The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 13 February 1934

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 17 1 The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS. NO. 14.185*. ESTD. 1835. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1934. 10 CENTS
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  • 1377 1 Paris Is Semi-Paralysed City As Big Strike Starts M» OF RIOTING People Discuss Situation Over Cafe Tables Paris. Feb. 12. the hus service, with shopping facilities and no ti/ens this morning Iranfe, semi-paralysed n> were obliged to go on t hc •tYire but by 10 p.m. no untoward in\hv stoning
    Reuter Wireless  -  1,377 words
  • 190 1 MACHINE GUNS AND GRENADES ARE USED Grave Outbreak In Upper Austria Vienna, Feb. 12. Fit teen are reported killed and at least 60 injured at Linz, Upper Austria, following a general strike declared today by socialists. The police, being i oiled in an attempt to search the socialist headquarters, summoned
    Reuter  -  190 words
  • 64 1 Dutch Premier Gives Assurance The Hague. Feb. 8. A definite assurance that the Netherlands will neither abandon the gold standard nor reduce the gold content ot the ten guilder coin was given by Dr Colijn, the Premier, in the Upper Chamber today He said that the Government
    Reuter Wireless  -  64 words
  • 84 1 Has To Pay Bandits Ransom St. Pauls, (Minnesota), Feb. 8. Mr. Edward G. Bremer. a banker and son of a wealthy brewer, who was abducted by kidnappers on Jan 18 and for whom a ransom of $200,000 was demanded, was released today near Rochester, 70 miles away. His
    Reuter wireless  -  84 words
  • 59 1 Outbreaks Occur In Canada Montreal, Feb. 12. At a meeting by influential Chinese called to discuss how recent tong disturbances could be avoided there was fighting in which one man was seriously hurt and ten slightly. The police declare that the meeting was packed by the disorderly element
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 30 1 Big Consignment For Berlin Riga, Feb. 8. Nine tons of gold from Moscow have passed through here en route to Berlin, the biggest consignment since 1931 Reuter Wireless
    Reuter Wireless  -  30 words
  • 86 1 Livestock exhibition arranged for next month— Page 4. British manufacturer airs views on lapanese trade competition Page 4. General Oldfield's report on volunteers Page H. Steamer runs down tongrkang Page 12. Saying farewell to local Coroner Page 4 Legislative Council meeting at Malacca Pages 3 ti and
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  • 468 1 OVERHAUL OF GOVERNMENT CONTRACT SYSTEM Perturbation In U. S. Trade I Circles Washington, Feb. 12. The eanctJlat.on e>. the domestic airmail contract! is likely to prove tiic jiiiti;-) iep ra an a rnination reci;3. ing Government subsidies wherever they are granted, as. lor example, to the* merchant fleet. Meanwhile the
    Reuter  -  468 words
  • 40 1 Cotton Goods For U.S. Poor Washington. Feb. 9. The A^rk-iT.turt Commit'tt ol the Senate has reported lavourably on the bill to authorise the putchJUM oi $150,000,000 worth of cotton goods tree distribution to the needy. Renter Wireless.
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  • 92 1 Little Entente In The Balkans Athens. Feb. 9. The Balkan Pact was signed amid' the ringing of church bells here to- 1 day and a military band playing the national anthems Of \he contracting! countries Greece. Rumania. Turkey and Yugo-Siavv.v The Pact mutually guarantees
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  • 68 1 Rioting Students Shoot Policeman Dead Madrid. Feb. The situation is growing serious ind scores ot arrests were made to-day. Riotiiig students after shooting a policeman dead marched to the local gaol to release their comrades. Labour circle? are also restive and waiters in a large hotel have
    Reuter Wireless  -  68 words
  • 53 1 Sad Plight Of Fire Trial Victims Berlin, Feh. 12. All three of the Bulgarian prisoners in the Reichstag trial are fullering! from mental and physical strain and 1 their nerves are in a bad state following their long imprisonment. In addition Dimitroff has eye trouble and| PopofY
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 297 1 Fukien As A Stronghold Of Nanking Shanghai, Feb. IS. The arrival of more Central forces in Fukien from Chekiang is reported to have provoked much alarm in official circles in Canton. Over 100,000 Nanking troops are stationed in the various parts of the province tor the ostensible
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 100 1 BIGIA TEA ;n gs the freshness fragrance of the iayan gardens to >our home. I TO-NIGHT SPECIAL DINNER CLASSICAL MUSIC 1 8.15 p.m. to 9.15 p.m. I DANCE (FORMAL) 9.45 p.m. to Midnight I I WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14TH I THE POPULAR VIENNESE DANCERS I IWE IWE I Raf f les
