The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 27 June 1933

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 19 1 The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS. NO. 13,993. ESTaBLJSHEI> 1835. SINGAPORE, S.S. TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 1933. 10 CENTS.
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  • 98 1 f-Vng Vu-hsiang is reported (o he tm-rtiiiu with little opposition in his anti-Japanese drive in C'harhar. Several Chinese ui;.« <ts who went over to Manchukuo have returned to Feng's banner Page 9. Nanking and other Yangtze cities are still menanced by flood Pa«e !>. Strong- protests at
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  • 19 1 TEST CLOSE London. June '•> Test England 296 We.«! Indies 55 for fi at rlose of play Reuter
    Reuter  -  19 words
  • 16 1 Hatavia, June 26. Twenty Europeans are amon^ the b« ticoolfn earthquake vk Mm?. Reuter
    Reuter  -  16 words
  • 130 1 Hitler b out inn int. his campaiitn of ruthlessly suppressing all opposition and will not even permit rivalry on the part of his allies. HiiKenbei n's greenshirts have been forcibly disbanded. Further Nazi excesses are reported from fiernianj Page 7. The cumr alien against 'ja^a kreta" baft continues Page 7.
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  • 943 1 There were not many European ohflldftSj ic th. i.v.n where Roses parents dwelt Hut ror all t!mt hud manv friends, and in hoi Mdhi ■brad with her amah :hv exchanges man;, smiles and nods with a dignity becoming a young lady of six. At home with her parents
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 587 1 TEA Bring* the freshness ijiii fragrance of the Malayan gardens direct to your home. RAFFLES HOTEL MALAYA'S PREMIER HOTKL jjOOtfg WTIU MODKRW SANITATION AND HOT AND COLD RUNNINO WATER. TO NIGHT SPECIAL DINNER DANCE •M to MID-NIGHT Special Daily Tea Informal Special Dollar Lunch Dances Dinner Dunces Dinner Dances s
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    • 261 1 ADELPHi I SEA VIEW I HOTEL HOTEL I Efcvourite ideal Seaside Resort J Down Town Rendez-vous The Place to Spend Facing St. Andrew's Cathedral a Pleasant Holiday. I EVERY ROOM WITH PRIVATE BATH ROOfcf MODERN SANITATION. EXCELLENT CUISINE SERVICE^ GENERAL MANAGER: H. O. WASER. THE ROTARY CLUB OF SINGAPORE It
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    • 87 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS Trip* to fatm Fagr l. Iniixiitant Auftion Par>- 2. BtfaceMcnt Rings Race l' Triido Mark Wotfcj— Pa«q 2 CHRYSLER EASY HANDLING S.ShimuraSCo. Shirt and Pyjama Makers Complete Shir t Outfits in Stock No. 82-2, Bras Basah Road, SINGAPORE. I Theee distressing skin comphJnts I are sure outward signs
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    • 12 1 I There is no better TV« than BIGIA TEA GROWN IN MALAYA
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  • 259 2 General Election in October [From Our Own Correspondent] Bangkok. June 21. The sensation politically of the week has been the retirement of four State Councillors, occupying key positions tad the Army on the ground of ill-health, such resignations becoming effective on June 24th. the datp of
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  • 171 2 War Horse With a Charmed Life General J. E. B. Seely, Lord Lieutenant of Hampshire, took the salute at a ceremonial parade in honour of the King's birthday by thr» 2nd Hants Regiment, at, Rurkhttret Barracks, Isle of Wight. General ScUy was mounted on his famous charger Warrior, which
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 507 2 BOARD RESIDENCE. j 3 TANGLIN HILL j Near Garrison Golf Coarse SINGLE AND DOUBLE ROOMS AVAILABLE PERSONAL SUPERVISION MODERN SANITATION Telephone 3798 or write for appointment Mrs. A. B. Matthews. Highly Recommended. SUNNYSIDE- 7 Oxle y Road Board Residence. Vacant July Ist. Comfortable furnished flats, suit married couple or friends
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    • 655 2 TENDERS. SINGAPORE MUNICIPAL NOTICE. Tenders. NOTICE is hereby given that tenders are now invited for the following materials or services and that particulars of such tenders may be obtained in the Tender Room, Municipal Offices Supply of Heavy pipes and Cast Iron Specials for period Oct. Ist, 1933 to Sept.
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    • 730 2 NOTICE. OLD RAFFLESIANS' ASSOCIATION. Members are notified that the Annual General Meeting fixed for Friday, June 30th. has been postponed until further notice. The Concert will be held in the Y.M.C.A. Hall on June 30th at 9 p.m. as announced. Admission will be by programme, which may be obtained from
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    • 778 2 TRADE MARK NOTICES. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the trad' mark consisting of the woid -BAMBOOSTEEL in connection with a representation of a stri,> of bamboo and two twigs which represent twiga of a bamboo tree, is the trade mark of THE TENNESSEE COAL. IRON AND RAILROAD COMPANY, a corporation
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    • 353 2 \\/'^SSa^a^^*^ NOTICK IS HEKKHV mark ronsis. rtthin which a circular bund runni two hemispheres u ti AMERICAN STCK'. N NI New Jerse-. Laws of the MS* of America an. feller Bulldins Wo 6M Cleveland. Oino. Manutartu,. r ntflf in reaped ol rol| an urrr *m and other .hapr; p turned
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 348 2 THE WEEK Tuesday, 27th. High Water. 00.06, 9.5 it.. 13.36. 8.2 ft. Football S.A.F.A. League (Dlr. I>, R.A. vs. S.R.C, postponed: (Div. ll> Harlequins vs. Malaya FA. 11.. Jalan Besar: (Friendly) S.C.C. Ist. XI vs. S.C.F.A., Padang. Tennis: Singapore Championship, S.C.C. Wednesday. 28th. High Water. 00.45. 9.4 ft.. 14.10. 8
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  • 313 3 IMPERIAL AIRWAYS LINER Plane That Will Come to Singapore An event believed to be unique in the annals Of the air took place in Belgium when four members oi a Royal Family flew together in :;n aeroplane. They were the King and Queen of
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  • 299 3 Ex-(iuarclsman's Peculiar Pranonition it ni rsvcaled at ua inquest in Biimtngham on Thomas Parker, a 34 yns. old cx-Guard.smnn v.ho died in prlaoA nit.-v w struggle with l.ardCTS, that the man had had a "premonition" tliat he would die in prison. The Binninpham City Coronei. Dr. W.
