The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 6 June 1933

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 19 1 The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS. \o. 13,975. ESTABLISHED 1K35. SINGAPORE, S.S. TUESDAY, JUNE 6, 1933. 10 CENTS.
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  • 463 1 The missing CS. flier has arrived m Moscow after a non-stop eroding of the Atlantic to Norway m 2:» hour* Page American salesman m Shanghai has been charged with the murder of an Englishman outside the Shanghai Clvb Fane i. Foundation *tone of the new Roman Catholic
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  • 1133 1 THE SWIFT— MASTER-BIRD OF THE AIR n structural adaptations ;ina haoJoi the lan. ilia! IWi/1 ll a iem:ii K.iblc bird. It cio.soly reaembfci the swallow, the i.-u-t -martin, §fVi tbt santi-martin m having \ery i> uu. po.nted winys. a torkcci tail VtfJ hoit feet and Ucak. and a wide gape
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 172 1 irWf freshness md rrsff*"* of the a a yai» gardens dir ect to your home. RAFFLES HOTEL MALAYA'S PREMIER HOTEL TO-NIGHT OOAL PINNER DANCR-9.30 p.m. to Midnight THURSDAY, JUNE Bth jt ANDREW'S HOSPITAL DANCE EXTENSION TILL 2 a.m. IBLI RESERVATION NECESSARY BOOK NOW BOOK NOW PHONE 5381. "raffles celebrated orchestra
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    • 83 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS Anytinr.'. To Store? Pa»c 5 Th< Waj To Becurttar— Pav I Mai;j>a'e Standard diarette Pagi I Quak-ast Mower Prleea Dov n- Pane 7. CHRYSLER EASY HANDLING Guard his Health Give him Formamint at once and so cure his Sore Throat before it develops inss> Influenza, Scarlet Fever •acne
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    • 11 1 There is no better Tea than BIGIA TEA GROWN IN MALAYA
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  • 258 2 UN A Minute Mail Machine Marvel A gi^aiuu reorganisation anci speeding up pngnvHH planned i^r ijm:i-34 i<\ the OP.O. .vill makt th eervfci In .1 tew month-. >. ime tin beat .'iiu most np to rii ti m the world It includes:— Indian alr-maU wrtrmrton to AuirtraMe. v
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  • 172 2 Celebrations at Malacca and Taiping r I From Oui Own Correspondent) Malacca. June 3. iht: Kings birthday parade WM held on the High School ground hen to-day, those taking part bring the Malacca volunteers, two companies of the S.S. police (.out Malay and one Sikh), two companies oi
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  • 69 2 I From Our Own Correspondent] Taiping, June 3. The Kind's birthday parade was h<ld on the rtici't ourse here this morning m glorious weather. Lieut.-Col. J. M. Brickman look the salute. The troops taking part were the 2 /20 th Hurrna Rifles, detachments of the M.V.I, and MS V.R,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 525 2 BOARD RESIDENCE. i TAN GUN HILL Near Garrison Golf Coarse SINGLE AND DOUBL; ROOMS AVAILABLE 1 F.'HBONAL SUPERVISION MODERN SANITATION >U?*b«ne 5798 or write for appotntmeat Mr«. A. R. Matthews. 'EAST ANGLIAN OXLET KISK Near Town. High and cool situation. Lar^e grouuu* Excellent cuisine. Tennis. Garages and modern «*nltat!on Daily
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    • 423 2 TENDERS. SINGAPORE MUNICIPAL NOTICE, Tenders. NOTICE is hereby given that tender? *rt now Invited tor the following materials ot services and that particulars of such tender* may be obtained In tn«« Tender Room Municipal Offices Supply of Heav^ Pipes and Cast iron Specials for period Oct. Ist, 1933 to Sept
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    • 299 2 P"^*" <■' <^^fc. ■<gfc. wa. i I A^ 4~^L. A J^to^L «yw^bii^P^k m m wfSS 1H \V\ I erve troubles I jL jL Losb oi nerve-strength may result m such I ,uL.y. 1 .,,.wji?1^ teemingly different complaints as listle^ I f^CW tite,sleeplessness,and nervous headachet. 1 Ifera MMr^TF^ jl yOU W&nt
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 278 2 THE WKKK I N JUIIf 6tll. HW> Wiiitr. 08. 50, 7.8 tL, MSI, M R. Pootw.tii s.a.f A LaafOi CDtf. i> R. a. I. fa. [.('.h.A. Stadium: Frirndly: S.C.C. Ii" VB. O. < iiinent Mnnopolios, Pa4Maj. Am. lat frvftai and tponch daj at Uafflfs iu:>tituiinii. Jalan iw.,i\ Ifl ujul, Sport-s
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  • 193 3 ■■rh< ;imi |)«iiii> m not. imvit <blc m old agu When they do cone, then is •hragm a obbk tor them- ;i <;uj.v thwt ran l>e overcome. Here Ls v lit r l« les&on .»n -'lov.inu old by a woman Of
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  • 140 3 National Characteristics Of Prom Our Own Cwrpuwtidnit] Tlit >jjt.akei at tttt weekly meeting oi Hutary \\\\< week dealing with Siannse charattnistics .>;tid the Siamese did not ocem to haw looked down on the rest of the world as "foreign devils or iiiitoui h.ibles, and that had been
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  • 1141 3 DE-GUMMING INVENTION CHANGES OUTLOOK Finer Fabrics Than Jute Sacks (Prom our Own Correspondent] London, May lti. Mr. Eli Joseph sends m. from Pari* the following .statement m regard to his new process Of dc-mmmtng sisal. Mr Joseph writes as follows; "For your iniovmation this process
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  • 60 3 London, June 2. Idmlral <>1 the Fleet, Lord Wester Wemysa, .as buried yesterday m the little cemetery of Chapd Garden, Wcinyci, m Fife. His biti was a farm cart drawn by two horses and hi£ jiave is set m a quiet corner of the family's
    British Radio  -  60 words
  • 287 3 Ri^oroas Social Rcfm m m Siain rrrotn Our own uorr< sp< not v Bangkok, .lunr 1 Some time ago when the Siainc- authorities removed some of the restriction.- on card playing nothing was mentioned ■boul bridge which WM quietly ignor* d by the authorities. But thi- week
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 271 3 'I'"",- 511 f tSllenburgs Foods Th« Allenburys' Foods are particularly suited to the. ferdir'i; o\ infants m hot climates. They are free from harmful germ, and are readily prepared by the addition of boiling water, thus giving complete ndependence of doubtful miik. supplies. Moreover, t re practically identical m composition
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  • 1392 4  -  Hartley Withers Refusal to Pay Interest m Gold (By London. I TO us m the old world, only one explanation seems possible for the action of the American authorities m refusing to pay British holders Ol American securities m gold when this form of payment
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  • 32 4 French Countess Hanged m Mecca London. Jun* 3. A bjauuiul French Countess, the divorced *> of Count Andurain. was hanged at M«cca l s^ po onins her Recond hu?b d a
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  • 15 4 Mr. G F Staynes. M.C.S.. and Dr R Wai kitiKshaw have been seconded to Johore.
