The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 15 February 1934

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 17 1 The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS. NCI 14.191 ESTD. 1835. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1934. 10 CENTS.
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  • All-Night Fighting in Austrian Towns
    • 338 1 100 SOCIALISTS KILLED AT LINZ General Strike Collapses Although the general strike in Austria is reportto have collapsed and Vienna >pent a Quiet night. righting between the Government troops and the Uimwehr on one side and the Socialists on the thcr continues in some of the big towns, notably inz,
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    • 35 1 London, Feb. 12. h steamer Trito, which ran ro ks in a fog off Start Point j last night, was refloated at! •<>-day. The Salcombe life-' d by for twelve hours. Bri- I
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    • 92 1 Chinese Pact With Soviet Shanghai, Feb. 14. Tht Foreign Affc.lft Committe ol thi Nanking Government hela a special meeting this morning en Dr. W. W Yen. Chinese Ambassador at Moscow, who is now in China, wai invited to give his recommendations regarding the conclusion :>f a commercial treaty and and
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    • 59 1 BritUh Minister To Open Treaty Talks Shanghai. Feb. 14. Sir Alexander Caciogan. the new Minister to China, is expected to arrive in Nanking at the beginning of next month to open direct- negotiations with the Chinese .Foreign Office on the question ol tht renewal of Britain's
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    • 59 1 French Aviatrice Reaches Bangkok From O_r Own Correspondent.' Bangkok, Feb. 14. T"r> outward airplane due or. Friday, arrived only this morning followed a abort while later from Rangoon cy the aviatrice, Maryse Kilsz. bound for Tokio on her second flight. She wai met at Bangkok by the Military
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    • 49 1 Has Toured Europe And Will Return Shanghai. Feb. 14. General Chang F:*-kwei. Commander of t^e well-knowr, "Ironsides/ wno h?.s been touring the countries in Europe during: the last eleven months, has wired to Mr. Wane Chlng-wel the Premier, renouncing his return to China shortly.— Nanyang Siang Pau.
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  • 83 1 Authorities Are To Help Producers Shanghai, Feb. 14. To save the Chinese silk industry Irom ruin, the Ministries of Finance and Industries are taking joint action to help the Chinese silk manufacturers and silk-worm producers. The following steps will be taken shortly: special reduced rates for
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  • 88 1 Why the Singapore Naval Conference nas held Page 9. M.i la > a rubber and tin statistics Page 11. British Chamber of Shipping activities Page 12. Australian air race participants passing over Singapore Page 6. Malayan pineapple factory conditions —Page 6. Ex -Malayans make good at home
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  • Article, Illustration
    81 1 rh««^n p cture ls s «en Herr Dolfuss, the always-smiling iLrtv ISf mt ?h iS now havhlB: to c °P e with the Political party—the National Socialists— which took him into power. Govern,TvL« r ,r PS d fu C seimwehr5 eimwehr ar nghting the Socialists in the streets ?L? \u
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  • 207 1 GENERAL DRIVE AGAINST REDS Loyalists Ordered To Strike In Fukien BANDITS IN KWANGTUNG Hong Kong, Feb. 14. The Central forces at Yenping, North Fukien. which have bee i on the defensive, have commenced a general drive against the Communists in the districts of Yiukheh, Shahsien and Eng Ann. where thousands
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  • 196 1 COURSE OF THE Importance Of U.S. Expenditure London. Fen. 14. The Times' commenting on the future course of the dollar, points out That while the dollar is tailing In parity, gold currencies in commercial demand are tempted to wait till the readjustment is completed. Therefore when parity has been reach«-if*
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  • French Trade Activities In
    • 419 1 OFFICIAL STATEMENT ISSUED Paris, Feb. 14. Apropos last night's reference to a French financial move in Manchukuo, authoritative quarters emphasise that any negotiations between French and j Japanese industrial groups are entirely j private as French relations with Japan and the Soviet necessitate the
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    • 43 1 Mexico City, Feb. 14. The Mitsui Company of Tokio has beaten fifteen competitors, including three well-known British iron-works, and has been awarded the contract for 27,000 metres of cast iron piping for the Mexico City water supply, involving 20.000 tons of material. Reuter.
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    • 70 1 If War Starts New York, Feb. 14. The noted journalist. Arthur Brisbane, commenting upon M. Kaganovitch's Soviet Congress speech in the Hearst newspapers, writes that if a Japan-Soviet war breaks out the Japanese will remember it for many years to come. The Russians will carry out a real war, because
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  • 50 1 Heavy Snowfall Causes Tragedy In Japan Niigata, JFeb. 14. Five feet of snow piling on top of a dormitory roof caused a collapse of the building, burying 19 sleeping factory girls. Thirteen were crushed to death in the debris. The other six were extricated.— Reuter Far Eastern.
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  • 108 1 DUTCH GOVERNMENTS RESTRICTION STIPILAi TION "From An Authoritative Source" London. Feb. 14 The Financial News Amsterdam i correspondent states that the biterj national Association lor Rubber Culiture in the Dutch Indies will meet there on Friday to discuss restriction It is learned from an authorita?.
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  • 166 1 Frame Throws Out German Views Paris, Feb. 14 The French reply to the German armaments memorandum was delivered yesterday evening and. it is expected will be published in Berlin on Thursday It is believed it courtesousJy, but firmly rejects the German proposals Reuter. London, Feb. IS, Alter lull
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 44 1 BIGIA TEA -»gs the freshness fragrance of the lay an gardens ret to your home. TO-NIGHT SPECIAL DINNER CLASSICAL MUSIC 8.15 p.m. to 9.15 p.m. DANCE FORMAL 9.45 p.m. to Midnight CABARET THE POPULAR VIENNESE DANCERS IWE IWE p AFFLES CELEBRATED ORCHESTRA Phone 5381.