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  • 1304 2 A YEAR OF USEFUL ACTIVITIES The Y.M.C.A. In Singapore Reviewing the operations ot the Association in Singapore during the past year the report of the Young Men's Christian Association -the thirteenth annual review of local activities states RELIGIOUS WORK Our reports in previous years have indicated that it is in
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  • 250 2 Assizes Jurors Visit Scene Ovi-r five years ago a Sikh. Gurdit! Singh, disappeared after being taken to a wayang. In the Assize Court yesterday before Mr. Justice Gerahty, a compatriot,; Arjan Singh, was charged with culpable homicide not amounting to murder, in I connection with the discovery
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  • 54 2 The Automobile Association of Ma- !laya. which has long been striving for I the abolition oi equitable imposition of. j bridge tolls in Malaya, has been officially informed that the imposition of tolls on the Johore Causeway or other bridges or roads in the U.M.S. is not contemplated
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  • 42 2 HE the High Commissioner, with the approval of H.M. the King, has been pleased to appoint Colonel Cecil Rae to be an Unofficial Member of the Federal Council for a further period of three years with effect from Feb 1. 1934. inclusive
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  • 51 2 Gardener Reports Raid On House A Chinese vegetable gardener living at the sth milestone. Thompson Road, reported to the police that on Saturday night, four Chinese, armed with a pistol and three knives, entered his house, threatened him and robbed him of $30 worth of property Inquiries are
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  • 729 2 GOVERNOR OPENS NEW HOSPITAL Notable Addition To Malacca Public Institutions <From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, Feb. 12. In fine weather, a monster crowd I assembled on Bukit Pala to witness I the opening ceremony of the new (hospital. Boy Scouts lined the road leading to the main block and Sir
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  • 450 2 "Fiery Chariot in Stage Spectacle" The above headings are not an exaggerated advertisement for the Musical Society's concert on Feb. 18 and 19. but are copied from the London papers, which go on to say that: "London will next mfcnth see the biggest dramatic spectacle ever attempted in
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  • 200 2 The Invisible Man" Now Showing: 'The Invisible Man." a film version ot H. G. Wells' novel, is now being shown at the Capitol. It has been playing to large houses, and it should continue to do so. because it is something different in a certain type of nlm
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  • 117 2 The Y.W.C.A. remind those going on leave that they will be holding a Jumble Sale in April and will be most grateful for clothes which they wish to discard Parcels may be sent to the YW C A Raffles Quay, or to 3 Fort Canning i\oad. ♦v, I. a d
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  • 91 2 Before the Chief Justice in the Ist Court at 11 a.m. S.Bl 32— The Zse Hai Tong Banking and Insurance Co. Ltd. vs. Ena Sayna Haji Mohamcd Yusoff. 'For further consideration). 5.135'32 Balkish binte Yahya and others vs. Hcssan bin Hadjec Dawood and another. Before
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  • 23 2 A meeting of the Johore Council of State will be held at the Dewar. Johore Bahru. on Tuesday, 20th Instant at 11 am
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 301 2 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS BOARD RESIDENCE. THE MANSION OXLEY RISE NON LICENSED RESIDENTIAL HOTEL (High Elevation 3 Minutes from Town Daily, Weekly and Monthlj Terms Single and Double Rooms, Modern Sanitation, Garages ar>d Tennis. Terms on Application Mrs. A. R. MATTHEWS. Mrs. E. F. GALE. Telephone 3798. "EAST ANGLIAN 6 OXLEY RISE.
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    • 352 2 &UUMPORE MUNICIPALITY Tender* Tenders are now following material, particulars, iee Muni Supply of 10.000 Bitumen Dat< Thursday. F-b Supply, ol 2.500 Quality Filter Sand 4 p.m. Monday M Supply ol Higl Tubes Dan- r>. Monday. April 1 C. H GOL' Acting Iftmfc jMe A LISTER UHlPui LIMITED I NOTICE is
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 88 2 DIARY OF THE WEEK Tuedav. 13th. High Tides.— 9.46 a.m.. 11.30 p.m. Rotary Tiffin. Rev. W. Buckingham on "Sidelights on a Padre's Job," Adelphi Hotel 1 p.m. Golf: Committee Meeting. K.G.C. Football: S.C.C. 2nd vs. Pubnc Services S.C.C; A.P.C. vs. S.KB.J.S.C Anson. Road; Government Monopolies vs. M.P.H.. 6^\ a Besar.
