The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 1 May 1934

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 17 1 The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS. M». 14.253. ESTD. 1835. TUESDAY, MAY I, 1934. 10 CENTS.
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  • 1261 1 Come li\to Force On June Ist. HOUSE OF COMMONS STATEMENT London. Apr. :}(>. this afternoon Sir Philip that the Government had h< Rubber Growers Associarestriction agreement m so L j| r( lonial Kmpire. after ci»nsultation nents, to take the necessary uhjecf to similar undertakings
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  • 69 1 D.E.I. Legislation In A Few Days The Hague. Apr. 30. It is officially announced that legislation is being introduced m the Dutch Indies Volksraad m a few days to implement the rubber control scheme. The Volksraad proposals are connected with the distribution of the native and plantation quota. The latest
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 329 1 RAILWAY STRIKERS MUST RETURN TO WORK TO-MORROW Alternatives:Bismissal Withheld Wages And "Ejection 1 'From Quarters [government Kuala Lumpur, Mon. night AN ULTIMATUM was issued to the railway strikers this evening that as they had not returned [to work m accordance with the notification issued by the Standing Labour Sub-Committee the
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  • 46 1 City Expects Increase In Tin Quota London. Api. 30. •"THE International Tin Committee meets on Wednesday. The City regards at least a 5 per increase of quota as a certainty tiuite apart from any special Quota that may be allotted m respect of the buffer pool.
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  • 84 1 Death Of Padre M.P. London, Apr. 30. The death is announced of Very Rev. Dr. John Morrow Simms. Dr. Simms. who was 80 years of age. served m the 1 Nile Expedition, the South African War, I East Africa and the Great War (from i 1914 to 1920
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  • 448 1 CONTENT TO LEAVE MATTER WHERE IT IS Sir John Simon's m Parliament London, Apr. 30 •THE TREND of the conversa- lions between the British Ambassador m Tokio and the Jopj-.Mcse Foreign Minister folio Ting the recent Japanese declaration on the .subject of China was disclosed by
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  • 189 1 Police Fire On Mob During Peshawar Disturbances BOMBAY LABOUR LEADERS ARRESTED Peshawar. Apr. 30. THE police were forced to fire eight rounds on a mob outjSide the police station this mornThe trouble arose when a group or Musakhet Mohmands. visiting here m i connection with a Council of Elders. presided
    Reuter Wireless; Reuter  -  189 words
  • 148 1 EXPLOSION A MILE BELOW SURFACE Five Killed In Mine Accident In Lancashire London, Apr. 30. CO far it U known that five men have oeen killed In an explosion m b coal mine at I>i^h [(Lancashire early this morning. en had just stama ork th< explosion occurred a d I
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  • 102 1 3 Days Air Service Between London Shanghai London, Apr. 30 HTHE inauguration of a direct Shanghai -Berlin-London air mail route via Cninese Turkestan and Ru-.; bringing contact between East and West to within* 3 or 4 days was foreshadowed bf -Mr Huan Gnla Shu, Director General 01 the Chinese Postal
    Reuter  -  102 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 77 1 On Other Pages France and Britain have >™™ t *<| Germany that she must not on the Dawes and Uunjf loans— General Marhado. J*-**l il Cuba, i» beine sought by the Ne* \-ork polite for extradition to Cuba— Fa Wit< 9 h-dootors are causin* difficulties for the administration m East
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  • 175 2 Years Work Destroyed At One Blow 1 The French Government has at one blow destroyed the result of lengthy negotiations making a prompt understanding possible, declared Baron Von Neurath m a speech to-day when he replied to the latest French note on iisarmament and the suggestion that Germany should
    Reuter Wireless  -  175 words
  • 155 2 President Wants Authority To Build Washington. Apr. 25. Congress authority to start naval construction whenever he thinks ftt m! order to bring the United States Navy up to Treaty limits will bo asked by President Roosevelt m the forthcorn- mg supplemental appropriation bill. I This totals a little
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  • 64 2 Shot Fired At Her During Flight Over Morocco Rabat, Apr. 21. An aeroplane occupied by the Duchess of Bedford was nearly brought down by nomadic Moors while flying from the Canaries en route for Geneva. The machine was a thousand feet over Mauretania when the Moors fired
    Reuter Wireless  -  64 words
  • 87 2 Places Wreath On London Cenotaph London, Apr. 26. Passers-by m Whitehall this morning watched the Kirg cf Siam, the shortest monarch m the world, (he is only five feet high) carry a large wreath of roses and lilies from the Home Office and reverently deposit it on
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  • 24 2 Secretaries of branches arc notified that the E.S.A.M. magazine will be published to-day. Upcjuntry branches will receive their copies to-morrow or Thursday.
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  • 62 2 Ibn Saud's Success Against Imam of Yemen London, Apr. 27. Ibn Saud's troops are pursuing their victorious campaign against the Imam of Yemen and their latest success is the capture at Arashi of the commander of the Imam of Yemen's forces by pursuing armoured/ cars. The town of
    Reuter Wireless  -  62 words
  • 42 2 Buenos Aires, Apr. 27. Representatives of twelve countries the United States, Bolivia, Cuba, Ecuador, Salvador. Guatemala. Venezuela. Panama, Nicaragua. Honduras. Costa Rica and Haiti have signed an antiwar pact. Peru is exDected to siirn later. Reuter Wireless
    Reuter Wireless  -  42 words
  • 395 2 Former Prime Minister Of Johore DEATH OF j DATO ABDULLAH BIN JAAFAR /THE death occurred from heart failure on Saturday afternoon at his residence at Palm Road. Siglap of Dato Abdullah bin Jafaar, former Dato Mentri Besar of Johore. D;*to Abdullah who was 59 years of age. was Prim*- Minister
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 72 2 LLaw Notices For The Day Before the Chief Justice m the Ist. (ourt at 11 a.m. S. 769, 33— Munshi Sin^n etc. vs. Nizam Din etc. Before Mr. Justice Prkhard m the rd. Court at 11 a.m. S. 825/33-Low Peng Soy vs. Low Soon .Wan <f>. fi pf :le Mr.