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  • 146 3 American Police Visit London a round-up or American gangsters, some said to be connected with the Lindbergh baby case and reported to be hiding in England and Pruned is occupying the attentions of the authorities in Paris. Inspector Thomas Dimond. of the United States police, has just left
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  • 133 3 Visit to Reading Biscuit Factory The firm of Messrs. Runtley and Palmers «rere recently favoured with a visit from an ■astern ruler ka the person of ih<> Sultan of Brunei. Mr. Eric Pretty, former BritLsh resident, ac-compank-d the Sultan on his visit to the Factory. The Sultan
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  • 315 3 UNKNOWN THOUSANDS IN GAOL Moscow Diplomats Protest A meeting of foreign diplomats was recently held in Moscow at which measures were discussed for approaching the Soviet Government with regard to the necessity of more satisfactorily regulating the constant conflicts and misunderstandings between Moscow and foreign countries on
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  • 156 3 Prince Michael's Plane Trip c.ov.n Prince Michael of Rounmnia, probably the youngest motorist in Europe he is only 11 may soon be the youngest ah man. Piloted by Major Burclulioi). a "crack" Roumanian airman, he has enjoyed hi* first rlisht. which lasted 55 minutes, and. if the
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  • 182 3 Business Before the Law Courts The number of appeals lor hearing in the London Court of Appeal clurinrr the Trinity Term, is 134. This is double the number set down for hearing in the corresponding Term of 1932. The increase is due to a great extent
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  • 203 3 Never Told She Was Murdered A 10-year-old boy who did not know thai his mother had been murdered by his father four months ago, and v.:-s yearning to nee her n^ain. ran away from the Bfedkm Children'i Home tio:;r High A polier search
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 318 3 Cuticura Healed Itching Pimples on Little Boy's Face NJ> little son's trouble was on his ear and the side of his fact. It started with little pimples that soon spread and d wet. sore eruptions. The itching io bad that he scratched until the eruptions would bleed, and cried a
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    • 199 3 HAPI>\ TO BE 136 lbs. Ix>st 3K lbs.— More to Follow Most voaaea would be alarmed if their v.'ight showed 136 lbs. But not this one. You see she was 174 lbs., and she has found a way to takr olf that dtaflgMsj overweight. She wrists "Six months ago. when
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    • 244 3 I J^M. l~ m Q Q 7^ €1 O I ¥r\ I IO I A Tl/^T if l T l r i r rr» and ALUMINIUM PAINT Coat of Mail Frotection TO ATT PROPERTY ON WHICH IT IS USED UNITED ENGINEERS LIMITED j i^^^^fefc REMEMBER fc*' l7<m^ uc^ °f M
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  • 882 4 PRESENTATION AT KUALA. LUMPUR First In The F.M.S k ii. i l.i Lumpur, June 25. tii* Bxoeltenej the High Comini sioner. Sir Cecil I nlng presented reglt« colour* to th* Bslaniof battalion <•. j. „:■< s-at.s Volunteer Forces, at ceremony on the padang. HH. the fmltan t
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  • 79 4 Bang-kok. June 21. Oovernmcnt. the commercial community .ind th«- exchange banks will observe June 27th as a public holiday, being the anniversary of the day which His Majesty signed the temporary Constitution. This Is a new and i :<c<-eptabli- holiday io the not too lonq
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  • 31 4 The commission Inquiring into "certain mat- I ters concerning the administration of the'i y-M-8. Electric Department- has been given '< jutTTi nlnp month in hich to peport from I
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  • 865 4 Munich Conference Broken BOY DELEGATES BEATEN European Guests in Flight Munich June. 11. hcrii b of brutal Kssaults by Nazi Storiv. Troops on hundreds of defenceleai lads who I hud gathered at Munich to attend the Roman Catholic Congrats of Apprentices and Jour- ymeii led t<>
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  • 370 4 HOUND AND GAGGED, AND PARTLY HIDDEN Southampton MurderMystery Night and day. the man whose detective skill hanged William Henry Podmoiv for the murder of Vivian Messiter in a garage at Bouthampton three years ago. is striving to solve latest, and one of the most battling mysteries
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  • 197 4 Great Popularity in Siam (From On- Own Oorifsoondent) Bangkok. June 21. Tlii popularity of the State Railway excursions to places of historic interest Is evident from the return of profit (nctt) announced from the two northern tours totalling Tcs. 23.245 odd say well over £2.000. and to thai
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  • 173 4 Mother and Child in K.L. Tragedy Kuala Lumpur. June 24. A scene of horror was witnessed in Kualv Lumpur last night when the roof of a shophouse collapsed upon a sleeping Chinese family Tho Ughts i ailed and rescuers were unable to extricate the victim^ from pfJes
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 28 4 BRAND'S SANDWICH PASTES {■your sandwich** and canape Tty CAicfen and Ham, or Tmkn •••Tongue for a chan«/ Gtnuine. True to lab^l. lf«i» 6y th* maker* of At Smm»
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    • 238 4 AS DEPENDABLE AS AN Als Ti N oomfoftableastkjm^l THAT depends on'OVERHANG' Tf| ijL It's a very important point this feature 111 H of body 'overhang.' J SBillwß If the rear seats in am make \ou sit "".l.Sfln behind the axle you will experience riding '1O _^^s^^S_* K^___l— B____B^^r^ discomfort
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  • 299 5 Talc of a Box and a Bride's Brainwave Here il a int lt: glory of ?oi old jomam-e which I may brings from u.s all the pa»sin«,' tribute of a jsigh, writes Montajfue Smith in the Daily Mail. Fifty years ago there was a \vediiiji!i party
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  • 146 5 Women Pugilists Fight Way to Court Thi.s is ;i story of wise men and Amazon women. The men are wise because, living in the .same house, they agreed to allow their womenfolk to settle their own differences. Hence the modern Amazons. But the battle seemed to
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  • 169 5 Water Diviners in Conference in Paris With an ordinary stall mep. u "duv.MT.' or writer iMtIUCi, <-;m ftnd mineral deix)sits merehby swin^inir a 'pendulum," .such as his gold watch, over the map. This was 0m 1 of many statements made at th* Paris Congress of Water
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  • 277 5 Remarkable Case Against 17- Years Old Youth A youths remarkable diary of alleged housebreukinii was read at Clacton when Oliver Ernest Tucker. 24. n cowman, and Eric Marlborouyh. 17. u labourer, were charged with breaking and entering two houses. Extracts from tht diaiy. found in the possession
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  • 138 5 0* .1 Miina's oldest foreign resident's arrived in Lone on In the liner < i,itra» after 61 years of missionary work in 1^""R- 1U Rrf Kv:»ns Meech. Mr. Meech is 88 years of age. With Mr. Meech is his daughter, Miss Jean Meech. The
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 108 5 „iittinK BRITISH Comcdv by Ifct Hiiii n r> "gtotptaai Nights Vf 1^ *ll*lU Nothin^ bllt one Recession of I \ST NIGHT] Don't Miss It!! LAST NIGHT!! ALBERT BURDON f< haplin's only real rival (VIDE PRESS i Uritish International's HPS|^^HB| unnicst Musical i'arce— -*3[Ja THE SUNSHINE" jfTf'^Hl TO-MORROW! Opening at Matinoo
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    • 479 6 WHY MERLIN WAS LAST Good Showing By Johore In First Race The newly formed Johore Yacht Club on Friday sailed their first inter -club team race in the Singapore Clubs waters. The race "was very close. Singapore winning by 19 points to 17 2 which
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    • 321 6 International Fours At R.S.Y.C. The International Cop was competed Z7C\ ■gain by lemma of the Royal Singapore Yacht Club on Saturday. Since Mr. V. D. Knowles first presented the trophy in 1923 English, Celtic and Irish fours have fought for it annually. Last yoar the English won it.
