The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 29 November 1932

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 16 1 The Singapore Free Press NO. 13,816. ESTABLISHED 1835. SINGAPORE, S.S. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1932. 10 CENTS.
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  • 490 1 The League Council yesterday decided to refer the Lytton Report to a special Assembly meeting, Mr. Matsuoka stating that the Japanese delegation would not vote when the matter comes up for consideration Page 9. Latest reports from Chinese sources state that the Japanese are concentrating large numbers
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  • 1020 1 "These twenty noble.s. which, with the bugle, thou hast fairly won, are thine own." That Is the effect of a letter I have just received, and it is so long since I won anything that I am m the pleasantest flutter about. To be accurate I have not
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 245 1 BIGIA TEA Brings the freshness and fragrance of the Malayan gardens direct to your home. RAFFLES HOTEL MALAYA'S PREMIER HOTEL Pahit m the new Palm Room LUNCH AT RAFFLES SPECIAL DINNER DAxNCE ST. ANDREW'S DAY DINNER AND BALL Extension till 2 a.m. BOOK NOW i RAFFLES CELEBRATED ORCHESTRA PHONE 5381
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    • 68 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS Bachelor cigarettes Page 6. Notice by Capitol and Pavilion Theatres Page 2. Seasonable gifts from B. P. de Silva Ltd.— Page 8. Auction sale of unredeemed s >vellery pledges by Cheong Koon Seng. Page 9. CHRYSLER LOW INITIAL COST Just Published j INTERNATIONAL ERIDGE LAWS THE LAWS OF
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    • 11 1 There is no better Tea than BIGIA TEA GROWN IN MALAYA
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  • 525 2 CONFLICT OF EVIDENCE Complainant May be Charged, Says Magistrate A charge of criminal breach of trust against a lawyers case clerk collapsed m the Police J Court. Mr J. F. F. Gregg, yesterday, the evidence by the prosecution witnesses conflicting on the salient points. The
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  • 199 2 The funeral of the late Mrs. Regina Sarkies. which took place at Bidadari on Friday last, was well attended. Mrs. Sarkies. who was the eldest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Carapiet, lost her husband m June last year. Her death came as
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  • 51 2 £90,000 Worth Seized at Liverpool London, Nor. 28. The seizure of £90,000 worth of Irish Sweep tickets was carried out by the Customs at Liverpool when a steamer arrived from Dublin The tickets were enclosed m envelopes addressed to various parts of the United Kingdom ready for
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  • 690 2 Six Months For Chinese Robber A hold-up and robbery m a rubber plantation off Yeo Chu Kang Road wa? de c cribed to Mr. C. Wilson, the Singapore Criminal District Judje. ycr.terday when one or three robbers was scntenccc'. to six months' rigorous impri >onn''ent. On
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  • 117 2 Tuesday, November 29th Before the Chief Justice m the Ist. Court at 11 a.m. S. 1124 31— Tan Kirn Sai etc. vs. Tan Thian Wee and another. Before Mr. Justice Whitley m the 2nd. Court at 11 a.m. Criminal Appeal: Rex vs. H. Bell. Criminal Revision: Rex vs.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 122 2 TENDERS. SINGAPORE MUNICIPAL NOTICE. Tenders. NOTICE is hereby given that tenders art low invited for the following materials or services and that particulars of such tenders may be obtained m the Tender Room. Municipal Offices Lease of M.C. vacant land adjoining Elgin Bridge. North Bridge Road, for erection of advertisement
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    • 508 2 BUSINESS CARDS. BE PHOTOGRAPHED BY H. NUGENT BUCKERIDGE Highest Clan Work— Lowest Bate*. LAIDLAW BUILDING— 'Phone 7898. BOARD AND LODGING MANOR HOUSE Tel: No. 2965 Chancery Lane. Unsurpassed Situation. Single and Double Rooms Available. FIRST-CLASS CUISINE Mr*. Graham Hotchlaon Manarww» TO LET. VILLA A. BALMEG HILL, Pasir Panjang. two storey
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    • 926 2 AUCTION SALE THE EUROPE HOTEL. LIMITED (In Liquidation) COMPANIES WINDING-UP No. I OF 193! BY ORDER OF THE OFFICIAL RECEIVER IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE OF HOTEL FURNITURE AND FITTINGS, ETC. To be held at THE EUROPE HOTEL On Wednesday, November 30th, Thursday, December Friday, December 2nd, and Saturday, December 3rd, COMMENCING
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 197 2 THE WEEK Tuesday. 29th. High Water 1D .15. 9 9 ft. 23 55. 9.1 It. Ntoe Band. Botanic Gardens. 5 15 pin. Football: S.C.F A League. B-nd'-me-'r AC. vs. Amicable A A.. Jalan Beynr Annual general meting of Sin^ap re P l> Cub. Balestier. 7 p.m. Golt Gam-on G C
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  • 243 3 Police Inspector "Lucky to be Alive" Philip Devereux. aged thirty-four, was sentenced at the Old Bailey. London to eight years' penal servitude for per serving a pistol with intent tc cndan-,c; lifr. He was sentenced to a further four year-' penal servitude fcr possessing housebroakin
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  • 347 3 Prize Winners m Hattalion Rifle Meeting ij-rom Our Own Correspondent 1 Malacca. Nov. 25. A COOCert, which provided some interesting and hilarious entertainment was held by members of the local Volunteer force at the Drill Hall yesterday evening as a prelude to the olstrfbutton ci prizes won at
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  • 239 3 Opening of the Now Building I From Our Own Correspondent I Malacca. Xcv. IS. I A large numbir of people was invited this morning; to w itness the opening of the now building of the Convent of Holy Infant Jesus. With a pair ol golden scissors presented by
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  • 121 3 A few new apix>intmento been made, apparently m connection with the Malayan Forces. The three latest are as follows: Capt. E. B. Comeion. Assistant Staff Officer Local Forces S.S. and F.M.S.. Lt. F. A. Rund U, Staff Adjutant, F.M.S.. and Lt. D. E. B. Ridout. Adjutant Pnang and Province
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  • 357 3 Exhibitors At Flower Shows Sit Up CHRISANT. Crysanth. Chrysant CHRYSANTHEMUM Got it Yesterday I went to the National CHRYSANTHEMUM Society's .show at the Hoiticultural Haii. Vincent-square. Westminster. Flower .shows a 'ways puzzle me. A man spoadi the p-rt.iter part of bfc time and all his wife's