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  • 2186 3 {n Approaching Malayan Problems SUGGESTION TO SINGAPORE Entrepot Trade Of Only Secondary $500,000 VOTE FOR IMPERIAL DEFENCE CARRIED A S appeal for a more catholic spirit in approaching Malayan problems was made hv His Excellency the Governor in an interesting speech at the meeting
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 79 3 ■muiiiip Wj THE NAI I TYPIST'S NOTE BOOK V A convenient loose-leaf V Note Book, complete with Vftf^fl^^ stand set at just the right -^^^^^B angle to hold copy for typing. *J^^ r^rvK. ce\ 3 Malacca SL PRICE $2.50 COMPLETE fY^fHL^ LTD. SIN6APOBE. h Brilliant British Successor to "Maid of
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    • 33 3 must receive a daily systematic treatment iiv, order to preserve its soft texture. Grticura PRePARATICN^ have been depended ox\^ in, countless cases to preserve a clear aj\d^ lovely complexion^ So/c/ 6y your G/icmt'st.
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    • 161 3 BRITAIN'S. DEPEND ABLE. CA.R H^g^^^uG^^^^^^H N x I'Hfc lA\ Ll-\ t-FOUK IiAHI-l.i IpK A BETTER MOTORING S INVESTMENT THAN EVER! fc JW^L New Refinements mi the Light Tiithe-Tour. .-^%^£7 Synchromcsh Gears, no* standard on all Light Twelve-Four models, ensure simple, silent changing. Direction indicators arc an added satct> device, while
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  • 392 4 LIVE STOCK, A UTOMOBILES AND TRADE SECTIONS Best Since Malaya Borneo Exhibition The second annual live-stock exhibition which is to be held at the old Race-course from March 29 to April I promises to be one of the most elaborate shows of its kind since
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  • 385 4 Death By Misadven ture, Says Coroner A verdict ol death by misadventure has been returned by Mr. F. G. Bourne, the Singapore Coroner, after an inquiry into the circumstances under which George Buxton. a young European prison warder, met with his death. It will be recalled
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  • 132 4 Court Interpreter Among Suspected Gamblers An interpreter attached to the local police courts was among sixteen Chinese who lined up before Mr. Grice, the Second Magistrate, yesterday to answer a charge or gambling. The men were arrested by detectives under the supervision of Mr. E. Tongue, of
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  • 29 4 enquiries from t'r.e Borneo Poultry Farms. Jesselton Applications tor space and all other enquiries should be addressed to the Secretary. Second Annual Live Stock Exhibition 9 Robinson Road. Singapore.
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  • 912 4 LOCAL OFFICIALS SAY GOODBYE Interesting Ceremony Yesterday The grim austerity of the local Coroner's court appeared in a new and lighter, but more regretful, setting yesterday afternoon when members of the medical profession and representatives of the police force gathered to bid farewell to Mr. F. G.
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  • 429 4 Gestetner Chairman Thinks It Is The hey-day of the Woolworth's of the Far East. Japan, is nearly over! That is the view oi Mr. S. Gestetiiei*, cnairman and managing director of the famous British manufacturers of duplicating machines. Mr. Gestetner is in Singapore to-day on
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  • 121 4 Indian Trapped With Marked Notes For beta! In poaaatalon oi and selling obscene post-cards, a 30-year-old Indian named Naina Mohamed Shah was lined $150. or three months' rigorous imprisonment, by the Third Ma? Titrate yesterday. One hundred and twenty-eight pictures were exhibited in court by Dttftc-tive-Inspector McEwan, who
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  • 116 4 Mr. Joseph. Elias And Miss Sarah Solomon The marriage took place on Sunday at Maghain Aboth Synagogue. Waterloo Street, of Mr. Joseph Eiiar,, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elias Jonah, and Miss Sarah Solomon, daughter ot* Mr and Mrs. Solomon Reuben. The bride, who was given away by
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  • 83 4 Two Sentenced and Two Acquitted •From Our Own Correspondent. > Kuala Lumpur, Feb. 10 The first magistrate acquitted and discharged Kian Seng, the fourth accused, in the case in which four Chinese were charged with evasion ot customs duty on 1.785 pounds of Chinese and Indian tobacco
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  • 73 4 D.E.I. Kuomintainr Request To Nanking •From Our- Own Correspondent. m. Medan, Feb. 5. At the fourth Kuomintang Congress 01 Netherlands India a resolution was passed requesting the promotion of «lr Sung Foh Slang. Consul-General in Batavia. to be Consul-General for the whole of Netherlands India It was decided
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  • 118 4 Trip* Upstairs [a Year-Old a woman wrltei ago. After tutu suaded against n Saiu 4 o redm 222 lbs I had tried all to DO avail .v Kruachen i bad I ielt five years jroui say I leel a different is 37 years. hav< date, and while
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 178 4 Presenting a New Code Condenser that »iU greatb reduce telegraph -vpenses ACME COMPLETE SEVEN FIGIRE CODE *****00 FIVE LETTER to *****99 CODE WORDS INDISPENSA3LZ FOR FIG"?^3 CODES MAY 3E USED FOR 14 FIGURE CODES (2 Five Letter Code Words 21 FIGURE CODES (3 Five 38 FIGURE CODES <J?K£ C f
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    • 187 4 As a horse's favouritism is determined by its performance, so Brooke Bond Tea has won universal favour by its high quality and delicious flavour. Brooke Bond Tea conquer ?/iese signs of I I Advancing Age j x rftiD Keep your artene* young ~ev«;ry omui and woman, espe- tho«*r over 35.