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  • 62 4 S7S Casfs Awaiting Trial London. June 3. The law courts took their Whitsuntide holidays yesterday with 873 czser, awaiting trial m the King's Bench Division constituting the worst carry over m the history of the courts. Many of the cases have been held up for more than
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  • 490 4 Constance Cumming;*' Screen Career Of ail the stars who have dashed with meteoric brilliance and speed Into Hollywood firmament, none has succeeded m mor. startling fashion than Constance Cumminfi This striking artiste Is now ma'^iny, her British. film debut a t Elstree m the 8.1. P..
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  • 364 4 SI AM STILL IX DOUBT Enquiries All Along the Line I From Our On D Correspondent Bangkok. Junr I. The Advent of the much advertised Imperial Airways Ataii'nta type of 'plane is still further delayed. Rangoon b) tired of asking Calcutta by radio of her w
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  • 42 4 From Our Own Correspondent I London, June 3. The body of Lady Cynthia Mosley is lying m state m the chapel at the Clivedon Estate of Lady Astor pending completion of the tomb near Lady Cynthia's old country house
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  • 135 4 Draft Convention lieing Prepared London, June I. In n-i'.,s. of CommoiM italtm nt on tii*pTOCMdUlfS at ttM Disarmament ContVniuhut night, sir John Mbob said that a n^eUng of the Oenerai Commission held this inornin. decided that the Bureai; thOIIM 'X' chaimd with the work of preparing the tt xt
    British Radio  -  135 words
  • 42 4 iirnrvA. .liiim* I. The delimit urn to tat Di.-;innam« m Conference announced IB Pan.- tlMl dteCVMionf between French. British ;aid L T mt« d Stat« > statesmen with to tIM pftSMM pMtttan of the h«TC bMB postponed until Thursday- -Reuter.
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 177 4 Bangkok University Takes Tp Gafne From Our Own Correspondent Bangkok. June I. Ruycby enthusiasts here Ml lookinir hnwi to a very successful MtMB, and at the lim rr.ettiny of the players held m the week ne-rK forty werr pitHßt It w.i^ reported that il 1 Si<mo m
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  • 30 4 Mr. Hunter. Manager. KyU P.ilimi Oo Ipoh. will, on the termination oi Ins mUMCtftoi with the company at the end ot th»- BODtll join Urn Ipoh Tin Dredging Compan>. I
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  • 28 4 Th half yearly ordinary |MMnl BMttlH the Singapore Government Scrvaiu?' Cooperative Thrift and Loan Society will be htM at the Legislative COUBCU ChHDbR on Tvu'stW\. at 5 Dm.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 164 4 M&SSS*^ WE ARE SECURF 1;" Jp Pany. Each month he has se 4 aside :i cer-;jii, '^'*^WPte# Irom his salary m order to P a Y t h<> nio(h,,i A o^S&f^W li anytiling hari happened to him I wcMhi U 1 fully protected against poverty. f >*^^^?» I happy comfortable
      164 words
    • 48 4 New Beauty Secret made her look more Natural Mm laid hi i n.ul. iMMtf I l.nun M i plied N HipU \l«'tl. I prou. rul> «>tt I MM** En^inccrsgg conta.nin* the «<*•*■ g Choice of g| Course, m »M A.Mlfc t C■• A- A.MlStrocrE I||H^* london L T *y»<r
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  • 54 5 appointments arc notified m Ml Nirholas Chin Ah rr to i>« Deputy Assistant Mr. S. H. K. Cox. Ulterior Residency; 1 District Officer M; R. (i P. N. Combt .1 Magistrate of tte Un| m District Officer, I B Atkinson, nnn Mr. W. F. Class III: Mr. B. R. C.
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  • 888 5 ONLY TWO PEOPLE TO A SQUARE MILE The Common Spp.sp Policy ihere are more people m London than In Australia, yet Australia approaches Europe m size— minus Russia, Europe is much the smaller. Australia is on a level with Iceland and Arabia m having an
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  • 265 5 Fiancee Not Told of Wedding Damages of £800 for breach of promise were .awarded at Middlesex Sheriffs Court to Miss jßaina Edith Whitton of Northumberland I avenue. Harrow, against William Thomas Arnold Paye, formerly of Esher. Page is a bank clerk at Bombay. He had admitted liability and
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  • 20 5 The West Indies Cricket team at the Cup Final at Wembley on April 29.
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  • 24 5 The field all out m the Newmarket Handicap Race on the first day of the Newmarket meeting.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 9 5 STORAGE STANTON NELSON CO., LTD. Coityet l|uay. pbone -)874.