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 258 3 THERE ARE THOUSANDS of men who can 'fix' a broken Remember automobile but how? Patching up' costs motor owners Workmen excessive and unnecessary sums 9+£ CM M I ILlivU And the motorist usually blames *.v iVf pn tlio car* vjl^mm ii. i i A iiu Without a doubt it pays
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  • 977 4 LINCOLN ELLSWORTH EXPEDITION FLYING BETWEEN ROSS AND WEDDELL SEAS Area Unexplored by TWan By Lincoln Ellsworth I. is Angeles. FR the first time to-day I saw the airplane with which I expert to make what DM bei n called the last |*Mi m-oyr.ipliic al discovery possible
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  • 110 4 Stockholm. The theatre which Greta Garbo has taken m order to give her friend Naima Wifstrar.d a fresh start m stardom is a tiny playhouse that has always enjoyed the patronage of the Swedish royal family, among whom Naima. happily, has many personal friends. The Garbo-Wifstrand regime
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  • 693 4 VIEWS OF A JUDGE Unwisdom of Keeping Them m Ignorance Outspoken comments on the unwisdom of keeping girls m ignorance of the ways of the world were made by Mr. Justice McCardie m the King's Bench Division. He was giving judgment m an action brought
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  • 1697 4  - BRITAIN'S MOVIE CITY Joan LitlU fidd A Peep into nu IT is commonly thought, even m Britain 1 that all the British film studies are concentrated at Elstree. the little Hertfordshire town about 20 miles to the north-we:;t of London, which suddenly, about four years ago. found itself fa.ncus. and
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  • 66 4 Moscow. Employees m the Soviet services are to be pu T back into uniform. Each service, before the revolution, hsd its own special design and the elaborate costumes some of them affected wot world-renowned. Bolshevism would not stand for an office boy decked out m enough gold
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  • 440 4 Exhaustive Test At •L'tfl I 111 I Detroit. Automobile makers, fuel producers and the government have been pooling their efforts !>o simplify the fuel problem for car owners. They forsee the day when it may be possible to drive into a gas station and order •"five gallons" en
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  • 149 4 Bus Driver Holds Art Sh««u m London Thirty extraordinary :..r. "Pilgrims I»r( p.untcd m ottl Stockley, a Kent bus driver, an- Mi hibited l| v London Gallery A I novel etlects ar -The H.hls,- li. an aspidistra m the window OM what looks like
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 181 5 iEiini.l i i m m l m iiiibiiiiiii ICAPITOLi !l;iail!!ll!'i;l":!|'a![i!|'!« I1 II KliN 111 1, 1 1 I;|| J: g Last Night of CLIVE BROOK and CLAUDETTE COLBERT In Paramount^ Stirring Production The MAN from YESTERDAY" TO Jl Olt DMMV SIMULTANEOUS SCREENING WITH PAVILION THEATRE! MAURICE CHEVALIER'S LATEST AM) GREATEST
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    • 278 5 DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS— IS COMING I Opening TO-NIGHT Matinee To-Morrow at 3 p.m. Once a^ain Metro Golclwyn Mayer a brilliantly different picture and once again the cast is superbly chosen RAMON NOVARRO out-pacing all former triumphs as the boy who fought social prestige with steel-mill courage? m HUDDLE WITH— MADGE EVANS
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    • 493 6 Chances for Younger Men [Prom Our Own Correspondent I London, Nov. 8. A trial Rugby match took place last Saturday, and as a result the North Fifteen to meet the South was chosen. There is a chance for younger men this season, and aljeady there are youths,
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    • 447 6 Defeat of Benn) Leonard Time and Jimmy McLarnm del Leonard before an excited which packed UM MadLs-.n s floor to roof. With five ie< .>ixth round the RnM thn-u the staggering but still nun. champion, stopped \h>gave McLarnin a technical fa Walter Trumbull from New V Leonard
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  • 169 6 May Give Up Championship Golf From Our Own Correspondent 1 London. Nov. 8. Miss Enid Wilson, th* British woman golf champion, is not retiring from championship golf at least, not until she has made another attempt to win the American Women's Championship. This statement was made to
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  • 136 6 Keeps Golf Lead From Oxford I From Ovir Own Correspondent 1 London, Not. 8. A ball burying itself m a putting green prevented Oxford University from securing a lead on the foursomes m their, match with the Royal Wimbledon Golf Club at Wimbledon. last Saturday. Each side won
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  • 120 6 Mr. J. Akers-Doiiglas Engaged I Prom Our Own Correspondent] I/ondon. Nov. 8. The engagement is announced this week of Mr I. Akers-Douslas. the amateur rackets champion and Kent county cricketer. Ho Ls to marry Miss Joan Holroyd Torru. only child of Major and Mrs. C. B. Toms
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  • 193 6 Yorkshire Match Befleffl F« O'Connor I [From Our Own i I l/md»n. N Amidst all their BBMM W troub'n future by no MMM ;us.s;r. H find that the Essex Count not forget the .players \il: gallantly thnukih good tin;twelve years' excellent mvkc I j Jack O'Connor, one of
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  • 79 6 Caught on Stakr i" l Hurdle I Prom Onr Own C<>loud. The soul of a gallant m from Hawthorn Hill to join thiva,s passing the .stancis wten h* self on the last himiU- He nor faltered. Then his gfermfth jugular vein had btta WM bltM-dinu to
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 193 6 wJ lit k m^^^. mm w m I 111 Mm M Mw mMm fJ I r V I 1 v^ J-^^ W~ f^ I II < Sa IF ITS STRENGTH < -fa YOU NEED I —you need Hall's Wine beHalls I^H^ cau se it is a Tonic Restora- -*—> v
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    • 128 6 His health is your first I consideration To assist his normal physical development and to ensure for him strength to J> resist infection, give him regularly y) 'KEPLER' r v-J TRADE MARK J I COD LIVER OIL (^J(\ WITH MA< -T EXTRACT /J^l^^__^^\\\ X. the perfectly-balanced vitamin food with J
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  • 194 7 And Then Swallows "IT IS TOO LATE" Chinese Christian Missionary Seriously Hurt Trouble m the home, m Wilkir Road, of a hinese Methodist missionary and teacher m .1 l< al I nulivh school yesterday morning m ulted m the removal to the General Hospital of a father
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  • 566 7 Merger of Capito] Had Pavilion Theatrical Interests. An luiuouncfment of considerable interest to il li ca] Uv-atregoers is published on another ol this issue, m which details are pn m I the meruer of the theatrical interests of r Capif] Theatres. Ltd.. and Pavilion. A new Company,