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  • 316 2 French Express to Carry Watcher Paris, Jan. 16. One oi the results of the Lagny railway disaster is the decision by all the authorities concerned that railway travelling must be made safer. The whole signalling system has already been overhauled. It is now suggested that on
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  • 225 2 Celebrates 105th. Birthday in Tasmania Sydney. Jan. 31. The Rev. C. F. L'Oste of St. Helens. Tasmania, who recently celebrated his 105th. birthday, was the recipient of numerous telegrams and messages of congratulations. A cablegram from Colonel the Rt. Hon. Sir Clive Wigram. Private Secretary to the King
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  • 166 2 Montreal. January— On the modern "Lady" liners of the Canadian National Steamships which ply the route between Canada and Bermuda, the British West Indies. British Guiana and British Honduras, large supplies of fresh water are carried and modern machinery is installed to replenish
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  • 544 2 Planes In Constant* Touch With Ground New York, Feb. 2. Definite prooi that long distance communication can be maintained with aircraft in the Stratosphere was an important result of the Settle-Fordney expedition, says Charles W. Horn, the widely-known radio engineer. "If planes which can travel at
    N.A.N.A  -  544 words
  • 255 2 "MURDERS AT POLICE COLLEGE How Detectives Will Be Trained London, Feb. 13. Lord Trenchard. London's Police Commissioner, hopes to make the new Police College at Hendon. which opens in March, the most efficient training school for policemen in the world. Among the features of the College will be a model
    N.A.N.A  -  255 words
  • 135 2 Shanghai Residential Designs Shanghai. Feb. 13. An exhibition of drawings lor proposed Shanghai Spanish residences, adapted especially for residence conditions peculiar to Shanghai, is being held in j Shanghai. The exhibit contains drawings of 20 i proposed Shanghai homes, as planned by Mr. Robert Fan and Mr
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  • 210 2 Governor Forgot To Pay For His Drinks Sydney. Feb. 1. I The Governor of North Carolina said to the Governor of South Carolina. "It's a long time between drinks," In New South Wales, recently, the interval was between drinks and payment. The Governor (Sir Philip Game) figured in
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  • 537 2 £1,600,000 SAID TO BE INVOLVED False Balance Sheets Of a Bank Paris, Jan. 26. Still staggering under the revelations of the Stavisky affair, the French public has received another rude shock oi a similar kind. The total sum involved is said to be 1,600.000. Moreover, this money
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  • 196 2 Luxury Preferred to Work Cannes. Jan. 18. Investigations made here to-day isuggest that Thomas Mee Power. 20, < jthe Englishman who was found unconscious in a well-known Cannes J hotel, committed suicide. His telephone wires were found to be cut as though to ensure that he,
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  • 472 2 Outspoken Comment By Bangkok Padre 'From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok. Feb. The annual report of the Protestant < Church in Bangkok has been issued. The church is used by all protestants 1 and. apart from the Church of Eng land offices, there are services Iv i by
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  • 103 2 First All-Japanese Plane I Tokyo, Jan. 28. The first all -Japanese constructed light passenger biplane, constructed by the Tokyo Gas and Electric Co., has successfully passed its tests. The craft resembles a British de Havilland Fox Moth and is powered by one 150 h.p. iJimpu engine. It
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 151 2 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS TENDER^ SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY. Tenders. Tenders are now Invited for thi following materials or services. Foi particulars, see Municipal Tender Roort Supply of 10.000 gallons of Emulsified Bitumen. Date of Closing 4 p.m Thursday. Fob. 22nd. 1934. Supply ol 2.500 cubic yards of Best Quality Filter Sand. Date of
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    • 355 2 i BRYLCREE\I j Perfect Hair Dressin. I Absolutely ft* i i Imparts a B to thr J ii Warn H pomI Itn-M The Federal Mtpei »Incoipoiui. -J j 1 --J BOARD RKSllii'^7^ THE MANSION OXLKY Kl>f NON LICENSE!) RBSIDESTIAI (High Elevation— 3 Minute Daily, Weekly and Moathii i P .J
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 149 2 DIARY OF THE WEEK Thursday 13th. High Tides.— ll.2s a.m.. 12.20 a.m Friday, 16th. High Tides.- 00.28 a.m., 12.10 p.m. Billh.rcis. S.C.C. championship final at S.C.C. 5.30 p.m. Football: S.C.C. vs. Fraser and Neave. Saturday, 17th. High Tides.— a.m., 12.50 p.m Football: Clerical Union vs. Wiltshires, Jalan Besar; H.M.S.
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  • 375 3 \%ed Malayans \\l 1( Are Making fortunes At Home iJUI UVru loi respondent London, Feb. 1. I be many ex- Malayans in day who now realise that ol the slump was lor them In disguise. For I am coning old triends who, since "axed/
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  • 382 3 Kcnovulcnt Work During Year There was a very full attendance at the general meeting of the Selangor Branch of the Ex-Services Association ol Malaya on Saturday at the Selangor Club. Mr. A. C. Jomaron, who took the chair in presenting the report for last year said he
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  • 221 3 mil Which Deals With Customs Frauds The Penal Code 'Amendment! Bill, which was read a first time at Legislative Council on Monday was explained by the Attorney-General as being intended to deal with persons in the Colony who prepared faked invoices ior the purpose of defrauding the revenue
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  • 87 3 Amending Legislation Which Went Too Far The Women and Girls Protection Amendment Bill was withdraw at the meeting of Legislative Council on Monday. The Secretary lor Chinese Allairs. the Hon. Mr. A. B. Jordan, said that since this Bill had been left in abeyance, at its second
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  • 64 3 Arrest In Xheribon Kamponß From Our Own Correspondent* Medan. Feb. 6. A European, has been arrested in the neighbourhood of Cheribon. for inciting the natives against the Government. He proclaimed himself the head of a kampong and when arrested cried: "Do you allow your leader to be arrested?"
