, C.H surrendered at the Penang Police Court lon Saturday following the issue of a warrant the. previous day^ on an information laid before the Police Magistrate by Mr. E. A. de Buriatte o Messrs. Presgrave and Matthews, that he did intentionally make
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  • 20 11 Madrid, May 4. The Foreign Minister has appointee anTmbassador to the Vatican m orde to negotiate a concordat. -Reute Wireless.
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  • 201 11 Chinese Minister Visits Malacca I Mr. Chen Kung Po. the Chinese I Minister 01 Industry, is on a visit to Malacca to-day. He was scheduled to arrive at Malacca yesterday anci wiii most probably stay to-day returning to Singapore by car via Muar. Batu Pahat anci
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  • 216 11 An Ultimatum From Pastor* League Berlin, May 4. Sweeping demands are contained ir a fourfold ultimatum submitted tc Doctor Frick. Minister for the Interioi by the Pastors' emergency league. II is understood the pastors are preparec to secede with their parishes from tlu evangelical church and join
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  • 107 11 Eight German Communists "'Sentenced To Death Hamburg, May 2. Eight Communists have been sentenc ed to death for participating m armed attacks on Nazis between March 1932 1 and May 1933. Thlrtythree others were sentenced to terms of hard labour up to fifteen years.-Reuter Wireless. Berlin, May 4.
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  • 71 11 Four Chinese youths. Mr Toh Chong Tong Mr. Goh Meng Chen. Mr Tan c Kok Eng and Mr. Chew Tong Cheong )f climbed the Mount Ophir. the highest mountain m the Johore State. They were led by two Malay guides and they took only 3V 2 hours
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  • 548 11 $41,000 IN BONDS ORDERED TO BE RETURNED By a judgment given by Mr. Justice Prichard m the Supreme Court yesterday Mr. Khoo 800 Gay. a well known local Chinese, and Mr. Khoo Wee Tong. were removed iron* the trusteeship o_ the Leong San Tong Association (a Chinese public
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  • 168 11 Opens With List Of Twenty-Five (From Our Own Correspondent." Kuala Lumpur, May 7. The F.M.S. Court of Appeal comprising the Chief Justice F.M.S. (Mr. Justice S. J. Thomas), the Chief Justice. S.S. (Sir Walter Huggard) and Mr. Justice Burton, opened here today, there being three criminal appeals
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  • 167 11 (Incorporated m Hong Kone^ The liability of members is limited to the extent and m the manner prescribed by Ordinance No G of 1920 ol the Colony HEAD OFFICE HONG KONG Authorised Capital $50,000,000 Issued and fully paid up $20,000,000 Reserve Fund-Sterling £6,500.000' Silver $10,000,000
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  • 153 11 THE YOKOHAMA SPECIE BANK, LTD. i Established m 1886 > I Capital Subscribed (Fully paid up> V 100,000.000 Reserve Fund Y. 122.750 000 President K. Kodama, Esq. Vice-President T. Okubo. Esq Head Office Yokohama Singapore Branches MEYER CHAMBERS. RAFFLES PLACE. LONDON BANKERS Westminster Bank. Ltd. The National Provincial Bank, Ltd
    153 words