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    • 60 6 Tho foDowinc arc results of ti( s played off in the opn sir-'.cs < hampionflup oi tho Sect Kim Cheni Badmlntoo Party la -i wore:— KM Hup Ben Beat Soet Kim Chentr 15—12 I—ls,1 15, If)— 8. Tun Kim Ko n beat Poh Ton Mew 10—15 IT>— l2. 14—14
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    • 56 6 -rl^ ollowln h *vo been invited to play z s r R c tCPt ras a?ainst the B -m c rut tf B Noon L Scott D «'^ish. i H B I^t S P nsford D H Palmer, Lnm^ S> L Hill J E C Mitchell, WH U HMO, H
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    • 286 6 Big: Scores By Pittsburgh and Detroit New York, June 24. Following are the scores in to-day's baseball games. NATIONAL LEAGUE Cincinnati 2 8 3 New York 16 1 Lombard! and Adams made home runs for Cincinnati. Pittsburgh 4 10 1 Brooklyn 5 9 2 Cucinello (Brooklyn; made a home
      Reuter  -  286 words
    • 197 6 Trying To Make Enough To Keep Going: Ipoh, June 23. Mr. E. L. Watson, chairman, at the annual reneral meeting of the Perak Turf Club ytserday announced that in spite of the prevailing .lump the revenue and expenditure for last •ear had balanced for all practical purpose.
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    • 164 6 A strong Ceylon Sports Club side defeated St. Joseph's, who were, however, not at full strength, by 4 wickets at Balestier on Saturday. St. Joseph Boon b Dudley 7. Cordeiro hit wkt. b Janata 11. Fernandez c Paramsothy b Jansen 30. Moobergen c and b Jansen
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    • 277 6 Kaflles Institution Fail Badly Against Y.M.C.A. J. Lo Cain and G. Willis, bovttng for th. Y.M.C.A. in a match against the Raffles Insritution on the lattor's ground on Saturday, wrought havoc amon<? the schoolboy batsman. Le Cain tcok six wickets for only 10 runs and Willis
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    • 194 6 Fixtures for S.C.C. American Tournament Lawn bowls American tournament at the sec WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28th H. Henshchvood and C. G. Pugler vs. H. R. L. Dyne and D. C. Burn. G. Cameron and E. Fozard vs. M. St. Paul and V. P. Barbat. P. It Sco'.t and H.
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    • 434 6 Fine Riding By Miss Callan Penanjj. June 2b. An enjoyable afternoon vas spent at Alor Star by a large crowd which included the Sultan of Kedah. the Sultan of Pera 1 the Eritish Adviser. Kedah. and the Re;V^t of Kedah when the Kedah Gymkhana Club held their annual
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    • 208 6 After Suicide Of Her Husband Tnat woman staged a scene with hi I husband's body after he committed, sulride to make it appear that ho had collapsed, m suggested by the Birmingham coroner, Dr. W. H. Davison. at an inquest on Walter E hvards, aged 55. of
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    • 95 6 Three Words Thai D*yd A Wcddiai The H«M words "H. I responsible for the bol |of th« Frinco of A- rl San Pedro Ocejo. ir; I In accordance with I yts marry on MM I must be WtfM by tl. DOBMHMd Wl* 11 '1. P nutted to
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    • 53 6 Hitler Movrs G m(Mf to Bavaria Hot Hit! decide! t ■Hwnliln n I extreni- snutiiBtn ho vW i him a Bl ci;il; lioin t! I" omciais mi to be 1 period." A tekpfa lines, i:; beh arrot'ome c mountain H tended, promiiun- I I Hitler d In idOP
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  • Page 6 Advertisements

  • 1254 7 SEQUEL TO FATAL ACCIDENT IN KEPPEL ROAD Statement Made On Oath To Be Excluded From Record COUNSEL'S SUBMISSIONS FOR THE DEFENCE AM MR a hearing lusting tour days, Inspector Charles Blundell Wood, of the Traffic Branch, was committed for trial at the forthcoming: Assizes on
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  • 503 7 FREE STATE'S GIBE Vu implication At the lonference ..p L viTIVE TARIFFS" jiiter Attack on Anti -Irish Customs Duties London. June 23. < "'-w ~r>mpliration lor when Mr Conolly, < h gate, request* d the Trfwhttritfrm to thl i ttftCkad the Briti.vh ,-ntiU ci the attitude of Brl- h the
    Reuter Wireless  -  503 words
  • 72 7 mcealed in Scams of Indian's Coat lan named Taf Fazal Hussain before the First Magistrate yesting the streets with two home- •oncealed in the seams of his icrtbad how he saw the accused OfUnt Road and, suspecting troached him. The man lmto* to his heels and was only
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  • 44 7 Charge Amended to One of Murder t t t week a Chine e named Chang Fob wm the man's body. As a r,,ul. of that the m.n was still in hospital. Idtfm and the preUmlnary Inquiry P»tI poned unUl June 30.