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    • 116 2 CLASSIFIED ADVFRTTSEMFNT9 "LITESOM 17" CODY BELT AND JOCKSTRAP ideal for sports and general wear. PRICE $2.00 EACH. Sole Agents MEDICAL HALL LTD. Chemists. BOARD RESIDENCE. j BOARD RESIDENCE, "The Grove/ 103 Meyer Road, Katong. Ideal seaside situation, double and single rooms with verandahs available. Terms moderate. Telephone 5656. THE MANSION
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    • 513 2 tended I SINGAPORE MUNKJPALITY Tenderb Tenders are now lnnitG io; iv following mateiiais or services. Fo particulars, see Municipal Tender Roort Supply omy oJ avtei rooi trusses, an« roof truss members for Kallan> Gas Works. Date of Closln* 4 p.m. Tuesday, May Bth, 1934 C. H. GOLDIE, Municipal Secretary TENDERS
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    • 154 2 1»1 I '•'•■"■ATh\ I ''Mil 1 rs oi I I I I w «^diidJ!>l I I I I I I ttonvlthlbtil 'hfGrwfci \4' 1 to q( rTjI 1 Main Entr-w J N |i ••> of m J shall p*] i Iti luiiciion itt| junrtiun tft V Rotd. 6 No lei
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 166 2 Diary Of I The Week Tuesday, May Ist. High Water 12 noon, 11.30 p.m. Football: S.A.F.A. League (Div. I» i PS.R.C. vs. M.F.A.. Stadium; (Div. 11l S.C.C. vs. Pulau Brani, S.C.C; (Div. III» "B" S.C.T. vs. Wiltsh.ies Regt.., Geylang. Wednesday, 2nd. Oft! Water 12.45 p.m. Rotary Meeting Adelphi Hotel: Mr.
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  • 20 3 .&R kIAL T r i; ASSIZES Supreme ,i)is r i Uj(K.rf and L tfipaUc rder.
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  • 83 3 IhinK' Organic Un-al I hbpla> I N nyang I ts'S 1 will world ay I Ml m I iain K. Articles ■c .dreu's Use; Wearing L bi Food Stuff Furni- y S; (e> Pui ona for Exr..j.^ ildri i I tidicraft K. .-i Wurk B- a baby competition,
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  • 26 3 t:. May. May i. the Malacca itfbri the Straits Steamship 141 be doted 111 nri Btmc Co, Ltd.. nave been ap- > a! agent far this flrn:
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  • 137 3 No Rail For Youthful Accused Tan Chiang Wah, a 17-year-old; Hylam, was charged In the police court before Mr. N. Grice yesterday with the murder of Lam Hoong Tok, a coileo shop assistant of Middle Road, on Apr. 2S. The raae was postponed until May 7 lor
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  • 510 3 Only Kedah And Kelantan Unaffected QERHHJB developments took place during the week-end m the railway strike uhlrh started at Kuala Lumpur on Thursday, and the trouble has now spread throughout Malaya with the exception of the areas of Kedah and Kelantan. The ultimatum which was issued to the strikers by
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  • 299 3 SALUTE OF GUNS FOLLOW CEREMON? 'From Our Own Correspondent.) Klang, Apr. 30. THE precincts of the Istana Mahkotta and the new Mosque, Klang, presented a picturesque scene last night for the Akad Nikh ceremony of the Sultan of Brunei and Tungku j Roihani, daughter of the Sultan of!
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  • 43 3 Charged m the Jasin police court with the attempted murder of a compatriot of the same name, Ramsamy, a coolie working m Jasin Lalang Estate, was remanded. A parang, a sheath, v torch-light and a blood-stained garment were exhibited m court.
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  • 386 3 Circus Manager Fined For Cruelty To Animals Python And Pigeon Kept In Same Cage A charge of cruelty to animals was brought against the manager of Izako's circus m the police court yes- j terday. It was alleged that a python I j and a pigeon were kept together in|i
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  • 361 3 I INTERNATIONAL MALARIA COURSE COMMENCES TPHE first International Malacca Course, under the auspices of ttn League of Nations, opened yesterri^\ at the King Edward VII College of Medicine. Never before have scientist.from so many different lands gathero.i together at the College. Most of Vt* countries of the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 466 3 New light on the sleep question |£A j' has now been demonstrated m S^' _->V"^ Aan impartial and authoritative NpU) hWUtT th/tt *n f\ ct a e t fordige Baimnta gives better steep A ly JL V i ins digestive power O x s > X «actor m determining a
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  • 1819 4  - Mussolini Holds Key Position In Europe Philip Gibbs By Sir K.B.E. Rome. A3 MANY times before m history, the Eternal City dominates the political situation Lo Europe and Mussolini is the master-mind whose policy is pulling all the strings. Rome is the centre of the stage m this drama which
    N.A.N.A.  -  1,819 words
  • 108 4 Munich has been denouncing from his pu'pit the absurdities and the heresy of the Aryan nonsense proclaimed by men like Rosenberg. The Bavarian Nazis wanted to arrest his and Hitler flew by aeroplane to Munich to prevent this enormous indiscretion That is not generally known, but it is true. Here
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  • 222 4 -A Sock In The Eye" Which Became An International Affair New York. NOW that the case of Majorca's most famous five Americans, who achieved notoriety by hitting a Civil Guard m the eye. has been finally disposed of, prison conditions m the Balearic Islands, whence
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 88 4 -YOU GET MORE ctl* TO THE Pouxn* l^^^^fe^ tee> tlu-'frShSjl AFIEK A STMHOUS dAJf ifite, HOIHIHd Mi FRAHROZ < (Q IN\'ALIDS Bottles of two size.. WITH J from all Chemists -r D A L and Stores MALT EX Rich m Vitamins *> M I #Jj^ BURROUGHS WELLCOME CC arx 6590
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  • 145 5 Even The Schoolboys Strike In The U.S. In,, have awarded C 2, for §ugd to messengers, I suit should be st l«i iHom tor growing. Ks al Technical iistructed an las split the i h strike Carrying banners demanding their .>'.:;::„;:; n^s-. sss'^J'S--^^-' s ho< s and prevented ys XKTJarSS
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 120 5 I Photographic copies of Free Press pictures j I I can be obtained on application to the Manager, j I I i Price 50 cents each. j Lovely New Tobralco Patterns Go to the stores and see Uv j lascinating new Tobralco Wf patterns Enjoy the lasti::-, f it-liaht i;
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  • 191 6 $3,000 Bail Asked By Police Chinese On Gaming I Charges I i •THREE thousand dollars bail was asked for by the police yesterday, when Low Man. a middle-aged hinese, was charged before Mr. S. Grice with assisting m the management of a common gaming i.ouse and with trespass iiito the
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  • 187 6 And Nearly Caused A Crisis At Wembley London, Apr. 10. Scotland's team at V j mbley yestcrUy might have played wi»h one man jut of the game. Jimmy Connor, the Scottish outside i< ft. who plays for B'mdefland. travelled alone to Bushey. He lost his boots,
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  • 168 6 The programme ot drUla up to and A>r week ending. May 6, is:— Tuesday. 5.15 p.m.. Headquarters. "C" Scottish > Coy.. Ceremonial Drill: 2nd. Bn. Sig. Sec. Ceremonial Drill; T Chinese* Cuy.. Ceremonial Drill. **F" Malay > Coy., Weapon Training. Wednesday, 5.15 p.m., Headquarters, Intelligence Platoon, Ist.