  • 119 11 i Severe Measures For Careless! German Papers i l Berlin. May 4. 1 The Essen Erseoikes Zeitung and f the Koelnischevolk Zeitung have resumed publication after banning for c inadvertently inserting a question mark at the end of a sentence referring to Hitler's reconstruction work. The secret police
    119 words
  • 86 11 Gunmen Who Shot Police New York, May 4. Two gunmen, believed to be professional incendiaries, shot and seriously 1 injured two policemen during a police raid on a tenement where the gunmen lived. The gunmen then escaped by motor-car. Later, a policeman was J shot dead when
    86 words
  • 123 11 OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHI*% (Incorporated In England toy Royal Charter^ Paid up capital In 600.00 C shares of £5 eacft £3,000.1m>» Reserve Fund £3.000.004 Reserve Liability 0" Proprietors £b.o(k» :u* HEAD OFFICfc 38, Bishopsgate, London. E.C i Agencies and Rran^hes I SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Accounts opened and
    123 words
  • 191 11 (Incorporated In England' Capital £3,000,000 Subscribed 1.800.000 Paid-up 1,050.000 Reserve Fund and Rest 1.246,731 BOARD OF DIRECTORS J. M. Ryrie Esq., Chairmac P. R. Chalmers, Esq., Charles J. Hambro. Esq. W. H. Shelford. Esq Sir Thomas Catto, Bart. Sir C. C. Barrie, K.B.E. Sir C.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 27 11 THE EASTERN UNITED t^* OKI-ORATION LTD. ABE, M ARINE MOTOR CAR. JoNAL ACCIDENT fflc AND WORKMEN'S rOMPBNSATTON Insurance. .ivsnv General Manager. *j I SB. 4, Cecil Street,
      27 words
    • 61 11 CREDIT-FONCIER D'EXTREME-ORIENT Societe Anonyme (Incorporated ln Belgium— 1907) HEAD OFFICE: BRUSSELS. BRANCH FS SHANGHAI, TIENTSIN, HANKOW PEKING, HONG KONG, TSINAN* BRICK AND TILE FACTORY HI SHANGHAI. MORTGAGE BANK Mortgages on real property, Loana for building. House and real Estate agents. Agents for: Union of Paris Insc. Co LU OFFICE: MEYER
      61 words
    • 82 11 Assets exceed 112.000,004 Assurance In forte over M.V— _____--____-___________-_---_-l _-_-___B-__-_-------i The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. Incorporated In the Strait* Settlements BIAD OFFICE! Great Eastern Lite Building. Cecil Street, Singapore LONDON OFFICE: 21 OIC Jewr at The Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England and compiles
      82 words
      21 words

  • 56 12 May 7.— Mayebashi Maru. Fuku Maru. Denmark Maru. Toyokawa Maru <Jap. Ursula Rickmers (Ocr) Sumatra Col di Lana <Itlr. Hai Hing Kr P f, nga r adJa Berouw Xe P*h Kulit, Poelau Lau t <Dut>; Raub. Sirdhana. Kinta. Sin Kheng Seng, r B rit> May B— Bulan. Wentworth ♦Brit)Angelina
    56 words
  • 22 12 larin no. ll is now ready for issue fifS ma^ De had on application from Hog. Sectaries. Adamson. GilnK
    22 words
  • 56 12 German shipyards are to build seven up-to-date trawlers for the Chinese Mm.stry of Industries, each to be armfed against pirates. arm-j ve?terdai° ll0 hv lnJ^ enBers a »»ved sspkVF? w^ sr^r a anE n Malm H^'p^, Ca»PbeU Mr. a 1 Magill Mr. R. Billeu, Mr. and Mrs r V. Bailey,
    56 words
    • 438 12 £500,000 Waterbus Service Planned The proposal to establish a Thames passenger service was considered again at a public meeting held by the Thames Waterbus Committee at the Grosvenor Hotel, Victoria Station. Major S. W. Beeman, a member of the executive committee, presided. Mr. J. H. O. Bunge, temporary secretary, said