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  • 98 7 Man Charged Following Death of Woman A«< o result of a Chinese woman bcin^ found dead with 16 stab wound* in her body at No. CO. Cantonment Road at 3 o'clock yesterday morning, the police arrested a man and charged him with murder before the thin! magistrate
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  • 62 7 A charge of cheating a compatriot of $1,000 on April 1. 1933. was preferred against a Chinese named Quek Kim Chenjr before Mr. M. H. Blacker In the Third Police Court yesterday. The complainant is a man named Lim Yok Teng. As the accused claimed trial the
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  • 465 7 ALLEGED ATTACK WITH AXE Two Attendants Sentenced A dispute among three attendants at the Mental Hospital in May resulted in two of them being s< -ntencccJ. one to 10 weeks' and the ether to 7 weeks, rigorous imprisonment, by the First Magistrate, Mr. H. A. Forrcr, yesterday.
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  • 363 7 Singapore Ratepayers 9 Association Discussions At a meeting of the committee of the Singapore Ratepayers' Association, the appointment of Mr. N. S. Hogan In place of Mr. D. E. T. Java Icoddy was approved Tile vacancy in place of Mr. Abdullah bin Balim bin Talib v as
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  • 84 7 lief ore the Chief Justice in the Ist. Court at 11 a.m. S. 291 33 Chop Teo Sian;,' etc. vs. Chop Yco Lens Huat. Before Mr. Justice Mills in the 3rd. Court at 11 a.m. i Part heard O. S. 88 29 Tan Sian Tho and another vs.
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  • 1018 7 Hugenburg's Humiliation Completed FORCES SUPPRESSED Bavarian and Social Democrat Leaders Arrested Munich, June M. A renewed demand for the suppression of all parties except the Nazis was made by Hen I^ser. the Bavarian minister, in a sn ssci In v. lii h he invited th Bavaiian People's
    Reuter Wireless  -  1,018 words
  • 314 7 CHINESE ACCUSED OF FORGERY Money Sent From Brother and sister appeared before the Second Magistrate, Mr. J. F. F. Gregg, yesterday afternoon as complainants at the continued hearing of a preliminary inquiry into a charge of forgery against a man named Lfm Cheok Lian. The
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  • 430 7 I Jut It Happened to be an Inspector's Car In the i>at \<-x months the pollee have roncornea themselves with the pest ilentinl "faera krtta" buys, or car watchmen from parking places and yesterday Inspector V CtoHlsh'p broufhl before the Third Ma trail Mr. M. H. Blacker. MB
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  • 53 7 London. June 23. Bud < i the thi.d rnidim? hv 290 •<■ ;r -ain't 42 niter a driMltl in the course of which Mr. Hotn BtMttwi declined an invl- td nvtkc a prooounceßMnt on nirrrncy bnd debts us that WOOkJ bo iMproptr in th j: idst of the
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  • 1084 8 SINGAPORE FREE PRESS TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 1933. IT WILL PAY TO ADVERTISE NOW We do not propose to join the zealous group of those whose eyesight in such that they can discern prosperity just around the corner. Those over-optimistic prophets have done a great deal of harm, firstly, in obscuring
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  • 74 8 The Polite Band will give a performance at Katong Park to-night at 5.15 p.m. The Band of the S.S. Police will perform the following prosramme, weather permitting, at Botanic Gardens on Wednesday commencing at 5.15 p.m; March "When the Band goes Marching By" (Nicholls). Overture "The Magic Flute" (Mozart), Waltz
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  • 983 8 The Parish Pump —^p^— i"—^""— When Water Cost 5 Cents A Bucket in some oi the older homea of to villages of Siglap. Katong and Pa: :r Panjang there still exist the wells which were at one time the sole means oi water supply to housrs in Sim uponWhere Um
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  • 49 8 Death of Lusitania Commander London, June 23. The Lusitania tragedy is r» v a'lod by the death of the commander of the ship to-day at the age of seventy seven. He .was Captain William Thomas Turner, one of the best known Cunard commander*.— Reuter Wireless
    Reuter Wireless  -  49 words
  • 148 8 DESIRE FOR BI-LATERAL AGREEMENTS JAPAN RESTIVE w> I World Conipron,., iti I lessor M,>!,v's J J < H ■IOWMOJ i:- I America Fr, otheis uitli partiuia: Of thr I are with;. hop.- thai i'-f,,. I strutiotr and impetu- pH On thr «ha are saiMi-d i1 U> a* mm I "nwrfttafti
    Reuter  -  148 words
  • 93 8 LATEST KUWillt AM) TIN fWKM AND STERLING KATES Rubber and Tit, prim ai. sterling rate in Now York and Parts specially cabled to th<- Frpp Prf« are ii tollnw mm London. Jum V Spot (Buvcrs) V (3 JH2) (Sellers) 3 shi CI II.;.') Ort.-Dec. IS;S2 TIC) Jan.- March
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  • 61 8 WISHED TO ENTER COLONY Chinese Malm W« Statenunt An :nt«-r>v .1 Chinpa'oA the lmmi«?ratl n case brought uiidci ifi Vhich fame befoi TIM Ml M Criminal DtoUkl OOW rapn tiiic-ito. of •dmLsslon' Ifi A s. court that tlv i as having MM u. ■appNl for th .1 BMtttr o; at
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  • 20 8 J london J""' J M IMfM J M the Fo:- I* pri i a 1 um opt Reuter
    Reuter  -  20 words
  • 36 8 (From Ok. o I tjj J n«o ind on «i" hau been thi* month MX n jotnod hand, J» tfH f ..««blr^ advertLsrmcnt now lUt- M *****1l of both PVI Pun nnd PreHl
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  • 21 8 Th,St Jo,oph* t *^L»***Z I successful .nterulnm. nt k U to a crowded ■?J_f > S I 5h. P the BKhopof mm
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 199 8 iamaid '^T^^^^ From the British <Z^ c=^- x /^> WEST INDIES Rose s 'S i I Lime Juice jgji- Made from fresh Lime Fruit °Ig* v. and Cane Sugar JsZ£u i ENT I RELY J_ CaVILIDIBIECIK"S H\ SPK< lAI gQ^ JgL Jg/ HI II M THI MIOIN |MJ N I
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    • 90 8 OR I**** 1 I FACE POWDERS Artists at make-up delight in the wide range of colours and lovely texture of these POWDERS. i Depot: British Dispensary, Ltd. f 33, Raffles Place Singapore. AS REGARDS THE ELABORATE STAGE PRODUCTION OF TO-DAY, take away the scenic effects and the dresses and what