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  • 141 6 PEDESTRIAN TURNS BACK TO LATE Lee Eng, a motor bus driver, was acquitted by Mr. H. A. Forrer after trial m the Criminal District Court yesterday on a charge of causing grievous hurt by a rash act. The complainant was a young Chinese pedestrian. The prosecution alleged
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  • 216 6 Worked Off The Water Main A paralysed man has been kept alive for nearly two years by artificial respiration used continuously day and night. For 15 months it was applied by nurses and friends m relays. Then an apparatus utilising two football bladders was devised. Later
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  • 402 6 "I mr n just, Indecent And Barbarous*' Mr. A. P. Herbert attacked the divorce laws as "unjust, indecent, to- j human, barbarous, and bestiol" when I he spoke at a literary luncheon at Grosvenor House. London. W. "About 25 years ago.*' lie said,
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  • 225 6 BIG STORE OF GELIGNITE BUT NO LICENCE P)R being In possession of 518 sticks of gelignite, 913 detonators and rolls of safety fuse without a licence, an Indian contractor named Nadaison was fined $25 by Mr. C. H. Whttton m the police court yesterday. The defendant pleaded guilty m reply
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  • 110 6 Three Chinese Convicted Under New Act In Bengal Calcutta. Apr. 18. The iirst case under the Bengal Opium Smoking Act. which recently came m force, was decided to-day by the Chief Presidency Magistrate, who sentenced A. H. Mm and two other Chinese to a line of Rs. 25
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  • 148 6 Alleged Housebreakers In Court Offences At Stevens Road [7OUR Javanese wore produced before* Mr. N. Orice n the' police court yesterday on i charge of housebreaking by night m order to commit theft. They are accused of burbling Nos.i 81-A and 81-B, Stevens Road, between 3 p.m. and 10.35 p.m.
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  • 129 6 CHINESE FINED FOR CRUELTY TO THEM '< a dust-bin containing 132 lowlyi croaking frogs was carried by a police i constable into the second magistrates, 1 court yesterday as exhibit m a case of ■causing cruelty to animals against a Chinese frog catcher. It was stated
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  • 200 6 Hush Of Prosi>ectors Kuala Lipis During tho past week there has been a big influx of gold-hunters pouring into Kuala Lipis town, from which centre they are distributing themselves all over the District In quest of the precious metal. About fifty of all nationalities, says a Pahang
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  • 241 6 Surprising Feats By Secret Methods The extraordinary cast- of a boy who 1 possessed phenomenal ability *s a lightning calculator yet was otherwise mentally defective has been brought to the notice of psychologists. His name was Mohammed Ismail Turki El Attar, and he has just died lin a
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  • 58 6 Knocked Down Pedetr But Drove On Alleged tc have driven Imocklm n< >n i Mahy p%s Chinese motoriH Kr. t duc^rt befon tl piafj t»n thiw p«1ot removed to tapttal «3<J i T\(»u \fm I reccM i Tlie ic< used i I Ti._ magtetraU, T.i- |MOSeeittill| ollirf |-v; :/C"-l to
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  • 29 6 AFTER ACCIDENT PUT ON WEIGHT W,h, IIT A| L o( Ui. acci, ■<<■:■, put :*JI allu ond fun n *i .V, till Kvel ItaM Kmtchen, UK|] .Km.. *jj ducti b.Hi'
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 58 6 RATTAN CHICKS. I J Maker and repairer of rattan and J Bertam Chicks, Canvas and Spring i J Blinds, Tarpaulins, Tents, Bags, J Blue Screens, Bertam Panels, Wire Netting Fencing, Wool buntings I and Flags. J S ABDUL RAHMAN, Telephone 2454. J j Office :-^66, Robinson Road, i Workshop:— l7-A,
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    • 510 6 $1 50 Must Be Won F/?££: PRESS FOOTBALL COMPETITION li Six Free Chances Every Week BELOW will be found particulars of the The full results of all the matches played I Fret Press Football Competition No. 37. m the Competition will be published In the' iii which you are asked
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    • 172 6 CuuS ecsi^it, pwfkiai^ lllr t( k out it. Kuilding. SinK^mv VOLUNTEER HEADQUARTERS BEACH ROM) Saturday, May sth, 9 p.m. to 12 pm PARIS at MIDNIGHT A NIGHT OK WOMJEK—BF A PARISM> O.M \KAIS APACHES El PmTll.S MIOIXKU^ I DANCE AND CABARET I THE 1)1 MARTINIS BRACTI CBOtW I SNAPPY DANCES—
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  • 366 7 THEY WILL GIVE THEM SPOTTED DEER'S ANTLERS Tibet Gives Soviet A New Medicine Moscow, Apr. 13. For thousands of years Chinese and Tibetan medicine has used as a remedy the cartillaginous, blood-filled young antlers of the spotted deer. Soviet medicine recently interested itsell m this,
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  • 48 7 Until recently practically all the marcasito jewellery used m Britain was imported, but Birmingham, the centre of the British jewellery trade, has now undertaken its manufacture with success. One Birmingham firm m this line has increased its wages bill by 100 per cent, during the pas* twelve months.