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    • 299 5 dffijjgigi Don'tlMhsktl Positively LAST NIGHT Paramount 's magnificent spectacle "THE SIGN of the CROSS" CECIL B. de MILLE'S biggest Epic m sound ro- /VfOI?l?nW 9 (OPENING AT SPECIAL ff MATINEE 3.15) The Beautiful English Star of "CAVALCADE* DIANA WYNWARD In Metro-Gold wyn-Mayer's powerful Production that turns the calendar forward 7
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    • 690 6 BASTIN'S SCINTILLATING PLAY AT FORWARD Switzerland Beaten At Berne I mi Olff Own Com-spoudent I .»rnt<> n Ha.v VI. vv«- especied -o (,<;»> Bwitserland at football, <-r.o m did. AU'ii graelibtf first ha)!. UlT* i*js which tbc boBM attach niayed brilliantly Kr;!:iaii(J OVWT-ran m the second
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    • 328 6 Women Cricketers' "Leu Theory FFtMn Our nu.p Oorreapondenti London. May 15. Leg-theory l? thr- question of the moment In most crlcM circles, but women cricketer? have lep theories of their own. It i* a fashion problem. What ;hall they wear— skirts, short* or trouM 1 1 There art
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    • 318 6 Fixtures for S.C.C. American Tournament A lawn bowls Ameridan iMHMflMttl commences at the S.C.C. to-day. Ear-h pair will play two sanies per evening each namr t<> consist of 7 heads. Play will commence each day at 5 p.m. In addition to the niiitchcs already arranged, there will be
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    • 261 6 Latest Scores m league Games New York, June o. Follow inn ire the scores m to-days baseball Ruth. Lazzeri and Chapman made 'ionic nins lor Nev. York. Philadelphia scored all the runs m the third and the Yankees scored 10 m 50.- -Renter. N VriONAI I.FVGI I. R
      Reuter  -  261 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 222 6 are accepted wJ^^^Ai6 MaLaxja)6 StaiularcL Gixiaretted. fe '^H»| tfTurtarLU] for their Purixij, iKeip u/orldL famous reputaution,. H| V?Jw quLaz^anxee or $g y bA. bbl w/s b Nei>er ckaru^inq quialitq. p; VJ* 3^^?! I JB^^. y^gv j VIVAS B I la m m i "V#"^> v*te~ J< t^ E^B^l B I
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    • 86 6 Q A Large Selection Now m Stock All Sizes. In Latest Designs Prices Very Moderate. 9 Wassiamull Assomull •1 8S High Street. pho WHY SUFFER C^^C jLtA TORTURE WITH tVfcW^^ 1 Ef^^^V/ By pTr«..rin« with D.I) P I'-C,^V**? V .1 *nd which keep the di«e*« •otiTe. l„ prwJJ A eruption
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  • 2427 7 LjfilDEß BREAKS RECORD TO PAY But Backers Have A Good Day pUNKAWALLA'S GREAT WIN Big Sweep Enormous Total .Of l^iri veather .md excellent sport, marked the final day of tore Sprint PKvfeaatonal Meeting at Bukit Timah yesterday, mi an < v<1 Wf*W crowd than on
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  • 220 7 >io trips over TOWN Plane Forced Down At I Parit Buntar i Tom Our Own Correspondent! ivnantc. June 5. The rinst. uir rally of the kind ever held m Penang, m which three planes from the Kuala Lumpui Hying club took part was a great success
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  • 146 7 Youtitt Chinese "rncontrolbhle At Home" A rikLsiiit, puller and his fare. youiw Chinese, had a wordy argument last Friday, but unfortunately they chose a spot near the fourth magistrate chambers to do so. They j were both ■meted and produced before Mr. A. W. Hay. the
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  • 80 7 Police Inspector's Oar A CntoetN hawker received fatal inj'.ua.s whoa knocked down m Koppel Road late on Saturday ni^ht by a motor-car. The fatality occurred near |Mtt No. 4. Tanjony Pagar Docks. The Chinese was carrying his wares across his shoulder walking along thr left hand side
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  • 45 7 Private Subscriptions Over 1.8 Millions [From Our Own Correspondent] Bangkok, June 5. l'iu Bliwrir Government considers the result oi the Internal loan n great success. Private subscriptions have cirocdJMl IM millions and tho Government rould haw oorefßd *n is- if v.5 million^.
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  • 41 7 Rio di .lanriro. June 1. In order to ;i.ssutt a imulT Zeppelin service between MsdlleibabVTca and Rio De Janeiro Uie Oovenmu'nt is opening a credit of £30(J,U00 for operating the company at tIM Bank of Brazil. -Re-uter Wireless.
    Reuter Wireless  -  41 words
  • 1478 7 Accused Prisoner Committed To Assizes THE whole story of the attack on Mr. A. G. Smith, the European gaoler of the Johore Prison, by a Chinese prisoner, on the morning of April 16 last, and the saving of his life by Mr. H. E. H.
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  • 73 7 Chinese Woman Accused of Trespass A Chinese woman was remanded for otaer- vation until June 10 by Mr. A. W. Hay In the third magistrate's court yesterday. When charged with trespassing Into the Inspectors' quarters m Tanjong Pagar police station on Sunday night the woman persisted
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  • 42 7 Klanr Premises Still Burning [From Our Own Correspondent Klanx. Junr S. Thr ifoclown of the Malayan Pineapple Co. In Harper Street here caught /Ire thla niorniri« htu3 Ls ,un burnlncThe eontenta of th« ?odown belong N Peterson. Simons M»d Co.