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  • 54 7 Lngapore Aasti i came to date jraataf ij Mien thi charge of forget] Bgalnet Cmng ■••in Hoc w;is withdrawn. Mr. V. D. Xiio 1 lev n benaU of the Crown, gald that the Attorney iiari entered nolle profeajut it would 'i amount to an acquittal. The accused waf nted by
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  • 79 7 gfjn y i a Portuguese gentleman, caid that he took somo t people for a drive on the night of October 28 t snd as he was parked on the road at Pasir Panjang he saw two Malays fighting with two I Chinese. He also
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  • 5 7 yjdjhmj
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  • 185 7 Chinese Charged With Throwing Acid m Her Face Alleged to na\ been the culprit m a most iastardly crime, a young Chinese was produced aefore Mr. C. Wilson, the Singapore Criminal District Judge, \esterday and remanded on a J (barge of voluntarily causing trrievous hurt. The
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  • 87 7 Affairs of Aeropostale Company Paris. Nov. M. Andre B uJtlotu Lafent, Director of .he Aerepo tale Company (the French International air lino who a son of the Chairman of tiv Company has been aiwtou. It was recent 1." announced that proceeding were being *.xkf>~ both men for .1
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  • 72 7 Woman Fined For Keeping Live Fish An unusual case m which live n<-h figured was mentioned before Mr. A. C. Boyd. thr Singapore Fourth Police Magistrate, yesterday when a Chinese woman was charged w ith keeping live fish without a licence. Inspector BracK-n of the S.P.C.A. stated thnt
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  • 1357 7 George Daniel Neubronner said he was an accountant. In 1914 he married the complainant m Singapore She had a very bad temper and broke up everything m the house when m a temper I In May 1917 he went to Bangkok and had a very
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  • 853 7 BUT NO AUGEAN I STABLES "Only One Thing Missing From Programme" Sir Samuel and Lady Wilson were the principal guests of the Kuala Lumpur Rotary Club at a "ladies' night" at the Hotel Majestic, Kuala Lumpur. Over 150 members and guests were present, including many ladies.
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  • 193 7 I There passed away on Sunday at No. 1 Monk's Hill Terrace. Singapore. Mr Henry DHOMfli late of the Government Treasury. Mr. D'Rozario retired from Government service Foven vcar ago. and had been ailing for the past six months. Ho leaves behind two sons and
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  • 1556 7 Mass Treatment of Municipal r Coolies TWO DEATHS Coroner Opens and Adjourns Inquest The prevalence of hookworm among the Indian labour forre employed by the Singapore Municipality and a campaign toward* its eradication formed the subject of an inquiry, which was commenced before .Mr. F. G. Bourne,
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  • 53 8 DOMESTIC OCCURRENCES. IN MEMORIAM In ever lovin", memory of George Alfred William Picton Gilroy. who died at Singapore on November 29th, 1927. "The r.ting was bitter, the cut severe, To nart with one we loved so dear. The trial was hard, we'll not complain. But tru v m Christ we
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  • 812 8 SINGAPORE FREE PRESS TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 29. 1932. WHY BRING THAT UP The other day, commenting upon the mission of Sir Samuel Wilson to Malaya and events which, had followed his arrival m the country, we ventured the opinion that a number of matters entirely unassociated with the question of decentralisation,
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  • 277 8 Singapore Repertory Players gave their final performance of "It's a Boy" at Raffles Hotel last night. Their next production will be of a vaudeville nature. Sir Samuel and Lady Wilson have, it is understood, promised to be present at both days' racing of the Selangor Turf Club's December Amateur meeting
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  • 96 8 LONDON AND NEW YORK TIN AND RUBBER PRICES [FREE PRESS SERVICE COPYRIGHTI London, Nov. 28. Messrs. Henry Gardner, metal brokers, notify to-day's tin prices as follows P l% (£1521/ 8>- Forward £153 The market is easier. Messrs Symington and Wilson notify to-day's rubber prices as follows: Spot 219
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  • 96 8 SIR GEORGE COLLINS HINT Government Buildings For .Edinburgh London, Nov. 24. The Scottish Home Rule Bill occupied the attention of the House of Commons to-night when Mr. John Buchan urged transference of the Administration of Scotland to Edinburgh and Sir Archibald Sinclair suggested a measure of
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  • 110 8 Effect of Ottawa on Their Trade Ottawa. Xov. 24. The House of Commons will debate m January the Liberal motion for the re-opening of negotations with United States for a reciprocal trade pact providing for the free entry to the United States of Canadian natural produces from
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  • 117 8 Burma Rifles' Journey From Taipinp: to Penalty [From Our g«n Correspondent] Penanir Nov. 28. The main body of 'the 120 th B'lrma Rifles who wore held up at Taiping owing to rail and road disorganisation at Nibong Total, arrived at Prai this afternoon. Leaving Taiping by
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  • 64 8 Edinburgh Acads. Trounce Instiiutc [FREE PRESS SERVICE COPYRIGHT] London. Nov. 26. Scottish Rugby results to-day were as follow: Glasgow HS 14: Hawick 13 Dunfermline 17: Kelvinside Acads 3. Watsonians 14: Selkirk 6. Edinburgh Inst. 0: Edinburgh Acads. 37. Edinburgh Wand 9 Royal High Sch. 6 Glasgow Un. 14
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  • 63 8 English Team to Moet Austria [FREE PRESS SERVICE COPYRIGHT] London. Not. 28. The following: side has been chosen to represent England m the uiternational match against Austria at Stamford Bridge on Dec 7 Hibbs (Birmingham*; Goodall (Huddersfield). and Blenkinsop (Sheffield Wednesday*; Strange (Wednesday*. Hart (Leeds), Campbell (Huddersfield*; Crooks
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  • 51 8 1,000 Found by Police m Buenos Aires Buenos Aires, Nov. 25. One thousand bombs were discovered by the police to-day and 20 people have been arrested. The police believe the bombs were connected with the terrorist plot discovered on November 14th, when several anarchists were arrested. Reuter
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  • 38 8 lEarl of Cavan's Appointment London. Nov. 24. It is announced that General the Earl .if Cavan has been raised to the rank of Field Marshal m succession to the late Lord M thuen. Reuter Wireless.