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  • 233 7 Ancient Rule Of The Lords London, Apr. 25. An ancient franchise of members of (the House of Lords was set aside to- day when the House agreed to permit the attendance of Lord Derby as a witness before the Committee of Privileges set up by the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 195 7 TO-NIGHT LAST iffiy fl ]ll 'Uk'j NIGHT 6.1 5 ©.IS ~^yi\Y ROBSON m Metro Goldwyn Mayer's .fIU CAN'T Bl)V EVERYTHING" Hi LEWIS STONE and JEAN PARKER yoar tears at May Robson's marvellous act1* U "nthfr who vivo her whole life to make her son the in- u tlr theuorld! IV*
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    • 272 7 GRAND GALA OPENING OF 3 SHOWS IN 1 v Jlc^HHI Mttll f «v yv iA <# llv^dH Bi ,^K V B. v:: 9M^ ll V JERE LEE and her seven "MADCAPS" An orchestra of Ciirls that 8 trout to listen to m original and alluring dances that will make you
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  • 469 8 The Singapore Free Press TUESDAY, MAY 1, 1934 The Rubber Restriction Scheme iTTHE announcement by the Free Press to an expectant public yesterday morning of the details of the international rubber control agreement was as favourably received m Singapore as the similar announcement was m London. The local effect was
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  • 1199 8 Rs has Saying IN view of the fact that there has from time to time been criticism of the quality of our telephone service it is a pleasure to be able to place on record occasions when appreciation of the facilities provided is merited. Sunday evening provided a notable example.
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  • 281 8 Mr. J. Angood. Secretary of the Penang Chamber of Commerce is shortly retiring. Mr. T. Parker, Chief Inspector of Machinery, Perak, left by the Carthage for home on furlough. Mr. V. S. Kelly, an accountant with the P.W.D. m North Rhodesia, has been transferred to the
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  • 22 8 The the Cm of t* J town: »B 3 r tU si<^>| cows R r., I or rkWW I hereby I I
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  • 325 8  -  C. N. Harvey I gh *eapoi most d< *d ed at torpen <B and able eh fir, rang. fat- -1 death.! which I only ;.M nelth... comm !y. H I agent I .Roma: J barb a thou I Accord) the we) ...:hj Bvza:.- tj^l 01 dei Its con
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 125 8 YOU CAN BE EXTRA SURE tOF EXSMfIW over p=y j /oo yg^^s BRif^DY CALDBECKS BY SPECIAL TO H.K. THI APPOINTMENT KING OF SIAM ESTD. iL 1171. FINEST SELECTION OF SMART JEWELLERY J UST ARRIVED Wearing a good piece ot JEWEL is a fine old tradition that appeals to the pride
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    • 48 8 A MAN SHOULD BE ABLE TO READ HIS WIFE LIKE A BOOK, says an author. Yes, but a book can be shut up so easily. The security of a "GAFLAC" POLICY, however, is an open book. GENERAL ACCIDENT, FIRE LIFE ASSURANCE CORPORATION, LTD. Hongkong Bank Chambers. Telephone 6480.
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  • 22 9 WITCH DOCTORS' THREAT TO AUTHORITY Efghts Activities British East Africa ESS adhas Big Is ol I n raia :i is Reuter Wireless
    Reuter Wireless  -  22 words
  • 33 9 I, prices For Zetland (oiled ion Undon N;>' quls ol n176 t .ture I and 312 gui r o{ I S tional Art vies was inch Anne i Reuter Wireless
    Reuter Wireless  -  33 words
  • 197 9 Berlin. Apr. **7. British and French Governwarning with regard to the i and Young Loans have caused reatest surprise In financial cir--5 and it is ielt that the conference Germany*! creditors has opened m entirely new atmosphere. It i^ ?ly however to be a short
    Reuter Wireless  -  197 words
  • 24 9 Germany Will Do Everything Possible Berlin, Apr. 15. assurance to the world that rmany will do everything possible to 'ease her transfer capacity was
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  • 48 9 Monkey Gland Specialist's 21 Years Old Bride Berlin, Apr. 27. It is reported from Bucharest that S-rge voronoff. the rejuvenation expert who is sixty-eight years of age. has married at the Austrian Consulate Hilda Schwaetz, aged twenty-one, who is a cousin of Madame Lupescu.— Reuter Wireless
    Reuter Wireless  -  48 words
  • 43 9 Berlin, Apr. 26. The Hamburg-America and Nord Deutsche Lloyd Lines, Germany s two biggest shipping companies, concluded the 1933 business year with losses of 2,300,000 marks each. Tne Si Joss totals 13,000 0W but over 10.000,000 was taken from special reserves. Reuter wireless
    Reuter wireless  -  43 words
  • 275 9 Must Not Default On Dawes And Young Loans Berlin. Apr. >7. The French Ambassador, similarly to the British, has informed the German Government that France tak-ts a pave view of any proposal to apply a transfer moratorium to the Duwe* and Young Loans. In other
    Reuter Wireless  -  275 words
  • 105 9 Hitfh Wages And Less Hours No Cure For Depression Washington. Apr. 30. A reversal oi the administration's policy is advocated by a committee of tne durable goods industry investigating at General Johnsons request. It expresses the view that a general increase oi wages and reduction of hours
    Reuter  -  105 words
  • 67 9 Five Day Week At Nottingham London. Apr. 27. Five thousand employees of the Nottingham factories ot the Boots Drug Company will lor the next five months work a live-day week without any reduction m pay as the result of the decision of the directors to introduce an experimental
    Reuter Wireless  -  67 words