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  • 778 8 SINGAPORE FREE PRESS TUESDAY, JUNE 6. 1933. THE DUMPING MENACE After the Whitsun holiday, the business world submits to the harness of work-a-day cares this morning, albeit with the outlook better than at any time for many months. But there is a long road to be travelled before we shall
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  • 137 8 Mr. Charles Crane, who assisted m Disiaeli'.s last election fight, has resigned the ■ecretMyship of the Theydon fcois fIhMK) UnionLst Association after 60 years. Mr. E. D. Kibble. state Engineer. Pahanj;. goes on home leave during the latter part ot this monrh. Mr. F. G. Coales. formerly o f Kuala
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  • 117 8 Premier Outlines New Taxes The Hague. May ?,l. The formation m the interests of economy of a new Ministry of Social Affairs to coordinate matters connected with such subjects as labour, social and unemployment insurance and public health, is announced by the Premier. Heer Colijn. when outlining his
    Reuter Wireless  -  117 words
  • 65 8 Dividend Of 6 Per Cent. On Ordinary Shares London* Mar 31. Any satisfactory solution of oil problems can only be achieved by the increase of consumption, not by restricting production, declares the report of the Royal Dutch Petroleum Company for 1932. showing a net profit of PI.
    Reuter Wireless  -  65 words
  • 286 8 C.E.R. AGREEMENT VIOLATED Tokio Responsible For Acts Of Manchukuo Another protest to Japu:. i i; v Chinese Eastern Railway was banded g Sokolniko-. Deputy Foreign C to M Ota. Japanese Ambassador, this *:n agaltttt the interruption of direct eomn between the C.E.R. and I ss;:u
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  • 389 8 Exaggerated Value Put On Degrees" Despite tiii general condttfcNU In India the number ol Indian .-^tucients '.ho applied for admission to educational institutions m Britiiu. dining the acadaaak year ended Beptaanhai M 1932. rftWfftW at almost the same level a> dm ing the preceding four or me yoar-.
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  • 216 8 Violinist Who Charmed Thousands Mr. David de Groot. the famous \u>lhiL>! and former conductor of the Piccadilly Hot. orchestra, died at his home. Montamj' Portman-square, London, aied S3 He had suffered from heart trouble lor WOtßt time and a month ago it was iMMHHM that he would
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  • 150 8 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR CHIN™ f talk Mnc, then to tin or thl milu .1 chiefuai vi :il abort ,thou puMl lot li whi bank ii, si th,- A.,: milti "i sun Vat rhUdlsh platn l< lira :inati« i •> arho ;ii th< n proMdm, j, pit anda ol thi
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  • 26 8 P.ttl I** or R Jttrfci par 1 be d Mi.- ri i Inform „^< „f m, Artl, U It Ls U j^^ BIUCkM I
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 116 8 F^rambuie PS^I Prince Charles Edward's fe=^- Liqueur. THE EMPIRE'S BEST ■■■■■■MB—*— CAILIDOECH'S I m special TO lIM THI \PPOINTMEXI KINCi Ol SI \M I STD a| E| 1872 DIAMOND SET PLATINUM ENGAGEMENT RINGS AND ETERNITY RINGS. also Bridal presents m diamond set W'atrhes. Brooches. Bracelets. Pearl Necklaces. LARGEST AND WELL-SELECTED
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    • 67 8 FACE POWDERS Artists at make-up delight m the wide range of colours and lovely texture of these POWDERS. Depot British Dispensary, Ltd. 33, Raffles Place Singapore. IT IS BETTER TO GIVE THAN TO LEND and it usually costs about the same. Rut you cannot borrow a "GAFLAC" POLICY. Get one
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  • 130 9 VON-SIOP TO OSLO R Atlantic In Hours SL AND LANDING 0t Watch Was Kept In Ireland MnetWi June 5. round-tbe-world fli<T. ived here at U standard time from t landing sini 1 -il .I')infrul:Mitl .'«iii twenty-tin t bOUTj b> icsumed if the IV (i mill- i
    Reuter  -  130 words
  • 87 9 tit.). Of "Exceptional DistindioiT London. June 3. Hi 1 V. Soon;,, ulio nd 10-drr m visitor of TtanM says his i do not s to tin* pwpecti i which hM many I least suggest that the poMcy md Chian; Kai-shek is most 1 C pro pertty.
    Reuter  -  87 words
  • 63 9 Imam On Murder Charge In Shanghai Muughai. June .">. to-day formally 1 ifh murder, the charge nd wilfully struck' the law causing him ..<: thereby caoßtng I Em. rn. I v. v BtatM marine N vuluntaiily suncnH District Attoniey a Briton named Leslie VM educated at h I
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  • 43 9 500F T. OVER EVEREST I M((iu [^Th^ Houston Expedition London. .Tune 1. Of«r Mount Expedition were celc- tbe offices of ol vn,k presented nu operaton on i'a lvreived their Royal Highness. 1 1 id i mrwiin of .'pondin-. snid Last 500 foflft v.
    U.P.  -  43 words
  • 39 9 J 1,, Hccomc 1 Ntfessioul Paris. June 1. I Ml Dickson the promoter, has offered K!» *a to tennLs P la y er a ■v > Professional matches. ■P^ '^""«ntty m the French w reiected th. w
    Reuter Wireless  -  39 words
  • 449 9 J.P. MORGAN INQUIRY SENSATIONS $100,000 Salaries For Junior Partners Washington. June 5. It is learned that a portion of the Morgan partnership agreement was deleted when the agreement was mHd< P"Wc it rtwwed that m addition to bftVtag a ,ma!l interest m the profits sorm.