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  • 99 8 Towns Looted and Plundered m Szechuan lions Kotiß. Nov. 2S. Being hard pressed by the Government troops from Central Ki-mgsi the communists at Hin?kuo are preparing to evacuate the district- q Yutu and Yuntu and invade Fukien. Oth r communist units m South Hunan are reported to
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  • 170 8 STRONG MAX WANTED Centrist Leader Fails to Form Cabinet Her! in. x Following the injure Of H a Parliamentary Cabinet. Pr. s. Is now looking for a man to lead Cabin< t to whom he uill r,r. r:: powers refused to Herr Hitler have to deal with
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  • 77 8 Sudden Death of Mr. Pern Pit! Londrn. The death ccr.rred unexpnt night of the wel'i -known Briti Percy Pitt. I t the igC of 62 H Musical Director of the Brit: Company from rHeb he i He was the pirneer m music m England and tin i.Mr. Pitt
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  • 61 8 Farmers Appeal to Canadii Ciovernment A req^t for the Dominion mediately to convene a world v. i. is made m a resolution at the annual meeting of th. pool. It is propo.od that t;-.. countries of Canada. Au. tra. States and the Argentine inference which, it is
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  • 57 8 .51, 500,000 CoAtrmct For 1939 ■i run. An aereement Tor the s'ipph to Canada im *nod I Soviet Oil Expo't nu' Tr I tons of oil prodotti valu d it be exported to Canada, which I that Soviet oil hjU I I Tile new ■frMOICBI I
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  • 49 8 Ceremony m Egypt Heard m Australia Port Said. KM M The Anzac war memorial DOM tralasians who fell m Epynt. S\ durinj? the Great War. was v: Mr. Hupho.s. Au-stralias MBM M the War. The whole ceremony m bi to London and UMBOt It-tIMMBIW Australia Reiit.T Win
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  • 47 8 Free State's New l)ul> on Potatoes The In.«h Free St:ite announce as from to-night of one gatMt potatoes from Britain and jfßrthtfH I' which works out at 300 per cent and 0 per lb. on all cut flowers from the tries Renter Wireless
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  • 43 8 Britain Airrors to l*Yeti Moratorium Santiago dv hil. N,.\ [1 BritLsh acquicsc<Mice m tin fmn rlum for Chile"s foreign debt find r< Interest has already been obfuii d by prospective new Finance MinisU-r. tCCOR to well-intt>rnied quarters -Rcvfe r I
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  • 65 8 The members appointed to Mrvc on Sanitary Board for 1933 arc the Chi I I District. Officer. Kinta the Protector Porak. tho Sonior Exrcutivo"' Health Officer. Kinta Smitary BlMUrd I Police Officer. Perak, M Win C Voon Thian Soo, S A. Sahib Juan. 1 Chirp. J Descraques, ■oO'Mi *****
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 3 8 gsjyt kytt dk
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  • 1269 9 i(lerin£ a Reasoned Case for America ASHINGTON OPINION No Justification for London's Optimism I'.ritish Cabinet met \e-sterday to IIM ure af the reply to the m Nate on drhts. Washington .is express the opinion that the new h statrmri t must present a eonvi
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  • 8 9 ghc jkym Reuter
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  • 16 9 I 1 Butler bag been appointed chairman m Unemployment Committer. o[ Mr V A Lowinger. resigned
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  • 473 9 REPORTED CHANGE OF PLANS Strong Concentration of Troops Shanghai. Nov. 28. On a' count of the severe temperature, which has lull* :i :r> punts below zero m North Manfhuria. the Japanese are reported to be changing their military' plans against the Chinese volunteers Instead of
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  • 141 9 Privy Council and £2,500,000 Estate Suit London, Nov. 25. A decision of 37 printed p;.ges was rendered to-day by the Judicial Cor.imlttee of the Priry Council on the long and costly litigation arising from the estate of the late Sir Mortimer Barnet Davis, the Canadian millionaire. The
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  • 46 9 Strike Protest Against Wa^e Cut Dublin. Nov. 28. Six hundred railwaymen at Bray. Co. Dublin, have derided to strike on Dec. 5 m protest hgainst a 10 per cent, wage reduction. Similar declarations throughout the country are inevitable unless the Government intervenes. Reuter.