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  • 775 9  -  Nanyang Slang Pau WEAK OPPOSITION IN CHARHAR F„rmif Traitors Return to I Chinese Camp I INVADERS' DISSENSION! Manchukuo Leaders Quarrel! Over Spoils of War I Shanghai, June >b. I for support from the I Shanghai, General I riaa given hi.s army I iptlllt all lost territory
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  • 96 9 M. BONCOUR AND MR. HENDERSON AGREE Three Month Interval to Smooth Out Divergencies Paris, June 2G. Th. adjournment of the Disarmament Conference, poeeffcty until Beptemher, was vfrumtty ogreed upon by If. Paul Boncour in an tntuikuj with Mr. Arthur Bendereon. Tht land who h en-route u>
    Reuter  -  96 words
  • 125 9 Sixty-Seven Lives Reported \Z Lost l liaUvia. June *i«. At lea^T >i.\ty-se\en people have been, killed in en earthquake at South Bcncoolen. Sumatra- Renter Batavia. June 26. So far «7 li\es have been lost as the result of a very heavy earthquake which .shook South Beneooten, in Booth
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  • 102 9 Leader Who Wanted to Perform Heroic Gesture Route June 22. J'' Seventeen erreati have been made in Gheenta) and Palermo in connection wivh the discovery of an eßeped anti-Fascist plot in the little republic- of San Martino. Tbc arrest of two suspicious individuals lead to the discovery
    Reuter Wireless  -  102 words
  • 93 9 Many Rest riet ions in Germany Berlin. June 21. A heavy blow has been struck at department •teem and similar business concerns by the Business Commissar, Herr Otto Weejner, who has lot bidden them to sell goods other than those made by Independent tectortei <>i artisans. The
    Reuter Wireless  -  93 words
  • 94 9 Damages Awarded Against Newsagents FtM liabiluy >f newaginti in unconsciously I handling ÜbeUoua matter was wrtabHiihatl in! the Law Court.- to-da> when Ibe v«<]l-known wholesale Artdkutort, W. H. Smith and Son Ltd.. wen ordered to w ihe Bun life A'>urance Society or Panada £3/)cr« Tin defendant contended thai
    Reuter Wireless  -  94 words
  • 61 9 Siamese Government Declares Policy {From Our Own Correspondent! Bangkok, Junr 26. The new Government has issued a statement of policy in the rourse ol which it announces it will reporously suppress all Communistic doctrines. The Government also intends to maintain the present rate of exchange. It hopes the
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  • 61 9 Won By Lady Granard's Cappiello Lonxchamps, Jane 26. The arand Prix dc Paris was *on by Lady Gnmard's Cappiello. M. Boussac's Thor. was recond wito M. Rivaud's Assuerus, ihW Eighteen ran; won by half a length, a quarts* between second and third. Betting five franc atake. Cappiello win
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 398 9 Straits Trading Directors' Recommendation NET PROFIT OF $*****8; Report For Last Half i Year Alter writing off depreciation and 1 making provision lor bad and doubtful debtn. the net profits of the Straits Trading Company, Ltd., for the half year ended March 31. amount to $489,268.42
    398 words
  • 115 9 Forced Down At Alor Star By Engine Trouble Rangoon. June 'On. Mr. Ulm hai arrived ben .--Ri -liter. It m earlier reported that Mr. C. F Ulm the Australian nier. v.ho broke the record for the journey irom Australia to Singapore on the iirst stage of his
    115 words
  • 109 9 Communal Differences Forgotten Simla. June 23. Rioting has broken out In Kashmir according lo a message recehed by Government. Three mosques* are reported to have been destroyed at Mirpur which was the scene of serious com-j tnunal riots two years ago.In conflagrations following riotins at Mirpur. Hindus
    Reuter Wireless  -  109 words
  • 99 9  -  Nanyang Slang Pau U Yangtze Cities Still Threatened Shanghai, June 26. The upper portion of the Yangtze has subsided but the lower part, from Hankow downwards, har. risen considerably. At one place it has reached a height of 47 feet, 2 inches. Kiukiang. Wuhu, Nanking and Anking are
    99 words
  • 1095 9 CRITICISM OF NEW TIN TAXATION IN F.M.S. Federal Council and Retrenchment Policy (From Our Own Correspondent l Kuala Lumpur, June 2G. Sir Cecil Clementi presided this morning a' the Federal Council when seven new members made affirmations Messrs London and Cockman, Acting Residents of Negri
    1,095 words
  • 84 9 Loaders m Bavarian RevohitkNi Munich. Mm 2'i. The tomkttonei erected to the momorv of Kjrt Bener, ptWUtef Of Bnvarii durinp the Bel- i shevik regime In 1919. and of Ou tav Lao t Communist leader who was shot, will be demo- < ilshcd by order of
    Reuter Wireless  -  84 words
  • 63 9 Sergeant of Gmard At Windsor Castle l.ond'tn .In in- Z'j. Alleged to have been found asle-p while <- n duty at Windsor Castle by the S^rucant of the Guard during the residence of the K ami Queen, Ouarcl-man Harrfa to-dav s I itt the court martial that
    Reuter Wireless  -  63 words
  • 137 9 Interchange of Orders I i «l. .1 1 I n. 21. King t»'«i opened in etfMMntal ii^<i b > nent.- to-dry with :t Uanqiut :<i tin Ciuiid Hal 1 .<> whidi ha mm McompAoted b) the Duki ol jh)uce.vt«r. Kiim I'ci nl opHMi Mi sp»*<rli by ifflrmlng the
    Reuter Wireless  -  137 words
  • 111 9 Commoner ant! J>c«(endant of Roman Emperors I -In t> 21. Enorm" crowd leffted h<ny rainfall to witness the culmination ol Hm romance when the yount? PMnea Of 1 2i Aflturfot, heir to the Spanish Thronr and a direct <\< -cendent of Roman Emperors, was married to
    Reuter Wireless  -  111 words
  • 59 9 New York. June 16 It Ls rcliaMy reported here that Colon* Lindbergh, accompanied by his wile, ts shortly to fly to Greenland for the Pan-Aaerlraa Airways to searrh for landlnp places for th» i ;>r>>]x>6rd n-i'ular mall and pasAenirtT air roul* to Northern Europe. Colonel Lindbergh may
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 108 9 Sutton'S Seeds Crow your own delicious Vegetables and beautiful Flowers fr °»n the World's BUTTONS CABBftGf LETTUCK Fresh stocks of Sutton s Hower and Veg« tabli- S«-fd> Continually Arriving. Sow Sut ton's The Best Seeds. And Be Satisfied With Your Garden. OBTAINABLE FROM ROBINSON Co.. Ltd. (Ip orporated In Straits
      108 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
      1,054 words
    • 504 10 Ellerman Bucknall Steamship Co., Ltd. (Incorporated la England) "ELLERMAN" LINE. FREIGHT SERVICE TO UNITED KINGDOM AND CONTINENT. VIA PORTS AND SUEZ CANAL. HOMEWARDS. M amerv Due s pore g a|ls g.,^^ s.£. CITY OF SHANGHAI For Havre. London, Rotterdam Hamburg In Port Julv 1 e.s CITY OF BEDFORD For Havre.