    Reuter Wireless  -  449 words
  • 101 9 Extra Thrill For Ouisc Passengers Cuxhaven. June 1. Dense fog accounted for a severe collision on the lower Elbe between the Union Castle liner Guilford Castle. 8.000 tons, and the motorship Stentor. 6.000 tons cf the Holt Shipping Company. Liverpool. All the Guilford Castle's 37 passengers, the majority
    Reuter Wireless  -  101 words
  • 87 9 For CUnCM Purchases In America Washington. June 5. Thi> Rjronsl'uction Finance Corporation has 1 authorised a loan of 550.000.000 to the Chinese Government far the purchase of United States cotton and wheat, four-fifihs of the money to bt« used for cotton nnd ono-fifth for wheat m the onon
    Reuter  -  87 words
  • 59 9 Perambulators And Toothbrushes In New List London. June 2. Perambulators and toothbrushes figure m the new list of import duties announced m the Irish Free State Parliament. The former Me penalised to the extent of 75 per cent with a preferential rate of fifty per cent and
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  • 28 9 Poona. June 1. "Bright and choerful" is the latest report of Oandhl who is now on a dirt of ve?etabl«^ fruit 1 slightly Reuter Wireless.
    Reuter Wireless  -  28 words
  • 78 9 ROMAN CATHOLIC CATHEDRAL 250,000 People At Stone Laying Ceremony London, June G. The foundation stone of the Metropolitan Roman Catholic Cathedral at Liverpool which will cost £3,000.000 was laid to-day m the presence of a Quarter of a million people from all parts of the world.
    Reuter  -  78 words
  • 64 9 Doctors In Constant Attendance I.4MIUUII. .11l lIP S. Doctors are In constant attendance on Cardinal Bourne, the 72 years old Archbishop of Westminster, who is suffering from acute pulmonary oedema. The bulletin issued this morning says his condition is serious. Prayers were said for the Cardinal at Archbishop's
    Reuter Wireless  -  64 words
  • 132 9 Nationalists Protest To Hindenhurg: Berlin. >Ta> BL Tin- breach between the Nazis and Nationa'ists. thfl two \virl4s ot the Government, has been widened by the formation of a purely Nazi government m Mecklenburg. This follows the dissolution by the Hamburg police President of the Young German Nationalist League
    Reuter Wireless  -  132 words
  • 147 9 Germany To Restore Women To "Proper Sphere" Berlin. June 1. Novel features are contained m the law adopted by the Cabinet yesterday dealing with the Nazi programme restoring women to their ■proper sphere m the home.'" Provision is made lor a reduction m taxation of householder employing
    Reuter Wireless  -  147 words
  • 86 9 New York And Back This Week London, June 2. The Boon, chairs and the room were covered jy large Kale map.- of the Atlantic America nd Europe when Router called at the Mollisons 1 tiouse this morning and learnt that plans have now been completed for the ambitious
    Reuter Wireless  -  86 words
  • 51 9 Manchukuo Negotiations Breakdown Dairen. May 11. Negotiations for tho release of the three officers of tho British Merchant Service have failed. It was understood that the Manchukuo had reached an agreement with the kidnappers but. apparently, another gang has now joined them and thus complicated the negotiations. Reutcr
    Reuter Wireless  -  51 words
  • 63 9 New York. May 31. The Secret ary of State, Mr. Hull, Senator Pittman and Mr. Reynolds. Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee of the House of Representatives, sailed to-day aboard the President 'Roosevelt to attend the economic conference m London. The three other United States' delegates, Mr.
    Reuter Wireless  -  63 words
  • 394 9 Commons Demand For Export Ban FANTASTIC PRICES 'Step Towards Overlordship Of The East" London, June 1. The growing uneasiness caused by Japanese competition m the woild market! is reflect* m the report to the Board of Trade by th< special investigating eoauntttee of the Federation of British
    Reuter Wireless  -  394 words
  • 138 9 New Arms Convention To Be Drafted <J*neva, May 31. The Bureau of the Disarmament Conference met m gTeat secrecy this afternoon only the heads of the delegations being present. It is understood that they decided not to take the second reading of the British disarmament convention but to
    Reuter Wireless  -  138 words
  • 48 9 Soviet Report Of NankingJapan Treaty Riga, June 5. It is announced m Moscow that Japan ha.s :oncluded a secret agreement with Nanking Ahich recognises Manchukuo approximately within its present frontiers. Japan receives certain naval privileges m Chinese waters. Moscow does not report what China receives. neuter.
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 48 9 Montreux, June r >. A resolution urging that China should be given back sovereign rights over her entire territory was passed by a committee dealing with political juridical matters at the Plenary Congress of the International Federation of League of Nations Societies, at which 25 countries were represented Reuter.
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 48 9 Restriction Agreement Renounced Bucharest, June 1. The Roumanian Petroleum Association has renounced the reduction restriction agreement reached m Paris last January, but has expressed a desire to enter into a new agreement as soon aa American production is reduced to 2,000,000 barrels per day.- -Renter Wireless.
    Reuter Wireless  -  48 words
  • 22 9 The Hontrte Dr. Noel L. Clarke has been appointed a member of the Council of King Edward VH College of Medicine, Singapore
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 225 9 /T^^^-W^ 1S Ended [Ifm)!]'*? OUR search for the yfr j^J j \/VwJ W ideal fabric for night wear H«Sl' J I\^p3 ends with the discover) o\ M Ku/ I Horrockses Flannelette. I vm This material, which has I Xi lne advantages of wool, I \^_j wea r an d washes
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 960 10 THf BIJJE FUNNEL LINE i Ocean THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION Co.. Ltd. stiam bnip Co Ltd ana China THE HUAKHIOW STEAMSHIP CO.. (1931 > Ltd. Mutual Strain Navigation Co., Ltd. THE CUNARD STEAMSHIP Co., Ltd. Tlffi STRAITS STEAMSHIP Co. Ltd THE SARAWAK STEAMGHIP Co.. Ltd. -*HK ruiNA NAVIGATION Co.. Ltd.