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  • Article, Illustration
    289 5 \v the worst floods in the historv of tli*» Hiwti-i modem Noah of Olympia. Washing ton. stood "t Ct^^iZ' h*****™,. Washington USA., WHUam Greenwood, •inrbour. and prophesied that the -peal fl«oH" it s welrd Ark mo «red on the mudflats of Olympto I7* n Zrt£ T a e «2\££ eluse
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 95 5 "CAMEL" CIGARETTES— A ]i fl] superb blend of Turkish and W|^- ~ylm domestic tobaccos which cona C^^fiJLfilml ta n no P e PP er y ust st n K 3 1^ j^^H delicate membrane, but just R I^^^BE^^Sp^OJ ne co nll^ aroma of fine M\ y^jPjPil^ tobaccos properly conditioned, anc^
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 620 6 $1 SO Must Be Won FREE PRESS FOOTBALL COMPETITION Six Free Chances Every Week B^^L^i be Olm WtW*™ of tixe MMBKR OK tORKK I H»K). v if vJ^ Press Foot °all Competition No 26 CLAIMED. £n W ml^h2? C sf kec^ to forecast re^ults of The full results of all
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 294 7 ALHAMBRA I opening today &15 9.15 1 4 SHOWS TOMORROW THURSDAY 2.15-4.30-6.45 9.15 j OUR GREAT CHINESE NEW YEAR OFFERING! j j FIRST A Record Breaking Play! I PAUL ROBESON '"SSS? in- Ww/f /SBm with DUDLEY DIGGES, The Celebrated English Character Actor! nHr ilP^Sii mPm^m/K^M I SEE PAUL ROBESON RISE
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    • 470 7 j HIS WIVES' ILLNESS Clerk's Reason For Second i Bankruptcy m Si ANTON 'From Our Own Correspondent.' Penang, Feb. 9. j KIJ7f COM JBU In thc Supreme Court today a Chin- [B I| 11 ll^^- f O^ ese. Ong Beng Khean, a clerk in the m r*f*L rri\ Audit Office,
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    • 195 7 —■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■I "E^SUi^t^^ LAST night 1 of OUR BIG STAGE AND SCREpN BILL! TOM WALLS on the stack fare- I in THE WELL APPEARANCE OF fIK DICK NORTON 5 J snow m- mMmm&mk lIIK inimitable pir JUST WREipMB veyor of fun in a m I SMITH" HB^jl Mrsir. MELODY AND I
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  • 453 8 The Singapore Free Press TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1934. The R.A.F Flight To Hong Kong }TT would, we suppose, be just as wide of the mark to link up the I coming flight to Hong Kong and (back .by .the Far Eastern Flying ißoat Squadron with the rumours of war in
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  • 1331 8 - GOVERNMENT papers laid on the table at yesterday's meeting of the Legislative Council reveal a well-inten-tioned economy effort on the part of the Government which was, unfor tunately, brought to nought. In May, 1932, an order for square half- cent coins to the total face value
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  • 243 8 Mr. Horsley. Executive Engineer P.W.D.. will shortly be leaving Ipoh on transfer. Mr. Dennett, Chief Sanitary Ins "pector. has returned to Taiping from Kuala Lumpur where he had been acting. Capt. H. Dane, General Manager Perak River Hydro-Electric Power Co Ltd Ipoh. will be leaving for
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  • 648 8 |N many ways the la« m are the pleasantest ot ,11 the flrat "big" days th-.' r f* <* .aaoe attaching to the bai of lormality. which at felt when the youngster holiday try their prent most as keenly as the |ui enjoy these back-end d as much
    The Times  -  648 words
  • 130 8 I Municipal Committee No meeting held on Feb. 2 appr programme of mfnor fewer! struction during the first part at an estimated cost oi $23.00" There passed away during the hours of Sunday morning Mr I) pragasam. of the Foreign Mission B Society, stationed at Klang. alter br illness, at
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 56 8 "WHAT HAPPENS TO PEOPLE who are so foolish as to allow themselves to become run down?" asks a doctor. They wind up in a hospital. However, GAFLAC ACCIDENT and ALL-SICKNESS f POLICIES make the world seem brighter in the event of illness or injury. GENERAL ACCIDENT, FIRE LIFE ASSURANCE CORPORATION.