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  • 646 3 DEATH OF FORMER COLONIAL SECRETARY imposing Figure Of Colony's Postwar History The death has occurred at home of p Sir Frederick Seton James, former Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Windward Islands and for eight years Colonial Secretary of the Straits I Settlements. Sir Frederick Seton James was
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  • 204 3 PA HANG KAMPONG TRAGEDY Eternal Triangle Leads To Alleged Murder Kuala Lipis. Feb. 12. A sensational murder is alleged to have been committed by an elderly Malay during the early hours of Feb. 6 at a kampong just outside the boundary of Lipis district at Benta. It appears that the
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  • 277 3 Activities Of Literary Association Reviewing the activities of the Chinese Students' Literary Association the annual report states that the member--22. 21 the assoc iation commenced wun 80 on the register at the beginning oi the year and since then had considerably increased. One hundred and forty-three applications for
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  • 60 3 From Our Own Correspondent) Medan, Feb. 12. The Nieuws van den Dag stakes that, so far are is known, the expenditure in 1933 amounted to f.383,971,000 and the receipts to f.244,717,000, thus giving a deficit of f.139,254.000. On the extraordinary budget the credit balance gives an amount of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 263 3 r. Milting a New Code Condenser that [reall? rt-ducr telegraph ««\rwnses ACME OMPLBTB SEVEN FIGI KK (ODE ■mnoOOO FIVE LETTER to CODE WORDS ENBABLB FOR FIGURE OOMB MAY BE USED FOR iURE CODES (2 Fivr Letter Code Words [OURE CODES <3 Five Letter Code Words [OURE CODES <4 Five Letter
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    • 204 3 "DARI6OLO" EVAPORATED MILK! jgEjgE^sgSg* ">k DARIGOLD offen Milk ;vt its Creamiest l^^^^^rrf^jj^J and has no equal In Nutrition ind l-»^BW^--'^B.^W L^y j Unrivalled in Tea or CotTee, and most W^*^^ ygg ff^Tv^?^ J economical lor all purposes lor which J^SBJaßißlß^^ F, A. Bartholomeusz Ltd. :J A r apples QUAY. TELE.
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  • 3800 4 A Great Life The British Ambassador's PotatoesEnter Jack Buchanan Jay Walking Will Be Expensive The Gordons' Drums Human Tales Are Not Unknown "The Blind Shall See" Nurse Cavell Justly Shot (From Our Own Correspondent.) rLEET STREET is in many ways a wonderlul place. In its
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  • 178 4 They Were Imports! Ftm A Singapore conter In a note "the rusty I I frog chorus heard in I garden durin? the mi evidently does not knov .frogs, which RM not ln< I into Singapore (Malaya'. They we* Java by a |tntlem who. when the fr > did very
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  • 822 6 RULES FOR AIR RACE TO A USTRALIA Planes Must j Stop Here j British airmen intend to make a determined bid lor success in the great air race from London to Mel- bourne. Australia, next October. World-wide interest is already being laken in the event, which promises to
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  • 348 6 HEALING Oli DEATH DEALING? Controversy Rages Round New Drugs London, Jan. 11. A lively controversy is raging between eminent members of the medical faculty over the uses and abuses of j such drugs as veronal, medinal and gardenal. all of the barbituric acid group. Sir William Wilcox.
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  • 133 6 Chinese Prepare For Cracker Orgy Our Own Correspondent.; Bangkok. Feb. 6. Unlike Singapore the Chinese of Siam's capital will be allowed to let off fireworks to their heart's content over the days of the New Year, and from an early hour until late in the day. And
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  • 314 6 I MALAYAN PINES Factory Conditions Must Be Improved t Malacca, Feb. 13. There was a spate of new legislation in the Legislative Council yesterday, no less than 228 Bills being dealt with. The Pineapple Industry Bill was i taken through the final stage, and the Attorney-General, the Hon. Mr.
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  • 27 6 I Patrol Leader E. Kandiah, the youthful, adventurous, cycle tourist, will speak at the Indian Association premises. No. 164. Race Course Road, on Friday, at 6.30 p.m.
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  • 258 6 Salutary Lesson To Mill Labourers i From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Feb. G. The labouring classes of the capital are in a state of turmoil. No sooner j than are the alleged grievances of one] body of daily workers investigated and placated, then another section of the
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  • 118 6 Siam's Parliament And Press From Our Own Correspondent.* Bangkok, Feb. 6. The reporting of the proceedings of the Assembly is a matter of increasing difficulty. Not only is the building in which the august elected and nominated body sits badly off from an acoustic point of view,
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  • 66,000 HOURS IN THE AIR
    • 523 6 FOG PICTURES IN 30 SECONDS Of Objects That Cannot Be Seen New York, Feb. 13. A "fog camera" which harnesses the infra-red ray. and is designed to extend the limit of visibility of the navigator from two to four times, has been installed for the first time on any ship
      N.A.N.A  -  523 words
    • 94 6 Johore Sets Up a New Record Johore Poppy Day collections last •cton,£ mounteci to $7915 against $5,520.00 in 1932 and $0,295.00 in 1931 District results were as follow «ii°,o° re Bahru (Mrs Savage-Bailey) Qcni 1; Batu Pahat (Mrs Calder> 3.500; Muar (Mrs. Edwards) 1.078 32 Segamat (Mrs. Hickey)
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    • 429 6 RECORD OF EIGHT BRITISH AIR-LINE PILOTS Bight of the senior pilot Airways -Capts. DUmoi Jones, Perry, Rogers, w son, and Youcll have. |j began flying, now gp< 66.301 hours in the uii Capi. O. P. Jones w;. imperturbable, has beei Captain Kettle of the flying hours to his crei. Another
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    • 121 6 The wedding was solemnised a( Church ot St. John the Bukit Nanas. on Saturday. Ol Mr Daniel Herbert Janst-n. sor. <>: 111 Mrs. J. A. Jansen, of Kiuila v Miss Adelin Cecilia Nunis. dai Mr. and Mrs. P. II Nums. Lumpur. The Rev. father I officiated. The bride wa.s accon