      960 words
    • 407 10 Ellerman Bucknall Steamship Co., Ltd. 'Incorporated In BitfflOd) "ELLERMAN" LINE. FREIGHT SERVICE TO UNITED KINGDOM AND CONTINENT VIA PORTS AND SUEZ CANAL HOMEWARDS. Mmmwn. Dm 3>o« «an» Bpmn i;ix^ OP SHANGHAI For Havre, London. Rotterdam Hamburg June 27 July 1 m urn OF BEDFORD Fo.- Havre, London. Rotterdam Se Hamburg
      407 words
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 706 11 ITS. K. Line. W^ fOH tfrRH'A *N»> SOUTH AMERICA. I «i 1 no^ lim via Colombo. Uurbau. Pon O«P« Town. Rjo de Janeiro. S«ntn« tevideo (llmind Mm mm €19o> June 28 2W I HI gNOi AIRtS via Colombo. Durban. Cap* syi ftk de Janeiro, Santo? aud Montevideo Round-the-world fare £172)
      706 words
    • 578 11 to 1:1 koi»i: FROM SIN(;aFORE AND PKNANG VIA COLOMBO, BOMBAY, StLZ, PORT SAID, ALEXANDRIA, NAPLES. GENOA MARSEILLES AND NEW YORK Arrive Leave Leave Arrivr Spore. Spore. Penan*. N. York. Ptm, Polk m Port MM I June a j u ij jr Pres. Adam* June 17 June 20 June 32 Auk
      578 words
    • 852 11 K. P. M. KONINKLIJKI PAKETVAAKT MAATSCHAPPU KKJEH— Tui>soxv f June 6. Bengalis. Paneh. Berombanp. Tanjonpt-Menfretdar. Tanjong teldong and Asahan. THEDENS—Wednesday, June 7. Muntok and Palembang. TOBA— Wednesday, June 7. Toengkal, Moeara-Saba and DJambL HAJANG— Wednesday. June 7, Pritf-Radja. Rnpat. Trmbllahan. Poeioe-Piillan Peni:aiian EKtatr and Rentrat. < RF.MF.R -Wednesday. Jum- 7.
      852 words

  • 699 12 SPEED SUPREMACY CHALLENGED British Machines' All-Round Excellence Every student of naval and military history is familiar with the oft-repeated situation occuring when the up-to-date equipment of one Power is within a short period surpassed by that of a rival. This situation has arisen over and
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  • 261 12 "A Fair and Just Settlement" London. June 1. Reviewing the ikw agreement bctwwi tin APglo-Fenten Oil Company and the Pcrsiar Government In a letter to shareholders. Si] John Cadnu.n. chairman of the Company describes it as a fair and just settlement. Rcfrrrinn to the financial aspect of the
    British Radio  -  261 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 632 12 Burns Philp Line. Incorporated In Australia) FOR BRISBANE, SYDNEY AND MELBOURNE via JAVA, DARWIN AND THURSDAY ISLAND. Secular monthly sailings by the well-known steamer MARELLA (7,375 tona) and U» S3. MANGOLA (3,352 tons). [Cargo onJy] •J MARELLA Is one of the largest and finest steamers trading to Australia. Cabins de
      632 words
    • 341 12 THE EAST ASIATIC M., LIMITED (Incorporated In Denmark) Telephone 5223. PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICE TO GENOA, LONDON, ROTTERDAM HAMBURG AND COPENHAGEN From Prom From ptoiii B'pore Malacca Port Penam M.S. Swett BORINGIA 20/6 20 21/6 23 c FIONIA 11/7 11/7 12/7 14/T ERRIA 1/6 2/8 LALANDIA 22/8 22/8 23/8 25/»
      341 words
    • 66 12 l{ < UKAI s K. LIN •tacorpc^J CO 1 from n hv KH S K\-\<C F »R urn MXI J BOSTON M ARL D» k M-'VLTA MARU HUE MARTJ une j CLYDE UAI LIMITED l i »rpor»ifa: T^ Na Stli. v ASK YOUR CHEMIST »0B A TUB* ot j^L /mx.
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 634 12 MAIL DESPATCHES BY TRAIN Bangkok every Saturday 7 p.m. and Thursdays 7 30 a .m Kedah Monday to Friday 7.30 ajn Saturdays 7 p. m Kuan tan (via Jerantut) Monday to Friday 7.30 a .m Kuantan (via Jerantut) Saturdays 7 p.m Kelantan f.via Padang Besar) Monday and Friday 7 p.m
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  • 4 13
    4 words
  • 1204 13 Periodic Examination Suggested As is well known, the standard of a man s i ision plays an important part m the 8.0. T. Examinations for masters and mates and. as a matter of fact, this is the only feature of a man's physical qualities specially mentioned m
    Nautical Magazine  -  1,204 words
  • 687 13 DOCK MASTER WHO RAN AWAY TO SEA Meant to See The World Fifty yens ago mall boy. Just Uavlng school, decided 10 rim away to se:.. A lev. days igo. that same toy. now Captain W. J. Lawrey. etired from the post of DoekniMtar
    687 words
  • 128 13 The P. and O. s.s. Naldera. has left Hone Kony and is expected to arrive at this port at 2 p.m. to-morrow. She will pnxeod alongside the S.H.B. wharf. The death is announced of Admiral Sir Edward Buston Kiddle at the age of 76 who had a long career of
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 463 13 THE IGAPORE FREE PRESS *d Office 138 ROBINSON ROAD, SINGAPORE. 0D e6056. Cable Address ADVERTISER, SINGAPORE. Ihe premier morning daily In Malaya. Delivered with the Chota Hazi each morning. Latest news, latest telegrams and latest announcements. London rubber and tin cables appear daily. Special features include pictures, bridge notes, ladies'
      463 words
    • 305 13 TO EVERYWHERE IN CANADA V U AND MOST OF THE U.S.A. \V. j The Mcv» Scenic flout* of tne Canadian \aifoi>.ti l<mlwaf% See the besl of the marvellous .^nadian Rwkics >tav »t l;»n>««» Park Lodg'O tn the heart of wondrous inouiiiain fcw*«iiy, <*• iravol straight through (nun Vanroaver ivtthoui chanu
      305 words

  • 325 14 COSTS ESTIMATED AT £75,000 Ton Of Documents !n "Invisible Ray" Case A leg*] battle ranking anion tin- longest heard for many years it occupied altogether seventy days of court sittings has ended vhPii judgment was given m the Appeal Court. II is estimated that the case
    325 words
  • 134 14 New Ckarge Of Falsifying Accounts N'en York. June Tin Federal Grand Jury has returned new indictment again* Mr. Joseph C. Harriman iharchv-r him with falsification ol the Bank's accounts. Renter. Mr. who b 68 ymn old. arrrsii'd hut March nd indicted beinm '/rand jury on charts
    134 words
  • 59 14 Clerks Use Bm^a of Money As Weapons London. June 3. Bays of silver r.nd copper coins wore used weapons against bandits by the staff of the Newcastle Bank yesterday afiernoon. One raider wai trapped In the vaults and two were knocked down and captured. The fourth escaped. All
    59 words
  • 78 14 Captain E P. B. Cameron, tlu Queen > Own Carnercn Highlander!, L> now Assistant Staff Officer. Local Forces, m pace of Capt. P. R. jp. Miers, niio m married recently :\nd laOtd for England. Dr. K. Mci. ArifT has been elected President, ,of the Penally Rotary Club for the ensuing
    78 words
  • 23 14 Washington June 4. 'I*l. Scn.-.U hy 4K Vn««.\; \>- M ;>u.v«'d HH Gold Bill, which now e<*- t PrrssJ'lcnf Roost-volt -Router
    Reuter  -  23 words
  • 21 14 BARON I SH I I SAILS New York. Tune S. Baron Lshii, wallet', for England 10-day on tht 1 Ohrniplc- ■Renter.