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  • 133 9 DRINK TRADE ALLEGATION lady Astor Angers Fellow-Mem bers London, Feb. 9. r s temperance enthusiasm angry altercation in the mmons during the discus- private members' bill extend- tun in hotels and restautor the restaurants. the attraction owfoveta the attraction of overseas i>itors. hip declared the drink i ertain members of
    Reuter Wireless  -  133 words
  • 143 9 Forty Fatalities In New York New York, Feb. 12. of Arctic weather in New Ich there have been forty I to be ending The has risen from two degrees -7 degrees above in the y-tour hours but the cold has where. boon heavy snowfalls in and Wyoming
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  • 73 9 hood The Highest Profession Berlin, Feb. 12. untrue that Nazism is n ;»nd aims at excludpublic life and the prolared Hcrr Goebbels at a women In Berlin to-day. tion, he said, would have consequences and it was emplated by responsible Nazism regarded the proand mother as the
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  • 32 9 People Killed At Lille Lille. Feb. 8. pl<> were killed and 40 rail smash when a light i into a train filled with mashed the rear coach Reuter Wireless
    Reuter Wireless  -  32 words
  • 234 9 Mr. Hoblyn Leaving The Far East <From Our Own Correspondent) > Penang, Feb. 12. Mr. D. R. a. Hoblyn, manager of the Borneo Co., Ltd., who is retiring alter many years service in the East, and who is sailing on Saturday next by the s.s. Ranpura together with
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  • 70 9 Enjoyable Concert At Penang <From Our Own Correspondent* Penang, Feb. 12. The concert party of H M.S. Kent which Is paying a \isit to this port' gave a delightful entertainment at Fort Cornwallls. A large gathering thoroughly enjoyed a long programme of 17 items. It is hoped that
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  • 72 9 Engineers Meet At Penang From Our Own Correspondent > Penang:. Feb. 12. A meeting of the Engineering Association of Malaya < Penang Branch, was held last night at the E and O Hotel. Mr. T. Rogers. President ot the Penang branch, presding. Mr. G. Hutton. vice-president
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  • 55 9 Attackers May Have Been Chinese Dairen. Feb. 12. Two more Japanese trawlers have arrived so only one is now missing The police alter questioning the crews stated that the attackers mayhave been Chinese coastguards objecting to near-shore fishing by nonChinese craft. No Japanese warships have been despatched to
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 249 9 BLUES" CHEER O 'DUFFY All-Ireland Union With Britain? London. Feb. 8. and h[n W K,° f 150 bl ue-shirted f£2 e ~E iOUSed women cheered Genih I Uffy When he delivered a pre nn n of a L address at the flrst conv/n--fj° e United Irel *nd Party at the
    Reuter  -  249 words
  • 190 9 French Note On Disarmament Paris, Feb. 12. The French note sent to London to-day tor transmission to Mr. Arthur Henderson. Chairman of the Disarmament Conference, holds out little hope ,of the results of the Franco-German 1 conversations, says the Petit Parisien.— Reuter. German Jibes Munich, Feb. 12. Politics
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  • 105 9 Patna, Feb. 10. The Maharaja of Dharbanga. Sir Kameshwar Singh, has offered to finance to the extent of £187.500 the planning on new lines of Dharbanga. the town which suffered severely in the recent earthquake. The Maharaja, who is the head of the Maithil Brahmins, has already
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  • 102 9 Latest Rubber and Tin Prices And Sterling Rates RUBBER London. Feb. 12. Spot (Sellers* 4 15 16d. »5 1 16d. Buyers* 4 7 B d. <sd.> Feb.-Mar 4 31,32d. April- June 5 1 16d. <5 7|32d. > July-Sept. 5 5 32d. <5 sil6d> Market .—Dull. United Kingdom rubber
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  • Page 9 Advertisements

    • 1684 10 Outside Production A Rapidly Growing Danger ■From O*:r Own Correspondent) London, Jan. 29. Thrre matters are row regained as of paramount importance by London ir embers of the Tin industry Iby "members" I mean representatives here Di producers overseas, brokers and dealers in the
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    • 89 10 Chamber Of Commerce Rubber Association February 12, 12 o'clock noon. Buyers Sellers R.S.S. equal to London Standard, Spot loose) 16 5 /8 16% R.S.S. equal to London Standard <F.0.8.) 17 17i /8 Standard R.S.S. on Tender Feb. 16 11 16 16 13 16 March 16 3 4 16% Apr. June
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    • 210 10 iFebruary 12. SELLING London. 4 months' sight 24 9j64 London. 3 months' sight 24 1 s London, 60 days' sight 2,4 764 London. 30 days' sight 2 4 3 32 London, demand 2 4 5;64 London, T.T. 2 4 1 16 Lyons, Paris, demand 895 Hamburg, demand 148
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    • 45 10 Mr. Frank Reedy, conducting a tour party of 23 people from various parts of the United States arrived in Singapore by the Pres. Harrison. The Reedy party leave to-day for a trip to Java, returning to Singapore and sailing on the Pres. Hayes for India.