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 603 6 $1 50 Must Be Won I FREE PRESS FOOTBALL I COMPETITION Six Free Chances Every Week BELOW will be found particulars of the i NUMBER OF CORRECT FOREC %STS Free Press Football Competition No 26 j CLAIMED. lln which you are asked to forecast results of j The full results
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    • 176 6 WfW%*A br aM ObewW mS;^y S mffUi if—rs. •tngav** Use this Wonderful Healer for SKIN DISORDER H The most stubborn Eczema, Psoriasis or Pruritus yiff'-i* 5° >I S^l/B I healing infloenoe of D.D.D. Prescription. Relief u^^ 1 i^\ nH <^** e> Eczematou* diseases are always most active wli»i > ■rakMjCSB
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  • 803 7 First Results Of Stratosphere Flight Chicago, Feb. 12. With all the scientific data obtained lii the recent flight to the stratosphere at hand, we are able now to make a general preliminary statement of the results of the experiments conducted through the combined efforts of
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  • 264 7 I "Well. Helen, Its nice to have you here again. How many lumps?" "Two please. Yes, I'm glad to be back too, its almost incredible now to think we've ever been away, and we've only been home a week!" "Poor darling, I suppose you're in the throes
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  • 200 7 Const meting Modern Roads in Fukien Nanking. Jan. 30. Following the trail of the victorious Government troops, an army of 10.000 labourers is pouring into North Fukien from Chekiang to build modern roads lor military and other purposes. Because of Communist stragglers on the Fukien-Chekiang-Anhwei borders. General
    Reuter  -  200 words
  • 166 7 Modern Bluebeard Slain By Five Wives Warsaw. Feb. IS. In the town of Malewska. five wives have presented the old Bluebeard legend when they made Isador Ruskew- yat, husband of them all. pay with his lite for his extraordinarily polygamous nature. Shortly alter his latest marriage, the
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  • 49 7 Sequel To Midnapore Murder Midnapore, Feb. 10. Throe Bengalis have been sentenced 1 to death, four to transportation for life, lour acquitted, and one turned approver and was pardoned in connection with the murder of Mr. Burge. the magis- trate on Sept. 2, last year Reuter
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 333 7 "A SOUTHERN MAID- fS COMING! CAPITOL X Happ, New Year to mU our Chinese Patrons and rriends 4 SHOWS TO-DAY! 10.30 a.m. 3.15, 6.15 and 9.15 p.m." he Whole Town's Talking about this Amaring Picture! H. G. WELLS' Pfiimous story now i\\ < I 1 i lirill'-r of tin- .ilkir-
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    • 367 7 TREMENDOUS SUCCESS! A I UAMDDA 4 shows again to-day **fc»ITMI¥IPI%M 2.15 4.30 6.45 9 15 PAUL THE GR EATEST pARrCAM DRAMATIST KUBtSON OF TO-DAY! IN IUGBNI O'NEILLS AMAZINCi MASTFRPIEfE "EMPEROR JONES" L--jff 9^BwWJ^^KBPM^^^ *^^^^^^SBlEsB^BB^B^B^^^B^3BBB^rJß^P^^^HE^?^&io? jßoffT^^n^^Bßlß^^'S < S<^^BBBB^^BBBBBBBBBBBBV I «1 §mb y. xnitaß& l~\ I 'P\ f L7 r 9r .^bß
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  • 438 8 The Singapore Free Press THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1934. Battle Of The Amsterdam Co r respondents TT has been a bad week so far for the rubber restrictionists. The depression that set in with the re-statement in the House cf Commons of the British Government's attitude that no restriction scheme would
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  • 1358 8 SO much has been written that is scathingly critical of the Singapore River, both as regards its congestion at various times and its smells at low tide that hardly anything on the same subject has much interest. The view of Mr. Walter B. Harris, a well-known
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  • 291 8 FROM DA Y TO DAY Lieut. I. L. H. Mackellop, R.E.. has been taken on the strength of the command. Mr. W. N. Carruthers, of Boustead and Co. Ltd.. Tumpat, Kelantan. has sailed for Home. The Chief Secretary was a passenger in one of the three Osprey 'planes f iom
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  • 933 8 Six and a halt jrean fortune ot the writer new house built on c an area of about i ttrs acres in all. Tin paddie pound and ing In there was not <•. gra« not tret nor hou.s i was built to tail i the r'V.ids croatcd which made
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 181 8 It]s the mellowness of BOOTHS Dry H^ '^B <lf >ired in rorktails. Such mellow ness 3 S^ I come> onlv from treble distillation a t&f-^L-.&t m an(l maturiiip in >herr\ eask> un<l v^ l^fcf rt *y| BOOTH S l>(^ is the (.IN v. f& m receives such care in
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    • 62 8 HARK! THE ANGELS The latest type of motor horn, we are told, reproduces the notes of a harp. This is really a subtle method of warning pedestrians to get out of the way and to take out a "GAFLAC" ACCIDENT and ALL-S I C K N E S S POLICY.
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  • 483 9 WHY CONFERENCE WAS HELD o Reassure The Australians mr Own Correspondent* London, Feb. 1. Service matters discusHouse of Commons this en the question of the dehe Singapore Base. ReLambert 'South Molton. Sir B. Eyres-Monsell. First Admiralty, said that these were primarily a matter for Office. As
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  • 240 9 Soviet Industry Ready To Face All Attacks Moscow, Feb. 12. At a session of the All- Union Communist Congress. M. Orjonikidzo Com missar of Heavy Industry, delivered a lengthy speech in which he dwelt in detail upon the building up of a great
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  • 538 9 HEAVY UNEXPECTED LEVY Assembly Looking For More Revenue (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Feb. 6. The resignation from the Chairmanship of the Assembly and from the Assembly itself of Chao Phya Dharmusakti came as a surprise to the general body of members, but not to
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  • 88 9 Britain Losing Market In U.S.A. London, Feb. 14. Imports of British grown tea into the United States fell by 7,750,000 lbs. in 1933 while Dutch-grown increased by 7.500,000 lbs., states a review of the tea trade in 1933 issued by Messrs. Brooke Bond and Co. The fall