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      428 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 747 11 0. S. K. Line. M)R AFKICA AND SOUTH AMERICA Due Sails rgjtOS BI'IIXOS AIRES via Colombo, Durban. Algoa M \Kr Bay Cape Town Hio dc Jamil o, Santoand Montevideo (Round-the-world £190) Jua« 28 it m mo- MAKI HLtNU> AIKES via Colombo. Durban. Cap* Town, Rio de Janeiro. Santos and Montevideo
      747 words
      383 words
    • 709 11 K. P. M. KOMNKLIJKE I'AKETVAAKT MAATSCIIAPPIJ RKTEH Tuesday. June 27. Bengkalis. Paneh. Berombani;. Tanjotm-Menßeidai TanjongLeidono and Asahan. TOMOIIOX Tuesday. June 27. Slngkawang. Pemangkat and Sambas. MAJAVG Wednesdrv, June 28. Prigi-Rac'ja. Sapat, Tembilahan. Poeloe-Pallas. PenealianTllEDEXS— Wednesday. June 28. Muntok and Palembang TOBA— Wednesday. June 28. Toengkal. Moeara-Saba and Djambi. VAN OUTHOORX
      709 words

  • 461 12 SUICIDE'S TRAGIC LAST LETTER TO HIS WIFE Lost Everything But Faith Archibald Inch Douglas ofl Soutlnnd lo^t his job in January. In March he lost his wife and two younj? children. He lost his mind, and at the beginning of June he took his life. He
    461 words
  • 121 12 Bangkok Suorts Club's New r ACllltlCS r FYorn Cnir Own Correspondent Bangkok. Jane 21. The Swimming bath at the Sports Club is perhaps the outstanding success in club life of Bangkok during the year. The bath has attracted many members who formerly were :one Club people. But
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 565 12 Burns Philp Line. (Incorporated Jn Australia* FOR BRISBANE, SYDNEY AND MELBOURNE via JAVA, DARWIN AND THURSDAY ISLAND. Reirular monthly sailings by the well-knovro .steamer MARELLA (7.375 tons) and the S.S. MANGOLA (3,352 tons): [Cargo only] s.s. MARELLA Is one of the largest and finest steamers trading to Australia. Cabins dc
      565 words
    • 699 12 THE EAST ASL4TIC Wr LIMITED < incorporated In Demur* Telephone 5333 PASSENGER AND FRHGHI SERVICE TO GENOA, LONDON, ROTTERDAM HAMBURG AND COPENHAGEN Prom From From Pro» B'pore Maiacc* Port Penaru MS. Swett FIONIA 11// H/1 ia 7 u ERRIA 1/8 1/8 3/S 4'« LALANDIA 23/P 33/B 23/8 IK* MEONIA 12/y
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 687 12 MAIL DESPATCHKS BY TRAIN Bangkok every Saturday 7 p.m. and Thursdays 7.30 a.m Kcdah Monday to Friday 7.30 a.m Saturdays 7 p.m Kuantan (via Jerantut) Monday to Friday 7.30 ajn. Kuantan (via Jerantut) Saturdays 7 p.m Kelantan (via Padang Besar) Monday and Friday 7 p.r*» I Kelantan (via Gemas) every
      687 words
    • 293 12 VESSELS ARRIVED TitfUiMM. Dut. 1181. iron.) M.i for Falembang 28.0. Tohiti. Dut. GB3. from Batavju -jt- i lor POOti.ttiak 5.7. Retch. Dut. 254. from AaalUttl M 8, tor B. kMUm, Asahan 27.6. Auby. Sar. 319, from Limbanu 2«> fur Samh.xi. Kuchiny :j0.6. Nam Yonii. Brit. 7f>9. trom nrmManii
      293 words

  • Port and Shipping News
    • 1034 13 It .c< u a rantndor ol iti. apparent anxtety "i the shipping fwptnr lo make the Cruising pft— lUg fargat that hr or .she is afloat- -except whin there is a .sea running.'' "And that." explcded the mate, fixins me with a cold and fishy eye
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    • 65 13 The P. and O. steamer Buriiv an has left Kong and is expected to arrive it Singapore at 6 a.m. on Thursday. She will proceed alongside the S.H. Board's wharf. The Fred OLsen Line has chartered the motor ship Nansenville from the Kl&veness Line for delivery in July, and she
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    • 691 13 Will Economic Conference Restore Confidence The numerous intimation, i political eon|fevesicefl whith have taken placo since the war have not been beneiicial to shipping and shipbuilding. Thf responsible leaders of the two IndmllsM are heartily .sick of them and of all other direct and indirect Government interfere ne with
      691 words
    • 374 13 Remarkable Working Model of Port The Commissioners of the Port of Ifimonn have had constructed at University College, London, a remarkable machine which L« to foretell what vear-and-tear h <joiniT to take place in Rangoon in the years to come if no steps are taken to preserve it. and
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 441 13 TUG SINGAPORE FREE PRESS •fflce 118 ROBINSON ROAD, SINGAPORE. 6066. Cable Address ADVERTISER. SINGAPORE. The premier mornin* daily in Malaya. Delivered with the Chota Hazri each morning. Latest news, latest telegrams and latest announcements London rubber and tin cables appear daily Special features include pictures, ladies' page latest fashions,
      441 words
    • 222 13 TO EVERYWHERE IN CANADA IV, j/ AND MOST OF THE U.S.A 11/I 1 V H fu^Z^V 11 Roul of tftw <^»««l»« Natloiuu (Utiran p *J lhe inarvello Canadian Rocklra^stay ai Jup* gJM Lodiyo «n the hpurt of wondron, mountain b«.u'T /41fl^ raV stral hl fmm Vancouver withwt rhar^Hnr c«r* fctYMi
      222 words

  • 418 14 JURY IGNORE CORONER'S HINT OF NEGLIGENCE Air Display Tragedy At Leeds How two boys were crushed to death when a fully loaded 22-seater air liner landed at an iair display at Middleton Park, Leeds, was des- cribed at the inquest on Fred Smith, aged 12,
    418 words
  • 293 14 There Is A Divine Purpose In Nature Professor Henry Fatrfield io:ty-nve yean ago began tc study goohw in America. The rocks for him hold tho story of the work! from the beginning of time. Bit by bit he di-co\ered thoir secrets. Ai that time Darwin's theory
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  • 93 14 The following is the programme of drills up 1 to and for week-ending. July 2nd. Tuesday. 5.15 p.m.. Headquarters: 'A (MO.) Coy.. Section Drill— Night Firing; Armoured .Car Sec. Section Training; 2nd. Bn. Sip:. Sec. Signal Training. Wednesday. 5.15 p.m,. Headquarters: "D 1 j (Eurasian) Coy..