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    • 316 10 Rubber Featured On Stock Exchange London, Feb. 7. Events in Paris, again restricted business on the Stock Exchange considerably and apart from isolated instances, there was no special feature. The drop of 2 9 in the price of gold to *****d. had a rather dampening influence
      Reuter Wireless  -  316 words
    • 183 10 February 12, 12 o'clock noon Buyers Sellers Gambier 3.75 Java Cube 6.50 Hamburg Cube 6.50 Muntok White Pepper 32.00 White Pepper 31.50 Black Pepper 153^ Copra, sundried 3.05 Copra, mixed 2.45 Small flake Tapioca 4.25 Med. Pearl Tapioca 5.00 Small Pearl Tapioca 5. 00 Lingga Sago Flour
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    • 64 10 New Duties Against France To-day London, Feb. 10. The British Government has Informed the French Government that retaliatory duties will be imposed on Feb 12 unless the discriminatory quotas are removed. The Board of Trade will issue a list of articles, mainly of wearing apparel on which existing
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    • 1004 10 NIPAH DISTILLERIES OF MALA YA "On Threshold Of Success Com mercia lly At the annual ordinary general meeting ol Nipah Distilleries of Malaya Limited at 6 Lloyd's Avenue. London, the Chairman. Mr. P. J. Burgess, presiding said: In London we have a constant struggle to provide the finance necessary for
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    • 169 10 Per Cent Dividend I»r Shareholders The director! Estates Ltd. have shareholder* the Company for th< The proMt lor the allowance for d^pn i ject to manager'* con cd to $7.844. <<1 wind. balance of $19.U7:* 7«» broi from the pctctdlni i total of 196,918.70 I The directors re©
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    • 24 10 Yarak Rubber C Tawah Rub Plant Sandycroit Rubber Dindings Rubbtr BtUte* Lesong Tujoh Rubb»: 12.160; Kuala Kanga Ltd., 124,000 lb.
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  • 741 11 esterday's Closing Quotations I M'.Kl \KV \>. ItM. E 39s 41s 45s 46s 6d 14s 3d 15s L.90 2.00 34s 6d 35s 6ci 30 S3 9;> 43s 45s Bs M .»s 9ci 49 52 47 ■■> 50 14s 14s 9a Ll 122 I Lng <ss> 7s 7s
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  • 59 11 Reopened After Storm Damage Repairs ,^rom Our Own Correspondent.) Pen aim, *eo- a it t nearly Mteen months the ro^l I round th f island has been declared cuen It will be remembered thai ui stro fth road Work of repau' vl.s iSHS?S|S= I Wl be ,n°
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  • 23 11 Death Of The G.O.C Of Southern Command London. Feb. t. General Sir Percy RadcHff- General c'itci almost immeaiaie yesterday. British Raaio
    British Radio  -  23 words
  • 1108 11 Major-General Oldfield's Final Report BUT PROGRESS GOOD THK continued decrease in the strength oi European units of the S.S. Volunteer Forces is deplored by Major-General L. C, L. Oldfield, the newly retired G.O.C, Malaya, in his report for 193.°, which was laid on the table at
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  • 108 11 Shanghai Gunmen Make Big Haul Shanghai. Jan. 30 A daring armed robbery, at 10 o'clock this morning, was perpetrated in Peking Road in the heart of the Settlement while crowds of Chinese and foreign folk went about their business. Four armed men entered a gold and silver exchange
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  • 94 11 Admiral Sir A. Waistell Retires London, Feb. 10. Admiral Sir Arthur Kipling Waistell K.C.8.. C.8.. Commander-in-Chiei. Portsmouth, has retired at his own request.— Reuter. Admiral Waistell commanded the destroyer flotillas. Atlantic Fleet. 1922--i23 and was a Lord Commissioner of i the Admiralty and Assistant Chiet of Naval
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
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    • 382 11 AmieU txceci $U Jt,— Adfanmce In ftce •^et til— t H* The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. 'Incorporated la the Strait* Settlement* HEAD OFFICE Great Eastern Life Building, Cecil Street, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 27, Old Jewry I C The Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England