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  • 96 9 Sydney, Jan. 26. Captain J. Murray a British journalist, who is on a visit to Sydney had an unusual experience at the Art Gallery. He was wandering through the gallery, and suddenly found himself before a picture which was once owned by his father. When his father died
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  • 158 9 BRITISH INDUSTRIES FAIR Opening On Monday Next London. Feb. 12 The twentieth British Industries Fair pens next Monday in London and Birmingham and will continue until March 2. This event continues to increase in size and importance. This year there are 32 miles of indoor stands and the floor space
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  • 129 9 French Note To Britain London, Feb. 12. A note from the French Government on the quota controversy will be delivered in London to-day. It is assured of sympathetic examination and it is hoped that its contents may be such as to put an end to the unfortunate dispute
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  • 107 9 British Railways Show Improvements London. Feb. 12. Improvement in industrial conditions is reflected in the satisfactory dividend announcements made to-day by the Southern Railway and by the London Midland and Scottish Company a iew days ago. The Southern announced a 3 per cent, dividend en preferred ordinary
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  • 102 9 Price To Finance Soviet London. Feb. It. Questioned regarding the agreement whereby it was arranged that th<» €100.000 received by the Seviet Government for the Codex Sinaiticus should be spent in Britain, the Prime Minister in the House of Commons today explained that the money would not be
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  • 139 9 Eclipse Photographs Believed Excellent Tokyo, Feb. 14. The eclipse of the sun commenced at 8.45.24 G M.T. and totality took place at 10.05.23 and lasted for 2 minutes and 10 seconds, the eclipse finally ending at 11.37.34 G.M.T. The weather was perfect in the areas affected by the
    Reuter  -  139 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 79 9 CAPITOL 1 I WK NEXT ATTRACTION! k Grand BRITISH Musical Successor To "MAID MOUNTAINS" I the Glamorous Singing Star of "RIO RITA"— I |\HARiryWEICMA/\AN I 1 I NANCY MOWN ill 11 HAt COROON SiC by HAROLD FRASER-SIMSON Ma Si If your domestic staff wart a holiday *»y orr g "LB
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    • 352 9 j NEW DANCE RECORDS j j FOR FEBRUARY 1934 j RAY NOBLE AND HIS ORCHESTRA J When you were the girl on the scooter (Film: Broadway through a Keyhole") Fox Trot i La-di-da-dj-da < "That's a pretty thing") Fox Trot I m Sons without words > m^i-.b I My song
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      • 512 10 Is Buffer Pool Al ternative Being Prepared •From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Feb. 1. Everything is suspiciously quiet on the Tin iront just now, but I am assured that, deep underground, the opposing forces are mining and OQVnter-mining tor all they are worth, and that euner the restrictionists or the
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      • 150 10 Kampong Lanjut Tin Dredging, Ltd., hours 560; cubic yards 260, 000; pikuls 201.60; approx. working costs $15,000; approx. realization $14,000. Malim Nawar Tin, Ltd., hours 702; cubic yards 100,000; pikuls 436.80, approx. working costs $10,750; approx. realization $30,000. Kramat Tin Dredging, Ltd., hours 599; cubic yards 310,000 pikuls
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      • 51 10 To complete the Canton-Hankow Railway the Chinese Government prob SSJ* 111 float bonds wor th between fi 60 R o°oo0 °00 and $20,000,000, secured oS the Sino-Brltish Boxer funds. The Ex ROVor V nln YU t a H n ad pted re^ations governing the issue of Kiangsi-Yushan-Pinsslang Railway bonds In
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      • 119 10 Rapid Increase In Output Brussels. At a meeting of tin producers of the Belgian Congo and of RuandaUrundi, convoked to discuss the question of adhesion to the International Tin Committee, it was decided that Belgian producers could only pledge themselves for two years and not for the
        Reuter  -  119 words
      • 441 10 Singapore. Feb. t, MEAT Beef steak 'Roundi Kati 28 Beel Btew or rurry do 22 i Pork, lean do 40 Pork, lean and Jat < Ist. quality) do 33 Mutton Australian lb. 20 Fowl Kati 33 Hem Locally reared* do 36 Duckl <Java> Each 40 Pigeons, domestic
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    • 630 10 RAMBUTAN, LTD. MEETING Proposal's Economic Anomalies At the twenty-eighth ordinary general meeting of the shareholders of Rambutan. Ltd.. at Redruth, on Jan. 16. Mr. Frank E. Mair < chairman of the company* presided. In a few comments on the Buffer Pool Memorandum lately laid on
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    • 118 10 Large D.E.I. Native Rubber Output Last Year London, Jan. 31. The exports of rubber from the Netherlands Indies in December amounted to 2,530 tons to the United Kingdom, and 6,332 to the United States. The exports from Malaya werp 7 8 700° T^'tn^ fr m Oth6r C
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    • 19 10 Sir Leonard Hill has been appointed a director of Radiation, Limited, in place of the late Sir Gilbert Vyle
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    • 181 10 February 13. 12 o'clock noon. Buyers Seller* Gambier 3.75 Java Cube 6.50 Hamburg Cube 6.50 Muntok White Pepper 32.00 White Pepper 31.50 Black Pepper 153 4 Copra, sundried 3.05 Copra, mixed 2.45 Small flake Tapioca 4.25 Med. Pearl Tapioca 5.00 Small Pearl Tapioca 5.00 Lingga Sago Flour
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    • 218 10 February 13 SELLING London. 4 months' sight 2 4 .9 64 London. 3 months' sight 2 4' 8 London. 60 days' sight 2 4 7 64 London. 30 days' sight 2 4 3 32 London? demand 2|4 5 64 London. T.T. 2 4 1 16 Lyons, Paris, demand
      218 words
    • 89 10 Abroad London, Feb. 12. Exchanges to-day were Paris 77 11/32. New York 5.04. Montreal 5.08. Brussels 21.86V2. Geneva 15.78. Amsterdam 7.57»/ 2 Milan 58. Berlin 12.91^. Stockholm 19.39%. Copenhagen 22.40. Oslo 19.90. Vienna 281^. Prague 103V2Helsingsfors 226»/ 2 Madrid 37 19/32. Lisbond 109%. Athens 534 sellers. Bucharest 510. Belgrade 227.