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  • 119 9 To Secure End of Szechuan Civil War Shanghai. Nov. 28. A number of fc'zechuan neutral generals held a meeting yestculay at Chengtu. capital of Szechuan. and decided to force the contending armies to cease fighting by armed intervention. General Liv Wen-hui. Governor of Szechuan, ond General Liv Siang
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  • 28 9 Leipsig. Nov. 24. The well-known German Ueder singer. Eleanor Gerhardt, was married to-day to Fritz Kohl, director of the Middle German Broadcast Company. Rcuter Wireless.
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  • 124 9 To Consider Manchurian Dispute JAPAN t; S~ATTITUDE British Concur m Council Decision Geneva. Nov. 28. The Council this morning: referred the Sino-Japanese dispute to a special Assembly meeting. Mr. Matsuoka maintained the Japanese reservation regarding Article 15 and stated that the Japanese delegation will abstain
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  • 108 9 Not At Geneva m Official Capacity New York, Nov. 28. If Mr Norman Davis is conducting conversations at Geneva m connection with the Lytton Report he is doing so personally and informally, according to the State Department spokesman, quoted m the New York Times. He emphasised that
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  • 205 9 Mr. Churchill Thinks it May be Just Avoided London. Nov. 23. Mr. Winston Churchill m tho Hoir->e of Commons to-day, m the course of a notable review of European politics, declared that rivalry was sharper and mifitary plans more developed than Pt any time since
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  • 97 9 Double the Previous Highest Fee Paid Copenhagen, Nov. 28. Double the previous highest trans-Atlantic fee was paid to Trotsky for a lecture on Communism broadcast to the United States. A large force of police guarded the hall m which the lecture was delivered. -Reuter CAT-CALLS FOR RED EX
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  • 146 9 Change of Control m Kweichow Shanghai, Nov. 28. A dramatic change took place m Kweiyan, capital of Kweichow Province, yesterday when the majority of the military leaders declared their support of General Mao Kwang-siang m a circular telegram addressed to the Central Government, so that General Wang
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  • 20 9 Non- Aggression Pact Ratified Warsaw, Nr>v. 28. Russia and Poland hive ratified the pact oJ non-aggression. Rcuter.
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  • 160 9 BRIBES TO SHELL-MEX EMPLOYEE False Information While Police Listened London, Nov. 24. A fine of £50 with costs amounting to 50 guineas was Imposed to-day at a London Police Court on a Bnw.tan named Volodar ky, head Of a department of Russian Oil Products, for corruptly
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  • 256 9 New Scheme to Repair World's Financial Breakdown London, Nov. 24. Explaining the "bartrx" sciicme to restore Britain's balance of tra^e at a meeting of the Merchants' Association of the United Kingdom. a speaker said the system would be a method of ear-marked cheques which m effect would
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  • 105 9 "Child Misery" Demonstration By Unemployed Washington. Nov. 24. Scores of police are guarding the White House to-day against a passible demonstration by 400 adults and children who have travelled m motor lorries from Baltimore with the intention of presenting the President with a protest against "child misery."
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  • 43 9 Agreement Practically Reached London. Nov. 28. The Financial Times Amsterdam correspondent learns that agreement h»as practically been reached on the tea restriction scheme. Iftdian, Ceylon and the Dutch Indies Governments have promised their co-op?ration. An official communique is expected shortly. Reuter.
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  • 105 9 Mr. J. W. Clark Married m Penang fProm Our Own Correspondent! Penang Nov. 28. The wedding took place to-day at St. George's Church, of Mr. J. W. Clark, the well-known Penang Rugby and polo player, and Miss Dorothy Harrison, who recently arrived from home. The Rev. Keppel
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  • 63 9 British Employees' Protest to Geneva Shanghai, Nov. 28. The British employees of the Postal Administration of Manchuria have sent a joint telegram to the Lrague of Nations stating that the Manchukuo authorities, with the backing of the Japanese, have forcefully taken over the postal administration of all the
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 199 9 A T ew Shipment of "Dress Viyella" A range of beautiful and attractive new designs and colourings m plaids, checks and tweed effects. 31 inches wide. Price $2.40 Per Yard. EVERY YARD IS GUARANTEED I NSHRINKABLE <* VTVI7T For Your y M I m2jl^Lji\ Favourite Garments ROBINSON Co., Ltd. (Incorporated
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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    • 569 10 Ellerman Bucknall Steamship Co., Ltd* (Incorporated m England) "ELLERMAN" LINE. FREIGHT SERVICE TO UNITED KINGDOM AND CONTINENT. VIA I'()K1> AND SUEZ CANAL HOMEWARDS. Dae Sails Steamer Spore. Spore. .s. CITY OP CAMBRIDGE For HavTe. London, Rotterdam and Hamburg Nov 30 Dec 2 *.s CITY OF SINGAPORE For Havre, London. Rotterdam
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 712 11 O. S. K. Line. fOX EIKOPE. AFRICA. NORTH AVD SOTTn AMFRTCA AND TXDTA Dm. Sails. I LA PLATA MARI DI7RRAN. Pmt F:i:z..hcth Cape TtmtL Rio dc JanHro. Santos Montrvideo and Buenos Aires Colombo <Round-tho-u(.r.d Pa^cge £190). Dec 5 6 lI A U XII M WCU SANTOS. Rio de Janeiro via
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    • 440 11 C^^^^aa^a*^C3 I V J L^a^a^^^* I*^*'1 -./Ti*^****^*^'" —^^----j^Jj^a^Sia^a^aW I to giroim: JfJOM SINGAPORE AND PENANG VIA COLOMBO, BOMBAY, SUEZ port SAID ALEXANDRIA, NAPLES,' GENOA MARSEILLES AND NEW YORK Arrive Leave Leave Arrive B*pore. S-porr- Penan*. N. York. Pres. Hayes Dec 3 Dec. 6 Dec. 8 Jan 17 Pres. P,erre Dec.