    93 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 233 14 Ro Picnic i* Complete without PHIEMIX Water* P H QE M I X W'l i. AERATED Phone 3463. Foods The Allenburys' Foods are particularly suited to the feeding of babies in hot climates. They are germ free, and being simply and easily prepared by the addition of boiling water, their
      233 words
    • 648 14 BANKS AND INSLRasqI CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA (Incorporated in England by Royal Charter^ Paid up capital in 600,000 shares of £5 each £3.000,000 < Reserve Fund £3,000,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £3.000,000 HEAD OFFICE 38, Bishopsgate, London, E.C. 2. Agencies and Branches Alor Star Iloilo Semarang Amritsar
      648 words
    • 254 14 ™TyOKO!I\-!\ £5 BANK, |J!) IE Capital Subscribed Reserve Fund y, Preskiont. K k Am. 1 ]]i '*m Vlce-Presid,,, Hrad 0n,,,. v,, k hlma K Slnjjaporr Bran, h:-M M LONDON f.v NKM; WestmkMCer Bank, BKAMCBBI Alexandria («OP< B Im Calcutta. Canton lien. Hambm- Hankow. Harhn Honolulu. Kai M ,::n. K, K
      254 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 685 14 BRITISH BROADCASTING j CORPORATION j PROGRAMMES FOR INDIA, BURMA, i STRAITS SETTLEMENTS, and J FEDERATED MALAX STATES 1 FROM THE EMPIRE TRANSMITTER. J DAVENTRY. ENGLAND. J Wavelengths 25.3 metres and 31 J I metres. J 2 Tuesday June Z'Ah. i G.M.T. 11.0 a.m. J] i 1.0 p.m. Transmission on an
      685 words
    • 80 14 ——I——— 1 10.73 Zeesen (Germany) DJB. I—s p.m. 19.68 Radio Colonialo (Paris). FYA.n'n f 3 p.m. L 19.56 Schenectady W2XAD. Mon., Wed. and t Fri., 7.30—8.30 p.m. Sun., 7—9 p.m. i 19.36 Kemikawoa-Cho-Chiba-Ken, Tokio (Japan) JIAA. Daily 10 a.m.— noon. t 16.88 Daventry GSG. c 16.88 Edinhoven (Holland) PHI. 16.87
      80 words

  • 201 15 MINISTER ON GOLD TAXATION Proposals to be P Maintained Capetown. June 7. Ih Duncan the Acting Minister itii Budget debate tins afternoon rail i the drooping ptrtta ol i> nd i feu arid genetatami al oi figures he had to m i" the pi --a
    201 words
  • 125 15 Stock Exchange Prices Recover Johannesburg. June 7. now obvious that somebody has I badly in preparing the Budget and the net mines taxation if carried out will produce anything between and £4.000,000 more than is re--0 balance the Budget. Hopes are now entertained of some form of reduction.
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  • 329 15 I Modifications in Next Budget Cape Town, June 7. <>1 the Government is not to Rand M milch cow, but as a set,*' Mid Mr. Duncan, in the House 'his afternoon. -1) announced that the abvenuneat the new sold mine taxation lid iiny defects would bo adjusted were
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  • 629 15 Trade Commissioners Leave Siam From Our Own Correspondent Bangkok. June 21. Whatever effect the American proposals hav:> in the World Economic Conference in London, the American Governments economies have touched 'Bangkok with a heavy hand. Some few years ago there was established here a Commercial service working under
    629 words
  • 159 15 10 Cents a Gallon Off in Bangkok From Our Own Correspondent I Bangkok. June 21. Bangkok has whole-heartedly welcomed the reduction in the charge of petrol, the price; being cheapened by ten cents a ga'.lon as from Thursday morning. But the petrol principals .sapiently point out that it
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  • 259 15 Activity of Kaffir Shares London, June 21. On fctaa Stock Exchange to-day, apart from a few bright spots, disappointing conditions prevailed, mainly duo to the recent upward trend Wall Street being checked. Internationals especially weakened but among industrials Rayons were supported. The commodity markets generally ruled quieter and
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  • 172 15 Sign Of Industrial Revival In U.S.A. Nearly 1.500.000 men have returned io work in the. United States since the Roosevelt Government came into power, according to a state- meni which the Budget Director. Mr. Douulas. i is understood to have made at conference at I the White
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  • 158 15 Inquest Jury's Changed Alter 1. tiring second Hint the jury at a I LewttMm inquest returned a verdict of manslaughter agam-t a youny driver in the Royal Artillory. James Wilson, station d r\t the Artillery Barracks, Woolwich. The inquest was en another diiver. William Trwin. >ged 22. quartered
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  • 136 15 Alleged Non-Payment Of Railway Fare A .statement that he was a London stockbroker and hcd lot! £30.000 was made at Newcastle Police-court by Pevcival Charles Arnold, 60. of Chorlev Villa. Chorley-road. Sidcup, Kent, who was remanded on a charge of having travelled on the railway between Darlington p.nd
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  • 572 15 Result Of Reopened Inquiry The report of Mr. Justice Maugham, submitted to the Governcr of Northern Rhodesia, upon matters which were the .subject of the reopened incuiry before him last month, with reference to the North Charterland Concession ha'3 been published (Colonial No. 85, 6d. net). Mr. Justice
    572 words
  • 178 15 THE ABROAD Par June U 23. I Amsterdam 1207 8.44 8.49 A Unas 375 IM 590 Belgrade 25.22' 250 250 Berlin 20.43 14.28 14.30 Bombay la Bd. la fi 5 64d. la 65 16 Brum 1 35 24.26'- 24.35 Bucharest 313 572 572 BUCDQI Aires 47.58 41 offi. 41 offi.