      89 words
    • 77 10 In accordance with the undertaking it g|3tve a year ago when seeking a moratorium on its external loans the Government of the Province* of Buenos Aires has reviewed its financial position and finds itself unable to anticipate the resumption of the full payment of interest and amortization at present. The
      77 words
      • 265 10 Canadian employment figures are higher in nearly all industries than a year ago; industrial production is about 38 per cent, higher than in November 1932: the timber and newsprint industries report an increase in production of about 13 per cent., and the index number for manufacturing
        265 words
      • 310 10 Roosevelt's Aim at Constant Buying Power Plans for the dollar are explained a ,memorandum submitted to the Amei rican organisation known as the Committee for the Nation by Prolessor I Warren t who la now generally recot> nised as the main Inspire? of ROOM■volt's monetary policy. Professor Warren,
        310 words
      • 193 10 (Ptom Our There hah. crop of rubb« and counter- rin, thusiastic WhlCti by sp. proved the tTUtI fool is born an obviously lrom The Hague definite lolution lem is not in light so many arc with their inn. settled." the pri< the commodity i Tuesday
        193 words
      • 92 10 .Mr. Eric Miller On Incrcasiaj Rubber Consumpti l.oin; I Witii regard to th< Mr. Eric Miller \i total annual world to nearly a million veiling price >i 4c the price still I n might rise to 1 200.000 I consumption u 800.000. Accordini i every delay in
        92 words
      • 81 10 I vb S .American Can Cum 10'J American Telephone and Telegraph Atcheson Railroad Dupont Firestone. Cunm. n General Electric Genera] Motors Goodrich Goodyear ilntcr-Telephoiu- and Telegraph National City Bam Now York Centi Railroad Pennsylvania road Co. (Con Radio-Corporatioi. Socony- Vacuum Standard Oil N J Texas Corporation Union Oil
        81 words
      • 114 10 British Machinery for Nanking Tenders are to be invited by the .Ministry of Industries for the construction of a central machine works at Chaohsiachia, outside Nanking city A report from Nanking, dated Nov 2 states that Mr. Huang Han-ju the secretary of the Ministry, will' leave shortly for
        114 words
      • 78 10 JANUARY— RUBBER CROPS 4A nnn^ RWer Valley 47 20 JUIU S'XS"' T Seman gg Ql 34,300; Mentakab 42,000: Jeram Kuantan 24,700; Sungei Bagan 35,000; Batu Village 2,075 Barlow and Co.. Kuaia Lumpur 9^nn S iK Ay i r Kunin S 84.000 lbs.; Badck 25,500 lbs; Bradwall (F.M.S.) 25 400 lbs
        78 words

  • 149 11 dealers and port .stocks. Straits Settlements, at close of business. Jan. 31. 1934. in tons, as declared. i I> R Y WET TOTAL TOTAL DRY *"T y Xv v BBER Crepe Blanket Bark Wet Scrap Lump Dr.: Wet by dealers) and Scrap Sheet and Bark (2) <:i
    149 words
  • 150 11 Railway Material From England assured and work resumunfinished sections, prospects mpletlon oi the Canton-Han- j Jlway appear very hopeful. The straUon declares that if the pro- complicated by political isough train service from Can<ihan will become a reality by :uhir service at this terminus n-d us far as
    150 words
  • 48 11 double Tracks for 7,000 Kilometres programme of double i; '<* Tramj-Siberian Railway, i oi 7.000 kilometres, havomrleted. similar improveall branch lines have begun. f r< keenly interested in the "i the Kamulezukaya-Dut-tlon of the Trans-Baikal B mor. important for the viet troops toward Daw4a, near the Manchukuo
    48 words
  • 33 11 m by Sir George resignation are gen- > In all trade circles interests are made n.sidr ration, and in thi* N in our opinion coOf the Malayan anc Producers.— Messrs Willian metal repor- 1T*****
    33 words
  • 167 11 I I Local sales at 72 per cent, in the Federated Malay States, (figures for i Unfederated Malay States are not collected):— Cumulative Total F.M.S. U.M.S. S.S Total Tons Tons Tons Tons. 1934 1933 Tons Tons. January 2.721 111 2.832 2,832 2.439 February 4,658 March 6,223 April
    167 words
  • 142 11 Washington Concerned By Concession To Britain Washington. Feb. 7. Influential Washington circles are somewhat concerned over the granting by the Mexican Government of im- portant oil concessions to a British j company in the states of Tabasco and jVera Cruz. It is being particularly noted in this connection
    142 words
  • 161 11 The Chinese Government If considering the construction of a $5,000,000 bridge across the river, near Hangchow. Traffic across the Chientans at the moment is handled by only a few ferryboats, and the need of a bridge, long felt, has increased with the completion of a network of
    161 words
  • 44 11 Sugar exports from Java for 1933 totalled 1.146,000 tons representing a fall of 354.000 tons compared with 1932. The fall Is attributed to the low prices prevailing in the London market. which has made imports into London uneconomic, and to a sharp fall of
    44 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 522 11 TBf Z~~ i THE •a*TERN UNITED /^i^"\ *_«>n L > > n f»irp e? t^.^m 'V c.KPORATION LTD. SOUTH ft eT British The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. IN'SCRANCE COMPANY I imitif, 'Incorporated In thf Stnlu Settlemenu) FB SONAL ACCIDENT F IRP yAOT^iSS^ AND «»-i ftIAKINL, MOTOR HEAD OFFICE
      522 words
    • 396 11 CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA (Incorporated In England by Royal Charter) Paid up capital in 600.000 shares of .€5 each £3.000,<M* Reserve Fund 2: .000.0*4 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £3.000 009 HEAD OFFICE: 38, Bishopsgate. London. EC 2 Agencies and Branches Alor Star Hollo Seraarang Amritsar Ipoh Seremban
      396 words

    • 1349 12 BRITISH CHAMBER OF SHIPPING Work In The Crisis: Tframp And Liner Views. The importance of the resolution recently passed by the Council of the Chamber of Shipping regarding the needs of the British mercantile marine as a whole, with special reference to tramp tonnage, makes it desirable that there should
      1,349 words
    • 113 12 d. "Alster." Ger 5327 Bremen 14.2. for Hoq, Tateishi Maru. Jan Otaru 14.2. lor Christ: Maru *E 5 Middlesbrough 142. fa Hong Kong 14.2. Gorgon. Brit.. 2.120 nang 14.2. lor Batavi., Ranpura. Brit.. 9.3.n kohama 14.2. for Loud, Khandalla. Brit Calcutta 14.2. tor Peiiai Calcutta 15.2. Hua Tonp.