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    • 691 11 K. P. M. KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPU PALOPO— -Tuesday. Nov. 29, Riouw, Tambelan. Singkawang. and S.lakau. DAJAX— Tuesday. Nov. 29. Paneh, Tanjong-Mengeidar, Tanjong-Leidong. Berumbanu and Asahan. GEN. VERSPYCK— Tuesday. Nov. 29, Letong. Maras. Tarempu. Gunting.^jang Serassan. Midai and Kramat. VAN DER LI JN— Wednesday. Nov. 30, Cheribon. Semarang. Souraba>a.
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  • 292 12 "RETURN HOME AT ONCE" Man Unconscious by Dead Woman's Side Detectives who remained for hours at an unconscious man's bedside In Charing Cross Hospital were able to take a statement from him regarding the discovery of a woman friend who was found dead m a bedroom
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  • 180 12 Woman Discovers Rare Specimens London. Nov. 28. A woman botanist has returned to England with rare specimens of Alpine plants discovered more than three miles above sea level, m the Peruvian Andes. She is Miss Doris Stafford. Of Enneld. Middlesex. Her plant treasures includ. a gentian
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  • 153 12 People Exempt From .Military Service Rome. Nov. 26. As a result of the labours of one of the commissions that were set up to execute the many provisions embodied m the Concordat signed by the Holy See and the Italian Government three years ago. no fewer than nineteen
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  • 33 12 Spirits worth £275 were stolen from a shop m Commercial Road. E. To reach the shop the thieves, who used a motor-car, removed the gates of a synagogue and climbed over a wall.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 616 12 Burns Philp Line. (Incorporated In Australia) FOR BRISBANE, SYDNEY AND MELBOURNE via JAVA, DARWIN AND THURSDAY ISLAND. Regular monthly sailings by the well-known steamer MARELLA (7,375 tons) and the S.S. MANGOLA (3.352 tons). [Cargo only] BJ. MARELLA Is one of the largest and finest steamers trading to Australia. Cabins de
      616 words
    • 566 12 TRAVEL- SILVER JAVA PAfIFH LOt FUNDS Jolnt servlce or PACIFIC JAVA BENGAI UN^ TRAVELLERS CHEQUES and f represent the most SILVER LINE, itd convenient form of carry- t ing Travel Funds. AMERICAN EXPRESS Ban FranclBCO Los An*rie* TRAVELLERS CHEQUES p»*»»« Ports are issued m Pounds Dup Sterling and U.S. Dollars
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 577 12 BY TRAIN Bangkok every Saturday 7 p.m. and Thursday 7.30 a.m. Kedah Monday to Friday 7.30 a.m. Saturdays 7 p.m. Kuantan (via Jerantut) Monday to Friday 7.30 a.m. Kuantan (via Jerantut) Saturdays 7 p.m. Kelantan (via Padang Besar) Monday 7 p.m. Kelantan (via Gemas) every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
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    • 21 12 tkdy ;jlkmt lk jrtkljoiserlkgjnrlkj ;[isrtkjhelkh trhiojthry ioer joisty ek joij tyg sl stiujokrej sakj dlkgj akhrsg kjgf jofsijlkjn lkfdsh n dfskj
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  • port and Shipping News
    • 1038 13 For whatever else the twentieth century will be remember: d by men whe go down to the sea m the future generations, it will surely be outstanding r.s the age which first brought education to (he sailor, and coupled with the thought will be th name c£ the
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    • 329 13 I Capt. Spriddell as Acting Chief Marine Superintendent The amalgamation of so many fleets into the new Royal Mail Lines. Ltd.. means that the job of marine superintendent will be a particularly heavy one, for naturally there is a good deal jcl readjustment to be made m
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  • 54 13 't I The following passengers arrived by the s.s. j Klang yesterday:— From Penang: Mr. J. A. iH. Brown, Mr Selons, Mr. BJ lies. Mr. J. E. Daviso and child. From Port Swettenham: Sir William M'irison. Mr. and Mrs. A. Dob on Mr.' •W. B. Sutherland, Mrs. Emanuel,
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  • 63 13 i Information having been received that small- j pox exists m a sporadic state at Canton, it m declared by His Excpllency the Governor, in •exerci-f of the powers conferred by section 48 1 of Ordinance No. 157 (Quarantine and Prevention of DMeoae), that the Tort of Cantrn is a
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  • 238 13 Port of London Sale of Unclaimed Goods The Port of London Authority is holding its annual mammoth jumble sale on November 14 Articles of all description which have eaten up their value m storage dues are "going cheap." but most of the goods will have to be
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  • 397 13 Deep-sea diving tor the recovery of sunken treasure and for saving human life and raising wrecked shipping Is nowadays a vastly Tltal calling, and has such strong appeal for all who "go down to the sea m ships" that every aspect of progress is noteworthy. To
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  • 62 13 While working on board the Marella yester- 1 day a Malay was struck by a heavy bar of iron which fell on him. He was removed to hospital with a fractured leg. A Bengali had to be removed from the same j ship m a collapsed
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  • 15 13 American obsolete tonnage Is estimated to represent 90 per cent of the entire oceangoing fleet