  • 107 9 Monarchist Shout In Spanish Cortes Madrid. Apr. 25. At the formal closing of the Cortes following the Cabinet crisis, the Monarchist Deputy. Maura, shouted "Long live the King now more than ever." The cry was drowned m shouts of •Long Live the Republic." One of President
    Reuter Wireless  -  107 words
  • 123 9 CUBA PRESIDENT A FUGITIVE FROM U.S. POLICE Plans For S<cret /.mst Disappointed New York. Apr. 26. Hundreds of police from the five Eastern States have joined m thfc search for General Machado. the former Cuban President, who is wanted on an extradition charge. General Machado, who fled during tne revolution
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  • 119 9 Lamentable Efforts At Solution London, Apr. 25. The results of governmental attempts to solve the world's wheat problems are described as lamentable m the annual report of the Liverpool Corn Trade Association, which advo* cates resumption of freedom of trade, saying that the wheat agreement has resulted In
    Reuter Wireless  -  119 words
  • 97 9  -  Sin Chew Jit Poh 6,000 Killed m Kiangsi Battle Hong Kong. Apr. 30. Kwanchang. the seat of the Red Government m Kiangsi. fell yesterday evening, according to a report from the general headquarters m Nanchang. General Cheng Cheng, commanding the Government vanguard, reports that nearly six thousand
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  • 71 9 Opposition To Nazi Regime Will Not Be Tolerated Berlin, Apr. 26. A stern warning to Catholics that further opposition to the Nazi regime will not be tolerated has been issued by the State Folice Commissioner. Simultaneously, von Schirach the young leader of the Hitler Youth movement, declared that
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  • 52 9 Why Swiss Bank Did Not Open Geneva. Apr. 30. The Banqu? Descompte Suisse. one ot the leading banks m Geneva, did not open this morning m consequence of the failure of the present Socialist Government at Geneva to provide the five million francs promised by the previous
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 122 9 Latest Rubber And Tin Prices And Sterling Rates (From Our Own Correspondents KIBBKK London, Apr. 30. Spot <Sellers> 6 r B d. (6^.1 (Buyers) 6 9 16 d. (6 1 16 d > July-Sept 6 11 16 d. <6 7 32d> Oct-Dec 613 16d <6 1132 d.» Jan.-Mar.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 86 9 KiHiiiMistflaeisessSßß B I: s n B- i ii B B B B B B B B B B mi i B H IKKUl >iai9iiaaeaaaßßß I TO-DAY TIFFIN I Chtm ruit L "IK ONE AN D ONLY r?NDBR BAR" p^jgj s&L. ass gfe, 1 V IPIKJA !S COR MNG TO THE
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    • 631 10 Sir Frank Swettenham's View London, Apr. 18. Messrs. Symington and Wilson m the <• vi their weekly report state: Since our last report the rubber market has been very active. The prior of spot rubber has fluctuated between 5 i> ibd. done on Wednesday afternoon
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    • 165 10 April 30, 12 o'clock noon Buyers Sellers Gambler 3.75 Java Cube 6.50 Hamburg Cube 6.75 Muntok White Pepper 31.00 White Pepper 30.00 Black Pepper 15.50 Copra mixed 2.65 Copra, Sundried 2.20 Small flake Tapioca 4.35 Small Pearl Tapioca 5.40 Lingga Sago Flour Fair Sago Flour 1.60 Palembang
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    • 71 10 Many Coventry Businesses Expand Practically the whole of the automobile factories of Coventry, the city m which many of Britain's leading motor manufacturers are situated, have recently made extensions to their works, according to a report by the City Engineer. Extensions have also been made to factories
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    • 16 10 The Corporation of Coventry recently g^ a >^L on the construction of a *-306,©00 sewerage scheme
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    • 207 10 SELLING London, 4 month's sight 2[4 5 32 London, 3 months' sight 2;4 9;64 London, 60 days' sight 2,4! a London! 30 days' sight 24 764 London, demand 2 4 3J32 London, T.T. 2 4 564 Lyons, Paris, demand 898 Hamburg, demand 149 New York, demand 60 Batavia.
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    • 82 10 Official returns to the Electricity Commissioners show that 1,343 million imits ol electricity were generated by authorised undertakings m Britain during February, an increase of 191 million units, or 16.5 per cent. In the first two months of 1934 the total amount of electricity generated by authorised undertakings
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    • 258 10 HIGHEST PRICE FOR FOUR YEARS London Stock Exchange Activities London, Apr. 27. On the Stock Exchange business has continued limited and m all departI ments prices have showed some irregularity. In commodities good business was done m shellac but the feature again was rubber, prices advancing
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    • 70 10 Chamber Of Commerce Rubber Association DAILY PRICES CURRENT April 30, 12 o'clock noon Buyers Sellers RS.S. equal to London Std., Spot (loose) 21 1 2 reserved RS.S. equal to London Std., <F.0.8J 21V 2 Std. RS.S. on Tender May- June 21" i July-Sept. 22 X 4 Oct.-Dec. 22% Tone of
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    • 167 10 Investment In Associated Prospecting Co. The directors' report to the North Taiping Tin Dredging Co.. Ltd.. annual meeting at Penang on May 7, states, inter alia: Mining operations were rettricted m accordance with the Tin and Tin Ore 'Restriction) Enactment 1931. Accounts:- Revenue from tin ore $89,867.32.