      438 words
    • 130 12 Worst Year Yet In Germany Hamburg. Apr. 26. "The enormous shrinkage of the world's total volume of trade is the chief affliction from which all the shipping companies of the world have had to suffer. German shipping is handicapped as well by the State subventions received by foreign competitor
      130 words
    • 204 12 W h U nion -Castle Line is scrapping da.eSr orth CaStle and the Ar dale Castle as soon as the new shins which will be 25.000 tons each, are com-' snhwt D UtCh motor hi P Sibajak is being a?fo J ns Ct in° hTtS^ ation. m SS SSSTSSb t^ZZt
      204 words
    • 283 12 S Board Of Trade v. Instructions ye The Board of Trade announce tha :y they have issued instructions as to th< W survey of passenger steamers regi*ir tered m the United Kingdom, whiel if are engaged m the carnage of largt 'a numbers 02 unberthed passengers oj
      283 words
    • 168 12 S. African Actio* Criticised In House Of Lords London, May 2. pnL,f S Se O1 Lords today debated a j common Empire maritime policy. Lord Mottistone regretted South Africa subsidising an Italian line when m the event of trouble the British Fleet would have to protect them if
      168 words
    • 16 12 £5rs?~3SS milts Tribute was paid at ihe time of on his retirement irom Messrs JUf Jed
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 624 12 BOUSTEAD Co., Ltd. Incorporated m F.M.S.) TELEPHONE Freight 5433 Passage 5431. LLOYDS AGENTS. I Imperial Airways. Booking Agents for Federated Malay sulM Railways Royal State Railways of Siam. bbm -m^ bb- JLbm__M__2-____-_b__Ml < Incorporated m England). HOME VIA CHINA, JAPAN, HONOLULU CANADA, FOUR MAGNIFICENT EMPRESSES," COMPRISING THE LARGEST AND FASTEST
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 396 12 Local And Foreign Mail Despatches and Arrivals BY TRAIN Bangkok every Saturday 7 p.m. and Thursday 7.30 a.m. Kedah Monday to Friday 7.30 a.m. Saturaay 7 p.m. Kuantan (via Jerantut) Monday to Friday 7.30 a.m. Saturday 7.30 and 7 p.m. Kelantan (via Gemas) every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 730
      396 words
    • 206 12 S«?*s -i*t \VI,, r Rajula 2 G*, .Main IThari I Mat.; H tj8anthl; 'mpire Dock i Bent; Khan* rlRahmai, rnipire Dock F H,vn M M Lye,,, Jid. van T <HI Whin Coal \U,., i Victoria Doci Keppe) Harhon King s Dad N<>. 1 ho<k B No. D** VESSELS \RHl\Ei) irasa
      206 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 357 13 r r~f > > **9mT* t PaO a I P% and BRITISH INDIA P. O. S. N. COS SAILINGS. OUTWAPDS Due Due mage Spore. T'nage Spore. 100 May 10 RAJPUTANA 17.000 June 8 100 May 11 RANCHI 17.000 June 22 > > May 24 BURDWAN 6.070 July 5 ►00 May
      357 words
    • 550 13 Ellerman Bucknall Steamship Co., Ltd. (Incorporated m England) nn "ELLERMAN" UNE FOR HAVRE, LONDON, ROTTERDAM AND HAMBURG. VIA PORTS AND SUEZ CANAL Steamer City of Athens v*u J 5 11 Ci '>- °< Hankow Sr JS 1 Cte. of n> F( R HONG KONG SHANGHAI AND JAPAN. City of Wellington
      550 words
    • 1190 13 THB BLUE FUNNEL LB*E (Ocean THE HUA KHIOW STEAMSHIP CO.. 1931 > Steam Ship Co.. Ltd., and China Ltd. Mutual Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. THE CUNARD STEAM SHIP Co Ltd. THE STRAITS STEAMSHIP Co.. Ltd. THE SARAWAK STEAMbuu' Co Ltd. THE CHINA NAVIGATION Co.. Ltd. THE AUSTRALIAN OKiiM _> L.