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    • 396 11 CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. .U STRALIA AM) CHINA (Incorporated in England by Royal Charter* Paid up capital in 600.000 shares oi £5 each £3.000 .0-14 Reserve Fund £3.000.004 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £3.000.(W4 HEAD OFFICE 38. Bishopsgate, London. EC C Agencies and Branches Alor Star I IloiU Semarang Amritsar j
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  • 188 12 Semi-Official Concern Under Formation Steps to establish a semi-official Kwangtung Steamship Company for > the purpose of providing cheap water transportation between Canton and other commercial centres in the province are now being taken by the Reconstruction Department, it is rei ported by the Canton Daily Sun. Plans
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 646 12 Burns Philp Line. (Incorporated in Australia) FOR BRISBANE SYDNEY AND MELBOURNE via JAVA, DARWIN AND THURSDAY ISLAND. Regular monthly sailing by the well-known steamer MARELLA (7,375 tons) and thr s.s. MANGOLA (3.352 tons): ICargo only] I s MARLLLA is one of the largest and ilnest steamers trading to Australia Cabins
      646 words
    • 71 12 STATE SHIPPING SERVICE off Western Australia FREMANTLE Via Port Swettenham, Pcnang, Palenibang, Banjocwangi and North k Western Ports Due Sails Singapore Singapore. T.s.m.v. Kangaroo Mar. 21 Mar. 22 T.s.m.v. Kangaroo May 18 May 19 T.s.m.v. Kangaroo July 22 July 23 Fares Single £19.0.0. Australian Return £30.0.0. Currency For particulars of
      71 words
    • 68 12 TRANSLATIONS from or to Dutch, French. 'lermai. Norwegian COOK'S TRANH aTION BUREAU tt. Robinson Ko»* I. S. K. LINE. ISHIHAKA WDUSTRUI TRANSPOIM i Incorporated RBGULAK lIUMM PASSI.M.Hf SEKVI< SHYOJIN MAHI ERIE MARU xM FOR KOBF. OSAhV HOJ NAGOTA AND >|^" h BOSTON MARU ERIE MARU Marked ship pro, ...f For
      68 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 366 12 Local And Foreign Mail Despatches and Arrivals BY TRAIN Bangkok every Saturday 7 p.m. and Thursday 7.30 a.m. Saturday 7 p.m. Kuantan (via Jerantut) Monday to Friday 7.30 a.m. Kuantan i «ia Jerantut) Saturdays 7 p.m. Kelantan (via Padang Besar) Monday and Friday 7 p.m. Kelantan (via Gemas) every Monday.
      366 words
    • 1613 12 LATEST SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE STEAMER \SAILOR SINGAPq'^"] RUNS DOWN PREFERRED HAkHoA TONGKANG GAOL s iP s 1K >.. East Wharf (EMranct i,,,. I Cries Of Victims Could Not Be «ff«%s Not Heard Worse Than Ship vSfSL^ Empire Ho«-k (Entrant As a result of a midnight collision Living standards are strictly rela-
      1,613 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 420 13 XT vi^ British India and Apcar Lines. MAIL. PASSENGER AND CARGO PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL S N CO M.IK CONTRACT WITH His mihstvc VAJ. OUTWARDS FROM LONDON FOR CHINA JAPAN. Due Tonnage. Singapore Du 1934 lonnajf. Singapore. 'WAN 6.070 Feb 15 w AWTIri 1934. RAL 15.000 Feb 6 bfS??n '1000I 000
      420 words
    • 497 13 Ellerman Bucknall Steamship Co., Ltd. 'Incorporated in England' "ELLERMAN" LINE FOR HAVRE, LONDON, ROTTERDAM AND HAMBURG VIA PORTS AND SUEZ CANAL W^"* Steamer r, en,, SS of B,th Feb 2? Mar 2 Ck> of Bath Mar u Mar Calls at Dunkirk. FOR HONG KONG, SHANGHAI AND J*PV\ City of Lille
      497 words
    • 1082 13 THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE (Octari THE HU A KHIOW STEAMSHIP CO < 'W Steam Ship Co. Ltd., and China Ltd rr*T«. S?^"* 1 Steam Navigation Co. Ltd. THE CUNARD STEAM SHIP C; Ltd r^M^??s^2 IP C LUI THB SARAWAK STEAMSHIP C 525 SPA I J A NAVIGATION Co., Ltd. THE
      1,082 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1015 14 K. P. m. KOMNKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPU MAHOS Tuesday. Feb. 13. Bengkalis. Paneh. Berombang. TandjongMengeldar. Tandjong-Leidong and Asahan. MAJANG— Wednesday. Feb. 14, Prigi-Radja. Sapat. Tembilahan. Poeloe-Pallas, Pmgallan -Estate and Rengat. THEDENS Wednesday. Jan. 14, Muntok and Palembang. TOHITI Wednesday Feb 14 Toengkal. Moeara-Saba and Djambi. 11 VAN OFTHOORN Thursday. Feb. 15,
      1,015 words
      396 words