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  • 217 13 Ophir, Dut. 2200, from Batavia 28. for Bate* wan Deli 28. Kajang, Brit. 1246. from Sandakan 28. for Dec. 3. Klang, Brit. 733, from Penang 28, for Penang 30. v Rhexenor, Brit. 4995, from Hong Kong 28. for New York via Penang Dec. 1. Honolulu Maru. Jap. 3540,
    217 words
  • 68 13 P r T.S.S. Aeneas sailing: to-day: Mr. and Mrs. T Miller, Mr. W. P. Jefferics, Miss Duncan. Mrs. W G. Strwart. Mrs. A. F Dixon and child. Mr. H L F. Ewin, Mr. and Mrs. C H B. Jolly and 2 children. Capt. and Mrs R Kettleuel] and
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  • 83 13 The JlplMH steamer Anzan Mani arrived at Sandakan on October 28th, fm m Manila to load a cargo 01 120,000 c. ft. of logs from the British Borneo Timber Co.. for Japan Ports. She is a vessel of 3.890 tons (gross) and was built as the Praser River In 1915.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 504 13 THE SINGAPORE FREE PRESS (Daily and Weekly Editions) Head Office 138 ROBINSON ROAD, SINGAPORE. Telephone 6056. Cable Address. ADVERTISER, SINGAPORE. The premier morning daily m Malaya. Delivered with the Chota Hazri each morning. Latest news, latest telegrams and latest announcements. London rubber and tin cables appear daily. Special j features
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    • 307 13 ■i^O'v^LJWO^H^w^c^jy*^"'^— m^jJl^ r*v jTßMaaaaa] NEXT TIME YOU GO HOME °/Ml f NCLUDE Caaadt'i »cv K»le mk k fi 1 |j| Tocr itiawTLrr. X I MM See the fta«t immit la ikm 6*^ 1 Rockies- Mt. Robwn. tailed ai tkexa all— y^-> Jwii^mM from lonry tnia* e^tiippW }<* aproM V~ J
      307 words

  • 642 14 150 Haunted Houses m Great Britain What are the true facts about ghosts and spectres When end where do they walk and What a:v the mo^t recent discoveries regarding haunt'ngs and haunted houses Striking replies to these questions were given to a Daily Expre. representative
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  • 234 14 Uproar Among 400 Inmates More than two hundred police, twenty of them mounted, were assembled m less than twenty minutes cutside th? Westminster Institution. Fulham-road. S.W.. m response to a telephone call from the institution masters of- I fice. An uproar, m which 400 inmates were concerned, followed
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  • 64 14 As a train was drawing into Walton-on-Thamec station. 0 woman with a small child m her arms WM r.cen to fall from the platform The driver !>.ppi<cd hi.; brakes and pulled the tiain up when two coaches had passed the spot where the woman fell. They were taken out apparently
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  • 352 14 Popular Shortwave Radio Stations The following is a list of stations which can be received m Singapore Java Stations Bandoeng PLM from about 5.20 p.m. gramophone records and telephony tests with Sydney, Australia, and other stations, j Usual call after records "Hullo Sydney." j Tanjong Priok, 21
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  • 67 14 Kuala Lumpur regular broadcasts are until further notice: DAILY on 55.5 Metres 10 30 to 11 a.m. PETALING HILL TESTING. (Except Sundays and Public Holidays) FRIDAY on 65 Metres. FROM THE STUDIO 1 p m. Krontchong Music. 7.00 English. 7.13 British Official Wireless News. Recital
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  • 526 14 Perak Prooosing Stricter Rules •By Our Mr. !rn OoTTC pondent) Ti: Muslin "Fast" is one of the chief fundttala al I.lar.i. There m not the least diffetena of optnJ n ccneeralng v among the M lima of the various school of thought. Al! agreed upon thfc Important practical
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 379 14 ANY sort of RASH needs CtiVttlot£/n& j MS^S jjr EVT.RY casr of SKIN TROUBLE could have b<*n j fet^^RA iy ftfl^K nipped m the Hud "at oner by Germolenc Ointrm-nt— ft^^r MR "W* f">-~ there's literally nothint> like its ama/mg Mfc gP£ Ac/ma' If :jou'oe hern a Skin Sufferer for
      379 words
    • 922 14 BANKS AND INSURANCE CHARTERED BANK THE YOKOHAMA SPECIE OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA RANK I T\\ i lncorporated m England by Royal Charter) IjAlillj L I I (Established m 1836 Paid up capital m 600.000 .shares cf £5 each £3.000.000 Capital Subscribed iFuU] paid Reserve Fund 13.000.000 up) mjmjm Reserve
      922 words

  • 273 15 FLUCTUATIONS IN STERLING Price of Gold Reaches London. Nov. 21. 'Hi. j- hange ha< been rather unsettled »n America* reply to the Briti>h note on the I War Debts but with the con■pniio.) being thai the last word has aid ret, the maikrt.s have scarcely
    273 words
  • 222 15 Little Apprehension Over Ottawa Agreements New York. I aitfeh according to some analysts are bnind to br suM;uned by the United States •f the readjustment of the Canadian t.miT m accordance with the agreements reaeh«l it the Imperial Conference held m July, are rrr-.ith itfd irdleai of
    222 words
  • 157 15 meettni of the Committee of h Borneo Chamber of Commerce, held 4 Messrs. Harrisons and Crosrneo), Ltd. Sandakan. on November Honiifc Mr. f W. Pinnock m the •M-d correspondence exchange beHonourable the Government Secrc- Chamber m regard to His Ex-| < ;<>v rnors decision to
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  • 15 15 mind. I have observed, is a trifle "i'- increasing trndrm-y to popularise Mr Harold Nicolson
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  • 184 15 Figures For First Eight Months of 193?. Moscow Nov. 10 A magazine devoted to foreign trade activities publishes statistics of the foreign trade cf th; USSR., for the first eight months of 1932. It is shown that Soviet foreign tnde during < that period totalled 865.665.000. roubles.