      113 words
    • 19 12 The following passi the Perak from Teluk A Mr. R. O. Symons. Di Dean and Mrs. Nicholses
      19 words
    • 53 12 The death occurred at her residence No. 43, Kampong Bahru, Kuala Lum pur, on Thursday night of Madame Lee Nam Seng, aged 74, mother of the late Dato Lee Kong Lam, Mrs. Choo Kia Peng and others. She had five sons, of whom two predeceased her and leaves behind several
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 621 12 Burns Philp line. (Incorporated In Australia) FOR BRISBANE SYDNEY AND MELBOURNE via JAVA, DARWIN AND THURSDAY ISLAND. Regular monthly sailing by the well-known steamer MARELLA (7,375 tons) and the s.s. MANOOLA (3,352 tons): [Cargo only] s.s. MARELLA is one of the largest and finest steamers trading to Australia. Cabins de
      621 words
    • 81 12 STATE SHIPPING SERVICE of Western Australia FREMANTLE Via Port Swcltenham, Penanfi, Palembang, Banjoewangi and North Western Ports Due Sails Singapore Singapore T.s.m.v. Kangaroo Mar. 21 Mar. 22 T.s.m.v. Kangaroo May 18 May 19 T.s.m.v. Kangaroo July 22 July 23 Fares Single £19.0.0. Australian Return £30.0.0. Currency For particulars of Freight
      81 words
    • 158 12 HENDERSON LINE SCHEIHLK Of BAILINGS By Fortnightly Passerurr Mr.uner Between Rangoon, Port Sudan. .Marseilles, Palnia and Engfaad HOMBWABO BAILINGS Port of Disembarkation Hwnouth Lea\p Kansoon I YOMA PEGU CHINDWIN KEMMENDINE BHAMO AMARAPOOIv >J SAGAING BURMA YOMA Juni PEGU CHINDWIN KEMMENDINE BHAMO Calls London. Through PiMtfe Rat fares to Straits Port
      158 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 485 12 Local And Foreign Mail [Despatches and Arrivals BY TRAIN Bangkok every Saturday I 7 p.m. and Thursday 7.30 a.m. Saturday 7 p.m. Kuantan (via Jerantut) Monday to Friday 7.30 a.m. I Kuantan via Jerantut) Saturdays 7 p.m. Kelantan (via Padang Besar) Monday and Friday 7 p.m. Kelantan (via Gemas) every
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 451 13 P. O. British India and Apcar Lines. (Incorporated in England) MAIL, PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL S N CO IADER CONTRACT WITH m« ZV^Jl^ LONDON ANn^TAST^MM^IR^?^ 11^^ OUTWARDS FROM LONDON FOR CHINA JAPAN. llyf Tonnage. Singapore. Tnnna# c Dlle 293^ Tonnage. Singapore. only HOMEWARDS FOR COLOMBO, BOMBAY, MARSEILLES
      451 words
    • 505 13 Ellerinan Bucknal Steamship Co., Ltd. (Incorporated In England) "ELLERMAN" LINE FOR HAVRE, LONDON, ROTTERDAM AND HAMRITRP VIA PORTS AND SUEZ CANAL "AIfIUUKU. Steamer City of Manila w Sails City of Khartoum F^- 16 City of Bath K eb^ Mar. 2 Calls at Dunkirk. Mar 14 Mar FOR HONG KONG, SHANGHAI
      505 words
    • 862 13 S^p^ L^JS m Kmm B^^HIP CO (1931) ;S P9MH ISS«: j rrua n INSURANCE. SIuSS C n o d uS. d n IObC S^ nd M ™y marine lasuranc. Th*. *w*. RAILWAYS. The Federated Malay States Railway The Royal State Railways of Siam r AIRWAYS. i as. wasau, sa.sasJßsriar' ?Ac
      862 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1008 14 K. P. ML AOMNKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPU TOHlTl— ihursday. Feb. 15. Toengkal, Moeara-Saba and DJambi. ▼AN m JHOORN -Thurscay, Feb. 15, Cheribon <not for passengers). Semarang. Sourabaya. Boelelen*. Ampenan. Padang-Bay. Benoa and Banjoewangi. BAUD Thursday. Feb. 15. Penang (mails only). Oelee-Lhoue <not for passengers). Sabang. Tjalang, Meulaboh. Tapa-Toean. Sinabang. Singkel, Ba-
      1,008 words
      326 words
    • 623 14 O. S. K. Line FOR AFRICA AND SOUTH AMERICA. Sam Montevideo Buenos Aires via Colombo. Durban. Maru Cape Town, Rio de Janeiro, Santos and Montevideo Feb I* Hawaii Maru Buenos Aires via Colombo, Mombasa, Zanzibar, Dar-es-Salaam, Beira. L. Marques, Durban, Algoa Bay, Cape Town and Santos India Maru Cape Town
      623 words

  • 587 15 A NEW CRICKET RECORD Don Brad man And KiDDax Make 356 lonth Bi adman and Kipi.. record for the 3rd pui on 356 against Bradman scored 243 and 56 i UM were obtainyj. minutes. the more aggressive and first three-quarters rcing the ball away with drives and squareig to CUt
    587 words
  • 35 15 "hi a Meeting Tom Loughran Miami, Feb. 13. Loughran world title i tot Feb. 22. has been 1 till Peb 28 because of com- 1 Vions on the 22nd. < r filteen rounds.
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  • 13 15 tugby match on Thursday, Ntai our correspondent) e «at Swansea at Swansea by
    13 words
  • 657 15 "The Greatest Menace of all Time" More iniectiuus than meases, more ironic than rheumatism and more •eiadicable than cancer. Golf is the greatest menace of all time, writes A.F.S.. in the "West Australian." So long as man has two arms and two legs M i.s liable to contagion. Its
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  • 124 15 Naval Man's Twelve Wickets For 24 Runs Klang. Feb. 12. Bv the narrow margin of two runs j i team from H.M.S. Eagle and HJtS. Veteran defeated the KUnf Club at cricket on Sunday, playing on the Club, padang. w M Ea^le and Veterlan scored only oJ in
    124 words
  • 116 15 In view of Mr. D. R. A. Hoblyn s lmI pending departure from Malaya at i the end of this month, why cannot i those who control hockey in Penang (bestir themselves a bit and act on the suggestion that has been made in your >aplr to have a farewell
    116 words
  • Shortest Big Fight In British History
    • 441 15 Petersen Knocks Out Charlie Smith In Six Seconds London, Jan. 30. Jack Petersen hurled himself back into the limelight of British boxing last night at Cardiff. He knocked o\r Charlie Smith, the Deptford heavyweight, inside half-a-dozen seconds. easily a record in the history of British boxing. There -.ere but three
      441 words
    • 156 15 It is a change for a number of British boxers to appear in the list of the world's leading fly-weights, compiled by 100 of the leading American critics. Midget Wolgast, who recently de- i'eated Jackie Brown in London (states Reuter is placed at the top, but British boxers.