      167 words
    • 1031 10 MONDAY. APRIL Mb Buyers. Sellers Ampat TUi (4) 6s 7»jd 7s Asam Kumbang (£> 39s 41s Austral Malay i£) 42s 6d 435 6d x.d. Ayer Hitam Tin (ss) 14s 9d 15s 6d Ayer Weng ($1) 1.95 2.00 c.d. Bangrin Tin S4\> 9d 35b 6d Changkat Tin U>
      1,031 words
    • 71 10 Iff Am- rfCJ I Americ and T Atch.vv Dupont Kir stON General I GemTai M Goodrfc Qoods Inter-1 Telej r National Hem v i Wl Rallroa road Co I Radio Socony Va< uui Standard 0 Texai C n :jn Union i Una.:. It road I VJB i 1
      71 words
    • 1032 10 BRIGHTER TRADE OUTLOOK IN THE EAST Bank Chairman r (IM But Hopeful >S At the annual general meeting of the Chartered Bank of India, Australia, and China held m London Mr Arthur Willis (the chairman) m the course; of his speech said Our figures h been well maintained, the total
      1,032 words

  • 1324 11 Gammon (Malaya) Report Loss For 1933 j j meeting ol i i »mpa >.--: .3:...- nOOri »hick pn jeni wen H- v tfin h l haul) Ashbrook Di Mr R. C. j j Mr H. Pancott Una d state ear ended :m haw out possesI
    1,324 words
  • 52 11 Kampong Kuan tan:— Profit tor 1933, !£4 862; forward. £4,319; final i dividend, 3 l /2 Per cent., making 6 per cent, for year. Allagar.— Profit, £1.001; forward. £439. Malaysia.— Profit, €688; forward, £9,041. Muar I tarn.— Profit. £209; forward. £1.301. Malaya General.— lnterim dividend. j 5
    52 words
  • 436 11 Indian Poet Talks On "Love And Life" The premises of the Ceylon- Tamils' f Association at Dhoby Ghaut was the scene of a largo gathering last nifrht i to hear a lecture on the above subject by Mr. N. Krishna Bharati. the well- i known Indian Poet who
    436 words
  • 168 11 The marriage took place on Saturi day. according to modern Chinese rites, of Miss Chia Suat Neo. the second daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Chia Keng Hoe and Mr. Willie Yeo. the second »son of Mr. and Mrs. Yeo Tians Sv/ee. iat No. 3, Sea Avenue, the residence
    168 words
  • 153 11 TABLE 111 SUMMARY (m Thousands of Dollars* m?r»QQ TPAnv CiRO 3S IMPORTS GROSS EXFUKia m 7. Z\ T'umulatlve Total Monthly Cumulative Total M «nthly Cumulative Total Monthly 1934 1933 1934 1933 1934 1933 W33 1934 1933 1934 1933 1934 iw rS^ (:i> < 4 > <»> (6>
    153 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 11 11 THE .cTERN UNITED ÜBtf»--„n\ General Manarer. J °£?2 No. CecU Street,
      11 words
    • 60 11 CREDIT-FONCDER IVEXTREME-ORIENT Soetete Anonym* (Incorporated m Belgium— 1907) HEAD OFFICE: BRUSSELS. BRANCHES SHANGHAI, TIENTBIN, HANKOW PEKING, HONO KONG, TSINAN' BRICK AND TILE FACTORY IN SHANGHAI MORTGAGE BANK Mortgages on real property. Loans for building. House and real Batata agents. Agent* (or: Union of Parts Inso. Co. Lift OFFICE: METER CHAMBERS:
      60 words
    • 412 11 exceed fig,— o.ot» Assurance m force over t3s.i— ,sH The Great Eastern life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated In the BtralW BetUenNnts) HEAD OPTICE;: Great Eastern life Building. Cecil Street, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE 27, Old Jewn A.C The Company has £20.000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England and compiles with
      412 words
    • 404 11 CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA (Incorporated m England by Royal Charter) Paid up capital In 600.000 shares of £5 each £3,000 00* Reserve Fund £3,000.00* Reserve Liability o* Proprietors £3 000 HEAD OFFICE 38, Blshopsgate, London, E.C 3 Agencies and Brmoches Alor Star Hollo Saigon Amritsar Ipob Semaran*
      404 words

  • 124 12 j The following is a list of members of the Malayan Postal Board as at May 1, 1934: Chairman, the Director- General of Posts and Telegraphs Malaya representative for the Straits Settle- i iments. the Honble Mr. E. Newbold j0.8E.. Penang. representative for Perak. the District Officer. Kinta- re- 1
    124 words
  • 223 12 Latex m Bulk: Tankspace for latex m bulk may be booked for the current and 11 following months. A declaration form will be signed both by the shipper and the agents of the steamship company when the tank is reserved but the definite
    223 words
  • 138 12 Per m.s. Lalandia: Mr. J. C Wood Mrs. J. C. Wood. Master Rodney Wood Mr. P. Srivardmana, Miss J Crowe Lt.-Col. and Mrs. B. CulT. Miss MEM* Cuff. Mr. W. F. C. Meade. Mrs. W F C Meade. Mr. H. M. Shepton. Mrs N j' Skyum. Master Frederik
    138 words
    • 674 12 Launch Of The Ship Of Secrets H.M.S. Nelson Salutes New Wonder Yacht G os port* Apr. 16. j One of the most spectacular launchiings ever seen m England took place 'here to-day when Mr. T. O.M. Sopwith's (Endeavour— "the ship of secrets" with 'which it is hoped to regain the
      674 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 661 12 BOUSTEAD Co., Ltd. Incorporated m F.MS.» TELEPHONE Freight 5433 Passage 5131. LLOYDS AGENTS. Imperial Airways. Federated Malay States Railways. Booking Agents for Royal State Railways of Siam. incorporated m England). HOME VIA CHINA, JAPAN, HONOLULU CANADA. FOUR MAGNIFICENT EMPRESSES,* COMPRISING THE LARGEST AND FASTEST STEAMERS ON THE PACIFIC FREQUENT SAILINGS