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  • 187 15 Report for year to March 31. 1932, states that company ha.s continued policy of resting considerable portion of producing area. Crop foi year was 1,100,000 Ib. (against 919.150 lb). Crop was sold at gross price of 2.74 d. per pound, and net price of 2.65 d. per
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  • 191 15 Profit of $:]0,258 on Year's Working The annual report of the Directors of Rah ma^ > Hydraulic Tin. Limited, to subJtte, to the shareholders at the ordinary general meeting to be held at the registered office of th" Company. Hongkong Bank Building. Penang Tws da> Decemb>r lOth
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  • 435 15 Surplus Rubber Problem Mr. X Urlnastone arrtte3 to The Financial Times. Sir.— As m nratwhlki resident m Malaya. I was toterestH to m the apaecn of the chairman at th.> Tandjon- meeting a reference jto -crimpinj." which, lar from being dead, is apparently ?ji evil to be
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  • 203 15 Reduction m Interest Charges Haw York. Those who incline to appraise the credit 'Ending of a nation on the basis O f statistics alone will probably be alarmed at the latest debt figures of the United States. For the first Z? TH° nth «o the tOtal increas^
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  • 8 15 To-Day 's Price Changes hgk kjyg hgk hk
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  • 917 15 MONDAY, NOV. 28TH. 1932. CLOSING QUOTATIONS Bayers Sellers I Asam Kumbang (£> 26s 28s I Austral Malay 18s 20s nom. i Ayer Hitam (ss» 11s lls 9d I Bangrm Tin 13s <Jd 14s 6d Batang Padang i $1 > 05 10 i Batu Caves isl» 35 40
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 83 15 Asseis exceed $12,000,000 Assurance m force over $35.000.000 The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated m the Straits Settlements) HEAD OFFICE Great Eastern Lite Building, Cecil Street, Singapore. London OFFICE 27 OM The Company has £20.000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England and complies with the British Life'
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  • 453 16 Ames and Voce m Record Stand BRADMAN ILL New South Wales' Big Task To-day Before play closed m the match between the M.C.C and New South Wales at Sydney yesterday the Englishmen had played themselves into a winning position. They carried their total to 530, and
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  • 241 16 Scores m Match Against Australian XI The scores In tho match between M.C.C. and an Australian XI at Sydney were as follow: MJDJC. First Innings Wyatt lbw b Oxenham 29 Sutcliffe c Bradman b Ironmonger 87 Nawab of Patauai b Nash 23 1.-'.vland c Darling b Ironmonger
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  • 907 16 ANNUAL FOOTBALL MATCH Two Snap Goals m Last Ten Minutes Scotland 3: The Rest 1. Although the annual soccer encounter between Scotland and the Rest, on the S.C.C. padang yesterday, did not proviJ? anything very outstanding m the way of footbr-il, it was by no means devoid
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  • 55 16 Nagel lbw b Larwood 15 Ironmonger not out 5 Extras 2l Total Bowling Larwood 4 for 54, Bowes 3 for 63. Vo c I »or 55, and Brown 1 for 25. 2nd Innings Woodfull c Duckworth b Larwood o O'Brien not out 5 Bradman b Larwood Rigrg not out Extras
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  • 289 16 S.C.C. BEATEN AT BALESTIER Yesterday's Hockey Matches C.S.C 3; S.C.C 0. The S.C.C. played with only ten men against the Ceylon Sports Club hockey team yesterday, at Balestier Road and were beaten by three clear goals. The Ceylonese might have scored more goals had their finishing
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  • 405 16 A.P.C. -BOUSTEADS BEAT Y.M.C.A. A.P.C'.-Boustead 3; V.M.C.A.... .1. For the second time this season an A.P.C.Boustead eleven defeated a team of the V.M.C.A. at hockey, when they met at Paya Lebar yesterday. The result of the first meeting between the two had been a victory of eight goals to one
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  • 190 16 S.R.C. II 3; M.C.U. II 2. The match between the second teams of the Singapore Recreation Club and the Medical College Union played on the former's ground yesterday afternoon produced hockey of a very poor standard, many of the players being new hands at the
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  • 61 16 RAFFLES COLLEGE INSTITUTION DRAW Raffles College and Raffles Institution fought a draw of one goal each m a hockey match at the Institution ground yesterday. Both sides showed strong defensive work, and the game was very evenly contested. The College opened the score half way through the first hah*, the
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  • 287 16 DIFFICULT SAILING MORNING No One Able to Complete the Course The tide, which had been so helpful last week, utterly defeated the R.S.Y.C. yachts on Sunday morning and no one was able to complete the course m the Pulau Jong race within the time limit
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  • 87 16 Johore XV Against Xegri»1 11 litC'C'il The following have been invited to play for Johore m the H M.S. Malaya Cup match against Negri Sembilan and Malacca on Saturday, kick off at 4.30 p.m. J. B. Dudgeon (Capt.i; A. G. Robb. W. J. Pnrkes. H. J. Henshall, E. Cooper;
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  • 83 16 Booking For Match Against Command S.C.C. members are notified that the ground will be enclosed for the Malaya Cup match between Singapore and Malaya Command at the S.C.C. on Saturday. Reserved seating accommodation for the general public has been arranged booking now open at Robinson Co.. Ltd Singapore
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  • 98 16 Draw For the Second London. Nov. 28. The draw for the second round proper of the PA. Cup (to be played on Dec. 10) took place this morning and resulted as follows: Southend or Exeter vs. Scarborough. Cardiff or Bristol Rovers vs. Gillinphani or Wycombe. Folkestone vs.
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  • 3 16 ghk uy
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  • 69 16 Americans Win Brisbane Test Brisbane, Nov. 28. In the lawn tennis Test America boat Australia by 9 matches to 1, two betnc unfinished. In to-day's matches McGrath (Australian beat Gledhill 6—2. 8- -6; Vinos < America > beat Hopman 7—5. 9—ll. 6—3; Allison and Van Ryn (America) beat
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 144 16 JEANETTE MACDONALD and MAURICE CHEVALIER ON His Master's Voice Records SING THE POPULAR SONGS FROM LOVE ME TONIGHT ***** Love Me To-night Jeanette Macdonald j Isn't It Romantic jMimi Maurice Chevalier ***** "The Poor Apache S. MOUTRIE Co., Ltd "H.M.V." SPECIALISTS. Raffles Place. Tel. 6422. Singapore. ■iiiitiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiii,, SPECIAL GIFT
      144 words