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  • 85 15 i Tho Norske Amerikalinje has done we!l in i the year chiefly owinqj to its passenger i traffic. Its passenger ships madr 18 return journeys to New York with 3,641 pnoH goinf; i westwards and 8.417 eastwards, which is only t some 500 less than the previcu.j year. Their
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  • 361 15 EXCHANGE RATES July 26 SELLING London. 4 months' sight 2 4 London. 3 months' sight 2 3 31 32 London, 60 days' sight 2,3 15 16 London, 30 days' sight 2|3 29 32 London, demand 2'3 7|B London, T.T. 2 3 27 32 Lyons and ParLs, demand
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  • 78 15 June 26th., 12 o'clock noon Buyers Seller* R.S.S. equal to London Standard. Spot < loose) 10 10% R.S.S. equal to London Standard. <F.0.8.) 10 15 10 11 1|1« Standard R.S S on Tender July 10 's 10\ August 10 I 10 July-Srpt. 10 11 16
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  • 914 15 MONDAY. JINK 26T11. MH OLOAOVG OlOT*ri<»,S. Buyers Sellers Asain Kumbang d> 29s 32s x.d. Austral Malay 26s 28s Ayer Hltam <ss> 13s 14s c.d. Ayer Weng ($1) 95 1.00 Bangrin Tin 18s 3d 19s Batang Padantt (ID 10 15 Batu Caves (s\\ 40 45 C header la
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 79 15 Assets exceed $12,000.000 Assurance in force over $35,000,000 The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. 'Incorporated in the Straits Settlements) HKAD OFFICE: Great Eastern Life Building, Cec.l Street. Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 27, Old Jewry EC The Company has £20.000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England and complies with the
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  • 606 16 BIG INNINGS BY EAMES j Wickets Lost For 3 Runs SOFT GROUND West Indies Bowlers' Deadly Attack London. June 26. Batting on a soft wicket, England collapsed before the West Indies' attack in the Test match yesterday, and at one period lost three wickets for three
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  • 168 16 Cubs Trounced By American Association On Sunday en the St. Joseph's school diamond the Americans romped hcim- easy winners in BM fourth game of the Singapore baseball j series. Heavy hitting was prominent on both sides particularly on the part of the A.A.'s who I scored chiefly through 2nd
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  • 456 16 RYDER CUP GOLF CGOLF START IN A HEAT HAZE British U.S. Professionals At Southport London, June 26. TypVil American conditions prevailed for the oiK-niiu; of the Ryder Cup contest at Southport to-day between Great Britain and America professionals. The course .as wrapped in a heat' ban und >un-L»aked very fast.
    Reuter  -  456 words
  • 73 16 Middlesex Defeat Gloucester London, June 26. Middles* x defeated Gloucestershire by eight wickets. Gloucestershire scored 128 in the first inninp when Perbles took seven wickets for j 45 runs, and 84 in the second Innings when five j wickets fell to Peebles for 38 and five to Hearne
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • 91 16 Ties in Sect Kim Cheng Championship Thf results of the ties in the open singles champion s'rip tournament, of the See't Kim Cheng Badminton Party were Kee Hup Sene beat Peh Tent: Siew 15 8" 15-— 5. Ang Whatt Kim beat Scet Kim Cheng 15 2* 15—8 Tan
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  • 75 16 The following fixtures have been arranged by the Garrison Golf Club. Tuesday, June 27th. mixed fourcomes competition and band night. Sunday, July 2nd, match against Bepoy Lines at Garrison Club. Saturday and Bunday. July Bth and 9th men's monthly medal (stroke). Wednesday and Thursday, July 12th and
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  • 256 16 Chua Choon Leong Beats Yong Leong Chong ISLAND CHAMPIONSHIPS! Semi-Finals to be Played i On Thursday? There was only one surprise in; yesterday's Island tennis championship ties at the S.C.C, Chua Choon Leong gaining a rather unexpected victory over Yong Leong Chong in the men's open singles.
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  • 256 16 Reuter Suiter Wins First Game On Centre Court London, .lum- 26. Wimbledon was favoured with sunny weather j and a big crowd attended. In the first match! Sutter beat Itoh 6 —2, B—6.8 —6. 6 —l. Itoh was i' outclassed by Slitter's stroke play which mi j reminiscent
    Reuter  -  256 words
  • 194 16 WARREN SHIELD WON BY CHINESE Europeans Take Vickers Gun Competition fProm Our Own Correspondent) Penan*, June 26. The Penang Bisley meeting was continued yesterday when the main event, the Warren Shield competition tock place. For the first time for many years the Chinese company won with
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  • 134 16 Closing Stages At Island Club This Week-end The semi-mials oi the Singapore Golf Championship at the Island Club will be played on Saturday. The matches will be: Eldred VS. Isherwood. Bnrr-Sim vs. Smith. The final over 36 hole? will be played on Sunday, the first 18 holes to
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  • 127 16 S.C.C. To Meet Chinese On Padamg To-day Two strong teams will represent the S.C.C. •and the S.C.F.A. first elevens when they meet on the Padang to-day in a friendly encounter, and u very interesting match should be seen. The S.C.C. will be represented by the following J. Philip.
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  • 68 16 Great Britain Beats Germany Bournemouth. June 21. In a series of women's lawn tennis matches to-day Great Britain beat Germany by 7 match c» to 5. Outsihndinp results were: Miss Dorcthy Round beat Fraulien Ausseni S— 6, 7—5. Fraulien Krahwinlcel beat Miss Mary Heely 7 5. 6 o,
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  • 233 16 Post Office Defeat Post Office 4; A.P.C. .1. A.P.C. fielded a weak side at the Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday againr-t the Post Office j in the Commerical Cup competition, and lost by four goals to one. It km just lack of com- j trnatlon and tall control. The
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  • 55 16 fProm Our Own Correspondent] Penan;, June 36. Penang Peelers visitin? Parlt Bur tar yesterday to meet the Krian Club lost an excitim? match by one wicket. Penang Peelers scored 43 in the first innings and 82 in the second. Krian Club in the first innings scored 40
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  • 52 16 The following will represent the Y.MCA igainst Lunar Athletic P.O. to-morrow. Ctvi Swee Him*. Tan Seng Hock. Then Oeok SoeJ. Chan Joo Kim, Chan Ah Wing. James Lovick ran Hock Leorg, Lee Ah Chee, Jameston Lim. 3han Cher Seng, Ng Kong Yip, Chan Joo Tianp, lee Pong Lim and Yap
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  • 64 16 Mrs. Wilkinson Retains Cup I From Our Own Correspondent J Penan?, June 26. A point to point race in connection wit?" Kedah Gymkhana Club annual meeting MM run yesterday at Alor Star and resulted as follows Mrs. Wilkinson's ROSY BOY (owner* l Tungku Mahmud's MARIE DRESSLER
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
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