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 839 14 H-b Pc Mb aONINKLUKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPU m ma^^^^ Km^^ m^^* wmm^ mm^*^ mm^ mm »^tmmm m m.mmmwm VAN HEUTSZ— Wednesday, May 9, Belawan-Deli and Penang. THEDENS— Wednesday, May 9, Muntok and Palembang. TOHlTl— Wednesday, May 9, Toengkal, Moeara-Saba and Djambi. MA JANG— Wednesday. May 9. Prigi-Radja, Sapat, Tembilahan Poeloe-Pal-las, Pengalian-Estate
      839 words
    • 574 14 ■nraici i n a^i _l^i a im TO EUROPE FROM SINGAPORE AND PENANG VIA COLOMBO, BOMBAY, SUEZ, PORT SAID, ALEXANDRIA, NAPLE& GENOA, MARSEILLES AND NEW YORK. Arrive Leave Leave Arrive Spore Spore Penang N. York. Pres. Adams May 19 May 22 May 24 July 3 I Pres. Harrison Jun. 2
      574 words
    • 611 14 TO NAPLES, MARSEILLES, LONDON™\YTUHM^^^^^^I TO HAMBURG KOTTk KI>AmTv7 HAKOZAKI MARU 10.400 May 16 17 SKASHIMA Mapt tTERUKUNI MARU 12,000 May 29 30 tYASUKUNl M a p t U(J0 Jul, HAKUSAN MARU 10,400 June 13 14 HAKONE MAP r 1200 HARUNA MARU 10.400 June 27 28 SSUWA MART! iO40 2 §KATORI
      611 words

  • 1910 15 Singapore Follows the Fashion.— The Favourites oblige piin cV Sinsapore-Negri Trial Match.— Problem of Dr. Hopkins' %«ccc-Sor.-G«^ l«ck to Tanjang" Ashworth— Football c< hinese Rivalry. S.C.F.A/s Deserved Win. BoxSnares' Victory Over Fernandez.— Weber Good y a!(]( Against Peter George.— Two Contests That Must be Repeated. is certainly
    1,910 words
  • 79 15 Melbourne CC's Gesture To England London, May 3. Barracking is to be strongly discountenanced by the Melbourne Cricket Club. The President of the Club has cabled to the President of the M.C.C. that notices will be posted all over cricket grounds earnestly requesting spectators to refrain from conduct
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  • 145 15 Local Competitions To Be Held A Committee meeting of the Singapore Amateur Weight-Lifting Federation was held on Sunday at the Young Muslim Physical and Literary Union, which was attended by the representatives of the Health and Strength. Juvenile Amateur WL. Party, Modern W.L. Party, Singapore Amateur W.L.A.. Young
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  • 54 15 The match Straits Times Press versus Malaya Publishing House postponed on Thursday May 3rd. will now be played at Anson Road Stadium on Monday May 14th at 5.15 p.m.. and the match Straits Times Press versus A.P.C. originally arranged for that day. will be played on a date
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  • 44 15 The Anglo Chinese Continuation School Sports will be held on the 25th May, 1934, at the Jalan Besar Stadium, commencing at 2 p.m. An Old Boys Race of half a mile will be held. All friends and parents of the School are cordially invited.
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  • 186 15 !R. H. White's Century Against Klan# The Selangor Club scored an easy victory on the padang when they defeated the Klang Club by a wide margin. The victory was mainly due to the magnificent batting of R. H White, who hit up a bright 101 not out.
    186 words
  • 57 15 Entries are invited for the Chinese Inter-District Football League which (will commence m the near future Teams desiring to compete are requested to forward their applications |to the Hon. Asst. Secretary. S.C.F.A Mr. Koh Swee Chiang c o General Post Office not later than 31st May
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  • 14 15 The first string of the Siong 800 will meet the Old Rafflesian Association ground.
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 199 15 HANDY CASTROL Ilill F^fefc^^ NEW QUART liplll|_#^ *£l/>7 <m******\ 'It I 1 1 II I l^^4^_L— H^_^_U_r [m*T **^^mm**'mmmm^^^/ J^W^^'^mmW mmWmm^r Tl Illililll iTITIirTTTTf S B-.. -^P^'.™ |V.^Pr iAmmmm* \m Am%^T "T iii a* •^'■/'/'•'V.'T^Bb_______________Pp%""''' _f r* .'^?s^t_______f^ *.'"v •■i ____r _r" BETTER BECAUSE is CHEAPER **r A No. 1.