    • 666 14 O. S. K. Line FOR AFRICA AND SOUTH AMERICA. Due v.ii I- Montevideo Buenos Aires via Colombo. Durban. Maru Cape Town. Rio de Janeiro, Santos and Montevideo F»b Hawaii Maru Buenos Aires via Colombo, Mombasa, Zanzibar, Dar-ts-Salaam, Beira, L. Marques, Durban, Aigoa Bay. Cape lown and Santos India Maru Cape
      666 words

  • 1985 15 SENSATION OF THE SEASON iI u< kierst ie Id's Defeat SOUTHAMPTON'S SECRET: COOL DETERMINATION 500.000 Spectators See 34 Goals Scored In C< respondent. > London, Jan. 28. do think oi the Cup". 1 her have decided that] •;y much as might <-d. save tor the defeat ol Huddersfield by Third
    1,985 words
  • 4562 15 the Duilding trade, sanitary engineering, tailoring, furniture designing and making and advanced printing would oe added to the existing activities. I believe the time has come when some of these vocations should be taught our locally- born boys. In connection with vocational education. I should
    4,562 words
  • 210 15 England Beat Wmfei In Thrilling (lame From Our Own Correspondent London. Jan. One ol the best Amateur international football matches ever played between England and '.Vales was won by England 5—3. at Bangor yesterday The 1 England forwards irerc a powerful as well as a nippy q'lintette. and
    210 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 84 15 -tx o'fc K i /y| a real man's blade ed to shave tough beards nder skins without scrape Its super-keen edges cen specially tempered Dse who like rough -\nd hardy living. Try at once and realise thousands of men say s no blade like Probak" xfcs $0*75 10 blades $I*so
      84 words
    • 17 15 '< v\\ it J§^^\M Al^ a y s Soaring A^ -'^Lt^/r H gh Pa P° larit > 6 Co.
      17 words

  • 841 16 English Elect To Bat, Score 261 For Seven NEARLY 400 RUNS WANTED TO SAVE GAME Walters Makes A Century I India have to score 397 runs today to save the third Test match, now being contested at Madras. Yesterday Jardine elected to play
    841 words
  • 67 16 Joining S. Australian Broking Firm Adelaide, Feb. 12. Bradman has joined H. W. Hodgetts. a South Australian member of the Board of Control in a stockbroking partnership at Adelaide and begins his duties immediately the England tour ends. He will play for South Australia
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • 183 16 THE SINGAPORE RACE MEETING Training Opens At Bukit Timah There was an excellent attendance at Bukit Timah yesterday morning to v.'tiiess the official opening of training Icr the forthcoming meeting. With the exception of several of van Breukelen's charges only local horses' werr» on view, and it is not likely
    183 words
  • 84 16 Profit of $3,500 Shown 'From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Feb. 12. The recent Taiping Turf Club professional meeting, which was resumed after a lapse of 18 months, shows $3,500 profit. AUSTRALIAN RACING 'From Our Own Correspondent.) Sydney, Feb. 11. The Williamstown Stakes were run to-day and resulted as
    84 words
  • 123 16 Financial Position Is Sound Although they had had to exercise the greatest of economy during the past year, the Club could congratulate themselves on their very strong financial postion. declared Mr. F. G. Lundon, commodore of the Royal Singapore Yacht Club, at the annual general meeting
    123 words
  • 561 16 WEI-HAI-WEI CUP Bukit Timah's Narrow Win Over Garrison The Singapore Golf Club defeated the Garrison Golf Club in the Wei-Hai-Wei Cup competition at the Garrison course on Sunday by 4 pts. to 3 pts. Details »S.G.C. players mentioned first > R. Craik <3 and 2>, 1; Sqr. Ldr. A.
    561 words
  • 27 16 The hockey match arranged for yesll te Tnoon at Tan g"n between the third eleven of the Wiltshires and the "B team of the S.R.C. was cancelled.
    27 words
  • 573 16 MUNICIPAL SERVANTS BEAT PUBLISHERS Losers Have Better Of Play But Cannot Score Mun. Services 5: M.P.H 1. Although the run of the play was not j consistent with the final result of five i goals to one, this was the winning mrxgin of the Municipal Services in their Commercial Cup
    573 words
  • 77 16 By the kind permission m U -00l J H. M. Mee and the Officers T Wiltshire Regiment the Band WID pity at the Singapore Swimming i Sunday. Feb. 25. from 6 p.m. to Kp^ An "At Home" will be held or. F:. Mar. 2. Supper will be
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  • Page 16 Advertisements