    Renter.  -  21 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 307 14 HERE IS THE TOURER The embodiment 01 everything that goe^ to make motoring easy and pleasant. Delightful In tne evenings with the hood, down, cosy with the hood and sidescroen up when it rains. Forty-five miles to the gallon and fifty miles per hour. 12.000 miles on a set of
      307 words
    • 480 14 BANKS AND iNS(F^ CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA (Incorporated In England by Royal Charter) Paid ut ;apiuil m fiOO 000 ?har*-s of £5 each t.i.000.000 Reserve Fund £3.000,000 Reserve Liability or Proprietor* HEAD OFFICE 38. Bishopsgate. London, EX Agencies and Rranrhed Alor Star Iloilo Amritsar Ipoh Bangkok Kara.-h!
      480 words
    • 74 14 fcpiUi c. up) le«er J '41 *-*>hJ2^ i. uUct N 1,, 3ydn< i Don N tli > J THK EASIBM H| 1 ■I cm ii THE SOUTH I BRITISH PIRE, MMMNK.IWI MOTOR CM mm if %n* c \uirn» Miuisi niuvTii y* EASTERN FIRI MAH* MOTOR PKKSONAL INSI n NtF t
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 686 14 j BRITISH BROADCASTING CORPORATION j J PROGRAMMES FOB INDIA, BURMA, i STRAITS SETTLEMENTS, and J FEDERATED MALAY STATES J FROM THE EMPIRE TRANSMITTER. J DAVENTRY, ENGLAND. J a WavelengUk- 25.3 metres and 31.3 J 1 metres. J Tuesday, June tith. i i O.MT. 1.30 p.m. Time Signal from Big Ben.
      686 words
    • 47 14 (Mpm) ji a a IMb lßBr Davrntrj- GSO I6JI Fdinhnv»-n <Ho:'.i" i PI I ICJI TV n^ Braok N r a>r i >iM', I—91 9 p.m. 14.41 B\ienos Aiv. I vh:. I I/«Y 13 97 Daventry OSR 13 93 Pittsburgh WHEK. pm TJm^- ar«. Riven 'r OMI
      47 words

  • 126 15 gpINBSS" OF TIN tjting Knri-of-Mouth 1 •indoii Ha> SI. •lib the .i.«bh latar- (>th»-!- .iiui there mn rial looals Hid utstanding Id tptu ulaUvc mrpcd nbout •'!> tteadj !in hated 1" l^fflKS RALLY I *****011. 1111 l' 1 1. Kaffin opeiM d > ran tkm probten
    Reuter  -  126 words
  • 22 15 In.-v lork. .lunr 2. n tilt it*; i cached new T' M ticker' i "ih nhftrea Win lew.