      199 words

  • 1145 16 WHAT DO YOU FANCY TODAY? Runners And Selections For Second Day Of Governor's Promise Of Another Good Day's Sport BIG FIELDS FOR ALL EVENTS A NOTHER full and fine day's sport is promised at Bukit Timah to-day fdr the second day of the Governor's Cup The going is good, and
    1,145 words
  • 99 16 II I I I RACE 1. RACE 2. RACE 3. RACE 4. RACE 5. RACE 6. RACE 7. RACE 8 R%CE 9 o J L 1 L _1_ S I^nie og* :To.on X La^ J^pflrv .vfountaix, Pay Ouc j Ch^rfu!^™ p^^S J I \u£S,
    99 words
  • 119 16 Police Match With Municipality A lour ball match between the Police and the Municipality was played on Sunday on Sepoy Lines Golf Links: Result < Police players mentioned first > Haxworth and Barry 1 4 Kelly and Beat tie 1. Savi and Gray 0. O. Gilmour and Edmond 1
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  • 205 16 The following are the teams and starting times for a four-ball foursomes match to be played at the Island I Club on Sunday morning. May 13. All matches will start from the tenth tee. American Association players are mentioned first i i 8.-45 A. W. Bourne.
    205 words
  • 51 16 The following have accepted to play Association Football tor S.C.C. vs A.P.C. to-day at S.C.C: C. G. F J Drabbe. C. G. Van Houten. H. L. Davies! G. Boas. C. J. Bembroke A. Ferguson Dr. J. W. Winchester. \V. s. Morgan V\ W. Brand. M. C. Elliott and J E*
    51 words
  • 560 16 PARAMSOTHY SCORES THEIR FIRST GOAL But S. R. C. Take The Points S.R.C. .3; Indo-Ceylonese 1. THE S.R.C. defeated the IndoCeylonese m a First Division match at Anson Road Stadium yesterday afternoon by three goals' to one. The Recreation Club were the superior team throughout and
    560 words
  • 78 16 Cup Meeting Yesterday's County Cricket Matches Middi< s, x U «V lory over N Championship Norihants: for 54. Robin n ls2l^J Middlesex 39, Other mat< 59 I Kent 273 T {J*** man ft W 13|S eisht for 58. andi'J 2 rcntmor. not out i 3 Notts beat fnwii_j Somerset 156
    78 words
  • 95 16 S.C.C. Mixed Handicap J To-day The una] ol doubles at the SCC bet Rowland and lira J V. S Brooke a F V. Duckworth .md Mrs Blake m was washed ou- by the rain v*2 will be played (X)n In the open mixed doubfa and Mrs. Bwaln< will meet
    95 words
  • 40 16 Results M »iuiuy\ Championship Sin firs: y C hout bear F Norrtl 6 Hannay beat D L< leefer I N. E. Ess b» at A P.r G. Love beat A John I M. A Oordeir f s
    40 words
  • 75 16 THE S.C FA 111 \w to draw with the Abattoir oo all yesterday In the Third D: I' fixture of the S.A FA They cer.. were the better team Pent KiflW played a fine game m wa._ several saves In brilliant fasliic. peclally at the end. The Chine* f were
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
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    • 67 16 CUT LIVING EXPENSES _^7^v M BY PURCHASING A M \t) O A REFRIGERATOR K&---I I Manufactured by the General Electric Co. of America a____B=^^=~^fcrz±) AiiTrr I I An i re H COMPETITIVE Hi 3 J $280 ______k umr _^____________B H UPWARDS .^HRhH THE BORNEO CO., LTD., jftjfc^_^BH rijw^i^Hj NHB^_!!__i___i_l B.
      67 words