      661 words
    • 166 12 STATE SHIPPING SERVICE thansi ations r or to I of Western Australia Dutch. French, m Norwe^ir I COOK'S TRAXSUfB FREMANTLE /rj Via Port Sweltenham, Penan* I Palembang. Hanjoenangi and NorU I Western Ports II hi ,s f nH\H\ Due Sails K\MM Hi I Singapore Singapore I T.s.m.v. Kangaroo May 18
      166 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 465 12 Local And Foreign Mail Despatches and Arrivals BY TRAIN Bangkok every Saturday 7 p.m. and Thursday 7.30 a.m. Kedah Monday to Friday 7.30 a.m. j Saturday 1 p.m. Kuantan (via Jerantut) Monday to Friday 7.30 a.m. Saturday 7.30 and 7 p.m. Kelantan (via Gemas> every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
      465 words
    • 31 12 CLEARANCES April 29: Aldegonda <Dut>- Tomi Maru. Malacca Maru «Jap»: Corato <Nor>: Kuranda. Scott Harlev. Rusa Rantau «Brit>. April 30: Pontianak. Rahman. Jerantut rßrit.); Hermes. Ophir. Kulit Themisto. Singaradja. Van Spilbergen
      31 words
    • 114 12 fsadfsa l0 arri^ Honj K f Hi M. Main V l b T Empi,.- Dock nl Twj gjj**. i Man n ">; r? Ui *«il^_* 1 Ku nr e Gate 41 iKatoti jJ s^^ T ti,,,, Han Oil Caal u h.ui lanjoni p ifai K ij Sheers Haarl Albert Doric:
      114 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 295 13 BRITISH INDIA P 0. S. N. COS SAILINGS. OUTWARDS Pue Due T'oafC S'pote. T'nage Spore. RAJPUTANA 17.000 June 8 11 RANCHI 17,000 June 22 24 BURDWAN 6.070 July 5 CARTHAGE 15.000 July 6 RANPURA 17.000 July 20 Cmrg* only. HOMEWArtDS eavei Leaves S pore. T'nage Spore. BHUTAN 6.100 June 28
      295 words
    • 479 13 j Ellerman BucknaU I Steamship Co., Ltd. (Incorporated In England) FOR HAVRE, LONDON, ROTTERDAM AND HAMBURG Steamer PORTS AND SUEZ CANAL **A«UWIH». City of Ulle Dne Sails City of Athens In Port Ma y 2 May 14 May 16 City of WelCon" 01 0 TO G> BBANGHA May 31 May
      479 words
    • 1172 13 B^^tv^ V SSSS shS^Lt^nd gSff m i^ Kmow BTEAMSH^ P co., mm THK SSSS^irl l6^.^!^^ 11^ 00 Ltd THB CUNARD STEAM SHIP Co Ltd TOT S^l^vf^S^JSSX? 5°- Ud THE SARAWAK STEAMBH.P Co LW TOT a^J RT^aU G v^ O^tS^ td THE AUSTRALIAN ORIENTS. LINK Ltd THB SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION Co.,
      1,172 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 732 14 IV. fa nrla 4ONINKLUKK PAKETVAART MAATBCHATPU ROKAN— Tuesday, May 1. Bengkalis, Paneh, Berombang, Tanjong- Mengeidar, Tanjong-Leidong and Asahan. PASlR— Tuesday, May 1, Asahan, Penang (mails only) and Bagan Sl-Api-Api. TOMOHON— Tuesday, May 1, Singkawang, Pemangkat and Sambas. >lAJANG— Wednesday, May 2, Prigi-Radja, Sapat, Tembilahan, Poeloe-Pallas, Pengalian-Estate and Rengat. THEDENS Wednesday,
      732 words
      436 words
    • 526 14 O. S. K. uSpl W IMF I ROUND-THE-WORLD PASSAGED I THE MINIMUM FARES NOW B£| £162/- wa-cm,,,^ I £146/- m k I (THROItiHOVT liKs, „v I FROM SINGAPOKE »U( X I CEYLON, EAST SOUTH URH i NORTH AMERICA. PANAMA. JAPAN iv? 11 Passengers are entitled to make ito] call en
      526 words

  • 1192 15 Details Of Some Of China's Teams MA NY HONGKONG SWIMMERS CHOSEN of many *pac«am*n to-uay is the forthympiad which is to bo held at Manila on .A A the best! ear'a m s ,an, best m tt; rslght- >yalj Lrt toward 1>U
    1,192 words
  • 227 15 MIKI WINS HAMPSTEAD SINGLES Last Tournament At Famous Courts i 'From Our Own Correspondent) London, Apr. 2. me Hampstead lawn tennis tournament was concluded on Saturday, and with it ended the famous Club's association with the present courts, as the I me is to be used for building purposes. I
    227 words
  • 192 15 Full Draw For The Championship The second round mutches of Malayan Billiard Championship tournament for Padmore Challenge Shield will com- mence to-day. The ties are as follow: Tuesday. May 1. 6.30 p.m.: Winner j ol match 27-4-34 6.30 p.m. vs. winner! of match 27-4-34 9 p.m. 9 p.m
    192 words
  • 141 15 The Johore English College Athletic- Sports were held on Thursday. A large number of spectators were present m spite of heavy rain just before the; sports began. At the close H.H. the Regent of. Johore gave away the medals to the winners. The following records were broken:--
    141 words
  • 144 15 Philadelphia Twice Defeats New York New York, Apr. 27. The following were the results of basrbaiJ matches played to-day: AMERICAN LEAGUE Chicago 1 5 i Detroit 2 6 1 Boston 7 11 9 Washington 10 15 1 Philadelphia 3 8 0 New York 2 9 1 Ed. Coleman hit
    144 words
  • 49 15 New York, Apr. 28. Owing to inclement weatTier all f o-day's games m the American League I were postponed and all but one m the National League which resulted as I follows St. Louis 2 9 0 i Chicago 3 11 0 Reuter.
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  • 29 15 The Post Office Club's soccer team travelled to Samboe on Saturday where they played a friendly game with the Samboe Sports Club and lost by four goals to three.