    Win lew  -  22 words
  • 117 15 Ifeamption of Dividends i a l mrcilng ComiMiny, Ltd., i ■tuhton D.S.O. thai co Important I i allaln daraaJned at uni- i' < ootii aana r>l expendlbi < -(j an in--1 -»i upkeep t£o3 acres, intini m tbe i9:u «i »:i l y^. ex■iKuditmf would M tin end
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  • 17 15 !t > flty rubber. loss d aj «a leavlnt £26.500 1 "'"»r'." ;r vin.-ral rtJj*2 loj buumng,
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  • 793 15 KUBBKK PLANTATIONS TRUST Chairman Thinks Restriction Is Unlikely M itn twenty-laurth otdfcaan ■mitini oi th Robber Plantationi rnmimmu Trust lw \ir. Henry j. Welch (the cbatoaan) said that only one* pr riotuly had the) town a loss m ll* twenty-four yean history "i Ihi company
    793 words
  • 42 15 Crop tor 1932 was 735.265 Ib. After writing off £1.665 as depreciation of buildings, plant, machinery, etc., loss was £1.085. which, deducted from credit of £4,048 brought forward, (Vr.ves £2,963 to be carried forward. (Previous "cpr. not Urn C1.082V
    42 words
  • 510 15 Advance Made Necessary by Tax Although Uk- relative importance of the United StaU .> m the economics of the? rubber industry has declined m recent years the U.S. is still by far the lartrfcst consumer of rubber, and Any factors which stem likely to exercise an UNM
    WWR  -  510 words
  • 277 15 Substantial Rise m the Investment Values i']i- ],i)ih'i,:, rii, Corporation reporta net i;,< omc for the yeu ended 30th September last of £104.847. Which compares, v it li £47.082 In I the previous yea* Directors' fees, £2,320. and iiciminismitioM and expenses. C 14.422. ocrnunt m the a^grcgato for
    277 words
  • 709 15 DUSUN DURIAN ESTATE Substantial Surplus i\SSCIS At the twenty-first annual general meeting; \tt the DHU Durian Rubber Estate. Ltd., Mr. M. .1. Welch tthe chairman) said; Once again hv meet under the cloud of the general financial and economic depression Although the average price for our principal
    709 words
  • 69 15 Output of Chulsa rselanofor) Rubber Co. for 1932 was 781.000 lb; price realised 3.49 d. net: cost, all m, 2.91 d leaving profit of 0.58 d. Profit was £1,889 (agriMl £2.902). plus interest £605 profit on exchange, etc.; £250 to taxation reserve. £1.435 to depreciation, leaving, including
    69 words
  • 40 15 Under modified system of tapping, crop for i 1932 amounted to 2,984.627 I b. Balance brought j forward was £90.235: deduct lora for year (after charging £1.726 for depreciation) £1.018 against £6.850). leaving £89.217 to be carried forward
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  • 989 15 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE T.P.A. Termination of Byrne Scheme The Repott of the Council of the Tin Producers' Association presented to the third ordinary general meeting of members on May 30. status: At the date of the last report the ordinary membership of the Association
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  • 882 15 SIR ERIC GEDDESVS VIEWS Reply To Challenge By Mr. Eric Miller tJir Kric Geddes writing m the Financial Times, .says: My attention has been invited to Mr fcruMiller's speech at the general meeting of th*: Mendaris (Sumatra* Kubber and Product* Estates m which he criticises the VttWl
    882 words
  • 72 15 Three Companies In Johore Deal Ilm ruhbri companies. Java United Planta ions, Ltd.. Be*oeki Plantations. Ltd aw thr Rubbv Estates of Malaya. Ltd hi* Jomtly purchase two rubber estates In Johore aro a> about 1.700 acn-.s i, mature, anrt balance Ls three y.-ars old and upward Th tota,
    72 words
  • 19 15 I Adanwon. GilfilUn and Co.. Ltd S«cr*Urlr*. I Hiram Tin- Output for Mrv %<«.40 trtkul*.
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 77 15 Assurance In force »t»t I The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. 'Incorporated In tha otrmtt* Bettkementa i h o*nC« ti"" 3l Eastern Ute B «"dtog, cecu Btreet, Singapore. LONDON OPTOCB 27, aid Jewry, B.C. company £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England and compiles with the British Life
      77 words

  • 380 16 Negri All Out For 79 m Second Innings 1 HOPKINS' GOOD j BOWLING S.C.C. Margin of 8 Wickets The Ncgri Sembilan and S.C.C. encounter on the S.C.C PadaiT was all over by the luncheon interval yesterday, the CJub winning comfortably by 8 wickets. Much of the credit
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  • 221 16 Married Members Beaten At S.R.C. In natch between married and single members at the SRC. yesterday the "singles" wan by 9 wickets. The .scores were: Married: H. Balhrtc het b G. Oihln.s 17. H. Barrels b G. Oehlcrs 1. T Leijssius st, S. Teeeeneohn b g. Valberg 41.
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  • 126 16 Selangor Team's Visit To Penang [From Our Own Correspondent] Penang, June 5. Selangor Malays who visited Penang during the week-end played two matches, the first against the Penang Malays which the visitors lost by five goals to one and the second match. lv which they showed great
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  • 57 16 Kuvera's Victory In Big Race At Sydney [FREE PRESS SERVICE— COPYRIGHT] Sydney. June 5. The result of the race for the King's Cup *hich was run here to-day was: KUVERA (8.6) j FLAIL (8.6) 2 SHADOW KING (8.9) 3 Twenty-three ran. Won by a head, neck be- tween
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  • 839 16 COLONY vs. F.M.S. LAWN TENNIS CONTESTS BY LADIES' AND MEN'S TEAMS Malayan Lady Champion Beaten The best lawn tennis talent In the Colony and F.M.S., both ladies and men. was assembled m Singapore during the week-end m t°am matches for the annual trophy competitions for the Guillemard Cup (men's) and
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  • 150 16 British Player Affected By Intense Heat Paris. June 5. Intense heat was experienced for the semifinals of the French lawn tennis championship. Cochet beat Lee (Great Britain* 9 ll. 6 3, 6—3, 6 3. Cochet led 5—3 m the first set and then each won an odd game.
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  • 838 16 CHEAP WICKETS FOR PENANG BOWLERS Penang's Desperate Effort To Save [Prom Our Own Correspondent] Kuala Lumpur, June 5. After a sensational start this morning when Denlson-Smith was bowled by Hoblyn and Vanderholt was leg before to Andres, without scoring. Selangor defeated Penang by five wickets.
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  • 794 16 LAST NIGHT'S EXCITING CONTESTS Army, Navy and Air Force Meet The Royal Navy, the Army and the Royal Air Force took part for the first time last nipht m the boxing team contest for the Lowther Girant Cup, held at the New World. Previously it had been
    794 words
  • 137 16 Lady Huggard In Winning Team At Bukit Timah The competition for the Navy Challenge Cup was played at Bukit Timah yesterday and resulted m a win for Lady Huggard and M. M. I Paterson representing the Singapore Golf Club, with a score of 81. The results were
    137 words
  • 257 16 Tain ilia ns Unsuccessful m Singapore The visit of the Selancor Tamilian* l J :i\si. Culture Association's football tt-am to Singapore during the week end was full of interest and tho visitors did well to record a draw against the Chinese and a defeat of only 4 2
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
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