      156 words
    • 149 15 Large Number Of Lbw Decisions London, Jan. 31. Sir Stanley Jackson, speaking at the annual meeting of the Yorkshire County Cricket Club, said he had noticed that six or seven members of the Indian team had played in practically every match. He regretted that
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    • 48 15 In the farewell cricket match to D. R A. Hoblyn in Penang on Sunday S. V. Adams made 97, Hoblyn 82, H. E. Muriel 75 and R. O. Oilson 50. A. J. Williams made 84 for St. Xavier's Recreation Club against the Indian Association at Penang on Saturday
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    • 532 15 Extraordinary Golf By Havers I Some extraordinarily fine goli by Havers, ably assisted by his amateur .partner. Mr. F. Ricardo. writes George .Greenwood in the Daily Telegraph I enabled the Sandy Lodge pair to win the Herts County Alliance 27 holes tournament at Berkhamsted, with a better ball
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    • 160 15 Done With Competitive Golf Atlanta (Georgia' Jan. 27. •Sorry, the Augusta (Georgia > tournament is the only one in which I will play this year." That is what R. T. ("Bobby"' Jone three times winner of the British open golf championship and holder of 13 national titles,
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    • 71 15 U.S. Heavy-weight Defeats Schmeling Philadelphia, Feb. 14. In a twelve-round fight Steve Hamas, described as the most promising young heavy-weight in America in recent years, beat the former heavy-weight champion of the world. Max Schmeling, on points. Hamas won eight rounds and Schmeling two, two being even. Schmeling's
      71 words
  • 321 15 Annex Ladies' And Men's Titles (From Our Own Correspondent. > Bangkok. Feb. C The amateur golf championships ot Siam this year have both (ladies and gentlemen) been won. and won convincingly by Siamese. The finals, werr played on Sunday over the King's* private course at Chitr Lada
    321 words
  • 115 15 Singapore G.C. To Meet Keppel In Semi-Final Singapore Golf Club and Keppel Golf Club <who received a bye in the first round) meet in the semi-final of the Wei-Hai-Wei Cup competition at Keppel on Sunday morning, the first pair ?oing off at 9 a.m. Teams are as follows
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  • 60 15 Cup Championship At Garrison Club There will be a long driving competition at the Garrison Golf Club for members only tor a championship cup presented by Fit. -Lieut W Allen. The competition will be held after the caddies meetlm on Tl 12.15 p.m. The condition* arc thi
    60 words
  • 211 15 Garrison vs. Sepoy Lines The following is the list ui players and starting times lor this matcii which is to be played over Sepo> [Lines post on Sunday morning. Garrison players am mentioned first. 19.00 am Sqr Ldr. A E Barr-Slm and R. RenUm vs. J. McCon ingley and A.
    211 words
  • 132 15 Teams and starting times for I friendly lour- ball match to be played at the Island Club on Thursday. Feto 15, an* as follow t Police names men tioned first*. 9.00 a.m. Frew and Blades vs Britgg* and E. A. Stevens. 9.05 am Savi and J.
    132 words
  • 62 15 Armv Men To Oppose R.A.F. Fighters A boxing tournament has been arranged for Feb. 19 at the New World Arena when the Army will be opposed to the R.A.F. lor the "India" Cup By permission ot Lieut. Col. J R 14 liee and oflicers. the band of th«*
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  • 38 15 Tn a practice cricket match at Penun^ on Saturday between Penang C.C. teams D D. B. Cook took seven wickets lor 47 runs iind made 31 R G. Gibson scored 42 and T S Anthony 44 not out
    38 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements

    • 241 16 < From Our Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur. Feb. 13. The Naval sporting programme in the Federal Capital came to a successful conclusion this evening when H.M.S. Eagle's football team drew one-all with the Selangor Malays alter a well-con-tested game. The Navy made the first raid and
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    • 929 16 DISASTROUS WEEK-END FOR LONDON'S STAR RUGBY CLUBS From Our Own Correspondent London, Jan. 28. London's Rugby clubs are not likely to lorget the week-end of Jan. 27. in a hurry. Nearly all the leading sides were heavily routed yesterday afternoon, while those who escaped more lightly
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  • 303 16 Attack Was Not Constructive Dublin, Feb. 10. In the Rugby match between England and Ireland, which the former won by 13 points to 3. England was early penalised but Siggins missed an e<tsy penalty kick. Then Morgan scored a brilliant individual try, which MacMahon failed to
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  • 377 16 No Events For Ponies One hundred and thirty four horses are entered for the Singapore Feb-ruary-March races— 4l in Class 2, 51 in Class 3, and 36 in Class 4. The Committee are unable to provide races for Class 2 Ponies at this meeting.
    377 words
  • 247 16 GREGALACH HEADS GRAND NA TIONA L HA NDICA P is The outstanding horse in the large entry, and we all know that he won the race in 1929. when he carried list. 41b. and started at 100 to I against, an.i that he was second two years later. But everyone
    247 words
  • 463 16 •From Our Own Correspondent > London, Jan. 30. Frost having again completely corrupted National Hunt racing thll week, even more interest than usual has been concentrated on the handicap for the Grand Natior.^: Steeplechase «to he run at Liverpool, on Friday. Mar. 23) which was
    463 words
  • 158 16 t Oid favourites and new rivals will compete in the Grand National race at Aintree. Liverpool, on which the next Irish Sweepstake is to be drawn. There are about a score of "American and French owned horses entered Mrs Ambrose Clark, whose Kellsboro Jack won
    158 words
  • 582 16 DECISIVE VICTORIES IN RE-PLAYS How Arsenal Lost League Leadership < From Our Own Correspondent > London, Feb. 1. There were no surprises among the results of the Fourth Round Cup ties replayed this week, but the decisive margins of victory gained by all the winners were unexpected. The six goals
    582 words
  • 25 16 The loot ball match b second eleven of the S.C.C Public Services yesterday ift the padang was abandoned side had scored two goals
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  • Page 16 Advertisements