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  • 741 15 American Disqualified In Fifth Round BEN FOORD WINS HIS LAST FIGHT IN ENGLAND London, Apr. 13. i Kemarkable scenes were witnessed at I Albert Hall, London, last night, when I the American negro. Jimmy Tarante, was disqualified m the fifth round of his fight with
    741 words
  • 340 15 Amateur-Professional Foursomes London, Apr. VS. Rex Hartley, a former Walker Cup player, and Abe Mitchell, won the second annual Amateur-Professional Foursomes Tournament at Addington, Surrey, on Wednesday, by defeating W. E. Brownseli <Hatrteld> and W. E. Peters (Brookmans Park) by live and three m the eightcen-hoies final. Both Hartley
    340 words
  • 630 15 (CYRIL TOLLEY SWEEPS THE BOARD AT ST. GEORGES 'From Our Own Correspondent London, Apr. 3. Sunningdal.* Club inaugurated a j novel and extremely interesting mixed (foursomes event for the Easter holiday season. It was, indeed, a very "mixed" .foursomes tournament, for it was open ito amateur,
    630 words
  • 205 15 The Bidadari Sports Club beat the Fathul Munir Club by four goals to two yesterday at the Jalan Besar Stadium m th e M.F.A. league fixture for the Coleman Shield. Play was even. Mansoor, All and S. Ahmad were scorers for the winners while another goal was headed
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  • 746 16 FIRST TRIAL MATCH A ONE-SIDED AFFAIR Fyfe Absent Through Injured Ankle m THF JKAMS did not turn oui as *;rtvertjsed for yesterday's trial match —the first of the Malaya Cup trial Barnes. The absentees were Fyfe, who is nanfag an injured ankle, John
    746 words
  • 204 16 Lemberger Cup Race Will H< Innstcad of the light winds which I usually prevail at this time ol year :an unexpectedly fresh westerly blow greeted r.s.y.c. yachtsmen on Sunday I Dooming and most ol the B class boats (seemed lacking m human ballast The race was the second for
    204 words
  • 86 16 Derby Favourite Fancied For 2,000 Guineas London. Apr. 30. j To-days call over for the Two Thousand Guineas to be run at Newmaikei on Wednesday was as follows 4 9 Colombo taken and offered. 5 1 Medieval Knight, offered. 100 8 Blazonry taken and offered. 100, 7
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • 43 16 To-day's Derby call over was as folI lows 11. o Colombo, taken and offered. i 17 2 Medieval Knight offered. 9 1 taken. 100 9 Umidwar, taken and offered. 100 6 Lozingaro 22 1 Windsor Lad. 33 1 Blazonry, offered.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 333 16 SCHOOLBOY BEATS GEN. CRITCHLEY Walker Cup Players Defeated London. Apr. 26. MICHAEL SCOTT, the British amateur champion and Walker !Cup Captain. was surprisingly beaten by 3 and 2 m the [fourth round of the English Golf Championship by the 23 year old K. Frazier. The latter.
    Reuter Wireless  -  333 words
  • Article, Illustration
    220 16 PETER GEORGES DEBUT To-morrow's Fights At The New World Thirty-six rounds ol boxing will be seen at New World to-morrow night, unless, of course, there are knock-out victories ior some of the contestants, and this does not appear to be at all unlikely In the main event Frankie Webber
    220 words
  • 32 16 tu r, v Paris, Apr. 15. The Rugby League match here j to-day between England and France -nded m a victory tor the visitors, At half-time they were leading 15—3
    32 words
  • 72 16 I The following are invited to play for •the V.M.C.A. against Bramtoco Sports Club m a friendly match on Tuesday \£i the V.M.C.A. ground at 5 pm t Kee Yew Hock, Lee Kit Soon. R. Lyne Sect Ben Sin, Lim Chong Huan Au Peck Kan, Yap Yeow Siang, Au Peck
    72 words
  • Article, Illustration
    234 16 S.V.C. vs. Keppel The result ol ihe match played between the B.V.C mentioned first* and Keppel Qoli Club on Sunday, over the Keppel links was a win for the visitors by 7to -P 4 as under: S E. Travis and E Kent 0. A. J Newby and G. H.
    234 words
  • 31 16 The Ex-Servioes Golf <Flag> Competition held at Garrison Golf Club on Sunday resulted as follows: Winner. Major L A V. Graham. Runner up. A. Stone. Third. C. E. Courtney
    31 words
  • 187 16 S.C.C. TOURNAMENT TUESDAY Mixed Doubles Open Mr. N. S. Wise and Mrs. Swaine vs. Lt. If. T. L. Wilkinson and Miss Hastings. Dr. L. Demeny and Mrs. Donnell vs. Mr. F. V. Duckworth and Mrs. Blake WEDNESDAY Mixed Doubles Handicap Mr. E. C. Cherrington and Mrs. Cherrington owe
    187 words
  • 126 16 Light Sussex Won Comfortably w Epsom, Apr. 25. Major dive Behrens, the well-known Yorkshire sportsman, won the City and 1 f^ Ur !f Handica P w r *n the northern trained Light Sussex starting at 100 thP iQ^n* w USSeX Wh Was ninth m from the Lincolnshire
    Reuter Wireless  -  126 words
  • 164 16 50,000 Bottles Of Beer For Cup Final Crowd London. Apr. IT. Everything Is In readiness I >r th< North nis South stru Final c tile English Cup t ai >ley. The ground are. Aprii showers have I eriods ol sunshine and have mad* b curl spiend'dly springy, t..
    Reuter Wireless  -  164 words
  • 34 16 >•< X To M iv ohafetn \y Holi E. M 5. V.1 R Xii L* C I H R A A H B N V H 3fcK*| MA. H h\ Willis C P.R.I Taylor
    34 words
  • 21 16 WARM WELCOME FOR TOURISTS PREA "EX AT Q, LUNCH R Lord *J CIM < I .1 Oil] j i j Reuter Wireless
    Reuter Wireless  -  21 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
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    • 9 16 CftUUffr Cfihll 1 1 men ifuuii t Bfcwt(Limsif DfygmtjaW,
      9 words